The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, September 28, 1863, Image 4

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    ~~ ~"'~'s-[u ~xj
plAbothi 412,44.
3. 119NDA.Y, kr()115154=:::::::8EPT.74 1863
LOCAL :ThrreiLlerliCE.
Frt:4l3loliitays Evening Edition.
Showering Accident.-One Man Milled
end Two — Crthere Fatally InJused.
9A Frid a y eyeying • pent lot: setieic,
accident oeurredu thence of the filial:lTO
eadr.Stialbettrill• Railroad, about font miles
from Ilie eitcOn Cliutiorsteirrehipiloy , which
itinuit Dennis Sullivan was in
stantly killed and three other men danger
autlY infered-ktwo of; whom it is supposed
cosset recover. Mr. Sullivan was engaged in
quarrying etone,and had several men at work
111 the quarry. A temporary bridge hod been
. erected our' the quarry, upon Which I track
had been - laid for , conveying dirt to another
put of the road. This bridge was some thirty
: get or forty feet above the bottom of the
quarry, and teams were constantly pawing
our it with Carloads of dirt. The men in the
quarry were occasionally blasting, and it
opposed, that. the counselor' gamed by the
the blast had unsettled the timbers' of the
bridge. Ma this as it may, just as a men
named Chriatopher Bums drove his horse
with • ear load - of dirt upon the bridge,
it Ply ways wand bomb cart, driver,
timbers and all wont crashing into the
rooky gulf • below. Mr. Baltivdn, tho u;
contractor, was struck on the bead' by a
'l 4 failing' thater, which crashed his skull - to
Plea end awed Instant death. Mr. Burns,
theleitinsterieru severely injured internally,
and lasspeetul that be cannot survive.
Be net utterly insensible and speebbless,
oentedby an injury to the tpine. EU horse
'wet killed - instantly 'by the UM. Martin
Connor, laborer in the quarry, was also
erionsly blared' internally, and but the
fainted hopes are entertained for his non
- ary. Patrick Runs wu also severely in
: Jared, bat'his liti is not eonsidered dan
' ger. Coroner M'Clung was summoned at a
lite hour in the night to hold an it quest
upon the remains of Mr. Sullivan, and the
jury found a verdict of accidental death.
The cause of the accident was not clearly
ituartaltied. The timbers in the bridge were
very strong, and capable of sustaining an
Immense weight, and the inference le that
the foundation upon whieh one of the up
- rights `rested must have given way. Mr.
Sullivan wee about fifty-five years or age,
and residetrat or near Beaver where he has
• family, and where his rem ains have been
lent • for interment. Mr. Borns belongs to
Greene 'county, and has a wile and five
County Teachers' Association.
- -
The frit meeting of the Allegheny County
Teachers' Association, for the current school
year, was held in their hell this forenoon.
The examine- opened with reading. - Mr.
W. Marshall. read "The Devil of Names," by
J. G. Saxe. Miss Da Fevre read "The &Luken
Lead at Waterloo," by Victor lingo—and the
reading was exceedingly creditable to the
Prof. A. Burtt opened the discussion on
"Dull Pupils," to a very able manner. He
classified dull pupils ea—lst. Conceited and
idle. 2nd. Pupils who totally underrate
themselves. 3d. Payne who are naturally
dull. All these points were fully developed,
and gave ass to a very spirited discussion
among the teachers present.
Rev. Dr. Hamilton delivered a Moot inter
esting 'and impressive addrees on "The Im
portance of the Teacher's Mission." The
Wast.vtord in . teaching, carefully or hastily
dropped, might impress the young eon' for
ever, for good or eviL Tea:hare should avail
themselves of every opportunity of elevatis g
themselves by rending, research, and attend
ing ell exeroisee of an educational character.
They should be choice in language—selecting
the best authors for reading, 6hakepeare,
Chanocr, Milton, Dryden, eta. They Shotild
devote one hour daily, or more to o mental im-
Ptmement. Wooden may be cmpliched
Wide way, by regulsuity and system. The
teacher shoed =hells personal presence felt
in the school and on the playground—not
permitting alty expression from the pupil, of
an immoralnature, without instant and rea
sonable reproof. Ile will at first be • terror
to them, buttheyleill goon learn to acquieeee
In his repront„proft by It, and love their
" mentor. He himself should never permit a
Ward_ or jest, of an irreverent chamfer, to
fall from his lips, but on all proper occasions
he should Impress the pupils that with world
ly battling they get a knowledge of better
and higher thins.
The exercises closed with a disamsion on
tleaddrese, after whith the Association ad-
tfulost Meeting at' Girty's firm
do iistUmdzstio Stains meeting was held at
the flirty! Sun School Sento, Duquesne
BurOashron PAW reriming, 25th hut.
The meeting was eslled,do order by Mr. 0.
A. Borrows, and after singing the "Bot t le
Ryan of the Republic)," on motion *Tao. J.
Williams wet .appointed Chairman; Brewer
Butt. Wm. IL Williams Geo. Mont and IL
R. !tempi", Vika:wadi:tits, and E. A. Bud,
Petra Was aired by Kit. Hinman Bert
'site; aid "fled Blest oar Native Land," rung
by all present.
qhe lbelitlant then introdneed Wm. IC
Slibte r ßsd. - ,telsoutdressed the meeting in •
long eyebolt. De-was. followed by
Bev. Damen Hartsum,. of -Birudegium, (Ger.
saani) who epbkis eloquently for "Prellteit nod
Del Union,Tand to thograst utirisattan, not
onlynfielreconetryman, but of all present.
J.-R"."llldiswAnd lt A. Oarnelon, Bra.,
were then gilled out and addressed the meat.
. .
, Vum meeting 'then adjourned with three
Aelnews..for. theuesteri and three rousing
elmestiorlhe Delon tkiket.
alse utmost ,enthusiesut and good feeling
inerrallediaad the detarminatlon was ex
pressed br sew to it that Dtiquesne Borough
mem with' an - Overwhelming vote, for OW:-
ft and the Anton, on the 13th of October
L. . Deserters Arrested.
Winds a ssiv days quite: a number of desert•
'err been arrested to radians county.
limatichmercofill 65th Pennsylvania Beg
• •L- iiiiatiwas 'imitated near Oreenville, attar a
eau realstaime. lb Inds ho t made three at
:tempts'io enact the °Seer. -Robertelanard,
mho attempted to hide <Cochran - in his house,
' Lsras; also .anictici' and held , ' - .1.n custody.
Ilierim.lusison. a deserter who broke jail at
riolusash_ =a_ John. Grumbling,' a ressmant
ddlitVm_hUlt:/toefmm,'lrore also olobisel.
Westmortlaid , 091111th Areatibam
Sifirell,townthlp,mee arrested and'
qtq to filicietsite. on the - dam of having':
"lallaumlltiou-ArksOt lining
baths support,asel punt. Saber ,
,quatknowledge the,-lama bduesd the
BessditamisakihaMtWltetioltponiallic l eut
radss-s_ aiemptiomospere Wel* ono.*
iticar4Lakti mutated into tor
' OdDaTidetatmit
ersi.orB So Pr = l, 0003 / a Waco l4o ity
• shoospttaii: sat tioXiod our . to the mil
Its isthmian: - , ,
Come time slime
iestaiitedio egroctsitillstadlcAr Court in I t "
fethig - tobissoria suca vitamin the cue of
Alm , Ozoillart,:abarged -.with incestuous
. steitmh peAttioned the - - Greet for lane to
Pod* alsmin of the mottompt. Thu `Court
„mimed- tha_pettlion he died, and died
- • Xuntl7,l3spa. Saa r for aiming of the cense
..Arondiatoot 'L l ircatil.-J-011 Saturday lash a
a Lshied:Mhst-IMmted about sixty pan
L _ Mcar the foot of the nu
tombs !Oita county, was shot by another
NO is:U. dinned Rigby. The shot took
'` sigh it iin's AAP, meths the main ar-'
tarY;itaitsAnt death' in a minutes. The
pistol had anima ittarrol, - mitlsh lad to the
stinger; liigby
' I' I
au:4; .;;11/1011istori.irirmitropliti of tho Hui
flosonisilos itAllodger. re omitted to mention
Oatieriairitsi oompossd of
f..4okiiibuldb. of. Bova Cot T. o.lltadi
flost:'11. 0. Bowyer.
LI; or.Siqla, Wise diiilogoisboi
:Cfooligercial , sdpplidi this
g . sicced a
4 ' ,l filV l LM,,pistr a t o f
ifi t agy f o r
• the 7X - 1 1 4 , them on we
18681tere been wale
reedy for &Mean.
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talllimtible ,Prenchmsti hes 'Just produced c
new novel'entitled'uTrne Gott) Bearamt, A
Teta or Caurol.lla,"! whit& has appeared la
an English drew, vt the cerise of popular
novels published by Messrs. T.D. Peterson
and Brothers, - of Philadelphia: The title
strait that the -author-1r upon AU favorite
ground In this stag—the Sea West, with its
strange intormixtory of all forme of civilise.
Mon and, we might add, uneivilisttlon, and
of all Manner of men,' of all nationalliles and
races under batten, Mr. Almard'a name,
alone, will beeptak Abointsrest of the thou.
sands ' of novel readers, who are on the tlp.tce
lice p li taec terature. th The " Go d for e latt c lament In this
o ßeakers" may
be obtained at J. W. Pittociee, opposite , the
Postollice ; at W. A. Gildenlenny'e, 45 Pitch
Street, and at J. P. Hunt's; Hassel* Hall,
Pilch street. •
Aeninerr.—A terrible aceldont ootroirsit at
the Cameron Bermes, Middletown, on TIM.
day eight, by Thiel' Thomas Carty and Wm.
Cox were horribly burned. It appears that
the plug in the mouthed the farnace
dly flew out, whoa the famica wan in fun bleat,
enveloping there two men tn a perfect digital
iron. The former was timed in -a shocking
manner, and it is &band inigasaiblo tor him to
survive his SillefiCS. The latter was not so se
verely initired and may reams. Mt. Carty
moved from Hanisbarg to Middletown about
fear weeks ago. He has &wife and Ward
small children.. ..
A Bear:rm. Pnassov.—We U Indebted
to Mr. Wardropi agent for-Thos. L. Shields,
Esq., of the Sewickley Norsay, for • banal
fat passion flower --one of the finest spectatosi
We have ever been.
ACISICIVLTIMAL PAIL—The annual fair of
the Oonemangh Valley Avian'Wel Society,
will be held at the Elk Oronade, near Blairs
ville, on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday,
October 7th,Bth and 9:11.
The Situation at Chattanooga.
Bow the ffumler was Sunk
&v., 4-e., dm.
Sordid Dtrpateb to the Pittataugh
Pernacurata, Sept. 28,1863.
The exchange of paroled prisoners up to
September lot, returns a large force of vete
rans to the service. The rebels are still large
ly in arrears for the offset to our own paroled
Raohmond papas reoeived thie morning
soknowledge Rosemarie' position assailable
only by siege.
Rebel infantry are in the valley of Chats
Loop auk.
The feeling here to very hopeful.
Bragg has started the guerrillas to work
with the design of patting off Resserens' com
inemleaUon with Nashville.
Thegovernmentis determined that SOIIOO2IIII
shall not watt long for reinforcements. They
have seised over 80 transports at and below
Cairo for the transportation of troops.
Anxiety le felt for Barneide. The rebel
papers are silent concerning him.
Son. Hooker has been assigned an import
tan t command.
Davis has expressed a determination to but
Roseanne, and regain Tennessee if it takes
all the roldters in the Confederacy. That is
as mach as to say that he will abandon Rich
mond rather than notifies the nitre, the salt
and the mountain fastnesses of But Tonnes
The Bermuda Gaza!e explains how the
pirate Sumter was sunk. She was fired - into
by Fort Moultrie, the rebels probably mis
taking her for a federal man of war. Six
hundred and thirty prune were on board at
the time ; all but twenty were saved. There
were four four hundred pound and two six
hundred pound guns on her. They lie among
the =insoles of the'ooesn's bottom.
Among the rebel prisoners brought into
Washington, yesterday, were CoL Robert
A. Lee, Inspector of the Second Army
corps, of the Army of Northern Virginia,
Captain P. A. Tatum, Second North Car
olina cavalry, Lieutenant J. B. Moore,
one of !doseby's men, Lieut. M. H. Norman,
T wsnty•Elghth Borth Carolina, IL S. Brad
ley, Assistant Burgeon of Colt's Legion E and
W. B. Shield, Assistant Surgeon.
There le nothing further from Charleston.
Tobacco has goad up to three dollars plr
hundred in consequence of frosts in Tennu.
see and Kentucky. W. J. J.
All Three of Roseerans' Grand
Divisions Engaged.
The Lou of the Battle Imputed to Gen
nook's Disobedience of Orders,
Anxiety for the Safety of Burnside
WABSIEGTON, Sept. D. —A spotsl to the
Noes says It appears now that all those of
liosecanne Grand Dimities's were engaged in
the battles In front of Chattanooga, two of
wldah were driven beak in considerable die
order. General Roseanne, in his dispatches,
imputes the lose of the Wile to disobedience
of Indere on-the part of General ifeemeir, who
felled to oatanpYAn impartantposition usign
ad him by Rosaminv. Had be demos order
ed, Itmevats' opinion' is, that the battle
would t eve resulted in a splendid Union vio
-1 11 : . ax .er,dtog his fames too mush; the
werA 0t01t.51 to penetrate ittisserans'
• .131.
, c(0, Wiz r,7 ir toll, heroin army *ales for
the salty , of Bun lido. In order to reinforce
lt , teenns ,r sofa sense would be to
O I.‘ ay. Tea: es: river and OM down bs
t •v. o Os river Al itho MOUnt&lni, Or to pens
• oie of tbt, gaps and :dove dorm betdad
ito Irminedn , Tbet °piston of mllltisy mon
Lste telelM; to its that if be sttempta to go down
tbis side of tholitor will run gnat
risk of
being cut ca.- -
Oen. - fleeter- hu been wiped to an im
ports:it govisistid i ins field where tableau:A
nekting gaalitlu vent tlnd their foll1001:46
The attempt; on Use part of tha rebobi E to,
/Stabil& Wallies at. Mathias Point has balk
fcnstestod by ent_ituaboatil.
A ipseld &Wait) the . Trannii cottains
`the followLux 3—ln the mane of the
day, the'llo, - aiready is:mistakable sign, in
dicated the enemy had tistantred some weak
'Mate 'of ouposition, and was massing their
-forcesinfroist of our left centre and left, for
themmilfett moss ot ertuddng those Parts
of our Uter i -or gettlarbetween them and
i/knitsnooga. ' • • • -
On the morning of. the lath, Bibby, a por.
lion ctAistneeted reinforcements, oonsistlng of
two brigsdisif the reran carps, re
ly commanded by Colialellotik and
made their eppearsinott tsar Chattanooga, antt
Mtn branedlataly sent--to snake a reminds-
I fiance towards Itinggeld, and develop the In-'
prntionkol the enemy from that gutter; •
• Ttuti omit irs th eadraisas of Longstreet's.
eirps, ptmlied t baelefor some distance, took
• nuntol Psisohlsre from _u, and!' faUy ei-
I tablislindlintaittliipated oonaentrallon of the
enstaybittentlif our -
tWeemikY mewing Om gtotg
iklrnilittedlithdiffelentbedleief Wtanenty.,
Irlderelght dhilleurif Britain . and -
Ilikti,:totottiettif traitamoseio
irtoitte,'.zittrikt front•titirealUlM'left Whit.;
wows corps. Thomas In ask new posi
tion at daybreak. The two ether *Mom of.
. ,
McCook', corps—Davis'and Eiherldest's—were
to move into the position abandoned by
Thomas's corps, but had not time to mama
it fully before the soranclutentunt of the action
hese/1y unlit the forenoon passed away
without foreshadowing the approaching
eoutliot; but shortly beton 11 V the
storm that had bean brewing all th emening
on the rebel side, burst forth In the expected
direction. At that time a long suss of rebel
infantry was aeon &draining upon Branzian's
division on the extreme left. It Ant came
upon the second brigade, Col. Creston, coed=
minding, and soon forced It back despite ha
determined resistance. The two other bri
gades of the division at once came to its as
sistance and succeeded la checking their pro
gress, **rebels driving them back, but their
column being in turn ninforeed.
So powerful was the assault that they
pushed Gen. Brennan beck and beyond his
potation in line. • They advanced and thus
incomed the left, of Bijard's division.
Making prompt nee of their advantage, they
changed their nuns to the lensed speedily
enveloped Seriener's end Kin t e i l i t a trigadoz.
The. Lettermen regulars, and were -al
most surrounded , hat managed to entangle
themselves after a fearful loss.
The rebel masses next came upon ,Tohn
don's division and rolled it upon ReytioLis',
which also became speedily engaged In the
struggle. The residua of these division's,
and the sweeping final some batteriesposted
under the personal supervision of Gen. Res
ume arrested, at last, their &deuce.
Thidividons of Beeman and Baird hav
ing been Wiled, General Thomas ordered a
general advance of the right, and soon the
tide of battle decidedly turned In our: favor.
With cheers our line advanced, halting only
at times to spatter the enemy with musketry.
BMIThI times the tatters retnatingline stop
ped and vainly tried to retain their ground,
but they were driven from position to posi
tion, and by fore o'clock, all t h e ground lost
was nearly recovered. Several batteries be
longing to Generals Baird's and Beannan's
divhlons whose hones had been killed &ad
the supp orts swept away, were retaken, and
several hundred prisoners captured. The
enemy left all their dead and nearly all their
wounded on the geld. There wen at least
500 of the former. The rebel troops that en
gaged Thomas belonged to Baelmer's and
Longstreet's commands. At the time the
struggle was turning in oar favor on the left,
Bragg% army proper, consisting of the
corps of Generale Polk and Sill, for
merly Harderie, moved to a most determined
and wall executed attack- Upon Palmer's and
VaaClove's divisions in the centre. Its ob •
Jot was obviously to relieve the defeated
rebel right. Palmer and Van Cleve soon found
themnives overpowered end their divisions
breaking. Their complete rout was immi
nent, when Davis' divisions came to their
support on Van Cleves right. Timely rein
forcements at lint had the effect of cheating
the enemy and restoring our line, bat the
rebel atteekwaseptedily renewed ith greater
numbers and the center was again compelled
to yield. Davis was forced enemyright eed
Van Clarets the left,and the *deuced
through the openlist made In our line and
threatened to take the center and right by
their flanks as they bad done an the left.
At this cr itical Juncture Sheridan's divis
ion appeared ; and was at ones thrown upon
the noisy. It It stood its ground manfully
for a while but becoming soon upend to a
destmotive hick are, was also immolated to
fall back. fortunately the divisions of Gen
eral's Wood and Seeley, that had been early
withdrawn from Garden's Mills when the
rebel attach an the left threatened to be sac •
easeful, now came to the rescue. After a
brief contest, the rebels feud themselves at
last matched, and commenced giving way in
their turn. Reynolds having also been to
the assistance of the centre, alter the re.
pulse of the rebel right, an advance was or
dered and the original position regained
about sunset.
About dark the enemy made another de
monstration with heavy artillery and musket-.
ry Are on this centre, bat eliciting a lively re
sponse, they soon abandoned this last effort
of the day. Thus ended the battle of the 10th.
The Burning of the Steamer
Matters Mare FaTerabit) at Cha
Czacrenvet, Sept. 28.—Brig." Gen. Braga
and on. hundred and sixteen rebel °Blears,
captured at Cumberland Gap by Barmaids,
arrived `at Johnson's Wand.
A special to the Ammonia/ uys : The
steamer Champion, burned at Memphis on the
23d, had on board sir hundred be's, of hay
and thirty thousand dollars scrth of Quarter
master', stores.
Yesterday's Nashville Mice says: Ban
side has rushed a point where he was ex
pasted to prevent a flank movement of the
lloL Wilder, of Itosecran's cavalry, hu ar
rived at Nashville. Ile reports matters in the
front much more favorable than Is believed at
the Berth.
Movements of Gen. 110110Cfani? Forces
Pregoos to the Late Battle.
New Itesie-1310. 26 —l.soordlag to • cor
respondence of the Trifirse, previous to the
battle, McCook's oval reacted Alpine, twen
ty miles tomb of Some, on the 11th. Thom
as corps eaccomtered tits enemy In force In
the valley betwren Mules and Pigeon sou
talus on the 11th, and fell back to klission
ridge. On the 17th,Crittenden's corps connect
ed with Thome'. On Thomas' report, Rosa
mans orderedMollook to fall back to the maia
force which be socompllshed on tha 1611.
Deserters on the 16th and 17th reported the
arrival of Longstrat's Corps at Bola Batton,
war Lafayette, *hick determinedßosearans,
in face of th s snuorktel ouperlorlty of the
rebels, to bs 'attacked In his own chosen posi
tion rather than sub the enemy.
Deserters Executed.
New You, Sept. 28.—The Efackra epees]
from the Army of the Potomee, cistmi the
25th, states test three desertin weft exe
gete& Some three others ware raped by
the Pmidast. •
From !Lipman aid Few Orleitil,
New Vex, Sept. 16.--The North Stir,
from Aeptawsll on the 17th, mid the Cehswbs,
from New Orleans on the 17th, hare &vitt&
Nan exlmoortsel.
11, 1311,11.
QC:AMP =MO) ttliftrill3ll.
CMOS ow Tamumoszalsoa,
Utah &OF N. Mb
Th. aryl of the steamer •1311 a Wei V
LILT," as she new Ilea, Ave miles below ffetietin, I.
the Olumbeztutd term
Also, the TO of its Wawa .PAILTHIldlh.*'
mu the bad of Ilerpelha nos% la the Cunha.
bat river.
The maehlossf, boilers lad has ed the alma.
camel !mete me repartee to h. pot.
Thee will he fold et falba° swam to the highest
bidder, oa the Mr Dal Of OOTOBSTI. IMM. In the
dry of Clineloaati Obfo,la acme qt 9 , 2a0 of Cigt.
Ciillll.l2lBolllilDr, A Q. IL
• ' Terme Midi, V. B. Thaler, notes. •
•By order o f Brlg. Co,. 1011117 AVAIL
• male • firOdi sad a. Q.
ruzLoirzz df CO.,
DIMS GOODS. ' ......_ .
. .• BIWA. Arm-SABOT &LIM' .
op. -
Danght azdadvelylar orb, mall. anu will be aid
et 'small stmica ' ! - aski.
asurrairt ttoostitannotnos tmnEciazl,
Oxon an/122d
Wtotdnotoo, 04_ Aortpt SUM lam
w. ANIMAL/I.sta tan PO 0" agna, twat
Otonontom In Ott oni. on am; Map AND
6na 'WKDI9I:BIItTB 01?-nirrill21416.. M. the
litttastlllothdrto ottho mutt. OW Fl7pUij
coodsosset so nulls AT polio swim •
Wm to Oomnoneo al ID °lto* nom Of
and bo ovalbood bton 4o,Urn
on hoot bo sold.
' Taut otolt r ak Ckonitimat loan ;
• • . ToNtriass,
atim•isii--- • '
CiAR(AXIY liacger c :
3m. DAic ht. lON,
01 Ina TO WM Ansi.
Serrault, feet. 40 —Gold continua to' role Sr,a
but (not quotably higher. In Mew York to-day it
opera, at 138)4, advancing to 128%, and closing Area
139%8139446ter1i0g Exchinge was itaner, and
.first clam bills sold at 15301164. Sere, there is hot
liule coin offering, and there appears to be no anal.
listed rem Eastern thange is firm at par buy.
fog, sad 3/, per cont. pre selling.
In the New York Stock Market, on Saturday, the
extremes far Pittsburgh, Port Wayne mad Chicago
Hallway Mares were 131%1D5374. closing steady at
82.56. Cleveland and Pittsburgh mid at 08, a decline
of 1%, from the rata of the &turd pretiona.l here
were lomat transactions la Cleveland, Columbus and
Cincinnati. at 1500153, and Marietta and Cincinnati
Oat prerfared 66E457 , 4• Cbinnyo and Northwest
ern ruled steady at ssor*(„.
The follewing Is the comparative statement of the
lettpo.ts of foreign dry goods and general mereitan
diis at disport of New York for the week aiding
September 25 and gam January I
For the week. 1881. 1882 lat.
Ital.& at the root $399, 925 lllo 41,07tri 2 t5
Memo 525.061 1,653,995 .tinlY,ms
Sine, Jan 1. 1861. 1851
int`d at the port. 11116.608. 054 65 3 . 630 . 393 046485 9
Thrown on nat. 35.579X3 45, 412 4 82 1a 161 . 4 . 30
We learn by our exchanges that, on Saturday night
last there WAS another aerate white frost all over the
West, which killed vegstatitm generally, and it is
stated that a large quantity cf tabour., ilesstiLlin the
field in Meutuky.which was totally destroyed. Ken
, tacky punters, however, withdrew their storks of
Lea on Monday morning frotnall the cristkete, and
an advatum of 5 to 8 mats was asked far that Okra.
