The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, October 03, 1863, Image 4

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    "in* Aktg#4.
SATURDAY 2dORNIRS::::=:00T- 5,1882
At the receit session of the Western Vir
ginia Conference, of the M. P. Church, the
Conference took high grounds on the ques
tions of; the day, and was very emphatic
In its expression of loyalty to the govern
ment, gists and - National. It able declared
disloyal sate to be sufficient cause of ex
pulsion from:the IL P. Church.
The Wesleyan Methodist/lin Great
Britain hive increased 48,44 l during tee
put eleven-fears.
--According to recent intelligence the
First Congregational Church of Colorado,
composed of twenty-one members, was or
mind some time since at Central city.
—The General Association of Chris
tians, popularly called Campbellites, has
just been held at Bloomington. It was at
tended by one hundred and thirty dele
pate, in all by two hundred members of
the denomination from different parts of the
State. It woe represented that the denomi
nation was in a favorable condition.
—Rey. W. P. Bapley,an independent
Missionary in Japan, is translating the
New Testament from Chinese into Japan
ese. Mr. Bartley represents the Japan
ese as quite willing to receive the Gospel,
if left free by their government
—From the increase of =legionary
contributions reported at the sessions of
twenty-three Annual Conferences of the hi.
IL Church, held this year, it is estimated
the whole missionary contributions of the
Church for 1883 will be something like
—At the United States Convention
Universalist/4 held in Portland, Me., on the
17th nit., lion. Israel Washburn presiding,
resolutions of the most loyal oast were
adopted. The closing ;part of one of the
resolutions referring to the call upon the
blacks to share with the whites the perils
and sacrifices of the present struggle, reads,
—"so that, when peace comes, it will come
so es to stay, and be a pestle worth having."
—The Maine Wesleyan Seminary has
sent four hundred of its students to the
war. One hundred and fifteen went dur
ing one term.
—According to a report of the Cincin
nati Sabbath Schools (Protestant) for 1863
recently published, there are ninety-four
schools in that city. Number of scholars
enrolled, 20,700; average attendance, 14,-
812. Number in Bible classes, 2,053. Av
erage attendance of teachers, 1,583.
—The Paris Religious Tract Sobiety
has sold during the pact Jcpr, 541,392
tracts, and 200,000 copies of its almanac.
The British and Foreign Bible Society sold,
last year, 88,000 copies of the Sacred Scrip
—ln 1854 one teacher started a class
of the smallest children in the First Bap
tist Sabbath School in Albany, N. T., since
which it has grown into a large infant
eohool of 180 scholars. Ita present- force
consists of a superintendent, secretary, or
ganist, leader in singing, and eight teach
ers. Seven hundred and thirty-eight chil
dren have passed through it.
—A correspondent of the Journal of
Brussels, writing from Rome, says that Car
dinal Autonelli will shortly proceed to
Mexico to regalate_the religious affairs of
the pew empire.
—The Christian Era, of Boston (lisp-
List) in an article on the lay represents
• lion movement in the Methodist Episcopal
Church, think!! it will strike a heavy Mow
at Episcopacy and knock out ono of the
cogs of the great iron wheel, and will
weaken the whole system. Perhaps.
—The Indians of Lower Canada are
anxious to have English schools estab
lished amonirthem, on account of the igno
rance ialwhich they are kept by the French
Catholic' priests who are set over them.
—Beference was made some time eine*
to a secession of a few clergymen from the
United Brethern in Christ on occoruat of
her anti.aluvery character. We new learn
that a Gahm has likewise taken place in
the German Reformed Church in Berke
county, Pa. Several congregations bare re
ceded under the lead of base !diem It is
not known what these seceders propose
to do.
—The Episcopal Recorder repudiates
the High Church notion to recognise the
jurisdiction of the Roman Catholic bleh
ope, as bishops of a true branch of the
Church of Christ, and that it is implicitly
aindemned by the practice of the Protest
ant Episcopal Church.
—lt is stated that the Paeeyitee of
Great Britain have adopted a new method
for propagating their view., by the publi
cation of a:volume of sermons, containing
contributions for clergymen of the Angel
gelican, Roman Catholic, and Eastern
—The Baptist Miesionamong the Poles
In Russia has been quite successful. From
Jimmy Ist to April 80th, Mr. Naegowits
has laptlsed thirtynine persons—in April
alone twenty-one.
—A union of Methodist denominations
In Canada is now agitated. •
—.The sixth annual meeting of the
National Local Preachers Asioolation of
the hi. E. Church, will be held in Philadel-
phis, commencing fisinnbty, October tOtb
- 1861 Delegstes from quite s number o
the loyal States are expected to bo present
--Baring the -holding of tie twenty
third anniversary of. the (colored) BspUst
)11issionaq Convention in Washington
pity, D., C., a committee of twelve of their
ministers milled upon President Liman to
ask what protection their; mistrettarlfss
might ttiPeoil latould they iildt the colored
peoplei !Latin our lines f6r the 'purpose of
preaching the gospel - 4 them. Presi
dent„,gave them an an order commending
Gad; object and' i Seemed that all 'facilities
be avoided not inconslatent to oar military
operation,. ' •
—The Whom Gtriod of Canada 44
organisedabaci two yeartago, out of the
• Cranadar.onference Sync*
It is Of dftein ridnlsters. hitte4
good hat been acconipllshodthrosigh the ler ,
this b ody,
bon of thle bed", but much was wonting'
to be dank ,
canton* clergy pf Bight Se*:
Sielsop;ifoodli (Philadelphia} dimes, pre
'. wog him srlthn spledldeartlaga; weans
eleven hundred. d O ia r et t sPir orsTidto
korai veined at -o,c4t!. hundred dollars, a
imPatlst.' 41-1, 1, 0 1030 A lo ErtElgindur
salbek*VOlW7 tl`t9 -161 .# 61 er "
hide farciOn!ry Puriosei• • '
struoted Inv delegates-to the General Con=
ftrenee tecialut-their
„ influence telniverpre:
Wing elders chord, instead of b 7 Ap
pointment by'the Bishop, and also to into
for an extension of the term of ministerial
service_to three years.
The first cue of a husband and wife
in Siam .profesaing Christianity together,
is reported to have taken place in the Pen
tehaburi station of that mission. Ur Mat.
toon, who reports the above, is engaged in
translating the Scriptures into Siamese.
—The Baptist Bible Union Will noui
its anniversary in Nee York, Ootober 28th
and 29th.
From Yesterday's Evening Edition.
The Mate Feu.
We Ind In the Philadelphi a / 4 400hp fol•
lowing notices Of some of the more Important
articles on exhibition at the State Fair, at
Norristown :
Chambers Bro. & Co., Philedelphia, ex
hibits a eosin engine end • working model of
• brick machine, Whichli destined to revolu
tionize the whole pieced of brisk tialing, if
we may judge by thi rapidity with Attach it
tans out brltk.. Thee Was . Mail* ars
already in pradloal.operation, making from
25,000 to 80,000 handsome bricks per day.
The Ohl is %dant ifeetlrom the bank; tem
pered with water, end nionbled Into Woke
ready for the shede,ak the rite of eizty per
rebuts. Bricks are made with this re•ohine,
including fuel for engine, at the rate of twen
ty-two cents per thousand. -Tbn ordinary
clay is thrown into the hopper and ground
with an ordinary pug mUt, and
=MN of a screw, forced through a die into •
continuous bar of cloy, where It is conducted
by an endless belt toe matting dodos, which
onto the hat into proper lengths for bricks:
The brielre exhibited are of splendid color,
very solid, and mast make a most substantial
A new horizontal bay pms is exhibited by .
Hr. Hardee, from Leak Dozen, Pa. Ii In
volves a new app!ice tin' of the lover, lemming
and retaining a great amount of prostate, 11112,3
performing the work of hafts In the most
repid manner. A bale of two hundred and
fifty pounds I. praised, Iliad, tied and made
ready for the market is tenktduntsz.
Another ImptoTenuint in the implement line
Palmer'sto ielf.sustailting horse ,_pltchfork,
was w practical operation during the
entire day, debut its work rapidly and well.
With the aid of • hone and two MOD, a large
load of hay is taken from the wagon and de
posited In the mow in from flee to ten min
utes. The fork lea dedide3 improiement on
'the many others in nee, and has commitided
a moat extensive aide. Ray making if heavy
work without it.
Them have been large and miry Arco toms
alone to the fruit and dotal departments.
Among them we Warped* magniffeentdisplay
of native grapes, from J. Hook . , of Pittsburgh.
This collection embraou Stole thirty meiotic'',
among widoh are the finest ipeolmens of the
salettatad Delaware and Conosad varieties we
, have seen. The bloom on - this fruit is mix,
remarkable, as well u Its freedom from rot
and mildew. ThLi is attributable mainly to
the fact that the atmosphere in the vicinity
of Pittsburgh •is constantly and largely im
pregnated with sulphur, which is a mortal
enemy to mildew and rot.
A I l tving Statue
On Tharsday evening, about four n'clook, a
man was observed standing on the sidewalk,
in front of the penitentiary, in Allegheny,
fixed and immovable as a bleak of marble.
His attitude was not olamilosi, however, as he
stood with his hands in his pockets, and his
pedals *lose together. His face was Dixie
ward, but "ho had no speculation in his eyes,'
and seemed fisting only on vacancy. Pesters
by stored at him, but, he heeded them not—
Diner moving a muscle. What could it mean 7
wee he some poor, unfortunate oreature„bei.
refs of ' reason—or some bold imposter,
staying his tricks ? Nearly two hours
hod passed, and the shades of night
INTO closing around the living statue. Knot,
of passer" by collected together and tried to
unravel the mystery. It was not believed
that he could stand in that position, for two
boars, without relaxing his muscles; and a
gentleman, who had passed by him several
times, withdrew to a place where he could see
him without being seen, thinking that be
would change position when there wee no one
in sight. But there he stood transfixed—
like a Hindoo devotee, doing penance for
some great or:me committed against the
After dark he was eppreaohed by some
men, but he refused to move, or answer any
questions. Ile seemed conscious that ha was
being addressed, but an idiotic smile and a
vacant stare were the only tokens of soul
hint, that they could extort from him. A
pollee cheer was then called, and after failing
taltrisayilifornsille• - from him, De was ta
ken into custody. - Ms hands way taken from
ids peokateiend in one of them he clutched
a little chip—the only article found upon
him. Up to this time be had not moved,
Laat on two men taking each an arm, he be
-- to walk, or rathelto Audis his feet
ong the sidewalk mechanically. He was
LLin the leek-up, but neva spoke a word
string the whole night. In the morning he
taken before Mayor Alexander, but ke
was perfectly passive and mum. Nobody
knew him; there venue papers on his per
lictittallx-Ids_identity ; there was no chug*
Spinet him, and he wee shown the door.
Ile seemed to lindereland the hint, and walk
-d slowly and quietly away.
Alleged Mail Robbers Arrested.
On the 291 of Srptsmber, John H. Forrest,
Foss Master at Pantie, Mercer county, Pa,
and Mrs. Martha Forrest, his wife, wars ar
rested on a °barge of robbing the- calla past
ing throu 6 h.the Postotlico at that pleas. A
somber of packages of letters, aldressod to
Other post oftbses,'wors found secreted under
the counter, and open letters concealed be
tween the Stoke of the hod In which the parties
Mept. 'The day following the one on .which
RA Arrest was nude, Mr. Forrestand his wife
were brought baton Esquire Hubbard for a
iming, which thoi waived, and entered ball
the stun of $3,900 for their appearance at
the ensuing term of the United Butes Dstriot
13.- B. Itow,•speoial agent of the Poston:a
Department, had btezt led to examine Into
Several' alleged losses by malt, centring
timing avast months past, on the roams be.
wean Liondason, Mercer Co., and Pitts
nikt:slll-between-Watsrlso,- Veloinge
0: ead.fhli 610,711'81f htfilitteleitetimand
17, hit:gow v4lfed ihistroptqa t with
e otrtor'footi to ridOldtn Infottostion
f the. eged Thir Molt Is str.ted
cone, IA the arrest'ef Mr. sod Mn. Forrest.
The evidences cf gallt are overwhelmipg—
"wimps of letters boviogboat rolled secreted
fn the dwelling of the parties arrested's/r
-at:zeta:l item the malls evidently with a view
to en exemleation at leisure.
liodires on Hie Streit&
Borrows ft arthrarlisrailv a y lava that
would pot aotop to the practice that hen bo
ttoms varry oommon alma, of building area an
the radio strum V Yor the Jut math - oar
Ward has been illuminated from ono end to
the other, by rounarona hoary. surromded
%Timms noithy oidldren) andasprlott all
the :property In the neligithothrtod, as wag ito
Co lives of any person who may have sues.
dolt° drive oat after dark.
i Can ft ba that "his honor" hi Mil inviting
as ons ot the "Governor', mita," and - hi■
gain's" pdfice - bato not yet roamed from
the boat Wet any Informatfoil l o n can
tiya, - ,111 be thankfully remind by a chitin
tha, Tann WARD.
There it ea ordinance whioh prohibits the
ern complained if by oar correspondent, and
the hulk Iles with the police.
011410111THZ COURT HAW= ...BY order
Brisidier tlesteritgopriezdeldllar Writhe
Beres I. rsllsval'ireiii 'duty at this drafting
riodosioas thhrottr most to Msj.
asa. Rooker In Madan% ohto., as 000 a is
rellovid from .duty at Jadgi Advocate la the
Court Marshal 'now In - ossilow here: - .Mat:
doL Blakely U appointed' to sok' hi, Sow
made beforklisyerßawjrit by a lad' in the'
_Um digwitisith'itillll
minting ow suitial . iatthi7 jr7 CtbrlT
with a God tarkayL .„ .
of Jos. IL Winskierior:Gaskill - tbatisldpi•
trusstb = wasstrask
The!Srs. Hassler..
speech of Hee. W. W. ROUp.
According to a previous notice, a large and
onthesiutle Union meeting (cumbering be
tween three and five thousand), was held at
David S. Hassler% in ltostraier township,
Westmoreland county, on the 29th inst., at
which times splendid silver tea eel, was pre
settled to Mrs. Elisabeth Bassist, by the la
dles of Wept Newton and 'vicinity, as a totes
of their spprecistlon of her aetioa In 'driving
from her table, those who persisted In wearied
the traitor's badge, (a butternut breamtpth.l
The inscription upon the urn—"Preseuted
to Mrs. Elisabeth Hassler, by the ladles of
West Newton and vicinity for her patrloSsm
and love of country. No standard bearer of
the emblem of my country'. foe Cues at my
table." On the bell, "None but loyal men
need respond."
S. F. Housman, Ecq , nominated the fol
lowing anthers, who were unanimously elected
vies President, Gen. Joseph Markle. Vies
Presidents, Hon. W. B. jfressr, Dr. D. Porter,
J.P. Kreps, Bag., WilUam Hugh, H. H. Null,
Dr. Gamble, Dr. Shaffer, and others. Senn
ferias, LiwaL 0 . 0. Douglas, Dr. J. W. Black
burn, and others. Player by the ROT. J. Onn
eer, of Rootraver.
Bev. W. W. soup, of West Newton, In be
half of the ladies of West Newton, presented
the tea service with the following remark.:
Patriotism is one of the noblest sentiments
that Ands a home in the human breast; it is
only lees elevated than our holy religion itself.
It kindles this fixes of eloquence in the breast
of the orator, and line him up to his highest
conceptions, and gives to his lips their su
blimed utterances, when, in thoughts that
breathe, clothed In words:thet barn, he wilts
and seethes - treason and traitors. From its
high dude the poet draws inspirations at
once sweetest and most elevated; and other
knights of the pen moved by its holy impul
ses, like Milton', angels in celestial monad,
hurl mountains of honest thought on the head'
of wretch' who, divested of the generous sen
timent are, like Milton's devil, hurled from
leaven, great only in infamy and power for
mischief. In time of a nation's peril, patriot
ism transforms men of all classes into grim
soldiers, and leads them to cffer up their pre
cious lives as a encriline for the public good.
Ito these stirring time, our patriotio orators,
literati and soldiers, find ample scope for the
employment of their respective talents. Our
teloved country with all her governmental
masbinery for the development of national
greatness—materiel intellectual and moral, is
assailed with destruotive intent by men upon
whom she never laid her hands, but as the
mother lays hers on the head of her son.
Against their colossal crime, before which
Catalina's treason piles, and Arnold's! takes
a fairer form—our orators have folmlnated
the execrations of an indignant and outraged
people, our posts have immortalised their in
famy in biting and eatirioal verse, while oth
ers have written up their cheddars in all
their mature ugliness and setania blackness,
with such singular distinctness, that their
cowardly sympathisers, true to their serpen
tine fiddled, in unconscious acknowledge
Lent of the uneaten of the likened, have
taken the latist din of the Republic, and
despoiling It of all that pedaled to our na
tionality and the Union, have forced 'he in
nocent lips of the Goddess of Liberty to pro
claim them copperheads. Bat when orator,
poet, and journalist have exhausted their
stone of indignant lightning and thunder
upon their glowing heads, it remains for the
American women to admiolster to the sym
pathetic, traitor the most delicate and wither
ering rebuke, by deolaring him disqualified
for essocittion with the American matron or
the rites of hospitaxity. This, if not the un
kindest Is the deepest cud of all; he may be
expelled from legislative halls with igno
miny, but if woman will but smile approvingly
open him, he may bear op. Stern men may
deny him association, but 11 woman wUI but
smile id pity, he may bear the shook. Bat
Oh I when the patriotic American matron
stands in the foreground of a cloud of pure,
patriotic maidens, and sperns him from their
society, aye, from the festal board, then may
the crawling thing exclaim in the language of
a kindred spirit—"My Finial:mint is greater
than I can bear." When women point and
say "with such an one have no fellowship, no,
tot so mush as to eat," he may well exclaim,
"I ism • vagabond in the earth."
We deem you f,rtunate,madam, that It was
your proud privilege to stand by the festal
burl, and guard its sanctity from the pelltst
log of the wearer of treasons' badge; aitd in
the name of your patriotic shiers, the ladies
of West Newton and vicinity, I pi-dent/on
this gift, as an exprodslon of their high ep
predation of your love of country, and the
courage that manifested R. But I wish to say
to you, madam, and to this assezob%y, Sail
this gift expresses more then their 'update
lion of your loyalty—ti says, yours was the
golden opporftwils to say and do only what Is
in the heart of snob of the fair deport, and
that when their bell shell summon the hungry
to the hospitable board, earls tone, like the
tones of this bell, is qualified by, "None but
the loyal need respond."
The speech was loudly applauded by the
whole sodium
Rev. J. Milli, of It astrare-, replied in be
helot Mrs. Hassler, la avert eloquent mat
nor, which brought feel peals ot applause
Mrs. EL wee introduced and cheered.
Et 0. Moreland, Beg , of Pittsburgh, then
'Ahmed the meeting, nuking acme excel
lent bits, for which ha eras applauded.
Mon. George V. Lawrence, of Mononga•
bola City, then addressed the multitude in his
happy and winning style, which had ► telling
The oancludLug speech was by gar, Copt.
Boyles, of Weet Elisabeth, who held his audi
ence spell bound for an hour, by his elcquent
and patziotio remarks.
The meeting WU one of the grandest moo
ceases In the convention line, and nearly •
soon of ;tenons, who, up to that hour, were
wedded by party prejudices to the sympa
thisers of rebellion, here cams out openly in
fare: of Curtin and the Unto., and no doubt
hundreds hese secretly deternatzted to rote the
Union ticket quie , ly.
Tie meeting sojoarned with ecsiferous
churl for the Union, (loran, Agnew, Mn.o
Huller and the ladies.
Gest. Sigel Coming
We are gratified to announce, upon the au
thority of CA Chzartnau of the Union State
'Central Committee, that General 131p1 will
ebb this city on Thursday-seat, and address
ors citizens. Re will be accompanied by
Goy. Noble,. of Wboonein, one of the molt
hrtmornue and effectlie amp speakers in the
counts*, Gsnesal Sigel will rewire a most
cordial and enthuileatie reception from all
slums of citizens i and the Committee will do
all in their power is hare the demonstration
worthy of the man and the recision. The fol•
lowing is a copy of the dispatch :
Pnizszont.rnis, On. 1, 1883.
4. ii—Brount, E.q. :—llivjor Goners' Brans
Sigel and Governor Noble, of Wlseoneln, will
posinovly speak In Pittsburgh, on Maeda,
evinflur, Ootober Btb, inst.
Crill l / 1 4111 idon El tate Central Voinnd4e. •
FM n Ter NISTU WAID..-About Dalt
pat one 0'0%4 test night, the elute wet
&dot, of M .T. A. Evans & Co., corner
of Morton and Batter strkets, was ditcovered
to im in flames. The Iltiroommeneed In the
stem ehed &bent twenty feet' from the main
kailding, and was undoubtedly the work if
en ineondlary, ea no dre was used About
abed. - Event & Co. usextdactursd
only dint prescription vials. They had not
much stook on band before the Ora. The ha:
Asses, now abused with glass, were anis-
Jared. Thelon Is estimated to be not lase
thsull,ooo—no lasuranoe• Workmen will
commence clearing stray the rubbish this
afternoon, eothat the works will be to opera
tion Without two weeks. .
Wince Meeting at Uniontown.
The loyal peOple of Uniontown are making
preparations for a vand dement:anon at that
place, on' Meads, nent--ench a ,akeotbs ai
"tat throw the late Copperhead. gathering
completely Into the shade. Eminent speak
ers will bob attendance, and a good time is
antioipated, The Executive Ocantittse of
this county have made ananpments for send
ing up a large delegation *cm this on,, and
for that Famous, special Mein will leave the
depot of the Connellsville Itailmad at eight
o'clock in the morning, to, ratan the same
TnaPoingsissen 10Sarrs.--The amt . sal
ro thi * Polhkonpide, on the Oa boo, 01/Ile
0 n leeedizefinnoon, the day incending
nos for tin championship". The wind;
pit mat of the dsy was the single inlitio4
6n mu.'." Then were threeprlane,ollo sffi t .
litsnd Stir. The following annul - onto*
Jobs Win and Jahn Bunn of New Xorki
high Bah. al this eityi _Wien VW thier:,
Unit th50.0114410/oCtiglbicr u t AS"
istpuAbiTene,4cNvaapts — w,
thil* - pdas (soya *am York
oasrliaillSninebrnteindlls 3840 f fiWing
ibird;lllgibf fete rogitliftlt
ALLIOID /ARCM Or Efawere-04 Thursday,
Mr. Alexander filreenswalf made infeneetten
before Mayor- eilszander, charging • lama
named Robrig with eluding hay from ithsta•
bias, in the Vicinity of the drove wits, Mho ,
shiny. The prosecutor Dad dinned the roe.
W diaappearante of Dia hay and mit at 'se
dans thno, bat was unable to account far. it.
A few days slam, howsiar, a lamer weigh wai
instituted; and on Thursday; hay was tramt4
from the stabla it Greoloawait to that of
An Warpath:4i waa immediately
mad*, and ftehrle was arrettil, No wi~i bare
• hearing to-day.
natoooeso Itiotnines —A large unlehnt
of oortvalsioentsoltilers, belonging to thie aid
the adjoining aunties, ere arriving to the
city from Dtstern hospital., on tweet) , dap
leave of abloom
TO" VY , Clocri MaavaL.—Auguatus Bar•
ter, drafted July 11th, Rea yesterday tried by
the Carat !darnel on the charge of desertion,
for failiny to report to headquarters.
Bitecial Dispatch to the Pittsburgh </meths
Mosby 4 it hie rendenotte with hie leg
amputated at the hip John. Ile ►a strapped
to his horse, and again at the head of a band.
A regiment Is stationed at Fairfax, and
another at Vienna to shook him. Everything
else is in data. quo.
The stook operators, who pay high for in
formation, show so fear for Roseanne. The
oommunioatlon between hero and Chatta
nooga is Torten. The National Telegraph
brings dispatches from then as regularly as
from Pittsburgh.
A rebel diepatoh from Atlanta, dated the
26th, says: The latest news U that the
enemy 4 fortifying Chattanooga, latrine of
an attack.
Galena King trentwtod to succeed General
Petrick as Provcat hiershai General of tho
Army of the Potsmse. General Perron was
relieved at Ms own request.
The reportei death and defeat of General
Godfrey Weitzel is feared to b 3 true.
Sherman's Corps, In the Southwest, Is
known to be moving. Its destination is un
glOommodore Porter vindicates Et eliog, the
Western spy, exessted by the rebels. lie says
he wee never in the rebel service.
The Philadelphia City Connolly, yesterday,
tendered the hosrAtelitiee of the city to the
Mesita Admiral, but he will not visit Phila
delphia. W. J. J.
The Recent Hostilities in. Japan.
New Yoea , 0 at. 2 —The Tribees publishes
a spatial correspondenee from Japan, giving
• detailed and interesting &cement of the tenant
cent hoe aide' committed b 7 Dainsios or semi-
Independent Princes of J apan, upon the Dateh
and Preach vessels. It to generally known
that meet, if not all, of the Japanese Dsimioa
have shown themselves extremely hostile to
foreigners. The Government of the Tycoon,
whatever may hate been its real sentiments,
hag for some time been wavering between
maintaining friendly relations with foreigners
and yielding to the presume. brought upon it
by the balmloe. The latter found it convenient
to give new vitality to the long unrecognised
supremacy of the Mikado, the spiritual ruler,
through whom a proclamation went forth
that all foreigners should be expelled from
lie Conceit of State of the Tycoon, who found
it teesesery to conform to this proclamation,
and threw houn after paying to the linglish
tan thousand pounds for the murder of Eng
lishman Richardson, issued a formal notice to
the ministerial representative of each treaty
power that foreigners must leave Japan, and
all the ports will he closed. Upon being re
monstrated with, 'they professed to act under
compulsion, and some time later they even
appealed for foreign aid.
The Datmies, be the meantime, had , repalred
to their Prince to put thereto:oast in a state of
deftest*, and their retainers to lighting order.
The attack on the American ship Pembroke
was at once dleowned by the Yeddo Govern-
Mont, who stated that the attacking TOIIOIII
belonged to the MOO* of Novato, • primal
petit, In the Southwestern corner of Ripon.
French, 'leaflets and Dutch merchant vessels
have also been attacked by the same Prince.
All these hostilities proceeded from the
Prince of Sugato, in part of the largest of
the Japanese Islands, Ripon. The Final
palate of German whose friends. according
to the account published by or, yesterday, re
pulsed, so successfully, an attack of the ling
lish fleet, lies in the southern part, of Ria
lto. It appears, from the account of our
correspondent, that ageneral combination of
the Daimlos against foreigners may be ex
Dill sad Longatreet's Commands..
The 111 1 / 1 0U11 Question--no Draft
New TOIL. Oot. I.—A tpeotel to the World,
dated Wathinstou, Oat. 1, asp: Rewind
prisoner, when:ached here ta•day, dealers that
A.P. Hillatilteonmmdr the Richmond defin
er, with shout 8,000 men and Longetraet had
joined Bragg three rake since with 28,000
The Cabinet is said to be tqaally divided
on the Ilitscuri question.
lodge Bates, brother-in. law of Gov. Gam
ble, And Postmaster Blair, are very active
agaltist the removal of Gan. Schofield. Be,.eral members of the delegation to-day de
alers-that the latter will be superseded. It is
thought It is quite certain that the Presi
dent bu given no assurance to that effect.
A spool►) to the lirilmee, says : We are en.
abled noon the best authority to say, that no
draft for 600,000 men, nor any farther draft
other than the one list ordered and now in
progress, is oontemplated by the Government.
A /quad of rebel inertias made a dub
upon one of our trains near Bahian today,
hat discovering • strong guard they eke.
Gans. Slocum, Howard, Hooker and
rope.• The Enemy's Position.
Now Yoga, Om.. Z ,—The Ocrinaornioro
ashington lOW states that Genera' 1310-
hi has Colissnted to finnan In command
Lis corps, the 12th, tW the fall campaign ,
10 over. Be will distinguish himself and
corps. Gen. Maud also, remains in cam.
zpand of his ems.
MThe onamy's 'position on th e Sontliwast
ountain and running toward RlC(loon,Hord
is a strong cra.
, Richmond papers 0011fitin this, though It it
apparent Lee dons not meditate an attack.
Lt now looks as though both armies would real
gain on the defensive.
I The tams letter intimates that Iloolun takes
aeraeld* eetcatehd. id Pop a
imittaind.tutdrd Rotagrans.
*osecritto Arms.'—ittloillcal Director.
Now Yeti, Oat. 3.—A spacial dlapatob to
tim Herald, dated Washington; Oet. 1, sap
*ere le no foundation orbiteeta In the ra
ptors said to be la ofroulatlon in Nov York,
tat there has been any interruption of the
Ana of oommunicetton between the Army of
ow:nem' end its base of supplies, The
1 test MUNI information from tint quarter
i dote that matters are programing as
favorably es' min be egpeotad, and that no
ai,prohenalon of
.a +Mager of any kind la
. .
t Dr. Voltam, Modica' Inirpootor of the Do-
Orman' oft Waittington t h&a been_ orders&
to report to Gen. flosaorone, ee blediettl far
opeetor for the Department of the Cumber.:
itepotiod Cbanire an too Department.
of Idissouri—Ueireral Btrint Under
ST. Louu, Ost. DOZWernea Mayen
worth spoolei . eyed Trevitine monad* retard
ing a /lunge In the Department au aitstoszl,
are ot4PYlntd• - Zulu Lt . nOw a ;quanta dn.
panatella Gene. Hunter and Curtin iryr•
altered the oommott, but - both refut ed.
Brig. Gen. blotto!! has beenAltdmed the
plane; and will probably aerrept.
Oen, ding leriltiored; apS At le repertod,
thAhe silllaniarotdollonl, and that. Bloat
le under arrest and ordered to St. Lomb.
11 . 1 1 / 1 1 . ..148 fketi*Gli FROM
'11:1111 o,n (7017ti11t." .413411. !
E iP i ran uj i bluntt oat. to 211127 CL.413.9311aL
or our,
fa •-• from MT 2 2PC C4 P LAIL or.de77, Gil
_. • •
TWPM. O. 4IIV -X1D 4 01.4 ?
Ard e 7 raillienselAs teT Tiz 32 1 441 F,F•r i •-
lmiss.tacurty.,, •
, Allll (5i l a V E 125 CEJ:
V*Siadle, •-•
o ireig ns itures ..,-13oWas410110*1,
/Lose, Cot 2.—There is on t ew teeters to notice
19 regard to drmestle money wetter,. Go'd appears
to M on the .• rampage . ' .;.la In New. Tort, bebst
quoted to•dey at 142 - en advance of sheet 2 per
cent glare yesterday.
IS new VOL kiosk alerted. on Thursday, there
fate Loge e.t.a of tkeve's d nod Pitieborgh kelt
way *I 10434, it closed Needy at 101,4,01
tOlf.g 7 tea i.• lea tau Hoek la la saticlpal on of •
pi .14.0 w‘idi otologs ef the toad
14404. Yu4Lurgk. rail Weikel d Ch rulld
steady 6$ idfs.
The New Tort Nereid, of Thursday, 'gambles of
the 0/ eeeland and Pittsburgh liedlroed, says
/be directors of No Cleveland and Pittatiergb Übe
will meet to-metros We loam that they ertil,dep-
Oleren 4 IX e won. d gridaa4l, au I will show that nary
will Lava a wathlaarea surplus on band aver paying
It There bee been to this cue lb. meal talk AM teg
opera, oaof an inionethie .be dividend. nut, ae
the company wirettlese lea waa4laan lay mu dote
r elalto on pre.entetirn, itnsay ercape tble annoy
also, to which It mix 0 reuse that to.organigol re I
waye are particularly 10.14..
The exports far tiu weal from New Turk have
Iwo larger than f,r any plutons wick for two
months. The following will eh ,w the export. (es
chutes •prcle) from Now York to foreign port.
for the week an4llag Septaintwr 28, and since Jsn. 1
1801. • 12E2. 1883.
For the weak—. 43,044,34 $3,810. 44 0 834 2 8.900
Pre• reported._2 s,Or ,08 102,839,933 101,04,090
Ellice Jan I. $97,0.7,241 11100,710,103 gi20.7112,000
Toe exports of domestic, produce for the erre%
clude 68,505 bands wheat boar, 4,570 Darrell corn
mad, 371,627 barbels wheat, 7,002 brothels rye, 750
blithe!' oats, 11,612 bushel, cam, 1,102 paclutges
=odic., 25 tone coal, 115 balm cotton,
For three or thee dap peat a report has Wan cur
rent on the menet {tat toe Pennetivant• flathead
Compact, pollard to male. In aldltloo to their No
rouse,' rue diviamd of four per cent., • stock divi
dend of twthty per Erni. la (1.1,191 qualm of the, re
port then miser of boyars bee increased, tad toe
price very steadily •dunned from 65 to 70 ter share.
White It la holt/ate lip conceded that the Company is
doing • very large and profitable betimes, Is to ter
threes... ',toper to thr that the report of a idea dir
bend is entirely ottfothided. We !are the highest
authority for say leg that nothing of the sort is at
pr. wet othremplated—that no .too dividend will be
made the year, nor until after the present tear, and
then only a condition that, In the words of their hut
atonal sport, "torte ahead remain enrol. profits
after providing for the gradual U t uld•tion of the
Company's obligations to far sa &Panel., nod (Jr
unforeseen cathangendes," From this prudent and
proper langusge,• stack Margot 1. somewhat remote.
—Moira hedger, of Thursday.
The Bankers• Magazine for October contains • Mt
of ninety tank' that hare been formed under the Act
of Coogreat of February last, with fall partleatau u
to location, dot , An The new rut= meta withmuch
more favor In ihe Western Maki than It date forthor
East, owing to the len rellab% currency heretofore
cirulatiog there. The ninety banks that far organ.
Iced repranut a capital of 111,000,500,
rall:01T, October 2, 1253.
GRAIN AND TLOLll2—Wheat to condo' In vary
lowly, and •1 th • good demand the market le firm
with sma l l ram at $412(41,11 for Bed Lom Mot
hands. Coto Ia nrlll with • sale of 1 car !ballad at
03 and 603 Ludt at 25. -Thera to • fairdemand for Oats
with mks off cam at TOci Ido dt7l; Ido at nu. Far
ley may be quoted firm at $1,20 for timing, atd $1.25
trom wagon. Bye is unchanged. [mall -sales
of Malt at $ t 235166. Flour la 'toady with a con
tinued :AD local demand, and we note sales of
Sate Family from *tore at 56,00 $6,96. and i 56,60 as
to quality. Eye dour In firm at $5,25(e51,60.
GROGSHlF.B—(lariat steady, with Emil mks at
about former vita. Raw Bugar L firm al 133, to
1.90 for Cuba, and LS to 1334 p for Porto Rico, and
New WOrlearte; We of 12 !IMO Cube at • fraction
bus than 19 cents. Holman firm with but • limi
ted stock in first bands, null .ale at 600 for old,
and 63 to 63e for prime to choirs taw mop New Or.
Ina.. tkrias study at 31 to 32*....
BMX IBBD—Thore la • continual demand for
all floacripSons of IIL 1f Fred; and tea market taiLrln
but =tenanted; xate of 7 tone Bran at SIM to $146
per cvt, sad $ tans prime Ifiddllap at 51,67550.
BAY—Mom viers but 5 log& old of Ms eagles to-
day and prices ranged Coot *l7 to igti partou. Baled
le firm nttb gales of prime at $lO per ton.
GagiCiig —Titania • continued good demand for
prbne Western &gem Choose et 12*--tome hold
ers gibing ldc.
VZOICTABLES—aaIe of 10 bbl/ Turritpt at $ 2 OO .
per ILIA 15 GU, Onions at VI per Gbh 25 bbl. New
Jena/ Oweoi Potatoes at $5,50 per 1.1; CO bruit pica
White 11.atis at 112,73 pc.r bosh, .0 800 head. Cab
bage at 87.00 par /00.
APPLI3-411 goad supply and dull but funtiaaged.
We mote maks at prices rarieng all the way from
$1,50 to $2.25 per bbl.
BACON—Lou solo, but out hanged; small sales
at ti3Gol6)fie f r aboublus 10.44510%a for Plato Haan
luel o oa d 13451.
brands. toe law Cund — th e latter figure for
BYAVICS—.•4 at the Allash.ny fltiticat at 10,000
White Oak /Raven at Pa w.,1000.
Pittsburgh Petroleum MorkeL
Ocr 2.16 e all Market amain nee to rule miry quirt
without, bonnie: anypartlettho earlationle no.
dm In velum -There was a moderato demand tar
Crude, and we nuts a sale of LSO bbie at 270, packa .
Fee mounted; /00 at 2730, and 700 bble, to anus, on
prime teen. nee we not a doe& tremeacUoti
to reacesd,alther for present or fotate delivery, and,
In the 'ben eof which, we omit quolatlona, lhat.
la somewhat more actlve, vlilieset, however, any
change In rater, mile of 33 Nile deoodarlzed at 20, and
GO ►bia at h o, Beehiltin le much Inquired Gor, sad
um be quoted firm at 23.60 per bbl—eome holden
asking 24.00.
Now York Petroleum market.
Apulia Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gavotte.
Now You, Oct. fe-LTkus market limorsactiro, and
notwithstanding Ots stock Is large, a better falba&
memo to prevail. Orada Is Anna but quest; small
Woe on the spot at 3.5413830. Refined In bond, was
firmer old a abode higher lir present delivery; sales
cn,ths scot at,e6657e; for October at 6006 M, and
for November at dic. Tree OU ranges fr0m...0 to
CM. fleptha es firm with vales of Relined at P3a,3oe.
Philadelphia Coffee Market.
Monthly statozoit.
Import. since Jan. 1, 1863, of Rio, d1r0ct..1,786 bats.
Boma period, 1814 of 1116.—..18,433 bags.
Ott= dow.rlptlons---avia 40 , 679 2 "
Dec. of direct Imports this rear—.—.-. 84,413 •
Dec. of Itio bap.
Dec. of other datcrlptlose...l9 24:1 01.449
Stock of Rio, chic day.—nono.
Other dsorlptlocia--,.--noas.
thine time, 1862, of 1115--nom
Other dcscrlptiorm.--......„ 335 bap„ 325 "
Demme of stock, Wiper, all &warp.
2225 "
Ilomarka—Dtuing Mu past maith a pod lamaad
has provallod tor all datertpUosa astedvattoo oil
to ao 18 pound—taartat Atom wlthaB - 141arard tap
donor. aro gaol° Itto, ordlaaryst 19 tor 3113@talr
t to. r
oal 30 to ato; prlsoBl3fraolrtr 80 to
ado &anus t Sorb.)-Broker.
New Orleans aMrket.
Barr, 20- The apply Is mire liberal. Than ores
an maths demand hadlag tott Meta Mouth
to prima The mho statreettg fatly SOO hbd•
sem* tots, at /OM for pod arum.., 1,0% be far.
11% for Mr fit , tly‘ for fully fair to prime. 11%
for ortmo, - and It% for Yelloirearlfted. By Mellon
2.8 bble told at 10,4010 Y, and 11)io ® m. Idolassea
—The aoppiy vas mom itheral today, and the do.
mead Is lolly mt. Tticeetre. embracing 400 Obis
la SeTtral biter St Mae for comma, SOWS 9 oh
lon for good to prices Brat—Ttodersithei embrace
Men* IMO Mesh' la In. at AS:001123 9 100 bat
Floor—Tito sales Bran JIM ham* reporeod en Bat.
older, should bun .bemlN at $10,249100:11% g
far good es choke extra. Them woe • go. ages of
about 4100 bldy not previotaly ripartad c at $ll. for
fir Mondavi and re Kir 'Ora, We bare tot a Mum
acttoo to report to-day,. Plinhiseca bars withdrawn.
from lb. market holder. thtbehot &vela Mmb. ,
met to any mnomelon W odors. Po:atom—US Son
tag meth, loodUsr WOO lebbl, Oxamm—There
bare ben Wet on the heodlag at 91,60 9 bbl.
pie—Thity hove best itedlog on tbelindlog SSW 9
Orea—To-day's Wee embmc• 160 , 0 wok% In
lots, at $1,23W1S 9 both for UMW nod retied
Toledo Minket.
0114.30-41,3ar—1110a53,033,76; Bawd= Kw
OM% 114.1 1 1411424 DoubtsEska sad rester
$6,014,76.. Wm 200 bblitaltta a oat VIA 126
bbh Oo AS bblactita.l22 0y dt. 4o i 0 1 0
bbli do at sos4j 200 Rh do y. 53,14100 bbh U
water • at '113,713. t—ealei zartatdo,
'arta oar marts 1200 tot Noll Bad at =mow ba
do at 1223c. 3,000 bo amber MI & at 1.26= 20X63 tot do
eintai 41000 Do No i 4 at 171 a.-So• brori
pit: dabs GOO ba White aka at /30o; bo
bt42.100 bit sad .3.000 ba amber Zi aU at
sac; 4,00 balk 1 Bad at Ith; RAW to Law band
4.0c0 bo No 1 BA 12301 1410 bo No '3 Bad at .
114 docto 1d sad SACO to No 1 Mad at 110kr Cdtd.
Oats end othtr MU' 4 1 1 : 111 % 1 44 sod thin
Is nano chaajlait bah%
Buffalo Stalked;
1 .
Cyr.. 1.,-11¢ith viral rind
adopt dull suid tethenth dousir " AMß at ii n . .
Srr dre. 1 allwigket rude rod litter CO win*
lama. - Clan. Ilebeare domed— Ids et • 100770.
thus, 50114 /AIM ea the apt& ' use to mire.
IV10•17,610.- . Ciminftdai r r Amiga Mic ,
tot ithost to Now TOrk. 13.0:0- lhar.:
5 huh wheat, ti.01:0 am, 130:110 betide
anate,3oo bbtificaai : MOW ha Irbili;
17 anylepiXIbt,alfoiar. ',Willa balm
Ithth • '''"'- ' - ' " . s•—•
a a3a#4 4 IWINIII antlisto)lo 1
S w at irrirgi e ti
X odd luodeirrUi*r 3W77:30 lite? do
$ 5 ; 27 do se pardne XX7S. Wheat loactiveand =set
tled. Efo'dsrs were attains red a1f1,12131.20 talcn
board, tan balers evinced no disnodUon to op
to that rate, and the }hard eland with the
dull and drooping. The attenuant yea
:newt ova the morning, but on tho latn7a
stroorr <evasion estate& Gus btoyant Vw
better, with a wring upward teltdsney.~ itirelpta are
merely nornfnal Lod holders do navies staled rains
az 'Meow* 1000 boattehl f ttdrh at or. tiftid.
%lungs 2 core from •it Je u .aae Oitcrec Ohlabst•
ter end Orm. The rettelpte are scoreldi enthclant to
sattsty the cit( trade; held at &1.. Baal mete with
noctioseable *equity nod we quote at $10.0051.12.
Up; Lowe serlstng sad 1114 mach iagitry.
Chicago Blas*et.
07 1 —Thar ) kit doll co d..2.5a logic. Mout
kistot sod 245.d0 lower. Bald lC 11,0301,03%.
ccolot so 4 to lower. Um s Uots, Qmlat.
CAW as bl4ol*. IScodp[a, TAO bb's floor; lt.t,-
000 La la wheat; 43 MO Inott•ls co a Bb , poesins,
too,ouo bosh wheat: 2:1.1700 barb a2nA. -
Imporge by Ltatlrottd.
Prrrurnamt, Pr Warn 6 Cauca«, Baunoan, Oct.
2-8 nue booby, Joe% attain, /23 by oats, tO by
barley, Illarbask, lacOrtary &co; 103 Was, L By •
orly; 11l J Y ldoLarrealim 66 bbis whkky,
Lambert attlotran 8.51 bats. hay, 301 by nifil
/Matlack, McCreary A oo; If kip shot, Jas B oam 10
do do, gurpor A Lamm 20 do 6., J 5 Dilworth a
ma 6 dodo, Bladland t Connor PI by oars, Wm
litsgbam; 7 Mks Maim, Wm NAB tr. co; 1 or Am
clay, Grad, Braursta A car 60 Iris gloss ware, W
Ogden; 13 by nip, Howard A Gattrolli 1 Pr by,
Hamilton; 9 ars oil bb's, W P Adams; 1 car Mans,
J Maya, I cars naval, J klocrbeal; 12 tads Matter
&Mart I Hardman; SW by oafs, L H Volp & to;
1 car corn, D A H Walbars; 65 hides, 3 11 Baum;
110 do do, 0 N Eloffstott,
Crximano A Prelefsnaca SaILIOLD, Ortobpll
- kg. porn, 160 bp wheat, J 5 Idgrgett ♦ Om 6
box.. cheese 3 pkp butt., John IPA; 6 boxes
scap4lteicolds A Go: 50UL onlorts,L 11 Vo'xt I Co;
25 bbia tad by, 1 bbl brandy, J Goodwin; 10 Ebb
1t..., W H Hamilton; 6 balm bops, Z Waldrlght• 24
aka potateita, P Vangerelar; 9 balm be" J Gialpiolr.
(dodo W Gresmd: ott M
dnJashoder; 2 bake
hay, 195 bge oats, 8 B royd; ocum (cots and shear,
J r Tann.; 134 hg. men, Jobn H Speer; 42 this
eapp,, Thee 51 Bowe; 100 bans chew. 0 0 Bagley;
10 do Anion ambler; 11 bbls Marco, I I Hams & Om
10 cks pearls,: 8 Lamm 51 boxes abeam 81romakar
Lang; 60 bbis oil, J L Ilusbail; 9 pkp seed, raiser
A arnsermeg; 155 bdla alto es, P Walked; 10 bbls
apples, 28 skaos a, P;kloKeley; 114. bbli whisky, B
Brioneggar; 2 caddies tobacco, J A Sainte; ;11 kegs
do John Grazier; 38 bb'. oil, I P Duncan;3o bbis sp.
plea, 64 harm chess, W m P Beck I Co; 67 boxes
chem., Wm Baslage; 41 do do J It Canfield; 40 do do
11 Riddled 17 sksonions, John Barbara.
ALLTAUENT ET/710a, Oct 4.-1 cm Amos; J nor
tart; 12 by potatoes, I B teem• 10 bbli alcohol,
low Suds; % bbl wits W ; It Qx l bbla
eggs 2 do buttes, Wllley and Wester; 1 bbl egp, 0
llooalp 8 mks potatoes, Ith% El Tato; 0 bblt apples,
Moiety; 9 boxes batter, I bbla egp, hp onloot, H
Loots; 8 oto potatoes 21 aka apples Wit Is 10
bottom toptablea, B Bobbusn; 19 do do M Our, 6
do .7 Hopson 23 do do El Morlatt; 10 do do . Chow
Gab; 23 do W 0 Dam
POR 941.11.
v PROPISTY POE BALL, wkoldo mar °mks
town. Payette mouth Pa. A Term of alarm, an.
for good imp' t. opomvbiob Burrs te erected
a two-4ton frame Mamba MW e watt four run of
liana and modem iwproremmdi alma a Bev KM
ecameated. 1114 o oole Is Away ow, and to good
rousing order. and to wand to ma by item mid
video power. or impasse. ow may te desired. Also.
a two story have Denallag Dew Ban , wed th e De.
mann mubalidloga. 1607 and le eaderiagad with
coal. sag a bank D2ll , oyes, width eapplk• the
la? Ism ralosts daseriptioa sod tams only to
6. 0. BATAS. lul Ltd+ mad Lumps§ Aisst,
Surer street, LawrascesT soil 3
=air Jos Lot% 11 hot 4 to.
hoot by 11.0 feet deep to eta pith a lap doable
bomb, between Haim* sad Hand sheet. • dad.
table bosuon fora Physlokat as DWI'S.
Alen, BMW floe 1,0 _ ,, g dies tor goivatayaddhow
near tee= 44 to saw awl.
alba a lona amber el beating kstatof various
Wag, at ham 24 to 60 test front b7lOO to 1140 het
hap. aliae
hallway. hd et the lanalana of the Wylie Blzeet
Apply to ths ozelerilgusi, ozsoi sof the edits
of John Harm. dm% W. A.HIBBON.
jethere B. O. EINEHON.
FARM FOB BALB.—I tun authorized
to olla tar saw am :cowman!' tcrawos TL&C?
Or LARD, conwiasi sawn 403 sews, altastad Is
Obis and irsaklla towswhlpo near Parrywrllls. Al.
frobtny aniaty. and new :scolded by John E2eDta•
ild v tenet.
There Sr. about tan serge elegized rod In good
Tb. hoot IN lull timbered. =Wu coa4 and h
hip vahabla lax Sambas p
143 Thohb west. • • ••• .•
FFOBBALE--Thiza Cornea Et
hunting at Meal asset, (Sestabry=
&coat Weed. Afrghstly cm the these the Ma
obeeter Paasobler ,
moats tae resideacs of
A. fifilikeer, laq. Lots far teet e tt by t oy tam font
alley. Also, moles corms lot 190% feat,
arilomlem the ebore,p-operty, sad tlog oft Alb
eel cry ammo. UM location is me of the mad &r
-amble la the city. Terms may.
Apply to W. OARAON, No. 10 Ohio at,
a-malto the Mapes Otbm,A.thesbemy
'kJ —The saldiressed ollbrs at VITUS rale lib
cool:miry rill:Ow" on Troy HA watilalag about
riz =el of grcuad, a splandlll Met Dinning
Howe. ea mm align& Pmca Barn, with room for •
Wed ma with trattly ; S some In rape, b arnel.
lent boobs =der; shoat SOO choke pea rmy arid
about 100 apple true. year trees, awry, plum and
odor tress, do. This Indkpotable. Wadilloas
Zaquiro of
saelhlra JOHN 0. PLZHITB, 'h. plea..
x rsoau. mann.
Maly watered. Three good Homes and Barn. Oval
Prim $1
eery near. &au Click aid Wertxdog Implements.
ter Masellm eogalre of
eallder T. 00 , N4lOB filth at.
WWI ISALAL4—erous 11W IJOAL /114111,
L ha complea. adze sad condition. Ineanalosa
10 tool la !eosin. 1f feat in width and IX, depth.
Von ace No 1 &al Mats. and will to cold at a
barsala. !Kara of BDOH 11481:01t.
at the othe of lobs sad.
atnlnf ravens* Wel, near tor. of Hand at.
0/8150/. 1 / 7 /pall, -441
ji../ —The perteanblp Itwetafoni ezhtlest between
eabwribeis. wider the fro et PHILLIPS,
NUM a Oa" hes this day bei dissolved. CHAS.
LOCKHART and WILLIAM lUW basin par.
chated Oa entire letersts of tbs vtior partwo.
Su tankage of the left Asa 'HI be gettkd by
Pittsburgh, Log. lOth, UHL
MIAMI:II L0C1ZEA5T......................1VLLL1M1l 1r17.1r
Producers and Refizeri of Petroleum,
At ALBION OIL WILLS. Vann° (b., nand
or oft*, Ina 174 Woo BT3W.
sottlat " Per:num.
MOT/OB.—Th. undarmigned haring
utf=aumpd Shanties OWL Ixoes the bag ate
IMMO j. B. Kamm weild annaahos
to his old antnantia and the pablto hh ranmar to
dandle' Liberty street. (Adel tempted by.d. B.
Itooane,) whore • lards sad tonsideta dock et dad-
Alm' and Bboesoakm..Lasthat italtagai
ar 4 v As.. auk be 6104 Aid at knratt tatela
tAPSWI.C.AUSI Wert, Unite
TN BETUIWW. not mug allni
AIM Mumma SUBLIME% =lt ealtdhdhe
command eyf incommart /Matt of 'blot !shwa,
sad goad Ingdamalmalldcathnea, lihedfzete dtddtho
to vane .1 vla =atm to moan , tdr.-dliDith.
601:111coodnagennamiAndelL nap adeet.phaanre
la Intratnalnghlat to my hokum
. , 71.110011H1L
JabAltth.l36o. lattaai
IVISOLUVIOit OP. refortia
4... ~e2bajperWaradp bertexfoteezttt Wee"
the: eadera ed. unser the stele eme .11zie .ot
Wald& • AIM* behAbittleeatt
eweest.3ll,l44llt3-..hetne dtteolvett. 150 e, butewe
of the *wean, bet waled by .1. Al INOLIEBNY
OgLeBBIA.S. they elseerbatos settuettsed to de the:
. • • 714 .Pls9
iltelmetethaerd KT.•PLlElaliTriitattent te ,
theAlwa usioenvll,.•lll lbe..aceted,o2 , karec ar .
ondarthestekiateLltele at WICIbIeA , GAMPIRILIde
IW. • •-• . - JOBS AL . WOI4IIIL , •-
Plathmily rept . ..11844W I EtZeht
.o.lltfretheireil. - • , •
pßoPosaxs F0R11.0118118._, , _
0/I.IWAY liuma&u. }
omcg or on. Chup.litramounsa.
prop* Wla Mt a l' i lAtaistp' '
Gino or tlfrot °MUT- out, to
blagtvasill ilttV naddlikti:Wialr.
ht1t547 . ...11 • ._OFP/0;11 0 . , got: 1114
mut la• he the Of
hiefi anotlii, iwitr4l • L oa
haw is big frealreboda,. {tl}ii.ibctesb buds
Mibi tram en (6) 44 moo, rausvadaddl
so sto aged* 4 10 1 4/44,P85. la soot flidmind km
AtatOr liti :biddaittii•ifili lihi
axon betalmdesd by brorayoritto *nor, "Ns
mai blipyswildte the yunatmk, •
ode gwonsusortodbiaimni
12" th,•Vbwkot go somut
.. 14 / 1 8 4
it Ob
m . leidlEitlitniiild io Ll•it.cia.
Bans% 0: .
Norto!•.. .. . , , ~11.4
:J !~! ~
Mii 44 :a 4
Hernia or Rupture cured.
Hernia or Rupture cured.
Hernia or Rupture cured.
Hernia or Rupture cured.
Hernia or Rupture cured.
Hernia or Rupture cured.
Hernia or Rupture cured.
Rupture or Hernia °area,
Rupture or Hernia oared.
Rupture or Hernia oared .
Rupture or Ruth' anredo
Rupture or Hernia cured.
Rupture or Hernia cunt
Rupture or Honda cured.
laiih's Radical Cure Trim
Ritter's Patent Trues.
Fitch's Supporter Truss.
Bell:Adjusting Tsui.
Dr. Banning's Lace or Body Brass.
for the-cure of Prolapeue 'Uteri; Piles,
Abdominal and Spinal Wealmemea.
Dr 8. 8. Pitch's Silver Platadlinp
Pile Drops, for the support and onre
of Pilea.
Rlastio Stockings, fbr weak and nr
loess veins.
Elastic Knee Caps, for weak lame
Ankle Supporters, for weak knee
Suspensory Bandages.
Self-Injecting Syringes; also, every
kind of nyringis.
Dr. KEYS ER has also a Truaa which
will radically cure Hernia or kapturs.
Or Office at his Drug Store, No. 140
WOOD Smarr, sign of the Golden Mor
tar. Persona writing for Treatise/multi
send the number of inches around the
body, immediately over the rapt u re.
as will ies% hti pommel atteatheo to
the eepllcasket at Toms to adults sad eldlano.
and he ls satisfied that. althea exessiesco taste
ty years. be win be essablid to ere tatiladiall.
EI2U4NJEgOZEB6 87ilhia18.
Sold at Dr. BRIZEIBIL'B, 140 Woos
8118110113011 T 1.4.1111/0121,
6IIOPIDEBOI2 BdUlat.ol3.
bilBl.ll3Bolllf /MIUMMII.
A doom Mimi Usk,
• dons appal AM"
A do= 611110Vids.
A dam ithrecaldpia,
At Dr. KKIVEIRBI. 140 woos Brum
00888 CION80.111P2701; Man BRostatumm
'CUE COLD/. CU Anal4i
I bovlto attestkot to mom sl tho and ortnoeC4.
boa wins by my
nay are a* berm, and any ale who boa Mabel . '‘
can twin alas yaziona aka bansbestaansni tryin. •
roe ALL non WHO nib talr
/MIND TO TOUR onpa—A. amat !m
-y's& standby card by D11.1:11111% PTOTOC I
Ittel BUM ' ,
Perammtary )1.111%
Da.Tormat lly allie bee Wen eflilatol vfth
bed mai& sad Makatty of treethlageer them*
which en renmal Plate* kid iPaftgli Wallet •
to 'War n& The aommlable N. beear butdboyi•
sad Oa bad tow treated bronwaskradt--#t__4lo..;
ma Day tried. Ta MI state 'al iar aim. pmeereekl
mace of year Pectoral Cough llyrom I boays4l/Imr'
Ant Chas, a UT mat battle. vhink ramie bareall* -
much l I that celled sad set a dons:
armed tam ealtnly. sad gains rem ao limo! Ma
farmer elms% mapt vsalmmarc lernald
that I mad the tosdklme wed! to a add eadameifh
aualktaa cared me by taking we dames . -
pros my oath* earldholloa with the loseabrie
yea in at Maly to yaldhh this you dadtifo
4114koraaa stab trbra.:.;
•••-- • ,:l
Przuddairrs.. dlov. 111. 11d5C
Da. lima I bin bun, mon a kirdr TO •
11k. 'MOM via the memo of col& sad bawds.
At trona ray throat would Pm= do dried ad
. to , proaot wry waking Mare a Wasps/, add by •
Wilds •
fry dos of Os atm illvdP It woditi flw •
is nosiassiosnog this stsdietts, I anti ea halts. '
tioirtssaj that it is the hod rsoudy . l anss bast,
parporUns to Moths sham oar stool& say MAI
to VithOld this masts hr Ohms so posnliaL
Tam wit tspecitalts,
Maas Clt4ras• &To* Beak.
0016, PMTI DID DR Einitarb
Da Esams—Dsst El,: !TRW the delay ia sat '1
ackavaleiging ihe , mama of raat actoal
(bash llsap amis. I take great plasmia la sip , E
lag ad is is all isa say Is /anal as man
91.1 1 01 C•ailked the voltam I vas our alalca..
ad with. !basso ascii ifsma thaa ass.halt grate
tea, awl I ass sad &rah& ttuirslF wimp its af. -
111ctiii vocal atta Ito* at*lrig u I lan
and tag will topcsatto *fr. Maas naves* mal
t das." I wail of its math* aacii am attack
lz say ceaddadant. aria wd. lava contact .
I can brutal awes Duty thaa I oar did. I alsnr
lams aciassidetigs a WS ot goitiCial• tier hoses. ...:
Info =Mai a ressidy. Yea al =RV us
as aama ta this woad, as pm think prom
• L !SUL
Xar114169. '
72.8.-1 ma so droner to my
all Ida entatala doubts am onset a. c ?
WAD UM 2111711L-AporamitiAlkowor,
daViter *ha kin tectainted losilehrotar
Antony I pasksted gmrimeclognslatigiv
norour. ITlttrtotattilkii IMMO
"*. tone shone rillsrut Yu trig
it:comb/3yd•bar ankh.
; D e l i vix4 4l2°ll6ll itra4 ., Tk ationek, - 11213211114
20. :11 4 :1