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" ' t . , • '.. t: :. 1,::,...: ~';''' ~,.t.: ~ ,:...,.. ~, . *t:., :1,.-..‘;`,.,.7.1.1 : ' : `., . •-• • *t, .. qv. i.: :::.;'..i*,'".l ::. ' ',.. • .4, lIMEM mman ~._. ~, ~~'r~ ipittsburgit dazeftil. MONDAY MOBEING:=BEPT. 28,1863 Union State Ticket. 1011 GDIFTANOU: ANDREW G. CURTIN, of Centre. 708 JIID2II OF TEI MUM' COURT DANIEL AGNEW. of Beaver. Union County Ticket. fo. D Proottoot "too a /Nark, Cberi. OM asztprort. Ihrr Araabig. L JOBB P. GLAD& ix. ALAIMO SLAOIL. tu. EARS D. 11111110 N. or. D is. V. SRO& J. BlG zurrax /1/01. laer(f. lOUS f roo Oforb if Qom wat: a. =mon. Par Opals Thooloir. DAVID AMID. Ja. Rairrisl. ABM= DoOLDBIL &Ma& WM. S. BIZEIABDDON. is ClomOo Dousubolow. DICOIIOIIFLANIILLIOD. Dr Di/motor of Oks Poor. 30/1A 1. MAID. Compensations of the War. At the dose of our last article on this subject, we Were speaking of the clear and obdons way to the suppression of the re bellion, which might have been adopted at the beginnin& by carrying the war into Africa, by attacking South Carolina in her well-known vulnerable point, inviting the slave to join our standard, with the offer of freedom as the reward of , his manhood —thus, in a short struggle, crushing out the slavehohlers' revolt in the very place Where, the conspirators first shaped their hideous work. It was not the design of Providence, however, that slavery should escape in this way, and it will be ever re membered, as a moat curious foot; con nected with the oonduet of the war, that it 11111 precisely the persistent effort which was made to rave it, that insured its de- 'atructlon. When it shall have perished entirely, it maybe truthfully Mia that it Irwin the house and at the hands of its friends. All that it required was a pro tracted and unsuccessful war, to awaken the Northern mind to a sense of the bar- hosiers which it engendered, and to the ne cessity of turning the weapon which it wielded; against itself. The work is now done. The government is al last aroused to the conviction that it cannot save slavery and the Union both, and even the obstinacy of the democrat hoe been con quered by the conviction that he must either consent to the employment. - of the means which Providenoe has offered to us, crib the work himselL The black man is now enrolled without objection, and has approved himself s soldier. From the mo ment that he was so, the rebellion was doomed, and slavery among the things that were. To effect all thin it hoe cost us much do mestic suffering and many thousands of valuable lives. Bat while we mourn for time upon whom this heavy 'affliction has especially fallen, what is all this in the comparison with the great work of unloos ing the thalsts of four millions of bonds- Elea, and removing forever the one single obstacle which throated oar peace, and stood in the way of our prospective great ness as a nation? What malign spirit of sash tremendous power has ever been ex piled, without a convulsion even greater than this? Three years ago, and no eye could'penetrate the dark cloud which hung so menacingly over our figure. It is now swept away. "What are we to do with this gigantic evil? or rather, what is it to do with us I" was the anxious inquiry of every patriot who looked on its portentous growth. The question's already answered. It has died by its own hand. Bat this war has other compensations in store for us. It bad become a necessity of stein. With the disparaging estimsto of Northern me; which had come to prevail so extensively throughout the rebel State; it Was. itopossible that we could get along much further either harmoniously or pros erouily together. It was essential to our • commonyelfare , thott our Southern brethren should be taught to know us, and respect as. They have now learned their mistake in a school whose lessons are not easily forgot ten. We shall hear no mo:e of the atsciler and the R,ostruntead, and all that ineffable and exaggerated noneense with Which the Southern Steel has fed the vanity and ar rogance of its reader.. They will have re allied the fact that the deepised "Tanta,"— the "greasy mndsille"—the !milting men of the Nortb, who earn their living by pa- tient industry, are se ready and able to figAt as:they are to work, whenever the occasion requires it. They will have learned more over that the people who 'were supposed to depend on the products of elate labor for • their subsidence, and to grow riah only by sobbing the South, can live and thrive as Drell withent,„ as with them, While they themselves ate helpless and miserable with out the " produots of. Northern labor - and - Northern ingenuity. prat there is another advantage not, Less important, which • we 'shall have reaped from the war. It will have exploded the heretical and dangerous notion of State Sovereignty, and consolidated as as la 'na tion. It, will have taught, us the value of our institutions, and others the danger of meddling with us, in teaching us and them lia - grestnees of our Sower, and the extent of our :teatimes as people., The very debt - which it has created will enlist the •Strirtger as well as ourselves, is the pros• ovation of the. Government, by insuring it . whercrer it has a creditor, , jtst as the necessities of