•rr - rs sus GAR' .- . • • . - .....„-..-.. .-....--..-.. :! "L .... 2 ' 7 .... - r 1 •.7. 7 ~ ...11. 7 '. .. • '7. `' • `. 7 4 :''f .vi b .C.O t '- , 10 7 .3 f =• , ' , l ;"-i:--. • .1.4.4• ' 'll . : , :l. ; .1 , •. , .t.: -.`..i. '' '.',.., ' "". litt ...:.-.5.-,.7. , !"•••• '.%.,.....- r % . T. -u. -. S`• -,..,- -.. .. .......-......... , :„., ....:.':,:.-: ~ .7 - . .„ .--::: ~:...... _... • • .. i ., , ~: t,,,....• .: 1. ..: 4 , ' ) t -.,- rt 1 . <,.. 4. „ ..1 A - - .- , ~.._•,,,. ~, ••• ~1 „;:.i•-• . . . -- , • . , . , - _ -•- -, •,-- •-,-.: ~_.: T. , if t , I ~' .:"....f. '• - r, .. . 't: • ' 4.71 . 7 7 :: .' ~,..-..!.:;; - . , ---.. . . .. _ . , . . s§,y4Lisfjp . ... 1 1786, o 'r-,-,0111110--)i-litelifillL • - A.M.IIIT• Ct. atigU4B3/11 : Z . :A'', s • i •. • : . : I , I_, t.... 4., , ibusigietikw:wieymoist(ot, 1M wo rOityisraix os b-tr7.a:ir..l7. cot . BRIM OM= NM+ lia L la ' Marlllllo CM& sail HP 8 pang* ~. ill. ,atlantlasilliitam 'r - '' ' 'III=OOaIiAJIIDAMIIROX IIIn iaIi , thoWeiptura • IMRE' 14111IDIUS A i , ..-. x a 1 w.91 !ATM 61=08 PUNA no baa brniatal. Ragtag 'ma marsh It le sal 11Ss i rgri wad oast; lad rill UV" "sus seta algr ~ WW" _ . own AND woon Apiam SILLtI9 Ofti 'woos') 081111V111%. JAB. W. WOODWRI.L' • • 4116 a sal 11l Youth strest, m 0 • . 151- WW - :47r 1 7. 8- 1 114 ; CilerillO• i - ' , j ::Tial,OT - "rirdiaoN =saw= .- C;"i 10.11:004 We , of Damara emnow. • -' 6 pm' aurm, ram ',T;:.,.. , i , ' L n ' .' "' L' Wilts int agistgostestall kb* azarmsaWro ' ' ''.'aitlitabi yanotothinsab. , ,, :- , • , , ' .".. 4 LA......manlW,Wpaiia! frau a inzawne‘ -'''' , Vai:r , 4ii.: . eilli nil kaki Ptc#tdis . :i; . :72 e autut - amasition. . ~, t :..„ 4 ~.• 1: . - - - p aw - ' 'l'' , % .: ' .tea , ItAzior nuns 4 • ; • iiliktAill,oolsigiB6 a aurna: , s'. • tartiseitit7icAdjl ottkai33MMOlX3 3etUo2l) ClCeer e • kl -L *EIS No. ut WOOD Imo* pATNISMID 113tg, _ Dithrtdies latent , Oval waf - parettliEk* Maithotorak . „id XX FLIRT, tX11441118,, sun wends iodijakeedtinhe ( ass cam, libleb lima* MI pirtite; D a =•7 ll 4. if , tl 114 ,9 0 0 4 . 110 ' IL D. DISODDIIiA -I,r7t ;WAGE auttpNDimTig. yowls, ^: , -Ppflpol7llClB. - „ .14alcantdimartoo,_ imam= &maw) GAIT marl% i ..... -.41210140543.5cau-dgma ,warn , uo44 , itaLus 151213117 ; 1 r I. r . Ifaawatuaoo42ollar 1. a.• . . xis_griti: l l 44 6V. liaift, - , i iroulai ...1L 12 ... b . 111 ; ek . w as i l l= •,:filli lia., L i i d .... ' 'lt7rginiarglhituniviwitt ~; • .: ' illioltritro,„tior rumor. tar • qcost to Int retartiti ; EON Bruumrs_,, , ll2,2 ~,,,, I . - * , • -wormanvi &dor, 4 7 k o mia_uZasee. uur uniumr•sTWA AtilijkW '761101110: 1 4 ;.3. ' 3 1 4 . 1 / 9 .U 4 r.1 31 4 11 4,1 1 1 J r. • - llsoßwrovumi: 'seieigaTbimbalgshili `Mere iit or orpas Sosmaim. 81111111JIRMi • B. R. Zack -4 Co. Pittstraigb it.vicariwaint,:saa O. P. Knight *Trani 8,214i.d RIEOI - 81 , W T - Tiumitlf • A tial"C°lX) soosinsilistocaViii Ps.in - -- = - • - airWAMOWNo. la Liblt”Atert. .a.-4 illoalthotooloo Oir4looX, PANSiOS.AND MIA , P • LOB A881L11291.111011412724 . MOW W N • • ,11 noatsitditluo gps ..,_,55;4 . ., •- • • Osalriboalt, - • to prim Patootid . ea • • lo y Z I Bowgatand ifir.r.ATEA WAWA 4 - w' o •'-' • • vOitialtsliiiiiettailv t,0...r.:' , 1 ithltOMMtotkottiorpotipky , ~., : = . .r . 147 t - 4 , 1 It. - , •.'.1 ,- . - .... - . • . , 1 .'; Voictormat GAltTaistiatnortrorouPlC b e - igaildi ionswalagy ecmarrillsim r ash - A ‘ctiasolvotmour =UM Jaws 1 ..ctiattollY. pW , ,Vja seen* ..toso‘P -,,,,, , I. __Tit,,,e ;.<:,-,, •,,,, -"islittly:_i ir au taX.SOngaNeOliii*liiili s i ll ii atatladAritgattitni • grZ 1 ilitiaii up _ and mpael . of ort;-3117A 4114120 ontltalitaiiri ISONVIXIIIP outs istiodobo Al* =Mt *MOW WW I litottoudlo sitkoshottott =doh ' An adieklietialftmoZ at* 14 WATER EMMA wait Litony, - vitt lie preaptly mM to. • 11.2kosoittotost.thlo Om Ming proettosiamt oiroilblittlaneotporlonoo fa note batbuot , ratable:3oz Is norg.ttood... -..=..= iiiobllo2. WENT ersizz' wkittl - Prrnisirscrw. Pa. tense .ea dole. b 41 , 1 ' l e iSkr seil! ) #Fr ; * in 41%1WIMIL U4TAB B 0 , l WTA uort i' m As the WitaktirlidaajlAM; fig, other daub 13.14 l. It. ra does ad iservett. latiormnallßlali Mat ,;,. . 7! • • .! - t• tolassAC*4--",— *A/MIA Awn " , 5t00N,144 . 1,5 :CU". -TON N AA** g" A at _ an i p g , +• „ , • I ". *X . TWAIN " c 01141114611 2 0418 . 41- tooms• , UNes I .m ille t e"l6 o lle F eaf "" as vals =lll . . 4 ,,r ; 1 0:, - .4.1 IfeC•Of -, itt , '''' do- - 01.- -st " . 43= 0 ..:. - ' , • oar Goeis NOVir OPENED AN EL • -.• z .' 1 / 9 1113/ NC IE Ote, -MOT& "01:26;00(113 Tao maga articles vs us allrtietto 101 l bar* SO 21 5 1310 4 curb pit= Om: WOLIN OM gem P r samS, oo . , 600 nos, os Bimos Russo Heal; 200 Y " _ Faze; Dalai& heat% the bed is tbs market Ibr sentoe. KNIT JA01[111:4 the dogma to the otty, Ladles' Silt Skirts and Ender-GarnOts. HOODS, of various kb& -L• 1-1 our stook of Bonze artoo3l4 viFfirt RIBBON% Torsunnos. owns AND U BIIAMIIRMS aisathe iVriri Mi l tl66l , 500 RaugoLuaitcom 1,000 put SARATOGA PA= Titanium ald ths paid! ir , mrally L tti• ir!k4.balveas•catl WHOLZILLI BLOM trf LiTAW,L iviAckune - i,' CLYDE, 78 MARKER MEW. Axon OPINING - , AT 131 rt. 337.3331=1L. 9 9; 59 market Street. t 1 .I\T NV simarSi New Cil?6/9k3x.iiisl e I 1 I , E W - 14 3 ' W Ei NEW . S O'Q -'DM j9sßPß,R9.firkat ' • . 1 'nutlike ' To Thins lINIART ARM Mkt& !'•l4 I . • , .liiii;IANEME GOODS! ' " iraitsgmst4 "- .1:•• Lll•Mis I LINER - IMAM auerart - ImmlA, onerD•istros, e ir PiS•9 4l 4/W.Finigi.4 o o l34l, X!! l !*.thsloi,Rlzal. ,l .ihors!uusbriacEL is:riANDri steam spir. ,110rOgan ruOsettillyselettid. 6 0 A 1 4 _," 113 W Main& .1141M01111. sad Boor FELIII3: - 07. 1 “ iThAZUMB. • - IMANIKELS. ;‘. - • ana osaro flusturgisP a wan: snoop Ourrak = ' , a L •••" ;"1 . • ; • " IV - roar Iliztvccostroisthistl Kitt* stresti`- cz.A. I L:0.1 7 I[llllo3 - I*MV I L I NIKO. AilkaliefMNlLOMarimmtedk. Mt of Witt::l 4 144 11 C i lMeggi iie!kinntizabil,' • . A Ch3ol 2 s=rhtli 111,1Deoh. L . es • oa, alm pm s. , R*: feet ta Mingr a Sr astuiat ve na tZ*OI I IIII . .A I rOLD 0111ipte• da y <4 lleitatissinomatiogia l a Muldallaandetis :F.WLut!.ol=2 annaBANIMMAPBSK -- uovvy IS BM= AID 111LiIIMIL 0010114 t•ca eAttss - Swot wsups gomi vas IA 2A MU bead wild*. gglailledig ailaariii, ittireigr: turns sin b fdtoliida9d Malmo= sloek. E S P O r-1 • "r - dr mkesimir'& tN • • t - Nos. 17 • .1,111,10% . 7.7-3-7.7. 7-7777 • • f iamwi UN K.-j I99IB66T .AtH EI' i'._r_F!IT.04 11 P11 1 11F0 11 ;04 011441 ,, I mig t-mten 04004goitittit4iil t 4 Itltaharliger4=ll4 gook P - , - ---- 7' — '" . .7...-,.7—. L. . . Lt.sL ln e .1114:RWM?An PIA A ilrEl li ..12In - ;...tiaSioilkilli . llll . .. lWaelit , ;iel.. , t 1:, *741 1 441 , 4:4..4 , i,"4;EE.L-7.5.z1.,'",a.r. V1V....:•; V‘tor.; ; , cz . z'A•t' ,l ‘ l , tx, I.4.,IIIEW:VQQpiror ,en,,, 1 *lca cal.L.l',4'.l.—juli2 ..,,,ta.t, ..=, • ..,,a . 1 71 "/WilharAIROIN1i , CO:Mil 4: aiIatirRIMTAMMI I I ea Jog: gal e. , Lax.tti .rogt - PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY. ~, MORNING. OCTOBER 9. - 1863. fittsburnit 'Sant* 13 RIDDLE`'4 - 00 1D17015 IND ra!ovtizsrpae, fuNblation, 011111 Ito. 84 mat Stied. mosinseenD svistan sprezompunin 4:O3IMLIZEI4 TH3 LATIET afore UP TO Tffil HOB IV NEW TELENB: OF . TER GAZETTE, Warn gotriols, mm, pet pr._. , 014 - roata... ; 70. , • wask..... IL "H. L 1670. r• isc u scai. 06 IDA Pot Par-- O el.- Oats Wacurittnox, do& 17F. PAL.' t F O, 0(5 oak a 60. *aid team. 3 161. .4116 ono atm to atio pfrir ustataif dab. Its bhbOt ;mow Gismo i dab it ties4r, An win 11,4 chi , Kamm! Quota dAily. 1170Elt ors, 6 amts. 400•01lidsetttlielfekkag sati pion away ttoppsd who the ttme natio. FEIDAT,MMING;:::: 4 4:::::::00T. 9,1888 Trio laspeusrois onue Habeas Corpus „. Td howl robed h 7 the Copperholds onr the suipelfeloW of flu! adios corpasisould far Meats that thidi only ides el the law it, that It it thaigaa.not for she punlslrmait,but for the protect*, of scouldrels—a shiald to ear .bl• OW= so oat jhe. Wass of. the nation with Impunity. "flb, Obary of . no honest or loyal offs hie' Tuali, r. ,ean be, la the iriyhted dr gra. curtailed' by that suspension. Oa the other hand, army honest gum feels 110111 cure dues the tribllAtiou,s! Out Padden* ftwolasidalon. 1 it was aimed solely at trot; sari, 'atilifout else have aff* reason 'to ow `Plaid . ; and if any man is hoard emsplalaing, is miKbefliafsly set toio% iiias Of that ciao. This grumbling we hear is but another resin- Indio* of thifridlt of the Oh-quoted midst— iiCgOttm O s ; 1 1 4. 