It la estimated that the Wheel crop in the South,
this year„nill am. mat to nasty 60.000. 000 Isolates.
In 1560, over 81,000,001 bushel' were harvested. This'
greet blame b scout:tat for by the fact that the
rexrameadations of come of the leaders of the rebel
lion to qui. Cotton-p mating and raise cereals base
been generally sated upon. 0-ttan and Tobacco
tare been planted only to a limited extend.
The Stew Took Commercial Advent/a of Bator-
day he' Gaya
Woo of gold at the board. this • 10,10 k wan
stzo,ooo. The prt.e opened at 139% from which 1t
MU to Or% but Mono Ms wag boa again this &Miro
bran to LYYK. Tim gun to day ta+es out 19117,01X1.
and the Hauge 1202,000 - in all /1019,00 J. The North
Star brings $277,65L19 from OallforMa. forein e
change firm tate morning, sod t o wore .ales
oftterllug at
Tits Hampton (Caned%) Spmtator, of Wtduclairy.
We mentioned tome dap ego that a painful rumor
wee muscat, to the effect that an °Moulin • company
here had become a defaulter to a large, mount. It
la now 11...ra11y known tha the defaulter ts Mr. G
H. Bllngaye, paymaster of the Great Welfare Rail.
way c moony, end tb. is 'Rel
oads stated at from gIACKKO toA% A warrant
ena locoed for kis apprelsenaloti, end White elute bean
eau errata , d that he has taken range In the dates.
We tegret to state that another official, 21r. MIL
•. Malcouranno, the matter, bat been, either will
fully or tinforentionally, Implicated In the trump
ion. He wee arr.etoi on noaday, and peel dty of.
tensoon sea before the police maghdrate,
charged esieh having felonlonely °robe:Wed the sum
el woo, the property of the Wettern Itsllway Gan.
The defendant acknowledged hie Indeitedneee to
the company, and stated that 811 0 0 of the amannt
due to the cumpsny was Oren to Mr. Idiatoye to dir
chirp tickets and 1600 In colt. and that be otild
not clearly account for the beleece, as he wes Ira
gauntly shut in his oath acarant.
He was committed for trial, but less afterwards ad.
witted two bag by Judge Lnle. himself io $2,000,
and two aurietlae In 0,030 Gault.
Butratur, September 28, 18=
°BAIN d PLOIIII—Whest Is In tar demand and
firm, with Nu from wagon at 111,1411,12 for Bel,
and 111,1301,:n for White; Irvin of WOO bus! Bed
from depot on private terms. corn Is Ono, and
Shelled le held dozily at BOG per bosh by the car load.
Oats firm with . rale on track of 174 eke at 70c, and
1 COX do, to anive, at 69o—the yarslumor to furnish
etch& Barley te Arm with but little doing. and to
the absence of mins, vs omit quotations. Flour hi
firm, and the demand for fresh groan! good gram of
Egan Faintly sprats to be la carat of the supply.
We 'note solos of well-known brands store at 56,256
6,60 per bbl; and batidlor and common .t $5,7:(0,00,
Bye dour has advanced to 15,15 par bbl.
01100SIIIIL9-2tern is • =Unto* gold jobbing
demand for all descriptions of Grocerlas, and poi
cat son slowly adrancirtg. Bazars centrum, ;to
mie very arm, with Isla of lbw at from isx, to
13)4c fa fair to prima grata, and espies New Or.
ling—et which there is but ilttla in markat—may be
quoted dem at Ito. R,lned Boors sow fum sod a
!Made higher. Can is strong, with smell mess ci
Rio at Iran 31 to 32c, for into to prime, Kolas.
us la higher, sod Row Orleans may i.e quoted at
I from 62)066c Gar pima to choice. eyntya steady,
with sales at pates ringing ail too way from 65
to 76c.
PROVISIONS—Baccm Ethou'ders continue in good
rotted, and we note soles at from 63( to 6340. There
a { lin Inquiry for Bides, though prlou an fully
sustainsd, ranging from E.,4 to To for Bibbed; and
711 to to to Olen. Plato llama an to activ request,
sad sell readily 10:1030310X1—rento holders Inking
110. Plain Centrum! may Insq noted at 110. There
are no sully flat oleo Boger Cured Hams to ma
het; good Cincinnati brands would cell readily at It
43143.(u. Mess Pork Is quint but steely, with malt
Woo at filleyl4,6o per bbL Pilate kettle te.dned
Indies Corms Is telling at 10%0110.
114 Y—The -market has ruled Am during Ms
greater sad of iht week and prikte was well main.
Wood throughout. Today, we Anne sales Irmo
males of If loads at 230 to stti per ten, and SO balm
on trask, primes si PAO per cwt.
BUTTER LED liGGS—Common and Inferior
grata of butter are to good stipp}y and en% while
prime PUB is IL m but unchanged ; Weser 9 boxes
good roll at 23 and 0 palls fair do at 21 Eggs au.
limn to sell retry midi), at Puma rates..
BILL WEED—Wes gads a tole of 1 caret aborts
at PAS pm mot. Milpitas may be gaoled at Ea
dja,m); Bran $1.1301,10, and II (Mingo, $1,30 to
1463, so to ;petty..
APPLES—Thu recelpis continua larva and tho
market b dull with • drooping tendency ; we quite
at from ASO to $2.10 thr common to prime. Boles of
210 We at ILA
CllBEsl—There la a &mud laity I qua to the
sappy, and prime Waters, Boservo my be. quoted
arm at 1213123fic—ottatly at the Waldo Ogaro.
POTATOES—Than is a lank demand
tar prime Beohnnuocke and Peach Blows sod we
quo:, email sales franatere at SO to 00 per bushel.
ritiontis ratroiemn natio:4.
20.—The harlot for Petroleum and its pro
ducts, bas rand very quiet lb/oughts:it 'the week,
Wash noterithetsading time info bid Co operative.
ty LW Wars, and in the fus of • rather unikrorabis
SiliCIN from the last, prices hers been Ilan and foll y
atidatained. for Creel, there hat been a nutmeat
demand, prfactpidly load, 41,1 today hums 40
SW turas chug:Whin& it St paraagar returned,
and raaddX . packaps inendod. The supply is very
cad the receipt" are extremely limited, and
all that arrive" h sold pretty readily at the Om
vainoaa pas ; wad, fa bond, there le bet nab
demand, except at-low figurer, gad the traniscaoas
hate TAW wassaliyemallthrongbard amuck. The
AU ado were at fi4 ea the spot ; 50 for October and
156 20 6 X hie November, sad thew why be regarded as
the mine" quotagens. it 63 en the spot, 64 tor ec•
tar and WOO for November byres would take
hold, but hoiden, with tat very few exerpticmr, are
Arm at, the first mimed il tuna pure b a continues
past western demand for fres oil, sadtrieri nags all
the way farm Into GIL aCcol=t o 0 0 4. VaziiiT
sad omditkm. is 7, with sales of tiro-
dorked at 20—boldas geassUly asking 4. Bend=
la gem Vittialeir at WO Or t , " ol ^ - bOt = 4 4
*Abu; ikce:
New lOW. PetroOdin latuket. •
Owed Dtetiatail WA. littalnain Gazette. • -
intr Yoga, Brat. Glrudr, la doll' int Ili eta&
tower, with sidin on tlarayot intouGingto4 Gera
ea to Itellaed Ina, ill Gala lad> atoll
Ulu at 576580 far pnwentdelletny; 630133icitti Oa
totter, burrroption -and . ,olBGse ilorGetaraber, top
art man, Itettn;dolrze; 'fpm Se GSte
Napaisiulat with Wool 1103ned at 4702730. 0..
Ling .. .opt retioleadi
e awrospandaill LtimnP o9 ; a !
date at the 121 h Inst” Stir tut littlyptim Ltst
Gala r'
=riot bai betla awl .actlia weak, sad
elms at Sta id far beat'autoricao lamed on au, spi t
In dallitay, 204 U “portaxt to bus bon
pall for
firma:die, at
la Ed lar Dooaapar. Than'
are sank howarrar. at Oa. ita
Mud NI fa tarp cotatunitiao inland at 2a ad to
td, ecalarquencOof dealsad to:kola/can k
lop patties wet transacted tollliaoa tide
lad Os aria bra tin to - /.21. Wag PIM%
areas. Scram Wilma admia4 Ja flitaiy at,
Ltd to la 64. deo War paoator son Mao. COO
Caoadiaa -h•i 618. sad Natal 4aalita Of &Mad
Van 1111di OIL d
84 at . ;to WO OeatkiLllOtltatlti
Oft Ina artUell,
itch Mt &animals retina&
tad. Boma' saw tr.abeds.bsaajiria: braa acim.
plated kar startastatrokals. sad as mom 4 1 0
antra .oUteratniction. 'huh- resoists;3g protatia
that berretta tie Odculty efobtatalas AtCri.p
- ; gotcato wakes.: -
inykstclo4,7; trittOurootivorAttiogistboth tor
Whestlno ploolpeoly ongloot to
mkt* sold at prim =Wog tom $l. WarArrir
No. I: SLooMil.f2 for tio. 2 and THEWiIe for
jacted, clod g atthe outside figural The receipt' ,
of Winter whoa are light, and it is dinimult to mate
top cargoes, aad micas me aliettat nominal. Tore
=noel of No 1 Spring at Milwarikee were got I here
ay at 21.05 f. e.
The e le no particular change to notice in the Floor
Market. Spring gnaw of good end ehatu 'Menke
ware le active rawest., tat them wow no quotable ka
yo:di:sent in prima. At the dote. howeaer.sfar the
receipt of New York mows. bol.' ere were firmer, end
generally demanded an admit eon the opening prices.
Coon woo active and tuoyant, and the menet ad
vanced roily 2e per Mahal with bides cf No. lat 70 , 0
7010, and No. 2at tOMsit"Jc At tha close mat hold
ere ware adios 71c. Canal corn &Hoot sold at 71:c for
Ho. 1 and 724512%c for h'gh mived. Tate n covered
from the decree/ion which pervaded at the close of
yesterday, at declaimed to 124811%C 8* Ne. 1, cl a.
fog fam Iffigtiwines were firm but,lesa umirs at 1180.
Timothy lieelaudy. Qom Peal tido,. Thera was
more artivivy In the Bye market, aad prime improt
ted 2o or es . aD shel, tales being rode at &Vito tor No
lln e ley as yw in active request, and •0 edy
et an @Ammo of la with missy of No Si to store at
$1,10N,1,11, principally at inn tntaids peas.
Toledo market.
Ben. 25 —These was a fair inquiry tor grain tole
morales at the quotation' of yesterday, but elece
the receipt of the New York report, buyers offer an
Flomr-13als h e at We XX. led at $6,60 ;50 bbi"
XXX, white w at $6,50.. yester
day. altar our report: 6,000 DU No. 1 Bed at 116 o;
a b t u lir t 1 2 4 r Io2M 000 ba the anon
ba,.Bix• 3,1.00 ho. WO be and 600 mho...Mich. at
1111 o; 8,830 ha No. 1 Bed at 116 w, SAO to No.
Bed on ter=n not nada public; 3 000 bu No. 1 Bed
at 1160. Since report, buyers offs , 148 c for amber
Mich.; 1180 for No. 1 Bed, mod 1160 1100 Ho. 2 Red.
Oorn—Ho teas repartad,trayers offer 725730 for NO.
1. Oats—Balm 1,200 too. 600 bn and BOu htt at 60.
Nothing doing in other grain t.
Cleveland Barnet.
Pert. 25 —Fiona—Bales 70 bbla XX Indiana white
wheat at 20,26; 60 bills extra at $5,00. W hest—
Hertel dull and unsettled. liojales reported. We
had one offer of 10,000 bulimia re t frta on bead at
Ilea, without taken. Oarn—Sulaiy and lo better,
wito an upward tendency. ea.. 5,6001 a in dons
at TU. Oats—god ; Baas 1 car on track at 500
Bye —lield at 710800. Barley —Ws quote at 1000.
Yetrt—ln good demand, and wile at 820 per ton
at tbe mill., tor all grades. Men Pork—The range
of the works: is $14.00 for city, and 116,00 far clear.
Cincinnati Elazket, Sept 25.
gour market flour b kith • warelty of Yeah
ond The &mud for diatoms fully equal
toe dyply. and the market vas' firm for the beam
grader. Corn Jempealso, cialtg at 802011 e in bulk.
Oats dammed 2201 e, dkala. at 644050 In bulk.
Whiskey steady at We. Provident quiet but steady.
Bolt shoulders did' at 5Xe. packed, and • round lot
of prime tleica lard at o%o.—CiaceM.
St Louts Bay untket.
Stn. 21.—Hay—Incretsed receipts enamel the prim
to fall off daring ens latter pert of lest week, and
large lots sold Friday and Satan:lay as Musing at
that price, delivered, whlia choice lots to feeders and
retailers sold at something higher. Monday mks
comprised 1100©1500 bola, part to arrive, at de
livered; Yrsterlisy;bolders claimed an &DYADts and
very little nay dons Today about 550 balm were
received and with an an active demand inlet com
prised 170 balm at $1; IMO do b lots at $1,05, mostly
delivered 170 do choke, to teed= at 51.1.0, and COO
tons to entre, on private tame.
New York Dry Goods Trade.
flipt.2s.—Although the market Is not active, prices
ct standard cottongooda stilt advance. abetting+ are
Ann at abgenfot pods, 474; .4 do, 5:24,a. Biwa
ed Menu are the firmer. Lonad.feadvanced le49e.
trills are selling at SIWITIo. Ticks of beery snake
are advanced 10 percent. Carlo 14)016c. hints
are quick at 11411 e, the 1 0 0cer Prim for aPfolum•
Printing Clo th s, 160. Glugwtms 29,921:. Woolens
have ban active for good gybes, but bower grades of
goods and poet stelae have experienced a dud market
and a dude lower prices have been excepted.
Importation of Sheep.
Over COOP° head of sheep hare pealed through
Chicago atom the drat of Joss, cm thole tray so the
meth= and weatarri part of this State and /0W66
A largo majority of them ace
and the
madam pad of Peonrylrania. It la I well•eatati
tithed fact that sheep brought hem the Zees to the
prairliri of Illiocde and bondman Whiconahl—asid,
we presume, In lowa also—horrease In
eise—or. rather their proving exhibit this *Taisho*
of toe benefits derived tram the change of climate
and fled.—Chlasito
imports ay Railroad.
Pm:auras Pr. Wan & Oracuuse Itaraoandkept.
26-9 bble moldy, Women & Bon, 1 halt bbl dab.
liteDousld A Arbuckle; 9 bbLa eggs, J K Oaldalh 18
04 Lab, J 0 Kirkpatrick A co; aMb spars r
0.130, 664 tors came, B Oualeld; 11 aka
11 aka, Wm lilacrq 9 bat bossy, .2 0 W Lippincott;
84 Asa booasos, Rutland A Gana; El do As, kler
Clarkin, Herron A or. 8 bbla apples L Vela c'4
10 do do, Grams A Thomas; 1 car oil bblorPeruusa,
Bail & co; a bbla carbou ote, Jim LP= . 2 5 carbon.
Jaa Irvin; 25 by stank.' Pato:Oat; 261 bbla
guor, la b b Boar, D& 12 Wall= 238 bp oil meal,
A Taylor; 41 bake rags, Moral A %W all 103 bolo
Boor, Kaduna A Llohat; 10 tali lard oil, BA'
Pahnostook C.lll 6do do, B L Yansitcen oo; 10
40 do, 10 bbla ligama, X earn co; 5 all cia
B Lan; 68 bake bay, Maya A Ardor; CO Dbl. li
quor, It Mama, 45 de do, Bobber A Banta; co
do co, Lambert A ilhipton; 1 car barley, Joshua
'Shams 1004 9 seed, a 0 =rafinal•
Canaan A PITUBIJZOM HOUX64I:s Sept. M—
il aka potatoes, 681 trnit, Kennedy; ICu In clay,
'Gra% Banat Aar, 20 aarap, Markle co; al bla
applei,letrar & Arsortrcua .9 bbla butter, 1.9 pis
Stanneker & Lang; 83t oil Ras rmatiwool
.41 Wbasg; 8 OW" apple., Wm IdcOutcheon; 109 do do,
11 bbl 8811 goulash Potter A alkon; 8 by chaos tor
a ilnathen; 35 ds do, B Robison A co; 66 do do,
Webb A Willboon;76 do do, lb Ws eggo, B Biddle;
Cab oat Meal, 12 skim pearl barley; Woe Malmo;
6bble onnterries, 0 B• 111 87 114 lather, Ban
A Stewart; bbb 11 bsapischa Lll 1r alit A
co• ; 88 cabs IXo% and atom, 11 Ohllda C); 16 o
J Tanner; 27 bales hay,B Ik7d; 66 bids spftii
Meaner di Smith; 80 bbla tobacco, Astral., Lee
ca; a do do, Morena A Connor; a do do, Wm tbap•
& co; 22 do do, Ewan mg 20 bbbe coppers%
L Fabsmstock A co; lot h pods, J L Boaerac 10
pap tobacoo, 11 Denman SO boo asp, Graham A
Tames; 60 do do, Shaman A Lag; 6 do tobacco,
J Portertbad; 6 do do, Lambert & Bhipion; 6 Maid°,
w.ymoo Boa; 441 aka Alma, Kama & Lobs
Annan Samos-6 can baled boy, Volegtly A
Kopp, 29 Ca WI% MN og:baba A Koao; 1 ale
yarn, D Kilian; Ido do, Bryant Am; Iby pots.
ton, J Lantos; lot Le b goods, 11n Bladuttemg;
car dace ttomiLap .7 .1 tame; Ido Mara A Talton
I. bat" ham Geo Gs at; bbla cider. V Soh ick; 1
sta. j Mkt; 8 lab dies, J Dein 1 car 88 10,
B T Hannay A Brag bble applea. Ibs peaches,
ads, Bo n & co; 10 alo tab, Wm MK. ed 1 bbl ago,
1 cheat butter, A Lippert; 4 this apples 1 do eap,
Adam; 2do 40,240 pears, 6by onions, lan
wine; 65 hides and off tam Jae Orals; Ikg butter,
I Greenawalt; 12 by rage, Howard fa mall, GI bags
barbeNJ 11 Spar; In mancetmg, oaten
1 .IST OF LETTEnki rambling in the
LI POET 0111103 at ALLIGHZITY, P.., at noon
on SATURDAY. September 211, DMit.
Innisanna IR MM101227.1
INZ/Vlass• mention the data of Os List In which
the letter is adrertisxl.
Once boon ttom TX, A. m. tot r. n.
A Glass J W Nelson Mary
Avow Inns Walter John 0
Ashman Geo D Gray Loop Orr Wm
Akasor nary Grsy LOU tYllanaon II J
AnilitrOng of H Grahm.Nancy Orton Ealligr
II Brilti,lirs Jana P
Bingham Barah3 :-,.. II Pater Paralt - I
80/tunas' AII Hoak &muds Patton JDO
Brown Chas H 2 flays At =a u Nam James 2
Boyers Chas Hamilton Lints Porta Bobt
Baum D . Hanna Ellin 2 B
Bishop Yred Helens Bar 11 IL Binehmt !dais
Bum 0 8 Haden B I flussall Min
Boil= Sarah Hoorn Bash_ &Mom b B
Bingham 512 Etutahison Borah Man WWI J
8.1 John Hoot taint lixdosy Susan it
Brinton John Hulett .1 II Rudolph 8 W
Bloom John W Herrn .1 W lisynaldsB It
limitJas B Hard Haney Marland I J
Brannon Thos lladinp Nancy Rodgers Harsh]
Bill: 4 w L Romp B I Ilassall James
Bend I Lodz& Henry Rota Bkhards nos
Bi Martha Hurd II Lad
Bell May Jam 1 3 = nary A
Daftness Marti Johnston Oath'. BlehsyKery
Halts Win D Jones Freeman Bach natthaw
Boyd W L Jones Bona
Banda Wm Johnston Wm
Baldwin Win IC
Batty Wm- hug Wiliam
Barba Peter itinpn B
Bonham Perty Mean Min
0 Hata gray A
Cham y bers Intl Solar Mary •
Oread Addis J Kerr 55
tmann • Belly John
P 0 7r 1 w L
Onward Eats Lows Morn
Clarke Delm tams Daniel 21
Cooks Darn W Lippincott 11 0
Cniata.Cho Walkman
Crawford H 5 Lambert J T •
Cons Vary Loughs,' H. 4-
Gill ash. Ushtbill Jura
CoMeaohnr 8 UM= Marg't
Orlistuan 811. Loup nary • 4.1
Cleary 8 Jana La th y W Y
Wm:CI James . ar
Oaldwsli John Zahn Olavisin ',
Omni , _ ~• II liter Mrs A .
Cluimplon Joe W lonian Esther
Cornwell Jsui A tram Bilmbeth
Conley Jos ' gamy G T
. Onlhonn Psi - 2 animal Saran
'Clark JohnD - Morrow John
con int Taos Bark Joann
Croon Karl ~ mut John
thlemso liiis 1
111111 .
Yoram John
Chldar 'Martha Illiralobn 1
Clark nary a . kiegraw John
Oain 31ary It Martin John ,z
Cooley May ~ liscorinso Jas B
Clayton Wei Grad la laniard
Panamint:is - gluten thrive 1
D . nattbewe O.
Dihrwth Albert Vors= Molly
r raiDerid. noiletiP 1'
Donali Lid:- - , . Kira Virginia .
___ . .. ._.._
18mrilk.34t1; li •
1110883ealI SS I
Intao n,
Illcriti bilaW ea:oB Mc
&omit IL , ..
Notibtomig X -
111=1• 11.
licOollocalt tit '
180188 Jim ..
IlldlaleB AS 'I
Ifbllzu*B 241.
Haan Geo , =
Naas Al' igs -,
Nemlbitioili Et 8
Dity Geo W'
Dastselle Geo
hattssil l
iiiitwotd Thiry
El ts Etarisst-
Sys= Elless
Yri.w Dent •
Ensisr sossact
Mis E lse '
tPro ova 4
Quiiorsto TV
neHASSAWIPaise, ar Ws
,~-,,, ~ .. ~ r.,,.F
Omar or Cower TOP Ousamerr,
Washington Cf hetet 6th, 1W
Wartime By evidence prawn toI
the BA P' . It tow mode to apreer that
to kite Costal of 11Plegheer, and State of Penesylea
eis has teen dull cagmetred soder and accordfsg to
the requiremente of the Act of Coupes% entitled
An Act to provide a National Cortencr, mound be
a pledge of United States Meeks, and to stolid. far
the efreteaUon and redemption thereof,. approved
Ifebreneer 25th. 1863. and hm comptied with all the
=of mid Act retmited Jobe complied with
niacin Wm tattiness of Banking.
Now. therefore. I. NM Nollintehos. Comptroller
of Ito entrench do hereby naafi. that the Reid
comity of Allegheny, and State of Peomerlefenleh b
.83:abodesd to commence the toseinesini Banking nn•
der the act atseaali.
.—e•—• It sentimony whereof mitten , my two ,
1 and mil se, thb sth Aar of /newt.
{ 514 of ca
BIM( tto.lUta.oo 4,
....— ,O Comptroller of the Oarrency.
Iltrritz.. $400.000. with privilege to Ismcooso
to 5/.000.0100.
4. Tim Pittsburgh Trust Company having organised
under the act Le provide a Vatioual larreney. under
the tills at the FIRST ZIATIoIIIAL BABE 01
PITTPIIIJIteII. would respectfully offer in services
for Liso collection of Notes. Drafts.Bl ll . of Enchants,
ha, motive limey on depcolt. and buy. and all la:
chauge.on all parts of the country.
The smear which bee attended the Pittsburgh
Trust Clompany duos Its oreanisstion fn 1551. WUJ
we ban% be a imidedent guarantee that busters;
entrusted to the new orgenMetion will receive the
sum prompt attention.
liewmg a very extensive corromondsoce with
Bents and- Bankers throughoet the country, we be
neve we can offer unusual tarliitles to those who do
betimes. with 1211
The billiaoll will be conducted by the same CM•
am and Directors
lama Lanklin, mi A
le:sudsy Speer,
Trends 0. Bailey,
Bobera B. Bays,
Thes. pall, I Alex. Bradley,
Thee Wlghtman, floyonel Bea.
Wm. K. Maack,
A. 0.1 W.. 18511.
riukiali tilt VIN lie. 13A.St o. 6t
1./ Ponoon Orator.
CHASTIIIILD 1:19 1850.
Open dagy Cron 9to o'clock, oleo en Weaned.,
and Saturday mans, from Slay Ist to bloreabes
IstT to t o'clock, sad from if matter lot to
lst tram 6 to! o'clock.
received of all saw not loos than Ons
Donor, and dhtdend of the partite 4slared twice
per. fa Jfme end Dectonber. Interest Um bon de
clared nesol-annuarty. fp June and December, dna
the Irank me orgiuticed. at the rata of sia per omit
6 =est, if not dratrapli Owed to the mat
of the depositor es psincf and beau the MUM it.
III•dfrIXIS the drst dale Jona and Dernagnr, care.
randix_lkfwks Jrr without tronblina the &pal
m to cow or mu se present DU pass book. At Oen
caw nonta, will double In law thin twelve years.
Hooks, contelotir the Charter, By-Ism lidos
and Itcerulatkets, fundaluxl e;ratas, on application at
Pissrozsu—GPEClN ALBA=
stai rants asta :
John D. Ealfedden, hue Pennock,
John Holmes. John Mirth.%
Alexander Brox., Jaunts B. D. Rooth,
Dag. Iskittotock, A. IL Pollock, M. D.,
J a m .
na,k21.1. Botkiiik.
lames Hardman, William J. Andersen.
Wrist Mono,
John 0. Bookofen,
John O. Bindiej,
L m Bleat.
Gloobw A.. Carder.
WOWa Ohmha A. Ooltoa
Jan Ivan).
WOW= B. Haven, -
pont H. Hanka',
'Richard Satin
WOOIm s,
, 8. Loyolj.
8/101.2•111 A•
8 7 =Axing" on Ottet made doing Up
recent &Moat' the Eastern Elorkona, we are ens-
Wed to olfor tbe
finest suartscomt of goats ant
txmostit to the cll7. otouloting of
81113333111. IMPS 71.1 AL 3 PLlfft,
a A R, I" El T 8
Window Shades,
Piano and Table Covers.
MA, a nal seleohed stock of MATIT6II3S. par
eland tbr the Ocean tang* 'Mob re wrd &nom of
i ltXatlf :educed mime, to make room ka Mbar
stock Yard as we man Mould do w4 ent can
a tc ca .,N l ll and exami
granne our
. me conlid offer ter to
thropands th an any other in the city,
No. C 711°111 ETHICZT
Nill.W. MALL !VIOL JUot urioceJJ.
McFarland, Collins &
PI Ann fa FIFTH /IT.,
Batmen the I"cet Otdoe and Desysten Betiding.
- Bathe Jest Farbseei tor arty dating ea" remit
faretabl• oandltten Items:kr% • matt extensive
and coatente meortmiat at the nevus tad chi:dust
silk/ al
OS Cloths, Window Shades,
W. an now Milan Fob ,
By au redaction to prima as bays altnoti doted
oat oar long at grarahaan, and now oar to buyers
at altalatala and retail
NA llsamposeil by agy craz °fend In *ls city
$ AXIMIIin -;- -
Shoats II D 1
&xt. Batt '
tteinall Bobt . -
Smith 0 II
Sand Wm
Strand Wm
Iltnrost Kills
Mum% Nary
Ibenstry HUI
Stevan Mates
&wi t
Wm r
DWI' 1 hos
!Rath Jun
.dire Jac
Corti Oa a
fit' pe r L
13arah J
Mammon &web.
Ittly irili Ii 0 .
Damon glary
death G W
Borst 0 0
la ß Eg i ttitl a szli
birrdon lab
Smitlill IT :'
wlertlallesk, ..
Sayan 0 '., :.•..
Iluillord 0'
18m0110Ive " - •
Mohacs Lit[ II
titular- Ataia.
liiirtA W -
-. .
9 C/a,1111.m. 7 0.
87 1 , 9138Til 131 BEET,
A. Lap iteartmolorhich will ins sold at a Tar
pasl reduilim from lal•prlcis t
.W. D:4llk 11. If vazur.
CL4lGfir JAM
41111111.61 CLAIN AGMS%
. aim wicsinik ,
Whi; hrio been b thi n74ll
br of UMW Imre:ZlA to VW Boaz*
qlll &NW* -Atha Um Mood two
I n a
ecittbd to the sNXl:Dosoty. &Moo
bream of Numb= allltto4to
eiQai Won of Mllareorho No or era KW to
tbt eseetOt - as:oatittod to= Ind el 11
, 4 *
Bon% lab.b&t,•iancs•-- , ^l
- of arotoptty
loodoLta:. No z!agto to any cm Wit WI
btiFtummy colloota." , - lvttlions-tit
tlitnitl/2 pb.Y
4, lutarmr,
Tlicitopem A
Thmapiam (M .
Totta _
Thonbrittp EY
Tattls Jaw
Wolb Cards
U 3
Wlcbinhavie 1
Webb .bat
WbISCITb* ve '
Wilma Prof
Whitakur Louts
1411.411;iiiett ads 404
ISO.UI nezirmuirMtit,to,u4 l 4 ra. •
ocabetbsi re onchthig.= ,
Af W` i cial% lnius 69V
• Timantss BOLD De mai
tiaktpolls . lM , * di dlocnand Banner. 2—,
itto .m..*..6a Mos Sadism. 81)113,
=I 71011100 tdr Wldeith rannitevonho ,
Ettozbal 6nd 1 / 4 !4. othdrbda relgd•
antidies et Mow wbe Wm , weals Co wad% e t.
Mt dirildfir MANIA from' 011 ,Uatodolsa — ti
- '''' --. ' ' ' • ' ,
Mr* 61616 p ennuw.
.o.l.inert,...isey's Ntiaro:l4,..l , lftir , .- ViiitIVICO '
.gam'6gl " ' '' " Usit
0 &spa •
. . . Tif
inn: DA/LT - intim •
Th. mum= &OCOMILODATION 1=3:11
wee" the hieseaseper Mlles =103401 h........ en=
It sac e. U. 'Owing II all
ccrght axe Ptftedelphtla, and snails lalnieTicumso
Mort far Neer Tat at Pbthp—llla.
The VISOLIGU NAIL 'ZBA.M , turas the Pea
at:say tit
~ emir; occatzLl . me ft:ft) 1 ,1
II:E0 cc- stc;plar amiT
Tabdr.s dirsal c-aracilata LtELTirgb=issid. sai
awry etd wlksyra, tad for INew Tack TL rah.
&Arta,. ,
ntroo - craa am= =AMIN= dolis
&60 Ntn., terms on.•• at prbletpd gtattestAma
ftocz =seat= HAreisftiS Edens= Istua, tad S! Hew tot via Lllntim Info
end h!lublptas..
the NAST Imolai Ate &AMA taumo
litaaby,)* or p. 05.4 .p.od
taantv.....nrclerra Alt ziWams of
Wnealighm, tuit fraxi lPki Coi2l.w Y.
.Aocatitopeeriorr 1.723.
v..) :Mr-Gran anzannsi ¶t2li Dam ad*
ta.crvt-e=larialB:4 , 6r., Re stall ;saliva
i,4maatr.c. ga. to as Oonatnx.jl.
Astrmaradaddan9rata: fortraVa Slatbn land
datr (ecaa - A.S - 4...fty) pm,
,thaw &any (sags thanday) al lblira.
Third Alerwr.rared fats Testa tar 'Won't
harm fcncaV) ai.4) d tteM hs.
itarth Adz .-dr.rt= Tanta Id War. c Ladd
a.ovat ddly (iraarpt,Sluatal) at CION ;a.
The Cunt eS "Train Idea WaWs&..W.-moirety Das
dal at thes C. si..l fainulsf. lints Pitaitardi d
151,115 F. la.
15411ra Trains add It 111Msbardiaa OM I
adttraare IF.a. 11:50 pp. in.l Ith
12:80 v. ta.; ram Lica ;
Man Teals. 7930 a. al Jobaztows Lama
10:06 w...; Hind W M'. Ettsiten:Ahmazdodatina
it% a. n.; Cu.Kad - xa 7 9 BUMS ..84=tmaddloi
8:36 a. ca.; Third "Flan'd
L!0 p: au; Pan....11 .- N7aW plaits _ll=ollilidalia,
nßtroa.algttord thantrdTiliddra add Tbli•
adabbls a 1.94140 - Lt. raw.ol-.ll.odah.
.Tratarjar and ..4ol2l:loClattibdn•
tauramtliaa with - Th=will‘olialialialialigl.
Fogaynwa r.-lantinodottcra and 111. Trait IDA
end with Mandl:am Enna aid loriawa ACM.-
ims,i.atton Weal .
Trans tar thenshmn comma at (hem with Iv
pros Train, and Mail Trala Wat,ahl with Through
cwomtatalation and Enron Tula
The 141 TN it redly to Wed' taterslan
se...l4*ftst or to Laval *ha PCILMLIII4II
Ornt'd Eaihaed.,sithaaxaamodsilona naw dud
drad ha tarvaratd en_ r s a other gar.U. Map &DM
Saliaatrd with dant% and , ii.anUfaly tria from
we cos flazili,likli.e;mal =fatal b
ow War tab Ilcd with doh vairdad,
lIGIILIY, Preslder.t
re UM V crt......412 130 r 801.4::414...r-,.....1 MI
To Pbabaolphta..... 10 60 Tt:Serszattarr.......... t litl
to Harrhhorg -„, lEd
__ _ .
POWII. checked to silStalloss Oa Ms Panama.
it Control Railroad, ant ta PinesSalohtt. Santa=
aid Him T&s.
itestegsra yucludig notate ribe,gcl well 1111
•=sa_Maga; to Oedema trwribl. hi
to Oa dation Wok mutt tut, MGM
ohm ths Cocern tiza no April. -' ` ' •
ISOTICSI--In me 'ol kw, tka annul all IMO
thanirdess• nispratiblo tot w•- ..I. - twigadis itii,
and ter an amount 5at.,_.... ma.
1g n.-.. 5.0 CoonDinsLhai hen tem =lora to
cos op ;cringers ta teitmli to antltroui thelle.
at a shags wed to stolg oiatabr nth pet.
omoo and bzums. Pax thitsts.mentta
6.1 the Prsarrievain Gen i tal ' 57:11 =
Mal,. to 7, !bareS ;i.2..4 QrSlitit" . . 4l.4 ll
PITTSBURGH ' AHD ''-7 - . -.-7 7 ''' , m - i.'"
__ l i , ;ad Oat
NORM. AssilSlith. IBA Tram aila lam as
Depot of Van taianseritnia Rattroadi lir PIG& .
burgh( as &Rom
Einnerpi zed Wkselbq Lin.
LearesPittabwriel L-00 a. auCa....r..
110 Warvllls. 010 . KS 0 t. 66 a
do Brantwat's .kW a liiiil " 0.611 a
do Wheeling. 6:10 " MOB " WS •
Metres Ballafr.- A.S.. 'o .. ado ..
Oonneating at iitardewrills and Relate with Ste n.
tentrille sad Wises Railroa
d and Central Ohio Da&
road tor Sanwa% Errwark, Goltustnik_Bants. Di
km, adiling.ollll. Mlitetllllo4 LoadrrMa. Oats. AA
Lards, St..locaph, and sll ;ants wartrind soalliwert,
and at Whi=lllo l Sattlincol and Obto italltnad.
1 cod Olaraload Lama
Lama Ptttabougb----. 103) or to. MON Eh
do W•Dirrilre........ kW ' a 100 Is
- do 8ayariL..................-. te4o a kW a;
go Alliance AM • 4:15 •
do Itavan3=.l WA - a lkitl •
do Hodson _« .... US iil' WO a
Arriese at OlserlainL.. ..."..........- go .r mo • •
at Bayard with Troicarstras brutelike
Pil4 l B 3 =ohls and Gael Dow; at Arduate whit
Pittsburgh, Part Warns and Chicago Saihnsittlit
BIM= with Atlantic and &est Wistaria Union*
for Warren, Graurrills, Meadsllll. Baba, Dania
Jamadown and tialatoanga; at BM= with GM
land. Zariessills and Oirtainnati Bailised Ret=
pane and IllUarsben. antst
: O. Ti. IL IL for Erie, Donktrb and Bothio
with 0. di T. R. R. for Elandender. TO N% and ilea
with eiteenterr ihr Detroit.
Wel:Willie Accconnurtittm Isam at SAO p• In.
lletrinsing talcs sides at Kg a. ne.. BM ant
Itos p. in.. and tlO a. to. '
• '
Throagh Matta to all pc=licont ,patieti tea ba
procured at the Meets Street Depot,ittisburgio.
- GEORGE PARB3II. - Tictali Amt.
And at Altottaany ita,
- A. 4. es 4.4 . MIRY, Tkket LIMA.
lot farther labzasta
i rph to
• grirwAiT,
1 At es Cronparee OtAre. In /WOG 1344 , a,Wis
. - .
Pater A. I!!CadOira.
Waltne tlannull,
John Ors.
&abut Babb,
Haney k Irins wails
Janus Elhicils,
John IL Shoemberget.
'mum ll.llcbustts,
Alexander Tindhs,
WfllLm Tankirk,
Wm. P. NOMAD. '
Christian Yeager:
ROYAL ;MAIL MAD asticala
comeavar i 15744
ADRIATIC, LEOO Uonavvoaree /, 000 tom
atELEBEIa..),CCO Horm.pona, B.OOD tons.
COLUMBIA. lAO3 Hones.povar,ll,ooD tom
ASCU& Ltgi Hons-povar , BOW tow.
TLS mairatetaan Ramada ADRIATIC Ttil TI
from Era Tart foe Lhar2aca va TUZEDAT, tin
421 of eaptetatert.
Wel of MMICS Conn Lharyval' %GSM = o •p -
abet ta gotA or Ito equivalent In ammo
0,thnt......V0 and IMlLlMastaltc—v—i—SD 01:1
inurcuaste... poi r _
Papa:gets forwo , dad alio to Lodge. Pub./11W
ban. Burro Stamm. nutiordazai , 4 1 l u lh 111) . 111
lomat Was
lam from Itrapo: tta Oatany to !Mir Tait sod
Boston. Pt 135.57 3 . Wirita• - •
Gar puma" salt at taa dam of the Agent%
818 SIAIMMOM stonsomr;
zunsla Joao, Mosugm.
ritA i;tlo4.:Ptud:cria.
a.) POOL. Wolin at.. QLOCESSTOWN
(Come Cruonsa.) Tao shOl•Ststirrs itisassor_
Llisrpsol, /taw Tor! end CILLOOITIPLIa etamoilL
Comomay as Wooded to WI to tame I
OM UY WasHlNGTON.........—SaigailmOd , L
CITY Olt. sscaugnus,
And tom sasseolbso eatorday, istsiotoy sou list
it. Hart 'Wm • .:
awns as ramass. - i
Exist& to OW; tomb eastashal Orroad;
do. to Lawitai... 03 CO &it , Imam. $llll
do. to 06 00 • dal
Eataban lOW db.! Plambart 00
• Pialinan also ltairardal . to tonna Ilsossmiot.
twins; Antwerp ici...4• 1 1111/4 ram
parp ham win= or QtrainstiMt lot wow
ITS. US .$l96. • TOM mkt Vol Ss
astul Ito Oat Menai can boy Ittasde ban IS tialat
fts forth tam:akin job osossars:
mai . nun 0..DAL14
• " 111 Itecedinq .6l :ll 4 .
" lona ruciersor4 „ : .
Mid Moat, Isottistrtai tais
CUNARD LlNB.—nifiromia t
umpoisza QUeeneMio Ws . bi - : FA anti aird r.
alb a bb bu i• Ibb Her Tort, V 3 btm
tedief. miners iresk.Aggy to •
( 1 1kLiserf.rir rAte.V.fli
• •
Tini.•!. OLD 00112.1114'."
biaght ad In 61:136TAM663 MIA
6T tam Idarad..: /sodas. Gahm a
- -WvronitaNdivo.Dollars.
Apply ,carask6 "Tfr, _ •
cattitad Arttelk sena. P=6.
• WiNtithitalM ilt_LIF /6. U }
Irilicami-Var• soma= WI Om PoLescebrod at this
eate•far the 1621016 1 1650 l CAUL= 801111:8, to
beiktMrad I,filiibl'6lllol664llll, Rub.
i t r atz mzlim tv =lla6. 4 ,
bozo In lotto not les slatatrodidnlZ
boon to be , TrOla:X4tirton - ( 16 barb
WA, tram Ihr (6) Waal join 4dorell
to th• War. cos ftrp64 tleaboad ice
Mos 0114616e2r. , - • -
et , ability at•ol6 take Willa kb wes!:iMd
ism* 156 gaimitßal by 666'nor palmy
audio avendsit fir 12i6tionatm li e luu risitisicizaatcia matte lbws
* it* Gadd tartiamils- 'at shiMark of Ur asser6
t0 , '6•4 *ans. , P..4 4. 724114 11.
66":••• • traddresioalcallat. ea. a.
71, W 4 Clit
OAWdOliTlhlr BUM%
aad 156eadorestLiar esirtkipet i= l ibr
a 4 mg./4 valasanm.
13160000 U MAO :1 1 / I :4Uumiti
23,01X11* mgr.
• - obis. ratramiEFA",„
f-411110itilidtbeatt amt.
AUL LL vaisimmtp.
A a wal '