The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, October 01, 1863, Image 4

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- r GENCE.
From Yesterday's Evening
ThW - idoning Match for the Mum
pionehtp-ant ereatteg Detail*.
The New York paws bring ns the details
of the greet rutin match between Hamill
and Ward. The tritium? says:
The day Was beantifelly fine, and the water
es, smooth. as • 'mirror. hardly a ripple dis.
tulles theaerface of the noble river. Long
before the boor appointed for the reel (three
o'clock p. m) the streets of Poughkeepsie
became crowded with strangers, attracted by
the sullies contest,. The Hudson ;Hirer
Banded Wu were crowded to replOion,
the ten a. m. train having no less than'eigh
teen clean tracked .wringer, while the regu
lar and emersion eteums were equally well.
us gsseised. The Ruling* , Hotel, on the
dock, was the entre of attraction to the im
mense crowds assembled, lts bete was the place
where speaulation was mostly eared on.
Up to noon there had been little done, bet at
that time it became brisk and animated.
Offers to bet $lOO to $BO on Ward were greed
ily snapped up by the Pittaberghers a large
binational whoutwere present. d e Ward's
friends kept arriving, the duke to "get on"
became stronger, sad longer 'odds ware offir
ed; $lOO, to $l5; $lOO to $O O , and in several
instances $lOO to $5O were bet, and at there
pyrriicesess many thoneands of dollars changed
The friends of Ward were bolster•
ends exultant In his imposed viotorY 7 staid,
well-to-do eideens, and plain, substantial
looking sulenittirtste, from the hills- end
nooks, and cosy, sheltered (gm steads among
the mountains, were equally exalted end de- i
Crows to invest their hard-won greenbacks
on their favorite "Jos. Ward." nor were they
dinppointed in meeting with aosommodating
pentane of the Plttaborgh boy.
Precisely at the boar appointed, amid the
breathleu expeetations of 20,000 spectators,
who lined the duke and wharfs, the men en
tered their frail lookieg dolls, and rowed to
the starting point, the jades,' boat. Ward
looked In the perfection of condition, and
stated himself to be "all right." Swath's
shorter, but mere massive balit frame, was all
that could be desired. His meteeles were fully
developed. end his clear shin, akar and bright
eye, bore evidence to the p ion of the
molt vigorous health.
Ward's oars ware the first to touch the water
when the word "go" was pronounced, and his
' boat quickly showed in &arum Before a
kindred yards were pused Jos. was leading
a couple of lengths; his long, regular, sweep
ing woke contrasting with the'quick, short,
• bet powerful Moto of Hami ll . It seemed
impossible to maintain, ter piny length of:tlme,
the llghtning-like option of the - latter, which
awed his shell to 'flirty fly through the
waters, and Ward's mouse was conlidentiy
cuedietod. as his endures,* wu well known.
Before three. nastier, of a mile was passed
Hunk' had uttered his opponent, and with
strength and rapidity of stroke unimpaired he
shot ahead, itlereedrig his lead every moment,
and turning stalmboat a minute and a quarter
ahead. Without relaxing his exertions, either
in geed or power, he shot through the water
on his homeward path, leaving Ward toiling
hopelessly in the rear, and allowing him to
sulfas the truth of thaprourb, that " • stern
chase is a long chase . " The race was sow
virtually over, forisitheught lined ocsaaion
aily scads a feat epurt, Hamill answered It by
one still faster, and eventually wan the nee
in the hollowestpossible. manner, passing the
Judies best lirst b fully two hundred and
Pity yards y,
amid the loud autainations of the
Pituburfbers, his backers .andfriende, in 37
minutes 38 seconds, the time being two min
utes faster than the previous race.
. The .Tiess describes the run as !oleos
The signal to start was given about 214
o'clocki and Ward jumped out with a clear
lead cis length, by a spurt which was greet
' 44 with Otters by his friends_i this lead he
kept with appuent lug past Vesta% brew
ery, and isseirod each' conflierise in the
Noviburghere and Poughkeepsiane,' that they
• offered two to one on his winning the reap
this was taken to some extent, but It warise. ,
Idiot that many of the Pittabargbers ware
shivering a little In their boots es to the re
After the men were abreast of the brewery,
Hamill inercaud the rapidity of. his stroke,
white Ward testes& began to tire, sod
Hamill lapped' his antagonist, Ind ;Am
about half way to the upper staketrosi,. hid
jut-opened-daylight, when one..of the men
alma a starlet handkerchief on a allot and
ondonst to craven alirs so
their Mends that was ahead; , from
this point Hamill drew clear and increased his
, lead to eight lengths as he neared the stake
• boat i at the same time taping near the shore,
while Ward dewed ant in the middle of the
/ strpam, that gairting a z Cdupfe length"
d on Hamill, bat losing ledeed half* dozen
lengths in being empanel to turn on a
pivot; while Henan ." tactics in making
a loos sweep ave him the advantage of go—
ing round the - stalls-boat - 11 - . hair turn.
Hamill turned the. stake-boat lei 18 min. Z.
eta., while Ward turned It III•see. later. At
this point of the rue, the Wands of Ward en
the wharves and boats AWOL* starting point
werendsled by 'the applierande of a 'blithest
Which turned the 'tastiest ahead of', Ham
lit who wore a bind shirt and red '-ear--ind
at ones were ready withlteenbaske to burnt
at two to one on Ward; bet they little Li;
peeled thedisappoititnurnin stouts! Wan;
der,frese the taming of the apparbeat, the
rare became one of the softest one can well
imagine. 'Wad continued to tall of, while
Hamill piton renewed vigor and speed, and
putlembriyibill benearel the Ward
was upward otrAtilaids behind when Bandit
came in, is 3T manatee sBfiesocals. The vldtei
wu vocifuoisly elm*, Ward seeming much
depressed, and his,bsekers chagrined. Zany
charged Weld with Wips sold nit "race, bat
so one, whole lipbsion it worth shytiting, be- •
liures wars, has won the
83,00/ and UttiVhampionship.
!IMAM /MD sinizipan.
Word, who le about 6 feet high, 28 years
• ' eld, sad walghlug 164 pounds, pallid the
same boat ha had is the lastraeo, end with
Ms us:tailors, steady stroke._ Thit boat
bongo! mahogany by GoorgeShaw, of New
burgh, and is 393 i feet bnig,l7 late* wido,
and weighs 46 Frauds. Wad was evidontly .
l iztl o good condition, and vary imppidantly
dhisosolf with gropes and water just.
beans la tiartel.
Usultil'is condition was such baron/
\‘ his last
.adatetics by metal system of
• India& snider Mks -prtottred expo:lona of
Akre Xackel.lthe _trainer. and_lerelid. of
= ,
Jehsillonan,for.his fight nith•John Mar. ,
dug, Air 1648, who plc Ida •Minicab the
,1 system of _training,..dlit. mad bigibirazsr,
1id0Pt4.167_8112/1210, wkera_repastat
for,s.sladhamai contest,ia the ring, sad .
• Ai" lethiontsess of the course was proved
14 Wrilsnti. ; gamin's forma booker, Mr.
Jul litulMig;of ntuburet,sith ea u '.
41 , • •kW sad .Potegtikstipsie recat - lisip resigusd
Ma Into the hub of two new patrons, I
Moen& Muth Sallie awl Tames Willismr,
et Pittsburg's, who-not only found the
MO Ersenbaoke, bat backed their opinions
la lifer ity - larififfi.. Waite; took
Us In Stating at, l'ittlibillMit•Acut -61 fr
SIOY.)111. had /la Inninin g
• -at the . Mork= river all -test week isle
Xsetaril:of lieberts' boat•4atddlituuent, l
built WWI a 11111/ boat, '29- feat for 4, 143 s
tubas edits, and Ratable, 83 lauds,
7 0 : ^Ssmttla height fa 5 fest , 7.3 i Inches bfigh,
- I ts vadaha_lso pounds, 1i.2521wa,01d, sad
- - Uneesdingly macula to the chest and arms;
with retnerkabfp - ,abrt, , quick
ttt Thstbne of tit; flmmilerass oa thstAoluel
, killifs which he beat Ward, was 3tplantea,
• Ift sedosda. ID the nue et Pourbkosplia, in
latch Ward best blur, it was tt nannies ID
seosub l and 'yesterday, 37 minutes 38 wads.
Judie'S boat was snehotod below the
Mud Zook, end It umnearly - blab with
tica drat ultimate ripple. HAndilleelthe
sitre ire and Wu stbanded by - s els
and siaell=bearilbldit UPEsearil d akizilide
< alike durlsrtherratej wnue
W+ wYrat•
bladed bye fonr;ninal 1100boit: • • •
Theladies on the etalideit were Thin
Dole, of„Boatos, for Weld, aistiantis tech,
of 'Utah:rub, for Joa:rCoinim acrid ,
• as rebus. •Anrong tho , many 'large ffidniers,
was the victims_ oarsman, lit.'-fkaphyd AO!
esti, of Sew „ York , Madan tkatupea .
or &MON a 1,4150111 1, ar , an Duman, on his
- • dml aPPorstos, took -hi= - kinds and•baS
Isms mardsd foil& unswareiss Mikis his
twithabindbi his pedal defeat,
vim, no
E j sasfalbdui.loribcauknoir
,• ' 01211112.11tAisettosr - T,
• OcaditibliOlat.l.lasekii.4l9"*.ll4
iimiandsl4# Milos a
4 111114 .
sea. Regley at Ohlapairaga.,
1.2 the 41441000 imittgiza two, -
mica aro tooetrod k nod clOgrals . firk
dam of this okElt Aroovia 6 -
Gam Igigtoy.
,'d-oortoOpOt!drat'Ottittt: ufl
woo oonaidazabl7 atter two -o'olcoskarbotc Got.
Nee. 4 7 or4rel itfgrito *On Iftlti te , tk e.
root, and as tigtool to Gem John -Boit." ilia
I n ollll titit *tittle cdrigit. 'This rar4cde,
novennisi of: ra train 'could haPielnli„Ver!':
saved by the rebels, from their toCknot ott
the :summit of Pigeon,. Mountain, and "the y
wail encouraged by. IL to make more
deriSAiosonskneUotutAlongdur lint!. Al elan
as the sew cf. thi ifelfihaipieetttlebeVlllWlT
ating% Gen. Nees./ *Ads preparations for
retreat, but evidently with Weet" l " lll M'
About three d'plock the 'repels *Sr 442, '
tag uP.sna rear.... Whatever ean.M.V there. war.
intuunilately passed- aler, , Uss-mta, icr -the:
int Vice, thelratiffietnial heard thunder..,
lug s:Pen ItinVWdragmen- balky:Mt
eteeninethrbugh Detereen Teas
and the Cilib;kamenga ma y- isoods,
but Immediately , after niciang the stream the
troops engaged ; into -ern grounds awaiting
of cornfields on the left and an orchard on the
right. Parallel with the stroicco was a stone
wall, which furaihed winallable defense
far our troops. .
Sweaty bad the troops taken-tip -position,
when therei:le to she left, of the• road thaws
on with a yell. MueltLlTarever, to their
mortification and detriment, our man behind
the stone wall let loose in their faces a mur
derous volley, which changed the yell into a
bawl, and, in that direction, effectually
checked their prorate. A moment after, I
met Gen. Mosley. lie was evidently in high
gin.. "bid they run against a snag f" he
laughingly inquired. I think Ilion as merry
as he when I answered in the affirmative.
During the whole coarse of this trying affair,
I did not see the General once lose his gen
tlemanly courtesy, his equanimity, or his
good humor. And all the while he seemed
everywhere present, and Always doing- the
right thing at the right time. Would that
ow army contained but a Rene of Inch men
, The cobalt again same on with cheers,
wash, although well sustained, were not such
as I have often beard from rebel thrbsts.
Again they were meta terrible yells, ; again
they "ran against a snag," and again that
cheering was brought suddenly to an end.
The whole force now retired rapidly, in order
to reach Bailey's Cross ll.oads as soon as pos
sible; but the enemy had been too severely
panithed to follow, except at o safe distance.
I remained upon the top of the ridge nail
the whole force had passed by, and although I
well understood the neosstities of the case,
and folly perceived the wisdom of Gan. Beg
ley 's course, still I could not repress a feeling
of mortification at the thought that any por
tion of our gallant army should retire before
aimed traitors.
Interesting to Drafted Men Sober
quench y Exempted.
The Provost-Marshal general hat issued in
a eiroalar the following !aloe for the refund
ing of commutation money and repayment In
whole or in part of amounts paid for sabot.
tau, which will govern in the settlement of
entatandlog claims of this nature :
in the oues of the men who were drafted
and paid the We commutation without W
hig exuntted, but who, on subreqnent swami
tauten have been, or may be found exempt,
and claim to be refunded the amount paid :
In the cue of man who were represented by
eubstirsten in the United Suess service on the
3d of Marsh, 1803, but who, being drafted un
der the present draft, aid commutation
money, and now claim to be reimbursed for
the amount paid : The Board shall oarafelly
examine each case of this kind and make a fell
report upon it, and give an opinion with re
gard to IL They shall then forward this re
port and opinion, with all the papers In the
case, to the Provost Marshal general for Anal
orders, aeto refunding the money. Or in the
rotes of men who, under the droutostenees net
faith in the pm :edit:4 riles, furnished sited
tales In lieu of paying commutation money t
The • Board shall carefully examine each case
of this kind, make a full report upon it, aid
s pra an opinion with regard to It. They that
then forward this report and opinion, with all
' the papers In the case, to the Provost Marshal
general The Board that require an affidavit
ef , the principal as to the amount paid the
subettnte furnished by him, when It was
paid ; whether to or through a broker or
agent, and, if so, the name of the broker or
agent. He ahail alio_ba_requirod to present
the rerelpt taken for such amount, or, U he
claims to have no receipt, to make affidavit to
that strut. No refunding of commutation
money or payment for substitutes famished
I Malt* mede until the original exemption
• papers granted the original shall have peen
destroyed by the Provost Marshal. The Pro-
Volt•Mtirsirai t e certificate of teak feet shall In
same, be required by the receiver of com
mutation money, or other disbursing officer,
before refunding the money paid on either co
Banff Notequotations,
qormated especially for the Gazette, by
Mims. Bala a Lare, of the National Bank
Nolo Begorter. Rates uncertain at present :
Prrmui.or, &pt. 50, 1223.
' Dfroomr. thseceast.
Heir rogiond &aka- 34 Tlrginis, lotioiter_. -
IrofrAtark2talo--... % NarthOorolla‘...—, -
fiev-York City.— par fkmth thLroltzus.....--. -
Nay 'Jeney.-............ )6 Georgia.,-........... -
Perm.Phila.—....... par A1ab0a50................... -
~. Pleithirgb - - par L0a1it0na............---. -
MorPitisteationue 40 Hootaaty«,---..... poi
In of BoomToonamo-..---,... -
Et*of lroyotroCk,, ° 25 Ohio Par
Iloso Sul, Indium, tree 2
pro= 25 Indiana, b'k state... par
P0,,,jC100c2, 111f00La......1) , 6550
P010gra0................ Wircortaffs ~..-...-.1)050
Mit. of Ooloninfa.....- 10wa.........--.—... 1
theyhuni, Haiti:mom pat 55Achligia
- 1141pisiod.lotorlor..... •2
.2rboillng te10ch01... 81142... I%
ttrrotosca-eonth2 imf
WAWA' mat Pat
on New-Yeti sal PIM
-400111, tad Silvis 1480
! " t ." • ~ !
Excitement at EiNeesport.
,•- • •
gattAt enezoltamoni sm. r Motels
pas 'akin* arming. La nauseam of a
digit:airy between a train' and It Copper-
Garai of ' Galls . Station, cams
Jionn yeaterday. to .Molfaaport. with • but.
tonna chain en hit renort.- Whlfe he twin
the, bar of tho - Hiawatha Boum '
Batple cams in , and the two drank together
(we understand)." After the drink, IMMO'
salad Vali to lot hint look, at kb 'chain.
which ha did. Alta looting at the dais, it
to alleged that Sample broke the obahr i threw
it down and imaeked Gaffe ant. Gaffe than
maid book through the dialog room and
want up stairs it if supposed,-to get a Wool,
ffie then out" &Own and shot at Sample, but
Inialad. A largo crowd soon gathered monad
the hens* and .4 'iow wee with difficulty pre
hey& Oa* tie bound.ovse AgSrpgau
tf: 000 to ALltlin , Si Court.
16 the PM
, ..„,
. .
From flse,77tit Pennfalleginten‘ •
By I private Misfirldie leitar,,datimi
leer, from Mr. Wm. Lyon, to Isaiah Dicker,
Yrq , we are informal that Col. Bose, of the
7714 Pa. Vols., ticietherivithliapt. aotifason,.,
of tlie same zsgiment, were taken prisoner. by
'the enemy at the fate betels of, Obioassauga.
Both wore fn good health, and free from cue
altles,wltvn.taaea. The regimsat wu.lustUy
cot sp—Only some slut/ or seventy- min be.
log feft. -
By the time trustworthy _letter 'kerb
thatortsemy occupied a strong pcsilion neer
Obaitsmoop, and had abotedauf supplies. of
Woo Wm terWc, sad commissary :nom, 'Met
were readily lecteesed by- - tbe - railroad troll
fltemmsou, still la our hand!.. .
_ DO:us OP EXIIICLMO 'Etrassoltii,—The
Pruett Marshal dung has laud tha
Luring circular s Isanotilataly upon &seam-,
pletion ef, the drat to any Ustrioithe du
pon of die Board of 'TMonmunt therein will
oolslPaa era forward to Mds oldwthe atitlt
lica of the causes otatemptim on amount of
yhydni disability Lem inca:draft In Ws Was
Wet: This rt show Use ihdieriand*
of mead Intha4lbstilet, iithnn alphy
bating list of the mug bloat or
and Ilia number Nested for each Ind vill be
actsonpuled by it:detailed statinnent snots
other tuts u sassy, ba of "ordentids impartance
let the medical prelusion of theanny,
. . •
Mtloll Bumf tiocittfor Pan&
ioraaa.—Thb Is the 40th pan t tbiallstenoo
gilds Booloty.lto skins la a tiros dist:button
pith* Word at God both._city ouittaburgh_
and !irtiiitaa MI &zombis:
lions ars barzookotoly soiled met aslant la
this good work. Tao Agent of thbrfrbitoth
thrtitar:3; 3i Stilleta Intl oar tipott.thieda.
wig spin tot their *us* io attitigikinS.
Thou tar la the diforaltyptiarai Of
p a labor
bit beer , • 7 '
bail! of tit WI%
L wri4llll64
4 - bindlatk di as troiei mail; .4 lha,
Awn auttarrrow.—Mr. Knox will exhibit
at hip Hortienttnral R 401611 No. Si Fif th
street, on Wednesday, Octobir 7th, and dor-
FIL the balance of the week, a rare collection
of Native Grapes, embracing over twenty
'varieties of the Lowest and moat valuable
kinds. We doubt not this exhibition will
,!slat gees
greet attention. It will afford yards.
;slab:, to engage in pope mature a fine ops,
portnnity to as the different kinds end to de
termine which are the beet, either for vire or
the table. A tempotent committee will be &p
-i:doted to examine the fruit, bath at the
rooms sad at the extensive vineyards of Mr.
Knox, whose report will be looked for with
peat interest.
COTtllillit.ll Paint aiso.—At a Union
demonstration held at Hamburg, Pa., on S st
twday last, an attempt was made by a number
• f Copperheads, assembled In a lagor beer sp
leen oppotiPe the hotel, where the =meting
Nutteld, to break it up by making horrible
noins,"so as to interrupt the speakers, but it
*malted in their own discomfiture, for the au
dience milled out, cleared the saloon, pum
meled the rowdkw soundly, and then went
;Vastly bulk to their orators. The whole af
fair, not excepting this little episode, was of
the most =thus:Lido obaraoter.
MAN; Mimics AT MIADTILLI.—Tbers wW
be a grand rally of the chime of Mercer,
Crawford and Brie 00nntiOS at Meadville, on
Saturday, gd pros. Bernal of our ablest
speakers have been engaged. The Journal
says that Thos. M. Marshall, Esq:, of this
city, will deliver an oddrus on the occulon,
and adds ; "Freedom has no truer. more elo
quent champion in the State. He is a most
unfilnohing, earnest opponent of Copperhead
little, and strikes telling blows for the right."
Chat: Allegheny,wddrested an immen se
=4%14 at Indianapolis, Indiana, on Mon
day last, having visited that place at the earn
est rtquest of our fanner fellow citizen, CoL
James A. Shin. Gen. Rooker was in Indian
apolis st the saws time, tbe State Nair
was In full blot, so that th ere was no inn of
attraction for the people.
lasonar.—A leather trunk, the property
of Miss Lucy M. MOTVISI, WAS stolen from the
_railroad station at Turtle Creek, on Monday,
while the lady was welting fir one of the
trains. On Tuesday the trunk was found on
• bill-lido in the vicinity, broken open cad
rifled of its mint valuable contents. 'a portion
of the goods was found rousted In a comfit&
DIAIII or ♦ PII76BtIZORSI —Mt. John ig
Snowden, foimuly a wall known resident Of
this city, died a day or two einem, at Corona
city, Wino% of paralysis. MG Snowdon had
been engaged In the, drug business hear, and
left this eity for the west some five years ago.
}lts brother, Joseph Snowden, Seq., to-day
received the announcement of his death.
Diorustou IgitrOlflATlD.—Rev. Dr. Chu.
E liott, Bret's/or-elect to the chair of Bibli
cal Literature and Ezegesi in th Eorth
westens Theologtoal Seminary, wu, e
we learn,
duly Induatird, en the evening of September
10th. The charge to the Professor was de
livered by Bev. W. W. Harem.
KILLID HT • so•llll.—Win B. Dougherty,
brother or culler Bernard Dougherty, of this
city, was killed by being thrown from a Imo •
Sou home, on Saturday morning last, near
Butler. - Be wee oat on an electioneering
tour, and had addressed a Democratic meet
ing at Butler the previous evening.
Mantua AT RILIDOITILLII.-A Union meet
ttg will be held at George W. Boyd, th
Bridgeville, Upper S. Glair township, on Fri
day evening, Oat. 2J, at itheo'oloek. Address
es will bs delivered by Thomas M. Marshall,
Esq , J. W. Y. White, Win. Moreland, E.q ,
and others.
INITULLIIIO3.—Rev. J. B. Waddle has
been raently ordained and fastened as pas.
tot of the United Presbyterian congregation
at Conneaut late. Sr. Hervey preached the
ordination sermon. Bev. Love addressed the
pastor, and Rev. Bailey the people.
Faze SCHOOLS to Wg3T VlS.Cingu.—On hat
Saturday, in the West Virginia Rouse of
Delegates, Mr. Ross, from the Committee on
lidueatlon, reported a vary balky bill for the
establishment of a system of Free Schools.
Rebel View of Affair& at Charleeton
Serenade to Gen. McClellan
&0., dva., &IL
Sp viol Dlipatch to the Plttst.argb °netts:
PentatourstA, Sept. 90,1869
I have a Richmond Di patas of the 26th
Inst. I quote Altar three distinct efforts for
the capture of Chattanooga, the enemy retain
pouusion ind is strengths:an the, works.
The situation in Northern Virginia Is be
coming critical. The enemy ls miming his
forces at Calpepper,prevaring for a immoral
attack on the line of the Rapidan, reconnoi
tering en the Railroad and river indicating •
determination to fight. Our lines are within
four miles of Chattanooga. The ruin of the
Ora le Sumter is conceded by the rebels.
The rebel loss I/1 from 10,000 to 15,000 at
Generals Nelda: and Hood died, after am
putation of tholes.
The rebels plsee one losses at 25,000 0 30,-
The rebel papers are ponied. The RlM
mond Stonaiser, of the 24th, lays : "If our
Astory ends with Chattanooga It is impera
tively unimportant. We will have repulsed
thcestemy, but will leave him in palmettos
of his stronghold in Tennessee and in occu
pation of his former lines, Chattalloogs
Uinta we shall regain the oontrol of Rest
Tennearae, pi-establish the defense of Vir•
gists, and shield anew the heart of the Con
- "We are age in eonclading that we hue
von the greatest victory of the war. if it is,
only justly eompteted and net left imperfect
threugh inedielmoy or outitslons of our own.
The peoplsof the Trans-ilissisidppt ate now
selflOependeut. They have not only the
spirit to meet the emergencies of their atria-
Con; hut fortunately all the material and
phpical res4roes to sustain them. The
han empire in Itself. It
Lis Its OM nriinufaclares of cannon, arms,
powiterend Other manitions of war. ' It hu
an abundinee of food."
With ell this ft k eartala that the battle of
Oha,taztoogs ta without banaflelal skulk to
the rebels.
The,rebel views of Gen. Olllmore's move
ments continue defiant. The Wilmington, N.
C., J'austit asp s "se hos dodo alt hi eon do
against Sumter, He has pretty muds ruined
it s but the Confeder . ate flag still floats over
the ndns, sad-th e attempt§ of the iron-olade
to On past•and enter the Inner - harbor hens
not hien sneoessfaL Scats; from her rube,
still poured e Are an them, and other forte
rand ',alkalies joined in the conflict.. AS noth
ing attt iren•otade could In any ease renttue
-to make the attempt to nut past, of mine no
transinorts Gould carry up troops Wallahs view
of Waning and attempting the strottpatiod of
Charleston.' The iron-clads oneo within rake
might hammer away at` the city, but It Psi
came thins dig would And -themselves under
the aoseautrated ere: of the batteries ham.
mettiociway_at them. _7:hey eauldnotafferd
#dersdatrientsdielOg ,to the wink of de
strUoth*, 2.ltii.deettld Iwo , to 41110api
'SU! fin 4 , 1 04 Iff,'•garridOnv^ 24 0 , zeal
from theiresatoe
of es. Towoicti-6* to ilalnnailtarbor wool&
py irordtdd- oat oft oosuotchtlii,
0 0 1 ***4 1 thiked40 4 * 11414
boOoolootiat almoooOtto - Of satlpatti.
thoo limy to eatoputor
thee Confederate Iron-dads armed with ban
Brooke gone of rest penetrative Power."
The explosion of one kindred thousand
kegs of rebel Wider at Arkadelphia, Ar
kansas, is a hmribls blow to the rebel esuse
in that State.
Francis J. Grand, late editor of the Age,
who summersaulted publlcly night before last
into the Bapttalicau party, AU dead last night.
There wags serenade given to Gen. ItioClei
by a rough mob, strlcCleUan's mother's
near Mr. Grman's rowidence. He was
afraid of the mob, and went to the station
house close by, to ask for a police guard, and
fell dead while doter so. W.. J. J.
From New Ott anne-The Expedition
to Texas... Retreat of the Rebels...
Probable Bettie at New Iberia-.
Guerrilla Operations etc.
Now YORK, Sept. 29.—The wori.r. Now
Orleans letter of the 221 nye : An advance
to Texu is still in onward movement, and Is
as yet nothing more. For more than a fort
night Steeliest has been the base of concen
tration for new movements. Men and (ap
plies have been forwarded as rapidly as pee-
Able by railroad, while ordnance stores and
ammunition in large momenta have been sent by
way of the Golf to Berwick Boy. These ord
nance transports have been seed to Batty
across troupe from Brashear to Berwick. Lat
est returns tell us that on lest Saturday.
nearly the whole of the 19th army eorps, un
der the Immediate command of Weitzel, had
croaked and camped on the ether side. The
13th army corps was to follow, leaving of
coulee, enflicient forte to bold the base at
Braattear.while a regiment er two will re
main at Tblboudeaux.
It Is presumed that, with the experience of
the put, an effort will be made not only to
acoomplish the advance successfally, but to
hold La Fourche while a new movement to in
progress. When Welted% man began to creme
the Bay, Mapes men commented their move
matt up the Teske. Those who came book
from Bresheor, on Sands; evening. say that
the line of retreat along the Bayou was
marked by blazing flue. Three wore not
camp Ares; they were barns and buildings,
cabins and farm houses—s destruction am war
foretold of everything likely to give aid ipd
comfort to the invading army. Up to ale
hoar, we have not heard of the advance of
Franklin'. army from the word bank of Ber
wick bay. We only know that the late et part
of the column le safely zeros:, and waiting pa
tiently for the rest, when the march would
Ideate in the trash of the retreating Oonfed
There are those who believe Franklin'a ar
my will leave the Technat the town of Frank
lie, and etriko heroes the State to Sabine aver.
Tate .1 suppoeed to be one of two things, on
engagement with, and the annihilation of the
'Confederate face at Camp Milaed, or in the
event el their not etatilteg at that point, el:
lowing the Confederates to retreat to Now
Iberia, a long way above Franklin. It is net
presumible that et, good a General as Frank
lin will leave an enemy 10,000 or 15,000
strong to his roar, to cat off his trains, re
capture Tlreithear, nod °ovary Li Fourobe
The Confederate force on the Tech* mast be
destroyed or dispersed bee . ° a movement to
Texas can to made with any promise of ami •
reel. If there is not en engagement st Camp
Distend, theta may be one at New Iberia,
unless the Confederates should retreat Moog
the road to Texas. The failure of the Sabine
Pus Expedition leaves ler them an unob
structed road to Houston.
A lima letter, of the same drite, nye that
on Saturday night tut a steamier arrived here
from Natchez with come 500 bales of cotton.
A guerrilla forts of 1 500 men, under Col.
Logan, were operating on the hlisitsalppi.
Their only aim seems to be to burn or destroy'
what 'title is left on the plantatione. Logan
and come of. hie men made a dash upon the
vicinity of Natchez, and burned 500 baleasof
Cotton almost within the auburbe of the city.
The cotton belonged to fauna plantur, who
were awaiting the opportunity to bring it
within the Federal lieu.
Corps Consolionted—Loaduct of Gen.
incCoeh and Gen. Ct.ttenden to be
lovesuitated—Entoreentent of the
Death renaity
Now Toms, Sept. 30.—Tho Timm' 'peels'
from Washington, Sept. 22;h, Nays : The 20:11
and 21st Army Corps have been consolidated
and will be called the 4th Army Corps- They
are to be commbncled by hiej. Gen. Gordon
Tee War Department has ordered a Conn
of Inquiry to investigate the conduct of
Gans. Df aCooll and Crittenden in the late bat
tles near Chattanooga.
The enforcement of the death penalty In
the Army of the Potomac is rapidly decreas
ing the number of desertions. Couseripts
and substitutes are arriving in conaiderable
niimbers, and sled deserters, who are for
warded to theft regiments for trial and pun
No movemonte In the front are reported to
Kirby Smith Proclaimed Dictator of
Louisiana ana Texas-200.000
Negroes Called out. and all While
Olen Conscripted--Union Meetings.
New Yoax, Sept. 30.—The Herald's letter,
dated New Orleans, Sept. 20th, says ;
From a high *facial in Grant's army, I
learn that rebel deserters state that Kirby
Smith has proclaimed himself Military Die.
tator of Louisiana and Taxes, and loaned
precismation Calling out 200,000 Dunes, and
conscripting all white; between sixteen and
sixty years.
Uclon meetings have been hold in Tennes
see and Mississippi : and the Stare and Stripes
have been raised' nearly. 100 miles south of
Vicksburg. -
Gem. Schenck Removed-110 lame
dime Move indicated.'
New You Sept. SCI.—A special to the
Herald from Washington, of Sept. 29th, says :
It ',stated that Gen. Schenck has been re
moved from command of the Middle Depart
ment, comprising the city of Bettina* and
put of Maryland. It is said that Gen. Tyler
is to take the command of the Department.
rerything along the lines has been quiet
erne Thirsday, and there is no Indication of
an immediate movement coxless by the
enemy's fortes, and for which we are fatly
The Potomac Army.
New You, Sept. 39.—A special to the Her
ald, dated Washiagton, Sept. 29th, gays t 90
furs need be entertained that the army of the
Potomac L weaker than the forms in its front..
Prom ell latest *dynes it appears that it
largely outnumbers that of the enemy. Ws
can place our infantry against the rebel line
of all army, while we nave r, vary tarp form
of eavaby, which is seldom idle, but daily
hanging over the enemy, and =kill .any
unsprung on bis part difficult.
rart Of Leo's Army at Charleston.
liaw Yogi, Sept. SO.—The Hencikl's Monts
Tolima latter reports the arrival of two or
thritralvlehm of Lee's army In Charleston.
Ifennregerd'sforoa now numbers 26,000 to
SO,QOO mon. Oen. Evans' division Is known
go be with him.
Op the 24th one of our heavy rifted gem
opened for a whits en Port Joheron with
grost i ciliet.
Gett. hooker—tioseciase situation
Un chaos d.
Otsomeri, BepL 40.--don. Hook or a}-
shad last night.
The Gamine ins midfield &paint vas ra•
calved from Bosearast. last night, dated .pes
tarday p. m. The situation was antlianged.
Oar army holds a arcing dorm:mire position.
No attempt has been made: b74ho enemy to
disturb it.
From Coarieeton.
tqliLl7/1011, Sept.. 80.—The Assorians has
ntostred the Blob Mond &giant. of yester
day. In, a dispatch, dated Charleston, Sept.
28th, it asps The enemy, with their. Morris
Island batteries, were Grim 'lowly al the
mini of Port Sumter,, for the first
ihne for straral weeks. - There wan no.dainage
Gloat VatUable Pr so Cabta!fed
• -
PIALLADILIPSIA, 8114. 34--A-letterirom the
Armies Seminole, detail SW Del Nottepol the
nth Ira. rota They °armed the ; moai
valusbleprise ol.the wiz, • British Lain
steamer, oyez 300 feet long, eriilently Altai
out it Beillend for ogrebelmen-Of-war.
EVR RENT—The threassor4 BRICK
whanalOW3l, No. a Wood argat,tstAgn
tram Wet"; stmt.
for tam, apply to MUM BALM .
(liallmoor MAO -
corner td via Word streets.
FOR, tiltbiT—The dart Wry of the
betldli4 now convlld 01 Ow ratialter, tot? :
aut. Crialt oast sal Duval). Wo.
kr ,,, wort onowoirra,
"If lihrt.-Amey'rwo ei 'Owes /Wats
,1,4, e th reitrd lith O dads of Osumi ad&
ff„ natlonst, vitkesorlsboataeurvinord
.:14Wpas the prodmi.
Wass. suer, .e; t. :10.—Gotd la &gabs ettbs'ding,
being lu-tcd t:-lay et 1 CY, bra ble• Tuck--s das•
cline cf 1.4 per cent below the rate cf Tuesday. 611-
wu, slao, hat d.& nod &tit tly being quoted la New
Tort at I S 6) Bore, rur b • utere are buyteg what
little coin offers st 1 38 for uld, and 1 3001 II for
Over. Old D. mind , command the ate p
sultan se gall. Eaten Trot wig remains as tat
Gauze ices Breton ro as a Lrc,..L Talloc..—
Albany, be, I. the Court or Apgada to-day
Judgment was affirmed In the cam of tte kletropoll
ton and Shoe ald Dialler Banks against Er. Van
Dyck, Suparintende-1 of the Bank DepettmenL
Judgment was revered In the can of Moyer against
Rowels.. These dedsloos dec de that "greenbacks"
are a legal leader. It is andersthxl that the Cam t
nto:d six to two, Judge Denlo and Judge Seddon tile
sooting from tho
The Casette sags that the Bank of Lamle, burgh,
has Joel declared lie 100th diviiend.. The die-
LieLds pall by this book to Its stockholder. overlap
0 142 per cent. per anon= on its capital for the
who's period of tiny yeara betides wh'ch thq Lank
has pad all ham.
The Toledo Bell road will pay, October f 6, a divi
dend sf 4 per cent. The trassfer boils will d se
16th October. Waive informed, says the New York
Poet, that the ca. range of the current sin menthe
witi shrw • prrflt of $212,948 To, Laing over 6 par
cent. on the cipital stock.
The exp . rt cf "pools In= New York bet been:
Jan.1,1663_.-831,617,1Jan. 1, 1820.--$39,343.274
Jan. 1,1842. 42,143,18• /an. 1, 1861.._. 67,219,401
Jett.l,Ll6l—.. 5,179,814 huh 1, 1653..... 20,354635
The ['Bowing it • comparative statement of the
coodisLoa of the Bank" of blew York city t
&pt. 19 Sept. 26
Lcaus...-5.01,619,456 11101,501,9111 Dea 5J,117,476
npe_io*. 51,014.411 32,035.166 Den. 1,106,1145
Clecteetton . 5.414,613 to 171,866 Dte.. 36,767
Demeite.-.... 166.576,152 1116•150,773 leo . 601,671
The too .s of sub= ptloa to the stock oi the QLIO.
racille Beltway—the greatest gailroad eutorprl e la
the a...rid—wort clowd on Ws iday Lett, 150 eubscrfp
tient imoout tag 00 atamt 112,650,1:00. By these/ of
Coogr es, 52,000,000 most be subset [bed by say 03133-
poop which desire: to two) advantage of the aot. A
meotLog of stookhdders 1 t &dem Used to lake plasm in
New York on the With, et which dine:on will be
oected, sod the oompany will formslly claim the tight
of bulidlog • toad Lem the All son 1 river to Call
The Cabs log ls from the stock report of the New
Toth Comma, olal Adverthsr, °in:l,Bday :
Cleveland sod Pittsburgh has tondo d pu *saki
advance, and wooed study at that. ...Jena saw
Uwe igo was 3 awl ant Fort Wayne 1
h gher. bora bland and 01 kap and North West
era were wittwat change. Uri amad Fad I oledo no
quot d at 47;5(411.714, vilthrut silts, about the same
we last eveulng.
New COSTAM AT New °ALIA.= —The N,w Orleans
Picayune of the 19th ii.:
"Dulls and .asplss of cotton - of this lemma's
growth chituine to pout in uponappears that
the high ➢ plow of last year Induced MOO. every one
hiatus s sate plate of gromil to plant the nide of
She great etayle. We btu befogs US opeurd boll
roll .1 op a citizen •in his gard.o, opp silo 'Molt
tire e. Is has sooty Why, glossy apptarsoco, nd
would do area tto some of tae ass IsiaLrida. Vie ban
alto • tioll from the von p isolation, sliirsa
miles blow the city. wiser, it 1. expso.ed a g
quantity la bales Will be realise.l. elvo. a sample of
ewe Inland, or whioo wri.l pa • for such, from the
Tani Uistdct, /t it worth at this tis.e, compering
to mita qual.ties, two dollars per p
Wm's:Jeri', September 30. 1863.
GLAIN a FLOCS—There yeas bnt little du. in
Grain to-day, owing to tie simple foot that there to
bet little la the =mita. Wheat is steely, arab
email tales ;rpm wagon at formai . rates. Corn L to
good demand, and Shelled Nails madly at Pero by the
ear load. Oats—Sale of 3 ears, to arrive, at Tlo. Bye
firm at 85490. Parlay Is in good demand, and out
little (doing; gaotallons easy ha fairly given at
fl,teigil i 2o from first hands. flour la gedet but
steady tth • fair local dannoid, and we
note ages of Extra family from store at goa, $13,Y5
end te,so as to vial'''. Bye flow is tolling at from
51,25 to $3,150 per bbl.
osoor.rass—he Grocery market matinees
very dna, though the tranaactimis are principally
of • 100 l character. Sugars rosy be quoted at 13%
to Lie; fell yid= Cub. and 13 to 13} for good
to prime Porto Rico and New /Meats. Bellied Su
pra Ina and a shade higher; small sales at lb% to
lun for ..11" and "A" CUL°, and ITo for Clothoit
Collse Is steady with mire at from 31 to 313‘o—soma
holders asking 330 for strictly prime Rio. Molanes
'rift with mall soles at &Irma, form. r ricgtatiorm.
B ICON—The market Is steady with a continued
frar demand, and we note colossi 61(0)6Xcor nod.
den; 6%ieic for Ribbed Bides; 10% to lio for Plain
Haan, and to 11 )Lc for common to prime Cincin
nati brands of Bagsr Curet
MILL ?ZED—sole cn track of 2 arm Branat 110
par cot, and 1 . tons No 1: Middiloge from store at
$l,lO. Ho Wee of 13kIpatall or OH Moal reported.
HAT—The markrt is sturdy, aithudesfromacalse
at prices rouging from $3O to la pd ton. Baled
H.) nay be quoted Arm at VA pet cwt for prima.
I 113.1LT—Illars actin but without clamp; sole tram
depot oil can In 1 Extra at $1,60 per bbL Liter-
Pad gat 1. 1.41.3 g 1153.25 to $3,30 per sock.
BITTI2II, A EGGS—Paclud Ratter Ls rang at
from 15 to NM, and 801 l may be qootad at from ffr
to to 230 for good to prime Eggs mama and mil
readily at 1546160.
WELTS/EY—la toy Arm, and OcUtunon 4.141tid
seal quite testy at 600-some holders taking higher
to CO= In quits trebly, and,
with only • moderate danatund„ the market is wry
dull, at prim ranging from $1,30 ty $2,13 per bbl, to
to qnality.
CHKllolB—la arm with an advancing tendeley;
solos of W 11 at 12%.1.30, tie loiter Apra for strictly
Pittsburo Petroleum market.
Barr 80—The 08 . market =Matto to rale very
quiet, for both Crude and ItAbud, and we hare
mumequntly but few transactkne to record. There
is still a fair load demand far Crude, and we note
sales et &CO bble, in two lots of 100 each, at 270, and
10) It 27)&e, packages returned. Including parka-.
IN. • fair quotation would be MO. Bedard In
bra le quiet sad 'toady, MIA In the a6l rare
of maim we malt qaotatiom. There le lame in
quirt for foto oil, and we cantinas to at G 2 to Mb, me
dia& to quality; maim of 50 bbb light straw at Ca
Berlina end Habib= hare undergone no change
New York Petroleum fillarkot.
Spells! Dieratch to the Pittsburgh gazette.
hliar You, Sept. 30.—Oracte la a shade Armors
Hai salsa on the spot at 31035 a. Balms:44aq Is •
MC* belts, and, for truant delteary. • tehla Weal
galas oa Ow spot at 670556 a; 61102 a tar October, bay
s,* option, a•d t664,56e foe Itiosuaber, same option.
rasa ell sans from 65 to 66a. Botha has ed
ema:4=d may tat contact setae:ft.
BalUmore aiarkeL
marr. 29—Calf 4-420 salmi. ELI bald firmly ii
16131)0 pr lb. 1 low 'sad Mest—Tratimettions
on- bang. embraced 16M Was Howard street Sopa
at 623 t, 250 bbh litra d01t , P,01"4, and
bOu bon. vhto do do ' ats6 ,15 par bbl. Under • fair
Inquiry the market obeedfstrong •W. quote Ohio
Boyer at $660, Howard street do as PAN@
15,16JJ Ohlo Zorn at 60,12300,16, Howard attest do
a555~,711, and shipplan Width City Mill do or
$7,60657,16 garb% Ilya Ifkartand Wint Kral wets
a wady at proving' quotations. orals—At the Corn
Etching, Oho' otriiingir Maprised . 15603 kaiak
WOnat, 6,030 do C10rn.1,600 do Oafs, and.= do Sy..
Ptii Wheat was sutras sad wry Arm. Wm of
600 ushein choice flouthainmhite, for seed; at $1,93
ac bushels common Wimp= do, frr mtWns, at
11151661,86,75.000 Wish 'Orator to very trims death,
ern nd $1,25011160, and IMO With good Wilma
linitutity white, all for Mown/ yurporit. at 660
L7o ism bash Tallow' Ciont was doll attor a me
lower, selling at 0609 W, White heynmel 20, with
seleeof 2,600 bark omooded 10 6r 1 rOa UV& per
bush. Oels were road, under a tale demand; Was
0f,4,600 barb limyland at 'nano twianlia. Aye
wet anahergod, amen parcs's Idarttaud. Winging 96
-Q6l pa born Holmes and •• both
snide' are slow, but priors aro without quotable
change. Promdons—We. make More lowdry for
sad a firmer market.. bot , bear of to traitor.-
littortili lard slr bermistliatt. Panama nominal
utoltonst,. Hew Western Mtn Pork aid* old do
at $l2 ta
at Bacon !Moulders at %a, danidee at
To, plain Hamm 14010 Mo, Ind swami:rid a• d'
Alorj dry at WSW par:ll. Bolt Shoulders and
balMdo mu ID., Lard—Wadmo fry this ant tin at
lb%stto, aud,Biutimors Manna at 120/611X6 pr
'ibutay.-Srutiactlons Willtsd to emelt loto of Ohio
tsWO Per ititibliti• ^ •
Chicago markeL
6err. tat—Wheel via to active derated, minty
ao -speculative Account, and Oa market samara so
par bathe', closing arm 111.07% tot No. 1 and
3114% for bpalo g le ?atom Meter Rama
1,11 lam nth* at 141 0 014 U tor ne. I and $l6lO
for 114rotod 11.11 Thus sea a Arm and Outlast.
hoeing to the Thar etackst. end a fetr bombers vas
don. at en adoaaa oa testerders grim of Waite
per berboi. Thoth:tent-for- tore ont• 1111reht, Oct
botdorementleated Etrtnerseend the edge made
ahaw as admix of 3:60 per boatel on oho none
rtyratiorday, Ilea et nano and No. I at
nx67130. Vela werstrood roma by trpocate.
tbre. one "tho loathe edreetel law pr Weld.
With oho ht No. tot 10.6030 end zice Net 610. Itnt :
vet Ottresentatt Improriftlo for btu th ei taloa
betas mule tovNo, lio Pr , Ito. 'I lad
Tdo Ite Sokoto& leetioirrie Warta/ etthe wad lo
per k 44 totter, with &le info. a 1 1ri , 0001.11
fa ittene<lllettstate were m , seure demand and ad„
vented lo per giaca.,vita Paw '4[2.2oobarab at 60
nettottitteetionelqid aisdiaidw. Itollatints 61111;
Ikea* min *mei was 4, smilsonatly petv
41/1 Nils Irak ains i um: - N . •
Philadelphia Cattle Nara.
Sere. 411--Th• ard,ais and male. of Last Cattle at
Welt 2 ,
Yard =Mane iery
reaching Welt 2,UY) heed. The mart et. in cretuse
veep, to dull, axle ;Aro shout the 103 Ds lower
then 1.4 gaoled. /fort quality Weetere and Penn
fry tvants are selling at hKalOY,c; `4.1 do at Bt9c, coo-
Mon at be. 6(47e tb, ece..l—atog to q-nlity About
evO suck Cart}, arid ot pricer ranging from 3,.terr gl
lb, gram Ito market closed very doll, std *ries of
common cattle were wads at lower prices than the
at ova
The arrivals d sees - of Sheep et Arch.
Drove Yard continue Large, reachlog 9,500 head Ststo
watt. l vs 1. • fair demand, and p.iceo reta.lo
.boot the same s• hot tiltra.d. Fat S•teop ore ia-11-
tog .1 from 4Xa050 I), ghat. stoat Ot tap at $2,3
61 bead, as to Tashi!, acul I..soba at from 1 3 40 1
110 heed.
The arrivals and s .lea of 1100 at tlaa Upton mod
Avenue Drove math about 3,060 head this work, and
idling at Dom $7 Up to 18,25 Ohs 100 Ihs net, as to
1.645 boat SOldLat natty Glas.' Chico Drovo Tmd,
at frvhs 67 hp to 6/ IW msoet
1,160 heal sold as the Armors Drove Yard, y John
Cr..° .0 Co, at Dom 6e&5,26 the 100 be get.
Toledo Market. •
Barr. 28—Floar--811ea monrier; bble
Bert OD'S Favorite. .0 10,30;
bbla X.X. whim wheel.
at 16,04 100 bbl. XX do at 15,90; 2:21 obis extra rod
r at 26,23. Wbeat—Sates Petards) Pll after our
Ivan r 1,u60 be White Blob at 1220;2,020bn amber
11mb at Mac; 2,600 tot No 2 1301 at 119)4c; 2.600 bu
at Innci 600 be White Elkh at 1330, 7 , 00 Oa Whits at
126 e. Pare; tin. moming, before receipt of atom.
er's 1,101 be White Illch •1 13.40, 2,600 be No
2 Whit at 1270, 650 be amber elicb et 1220; 21000 bu
2,000 be. I,foo be, 2.0011 and 1,000 be amber Bleb,
all at 624 e; 2,00.1 ba No 1 /1.24 .6 122 e; 6,19.0 be No 2.
Bed at BM; 6,000 be No 2 While at 1270 La* be
am . .er Minh at 12!c. Once ateame.a newc no axle,
bare been mport.d. or n —No t racaac don. reportel
list Bala of be 1 were made at 73c. Nu innitmen3
In other grains.
Cleveland market.
BLPT. 12,—Plonr, Wu 60 bids XX Bed at $6,60;
to ob a extra at 115.00. la haat, Bidet at tbe Board S
nos red a, sl.lBc on tract - o,lhr PAO $4 1 70. rho=
abaci , . 1 oar chute rad on track at SI,ISX,e; 1 ear
rad at $1.170 Corn, Plea Wig ha at SW. Oats,
dowdy at boa Righwitos, lirid A say at .toc with
awes arib bts t that Aga a. Thr.ottry &ad, Strad,
'alert at id,TOr
lniporls by Railroad.
?MUM= IT. Want 8 (1111d10a /3411,50LD, Sept,
33-2 cars tarty,-josh Sheeler, 100 blot Lott, 18. 1 , ,38
'rotary, J Kfrapatrita d Bre; 26 pkg.
hamar a co; 100 bat dour, Suez a dlcErs; 2 care
sns, Lyda' Chumming; Ido do, J Hallo; 10
pats lad, A Gordon; 9 libels tondec. Weyman
an; 1 eat fire clay, Jona A Latglinnr, 1 do ao, Grafi
Bounatt d co; 19 des palls etc, bbriwer d Lamar; to
do do, ineomadir a Lan[, 10 do do, 61nratoul a. Con
nor; 12 do do, Wm MK:Watson; 10 do do, d eaalo
con; 6 do do, J KUL; 15 do do, fa 041 Ilmotby
111.cOlattkan • lierrez d co; 37 htdoe, J 11 !Salmon . ; 2
Pk. wool, J blaroball; 4 to,tr lather, Seibert a
Kaltman yo hnle tobacco, ffi nal; 13 bbla opplar
and Wawa, fetter aiirmetiong; SO b4s oats, Vim
Plngtosm; 9bo kat hers, Joa teary; 14 bbl 1•410,
b a a r oon, Pears A co; 153 bbl door, Makecorn &
Labatt; 61) de do, 0 B Lotcb; 60 do do, Watt
son; 100 by bed, 29 oil 1,410, J Iligan; 153 hp
corn, 100 ado dear, D d 11 Wallace; II oil bbh,
Ashworth; 100 obis whist? , 811 Wotan; dp do,
Lambert A saptoo; 103 hldas, W A thick; 40 bbl
away, Jai 51-Kay; 1 , 6 hides, Cope 8 Gce.
Caildratto d PrrransuenkilLanalsFeit.
133 bbl apples, J 31 anowden; 133 eta ome, D a a
Wallace; 476 bosh do, Wyaroolcharl; 313. a. do, des
Kell; 23 tsar bay, Wit bbl, potatoes, 8 B Floyd;
26 obis .cod, Oshawa], P... A co; 110 bids door, 8
George a co; in bbl apples, W P Bak d so; a do
do, L H Volga a co; 43 bia Maar, B dobleotr* ea° '
23 palls batta, 0 Hoots 2 tabs thew
r, 0 Honer; 14
kp baiter, B d W; 1 car Imlay, Joh Rhoden 3 tobls
eggs, L Clonear; 115 big. cad Lad, Bhotosker d Long;
166 ski wbast, •378 /Ogg& t 1 co; 24 Obis dour, J
80,01 r, VI as manna, 4 oat:lower seed, Jor Craig; 19
bia onions, J Herbert; 40 1118 opploa, 000na d Kai.
Wady; 8 Oils papoj . , rarkio.d co; 2 eks wire, D d W
Bennett; 110 stamod, A L dove; 750 blab corn • A
j LLUIErri S:TAnctx-13 bukets ~getable.,W
Duns; 16 do do, Yldhor koo; 8 do do Wm Hicks; 7 do
do, lite Colman; 23 do do 0-4 o 1311.tte, 9 do do, W
Taggart; 6 do do - . It Dar, 1 car .hlyrulla, !Unman 11,
H00t,.“ , fl
. 1 oour bbl ,, 333 bmh wheat, U
& Kee
ned, 1 bbl egg% 3 Lido apples, 1 tub butt..
J n Ido,co; 4 ski r•gs, Howard a Omtmll; 50
bblo done, • LlOparti 86 road. leather, 0 ()motion-
gar d 8o0; 15 bbls empire, Wm Ileynold.% 5 do do, 2
de cheese, 6 Illyere; 9 by potatoes, O Bataan I bbis
whisky, Hock; 4 eke B►x rood, 9 big totter, P Polael;
19 all apples, L Wili;,lo dos become J Ulna hart.
/Oa 441.21
/511.11.—That huge and Wilmette Geeat NW
prosody. cantisting o' • large lot of proud tem:Oleg
on Water street and Youghlugheny .her,
on which
are emoted lb. e•Plumer MM." which to • urtlnhad
with doe ran of Nara a chopper, and alt other ma
&Mary uumlly foams In a brat clsai bleirchant add
NM 'I ha lls prcielled by an anfnittnit water
pante Iron the Yoq legteowy stmt. Gonneced
tharaert.te ars &large 'km DwoWag and Lot. Vamp
or Plop, Biala, An Thee slurry property to Inca eil
within al pathos of tb• Eallread Depot. and in the
midst of an tato:aim grata growing region. To a
party rr company whom command a mall cayttaly
and with todastry and enemy, a tartans be nue, to
iumattng in the strata deiathig gcoperty.
Nor prlca and term apply to
saga IP Wade IN hOO .103 Yourtb at.
• LIMY YOB tif,LlL—lfero Leta, 141 feet to.
front by 110 feet dory to on alley, with • lag* dontle
bo=s, between llanoxli sta Dead greet. A. dad.
cable bastion for a Phydelan or Dentin, .
Alto, wane floerites for private tedium
neay ale, tfem to lam eseb.
Also, a large number ofWiling lots, of ~atom
elm, of from 96 to 60 a. hart b7lOO to 160 feet
deep, elteated tbe turtlem a Wylie attest
ramalPr Ball =rdim
of = 0 th.
wd. ,
W.A. sus. =lt eitste
hrtbltee - B. D. 11161110 N.
"POS. BALIC= - -Trna= Corm - allcraass,
I. fronting on Bidwell street, (Etaialey's Lang)
tweed Wald, Allegheny. on the lino of the Nan
ohestei Pamenswltailsay. appalls the zettdentse of
A. litalken. Lg. Lots 120 feet they to a tan feat
allay. Also, a cbcdos coma , lot a% by 10O° Bet,
adjohslog ttin atom royarty, and fronting on Alle
gheny avenue. The Imam 11 one of the most do.
Wahl. to the oily. Tana_ may.
Apply to W. tIABIIOI4. I: . to Ohio at
Notts the Mamie 010,4 Alleghemy City..
TMRM FOB BALE.—I pa authorized
a: to affsr for silo, pn twonsb9 tams, s TIMM
Or LAND, sonatWog stoat 493 saws, strosted In
Olio sad Irstsklln townships. now Perryrrills. Al
bighsny hoonty, sod now cecopird by John ktolks•
ss Must.
Than Jan slant ICO saes dared atel to gm!
tact Is well Umtata. meatus m. ma Is
nay ealeable tor firmUfe
13 2 = WILATIK
IC3 laartb greet Pittairusgh.
a... 1 —Ms cadanatgoad often at pritata is Ma
=airy rtskleamoa Troy am. =Wang about
acars' at ground. • 'plaudit Brick Drilling
Ems. sa exWtmt hams Dam with maw kw a
with Wally ; a mum in guises, In gaol.
teat booth' radar; &boat Bilo &aka peach taxa, aad
about MO apple tre a s. pass ism, assay. Ova sad
Gear ens, is. Tilla isdispataala. Condit=
oar. Itstazdre of
- JOHN 0. MUNE& ea ;dam
rhog7 Watered. Thom good Eraricosohd Barn. Coal
gorygone Black sod Yanedg Icaplemalt.
Pries MAO.
/cr lacoloarda microbe of
499:9v B. T. COMT. No. 10611th it.
F OB ISALE.—Joun. rise . Cou. FLAT!,
la complete ardor r at
candi= Dfoinstoco.
f 0 hot to lon*, 34 feet fer IrfOth sad 434 esp th .
an No 1 Ckal.lles, and , will to sold at •
&oohs Of aucialleimair.
M fboo=co of John Black.
Ilagarss•War. war tor of Nand at.
TWO fiItOONINUAND .73,19133331.
Oft m e t h colloder2 bet Woks.
Ow • 3 • •
Tour rot of Boring T um and vary good.
Coop tor a& U. IL, SOLI, .
it weer the Feist.
beretofore iodating Wyman
Warp IA& rr l fa 12. 1" int d as=
WWII lTtb, 1203—bren dlekdred. l'bs badness
al the Ira will be nttbd by J. A. WOLTII or T.
they slate tenni authorized to do so.
J. a. WOLTZ.
PAteborstt. floptember
arrintpurahri FLITBEISTIII Wiriest/a
Cfli alys Binds* I t Cs added Ow Langur
auto tlisidOs and Inn nt VOLTS,' VAIOPBII4I.
!CS?. _ _ JOgla ft. WOLTZ.
- ntssouynori
'AI —Ate hittiereldpherstalahoialifirua between
the iabwribesa sad . the era PRILLIWL
TRIM- iio44 hart hh 'kr ben dtsielred. OHM.
LoGYHULT sad WILIAM! YRZW hulas pare
chwed the entire tatetiete of the Ohm partner&
The heehaw et' the late Ana Thl:be aided by
Lonna= a PRIM
k BM; .1001 BART,.
Pittsburgh, amg.lotoa 1663.
onus' ram,
Prodneent and Reliant of Retrolesim,
At ALBION oth WiLt% tamp Pow and
sir Oft*. lfl 174 WOOD Bruer.
Nonea—en =es 1 / 2 ; B/tare/A are
=tart thot tho Ind of Wooers
tutor of s a. a =roan STUNITAI
tb• !m iot otod if
Auitsb 'ost,
ear MO pi, the .Gar
Plot P
_ ealowato
p„, :9 13 ( bz!)Pq
;; ; ;
Hernia or Rapture cured.
Hernia or Rupture cured.
Hernia or Rupturit cured.
Hernia or Rupture cured.
Hernia or Rupture cured.
Hernia or Rupture cured
Heroic or Rupture cured.
Rupture or Hernia clued
Rupture or Hernia cured.
Rupture Or Hernia owed.
Rupture or Hernia cured.
Rupture or Hernia cured.
Rupture or Hernia ours&
Rupture or Hernia cured. ,
Marsh's Radical Cure Truss.
Ititter's Patent Truss.
Pitch's Supporter Truss
SeLf-Adjusting Truss.
Dr. Batuditee Lace orßodyDratic,
for the mare of Prolapsus Uteri, Piloei
Abdominal and Ppinal Weaknossea.
Dr 8. S. Fitch's Silver Plated Sup
Pile Drops, for the support and cm
of Files.
'Elastic Stockings, fOr woak and nr
inaso TeIILL
Elastic Knee Caps, for Rent knee
Ankh gupportera, for weak knee
Suspensory Bandages.
Self-Injecting Syringes; alto, owl
kind of byringes.
Dr. KEYSER has also a Truss which
will radially' cure Hernia or Rupture., .
0::7 - Offico at hie Drug Store, No. 00 ;
WOOD ETBSIT, sign of the dolden Moe
tar. Parsons writing for Trusses should
send the number of inches. around the
body, immediately over the. rupture,
DB. It SYSEB vBl give hte portend attention to
the applicatteo of lroute to adults and cblldreit,
and he is rettatted that, etith an excellence of time
ty years, On will be enabled to give settee:lima
81:11,7-111IL011150 BYRUM'S.
BELT-IHJECT/602 131flitH63P, of trui
Sold at Dr. KEYSER'B. 140 Wm) Et
A dozen Mem! 110110.-
A &lira dLeartat Mai.
A dozen dffersat Mari
A amen Meant !bah
At Dr. KEYSER'S, 140 Woyzo &mom
CUBES 00iD9, au= Amami;
'lndia attcettlon to 'no of tha atczt intim:mil-
rev Pall by coy
721ey ere at III:las, sad say one alto ha &ate
can lacers of the pets= who hire beau mad bj IL
DB. 11=513115 PREPABLD 6.7 ANT TDIB
TO smAnnra WM, %mum muse;
rote ALL TWO 680 saro EU ma
♦TIMID TO TOW/ MM.& au altu ,
Teats' standing aired by DB. ILLTBZEI'd
PUTlEnlialge JUL 14 izeitr;ig
Dn. Drumm El *MU& been ailliottd WO 110 '1
bad emplk and dliDealty at brestblnglor ltalrma
wblelk 5a mcoral yenta back bad gradnally Inanind a
In ticience. the complaint his been hinillbanit'll
and abe bad bean creased by Mita PIPIC* OII44II. J.T
eat any cad In slate of ket cant, liproadtal'
ram at your Patton) &mph dom. I bompiti ;Die
bit Do* a ft* cent bottle, *bleb relined kw
mock; I then called and got • dollar bottle.
cured bee eithely, and aka We now no Mused
brats disease, acsoptvoiloojes. I whole! olio itotha
that I stud this aumiletosailhielt to a cold ash *W
The mulleins enrol &so by trkhips tom don:
prop my Who satisihhtion with the nava:hos, *_
yon aro at ilbosty to OM& this it Ton dotes to*: Z.
4 4 N wa.muzoit •
4 -
Allen= nth Wad..-
P nilVaGglNar•Vit
Da. EITEL: I hags bun, =ors ta r , ;mjtj taltkV.
Ufq *Matt witkalmervatnit of coldo and koattel.t . o..
nom. At Dan tor Stoma mould bonsont goottoNtlott: , ..: ,
to p+arantm7 opasklag *bars * Thlapor, OA by cl •
taking a bards* of tbs &lora Eginp ¢ world cm-
Um me enittoly. •
114 r. ding teL media ila mud =bad*. " 1 1
tingh my that ft I; the bat rowdy Lent folio); d
PnrP t• eare am, =calmed Lir ilimay :z ;;;,...,
bo without Us:gnash tar &imam
Tow, 'mat ruptettillm. . „
IDWAIID. J. J03112.".t.
Ogden aline .I:npat Bag 11 Z
002.. pun AND DE tarazirs PICSO2IIi
• 1 .M.RP... t...rt,.Z . •
Fa Erros—Denr kzant gni deo In 2E01.1:n1,
acknoteilitog the =awn it ratr , Psdtotift,:qt 4 ":
Conih Syrup seantr. I tato getta - plantoss >a sap
bit Math ts all 'an no. • v•
Oaof ma conk end th e er* the / 111 e -
ed with. Ilan not tied dons aid• ~.,s;
battak and I =sad do with 4 .. ea
1/10kd In:1111 gttitt 8/1:i tilt `)
and thy viii bipiond to tti , ifit tt in dtnittiltik
bins." I yould nal sat tr anallize 'lash as.attiden- 1
fee 'thy ackuldara/laa, or at any on. 1 ilia
/ Can bonito tun Moll than rare AIL ;
atola acknoteltddit a debt of 14.11114_,
but lotzattlent te tiodr., lanai le UtIeMPI O F O ki
akm! In thb mud, ei .1# ihtak . o ol Pi•
Maccx4X? 002FICa C omdl. PAAI44!._
raft l l ,l 4 Ng AMT.. • :
iat so design tq ruitettuitittsias;sadtz_.;:..,
all trio eat eutala daub* aus eastult
Wan, 11111
daughter who,hastiksasseand aHtstbilasslefet ked c4,:f.
axagh, wit/ mat beastlt-smaagthirs Alen Ches 7 7/ ..
Pastel. I prolaild taxa pa • hotils4tlotl 4-
rzaroau. BIAIIP, sat beter•stiii bid "Oaf 4i2l"""'
tails the trr tediatsiLTTkad-balpisticto4...l'
LatiatL.ll at ha met. . - . 117811
• rgyroustl saisoldbir•-:, c 47
• 4134443111.- at[
islitsdny 110 Logs
:I=4 ' s -Ed