41: ?• • - • - I - • • ; puinurgit, -"; Am . 1 mosy moutas3zu=oor.o4 ,, • f ITT- , .;-1 - 1 ,31 ,0 3 ° 1 !;:i F, 7 I ANDREN I:r.' tilitTlN;arkleatte:- --sowntrarortawann. _ IPAEIEL AGNEW, of ileay44. ENE RENE ;:.. OE= =NM ;• - •, , ..:4.1••• • ; :tr• ~,~~~~.. jri :::::"•1 1 -;:j.‘•:,.:...!:• , : ::74::,.:,:..:. ... , . ' • ,{': ~: • •4• • , , V . - `'''- .1:4•4?:.; 4'X:4oe .t : :t . • • ' ",:••:••1 I . ' • • ; 4' 4 , 1 • W' . - • •••!• - :i .',: : , • • • - !' 1 :,.';'' -r • ::7,1-q:!!!i*, =BM ' • MEIN MEE ..,•., : ,- . i . ,,-,: i . ; ,-.. : s.iial:t7± - ', - 7. 1 •• ••••••' -. ...:4P , „-:" . ' ... .. ti 1 • - . . . . . . .•., ; • . ' _, •.. - . ... ' -.,... ..,. .•„4....,..;-il ..r..-+,,,.t,'T,'r.:':f:'•,.'',''!.ll.^k::r.r.,•,•e.,'',..i.lZgK.letl.t:Var.ta.;lj' , ~-, ~: ~•,., ~...,,,.L.,,, , , , , , .2, ,•.f. ,, , --: , f. , :', i..;-I‘,W:j-V.;......Y,1112,r ...,. i"'tgA't;-.ZVVKS'il.r.aVaW•j4riiVr•j;4.i.:,O.C•.,.W<;:'^•)B • M . ;LZ2 . O. Ago a.--. -;-;,`,.i'1i,,,,i-,,,.:?..,.....V.:;;1t,,,i zi!:;,4,?:7,,,;...,n,i,i4Z:1,--i.4e.:,,,,,,,,,,:Ar.Y.7.ihr‘46,,,,,,;h70n.W.: • • • , . ' • ..-"4 ,4-'.A!•n,c.:..,...-4.1.,11..,,A.:4,-.M.0,: ,` . '' - • .--;g.4c,P4'r4elWAg4.)*-.:- . " • ~ . 'l,t.--...MT',Tt.',.;.170,.A1T 0 4" , '''''' ' . " . - ." • - .•. ; . . . • . . . . • . , . . ~ . . ~'----QalO~~~te--~~ Unio iumuTickst. ".i.' nZ.:S- 7 .1.1) .7.- Artpie Or tow/ amt. -Xclitit Milan. • -1••••, (T y1 '=i;JOlttre.tirelfez .-n. AI MENDSLACIS. la. I" •-• SONIUM anWaliffl. 0111116 Wi.' 1/AnD, aralVelLt Az i mrammiza llar ihnidien s. styMairlarL • , lEEE= -J0211: . ,rar z MATO: - bester-gic ait Fair: The Jeidlediiii" clad the. Rebellion.. Obligations of Public officers. • -Wk heVo Peen it Muaewlurre "tate& within • thelait feu- din; thsV,Ttidge Grier of the -,„7t-,:89204,101%*.cgar4- had-rely much to his' • a:Oka" we thought—given public testi siourcof hie fidelity to the Ilniuni in this; "its hiur of extreme trial, by appearipi, at e public meeting, and ; lauding the force of his example and to.those mho had bwricd party,..-neoUsaUons and vela. dices, in the common desire and effort to I - . ,lualubeing. the administration of ' - the" Gee, ~„olitetertt.n! th e -11 PProO0 1 0e8 !leo' lion lir'this'. 'State: We now learn from a eotemporeey, here, that 31r. Huai &sour, Qu "Clerk of the Circuit 'Conit;46r this District s &Oaths gentleman who presi 'L‘qded at 3 *Ate ~ ;copperhead _convention •its"._thought it worth - tolstlthe 'pea contradiction of ripow_thirsuthority of the Mudge himself; We are sorry—and sorry for:hie own saks:--that Vase 'llnum—if 'Min - tont was indeed =authorised by hiniz--thotill hive found. it weenary, to • mks-this explanation, to the enemies of , th's • Government, who are the only parties '" likely Icktheelfeloi at his supposed de .7 11', • -igniurvitrom the teaching, of the party, with trhfah he has been' heretofore con -; ; ..Seated.'lie might have - found *justifies -7'l tion of the act in the examples of many __eminent. men, who are= - less responsible thin Itimsegfer the moults of the 'stamens conspinorf Thick !ree eirgoolet l 7 favored toy the decision in . the b r ed Stott ease. It is with' titi'alfiracieilif this apology, however, that loan now mainly to deal. - itoonalets in 'the statement, that the meet ing at *thigh he presided, was "a war meet ?.• for the 'purpose of obtaining soldiers for the army, but when he foond afterwards, that, It was attempted to give it a racrizzas character, he rebuked these engaged in the efloitP—and that, "he wish ' edunderstoth that, ossis member of the highest Carotin the Nation, he deemed it improper'to meddle in PAZ?! romrna, and has therefore *Chewed them altogether, • - .; Anse his elevation.to the Bench." We would he glad, if it were possible, so long as :Alm are - notoriously selected en party grounds, that they could all forget their political origin, connections and affin ; ,iffes-L-whialt they threlously do not, if we - may credit the report, that another United States functionary of the same chum, not a hundred miles from . Pittsburgh, has but lately remarked, In answer to an argument •!. upostiii obligations sa an elector, that 4, he had never voted anything but a Democratic ticket." The plain English of this apology, ..6WeliliT;iB, that in the estimation of Judge Gem, this great straggle . to . preserve the life of the nation—the greatest, bylar, in humin history-and-one which demands, above all cithers,the counsels and support of men like himself it home, as it does the bloody sweat of the soldier on the dell- : is of "party politios"—• mere only anneal= struggle for power and place between or wiled bodies of equally loyal men. We had suppoied, from the language attributed ** him en other occasions, that - 6 had a better comPrehension of the tunes, and folly realised the dangers with which we are threaten:ld here; and that he was not • ignorant of the hot, that I°ol'Na:innate and Republicans 'bid proclaimed a trues— like the r i sp of Gad in the turbulent an , aroby of thellialle Ages—and Joined hands to'destroy a common enemy; and that there more, as a consequence, no political parties now but the frieqs of the Union, and Its ' - embus. To which of these would he have 'us suppose him to bedpost "Under width king, llezonfart"--.-tucder whose banner has ' 'he rangedldnundf?". Does he think that it become", orthat it is possible for him to , -.. stand neutral in.such r a contest, or that It weuld berunweitkj of „Ids calling and po sition, to stretch forth hi" hand, even though liver" to take the - sword, If neimesari f in- - * stud of giving only his voice to the cause ot,bis Cantu ? What duty rests open the poor conscript soldier, *those irnes 'are An maim& tame, for breasting the iron hail o f battle, that does not equally rest on the !odds; whose pay is munificent, and whose setil - -SerSre beef= all the perils of the field? If .the lawyer' at the bar , in the very spring -lime of Ufe and hope, has, under the noble inspiration Of duty, thrown down bcthi, and offered up his young 1 it wiling sairiftee—as many of theM • ' harilavo dono—if the surgeon has closed _.-..ids.ahoy, and rushed down to the battle. wetattnolt the Ideates artery,jand tie ' - :up =the 'minded , the Minister of '44 inspired by, the same' holy enthusi haa not thought it unworthy of his sacred profession, but among the first and highest oftis duties, to leave his desk, and ." - geeeend into the arena, whethei;the hot ;'r legs or the bettle•fiel enlighten and • mien the Ignorant sad the indifferent -r to smooth the hard pillow of the dying sol . Omar to buckle on the sword of the warrior himssit-Rlutis there in Lite pmiticatof who has been ministering the altar of merely earthly *they to nal:oil larger tp take sides in muck VITO' .?? to acne lint for relltelag tit ',Who! Is the_reasop _ suggested tor tido reintal—thst it bine, quinine of ism 71,11.17 romna—tat the soasitlon,.titnaan Wog., that *LI Je Ri Winn; ce'ltiOnnatief was, WWI can '' - tectiftbitithatorikoali t , 14441114.,5,00.00A1-0111444raikt ~ gy ' lll -0 1 1, 11 2) 11 - • - . • . reinsex, sod good men who resebine,polt- Wilts A* Irrpt i , may refine titgo int the .el rniqtielly refuse to stiengthmi tlp*k . of 4ttry's defender; at learnt to glitilereste, end sielni their voice and vote. In the way of ORPNIXagOr rant to him, et bomb. Judge Ganz does 'Wet Intend this. He will net urn reflection so a that because he is a member of the . 31 7 ?"! -- absolre4from the mfonstuiee of tfist !kW:It og .0.1.44ti10h Is Mint flay meamnre 1 7 the iirelt Was of ti! o trwstp tilifolailiolds under' its flog. „Hein& to ativAttlit there can he no Fr4. 11 .W 0.4.10, end that he, of all 0141 4 Oanitotbe r stowed 4stika4 indifferent, when - Wain; soil lit rocking under thi fO4 l . ti4go. throes of & anri/ 13 . 10 / 11 /4 0 kif pit intartodbYglaollmae °lo 4.o. l6l 4 lo of irrse i nn 664* well as the heroism of etkit:_iiiuni will topple, down the highest negio as well ma the lowest. 4=4 Imi be - gamble dint the vlikkzioir rigs !skit, it sure to oast the whales on the strand, as the periwinkles. Ile notArget, ve tetp4 that he is, by vistaed °MA .ocauativator of the pnbllO pesos, grid bound to - do everything in his tau, by wale or aof to preserve it. FMM , , tentiCblifirelleot thii ibis -. duty is not to be evaded by bairadrif, or undenal ning thi Imes of the great civic straggle the ballot-box, or eschewing any and all agency in that bloodless conflict that perhaps, to determine whether the hands of our soldiery are to be strengthened . in their hoar of trial, et; whether all the blood so prodigally shed by the high-hearted nd impulsive yoUth who have not hesi tate d to take sides, or show their colors,or fol low them even to the death, shall here sunk into the earth in vain. Mere speech, and opinion, and votes, are all cheep in com parison with their sacrifices The people have ,sixight to know, moreover, as • Dane question of public safety, what are the opinions of the public .lunctionaries who have been set over them, in Unto like these. That right in even stronger when the officer Is one who is not chosen by them ettlees, but holding during good - behaviour, and not generally amenable to them, and more particularly, when the Federal Benches are almost inviris,bly with men, so elevated at a time when devotion to party, and to slavery were the only passports to publlo employment of that description. And they have a right. also, to the opinions , of their public men,. who think soundly and are loyal to this thiverramont, if these.opin ions will intitience a single vote, in an emer genoy like this. It Was only because Judge Grier was a high public officer that his opinions became of any more value than those of other men. -It was for that reason, and by way of example and encourage ment to other Democrats, that lie was pro claimed to have given in his adhesion openly to the party of the Union. Nobody amongst _the Republicans was surprised at this. Nobody could imagine how it could well be otherwiee; while he continued td hold his seat as a Judge of the Supreme Court of the United States. The effect of hie public; example was dreaded by the Copperheads, ucd he has now miter deferred to their appregensititit, as to allow himself to be drawn Into an: authoritative denial of the fact, that he haitaken aides with the supporters of the Clevernment. We think he has beenbadly advised, and—as already re marked—are sorry for it for hie own sake He has not chosen to state, believer, what ha proposes to do, while ho leaves It to be inferred that he will do nothing to offend his old political insulates. The question being thus made,an answer will be now,of coarse, expected by the loyal people cff the State. He has protested that he has not taken any part with them. , That will pallid, the Cap perheade, because it Is all that they can safely ask, and mere than they had a right beeped. The Union men will now desire to how Whether hats against them. They can recognise no neutrality in this war. If not with them, there is but one other resting place, and that cannot surely be • eery consistent or comfoitable one, in the arms of a man, who. violates ah the pro prieties of the judicial station, by continu ing to hold a seat on the Bend, addle he is not only avowing his hostility to the Goverriment, but IS actually in the field as a candidate himself. Revelation. of a Rebel ffiall•tlag Among the captures by our troops at • Camberiand Gap, wss a large rebel mail bag, the contents at which have afforded both amusement and instruction to those who hash examined them. Among other thinp, the lotion smarmed beyond all question that the Georgia trans are u whiled as any In the Confederate service. Out of the large number of Georgia letters in the mail, but two placed any. confidence whatever in the rebel cause. One 'gentle man wrote home for his wife not to sell his two pip for Confederate mew, as it vas entirety worthless. Another says: "If this war WWI closed soon, there will be no men left. We can't fight a worldfal of men; the South can't stand it much longer—our men an. all dtatrthqr," Another is more "I have never seen men to out of heart: Yon bad better set your house in order, for by Christmas we 'bathe back in On Union. ; If pease don't atone soon, we will -all deitert." . This ii `the spirit dis played in all, or nearlytill these, letters—a spirit of Utter despair for the rebel cause, and a willingness intake the Ilan enemy terms; so ft brings peace. Loyal Desmarais la Pilindelpala The Philadelphia' Paso pulphes the following Hat of geirdlenum in that city who opposed lie Republican pity and the election of Mr. &agora, bat will vote at coining election for (lemmas Coma. Many of gunman= will be recognised as those of lifelong Democrats . Beal . H. Brewster, Dan. Daaghaty, Jae, B. Lewd N. B. Jos. B. Inger soll, Wm. Bawlo„ Horatio Gates Jones, Edw. G. sob, PMeriok- lintley, Thomas Fitsgerald, Roberta. Carter, Ales. Henry,Thos.A. Barlow, David Pent gown, Jr; F. C. Brightly, Peter Frits,"Joseph E. Gamble, Edw. abippen, Baton IL Jenks, Jolut A. Brown, Wm. E. Lehman (demo astir'of Co:y*2),f William strong,C. Paldne, - - Jos. K. Chan dler, Evans Bo , George k= Benjamin Gerissad, :John Eno; - Zones Miller, sa. Robert Edallici Wm. Y; Leiden J o h n NsiII,ILD,..W -I. Bead. Wm. V r os, Geerge-Blight , Zltroirn, limes O. Sand, itIV clflutiefiginri cOpee, 0 . Wilson LIOOME9 A T. --WO hue become apprised of itii.ligiort.- ant italic' aterentantW t . this mount being,ms. .of mid*" the-PIMIO Is not. Annum It one of 'a vest and calm bemire oluiraoter., involving'the ..traharf- - . talon of entire armies h and mu thousands of miles: ; iniefiir when the curtain Ile lifted, there will b+ woad ietkifeblit nummizawitangeof Mir iitiiiiVtheiriV,3ollWilba:,..;.,-; Arraoraters.—The home man of Val landighsm, the DaYton Empire, is wilted by on* Georg* Babe; who - Wu editor of the - , &skittle Repebliate Bemacr,' an in. (amounted psper, until that r. viso copied by our forces. Do u btless Zeit bible would cheerfully tarnish rebel editors for sotatrof the Seymour organs in Chu State, if occaolon, showed demand. It may be doubtekhower ' whether scum of tbese organs, could be made any more violently treasonable be iditail Imported frian Rich mend than they now arch in t h e hands •of, Northeiniympeow York. Poet buitaiin the Union, be Daysanixers of drafted men continue to reach Wallington daily. Six hundred and hetkone, in seven squads, Mvived blett day. At this WS over a bripde, a week is adding to the Army of the Potomac.. Taa.)Oblo Mats Journal annosions that Clensual. Meagher TAU "with* Vela in that city on Thnnsday (to-day.) poLriwc.a4r, AMOTICEIL jr&Illa II V TI 0 N UNION TIMIS as nor rad 7 Ibr db. tactic% and am be; bat ht UnionHr.T.lL DIYITI, et tba MUM CUM 100118, Wain HlU.logrth West. error the Ilityces 117 aria of the EXZOWIIVIICOXICITEII. odtsto O p AAINION biEBECTING will be held atWALIIII3PORT. ox IekTOZDAT MN. 11G. October 10th. Wieeweirn be 7eltelma b 7 Rae. J. Z. It 001D7011D. sad M. A. WOOD. WLID. cd lII,IION MEETING will take • plies at LtBBA Y. Snowden tp., en NOR. DAT FillIZISO; At T °WA; Addritimilltho &Maid by Oot, JRO. L CLAIM B. O. !ADDS sad A. PL livogrW. est ft - . 6. UNION ft - . 6 will take ""tor place at TA8111911:1X. on IZOIDeI MM. UM at f o'clock. Addraisoc wID be datum! by SEIONIAB IiABBEILLIa Wg. 0. 110814112 D,. U. 0 . igkOKBILLo &0., sod mama wow elm, issi at nuorrrs mon YARD, Pitt tp., au 1 3 / I .7IIODAY Runup°, at A ems Baud will be In atteadiaca. Aldreasee will be de livered bp Mi. 1. s.ZOORRIAD, rr.'4llol/302 'XoOOO7L, aid WY. '. 110/111Lablir. laq. WAitlfilab: MEETING will be held at 88A1= SCHOOL HOUSIESLoce MUDS; Oct 9tl, at 7 eclat, p. la. Addreem •111 to Merril by H.O. HACICBSLI., IN .1. A. Osurßill. Cm. WATINION METING will he held MITORELLII lllll.Cfkmkttay tp.. ea Et MAW, Oot. 1024 at 1 ceatock p m. tol lariat aptakars 11111 Da pn.mts Cot TOOL N. BMA T. J DIOn UT, •q., ea L. P. nos?, Ner iCeqI•UNION ISEILTZTG will be held at the 8011001, HOINIII, llanuagslwla Bar owzgh, on etTCHDAT, Co .1011 b, al ? wt. Addams! will la dallywal bi 800. J. K. 110070 FWD, 3. B. IDZILPATMOS, .q.. awl Hos. J. 441114F1a11. eel TrA UNION MEETING will be held at Om bowed Wit: LAMPIT, Bedirla #p., PILTINIDAY, Oat. 10&b,st o'cleAL p to. Al. &Num vUI be Mined by H. 0. 11ACICULL, Zvi Dr. Fueo. Ucoool. AA. onnutoe. rig. r*.A. UNION MUT= will be held *IOIILIIITOWN on MUT. Cal. Ult. 1 0'46E4 p. m. Adam... wilt Is tlallyrnd try Mom itOO.IWIRD . col. JOHN B. IMAM TEM. W. MARSH lILL. Vol ?am u. BAIN?, UNION NESTING will be held at tbs Bozo of CIapt.TITBALIAI, Babb= Toirnahfp, cot TIIIOI3I3DAT, flu dtb day of Ootober, at Sotto* p. *Vona, will b. &thirst by Bay. Cal J-01111 B. MAUI, WI. 0. .1112114 OW. sad J. ittrenismiere. CAA: UNION MEETING will be held *tithe etintsnc• at INOEL 7 / a PH1123021, ea the Itttatuttos rad e WWI& tavieldp, ea FRIDAY. October Stb. at 0 o'cleat p.m. *damns mitt be daltnnal try lign. 11105. N. IIASSILILL4 OA 7. MAUDE. Ron. T.l. MOHAN. and Ld. 11LAMPINIJA, t.. .431kamt art tattled to attend. of ti d 0.4 UNION MEETING will he held al MUTT 01111011, Oaf. Mb, at 10 Walt a sa. An byal anion alto are to urn as • TIMMS POW "l e a C 4 6. " 1 ind auppnaztas of Quo tabacia, are armatly re gausiati to attend. Um =situ sin be addamad by WK. O. 11011111W2111). In., Ce'. 3. B. GLUM and otben aad:ed igf•IINION COMMITTEE ON NNW -11561 AND lIPEAKIERS HOU A. WW I / 6 H. O WICB.IMI, .Jamt K. Blows. J. 0. Hacaorso, A. Sanotaa, Ja. The Oomillttes tar to IVIRY DAY, at S &cleat p. m., to WILKINS HALL, that arreascrmeato urn be mitts tor attethkie and ceekata. Pod= tot standby see ba pawed at the ban. Ken Ca. GREENSBURG DBLZGATION. - —Slum andarelgoed having bmni eyndated of the Alleghetn Gaunt, Delegation to Se Val n Convention, to be bald at Otamabag, Unbar Stk. 11111), said rupsotililly e.k the mann:. this of Qs following nand antenna se AUL: W. 114 Bum • lons•f'D. Onoesan, Jesus Iterintarsza, o►Jonrs Itasa, Zronaa More. km Re Rao's, /AWL tnuntrast,Oolilna 1/011 R. Dem lank; Jame 1 0011.11, Chaniers. Ths shore nasal geothream an riqtated to be at Wfilloa Bell, at 0 o'clock THIS BOILSIIIO, to aaclA>a Onnlng tba procanton. All person staling Si accompany the Delegatton sal and at Wilkins Hal nonnik at s e'clatk. SRAM vlil lenses Voyed at is. 011/11. %PATO/LILO% ObblilashaL Pressrun nneber Ins 1510. ..kite übONE HUNDRED GUNS 103 OLD WESTMORELAND i IfOr FOR GREENSBURG. GRAND UNION RAID INTO OLD WEST MORELAND, On Thursday, October 8, 186,3. A linaLltl, MIR trfil lan the DspoS of lbs Iltassyttishi lama at og, imixat.....• oa aamburs. nturiabs u. mat *foam mats' dwelt, at OXeckak. Ills sap eta that MAJOR GENERAL FBANZ NOEL win t• mugs st Onsotbseg, sal bs csoostud to Flittbargit h tbs Montag &Inaba. BATTERY OP TWO OM MID Juno Will sccolOcas/ els irsia• tkkoto or2J bs boss& oaf • jr:FOURTEI WARD UNION RCM uNer Iggi.-.11, • misting bold an nIiTIIRDAY 111725031), On following pram eons appolated • poll conwilito• fbr tbo wad ha. 'SIFTS* . Son. W. Nunn Dm. KIEWI9I3I, Amu Baum Dula puny W. I.Tounsoit, Di. Tug, W. Env, Ta. Wm. X. Wm, Tioa. num W. W. Immo, -• Itunicw. AU Dia folloying • C01:12111114•• of illainFie oaitlr Wit. YOUITIII, 1L 11r. WATSON Wat. Irma, • Ju. B. Ilizumax. - - Jowl Fun. W. Pamir Du; Jun NEM Jos. PLUM" • Cag.lnat. H. Dunn', Jus Ent. W. R. Daum, Hun Jong, Dn. N. lialitotizz, tuns gum • N. lam 11.H.Twr4 linen gintargao, D. P. Oman, Win. W. CAM!, • Boa:, Dumas Bus, Yuma, Lunn, w.u.wel'lnam, - Purr cairns, Hass: goinuulk Joan Miaow. ' Jon U. Ingram nu ' Now. W. P. Jammu, 1t0u..1. Ausa•Xl4 ' &a. irmowt, • Lama alma" Oto. Jai: H. Puna. ?on ldaara, IavAZD ths Commletses ism Mortsgai soli st SIisWVIDIOIIOOI.IIOIII7OIII7IIBDAY 2 7 / 1 13.: 001.1iS 7% e'en*. : • :1. • , bb atr !fir Tirtva/1-inial/2,ausia..a,calwai:ri A I.lhlT/N MEETING will be held P-fM-L/C '"MCPL. 11;1 43 -LEOTION. - 4n eleettoirforai - alma the Ikea of Mad. ♦ ll Di - Nall ola IPRADLT, tbs M. ',it'll:et ths hottalof U aid et at the room i•-••• - oelsed Oen. 11. TITTIBATON. floey. COIAMITTBR ON NATD^Rkia. . kI I , 4 ZilD AIM; 8;1Mi ,T : „ , Rani Itzumit, Clubman. Wit .IL - Wiranr • - .7cnorfl:Onnrur. 13. B. Z. Fri . Taos. N. Bari; lV~t. il*zn, JL 203CT•iiindro,.112 2 P. M., A? MHOS BLDQU ZTX WILIL!TH HALL, (Vona etinrrj And TM salad t• she mown= o f "Vii to to astardind or orrimm4 8.1 0 11241. Jroriclue. 1.-4.860-4. Tuscan of calinterikibfla troubled with cub us. buysaan, pApltatiaa of tho boast. lack of sp. petiq dliteso ads sato& torpid thu, cosstkpo. Uosato. damns Sonar If ti., will Oct try Um 19141111TATION _BITTERS, Ml* swam neeszmaded by tho hkbist =dim atticdthm, sad Incesalad to,prodae• an kesedieti temildit Wool. . Thal -so acoeserkey armablik Prially pm. sad =wade oil caber tank§ when boattikb patio stlambod nay pot% otto oitem sod bolgoiste lbw onto • booltby onoilta. Tboyiore la saibloti to &oxlip of orstai abt.. Thiovoroooso ammo otillsoma lot* loom Row ota*thon the grotoie iota opus es =toe. Tlutr prevent obsouctioand intecoattont Mom. eta poolty the tenth ind malty of the mom& ?kr oozo roppoptdo qmotlpockoh . They cm Diarrhea. Molars ex, Choler. or bs. cats IdverOcomplatnt sallinnus Hntdscbe 1•14 mato the melt atm& the labgald blalsat and are ezhaastad oataree greet reetarea Ttgar sormignoare Us Wanted Ulm& WY, 'lnto , iron. triasina, mots and berth AU prearmet bl parially pare Bt. Orals lam. Tor paralooLta. els Wogs= ma terthacciaL uouni each bottle. Bowers or trap:stun Itxamine awry bottle. des tbsi u ba D. B. Berme Agawam ca our private D. V larrop ever the oak. wBl planation scene, end o Bra avatars on a Ono ateel plate engreang es ibli lib.L 8.• that oar bottle Is not roma will aPerlona end deleterious stab We defy any pass to mash the tote or cloracter of oar siesta Asp person pestendhig to all Plantatbas Maas by the pllcat or in bah, ban ttoposta. We sell only In oar log cabin bath. Any parson Indtatlrst batik cw seine, any other material theta% whales tailed Plaetaticst Bitters or not, Is a attained wide 'the O. S. low. and will be to prosecuted by ea. We alnedy has our aye on two parabs no ping an beaks. ao.orito will atoned In getting themsobro into ekes aortae ne demand tar Drake% Plea. talon Blasts aces hese. dins:y=4 mem:bents, 80., ts pals*, laondiLl. The alaple trial of at. bola is Ow ividana, we Yrowat Ol au& worth sod aperlority. May as sold by all medals 4ror gilts. gram, pltylletaw. bob* stesseleati and 40111. • P. H. MLLES Si CO., Wens =art 202 Binedwas. Mr DRAKE'S GENITINE BIT• TIM *sr Ws. Thalia:de sad estsa. by KAMA JOHNSTON, Ozaser SialUdleld sad lourth Braids on tals-ssalr? PBXVATZ DISEASES: Dr. LEDLITIPS SPECIFIC Is Ms only rel'e'lle stamly kw diseases of the arms of pasalba. It le the ancvary of on ozointal Phystedan abort 111. was dooot.d to t!► tru•.mant of We Oda of ollsoura, and with unpreordisatolput. ate, for more than twenty pears. Is porftCtion la Itself, requlthog no btkctkatt„ sod Liffering on tiroty from sairtthen voodoo and the mom= worthless oxopotutda off_r4d to to. public. It is intim'', Tegsta64 sad perfeady is's. It Wu tiles • ,oltano. void larosto strength uld 'lgor to Ma dl,. and Otpln. CarTioar-Tho rod saxes of Ws =mit la et Plastutatt oars has 1.4 to Its Wag liallated by muyaclyled an. Obatrro, tb ram MO the alaatais of la lay, lea la said sub boat. ; lica other la penal. Prepared ocly by WIL I. DAVIDSON; Flat. Praiatcr, l'irtatnial, 0. War. ECU by ill Brayed& Price, 11l pa box. Tar Ma al wham!' by; A. /411311137001 04 J Chlydana [cam] •Pulmonary Consumption a Cu liaßLl DMEL-4 CLILVD. . To 00E5UTXPTI YES. toestdgoed hattog boa totatok to heath to s tan wok% Ili till 'timPla Iltoodh only ha los sothasa moat Foos with s were hog this, and thst dread Moo, Ooarsaption.is on to= to tasks loon to bat lam status Its moos of coo To all else Salts tf, ko WU Had • cm of the rustalska tad, Oros of eharp,) IrtUk the aka Noss lb, grays:Loy al sibs be sum whlsh they CU Ned • stria:no for Onorsartrox, Smits, Bab. amok Omsk Galas. ko. SU say QUM of lb. Murtha fa assign the proscription Is to Mob tko M 44 awl mai bessoltlss slash he =- aim to W torsksbls; sod Ito bops; irray saber srlll try kb nastbias ft will cod thus sothlsm sad say praa • bkmtag, beils Wiley thdwastrytton will Woos odbon Boy. EDWARD I. WILSON. Walbabbskik, atop =sty, New tort seffsSalfsstr e ineVigossnor Copper min and PAR WORDY & CO., Emardidearri of DIESAITOLS‘.IMAILMOP AND SOLT SWIM PUMID OO P BOTTOMS SAD= OVAL BOTTOM, MALT= SOLDER siselnyonsmaddrOastAllSTAZlL TIN UST& ABM IRON, WIN), 'A Coastantly on sad =NSW lima= ADD TOOL& Wiinow; 50.149, DUO and 180 @peva drab; PtDoLarei. Pm's. Ograpsdalardas'et Dapper =lto say dried Ai, twf AmtAdawlTT NOTVOILI Sufferers of Both unread papa= built, ben n. itorato tied* fa a Grob" idter andersafaig all the idea riga/W*ld timid", szparave modes tir teraDont, uttloot mom tomato; Ji tda nand duty to cinsmanleste tolls 'Meted hacrw custom tha awir °pima n. on tho roods or an Immod criolops,Do ttgl and (tie) I Dopy of tta lirtriiPtion mod.. Direct to Dr. JONIS N. •DAo HAtWo Daltop drat. DroogyoiX T int; somas. , IarBOBIREION, BIM do GIL (enc• mums to 1411331011. llw aUmiak) Wasinseal WOZZIN. Immo= Ars Kagraurnstyfitabagb;Ps. , Itialibikanirs of 800 , AND Mumma mug norm, BLOT AMR AB. .KILL IMIIINZAT. elan% A l Arn3os OAST. MA of on dwwtpUO l i OIL. Win t Mae, sotrai wom &pato tar 00.3173 Ain Fr 11.7V3101. toodtagitoffirs: • sas 1114 E% ROMS 801113, Dealing fruTsmaz *ED .noxuna sum or az. coumas,, , antlnaria or orPoarrAsu 2=1121 Up MOIL 67:11abn tion; nu* k aktiortiazo winno on all tlis Waiipa &ye throurbout tbr Milted Otitea. rirrinanne ' 8., COLLINS, '11 1 46 . VWThetaXIDOOZIUSUON LlWALurtime ti CCM" BUTITAAISAM IllractidUipaniatillandth Nov U ,1114pkovit . unottenti. P01N21114- - 100 bag, Rio Wee jug AVessitrolViothcoloos :WaLgozoux. AMU" 411/11.ERTZSMAIII.CNT4. WALLOW OIL —l2 bble to' wrive44 ror mat- t' eta • TB 1 I tlf DICTUTT • 0 V, NO.l WINTER 'LARD OIL —8 bble t, sutra by Ban. For Me by - - Taalr*H MCVEY * - nn. • QTRAYED—Efrom the teeideneelal . of •hs lord*, brae LuortdkV" Per- Mo. a sellew sad *bite Dow, stout Soar sears old. Loy onekanetaanlberwirereekeensetil be nteranr bovantecl by legytur wnd at neylloose. - Wel MO UST, n ST Lanalhee Tarnow , . . • rehrd Pdt Tonnelittn. IF YOU WISH to preserve your 01DER IF tin PURE MILT/UTZ of MUT, sod to urns isrmerdstion t Clow, sod ass to pr verve cpsfitilog props:PM Tor ul. to twain ;as. Wang 10 as. OWL direni•ns Lora:log.la OS% A NALLY'S. Matra Dng et. re, to Marini Boos, • lushes, EXECUTOR'S NOTloll.—Notioe is - herthillon that Wars teeteanta7 nen at I st d• of hat= Gin,, Ina it Creenaltp., deceased, ban ben granted to tbe sabealber. All pavans indebted to Ohl *nate tern men ;spate, and those Whig elan will;learnt Item to neritater IBABIrLLA ater. nnenter $2,500 WILL PEIRCH&I3II A VilitY InitillAßLl Two liITORT DIME 1,41 , 6.1.L1NG ct eight mom Enith•A stile. hon. Urn torment, to. Lot Itt by VI keg: nay ocen plod by Anthony Wetzel in • tin atop, Lola, Nai...1113 ronti j hants airoutoo. Apply to Q.l. BATES, Commerchl Broker, Got Sunlit lir a. Lootooomllls. QURDRONS• WANTED FOR THE 6.7Auldt—Ttuilfsalts7 Comnitttee et ttetraisb brae • GA ter T MINTY Fall •11/11nrtiN6Ar the Western Department A mettles wUI betrold et 69 lousti amok tanteetveeppliteltons. •Ueurpeces 11.11 lartted to Wand. The awe berm of the Psaltery Oepoaltn• will meet at Pell put Albs Tata Py ceder, rant J. 8. DWI*. Seen. HA MILTON ON FRAOTORP - NEW 11 ['WON - A TIMOTIOU.THEATIMI ON TBAOTINtIi AND- IoIetAXTATIObh. By Yo-at Nwitipp Vamiltoo. 14 1;" N. D. litwxl,l 1841vbsd ant lipprand. illiwtested with twa ms t'sd and dightyNat gel AY *ma 00. Ono T.L. Sam N t. ore AS Wood , i. DR. LION% WitSlCOld PHILIOMOIII, DOAN for /OH aLT.S; - Fun va NAIMOLI* HALM; 1.4110158LH011011 , TOOTH KV. AVOWS lIaIII BEATORIB and STLOBAL‘Alltatt Oaa siva bs proms/ at GZO. HILLY% Octant Drag Etna. a? ha afalaat Wass. ail•abane. A GRE&T BARGAIN.—.We o ff er far nte that lot otgrokok bolas about ea Took- Ito street of ft test, eat eateattbs beck let test. Decatar_ttteet; on install are erected two &able frame dwellhart. (Ma 64.) bath ft fteellent mole, 'Wasted in the Mk sera, near to the. club knob,- terra Ohateh Bethltag. Stile p4srtes we eft ea. tiutrut 'emelt for what It weft a.. cat to Met ' - the halldlar. Aprft ocf P. VADAT • k 1W). A WHOLIMIALB 72A 1101:182 in rbniatialswnha ID NM'S the tondos of es basest and bdustrbis yam, mss, to all goads cm casendedan. la PlAtantrib andoldslM. The peaty tbas smployid enll nat b* obliged to atm bee p7sts m th i r" but win b fsrslebed esneples, to , end fsallty Mabel to mats bb energy nuns to, ta Idtstelf end Ms em ployer. Undoubted Wayne& U to esseseter, es. übed. Address Tub, 800 19U, Ildlsd•lplds Post 001" called UM:U.IOIA wuAKri ON v TART 01341115 T. Pones *teem, et the Arteries. flea Lorimer.'. Deana' Wanda $O.OO. arose Ma wU of MlLlltary fart 07. Taa Bendtal Summit Nana] 05. smaseaVe Ilfltary Rule," PM. . Pmerzed'e Physlotegled lisokeirs, Viva tilackauuos - Mittary Bargenr. fILM. ran ' a /num f 1.60. &Mal t's Mbar Rargery. $1 60. Blear Ma es rifila2llll sad Dlifeeethns, S OB Yer s's by LW $OO. ref 61.W00d atm& FOR SALB.—SI, 400 will: purcluum two Mori Thorne Diblltag of oh room all to good wean hot 90 W 4 front, and banding Cron Um Cheat b low wear rasa, with the woornary Improroutonto thineon. brantlblig shaded on Qat north Mr of the allrgnsly Strar,lnlhugtorn. Dor. cub. °woollen gumbo *doab u t L d g rAi.m A u $ o k l rcentA Addis the show Lot Whist front, and blooding tom the Paid to low wattsiasek. which slurs Is • goal dyllt nia a L HAM. Broker, Botta 61.. Iwwwwortll6 PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMM AU rulo - E, dm and qtalltles. The Cheapest and Bast in the City. AT .12E U N T'S, !IAMBIC; BALL, Fltin ST. THE LkIIOEBT STOCK OF Velvet, Brussels, and ingrain Carpets, Floor. Oil-Cloths, ha ever offered in this city, is now opening at prices much below the late factory rate& OLIVER IIIeCLINTOCI & CO, FIFT/3 Irflart 04 rcirIIZTTRVDTIMIT 7 C 7 I Cos Qateernatesees Om= DIM , * Weansesos, Watkagam. D. R. Oa Tell. tea IMAM PILOPOSSIto FLU be nocand it tat What anal 11711111aT, WOOL 10th, at 1.1 o'tgoei a., tor toistaba tho Glastnatent (IMO) tao thou mad mass to mares to the Stllartos /PS0U704110811: All to be (13)11;11ketule sad mtr m 6EIOI. AO to b to good Arai. ma. genloteble.i and anal& as deceit purposes. ofAll to be over (8) throe and Was (9) alas perm PEOPOSATIL _ _ Prowsle to be W(KO) Ass Wand end upwards. The MI woe and postotetee addrtee et lb. bidder 12 111 1•Dinat ta the propane. 11 • bid le nude to the um of • era the mama era the wiles inast or the bsl end bona. aldersd is lb. prepool of the partner from idabg _ Troparla AdogsfportiarCl set M edutdoidi sad oalhataftittoosint =aspen' inch plop. entioo. Proposzli mat be oddzszud az Delpilizz Cleastal D. IL Rao/ or. Qautuaustar 11. L , arm. Wash. taros. D. Q, mod sboall b plabali sautel paaaltor• • - lazhc" . . . The abilltya the toddled int decade= it be awarded to him, end be isadtj u rre recOOltall PISOOB. WMos t offn to *P. plaid to the pediated. Tb• rdpredtaterof tbegarradoemand bestame bP the Mad eirtfloate of de Oat a the maaat Dlddet Omit a of the liatted Am ea Medd At: Itorray. Altars matt be mud to deem viTeb ... ,the conolor dad Proadd• edl3 ad be BMWS W eltO molt $104.00,11014 teldeZ. for sad both elide pinata; gall beradbad dela ntoraod n o de W o l l e a a d m r ata mtceo I rti a sot. h A Pl ehw dry Ibr the Melds to' hid - deer -boatman Ea .baglo Of to hare brads aped la eaticteattrz. sod lady to be produced what the 0011tria if (AWOL Stub rot teadraa be pedred spa applemthea Wag made at Ms attar Pereeeelth be• trr, or op talogrig n u • ' of de courety Qunolm .: sad Bide ot--, sod~the Meet? sad Bate -••• do hueby,patreatecthae•—• able to WM saw sled did snot lascoadaidoted mmith the tams a IP to be doom eater tato e . coorrad ce ti , eta. Dodd the Patna be imardettila Ns are to berme hie deartteek did Mule su m o c= matted to •••••Mbe• wits the sumo qt lW b we ouredre PA become the. coatmadad pent. to Ids dee& Wit. guarastee mad be appealed the adledid i 11601MORM 11103 MON, DUMMY, la. „ AU faiths assuirAidVraidar adelatinialat win to salad to IsimUcA. gum solkciAbew •• the id use tpurAlfiguras wUI be sapeted, „ , . asks aniat bCdi 'hind ts thwats atm' no) rim; Air•lisppmithAltg. qtatiallg-the. Amin' .ctiai ' plefor at the oxistracs. at ft scabs tteratterY 111641•1Qtattot. mow elthlaitagetsbaU bola Mids. • *ill Mrtbrattillgi(so4 An him.. it Dr Dobbin* of thoi iiormatims•t* va.l7 thlt ambv The cati:i ibthboar the elakt titipmaaa oraCtbldashat M an" feta tie 1416 • D.ll. EDIZEB, , ' Eit:oo4:l llll4 Thkrquivarmaitilipl'.! • ' 4 . 0 804 • r Theo. INEW•ghtlirt," If /111 ; 'i tares Jak. G1L411.110 14013filt FAIR _ L c ,r,., COLLINS PARK, PiTIOBVEOtt - PAr - COLLINS PARK MSOCIATION wal giro to following Wneral Ennalams, 4111017R17.0T6 TO $l,OOO, :104 TIM 11PROVEIIIIIT OF TOE:BREED 110BREB THE FAIR WILLEOBAILENCE WBDNEqDtI. Y, Ottober.l4a, AND coNreivs TRIMS DAYS Prenttern for the tr at DraNtlat-Stallfon Pre:dust frr the but Stallion foe ail purpose... IS Wand= for the beat Toarltos Colt*. • 6 Prank= for tbo Mt Too Year 016 cot_ 6 •Prlnntom for the brat family .Barre. Mare or ... 10 abate Pritilelna ellltbeswanisi on' Thursday, October 15th, - 1861, at 10 a. in. Pint Bay, 11.9 p. m., Mint Premium 1110 for.--Trotting lioneilfre Icars OW, ' Allegheny ronnly. TO ring Horso---- To !mad to - • Beata 61st 6, to Swumto Bobs. Pint Day, Beeond Premium, $lllO. Visit Bert Donb`• 575 !scowl Best Doubts 43 Mils SWAN am b. eeond Day, 11-9 p. m., Premium of $l5 for Paten. le= 3111. Beath 3 In 3. to Ilarneas, WSW& Second Day, Second Premium, $lOO. newt Ilest Tetteteg Eecnad Bent Snitlns Branton 55 mils Brats, S in 6. to Unzare, to 1,11111. Third Day, 114 p.4tilikaad Trotting, Madam, $4OO. SWEEPSTAKES 8011. ILL. first &aßat 100 We Boats. S In o to Etiosten. to Solo. Thus or more entries, and mot less than three to siert. ZMPrt par 7oto to a nt. to Ito 'lmmo. Cu Ito Ettnle, at op, m th• day provfoon to lb, ram. B. It PATTERSON, Treas . /. JOHN WATSON, Seo'T. DIWILIITION TO OPRN ALLE- WitaTISSI AMUR. • Beeled, By the Seism and Gammon amide of Qs 0 4 of eellethese. Th•t ellrgheny Menus be Opened ben the north leas of Was stied, bounden ma ttue wet by minds Nos 114,203, 2i3,25115nd 251, and on the met by outlets Nos i% 275, 257. S 255 end ifft, to Mind Liffee, a distance of a,arx Gat la the lint end Pentad Wards et tbs Oily Oninaghtnle cad the seid Ammo to bi of tlis width c f 12) led, In secordanne with the ;lan of mid street fa the oho of the Beaseding Sepriland, and that .lams Ida &U -be, John Dews sad' Janes Bache,' fresholf en, be EMI the/ us busby appointed slowest to time and Mass dafttgos and benants to exordiums with the =or of Act of Aassmbly, approval Rey R. 1651 and that the Plats at aanndli no, stf=l their amenn ment. and soactid into • law this the lat dey of October, Ann, Domini 1563. JAMXS M SILSIIALL, Praddant of dm &l .t CmormiL. - A. D. SMITH. Arum President pro tea. ef the GammonGammonCbancP. D. Maanzzow, QUA of Um Wed Wawa, . liailamasa. auk at the Oamason Omen. seP:2* TAREAT INDUCEMENTS TO PUB "Ur GLIM % BALNOBLUI sad GIIIICH Una of Pali sad Motor BooTemonv, 11,41 Ladles* Nora= Itsidatt CO o Osaysta - -attara CO Do Sock Cosy= L as t Galisis— 1 1 DS W. Noma (roas saD) 160 Nees Rip Boots 2 6,7 4 ao ( DoDo Ostrtsp acid) 100 Ltasd Kip 1 75 Drys' 11.1 p Boats 176 Youths' Rip Boots l2l 11 s' sad 01136arnhs Bona canny cots, at the bout prkaa Giro ar s all Wan parchsattog also. obi" at BORLAND% Di Matta mast, seem/ &or nom /dila 41121knatry Nandisata wUI Dad goods at Naomi ocit NEW CASTLE AND BEAVER VAL. LIT BAILIO A D.—Cn and Maw ZONDLT. tha 44th hit., (and until tarns skatitm) balm cm - ths M. O. A&V. & & will cannot liomdwood Natoli *fib tbs mafl train cri the P., P. Writ 0 B. W. 0041114 Pittsburgh •at T a. m. Also. with tba lbsatlns Aziazunadatioa. laming Pittsburgh at ITO p.m.. Throne' &Juts far Vim Out* Sham. Naar. lasaktin and on Qui. on be procured at the lista Wilmot the Pftttliargb. hat Wain& Chlairsilail way Ocusysay. is Pittsburgh. WK. D. DICKSON, Pau pr Agana. If= Curia, Pa, 0:4. 15, ISO. NINE PENNY BONG BOOKS, sow But Gentili:aslCB d the Wart mid most POPULAR BONGS, ALL POI N 11771 OMB; 02111 CUT EACH. Nees& teat WO, on motto* of two 3 cent tamps. Address all oidon, to boon prompt attentes, to JOHN P. HURZ Publisher, Oa Ingrain° Tutu rink istries. - • pußtaoSALX—Will be exposed ter soto, es en Psi DAV 07 00 1, 08114-thet eld Eer . t ..... (tottet kgglig wasaxciro QUARRY.) -10 se" ems ea Ins, IS mina nom irctot,on,tho A. V. Q. TA. la MA= Venda% Agoglesoynentn.lagtog s trent et 47 webs an en d a,s tram bongo sod otabloot number of dodo battog opple eras. nAtAt Atm obi Matt toe goolity ot act tar getodetones. og gristly smrsb ktmetztor ;gram of atter atm. Wendy , onos a.s at tlto farad Nagy goe ow lot, would some for oonelonin i Milky Nil that naad wink to go In es nano bed. MOM .• •r T . Trill naffs Angora ent dip dela. Ado to oggsneetoo at 10 o'-et a It. 'Flsm74lint ID. flit. .1011121 Auurnr. solgteogoi MUM"' FON, THE OABItiBT O.& auuszt,ulLolllloN.—nbatmactr tot ttot Ittio&soo. Hannoolsok sad Oakdoot Organ, by Goo. P. Itoos.“. Tadojbook Is admit ty adopted ItOt - swoon of tolittnatntodos, and to - as crags cos gongibiloo at progronivo ozototsis and, lospoto; to. teamed fastrmseatalpbon. Envy to:mita. tios. Isholodok “Itoctoottoli"s tot.tho.CobtatiOrgu. Hurtogbas ar, Neisdaaa.eardittogot siatt-ing fans Uts =Mom lack as opera& atm chorooko. MAU/ mulatto, mists Gnaw! oadoitioted to Indrlt• sada prenatal/0d pass; sails nosobors of io pp. gsak. Arta s t ante mok nabs. Cooler =Mid. oolt Ca AA O. 11114W13, al Wald Oren. 00L20.1418,11,14D 1 - I .4,271 Bunn • rpa a kmkswomasacoi ...„ 1,113011, NOMP:LID Toga %) , BOOTS. egoga MID BLIJIOULS: mad mares rata 111Pliaarmaiaaa ibaaaa..." tat: RiatabVilia;••.WO tun this day by - taken the Winkle., oteeptei Ilreem llatabbal alai• 95 WATZTL and 132 /BOIT brume, out win roatbsa• lb, Caaustalas bad zda: bid lush. Rehab 09 011 iiararia for wbkh vs have capadt3r: kw axe iambi. TAO st clasp id:TIOIL nous /Imam. &Actor acids .1' rn tollsTAlr AVIS I:Mtgs.—About k :) , ,, e tt° 1 4graPr ffill • Tarsals ion" Motet the. - "-IFIRrifiFFER# P.,911Z/47 vellata _ Ng& 'nand TA lnabiiiiet. 1 1 1TT1:• ;A,- Dar GOOD,. Rpm BAtIORAL BEMS! Y VVV T 9 . 11111613 T AND IRLIUTT/V4 00L0/14 Ifaighl - 41 - fun - -- `4l vu MI, and rid to mold lakes. silo crilit a small also, 708 GASH. .13olozi aia torttsd to cal and tdamhto our /took. EATON, NIACIIIIUM_& CO., Hos. 17 and 19 Fifth St. j VEIT REOKIVBD- monk= iminsomarity Liam.; Jlz QILTAND BTRIMIIIIIILT IitICEISL9 lIZION BitdINGF Urininzw, iIIiaDANI) HEALD NITS, ails Wait nibs Together with a geastal assortment of other goods kept to a l'rtztortteg Tama et M.AORIIII L GLYDBI3, TB NALTXT Bran. 114.1011 Tie nSSOMII4. 550 DOZHN GREY AND WHDEN Merino Undershirts _and Drawer:, 1111311/D AND PLAIN. At • mill atm.* az .it, by the aie, dcsen ex tom; m cusa BOY 5133. EATON, MACRON &CO.) Nos. 17 AND 19 FIFTH ST veriorr RJR MCI. nATALOGUE SALE OF OHUICE N./ BOOKS—nn SATUltnilf LYUIEO , Ooto. bar 10th. at 136 o'clalk, will be sold kV catalogues the second now Of the Oemmuotal .pal., Inseseos fifth street. a Library, of Motes Mabllsosom Pools, =treeing the-antlee Sal of Gnash sad Americas Literal:no, ell of tha bat edlUons e bib excellent condttbna. The callacli ea to lima and Is. made. Ise °decal Abbotatrd editions! 40 Wa nes Dove* Edmund Barka. Teas, 2 vols.; etatnrK lifstoxy of the Janata, I TO:14 Illonlandtes Plant. ant. 9 vols.: Mosta% We works. ilsolth's Wealth.' Nations. Wrasall'oillbsolto 2 1011 BLOOM, Voitsd WW 2 vela4settot Goldsmith's wettest vole.; Bentley's Illsoellany, I volt; Pops' Orns. plebs Poetical watts. 4 vote; balley's troth. OM by Mrs t holler Samthassrle lissitiom. I Vs; Uinta. T 11.10; Janes' frovelsonnple% T vat; Pow. kw and Walla' Pablkallons, Dcaltidse's hall Ise malloft.GOMPleflasal. Globe end Amend% 2 bib Uncle Tom's Cabin. 2 vela; Pastel's Univecial Rl arry.2 sofa; Hydropuble /mall, ldsallses• Ith Conquest in beettoa. 2 vols.. 4 0. Pbvt intgati boas for the young, Ins theologloal Work., and Is Belles Letters. Getslogoes ars now bids, and the boob two be omen doting the *Miss day of eels. soy a1d.218 t iscumsurt. ymmovED PROrEECIT IN LAW .s. arairaimmar..—cn 84TORDAT £flfl. MOOS; Ott. 10th. at I o'clock. *lll b. sold on Out premises, at the ocean of &Rental= street end the aft 9altq Ilellinad. In the Borcntah of lan. ntatertVe, that ellaable lot fronting 46 toss oaltd lontelne meet, end extending back floest• whew on is erected • double tau story Brbk Raja, gbh Rack Bnlldlso and salted for toe as either two or three tenement& Tb. Bardinp maw mad well finished, and the isomtd handsomely haymeed. Tema at mia—mwthild cash; Hu balance in on. and two years, with bitterest; mewed by bond and martpie, ea DAVIS A ItoILRLIIIII.Aaoni. I'URNITURE AT AIIICTION.--On THURSDAY .11IsRISESG, tlO o'clock, at la. sank HAM Auction Hoes, 6S SIDS stern. AM to fat a STl'llt l tl at Itatalsus. Hdoessirwo. ta.. am. prigs' Raulnesds, Take, %Adm. Drialag ltn• fun% Locum, Wistrobts, Hons. Sta. Au dig new Hsi Cups, snd a gustily Of ilassassirs. H. B.—Torroon bailor ttareitare, arIP III . caw mold's to Slopes at, wilt plasm solid Is us or baton Wodnerdo. oco QIIPERIOI{ ,1101:18SHOLD MEND A,) MCI IN BIBMWOHABL.4In THINISININ aORNINO. Out 8, et to cielcat, wl/I be NU it tiro etadocce et Jobe P. Lane.= Oman it, nett door to Satre Lipp eatos. Nat aficticOVP.tb• tabs forafalueent of reverter. Hommel awl [ltch= learalterr, colapdaza •Lao Tutu? of en orecies cm! to . e forabh:d dlthg; elte no. conaltlte DAM 1 NoILWAI3I6 Attotte A N A LYNES.- ram 1 " . oz. I , UMW —.WO. St LOUIS, NO. Pa som 1.40. .OL ' 0 " 4 A. • 'Motor imarSid the Amoy far tbo mh(hOho, FPLC MAT, minsel mar 6t . Lao% Na. A l ths attention of Glom mad Stool llabohetazort Allarilli= atom ea mortal % it rh w, m, of ard J. C. llorthoof Ph. Widen. tqmt— har with the tad of. ootaal op& mar by manotairtmon fa Phltaborgh. Otaahmall sad Ct. Louis. datomMara ft to br the prmart OM mod Tablablo Carr terat Immo, wbsmber Viedira hatatfain, Coto made from It ham 'toad fa the aim Purism trout IX top moths. Ohs hoalyda le ri - ths Oip el tam from the mbar, without soy whims m morialoa Wm& ram It poems Vat bothedvalatea ara p24 l "2 toralltlaa, which mad shown *WA oamlt ol the adadstars of by holm yropmtk• lam el mow d to Ell ado e fbr the okra Clay, to to from fit. lads or dillrond has ALES. GORDON; No. ICI 6i100,151D MI" . prearemom Pa. pusvuoicrse PHOTOGRAPH ROONIA,' ooasim ?ma am 11,43E112 RA And bi stinks, out Ekkardwies husky etant) PEOTOGILSSIES. of area dal and shilip tab sr cokcesd. gram IDs poplar Class di Visits to ORM sat Ms Ease. Mr. PLIIITLLIICOO would than CM !it , Goal= of Ito am aim Dona to the Noy ogialli" bflit7 of thlo ertabilahmemt. bolo noctod 11 11 5 1 . 5 * es dices ftti . iit GE atatra. le' Pan= -soossass. ass aithsetke FALL AND WINTER GOODBoRre 6sttor tt; Ink= car Iklatits tot the pada pm! orally, that is h.a►. methyl ' FALL AND warm nom, Comptblog onwithtus that to runit aad Ealtabb to oar lb* sonslitlag fspp' at 800TCN, Guam DEMO a CONTINENTAL ODATINGII /gas, a SILL& vizarrns. - Buyr sad AWN CEENEOINZA, toclatng res mortmel tie Linn Ii NEM AND ECOTM CANIINZENEF BLACK AND COLDBID WNW, AA., DIANN! prepared to maks ay to cads, fn LAM mat hobbmiNe DILA and to Um bus macaw GnAT,rossulk& RES* 31131011 A ST T-MILOBSe • Na 18 FIFTH MEM, - • LIQUID ETTOVE POLISH:: Zama why it it bts, Shia 67 , Mild's. • . 1. It la &bawdy Waal. • S. ILbaaaoroaaiwindow. s.JLptodoommdtttassiast. 4v is daub the sod Woo MO; O. tt pristrese from' ntd." • libLonga Ccanaideal sot cse.lbartbL alabor. lot Bala try 1931102,10113132011 . ea • :sow north onsta egINTRAL DRUG GrOnt. mnir Ohioet tibial ail" ~or. nal. rerun rfccasar. enact= ECIAIt 1114111116 TATRA. BSYILLID, '; PRACTICAL- PLII El. OAS AND finis Ematk a mama maxi. Oilbssi asy ; ' to =PM Ifeisbaszt. Dassrani IrOURIMR,_ lubg -tot egspastegOadzhiga il ltt 14)=.4. suadme elm% so3o za Moto Wm. "Wm& • 40' EIET23 Friarnair, Ti. ~~~
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