t ' =ME i e . e, ti•••-:' , ‘..1‘i . :-'i':•'!: -. ! , .";'t - :;!.. - -: , ~.L : „-. gi:t i , 4: ' -,1.. -, „; --- ;;,:i: • , ..v . :,._ . . , :- ~...,.., ~;!+:.- 1:: , :. •.' ;! I . 4 •:' , .•l4 4 :' , l:' * ,!it'.i';!= ; ':':.--, '' . 1 . • , •...;: - ~:..'.::,;,. _ . ..... , ... . ':14)::::::-:,.i.Y;'':il.:',i1.,,i..';!:'''.•!7;P!•!",',;1! •••• • -~ , ~ `r .. ,<l .....t 11' • . T . 2 '''''... • • •', . 1 % •' 4 •• to r /4...'. 'a :‘` • t• 14t; •„ K., '1 • • '. l : l'. ' a .' , 1 ~ ‘.• • r i. ‘''• pe,4 0,4•4• T ~,, i .-° ;1 . . • ?i,' ' t• V ekl . • ... 1 , '4e. -,' , 11,. s 4 0, ~• 4 ...i * 'T .1 . t 2 i tt .. * ' . ' , , • • isi .•I` .. .. ..., ••-• ~, *O 4 i •',. •, • ~. ''' :., .i t -+' .4, •14.,T0 .• t ... „y; ,„ , .-., . ~ . , :.A ? ,',,, • ... , • ~ 6 .' . It • 4. - ti •' !' „, i -. IV 4'4; r, ~, '. ~., ,: ~ tmi *le' s ' , " -- "' '•-• , , • l f, , •;.,:—. • " Y .., : ,k,:, , 1 ,, •: 17 . 4: ei:r,-7L.! ` . :: : fi';' ,, ,":• .7 i,.. -.., i',-,eY,.,!. ;14 ,41 4;'t-i , ..z ~..:: t , •.! • „ , 1 4 '', . 1 , c..; , A riki ' ' '''',4, 'II i .l c $;:: i ;, ;,,it,,,i, e'' . :-... 4- ,t u• • ~. , • ' ,41.:',', ".. ,t;Nc.,:•,'4l".•"„', : 1 4"—: qt., y', , . 1 0 , .. •%,..1.:. , • ,',, • -,,,:,',•' 4 , 4 ,, l' 1 , ?I' F 4 I: * * *- s. '‘* l a . f . a '...•; , . 4 ... 4* . ,4 lit '*: * 4l 11 * * * 0 .' .' ... * '. f N? I‘* l ‘ *'', / ', ~*. , v t '''' I = ,.; • "' ,-,...4 ',.: : ,t, - ,: •,,e . i , „ • ' ' , ,•,, „ ~ : •,. ' , - - , • ' 4 ' .o'. ~, . ;- -f ' 1 --,--14- .F -,.t.,-....f - • ',-, , • . -'1 '. , V . \\?( •-•,- f_-;,4,''4, 1 , ,'• ''..l.- ' ; .!..i.l' . "' ,- i' - : 5 ...'l`..i'-•:.'.''7-t', MEE • . . • e•:•; ' -rn'P". ' .'''.4;•',`: ' -f2.i'';';-.1,'n:?.4',1. eittsbullit FAIDAY ZLOfl N OCS 9,1885, Unien_ Sidi Tick. • sol =non ajgDnawicCcuirrar, of cooiro. 4*l simni ormosoniall-OoVirri DANIEL MINZW, ofßeaver. lilailii Union CoNati Ticksi.' 7r. noses,/ "gip • a. Duda amok 5 saws aIUILIPTON. AmEHIp. t 1, JOHN P. GLIB& a.4LISID BULOZ. la. Nuts ./11111071 'fr. WI. & DENNUNEXI. raw. a, imam. EzNif IOHN OTHWINZ Ntir Olarb if Oats, • WK. ,L,NINNON. 111. Gast Timenn. DLUD mss. • Mx' Hernish mamma. ' wit. J. =LA amaM Per Om; DRAT°. af aa il/4416, asifoodward, and Lowrie, and idb-• have_ heard of party_ Would in - miwith thele word'. it used to be old the 'Tariii! ifow it ohne' th 4 the word !Mote has got lito mph company, we dont know, unless it IS for <de of the alliteration. Mown! azul Wirt?' sounds 'well. To . osagdatel the SwilsollYibowiTit, it ought to 'have been - - ptiuded. by ;Wool:mann and loit!---(not Wrist.) livirybpdy who kiwis the men will see at once, that, le jast as possible to ,Woodiard land , wie,u to pike to gather - Cora - snit ..linoingtoons pereonsgee "as Is LoWainand..tiiiTnle - .It was 'a howevesome Ay' Woods t, no donb4 who loves a joke seen at this:spume-of a friend-4st fleet issitdes44 tho irorddibp'inst, be it re slerobered—ss Übe* indlinion"--to eon nealon with -these- hanks, :stare—these slsOs - a(thelliair. indict" lie meant to speak bY contnulei The word he. need Was,trilly ouggestlie of anotharifitaa which 'they viabied to getaway 18 far is pr'yatiftable, and-that wee gamy What have Woonwatut and Lowers to to with likely, except ts lemma and abuse .itt Hs'e not the farmer said that dams. was a Dlrtne bleating? Are they etot both an. .happy et the idea of throwing off the he srthey have worn so long? Do they not eigit for , a return to the bondage,' from which they have beentaved..to the mil; tali who have spit erPon, and kicked them exile; when they sat - dina by the waters of lilebyloa and weld? Liberty for +4ll eolintary'.whlta slain as these Why the Mai& man, whose Isstinots, according to - thetr notions, an only theca of- a dog, zone away from Lid roastor—auil hater whin they are endearoring to run' beak again to the ants mister—end eerver-and, vii infinitely obliged tofilm, if hi will only allow thaws, crantb - from his table, and;honer them With +prettier affectionate kick- or two, by way-of testimonial of hie aneribiture of tit* rillOlrad toontio. ' The only idea of liberty erbich these men have la the prirliegid doing aa they glean ,-411areganling all:preccdemtandantlioritT, lad Waitio—noi4eppreffity tweet nein 'inte,T4ted With, inch suddenness of change,. Meet* leen Legislature could kePe Ines -withthem. The Chief Tinabse objects to arbitrary arrests and comzeitzttenta—ein -, lm road himself while Woonwitis's Ides.of liberty, is that the people , have no sighip :except. those • , whloh thei have IPs catalokned and reserved. Thus, vrluM he decided that; the thit'railroad subscriptions wire il;:pativtot but a ga;iind the gum:. Con was pat ta . Aim—"lf the . Leglelaitwe may Suthorlie a part of a me properly to hi liken in tore way, _Why' not -the sholerlfs answer was—True; but it le „your: misfortune that the makers of the Constitution have placed no safeguard over proport,o"--althongh its mtection was de. blared by them to bOtstrony their objeat, one of the very few leitlnate objects of aD government! - And' yet" property Is /Thetty,; and all the great battles of liberty have been fought on quest ion, of Preliert7: flow air' turd then to babble about "liberty" in OM, nsetle c ti with the names of candidates who', have not even the Aril distinct elemtentery' idea if whit le,means, and are eeedit on, Cowden, to declank crude as there, notions; of It aie , that it 4 not even a bknfv.ts en' meet. Away with Audi itsPostoral t oadwarino Peace Propositioa. Judge Cazersorms, at Ban,r, These weak st the Union meeting at" New ilrlahtes, cut lest ilstustay s we putaltd • at leap% (therm:at Willa been carefully examined;by the salltaijii As old-sad ha• t ooo ffillorobelo of 04 Doolootoili istiY• • Bat liar. /120 69 P° 2 4 6-d . oboog bk 3,. Ife . k a mains aix....Distalaik oaaiiho *- fen hlitonfii to bbl POIVOODith Lu act idea et larrenderieg to coot cfpeijated and bitiodstsliedlzaltors; aortas Many ' idea of toting foii atuablatifaithiritiacm who aeawa hie readigesi -, be I peifect speeautat tritictiteassadat et hoaset men at, Ids ova, party who see 12/0 4t ;mints f0701*33/!f° otherwise thaietaad by Qs Union aailtlie Moab Of the Ilninu • It Is bl! nous slo w *co thatll Plod to re 4 aeit eilinif by a. Immense maialti""en 601 4 13 the Id ' got , *To Outototaistily,diotfasibiesdr glia 4114 'rebel. and their Copper. food blends dOWMating le they - nsettedalaisibeltoo began. Coals 01 .4111 to Wapiti:l4 &kik tiStuteersitiaihe'-had with lodge Woo ‘4 11 ) to hit city, u koo 1 1 6111 • Yeß : itior n ' . and W 4l " 1440 4 *agate/7 otter. ' Altai having paused tor Some time to ediett - toZumitiefreer of ;sut it/ ice 404 . irrsir4l wild robe a. Mach& of ad !Wawa "My maid ookarramp do Ni des of tie' Vaud ea* frogs ne.p plea ot4 soil af de &w 5. . araig Aim try Niece Nosh rise, moo &seri' • mile a l ivo . 4 , 1 *. --4, 4 1 !" 4k *adios nal 40moos atrocious P4 4, facofliolato opal the lips of dame Vassiernik sax - 510 o= ..10e) baashb moomifO, bilroo.ot is rat 4 aeSt::Woilitido4VlO'l4o44—o slave, a coward and aWhir : ilia lb lasi Yoi4 risen the obilot -1120 b*lfei• Tat iboiolaiwool la balalal If ßff sataiit*if_a•aukt * ll B . O - t* lps olf AVSZ4II4 ''z t;': MIKA; 0 , 014 and, lA 1110 4 an the lead ; fa; men of, that Tarty, hail long been ut• eow s teehtkdhataeZatleatajtt&_,. W I pow <a cue Judge Woo nwszu fluid& ii - i9pOriplid; as arrant straits? to his bleeding and struggl_b_stemmitry, ss - tYnoteri - faini to the rebels, se any of them, ~ .Why, if he had his way he would jive trit ta l Jan• D am all aalil htaatn.. sit ifeet Virginisiiill;irettimtit and Tennessee and fdluoad.. 7 l t e - Would surrender Fortress Monroe, the Cunha Dlateot of South Carolina, Paniitioli Wad Fart Piolimeo.New Swestebilibitisiedypt river, - And all west of the hibilesippi t leming the noble friends of the 'lTidoi of ibis States to the teeny of the' most ureic:kis' Scut 'cruel monsters that*e @tined, the earth. - ; - But why demand upon the ,damnable pupate= witch &naves fa IV the last degree; of meanness, perfidy, cruelty, ma:, Ilona ruin, and, degradatica 7. • 2511 read enough. ' The _rain Who'could entertain marl &atilt Ifs_llitlit;;U C lfaik-sbroad among freem en , , unable= to be - their Gov an= That such awe ilitild''riseloe any votes at all ht h.talutattalf , , *add any body ; for Bsinunci lesiml)- for enamor; itre - he' jet` Yet, here la slue who PrePhseeY o .thierehlat, hum Willi!' have scorned to do' Wider the same Sirmuitizoes. Aimroin was a traitor, and richly duervid all the infamy which haa fallen to his lot; but A39IOAD wasneithei a coward ;nor a slam A Now Chapter of 7etelahlk. l : We lema# thatlinittail 8. ru, who it will to nititembendharmatheci*JuWee of-itis &lime cotpt, irhoipt*iprfing Ifs _own property in 'Ehimereet county by do; nonnoing the Wen' authorizing Railroad -subseriptimn, afterwerds terned_soandin and inysterlou a sumenerasult on tha! question, and United with Judge Wei:la wmen, in 'robbing &a people = of this and mazy other coddles,' by: subtaning !the rout, and wickedest„ end most &atm:sine legislation that this country laurreei brown. --has taken the field in laver of hie and= Ater, and id support pf the war, 110 is =other starvation inormsnault„ which ought to establi& beyond doubt, hie Aim cti , !Atha'. been horn ;A &mend snn I Vionwess mad Branz—the one inviting' std justifying rebellion is whence, end . the other giving his solemn °pinto; es the law adviser of the Government, ' coa l formity with the Rorthen traitor ro. grairime,,thak theansoldd be no cumin of States under , the Constitution—now bath' in favor of war ampi eferfut:lN and the V.tal stitution as it ie and the Union as It wale,' What faith is to "be reposed In such men, and "what, moat, be their, onetime of 'the undentandlige these who would listen to , thew, ; after . _such Adi experi-' once ,of their integrity and loyalty ? It wilt nit = be Tare, certainly,_ that , they Wllllind. faverable untienee, Aside pec)t, their obvious complicity with the rebellios t there are so two rasa in Amnia, *ha have Indicted the same amount of injury tur the people. of -Western Pennsylvania. tit* millions otincumbranne which thelleee* ties have fanned, and which cwlll - I;tifn so long et, time, et-tas..arkzillt,7#44B and labor of , o ** lo l4oo l / 1 1 kbli*t down to then aceisetti r o: addition.; al million/ref I;S - tz."tietimettir debt, and the tone of thensands of breve hurls thit have perished in the 'coarse of iiii:Pies ent war, are equally clomp% to their wicket numb, in enaMinAing the rebel. lion by the slllll2lWlCelbir Pannsylranif would go : with the &nth, end that no coer obn should be allowed. It has been more than once publicly:: declared by Judge Gana, of the Supreme Cutlet the United Mates, that the dulling which these men settled as the law of hosanna's, wu no better than highway robbery., 'end would not lon been, senellued by him, If. goy had: not' estibusiscii as the leer of the whioCiree. of course, binding on him. Judge GPM is, therefore, in his opinions, Ulna, Rl*, while they are sot We trust the people lilt remember the sing of these men, azditte . debt they !itie *sa l when they cio. ll4 =to v** :11 1 100 -Alie . second TundeY cutout:: - 2CcCleitea 1. 4Lottlin Sorliles; A itoreenionifent of the ladeljgda Avis Intel to, thill,ParitiPtelbriiJFl en Thursday eveehtS last William Witte and a numbers of other intim* frontl'idladelpitinsere presentin the pea:: lon Thera happened Who (nor two Na-, tionallinlon men present. Judgik Woodward , eraiitaaked when he . Lad last seen Ilea. McClain lie replied, "Yeaterdayr.“bat la hi igoins to do for you "lie promised to coma .-tbo 'atop tiospitab castle tor aze, 9 -replied Woodwirt4 A Dziodnesu;l:frazie Mission Bann. szon.-4,21 O. Eitohen,‘Asaletant of the 2.let pension* Ca_ ' miry stater that Minor ionei,Enehanan , s later to All l etrie l in • noel* to. the Demon• racy, in inn meeting ,seacenplea t .at the rellotr,fi - town*, p a Boils Cidakte:glaWilre - .ol)tOhni: 84.mett utu. Gorda. "It.we eannot oareg.:tinkseltattitt thu 1411,411elheriliiiethinglaf , t, nebne n sums Ma, ifsictio• AlPea d cow, is wits spes4,7l tow, Ida is mitt 6. i.dcipaw• rilefinsef•aibtrfir Ai. "nsir 4ous whit ladyytilsit east, or War :TAW sit, 'to iforwilw4odi 4 4 .1 4 Ado ezipitkis 'Mid isoniasur 111101/Wriss MlllMllillioll.cosipmasaga moirunah Afterierscitiessi as *pp." —Szcs W Woosvais Iv P , is wins Maw did aro *up fourV. Caw* aia traitor. Nog wor eadmia atm* (omit, dm fay otjkor set-Of *or tifithitantilL".'• • Atioitair notitisilititolO int instOoto to now via / aliffiklifur allecioo sigeigpf. filiehtpDELEol7ol....mi election for oil. 1111114 namewspriniaken mho oa ;MUT/ 9 110 *Is biteelek Acengit i maa•us eu r5effe.......7.4 7- farad away. =Amor wing NOTKULI BOUNTY ifoot Mfyif.es rte. amid Sl4ll. . 11 , 1 " A p 4ll. l t reanti=j a 1 4 I I I ORAg. ' 74.17 gamodie), /.2‘v•a•-• -YOWIVIESti*iii9 rognISAIMM•II.II4I2 441:1M TM tareentiTiniutl a = it !,/raiiiirariaceiMarlotiltilll' i - tairilli r-. ." m '''l ,- ii-" W iLumun illlttlaik VSEY - 516 siti="' Wa/ D Li into swim spot i 61410 if 0011 Maw *Ng& ~NA WOW% agl• , LIS Sag " IMO l i t "" 0,1 * " 1"1. 4 11"11 , Ah er et rs 1 1". . 11 ! iiilo t Zk ,?r.. ienip, ' SitgalliditneweVa P VSM7' raVneiCati. POLIITICAL xorress MIIIL BC TION- TRIKETB—The l.nw - UIW Ticwnnsa• soir moue :ats, beano% and inn be, bed D7aChig DEMI% at ea ITNION 014711 . 2001fia. Wales Ireartb street, era the Itantea lay order ores IXECIPIIVA OONVITIIII oars pl . um .. o . s o bilika rt. DIP will held iiikeCtsberldtk. Ana' viall :do " am. itonnzuk, Lae IL L. WOOD , CoS Era maw: MUTING will be held it seems scam woos. Weal fit. ' on 111 TRAY, Oat. TA, at 7 o'dott, p. m. Addtamat vtli ta otellTual TT MG. MACKBILL. Ifs . B. A. 04111.18.111. Om- , A UNION AIMING ea be held iiteut• emote wit. LAMM. Baldwin tp., 1 1 / 1 2111DAT,Ort. Mb, at I redo* p. os. rot. dram ibr dellvard by SO. NACIEBILIe. . Err. ono. Md 38016 B. A. A UNION MILIMING will be held io MMILMOWN.O4 =ATI Maui.; at i"a:d kR m. Addresto bib deltirind by Aws. JAL NEOO3IIIIAD. CM, 7oHp D. IMAM TaMe. LUSH ALL. MoL woe. IL SAM. Lem . At .UNION NESTING will tato LIMILST. &man tp., an 21015. .DAT Wlll5l/iO, aS Varela*. Adavaismillbe dillewcd bf 0:11. lima MASI. B. Cl t CHILDS sad A.•IIL IMOWN " r • UNION AUDITING will take ,74. 30 LIALIMI7, 170113t1t19107. INGI, : at 7 o'clecid, Addreues WO be Meant& try 111011ABIL KARSEULtat WM. O. KOSIMAND, MUM O. MaDIRSLI ft /714. and J. itrowie inws, • •.8 tr,rdiIbIIOI.IAMITING yid be held alterOtrit LIIIIM USD, Pits V. actilliTl7liDAT 11113ING, at 7 O'clock. • Brus Bud min bola attsattana. Udmurt wW be da. by Rec. 41. 100811IAD, Dr. 41028911 MOWN, cod W. 0. stoaskur . It 'TEW.A UNION MEETING will he held •• - v+ - c at 11110/3ELL4 VIA thrielskley tp., pan war. occiotb(si p a. !hi fol. kites outs' urn be maga; Od. VMS. M. Bugg, 7. J. ntaalu, !PA t Brost'. odi UNIONIIESTINII will be held lam 801200 L BOUM', lionoogabolo cog% on tiIIIBUT. Co .101 k. ot ?o'clock p 136 a &WWI ‘3ll b &alma Flom. J. L 8000. que, 8 , 11/L4ATILICIV7Yq., and Ilea J. L OROnakt. ea? 0 -- 7.• UNION MIESTING.—The citizen, _ dallegbany via bold • Linton Ilattiliteedeg et ea MIDST WARD PTJE 610 iOllOOlOlOlllll. Mega ttreetota PIMA? ZITZBING, ed. oik, di% o'clock. 4 lien. J. M. itlitliPAT2lol; and 603W1N aral addrian the wading. Tat am by a eJsand Bale. m 1414 .tat UNION BALLY AT BV/111. aaseaL—Ttias Eli is • Grand WI of .llttica=a al the SORCOG ifooss, at taarpna• Ramast. Rao lama*. ca OLTSEDLYEVER palate Rah. at I s*l4. Atlcharsaby BOMBS Rat. T. 11. WEL sad 0110. ORI ELS. Jr.. • . rc•:t r&iA UNION MORTING will beheld at the name of 61110161. McP6il3oll, Zia,, co tea Littatuttra mad. Wham ecamalda, aux ORM; Octant 9th, at 6 secicalcp. as. Addnease 9i61 hi &Waal by aca...tsos. It. imam % Oita J. B. OhLTUL. Rae. T. J. BIOCIaII, tad B. O. ItaolaThL. athiesa are torttall to attack& attd- UNION CONSITTBS ON MI n ^ 7- - ISO) AIM MIME& -.. - ,diaart A. Wanda, L 0 liaexans, Jan . & now; J. O. Idaccona. a. dams; Joh Tao Oaasatfes torts MIS Dn. ad II Velma p. fa. So. IiVILKOI3 HALL. dokaa a:raiment' bI was me awatep sad %mina Padin imealtapao diamand at lb. UNION 910 : raft, les • ont: wit. N. Irvin. Jamas Ovaahaa, t • Ralph Walt*. Jams ilnnra, aliabius Jealtlca, Gorr akin/cab, John P. Marta br. diptata Jobs Wood; .Ithidaaa H. Numb. N. llalvati , •, Lq., /auk B. sham, Jobs Jams, Jobs &am. Biagania *We, • Gawp Vaa alin, .I.lta .Wia. G. Wordrn, G Nam iarsi palate%Ostaabaa, Tam lor me gasaa. Jokn Or Vaal YOU: . um That. J Ekhacdaon, latpee KoDoireo , ANUS COMMIT. • • of Tooptramillt• !Walter 11=a, Miss** 000324, Z.q., Oa. E. Oambla, Wan tam Wag , rum Emote, /ram WObl, Banes Omaha, ltaq.. Ilaral Clamant, Or. Joe. lawn, ramil Jobs amismt. Oa. Divaa, lawn Anal, Ma I hem*, thee. trantantrpr, Jean Brava, I Wm. Mink St., Jahn salary. Wm. legman, .I,bn Dominoes,. Wm. Odra. Jralir • cILD FIUSIrIe TAlMgegialjt7..-12 toAra . ive by ets TS\I.H Wein a NO. 1 WINTER LAND 014-8 bbl. b.urhs Rill l e 0.1• act 1.6 Int DW lOXIT &OM the raidenzle' pawisa eorteng. M Gar ma , mann vdtew and %into AN Yan a pars add aar punka • Daus abarsateata MU be Liberally TiedD laa .• ward st In/ Mac •tatrr Uaiil FLINTATION BITTNE% FULTON'S DBUO a ova ter tetia.ss aver ha.. t. n. isradrail A; DMINI§TRATORSN'OrriOr.--Let , iersoisaatainnoicii evancbsea'smout to , aedergasdas ths nine at Mohan! attitmas. Tailor sownslitp duel, all p.m.*, lussirlig umentmlubbestk to add utile rili oattaa! watie lansedlat togent, and tboes Hirt* claims tom. witttiatii imply asibeethated foe aittlaust. . , WAS - .8011111111.WILE08. Ades% tORE&T BARGAIN.—We . dor for is* tbst lot of a s bating* beaten haat tfaincald of It fon, and hcadlag back 11111 fist 60 Nadu; a 2246062 which •in mated. Ito 066626 Mimi dying:" (tia. 66.) both In iscialkat malt, attasfad la Sada wand, Eau to ea Haan Panty. WWI amok Dania.. Tbaa pragaffy mists an. ihorgaill 62 mall for sba6ll would new 1261 to end Off balfdlap. anti go - ea. . . - 'tapir • an.. AuntYßUTtilti,UAlf, 411 r laid itsaiimor.P.datoes;- tO tenth dyad l'Otakaian " ' 2 ll baffeki dared Nod ;lop tamai Rau. Ikeda; 'SO barrels Pato Atrpitjulas; 11)1 ,.1, 11 4 111 0‘ 11, We bir calr ' ' L EL l'frlO'd CO. UN ' FEACTIM6I3.; sA I SW II3 I I OIi-41 , 11110110c41111AT101 01 AIM .1111.00A210aup. - By Ilisatttos. A. M. N. A .11.0241 sdklem: -11selsed an. siaptioses. Itlastrated with illibtuldrid and 1 10 1 4 &to wed: ese& On vg. Wit& OM. ON E &s Woo& unto. Uy'!l4lTliK't! ~::. _ . /reissue eiTniaa, lox lab rusroitre Duo Brell.' 7 . , ' 5%.47.128.6 rtftiliiiirt,.. hlit'llititti, l'll/9) 1.1%) Ji.i'Spu To Dia. , ! • , nurrota AT tsar ion.. i 46 tifd nta tarebtas rtielbe4 budoge - Plizorn ois# oar 1 oil • ClEfii.o.lintol. n %odic t , - witz - rrrim, •• - - • • no ',ovate or tin NITAL For*bill/stoat, tb• tTEJOlD7l4llricumn acotrania, 4 (e•ri l i a i,;) :imam Mod 74 Vffilk stmt. !fr. PARTNERSHIP hagororic a oth ' g Minis lb. asdoitped, wider 460* F 1 1..... or and..1014171111t a OW. M boo thy day . autasSi dlopleset. THEM BILL and AV 11,13 !whit perckaini Os tatorcst of ,SoWill aratialla tb. butane of ilks late Ina eill beak 111p3 OM SILL& LIM& ,-, .• - ,-- -:•-4 , - •..v• 1 - el,- id ....71 do , •,,.. - -11101ILIS HIM i 1 . y ,;it ,I :".,.., •,.- ,: ..• SoWsli montrax f .. .I.'S'. •i'IV• :I • 1 ,, . •.,• .AXON MIWIL • ' -•-• f I...l l, o ll 6; C ii•TifiligN IrV4 . LT-•• 1 '..,f i 1... j vy 11710141EIWIlkacuunoi, to I HILL, aramitritaico.. 'Moralise, teaumentive at *WA* dan4 ammo, ermssas tinuith itto.; tag **l pryinuissiAta ui bid timaamig t ei in. 0411 * 4 oi e, fivirarwiLt= ow 0-11 am Ilusisitypaphibt AO 101 Matis oar yak. t , , , A A. ::~~-~- SPINELEL arooriciur. Ur% "L -41160-3 L Prom of modiatars tublt..tfoabtad with weak. Zak Plapgaikla of do boot,la of WU% Mama aim ann. toilAn 7ep. lino &to thoorro toad* U thiu 1 103 tra celebrated , . , PLANTATIOX 1311"7E1t8. watt mw moass.244 tri Us baba media sidhatithe and Sarni:* to. Poi, _ow 04 01 4 4 : 61, tentalcial ale* Thay aza' •Wamettegly agoettthe balletly pea one gnat aaptaeadi aL ado twilit tam nteatthA gam @muftis ti aimed. Vey pad% atisogilton and twig:lsta' M, trod: a twathi otiontf! Thai we an= Was to thaw at miter and eat: Thertiencemi dhoti otdWipatka and late biers They attanitaki the anteas nil Witten du sob& Mary getout sbentatbandtrai i*sts. Ttay mg, ths broth end achtlbeltha ettotede Ths, eltatDpgepsta and OnsOinattene • MIT 4220 ilinthea Chides and theta. Sorb= Ttq are LburCbmplabiandldetitealreelsoha They nob be wet stew& and ant sauteed IndOWlgtod =WM Thel are aolopnlad ad the:aoletaatai Wenn hark, Wider. gotta eanwftek nett and , beta att yabartel br Power tulip; Chxdi lor - bettladane aft *edam nu totentonlab woond each h - otats. Babb etturyeanas. Mitata'a way %obis rot that it bit. lb:we rim= " °Ur P lng " l * U /hampers? the Cork. with ottutdkot ;gala and enl l 4,olbite 110 a 1101 tbai Oat" a:waning on nhio Lihni. :Bee tttat.cars toed* to not *Mad with epoolow tddaiaterken WM Ws defy any peon In math the bib orltuusebe of out geode day parson pretindhyt to sill Plintatbn BM= by . tha gam'ot tit bulk_ an Impolite. . 7 sta ta ll , oalf b ont log 'cabin noble Any. pleb. Imbldlog Atib totthe ei *Mg =lntim matattal thailln,whatbat WU Plantation EU:Nis= Wt. Ls • criminal oadr the 13.40. Lela and will to 1:1 prom:Wad 1 / 3 , tta• W. already bans oar ela on tee p.rtfs Is tang AO bot4Lea. aa. who ital lamed In Ainling tt.mnairs two olcat wattage . fhademandOw Drones Plan. talkie Mt= Cana • Winn marelmntk to. la plant)" • !mandible Tim itosPlo trial all boitio In the Macaw Int pea nnt of 'their worth sod 1 1 11.2102111. They its sold by an itapec'sage ittg amts. groom, phydslana bottle, stassaboato sad :gantry game s: nnest a 004 satito mint? Or DB A RBI GpSIIINS MT tam goraw..2tolonahma Midi, by , tunes Jciaristom. Cbener andtblekli and Stara Streak isairdleomniar? jar FOR WINE VINEGAR, NAIRICTVI4II) Irl I. a M. BOLL VAN, GERMANY. (ronsterty - Mama 1. 00., Dardmos-) Tit• mai Ttnepi aaaid.o true *Prim Abeial. ably eshationte sI lb. latinational Waft. foveae Ib7 F. W BOLL/MAR. wtaf WAVMAIVIIIII. larzszvaric DZBEABBB. Dr. LIIDLUM 9 S SPECIFIC ii the cog, nnible n mad, ki amain of the argsts emended. XI le the dieereet7 das embed !by*?a thus Me vs. &r at to the trident a tits clue of Clues.. And with =precedents' n eels, hr wort tiri4l twenty itses. It h purectios to Itult rapid:, no topetlau, and affarlog &LW, twin lha airtalm prAqice an 3 thip niter au vietedess coaipactida and is tlts pelti. It Is entlrely TN:dab:cm:l vertigo', fah. ft iota bk• • chum. and latextestrangth lad lire to the db. feed azzans. ClAvnas.-Alts i .It mow* of tido mud, t sf- actin,/ pontuntot cozo !at lot to Ito bag baltosid by ttoptltiefpled true, Obtxtva, th ntor. , Um' the diastase of tha preplan. it Brenta rata Dn. toss albs: Is paging.. Itiparsd osly by Will. 8. DATED/30N.. Zds Pesysidtr, Inotansil, 0. gar Paid by all Dzugglea. Peal. $ 1 pit Far We at whgliale I y B A.TAEIBIBTBOSC id:birlavlP ammunazoj larPßlzapita ColugunptiOn aCa arm DliiM3l..—a CIABD. 2 . 0601181711111VE6 • She weentigued lurlag Da o ritacrol to beat* to • Aro link; by • riffs •11411 limed', after hay. tag sultszed otostslyeato withr mere how Mo. do% awl Shit druid distestlos-11, ooz. losettmakat imErts to lab Mb, ootrarretka aaoi of cm. . • To all w!o dudes ti t In will wad • con of #.• Pranaption (rite 'it 'air") iita tba atti4 totFtlerlog can the ounoothkh thrj min ibiut a aro otwofor Cosamovar, donita,llioth aces, Cocaii, CIAZ4 Ws: pots lapel 0,111 e4lnetteit to manna the Prawbtioa b to boat iltsaloid. dodgem: Informottoa •leob tio cat. what.? byttiosloabla ; sad 40 liopi sifts maim Midi. m)t wm 90 then sottdoLland may pow • blown. iluela w ithilig anuaborit6 B thi zo. P"" ZD Kutremi Wi tin llD V ;7• W i : t 1 41 7 , L1 ., O T I N 004 4 , " 1 itltdatesTV . alto Superior Copper Mill and woole."pgromvus. - • PAR& NOVO! & CO.. Zsaoholasou at BalUdEalth BEASIXEIV AttD BOLT 0011101. PIMINID . COMM 1302 TOMA WNW 111XLI sorrow, SPAM& IiOLDXL GhololatermaddistaitnineW4nti Pin% =PM ma, was. am. Cbstsialili en ,4 131 TIMM' ItkeRINIS hAD,TOOTIA; Wfsaimis,l4k,lo9 ittst sad UOSOCati stAidi ellipichl Was of Ome at aiwitearsd tura. miftalinitY2 Eno. NOITODS 812fOral of :Bath A mina gestlem . an baring been rs• MIMI* Inda itudwicall Met/oat rondo, and Imp* apostdrezacd• ncarsonsiders It his mini datilaAminunikatibplik afikfctid falai criiis LI O I "" a l• ireOl? Pn 114 E 0 44 4 d SA ehiNseariikieate *II end MN) • ImP7 Wits tusartptkormistilitreat ti'Drat'ati VA9. Na l 4llo.llgioa, ists,B /4001414 IL • athilarigsV: . fie • soarascdr. vows, wawa,. arROBINBO74 WA co.Asuci =oars to 112,1K0r Warp 41 - 11 dug* ,eszto TOCIVI*AILD7ISI4OO6.,-Rideintti. waimiciatue or,KU tRATIONIZT MMUS.' 21111, 7 aLlantlillEV:GlUM:4o,; c. r. INGEkg4l34lgatstasiaink.r.s2i94* atuais. ,801 1.14 k i AItIIABMITUOrNvI%,- latrtnrOloblooe Sir Endue •,• - • ;.-;* ink • tir.70113 COCHRAN at BRO., Aganalsaaren4 wymaintorvAinas /MD VAULT DOons, inziDOW antrrnsei W W v ( Rti l gOo 414 4 10 0 1 , 11 5via 4 4•0 14 4. Re Ana, WoO4 sike Iznik Hal la Wit • utirs7 or any Pattariis, taxil7 snit IN szt far mom PastAanlsz ithatke pad to rimekisint el eul.ka goblins ddons at aborniattec; ff' iiiwi = r aozats :u. la.sozio, Deakin 00/144411."".. ! VP'o 2i igoticmhc "l" -ttskeiuo n L C: rtur i"gll.sH' ipmeaost tuarnuipd 641"itmadag. rr WAlDnr a a 4114170 I 0 ' Or 0 ' 1111.4 *AA& ° J 4 tok 11d80M Mot 25 1W " / " Pas Attablindoraec.. - 001 00911110b4400-bsoriiiii-Obtri Notrat sad tie bib by W. it. 4mw - ognrsitlwrwlmirrs. ME5=l .=.1)11a0IVEIAL8 WOW MAILICS. _ aguir Qvarrcurixpiesurnics. Dm? ar Wmaratas. Te~aa, a o Oct. rib, 1118. iEU.ID PROPOSaba will be Matra at Ws Ala) until 1 trlaiDAY, Odasas Mb. at la (Mack tor fmahatalt to ttalawasarat (IOW) two tam ttmd idsiaa . tbacalaras to the *ll-artag • • 4P1.01110aTIONS: MIN be 04)Malign kaada aadatula atria - tie fa 'pa sauna, saceosablivasuf saltatla fur davit poraasaa .A/1112 (S)/bre• and nadat VP) alas ;eye etorosst,a. ". . . P:Cd:O . B4 to bo a t t r 6,0) eve trozoind sod op...dr. Th. ran midis gratidlciaddrus of ths bidder moo snow tattoo Isopord. • If • tdd - ls Mee id *be TAUS a II Ins lbw, Catolll ti stall • penis' rsast Amos , or Its Ind on I be- - "Merge sa thi fothidmml propaital of as pattsite_ asologlt, Tropossls dirkepkrtfinsiZl sof is osoddirsd, 'oslsad ay osthAslntlands et lillsoxsopsos sr* prop ttos. PlVporab mut be intoned to MLitt r Wean D. H. Bacon, Qurtermastor U. I. citmr,.Woato, ingtos. D. 0.. sid fitarld to Wary mats • P.* pasta to - - /hi aidllti of bidden to la lb* =Maar It be awarded to- Ma. matt* inuesteed two rommalble meow wham Ovate= o f sp. predate the [manatee. The reeporadatilleyee tbenuantore suet biabown try the elltedal cartldcats el Oak of Um wrist Disiziat emu t or of thelintted Sta!SO Mutt At. Biddle:yeast tw preens In person when la* bids open& or that lanwnwaewill sot be enopleaft. Bonds In Osman of 4110,t rap 'load by the enstyne. for and both of Ida Inanuitotn, will bemoan( of ttai enosmandbldderorn Menton the mamma. Aa the band most esoestany them:atm:B.o will be swam. avy fon the Waters to have *eh Waldman with lbesajor to ban bands stool In sundae:l al, and mho to to produeed Ohm the contract le [pipe. Blanha for Wade ma be prattlyil lona arylboalon bong made al thts dam althtipsmeoaapy, titbit piremagli. by / ter, et'hytahigeauta m m i " n,ty Ge mhm mWe•—oOm w mal • a n n O ' t e a tto hereby inwantes, that is able to fol(111 $ nen. Irma in ecoordenoeirith theta:L[of Yds Mtd.that. amid PoPoef tkm be Oil at mite - tmtailsto • maim* In actaiderce (hm. whh.. [head fist ocatrent be Wended him ito aro MAMA buoineAla manithe, sad should lie AB utilei seminal in accordanee elth lb* tape of hn hd, n nanalsee Wlll bete= the contratalng wile. In his staid. • To ibis owietni mad be aniseed the dotal outlacele 'twee mentioned. 'Ben: MOB. DILTAIVIIIT, I a All males cotssahal fly ander this adtatfularth will be 114)110, to Ineyeattow, wirS OMNI net et tog to the .p.tlfatlon viii be rejected, , -11 M make and to .thllinleel eh' etly - wfthtn (Ad) twenty An dip frost it dap of alsetei the coairlast. Popssat to to rids open lb. oxoteo'llsr 4 tbs comsat, or so soca tbertstter so lb* LOW Quids:- mato seals l'oost dal bola Thuds. drubs trUlbs sandal ts tolsor(500) On bon. dredsorb; soli tba CbUddsaleratscor mu dam It ter 'tbs Intend Of lb' botapm.o sO not tba 'Ms Ottfot diartsz itttllTlM i s kanigo al • add Onion ow Or all bib tbst be gni e INA too lb IL 1.1:10E214, Befit Cloa and didodquirtorotonaS mkt! " Dopos'Of Wsobtottce. FLAW! I PLAIII3i FLAGBI 10Z1NrailEhni. ICTrelcurx pilaw ROUSES, POLES, mourns, ft., BIIN'IINO, MUSLIN OB SILK, £ll shoo, ham 1 , 117.121011113 m 1117TT Wirt, Pittsburgh Flag lianufaetort, PUTOIXEVO MO DEPOT, rurrutimr.onvenz roam= .FALL AND W 13112 Atagratolatanw cur • • waßry, ILat o hav maw* FA= AND - a;STOOD; • Clowpriabienothing AO lapin/ mut &drably k oar link NOLO:ft IA put Et 1100 TON. unaware; nAszse a cC non maraavnaas TIC* O BIM VALLIIOIT, mai Whwe Includliwg Man assatissat razor INISNOIi AND 1600Te8 OUSUMBNII. BLACK AND OOLOIID owena at. urkanwr r e rp= s oleßa . ._ap_ta. F yi_ If; :LB• a t ml"."!'""" U 651 GRAY, rossiEL&mussos s anaam VLIGOBS, - No. 19 9 / 1 0 TH STUNT. , (Maw pu AO UM al MICAT/ 117IKIII OS 22110 SILL8 .11 .. NW a:1 .osafttel isolate Wells% ths woods Ow Per am Us forddoul or assoot no' SO of 11 , Man:rib. old. honey all.toromobrobli bUs for Mote enterfof oro I woo the otroodous; to semi oho no% lobe WOW day or dovotabol; to' OEI 2201,81011, Si idS Dowd of Poe 10=1} lid Oohs boo totnotod to St 'Old to the doe I,l= tog soh tell otandiy. outdo= old oothsathatid., 777 ' • .14 So odor of Idosslits - 010. H. Tatratrps.bixiii.osi: Ts emititsoo of le sets ions day for ISMS Of *Milian UM PrSpWs br =kb( oat settee mad far noeft tbo atter astrootleatiod M.masa. al lb. Ittordof TrodoSoook, deify, fen 11 to Mi. es. MOO ONO. EL THCBSTOM. • Ida Jima SRA IL Stun' &Matta Glazed 'and 1141Bpool CotOisi, Ilawas—FALL IRIR Em_ , Ai"Agalt Ito ITINOWIi. WATRItsr. 811/11vAl MID PLUMS 111.00 OaTTON. con. rim i*a ithazien. dow Ntr-Ttie mrhOlosals tests smiimplhol qmostttoos. I to lath MP the toms aches. . , • sdlsla i ALI:JAMS WORK S - ON MILL V ...Ames Antony st tit instils. Lownsersi Omits* Weasts..ll.oo. gross' Nunn of =Must Mpg. itw. ' SwHaWtY lywtti .f basuscan's rw Wyslses, $B.OO. _ asnsiond's spe. • Tsipla intkusses Ilinistr t s44Xr. Pastatillista tozpsy. •-• ' I ps Finnina VisittilissaklL ' ' SAT &W.; ca• • - •Si Wat stmt.. I .En I /fib . militant of ` Boors •Blob BID B/4402414 Gin &Id as thi • *Jr ItUrrnn 1111,0 ALumttusbi,,,kvAtistv,..Ag-,,,p 0b .wawa V* boat, LAMA Did 9111 gahttoid, Timm oppotrtot to, Tiaras!! siooksoi go.my*Laad bosditt lutotogacto the prettoolooss• IaGS- Allows: Amule t - tnim Ur Junk , Itiotl ki • Mu o taalani Um. int Root ZZIVIDIII4 01.711Mrat Woh2p,, JAMS AtoAtILIT, " :.7,..001111 - 101"-is2 Ttokint'.74 4 1 44 1 14k 1 UPUrr. . IT. ;!. I 5T 2 44 . 301? 1964xxas 21,1 nif `l3l..Arilt BOOR. nuaczaw - iii . t r lPl - 9.91:4 41 M MID I 7.77;1 774.. t r ; , , c. B.Luntraratpcßinvtgralmo, .g) 4,,,rgvrawa,tivairmui it • 4111/1 *ma 1r a 'Ms ilvhpr* lit ta s ktgrat g....lebbwi 904 Ilikins iatllll flan teJ fts ilke,ooMta,l4o. a:le siattiOussoi ~ 4 h olt aY rtgioN. AM 1 44 : ssit t r o p „ 111111=thakt7;,, itel.PliVattizimmt . ir ,i"if It!! Ci v:40.41:11411X otAw.r.u . e. rot i.e. lob at somas tine reatii'4l MEM . . 4300D8romiire dad ea gobtle poi I ft TROTOGRAPH ALBUMS: a') rr.; •z: an deft Odom itzuanay a aluta. • ihe'CllClPest im the.-Vityi *• w, ...;a. r c MAPONICI JA4us Runt st ..„7a irc.ll ,t r ara litd fie Stu) Malsileft. ;wanton Akail UM* erpa, lar ;Gal . 0 . Sest!=afioagy adopectr parpsse of oaf 'Mb int eitinly nay L=iht lit e s dire= takelsim tO. ;tiro_ - 112! INtearattor las Um mdse. triat Miscalls .1344411 Zi l lfallit *NW chansum.= ailo t ?4==ast Od a = 6/ am k s Z 4 4 11 5ar yiliNeß Mom= them, .17 12. 4 111LL01K Wood steed. •140 liniu4l4 .atrueus • telex:lie* eserfeis Was heart Aced 7 gootts - 0 14 2 1:41 l elisafe -Tibe eats ef Iletrifal be se% end efiefed = le=7M -17001.A. rereregna. ."`' 14 " fa rner wog 141. Arm, I Fat els as Ike. If siaa Ile OrNet xslr ADPIERITERX ~~ ~~ ~ `' THE LkIt9III2;P4YI4)(7K OF Velv*.allits4ll andiaysata Carpets. Floor, 011-Cliiths, ac., , ever offered in this city, • I M. I4 Wr-9 5111 1C - Ilge4: much below the late factory rates • ' ' OLIVER litClatOtt IV CO ed a rrira trimm- HOlll3lll MB-. C 0 - IL),,INit . ' PARK, PITM3I7IOII, 14. , i mum PARK ASSOCIATinI will on the follorbir loeralTrtudsuni 4,:tr0,u..r?".474 TO svoo, 1011 WI 110110YRIIVIT OP VIE BUPA HOREEB THE FAIR WILL coninEscz WIIDNBLID44,I; October 14ils AND CONTINUA THREE DAYS „ ll'aveniset Sot Uri& at Ttrartaht , , Praia= tat the twat Stallion tot all ;capon. 1 Printout for lb* bast Taarltug 041.........- P 1140112111 lbw Oa best Two Tear old PRIEM= foe lb. Sandi, Boris Ramos Thicari - Plinai2llll will tisawirOod ao Tbnnday, October 16th, 186$, at 10 a. to. lint Day. 11.1 p. n., lint Premium St6o for Trotting Bone Wire lean 01d, Owned in illegkeni County. Tim To bawd Bona to Mats a Ink la a.l=lll, t• tint Bah Becold frcmtum, $lOO. Mat Bad Malta Taair. iTS &mu Ikat Mabaudiaaa llitil limb& to 4 ieeend 1-1 p. mi - Tiemitaz oP I km facers. not Dot no not nolo Rom O2 B Ito ktolyiroloo, to 8010, _ MDIMSaud may, Second maim $lOO. rim MIM toecetamoiTocetto S glitionlor DWG amilio; talk Oo Sionsal, so was. Third Day, 11.1 p. 114 Grand 'belga, _rnmiam, $4OO. MERMAN:BA - 211M1 ALL lint HM Horn ilik Hunk o.Stvila 'Zkira• ( or macre •Sdttes,:aXd Ai kilo ban 'tarts to . 'tut. annum. IA lalrltatelas to hi stab to tia Uneaten en gin pant; ttA I pi a. thsatip manta to thanes. It' PATTERSON, Vat*. gantraT thlll.lo/1/115510. 'll.lfU* 1 010114.11111141 sau sad %Oita Domig" 414/Tl/15, DAISOBALO s aaII GUMO,IS it_ki1D44545551441. LOCK £5 IM= Ladkr Immo If 4•114 prs44 . mini% W ro. rar is Omignol Wien --In Dorm (go sals) Das a Zip Doty 1 50 Clavalrs &air 4 50 Do 51411(491 Dan. 00 De wow as 4 1 ID Dm' Kb Doti. 1 15 star 11.144145414 1 115 • ..1.1111444! 44410411444%/14004 4140144 04/1051 lowa prhs. DD. us aND balm parelada4 whom DODWDI3.III auksi Am; !, , SilloptaOlf nos MI6 iNlDCboata IhniipMa iriplai,rop al Zastil prices. 1 1 1 1 / 4 weis vuuttil LsYikur ! ::10100130}1103014:6, &a, Yawn! and sold bp 1 , , :i..1.4161111L1011. Dm story Ilftb nava. NWNW 43/18TLB NINIP !Mtn • WWI LIE LaILIOAD.—CIa saa saw 3108DA.Zi thatitictsaaAtad Win patbframatiaj triton as: Ira exams at Rosatimal Malian *Mille matttlabfeatta P m !. W. 40. W.. hubs Pittobares it T a. a. Ma. Oadlas Alisanaaaaa, baba itamburip !Sop.= • 1 Thmigla Mk* 4:r 11# Camp likamOglitirc Irraaktin instal Otty.azibil Cmd ittlatiakte Oat at thitPtlignask net Wpm* 'war Ckaaplay, to l'istabosh. • Tax zczacasoN. Its:wawa, ratoliis. isie! •T`r!-. „NliipTiiiimAlf ow* Awl; ..r , l e~dpc~{m~sti~ei:ek~ori` ins liza4.ciiiisuviutreas7 usfau sgsseuisssuds,,tooks asesssocuss „ lOW P: mnir. Publisher, . . memos 41U4 /anon nue mu: IkkOlaMbilliOak DAr WNW; ram wins Rev oplategoaratuotagiusiKdailaii GOODS, 74egia with "1"77 can Bl / 1 04ailtDak JS. la A W . I=INZI Wa an matuttabuins deg, IMAM MS Wed lid meat eadrabh Lutes Bittern, X 13,92- AND CIIILDRENre •cLox irteHa:diphal Won. Mos, Oa visa of Try& iko ALEX. BATES% 11 kits tan? airramitry Weredisa to •aasMed. 550 - DOZEN ' GREY AND WHITE Merino Undershirts and Drawers, =BUD AND PLAIN. Al• nada emus ox.e4k, br.1113.0111% licsio patty to OARS BMWS. EATON, IMAM &CO, Nos 1T AND 19 'FIFTH St 417C7110.r vaLige. CIATALOGIM SALE •OP CIEWOR 13001211-. Ch 1212 • 172D217122111112170. Oda bar 1011, es T 3 o'clock. oink' odd bytatskici on the second It of the Gramercial !Got Snow. NI PUG' Greet, s Mrs* of sbolto Miscallsacess Nooks. contrachhy the tattoo WO et leastla sad samicas Uterus:soil of this bud cal's% sad 11 nrcallent ansdstko. Via ocllsctlon Ils aselln• Owls , orlgtaal Abbotsbcd 121110a1120= • novolc Mance Bastes Oasts. lobby or 4 Mowry of the &salt% 11 vol s.; nolasnlea Ported. ens l Talcs bloalidgcsk grant; elsollht Weal* of Sallons, Weszall's lie calm 2' Tole ...tilataall VitaISPUN. 9EU Melo; Qoldl lth!Safety t.inkS(l.o74l, Caw plae Postical works. Cools; peliers inelts.idttid by 'Ws 'Utley: Tbacksrsylo,llll4 Oulu haute, 2ases,Jamsof Sotilsoceenleilt TWnd Yew let and Walk' Pcbllcatloas.Goeddcaclandly ocalinr.esingrairlanal Globe's'sd lame s. a oalay, Uncle Tom's debt!, 2 bolds Palley's Oaltostd 11b. tor 7 9 Eds•fillatdPoilde lamOrPlsEldsa, lib senora Ansecloa. vale. At. =Min boob tor the cling, glas 21lbsokenal Works and WHO —•— • °daimon . ova= tom . and th e bob be comolooddortes the oaths dry otaela.' ocT DAM Ai YeJc.WAIIR Aecriv. GROCERIKEVAND SUNDRIES—On B&TOIDA7 MOBBING. °Mollie 101.11. it IS o clack wiLl be salt at taa;Ocanatrclal !atm Wm* ISt nth stale; " I barzals gantry. boils Teracco, =al S. H. 1 Pou aa t lap Halt' Oct* .• " re , P lll l4 *Ward; &bo x; . bog Naliawa asatad Poper; Daum eadala Ipa• ata ." 1 buts TT *t ego; , 1/741aaa gata_ll rams. vavisaN464lllll. Lure.. IMPROVED - MPROVED -/N-L&W-e -2111301111TXL—Q011421111D111 \ AM& koOtr, Oct. kleb, et II eclat. vitt bp 'obi ts,tht prseateek et the muse el Beltoatelse street sad the elleitun Valley liallreedith Da aaaable anew* ineneeellte, thebveleable lee keener 46seet email. betides sum% sad exteadbls beck Illeelek whew as b meted • doable mastery &Lk Hee" vide heck Bellew sad stied garbs ae either Mar three ereewete. ~ Tlerlterdaypriee este atthirdi flakb4kied the ironed keadwsaY lantrataL• fikof ele.—ess. Med iota the bellaterta au peak itlik tobasili mural by kat sal • ' Ihbrile 1115M111M,44116 VIIRNITIIKS THlSermerooN. 1T121910911._ 711IDAT 91116 - 0 Oda*, tba uommia- . eau fixmar Ist enrage/4 s quality el *ma fixeratalli RIM titan% lexhitiag lalinsky !VIAL 9•19 amigo aide. 19m9 Loxirgn. 190391891, lbelote4 Irish Shied, "DisbU a ras. 44119919 titetx" Capboxrd, Onsei -Rake lompsc Slim% Laug_Dislit949ll9.l 9. Wux i Coding 1119 Th 9oksa - Sam, gm Vie.. ix 9 ' . . • mine s geimrants. TrOBIR J ,_BTIOSTANDMARNEB4.. Os 811WD/a liouraro. 204/s. as 10 sill INNIS aS the Onntsrofai Semat,soas. litdi Mut e SOS Mad Esiii 6 Vol a* IS tor bogy aims* sal •gocd Wally has& Mao** litosstis . pm, iudsi.- %hoc) 141,111/i WILLEKGRAWS ONGUSISIT, Tog Tits BL e3Dinaiakts. =lmre inttro maz zki.er airdekstric Am oh el AN LLYBD3.4. r • Ihisarai.....A.lNV Alum Gs. Ism = buanzi WlA 'f 4 r 4 ' - „. . gar,' • ebb the -...ef Moe WI 62 . 2 :6 4811 =rikt==_ . sa =zilb the tea et Wa. abotlind aw) 111. Web/. desemtan IS te be ago nisabtobruoir kranisvbisass ma Aarrawlpos. mad. *mit balersteel)llll)•' plaseillmseeeteesiettellaindlek Übe as** 19 are* Ow ctskit'imieviss mu% Imola so =ohm at proposselim. Wit& Up olllllllll MOdaedo,ll4l.lM g lM sgu O i O po M rh MW e the arms 'et dealer o teutted.,— • .t,h ea) sew es an araecteustalso o tab* bow Stiels thibrerett Mt* _ zeLe=" - - r ~a~{/p 11, r FURVANuErs PiloTofiWP,4ool l *.i izrniiaß zaggps7zunk gssulsaamik.„.eraiti'llooo ie.*/ INN „ ElMii;il 4 , 6.4 bac, amrpo i nitir 064 - 4 i t if iks i o r. ca di N itr. MIME* teal?! Masi rinut to amiimgriime6 deitkertedit et diem t.-; ibiltrilit ~iBoigrBBalti, : atniO nra i rtnaro l 4 l , Rumnrimusiicliz" _ me • stkaaidartou • iniaIIIXTBAKIMI,WII2KIIDIP llre taken& methoilat titstsgaii Mats sal jar iift BIONIII____IWIIist in giteilli siftliziW i , iri , - 30. 1 1= 1 =1 allgra "" Z il al l ti l Will 0 0101 1.11 iliF or s ra05...4-aun- , tur , ...., tlikialinoill *oat ad zgliii , r a . IMUIP : g. . t, - ow.bieja e : '. • iewhaffe.:l_ .ireas DS LION'B /MINOR PIERIODICAU niois toe notami r t - - . nACillwalLaGlCtur. • • , „7141.101131400110 TOWER i of /NW IMF !Ws. jai; sieiritraf.s: sograiddibulr.;77 4 • - ":AtiktarZ• /OR PLIMMIIk - *AtAllce firietOli isaasimMigall* ' c."-i Itar sato at POP
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers