Vitsbufgh dueiti{. ElLL:) l 7*4f%( l )*/ 4 t -- 4 . eart 9 7 4 , P 368. OITY APPAI2?B. tat ornauz 1 , 4 P OF sus 0137 Its .ly to the. English and Preach ... , , ergy. The nalismillee appointed, at the late meet ing in Dr. Pexton's Choral, to prepare a reply 'DA* Address of the Manchester Antißle - vizi Conference s suggested by addresses of 750 4.11thieh, and .4,008 Hagfish clergymen, . , itseamnosizeusiy,itgreed to forward the fol k kn" li g : . . Reply of Misted?, iirs'liitts&upg4 and Allegheny ha an l'Addras to Sinidere and Pastors of • • .alt eltritlieno Deseesimotioes threregiout the Reata: 'of -Americo," from acs Aza-Siseety ' Omferettas hildin Afanchater, Zeg'azd June 3d,1863. . ESTWOID LID DLLS BistaStut : des meet , ing Of Minister, and members of different de nominations of Chrlitiatie cenver.ed in the Rini( Pretb,yterlaZ Church, Pittsburgh, United Maim, on the evening of September - - 10M,_113Bil i t• hear an "Address to Ministers . and -Ps/Won of all 'Christian Denominetleas thronghent the States of Americo;' adopted by sa."Antißlevery Conference of Ministers .01.1thligion," held la the city of Manchester OD the ad of Jane,lB63, and presented to the churehes in time cities by the Rev. J. W. Massie, D. D., LL. D., the senior mexcher of a detonation lent ont for that purpose, the undersigned were appointed a Committ ee, to prepare and tennis a imitable reply. We moil cordially reMprocato, dear bro. thnu, the kind bed fraternal sentiments ex pros:FM in year excellent Address, and join most, : heartifewith you in your earnest de . elartchition of..ditericast liken, the prolido . .. comae-whateies they be the complications - -. that have triton. IA thetturentime—of all those mighty agitations that are now convulsing cur Add, and•threataileg the very **Wane* clod Hatiortal life. ' We agree with you, in the sOlit,letten yen state that no other cause than'that of harm slavery has been assigned, by, the rebels ttemsehree, for their 'revolt &Atha their government.' Their avowed -object la to - found a ilecifedersoj a the "corner . =steal' of which *hell be. chattel-slavery, as it noW exists iofhis South. Bach an okieet, is tbit ;midstthe evingelbod light and ~olvilipation the latter part tif the 19th' can . . WY, can meet with nothing but merited scan :said rebuke from .every lever of Christianity, - Auld the wen being of the human ram. :., .... . 1 It au, therefore, been a matter of no little astonishment to us, that in llogisad aspect -ally—llphieh *lithos the glory chasing the fiat amnia" the eivilizsd nations of the world that abolished both slavery, And the 'sine trade, and of herbs spent, within the lest half ' maguey, two hundred and My minions of i , dollar; le the general euppreseion of both— ._ 'the: L ange of the slaveholdere rebellion— , so =IA at Tattoo') with the gents' and apirit •Of.her free inatltutions—ehould have' met with co mash sympathy, if not support. We do cot wish to argue the question bore, but we have read history to no purpose, if no heatY 0 (methadon of belligerent right' to in sane Wrists and :obeli ageloat an organized and I inoily „government, endessering to main its traditional honor, prestige and ' .' pewer,Tie not only unpreeedented* bat 'an :' anomaly in the annalo of international comity ' and lat . t , Bat tie a Ma still m ore astonished that, despite the friendly remonstrances ef - the United ' ''lainin o. o o sernment, they abould be allowed . 'to tentroat ail ff t out, withan theijHaglish realm, plaids for the'purpose ofproying upon oar emtweene—Auslimg us . la the defence of • Gonstifindatel liberty, and .iddinglo the es . tablithment of a despotio eiteopower. ant anildet all thii,itzifOrditisoolittle greti - 1101tIon; der lirethrie, to receive 7 0 = words of sympathy and ezeoniagement, and to know that you, and kindred apeciations in Great Britain, kw UaroutljProtated to ioniser . Ohio nt'..agidost, those geievaoms, and viola ' dons ifintamational courteey, of which we ' ' • Putty qeminsia. Thiele salt ehoodd be. For, ID pouting out the blood and treasure of our tudinsole profniely ea we are now doing, we . arenot:merely vindicating cur tradluoual power And., glory, but .are. athserving the came of touvereat freedom Ahrangtout the , worisi....We ere happy sly, that *helloes - . , lap of aril's& reaping 'llbsety ire every . - shun Inlioninit In the, path of:Our vitiforloce unnisis..i; tinder the favoring smiles- of a ' - -sights:4S thtd r who-Inm* -just itidgmezt - - for elititai are oppressed, we hate no fear of . „GA.'S* .itettsere of our -government In sup . . ptessing,thle wicked. reballice ; .ata with it until fall the hateful, delousing and demoratiV". .fag inspiration. . -s, • - , , , . .Wo' can, moot fervently and vothigned y , . unite iqii ion in earnoit prayer to toe' , at c i of nations for the oniverestemencipetion in hle tiwa,time and-way,'of , the colored rice, and for the recognition of their chime to the Aghte at latemoity.' Touraldrets heti Num greatly enhanced in ear eatinuttlen, not:...enir-by the. worthy bto that [Df. Olessfs] who presented It, and hie been endOurfar kalielf . to ear people, whoa` .. owe: bn.,nnt . iloltsikl his' Christian cautions andezhortatlons,hist alto from thelsot Gist it ,-. la the-eirepring 01 , -tito addreuee on the alms det,tigned,respeothrely, by seven hoodred ithrodotstere In Prance, end four thou; osod' nor eight - illiedstera in Greet Ilritetu nit Ireland. ' -r.,10 otealtalon, dear bratiren,a4. satin you ' . ilmitilisilt br oom , constant etre, and •be es "'teamed' our delightful proillioe, ter cnitivate .31tomeelitmleabla relationeMith the 'Govern mut and peapLe of Greatithitain,loin "air aterlitanass and annirrences which do not in vein iscompronthe of the dignity and honor sf mit oats:lu i ,sad' it shall beeta constant - .prayer that me may safer - bi brought fat* deadly orailletwilh a •nation to which : we are elielomilf related titles. of kindred,llecage ..70the iltbi tamed Christ:and fintuallity. loos Docei.lo, Chdeti.; •Daytho MoKtorar, Seo'y. ' - 114Wi..J4trosts,- . • - ' WV,: Fang,. ' , , • l& • _Jastal:Psionar....: ) -P , .i. • Committal. silos" iaj . .t)ot the.' At the 23d — bletttet.' • We I.lid.obted to 0a Ada .7; W. Blear, -7 ; Pforostideeited of the- 7,1 Aldrich (oom , d nude! ipadied Of Alloiteektodid thoitholo Bettiereadiving Om: atlas) fondue fol.; : leibtX otitemiet of the fends of the draft In ettefdlitifet o at the and:stip3.o AluLtlato for ihil dfdted ;op teredFt, tO•wit:l3oidecater . , 1887:j • , -•• 14•Ngsootio Or - phystek ai etiu y no llghl to adlitary dig/ ota widaw ita-; b ara :nott[pia bls War far saptirct..«.... 01 , way w e girds, farm parent or J*11,9,11, • 490.004 14100 his Isbor An support-........ CO `ldostat gni* he attar, mega o f &mob-, spa 10 wow a atter= sot - woo 7rani 013 e! Wit nilatertetkr narnaMrriftependaaai _ A pra sat •,8 ~ather-plattothaliss Tann:u 33 4K tv 4 vo 4SrMt . 4 O ;-. licaziW;io7e7l . , ...'"44 ° ° i‘rj lal r it i aiV l P Yrt-1617777 7; Al Axictorty•flirs itatraito 8 Over th.:1741 , 07.1067 OP, 1C1AP1.5.!ried......• 301 tosser Want"sascpacip.4:--- ", • • • ' 34. Dboas l lo 3 i4s , TeothandWioroit Ono forolibodettoboltn:! par this planc fa !PIM ectoimatatioa Eiatfr Tao j eotiouutoted ("time st, central no. IS& VOUnol, ,811103•„1141rery is za Pnlesd gistdidtmPa u itaurfl rIgftSTOWL;i , - • The;Bentir Ooarestitia • Thh C l oati.AuTatiir‘ g0#044 0 PaParition : Wie!t4l a - large Mtge* Am.** tio 041012U°32 •to gaiisala•nintrow;% Obit. C. ' r ..W, Ititantof -4 - 41`100 - jfkrimad:ai lehid 111 1ithlef;thi 4 1, 10.402, aid *bi4tgridi4, tkiieoithlitielistileta'mlua;r &To: J B. Stairms, sguirottby 'eandidnte tor 011 eft 11 41 1 .1 1 , tenivito , * q,o t f mut OpJII,L bnoonlas ',Ttrdal= agates olnn4- Mauna II alaitiNdnif /Mfg nionnag, on AI speeig be -.MS 'frnin± Thos's* / 3 ; 1ikkre4441,11..°0.. 0. Oaf, balsa, MS Pisa linl, iiiiid-141, r:.! [ ti t , • „ vat 'fy , y~."~g' ” "'~t,„ ~~=fin;: Oatßeek Table. 4xOrruss us Itmeraresor nos SIM= LAN. ovassinu thralls of Students; By H. G. Club, Professor:Of . Eletctio end Everfsb Mantas. In Union Caste. New Tort: Cbarlos falbser. 1013. Pitiaturna for We by B. S. Peat, 53 Wood street.- Wedpp.l2lno. ?rainier Clark has here, within the mod erate compass of a duodecimo volute of 220 pages, suceeeded wonderfully well In ;resent tag to the etudent &general view of the English language and of the grotth and progress of &gash literature. The most etas arrived at by the 4esouchis of Anglo- Steen Edelen, uto the building up of our Isognags—the tracing of Its course, and the transitional asps of its development, as elaborately presented In such works as Was ton'e, °talk's, Marsh% eta.—are witha relied tons clearness stated and illustrated by well ohosen passages from writers of the succes sive periods. We are warranted In say ing that the author has fatly sacceeded In his design of presenting a good available text book for the study of the history of the English !impale and literature—lnperier, even, felpractiesl purposes, to many works of three times)te bulk and price. I'm OLD If"ial1M1 OP NM! Tour Con. Er was Irsa Mush, Ciort, &woad balm. Sew fork: eivlstam. 1863. P/Ventugh: for sale by Henry nth street, CM pp. Ham Sometime ago, it appouv, Om:author of this volunieumoceeded In attracting the attention of the putee by a series of gossipy memoirs under the same title, namely, " The Old Mer chants of New York City"—which has na turally encouraged him to go on working the lode he had opened. Yew writers that have ventured into print, have aver equalled Mr. Walter Barrett, Clerk,in miscellaneousness, promiscuousness, or whatever else, In the ebape of a 'ponderous pollayllable' and noun abstract, we should learnedly and tech nically—al belts a • critio—call what In the every day vernaenclar is often called. "rough and ready," or rather "rough and tumble;"—for, in good cloth, his book seems to have been made in no more methodi cal way than by sending about• wheelbarrow fed of note, or memorandum-books to the prln tea, and having the same taken from where It was damped on the floor, and incontinently used for 'copy,' and transformed Into such a volume as we Dm And yet, notwithstanding this carelesaness, or whatever it le, smelt • book will 'have more interest for thousands et readers, than some of the moat carefully written and faultlerely constructed books ever published. Samosa preached before Mu 11-yet Hlghxyrs the nines. of Wel duriso Die Tom In tb. Ewa, ire the Bohr; cr 1888 with Notion of sane of the Loos Ida hy artheir Peorhyo Stanley, D. D.. &gin. Professor of lifstory In the IL. leer. city of Oxford; honorary Chaplain In Ordinary to the Quo°, ; D:tooty Okra of the Olosett Honorary Cb'p'atn to the Palace of Weld. New Tort: tread. Scribner. 7883. rite bur. b:lrWe by B. B. Devi!, 83 Wood street. 272yp. lhow The exquicitely beautiful appearance of this volume, raid' leaves nothing to he de sired in, the way of type, piper, etc., shows that the publishers appreciated-what they enclosed in such a casket. We need not say mach, specially, about these intereeting sermons; for the literary read er will need no assuranoe from any . quar ter, that thy acoomplfahad author of chat mast . delightful work of Eastern travel, " Sinai and Paleetime in Connection with their lititory," would certainly prologs leer moni of no ordinary character under the cir cumstances set forth in the title-page, given above, We are truly glad that this re markable Series of sermons—lo rich in illus. trillions of ,cured history .so exuberantly rich and , felicitous in allueions to stored scenes and places—should be made accessible to Americas' readers in to elegant and satis factory a form, by the good taste and enter prize of the publishers. Grand Galen Demonstration. Ono 'of the grandest political 032T011t10111 I aver witacseed in Western Penneylvania, was held at Frankfort, Hanover towneldp, Beau county, on Tuesday. Thus place is near the Washington and Allegheny county lines, and In proximity to the line separating our /hate from he "Panhandle" counties of Weat Vlr glofa. The copperhead& held slugs meeting here on the 81 inst., at which between eigh teen hundred and two thouzand perinea were Menu, and they were co elstad with their demonstration that they crowed /sadly over Ma "abolitionists" and " black Repuhlicans." This put the loyal men end women upon their; - sosttle L and th e remit was that the envention of Tuesday was a "nattier"—a regcrar dam per upon the copperheade—foreehadowing the overwhelmlng.defeat which awaits them. It is estimated that not less than six thou sand porsoes were present The delegation from West Virginlarambered eleven hundred that fro= Washington county was somewhat inner r while the delegation from "Alleifheny county (prizielpally from. Meon and Findley townehips) numbered six hundred. The pro w:Won et wagons was four miles long, and oecupied en, hour and twenty minutes: in pooling. It wak anuming—empusing even the most sanguine expectations of thou hav ing the;meeting In charge. The wagons ware handsomely decorated with dam barman, and &eine of varbms descrlptlens, all tend. ing to chow the deep Interest which the tactics feel In the result of the present election. One stand only had been ereateri,rY but ft aeon became apparent that °Derrell of those precept °odd not hear from .8 single stand, and while Mr. dolmas ,n a talented lawyer of . Washintton, Pa., spoke fro= the math plat form, W. 0. Moreland, Sq.,. of thia city, held forth from a wagon, on another -part of the ground. Still about one-third of the peo ple could not get near enough the speakers to be within ear-shot, and puled the think con versation and sight-seeing. Thomius How ard, Stq, followed - Mr. Arneson and co sax. b us ware th e people to kw the jinn of the day Manned, that MY.. Howard, and Mr. Moreland wan _kept stand fer could enbly ever an hour oath. - The addresses were =est enthatiasHadir remind. _, At the close of the men Meeting, • beautiful miss burin wee taunted to the 'delegation from Flornes, Washington corm ty, is being the Larpst on the ground: The presentations much was made by Mr. Howard, and, - on behalf of the isclphate, by He ilorehad. . A vary intenstingni& muting was held, which wag kept upttUa late hourp :noteith. standing, the imam were nisarlyexhinsted. La pent of spirit and eathuhain, we an assured that aothing of a political atuusetsr has been ',leaned during the present taw paign,equal to this. The utmost defense and good order wended th roughout, and net the s lightest 41141165ec, or interruption was anywhere manifestid. It was a proud and joyous dey for the loyal muter, sad had a ; moat downing effect upon the traitorous I committed,. _ Bonnets 'end The tali, 'dyke al , kande and hate kiTeitag loyal anilebesi upon the markeh and we wish to inform our lady readers that they can find a mat aemplte and elhpint as. torment at the eatablishment of Mist' IL!ohef, Penn street, near Si. Olair., Bar opening bass plea, and this pment,' a most favorable 'opportunity for esaminlog her outcriesnu The style(' decidedly novel; timgh gamest say it re elegant and taste. tat ..The bopeet Is quit. starrow,and the sides are compressed so auto st Maul? Ibost the errhsiiing , the bonnets* elongated ap. sPetreace.. The colors ate of tonne sari. posi , bit We, wens shown several bonesti leis itather. , color (just think od it!) 'bleb Were , ;reel faintish and the Geier willies 'doubt be oune'salte fashienabbt ,herhas it is already Ist:vogue in tlfe east: IBMs Melo has able fcfrpeutted , a .jistati sad basistilel Smith hate ideal/Ski eltake"'amastagly , wltntifiryoung later-..and, we may Sid, she yonig gentleman, tel..: Theo are black and gray, trisected iithsty Akt sfyleh with pinseesoip. But we cannot parUeslaris*..., Mint Inwinid punkin, to &falba et tithe of whit we taw,ead wi en only advise - out lady tutus' to ow today, or to-num% or wzbi, fathom:sans. The eittiesteouplate th e latest itylai and fealdoasble stateziels, shloli been seleated with gins are' by the - lady MOIL hoes lejorepared to all iodide fp the 'VW. , iel.atittltuert exueer. - led In eattisliall will have a fine Opel from whisk comet, t ,ta -,; • • 111,T4 trot.:=4:4o:l; sdia, labs chie f of ebb - Oho* efihdatitel7-4Depeollag the Department of the - Slesbaphshie The.esptain la a talented number of the legal _prefessioni. and Ii filly competent tothe dim:Urge of , the duties U. signed him. lie is stopping at Itehenga; hate ADAM My:mi.—Thiel:lk Wart°. U. 1.. moats this niadek ;at; MU put Men o'clock. , Pandits* attendsnoe is Oman:an $ll Imllititedi , sad other Importint bed*. , P 11 . 4 1 bi1 ?" ,1,41 4:7; P_It:W.ST4ftMM MMingairle:AM Nam Enos- MS -Entem-.Tollihst. /Um Heron will appear inter great character of "Edith," la the play of the "Bun Dauer. ter," dramatised from tie eeleirated Mice* Eaat Lyn*. Ia this character the lady haa rif reoeived the highest meadow of the pass throughout the country, and those who sit uated its repreastadon ham on the oma lion of her bat visit, were nximusured In her praise. The attendee* is "Barney, the Baron."' Us Mourn Afinsuts.—Lame and fast leash's staleness attest the piddle apprecia tion of this Ise troupe. Elegant Toed and instrnmental musk, intanparsed with the Jokes, witticisms angentravagansaa of flambe personified, never fail to draw good houses, and - all these requildtes to aeons are coin. bitted In the Morris troupe. MIMIC Als and MisooDanaons Books, at Ano Ulm this impart& at 73S o'clock, at M enial 65 Fifth street, by order of the admix tritstor of Dr. fdeatath. : 4 PISCLiL LOCAL NOTICIIII Gwynn Ain amen Bmra idnalinia, fors bunny and cunninatuing pa:spool, are elm bait In nu. A. D. CIIISOST, Quasi Agent. 50.13. Fifth street TIONAJI Pun, Plain and Oznamintal Elate Roofed, ant dealer to Pennell/Ills Vgf cant slate of thel bast quality at low rata. 011cis at Alsz. Linehan% mar the Wane plitidesiglupis Opinzone of the Wheeler turd Was& Belying Meath& Throb but Quo Bowing brooldno, and tbit Is Wheeler Wilioit'a.—Jadso Moire, er, Alluvia= jittitito N. r; - Thu Wheeler A WT4on Nadine hu tic Anserioan. Itla an maoldno for fatally uto—ddoooato and oanna. It la eminently aupellor.—Dictionmry of Mirt Bury one should cell at Wheeler & rooms, No. 27 Fifth street, and exaralle ominous of work done on these machines. Wm. Stunner & Co., the Wotan Agents for Wheeler & Wilson , have now on exhibi tion a Soo stook of soaohinu, In Rosewood, Nabogany and Walnut oases. DIAItRILED s LIW7II—AIIEIN-0 the Srd lart.. br ths 80. Dr. Hewari. Mr. WM. LIDOS and Mks MUST £N MAYA both of ebts atty. • DIED : °ABB — On Wetbotha7. ni bat, at idea s. m, MLLES, darahtsr of Itastund sad Oars, szt4 1 Isar and Ito moatbs. The Meads of the 6214 tespedfally belted I) &lent the faieril. Till .4.117111100111, at 4 o•rlaek, from the residence of her pronto, No. 110 Diamond Ilitetrergh. LlfA—On Walasaday.fmtambet DIA YU» daaahter of Daajamin Z. and Sarah Los. eked I? month,. ,„ , lama on TIIVIIDIX arrnams, as 9 &dna, from es pliddlnie• of en laronti, fn Ebnlimina. 011LIrdlitY IrOTICEL Orr/Oft, ritaDtrrator or PIMA. Da /mutes.. Plttalennh. &pt. the i11f3.• fr:rIiIKRAIPTE,D RUOM DRAFTe— breaawdenae vith ordae.l butlibb the N . luringaf ezampted Bon flesh by the. Bout of t In this • Bletsio‘to tide data, wlitsibe eaioir ot their suniPiialt s. UT lIMILIEM or 117111MLIMI nancruain &We. litaneeme Eaßefitette. ft .7 Bwtull. .Blutinshan.. Theo Diem= =UM= NI =MD LID IXIMMIA, Daniel Brawforil, Pitt township, et.ablllty , P. BMWS rotrree estiLltdOnig. and Pinup iffareisel.lll4 114 iter 3OLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. —The pittorethlp boot/Aro extittog Witten the ontetel.ned. tooter the 'We and - Ora of WOLTE. PLUME &IT A 00., has Ms dey—FAN rums ITth, 1463—bees dhsetred. The helms, of tbiobrok sal b. 'MLA by J. A. VO4lll or T. OOJIEDICI,Li they stole ban exthorlrol b d t ea. J. d. WOLVD F. T. PLolllitiTT T. OAIIIPBELL. P.ttebtulb, September 10.180. Lavtig tocratut d-r. T. IZlTSlLWrlllinjautlii fix. GLITZ el Gillette. tt WEI te Ueda . the 114{0 - Ited AIM WOLTII. CaIiPBELL .& W. ~ ' L. WOLVIL Ylitiburg`a, re)t. 11311). • ' -WU& VrALUABLE BUILDING LOTS AT PHSLICI asia. UNSOLD UNIIILLIILII 1111ILDIAG seas as tba .alget.Ptestrty." dtatt•Mle cl Mrs tovnehtpoSislatag at unmet, tba Howe flat &e viii be elLsad at PODLIU 4113(ITION, ant sold to Us blebed bidder sltbout rtaetra as • UV:WA 1,, Y1,0, r at 3 *Wad, p, iss..Onabutth ei the samba's raglan O Ita a It dud axecuted ; rue ham tairwtoart/te in throe eatael fiments, with _basun JOHN PHILLIPS. JelttB WO ',ASLIB!. JOHN 8411PreN. I'OR SALS.--A. Lot ,61',11tound a.: ?Wan divot. ta the Itakta Word, ow tota • dead and sawattw•oso kat trout oit sidi attest, and toop, on wldth an treattd two Stick Dwallbsig AWN Or. Late in the:Et:lh Ward. if on 7lne sad being tots Ni. 17. 18. le, 20 and it 411.6604 U atia• lean ot lots In littneato. - nho; Tow tot* 'to 2•011.70221,21 Q. 13suiroth Wart. bang leti - Vat. 16.1. 161,168 and 166, to plan 01 lots litdull7b7lsi•Pbul - *LIM Et. 1111.1.111 N Maeda *mot. our OM; EMS AND WI. Da BAILS rats pertlcere ikeltdilar attestiet tbo treatm I ent 61 CIIAO2IIO . D Aber LIZ aid lAA T M stee on okibuutor.lKllllNT NW. far AL LIA 4 PUPIL,IntOtit AltdtrielAte •MI ite blab , ItirmAlLMATOltd r also MEOW HEAI/1110 'and ill dfamase altentrad. tbekrat sad •833 PIM *TEMA 1 - lb . ems AIM Etus .Partleaka atiodlcn p.“ to she 1131r,g ap'666 nedsltd of OIL MI. BUIS& 611 kids et IMAM AND IRON 0008 B made to =der. ;AIsoiIIBASS C/18111190/4 d kinds, aids al thisicrUstuottm AU ardarskte at Nu. 11 It as war =mil. 1 1111 b.wyroomptia a b tt id anuledit to. • . MIP - Xbe swain of Pao ens .youtkat gur Ns*. at wow *IV azodstum la Usb baltais will faariktoginildilltlO6lloll/11711111Mi i • 461:111 anal* ISM* ' Tliogu EL Maus, Huai Pm% - -• • 0 . 'Wad Wye. GOMM jr N CITY , FORGE. • , „ .ooluse kaniPa__ • . im Wan rirsugiaw 13Wirs Ur TM GUMS' Itallorsy . boa rartf*P. 1 . 1, Wefts Locuosothe Miss. .• • • Moberg% Witabor VERB/ CLASS STOCK PARK NAAR RZolllll.ltinterts • - CU Ante IZOILLIIWZ WIN Mad, MAWR& !amigo:4 ego.* end iri ft.agol 'atm err.% lkominsmk mid Maiffinis au "kis LIAO. tiffailmeoff mem • serithr P. . Ream; in at Dam Qtristmunica ern"Audi Onte : l 2. • - PUtiburgh.'ll4 elt. MOUS: ALB - OF CONDIVANSD !Milm:: ao - -- t "Ulna t 4 14i Wiliest' blddinal "tbil Irili 9.coda, ran Mid. as ibs UM MUM as S iVeLOCk p. D., raus BMW JI.IID I,X/11 .11l111A - Sams cask U. IS Thusl y Kota: ' O. 171104 , ': Vest. llel. awl A Q. 11. Cleasist. JONES' . . • rang, .Dgeing Ettabliehtn*, _ onto az, ALLSMIMAIIIT. i • saran Itxds fl m dfe two maim _ ____ GWltell W. rUltlltl, General Couniallon Merebint , • ABW.OI/14i114 sar wiciarsaczaxiiih, • ; • arriusata Itesm:ltataint filkkaitisturtil le• TAW a 0241t0d A. NJUslit altroh, riOIISI22AL BOARD ORBDINIAR nk-et theStkr ed tb mot iao Nokia of • UAW =.4orOilialrolsoftly • tooting I* the 171:11.1 Mgt foiloo1i:j.012WW• for SU pout** Na roodroll_to Ws= ozoroloo, Wl' try Us fooolorlslho'Wollusnalus 1.6 taltbroorio. Isgnpasuir,GoogroPhi. OrtbeC main antes:. eanoftw i rigfiy. : _ I_o9oe. t &obi ow! Lau* throolib Ito blowy llERolgh oat Corraeo Otimourrtirta. 'Sas suantOstioa tdil ocolk. noniro 111086D4X, Odollooloood /ebbe Lim Bolt) 111 pro pooh of tolimosito, omex m-i.W waut w sow • .-46 t) -- ,i/Ji 4 It stale a salt, ispoostepat4A FresPaarksi z. dativin,r2V___ ., altars sel mahout aluini 41,c/r• Alabama Ow /NAladaTir-iliOra 4,1 4 .~~5 :w' S-sli'ava ~1 ~. -...~ - -. :; .-~ ~. ~..-- .:.Y~~ THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH THE BATTLES IN TENNE BRAVERY OF THFLUNION.TROOP The Battle a Complete Union lietory Reported Renewal of the Flgh REBEL LOSS IN OFFICERS HEAVY Rebels Desponding Over Affairs in Activity of the Federate on Morris Islet' Warterearor, Sept. 23.—The regulate, our imernes, went into the battle 1,600 strong, and came oat with 415. This shows the per- Mitten* with which oar troops coatended for every Inch of ground. General Ronerans his performed woe der a in reaching his present position, a fter fight ing with his sin& command ageiurt the im mense toren' of Pined troops that were corn- Hued against him. d Men the last dispatch of yesterday clot h the enemy was quite active. Be bad been making approaches all the morning. General Bananas' men were In line and ready for another anoonter. Gen. Graham, who commanded one 'of our brigades at Gettysburg, and was Wimple ener and conveyed to. alatimond, has re cently been discharged, and reached here tills morning. Gen. Graham has communicated important information to the Gervernment. He Is fathead that only too divisions of Longstreet's corps, with abl his artillery; have been sent to Bragg. In addition to that, two brigades wore also detailed to reinforce Bragg. Gen. Graham says he saw eighty-one pieces of cannon movies{ Lents tee bridge from Richmond, said to be going to Bragg. The news of the battles fought between Bragg and Roseanne was a disappointment 1, the rebel authorities at Richmond. They emoted to hear that Roseanne had been annihilated, and that Bragg had retakes But Tennant.. Instead of that, Richmond Is in's state of moaning for-the bens Rose anne has lodieled on Bragg. An and:lslet dispatch from Chattanooga to en army officer wake of the engagement of Monday lutorhee Loogstreet'a corps attacked the corps of Gen. Thomas, at' complete Union victory. The fact that Titolll/1 was able to join Gen. lineman@ on Monday, receive' a positive confirmation In We dispatch. According to theapeciais from the Army of the Cumberland, dated lest night, It le sop. p o s e d the battle was rebored to-day. Mach anxiety In relation to the anima of reinforce pants Is exprested. If the orders of the Government bad been obeyed there would have been no solledtude upon that point. It I, known hen that Roseorans has abun dant stores and !supplies for many days to Berne. Magmas la en Its way, and may reach him in time to be of Immense service, Bonner' Moines, Sept. 23 —The enamor New York arrived this evening from City Point. The Riehmocd Whig, of the 233, received here reports three days' herd fighting in Sothis:xi Georgie, with heavy lore on both Wee. I =3 The rubel lore is 5,000, including many 'Linable Uttar& Among the killed are Brig. Den. Preston Smith, of Tennesres; Brig. Sen. Woo!ford, of Georgia; Brig. Geo. Wu. thaws. of aisslistoyt, knd Brig. Gene. Helms and Deshler. Among the wounds:Aug Brig. Gems. Adams, Brown, Gregg, Bum, Preston, gbh= sad Banning. Eq. Gan. flood, who Wu wounded, has since died. dilaata, Sept 22.—The fight ellll oat On. We have every confidence that the essay will be driven from his preterit stand—illsalon►ry Ridge, eiz to eight miles from Chattanooga. In the three day' fight, the enemy was driven acmes tho Pa Leine Cseok, and the most across the Chickamangs, about eleven miles to the Outwit position,. ' The Mfg editorially la 'peeking of the affairs about Chattanooga, is quite nip:d ing. The Bic:brut:A Whig a to•dsy has the fe owing: Obatianoosa,Arpt 22.—Tho enemy's activ ity on Mona. Island, notwithstanding out dm continues unabated. He is building a covered way from Battery Gregg to Battery Wagner for two days past. ifs have rholled his working parties with great vigor. The Milroy be buildings battery on Block Island. llnterneling Foreign fi ows..Recor,ni. Von of the Solito by Prance Dented .-asitsorb of the Fibrida...- The Iron 'Clade..The Atlantic Cable, 'Bay You. Sept 23.—The cintrier des Mate Doi gives a categories! denial to the inti:loro of Bread recognition of the South. Latest. via Liverpool, Sept. 13.—Th. Tribu nal of Commerce of Borden: has triad an in seams cue lovely's g the question, "Ii the Alabama a pirate or a privateer?"._ Tk le. onion was that the Alabama has not exceeded belligerent. rights nor incurred the reproach of piracy. An application has been made to the tb Mar- Illes Tribunal of Commerce, by the owoan 0 some of the cargo on the chip W. B. Ruh, authorisation to seise the Florida at Brut, till the claim for 100,000 fracas is settled. The authorization was granted. Bilden has genet° Brut to arrange the affair. A Paris latter aunts that the legal dealtion was ad. verse to the claim.. The following_ important announceme nt concerning the iron-clad Runs is the !der ail, appears In the London Howling Reread at the 12th hut : We are teemed that Earl on Wednesday, dispatched by a writ tee order, a positive order to hit. Laird, to prevent these vessels leaving their yard' withoutamplaexplanationlof their,deatittation, and a sustainable referecoe to their oweer or downers for whom they are constructed. It Is pow affirmed, moreover, that the French Ambusador ha been appealed to as to the possibility of a French eulloot having ordered versele. Of 'this statement of an English ship builder, duets declared to have come a paper, official reply fres his Excellency, that nel French subjects has any legal right to pos -1 kvor putohue natal/ of liar. either for ms If or on behalf of others. Earl Ittiesell,ltis said,argautoldnisalf that liaise ramie could only be Tassels for the warlike purposes of *elate or an Inffivideali hie Lordship holffirthit the Mears. Lairds are bound to declare aid sustain air unimpeach able testimony; such a deolaration,.the lior animent for whom the, steam rams have bean built. The Secretary of Foreign Affairs is als& of -the opinion that if than vessels are for an Individnal owner, native or firolgo, that Individual Gould only be a privateer or pirate; and ft Lon these grounds that the Govermnentmakei nits mind. At any ram, the ':English Government Ii now firmly re soljed to:try the question In the Cotirts of Law and lf amerced for damages to make an appeal for 'impart to the Rouse of Commons. Cyrus W,:inday•buns to New Truk Itt the Ohm.- Beton his departara he arranged ev erything In perfect Ulm for the Wing of tbe Atlantis televink cable, test et:ilium The etintfant Misers. Glue, Elliott* Co, binds them to a enecionfol performenos of the work, thoileve already oommenoed the mann tastunr of the cable, Bonds bolding theta to all risks, area -to the working of the cable, basis been Lined on estoesdingly favorable taw. CbouniSta. sele.t4. A Delegation' to Procure' a Change of Votienanders in the Depart. cleat of- Nissouzi. _ . Be.. youth tot. 74.—one agape= of radial Oaloa man and asnanalpattenhis, ap pintail by the lota State Contention, to otitt WasidaYton for thii puryearof reeving oliaiite Is tlisDrYariment of Missouri, laufor, the Bast this Orating: The delegation Onat boroabont Vt oten,ot whom mom Owe. Leon and Bel MoCiargs atainbies of Congress from The isiriyienned immediately, ' , eta, • 4 BOUM t o o CentOtala..Tho .Aterbllt at, batik '-ircatiiil39U - 230 —Tbe amsaireial itayt ; Pawners ;or CaUlbrula Ilseittitunglool l .:Vpiauis, famed •at NbarKdk balm from- sba,•4uptst 111:4241pit. the yolia .11 bUt them : • 131044sidtittntet . pippin& ifinr - 444160'..211.;415Aida bunt stator Juirtharbst Mut uspturad attamptiss toluu.ibiltlfoltudeanavultabit7 groom Singsgill*(o44/00/410n*- , c*:6 ,M= ~ y ~, r", :a.~;wt. KMi~':''irsr~aa.e~'.a<.ti-`~.c'c .:~T ~.y~n''. w n a;.~;~`y ~"t a '~ , .3,fe":ts~'sw~-~ the Bonthweit TRI RABIN - I PARS IMPIDITION IaILID LOMB Tha failure of the Sabina Pees Ezpiditlon has been use.tly szaggsroted as to Its loss! II It has ariisd again, to strike this time another and more aaaszsibis point. GIN. TILT lIENHY WAILIEN TO IMPOST TO Gas Go. Fits Eisory Wat:ou bit boon ordered to report to Go,. Binks, and leaves for New OtLassa Immediately. MAL W 0 INTO 2ae 5 - 7LLIT 07 rIVIIIIIL. den. Kelly is expactiog o rebel raid down the Valley cf Virginia, and has boon Wag in wait several days, bat vo rebels have appear ed. Oa Saturday last OapL Bally made • reconnoissance to Strasburg without encoun tering the enemy. Virginia has boon almost 'tripped of rebel troops to - relieve Southern points. who Is on rebel parole, melding in Culpepper, lost two horses by thioving soldiers recently. John stlvalts favorably of McClellan mid Meade, but, for soma roszon, he is down on Pope, Darraide and Hooker, • evaawsair VABD/112114? earn. Salim from the steamship Vanderbilt have boon received up to August 221, when ahe was then In port at Itio ; hence the rebel reports of her having been gunk In s fight with one of their chips are untrue. GIS. BUISMOR OlDigliD TO minim o*s Orders to Burnside to reinforce Roseman' left here on the litb, mid could not poesibly reach hiort_under three day,. At this time he was st Jonetbaro p where he exiasioted to ma rinates Largstreet's reinforcements going to Bragg. The battle at Chattanooga clam monolog on the 20th nit, It will ba seen ho could not pliably ante junction with Boma Brans 150 rules off In the time tutErwenlng be tween receiving and - BragKs attack. The sentence of John Matas, • Minn of Mesons', to be shot for taking up arms as • guerrilla, has been approved by the President. No Fly,titing at Chattatiooga.•The Army is Good'Spittt. Cuarrawoona, Sept. 23.—R0 attaek has yet been made by the enemy, though it was con fidently expected to-day. Our position is vastly strengthened, meanwhile, by adds. dotal woke commending the approaches from ,the South, while the flea' are amply oared for.. Oar army is in the best spirts since the fact became apparent that OhJasmine wag al meet as much of a defeat for the rebels u for U. Reteorias was rapturously received along be lines this afternoon. A demonstration, to-day, by a heavy column of infantry and artillery, wee made, threaten ing oar left, bat crossed Bfluienary Ridp toward' Ringgold without replying to: our artillery. It is believed that the movement wad to lateroept Burnside, who la ingested by the - rebels. Tie . % Oktetainatga hasprobsbly been over estimated at the North, and there Is no °crouton for their alarm for the safety of this anay: Basurnur, Sept. 23:—The• news from the front to-day is meagre. Them are no trains from the souttito-night. It is reported they are being detained to bring up the wounded. A telegram;from the front reports ISO figilt, ins to-day. Oar forces sUll hold the position of yesterday, which ta an evidence of strength, as every hoar bereaves the sohinces of rein. foremen** from Barnside to arrive, and ena bles our forces more thoroughly to entrench themselves. No definite aissturonce of the ar 'rival of reinforcements has yet been received Brigadier General John H. Bing, reported wended and prisoner, I. neither. A.labegrant from the front reports him all cafe. Sigler Coolidge, second in command of the Same brigade, is certainly killed. ° • Your hundred guarrillat, ender thecoin mami of Mena, are hovering aboutearthamt, threatening , to attack that place. , A email force or gnu - T . lllu, under Bawkthe, are reported lo be lurking abott Otis vicinity, haring their headquarters at • Willhunspertt west of Franklin, on the Dock Elver. Railroad Bridge Burnt i • Loeurnual; Sept. 22 —& illsOatoh r vod bm about icon, from Quarteromsbir Gensuai parsouger on the moralist., train' from Louisville to Nasbeillerallmiwoes burning of the Bridge al,ilolla.lty.i by tho rebels. The damage to' titebildge was very sligbl. l The ameba of guerrillas emu, lagers disturbing* Isestimated at foni fan to fel:risen. ' den. At 4104! in I:lophplinticin - Ninth° ar:OPP 11 101014t. Warman:o4Bok 111111tiaJ. fisa.hiswdo Inn hero for an hoar or two Altis forento4o. ototraltation with President Limb_ _tbs 800- . roily of War, andtho Goneral-iwolaidd, 224 Zia inaptly tfturtio4 to ids dopattolottfi, OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES FRO i'A WASHINGTON Speetzt Distitteh to the Pitteharsh etretto. WASHISOTON, Sept. 23, 1823 SH f t .DALTYLI TI331:1181121. Dit pa tche fro m Roseanne INTO repel , the Qovernmcnt,this natalog, dated yut day, 22i, 3p. m, The onset on Mad af ternoon 11 inn Thomas' corps sr I rep deed by him with heavy lon to the yob de, and he marched to a position near Chattanooga, with out molestation. At the same time Thomas wee united, the two divlniens of Longstrost advanced upon the extreme left, as If to r eke en assault, but did net do co, and again fel back. General Mascarene hoe hia army coneen trated, and the result of the recent battle is I not regarded es unfavorsble. Elle order for the aoscentration'ef the whole army was ex oersted in line order by Monday midnight. llte proseut'pesition can eerily ho h'eld until reinforcement: arrive. Four thousand of the wounded In Sunday's_ battle were removed from the field. The re gulate lent :early twelve tut of atzteen hun dred men. Reinforcements have been order ed up In eufficient numbers to enable Soso• crane to assume the i ffenalve when he dooms to do eo. When he hot dispalth was closed yester day lassoing, the enemy presented signs of active preparation for a renewal of the eon- Mot. Oar menwese ha line of battle await ing another assznit and anions for the trial. B:agg dispathc:d to Jeff. Davin on Monday saying :—Tho lota vas very heavy . on both Aldus, acd en car own aide especially In di cers. Tho enemy fought with desperation and still matron t Gra. Grabsro, who was taken prisoner at Gettysburg, :attuned boa from Richmond, this morning. lie says that two divisions of Longstrcet's corpr, with eighty-one pieces of artillery, which ho sav moving across the bridge al Richmond, were sent to Bragg. Two blignios of pickets, and vntes legion, wars also rent to him. Tho news cf the bat- tie with Iteseerans was received with Cup pointment, as they cxpeeted to hear of his annihilation and the expulsion of ail the Union forces from Ts:nesse.; Instead Blatt mond again is mourning over her heavy ones, acknowledging no advantages malting as yet to them. Tbero is no reason to bellcve eusothor battle was fought to-der, but up to tots o'clock to night nothlog has transpired to Indicate whether it has or hag not occurred. 000. 00000 1211r1/3111/SOTON. Gen. Meade came up from headquarters this morning, and had • protracted interview with the principal members of the Government. Its object is not known. He returned this everting. If it is followed by a vigorous movement cf the Army of the Potomac, the country wW heartily say amen. JCITS nom, 131INTIA . 0111 APPROVE) From -Nashville. ~... Ai tSGi:: nC.f Iffeade's Army !loving on Gordonsville. A B ATTLE" SOON EXPEIDIISD Strength of the Spiraling Armies Nrw You, Sept. 23.—The Perri Wash ington letter of the 221 says that General Readies army is undoubtedly moving upon Gordonsville, and it would surprise no one here to hear that a battle was fought between him and Lee before Sunday. Lee still oommands the army of Virgin* hat his strength cannot be over forty thou sand. The strength of Gen. Illeade'e army It would be Imprudent to estimate, but unless all reports which are sent up from the Rapi dan are Shamefully false, it Is ready to cffer battle to the enemy. From Charleston New Tom, Sept. 20.—The Motu Morris Island 'attar says : The army is reedy to put In 'a i llow when the proper time arrives. It seems as though another attack by the nary on any of the rebel works was not to be dmsmed of, and conssquontly the enemy is strengthening his works with the utmost vigor, and it would not be surprising If the harbor of Charleston wu nearly, if not com pletely secure against any effo the Iron clads rosy make to force an entrance. An attack on our forces at Polly Island was not nnlooked for a few nights ago. Deserters tope Shot—Attempt to Run the Blockade. WABHINGTOV, Sept. 23.—A nubbin of sof &era, substitutes, of the First Army Corps, having been convicted of desertion, 0211 sen tenced to be shot to•day. • Capt. Weary, commanding the steamer Shenandoah, recede under date of tho 17th, off New Inlet, N. 0., that a blockade runner attempted to come oat on the night of the 15111 bat was driven back, and now Ilea a wreck at the month of the harbor. Rarbarone Proceedings of the Rebels -.ltinten Prisoners Removed from Richmond... The Confederate Got- augment Defenseless Wunisotros, Sept. Si.—lt is reported that the cusp, has cent largo numbers of prison fall from Richmond to Charleston, to - prevent Gilimore from shelling the latter city. A donator lately came into our lines with a statement to the idiot that the government wu almost in a ,dofenseless state. Troops had been called to Charleston, leaving only s mall garrison in the torts. Markets by Telegraph. PHILADISPIIIA. Sept 23.—Oolten unsettled; told. &Mg 76. Flom quiet. Wheat $ 1 . 33 53 1 t 5 . _Com mama, and lie blgbar, at 625 toe White. emblem melange& Wb aky 'ln better demand at 52063. Ilannamax, mEgeao.t. 22 —Flour dull L Howard Street &Tet at Wheat bet prime no. Menage& ley Own Brun 111,, laity nem at 620, and In fair demand. Odle quiet . Cinema, Sept. 63.—Flour dull and Idgre barer Wbeat quiet and lgt2c loner, at 51,04;4)1,02%. Vern dull ant I®2o hem, at 54004,5 g. Oata cull. Now Toni. Sept. 2a—Cotton activa and Ann at No for middling uplands. Pion uosetil,d, Extra B. U. 0. In fair recant nod steady p01e..; nearly all other Undo doll sod droaptog at 0,8065 50 for Ex. tra State, 85,0865.80 for Extra IL H.-0., and $8.85. 8 7 .60 for Trade - Brands-41w maaket dozing quiet. Whisky Anwar and lets active at 6.5565.30—chie11y at 626524. Wheat dull and drooping—receipts quire 'Mated, shippers generally holding off—at $1,I:0 lot un.otiod Winter Chicago 81.05.6143 for Illiwisnkee Climb, sod $1.0861,451 for Winter Pad Wooten. me . acme and Amer at 85068 L Ocrn In to rattiest and without a d aided stump In prioe—ths demand chiefly In speasdation, at 4L685, afloat, and 8'®8354, In store. vats opened firm and closed dud, at 67674 for Western. Ingle grater. Pork dish and no. chanted. Out moms mote active Lard opened gulat and closed sasly so dm. Chase firm. N•w York Stock and bloaer narket. Saw Todd, &pt. 113.-111onty eat. at 6 par cant. Gold aotalled aid &tilos,ortioB 61 37 %, 337870- lox to 31%. d,cilulag to 37h, cad closing gold at 87%. Stock. Arm= : Ptts, Pt W & 8 4 131aTtland & Pitts. _.9 7 % DUO JIM USEItIE.IrTi . PrITEBUREIR THEATRE Lease cai lIIIWDZeSO.I TI Ciriant tar Fourth Meet rf. the rugagemeat et the great a•t7ete. 814,1%1.Da. llillOl . whr Will sppe.r to the Deer remotion play, dtamatltat from the goeular need of /tett Line, u Itkd, "Edith, or the Eggs Daughter " =IS (Thursday) MMHG, Will be, performed, Edith; or, The Sarre Daughter. menu _...----aLLITLDA aesori. AMMO— LOVIDAY. sui nun 018. 0110171%—..., ' 0 Barrow. Mr. DOBBLi P . uHIPPINOALM. ANNLM BECIEMT. • So conclude with • Bliniar, TER BABOY. BARN 1311? rev 10. ARE HERE, AT OONOERT HALL, YOB RIX MOMS ONLY, Commencing Ronda) , Evening, Rept, flit, MORRIS' MINSTRELS. suns DAND,BIIBLZSQOZ OLD POLES' 008. UM!. Prom their Opera Hoye Baden. Damn et the OBAN1101:18, after an ateireb of three pars. Lnrythin fl u, • nothleg old or wort oat. New faces, suet, and zee attradlona. fißlrgE• TILE tABLIfiIIAD aliT/STIL Aleo • the toa d= of the world, Er. 010. If. DOLL, the dittin. Mmead iptdas. and Us vendetta ORILLA. . the first and only instrmrtmt at the tied ern ashlbitel. 00. mammoth paters, pamphlets and programmes. An cadre stamp citprogramme army eight. De run and read the new programmes. gar Dem oven so I o'dosk, to commence at L ' Cards o f admitslos.4s opts; ()rebottle Brats Ws Lightest magnificent &tares of tha mambos of this Troops, tales brTerl ennetca, of Qtutbso, Pbs tottsPlatt to tot Dora 'Lamas% London, tN Mon , exttltdtion la mat of the Dan during the writ. O. A. ntathla, Kenner. W. A. ADIIOIT, Agent. 10$ TO.ANDBESON IS . COMING. Rao Is amazon t Anderson and Mystery WELT m immumm t • LLNII/E111130241 THB PBBSTIDIGITATORIALIST I cal ow itcs Aiozzang I 41DIBBONI TEM PYC73303.103511131 , 5e1741, HAVING ENTIERED INTO A .CO. PARTMIIILI4OII ran sea or Boys' Youth's & Children's Clotkilig, We are ;imam! to .der to the PIM ins or . . Inert and het edid‘d iteekt JIM bag eva been *penal in ties city. comp:hp% 817118 OP ALL SWIM, for Drool rad School, sad in drektraa kto II min. 'lt balvi oar patlnstabran to tests on Wad a larpssui valid asustateai smizadiciiitiid by en. but hiimmiLis arm iliston; ..te. nostldeinkat ire . ant ddi tigiadrinenti _ • , Kauai to any • 'sister's Pauses: Ana at ;anti lasi'am & imapsay. Fait* serantocamitzwiirt of ace* Na ElaraT. .81X1111 GUY odlehr . up. 'it. LCGI. BBAN)); eels agent ki L IL-Qhrart4 Caktssted Glazed and Unglazed Ipeel Clottira, Tmerear—MELLMass.' I 7 A6aApat fbriflCTOßik WAT/Ines B 0 4" 20- 4" 41 1 1 4: 3 Fmk ;.• : , oea. 711147 V4 1 D - Iffir674l22.:AfitOf,. ' ' erne wbolistattlaillialid VicliOf" sulk brthe mhos. POW , watizets - th• a.a.swoutositocritainaeotrauress=s Sala, Tiatieituok . -*:-,:'::','l•',:-.;...-,:r,- T.-11360-11 Feepne of lednatity habits trZtalt.4 with Ir.:- Inell i bildi*, of the heart, lane of cp• petite, dbistass after Wing. terPld Ifni; eCestipa. Ilan. go. desterte to ender if they will not try the celebrated Whieh nionsatar.dol r ITATION . th iTl: ifth E fi lp .4 .. la aatharitios, and warreated to produce an icareDore berultdel of They are cmandingly agremble, pert:oily pure, end mast summed& all 'other teak* whorls a healthy, gentle elimalant is legated. . They amity. ctrangthen sad futigoralt* They ante a healthy appetite., They an an antidote to clomp of wit:: and idle:. They Gramma 'Meta of dtsdpseon end late hours. They abenythen the system end erdiren tho Into:. They prreaut talescoationad laterreithent Deem They purify the breath and 'Chilly of the h. They cum tippepda and Ccridtpation. ' ' They care Diarrhea. Choiers and Clears Tortes They cars Mar CoLcplaint sadfterstruelieeda-'". They make the wor t h sties;, the btagold blither, and are asheasted natare's great learner. Ths ate ansposed of the agebrated- Caliaaya barh,.wiriier. green, ranafras, roeht and herbs, ail prospaniii la perhotly pure tat. Costs Du= For partireloaso see almulan end tastimordele ascendant!. _bolds., ` • Bunn of Impcatera, Is' amino ono betel& Flo that it his D. V. Dames' algiatare on ear pirate U. U Mom cur the cork. with plantation lic6ao; 11,1 our Arm gliguithre an • fins sleet plate entraslai or litblabeL foi that our bonito is nee teill/edvith Ombra and deleterious stuff. We defy igy preen to match tha tette ht charanter of. ear spoda.'. 'Axe perm terelielding to sill' 'Plantation Bittersbj the piton or In bulk, Lan hapater. We aell 'doll to oar log cabin bottle. any,prosort bottle. cr eel US ant can therein, celled Plantation hitters or not, Is the U. 8. Law, and will be ao pronecated by us. we Agreed, have oar eye on two yards m Ulna cc, bottles, do., whe wlB er.cceed in getting Mecum' Into don insarterst The demand he Drake's PL.!. Wl= Bitters atom railer, clerryloonerchtters, perfectly irorrdiblo. The eir..pto trial of a bolds le the aside= represent of Moir vrotth and supattority. They in mold by all reeipeciebbi dray. eats. groan% Opinions, bomb, ihrleabOst, tad CoittiL-j/ darn • ant:eug xrea•T jar D B•A BB'S GENUINE BlT raw, for side,irhotenLs and retail; . ll , . SIMON JOEtlitiON"; Oarnaz Etophttel4 and imullt itn:r4s. saNico.lizioaT - WINA VINAULBI, BLAINCIAVIVIILD • S. & M. BOLIALIN, GEB.Ia " SY. (Tonnes klus..^: as Co., Borllek=..) She out, 'Lugar strandal with a Pilo bildal, of arty exhibitari, at tha Intarasatenal =M== GET THE BEST. WEBELZII wu.sava SEWING MACHINES. VIE UIGHUR 4.171110125 TY rio Sl:kwVia Aracrkart.l ars laving • groat many agnates for route g Elscbtrao from Tattoos parts of the country, mad as we cannot conveniently reply to them by mai, ere thought it proper to state oar epinlon In Tyke.-1 to them In then goblin manner. We use the rnumsa AND wasom egarzsp araortrsz, • - lt.' tbiYl imith t end_ c_rey In regard to t . atn. a No Other nattrineexcekda it I. s adepts. ttott to all perpares of &Aurae tors: 'lt Is sterols. cot corny tot out Gf onlecyand fn potet tit cre4 trances and nalh no other toarhfon eat de attend of It. We Unto Ude amen In regard to. Liza eneellent Madan* cyan tar own rorpandbattn. And hope thresh* to- ens ordertree ootalthonblo, ttme and perag• Ih gnaw/zips folterV. CM' Can at the Age cy,Na:47 MIR if ItZtT, =A ace thorn cperatioz. Cr Every L'atkims sorra:add tk;rst velentaw? R AIL AND WINTER. CIOOPA,-W 0 dubs to Warm cur Wanda aucl_tha rrtthlta gem. 'rally. that Imbue volved cur ' FALL AND • WLEI7/12. STOCK, • Compdolag oireildttag thtt h rieluar,4 Cedlebio to cact nag wadding fa part of figoToll, °HAT° iT, B&W= 0 0 15 1111311TAL.0a1171118-3; VtEr nap of BILES; VELVLIS. BOIT. sr d ether OfildffaJlLß, banding a bap ► ttott~one e[ rAncrinrwastrir Aso feoTrlf OtiEB2lll4 GLACE AIM COLORED CLOTHS, &a., "Dili vs en wrpirod to malls op, to ofdoi la no WirA end meat flottkralblo stiles and the ' , GRAY, POSSITEL & RIESE, 11110EIAIIT ZAIL3II3, • • NO 19 FIETE{ STRpT. Winat. NEW BOAT STORE. W. 11. 1[1.1C1T..... « Y.. L DILITDIOX....i.a. riiirirSa HARRY, DAMSON. 81 CO4 SHIP OEt a.giirmits. Aid DOAT STOREA,, Uti 1:1MU. nt.sraoarz.t.:.,li • eus' cinmirr irtunff, pui faiPlua. -imam Es mix 1..„-, - putou Ain Lunn STElli. • - BBAWLS 6.19 D um.ouguALa annum{, RID GLOlnnl. &rota, / 301 4 1 4 1 1;Tykriestb, sad - Ithlch ‘lll Ica ' at a Mall Winans. . .... FOB THE BALL OP. let:a.' L ' , ' '.: 2 4 000- APPrikrFerV ; .., &IA Am; zir - . 4 =ill / sire old, fiat :y - fmn tab 014 brit% Mid. . _ # 11 4 . , 73, of f. ak a I , .., ,a„,,,,,„y...w dirart.)10,01118IIIN P/Iliflli ?MC aga mi. tetor AND ORNAttalaVaL ~ . - .'S tS, OliaPS 'VISITS; ~ aIIbTSJ...-11TrITTII0 MS pbaST. 4 .; /K. Teorbo!asata mid Walt at 'luny ma. faaablt prima. ___, ~ TOUR at onnoors. am. attLeartlV . Vitbbarali mid (Waal Smairma —'----- 1 rtnatth e . - iteitoal Irby - It b bitterns* rtt rdt# .... • ithreneint64.- ,. • xth..omat.bessie4, - Lit prodoese no CA et dnxt.. / Madras mos& haus. hate b.Jt mums from rusk, , • 4. It if the mars temm ededpolfiLl • ^ T. allow& an• bank th• la= • • / 4 • . .icutitelyw, . . rmsb asftite.fia Af M1091448:01C ,t1"4; 44 4ss u al . TonA000; EXOTP JIM MUM • . ' • 400 16 .14244 a s PrOffl44l#. Z•ip existuoittialnubila this Iv= inv; elicttaFlabsteet..”:•'.v. ookstar TTN I VIMPALMOTIEWWRINGUR. 01~4: Atmoisi` Py&nethvgisissAnt 21 O. Clair siren,. t 4— tV , I iblikAirs.LLlPS • . - nalllSlVlSlMESti4l** 2 •Anitt.. gjkitaiiraitiraltaftlam.fwairid \ • seri:lz4 ;V;t6 AeArtie*ti) •PECI4L XOTICIEII. P. U. InitEE For see by F. M. BOLLIIAIII WEST IfAVORYSTAIL wic suausza a, ciV, ~WEISTIII3 AG:ENTS. Of mai descilpeon; VG. PUBLIO TANDII(G, . - 0113701519417: 0