2 tw d .f. mr. ' Copperheadlsm Going Under. The New York Harald to not a paper that ewes mach .fa c principlou ensisteant bat snit/-'deaf-ingkeiti, - and - nways alma to to on the popular 'Vie. It sopportod Seymour for Gonne: of An York, an/ et can tame recommended Pernando.Wood ifor toiaiiiit WI" ni=t bougian. - - Btitthel/er! old his had new light It discovers the rill. lag of the great poplar waves that are ant to bury Copperheadhin and Copperheads int at detti; It h now sailing for an organitro• tin of the war Damooraoy. In flatorders . faun says . The war Demoting ought to bold a mass meeting In this diyhamedlately, and lathe's the war platform and the war deka. Bey. moor. Booby nrooky,ititi Den wood. w .iffiAßehuslti..Oss.:4 l .. l o l ' Paw. ID =aim article. do came paper says t Nowla Outings foralfianto itsweltt and nonidentivai if enrY 'Stripe` to sh w their bandits a. MUM #l4ll/111 tow down and mantles, the eoaratende forsaken-potttlasl 'gym who an /t -temptiig to mein I poi°, their tountred nk• ninths. Lotman. of thittnicnetef tu r iti• proved antectittenta ion so .- 111 g together In miss meetingsu lanterns • hWBtT =nit kat plat pit and snob ineeellci madb u wlllring denial! Melt of So CopPeeksod'itsiiiritkrouglio t ingth aid breadth of: the firyillastd._ :jar nth a conhuntettiow of , loyal peepleire mote %hail toady. Let thentognindhaders'of the kustatrior Tiimaintsy , do A* and all . All tkii It OpprAnt as sholipi the, siglis 0c,..„-,.,, T,„, item Dimoqrsta ark go, ft 3iodociti kit itoikoi ail, as I .1 dem Is itigna v callforsi!s,And Clonnn - alon4; and am Mint . In Milo and Ponnalvan6 nest lierald sees tWand Ingirt4 eha sinkin, falTira) !iffflol,lllll7*ififirOltd. .. . _ WO 010:: riltid93l4: OA* of talc& saki by bloom., eq.: otht# by *414. Ti. prgfuui.to.bi ,, foi li4J - IFtsart "fit o, l6o( a.a!Tri#%..:"Alf. Piti Igu. bout dodo} gaigoiirist aziali.dlTermaso bale , of ao imp prima Tho. Todd ma a. a Roth To /MP 4! ,a: Mir? but hi Dii4 If past sump " that dm Nowt Thaactsaoz aro . 04 eilifl44 , iiii:•liielidottorm:? • Tam 1 WlZ:, l !Pilllngt Ibisf toci4kai* , :. o,4l bOix ino Am . tou Imams to . • batraLt_ rarti6,..lailholototaat-ioriow ,that taw thomeolvas botamod, and a 6 litihad..*, tart Amnia tha buta.. siamtuary, Wham th lOW, a O u t ibikt PO, of thu , WW I . • . .. 'thi taririttioliteil *Ali piraineMa4 at Mosatorldlo Um crowd who pal at Tam i l Uktal,pley. Zak tide hands without Imowth I. - lirlam to Um party-Ml tliiags to air a* that It may gala votes tad gather RubllO A t etz,nrosfesesLithifpiol correspond's) PfAANiylctiggersk‘eastribas .7.-Lit. mViTniktil aol a n 1 kl l '• l'iliii 41 -tiiii - $ almeettal ;MIAOW' of 'WWI 'Moi4lisOr jal Anal /1„,11101*:Ptr :Miliogr: aeods• I==i, mils - Set 49 swan for EtebstritijOarpt ly on aIIEXIC, A. ft 0009 .: of the ....,..ftlloleis t f it . 41411 11 1 0 40witeel. :._tede owasterattiasserlAMettaa- ellieleAsseetstalrOapt. , Mir Mil `I: iirjlese, " ' .'e' 1 ,e4Mb' AO:W. sot . t. . ,I. Mdtwi, ihissoellts- Isterr4laimoestrritorlMMllllAhAt Dar sot bees Um lest wet 'of Jet" D 4 I. The man who h4s-hentimitter, watch all I other agents' is a ffelu llama notes who forgerly lived tat imatdmiar In Is huts blito, but uts man, of pueirkshis. =nabs iinlntifflillii aPft ru il 161 *Wrath* and An . . JiriCrAltal!4l4.o summons wend times doles the presentwe; „ : 114 4ritc:0 tisossmEgtel-47 gx l3l EVY:P/ 11 4 0 4 14 , 54,0 0 1 • • ifgairgiaKinliaNti sixisi.ffluical , ding We ITlClint the doados.at tty~ mns Nam ha e ra •Ilisnitlist is, the blade VIMIS Wahl% :rum ems db titicAPlll wea Mail raridta oCtii War. NOW thaillielit we/11)11=o sod disthet thie Istini t A P agibtliZig; Me i" the amass et theffitimemett mill be three 46 1 1 0 - 41141 ?attic! bblass,TAßSel4 l l4 7111110 ;1•511...t.M" . , , izzi rominicivrikisie*gos vas, Oat Ablitaltliatottcat-Atothatimittkaaatigati . ;stoosibtad IS fa so Ida* OVUM that the tillmate sad ioU of that data an -tub that piton 'alibi, probable thud - thus. Thu W il"44 4 2 =ratirtutatlia silt( etz serwist Eros 11 , isailltval:' Wu than NW' Ortpit kiti ;. tatted. - The - groaa- Matalltaallt thethi AsitaiLis Ilaquath, 1 4 1 =t h t 1 4 1 , tit 4 I : T e 4r. 4 4:• 1 ''.! !!4„,... --- .4,1=,. ,„„.._ !II! On. aftassubaltt • Auk. 1 0. ishw = tisima taclt . 