thews!' have ever . , ... thrown the while vicious eystere of State Banking; and Wired to us a uniform and unlined enrrenoy i lhat will bring the feet daily home to u; that we are, indeed, a Nation, which haa a right to command the allegiande of its (Allem, and the obedience and - affection of its citizens, as the first eitS, highsst of their Antler. true, then, Gait there is much -le console ae fetrthoEseriaces and theme _ 6trispixhictthis greititraggle will have oat us? The irises will soon ,grow 'over the graves of the gallant who have Bo generously spilled'their blood npon the al lar;._but although the places of ;the loitd sad lost may remain laird, :poignancy even of maternal anguish -,be mellowed down , lati hallowed -'4lllelte7 of the dead; and `When me who havewlinesiedilds thing 11421 be pthered to cur Where, - the pen of history will the_inspiring .thYme, Indluture - gett. arations make thileliitemsPe' b the tombs ef those who gave their all of life to • perfect the grail work which our fathers lett unfiniehixL ,~~~~ yu ~ T ~ c:4~i `s clesaliels Burnside and . fitoseerans. Puffin BrownloW his published the fol lowing, letter, whieb, in view of the im portant facts which it contains, in refer once to The topography 'of the region in which Burnside and Roseerans are operat ing, we think will be . road with interest : As some reflections are oast upon Can. Burnside for not havingreinforced General Rosecrans, I begleave, in vindication of the gallant Bullshit, to state a few facts not known to men who are ignorant of the geography of. that country. I. claim to know the country occupied by both armies. I traveled through North Georgia asearly as 1829, &Anodic& with the Cherokees, before the whites occupied the country, and before there were good roads of any kind. I have been traveling over that section, and East Tennessee, ever since, in every con ceivable way, and therefore it is that I ' know the country. First, It is one Auntired and fen miles from Knoxvilli to Chattanooga, and it is about rorty..fiee mike from Chattanooga to Lafayette, (in she neighborhood of where the fighting began) still. further South. Buckner; in retreating from Knoxville burned the bridges Debits:llday rendering it impossible for General Burnside to rein force General Rosecraus with any speed; besides, General Burnside bad to keep an eye to the East, where, in twenty-four hours, an army of twenty thousand men could be poured down upon him from Lynchburg, on the great Virginia and Ten nessee Railroad, in full possession of the rebels. 'The country in North Georgia is rather a level country, with tale and ridges springing up, at intervals, and separating ace Tan from another. The streams are sluggish, and the banks =tally high. The country is thickly timbered, with a heavy undergrowth; making it rather im passable for the operations of &large army. For my part, I have every confidence in our ultimate success. Let Roseerans be re inforced, and he will whip the whole Con federacy. The mediation 1 advocate, is that of the cannon and the sword; and let there be no armistice, on sea or land, until all the rebel; front and rear, North and South, are subjugated or' exterminated. And then let condign punishment be speedily meted out to the surviving leaders in this unholy crusade against civilisation. lily motto is; Greek fire for the unser, and hellfire for the leaders. And none but the loyal should be consulted in the great cast ing up of these accounts. W. G. Bnowittovr. MOVIDLEIVISOF TBOOPS.—Besides the facts reported in our dispatches today, which show that important movements are in pro pots both on the Potomao and from the Potomao—the statements being that bodies of troops aro being rapidly transferred both eastward and: westward from the region around Washington—we find that a con siderable number of troops have already passed over the Baltimore and Ohio Rail road. The Wheeling Inteli; gencer, of Satur day, says: We learn that about fifteen thousand troops have arrived and are arriving at Benwood going west. Tne Battler and the Book were pressed into the service and ta ken in charge by Capt. A. B. Doane. They are to be employed in building a pontoon bridge at Bellair to facilitate the crossing of the troops. We do not deem it advisable. to make known the destination of the sot slim or the direction from which they come. Gei. nutnside and Um Orders. The Wanhington correspondent of the New York Commercial, writes: So much has been said about the neglect of Oen. Burnside to reinforce Bosecrans prior to the late battles, that manyare un willingly disposed to believe that the former disobeyed positive orders to that effect. The facts, however, eeem:to be that Oen. Burnside was ordered to meve up the East Tenneseee valley to Virginia and oven into that State, and was not ordered to re inforce Bosecrans until the 14th inst., when the government was advised that the enemy were about to attack the army of the Cumberland in large force. Almost insurmountable difficulties stood in the way of any rapid march of Burusidc's forces down the valley. DISPATCIII3, from Cairo report the burn ing of the steamer Champion at Memphis, on the evening of the 22d. She had been loaded with Government freight. Boat and cargo valued at $120,000. 'the fire was the work of an incendiary. It will be re collected that an attempt was made lately to burn several boats at SL Louis. Facts have lately been developed which lead to the full ballet that there is taconsgracy to destroy all the boats on the Western rivers, in this way, so as to embarrass the Govern ment in moving troops and supplies; and 1.1.93 having been accomplished, the rebels think they mightget possession of 'the Mis sissippi. It I. very important that boats should be well gnardedr - • °snow belonging to General Grant's army, absent on furloughs, have been or dered to join their commands immediately. This indicates active work. The battles of Chickamauga hare pet all our armies In motion, or rather in preparation for motion. We are on the eve of grand events. A blow atrnok simultaneously all around the board at Glib time will tell. The shell is very weak in most pieties, and it will break easily. We are already feeling the enemy at Mobile. The armies sent to strengthen Bragg have left many important pota ta ex pelled. REBEL Piti3ONEES JOINING Otri .A,dillplLCh from Baltimore, Wednesday,, says: " Abfint three hundred of the rebel palmists intuited at Gettysburg and else where, most of whom. here been Confined at Fort Delaware, arrival here yesterday, and Were, liter:faking the oath of allegiance, &:0., mustered Onto the Third Maryland Regiment. They ire a doe looking body of men, and hare seen much service. All ap: peered highly delighted with the idea of fighting for the old Stars and fibripee" Tax rebel Gen. Brsigt has the' reputation of being a terrible dtseljdinarian. Davis lately ordeisd Bragg birdman from shoot \ tog so many of his men;andliriagg, in dis lust' emptied his guardia:Let .- lie had over two hundred men oeltderaned to death at ono time. Tar, New York, mob, 11 is said, "gistted all the establishnsuata that fill to their way." If they had got hold of Humphrey Harahan they would have had s job of it. —Louisvilie sTourrill. %masa Butissic brother -of the Senator, is on his death bed at 'Boston. His death will be • heavy loss to the world of letters. As • scholar, thinker and writer, he has lank itildialgh place. JABSZIiALISCX, grandfather of General Hallealt,- died - on Tuesday evening last, at the art of one hundred and three years. He htus beenfor many years a resi dent of Western, Onalda county, New York. .rEir :0/,rIERT.ULFODE.X2B. (101iN AND OAT& ‘ 4 , • .1 tar kid prize Maid Cons 1“ vats • Noir st.D.ipot itals by EL BI DDLA.II , 3 Maly stmt. CtTßd3i~p,iuyet`tirioue and unacoonnt fa au 44644:4111 - Etologrol Bach 8111011D'01011t AS Name* Ea taalsbt, ' . m att, - by simtion• owl Prot sumo. (N)W.--Strajia 60t1 thOME . • pj tedilsaea of the tub:mike; No. 20 202 th , alten,2% 411lighay 1:11ty. • steell - Batenzat,o2o. Anteta "1. 44 . ` " th.° P l a l iq" 4l hie to the t2bseritim its2M C 0111.114 VOW/MU rbAtliti Clain Balite, J. of nary dcr.epttonjas tab by sea JAOLCI SOWS, ISO Wood drat. r t 7,7f - PVISLW JrOTICEB. . - THE N. U. L., Fint Ward, Ebel:4 fity..lll most Ten ZVI:NINO, at y% o'clock. By order of • e THU PII7BrDINS. TAKE NOTIOIC.-4402 BOUNTY 4 var fa offered to man who hare uveed re &Mien for • term not tea than nine smiths, with dice:sof BATUMI% sr Company. not farther Inftrmation Inquire at Yo 76 111th Knot, up alof le. B. RICHARD, lot Lieut. oth Regiment P. B. V. 0. anlmeler rr.l o .loTlclt let HEREBY given to the VW' eutreuribas toil:wino& of .Ihe Odd Iferksre ron dateclation, of Temwranceible,” that an ii seep mem of tea pxr cent hwr been Jelled up= the stack eablartsed, pedeblk.to the Srrenuer. at Tam. -perxxx.-vide, on or before Bulks DAT Or 00111. Halt 18E3, sod s like amount amp thirty days =matter, ®td the Book Is wed up. By order al the Board. JOBB D. 111011ABDE, Seeretazy. sel7:Steodeleeeter On= or Preinforoa Gm, Connor, lath reptember. MU. J IWELECTIION.—The EtOokholdere of .The Pittsburgh Gm Compauy rtebombs nodded that ma steams for torte , to urea tor du taros of three years. mil of to. Trude* to NM, for the term of Iwo pan, will be hold at the 0 Moe of the asepsoy, fa the Oft? d Pittsburgh, on the 71113 T litafiDA7 (sth day) 07 001CUMitt 111111 T, MOM the ham at Saud d o'clock p. m. sale: loda LUMP M. 01101hTlf, Tramurar. powic4L xoricvs WA. UNION MBSTING will be held et DR ITOSBUSGAIL WZDHB3DAT, Sept Bak, .t 63i, o o'ock p. m. Addresses will bs &Mya el by THOA KIMBALL, Seq. aryl Ece. JAIL L. OR SIIAtd. wan WA UNION MEETING will be held at ICILTLISG`d, In YESSTSVLLLII. cn WNDSESDAT, !opt. tOtb. at o'clock p. m. An drei:us will M dolivrten by JOHN H. HAIIPNOH. Co. AKINS. sad albite. mliktd 0•A UNION ME %TIM* will be held at the wants of W7l!. and Townsend stew. on TT:TODAY ZVI= /0, MD, at T Addeasete will be delivered by lb. Don. JOHN Y. PRINT, THOTA HOWARD, Lq., and Dr. 020. NoCTOOTL. esSeld 10. A UNION RIOTING sill be held al LOWDb BtOHL, Env XIII Bun, 17072 tawurblp, on WiIDNIDDA.7, Sept 301 h, at 7 p. m. Athtrams gill be &limed by Dr. 010. 114000 K, B 0 II&OHILILL and B. 0. MILD?, Inv m?,ard A UNION MEETING will be held It INDEFESDIINE SALG, Moth Ward, ou TLIZSDAY smite°, Ent 19th, it 7 oVelk. &frame will ba Ifilhezed by nom J. IL KOCIt lIII4D sod '7;; 07. bl. II 17,a. 7483 i 1 -- P. A UNION IdllNTllie will Le held et the BOTIL OT G. T. TIIOIIAI3, tann•ng toed. on TUVIDAT, dept. 19tb, at 4 p.m. Addteveee will be delivered by B. G. 0 I.ILD t, 'WS. 0. 11011 IL &ND and I. L.,E.0N1 Ell X, nit !d 10.. A UNION MEETING will be held at DOTY B MILLI, Obi° townthlp, to WEDS LOMAT, Otpt. 80 th, at 7 o'clock p, m. Ad dams, .11 be denten:4 by B. G OBILDS, Trq., 001. T. M. BaIINS, and HALL PATTI:I4ON, Kaq tett td ful UNION MEETING will be held at %mini CJIIIftOB, o• THOBBDAY, Oct. Stb, at 10 o'o:o.k • 01. All 14•1 enfants who are to fox? of a itgaront prom stfoa 01 tat war and 'tag trwrazlon of the rebellion, ant earnestly re• wiled to attend. lb. avottr Da 'dammed by VIII. U. UGRIC LAND, Buz , Co'. J. B. BLASE, and other, addend bilosturti will be held at YZsNlirB COAL WOL)18. appalls Edo; Ksesport. os MOHDLY ZVE3IIIO, ttrh Instant. *damsels wit bidet:rued by lhut. D.O OIIII.bB, WM. 0 110113LbED sad LUMWIG WAITFIXI9, sPIS td IWIIN lON COMMITTEE ON4LEET ISGiI AND HMI A. Hama, H. CL Hammitt Jou K. Hums, J. G. BACIMCI, 8. Pcaolr, J e. The Ocamatttes ti iT HST DAT, at 4 o'clock p. m., to WILKINS HALL, abort Amami:mats be made far tvettnp end apeakm. Nam tar meoll.p om paned at t 6• Felt, eetl LETII WARD VIGILANCE 'ow COMMIT tart—&t mutts[ hold b !bib Ward, on Bun day 1.11111114 Sopbobar 26tt.i the I,.lowtog Vlgranto 'Committee ti mobtaa with ;womb add to tbotr snub?: J. M. Moan lint J. B. TL Jon G. PA moos, J. at. Bayne, 0. MCAinns, Jmss Hot serum Emus ETIMAIV, B. B. Cootie. BOBCAT PATTIMOS Joa. A. E lITLIS, MEI= Jai 6it t, 132131= Dam forms. &n. Warn B. CMS; J. B. Wilma, Vey:sT.3 Sams, Jzo T. ilea WOO. The above Conceit - tee will west io the lkhool il01:1111. TEM /September 18th, at 7)4 o'clock. After tsllnlattll2: tome other bos!nots, ttui mist• log stljonrood to meet w:th the public meting, to be hold on TrSitaT lUNINQ. bapt,niSet 9)18, omumr of Vi'illo and Townsend Moots. J.UI. D. KELLY, Pm.ldes& J. R. brrnalr. Xi lir 4Driaaris6aursorrs MA — DAIdS ANDIMON, Win molt te•olght AT ltA311:40 BALL, To r roattf Plot Awns's. eitikt PACKING ; Also, MCKIM 0 Aslig TB, to, gimps on bald of L. Indio flobbor Loot of J. •fl Plitlam Nal. SO sod VI ES Mar ,tort. WA eau, • A NIAVTIOABLII ERMAN lintit, Ta Whom °cutest eandayont eall be lent; Atply at Its Otam of um llnse of -041440, No. a 'With MINI. D. L. AUSOWALT. Ale,. seilk`3, IWO rubiatitissD TIM NESINNOLAROAIIPA lON IN VIRGINIA. 6..1N0108R1N AHD iffE la ON TEN DAT TIE PIRLD9 AND IN NIORMOND . By Ear. J. J. Nuts. D. D. Pity $1 W. Tor ash by RAT /I Oft. VI Weed sired WeLNtIUP, 10,t(0 5081/2L5 01 ILAXIIIIII3t. Fur width the ttlakaat market rid will be WC at Na. 125 tivand Matt. Walt mom VAN ROPRIETAILY STAMPS for Hilo at P its oats. al Internal Stunnas, Ittel I)Ladd, Nam, No CT *stet atzeut, neat door to the OM Truant:Ws team, Allorkom. eyl DA VW N. WRIT& rowetim. RENT $ 16.67 MC. MONTH , f.r a tiro: Om Stick Dnlllni. of GIRO TCOMS. • sad Thus and du Na can attest, allestionyCjty.. _ GUTH/110n 111 lONS, 01 Earkstiteirt. BABBITTB SOAP POWDEB, for cleaning *labor arinuing clothed, has no =pt. ylos, ast up in rail sound Mena and lan salt by tha bzkor at mat!, at ttr o pier . fi ni nt t rY bra tt lan wow Warty sad Band atnast. IRO LIST—Th. Houselkow OwnYied by ths submits? r, NM:stall l'ff Tooth SOM. owner of lioSo stria, witb N. ntige. bat tad ag4 loam So o would be rented DAM the lit or Aril on wry tattillttlory toott, to on ammo! teasel. too moos St any thaw Novara co too min./ i, 90 &mat to cos hue P. U. foam V. a. Wittarria. PERFONS HAVIIiO BBALICi3TATE /011 ors Informix% that me luirsti grist sad fammidos dmistod for good, somforiobla nil. dare, star tba efts. With from snot, pomace of ocursobrit to PosmOvir Ham. 440. toottoy dnoato6 booms mood to all or nat.,. sat b. MTIVIDICBT t Bone,Lit Morkst at. 53N 01, THE WIZABD OE THE EDITH Hu arrived, aid will arras at +Whet Nif A NUMMI /110 W WWI „WOW StSTOBZDI-4mt miblistud o to insolad vain*. him tit Omni. A intim on Ito Ash" Tasting% end .Badlool Comof Eponnstortnom,, or Bosolost • Wooknoi, Involuattrr =Wotan' Masi Doblitly. lo Ist podlmento to. of ini robust* , Ifornantoo Coostuntitiono nntrq m oza ingt Mtn. sod Porno* Molar-W. motaing from toll. Mew, k 24, by Tiont..l. - comostrirmo M. D. signor of Um Green Book do. oia. /Mon to .11onnonto et entrasot l / 4 7.notni nolo onot,loo • gots maw" e inn minim sitot.pont, no zomint otr&oonto or two Ewan gimp. -IMAM. J. 41. • Ant nonotto New ;Wigs FlSVgatli #01. 45 5 4 siffutooda.P4a Ptsat 1' AAP 'Valium utrilzacx— as boss seartia.st fa gbe ett-tu sato by WILDS 11011111, In Wood atm& XEIr dID rERT/7I THE LATEST WONDER, Tim artozoltlng. BUZ INOGISPZEHENMSTIATT, At thoonto Holl to WO% by Rd ittaersou. WIA.IOB OIL CLOTHS, of all ,widthe rsod patinas cot to soli any het or roam for oda whototsla as& tett.% at tho Oil Cloth ZSTOrtals el J. • H. PHILIIIPS. SS sod 23 Bt. Ctafr Wrest. JUST RECEIVED AND FUR SALE, 0•111 0A192; 1 de.. CORN; J. T. COLV111• CO., Pre. e thellefleld'etreet. OPENING-BONNIaa 1 212 open on TUUBSOLL ths 24th !natant. the LLTII2I2 PARIS Fitt3.2lONS In DONNE FS AND HATA. 0r24:11t A. IL 8113;1111r, Yen atm. FIRST CLASH STOCK FARM NEAR rzniaoitaion. 032 LOSES ILSOILLIti? LAND. stored. Three vial Rams and Bata OW my men Boma mock sad lariesty Itapleautaa. Pala lILVOO. Nor inknotat:on mob* of as92l2w H. 0013 . 1 T. N 0.133 111 NI at. w. Q. JuliiiBTON,&CO., STEAM JOB ramrsas, BTEFIZOTTPEB!, end nr.,A.Nrc BOOK MAHER El• 57 WOOD . 11 106 IP_IIID 511. 124:1=t1 OetiNthli lbs. H. lITOIIIB.I Mend Et., Albstnny, WIII dbon, on BILTIIIIDAT. 23th InCoot, a ray &- dub's lot of _ PATTERNBO&NETQ. And mg thlc g new In the umuunrair LINL od11:51 TUE GttMll.l ART OF PIitt3TIDIMOULt rumpled to-night, t Msionta HAP, by Prat. Ardarron. FALL GOODS I • NEW GOODS Just received st LANE. OIcABOT N. COMiL iSo. 140 1111DSBAL Allerihsay Tait otterr.—r arsons wao are draft ast. who are entitled tomcat:Wiwi far cola.. °pad 11111111 to the Gosearlptlon eat of It■rah S. 1003. r who with to be relayed by the payment of 1300, from Ms priest dnaft. or with to pnwitria • substitute to late their plat* .hay rk. oar, am noel It to their advantage to call on tee, es I.m fatly prepared with blank.. go. J. K. 11101/ HOC, No. 10/ Fourth street, nsar Smilbtield atnet. tylidiewsa ADIiINISTBdTOItB NOTICE.— Whereas, Lanese of A dognlstrattou on the as. t. of Wiliam 8. Lan y. late of the City of Hit. burgh. In the aunty of Alleghady, sad t tate of Fan leash, deceased, hale teen grentoi to the sato tame by the rubles of sea money, ail goy. eats Indebted to the sold erten. ate requested to taahe poem nt. and throe Owing claims agetest the estita of the salt daced.nt will present the Inner slttoat delay, to JOEIN LIVELY, Adz's, Weer street ; 1V IU/S.—ANIALAW KM/OSA/4, of Pittsburgh, NSNRY PIMPS, Jr , and TIN& Li. 1,111.41114 of Albeit's, dlr. hare We day tired into • limited partnership tor the tansearoing of hoillsg Mitt business, ander the Inn same of PI LONA • PHIPPS, Andre. Homan and Usury Thins, Jr. u Gnus' and Thomas N. Inger as = ts erniintur until soDoew ELOBAN, PRIPPD, fa, TERM 1,8 N 151=1 rpt.) 1 vALtu rffaVluti nitio.—The anderegood wIII standnit Mem PIN. N' 03 1 11110, at the atm of DB. 1100008, 80. 110 tfTll WrItEST. Pittebtosb, an tbe 11T DAY Of oOTOisgII NIX?. These 'shorn potions mg. met ced Inter to oho Ith of Kuck Lot, aro invited to Ds ozsattoza Won goy can Wets Ih:tame. The chugs to $3, which wilt be Wanted by the foution Agent. Gra. Nooooll. 11 D.. J. W. DLitt/O=N, 10. D.. isamlottut foratons._ ADMINItTILLTOBte NOTlUB.—Let ten of lir aolotitratiort oa the mato of /rub Vlottelvy late at tee Ninth` Ward. INN of Pitts. lamb. decayed, bark% tows granted to as ander. aleed, all proms Indebted to sold ratite ate re, quested to mate imat•Ast• payment, sad Note bar. log &atm robed mkt state out mead Next, prt.pvtly atithettleated for eettlemeat. to NoIEttLVT. W.N. NeICILVT. adattiartrettes. Ml= perATE oitt L.B. rtIANAIIo LA GRATH, Dien —Letters of Administration on tie estate of Dr. Y. DrGratb. late of l'lttsbergis. dreamed. buena bleu granted to the underildned. ell palms having claims sr* requested to preasat Dam. and all •bo are indebted are tottoired to maks impasse to TA MA 101011ATtr. Adm'x, eettleredere Swag 'treat. Pitssbarnb. 15=1:=E1 'lnca W 'Nauss, Jong Jr 07D, NOIIWL—AII parties in interest are ncaltled that th e Statement a Thelma In the matter of toe opining at'llOS Timm srartr,p3 the Wand Wald at allesbehy. b ALA In the Dlle' trkt cavort of alleilunty Paw, S. tyounlill, Jr" Sollentnr 16r Aitettonf-_ S Inm:wa■ Seams ILw E ITIMCIIIII. Jai Pair, r. B. RAIL A LLSGOBNY COUNTY, se.— To th e bairn and nut of kin and AD Gams Intact to Mu seats of Dletard o'd. ACLU Insisnon ef Jacob Ltaimit, ore of the end'. tots of sad dscaurd.you so. busby cited to tm and syysatcbotan ma MIL J. 111081LISDLON. Begfstsi of WM. do.. to and for the emmty *Ennead, on or bOcreariDNZADalf, *UM day of October next, than and then to Übe mot Letters if Adintslitia. lion upon tbs stet* at add dmsdint, or dam musa tf any you bays. why it% tenon sbrull cot lam Si Jacob Unbar% or sonmathar at Omen. afro under my band and teal of alas, the. atib day of &ember. A. D. .11143. settabt J. EiCadEDBON. UNNT • AL Muelwvu ADOWL. .A. ?lON, of the Olty af Pittsburgh. with to sums its setriees of • ITYS.T.,II TgliUdAlk to supply • mum In the Chntrod algto robot. Chotthuss le. the igetttott will bo molted Psos 42 1 Mien. by the thoulty to Mu following bosuns, Amtionetio, Who Gmconstr, Geography, Cletus. rally, MMus. Algebra. Geomens. Posdost Osog taus sod Latin through Um Males knock ud Canes Oonunadslits. She eusatuttrn will cam. mane. THOUSDAY, Omaha 14, se *o'clock a. an. 011 =7 WO per year, of tan months. Sy order of the ond. • astris snug A. anal twr. red,. To woJanotlon Cal ifellSzT cT Y or BOOTS, SUOES & GAITERS, Bahnoraps. tylli Gams, MET BIIDDRYLD, AT_IE ELDEST DIAVST.: Cantletbkit LILDIZIP tottelobatk)BliMOßALS /I 0A1,11313e de hige444 do - do ,de or ditIIIPBOOI OTIBBOOTe. mist (rnesestrd) 811WID BUO3dldd, do taIIII Boca BOOTB. BOW IBD Totttner BOK SOLI BOOTe. 1113.815' ABB OUILDLCB% 07 M .k. b•km• PrjettlatniAn /N Al BORLAND% S 3 111•1 et Oriel. 0125 „dewed d ftoas BMX VALUbLiti YAW& ABU LOT AM /L ha LT...—The bells of aabetd (Wm. d . ef will drat se Paha, 8.1.. sa ,11112101612, Oases; Ur, 11133. eat of the most leOrible Yams ta, A lb aniv!v.b leg he Jefferson townships if MUIR from rttubstes' and SX hewn hlonaseshals coattlnlas 123 aeres-25 &sot and well eaUliatso, the resamdtr welt Mahal& The !sad Iles beastlfalty. ad fa wen vavera, ' Clad. Lbw. @Lae ass . 8.141:1 aloes; all tl the bast swelltE. amulet we tbestsment. betlathp 'mama sas 'stets:Wish the direhlat in est& um Islas of stem sad Ms bale a bat laral.', 7lllll Of Mich , kinds le slet . - ANN at the mese Vets TelY delliwre IA of 11 sena, ent.hitlt :all how the tosti yes otataataat. wsli wattzsd'atdle aced coolltlon, hat. lab tlarnaa a go:4 poll tog Anti atld trams sta. le. al d sows watt: • Ws to essowsost at eels:kit • Twat loads trains* ths 'Sty t f IlUthCznagtha '' -- : 411 J rno U tr ellt l y 1 4: 0AsT0 111 . 1411011mIsasin. rlYrUltAt, WIJUIt auri rsdrsasa es ns..asreis; Is SniisOst isa spssit o o eosgb laciaY knows. is bas bees gout Lerrsad.llmuSlLDst tea country far non vim sirsderlss SU, utmost wefts. faction. In tottloi SP Pats itt 4 b• ° S B teals gos• tslsths about Mrs* tlovr SILS Itssrly Ihs can. ma mots: ha Ma by SIMMS ivatilnont , • , ftitS • conw4oarta vise latthati Yvon% Hail tastes ortst4 A1i440 ' t.tiii# 4 r 3 • DuQuEgrig E&TING 10118 E, se. a 5111311rlibla 0/1131. ptrcttotus Fa. Itiliera and grind np to dajtint 00.-M triu. abduct thipswa ms ANA ' •• • ! air Dodoes onvithe. 00 Acks ot ux• from. R'rwAAINI42.4.I:O scia . dv alost k om dles, 'so maids. ysiplaimp e rms from Isl. 9i OWEbti Unvitin APV BUG MUM lust stailvel by ..se W a ll a trusnulosigrutab is. ZNW .IDIPEERTZSIMWIL - o:rntalatzig 78 NEW AND POPULAR SONGS, 871710NE138, or to O. D. 11. 111113 a. • No. 93 Mamma street . FPSN BON BOOICP, /Ott AVMS CCN tP, Itebrielag When Ude 0111•1 War II ever. Belly Amend the flag Boys. Wbo sW care tot Mott*r rod t, Iny Canctry. It Is of Thos. /lather, roe Come Home M Dbe. / ham no Barer nos, Oar They is Shim Tim lienipn • Wale. Ural pen's he Lying Call yenta. /Mu me t.ood-Nlibt, Barb m When Liberty dwells. there is my Omuory. Ini Words am never dle. as my Brother to the Battle / Pot hey think One at tome t Do they mks IDS at home t John brown's ktra PAteselek Let me kin him for hte Mother. learehms Mother. le i ttnttle over t memo ens to love. No ens to km. Hese tte banal of that lints river. Etar of the Basnins. Oar food Ship ads to-might. • Kathleen Metannmen. And others too 11111SIMIll to mania. Mara, poet• pd.l, on oecalpt of 10 oats. JOBB P. HUNT, Pubreher, Masai* Han, rah Meek THE NIGHTLGOALE, A du*. collocam of WHO, CHANTS LSD HYMNS Designed Cr the nee of Juvenile Ober. Padlo &lima!, and Bananalnt. containing a comas% and macho erste= of inententarglnetnetion. • Oonteht. Ins 106 part of Mote, among 'blob are the to • kph's: lled. Whits and 8.ti0." ultra of Twee." *lieu %Mbar, ill Came Dome ggata." ..Annie Leda." otientlr glghs the Drone " .nElory me not In the drep, deep OM" "Fel) ir111.1aII4" ..Wene Going &ma" "Lt ms king blos for bia lather." Country. .011 How , at Roma." e , what'a the lime'. nieenst boot of Dinh." Columbia" ..Independenat Day. " Caplan mailed en mato& of 40 amta for male by std 013A8. C. lI•LLOtt et Word et. pOIfTIFICATION BILLB.-NOTICE TO THOU TINTZIYZSIIII9.—The Onnosterre appointed to oolloot the manta fu labor oat the fond ledks% stoond the (dry of Yuteborgb, ntedd hneby rosily all moons Wing bills for later or ntriertsl dud upon the ftstraocoments, to peoreat the usso, before the let dip of floirombrr. to 010. H. raugsrtar..l toe Boort Of Tiede EOC=I, it. hoeing been tostractsd to thud to lb. duty of ber me all loots bill oemetly suers out sad properly sailirinforted. 14 order of thi Oammitua. GEO. H. TH [MMUS, Sta. Es. Coa. In ;amigos of the above notice. I will attend daily tm tba pupa" of Matilda:4 the PD f ems tar =skin out said bIU., s for roothinn the same after mike:McMinn by claiming. at tbo Bard of Trade Rooms, daily, &mall to 12X a. m. • artkts 01:0. IL,THCII3IOII. A JOINT BBSOLUTIONqpceing API. attain Saundinents the Coast& km. B. di fesehed ts &ma ea Howl. of yfeafo' tare qf A. Golmeaseatth y tensaaas to Carer SafaWs mat. Sat Ito tollgates IIatIMUSIIILU Vop3lllkl to the Oasifttatba of the Comettannetth. la sectrdease wish the gavritten et the heath ftettfle theme: There shall ban adMtbmal nett= to the third article of Mu Clostnatloo, to to dmigtated ar rm. Lion but. at toners: Om= 4. Whenimer any of the quanta electors of this commoswealth shall be la any actual mints. rr tonne, wader • requirttlaa from the Prealtbat of the trotted Btatas, cr by the althorn) of this O umewralth. molt ellotorn mymrona the right ot semi is all 'enticed by the ottlistot anger Huth reasVattetut ea any at shall bs, prisalted by law. an faly ex it they were plemat at their omil place of elsettem. Thies shall ha Itimeddltional gestic= to the else oath liZtle• of the Conottutlos. to he &Annetta se matt= eight and nine, se follow: Bros= IL No DM stall. Is poised by the Wahl. titre, contatstag mots than One Objets. which shall Duelowly exyrossed to the title, cunt spookrie! hale it 9. Ho LIU shall by mod by ttas taro panting say pomp, or p 3 U.Lts, to any war whersetta anshotlfrto green =oh pious. or 1401, syar, has hiss. h or Rosy hereafter ba azanyed aim ths omits of tiS Gosuaosvashh. JOHN lIIN3NA., epooker of et• EMU of Hsprisomorattvol. JOHN P. PIINNLY, Epookor of ths &tat& &MOS or Osoirrarit aria. 0011101MISZTE, Hard wl. Jal7l. led& • PIINNSYLVANLS, ge. I do hareby tartly that the foregotoir mod szateted le •64 tnee and correct copy of the or • rot Joint thoolutlort of the Mums: AelereAri eath• tied Joint Seeolutlon propartort rend. Asend• mate to the Coestitutt n;" ia the asato tombs CO the to tbto office. Turman whereof I him herstroto ad toy haze, .ad caused tbe sail, of the Becnitereo aka to ho allted. the cloy and year shim writhe:. tLI 1111,18, fydroowda fleardary of the Zoomearthealth. HAVING ENTERED INTO A CO- I'AETNCIISITU. lOU T ILIA OP Boys' Youth's & Children's Clothing, W. c. primed to club to the pub4o me of Ur largest aad had leaded atcr.ka that bat me bait opened IA dill city, compthig 8171311 Of ALL KINDS, }Or Dram and. Mod, end In duo from 4 to 11 jean R being oar purpcso alms Wiwi" as band • Imp and wind ointment nuinsifnebutd by the beat bzusis in N.w To:k and &anon, eta ars =Mint Qat vs en air lagnauxuati Equal to any Easters' Souses, awl at rf a • tat zeucliabla. GRAY a Lemur, To; the resist cceapylag part of Etas Na 19 Ftrut Brom BANIIIL GRAY WM. d'ivw4a‘t? HON. WILBON IWCANDLESS, Judge of the Milted Otani Cllgealt Opot ?,uidast. owe. ram Aim era cum swims, Pernicam PI. Its limit, shams* and bet. SU page rr s tats Ossnsretsl man Na suns dnoyss t* Ilanannausrs, Eltestaboss, Sallroad sod Bask Book•tssying. Istintstas• sou strowbaltraiss. Ittodants War 'admits, al say Om nits Instatation is arsdanisit try szysrlsneSsd Tassbun and toslat Asoonntiostn Ito pews l yziss son UN. emi tn== i kez d t upset ores kr y t situallott r en** . Diplomas grantnt its. stes of marls 111 M tlts Wr cettr Vada thbt Oct** toodeurstass.. Plot A. GOWldtd r ths fret Puma of the ads, mho hot& tbs Ins* of_lss primtmma, soot arn sit sompstltant, tastes 3404 Rastas* Wetting. itinntor postman of 1.01211212111% and Ottawa onatatotatdoll • •• • tub* tirenty•llvs ants to J RIO Pthodpsts, sittntyAnw.. PALI AND ANT= GOODSr.We Cars to intarp cat Wads and the poblio did; - milt, that Ire lure *lastest oar PALE AND WINTER STOCK, Ouoprising ourpthlsi that U tats iad &drab b oar thuOznalstier to put of BOOTOII.OIMINIT. Maitre - 001sTailICRTAL 00•113811; vim 160, , 11 8111.11. IrItLITSTS VMS and Ulu OltaX11111:8, , iteladlap a lugs ornortnent of tram waskou AND tCO7OII OLEBUIZBIId, IMAM AHD otkouto atoms. are **wad to :date !ap Warder Is *be late** ,so mat fulVadidds stplas and to the tett reauiii,l - . . GMAT, P 08 SI E L & BESE I . innionn piria 570. 19 S REST_ semi • rola ilidcbratod . Gazed and Cotton. „ b etsTagMa.- lii& Alie. jetzt hie TIOTOISIA,AnaIai WATICEIV. 111IIIITOD'S ADD mars WOOL GoItTON. , ; 01/4 ror# asb infurer srd, sp - • 1 - .ititen*Pa. The RlCtiiiile tr>4a la *pineal; to br tbielms er ire. i *NW= .. TIIB AML:APure . '"DuCk . en*" Liabriettat Ott. imitostot to soma tot all Mai of anktairyi ccostowly cro bud Ed RM, la W. Mania SUL • sell" liras Asa DRY GOODS AtIOTHER OPENING NEW GOODS! J. W. BARKER OL Co.'s, 59 Market Street. ova STOCK 13 NOW THE LARGEST! BEST ASSORTED! THE CHEAPEST IN THE WEST 1 lINR-001:1211117 111111011AST2, 111111136 FOB O►BE. ABB TOTEM TO RXIIIII4II OUB GrOD3 AND OONFAEN . PIDIXNN mole " NSW GOODS! NEW GOODS: We are mobs • yap tarp and sztesuilts flak of Nevcr Clt•cocoast Oamptialag, 112 ons althea; GERIANTOWN GOODS, Rath as HOOD% NIIBIM MID SONTAG& TR., IM GB Of as !atoll xtplis amid fa gre3tylesit7 brim %many cd HOOP MID ILMISOH&L mum, rams , "nix AID Iron= HERM 761113011 01=1113, laid a larli =MI Embroidery, Broldi, Fancy Goode, Notions, AT WiloTilllkLZ AHD BITAIL. Mar W. bsqr any from 71337 HAUS, sad la site pezettosn to amine oar goods tame* yo kt& tag essirlitre, se up WO sal al the LOW= OMB Mae. - ACRUM & CLYDB, NO. 78 KARIM MEM, 1863. .13EPTENBER, ELTON, RIAGUIIMI & CO., Nos. 17 and 19 Fifth West lemitei the attention of the Soars to • aaspillOsat isortmental DeTewcr Tina Tan morn JIM OPIUM lb& dock k octopl!to b eelthvatessolo sag they maid rapeathlty ink crxmisatica of the Many Rich mull/Ile:ant Mks 4/I . Raar armatrl, lbr lbu proud sox= Tbair fad saatisal tin can Ara meta. War& Numb to all Glum of parcbialea, ea say al =Marais vicar tad as attssottra east Itetottsats sad otters; the bay to MI sesta. viii M untie/ vita say quantity they Mart—trtO. I. thint..ta comp to doe ma tray La Pltiladatpls. • - T 111:111013NEELD . oasts: 51, 1 31131 1LL.112121.; naasurr maim% for 01211Nectils t:10,1 i 11..1.71 MARL= lOU Di LAINEn MIMICS Mllitikol4 id col= I a t SLAM WOOL DI Lin!; 133.0. J. LOGAIL. Northeast cor. 4th and ,Norket Btu AT WHOIMAITR i TO WO T81D141,01101133 LO! OT MOUS DE LADIES, AT A spALL AMIE= ON ZAMA'S PBIOIII. oftlw. warm. mut A ax._ AT WIIMJSZtabB. -Isotzent, cl 3Prerittia titth abet Di cr m Voids, as, null piltance os eat. WWII;OMB & CO. , - ta 48 717111 nein; ‘-• Han bunts as tarcrailly stock FBBNOR /SErfalis At VONT LOW MOLL • , fil A T W111.0.1421111A, _ A. 16 Toiii11:7801. PitiNTS, SHIST/N69rBlu se 70Ta Balm ; - _40./iNgela/NININKNO .- BrOCK : Cif/taiiiindliiiioo/1111114 With, ißa« ZONA AND / .11/11/1. • WILLIWORSIII 4 247- - ' Iwo nrita,munir,.. - : - ~iu..—ogia:,,urp....itwad .Blaok =A_ Colore4 MIZ=;'4Z=ZI 4tatiivit CLoesi. .? nil ',Van taideii hugshy. CLO4I. cE ol 4trir:; 4o ' • iiIITIIL .0111141 Y B ELTING' . 1 ' ant e la I- nt 44oller & sad Woodsy, =al al, a e. era. Man. NEW FALLI GOODS I AT ALEX. BATES', JUTS 110 ithilf, t7V., Rios. TT and 79 Market lilreat ins to iiiiiitact or PALL AND WOMB GOODS, Web Wit to tosuol &1 osid eon- ammo Yawn um Emma. HMI HOW OPZIN BOLIZZINO da 40; BLI3II Co Co; *IS do dai SLACK somnAstani 4 jia. Zoipansa ALM OCIAN. WHIM= 008 TO TUB Tall= warEs, 01111. 400. wOrio4 onus co. Dine iIOODS. OPEatA BOLDS; OMIGIILLILS ; atCHUS4I g SBAWLsi Ammon; 001105145 i L4IIIEII SILKS oferanT a k /Melee/S, an • lumina hit- DEM; POPLINS; 4-4 Dl LAMM!: 4-4 SLAGS 41;ILMS; GASPS 11 1:11110114; D IBS ISLA t T&IU GLOM; lIIPD 4:DSTAINI; ROMBIIZUPZI: LION: NOTTINGHAM LACE; 'IBLANANTS; 00114174; HALNOBNS. n sins MILT 110 - Coantullactiants Ibppted deal tr cob. lieepeettally twine the attention ef waoLlistlx. ei &STALL 1313. n.tene erin7 *pertinent AVID !SINKING, MILLLIIIEBT NOTION Una. IN EMBROIDERIES. W. him ell its. Ist:it ettlei to OOLLLEP, OC3 OLLIVIS. zuratnas. LA, la. IN HOSIERY AND GLOVES, Ws bans akreat ratlaty, fa WOOL. 11118,1110, 1e0114111141,10. IN RIBBONS, Ali du deka mad &Arable aim Of Bonnets and Hats, A OW TIAI of nu. seem&ld MAW. Of FAA) WEBS& rads Nannies. IN 'WOOLEN GOODS VMS, erarnea. cans, GM AB&LDINS, JACE.6I% am, Lth splatald Ud of NU'S lllStilliglNG • GOOLP, TARTU* AEI 01111.DitZti'd D 18-0&1111121119, all of wllati vs afar at tag law CAM r/tieZ3. /013.-ROBNE & JUST ItSOSIVED- MOHAIR 11311BROLDBUT DRAW; TNT, GILT LID MI6 priag aucarum ; 1381031 mamma ; unrinna. man Alp =AID NITS. of lb. Wed 1:1101; Together villa tangral soartment al Oka pal sr ?Mgt Tttaudi4 eta% st bikORMI• & GINDES, tg Imam Brum nal . ads.* vsuree 111.“1114. ferithr %ALA% t'th FUENITURE IN ALLEM& CITT.—Cta STYMY MOWING, loot. IS 04 at 10 o'dock. pIII so% of the diny ea Xo. 1113 if nib Ocaason. tome Zoom Wed. All CM Qs can fondotooost of Tao Henn Tor. attam, merry uv, =prising liVr hot Waal Matra isr.d Baker, TotomoTotoo. MAU Too Toti.. Town,- Enemas aM Ifogro.tA Carpet% Withor Htssits sad Jinx mi.ciata. cam:4 Bodo Ita ti Motaas owl Harem, Rookood 'oh Stook WM. Walnut sod Notiopory Boditooils, Edo and Bak ibirommo oak Itotosokai Wk Mks*, Oat Inas Om Soot MAIM DI Ro zo , m Da sad aboinsony Chett . .tiduci ollew - ~ MOTS Or NoIIIIVADrI. kioNno aItHAT BA GAIN-FOE RAW L.— A doubts two itcoy Mick Dnolibut HMI and six Lots of Ground, situate war an touting erne Posseintr Balwu to the bauctelet U01 16 '4 1 1, at the corner of Nota'asd Tourettnoto, baton • tint on ferry Moot oultl fist and ettoadtng Wk. ISt fott. imam • Ilk tot of whotto law orator mirk on Oho minium: river: tbi yhoki anneab4, 4 15 ma of Oat amt. Ms lamb tf orit& CCM too hat as Us law d SIIIIXI. .43 a %retain auo Pao,* at U OUeI4KULL t Udia ITU tild, 1 MAU -2.I:II7IIIIIT.—en:I I I2OsIEDAVIKORMOF st SO Ogee/. wlil ts 'Ol4 at Ito rid- drape tie.. 93 MS street, balms MSS sal Nsr". kst' strse tares Wits tarstsbutoSr , Star, 7 l lll /Z Elosratag Howe.' codayststsctsystit sad Mos Oil Claes. High sail Lois itst - lWitutstiS Iladdlag. Mamba PaWmts. Dls!ng limas lamb Cm and Dal Was,. Ittotten Runittarty, BM, and Wises. Tablas, Chats, nil gm= sty at ,ticasshill istleiss 1.1111 . DAVIS arliciLlYATlll. F IifiITUILEI TAM arJ:SNINtitNN.—• (21oodm)&11/411CON, Oat. Idta, 41$ crolodr, b• pone at tka Ommasial Mb, Bormajd 11124 Wow& • Lip sod mama womb meat of Hcombald wrlllltobablibmalum 0070 M Book (m& DIXIE* Ism ballast fEmmiThlLOdb m tronoka, llama& Palm sr*.lie. 40. 0•23 - O&M it MUM AWL Ascits. VALUABLE tatltati AT Alletitla. •-0010121412 IMMO, apt.lllikim ego,V iu rl be sold at tai Ommatfajklis MONO 60 slums Nockums Bask - Mb:MT 10 40 Book arNstobamb Matti! BO do littobor44 a cboookuntua..a.i. wit UV do AllmbsOl 14141 E. ILL Ob. ateal4 - SOS - DANIS menwiarr. Aria% A R AIYI3I/5. ) ( :-.a"14...F, 4 ESCIA OAR. . 0 r - ., ,k , .11a Oz. law ilaL ' SI-INF , ' i yts ugm....... --....- - Jil c - _.-, , ihdar WAY, Mad sewesa ow aimice: ite 4b• WOW all MUM asaz itt, Lai% Nit,,, ' I te, ' tits as Matta a Cilia szti SIM asuitstall . to OW Atitlyett ilea atm am apettal bk o la of Baas. ant L CL Doak a Obi via*. tystas• witb as Oa asaaa MeV a id tor a -tiasni la' tatiiiiiitath austalii. and ea. with isiasnidir it'Aerie_ tat =no sat valitates ClLarawliatia. italatt te itaataa: Eat Etta *tall bat.** Ii ON : Gim Papaw twat Wall UMW , _.% :-,---_, . ' -, ___--:' . tat Anstalt b WO. Go is blob 128. , 1b0 atah 'vadat any width% or ptaintia vat afe[. , sar.- itarteasigiatatalataatil in fal=btt i te s s=l3 a tiz zi a hitgllßbQmW •- i at ma to EU adaeta tat state Clar. to bt &ma IL Stag aradiaret lan. &MX GP)Mni s NO. U 1 OosDsMMET, litymectsoa, mipet3, BOYS' - , AND TOUTgir CitkLi' *IOU eaD.a4I.IIOBALS, Syr 0674 asTO aluti4inUtatVeds. an 9?flZ kr &cat Eland' s auft4on Howse, • - 43-ipsweauscrA . " o HALL. N sit JAV4T tS HARRYi 'DAMSON - A CO., SHIP _ A:OEIA ND LEM. • - araar . a BOAT STORES, zraetirotio Lama, lens - • 12V0I8flfl 0. SW I.IISIVINISS---- blkdo. Pinta Elm cid Caw 00/11 1 1 00'la"Mmta.V. go; 6010nd embed - - . 110 do m i e sad rd.Widid doi 100 do IWoirdsd 4 4 0 . SI: • ;k1 KO do 'IS 1 .0 Sitatel) ' - do. mon* losollL_V. WidPN _ - 100 Muss 6020: =1.- 1 "' sad a 2 tu 4I tc; Ooze sad arra .1001011 .SOO 000 Um; /11000,1410 ;kg LIM witiMai .v.. stibitkl • rpeuLto u bb li • ! °./21 TO r0i1i001.34 gdi ummi lL givAigg Qu— ail Eirr=3