' • . , MIEBIIIi Eigszadhapin 1760. PETER HOY A/0) TintfeCiio MANIMACITIMat, - ueraLumzunis Eeraxerin, • (ham bOhsthsmMod,NrTedo . t• tha aitto.' . mmagame,orts .8R0W811111.7 . -mfartlKktkPlim,_.oM 66 - 112 Lunde= Statißron. wmpw. — Par• lftewbelie, Vactineriew. • hvarao' I tab Teed Soot*. lefeblfitei Tcflat ar lreu=ot, g , Deer Ekotob,lroiel Harry , Onotok : • 4rnal , •=lim nrih4 to tiktirp Wkitettenta Axioms ofrnettlat Chowtorwed mope* lotwowle which b• found of • reworks IntoLity.A • , 10E1A000. ; ; K"'' 811MM9-142n, Ho. 1, 10.2: NON I md 2 Isais% Cm (borwriro—P,, m esti - —41114 madlik. —oraitod;l3lSecaterl_ . -, ciMmo; Tta Tog N • • , (ki • ' .• • - .. , aria-3lipmklebeashmtial, Tarkieh. roreedir or prizes will bo snitl ot=9. '•11 AVM G. BALE 1 -. 00., " Are now temirtn their • & ' hitt* lht , Air WWI. • t 7.; War hroight to thb motet 1:-. • ,;-•a. EMS • • • ::'• . • - - ; e ;;•T•• .•:; • - • •'•::.• • :ky ; •.• 1- - •• ' • • 4' • •- 7',;:i.;:j.. 7 -ii.;• : ii...' .: 1. ! . ! 1 •1%! : .: - ,'••••' - !E:'-: ::',.;; ;;;;.:.: •,..,,,,:,.-,;1:--: INS .:. ~ ‘1,,,,-: , t•,. -."..• - :, • - - v. • , •.3. . • , Y- '4.- - ..,-• '4'4; Is 3..t".".5. 5...... 1 .' )'•*? • ` ~.t ..r i:, : ' - t , • , .:.s.`;?'* s4es: -lF f ".- : ‘, ' ', . •,,.. 1;`,: .‘ :: . 1..• L 4:t., . . . • Z.: '••••• ; .!,.)!10.4',.? ~,,,,: ......1/4!1. ''' A.4%*.,•T1f:1 ••••• 4 ". ,?, 4 . • -,... .- , -;',...'-'•*;-,!*, ;-,..4-*.• •••40•11il'',4.':':: :..,* • -0 . ; .:.'•;:,.;•.;. - -% • , lotl',.1.::'•:;!'`';;;''',i`''''::::;:11:12,-*'!i.;::.11:i:i•,,I. -•— , ;:.' '. gi.*,:. ':.; ..:-.,, I': •;`,:.•,..,,,,:•;:- ' ':.-, . , • ' ....: 4'"lt.--,:i..t';:: ;,....,'''.• ' , ' . .. 1 :. .... 'I, ".• ..: ~ , .;,,',.. .. • • . ..: '.sl:l•' : , : : :t: ,.... 'l . • ';':,-, ..,,;•,.. : , •3 - t ' " , ' :‘,—...".•,:1i•;',..,'`,i.",t,'24-,;,•,-,...,.-4-‘:,.. 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T:' . ., - ,,,1i :, •;7) , .., , ~`..:.• t;,i.t-,, ',-' "1*.,1, c .:* ,'...:1';.1:.: `1 ,.1; 1 ",•'''S I t .1-‘;':l'.4':'l.l.":' 1 ~,..." :,,,..4..y.A.'f. il::. , • ii; . , ..;..t ..; i.- 1'j..,:; . 4•." ;•• "" I .' ..;'. ' l,' ' ". r ' l'e "ts,"%. '' : I. '+''....`':.' ‘4i .. ! ~,a....,,.. • ii.i.?,::'''''' :,, t ' ''' l 'i, ~ -.a - , N: , 1 ':' ‘•:' ~.', ' ..Z, :,:, '::*-4.ii*•,' 4-•`: • ' .‘ ' '.:!, ,"' : - : '--. •*•—,: .4.•- '•i* * .- '• 4 ~.. -- '' • - * 4. - . v ... ' '' , _•.• - :.; f ' , '.r.. , • ' • --.. ;..- • ' ' :~~` WIESEN '';'4:.... - 1:4 - - ' - :' ,,- -. - ..it.;. , A. ',...-4'.,11; EIMBE S 4 ; 1 - ‘. _.~ ::,. ..-:;-.:.::.'..--'.. .:'..•::-....:.4: • ,-_ .• • • ESTABLISHED IN' 1786. ,• PP 9 RTART TO itAmwelr 9 o9m. Atiltgainmr, oivapue, act. - _ -Tie-Mat_arecited sad treys to cibersekeeetel - ar the can Id exttaidte Libretto far the =santictstrs of • LubriCating and Paint S nea p ikr gleam A, 11 ea° Wiereutd - bOdeteli seSeatUle mono, met end comma to pane Boehm end of pateantge m reeptdbfelY, be t uarturssar EVE 11042150 Wherever then leddicatces . batri been tated. the/ beesrposoescedsrially mate say of the MlTTlately ;Mend be due et. - ` or tot duality, tb take tleY Om et the bat elper2 Oil, and to ca• ea *setae, stela or ether alsobtosey. Tbe r. L . W. co di du ll . ty, ndltray sad cabyr Uks bbeity ; and tbe c y Kqeslity.ibr ham sad seerh;g. Ice _ tliT-Okly-bio-bsearteded by a /Waters be tkli dty, ud :trona tb be • mWe itiedefeybeited Baird Oa; ledted way Painters stee ts a dedded preference. ; Then 9Lleyre nay cctemeleetr Iselichcbticed et Iraa:ekes Leabric 01.1 Works; As ON groom b ceicatldo sad =bra, baboon Osm rayon the unborn excelbsoc• of bins economic Imodulenin of ono awl Mused 01j. • trig and bet Y ondldantly Invited. Far lab et No. 30 KAMM MINT, 0011101 of Second. moron, BALL CO. eaucto 114371g1 ENTERED 11:iTO A CO . kanisataxe IO ISLE ALI ar • Bare Tingles& Childreses Clothing, WI as prpltd to one to the peat ae• of Os Wing mad 440 !abated dir.l3 thit tag ant ben pi eta oith ancaffhtits 17/ 74 07 ALL Kiln% fax Dan ticbcd. and to des tram 4to L 1cm:11'19;0g oar wpm slims to keep on hind *liarriaviiid smartzorat twalfactorad bs • • thcbest 1410 . Ist Ze) Zak Basiazy so ars anneal pi* ire an cese bthicaztods Xenia ID any Eciaterts 'Houses, Poe the mutat oceopylog tat at Eters No. 19 Fii semT. • MI im OILY PALL & WINTER STOOK, And lotto Oak flitlllat and*. potilo to nand= theft deck. lebLeli b the giant Inamcert ceteplelb. tientlempn's•• Funislthig Goods. COINER PEAR kiplT. Cllll BT !"'"l6l7aelf* PA' 4.IiLILGURNY - 00IINY, the bettetuld of of kin mei . ei . At Wawa In the' westwof Inchse At lb* Inetante Idaho% ote ot Iltiotten• - • torloteald ecetwd.' lon are is died to lbo o4 .eggearbeixents, Wit J. mai aaDsea. liestar Of Wins. &a,,to old for the amity amnia, as or Mb elf lIDNABDAY, the Tth del of ,Getobat tr thin endear* to take ant Lettere of Alatatfas• MG open the totes of add deardentoWahow cam, El ate yen twee, why told 1 otters ibonN not him . Jamb Liaise t, or some other AS Prom Ailwateuularairluted eneted - of - °pia, Ws 29h rj or fentsober. A.,1),11386. • eerkint ma a. idoinabsott. mode?. FOB, THE PALL OP 1863. MOOD &PP= IBM rem fino,2, A and 5 nun old, Indtd4ol , ttr 011ndion varletfas, and may new eta Moo. •eon lap oink of Mae, Modind Sad dwarf.) 0112111%, MKS, FLOM, Z MIAMI AND 082AliibTAL THIS. MOM OntPil - 4111 ES, .nuns. 08111E511008.11 Plaldie. do 111.10101•101 Sad ratan et nen ter. sonsblenfinn • • • 308111111111M011,1z9 oelfrdawl intabonh and OetlondElneedden . fIOUNTRY BEFIDENOR 808 BALE 7h. susdadimel oltr• at Writs - tolg =tater ttslegiting or Troy flU.e le stool ito gam of ground, • gplgodl4 Bel* .D•illlng llougg; n tztallool Twos •Haell. midi rooms be • bleat mon Lib (molly t 8 110sal to woo. In =di lent Couloir Orden *boat =I choice yes* trope, sod • • gliciat 100 Apple Wow ping eggeseebergy, yips 408 .• °Yaw ergo, dg. nibs lloodtelou v at, rllenoli gra- • ,gifillam • •JBEIN O.ILIIDTR oa the ober. jk180.1181881$6211311881•81 WIM.SI3, rutodifiortmont of • MARBLE • MAN T E lionnmants and Grave alma; PLiSTSD. PAM BOSECIUX , £ D roan. 010114 & EITONMILB, isswir e skinviiisa or won WOIL I ,...43 tr ii :e s siii ham'S end malistoos Tli dr V i ntlllraiD ' )- - 1 ,1104.60 ' J r l ll N woes. ton IVIINDOWS, ike.,, PA Well iF 35103/Ir2A/41Wi11.. liTlis , tar Iriovani. - ~ ..-Anitakst.WXll!B sow o k ls, si _ , L .' W 11 2 ,1 it' unrrn ...*lii,triri ME _PM DIAZON,D, VW= Pretormuna. - mlinTr aelhi p anri evarks . : 4 wa i n mongol, lour and UPI DAP= cf Tar Gaint - miluto - '`'a• •' ItOCOLUITZE EMIT 111$1)812A11 1 . kn. stmo daa ar t io podh!tbkit . „ .1 *- r .- irimoitoltoold do 4, 1 1 4,004, ~: ` =i 1. 1 --- 7;abllZEr.ilails titriSr..l.6...a' ' 411110M116, 1 IN —4 -VrrinanINIILFTB I , I MUM 34413. ',/e. ,,, - -- x-orainimia ON- ' O, ,- __ rf it;VV.ll:lNUOSinuminflii a oa»-- --- - , : ).-4-tArcia-salou• twijlL.„-uncrisras, as,; N A ~. ~,, ~.,,l IHT ‘"""m- -",` tobiliiitina sum grair CIAT. ' i —4 Nejaw......,,, ft , sminiv zarav t - - . . "A' Imiri.l46..joiriiol_ 'Pattottar ,- , ,___,, , _ , 5 ,! • , ,„, : Tiffik—fl,',.:-::::-..;..4.NDIFINT'S 001411 MI ' I;eifi.t.•,-,,.5,!1 .L.,1...:.', ~;:r (..4i t 0 , , ' .^, • - • • •• •‘.. ;:- . • • • = • -•,- - . . • c 94.1 ;'arias tpikci pat rencaabli. GRAY & LGGAN, JAL O. 3. Lama. 1.1.974 oa Wad. • WV manzi•••2i oty ats ipran mom Tbiti ===lP 40-41111113NOPM rustrc Mir GOODS piag.NAFD FANOT BUM, Of all gybe ; BLOWN% CILIUMWM a NANTLIS; LONG LIER.BOI,IIII =AWLS ; =mon, COMO ALPACOAB; Lams, BANTECIAS L lIIRBZED MOM% POPLINS. ID" arrow, =tura/11M own Mean, NUMB a Leos ISCPIRLIFILX LA03111131 INELINS; VIILTILTS—EIask igsd Wind ; NI =pox. iWIBB, JACIOIEE3 it MOLLS g 111 do latest WI mot tathlonsbleg FAL I, 'DRY 0394DS I CLOAKS, sworn, 1311103, AT AL. 33 or IEI Er, 21 FIFTH STREET. odu ANOTHER OPENING AT Et As 3ELIEVELIEL, 59 Market Street. "N 10 VT SILX ligervcr alaiikus! NEW SHAWLSI MEW DRESS GOODS .ces wsztvg NOW OPENED AIN la- vaNern nom os New CarOcocist I Sao Misty irtkis in; as esablii to sal -balm 61110011 K mutat WM, Ciiii-44;(64 OniTtrib.ll=lll,4lll4 „ T 600 mg. a Bartow Bniziai •-, • Doaklink tL bst la Ur market tar sonic, IClat Jitetiri.: {De cluiirit ti thioclil. Lieu' Init Mill* and llnderlarmentsi „, • • /100D9of utilazul kinds. 'Oils 494nd lommrstsßous, via.vrr mums. nantarsaa: zusauks MID 1111. BECILDIMIE3 b mm T d anapbb. •ifiq a DM kind!. or SOO BAucozaz Horse. 1,000 -vas. FAzumakatuus pgxßutr sranatise, intminir, an. !fir iionitatelaid tbs Wale xingrally imp lis• iltattqitivr Ewa au. ,11: . r.,191 11E0E9 OP sum ACADIA.' & CLYDE, (- 7$ g4I3ICIP SISEBT. N iff GOODS, I= SHAWLS. lIALHOILLL and HOOP PHIBLI BILIVICEO, &a ow. ESP Pi4gis sviimuin.assim BOUCLE!, DLIMOUTInfIi aid ORMOCIa pa ± aaun suaaNi*' 130*.4445ara a:amain= a oLoTax W 1121341100/ MOTELS, And • folim - ainsont of Drip Good. at J. M. BURCIIIVILIVS. Earth last nanir Ifoutnk and lialckstiarnit: josarn HOBBiI a cu., LW= VII AMMO Or , • -MMUS 71-.L.rarp!!".l?•ll3Wilfigilb 13TOCK or , iat i maird, • azototthrour. ranUL, 1101110tret _ trirAANtitio ULU,. . 1.11911111 i iIiAiNIDILERCIIII6II I ALUM POlnillif, ' - BUM IMMO. 11011401111 i3DPAin QOM' - sue Corner at alisseit timid& tram. itar.ff AlllY TR atii 100 enlist • woreeslOsethste,sokkle. , `EAT I, !Oakum o. co.,* zros. siein Tilessads, _ &heves Atkinson's Steel Collars anA,Sak ikesebs 4;11645:1mi seenna;crszeitet o n icesepae wmons assisr • Tionorsiouantm exkoulitiounie - Giattetesette Out& " TEmang. • . Pit• - - - 1 area 7 t ,. a, mrs. l2lt r ri a as i g 6owirafiwit.voursiscare IsiprOnikeerlmot.isrlSour ;._,lllfrafrailifispelbdiStbar:”, rive IALIt GOODS iSEW' : GOPPB ". '*" 1 ~sii.ti.-4, =2. 47.4.ttC.12:2.21Z...."40a PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 8, 1863 pfttsPursit -Onzettit. RIDDLE & 00.. IIDITOIIB ARD rnoPnisto46. Pabliestion - Office Ito. ti Fifth iltrtzt, imam AND MMHG scormoNs,wili,t ow/man Toii Ansi saws UP TO 12111 lion OP rtroxaamar. rum TEE= OF GAZETTE, ltierso Raines. by 441. pov yvar-111 . math.. TO. lowa—. IL " sine" occds•—•-- Imam Saran by Pa Par-- 4 00 . 411 nowt,— -1. • ' 111.1111....... 10. • H &toile Wiativ.tortiositingto cop!" p 44 100. o dote of b to 60. daily( 8.0 or *mu « 111. —ea a• :Oita:kr& to the party tottbsit dub. 1 I • dab 111toon, n 11111 sod tbo ammo oAnzeta 6111 y." rot • dab of tweinty, tea nil nod the litozmo Outioo dally. Moils copir. I esub. 112 " 411 4144 4 4 1 17thouttotello imotboast. 10 1 0 46 4 altrys stopped who the Una mho. TIIDEBDM lEOBNINO ---- OCT. 8,1888. The Army of tbo Cumberland. - - - -- . Cos. Bosley, of the litoth Ohio, who la home on a Odd ruiner, for reanitieg itlik health. kin oomummicated some intsrestini and highly encouraging int•lllgerses to the Cilleinneti . Oantto, relative to the Army of theCuraberlind, in its rtout etwounten with the enemy, and its present situation. Col. 'Pomo left Chattoacoga on Thursday, the ,Ild isatant. Ile rode most of the way along tld river reed to :Bridgeport. The claim of the rebels, therefore, that they command the dna, is unloaded. The railroad south of the rim, from Btenroscrn to Chattanooga, is not used; fer the reason that the bridge at Bridgeport is stilt, down. and two or three smollerbridges between that plan and Out. ' Hearmacria' headquiteue, are also out of re pair; bat the rebels do sot occupy the road In any force, and ninforesmente for China nboge cold lore over the route without op. "position. Illoulting wirovements are not !.arid. Oen. Boescusakad ail the men he needed in Chattanooga for present purposes. lie could not no more to advantage ll they. ware on the opposite sided the river. Chattanooga is, in: tad, a grand fortifies -tin; arid nu only be f•eL , d by regatta stage , approaches.' From Oil mode Of operations nothing li:feared. :Indeed it is a tut that Adige' would plum the army better than an attack by . Brager srmy. In such a oontut - 00 eire'eesidok et their ability , without •••rolpfdicinittt4po defeat the rebate. The men Sin :la ,Ilie epixituial thole. eontlasnoe la, AMA snthuslasm for, their commander were unbounded.___Ridets all erst , stay be stated Tel - Ware to the present Situation. It pi - Aleut/16 thegsbla that au is well withltte Army:of the Climbs - 21UL tor the rut we must wait; but we may rest soloist ilat algal. Boseaus bee succeeded, - agalniegretit bide; iedefasthig th e plans of t,thelefiehli'laillle-h-ohlinglds trona, so he • will goosed when /antes the nut step for k. nue. Warning- the atimrbefore him. and striktag de 410 of the Confederacy. Upon this pont no one need entertain; a doubt. • With referents to the battles, the only ground the rebel, have for claiming a victory tithe posussion of the battlefield. Bat this, did not drive u from it. On Sunday after neon General Thomas repulsed the enemy at anry point; ha tired the last Shot, sad re tired in good order to Betiline. For the 'profitless victory the libels claimed to have gained, they paid dully. Thotteel this, and they not only are not bewil. but an actually istoomy..ffier the molt. a The/ strut tor Chattanooga; they 'afford tremendously, and Butanes remains master of the prin.' In regard' trees Mutt, the gloomy 'Moles of the I_loam:tad pipers npretot the feel ins to Bragg's army. It is not true that nags of troll sent out by ' General Bommans had been refund. They ware resolved, and our wounded paroled, and brought in by our ambulance trtlns- to Chat tanooga. The men who wont 1 out for the wounded. report a gloomy fulls* in the idol army. The rebels admit their louts, tare been [lug arms, Tarry „elalmod that our dead must have been removot. from the field, as the number they buried would nd account for :ihtlix snit lona,: Mantua boa no remora of our dead:tower. • n e aria kilted. wounded aird missing, waslooo. Only a small proptntion liters Med, and a mull minority only. of the ant wounded,. were severely, inj Many of thou scuds& ore Saturday n dud their regiments on Sunday,. Those or o an now lanlit..fotdutyloid are Orkin tr ee are being foriougted. This will hasten th recovery. Oar loss in artillery.dLi not 'need twenty picas. Bragg took about 3,600 prisoners, , exiluin of the wounded left on the field, sup peed to number 1,000. Om. Bencrans took over 1,300, and ca. Boynton thinks the num ber may read 3,000. The latest estimate of ens rebelfont en- Lased against us was 110,000. tis anon that in every light they outworn us. and this was especially the cue in Anal con test on Sunday afternoon • tho enemy was repulsed by Ben. Thomas' ous corps. Subagent', to the battles the obeli were smartglaglOr addle/ - littsall, .Their troops win fternap inline, and oulpia — kitts could •dbalactly. hest speeches that wide made, 'by - aeon trate :soldiers. Tho la4rwerre old diet 'le leenteleititell Menfly to take Chat larieoga,...• that eat* hopes of lOonfedeis retedlathatt ithaYsiad Om they tailed was tom Nor some reams no known the oontemplatail attack, was abandoned, but the ceinlen it tket Been 10 1 f 3 d tdo othlY too teutduskatterld lektioneiral of the engage snot- !._ --, i. , • The heavy loss of r eb el Muni explained .on tholloutdihat the gtue z ra t l / 4 20 1 1 1a rdraoy In tbentstedy rendered e ex. pesontid the'pait of the oaken eoestary in, coder to keep the men up to the Work. 001.:Boretta gave us a vivid description of the fighting in the Add where hints engaged. oar correspondent Y. B.; Wif leayq wu mists kl• is one pardadar. with Waldo to_Bratt tan's division on Saturday, where it was re .ported to have broken. ' Owns .to some gen. sfal tionfiniolt that ;derailed ot bus Usu.-4 nuty have so - appeared to o t =feetidext, but it aerie gave way. 0 he bums tetllmosy to the general aeoureteryi of our co reepondsnlYa aeoront, so far as kle(own abut riding of thi ,battle; render him capable of Hausa &Co.'s Olintar, for flopbtobtelo, 'spit* whiz the prospaittre Shamus of the Laird =Airs maid most threataalage la tai dadaita*i rssahed.by as ogind that sosaasoreat atastbmagdond intact °roger I Asti war with *est Drugs, frith all Its tortiblarestaS to sillier side would be pre- Webb, to than amtinuod asoutions to the rebsi pirste-aiwyr that, la snob is mat, a abetvenalwas hobo sogagatwlterever found, oesoritelkul to be eel oat of a *WA pars. Dad ,Yoka Bawl and his Whips. wore thus Inotakt to that: sasses, 1 • ) ' ~,,,t coups Illoir•—A wohstla ibloart has stud a landlord of that sitylra idsoitasos la the ha Of ha hislaad aid cadJ4midsr um psoalhr olreamstalogrov - Thor fli hired a 3tousebsloplag to tha eloin re atilithard ba ba. the formoiompaith tftillo had &lia na- sad &ha of pose :.Th. 1 17 1104 eali Jar& la the h 0410,11 wok two wlwa dm father , eat child um Matted by the 411sassit lio mums had Aka to :.men the lesotbat,•and for this sad Its fatal regatta the law of Illhoolds thi laidleallikidis to Naha. , I • pea SittottaosocomoilloSziton Prodiorsi LlostilO i o !alai to iti• IM %i. 744,99nrhamt viiqbasmi iiitiqouniabilowtitt Moe Oran 034, :490113411 kilaulduS:oOltoliottto at As Ithrkt li to Gob ii 11011211110.140,104 .. xi t'.^^.l teurrOullnu AT VHS Pore or Neer ItoreAe The Bs' York Tribese, of Tuesday / bit elle immigration at thti point alone for th pad 1861..np10 lath la compista7 4169,013004111 that *a 1861,12116 s 00tte5p4116113,111•71•7* vu 70,,c0p, *skint an berme 47454.009, tit 9,000 mime than the entire seta torla.o year, Batman ihalsts7sB SOthalitne o 7 forpnwnt tirs47sliens 7 fe ig nrrnagt tiv nelr il f t a n t s o an y n e ta sairsdas t pu an ng s. sad e6lB 10 w ta . b ad d ta , Doing the tans month last pear, 8,463 eta. Igrants antral in forty-ihrse sale and oho damns. the mints on 711- day and Saturday numbered 7,769 spationl. A Sorsa proposition wu made to Um New York Board of Allormen, of (ti tut toteUaw. A petition from tome profaned "BSTP MM• oidttal, who L amnamaztleal open lbe nibitat of the imatoralltles of the City, mid propos ing hydnmathie treatment ta do-stay with Wet tky map** dm Airman-. to wash am ; aU persona emapylag Lbtatiego of tilimit morm{impadq, psi rei4 and doodad amuldemble anommant. It tray refuted an aorount of litformallq. no mesa* doting to make It mem by wad,onlig it. Tits Unix Miff Ilaortec&—.Dotortort from lab's army melt tberobolioldlon aro batomlat barefoot, sad that appribesoloas aro felt by that alms that groat iudirlog wlll Mae this winter among the troop tal lest . tke blockade of idharlistort, 'brace' mblok port most of the forol goals hay* reaohod Oonfolommy, laraUod spa:44.— Tali/igloo fotegram. Tam PntUTLTutiL Ermrrtett.- 1 -riorateat iteptbileaa lath:Wm Who ha • Wee ihnhp • faa. Welters Pennsylvania, write that If the Easters part of the State deal ti wall so the Western eonattes. Woodward will be defeated I.4=kunnand majority.— Weihieptes Car. tB. T. Sam JIBDICAL. HEADQI7.&}ITERS DE. LUDLUM'S GENUIbM SPECIFIC Walk d at le LTON'd DBiG STORE, TM street. PAtiturit6 A Ffilli3ll hiIPPLY OF IIL ntrEnnars HOMEOPATHIC MIMED= Jan remind st FULTON'S DRUG S'rolll, Ho,. 67 itni 711th dust. BELLINGHAM'S MOH ENT, FOB tan Ef AID MID WHIMIta, fiLTON'B Pk* fIOBI, Tut sale at Elm a and CI Plfth.strint. A FRESH ARRIVAL OF 80E6 07 MALTA CIOASS, nwrczys DISCO STORD, I=l 1227318221=3 FU L'lvms uuuutt b Y HAW, You (mons. coi.na. J. li rOLTtai. Prepared ard add by mac Bters..7lllth !tweet 110SrElTlittli B FULTO2I"B DRUG nom 1221=19 Foy. GT end lie lifth street KANJaIs PL iIiTATION BITTIB, FULTON'S Dll STOW; ee49 Cl aad tg et,. 1d Sang Weer P.O. 12!= BROWN'S BRONUHIAL TRUCIIES, TOIL BOHR THROAT ! ' lIILTON't Dlttritl MOHR, I=l9 eMM,M=I DR, HALL'S 11ALEIAM, ion TEM LMICIE, wirwore•Daoo nowt, Tor gal* al Ma VI and 69 Iliftti ralst. SR Trim*, MACIIMMA. G in THE BEST 1 10 WEIMER & WEL B'S - SEWING MAC INES. HIQHI2I7 !iIITIIOIIIII IH has LIMP trelsighe W.Old ilOololoa *Arr. yrs bottogikgreat lastly truzZ for &Wag Atooldnabbrourairlori part. of tba try. and oil fro oonnot ui Fobably reply to by son. us thooibt It, to data oar 41221011th rrlyird to *soy to - gone tonssr: W. Tule to. • in:amp Asp wears ampmnimacausz, sad say, to TKO to It, that to vhthont i a ... rivaL No MAXI insatiate =made a Its adapts tan to all yarrow of domain ow It a stotple, sot sally oat oat of order. sad In. tat at sato. lissom and dot& ad other atathtas • dasboad of 1 1 . We state this =Os to mud ea ataildti4 Illealbs tIPII eta. =lt ,tteIPIIIM , sad hop* abarilty . to ern taraltas analds Is tan sad pagoda la itorstiag lattats." WlercallastbeArrxmtio.o rots RIM% awl em mle opzesteme. Air Pep If adios worm Ad Ant rims. WXL BURNER di CO , aslMms/ PIaCTON: M . U 81131 autanan nano I s A a glikeggreti an Um so% aintli x tescbat Ofieded pablbhe WiHat* ta Voitalbatto. anapristng comae* bd Bathwas tat" Bad . * Weber. B. buttal. einseste, Oman Add yin port. goal sad IMEtarse. Two ind aitt per ma, WWI far Weeps. 1. 11. 11034116311 61180,, 61 tab *Vats or SPLENDID FALL 13TOOK pritzwAre PIANOS, • ' 'ib bat ta tbs world. citzsimzwe N. z—ths best la be the Om WANDS. 10—tbs cbssaad • • , Jest rewind sad lar sou br li. SUBS/ • • soh Arno lx ths PO. 63" ITN/113.1n3P I A N OEL-.." ;..-7.. J-1. Just eecettee, the seat eete ---.......,..'m7 2.7 mute r_t _es the anettehed • • .: :: YALU el...weever yea hi Ate at • a y boasts doubt the BRIM 11 hilt i lL. • • all . le torettViretlitite• spattheetet CMAILLIMII DLTINI, „dr - - , . 413 r nth street, . Ape 4, piao uatkle, atrzoir RIM MILIEI,I • • Amman airr, lismomponet co Maui a him .axArwutbtr tn mmeacel stook ceD11011:419,30M . — l3olfOlt Luisa. insDaWismair asust Lianze. eint4liatrettg lia . PA?" , :INA axi. i 1 67 • ..- ils . win -1111 WWI te . eIWID Ida lirou=mB4lilitendaa. , , . - . w. vszotpclia tie : he POIN VIA era partlfgartt i'a to bit eack; sir ofilwas,op nli . lir' YJ V *l-4-signiV) .TlgtipAD • ddiver.Tr# 2 . . 8.20 .130NDE, -, ---innsiostomitibmi , 1 , -Aiwa 411)taig T I - H A V ANIUMEJNEWN. , . CIA 010511 rtgi (0100 904sttelli etip•bl Ito Virpl6o;66Milyi),ltall itAgtoorf e.. 0•94 Tut 4itsi) t lllgct kai uttatibed std eselle 3 the pwryter d 116. sotPA• esta4 Quash's° Wl fall* tromyrnal44 to lin by the magnet mazit. totstlatof 21,santr. - TIIIB (Ther.:l,7) NVISZIUJOI Will toiptesiatal; for ttiorowila OA., Moose brioor . dorrefoOlo OA lad wiled of W.bd Pow oxot vondinal intotus, wittha *limey to Asti , tcodaction of the PbastAlo entitled, • TillE - 1/11EA , 01 iSPEUTRE. Ta amelade with the new Ortoody of ItAIXBIAI3II AT AST PRICE. WdAtiONIC MALL. Performance Every afternoon ICEvening. SECOND WI Z& OF Prof. ANDERSON! it.d net ef the grand Dadra Oreleta Madan at TEE ciescraiu. caws r At totroduoid byt Prot. POPFIII.:7. 71 Et. wed es bib itcd for ilzterm coileactitimi corratits, at the 'tip Whole I tietitutalefrodon: TM whole of the wEtwratos wet trought ow by Pc,f. ARDEUSEdine het May. SE th e PinEfiltd2 Hl' bends. • Itiaiojunttion with thfir; Prof. A9DEHBOH give toe soars theloper Prcsawasto of TWO Ballet IS WOODSH WOlthw., Abdo= AM. DMRSON will appear at es% royeetwatation se the El BIL OP LiMb k L Toe frerit or the hell well Ls beautifully Illaudos tat sightly by the aLzarno osimod LIGHT. D2OVS °Pala 2% WA 7 p at, to COZEUXLMIXI St EX and I p wt. addilislon. 23 CElPti.,Potetered isele, emits extra. Ohildren; etextroptchd by pseuds, to mitred unto. IS auto. hem rosy bo Moved dewing t h e Soy. .7% • OW. T. 8H1111.0012, Admit. Agent I oaS:lw PROIPOSALL POAPAA.IaB FOB FOR&GE.—The "Propo•sle for corms." advartto d Ll_ COL Malt Levi Iforte, L. Q hi. U. 0. V.I. at Warts. bare. re.. our. ORD, Ida. are Iv Toby slated, sad raoruee..4s, end .esed mPrepnal. Foreife,'• pl I fee received at my office at Obemberee berg, to., rill TliffiaDAY. the Ith de; of October femme . , a r artkba a lolloefe. live hardred (0:0) tors of poi Lied Timothy Nay. 0,000 lb.. to the un. Illty amassed (50,000) barbels of Oats, b pal .bow, ache er.lehleg thirty-two comes per bushel. Thirty Mumma (WAD) butml• of ettellsiOent, la Ebb, webby* oily all loaata per butt•L Ume.tlatri of the forage to be Mamma wltlt'a brim day atter to. pr. peels have Om ocaspiel and eacond by &beg aelarameter Orresval. Lilo toed of lb. May, SO,ouo Webb of timbale, dad It 00J Labels ef tea Coro, to be delivered at Derry Pia Loa , oa the Lebanon Valley babied, essa.itallb metetcve, about a as Wks Irma liantsbarg. babel to be Whored at my war boar, la genie. bug. rr paa's will be oprcet to the presence of the alai f Natal CI mmeadleg this Ibrantleat The Wora.• will be sueleeted to such Imre. dim ee I DAY drool All pepposelt most he amoreptaled by a hood, Blob by tee responsible , iferrabile Otto. sateelop tb. tibial perform an re a lle melltaa The prop ale wlll be edintle•: to se at that pace H. ett/OLUT. and ',Was ChM Qtartanzaster. kV Q. IL D.?I. of Bov.isoks.l ttar..b.rno.rg, Oca.trzt Ist, la= attid PROPOSALS FO a UORSE& CAVALRY BUREAU. Cerra arias Ono.* Qeanixous Weabloaton. 0., Aye.* LaTL I Pir/rates ore sal/Mted and .1/1 be reestmd ad& ollleo to the turabblog at CAVALRY a 01331173, to bo doltured at Patiborgh, P., Philadelphia, Wash. Wotan City, ByrammAll. yr., or IndlsompolK rropoeals *lll be evratdarao tot the tam of barks 1116 feat not km then twenty4lvo (114N is h bare* tots Otto Rama CIO i - oliteloa (TS Ugh, from Ave (5) to lo t s !*ears dd. wale Inekru to am siddle, coopactly.n pal tbab.andaii from all &Leta The Willy Cl the bidder to MOD hii aireetnemt most ) c, guarauteml by to. rospeasol. "Aroma gems elinationo mast to appended the guarantee. by ten The rospomlbllity of tbe anoranterseristbeshoom aloha esrtitleats of the Olink of tbe amnia Maid Octal, or Um Canal tithe District At torney. Prosesole taint be iddremed to Lleot. OoL 0. 0. BA WTICI.LZ,Ltht Qoartermarter, Cavalry Bureau end Le endorsed on las envelops, +Precool& err Borate' 0.0. vAarTALLII, Mut. Ca/. end ChL Q. Si. °ovally Boma. solittf CLAL/F1 4 GEXTB. pm:iv:lris, BOUNTY A BACK PAY T. WALTER DAT, GZAII:IL CLAIM AGUES, yailO3 Pi,U EL, third dear Woo Ad OghadreL An .wo nad t o solaus, mho Mae twin In the mIIb tag or naval ear Mal are entitled to, IWO Soong Panton. toildfora wbo WM- gamut two .ms . atLalso Waled to the OW &long. Soidhun by town of ems% ara .estitlad to pen• sio=Vldowa of BMW% one Ma or ma MINA tO tas amyl* Sr. entitled to penstona and the SILO Bounty, Moan' Canna, of crag datortptiarkj promptly pt. tamitd - to. No chirp mad* In any maw until the aratey b oolloetad. 171a.1110k411 pIiNKIONS, BOUNTY, BACK PAY. H. C. ALACIIWILL, attaa■erat.Laa and elate* Irmo No. Ili TIM ETTMET, Plltobarth, P. Ooresettani Inlntway ande4l,lelnEts =intim Ptteenatts 801.1416118' (MMUS, antra* Coal 111 - ,III Iat WITEDVfor di Cr:Assad Beldlenh a Vr dlOnionultel often . Mod . 13_*Mq 0 BM& TILe and IMMURE tar Widow: p ayer Clot= Children, It ow end Min, at 'atbior to as npstr• Neataibea of thole wee here died li Unetermele, ar Cute eitotr dtrentits from dleasse:cantrupted Et turbo. s . trEi it• tuitA iialsotat, &Alma isstri win bi Inrarorstaro a Malmo b csalozed. blAbrin) BOOTS JAM SNOBS. BLOIS AND 010118. OBLAT BLDOOTION Lsdiss' tog. Logt'g Ciao& Goiters P 75 forth ea MS /I MI MI MI IGO 9 . /1.0) EM=MENCIIIMI en °that goods shag t.ry Lye 3liM2lll4lla6B2laitst street. , EW 001211K—Hering jail returned AN emu the nit, we hare now In store en atm dee cleortment" of name and &arable soars Aari, iii7lo3E3e A4yvb:4 to ttu nowt. Deans an to smiled with tbtialir, luau . • • • • OEILIMItIttre ZOOM MUMS sad MUM won, at a slight alma for cab, a oa. ixamb7 M. ALUM. Me h 02.15. • a. Tt. carom Wood itil ERN, Mani, Rh drot. From EXTRACTED • Wagon, ~....a.,,PAIN.-W• Wit Ott soothodif tokritths'ado 4 nu0a5 .......... ... twothe otaalo• gionnalyihat On an wit to 11.1311• OT 'Urn In Mk. PUB riM" -- proctleo caladdidot. ' VIM. i WM Pint wilft this macholnedd mo MI ,aster tantr Wai and Oro ati e ow was 'shim to cm bonbons tided : of the ad* lit • • not adman Astral los+lllthogit .Wart's mikes ot ti good and Dion van do Intl to tin and otosolt WOO . ••: ~ , • : Jams imEtal tk:"'D. 6... . - 8.-es or, Eti.l3:llßa. , • . )—.' i tat-emirs . so a awl:matt St.. Ptitldnol& SOHAVB k BV DONALD'S " asSEI AND DOOR noromr. 0111DiRSON 8171 EST. swarth sod avid Maim' iii=airr Mt; Bas i . f zeut,Difios'PlN & ISMPITI3:ZOI SAMUEL FICHGUEON,. ALU 07 maul AND SIP Oft% Baa 4, taw id Litiotaif amp. utliapops• win NiDSSYDIi GM US, jars NCr.' 2 for 11.11311T.1t. cfasum- VOLUME LXXVI --- No. 280 OILS, am vs a 1380., &duos to Cade I Bead Pelreleam, Benzine, fa., ISI IitAZEPT at. IMILADILPIELt. Dadomis estreits4 to mit ww• will reasiTs am gssarptipsnesi astatka. Rain; Ridoirglen.llaticy ft Co !moor, 15058,46 losillikadlegid 4. WI; Intaborgh 4 821414.104, f'p01.151, 1 / 3 IT. A; EL L. Foster tale namiumw- - • ooMird D 4 14411 Mt, AcrirsT, • 'us WALSOV PatUDELPH* ORITAIS & 11117111111 PETROLEUM oa ate euttottO7 =alt astir at moss stotanoblo ram Q-STOLL= YOB aiwsza to =I contra. To tip UMlll•Outigood *AL- . . yistim.W Mb= paid to OIL 108 EL , 2121111,'60Drit. &OA AUG 6A I ABM & PRI43, 3BRION, GEnnut, autacramoras szoirzes. US Bair* Ilan taxa, rea.spsir~e. Crude and RednedlPetroleuni. • QA.IIMO BODE 80Dk ABIZ. BMILSTON III . veva% OILB, 40. eirOntats toinv otos]] poriptly otteatie4 to. moldy ALLEN & NEEDLES, PHILADELPHIA. Clomxnission. M.erOliEuits. nemihratl=as-vaitow CRUDE &REFINED PETROLEUIL war Liberal advances made. sala RNRY ROE, N 0.13 Norm Furl Ornery. PHILADELPSIII. 611011311 LND 003111.18810 N itzaaiLusT Crinde and Refined Paroletan, LUBOICIATING OIL AND IiZNZOLL, AM dada In Crude and &Ana PAISOLSIRd HARM& anny BREWER, BURKE &CO., COMMISSION 111:11CHANT8, unite of the ALOILII. PACIFIC) AHD LIEBZETT CM WOBIS. ifr thseal oath 'Arum" au& o$ ocnalgamalas . N Relined or Crude Petroleuni. Oa. Dram= Ina ATP ElAim= BSW; Trrrißllitait. rim JRON CITY OIL WORM. LYDAY # fiIIORPEINNINO, Ilisialecturen and liefteri of CASSON OIL, 111111 01 I.SII MSD 1 4 131M04121330 TA Ana dealers In CEDDAPBTBOLION. POrWISICI. CSIMik 8 1,2 0 01,1 7" 01664. Ho. 69 HAND 13TBEICT, WALES, WSTMORE • 4 OMPUBS/ON BLUDRADELANTaI alco lIIIPPNAILS 011, PSTEW!LCUII, EC /tams num we room or Ample bailltiet tor STORMS AHD SW , PING, tl Moir yad and Irtart, BrD ans. =Hat Albfr OIL WO need not be a*bartinnO4 hl Mt ostscomrat of Mt Enac ere (hi= shoo they tios ttoolf Oil lbeloi limbos% topohlrogtho Clip Whammy io ohm% mom prompt, lona los rbk, trrablb toboM cads, et &IRMO OIL ratilD, On the Albgbeay Wiry DeDm& at u Lawreace. .we, ibse. CS A pawed' atom the abed to the eon. seta At P , llit. 11114 AC Wilds AMARA AU Cc lag, to. , Rottat at Toed. ea Mime Pirim R. S. PPM MO etches. BOX. 908, 111.06=0 I or I am leo era dolly es the 011 Itaduaot,' DAVID KIM RICELARDSON I -WILEr& Commluton and 'laniardbig gershaats ORME /c REFEM Se. ill own mu% t:rrnsount. morLrboril CUZ AVM= C.ll etadin=ata ba rlltaborsli or listen fib. listra4. B. Dawns 004 Orsorm WOW* Emmal4.lkii. Minas Spa,Pratt Oxisteutal Baia ROBE= ABLIWOIiTH, No. 1 fir. CLAIR MUM nttaioati. Ferwarding it Commission Merchant, .. • /BD DIAL= Di 011.4. sir ILLIINIFILIMEGF. zanssictotrach 01411 DI PZEdOLIKIN 0114 l 6 aantaddty Isd hand. sad tea Waal the lovadd 'daft Wad. eassmorm" /ID 01111311110:41011161. WAD WOOOIL REFINERY, aroma W. ETzwen , s 00. manictirtz AND raniacttettAGl Ofl ilaillic - strAZZa tt,rl2 ls ll:3,uar r l uralaairs, WHEW. al =a As caws: warp ioderkbork at Ha. Os trem Ikazze. Bank DUX mecca gal, wfn ba qty stberadsl So. DIAMOND OIL WORKS. Minds a MBA RWlRRaeilp p lat P lll2 . OM. - apalm asy to the marksi. inrOsas AA eithroida, NO.-0 awl= ispaiseivj&eitiAs is lettliclvtlisodll be - — Weattrini OIL. y ado LuargI, I LWOUI . ostforatEL Übleptiseti ) -;t4reitorthian.pi.L. RR WIDIANDS, • • • • -11.01ElitzMorMBACIWit . • 7 - Dolor - _ MD/ 41D...AZIWIED ssixfh itiack i it;324:9oaultini wig*, rittemeak. Pa. firth id - /LNOLIA MINIM ibaibetant a -1 " . , - pa ssi. rimpliOnes434lll REM &Cuurz - CIMEESSIOR I.IMSTEABV: TNITCLN4III AND AT9 PLOT" -^s: one (.1.4.11)LL11, 61 IMAM Eit'AZZT---.ssiCrtni. 93 WAZEZII 2I FROST STS —rxrrarras3 .1111111PaimU LT lDa POE!? A SL BfICOIILC. Y on, WORM; b:E.I VIISIC AK.1211.5E cszra OMPANT, Ac 7. Z. 611.1T13-5. Lsr.t. rum:, end. JOST ira VALL►CS--- or ULU It corms', WALLACE & U43IITINS, 00ZIME1011 LIERCIIAM, And &slant it CRUDE &RE/TWO PETROLEUM, =mat tap Ltilruzown SG 01V4 ,imlsvgourzr NW/17ES, O &opts facititkezr Vireo end ithlndog CD Eld6sq)k.lll/ther, WaitALLAWptia. jaValy McCoNsuc*. CAT‘T.NDKR, olgt BBOKERS, 211 and 213'Tate: it.. nolieted.' Lrear A Ostrarinnrcis, Lite Clay Oil Work. lawn PAtrnaz, J. Patqle:r 00. , Jmo. 8 Owsizrz, Span; Chalfant a Co. ive3:l3rd . . PET Mini • EOLIP . WOUKF 1 11111 W ovirr It/LIMOTII3I3 *MTN =WV OIL, It MAU . d "gg7" Er " a"l :+c. ILEBEIB # GRAJP, Proprietors. or Otto, Mcsoaratels gaup, Pittsburgh. myS3 /Ars ust.itircz. - -- TNDERNITY - AGALTC - $T LOSS .11 .L FIRE iSsur.l,:ic:: cur PAY OF rum A ni:LPIIIA. IGatte, C. , .5 !71 Ohesiantt meet, nu.? recb. Eltateratut of Alasfa, Jamual3 - pubtfpta' atorvasOO 10 meet of Asseatblyr bring— PIM tlortraoca, Amoy Bent Notate, rea't uoL gios,art el) cxaf 10:0,3 Temporary Losaa, oa atofOo Collateral Ototka, (ona;a7l4.b.itsaxTrm47o.k...JOC Gv tiotoa sod Ma Chub 07;9i9 CO 1f.,=.4,1.151 CD Ths aaly gwallta Gam rretrins w:Lazts . 001:11pWly on dlyWa ty taw at. Cum wa. Isla been agotarzalwad. ilthi=loads an arm descrigtica des .r'. c6 ld acantzl, at ratw, as Low 1.2 are ccw....t.: ta With mettWity. Ear= incorponan, a pnr:.4 et thirty 7nal tbat tem paid loos b] ere to oh =one cr,vedal.e Paw AlLlaosa of Dotlaw., tEwastw aCcrdlag orldeu• at tba advantages of taturanasoa. Wnh a. k.11,1r ty sad dtcptaltaw La mat wit'. I 11.1111ttai. !=!!t*= , ,lU=l DMYC:Cri.3 Uhsdes 34 'Mtn Iv, 1.r..50 . Leo NordoCal D. Leila, 'Taub It -4,1.111, Tobias Wagner, Edward c. Dcorial 9. Brawn, (100. W. El auto, Bameol Grant, .George re.. 013ADLES x. DANCE Kit, Provides' &VW ADD C. DALE, VI. Wm 11...EtrintlExtreL,, pro tom-- J. GAILD NILE (..1.45111, Zioor y • moye 01200 Nortborut onr. Vicar! a 'Mira ea. IaTESTEaN INSURANCE CO PA _ v, -NS Or DDTIBBMG2t. R. =taxa,. Jr., Dyad:lad. G. M. GORDO'S, ikere&g. Otllte, So. ell Water rtreat, .81.an3 a Co.'s W are Douse. up stair', Pittsburgh. . pW lame wand al ited• of /We cad Dart. Bake. A Dow haatGaticar acespect.4 Dirodarr are moll kik. n to tie corarcrea.4, taad rd. are jet,. libeSt 1.0.14"." er.d kUraitp, abarader vides an Mot suss w 3, ae oja , Sag iA.31.11 prokerbot to Glow mho d.th. to De Waved. &SEM, OCTOBDR se e /Ea Seta' deccamia oS,wo O Open Arnortata, 7,stta Lrt CA1.5.251 Premium Frotes----. Z 7.635 It Hobo and Sills Dtcorntei.--.. 1.74„073 Prrtssuma. B. killarr, Jr., James NlcAulsy, Irrok lifxrdely 1( 1 , 1M2 H. Emig, a W. Bickstion. Euro pstawioz. rasußesox COMP'Y A OF PORT'S PHIJAAMELISIA. lasuranoe Co. of the State of Ponn'a Hartford Firo Insuranco Company Inverrance In the above eld and rellabbleore pardeo am be obtained by opplleatioa.t.o fer:dly Beal lef I Bailtilasa, ST Water irtre.e. orraws mitialaNCF.comptai %a 07 PITTSISUBGH. Mx, cornir Harr and Wain strottn. mond 1300 , 4 WM. BAGAr,IZ, prixidas: await an. simsau s laza= Atoambinna and oir lantros tas t =1:: e s ta ri: "Mi m tbs art: , Barons, and tb• nadinniqn eitho e i r. • Imam spina Ws and git Wzn.Con, B. EL. Inn, - Jima John W.G. Johnson, Us.Uo, . B. T. Mum, Bone Omni. J. Who r., - Itco. T. H. Rom Job= B. rt itanlay Penton. Mutts Ham& Gomm Ittenbazo. Jc..%•!1,41 pEOPLES INSUEANCF. x Moo, N. F.. =or Wood tad Fif* dm nu AHD It&BINE12141=10B Wm. D181.0r01182 , Pb.ffil , ' Jame D. Varner. John. Wan, m, , :-.I -G S mt..Tabn L. Imams. Wm. B. gam . Samar: Maim, Jahn 'Z. Plata, ' . Wear, W. Jam; Oltaxlei e. star% - Dnid %Mac% Wel. Van EMI,. ' 'R. namma Lam ,PRILLIPP...ThaddIaa. - Viy..7l' Vas Amide MILIF WIS. I. CIABDEII3I. A _LI • BGHENT DISERSAIIOB COY,- 4341,763101 PITTEMPIKIH., 004 s, Ha. MR* puma sptist all klsda of IftresaMatr.s - • lELAAOIO3I43, JOHN t. • D.IIOOOXD Pr O oviden las ?redo* I. 300/4 , 1 8rn a l WAIMIXri demi/ 4: , *. m wrJ9iifkicona. - Q a t.ll.ditamiatab: It. - LEtttag. .0a V ffc, ifits. Delo. B. tworj Bob EANISiIh UM AIN* 9.11= . -0 1 1: 7 E, a Cray, 11131MV PRBBLB kIIniZVLICILES. • sa li ntac he so. ditioals onr. th• t r e_4, txt x i. „ i f eei cip oy . g - - . ••• •- - -.- - MMUS: PEBBLE - SPEODICILD idgirtialiii.stsi itz: 4-4.:. am ,dralcis.: 4. On b mks & b - to '• =Was pH ztbsr •1; thaa tma lg e ga b cwer.t . p.. 3 11*1691/4.5 . 7" a. bliitOttbiLif4i:d32, 113atqlathiertkli,Eitilai;Piiiide Eszta-qas ~.ftn. , r3iiii Wye* ,it..4;;,P . 1. Th.ThVi.g. .kr./ETAAUZOPttlibuttatreatigtainng,k3 tarp!. Aft ad* rotor, °TP F , -mat ict Jr 111636,ititniko lite! Piet-r, OHMS GO. s2:33,ssi ft DIIISCraI I dndrea nokley, Alexaadar Slow, Deahl PL Lang, Boca .7. Thome., DenJ. P. Dram, a, John B. M. GORDON. Prxrf,a-s. MISIUDELPIIII. W. P..IOSMS, Areal,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers