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Yesterday's thrtalidg EditrOlL TANiet frontt Rani/Sills= Sanded Mt • Clackamas . • N - Vi r i ire haabtedie Tho for the [amidst intmesting from Nub • Tiger allektillumthtP97: l 446 son._ c eirnias thetroweled of Dhebattlecon the. Chicksmaugi c as.oosulectird• IlitialAcesterass. lions of the batted Stites Saoltary Commis /10501 1 ; • t. 104,1803 florae Nohow/lit, ;Eq., • *. "s9ateri t i Smits, sasetistestat — isooDutio / - Osir'tarty • .s. st -- 9 S'obiolta" • sliosurlist Sato:dm - • . • dtroorro sunset. About four ears ;' crowded with, passeugets, but themoue lit ikalteineirt at s Usirville; on the train; or at / ,• , I -girding the last battle that had just beer , • ,•; - fovea.: The 'West • re was tat • - t frPtiktbakcif:Pne,flutirsio4lm* the time of Lee!. Itiendon.4l R eiroan l / 2 . b4 - • . summer, for the ulna and bat-, the hats, In thieMein r , ' molting, it Insilith UM/olt mo smldobtahr, 4 shtsatiatistrto itintillittnesse to done - • Orene'•Secont snnsivinsente:'- Contudinion. • statements were wafted-en ivory breezy, -es, stn as farad to the nowspaprond it wait Sot until Isesdarthei hay in &WU% we •• had eat itinneeted imaninted; Was and its malts. After same ilshlisur army " War temsellaii tirsolattirler t aim ~tc, fall -leek= Ohattiaoogittor Oticisiole- tuition "ironproteett sood ettvmydpybflw IA their fethavo.te rout troopsadditro them Into "the Tennessee. Shoe tbs. grist UAW was - Ought.= the - Ohkttelhe*Pisimsral essofu attempts bean reads to INONI the 2hlLeinforawitethallove/ithsi/Wor,Chatta- , soogs, bat the woodiantim admit.? molt audertakings snip at estabn teas whisks .44 , sess.. itrongly - g uarded Omar ow* troops. The .. 4 ^.-/IMDtad oommtuttration from thbeity 'stands mill to Deldroport, and as the country be :,-Oweetstitat nouttint,chattatmegolain pos- SKltessian of the" enemy, ail our rcorosments ./. - '• ;" ,, cad - Fougprise have to protein a long way tal - mous ever th stun no,t or am% la the same road all the Iron 84 kau been --ssalisnblithartomMr or_iartailed In &mho lesseer;- Thbesonstjorou a great impediment Ali-the.peogras on e toroori a d...oares of "sultAingiO our -0 latest-mewl fo;dof fiat thefront b that 13 taleoga will bi held; and than& a strong probability- that eh/tow= is already' withdrawing his mom . ' Element% is la position on Rotociarde left. to. -••-• -.Valera rettanktormovement. We bed 6,000 cavalry yesterday at Bridgport, and abont "'&,000:troops have pissed throngh this city vitals clew days, es the advance; of Vs re :itsforsamonts en -route from he Elan, sad from the libeirolppl. The military authorities have token exclusive toms/don of all rolling ' stook tooth of Louisville. Prom thefts that ;-'•• Chattanooga might be attacked bt overwiseltn- Tiurnostbers;;our thoughts now bonud - to the Itetortioot Bragg may set escape beforiltcre -. erialab ready to take the ottorilva The/number of killed and woondect la the battles cif the 19th and 10 thins,u4 has grad ually demised as-worsts reports hour been , rushed. Littbr arttiltry was non by -the ' rebels, - buses* of :the rough ground and z" this& woodhand -.their louses were beyond doubt much -greater than ours.; About flis tholuond wounded bats actually arrived in this aft, is/moot-whom have procoodsd further , tne":nrat majority of 'them are 'oolfartably. provided for in the nospi. -tals of oat city. These oases are; of_ course, L those of the least severity, as. SO din , . germ:sly isjuredumn couldvalk or - cm en- Car, the Vide of fifty miles from Chattanooga to the railroad. About 1„600 &Mont wound ed are reportssi.sa Chattanooga, and sattial houtdred,:pshapo.c thousand err all, and at .• diferent point. betimes hue sad:thetio. ' The larva - part of our dead, and many of - our re sesuly wounded,must hue Wien IA tie buds __.,..ottlutansloy-on-tbst:'retreat--sof ',Our 'tofu: -T. tradas a dig of true _a .1103614 o.lllollllded • hive already been within ouribror bit it Is painful to think of the. stiffsiaks or thous who remain o FlNCilsorebels- seedbecare Find mmentstalr CO' haring of the - itstate -• oorpecfcinipatort ad, relief agents pushed forward for*ora by the Sanitary' Ikcsolision to Join thossainady lathe-Mid whittle/ming ' of ths,Clumberlasol , oar frommunt,taton trlth Atenu establish** feeding italics,- lit 41*U:sloe , .11111lt •Bridg•part, at which the , SoI:SW olo‘, •-; -tall farm food andilititit Son'iming :Oohs' farm to-this eity, An addition do - the lrup. piles im.thenebund•Madrona, oar Imelidter ear load wore_ erom9W,- sent LOnisTple and this ambubtrulle watch brought the wounded &scrotum Chat.", woos& touts - railroad' reamed 'laden - Sith • our stomp. Yesterday twenty army orison'. ware Obtained, and to-day thirty) Morepind were loaded withupplies for the tunic-Thou shipments will doubtsess hue ilagtimatila 'she fabric/ saving of life and Preventing of auditing, as our. repot - is from.the toll of -_--/gtest-stslkgsmeyin-hospital-suppilem - Should • the second battle; that now aunt Immin4t, - taketioqe, there . must i tse gust mar and now . lothotimstokthittiondsot the cause to , pot forth,in isSoinitionsotiresCorts. • • The sick and wounded soldier* in this sdty spy this excellent ,Ituildthgo • which wore - taken far haitibtlil long iga.,by the medical • sailhOritiee, and teapot map on la ay or thieity.'Binea my arrival ltere visited with • /- Dr. •Pattonr theittimPresidintl'Ofs-tholCht - eago Eli/nits:7 ConsaloSoil;all'ihthil,',POUtu - floor: ' The fitutstslo - ,kalliing fasten two _ - _---secrurgotaussot - ultilateifwat Wed 1 with hospital Cote; a large 'Wok - toetory . used for merly forrho manufacture of - anao,'niolton a sound szaellent hospital, copabisot tioldlot assay istuoirodpatients.'•Themiliteriitollege, . -sacral high selsoolt, two louts inn's large umlaut building, withltill ether buildings are stmilaaly. emotoyed We semitmem with the CUSmsdoomfort skink surround our brave boys when sink and mounded. They lie on dan faith bentotLitt' rawmuk -whim sheets andpillow oases , that often boar_ the mirk of some Northern Lidice /fan tedateill. WitlL:mniovitto bars ate provided ' forth. potlents in almost- every ward in the sity.laseviral.kmitais ebecksiboards and • booklabounded, and in one I saw *number of - • sma-olingr alai bilhe Pittsburgh ladies. .VAOPOOt amAted bon hit firths-mitt Mood to beriklnganettl great ooratut -• • ellasthat,r.w&kedthekindladythatmadell mat have sea heap watt tinn e d ea purpose the Neatest Direr for In this city, Ii ffsehor • di in the ideation's for his faithfalasel "Jr and silloionezothiclt save now se much to .4 • ;, .4mproil ,thcaattlitin of hospitals. In Akio lalsoodistoliatiltY r aid okra' is Of • 7. Desk ve4itiblia,(ordeps and potatoos,)driod ~/.7 and pickles. -The:IMMO dit•sist re - Mu that change and satiety 'ot food width is lo Important for Oar welfare. if these . - Isetimaro-kustwit-throughent; Ikel i try, ' 2.. among dm generous farmers of Pans Iv a Ma, they would doubtless fund& snob p - • bountifully to, the Sanitaryllionunission d.Utributios:' . - . , , •1 ' • Dating the trisent soisergeuey r the Neil- - - cal Mutter Itactounditseeluary to Soupy • our otioblion• Homo!' lor a hospital.- 'To our ....erorkstElproft 11 ./ 6 f t4lll-Is -Amok to do; iletteme-lteth, ledivhittel aoldkromieding nes9v4W. , -• especial astistiinoe r and many friends pith -fonrirsita; Sad - Mai wounded, and eau tot e . noisome then ihm_digr. , Zepkei who • ; , ' hulas licantlentinea la y ithiheCorasolorion • Continues line activity *ads saifebtes*: - 81; I • madorklud inquirlso Dribs Pittsburgh ladies , , Ake has been to eepogonsVsele M,,'„ -L.. -.The-Chleago-Sanitary-CoMmlssion actin - set itsilinutions; with marvelous gOnmotity. ,A short filsse'agai shipment was man ' ecisttel t AV" sae , fm th e ;Stabr orthArsutern Pair aro progressing • the satisfanotyAloser.): list& Brat reopoot, !remain; sir, • ` Yours, respectfully, - - aid the. Orclui , eel. _!..... L: _IA--4-114-ean'lrrinima__ilin-o-ir..,4,-iiiiikthisitiipoiathiliatetrithiott gii - didocsaaiiPtilotnoit . , -' i , s h e d. iiiill4lvit itel i i il l i. - * Pe rm q • I P ir '''' 4 1 4,1 last the, ant , 11417_11“. ..., . ".. . ow lb ii Alas I ~..._.. ..".. t.8 ,.. ii i iii '-orate4; 1.1 order to " LI O I-6- 7'• ' - 4Mitill „1. E.! a t.„-- IsrliOW 144-bs- 11° ,4' thOiaiili-t°'""" --.' fastazumr. ID `''''' ' ,•-..% - 1 1014,1 a*ot t a t ". °I with this ferentklolo**Xlol7 w y s ibb mem . , , iiis tioit, Ent mu° plariniii-ii ---; g,.._.;';,11 W•loOtioi have :-.---;,-" zi t ri iaidriiorig.. - -ma -,.'''' 4 1 ;1 .3 -1 4•Nli-'-rnr: - . i i iit il t* . seposotloN 4.....v.,:4- ' • . :;-,: :..,+ at>. ..:•,?_ ; _.•• •• i , AICOMI, :.: 11Xli ,: ' . .., .. . . - . . ; Ontlabiati -l iiiinliA .0i • Oh, the rell- rein 'ilia 4sinetsoi:OCll6 • DI. P. dune, 1 -77.. .7-.-- .. , 1 liiidition r , tinotuddwiWaSbbilion 000ntls and iiiiii sin iglu — fin M Minton was biernint. id in nWons , samillikal ,, . . The pas- Ms, Bwr. Donaldsmityo man of a mild. modest .disposition,. and ldmwnktiotl:s -'oiMM*dii.; took Onsuldfria, elmosii - of4iiir tOltlOt to ' entonetior - dove* 'titoszot ottrouttletal &Y,' kin the whom oody of ..00ppethusir tons, the Noma in Jilts adult% and loft the eli Ono Of the* when nut' iki'dobt•idolfol, lisp - min book Ind this - Titer tisi•Bili=r ono or two Mon Maid the: diet . high& exit Aron z the,salotamy r .4',lhoss alta r 1110 1 Rot ant wanted: to ite,imih and v tios Pastor •fitztraul'iinipt4 berths-of . o f the more mind' seettilidtoad list — 1 . timid way. oaths ..exweelsoli of Jibe ' - eli wont an to dimionlose ,ma if nothing .ha - "01: ' In . thls liontrallual *ink shout '-men; women and ebildten; watt Ow/ . nrwe' ad 'Mu hen. siolshisotadoinpeshoab:and Woodwuditos mo MR 5igt,,,T111.443 PM* Ott cinema I Itat;aliossloa, 7 00 .coolild, n sit end* the 1 IlseMoy'doko'or:Ozii.of Sit re noel:: twin + moniosithott emit mentos of , gaunt profaning the lord* . briskthi the mnse,andiln altert i ligowing o Ibsiolook that coned d o lt hisaufniliot gay the'gcmon= Most or tion,.ith a r u m. .„ :sane is a diScons.'lo tho:.whole Mi us e - and no _manor not. of min! Would la ty of such aseiteit'Of binned indor ' llidr minds MIA lainste:weri.Woisonsd .iilA=doory **IS or thOtif t tui*444 oo _. .. . .._ '.:.'.',. Aei a - ost 1.40 0 1 Co - .... Ilen. . . attit• , _L. 0::n _ _ GVICA A _ . meetitgef the Bard os • • al Canton . as inte tat Allegheny tint • •g. The of lilts Proodfoo6aa Anis tent Dna dad a/Selma Ward &builds plus of Mise.Cuoilita A. Moody, vie resigned on assorintd inhalators' eanArsaa, and an addltionalaseson -, tooter area: snowed to the Band Ward.. The tollarlig sesolntions Nara weed::.- • • Doseteel:: Mame eongrabdate Dui Wah ine upon the .susesafal=satloil of the District Balla* on a baidb and to accommodate our salon to tholdurof out = dims adopted by them„ we do *retry rescind -the thlcAtesolation in az aatlen et Aorta 20th beginning coltesoleed, thaithe afternoon of each altamateEtataday be daoted to a leir tom etc., and substantiate the ibUowing: Beroletd. That the licit boa in the fore noon ameba of ash alternate Distinct*, fiaterclay -(neida& etc fistarilay in each monta.)be cleated to a lecture by either of the Principals, or by each other capable por ton as may he *homily them. • '''llieTtinclpalt of the salad imamd sellools mere-r gastodici adopt..the time of Messrs. B. M. Orr A Bro., as the standard open , ing and clubs Schools. ecifirs kroceedings Before the Court of Quarter Sessions ibis morning: In the woof the Octnirtionwealth against William C. Elliott, surety of the pewee on oath of J. Wells, eta party was or deed to pay one half the cro . The coos of the Commonwealth against fdtp. Elisabeth Longstaff, surety of the peace, on oath of John Gartarothotad avian Au gust Sacks, 'for aseault ea battery; end Against John Garmroth for :aseatdt and bat toryton path ot Elisabeth Longstaff , were all tried tab morning.. In the last ease, the verdict. eras,. not guilty, and sank gouty pay hell the costs; In the, .gra t case, Ellilteth Lougetaff Was ordered to pay vets of mu dation and enter into racoguisanos in $2OO for One year, la the tecond cue, the defendant, Seeks, was found guUtyt, eenbuios deferred. In the cue of the Couunonvalth against the Birmingham end Brownville Mr.:edam lead Turnpike Company, the buy rendered • reidiot of guilty.. In the Court of Common,Plass, the case of B. o,lllYde spinet Ebony, Brewer aid others, is still on trial Mum. Hamilton, Atchison arid Shinn for plaLutiff;and Mcßride and. Marshall for difendints. quottiticintii loraii*!, of tho - leuielitala 'at 'ltessint : talierm Bothau ti suzu..—.. Boata Goa& par Bank Mita pornatid as Hems. Baia k Lary itotrEeporier. 14tu Ifirw 122PiEnalitstas. X lbw:lark Eltet lifew-Tat par -21 e. X rlana: Iltimbargb par Wk. al Pfttilegb,praut 42 Wleof Sam ow - u 1ttZ=2.02., ',25 Bank; t A4c2127 Utst:of 041222.126. , 11:044 02.12taier.. 24,12aithicies: pi/ 41/014;.• Then* Wbeens,... -W24421202440bi5... Illottza2-410124 idetphib 341 oent:atel lenir babas tam% Oldo" Par Wham. Indiana v bok stata.:-0 Wlnnla iamas# . I 1111c.tdgan 1 1. Goads on if nr:fork end rail. 414 and Silva at SOWS P..Banisaitaao, of Co. B, Bth Noastoylvaala Boonvis, mu , drOwasd awe boat Philodolpbto, on Batarday, by bilßas from a . . . CA.RPETZ-+O7l, CLOTHS. RAWLINS. I s° In/ O A .1?• 1 = TB. ;TNT APANID, AT 3&14' A Imp sattrAsectorbles I'M es WU Al nA7 Areig. adistke egos bUr psius. • W D. st ILIVCALLUALI, S~TTEW FALL STOCK JUST OPENED • At MI NEW CARPET STORE 'O7 McFarland, Collins 'I4LOn Ti AND 73 rip= si.; Boma Itka Post Mao aaa Darla* indirmi;•' niabi lm i ialcaima taa are. daltag Da aaaaaf fanaablasoadUiza el the maitatsoa soot nisi** atal campletaamisiant at Ur imnies laid *Ant CARPETS. Ott .Cionas, ~ow RAM.., • • • "Ws are maw aillatag rob `AT,PRICUEI 4:16 A TEAR; ACK:t. By bar 'ream:ak ar a n fa p=ier IR WV. a l mat clamal ant variorum/ y lap. WI Jaw afir tO buial dowliolaida saa /7/ zurrazET:ffsw AID .lilBB ' "Votawased by ay roir And la _ abates. t rIN BALI. & IrATILBT. FORGE PLOW .iOIIXII, prraguisas, „ , Xassfsetareat watt Males is sII tits Cliirsat Hada -*Loft i:Gtimulk.“ COT- Tnre SOUL as, Ina - gnat! Issila har dateg truiss:An lams Salt* ilsolvat, gin tes oil. Kaath•mm i•sperneVvllls. Warslot •o ak. Osellsallsi sal JOIN 11• Id SA. Mini' 41% • - T. J. NAM STIPA= wooDA, ate. 3. szow,N. PHOTOGRAPH . AIiBORR.-.Yire hi 4 whams int but - • - 120 . 0111anraiSuas - to ta• ell•tillatsa l : ~•14•10111 1 am. ea 4 j wow tofu; taiga mato luau inallt, sr* mad. tysolttot.- 48 - ta• maul 11.1 itta•Vems , =t o o l aSit oaks at Albans tt.or adrtg i tat , .1. auutp, r& --ftmusniugs. • ' 177 — f - . ThiWilMoldllBlil r Zi ODE to:tom:a' woo. b. LrrnmoTRUIIII • anis suo .. 4 iMeit. .Y 4 it y,c LATE TELEGRAPHIC 'NEWS: .t•OB3 Of IN OMNI BMA Gen.. Burnside's Position. 118. _MIAOW Horn. Rdltar-ot the Raleigh Stand ard'ageassheated. FIIGLAND, rung AND THE BOUM epeeist Itkpiteb to the Pfttstarel Guatt" Pilunanru. 04. 7. 1863. When the bidet of this Wu' le Ittnteks General Lee's roost of the baths of tilettp burg will hold an important piss in history. It le In adnnoe of eau BleadVe molt Gen. Ibbsido holds to-dagiall the pains In North Carolina, and tits entire Gott:edgy south from Raezvills to Calhoun, on the Rowans' Rine to Onenvib, on the bet busses* aid Virginia Railroad. Rim pod-, then is one of groat strength. Prom Newborn, N. C., we learn that Mr. Salaam edltor of the loyal-Raleigh Shoulard, had ban assassinated. • Jag Dub has seat I prostitata to i sberesd. Mason, -in London. The isontsponiant of the New Teak Hamad mita • Mrs. Grano* and her youngest daughter are now on British sell, and sagio•nbsidom are straining their naves and 'purses to pt but ups purse, soma nay dresses, and a ear flap and Ant, wherewith to ulonish the ti n t Though the madam was the Widths at Washington dining the palmy _dip wherein Ilalhoun :and Jeff Davis were_ he magnates, she will, without doubt, be la ded with open arms bp the West Ender of London. Davis has recalled Mr. Mason and out Mn.s Greenew, with full credentials, to All his place, and assist Slidell is Co. at the TuDlaries. If Mn. G. makes good us of her oppertn attlee, the wW probably athlete m Mae tem porary celebrity, bat :I would advise her to make hay while the son shirrs', tor the must. ling walls el Charleston, smoldag amid the nibs of Greek are, will make a bola In the prospects GLUING! be 'Mend by every breach that le made in a Southern stroagholj: Poor Masoa's now Is out of Joint, mad a petticoat rates the rout where the out at el baumout of doors Ambassador was emu to air la dignity. Boreign fetters In receipt by the Preadult . of the Board of Broken this snort/1n g, de clare that England will never nits with France in recognising the Confederacy. Richmond—Statement 01 a Colored Bat bar. Niw !oar, Oat. 7.—The Macs' Washing ton correspondent rays that a colored barber, from Richmond, where he has resided for the W t eighteen years, and who has been in dai ly cannot with hiding rebele„ sins that the battle of Chickamauga is not , considered by the people of Richmond • rams. and that Itiohmend ran arm, be easily east:rad, if the Yukon went it, and thin °Moen of the ar my have frequently said In his hewing it would be abandoned, should the army of the Potomac advance in force. Many chinas as sert puldion they will not offer any mu tangs in ease of an attack, because it would be ut terly unless. People ire daily sending their of farther south, in anticipation of the cosalng of the Yankees. 'One day last west the State Quard - was sailed out to suppress a threatened bread riot. Hundreds of the employees of the Government, with their wins Ind wins of soldim, assembled in front of the State Capt. tol, armed with; slabs, and other mintier, demandiag of the autboritin relief for their starring children. An exteruire riot was only pmrented by the prompt action of the Stets Guard, and promises of the State au thorities. The anion of the Virginia Legislature, last Pilo), would snai to antra the statement that Ine's forces, between the' /tepid= and Petersburg, is only $5,010. It is Inggestirs of dm fact, mentioned by Ms colored MID, that Stint Itas felled to pt a commission as Lien tinant GenereJ, on amount of his nunterons defeats. Melo:410g trom Europe. BANDY NOCE, BSA. T.—The Peoria, from Ltverpool on the 25tb, via Quenstown on the 7th, bee wind. Tdortextf, Smirk, Starin --Oottos arm or and miehinged. Bratattlat 'Ora, Pro- Orions study. Musts Centrai, ld to lid dtsommt ; Etio, TI to 753; Console, WM to 83,0. Arm s, Sipt. 25,—The Mins has ore:2mnd about 'eves feet along the tine of Lyon, and th em e witch, manta to submerged along the ks. The Pew% Alabama and Georgia had TU. Mad the porta of Ospe Good Elam and had captured sad burned several vanes. The stemma Bandrabolt left SC Selena on the 20th if dupla. in paean of the Alabama. and bad caputmd 66 prtw. lion', latter to wnon withdrawing from Landon ' waa pnblialted. It quota Davie' inemedene,:raybg, that it barns thilkitish ginarnmentle 'determined to de. Madly °Minn., tad will net Mein& "aWilaturr. alto Winton. ma longer oonsh. tont with the dignity at the ConlWarate crinumst for liana to' main. .-, Polish rpiettloir is managed. It Is Operiwi that Baron eteninformet Rol Bus sull that Wyss :Ms oplaton of the Traub gammunent rilativi to the POW' %arab. tient, that it isNpriferablo to dose a =tau 'girenstion. Our Prieenliiit hi Itichosolid”Robel Coascripump•Condinos of Mops tiny Toni Oat. - 70—TA. Ilentkr• dlepsteh from Washingtop states that Co arranpoeust has been nada for the Moab, pl. aeon held inr.the nixie at Prieonitts of war atThelmond. .Tha captures tic tho.battle seer Chattanooga Imo feereasinf rhosumber fo tom , 1 4 00 d. who small cronibilsto'Llbby Prison. Widle.the rebel; sze,dielitingiltify:oo dash diem and man erchanodund.puttlng. them in the geld *gala, they stlll bold. an, to oar odlcesS aid many privates,as wallas elefilant. -Ifutadsy-rres the dby for , enforting the conniption In Vlrgils; White's arealrgilri amen evade, were mutiny Serfs* 'coneth pktklng up all On. that ostuld be fount, and stualing bones. otilli gangue sed slang In close prortosity to our dersnses,and threat ened an ittintiOn, thi Government farms, but the strungttrof *guard onventad them from making asp attic:pt. ti le ' Deserter' frour the armyrontlnue to s thro potomurbelow.stlesendria, nottrittu! d - 1111.118 .. .Aldine's - of the. flotilla. ,-, , - _ of the oundltion of *um or the inratra;fhptekobe4 aro Mango at the 'Agricultural EOM vary Wm ir: - Thy ICH be smarted for publiestionja blew dem and will le of Moro than useisfinuiortanee. 411 1, 5Y011id Deelinfed4lcepbcrtion of __. , ,iliefenseor as pispws — o li - Nair York, Ont. - I.—, 1 Waltham letter' of the 20th, to the . Thseildi Ryas Az law dors sines Capt. Beliaffor, of the 85th War Tort, with swan dotal:tunts of the 101st and 1020 Pennsylvants and his own restoisiii, visited onetora 'MU works goer Woad and deetvored thsenks,which wenssopPed with wrought iron- pass and shout one hundred Valais ryff mgt. Vie *nem asking *boat age 'lautdridrint AO boatels per night and tont lag it assess iAaaitnet Bound to canoes. Capt. &hob, found no ribs% and thaverlur.l *lre destroyed without opposition. I e I:llrett. - .:Piek and staff started on s few 4 117• 1 bislarffon or the defenses at Washing. Son,PlynienthatolislokePland, Bottum. to. It.biaisted that tansffie ago the oltisens of laud= sad Rabbit cantles had petition., ad to Jeff.,Divls to tiewsWeiby removed from thiamin's", as the lollies 'whisk he ,ospaires Myattsempetute tor Alf lama Ulan and' animate. dons no by the Union troops In I vomit or Mut Jeff. Davis =dam Stuart napottiod to the , people, stating that. tha &al tot see the good - done bj Mosby, with s r elute forge of 00'01MM imply/ad 'lroned W yid* attitherisies beetilPlWlff= Nausstithirict sea OatoVerkQinsiazgr;i. natisi:ess*talv sokillited Apumatirsof Oistillatahlipuopt hap ;:llierPirate port& RsrYotyOeßitThas Petits; from L 1 pool on ikelGth and Quenstown et the 37th, Is below. _ Tits Weirs Part Uttar says the pinto Ylaridals being repaired by the floruotnintt =rum lad inherent at the Goventment dock.. What "hors' to ow she will sail ant nabs, altestflor sad W *ha/ faitacil sac that a Clonfodatatesaitte will ke re ta. _Thermo three Poing vessels of mar ea wakkoutdde, and the chances of an notion atokandasna , ze. Tito moos state that the Florida willows Brat dining theratenews4. This is not tam She wig ism the &oh bat net the port. • In the meantime chimers be joined by ono or two eollemptes. PtoM the 'Potomac army. Nair Toil, Oet. 7.—A dlapabgt from the Army of the Potomac, of the 46, to the Her. obillaws: About Ave o'clock today • rebel massager in theshape • 'of shale, paid Or b shit. • lie king wan on our extreme left, In the dlreetion of fanaessille lord, and as we treateskthein with ellen% contempt, they short * cessup theamunneent. - The-!Fade dispatch aye: A private In • ihe nd corps wee abet In the'-woods inside of our Huse near Bassoon lord, by therebeba On Friday last Its rebels were captured. An skills:7oTM, !sported- he nu muted by the rebsbyltldn a sone and half of Gin. Made* Itudiplarten, robbed end rehired. Repulse 'el Gea. Irritant* at Brash. oar City and Babsequeat Defeat of the Rebels. _ Como, October 10-41 re Beariag . Jamie baa laformadon tram primrose:4 jest -Item Sur Orleans, that Om. intaklh'a corps was repulsed in an ak cm Braemar My. M. terwards, or on th us 13th, ha again - made an attack and completely defeated the rebel. Thus was no puticolan or dates Oven. It L mid that Qea. dhsxmaa, at Memphis, be. nosteed ollital information of the ask. FINANCE AND TRADE WEDII3DAT, OCT. 7.--Th has Men • steady dilating rein ['Mogan day, and a trolls hop. a are enhe,talemd that It will orminue to min until then h • wall in oar deer., oe that navigation can igen snored. Ito one thing, perhaps. world be hailed with pester an laractim,by the paha plurally, and ateamboatmem in particular, than a rise a si‘th or ten feet. Llano one thing, we are sore, could le of mom benefit to the t ads of our city. Br great la the panes of freight on the western railroads at this point that tha depot gates ars 11'0T:tent!, chant don lug a greater pOrtion of the day, the platforms being hand losuidchmt to contain one-talful the rauchan din that is Lent there for shipmet to his west and southwest. The natural outied (rem this point to Cindercuatt,lcaisells, St Ueda, and, In fact, all the prlo ipid chits in the South ant West, is the rim e adjust aci scan as there le a rite, midden, to admit of a resumption of navigatiou, him so soon will them be a material Improvotent In trade In all Its varloem dew tmetts. Money matters remain unchanged w;th l'_e excep tion that Geld Ls a etude bower, being quoted at 1404 le New York lonia', • decline of % since yesterday, The New York Hama a iliondAy, has the folipw. lug interesting attic • on a caw way of speculating it le not general know. that • aortof Credit Ito tdita on • smaileade ham been lately established bare. Shure stack epecientlima beams universal, quite a number al scoops lick modatut einess• have been in the lubit, it seems, of talcum their mon y to I wile( operators of known ahrewdrose and luck, and beggiag them to use II u deemed Wet use ar two opennore, wtose gains hews teen conspicuotu, have found themselves ernoarnmeed by thew leaden of money to be °permed with,said ou. of stem hes .organimd the bn.ln,n on the plea of the Credit Co- biller, mud Only reaplsd. Illint” on the loom espies". Si us tea Wit -wing receipt Nzir You, -, IE6 This ceruilot that his thU rimy deposits] with the nudu■lgoed MZ=;ESMiii On the Ant ,dass d October, iltllllll. Atoll sn I July, the lindassogoot sad make snob &dolma as In ,Indonsist the mist stistasented b Ibis certifi cate may vassant, pith hooey to dm boLiss to claw his Laws to ten dap *manor, prostisd notice AMA on sub Usu. It L susdors4od that the nodenalgood Is In no one tik be called upon to dacicso ans at Us opera dons, and Ins general statements of profit or loss Is tube stonclashrs: lbo sevansations Damn amount Ospmlkd. , lathe: that tarp stuns cl matisy am beteg daily demised on them condultne tea. the story , at the prevailing mania for Mock epomlatens as • my amain mother: lt mill be remarked that the de-', paten mrsender the control of their money abm lately. are not entitled to rajahs what to MID( done wide le. and repose ceddrely. as to the result et apex. aliens nab lt, wan the hthor and bonerty of tha party with whom it le lodged. Our eyeculatecre will perceive at a glance the advantage enjoyed: WA angle men thee operating with the money- ef. a number of pareona /a many operetta= the weight of capitol be can, bring to LOU wdl imam gamma where weaker opera:nee wool fell. And alt Whit enjoyed experience to Well Wrest will meths el •••1131•US eavarteave derived from the feet that ine UM entered tan by the tepreandall rait t e aw bbied capitol are know onl am asan; sad carnal pcsalbly be defeated n the y to tematury or Vides cf any at the anociates. T by he ethane le, In a word.• mete adiplion allot/reds& liettillor to one epecelativeareze, with tide edition= that It is owe maw and net a company who wields the capital of eba opwalatars eurpgsd. PITTSBURGH HARKS TS WsziosasY, October 7.163. 1L9112 011.1114—Whse3 is Am mad ire nate smell fades of Bed from wag= at VA% Sul* Isla derala. sad sells readily from first buds et VA Com is Seta with saltiest libelled at 0.1.81,00. *us ihin, arid bold dimly et 718720 by the or lasi. Bye wactunp& hoar steady with stair dammed bat ascistnet, ode ilio bbis huh grcratel Extra lam. Bye Liar it willing it bb,1740.00 per bbi from stare. Gib contlncek to snla TM AM and Bay sup Le ontdad at Boni 13 to lb. Wined: Anus aro ogling at 14100 for '43" and - Odbm and 170 for Ora Awl, GranoMUM and Pow. Barad. Wee Das apla adunad, and aiDAs nom bald at Bonito to kbo tor prime to Mugge Itio. B=ll Ilia of itatunas at Irma IM to tboa =Dram to pat. up. Amapa range Boni el to 73.3. 111117—fi he satire bit not quotablp land ado 011 l loads from scar MS3O to Pipit ton. and lao balm on track at $2ll to , 00 par ton. The demand bm dle mitola appears to bart tam off otasidarably within Ma put to MILL PlED—sale on Mack of 1 ar Oran at $l.lO par owl, and ear pdpitalts at 711A0 Elddlintp may be qaotad at $1.133 303 1 i and Etta 11 1 47 0 t 051.75. bate dinunol and naillnithar; lab *1303 Own WWI at Itga., Gykra Bateluned bt gattad et 13f f 34 lad DialbliA Midin—as to pod dawn; and Fla Vegeta timer{ math runny at 13}(4141—onatl7 at intim r 3712118. EGGS—Battu fi dull bnt — WOW piraselng at pow fog 0 2:6tud and 66 to Or kw Balk dale OIL Ms 0:6111= Atilt at Mu of 6 Md. st 1154. POTATo2ls—Tbata fa a =Amato lead demand far kda OrPfine Asehminoaka lied Patch Blows, and we eat! Mull ids froir Man al listiriiai par , klbel, flew Biasi Potatoes are added at IP APPLii—Tbirdimand tr. fair, eat the market Middy with Wm el edkaa nagtolf from 6140 to 13.25 par bbl, demagog to griallty. 134113-giddy mkt' small War of prime ;Mlle fiam aloe at at $2•16 Pqr WO. BiLT—Npiistas is Am with galas Alm tint hands et LIAO par tbk, and $11,60 farm mare- II ACION-15 gold bat study with sal," et about' Wands quotation. WUl9Bl—ls vary Armand 'Common la aellk g at 62e63o—arane bolder. addidalw nfuiret.: Oct. 7-rber• le to an Sedan to itatittiatlit ,a4l toolbtlaalita theriorptioaltrit thus At Ida la! AtTla 01o.atadtiat etitttldeotla. totOttot tut quatalloar lam 000140 a Put to °nits." , °obi 41160 .0 0 claget tattaat4 ead Slate( ) !mot oat lir was dbmat of at Ea Ittihad It oat cut_ 411 41/16 bat Iltt% ilistaaloa sgutaukitigi ta MD Oat Pat of ibair o!selbir 1:* °Pmts. An °Or Otoo *ft tit. laid PO SW Ptbal ,4 o , to whim' sOfinbilf. sod looktattell; 4 8 6!, notokfres W.lWNlnd a3tl l vat IS Pc* pr. Nandas our bird" £,Mtc. &Mum par. bbL `l' • New lark , Petroleam Market. , Sps Mika oithap Mg=VlCeisda— ,igir,VostiOct‘T—Crado quisfoluf maul, wig( out u NCO the irrISIM Thin haped Mod dpgased br, refine 111 - bpadildill 'aloft 4 ald Pew of Meratutr, -414 " I n i f i l • lands ilittarrodui t>4tliftag l o4 l o l7 kcal ea Sig:SOagu9ef.MAlltaii44lr. Me. elegtesam MOM O. ~ wit-. ‘'il ' M=Zia 211al!kin.;'' , sf:-WiMe ts beak MOtsmeitt In Ersidituffs say littler ohms, to rw*x aqua dinisrul for Stour is ottrusely WU al. and tblioui7 odes Mortal as a for bundmd barrels old Mob .otro burnt: at MASSA. barrel I and WO bbli Tow &rads iteitrtlAti GU ;strand tams. • Thus ts a sprig brut* oststrodlodentMul $4 0 11. 5 .b tor El" .ImM* Moo ta onnkie to $5,75 for arra =illy. and EIGILLO:lot Marimba:kg to quality. blyo,Sottr, eivt: ilef.lstPreal Or , quiet sad UM* but Llltis of sitturstooptemi in. Ins receipt of Wbest are Mitt and 'if steady demand et smterdsre Aare. Silos of 9O.CCp En Mils ordinary to ldine Old slid nstrWrierst SIM to 5141581.16 m bob—csidlyas tbs lettss Ibrumb to mrlya. MLA nays from PAS to wt., bona woaldFFaamm mud SW. (bin bow en% sdrinesd, with nabs Of 8000 blob mixed In stravra, 'ea yellow, at WOW. • Mb Art *Atari \l2ll4ftsniobt lir spites to ea 'rims et isairridaNstsate , clam/ed. flits is' lints or mianertitroAHaoktinformad Nol tawanudas SW per too. Prices of Torino& }tent us miebangsd. Itts &mind for Taxwedliricilis mad WO boss sobs rucposia bustud—on *Midas of Zbo. Ia Wzoo thy, sod .4:7lovsreeed nottnag'doins. lu'iNottsioLs thrusts Ism *nog bus*im ars anctunsol Wbisity bad Snot" tbsadvonto ; noted yeinadas ; des of Penns atostUtio bursts at Srirarfo sod dram, at 64Iabto.' rbiladelpkia.vatuo ELarkot OCr 5.-The snivels *SW cattle st the Anita Thine Vardasetimiehareausted to sera head, c.a. the supply /rut gook. /lost of the cattb weneas In Ohio, Gaeta and WeAsin Yeaugtirazds. ' Thitsdast kat see very Weida,; sod plat declined ants SW Cl4O be on all padre, rinste4 trees T to 9 * PM' eti aloha eatikione IoC sad et loge. leo cows 'Wert disposal of at SW Le STS pa head On syrlosers and US to Seta CM Plia calves. There vu en Incesseeldiff.oo heed to 'Moony W etteep, the *r ani mates IS,Onifbad, whir.. tots at VX to to pa petal prier, fa tit sheep, end $3,2S to so so poi hat, for stock. 22? bogs Load balers at it to $8 per art, Mi. Al Henry Glees' Union Wore Yrd 3549 hop were sold at net prices of g 1,150 to sit per hundred. Buffalo Alturkist, eve. 6:4l;ccr drto sad Id . tau dad Wheat s.nu Witte and la ictlew detoaad; tau 16.2,060 both at $4040111.10 dee Mad chkigo eptiniallt.l3 11,14 ailssaltes date flji toe kersoaca owing; 111,190)1,206 Or Bed whttir Wotan. ton =Met batter, .at go at; axles 76 a ,609 btub'at Out held at 630, stout light. /hake', battar de mnoly mules SW bbla at 66.. Cabal radiate d sa; 14, on cora and la cots oa wheat to New York. Int; pnea„ /.ouO beta d ur; 21000 bash wheat, 71.u0ai bash corn; O,(X* ba th oat,. ta, barna d, n; 13.0001bab wheat; 71,000 curb c.rn; bosh oa s. Clereimad Mairatt. o=o.-71ov Ana and freak poroad d Istib red sad stilt. are In attire demand. Wes 100 karats XX rd at 3633 ,, 60 miry choke do at WO; 40 &r ex ,. at 83,1,14 60 do XX rid as ISM; UV do do city ground at MIA 00 do do at 36,04 100 do common tad $3,46; 00 dc XX whits $0.60, sad 23 do do we. Wilms Inactive sod auks. The talus bank& /pia tog', and soippara wars still kuddl e. back; Bala at the Bond 4 ars red on tusk at It, o. , ra stssdy sod leas excitsd; Nolo 3 Cu. on track at inc. Ostsl Wee 1 sir at tea* at Mt Imports sly issuiroaa, Prrrounsoullt. Warns 4,0=600 RimloaD, Oct. 2.-100 bolo Sur, 87npinki Km; 13 kin Mao, M- K. a sur,6l by tutu. 6Pincir a MEV, • bdb wits, Wm sums; 20 du towboat Revorth; 1 car Boyd; 16 bin undbm,ll.6 618 101 , maniononso, Badth a so; 11 di-do, Mao a fii,Bkos; 6do do, Baku t 21ddbo 11 tip ordain, JllO Mu; 46 don brooms, Wu Oooper; 23 by - poutoo, J Band too; T Odle togs, Blionoook, li ouy a ob. ; 4 bolo puts J B Outbid; 1 J oar costal J Boorbuid; 66 DOI* bawd oU,Jas Woo; 67 do do, • (boom 100 bids aldsl4. D e 1/ Wallsru 104 do do, Lambou • shlpton; 10 ao do, Then Zoom; 60 do do, 16 Ei By. al; l car toed, J • W /Maw. Cloussin a Prim:mai Busiono, October 7 va tom, D• 11 %discs; 870 both do, J Kirk pinta Bra; 26 tau starch, OWs oat real, 4do purl barley. J Brownlee; in Ms loprook B A rd,.. ...La Cu 76 01. starch, W Bum% 16 do do, Jos Boer, to do do. BO Ms door, 11 do soots, I do po. Lanai, 4 do tuns, !Mu Ma A Luc s boles boy, 8 8 2107 d; 076 Us obsess, 00 Bobby; 10 tou metg. Brae a Ora, 2 bh4s potasor, 120 bob do, Potter • mks.: 149 bar wkwaS,J Limb; 197 bp sbltunffs tubs* bran Knoz4l46cl6su losibay, P saottaim tub apples, J obit; 20 bag anus. iShnl• don is co; 611 obb sobs, J Herbert; 10 pkp Ba ld . s 61 bin chum, GI Boon.: do co. 11 Haworth, ks op cur* J 181balloldi 21006 p. talus, 26 do mks; P ' Tangortiri 16 boll dd.; J Buckley; 12 ski ogle.? do buck Tdo onion", • Lipps4; 176 mks wheat. B T Sonned2 a 11=443 bp wed, W Do; 1 bbl butter, bbi. g p„ 0 P.m; 6 bids kinotoes,44 011 bbb, Pot= a • rotstroar, SOT by baby W W Ambroon;Bo bbli• tobacco, J lfsoyd.7l) dodo, kliAllunis /k Bann T pkia i do, WssEsplis 2do Coa A Maw* 11 byloath ss, II B 1.1,0 r• bzs study B Thlaut a ar 60 bus a value, /sks potatoes, 92 bin cUsii, 6 bb f, bum, 76 Mb sip*, 10 do butter, L H 'Volta t co. AUssiiku 675p184, 046 7.-432 ski violet, 1 car flow 0416 T Bsocuody . • 800, 0 tarp pimps, 88.. Ounro; 316 by bin bed, twins gibber', 1110 obis Am. Is by buns, Mama I Knort2 MU sp. pbs. lOW Lukcot glad Mots, Lanni tank 1 car item, • Tspor; 1 bblkoutur il l --ABP. A clown; 1 115 tatter, I Mb Lunn Igo 8813 flour,P Pounou 210 by barmy, 0 B.Btrauti I ha apples, J W_Butont 9 sks potatoes, B 011rtr, 4 do rap, W Bad; l'bz bubo% Batist4 Babb* 14 Da whist, 19 do in .1 A anlLio; 111 by Can seed, if B Buldam. viraxra. • WANTED.-46U A Monsu.—We want ts at $6O most. opium paid, moon out aismid Against% and adagio other new. natal and maim atticlan. /Mean C - =lira rant Asa Addeo, soltandlriglf 8114 W .ILJAIL. 11Widnent., lie W Al ia l vaasm car am. Tat which the l ti aglwai m a tai Ip:lJ:swill m be/4% at Nix HIS mad street watt raMilS VAN GOBD/111. WANTED—A Brut CABS • • • 'r mans s tas wha s =ra33ol • • and cab anus wall nos .-441dOssasa PDX On. Pan 011na. Wlt RENT—Ths •BRICK WASISOCBII. No. I Wool . • two doom from Wator stmt. Tot taw apply to • RAHN -commix. amend awl Wood stmts. FUtt kUINT-1. Abied= r at dot. oba r ".3ll= ibi way. sost.-iisairowts. I,4lST—Ono, Two or /Woo Ammo J. la the Maas lowa dodo of Glans BREW int TlMdrat, Ida at "Meat Mama gam. Tweaks ... / 0.10 Orelikma. MAW F 1405 I FLAOi I PLIOI3I 1:739.140n. Nola gee 1011 • HOUSES, POLES, COXPANTEO, &c., or BIINTINO, . MUSLIN OR ELK, All dui. from FITZ . IIIOIII2I to /Ern rart, AT DWI' GP Pittsburgh rag Nanuilietery, PETTOOK'S NEWS DEPOT, rani aThiIITAPPOSITZ tss IMITIMICIL sae T Apat be IL IL IhnlVe Cialambi Glazed and Unglazed Spoor - Cotton. Facriat —MILL SITAIL Num. Alia &pat for VIOTOSIA, BtlllloleB LID Marl SPOOL CATON. 00$. 'AM AND SMUT an. q did., r1 " 5 " 315, 11141 wholisattted• mad to quantla to gm% by the caw etas. • \ DEAR idOTLina, !NS IN.' ME ' mess To KiBOTHALII3 /AUITUIG Mill LOOL bessutai ant tffelattst. 141 1 06, ;/ 6 i4 IliuMego aboaLl live Wm. .74p 11 onus 4•4:4 0 , sgre onimallimmtAitwaoartz... Er4BLINOI3 AMMKRIA,' rgi!7al.ll4m, For aloes < ' IQ**, DUO 'ffOkt, waLiri no 0. A LlgiCtiliENT , A VON/JA—LU par brategigt 111 1 1 1 m407 Banks slint tbonn.'; inoilin4 *dawn ikbpotobiO to iottorio4 NOW the ibusairbontStoortilosittOntlioptopord litkor Via? atonno• - tnon tios . ncrilr lino ot t Island Loop Lanett* et tbo boo of smarm% for WWI:Tow cdt. their mollntnoty; on lIATIMIDAY, Ott. ItAict,tit Vann I,l* = • _sari MakIILIIT. • . . - 4.401111916 0G52,1 --- • folitAikti .091.114 -' •• des, irri 10 BAP Oro) tastamkastratiele* . no. me Mote, ninirrpishecisiglytagMli. tOr.LA4". m il Demme Ira siallkAllste and. sAwsL FAilli FOR-1348 OR RENT, CONTAINING 61 ACILI23, All under Ram, and in • good ttata of cultivation. The tiaprovasentt , conals4 of a my BUNS DWIr.L. LING, contalolng 10 mama; urge MUM BABE; mum mesa, with 6 =6l Vii9a oecAcxS of yettnirese. OOLL ender ttie wtale ,131 i;: oioa to ISaldorto township, abenit firs take hoc an. Iskqeetto di BAILIT,7ILBRiLL a 00., ltiO !mirth atreet; IVOR SALK—A-, cortlretuent two-stpl2 .brialcdereillag Wow with tank building..Rin le Raw Watt, Pttsabnigh. z _ll.ftivecemectiontitdentil-itntihed three; ethey briairda time, with beeitgUdicthrong atack_ - MagratitA ildenten JIM end theand 0 Also, I tweeter/ beck dwelling haw" with bath building No. Ilitikeanel street, near Raps. Auuti shave ars in grad ceder, end smiled Wlth gas end water. • - 13 = a ens stem treats cottage dwelling Bo rt , snd the two.stary huge d of Mess hinges sue in pod sew, mental, ova* 41213,• Jot aground 012 the natbessthardir el& et Rol strut, tamest lids and Try streets, mu' Les= g esei t z i e fo trans of 21 teat en Wird Meet, meL The than progeny to &need in • desirable Loa decity. Tor terms Wade end pastime= ledstr• of Wil. W. THOMSON; Era.ioalfiftbstrwe,! VALIILB. .111 PENN STREET PROP NETT 7011.110L1L—Mito Lots, 21 feta t, fact, b 1U .4. ) hot deep teen envy, with large doeth fkocook end Sod area. =Woe for M.dah ce Doha. Ma, tams fat bollftg sea for white mama 11102 KWMTfibh 4=1%101 WM taa. Alto, • large camber of baffles tote, of nut= du., of true 115 to 60 het brut by 100 to 160 hot dem Cheated st the termite" of the Wylie Matt to Balleray. the smdentened. Nuattort of the oath of J Hum, doo'd. W. a.. 111110.0, JOHN D. ' H. G. ElNBanti. WE SAUL AT A BARGAIN—Ozie second-band MILK INGI6III. 14 fa. rebels% 43 foot strata, poppet eat o 4.1: foot U abed on teasels leak la foot a to. stfam pipe, iscab tierf see fa. doable Aced (14 lc) OMB bona, It feet frost stem dram emafikit-frosi stead pipkbelechlag sad Sat fronton In good trorkfait ordra c E ut ata 42 6 It 60 arm pow. Alpo, ow mall Stela ins. 6 ta. (Visite, with Sperbeid..act, to skid Sas base &ham with the other. For wirtleslare rata to 21.01182,, TaTtan a ca. .Of Whaling. mania is 00... oaf SW FARM FOB 13A1ig..-I am anthorked to air for role, as roomorable torn% *IMAM' blatDoloriti swat 403 woo. idtostel is Otto sad' frontal* toonsohlpo, oloor lkorportl• Wimp malty, atql, ccror coo:plod by Jan lloDost• okt bout. Than sea OW 100 Imo &and god 10 good calm • Tluo 'nit is mat timbstid, comtabos coal, gag to oozy "skalds tor forming p H. BMl s i WILBI2III. Its Fourth dent Mar:trek WIC BALE—Tazaz Cornan troatlag cos Bidwell street. (Bstrilay= drama Ward. Allogbasin on the Use of th. Maxi. Munn rnsesses Itallway. opposite the reoldmos of ts.M.l.9Xtas,. isq. Lots Malan deep to • ton tat Moo. • cadre corner lot 67) by 19% hot. injosolag thaatars property, and emattrig oa 'Wa na, la Um atty Mums nar y Um Walks! Isar. at the most &- d. . Apply to W. CAMS, !to. OS Obi." st , *waft tla Major's Oftiai, Allotting City. nom. PROPERTY FOR BALE.— N../ es !LORIS CdP LAND,-sltuste 136 lam tram Wog Newton, us tau wad side of the Tough dew, %Toms the month of Sewickley oreVed morn ot tae b•st quidlty of ash kat irptn with of some bottom had ; gec' tine twat. with dont visor. On • strum that pure through the tract is • geed she for • taw Mtli.triti good Stetter ctn. tome nub , to rat further tuformß. Ittoteitetton ti k &lees ana CLAW STOUR "Wil 32111 AR lasia oss. CUeats 3101:11til* LAVA itady waned. d. erased sad Ban. Cast aura oar. nods Sac nu k sad ranthat Lapkasonlar en Palos Tar=rna ants - B. T. OaarllY. Film 1O Trth at. 'UM ElALll..4.tra NNW COAL FLLTB , ia coaiplata 10 hot lakstbo l at d Wa ll a= a d l i); ow a ! d ab o . flews ono No IGad Bias, aid will bo sold at Dupla. of HIM IloltiLVT, at Ow oaks of Jobs ark, lOW .Tiwonetas Wow. wax Wm. of Bad El: UWE Four Lau of Ground roar Story brick bathitab sopa% ldishbany will adopted kr mum hatca ; ICO 14 by Mbar t be mama% br bybrlt tbFbinil eart.,ll= vat / rib • No. Moat amt. Pittsb4. :1 1r P, ICC A FIRST NATIONAL BANK, OF PITTSBURGH. TRUE= DimairesszT, on= at Clacreimons or nen Camtmonj Woshioptio Awn lith. .W By "mthhotory midenos mem to Um 'on it bie been nods toappear Mud Amman N• maximum°, PUTIBIIIIGN. In Mr Dandy of Allogitemy, and Abu of reariorb. ob. hen bean &ay orpsdawl soda otut weemding to ingthonseate of tits Ate of &wok entistal ohs Lot tourcritio Clommor, lecued plodgeilaited &Mee MAMA Ana in worlds Ix ths oirrotitton end nodeimptionk thimmt,. apporrod SU/um 16114 ium. mu Imo complied with 01l the of midi Lot actdrad to to oconiThd with = ans otesznautimpths balms ortionkto Ons g. tbereibre, - I. ptroller of the osmium do letaby entity, th at tint saki 11010IIAL BOIL or PITTOURGH, 'coati of a/leilontrodul iftam of Pwintricoldee eatitattiod to mamma the bantam olSankins wa de Um dot atormeld. In whored , "Moos my hind { fa pool nal of this .1017 6th dim of Almost, llotilli6. Ocometrailm id Um Comm: THE MOT NATIONAL.BANIC OP PINIOMBOH. • tun I.l=llll/11GilliMill 43111:PA NT.) Cum; s4.oo.ooo.vrith Wilkie to increase to 01.000,000.. Pthabarah Trod Cooipm its consitson war tho met to provide a Norma Ounasoy. nada Or SW. of thi Min IntioNAL WOE OP Plllll3OllOll, would nopiattrit..“ Ito lord= teirlincollootka OfNotataridto,lnna otnzobaara It.. radio tom ea roan, Ltd try art an iba. ohms cm on taro at Ur worry, Tho mar ahich Pus attrition the Platabarg% Trost Ocalmt ototo Ito orgarsinctalh 1862. ant, to WOO% ha a solaria manta this barna* antaiton to Or NY ordsattattoa will mato the am wont atainnota Hanes a try amaratts itoon Ortilkam tot* Haab sad Boakets throoaboat Or canary, we bo ttom wear oft amid hanks to %luso vi. do Wars with so. . • sb:oad.w vfil be cutdoited tiy sn.um. QS. an sad Diroctors. Jammaragthaa. alexia . der limn Robed IL Sam • Primets Tbsoi,BaU, , Bradley, emir ifightsciaa, • &mod Bee. WITS LLIIGULDI, Fraddent. JCIEZI D. ECRILLY, Cbaldw. DOLLAR Is/LUNGS. BARK, -No: ei loriTi ans i ualii n t W dint tic** toll °Wok, also ilk IVIMIllia 00011-1110ozd to •e a tra y 1p Id NO ,llllOO Isictiost Nag tozonfiramber tte 1‘4,14 11411111 to NLi toeshod or di ma AO boo thin Ono lidlaikiatls edam* aftbsprollts &dared tirieo • lim bi-Jim No Dooniame. has boo eltpd froiloonoolty Is Joao sod Doomboroinco 044 Me of 04 per out: tr ton* crodll Of sl.4ll.opattoo, lo beam Os amp to. knotkom Ihojzadi id JzoossOlDodozobor. coo. orr : r iff e tortatost ui t=tl= 0204 Roof .144 to low Um to room Embtr.t•tatolog w aboate4:Bl4l•4 Ballet ^ Sad astiOdkaaiftdaNdXnatililaelEdiahtioa - :214301 1 "-G. 1:0EQ1 Jobse&Xabilde. ' • Juia IL Nina*, Jobe Nelms. liargual, _ • JinsedsE. fteer, Alriele D„ Kew% rolloek, D Jams - , 41111 Vartietey. ;Jane Betcaia• ' liMall.o2 atalliKlily • Claiiti iltaxrai, •Pa . I . A.llledgra. - ' ' Jobb CL.llicilluen, _ ..; :,'N'alter ZEcitriball; , . 1 Jobs c t.B tadlikr i z -,.".. - Mien: , AWN" Rap*. ,•-• :- : - 'llabacltobb. , • 1 .., AlmaskA.lkaller. .14 :eibullikAtail . ralti . ..• • •,01tarlat=„• : - .Wm mi, , , - . Jolla 8, 71 1- 1161_ -" ' ".., WilainfM us I.irsim,• , . - Attaisdallady ...•-• a kfeat, ,;;Nor Ritakey,:::= l • :AMU= Viably f•thmia . _lam& !,.• 1 .., owa.P.lve - • ' — runu es: " Ohilitunk .•• •• - • assozat It Twydr'tmmo..4:)2M4A n. fader ~. -:; -:, .111 MB It .e. 3 cj 1 ° 15rTrweriA.,.- , 'As T 11202421 /10002270217208 TBAIII lormir2lo ilimagir WU= = i f i cosg4 Ewa) a VD 11:74. 4114411118 al oil • h sad 11112.344144.4ael iesktis= l ammo • , • • Tait at PhilsdaipbA.. TIACITIMArS 3 H NAM 1714•117 bansi chi no metwou imerr =Tr:l i Uzicols axe et2= t e rms, bine. awe and Wisrlintsh pl:4 I!:eMa. . • . V il istsozan intizalsans awe a t52p.21.1:177 4141441, sidles Exact tcastetkli 47 Main 2M- Italttzum sal M tsapn444britir Tart 04 Anatolia rum -111* Min the station 4127 (moo =,...5trA10.r±4144 . 09 1 * - sen4o. - Wri 6 3 HjeTwari. ix: unman. gad 41U744gtotilea 1 1 421441111#1 404 2re Yale. AIXIAIUM.I=SII;II I .A.M. -ParO4o6l.ocorsi sisto tams tan? ataitollutTATlttft 6s g..126,120;ptes st it. 3 Mtn irtisalleurtwitli OcimmeliA: ,Thlis'lnds Its Wen MO= Arm tattotforala OttlAA ase. 4161:Tzal . Vet _km Wan hit 'terms {ll#o,l exr..A.014 113.10. A. foe Want tato Lums; ;bar 40z:41 8=42714 OM D. 21. P 2070; 200201=41W041 120 WaiP . • 212:, lattysodofir ieittsoZaztt knot EtiCy. r. ' . 4.11 w coma Teshateres Witirattaton ;wry 11.1;d4 rotons/36, hems Titiortttl M4SPOL_ . Sktarithi 'TO= UM* Atrittlyingh sat £11:w Daltitmorw Dattpa 50 1; 121.11. at.; .AVZ h MIL• 26-a4 Abludas. luntamodattew, WidTtpitttro Aoccomotailot 6:slr6;:&.llWtitltralTa A = o " 6 l TAAL 'ThbelWitirretattas L , 45.0..ari Tooth WWI Atettta loamstolottmh t 11316.25: ...165ttoltecizttoorstO intro idth rhil• otbrAto-txptoo Alt IWO 02 Mai" 'Thiteatar Itleinvills sad PAtwtriotundii nabs. - 41:6;:ltziwith*zi:wItit Moot& Adotiottedotko, Schairoin totwenstidaticei aaRlllO4 irti d. iatJ an vers. Dadtimari 274 31 , 2 ANT' ato Toonaw Tra libitog maid isl Oreown with 12. maw and Nan .••Wrltotwd with TO.mill AittuatloSotlois sod tams Stahl lasi rim politolrill Sat faAtootti tats..* trAirAt.to =satlito6, Ex 4 to Wog iths littagilotols tbsto OS 02•0 ow semi e. a lt idto toolosil chug Mot was. law HMI WI —dam. tad it satittly trot Acta test We Ma. 9020t0 00207. 0, 0011 21 02 220 22 alp. tat lotto Clat: Seallntsi tette pououloo. • _Mts. To 1tiT0r.......4115 5 1rk allthsom.. Ta11001iApa10....11 1 502460 ' To Footiototrs T 65 kml=Obstitot At all SWUM CU lAA; Pastritit. 1 ZaLmeall, tat to 7660.41551% Tatum AMR= TorA, _ Alloonta PT1A=4.1156 . .dtatod to nom, , dlsteco at elintoot to - Us OM= MTh azots iron stntit hiltains time Mt (Atom, Int lot APIA: ItCIUARe.73 . eta at ft% th0C 6 64.4617‘111 Atioaults tinctodtlo 166. Tomo ogy. tait.totAS62l2llo 20{ I=oll.. • I. 15. 4ka -- Damao this has beta f.mloyol tt• ittritt Tioottriersabotwies to asigtom the Do. cot, it absegt int gamma sa atettjm maim =get Sat Mists. POI to .I.6TEWATT. AS * . tt Wm! • iria4m ts ad::Fts G3er..4 dr=.. SEUIPPZXO. rfUR 4..10'10 lltltlß ROYAL SIAM WWI . .MAVIOA/ VION OPIIPAirt 11 . (GALWAY Lugs.) &MITI% LILO - Rasiorpinnst, 44x0 tot& 811111/151e. Flons-pmaiLoco tone. 011L17 An. IWO Itorewpower,,Ao tom AnGtel.A. LOW gorravower , OW tot& The enatpaltatzt Bleszewhlp AHOLIA will WI tram F.. Tuck kw LleapOol on TOTADAT, the Ow of Oetttber. Baas et tem Tenerpeol to New Took. Pl. abet he or tee eccovalent ffi armor 1 fleet and s3o,llhwrsce.-SSO 00 Intemodiate WI • Pusempri tertian ded alto to Looks, paq., Ham. tart, Haire, Breams, Itottertam, Antwerp, Ao., et truest rates, . Faro bolo tinned or Gam to Now Turk ea Batas. VA. il a lr i . na tiet rot pump CO elks of the Agues, 111116.1313, Broodinry. Maims Jos" fitaagqr. is-sositgi Omsk& lhattlng. ITlO:bran ISo. TO FM Otred. ITttabaTtb. QTEAM-WBBIELTTO , LIVIDIA roor l / 2 -us QUICPSTOWN. mom away) fto_wit lama Ammo Littopioialiow Tot and .Pkilladelpltta Flood* Oniony aro btooded tonal/N{ollll3 OM OP ElLHOttitardol, p0t.14. .3 iT S . Oll-7.021D01L" - • • 4 .- 'sada; Oct. IT. an OP ZE&1.121101111............/Shordse. Oct. U. anti arm axopeding ihasolay. et zoos, 6mis row 14. Math 81Tor. - ; FlrAPagi. • - Eiseght ei - 6towerl6 seebehietii Owyeaaa. IrtWO 0r0h........0 00rrem0a..............11178 a do. to Isouleti.z• 116 03 • , do. to - loodao. 16 60 do. to Pia15....i..‘11 tel do. to Path.... 10 60 db. .021Issbars 00 00 - do. WIWI= at 1 19 -61=ells exwOrdol to none, taxman, leo& tw as., akegnaltr kw UAW - Term tend i.testpoot of Ikamszfemas lit WAS. MVO. lIM. BtartiOlitp!l,2l26l6 who ebb to igs Mott- Mande cos osirileketo here al WA Martha totormhlos_vphr it the bosom' ;OEN 0 - n4L II . ' 151froadvarlh. /MX IMMO%hat i6 End drone, list tome Itoor the shlatt • SAPErSE fIeSDAGIS JOILOMA 1:1111 o OLD omniranr." Pauentra Intrositt out ATM ULM DAM 51ILLIALAIL Dom Unrioal. LoFacmderzi, Othril Dak, for Twenty- I ;We Dollen.% Ara by Idling me* ice TWE9TI•01111 DOL. /ARS.= alarm. • ABLY to Doknam. Doody Mod& .IV/Z Aryttruird • ~ • troOrrireet. CUNARD LlNll,4ltittga Limped sad goanatiada, i 34 to tc44 wits "dh cleat is canancy, I,rrom Err .Tca 535 is ea ma. &Mauy' ineL. Apply to ' D • SOZWW/tAl'fii-ArGo • D sin tot t er Um Tim ISSOLU u T/ON OFPAR I MIESEP. - —yruniosaiitzth ot PH taiitaws. ia, PRIMA ON be SAL A*, beim emcdrod. ORAL LOCKHART mid z.rAati-rairw hulled qr.. ,ctimod tho sane tatoresto or tho other per, Km - bolus or Um bra era mill be outdid 14. LOCKHART Ittr. HUMAN ?emu% • wrmaismorw. COMMA LOCKIIAIIT. JOHN TAILIMBD/LL. "KWH V. SUP. MOM . ABIK canon LOOK H 4 & Producers anneduers of Petroleum., At ALBION OM WILLS, Yin Co. sul Buzzaaar OIL WORM Niskr• Bur sir ming. ITS a 174 WOOD BUM, 3OTIVK—Tho , undersignimi• satiric stodefccak the lams Ifolmo of J. B. 1100111111. limb} unaccoul lo big ot4 costconsa kadtb. pubLlo lUr ammo Oc sten 10 Liberty. atm*: ( 1 1 11 07;0001PIce f), 4. 1. floCcaula whom • tars. sad comploto stock of Bab dies' cad Saosauckerif butt= lindlup. Moe 0111,4% ow to toad. out at limit rota. O. L atip1125011.19141811 Lfbecty grog. pAZ}i .FT/111214. PROM , THE -1103 LlLTllia.aimmonsl =SS tea elti couusadducy auxtocia , man of cialot sad 00/1 bolder oloillOculccuc- Mar Bum nosed to 8011 cow tothup , I o ac cettuno cu to occupy Yri WOLF , 800Atur ida sae sin; o w = fufeg OM Of WY badolfc Scipsitutssocc , ZoCIONIL italOdtmd ) 1 iIIaitALUTIUN tw YAttTNMO • ' JJ - —7bsysitostoblybondoboop sxbt.s g Wow; tits oildeniinsd; mar - an its stile d dos d WOLTZ, PUIRIVIefy 84X1...bas tbLday—eis. ziocual7a. 180—bean digolTnd, Tbo bedlam of tits Mu WEI I* 'Wild by , J.11.1104111 se T. 411,11PLIIALL, theraloniij?stag Inibinicsd to do is. • - - -i. B. WOWS, --- • SALIN/MU Piltdairthr Bab* putobArra ET:PLIIMMVI3 Ward la thoillars eastaqs. hi esedsCas bawltst _emdatbs styissad duds. IfOLVD. • A 00- . - 1 1,0/R7 A. WOLTZ Pi . Maar ift LUT U eirNotuse *MeV thoinaltstraldp blot, szisibit be' twin Xodblid/8 . 4 ISZOBIL CkW Mosobsom, Plitabbosboindor Sloth= of bloGitillikiabToll4 .: ess aboolvolloy mutual towest oft She MP day or BTOIII bola yeroksisl' thieettra meta ot NaggEni CI bantam hsonitss. Is wadootod by .WII.II6II.IITOXL . Aztdddlorilimosstsbass bow' Sicadirto iced owl. bola", bum, faraisk=it= s* alma" able arse of bloskss rad AsterstresisOsoodiNi•• ildniiti7" etwoolwrAus'il boom • - ...s VAR AND t WAGON. alail 311 " 40 pbb. Ida tessibf WON atrial. GUM ,: r AtittillaVaid4 mortiant tor ass -IN SILTRIGAII, Amnia • MUM. tuszast nlir; Prrenvzsx.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers