The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, September 30, 1863, Image 4

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    gittslamh •Sazettit.
10/07.11.E44 ,4 n GANOL
From Yesterday" Evening Edition.
The City councils and the Police . with
Committee. -
An animated discussion sprung up lu Com- I °'
mon Connell, but evening, upon a suggestion
that the President should appoint a member
to All Rober ts . cancy wised I by the resignation
of Kr. R The worthy chairman of the
Police Commit% Mr. Barchley, 'Wed that
they bid not had a quorum for the trauma
Nog of business for about two months. Both
members from the Select branch, Mame.
phillipa and McClintool, had declined to act
with the Committee at all, wt4le Mr. Behinds;
of the Common Conic% did not meet with
them, but he believed he still - attended to the
necessary duty of !signing the warrant' for the
payment of the pollee. Mr. Barak's, and
Identgemery met from One to time, bat
the other three members beteg absent, no
business could be legally transacted. It was
stated, however, that the next day after the
regular time fixed for the meeting of the coin.'
taste* one of the other members would go to
the Mayor's offieis and fix metters up with the
Mayor or his clerk, so that the men managed
to draw their pay as usual.
Dr. McCandless, Mr. O'Neill, and other
members, denounced this.-procroading as ille
gal; While the President and Mr. Steel stated
that it-was nothing unusual for members of
the committee to give their signatures for the
• payment of money at times when the commit
tee was not in session. I
Dr. bi'Candless asked whether the- Police
Committee had approved the •appointmints of
the Mayor, under the late ordinance regu
lating the police?
Mr.Bareirlay and Mr. Montgomery both ex
plained that the Committee had never had a
qaornm. The appointments had been sub
mitted to them, but they could not legally
approve them.
Dr. bi'Candless then remarked that the
whole po!ioo business was drifting into con
fusion, endi ce (i interests
Committee should:be legally
constituted, and composed of men who would
discharge their duties properly. Be argued
that the polioe appointed by the Mayor, with
out the- approval of the Committee, were not
legacy In the service of the city. Ile there
fore offered the following resolution, which
was passed by Common Council but not
reached in Select:
.'.Reroloed,'That the Police Cs remitter be
instructed to sign no warrant for members of
the sight pollen, whose appointment hao not
been approved by said oommittee.
Gen. NegleiN netseat.
• op !Tap° aden t of. the Cincinnati Gault.,
wilting from the army of the Cumberland,
under date of the 17th hot, gins the follow.
Dig in reference to the retreat of Gen. Negley
Gen. Negley moved from Stephens' Gap on ,
the morning of the 10th inst., strictly in com
pliance with orders. Gan. Desecrate Maulf
believed it practicable to seise and, hold the
gaps in Pigeon Mountain, with a compara
tively email-form The rebels have them-
Olvetadmitted ranee, that.,lt was their inten
tion to surround and crush • Gen. Negley,
whioli they were only prevented from doing
hy his wise and timely withdrawal to Ste-
Phone' Gap. Deserters heard their officer'
sky after the flea that they (the rebels) ought
to have captured us considering the fora
they bad. Parts at least of Leddell'e and
Polls's brigades of Clay borne's. division , were
*ritually engaged in the affair. Thirty-three
graver of rebels were found near the stone
nee, from behind which members of tlusllith
end 24th Illinois, the let Wisconein, - and
4ther regiments, poured into the advancing
rebels suet terrible volleys. Prom this we
ratified " - tified in concluding that the entire
V" . _Ca was at least two hundred killed and
"4:litrged. brandy a man of ours wu cap
,fittaed; somethat were missing have slue re
:"turnod, so that our entire lac of over) kind,
:will fall short of fifty.
I eenolnde that, so far from its beiog looked
""upon ask disaster, the safe retreat of Gen. Neg.
;ley from Dag Gap to Stephens', was one of
.• the most brilliant little episodes cif the war)
:!ikad that meaty ra day will pass before the
l' Sleds under Hill or Baekner, will attempt
another realise charge upon our troops,
4:Whether they be advancing or retiring.
Vegetable Dealers in the Market.
In the Cemmon Coanoll, last evening, a
petition was received from twenty two "mer
ehaths and dealers doing business in the Dia
••• mend hisrket," asking Coattails to grant
them, and such parties as sell for them, the
" same privileges 11l axe granted other citizens
of Allegheny county, to. wit: to Big on Mar
' ket street mit stuff as is tessonsble and mu , -
hatable, at a rent of twenty-five ants per
': day. As we understand it, this potitWi
comes from a class known as " vagetahle deal.
ere,” who import large quantities cif fruit al*
'••• vegetables by railroad, both from the east and
... west, and who claim the same privileges to
".:•. sell as are
:4• mitted to our farmers and
..jtome produeer•s. e These me claim that they
'• are doing a service to the consumer, in fur
' elating articles of daily neoessitYrat a less
cost than they can be sold by home. roabosra
••, aaii they assert, in consequence of their nn
' dateline our own gardeners, the mad dog
' .cry of "huckster" has been raked against
them, and an effort is now being male teens/
them tram market altogether, or sesign them
affseatetition in the of the ma •
iss will
p ally • kill their ba sin ss. T • petition
was referred to the Market Com Mae, who
will give it their caret* attention, and take
:.• sash action as will best promote the interests
• of the city and the public at large.
RECTIIit Lag in tu• 23d Distry , i- - Lai ge
lionnties Offend.
We tetra that the Enrollment Boardnof tie
23i District have received orders ftern the
Wet Department to open a recruiting dim
and pay to all recruits the bounties now
authorised bras governziont, namely: $403
for veterans, or men who have been in the
savior for a period of nine months or more,
and have berm honorably discharged ; and
$3OO far new recruits, or men who have
been in the screw for a lees period than
mine _months. These, are liberal ' bounties,
even illaPPoool3-,thetthe mbellion,shouli con
tinue fora year Sr twoleare longer, which
by no MIMI probable; The large! some of
mine, nrAdved lathe way of commatation,.
by parties dratted and not,wishing to serve,
Gan now be paid by the governmentres bounty
to those who are willing to serve. It le be
lieved that more men can be obtained in this
way than by a draft, and if voluateezbit
der these terms should prove satisfactory,
another draft May not be required. Thole
meizieg fall infonnaticn on she subject can
obrainltot ler laltation to Captain Kicker.
VldLttron cdssitrreas.—Wa an glad to
syncing at unusual activity and Zeal In
the' several diet:den of the county. - Lags
Vltibasee Oeseinittees, of encellent and patrt-
al* eltissakiliave•bean appointed, 'with a view
of prepsrl4 , for the straggle on the second
Tuesday of October,. now ICY am at band.
If thus Donludttess . ll o trillorolillf to work—
nu that even Vision voter. Is properly assess
ed and qualified to enrolee h elective Ism
ail*. and then see 4o it 'that play Union
vote is east for the ticket. we shall 11010911011
the news of a vlotori which will cheer the.
heart of every patriot In tholind.
Mural Itslars,--It annemed that
Bonds J. Orund, mroonUy the prinalball
tor e the Ago newspaper, sad - cos of the
distinguished Democrats irk Ponasylta=
ea, has whaled into .the Union limy and la
; lOW torktog m
stamp salls ' for Custimaai
Agnew. — Ha writs Domocratof the strictest
faith, and at diet' irontaland Woodward and
Timis. • •
it &sauna Oarroam).--Dt.-0. WWllag,
_ tan, at_ Carllsla, Mslibult._llarpos d4O
-24tkPalasyllanta Wald; was takaiiptbo
awg by pm yobab, ant lbalfhlt•,,ealablz
• 811 12 _ 111 11h - Vl4l ll2l at an tbs ,t7th at Aural,
amain/Amp, at, thatplawi, of a mato of
womulal soldiers. Mph now 1140=113r la
ODUW- bat—sll4-aa -41041,- 10411 be ill'
l '' 7: :
::- :: - t 11"111' '. LI 1 ~" - - '
Iressirriistinums.• 44 irlon se7 • ebsega
tin tiobiltaid . or for Pratt : &
la's,Catl j fi
at s l t l b atd u ia m
thou i .. Wha 410
-' &a stata de Jai a Ma
ust Jaw rtaed
day night Usti to swab 111,1 td al.
—. . - .. , ! -,7. !:_•::'''.: -, i , ::;: - .7i,,4.'..:',. ,- ): : -.
, .._..,.:.„,:vc....."...E;5:Pi,,;;".,.:cTi-z;t7-ij.'"-'
R;;V: ' ,ll.-Z,' ' ''i7.2,...4iv,..J' A' ','-' ' V, ';'t. , ';'glV ., : 7- '. , i' . .i;e.liTi?i;;;:";f:A . -.T....,..","'f-',-...•-•'''''''''''''''''' '
... -
Habeas Comas Case.
la the. Coat of Common Pleas, before
Jadges Starrett, Mellon, Stove and Brown,
this morning, the habeas corps.- cue, foi the
body of Ann Rogow Pleidles, se orphan,
noir tt thlt Atlas of the St. Pears Bomar
CiettU2llo dejlics, vasagain brought up. The
orphan vas bound to the Orphan asylum So
ciety of Pittsburgh and Allegheny (Protest
ant) on the 15th of Deosmber, 1861, by and
vith the consent, and et the wish of It* am
ain of the child, before her death, Tbi:Lry
hamlet tweet been able to obtain penciller'
of the child from the relations of the deceased
mother. and it now clams possession of the
• itappearr that after the death of the mo
ther (the father *leo being dead) the 'grand
mother took tare of the child fora short time,
sad rultuguently an aunt Oa t hd placed It
In the care of theSt.Paorlic) Orphan
Asylum. In this transfer of the (Mild, there
seems to have been a desire on the part of
private persons (not the Catholie Asylum) to
hide the child so that the Protestant Asylum
could not
,get it. A. 0101. on arose u to
whether the rroteptaixt Asylum should not
Pay the Cathollo Aryltm for the keeping of
the child since it has boon tbot trotligitiolO
Tha ease was postponed till Satuday, Octo
ber 10th.
Tel Lanus Of the Allegheny Aid Society
for the et* and wounded spiffier", will meet
in a room in the basement of Dr. Prouty's,
every Thursday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. This
room has been kindly offered ae. -Hitherto
we have met In the allies Davis,
for which, and many other boon, we thank
him. We earnestly ntge the ladles of Alle
gheny to some and meet with us. We are
sadly In need of helplog hand" to sew. The
certain approach of Inclement end bitter
winter, and as pertain sugaring of thousands
of wounded men, call upon all the friends of
humanity for their aid.
By order of the President, -
Mu. P. B. Bursor.
A Baton Mimi° will be held at Clinton
Finley townsbip, Thursday, October 1$
t ' ,
at istte teelook. Add:uses sail be delivend
by Dealer McCook, J. W. Fletcher Whit*,
Esq., Col. Thos. M. Bayne and Ohara. All
are invited to attend.
Tee State Pah OaMOZI3IOOS to-day, at Nor
rtotoe n.
Gen. Ropecrans 9 Operations
Especial Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Ohtsits
Patnansirais, Sept. 29,1863.
The Army of the P 01.002110 has neither ad
vanced nor retrograded. There Is no news
from It.
Gen. Schofield'a military polloy Is dimmed
by the Missouri &Nation. A committee of
ore from *soh congressionnt district tf the
State, with ion. Paine and Mr. Meredith, of
Kansas, will send a memorial to the President
on the subject, and his removal will be insisted
The colored troops now In the field foot up
to thousand. Their guard duty is
curiona. They fire first and challenge snar
-1 wards.
The expenses of the Qaartramaster's De
part/nett, for the year ending Jane 81st,
foot up to four hundred millio 2 dollars, one
fourth of which was spent for clothing.
There is nothing from Charleston.
Abundant rumors are afloat, but nothing
tea gible.
The redoubtable Shanks, of the Now York
Hare/4, reiterates the impreznability of ben.
Roseerarie position. The heroism displayed
in the field by 031)0110 Thomas, and others, is
worthy of the immortality of Berne—nor did
Greece even exceed it.
It is a fixed fact that the operations of
Rost:emits, which resulted in the occupation
Chattanooga, were prossoutel upon his own
plans, and not interfered with in the least,
but the movements and engagements subse
quent, we:o made by him against' his own
ladgment, under positive orders from Wash
The fire eater, General Roger A. Pryor, who
irmatanded the Florida brigade, was, with
his staff, reduced to the ranks, for cowardice,
when engaged against our ossuary in the late
skirmish along the Bspidan. The General
was slightly wounded.
Emerson Etheridge, backed by prominent
Union men of Tennessee, is endeavoring to
obtain the consent of the administration for
Gen. W. B. Campbell to heinaugurated Gov
ernor of Tenn on the ground that he was
voted for in the various Counties on the first
Thursday in August last, the day fixed by
law for the election of Governor in that State
slats 1835.
Burnside was at Knoxville on the 24111
bet W. J. J.
Intemeting from Washington.
New You, Sept. 29.—A special dispateh to
the World, dated Washington, Sept. 28, says:
It'll stated in well informed circles that Bose
crass had been reinforced, op to Saturday,
with about 18,0110. men.
A special dispatch to the Tribtas, dated
Wuhieston, Sept. 28, says s Beoent arrange
ments made for the exchange of prisoner.,
between Gen. Meredith end Commissioner
004, embnourall prisoners oaptared up to
Sept. 11, 1883, amounting to about 24,000,
and Mena, at lust, 40,000 btu: hands. The
terms are the same as before.
Om cavalry are bully engaged in picking
up and bringing : ln delte,re and sbagglera.
Mo e n Gen. hea ds end • number of
°Moen dined with John Miner Botts. Ile
living onitrUy on a reoently purehased teem
Intar =paper.
John,Xicioles. a GM.* of Missouri, ban
be= tried at Je ff erson City, Won • military
commission, for being • gorrilla. Be was
found guilty end sentenced to be hug. It
has bsen approved.
The opinion of Judge Levis is that the re
ceipts from theinternal revenue will be more
than itillatint to ply the lliterest on the pub
lib debt.
A few days ago, Gan. Heintelemett, while
riding In the neighborhood of Soma Creek, . ]
with a portion of his staff, was °hued by a
party of guerrillas, end narrowly escaped
Ilaringthe pest form week., upwards 61 400',
deserters from thmy et - the Potonsen have
been arrested in t h ucity. A hard' was mute
yesterday, in Georgetown, of men who have
itun meking • business of enticing soldiers
from their regiments end clothing them in
attune' gerkand then bidiaring them to of
fer tiutmselees as imhstitntes.
A. special to the nue dated Washington,
Sept. 28 says t Adview 'received tight from a
correspondent with the army of the Pottasse,
'represent all quiet up to this morning.
IC ululated
s p a t . a lf snifters. of the
Iduriennevtas , t for the Anal ,
-year. ending Awg..3 ,61 111883, will amount to I
somewhere In the borhood 01 $376,000,-
01 ma Otothieg - arm alone will swat;
Sew upwards of 2100,000.
Bodine of Meader. Army..nimors
of DfeasLern AO Itoseerans.
111Lancluarrill5 MOO or ran Forestay,
Sept. 18.—The Mexican Genelal Cortex ar
rived here with a view of impeding the army.
li. win 2111111 W the army by corps, a nribiw
Imvitig been ordered in compliment to him.
The position Is imobanged from former re
admits wets 'stoat in Widdattpri tut
craning that the Unitnifolvie in en=
4* .1.1.040 had aset- p
but nothing dedslt e ' hid been • aseeitained
Stond the 120 Disobedient. If unfavorable
newalied Wen vomited bf the Government,
ithat been 2ept 'minted sewn trim 111:010
. who titsig,yke*sush Intablerma,
- r4iiiitAnhif.llllqt. 29.—Thisiban
Log Staf f from New roans on the 22d, has
aulud, burbling no illms•
From New Orleans.. Bread Riot at
ift o bue...sieanier Hannibal bunk.
Haw yeas. Sept. 29.—The Warner Milton
brings Sew Orleans papers to the 20th.
The rebel blockade steamer Alice has been
There wee a female bread riot at Mobile on
September sith. The government ordered the
17th Alabama to put down the disturbance,
but they rein:lei. The Mobile Cadets eseayed
it, but they were forma to fly by the women.
Peace was Axially restored. The rioters open
ly deal/zed they would burn the city if some
means IMO not devised to relieve the dbtrese
which prevailed,
The Viekeburg prisoners at Mobile are suf
fering greatly, and declare that if ever forced
into the field they will desert in the first bat-
• le.
The steamboat Hannibal, of Bt. Louis, with
• fall eargo,was soak this meaning, dept. 17th,
five miles above Donaldsonville. The passim
gen were saved.
The Potomac Army--lbieneral
Sept. W e i27.Evethng le looking quiet as
peace itself. hold all the fords of the
Rapidan, with a front of twenty miles. The
enemy is beyond centered at Orange Conrt
Howe, and based on Gordonsville. They are
waive and on the alert. Their vigl'ance at
all points seems unusually severe.
A niece of A. P. HUI in Culpepper is very
emphatic ln her assertion that that General,
with ail bit command, is still In the army of
She Rebels on one Situation.
1/011211/38 Mormon, Sept. 29.—The Rich
mond Ea:miner, of the 26th, says, after two
distinct efforts to capture Chattanooga, the
enemy still hold and are strengthening that
strong position ; meanwhile our situation in
Northern Virginiahas become critical.
The enemy is preparing far a general attack
on the Rapidan, and massing forces at Culpep
per. They are also encroaching on railroads
arid livers, which shows a determination to
Raid Through the ethenandeah Ex.
' New You, Sept. 28.—A special to the
Herald, dated Washington, September 28th,
says: It is reliably reported that the rebel,
hare concentrated a force of some 10,000 strong
at bionntJacksan, with the design of tasking
• raid through the Shenandoah Valley.
Heavy artillery Sting was heard this morn
ing at Bonbon. It Is supposed to Is at
Meson Perd. Ther a aro no
Segundo' ments.
New YORK, Sept. 28.—A epeeist to the
Tribune, dated Cincinnati, Sept. 28 says:
News from Knoxville is to Thursday. Burn
side was still there. No signs of rebel move
ments. The rebel Gen. Jones is close to the
Virginia line.. Part of Burnside's force has
gone on an expedition into South Western
Virginia. Important remits are expected.
Arrival of the City of wastangton.
Cs?' Rica, Sept. 26.—The City of Wash
ington, from Liverpool on the 18th, and
wenstown on the 17tn, passed to-day. The
news will be telegraphed as soon as the lines
are in working order.
TITI.BDLY, September 8311x—There appears to
hare been a alight panic in the Neer York
gold market to-day, as pirate &deices re
mired:thicCafterrnoon, reported the market excited
and firm, with sales at 143—an advance of 334 per
cons above the rate of Tuesday. There le, as yet, co
specific cause given far this huge cad onmpected .4-
Mace, bat it is owing no doubt to the rumor tbat
the "Army of the Cumberland" had met with another
emients:dleasteri and it le not at all improbable that '
this rumor was originated for the very purpose it
has accolikplbthed—advancing the rate of Gold
Thelboldeca; of the 7.30 jp cent. Tceaeury Bond■
will receive on the Ist of Oct hex the extra dividend
of 35(40 per cent. upon the Gold in ihlch their half
yeacly Interest, 361 per cent, will by paid. The In
vestment is thus minuet to 10 per cent per annum un
til the Ist of October 1804, when they aro convertible
Into the loos I per cent. Stook of 1881, now worth
107 per cent. to tim market. The holders of the 620
To ;us' Loos will be Wand In like mutt or with an
extradividoni on the let of
,`November, the premium
on their half yearly 8 par caul caupon raising Liao In
'raiment to about 8 por cart. per annum, which
&aide from the superior nature of the eau, ity, Ia far
better =plot meet for money than two.thirde of the
Shams and Bonds now ailing on the Stock Y.:change .
at extravagant premiums. This Popular Loan can still
be anbaribed for at par and accumulated interest.
is estlmatal that the Rocky Elountain mines
will this year yield Prouty millions of dollars to the
tuitional supply.
The eeles of the 6.20 loan by tie 0 ,vernment
Agent on Saturdsy were larger them on any day du
tug the Put week, rea.hlng nearly • million of dol
lars. The demand has bees ate/slily on Ibo increase
for the last throe or four days, a comeide - able portion
of the amulet taken bong by put!es Intending to
rum It se a base to , banking.
The following Berns are from the New York Times
of Monday:
The dry goods trade Is quiet, end the jobbers are
metal to buy only for mmediate wants. The im
portant eve Sun I a their prices, beteg modelled that
the rate , for gold and excite:4e aru more likely to
&deuce them to deo in.. The high rates el a:clangs
hue enabled perdu to eZoVata .orne orders for pro.
due to ahlp abroad. Teo produce exports for the
woe* were $2,616,366 to legal tender notes equal to
about 82,000,000 to gold, while the Iwports wen
12,842,756 in gold valuation, showing an raceme of 40
per cent. In ate marchandim imports beyond produce
exp - rm.
The day's bttlil3436i at the ;dice of ito Aulatant
Treasurer of the United istates ea as (snows: Re
ceipts, 85,640,4tbi 73 ; inaludlog fa customs, CU;
216 II; minuets, 51,651,059 65; balance, $36,647,-
326 61.
The Import entries of the poet week anoent to
82.834,7150 against $4,272,876 Ranee week lest sewn.
The export clearances of Domeetio Produce asiount
to $2,1346,366 against $4,131,421 ume week In 1863.
The export 01 Specie le $1,412,000 against 51.126,1000
641138 week List year. The Unatema for the week are
Bltumboolut coal le now gelling In Louisville, Ky.,-
at the enormous price of 65 cents per bmhel or $l2
a cart load. /t 11 now beyond the reach of many poor
I Anglia.
. .
- -
Tosenav, September 29, 1663.
GRAIN k YLollll—Whet is in hound •nd Linn
alto 'mall tales of 11 d from wages at ,$1,10a61,12;
tale from depot or 2000 bosh at 51.10. Corn is very
drat with but little in meriudi rale on teak of 1 Mt
Shelled at 90c. Oil, slim, are stlll at from 70 to 71 0
by the car Iced; ale of 1 car at 700. Barley Is steady'
and may be quad at PAO from wagon. /17 0 firm
a1165(3900 from drat hands. Lour la Sas, .ospcially
choice grades of Extra Fatally, and we noto 'oleo
Cum dare of 170 bbl. at $6,C5, $0.33 and 6 0 . 50 Po r
bbl, according to quality. By. flour haw advanced.
and may beg uoted at 56,65 to $6, 516
4211005/111123—The mutat is very firm and sum.
what suited, In canape= of the advance la the
Rut. Saha of 15 Mils Chats. Saga at from 19% to
Inc, end 10 hhda New Orleans at 133 c. Coffee is
firm with en upward tendency; sales in lots of 60 by
RIo at from 31 to 32%e. Holum firm bat plat are
are irregular, and may be quoted y et from 66 to 6.1 c, ,
scooting to cruelty; we note small slice of strictly
prime New Orleans at from G 3 to 650—mottly •t
62%4035 also a 'sale 0(150 bbis old crop, to OW,
tads, 'knee. Syrup dun with sales of favorite
brands at 70 to no.
BILL TEED—The teceipta aro Imparting, bat
the hound appears folly equal to the supply. flab
of 1 car Bran at $l,lO per cwt. and 13 tow 011 Bea
at 51,76 per cwt. Itiddlidgo may be quoted at from
IRO to 61,66 per owl by the car load.
SEED!—Ttroothy feed is steady, wth sales from
store at about former quotations, Sale of 60 bah
Flu Peed at $3,00 per bush. Ho trauctions
Ohaer Sold.
111a—amthates to robe Arm, but prices Sr. us
champ& Pale on tracts of 00 Data al 51,00 per cwt.
Irma anger, Was at former quotations.
DOTTER 5095--ool•
alls of 800 pumas of prime
801 l Batter at 930; also 7 p 2Ws and 2 las do at
from 63 to Wu, the latter Oguro for strictly choice.
Eggs Wady with tales et leehlo per dot®.
01112111E—ds steady with a avatar &mud, and
we note tales la lots of 110 bat mime IVO at I. 2 )fra y
APPLES—In good supply and very dull; salts 0
250 Mgt in lots at $1,60 per bbl.
POTATOES--small Wet of limb impacts end Ptah
Illetrit from stars at former fates. Sala of 20 Ulu
.New Jassy Sweet Potatoes at $6,00 pa bbl.
SP/INZB--etla 016,000 Whit Oak Staves at $35
pa U.
ONlONS—tale of 17 blob at $1,26 per Global.
STAMM—We Of 95 bin Nadia= at 4% opts per
Hew York Petioleam
epssial Dispatch to tisil'ittaiesiil Galatia
ifiw Yam, Sept. ia.—Tbs market kw Shads Is
&aid dasitsi tally 1. sent to valcP; well
,alu ca Osage et DPAAFIteS4 E. IM4 ip-Dasslta
assiir, ii - OWNe
11,1 K10 °, (1101Vber , btliclgniklt and 0415
ass kw 24:member, esze owdon. Battasa. trim, mpg
hesto. Nrighs steady wieb aka of Bianot
atfa .0.
Pittsburgh Petroleum Market.
Elsorr.4s—lbe only new feature wets,* to. notice
In the Clime:kat today, in that Crude U a shade
higher, and we note a sale of 120 bbla at riy,c, pack
ages returned, and 125 bbis at 11230 packages inclu
ded. A sale of some 50;5130 bbl, in tent was also
effected, hot we ware unable to learn tke terms. Re
fined, In bond, U very quiet and somewhat dull,
though hoiden do not sum dboomrsd to maks any
concessions, feeling confident that the trade most re
vive before many weeks elapse. Tree oil la steady,
with a fair western demand, and quotations may bs
given at from 62 to 840 for straw color to prime whiter
It to but proper to remark that some of oar redness
refuse to sell at lea shoo 63c. Bauble 0 quiet with
small sales at former rates. Boddium Uet sally with
mks at i9.50--tsolders mostly asking
By the arrival of the 'turner American, we have
received Liverpool dates to the 16th inst. Petrels=
Ls reported quiet at 2s ffd for Befitted, and .440 for
Philadelphia Petroleum Market.
(Cabot A Pamberton's Circular.)
Barr. 26—The Petroleum market has been remark
ably quiet Mime our last report.
The demand tote
been umited, but the reraipte bare bees moderate,
and prime are unchanked • dales of KG bhls Crud*
at 36427 e; 400 bbls Befload, in bond, kr immediate
delivery, at 67058 o; 680
bb ,
far all October at 640,
and br llorember delivery at 04.9450. About 1,242
bbli free mid to lots at 6288. There are large for
thin or
here for both Crude and Defined st Ada was
below our qutations, The harqm Aden was
cleared for o.rk & market, on Tburwiley, bj Mr.
George ktoN.lnetry, with a cargo of 2.70 0 bbls Crude.
The Dam. Native, for the same deetinatlon, le new
the only vessel on the berth.
Sr poti4d from Philedelyble tints Jan. 15t...A476,27 0
same Woe last year 1,701,102
Increase this year --.776,06
lizp't from the United Cantos elms Jan. 1.:...24,324 434
" • name tame last year.—......... 6.342.33
Inczesst this -- .— "'"""" w ' lb
BoosWs for rho mock of
Tide Water Receipts.
lb* quantity of dour, wheat, corn, add barley lett
at tide-water duling the third week in Beptember,
the years 1862 and 1663, was a. fo!lowe :
Flour. Wheat. Corn. Barley.
bbla bosh. bash. basb.
1992 W---,600 1,868,100 1 1190 19,200
1863..........15,900 117,200 1,017,900 24,70
-- •
lko— 14,600 Dec-1,459,000 Dec. 116,91:0 inc. 6,500
The tairmitate einantity of the same articles left at
tide• grater from the commencement of navigation to
the 22d gept4 Uttar Inclusive, daring the semi 18V. and
185., t at go follows
Iloar. Wheat. Gorn Barley.
this. botch. bmh.
i1662..._...916,900 1 0 ,731,80 0 13.803 P ba
1551..—...723,300 11,183,60 16 249,800 60,110
Dec...... 118,100 Doc 8,022,6001n0.2,433,8420De0 804,700
Cbicago Market. •
San. 28 —Wheat wae ln fair demand Be shipment,
at a decline from S itnrday's prio 5 of . Ig9l%ctiir
bushel. with sales of No. 1 spring at $1,0501,03;
98priog etsl,62gsl,C3; Ilelecto4 44
4 _ " 97
W 414=
No. 2 lied inter at. 21,0701,1 0 and uejected
at Oicgisl,oo, Floor welkin ter demand and prices
were well maintained. About 3.200 barrels were sold
at 115,756111 00 for common to choice White Wlntbr
Extras; 25,60 for Bed Winter; 05,25 f..r Winter
Sepal; $5,3080,00 for good to choice Spring Extras,
and $4 00 foor Spring Superfine. The market for
Corn wu neglected and dull. and prices decltued 1%
631%e per Dalai, with light sales at 710 71 56 e for
bo. 1; 60%070 for No. 2 and 885.0 f.r rejected in
store. Canal Corn afloat wee quiet at 72467230
afloat. The demand for Oats wins light, end
thet mu
lct 1. alined 1544";520 per bushel, with sales 5
for No. 1; prmcipilly et 61)40 and Edo for No. 2.
Dye was in good requeet and peonwere well malo
seined No. I sold at 840115 c, and No. 2 M 2234 c.
Bosley was in active &mend at a decline of 24 3 0
per embed About 28,0110 bushes were sold at $l,OO
(011.10 for No. 2in store, and 51,154151,29 for lair by
on trank and delivered. Illeherbass wore in
ace demand and higher, with sales at 49c.
Cleveland Market.
Harr. 20.—Flon•; Salsa 30 bids from white whost
118.75 Wheat. dales •6 the Dowd 1 car choice am
ber at $1,20 ; 1 car choice red t. at 51,180, 1 car
red on II h P track atsl,l7. ri n d at 80c.
done Mem
Corn, Light roc Ipts, very Arm
Cate, Seady; sale 1 our on track at Ctn. Nye, In no
demand. Titers has been no receipts for over a
week. Held at 700680 c. Denier, Beata with more
Wortley Sale 1 oar at It 100. 12111 Feed, In good
demand, and ea Is M 520 pir ton at the mills, for all
grades ...Berea
Toledo Market.
Barr. 20—Pinar Yates 800 bids extra rod wheat at
$1,50. 100 bpi, N.S. rod at $5,50; 100 bbli Ohio Mil a
at $0.501 100 Ws red at 25.35. Wheat--Baas
400 tut No I Whits ati. 122 o; 600 bu latch Dad at lr.o,
350 be Bich White at 132,iic; 600 Ma do ds at lac;
80230 0 n
1 I, Bd t
12 1 1 1 c 8 c4to 0C 5000 b
d u o Not
l a ,s t
C M O c;
No 2 Bed on pt; 1,400 bn No 2 Bed at 117 c afloat.
Corn—Sale 2,1..10 bit No 1 mixed se 730, at which
ura ttuf market claws shady. Oats and other grains
Baltimore C i lf . tie Market.
ESPY. 25--During the it week there has been
loss activity In Ole, bat pe t have been maintained
and close gam to slew of the light stock. Bales toot
op --mtgs. chiefly ((cm second bends, at V@
810 fur common to Prime leis,
1111pOrt• boy Railroad.
29-162 s ye min food. J A W Falrley;2s bp timothy
wed, G. .hem A Thome.; 14 bble liquor, Umtata A
Smith; 143 bge barley, W 11 Garrard; 1 car do, Josh
}Wades; 3 bbls apples, Rea & Kel .; I pkg. butter, P
Blom:lock; 60 by potatoes,l , H Volga & co; lir/ bye
oil meal, GI Flamm; 21 las oodles, 10 do map, Inc-
Collough Smith A co; 56 do do, J. Beiwzike; 10 do
do, 8 Evart & co; 30 do do, 11 DeraU & co; 3 care MI
bbts, Pennock, Ball & co; 25 bble rattan 011, Jam
Lycau; 127 oil bile, Lovt Wald; 8 Mu w001..1 1, bleie.
Mull; 10 boo cheese, Lambert & kblpton; 18 ply
produce. J Hinchman; 9 bill abeam. 6 dopAatoss and
apples, Wm Gormley; 7 do apple., Feuer & Ana.
stmaig; 16 by potatoes, ill 81site; 10 bbla dear, Idc-
Obirks Karoo A co; 13 balm raga, M arkle & co; 8
rolls leather, Seibert & Kellerman; 76 tble door, Jae
Madly Aar; 25 bgs seed.
ClavaAnn A Prrtudanou Ramboao, Sept. 28.-
313 bgs cies, 100 bble potatme, it B Floyd; 14 do nip
ples, 4 sks pouted., J Yangorder, 143 ibis app se, 3
crateecabbege, 10 ads onions, I. II Fag* & co; 13
cla;pmstoss, 43 ibis do. 6 bllll apples, totter AAl
ton; BWs app!ca. I Keyser; 280 bp iced, J W Far
ley; 25 bbl, direr, .1 F oyd:9 Ow tobacco, J Grasser;
187 all oots. P Alcll.ley; 76 bus cheese, 8 Bears & or;
ZS eke rags, .II (1 Iloeard; 10 bble apples, Wm fdc-
Chiteheon, 2 bees raga IA Kat tillabgb; 10 bble pearls
Brice, 'tinhorns A co,
A LLlOntnrt STATIO9-0 bmkata mgetablas, ta 0
Dues; 19 do, W m GUI; Z 3 do do, O. Battle, 28 do
do, K Ilarlatt; 80 do do, el Anderson, 6 do d0,.1
Patio; 7do do, J Waggoner; 9do do, Oda Gibb; to
lip on meal, A Taylor; 60 bbw Boar, A Martin; 433
bath corn, J H Bp0x; 2 cars 0 A.7. VwfillY I Kopp;
374 Mrs barley, W W Anderson; 262 bg. middlings,
123bp bran, 163 do oats, / 11 Bp ar, 16 okgs begs,
Sloop= A Knox; 313 bath wheat, 11 T Kennadr d
1 Bro; tits pligs butter, Shah, Bon dr cn; 1 car *tans, A
ITaylor 10 hides, Bribers & Kellerman; 1 bbl egg., I
pkgs a.rd, J Bore, SI Milt egp, 7 do apple% ;12 crooks
Matter, J P Caldwell; 18 bp potatoes, a 43 McLean;
59 aka wads, Howard A ratterell; 6 bbls apples, fl
Dyer; 19 aka apples, I. W111;2 bbl batter, 1 do eggs,
El -henta
- -
W. 11.11.01-131=1*.1. 01111PZULX.........a. P. UAW.
awn= Pike sad O'Hare etzeota, Oast the Mg
eta Works, Pittsburgh, INartioreatwers of
GLIDE VALVES, of ell sime sad taillight.
Basing put up easchthery of line CoPildt7 add Of
tho boageeing, we ere ;aspired to do hem Job.
bibs, and solicit work in - thie uae, toasting that bp
prompt petrocage.ness, and the character of cal work, to molt
pa blio
We invite oedet ittentloa to cam BALANCED
edvantagen harotcfore aastadAsd to ib i s thine dtrauca. jan:t
Omer of Tint and Idterty Oho%
rrnautaton, Pa.,
80141111016 6Tkb.M MISGLEMI, MACI T.
Ito" An
SEVEBANOB, No. 53 Wins
to. littibb lacattaotarar af Bortmaurvirro,
waouon is
saMis,oonnoz AND souksooD,
eTell dVICTIptO I2 .
orp•zuettur died gaPad isrUnts and Ms
gyp, or wigs% suds to order at anti notice.
ooa assortm ent on hand. MOD=
117 ELLS, BIDDL7I a 00 4 ao. 2 1 6
VT gibeaay woad, oppadita
of an 8
sag woozymaandsouirers Wands,
doicaiptioa W
Odgdoda•olictdaagura go trade, luta gouda maw.
la ahlteulod wr oostave.
D& BENNETT,- Martrturtmuies
igirOmou aco• WASIIMOVII tia No. TT form
813.za1. Prersmiston. . zatkkyti*
100,000 APPLE TSZES.
Dan tine, 2.2. 2 "nal.. pep old, laelien oaths
oldvadattaii'and Guy owe on*,
aboi:uss via at Plltlldttiati , S and
dwarf. OHS aßl_. sv IDSSIMS.
onsp .LSO 08112.11511T/LL VMS. SOM.
OBSPa • VISO,' owns,' ostmoan
MANTA, 1611, ea. wham& 0.41 Met it Ves7
mail) prom JOON WISDOM!. J 2„.
eiti.aair Plttalsod vf
A dairy of unwritten bistoll.ffelAlho orpalfAWA
of Um Amy b 7 Noatallsa gboolow of Mb Cbtla; -
tblrirginfa. "boat the lint 01-4.00• 9 7.-
IV By Aitr.o:l.. Mit tbuyson of Use /Mb
- ibobtssibt INTloonds lbrusimmim
aabY's VI-
Ades, 41,091fLt - 400*
021 ..1411.A.A24111" *not.,
Nur" and i°7 al. lain DICRIT s 00.
. r ~`bwr~ . ..-. S .v... `..._lvY^~e :.uxr.:ti'597"~::i5K.R.2>~~4.i.~._~—v...u....._j..-...++a.55.....:z5iGd3...~.>- _ i.f~.~k3' 3uG..6~ M:~..S ... ~.5~ .i.f 6 _ d~
pRN 810 b. 8, BUITNTY & BACK PAY,
flilhltalL MAIN /Amur,
N 04103 "NI EL, third door Odor Or Clatikedra.
Woccdea ISolillsta, "tot have bean to tho db.
t iz a , 7 or neva! nice, a, Mr zi to , jlOO Ron=
=r o e abo
:t an , titt da t i o the $lOO floo . nt t t l y ti.d ito ta ldlen .
AM. Widows of Ocala, wile die en ere knoll to
the woke are entitled to penziano and the 1110 1
Bounty. Ca. ka.
Wilms' Galan, of miry da miptien. promtly at
tended to No chore made In any me ontil the
moneyoollikatml. tothlem-b
• • Zan sad Magi AIMS.
So. 114 Pi TH MISSY. fisishailt, Pa.
Oollarttote Inilfidiebs_ ay sad b°° 4
Proscuus 80 4BIBBW menas, of roirry xf
Von 1101TdiTILI, for all Ur:Urged Eloblllers,_• Pia
111017", etr ntousdad Odirere add Solddorrt rtO l3 P•
TIT& sod Pg 1181.089 to Widener, Pnrestd: Uroass
Oblldesn, Brotbors and Waters, or *Um lairat ma.
eartrattre of th roe wbo days tiled la the water, C 3
bars die t alter tlltelir tat tram dlrrato "entracte! Cr
ono da.rr wtll =WWI, set se 609 VW tra
""wand •••••• • damn I. .m ma tilialra's
WASTIID.—A Farm or Land,
oo any of W isitroad MOS. not overlo mita
teem the any
nod not erer two must from • stanch
It moat be ant quality soil with good building§ and
other naueovementa, and may contain from 50 to 150
aam, mom or law 11.117 person whales to well such
• term, may !lad a puroltaen b 7 eddreseing .11. B.
IL.GAIWITS Oates, Pittabargh, Pa," irtating 5. 12. "
ttoidarni 'born quality of kandon, number of
sena loteemeee.ots. sem. kn. 5e.5111
MONTIL—We wont
Sao ••meth opium. paid, to la
050 rt:TZ• a laboaa, Orisatal Eurvan, arid thlrteev
alba Dew, ossful sad =does anklet. Fawn cf./-
I:caul' emet fra. seams,
ssl&iiadswlf ell 4 W • rrt.sHß. Hldd.brd, lit.
10,(t0 1113811110 OF FLAX LLD,
For which tb. Wawa market price will be bald,
fi0.12.8 to.ond 'troth
ribltt FIUME Walk/010ER.
LWB HENT—The three-nary BRICK
I wAsietouss. O. 2 Wood street, too door,
troth Water street.
Tor terms apply to Muni HIM,
plidluadß, Bohn • O•.'N) _
corner 2d and Wood sneeze:
Fou BANT—The third otory of the
st.b.udi. OWr ga thawrabmiwv.
I•19:d BORT. ikeIiWOETTI.
11 1 0 LET--thao, Two of Three Morn
In the thtrd
with 'Who or GAEITES Band
tug, 111th Meet, ce eitturnt storm power.
Inontro on :h. preeolooh Whir
September 29th d
and 90th
186 and October
lit an 2nd. 3.
?fere',Man h about serventana miles went of Pail.
WA:4W% on the debnylkill river sad is eexcesible
byteto every portion ef Qua Stets.
grownds are beentihilly Steated, conteinhas
IS ems of ground, with iln• large buildings to
meted, together with large mond Streddicg. The
wreak Is said to be one of Me
half utile tracks In
the IBM. The premium , are the heaviest ever of.
fared by the Sociaty mounting to abort 0,000.
The premiums ibr all ;trade. of cattle mord gi,r3oo,
15.• of which are re each, 19 from FM to Fl 5, others
norm down to low Tete.. Bart herd not Ism
Am lb head, let premim, lad premium, SIM.
Boma for all grubs
premium. exceed SUM.
The highest FWD irt borne. Wu and po, and others
ranging from Fits Fla and IL Yoe Sheep and Si lee
the premialnr range born $lO to Sti and 115.
Yor Poultry there • long Art of premiums from
113 to 111 each. In the following clime mod liberal
veancons are offered PlaaelS, adth.torarDrillio
Wqpnr, Beeping and Mowing Machines, Ousters,
porn Shallere, War MIS, Pumps, Bucket; Tin
Ware, Lientbar aed Mannfactuna, Gee MUMS.
Itan is
Mantis, Butter Flour, Brain and
Vegetabler, and elm for , Domestic and Bow=
Manufactures, Goth, Carpets, Bat , rst. Mt=
Sheeting, Blankets, Flannel Shawl., Knit
eredle-leork, to , Bread, Oaltera, Jabs to.
Large premiums are offered for worry variety or
Trutt and atoms. The Floral Tent will be the
lanced ever credal by the Society,and will , orm one
of the most attractive balm of the Extdbition.
Trait, Orapes end Wino will be exhibited ha this
The Pennsylvania Bared and Maritime Bail.
road have arranged to wry ladder. for ttiien
to and Man Imbibition ?rapt ban reope ea bing bit tbs
forward freight to is prenaldirwhich will be repaid
shipper wham goods ere returned to the station
whence shipped. It le Doped to effect the woe with
other important roads.
Iscuralona at reduced rates will te run on all the
kading railrowia, be
Envies Gan made at the dike. to V=loolll4
et.le the ith day of September. Ali articles molt
be attend on the books on ar before Tuesday evrm
tog. Sept. italbitors moult Become Members
klemberehlp ISA, with four coupon Saute, each
which • ill adult oneto Um lair orice.
gig - s List of Prant — nres and Begrilattons can to
bed by addreersing the Secretare.
THOMAS I'. SNOB, Presides!.
A. B fIOWEB L 011053.11,
o's. amity.),
pceme no surrarma Bram, (opposite the Oust=
- Obartered by eke Lei*lslam
Proddent—Jl.KlB DABH.Ja.
Wm. B. mita, fkl. Sada.
Joke 7. Jensdep, A. Heineman,
Me. D. Itrealar, Joel= nada.
Mae. & Blair, Jacob fltackratb,
Franca Balboa Alm. Bradley,
Henry Lloyd. Alfred Black.
JAbmar= I
i T 4 l 1.2
A. B. tr, Jetwortb. 110 ca a,
B. IL Yowler, IW. A. Deed. Iwos. Smith,
J.W. Woodmen, B. 0. Bcbmeats, lu. B. Joao.,
F. Baton, W. Bitkatoon, & 1. krols,
J. M. Tamura. Is. H. Hartman, IW. H. Them
D. DL. Lan, IL 3. Andorran. 10.8. Herm,
Jr W. Banter, D. IL . Mama.
facretary and D. IL WKfIfLZT.
eardeny, from SI a. rs. to p. Alm, Sunday
flaterday mato" from 6 to I o'clock.
Deposits received of OHM Dlllll and upwards.
Dividwids daoland In December and June of mob
Dlvidende allowed to mato an placed t• tbs
credit al the depadtar prbtalpal. sad beer taw.
took," XL ;c•g th imU tw =.llpLatis. tu.turabbod
at tbe calm
corms care, eipsaidly to than per
wbres eerninp sot ma., the to
sa:rt aoo raddet% bY clan 41 Patitlb oar wad. • t
om .
which en be • Mum whoa needed, their marl
=Aft peke but boring Wine% lusted al
auprodualve. toyll,lseustres
41M111.0111111111% DlLMaltirr.
Ormosav Tieseronexust,
T. Aug. 24.
• The week of tbe samHIPRIAVA VAL.
Lit" ail.sba now lbs. Er ao telov fielletin, to
the Combatant neer.
Alecialmersook of the Weelft , l' IITIIIRLi,"
am the heed of Bergeth's Doge, to the Cumbes.
lend titer
The inethtsseL boilers end hulls of the atom.
MN/ beets are molted u to be good.
. They will be sold et plic suction .o the highest
httder, as the be DAP übpu b p
feuposigg, 1809.
ofty of Olostoosti Oblo,ln Root of the ass of Cep.
Tams tub, U. &Treater, Dotes.
By oast' of Brig. Deo. UNLIT ALTXII.
Captain red 5.11. K.
12014 1 / I .!r & FREWi
Producertandltefinersbf Petroleum,
lt ALB lON OIL WXllo,lr€o2uP Ow.
13101ZLIA111" 011. W 02.101.10011 Stm.
014811411 T mum FBI. I
sresphrili 1743100 D MILT.
iMS 1111/ TN ErOXI
Dozi4azolodnitosboaS vidch vM be via
so airman atinusao. allay
Ammo? dortyrro Omtd,
mer dad Idd
Wa4tdnitO eM tet i lSg
DUBUC -6AL A) . ND M N i
1 /MIX /MS will tad* oleo at tko tkotl, Dom
Obortstary Mb city, so Um
dd. letb sad Mb days of the math. Tba ptopOrty
ts toodlosed to ands tor pobtlo =Om
toonsooco at tOoNdook &a of Oka ity,
god be aoattonsat toys day to day mil Ow mat*
lobiuld shall Darold.
Tann odd. is Gar.orirlas room. • .
ci. !omit=
Oat. and 111„,, 11. 8.
ODD 110 for sae b
on • Lazo Sows, in *9oi gni.
0019TL151110 61 2.0111619,
All order fence, and lo a good acids of cultivation.
The ImproTersauts wads! of • new BRICK DWIL•
LING, contalsdrg 10 room.; tarp 7EAIIII DAWN;
TILISIABT BOUML, with 6 room. ; and good orchard
of young trees. COn.l. water the whole farts. Olt
new In Baldwin township. abbot eve labs rim the
city. Inv** of
BAILEY, TatEMU. el 00.,
Ste. 113 fourth etrrot
BALL-71es bete of Gab. 'Pastor. deo'd,
will offer at Puha° Sale, on Tie Ultima T, October
SO, 1361. one of lbw most teafrehle Farms to s 14-
.km'; monaty, 1 leg in Jefferson tore:teddy, 12 milos
bon Pittsburgh and 2% from the Siononphods
slyer, conteitleg 126 Serre-05 acres cleared and wall
cultivated. the remainder well timbered The land
stonetlty and Is well watered. Goal, Lime.
sad Bellding Steno, all f I the best quality.
abound on the premises. The buildings are flood and
enbetantisi, the dwelling end Guilt uses being of
Hand the barn a large frame, Treat of various
kinds is also plenty.
Also. at-ths same Vine, mery , Ledrab!* lot of SI
saes. owe-ball mile nom the firm, very convenient•
ly eituated, well watered ard to good condition, bay
ing thereon a good bowel log borne and frame eta•
hie, red some fruit.
Sale to commence at I o'olotit p. to.
Terms made known on the day cf sale.
For farther purlieu:ars ens S g t t
° bb. prestos:of
oe H NBT OdkvOil.
FOR BALK-A convenient two-story
brink dwelling house, with back burbling, Ho.
IS Rom street, Pittabnufgh.
Also, • large, =mama end well-fininhol threw
story brick dwelling homes with back building. No.
Ili Noss stroet, between lint and O•cond
Alan, a twoetory brick dwelling hove, with back
buildings, No. Sl2 Second street, war Hoax
All the above are In goad ceder, and rappliod with
gas and water.
All.. a one story trams cottage dwelling. No. !ti
&coed street, and the two-story frame dwelling ad
erltßoth of these baneful are In good order, and
ts hr small bonnier.
Also, a lot of ground an the northatelirxrdli lids
of First 41114. between Ems and Try Wee.% near
Rose street, having a front of St feet on rust street,
and extending tack GO feet.
The goys property le sitnetol In a desirable tart
of the city.
For terms of tali and particulars inquire of
No. 1011 Fifth street.
BALL—That line and extensive Grist Mill
property, consisting of • bergs lot of ground bonito"
on Water street and Youghiogheny rater, on which
US erected the f•Plomer *Mk" which la rearthdesd
with floe nut of bons, s chopper, sad all other son-
Weary nthetly toned in • lint Gus Merchant Grin
NW. The Mill fa pored by as nesitlnst water
power from the lOU rgbeety river . Connected
therewith are • large claa Dwelling and Lot. Coop.
or ahoy, Stable, /to The above property ts lowed
within Id perches of theltellread Depot, and to the
midst of an entendre ginla growing region. To •
pasty or company who can command a small nepitsl,
and with industry and energy, • forturoi is sure, in
Insetting In the above discribed property.
Tor price and terms apply to
math B ItleL•Dif re GO .ICr2 Fourth at
ARTY NOR Lots, 22 feet 4 tn. •
front by 110 feet doey to an alloy, with a large doubla
house, batsmen Hancock and Rand street. A dati•
table location fora Physician or Dentist.
Also, some fine building sites for private rmidenora
r lainamillo, from % to 1 emu tact,
Also, a large numbor of building lots, of various
clue, of from 25 to 50 feet frint by 100 to 150 feet
deep, situated at the terminus of the Wylie Suet
POSSIMgar allbrZy.
Of P OC th %Ve r t ig W. a. II elbsia
NM = It. O. HINtRON.
PUBLIC BALE.—WiII be exposed for
eal ( betty dm 29rst DAV OP 00 1 VBEEt, that old
quarryr known as WALLA CIN'S Q170.1111Y,)
containing 10 roues,
6. more
V or leo, 10 miles from
Ittaburgt, on the .V. h. It., to Plum too nobly,
Allogheay county, booing • front of 417 perchcs on
the river, • hullo home ud Made. a number of
thotal, temallig apple mem, .1041 never mho trnit;
.• I=o tallty of rock f.r grindstones, of al plots;
hundd porches of rai lroad e, already
guarded, one $ platiorat at the ready far
loading. Thh lot would answer for oil rellnorice,
or aay one that would wisn to go In the stone bud-
Terme med. - known on day of nee
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock w. to.
Plum 7p.. Bent. 10. 1F at
V WROPtlllif 103 BALL intents near Otoke.
town. Twits minty, Ps. A tam of 43 acres, an
der good imppmement, span which there la erected
a two frame Plotting Mill. with four rem of
stone and modern bapertements ; also a Baw Mill
tomcod. the whole L nearly caw, and to good
raining cider, and Is pared to run by dam and
Iratar power, as separate, IS may Co desired. Also,
• two stary mate ilerelling nene Earn, and the no.
canary outballdlnge. The land Is underlayad with
o a bank now open, which amass the
Yoe a merembentideactiptloa and farm apply to
O. o. DATIB,_ Rail saw. and lama= Aped,
Bailer anat. Lawrescrwille. as 23
UtOR BALE—Tausii Corenog Hams,
fronting= Bidwell street, lßegliree Legioo
&co= Ward. Allegheny. on the line f o the Zen.
duster Persenger balmy. opposite the resider= of
A. Unlike% Seq. Lots LW feet drip to • ten (*it
ere,. /rho, a =oboe COrner lot GTX, by 1103 f, bet,
adjoining the above p-operty, and fronting on All,.
Wahl. la mune. The bication heasy. ore of the most de-
Os elky. Twins
APPII to W. 0.00011, Ho in Ohio it ,
ppealte the brayorli Oahe, Alleghemy Cll7.
UAW& FOIO3ALE.-1 am authorised
a: to air for sale, am reasonable terms, a Tibbiff
OP LAB% sontaining swat 403 acres, situated In
Chic and frwiklba townships, Dear Perrysville, Al
legheny warmth and new ccengisd by J - olan !Wen•
sld axe Dons 103 sees &End and to good
the tract Is wall tbabired. contains cosi, and II
very valuable toe banningpurposes.
145 fourth street, Pittabwrgb.
COUNTRY /1.075038.--Boantifal
atooa 4r Oma MAIM tor la* la licOlars
townahtp, Ohlo tawaxi r"
olp, and BotoloWo Boronatk
All Mai lob aro within abort Minium of stalk=
omits litubnraly_Fort Wayne a Mann Saliva.
Magical:so! DAVE, old 2.0. Buildlng,
113.3 ell Waist iftwAt. Allachater•
FOR }SALE--Bonn Acres of Ground
sad a low Slaty Thick Hatlittag. Zagtne,
pollen sad Illacthtnery adapted tar • mann
beteg t ICO toot by 110 feet i call Fultaluud for
eae•ludl artglaal oat, by calling am
pg No.
93 Gnat street. Plttalaugh.
LI —The pertoereldy heretofore entitle` between
the eedent.ned. anew the style and Am of
MOLT& pLusgiam d oa., hes tide der—ert
renteze Inky 1263—been dluolved. The bottom
of the arra will he wiled by J. A. WOLIII or T.
CIAMPBELL, they alone being eetbcnized to do to.
Plitabanb.Putember PO, 7383.
aortas yymnroobad V. T. ?MINIMS Interact to
the Gists Badars. ft ortll to carried •n hereafter
under the style snd firm of WOLTZ, CAUPIIIILL
e.s. um JOHN A. WOLTZ.
—The partnership lardefrre wehtinttbetwien
tb tabmafteci, ender Qua Ora of rauaars.
TBEW 11 Ow., tuts this cloy been dissolved. CHAO.
LOCEILILBT end WILLIAMof 7 th e 0t 13.11W hulas per.
dieted the watts tartans her partner&
The bantams of the late arm will be .ettled by
tAiaßLt9 LOCUM &LT,
41211'M V. LIP P.
Pittsburgh. Leg. 10th,
VOTIOK—The undersigned having
porchsra th• tithe stmt hot the ion osi
tabilara brat of J. D. It anal& •rasld wyooap
to Ws old toratnero sod tho toggle hig t~ctst to
store 10 lawn orate rate/ =We b
W 00%) that s rate sad coralete Eon et Bed.
Ul4 ds r OW sad abanotas * loran ltadnais thihthi
en tabloid. end st loran rats
TN G. U. Ittinatioll, its. In Ultra Wait.
14111•4111491101 81:131N113% cod ,andb.l l 7
COMMA opsocamors• • ma ot rake ntegitty
owl soot borate tostitloorato. for is.. trans
to ton I vUt oottJane to eigen tttii Attplit•
• Ottneocattogoon, sod veill tst. Snot Ora=
to toratuolnhts to oil LadAs is a s
J. 5414101L1.
an nth. ust . Wan
rimm.or dew' Bag s iforsala
ZU - Sl6ll-11 - 1:
sad altar 110PDAT. Ann
Prrta. RIIIEBILTAMIL Pra"...rt
awns Um Mina: Wailes t =ammN 4 . .....tari
a. E .
.. as~d
b CO
urgh sod Phaafainta, sad saildsoZilirasmssa
Uctibt Nair Tort it PbOadalchta.
Tbs 113301210/1 MAIL TRAIN Issue ea Per
as emu lca nary nocataa pi a m aspaaay) tl
xao l EL, omato; only al .s.ts.. mad
inaktlg dtnaM
al NAM.
min .5 martnaboa. and Po Dar T via Thlts.
185 TPA= banns IadIAL
p.m..ll9Pploi OAa al stab.
dlraci cora Win er
Meau t =er . d . gar Nair Ink via Allaabrara touts
lA.6"nallicsalla Ma Mallon dab Azz i a
Casday,) si las p. llMMimicamO at
diatoms, coazumitogslUn In Bannon ad
Washbasin. and at ItlisallaNals Haw Tat.
LtX)0111d0DIVII021 ?Wm.
Taa Jobassora accolanpaann lasts maim WO
(news liscara MAW?. ay, stopiCon mild/ Main
toad Rl.ll:l2Jrtl tbr as.Ocmsicaalib.
Mist Aexamiogalkat Testa fcalJalrsasatfaa berm
laity (nowt Scaday) ailtBo a. ei
erarcd L.m^s.Ma•U= nabs tz Wars Dann
Nava Gaily Vamps MOO a. or.
Third I Van
pave' (ncebt Bundy) it {9O p. sm.
Fourth Asoaansaailoa Tnb. to Wall'. seats
lona daily (=apt 15anday) if adDp.
Tao Ohara Testa teaotlWaillStattca nary Ca.
day at COX 0. U 4 t ntarang. Isms Pittstaimb al
Trani Wen- m littraarga r Allow
Dale.acrs 11:150p. au; Mb& W Ht
mn, p. ca.;set.l:ll3, MEC a. si.l
Mall Traba,lLM , a.m.; Jamaican
10:06 ITIMJ MCI !Mania Asiccalaodalall
645 a.
or.; Sneed Van etatia Mxtelsodalloa
ISMS a. to.; Thlrd Man Milian Almosmacdatlcs
L-40 p. sp.; licstb Mies Ctsnoa Aiscamolaann.
Nalltman_la3olMOasp ustrs with Ma
sLubio tt...,t0 Mama.
'Masts WasTwa and =nos seems at Mobs.
Ms Wended= vita Throcab Assxmosolallim,
talciasx4ol 4 4 sad Ilzpassi Tram NW.
and with Willmozo Inn= and Jobasiznra Ammo.
IthmbsiTectniaci d Orocam with In.
pram Trans sad Mail..niAraltousit with novae;
Anciamodatian and pamma Tzalm Tad-
The public willsassily to lads tatcradas
Zra t:ll , 4 4 us7Yest
c t trawl by' Oa
w l*aizstnab ossa
Mulactla Enpanad ca an y aboraints. Blatt
ballasted with aoas, 'Ws mitt*, tea ton Asa
WI taa pramtha spied and =tart ba eft
majr bits tkla lix.a with net paciasan.
0.1 how Itah-..-1518.80r hilthlszo.—, 06
Te PaliallPhb6.-. 10 50 Totisaciow—:. 8 SO
Ihrhlahn 65
thump choked it ta Matto = 01 tas per.
isa antral 3381hch1, to linsionarb. B6lsthin
=1 Bar Zak.
Posanhas pachhht Ahab beaus vlO7 le
i=sa hash. 866h0581 to &true halted. h
to tha ohtlar rah, Ctlngt frt "EMU
Whin Ms Chapin to sto/hpai.
E0T1055,-In cis of ha. too Ck^ stID hal
tlnar.iirE6cavnuttiala far MPhil_ oily,
ati Iry iat haohat 111011= 1
-,A,1 boss ohol6Bll Is
1688164-68- ord„lroma th
pot. t ot a excl. cr0t464101466 =tips mai pp
em 2 31 3 825 baZiO 5 P 6 ?8(A
At 61. roassyhhl6 066%.1 %Soli
'many owl Vont shoal.
/IL SO EL Alik
p may" -
B V Is H Azumiraue ;an -
KOWA% April 110th. BM ?tab= win Man 00
Depot of the Pannaltearda Nallroad. ta
burghs as fellows s
lepalwryl mit IMAM Ur.
rams Pittaborgli ISKI a. ia.1:0 3 Vim. r4o p.
do Wellsvala. &10 • MI P.66 •
do litsaleanVe 4:10 • kn. • a:521 •
do Bleating. 640 " lalia
Arrtsee !Scalds— AM • Beall • • &1// •
ma ansalmotellia andllailats with Rea.
temelliand "Mee* Barged and Central Oido Ball •
road tar ZanerelUsr, Pferwark.^oclonshoe. Bsnis4 DIE
tan, Indlaaleclis, /Bachenati. bratavilla, Odra,
Leo* Bt. &doh, and RD panto west and soitleset.
sod at Wha=lV Balthowe and Ohio Banat&
Okeidesal Yam
leaves LIB) a.•as. USD p.
do W 818 • It6o •
do ktO a COI A .
do &AS • &AY •
doIsSA rdo .
Hodson ---. 766 • &LS •
&seem at Cievalatd— P:10 • TM •
Oonnacting at Bayard with Tossrrins branch kw
New Philadelphia and Canal Dow; at ABlanal
ttsburgh, ran Wayna and DUMP Bansedest
Saunas with Atlantic and Gnat Western Witted
Greavaille, B<
d . and Balamarea; at I/Ift wl3/1 Oboe
and matztztati UMW tgr o =
F IL IL B. f L and
or trie%Wand Bahia
with &T.E. B. Dar Dendnalpy, Tolado, and also
E wa llsvilla Assoonunodation laves s& 8:50 P.
Bearroing taint arrive at ISIO a. in., &PO and
8:06 p. c 0... and 410 a. m.
=T he k to aU praostoant can be
at t Meaty Bisset Depot,
MEW' mums, mew.
And at Llitin7 DUN
Q. CIMSIBBBMILY, Tlckat A=s t.
Pas Duller In-CroMM to '
=WASP, Agent,
At the Ocenpany's Office In freight Iltatios. PS= 11
4.7 POOL, touching at QVIIINNTOWN,
Woos HAIMIL) Tba Tell know' dossor
tArerpool, Now Park sod PklLddplbOtoosoNN
Oomptoro totooded to ea • Solkno
OM o r WANILYGTON--......04t0nNh Oct. IL
01.17 OP zaeocumoma..........asozria. Oct IS.
CITY OP LONDON- ---13atiuda.
And way neceedtag datorday, ot soft, eras Pre
64, licath
ragabi• 041.4. itiandrnaild
"MI C431:11..«..41:0 N
do. Loudon— to 0) do. to Loam.. le do
do. to Ports.—. OS 00 do. to Pals— 40
NJ to Nastars 90 13) do. to MINN= VSO
Paseccort also lorroodon so tunny iscomab Szo•
tad's% Sat. its, at NoaNn law atm
Pam trom on IlooonstONn 14 NON
575, IStrerip, Thaw orb° NO to
wed for tbateNlodo tin bay tletsBs lure 9t 15/65
Tor farther tolarcutlon Noir N tbo Claspoto
MC& .10EX e.
15 DLL&
M at IfflollllloN,
Hood , Ant N ow has tbo
=OH ooliram
(COLL WAY L 11314
OLETATIOr IXO Haroo.porol,,
WzDEtBl6. I,eoo Horsocoirrs. • tow.
ODLIIIIDIA,1.0:411oroopoior. toorh
ANGLIA. 1.000 lloroo•Toom .000 tors.
Theroolpalltamt , Storm* dims ,m 011
tem Nov OM br IdToroora on anzowo llo
OSh of Ogober.
cl of from Limped to Nov TodrIPP
abel to rat straToloot to COMO
Aril sad 533 1 8t0carg0............-DO 1,)
latorsalloto 3131
Noosogots tarorsoTal oho to Landon. Po% HIMO_.
btu& Thin; BrIMIZZ. ltottorOays, Asian% aim..
limit Mai
torso frora_l4TorTool or 0•1143 to Hi* Ted lid
Boston. st&
far wogs 11 ohs ofico of Qs Apo%
123.11141. 13 Broody*
Lamar Joina, Iffooror.
or. D. 01013M+
Drialimffirookio Thdl33lo_
No. TO MULL Mod. 3330613 a.
C UB LENN.,=--Etaimxt fromaik
Urns," sad Qoariadawn, s2d b fold, or dm sqdr.
OW is currona. from How York, MOI to ger
row. Baits Gnu reek: Ant, to
titz "OLD 00138131T.'
Partorgen brooshi oat ht inn MAN NUL
BITANNIA to . it IdiapXo. loados. allow or
Cook, tor
Twenty-flvo Dollars.
Apply to D. DWELL,
Etyliessocl 2 ' oltooladi.g.
• OaTILLIT ItO:nd%
Ornas ar taw *on goarrassurrra.}
. • WrathlitaNit; et_diqr,ad.
Propos's ars Sothatat si. V )brsodasdasWs
atlas Ls tart Warm of CAVALEY 1101/034 to
todatrand at nombrgykrai
afa to coaddstod Ibri m ot
barns la tots at ma las WM tireatrats (
bassi to be fres - =Os (WU maim o%sta
WO. soak are (6) to saw Olsson on, ads
to Os odels.coaLesaly.tall; ft pod daskaadaaa
atom 01 &kola
Vs *tatty of Its Wawa* DO= bbalrealeeni.
amele be reeesabeed bY resesabersrasaa etas
gi % Wr'g raso u oarbartyre a tbadossi
ru&s Makes ot,th• Cult or tbs swat
Oast. or , tai.Ostiltd lads MOS AL.
ear=sot bib addrosed-to OoL 0. CL
xcalkt Qautannituucoritgr Sao&
sad to solorted oa its steeirphr" Per* •
llorssa." • 0.0. aatlT Lahr
LasaL Cob sad Obi Q. N. Cksable BMW*
VOTICII-411 a .
noelhett that thet aa l:Z i .,„
water oil She math% atm.. ei gra Me;
the Booed Irma or
Mee Wort of
sa watim i t y
er •
Mr sais SENSI 14 MUD.
ibr sale by