1 littitir amp i..__Y. etttPusputOf a itaista sew Mat" .1t . 704 ae, 0 iw. t•I ,D :A u•;,. • The Tiro Anciiika .11 Tim 'wow of tianatal, Lee. depleted by tie wittatissal of Longitrest, iR , repotted to be engaged to fortifyieg the *Sur on the Synth We of the tare. The'aztay Meade nett open the Note beak,in estate of Antistatic. Inioittrity. aryl *an withdrairi from Goa. Modes front white the latterwu wore acilvia7 misled .than: he to now, sad the acne* yes not nade caw too late to.prernt Om. Lee, by fortifying . . his position at the fords. dontitineintadste provost armreconnoissana which may lair.cleat& wanness, and mama .0 he 4 sal. : elently- intriaked -ho be "et liberty to o dispatch more of As troops to Bragg. abroad oceasion demand It. ' Threleiltion of Roo two armia Is not dinimlbrioto that of two -An tagonists steam Emit Is watchful et di cam's movemint, and cash seeks to discon cert the other by feintscrldtth shall coma 1 the reel bastion. inilos Imo 1111111thi in this position" General Meads mat watehihim. and thus the setliity at Gaunt M wadi dependent sultrily span *irrupt:dollar inaction on the part of 'Generalise& i li mo Them Is a:Wady for this widah GM.. ads skalds , aid probably m il l appl y. ' li cav alry Isla better co/Midas ilia is tatty. Gin. Loe. and capable of more daring macs . It has never yet provedanacial to a tmir that was assigned It, and should bo amp alai In probing the theenemy'ilinesin,sucham er. as to , keep him censtentlp in rear or th4e thedip cover, of his strength and probable iota-, Mons. By this mealy, while ,the Infantry a of both armies are compelled to mann in ve; the cavalry of Gam' Misdealt billet ad: ou damage upon Les, trhil• the call of: the latter am comparatively pandas to Feast It. Though the road to Richmond does not lie by that path, as has too often been demon strated, still the rebel army is placed Is a stumbling block in the way of any diodes moyenant of oar army. .2bis can only a re moved by undermining at Dare, its founds tied, so as to compel its:Withdrawal to another position. To'do this, cavalry Is the only ieffl canteen:4 and cavalry should:be employed, Tim @mummy re Tim Itarthotp Sum num:---The St. Louis Oxen nye: -"Barges are hales at the footlf Cam street *Oh open and box freight atom the Pasilloj the Iron Mountain and ther erth Miami rail roads for different ricgi down Bouth. l A p part pto Memphis, o _ .we sent up W to dear, to be used In Set_ eprtationof en . and - supplies behlieretifemphis and L We Both: Others go to rtaslitillii,lo biased Si' the roads running south Of that point. The Dap of the Southern roads, Is different from that of the Miami roar% and the ear Wee will hare to be ihortened $4) snit sheet." On. Ginn:, on the 23dtidt, Issued an im portant order, regulating lb cotton trade; in his department south of:rens. Actual nes. Nen% well disposed to th Government, $n bring micas, saltily lon the dyer cot ton oectlter Bona= products of wh ic h ithey are the bona Nemeses's, add ship It above or below, foetal* en -their account. - /be concluding section •of eh order absolutely drift, ail waft speculate! cag of the Depart• scat ea Hilda& Tan OkaWWI Commoartlonnell havirstoL pointed a committee to parabitse 5:9,1100 yolk of ooali to be sofdlo oltistas at cot. The :Mhos& wino-ose trlth tho cot mitts. In the mitter.ni to ti. tnoonyen knew growlng out of s ty of Diet" ca ussUy mitigated, Jamison, Wasldnitoni Palaki, ify •o, Tamil, Bartell, Sootti a Bnotionazi, d Witottountloo, Virginia, li 'ill potitlno to boodadtta into ea 8 to of west V - In! & Hon. Jacob Laid, ha boon !ono .. lasted for Congrasin-thialiint. Dbliet' that etas. ' 1 . _ Is it not somewhat instructive and Ilya • cant, that up to this period no Germanpatriot has spoken to favor of Woodward Why is this t Is It Wanks all the Germane " Agfa soltfillgeL" Cot. Trost= Pax, u•llatted Blass 80- Mor i and Mx -Gorirnor of Missouri, seachoil In. Louis on Thursday, as a prisoner of wag. He is to be sent to :elusion's bland, in Li • Erie. t$ rice JIM amix2l. BT THE BEST. WEE3LEII & WILSON'S SEWING NlikpHINESi 144 Li(*i...,71%,r4.0),1*•11i.iffi1.TV14 (IMPS aki**loll4shrtegO4 ,affa an Wing met may duadsfee for deldb IlLosisfaxe foam foam paste of the =fatty. end wis *mot osatudeallp .saply to Meat by male Shooed laptops to eta. aor oplaka In tepid than fa tttb pane manor. Wo aas thv MIMES AND. NUM IRMO M 407118.14 eel spare fa is. that le *PM :Kra& al rival. Ito adesstuasidae moods Is to tis tlapts to an pumas et esmseol:aa": k oat aidtrgars oat of cadet. and fn polat.:1 1 Sleasear sad QM& as other =Woo wade shawl, Wir 4aoto thla meats Mud to fhb istolleel4 =Mae apes oar am soescasebillty, s ma ropy Jambi to sin cassflses. oaseddesabla Sim sad; postage fa aaorarlas lattasa. • Sir can at ltur Arras*, No. If/ IITTSI STEIL'? and sr them la 'opendloci.. Owlitdeltins sem* igid Ater /sot' WMAIVIIRBEI & CO., soll:aczawY 1.140011. _ Ul3lOl hilll3l.oltdalbs., JAL GLASSIIIAIi Map I Tie Endstifirsal aro tbaoN'apat*Sriltiiiti rp t 4 mt 'Mao of Ovid go* Syr, la Wiiifialiattoomppittlag, the =Wm works floolhons- Mom HoOs. WitatiVecb. Olosisais, KAMAN Punta and alio Tort, pre! and Otiolialsi Two and mita pis pip. torOdslopisi - - • iii)io.;itt : - gob 1 - I,csilia for Didies SKB/5/" PAM BTOOS ,fivizawAsv , titoicoe;WVllig Tim best hi Um lox% citanunum bailOcoss")kii I N. Y.—the ebstpti . tlisace Jost mina =I fox Ism bs SUMP= al 81104 Oda Arabi IsSillAbabwitc mire rIA-110,91 1 hiA iii sad Ott: &NI imataiist -it Um marital' ! s . /111011 Milos rm. mils Ods.cdty.:. %%my* . i!treta a &otos min PRAorlif t t :Atoll le ttsOffrf . sc gi f thrik .' - ' iuswitiiiiina. 1 ii, , tz: ,: • - c , - vvristorinati • Aim*, , • .. . . 71010 1 8 4.1rD1 POPES. B .00TBAzuk.Bauss._:_i , )., 91111A42"11111DIIOVIEDII.' 1181•Witait.1 4 ,!,:tiONN,j/A, 6 c l , 'a • t o It—tw M • • • ' * .4! , otbre pxmlls itiTbrjr se,dnag. -;;;:ifiallt.2ollkailfasi MEW 00010.441anutiastOtunle$ tom Wad, usetwilali otiautio eat drittayir ' , BOOTS AiZSOEIS" -- . . sovmsanlUMl ;WOW atasileilli,Sattaikat • 1 110.0 WI:MAU 1„-di r i„ T ;la L.: . . - •'' - • 444' 4.41:4WA4-4 4.IIIUSEMENTS. WPITRIBURGEI. THIUTItE. rt74 l :=3 TED 'GHOST I TIM GHOST I OrNUM %%led of the Piro Opt.feslind!WM !Afoul of Otte 11listeooth, Cootory. THE GHOST t Which has ststmlahat and,ezeltoll the yawls of Ee -1 yoir to In extent that dab no wal et. ciao to the I itl G Mint, createCta Parte by the mapatle own- , iodation' orilettote. Tata (Teiday) Man% , VIII be presented, - ter the Oh Um*, the note kph!, dory deems ertth s ptot cad *AIM ofireb . d . Toti dad londertnt Tame!, written espectely Ikr the lA= teceittetton of tie Think= melded, , TUE DEEM!' BPRITR.E. Dtrars—...muiscs Btlarietut To =gads with the new Comedy of • - . NIARTITAGT AT MIT PRIM . • 10•21AidONICI -HALL' Performance Every afternoon & Evening. SZOOND, WLZ B. OP - Prof. ANDERSONI nrit yea of ,tl3a . grand Electra ?vial Mad= or .2HE SPECTRAL GHOST! de leiteduord by Prot. TEPPIR. st• MIMS ibrdstien conseciothe months, as Hardy. tesludolnitilateelsenkm.., • • - Thelrholeef the epperatne see brought Sreir tey LANDRUM!, tut Nay, In the - Btainialtlp HI. • - - In conleinr.tioniefti Ole, Prof. ATOMISM! mill kink the entire Otelogiel Programme of TWO Hotlial IN WONDER WODLo. Haden, AN. DENTON will appear at each representation's' the bYDIL OW DTI,PIII. Tee (trot of tae hill le bait:WWl: Illuttna tad rightly by the ALEOIII,O OaLOIUSI LIGHT. - Dean open at S 3 and 7 p m., to oantotnee at 334 saisp - •• or Admission. lIS CENTS. Dimmed sents,lll entre Mitre. Children!, aecompolat by pmts. to reeeivel mato. ES or n fa. tourney be seared drains the day. 010. T. saaLutei, Advance Aging. PROPOSALS. nEDNANUa OFFICE, WAS DVASTIIRE7. WIIMMITO/f. ember 3. UM .BIiLED PEOPtalald ..111 be receive! et thla eflke wall the 80th day of October next, kw BAND• thlGEaaa BUnnING the 4t-nour dor Gunn, at the Forte sad destaab of the Trottel ahttee to the at lantic. stun, amonntlog In number to VA mere oe Ws The gams will be delheff d at, on t removed term, the ettablnhamne where thon era. to to be dens at the emit of tee United thante.. , Pr poses for those en thelfla Ormat.-4L eel 50 La baelear—vill be reradvett anill the lathe None. bar bazt; sad to the rem MIN the ow will be delvued et Sao Preach*, or its elabity. The `nn■ m ti be tamed doein tae true arUnder for the knee or twenty-eeviso babes trim the emir of theta* ring, prepered.to take . bend of ne feet =cm& iron the menhir disinter of-which NI be 'wont, Motes, and It. thiornen Wee inches The rent la to be bunted *WI s new Bush of pars ingot topper, one link lb diameter end about nine end s MON hen& and bared wills Tested time bullpens Inch. • Drawing, of the gnn fn Its crig'nol form and erlth the rand paten. cm Da awn at this otnen. at the Walattotra drone, nada.; at I he - Wattertlet venal, mad at the na. Yolk &guru, No. la. Werth. oe:, city of Mew Yolk; at the anent Htidttr bug, P•: and at ellegeeny Amnia, Plttaunrgho re ; et IhoP4. t. Matron Aroma, ISt.r.ou'a Ar• *seal, do.; and rento..aArreael, Gal - Tar work to to be dme to the sulfa attlaktathinof. the anon who • El be appnanted to auparlntand antlynanent wilt be paid In full for rah inn upon bL cenilcal• el banal= and reretpt. - Proncaale will elan Ito pries parinnfor thevehola , (Twain; dwathe Id d.tafl thomatiorrin wrath it is pr noon to pot on I. bent the Inaba Ito will band per mouth; ani the lion which all ha oared ao ce the a ola with. 'ln method and Ito time ward for doing the irak.ea welltith. pawl wit tY nn nte'enuald In .cOnatdalng the bide udi AT ti. ' 1... tlle no bit oniallerel tam an"- patio bed rook al no acatolly engaged In the taanufacton bf Ina *ma bkelt7lntallany.enl who sea bran opin: lon of tole D,partmenti fully papered to Lactate thut awe. In the esila_ol pertte nos known tonal/Ir' tartonnt,eadeas to the foregcing afferclaust c° lTood: T i t gt= i ttry swain t o . the seaman of fifty pot nut. of neat wdl be soilleed br Its M. Illinunt of the onserall; and the Goverment sena the right to repot any or all t 1.14 Mdtemol onattelantnry. • Propwan wit be inbreed ..Propreals'ir Dandier 112-pannera^ and will be ndreand to Drtendlar General Gam D. Same ty, Chief at OfdpSOCP, amb le/ton Cu,. °KU. D. RAI/BAll. d Brie. nen.. cede otOrdassits. liuuruzsuts run rukteuliThe ila•k u Le be Mott., r ru ad . 8. Yd. d at b t ° Wit : bur, re.. actg. WO, 1103, are bush] utlestad.wea SEAL= Morose. ha, Irodosei . Ponewalt lot revere' wl l.te received at my office at Obstabem bug, to., till TIWAADA T. the oth di; of October todert', hr White es follows, vis_ ; Flee bar deed ( YYZlrtus of gioi bleed ThoothY Bay. PAO In. to the rm. itity-theahndl6o,4Xo) Whole ot Owls, to -good street lecke 'Mating thittptwooomes hailed Thirty tboosand (tu,OC,O) boabe4 of. Moiled Om. to nob, wellehbg lofty 431 t imundaper Ocitatri of • the fume .to be_ delivered within twielvwdala Wiwi the ~pr, pule bare tom =Opted *Ad &Waved by the Qfestiroluter floterel. toils dike Hem 2;ooolmeheli ef Ikegate, bad 15.1:0111dribela ottee Care, to be &MW U as Derry Statics, ea abs Lebanon walk., itailroad. neat Bub meadows, about a oil Mies frets Ileuttbati, 71Mt belasev is be delivered Mary mustmle, is Sanded bug, Tniintiiiiii's will be opened lo thugmetom el the Met. Generat 0 emaadlog this reparmant - M Tbe /orate be auleet,M sock laereetiee I may ¬ Al prop:salt most be amotepanted by a bead, sigud by two reepoulble astatine Um tettblut performs :ice of the costae& Ttte proposals wilt to addoweet to neat &Worms. ALEX. sturimr.-- Os t and.Arcutedef, opkl t JO/ Q. M. Dol airibevedworfti (Militialoam 2L, Odtbsr tat, 111811. I- -mat& itUrUSAiL eciioll. HOKUM " P— roalfaXarr statutc. Onus . co tam Vaud . gommantorza, • Woeblontate, IV 0 nag. 'Propane% um trUl bo mcotlid al Obi oftem for tbo =Man ofelVrelral 1108/5124 to to attrition et Plttabanym,llOMMOtatteMonb, i l t rocU=Toribb=tor tl k" l litga gfarn ormeeon In lob cd not lon than to bortrom llttoon (ID) to' MOM 15 bends )44 hoot iro(s) to Mao 04 yam old,VollDnlth to Ma oeddhorsoropsetlyAMlt, Mond deiNemd , tcroe The ability at tis bidder-told= ostoriMit most to guarattlabi ma twastaga pa% vacc tt►_o . I = en etaintairizzad =dal' Of eMCWIrp; umt Doerr, or dm 1:T1 kteanO _ faiZamutt be oddrinal tri /bac itiCki. Q. i,Crtad QuaTtillante.Oe .l . f i=lslb and bo Ondorsod rho tandem, d to Homo" • ' ea. eAWT Idrat. - 04.40ciallad. Omar BFrittA, 41141/41r•4earrsi pirampik wpm (stelaeintrAir s.4azstai DAY. • INDriatz. own ,tinp 50V3 awth a., aid &Fr ate. a. arrisavti AD wtoooloo WONlott.wbo Iwo tows tit Um Erne ha or iuwal s me ll Mlls tcootscottittd to ma HOM ' laliPentica. e wbo ban k eened two 1 stsollowalltki M totlwsloo•Zomotir,filotalt. 1 trisowst - dboostawo A:OW_ to Ima ittout. , . Wow, ol Walther who es itt OW od to tho.iontor sr, Waled to weed= -a s SWIM iia;a 6 tettlitter AtilifOtbil l iwWiti ' ii . . 1 WOW to. No ii#le Pa I M AM.= iiik 0 NNSION§, BORN"' pscovro.r „-, :,.- re. .. .1 ,1 • . :RT: .—.7e; WA WM= ;- `• . • '.; .t I' _ Attomat 4l4ol6 "4 fleis 41" -• 80.114 Mita LT nirte PV4 1 # 0 1 11 ".; r=lt o tagptail asa 0 4 = V" 13 99=. 7-7 -7 7 — 7 -.. . ' 9 IStIrMV4 ra*lAll woo at Am kW ems . •• - 0142itei • Iletslid hi pimader, • atarPSictia,dEoiMil while vino. it lehimarioft,,wm, , - avier ~, i - ' - 1 ~..:-:v i irc""l'lrr.T"waee 4 1 ws - Ais , now, yitrieg439 ITT &arm sixak wi.......a0•' - • ..tt' ,, :: , 1 GI e4,0-110#0* - :,;',O irvansynivailfeJl(o4,6-: i t " 4 41. ... 0 f ' 4 44 ,0 ** ( P4 1 :4 101 : 4 jA , . , ' 7 "....i I - - ' ' EMM= TACK ik:BER, Kl7==3 Crude l& Mug Petroleum, Benin, ie., womr rumearkEtnna. sohltitod to par taro vlll. timbre oar War tO Eiji& ilklitlAiniat7 • Illtokar.• IMARlOnaclit vb. est = M '. Thai. I=bl:ea, Disk X. A 4, FL 4 14 1111111/4.7iVika: :-. et; izaziaßFßA. .oAUAtacianinEWPM o /4 1111 _thz natiodod =chewy.- an . catilleli mod strnneD 41 IUDRAMPFE9PdoNt 4 ao ottoot4oo pi% to s ouilrlA tz Rom , • Z lah r 4 .. l " :thi E lC l.l l . ° P. 4 - B F A 4 4 4. Alf CA l a ri°l k lj .,B l LlZ i Erl i t: iurioysirpgaumwizm, ,114kearrapsortearacr. - - CrlldertallinellnedrigrOllelina• amnia SODA. 60DL -ABM/ BSIMESTI)N4 ''PA1.F111..4.4414 ' 10 Willi igiviseovtlyinendled & 'NUMBS, PiIIZaDIELEMA• Clommission • Aterchaats. tozdat attenticolptid to ccoodiptoonto CRUDE &REFINED PETROLEDEs Cor Ideal lemmas Ends. HENRY ROE, N 0.13 arts Taan mar. BELOKIIi #ICD ocaugsatoN 113.21304.4 T Crude and helloed Petro/cum, 1.11/31110ATING * 01.1. ALNIVBSNISOLI, I tad &ilia. to Melo and Bdlned EITEOLAIX lomplus snitly B lmmu/, BIIILILBA 00., acmiasszor zulaccimirra, Glom MOM Mt LisMisr OIL WOB sr mina .4.sares Made acips4e, Befitted or Crude Petrele CbteDMatadi 'PUT AID 810000. BUZZ; ,Frensimes. ry ramitanr- on, wom.o. - • ITABBON - OLL. 111:1110101tAIID .tanuntarntit . - out„_ , ono deables ta: At az DA .PIVERCEIBUIL ' :PrzeispfscPij wawa. wz n rmoss &eo ?oacraii*orr Ariummutimil. seaproas op PavzooLictrai," III2FAXDIg LANZ 21117 YOl/4.1 , . . . moms Ito ow Aso* 111081413 AIID RiNG. at thdt arid star. HIS Zisai. - . . need. *On - - embeaseen4 r7-beba saibtaieta& What they as Mee Oafs OU -berteled ad without totteldos theOU7 Whereto. as eramptr'vtth•hme tisk latablr Vat ts -- rfOrs:ozz'reliA" . • bath" Anigais7 Teti Banned, Obare tainnaPL Itll able GU- hi Mesa *eat thr beam dtreal w ; ll l the aim isi pm ett.tee 1140 without sae ' . AU erase i=s.: IlrOttlai data, an Mhos, B. Post Me alarm. DOI at am be team dilly state Oillbabeetrut, Ricauxumicel,,smaswagoal, clltuiYok* ka!' hauts, •.; • • t - • ••i ppplcp . 11 " is . !! 41 2: 1 7 8144 1 %.* 1- j*4*. 1 Mfinniall Inagl=lll MillOrgh 011111110 1 ra KIVA& 7) • --- „ • . enumna Nannitsaft._ , ' Iticania t ltaiian.itinclositental Ent., mama 114 OMIT AtgliWOßl'S; . . JAI 11: f_J 1 Alen ABMS rottisling*tonouateighant d.,:i1,11D masa *tittle' :" a.o.)lta nztft ra.. o PIM • vaA tr a rg ist i g Iliudifialber . //014 ' Wale. uoviriio) . '•mk '''' ' ' - vim ..---,- •- , WOODVILLE OIL EFINBEY4 , 5,1 • : 00,10 litallannaP 4`9a. • .", -1 Suukambillir cis.-. , •-": 1 -=" `: AllfiglEllikellall#LUDlßlMMlNVMe,' liPlamdcslip nary IreVir Pi L iliNg am illtthalt aw arts Loa 41404 7 4 arAnadiss habitat ill , - , _nr • "Liiiiip Rai IlrairoLlearoidit b. pm , tr. numpNweth-iveicp, I Ar•- - ' • t rillardia /GE= ewzaa7,t , Cl ti .Affifon,„ nit • 1 / 1 10 M 101 Nu tithe tc" smug: uALI T IRNOMET I M OP MIMI on. •-qttav: Pll7!TF_dir-W,awl - -.1 - 201w. r il.t: nr•rf-,L. p..1-Vn`A` '-irtrs a. 174 .(k RIMICIMWEICIfia. of , . Mii!;= ' VOLUME, LXXVI --- NO. 281. OILS, tfp. PH/pAILPIILI. Aiwa' of tbe PMEI ~~~~~ ~~'~. -,. 5 . x < •, OILBr 4e. RI:D.I_4 a MBE. oozarsiffoi NEBOHANTIL tad !act= to rsritoratri AND PHOITCOTS, OILS, 0LVD1124;04 131 BROAD Yam 93 WATZII LISP CreAmalat lathe POLTLLIED HrOONEEn3 OIL WORE& BMW 1013 E rair,Arriss CAIECUI COMPABIL a 94p1Tail Vf?A• Gi i"V SI, MI" awns c. crumb WALLACE & OURTM, 00IIMESI09 112030EAN2A lardealen aanz & QED PETROLEUM. nirezum AND LIIIMIOATINO OIL% neto - &H SIP Ampli bdTramsend ihipplitir cn thi&bollgU,SluriWast-Phlladelptis. 3fq::!/*40.1F.:6 (MasUNREKs OIY naosEns, 211 said 213 solidi Water. Fa.. CHICAGO •ts soileted, LTD&T A Onaumma, trstiCity Oil Works. JAOC3 harm. 2. ParatszACCo. • .. , Jus.`Ti Mama; epang, Ctalfrost d Co. . "coos sun. •'% ; surrnisr at est. pETROLITB OIL.WLIBILL4f tunrimoroass ram lam cumarf on, lirstna aim Mign•IPNI maul:Ammo om. Oapiatif h. tbcsissad tarrablper wsotr, REEIBII 1 r.0R.43T, Propridoti. • or laza, womnigtaida Bum, PUtthargla. min . . . LfflittJWCM _ - INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS BY INEIMMTS COM PANY 0,1 PELIL4DBLPHLL Ottcoolg ¢d Chsalautltnet, :Lax 11111. atateatemf el blots, Jammii Ist, -MN published . agreeably mll4 Aimmbly, being— lint Mortg toages, ,40. am I ly secured— AP prAlt eC Beel Matey - et vaL 5108,314 61) east Tempmary.Lams, oa ample Collsterer • &mule/ • 84,1:4 JO Stab, (ptessubselue 6 8 8,067 78 Y - orlt-w -13 . 785 eo lioteaaad,)3ills l i p. al Chish - • ' 27,81 D CO . WOW/ 1111 r Tiu. =di thdlta hors yrapabma whir.% tail a Oalayeaty., cm, dhida by law ars haa, sista mat ' • naignMtoloode.on wis7 deocriptfoo 'of p j . rtt i h= c t: j o i tootentaT, is totem el law as an _ 131noe theft iticarptc . rl;tion,, &period of, thistywa a, they hare paid loateirby fire to in stotrtmit cuotxticg Aar Magi DUwei.thereby affording evidence - of the edfloatagel of Itatuattes, Oa well as theirabili• Void cifirpoeltiOil -tb' meet with procartaits 4: I • s axles D 1111470111: s pina:M . ' Lulea 'Les. sttai , w i' vl ie r rA . Stcrink.. ; 'Geo. W. Bkana - 114 , Bamstal Grana mmia c.r. y a k s . • aitbam, NDWASDO. PALA Woe Preidast Vs. - A. saga, swan, pro - ' GAB 00.171/1, Apia; saYil Ms Sonless: CDT. Wood A Third so. INSURANCIB MORA - Intim krassuaint. - Zoke,sti.:aviskritwit, .apaziti Im Alms=go= xl tegu - , Msks. -4-fal , WhilealgiCepewsagarbizt6ectemeici. giro ilia Imam is eV 040 seissito lur N aT im aid-awratigrio okone-er_ l a arifiniAlfred pittrtiosiethoor derby to be tinw , OcTo . soxe4 ..........;: ja:co .....»,............is„m go .... ages. _.....1udge.......rupts u ' MIAs; II B. l lll e llnr, Jr . I Andrew i .il ... % • :Alszattor %nor, ' - liallsolol Odom, _ . Ladd IL Loa& • , . ,- /gas..Ntilltdc,' Bees J:Thomis, 7,l=E a Dazdo. 1. . - Benj. P. Diann% ... 'IL aaith. John 11.11'peumr. , ...".0.314142)26=14^ , m 730, - , . 7,. a. GORDON. eviermik xrou. INgURAgOB' CONt'IOP sosur)i. raganaLraia, hiatus* ex of the State of-Peozeti p ILLDsLPau. _Hartford piro lasandee Colipany *Oll - Ingmes thisboviold ulyd to - reilatiipT pain bottrbialnad tritapplictilaa 17 .• P. Jon .I;+4 Airs IhdMltiaLSTllistseitrk. CIMMIBINSIMURE 4 IOIICOMPASI ...iv OP PECTINSURIM , Oillor% %rpm * 11l WO 0 . VTatfci abuts; ssamil loor. • - : - .0 7 i- 221,08a. ntaivitarl.stiouist l -- '''''' • •-4: 1'1 ..:!'n'..lit: call nu a=irat rattriV 1441111* Inn. Liar- 0- or di , Sais.., 1 - -. ,P=.110141101010113010 ~, &plat wo sad dome weft. , , .., c-trU, I 1187 . -V- - I , All—lais - - ~ ~ .- • b i l. ..... . 4.. 1 , : ex , , c. : , .....,. .1. ..,, Akan!, -• .... '!, r:r .;:i:,..1 ,c,... N 600411 plormsmanuarcutOODlPAN I: o.2*raixiiiiiiiicid, , t i ot i i : 14.: *Mk AitailLißlEß iIiBUWICUL •- lirjr,„MiN.:'34l. ( Ilizazieta: ,k .', ,j : 1r art.,.... 5.1M , 1 g ..t7 •i' - ' ^AmAppi rialgr, i ..Ww_yralishp , , ;Araimstepors;;i - - - :” . . -, sl 5ai.t.3,41.7...1, . " --- '" j - I° ! UtWAl T" * .# 4;il .. :~ ~ Ara% l• 7 411HOZINaVozar.` I Mc frawnwaYiossiorfgareno tratieentiramiiiaiisida r • -; : 3',11: OW. ML jGoeri . . y„, .IMI tir14;74110 - tloz , 341261114,% .%\ , . W itk itr` • _ , 1' Malt 4: :I: - = . larratinalP ' • •-illdaddsixabl the atimplia af S , SW. 4 ' 40,61904 4 tril .. e ',Ca at pea. IM II 1 • ! itAzIA.7 Si 0,2011 7 .;: , %0 riff: tit ...xt) pnlifijinEßZWMFP7iMmer Isimitothavaistbs al AWAltifealWit"gt9-44"6‘411'''i ; ("i7e3t Ciiiiiiitly: tpsiV, 1 :11;a7116;"..,-11J-Ti.7 . 171 777 _, I , ,i l _ l _" "-P,"P li e S i a ,. ir: .,. „, ,—. ~. ..- n „ .a . . - M ---- i i , . .r.-I: , r j aa;rrryL . 7" -c i iiel"FkiltrariirkelliWidonts; 4 r'M'Mr9'Ml ,~:. ;'~:' Wit::; ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers