I).i4sho - *'..o . 4..nikqe THIJIIBDAYCT. I, IBG OJTZ 41.1i:11 AIRS. Oar OFFICHAT,PAPER OP THE arr. shocking Accident... One Bay Killed and Another Fatally A most distressing accident occurred on Wedauday evening, about seven o'clock on Penn ;street, obeys St. Clair, by which a boy named Louis I r lesseakatun was almost in stantly killed, a d a lad named Martin, per haps, fatally bj ed. The circumstances of the sad affair areas follows : The boys bad been engaged in playing whorls" with a rope. The one who was acting as horse, had the end ofibeerops fastened around hie neck or shoriden, whim the other, acting as driver, had the other end of the rope fastened around his wrist bye slip knot. In this condition they had ben tanning about the street, unconscious of the fearful casualty which awaited them. It so hapOsied that oar Not 12,-ou the Cies ins' Passenger Rallway,tess coming down Penn street towards the depot, at the mil rate of speed,jutas the boys were at play on the streett'-'4l - 8Y , had evidently conceived the idea of. streteMng the rope across the trash, and etatialit, - one on either tide, until the horses andmar passed over. The rope,,how. ever, wastet tea close enough to the ground for that 'pinata, end the feet of the bursas becoming entangled in it, the boys were suddenly jerked from the position in which they stood, and thrown violently against the sides of the ear. It was so dark that the driver perhaps did not obrerve the rope at all, and before the car could be chocked up the wheels On either side had passed over both bop._alessukfunp was run over about the middle, s 'Noy,: the body was • not oat or mangled in' MIA least. lie was soveroly b iased laterniSly, and • expired .in less than teAmbiuteil.. 4, A'young man picked him up, and found the rope still fastened to him. i ro t was a strunAg cord and had to be savored with • knife. .Yeing Martin was dreadfully la wellAki, one wheel having out through the fleshy pert of the thigh,. and the other parsing close up along the groin, tearing off the flash between the two wounds, and expo. slag the bone, The foot on the other leg was badly smashed, and embody exhibited Revere bruises beside. fie was taken charge of by Dr. Walter, but it Is scarcely possible that he can nectar. . Glessenkamp was eleven year/ of age, Aid • son of Mr. L. Glessankamp, of the firm cf C. West A. Co., eosoh makers, and resided with Ma parents et No. 313 Penn street. Martin le mine pars of age, and son of Andrew Mar tin, sexton of the Second Presbyterian - church, molding In Scott alley, near Penn street. Coroner McClung was notified of thosooi dent,,lMl being indmposed ho will not hold In Jilin/Atilt/I Thursday morning. Haien Meettng and Presentation. Alarge and enthneisatie meeting of the Meads of the Union was held on Thursday Luis in the grove of kir. Heasier, of Rostraver township, Westmoreland County Pennsylva nia., Although it bad been previouely an nounced that a presentation of a silver service weaki be snide on theroottaxion, to Mrs. Hes sler, (who it will be remembered, ordered • , party of thresher', wearing butternut badger, item her table a few weeks since), yet it was not supposed that more than : from 500 to 1,000 would be present. Clontriry to expectations, however, there wss a vast crowd numbering at least, 4;500, many who were competent to Jude say 6,000; delegations being present from Washington, Fayette Allegheny, and efferent parts of Westmoreland county. Too venerable Gen. Markle, of West Newton, pro • stied. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Rev. Mr. Brainier, of the Baptist Much. The presentation was made to Mrs. Busier on behalf of the ladies of West Noe ton and vicinity, by Rev. W. W. Roup, in o Opeochabonnding with telling. denunciations of disloyalty, and eloquent 'allusions to the Patriot's:nation of Mrs. H. The articlei pro asintedwars six la number, viz : Coffee urn, tea poi, eager bowl, slop bowl, creamlatcher, and tea ball. Oa the urn war the inscription, "So standard bearer of the emblem of our country's 'foe dints at my table. To Mrs. Elisabeth Hassler, in consideration of her 'patriotism and love of country, by the ladle: of West Newton and vicinity." On the tea tall was lettered "None bat loyal men need reepond." Oa the other articles was inscribed Mn. Hassler's name. The artistes wore caved in behalf of hire. H. by Rev. James R. Milbef the M. E. Church Us an address freight ed with nettled° sentiment, and detiverod in an eloquent manner, which captivated the attention if and elicited frequent and en thtualastio rounds of applanse. Eloquent and stirring addressee ware afterwards delivered by W. 0. Moreland Esq., of Pittsburgh, Hon. George V. Lawrence, of Washington Co., and Rev. T. W. Boyle, f Elizabeth. The meet ing Was a complete atoms, and the loyal crowds Journeying homeward, with smiles of satlstietiorren their fazes, roused by patriot isarand zbt whiskey, were in strikiag con trest.with some we saw coming along the same road from a Copperhead meeting shout ing for "Woodward, Doyle, end 11-11." 0133ZOVEL il .1 '. City Mortality. 1, The timber of deaths in ibis city, from Ai Eiept..lB`3 to Sept. 28th, as reported by Dr. A iI G. MOCll36llass, physician to the Board of Hailtii;li as follows : ti Mates. •18 I-Wh1te........25 1 remains.:-: 8i C010red...... 1 I T°4l 26 ibwilitossetworo: Coasamption,2; wound. 'el! .1,1 'seats faaniagetls, 4 congestion of the 4 bra1p,.14.-dyphold Inar,l; rtusnmations, 1; ;,. g oorinarg , , par, / tittrioly!ise;oluip,olld scarlet •• i fintrrmirminue, 2; wealostite, I; cholera infanta; gi liiiithezia; If eenvidsloste, 1; con -414 pitfoh of r 'lngo, 1,; whooping cough, l; on if n o inii4.l lisisevata.....Al fill be sewn by reference to the advertisement that Mean. Rider A Olarit r yetrolostminsrehents, have removed to Water _Street. Mr. W. A. Chapman, spat for .tars. R. dr 0., desires as. to say that be will bs vary hippy to meet his friends at Ms stet Pm of business. Mersn.'llyday oh:rpm:Log, also dealers In pit:dawn, have removed so Sto Rand Street, In tho edits lately oetropled by Messrs. Rider - .lr . Clerk. Mr. Lyday Is extremely azalea to have his friends, "especially goo Stasis, lonised ispetrattas," submits's° him ie hb tint erne& Mans Casnirstosti.;—Tlurre will be &Union Mw Cavitation at, Uniontown on Monday s the 6th. Aa onsarsion train has been secarec, and a tau Ina engaged. Thine aka della plait wl. to their names with the Com maltbee,wha each •day at two o'clock. Than wilt also be a Kass Convention at Free port" Antlltrong county, cm Wednesday, thq 7th. Exotinlon train and brass band will Ism earl; on Wedatudaymonitog. The ex act time etionting win be announced In a day or two. The people of Pmeport will ex tand the utmost hospitality mall persona site stay slat.them. • • ceistass TO Prrnnusom—The Wheeling As tiltisisessit says s." Major Allison, Psynsastsh who figibeast on duty here for some lime.la about Ms 'holfasiiferred to Pittsburgh. Col. Lonna 'tan oonoluded to give the .post Pittsisarevaiwyauteam, for the - pupae or liquiditing Mar claims of dammed holdtass,, ariblifluto.boomassa important branch of the Dapartormt, Major Allison -having had eon. siderab.M Opulence, was assigned to the duty. We sus sorry to part with Major A. Ile la a most latslitgentgaitlasin, • gm patriot sad in adult and pOpialiir,tecer."'--- • Bann who bat the country spun Mower him, says the ralrmont Ara • weal, are beginning to seek liar holies and• are fregnettly picked up by the MUltla who, andernt nanegement of affairs In lids Di t, are more to be rolled 411 for prase atAtan the_. United States troops. They find no'difitalttzt getting through the Ilnes, , itsfting there • home* end 4 returning when ship plus*. • - •The eountry Is fait of hit elan ill.persens, 'who are sples;and adelsathe •peopla to hoot theM op and shoot blest a? . •Ploy would,panthers.- • . , , gauger, * , . es 41.ex,-=A catered nun by the maureflintes'etile ma yesterday &r -eared by Knit Alassztdees' pollee, for the Weeny of is him from theatelt of Mr. Per -eddy, Irately:4 In the Allegheny mark&t. He wa!loakird for 6.ltesring, . ' , =Deem Loauri lodser In..the BroLare lieu., Wheeling, wu robbed of $l,OBO, on alettiby,somo uplift . thief who =- Mud the nom whilst's ilqL. The Votes 0f.. . - the -414 , ,Te...!Cftwalry. HIADQI7AII2334I , ft Pieret 'Stirsxxv, CAMP AT RAITATIATIOCE STATION. VA e • Sept. 26,44, 1863. At a meeting of the officer and men of the 4th regiment Pennsylvania Cavalry, held on the 26th of September, 1863, at Rappahan nock Station, Va., George IL Covode, Major commanding, WWI appointed chairman, Lieu tenants John B. Maitland, Regimental Adju tant (and now A. A. A. ace'l of 21 brigade, 21 division, cavalry corps), and J. Benton White, Acting Adjutant 4th Penn's Cavalry, were appointed Secretaries. A committee, eansisting of the following named offbars--Zdajor 8. B. K. Young, Capt. E. L. Gillespie, of Co. 0, Cept. H. M. Hughes, of Co. K, (and now A. A. Gni of 21 brigade, si division cavalry corps), and Surgeon Jno. M. Jtinkin—were appointed a committee to draft resolutions expressive of the feelings of . the cabers and men of the regiment in regard to the candidates for the gubernatorial chair of Pennsylvania. After a short clinsultation of the committee, they reported the following preamble end resolutions, which, after a brief end -pithy address by Lieut.:Henry B. King, A. C. B.„c f 21 brigade, in which the object of the meeting and the sub; tot of the resolutions were fully explained, were rend to the regi ment by Vent. J. B. White, Acting Adjutant, and adoptid without a diraenting voice, and with three cheers for Cartiit. Waraus The general diction of Penusylvanis le to take plate on the second Tuesday of October neat, and ere being deprived of the air:d'art traa• chile—take t he only means left as to nkereee our .-a• fitments on the great quay ion new at lane, To: Tne election of Governor of Pennsylvania kerolrcd, That in Ando w G. Curtin we tto ability, energ/t inirelotlem and steal of • gr, at states. man, abate heavy co operation with the general goy ern,: ent hat proven him to be, in the bli t hest awe, 1°3.1, feithful, owning and trios to our native State •nd to our copanDO country In every emergency. That during hie adentethernion he he, earned the putation of "toe Model Governor • ' Woo the hearty of the *oilier* in the field, and the approbation of all loyal Pvt.'s, and as .wo are deprived the privilege and honor of voting for him, we earnestly appeal to our friend, at home, and all loyal people •f the 6.ey star e State to give him their united support at the Poi s, and we give them our kieurance that while they are defeating the Copperheads of Penetylvisnla with bat lots, we will defeat their armed brethren of the Booth with I tillers' Bemired, That n'though while 13 arms lir the cause cf Joules and liberty, we earnestly desire an honora ble and victorious peace, and recognise no political patty, yet we desire to expten oar heartfelt detests. Gen of the comae pawned bi those northern traitor., who falsely calling them:tam dtmemate date to mt. represent U. se in their favor, while th ey deny no the inalienable tied of suffrage II•solesd, not the comae of Judge Woodward in deriding epithet the constitutionality of our voting, thereby depriving u• temporarily of those tights f c tlzenship, for which we ere fight' og, while be was endeavoydeg to pt °cure the nomination for the Caber colonel Oa air, and knew of carte arty opposition, ls infemous a. it,te &epic:able and calls ter the loud ly expressed contempt of every true petr.ot and diem Resotrod, That wa are in favor of a vigorous prose putt= of the war, the restoration of the Federal Union, and the parliament of the traitors of the ortb as well as the rebels of the South. lireoieed, That we hereby expres our disapproba tion of the political ezwee of Jams K. Kerr, Eeq , and duly regret that he does not stand true to the esti. be 60 stroogly advocates on the field f battle, wi h the meanness that we now rrg%rd him as a Judea to the regiment that always stood by him, and an Ar nold to his governmest and his country. It•soleed, That we requost ad the loyal mid• Colon loving Journal. of Peeneylveula to pu.lish tho.o pro ceedings. Onr Book Table. Pszasom; or, the Numendi of Script:ire a Proof of Inspiration. A tree Inquiry. .137 M. Mahon. D. D Po:if:visor of Boob:azalea& Wletory in the Gen eral Theoltglestlienanary, New York. New licuk: .D. Appleton 6 Co., 1863. Pittsburgh: far isle by 11. h. Daifa, 93 Wood street. 176 pp. .12mo. Dr. Mahan in this volume oompletely turps the tablee—the multiplication table, and all the other arithmetical tables included—upon Bishop Colons°, whose arithmetic-Jo utterly confounded by the rules of a new system dis covered, or, rather, re discovered by Dr. Ma han. We can not attempt any explarstion of this system, or theory, but we can and do some all those who have ever Interested themselves Jic such [rockier, that Dr. Ma han's book will enable tnem to become greatly more interested—and will probably open ma ny an unexplored and carious labyrinth of biblical numerals, not only in the department of chronology, but in almost every otter in which numbers are involved. To the reader who has neva examined any similar work, there will certainly be .a succession of sur prises, in tee remarkable numerical cones pondenees which he will find set forth in ordiri as Dr. Mahan prooeeds to apply his system to the scriptural record. Oct OLD lloicss &Series of English Sketches, By Bathes:l'e! liatitharce. Bastes,: Ticknor R Yield. 1863. PiVeburgb: forest° by B. S. Davis, 9 - 3 Wcod eteset. =pp. Ltao. We have lingered over man; sr page of this delightful volume of "ketches" from the hand at a master-artist. Never, since the quaint, quiet humor of the author of the "Sketch Book" found scope amid English scenery and manners—though John Murray, the celebrated publisher, could not see the "scope" at first—have we had to genial and worthy a record made for the sir-traveled ma jority of the reading world, as we have in this volume,—which, after an interval of severol years, comes to us as the, literary result of Mr. Hawthorn's residence in England, as Consul at Liverpool under the administration of Franklin Pierce. We regret to see that Mr. Hawthorne bee dedicated. his book to the ex-President, who— notwithstanding Mr. Hawthorne's strongly-entered conviction of his loyalty—is proved by his recently di:- coverod correspondence with Jeff. Davis to be the setae man he ever was, and utterly Un worthy of any renewed expressions of regard from Mr. Hawthorne ;—who should re:miler a certain biographical attempt to make some thing of poor Pierce, and how die:Wrongly it failed. Bet we shall tear out the dedication : then all the rest of the book will he—as we have raid already—delightful. That Butternut at alteßeespOnt. Mews. Editors: I tto a note In last OUP lag's Gareth. •of du. Semple, a returned sol dier, stripping a Butternut juard chain from a man named Gay at )10/111041014. Thus man Gay manse from a notable Copperhead family; on• of them is at present the Cop perhead candidate forßegister of Westmore land county; another is a deserter from BuelPs body guard, and a third is in the South, a strong sympathiser with the reboil, and probably in the rebel army. • DAVID 1)10Kx:on, lately dottier difordetly aoudad, by Mayor Alexander, Is Dot the gen. tleman of that name reunify who tarred on the pollee. RIVITRY Boissa,Warraes oil nanny, ha East Maoßag, was camplstary,,dostsoysit by are on Tosstiatohtht. Lots attain $5,000. Su advertisameat calling a Union Meeting in the Eighth Ward. - OPE MAI, - LOCAL NOTIC/58 Elaossa AID Baina t a Burma tdanatam, tot family and manufacturing purposes, are the best In use. _ A. V. azAeon', General Agont. No. 18. PIM Mgt Troass Prier. Plain and Ornamental Slats gooier, and doalar.in renraybranla and Vttr csontslato of aka boat quallti at low rates. Ofiloa at Alm' laughlin% kris Ma' Water Works, Plttiblrgh.Pa. ip9sem Opinions of the Wheeler and Wilton Sewing 'filae,hine. There le but one Bowls't blaohlito, and that is Wheeler Maya, 'Ol America' iiiititetio,ll. , Y. The Wheeler .1k Wilson' Nadine has no Asurietlim. It le the =chino for family aie—dcrootate and Journal. It is eminently superior.—bimimerryy of Mr, Every one shoed can at Wheeler & Wil son's rooms, No. 27 Fifth street, andercamine specimens of work •done on thin machines. Wm. Stunner . 4 Co., the Western Agents for Wheeler .1; Witaoa, have now on exhibi tion a Ana , ot.matilnesilik Rosewood, Idahogany and Walnui came, • RISURIUD /lON YE& EAST.—Tba un &reigned would mos respectfully call the at tention of their friendi, and the rago In g en . to.tbeir Half and Winter stook of Goode, They consist 'of sil the vesy latest stYles of Cloths, Oasintares and Vatings, English Bi kits° Beavers, Trice and PliotOloth and Over. coatings. Also, a large assortment of French OhinohiLs Overcastings of the very 'limit quality, all of which is selected from the West importatlons, and" wilt be made friths moil fashionable lower thuis any ether teereltsite - tailoring estahllshnult in the city. Give lissuistril a - , BOMA elamoi* Iferohant Tatirti:2le: di Market 13AK V IL alBFarl "` , . -;tires. MOOANDWIII. - ' 41.-a" ' • Fon Fur. AND WINTIMI Wiss.-67:11a mu fa put, and by the inarilnee frost, we begin to apprehend, that , fall and !intim will bi shortly upon is and we mist paulde our selves with the motadal to keep us comforts We. A nice foil sat, or a good and well-reade overcoat are the vary thing, and we do not know of any place where our readers would nit themsearei better than at Messrs. W. H. Mahe & Co.'s elothiog ealablbhmantr corner of Podenl great end Diamond Spam Alle gheny. They - have also'reaiveda complain assortment of gentlemen's furnishing goods, and a great variety of tow patterns for east coating, ke. Ammo', Itsvmunco Votmrrezza t—Ths attention of our ocuntry's brave defenders re retuned from the seat of war, and of the public la general, li again directed to the very extensive and handsome assortment of the latest styles of Preach, English and American pieta goods, for pants, ooats and vests, lately rotelved by Messrs. John Welts k Co., Merchant Tailors, No. 128 Hedersi stzoct, Allezheny. A tasteful selection of gentlemen's furnishing goods will also always be found on the shelves of the establlsbutont, together with a lot of ready-made clothing, got up In the beat manner. STAITLIIII3 i 8117 TRlTlL—The'yolontaers are braying the dangers of Payer, Scum, Wounds and Cholera. Manya gallant fallow will leave his bones to bleach, who. by the use of HOL LOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT, would have returned to his family strong and healthy. Soldiers, try them I Only 26 cents per box or pot. • 226 Resawin Hu Aos.—Rev. B. Q. Smith, Pratt!burg, N. Y., writes s "My gray hair is turned as black se when I was a young man by using Mrs. B. A. Mimeo World's Hair Restorer and Zyloballeamnat." These preparations have been used and approved for twenty years 0/011/11111 and carriage calls mill be taken at the Omnibus olllce, No. 410 Penn street, day or Dight. All orders lett at the obeys place Will be promptly attended to. All cells mast be paid in advance. • Fon* nol.uaa , four dollars. Four dollars, lour dollars. Dental Institute, Dental Institnte. Boat cheap Dentistry, best cheap Dentistry No =chino work, no msehlne work. STARTID —Tat extensive rope works of Ir win, Balton k Vo. Those in want of manilla, hemp or bay rope, twines, oakum, ke, will do wi it to cell at 57 Water street. Iw C. biE. 4 ; D s Atigt, :46 Yana street, stnrad nrofsesias. AL&RUIED AU S-11 &111—On the evening of the Pith Eep• t•mber, at the ra latnce of the betde•e father. by the Her. 0. J. Hredel, Ile. OZO. W. BASHI! sad Ma HART H t,III, bath of A Ilegbeny Olty. BODISFON--b - uddenly, oo Tersdar afternoon, Sept 29' h. ELIZA BE rH, wl'o of Joshua kohiaeon, in the 5.141 rib , of hor age. The funeral will take place Tim Arrxxsoon, at 2 o'clock, boa the reedeuce of her husband, comer of East o , nsmon and Bbaunapfn streets, Allegheny City. The fr'eada of the (amity aro , kindly Horne! to s Hand. PIONNO7K—fn We 2 malty mon:dog, at the reel doom of her father, Hon. LI Hampton, , nes• tlashorg. lira. ANNIE HAM P 11.41 PEHNOOE, aged 06 gems. Tumult at 2 o'clock Natoli arrinacton. 4 13 are rt +gra wit leave the Warerroms of E. tatnnan, cos. tur fl.vennth and emttlanstd Street., at 12 tn. Vein& of tto family are r epeatOslly lovitel to attend. MACK LOW W—Pent.enber 29th, at the nada., re at b.. Fetenta, Noe Grove. In dentolley, ANNA SLIZ talent daughter of Wm. and E. t. Mac knows, eget 20 months and 19 days. intend from Allegbooy Lepot, on tIIGILIDAT nommen, at 0 o'clods. • T VFLOB—On Weln , alsy morning, Fept. 301 b HCGO Tref L eirtn 7i yews. /amoral fain Mt late mildew* le Pe= town ally on TITGRSDAT, October lot, at 2 o'clock p. m. BaLLS...TINC,—&S Du•all's Muff, Arkaisa* 013 bowl thi U. 8. Gnsbost H wasp, aaBupt. 11. 1183, Surgvon IL W. DA.l,Latil I ma., U. 8 v., of Tam. perunorvllle, Ps., In the Stab year of bit m.o. • -711LITARr .ff'OTICES. entriftiliT XI &WIN sten oratta6 Silo Mirror or Proxi'a , lrourth FL,' PftLbargb,' Bert. ZO,-1501 10mSXIECMPTI3D - PROM' in amortise:of rrith order, i foibibb the fol. lowing not of pepsotts exempted from drag by the Roared of rarolinfMat In this District, to tbie date, with the - Teo:ono of Unit exemption : ALISO Imo lII.VI ■IVES DSCIaIiED IN? priotif 0* NV= ST AST ILWIIOI. 'Am 11Ostably, 811. wad. Wltmases—John McMurray, R Gibson. John Itairt.y. 7tS ward. Witnmez— . -Jobn Sc. /bung, 8 810 nicks t. .7: 'Limos w2errus, Cott. and Provost arsrslasl,l24 Dist. Ps. vet ItAssrl. ANHOOD ; HOW LOST I HOW IILd'INMED I insbLehrd, to a meted ea. Teton*. Prloe Cents. A Lecture on the Nature Treermamt and Cure of Elpeentatorthrea, or geteiell Weeknow, tavola:eery efmltstons geanal Del:itty, and 11:01.dimerall to ."Mait. gervatuneta, Coteumpant, rptlepty and rit . tat and Psysiol Inequity, resulting from t elh Abuse, Stn.. by botre.J.e vtutranttn, C.. D.,nuthor of the anten Cook; to • '••e 134X , 11 tt Theueencla Sol rem' sent n ear seal. ha a plain antelope, to any ade.toe p•el•p rid, on reoelpt of ez cent. or two postage IttiIIIIPS. by Dtt. OH. J ci. g Ligg, Ba‘Me Now Tut. Poet helm gut UK aelo.3mdeng le N EW BOAT BrOBE. V. C..niaa►._...r. DAV1D10N.......8. F. DLVF6OI HARRY, DAVIDSOS & CO, SHIP OHANDLERS dad dialers la DOAI • STORES, 01 ►►vl doverlidiod.,. No. PITBLIO LAN DING, reatlce oimors o err. 0. CIINI:144.1, DRUG OTOBB, QOM.' Olio awl hden4 math tgwLq GNO 4. KELLY, Proprietor. P4.111.41/i0 IRMA WATI6OB, PATBNT t 11910311118, 10 E 4 g - Physidans pracriptioai aantrately=l,- .1 -Asnusw Hues. TuasaUH, Atu.L.rs, Gaon, Palm, Joepodal Partner. Slaneral.Partnare - PION W.TY FORGE., ILLOM4EI PERM' *Mit WAIL.. Prrmelmos. Itrontaactura Bar Iron. General Railway mad mem. boat rowing'', Panonpri rated and Locamottra nelea, Aa 6a Plttoborgb, flaptombar 9th, I. oeleam (MPH SNOWDEN,' VOTARY PVDMO, Na 88 DIAMOND ERBIUM l'reinusaa. Acknowled.innile of Deeds. Depositions and Md. daring taken. Alec. Deed.. litortgaires, Articles of Agreement, Learn and Legal ri v en at rimy kind written. . . eelanta AGtUt! AIIEAD Ma UOLLIETIMA DA2II, . , WlTlets:dilates' In SNITS AND assaits, hoe not In lore Omar 411 nook 01 goodeorhich will sclt TREY LOW TIM OABLI. Cotuary Ihrotuata ep0014.410 v4l toad ache. Ramp tiag uib elsembins. await orders prows* sitAndwr to. 1.23 .iilff.),*RSON, 707 07 ?HE WIZAUD 07 TIM 808TH, =a will appear at Hu Uri" Tad, paoToGRAPII ALBI32O.—Wa hays A. the Wiest awl best miethasat cl . .PHOTOUBAPH LLBIIDtI to the City of PUtstrtitgb; and Meer as 1a• put • ti Ws lowa, airie:4la stmH•r gadttl •re triad. ly sold tor. Defame In the couutr air IWO thiOt 'maul to BO our slats or Albums eler sill an) °Mai. J. 4.11.140. I•leonKh suet. DRIED BEEF— -11 isek choke Moth/on ilizrl Briar Dried Heel; 100 bpti. Mauro El.yroin 100trogo Odin Rio &AM; - Jolt rooolved And for Oa b/ by ityircr RRLISELTR. In imm/. ~uruan..cui KAMAN ONES b e gt Villa ais tut Thatiza iaittoie 'ad Bills On ararr.emportaal town hattahaloycitsactr vltzUland sad Italy:trial& tivatunita watt Intro churn. G ': WHllith • lealak 1'..!‘"1 Wail stmt. attraettait Thhal. INr l / 1 4 - IWllliAVEBOrill.nints and 'itinmilmalnhand bud tor isle cusp, as. no. RS 4133114 Mir , rraifeW tis aro by raxosiptilkwala....k7 D/0 &GO y:.. t +~,;r.~ri~A~.~....u:.~ , . , .. ~_:T~.rcc-=~~r - ?..~ -1 `~~ .•F:r..fi~~.. t xl..;.;r~~`:~ ~ r- . I'".m P The Missouri and Kansas delegations had their interview with the President . this fore noon.. The address, points of which have already been telegraphed, and advance copies of which were forwarded yesterday by mail, was read to the President. HO then entered Into a discussion of the points tonebed , neon in the address, seeming chiefly an=ions ` ? to elicit their hots concerning the policy of which complaints were made. What few re marks he did make, tending to show his own views of the ease, were not regarded by the delegates as particularly promising, though they still regard the prospeot for the moons of their mission as ter. The President will In a short time furnish a written reply. The delegation to-night are paying their rerpeets In body to Secretary Chase. The Kansas representative: have laid before the 'President to day a separate representa tion of their ease, asking especially for the formation of a 'operate Department for Kansas aid urging the absurdity of placing their State under the control of a man like Scho field. The President replied that he did not he but that the request for a separate deport ment was reuonable encash, and they infer that he is likely to grant it. The prospects for the Missouri delegation are dubious. In what the President said on the topics Involved in their address, be left on them an impres sion that he wee not lively to give up his support of Schofield. Ile told them they were going faster in supporting hie policy of emancipation than he cared to go himself, and as to Schofield he said that be had not ONO much to blame in him, and that he hid always obeyed orders ; and in particular, be had always been prompt In sending reinforce- , ments wherever they were wanted, which was more than be could say of some other Gen erals. The Committee from each Congressional distriot of Missouri welt upon the Presi dent again to-morrow, to give Specifies, Sone and evidence as to their respective chugs. against Gen. Schofield. 'The dele gation propose to remain here either tits they get the President's written answer, or till they get some satisfactory assurance ,of its favorable nature than they have yet re ceived. At Chase's, this evening, they called cut the Seeretary. He declined to make a speech, bat expressed his delight at seeing K. 1331/ and Missouri now co-workers, and while be could not speak for the President, ho VII bound to say he (Chase) sincerely honed- for DIED : their MOMS in reenring the command to men who t twiny :equitathicsd with them to the ideals that underlie our struggle, and who would gin their leilmence in favor of freedom for ill. The delegation were enthusiastic over this cordial expression cf sympetby with their oi•Jeot. Commissioner Lewis has decided that the accounts cf the collectors era to bo closed at the end of each year from their appointment, and their commistions calculated or the amount of reentry paid over and accented for dozing the year. The collectors appointed in the reiiis of ihe Senate and new commissions 'issued after the confirmation by the Senate will be allowed commission fees from the date of the original appointment. The salary of no collector shall exceed $lO,OOO in aggregate, or more than $5 000, exclusive of expanses of ad ministering the office. In ease of a vacancy In a collectorship (rem any mute, deputise will continue to sot until sucoesrors are ap poir,tod, and the one living nearest the resi dence of the late collector ehsil diechargo the &ales of that officer. Commissions on the amount collected daring the interim Ann accrue to lb. 0011411er under whose bonds the cellootions were made. Proprietary medi cines, perfumery, cosmetics and playing cards, purchased before the passage of the Excite Law, meet be stamped, If told or r tiered for sale after September 30th, 1663. The 'avail' Cur t s having increased to one hundred and ality earapentes.,has ken or ganised into fifteen regiments. The Presi dent to day appointed 'the following Col. Rlohard 11. Rash, senior, George N. Morgan, F. D. Sewell, A. J. Johnson, B. J. Sweet, Geo. W. GUI, D. P. Dewitt, B. B. Porter, .k. Farnsworth, J. Hendrickson, Prank P. Cahill, J. 0. Strong, and C. M. Provost.., 00!. Rash tuts been chief of the Invalid Bureau, knitt ing Col. Pr", Provost Marshal Generals la the organization of this Corps. He N • graduate of West Point, and served with distinction in the Mexican war, and all through the present war, u Colonel of the Sib Pennsylvania cavalry. All the °Limp!. deep named have been disabled for active field nrvlas by wounds received In adios, or by Crean contracted to line of duty, bat have eo far muffed as to be fully able to perform g archon, provost or bureau duty. • John A. Blnuhnat his declined the Plaids Judgeship because Ida health would not per- mit him to go there In the summer. He of feted to swept it If be could be allowed hue et absence WI whiter, but the number of ed. =balky oases ahead) , socumnlatea, compollid ansapmenti far their 11Fatasto adjadlos. Col. Cahill, of Cincinneti, though only Lieutenant Cehmel in active terries, h pro• meted to a fall oolonelcry, being transferred to the Invalid Corps. OoL Cahill hatbeen on duty In the War Department, assisting In the organisation of.the corm and the promotion Is *moil:tidos of his gallant conduct from tie 'outbreak of the war, and a reward for his valuable services here. Fight With fflosbra Guerrillas New Toes, dept. 80.—A-letter from Har per's Perry, of the 28th, to the Baltimore dasericitii says Cole's Cavalry came in con. tact 'with Mosby and about 160 of his com mend, near lipperrillo last Friday. He was drawn up in line of battle awaiting his arrival. After some slight skirmishing, Major Cole charged the gang, when they scattered and dal in dismay. The Major also recovered somllB horses and some mules, and one man of the nth New Yore cavalry, Whom Mosby had Plaited up in his raid. Ilisionio 11101 tasklibt. The Death of Francis .1. Grand. Partanurure, Sept. 30.—Pranola J. Grand, recently editor. of the Philadelphia dm whieb paper he left on aceottnt of polities, died suddenly We morninv hir. Ontud'a death was 'sauced by a' III" of ape. .pleay. &cited by the appearance of a Crowd before hie residence, who were owed? way to serenade (lea. McClellan and Judge Woodward, Mr: Grand ran, in baste, to the station house where he fell exhausted, and ten minutes 111411 expired. litimtors of a Olsiqitor to . Our Army hizw Yowls, Sept. 30.—A special to the Pox, from Washington. says there is the highest authority for stating that the rumors current yesterday, ofa,disaster to county, are false. The Ropablicaa of this morning lays that good hews :has been received, which will be 9ia4Apablieln•fswdays. THE LATEST NEWS BY TICLEOILAYIL - OUR SPECIAL DISPATCEES FROM WASHINCTON Special 'Dispatch to the Pitizbargh Gs:tette lirLeaucrros Cirr, Sept. 30, 1863 Tall MISSOURI RID lANSAI DILIORTIOIS IMPORTANT DROLSION OILOAKIVITION OF TIII tx vALID 001.1%. '2EI FLORIDA JIIDORSILIF. TIOXOTID Latest European News. Casa taus, Sept. 29,—The abeam Europa passed Cape Bee* at 3:30 p. m. te• day. Sae Wu boarded by a:ensue zenith. The political news le unimportant. Humor says that the Confederate envoy at London is to be with drawn, la consequence of the meanies of the British Government. Liverpool, Sept, 19 —Caton. is excited ; prices have advanced Ito 24, °liming on Fri day gn•ot. Broadttoffe dull and:priees tend ing downwatd with a cons'.derable duc•ts.e on all desariptioni. Floor very doll and 8d to le lower. Wheat hoary and 41 10 Os lower lin the inferior qualities rod western 7s to St 3d; red southern 8; 61 to fie 9i; white western white aontheln 9r. Corn dall and-6.1 lower; mixed 28.1 131. PLOYitielle quiet bat steady. Pork inactive. Mad steady. The broker's circular reports sugar tending downwards. Coffee firm. Loudon, Sept. 19 —Barricg's oironlar re ports wheat very dull cod le to 2; lower for lieglish. Sager firmer. Crffeetending down wards. Tea easier. Provisions quiet and steady. Consols closed on Friday at 93% to, 935. Bullion in the bank of England sad increased £llB,OOO. Lico-pool, STe. 19, eorniv —Cotten firmer, bat ononanged. Bread/tulle very dull. Corn is still deolining; waxed 261. 6d. Provisions dull. A letter from Richmond in the Confederate organiThe fed.x, speaks of the probe b!e early recall of the repreeec tatives of the South from England, on aosouut of the attitude of the British Government. The London St, of the let, states that it is the intention cf the French Government to epeedily recognise the Confederate Staten. It adduees various ante and d•menstrations to Justify the belief, and comes to the conclusion that we must be prepared for French recogni tion bef.,re long. The London Hern/d, adverting to the ru• meted probable withdrawal of Meson from London, soya it is In consequence of the sys tematio rudeness with which he has been treated by Raison. The Herald hint/ that it has been through the euggestion ot Mr. Ad ams that Mr. Mason has been excluded from °Meal intercourse with the Ittitieh Govern ment. The Paris correspondent of the Morning I Post says that a new loan for the' Confederaey is oentemplated. - The Frond! Government has certainly not thrown any difficulty iu the way of the Flori da. Copt. *edit bas resigned the command of the Florida, on account of ill health. Lieut. Barney probably tekes command. o.ne of the remote (or the decline of the Faris Bonne is the app:ehension by some operators that the decision in the case of the Florida may lead to unpleasant feelings be tween the French and Federal governments. 'The Paris Pep rays the Eoglish journals are mistaken in looking upon the note lately Publiehed in the Moniker respecting the Florida, as a step towards the recognition of the Confederates. It was merely a recogni tion of belligerent rights. If the Emperor's Government believed itself bound to icoog- ! nice the Confederates and eatabliah ofßolal re- ! lotions at all, it would do co epenly and not by indirect means. Bonne firm; Emotes closed at 68f. 453. Bev. Mr. Stuart, late a chaplain the rebel army, hes boon lecturing before 010 Southern Club of Liverpool. fin charged the New Eagland clergy with instigating MO war, and asserted that when President Lincoln loses this clerical support the war would soon mid. Ile declared that the South had the means for carrying on the war for years to come, bet wes novertbelees ready to lay down the sword and have the question at moue to the ballot. The Paris Opiniooe Aratioertia believes itself able to state that the E - glieh -Calinethear ing that France may take possession of Max. 100, is strongly -endeavoring topersuade the Emperor Cl Austria to consent to the amp tines of the throne by Iktaxamillan The same paper says a Mexican loan is spoken of to be sff.olad.in London as soon as the Arch D ake Is officially proclaimed. The Emperor also said that 8,000 Irishmen mould be en rolled for service in the rem Empire. These statements calmed a material improvement in fdexioao securities in The Tiea city etticla rem srke that tise em loyment ft' Irish troops is calaalated to pre vent the United States from undertaking soy aggression on the new monarcmy. The Enzeian reply to the English note is eablished. It prdesses ao ardsnt desire to restore tear quality in Pohlad. ho Madrid Epoch asserts that the Cabi nda of Washiegton and Madrid hare deter mined to submit tho gnat titn tt jurisdiction in the Cuban waters to the arbitration of the King of Beiginta. Interview of tee haulms Delegation with the rresideut. WOISHIXOTON, Sept. 30 —The Kansas dele gation waited on Presideet Lincoln to day, by appointment, end presented, through their Chairman, Mr. Drake, their alleged grievances, end asking for a change of the military ocmmandant of the Department of The President received the ad dress, and promised to give is a careful con sideration, and furnish a reply es soon as practicable. A free eoriversational discus sion took place, centieoing several hours. This having bum a strictly private In terVlOW, no reporters of the press were present. The address is signed by sev enty persons, composing the committee, who say that they have endeavored carefully to avoid exaggeration, and speak the 'ample truth. Among other things they uk the im mediate restoration of the military control of lidhisouri to the handsel' the national offleers and troops, and the distharge of all the en ' railed militia of the State from any further orrice at the arbitrary will of Gov. Gamble, end further that in place of Gen. Schofield, a commander be assigned the department of Missouri whose sympathies will be with BM loners suffering people, and not with slavery, and pro-slavery Men. They say that Gen. Schofield bu disappointed their Put expecte. tlons by identifying himself who their State administration, and that hie policy has been u they believe, shaped to conform to Gover nor pro- slaymy and conservative views. The delegation says that from the day of Elan. Betioneld's awes:ion to the com mand of the Deportment, matters have grown wows and worse in Missouri, till now the condition Is worm than they have beep at any time since the °atheist of the rebellion. They therefore reapectfal/7 pray the President to need another genera,' to commend that department, and, if they do not overstep the bounds of propriety, ask that the commander sent them be Major General Beaj. B. Bailer. His pretence there would restore order and peace in Missouri in has than sixty daye. He would be received by their people with reJololng, and they would. ones mere br permitted to feel that loyalty is to govern ',Missouri. They entreat the President to observe that in their Hl-fated State the eonflict le between loyalty and dis loyalty. It is Impossible ,that both should mile there, Ono or the ether mutt go - downi They esy that if the President refuses their reqnset, they return to their homes only to Wimess, In coneequenee of that reftlial.• more active and relentless persecution of the Union Men, and to feel that while Maryland can re joice in the protection of the Government of the Union, Missouri is still to be the victim of a pro-slavery conservatism, which blasts wherever it reigns. The address concludes as follows: We ask only justice, and protection to our. leering people. If they are to offer hereafter as now audit: time past, the world will remember that they are not responsible for the gloomy page in Missouri's history, which may have to record the Independent aorta of her her. rased bat still loyal men to defend them selves, their families and their homes against their disloyal and murderous aurasolne. mportani tiesointions Palmed. WASSUIO7O2I, Sept. 30.—At a late meeting of the Supreme body of the Union. Leagra of the United States, o lot 65 highly important mob:Mont veto poised, amounting, In feet, to npolitiool platform. it to said that in the °nurse of a fon days they will be made pub lic. , • Arrival of yen. Schgnek nt Dayton. - DAMON, Sept. so.—isio. Sehakak ar. elflel this evening, on ten dap' leave' of ab sence, leaving (ten. TYler temporally in charged the Maryland Department. Than Lanolfoundatlon for the reoottot hisomoval. Bale of tlovezivaeus.Boode. Pintr.unttrata, Sept. .30.—The tales of fire-twenties to-day emanated to $1,101,050. The heaviest sale for • two 'months. The de. Ilverfas of bonds &rented° to the 28th of Sop. towbar. . , 11ABBITrik EOM* POWDER, fo'r 11 clearact pinta cr has *Do mpg ricrthe a P o u r s 'a u t P retireriVB v :57G. d tog go! • re of JOHN 41.11milrinew. scO4 armor Llb.cry .0 , 1 Tfinnd itroca. .lIRRICIAT/NG 01 L.-.P.ure .M.Duok• JJ Mali" Lubrlcattott .04 1 w/onto:I to outwit fOr all h tuft totchtlielloott:an , ly - oO'biod sot Riau by ark alissafir. - ags -4il ass to Wasesetssii, : 2 ~ , ,l.Ts? f &~` f t'=;,u~csr3u3~'~_v: 2: ' s c~ i :~ L:id: ~ s:.'' MESE eta . by ToSiegiayb. _ NET You. &rid. hl..reotiondoll aid 1‘624i lower at ale for middling uplands. li'leuellaw actin mid Ott lower at $S 10e.5 SS too extra state, is. Imes SS for common to good ehipping brands; extra B. W 0. $6 35627 75, for trade breads—the market dater dull with no burn at theoutalde dootatkam. Mita. ky envier and more salve at 152dy5534 , Wheat Milt and Tully le lower at $1 ilia is am Main Spiny, $1 1541 25 tor Milwaukee Cub, nsa 1 37 for whiter red. Own lc lower. with en aetimiuid. nem at a decline at Seggle for ehipeiteg mixed admit,' Wady astisswp.. Sic in more, Sagaim for waders yellow. and Mc for unsound western Wend In store. b „t. steady at Wilk. Wool B firm. Lard hal actin at 103i19113e. New York Stock and Moser Market Star ing tower and doll at Homan; Golddeellned In per mat opening, 41%, dodos- valet. 41% p er anal rum matt flaoka 'Lady; Bat - 11 Coupons 107: 7.30,107®107% Tem total export. of spools to-day per steamer Ree k for Llreesyral was $178.7a2aL N 3 68.% A T ff.ptl—. Taut CA 00 Illehltran Central_ lon Cal Ts my, Meats 0 Bortp.--121 N State 6%13--115 II 8 yy !reed= G01d.—.141 1 4 Clayaland A - PAU- —UV NYC NV/ Galenat CAlpeo- —lO9 3, 1"..1 10 it as a.Lloa Hudson IN P D 0--- Retnanne, Sept. 30.—Ineni 'divining and mite. Wheat meth,: [Gathers eithrarad 60. Corn ultra I, White $l. Wlltlie dm at 51c. Ciato quiet; alo MXIC• PIITLADCLIIO.I.. Sept. 50.—Yloar ISM; 4.0r0, bht. 5d.475(p. Wheat Arm; Was 6 bath. lied at $1.4031.43; Whits $1.6131.72. Corn firm at GIO 970. Patroletude 37c., Baked 670. Wtday Mc. CaRPETS-OIL CLOTHS. r.r~. REDUCED PRICES ! weenstrely cub pore:mos made during the reotnt decline In the Eastern !Sorbets, we ere ens. blad to ofer the fl nest stacrtment of geed, thr brought to the ott7, carnleting of VELVETS, BRUSSELS, IMP& HAL 8 PLEB, INCIBLINEI, =A LP AND BA 0 CA.RPh33TS TLOOB LED TABLE OIL CLOTHS! Window Shades, Piano and Table Coven AT UNITSTIALLY lOW BATE. ' Alto, a well selected ato:k of ladlrf Mak pur e:hued for the laprlog trade, width •e trill dispute of at many reduced prier, to make room for other Purrhurrs would do well to tall sod wasustne our stock. am we are 000lident we tae offer greater In ducements thou soy other house 111 the city. OUTER frI , CLIATOCK & CO No. 29 TITTH 22'112.12ET. N'W FALL STOOK JUST OPENED AT THY NEW CARPET STORE Of • • McFarland, Coffins & Co, 41 AND 73 FIFTH ST., O'Brien the lost 011os and RirpotrA Booing lit porcharel far cash, doing the rmnit favorable condition of the me•keta, • most imtaniria. end COMP64O ateortment of the newest old choicest itykorcoif CARPETS. Oil Cloths, Window Shades, We ore sow oaring good. AT PRICES OF A YEAR AGO. By our redaction to futon we have simort dated out our former purchum, and now offer to boyar* at ',bola:oils and retell AN ENTIBILY NEW AND 'BEM STOCK. thoompasmil by any ever offered to ttkh city. in 9 BABGAINd IN 0 AR, PENS. run OPIUM% AT liGC'Call - Lana ta. 87 FOURTH STREET, A large alsoriatent, which will ee sold std my oust redaction from late prim. W. D. & & N'CALLIThi. .01 CASH HOUSE. Jr. L. 11.91LLOWEI CO., 6L5 OHESTSUT EITEZIT, Pat tD/SLYELLeis tuts NOW IN 112011.0 DUES 4301D0, BLA,OR. AND FADDY RILIO. *IN AWLS AND BALMORAL& UTBDONE‘ RID GLOVES. La, in. Bought ozaladtaly for nth, and width still b sold ►t a mall Altana.. sada. FOR THE FALL OF 1863. f 50,000 APPLII TREYS, Dabs' dna, 8.8.4 and 6 years old, inelaitifeall the old leallna rarlotles.and today new anew oleo, • eery large 'took or Pad; (enuldard and d wart.) MURRY. PELCH, PLUM. 111,1111132 UN, NUDE MID OBNAIIIChTe,L TRW. Wank 0 BAP/I NUM, althUBS, GIICSDHOIIaZ PloildTa, km, do, wholesale and retail at Tory tea email* orlon. JOHN 8W DOOM, Ja„, se.BTdaoll Pitblosell and Oakland Narserisa THE ARMY OF TEM POTOMAC!. BEHIND THE exam= I • A dairy of tuawritten blitaty..from the organisation of th. Any by lifoglallatt to the ciao of the Cam /Mau to 'Alba's, about the Ant day of Jantiary. MA. By Afnod L. Osstlarosn, burgeon of the Fifth Boalcaunt Wtscondn 'Mustafa, Boanny'i Off DI- . irtalon. Prim $L for iota by .•S1 le B_L. Ala D. TS Totrrth lave. MR. A. H. ENGLISH respectfully M/ the ultimo" of Pittsburgh, that babas bassippolulud stole agent for tbs age of M . an 6 Ws orfenal MOIST APITI.OOBIIOBL9II PEN. They ars ricommended by th e 11'2volt - holm" hi the city, among which ors 01/li, Buzz= is co., l a tux Om r laala a Cal.._ a - MOOR allaD Ca. w 0 0.1 Sus, Fatima & 03u nd othoh. 188:17 pEcTosath OOUGH SYRUP, • PIATAWID SI( -0.E51512 1 4 the most effecind end • itiieeeihicanah ruled!. known. It tote been veld here and .threnglart 'the country for may raw. rendertan the ntmott oath'. Illation. In bathe at 50 awe etch. ontrbontte tatabne &beat thrift than the Quantity of the ordi. nary 25 cent =lola'. rat sale by _ SIMON J011115T014 se 25 cone* rettetk and Bmltheeld retests. E us AND KAM • - Ds. seatz Pays parefeithr - stteitlei •to the hutment's! P ays D 71,13 sad RAH SAW. dot on CATARACT, DINT KIES, Dr DIAL PUPIL, Insane AISTIMIAL DYES, and treats all IRPLAtiIIATDRY BY7B 81 1 0 HARD auszig= disease streatint ItiaZu sad' kunr,oh SUPS= nuts • Er244lD QUIVDRIIII3. 2„7 20 ktrda P. IL 13opir iLS do Cobs doi _- , GO bbfa. aoudad 707valted do; fti do enmalsaid do; Ti do Arend B Or.ffia d 4 - . 00 do 1 Oudot* arrup;. • _ • 11:21 do Goldao do g assollod toaadr; 121 tap 1110 Ootrun' 172 taco anottad Tobleuwe . 230, , Nadi= Pawl Raab; With aa aak do. atza72l of all Wilma paiwalll kept a whatnots acoon7,, 7.7 allo•by fell WIT? /1; W1T.9014 . 1122 T.. 76417. Alma Q I OAKS I • • t 14.7 Is Mai: choice Porto Ala; Saar: Ed do tat Cab Ate.o .29; e do: woman 0.0. "do: ~bti 93 do .21 do - de; , 20 eo 0 do _ - 66 do .Crodkod Pidird do do -11,ofted 0990 „ dOS Athail l 9' 1,3 sod **lmb riontl, Nch 23941 , 42 dote- Rd SWIiSUUSLLISIS; 301=2*.031Ng • . _ • MOIL Landners:Crwi Tabun Hoe. . • tepr.'lloiculdrer Galin Eirrop!; . • tut bids. sad bt DDIx S. 0.11ologs•C To odor. coal 1 1 . ea* by- , LITTLIT • VIITBISLIL_ (y 44454 2 0 0 ill& WestezuWaserm Baindidfirde e tr 6 ' 418"44-:'" loolto Kali s. CIABIIILIA aniscr.tr. - Jmnris ara • Pusan-of aldsa;aziltatdis pealed Vta dna tanned% palpitatteie of the I =M tea at Tattle. distress attar est.ltag, Amid Ilvirr. ccautlya. ttaa. ta, deism to suffer It Mit will not try dui ostabrated PLANTATION itarrEas. Which us now reomnocended by the bislang mediae authorities, and unmated to liircelliteart Wenn Vial , Mandela' effect. They an emosedingly Aventine perfectly pore,and mast ster,enedo ail- other tonics; when a healthy, gentle stimulant le required. They ptuiry, etreagthen and Inrigutate. • They create. healthy 'nettle. They are an antidote to ebangeof water sod diet. They oennenuesincts of ellmipailon and Lite haurg. • • Tbe7 stnelthen the miem and enliven the mire. They prevent talsamallosed intermittent fevers.' e Tin purilythe breath and tidally of the ertonmate. The/ eon Blepsnia and Grastipstion. They cure Diarrhea, Cholera sod Chalon, rorbra • They core Lim Completed and Berms Illead,whe They make the week strong, tbenlanguid brillteat.- • end am szhansted nature's men restorer. They any onnyased of the celebrated Canny" bark, selatne: , Men, sanafraa, mots and hada, an preserved tri• perfectly pure Bt. Choi: Bum. For particulars, me • circulars and testtmonieb amend each bailie. Beware of imposters. .firamine evilly bottle_ fee that it has D. S. Barnes' slgnatare on car privet ell; 13 Stamp ever the cork, with plantation tune, and OW firm ids:nature on a One steel plate engraving on side label. 800 that our bottle I. not reined with numb= end deleterious eta. Wendy any person to match the taste or enactor of mar geode 4AF , pain pretending to will , Plantstion Bitten by in gannet in balk, Is an impneter,, We sell only in ear log able bottle. Any Person Imitating this'"-• bottle, or selling =Tether tuaterfal therein, Whether: ralldd Plantation Bitter, or cot, Ms crimineinelen" the D. 9. Law, aiicl wino so proncatal by us. We . • already hare oar Sri on two parties n filling ear botiLas, go., who will stoned In getting thems,vcs lato close Quarters. The demand he Drake's Plan. tenon Bitters from Mks, clergymerVinercheate, La., Is perfectly Mandible The simple tetra of e bottle to the endwise ire 'remit of their worth and..- superiority. They are sold by all respectable dreg. • grate, grocers, physicians, bctsi, steamboats and cOuntry norm P. 11. DU. GE a 00., 412 vrnallws9,7. I=l OrDRANWB OBBIIINS BIT- T=BB, tnr tale, wholesale and ratan, by SUMS JOHNSTON, Corner BMUS&Id awl Tomah fitroete. • suelern.wweere -PURE WINE VINEGAR, 21, M. BOLL NAB, GRBILANY. (Formerly !lama a Co., Bordesta..) The only Vinegar awarded with a Prim Modal, of sixty! exhitacms, et the Inttspaticmal ExtriblLion.. Far 'Le tr: F. M. BOLLNAN, wimp suolerwonen LOCEZIMICATZD. j IMPulmonary Consumption a Cu- BAI3LII DLUEdiro.—d (MUD. 70 0011BUMPTIVES. • . Ms or adere'ogatd hating been re/tend to lualth , Ina kw weeks, by a ray *hoopla remedy, altar bat hos suffered amoral years ,mith a ammo Icing' aria. Una, and that dread disease, Commtettlon-12 tax. lore to make known to lob know eafrerar tto r.eans. to all who desto It, he will send e ropy of the proscription need, (tree of charge) with the dhec. Wailer preparing and nel4ll the same, which they will find avert curs for Codavarrerox, A WIT liA, BMA ounte,Clarerre, Corms, do. The only old ,ct of tto aditeitisar la tending the pres=lytion to to leneflt thief:noted, and eprred. law= tics chick he con. ceiroa to be Invaluable; sod ha hopes deny anierer • will try his remedy, tm 11.111 clot them nothlog,and - -: ensyyrove • blessing. . Panto wislilngttw prescription will plass edirins,,, Err. lEDWAED A. WILSON. ~. '' ••4. Wlillsixwbargb, Illnir enmity, Etpir tork.'; se4s:3arTawir Confessions and Experience , OP AN INVALID, published for the baulk ander a warning andOAUTION TO YOUNG MEN wbe suffer from Nees= Debffity, Premature Decay Manhood, eta., supplying, at the same Brno, TBM MEANS OP BELT OBBE. By one who hat ousel • tamest! after being put to groat expense and luftifi tbreemb medical humbug and quackery. By encladng • psi-paid addrsmed envelope, sine gte copies may be bad of the anthers, • NATBABLEL MAYFAIR, req., mrifttlydavP Bedford. Elan wan -B. Ir.. Late Superior Copper and 13.UELTESO wouxe, Prmirsais. PARK, APCIRLDY & CO, •.' isfactozers of SHEATELISQ, ELM:BIL7 AND BOLT COPPER, PREMED CBP2EI marrow. RAISED STILL BOTTOMS, 5PA7.4701. SOLDETA; aloolmpartaroanddisoloallaLlo4l,B,73llPrAlT, SHEET IfION, WEBB, Ba. Ooratantly on hunt TINNIERIP 21ACREINIC8 AND TOOL& Waitamotes,.llo.ll9 lint &nd ISO &nor! n.rseA, littabwestt. PetUV& SirSpa:lane:a ol eappet cal to,s,syr dettrod tera. mrlitdirdy'r jr,C•To Nervous Sufferers of. BOA grass.—s esterend gentlemen baring be. re , dared to health Ina lbw days, after undstC , lnt dl 'l'', the usual =tine and Isteralar expenetee rendes . tit ' treatment. without 'success, anudders It hie litintar.-Z. duty to ceumattnhate to Ids afflicted tallow cutabefee.; l i the lousy or air's,. Hence, on the recalyt ot . dm ad etiveloPo, bo int mad (cm) a copy.of pros:dation mod. Direct to pr. JOHN U. D4O. BALL, 780 rul ioniteCe 11*14a, S . Y. DIITOHE - LIGHTNING- FLI•EALeII supplied a wait Mt try, array Fwd lowneketier. tlltat7 dant will kill *gnarl Flo:4? r . las awl ilanember that it If DINO that does this, and nib" the bite italtattOtg , - Us awed. Unreal lirtkle Jim? tale byallreapier able Drnt>ial • - A. rAHNXIITKIIMEON a 00 wanes el JIM and woid mvesi;, joittawdsw? • . wed o. jaeROBINBO/11, & OHM* mom to Easottoa, Nam Inttuttojl'aftatitt* L• Wont", Tototozito Azo Ittratouro, Pittaboxikbt- - -;"!' Maziotacturers of MOAT' Mtn STATIO.OLT erns- =arm; nen IZMIR; Attz,Zr`' 12111.1115 G, onarrinch carp":..rl IXGB, of all dam folk= TANEB Xrr/W. - ZOLIMILAItD BECKET WAN WORE. • 'Agouti tor GII/hULDI PASME,Fr 1WrEQZ0;110%..,.41- for hears lkilara; - - ' . Ear !JOHN: COugzazi...w v klaid.t.ionnozunnici.xottt; , • can *Am DoosaclrawfjortatiNC. wuniow atriaDs.so.atiat teTtard rtzteS batrinVOS - *Arai/ 14 . , '` 2 *!• "- Hams as hand am*VittasiteFf!tatA•titcyi% doi plathotetabbldrigiigiViair, • . Tanknilarstiitt*iciaistA orriZEßAird- fIL WORKS. ZOne, Mater Wake abirpuntuago,,,tiketany Touy , ssuresd; ma 1,1,1 W . a Wlmse.r lo - 13 /4au5z . ,: r...; risaitutassot o=o qUADCI2I OMB aad nzgoloras. _ 4.01 • airAo.llUlInD on, wzimarus noproks.-• 1.41 ta-t:2 ors.: guns son, rearrec. l t: in solucis unurszio.BlLlA OP CL - 44 , i 41 citANOIr MnPi1a04.13.9 OP DEPoSTaillAnz Horn Awn s.exaroseon ambit gum; nation gnu on an,thaDibigultitise...- oti annitaxttthiptoltdEltates. • • 422..4; iftratlititY• iL.VOLLIEts; westera ANDoonmsoaq snamturr b i, swami.- deg* . (1,141 Mt surrpizpin* Itan,iiiditoduce Oins,rfilt; Sb rittsbuter.-ps. • 14- Qllol' GUNS, Vit•Urrit ana haltticrigkelool4l3l4ooll. infri,rbt,corsar,... • - aro. 004: ofoltiD :tint LTi r,i7r4 . - ZWAts p*T2epii!omy.. s ;.. ,