I,ittsba4V - 61Mtlt. THURSDAY MOIMNGI:-.7 . :811PT. 24,1868 Union State Ticket. rThs otymsog : ANDREW e. CURTIN, of CeliVIC6 TOD .TIINII or sea EOM= 00WIT DANIEL AGNEW, of Deaver. ustos amiaty 'ticket. Pr•t‘id /*km id tli Markt Mint *Oen mamma Por Animehip, 10113 r.atua. - a. AWNED swum so. IWO D. lUMBON. re. MINESTO/IL TRW.. DIGELAX. - Mir &KA • JOHN a. ITTZWATIT. Ter eigoir WM. 41.1111311.071. - Fir Omit 21roasiew. DAVID AMA, an. • Jir Jteser&. IIk=MRS. . Por.lheskr. _ _ wit. J. BJCIEAEXtBO7. - Par • Omar CligNialkein 0710317118111111108. Diegkr fA. Poen. JOHN 7. DELT*. &swim in our columns, to-day, will be found -the reply of the Ministers of Pittsburgh and Allegheity to the Address of the Antl.£fiavery Conference held in Manchester, England, June 1, 1863;—0f the presentation of which, in this oily, by the Pes. Dr. Massie, one of the delegation of English Ministers sent out by the Con ference, we had a report some days ago. At the meeting ocinyoned for that purpose In Dr. Pszton's church, General Roam -8014 the Chairman, appointed a committee, insisting of six eminent ministers, to pee pers a eatable reply to the Address. Yes terday these gentlemen met and adopted the eloquent and appropriate reply which we publish to-day, and which we are happy to say palters not with any question it Scuola; but with a directness and w anton befitting the occasion, yet with a dignified ohristian courtesy that seeks not to give offence, utters timely words of tredh, In which just remonstrances and men reproofs are blended with , grateful ao lmowledpmente :and kindest recognitionr. We need not sly more to direct the atten tion of corroders to this admirable reply. American Finances. In a disunion of the questiOn of "Amer lean Finances and Resources," ROBES! J. Waxes makes the, following interesting remukr, in a recent article, written in Ragland, and published In the last Coati sesta iestily. Daring his mission abroad Mr. Warm has often been Isked—liow has your Bandar: of the Treasury so mar vellously sustained . American credit du.. lag this rebellion, "and when will your fi nances callapse? What we can eve from Mr. WAL1:11101 paper is bate hint of the masterly style in which he has answered this question: Never did any minister of finance un dertake a task apparently so hopeless is Attu fully acoomplbbed by Mr. Chase in reviewing the public credit. A single ihot will illustrate the extraordinary result At the close of the final year ending Ist July, 1884, our pribllo debt was only $84,789,708, and Secretary Cobb was borrowing money st, twelve per cent per annum. On the let Of July, 1868, in the midst of a stuendorui rebellion, our debt was $1,097,274,000, and Mr. Chase bad reduced the *Tangent, of Interest to 8.89 per cent, per annum, whilst the highest rate wu 7.80 for a campers lively small sum to be paid off next year. This is a financial achievement without a parallelist the history of the world. If I quit on this subject with some enthusi. nem, it . is in no egotblical spirit, far Mr. -Chase's system differs In many respects widely from that adopted by me as ter of Finance daring the Mexican *sr,. arid Which raised United States Ave 'per cents. toripeemium. But my sutra was bided en spade, or its real and efilaverti- Ms equivalent, and would not. have 'en sured the present emergency, 'hi* by oar .enormousexpenditure, neces sar ily forced a partial and temporarysuspension of speak payments upon our banks and government Mr.Cbase's system is alvtohis own, and in many of its aspects, is, without a precedent in history. a. • ' • • Besides' - the financial benefits to the goiernment of . Mr. Chase's system, ' Its other advantages are great indeed.' It will ultimately displace our whole state bur Oaten and eiroulatbn and eve as ,a national currency based on ample private capital and ;federal stools, a currency of uniform value throughout the country and always certainly convertible on damped beton:dn..Bethink- by.dispiseing the hate blink circulation the whole bank note oar rem of the Union will be based on the stodge of the government and . give to every eitistm who bolds the bonds. of them:olm q (which will embrace the whole commu- WO in every Mate), a direct interest in -.Ate indatenanos of tU Union. illissanst..The Leese& it ?sables. A rammiletter fwon Louis says: ; "The lidignam censure vislte a d=a , oommanding genteel and his it - of this :dwirment, which - has beea lOig I secussulathg, and which has found Voice since the Lawrence Fmatuisere, - is not eon, Maid to thelridowas ' and orphans of Ithat fatsdelkfiner yet the legal: people of phi, border, whO never cease to druid ; the mach of .the - wrina's ride; nor thc-Union- Meer this Bible at large s end Ist6Ucityyof BL - Teuls, who have been struggitag under the load of bewailed " conservathroollay ' Imar shninistrationi but far and near, , all ever the West, there bun fo burets rth& Cr? - of-hitter reproach and remosetrancembleh It seems zamt soon reach the Aseantivo's The 'simple troth of the matter is; that the amid freedom and the Union have gone wring ever since the removal of Gem. Irremeat from this department. Brushing aside.all ;parlour forms, with Ids Agent's Whirs aatare s he struck right atthe heart of the rehelli* he planted his foot firmly we the seek of the traitorous copperhead ; lerpent. and vellnighatianglad the man ,' Mar. Prom.the moment Miesrdepatere the wicked - dsell- has been stinging. and scutraing, until to.dei it has produced' fhb MOW disseterat - Lawrimea. ! Bs c perinea =get tot Tars omit, established ' the feet thas there is se half way step be. - tireest a Unionist and sat rebel. The ;con wireative experheent has bee& fairly tried in New Oriesne, cud in 'thio• - department. The blood of•hundreds - of true Min - and the rains of Lawrence, that, free city of the . and vitastmuLd ail/4211ft A Suzan° 2 "" 3 "" won. 1 11 0 7 tu la n trinu .1. 7 1 b Oldo. t he LI ON* . In the etembegest lila" 'lit the - following mat of .1 0 611andiglas6. Sfootikiiiii• • tea triltor," be pay; -.. isquA r Is a' ow& , o fnenter 'amedieol:l6 =ol * - Dim • - to-ths' Plan. og Oblo.L___,Re'll opposed la not'opito li to *min, , m menti"wwwa- - , the Abeam, ant w ma --luiromai 104ustai n anr - soldier& .-,..itiot Dep,e, tarty ealles l l6u 14 6 41 6 1,.- ,6 1 auee this: - ;tll-41nplikw-jleft.i . " and its*yd Obla.kinek the -••••"0 of anw with Oa armlet is , s 'writ the he was oonot)f og lbw 01114_0) whom dale L Lettertrose Tinalow Weed. • . lalr.Weed has slang ;atter is titif-Albsny .rouratd, tram which we mate s" few ex tracts : DEMOCRACY DISLOYAL. Asa party they are either controlled, or beguiled, or paraly red,. by disloyal MHz.: maces- „If s in their epego,.. he s and resolutions, the rebellion is spoken- of, it Is with 'tate& breath." They treat :it, tenderly. With treason and traitors, they "roar you gently as any sucking dove.' . But upon the Ad ministration they !bit all their in digns tic; exhaust &Wadr bitterness, and waste all their Shunder. , • • spirit I say all this, for until this :wicked , rebellion is over, I care nothing for_ party. indeed, my wish and hope has been, and Is, that the Demo cratic party, imbued with patriotism and Wisdom, would rise in its strength, unite with the political friends of the Adminis tration, and crash rebellion. That such a course wonblbrint the Dem. °credo party into power, Ifoiesee and con- cede—concede readily and cheerfully; for those who preserve the Government and rr store the Union are entitled to the confi dence and gratitude of the people. Bat factious opposition, party.fialt-find lug, and above all "copperhead" exhibi tion; will neither end the war, 'restore the Union, or enable the Democratic party to elect a President. TH6 MUT! tzp As to the draft, it was, it the least, but of doubtful expedbmoy ; and it has been, from variorum causes, so complicated and embarrassed as to render it largely ineffect ual. We 'lull not obtain as many con scripts as are required to bring the war to an honorable conclusion. While the draft will not give to the army the number of troops required, there is another way of doing it. And this imposes a duty upon us aIL We need now a reldmilingfif the flame - of patriotitun which illumizated the States and !mired the people in 1861 and 1862. Let ua appeal to the spirit that then animated all classes. More and better soldiers tan be obtained by voluntary efft rte than by oonscriptioo. Experience has taught others what the Washington govern ment Beams not to have understood, that for obtaining soldiers July and August are unimonable months; that while recruits, daring the heated term, are obtained with difficulty, in September, October and No vember, they come with a rush. If this and other Slates cad be organised and stimulated, u this State was in 1862, by Gov. Morgan, an invincible army, includ ing ono-half or tweak& of the returned veterans, (one of whom is worth two green volunteer', or three conscripts,) can be raised in two months. PPM ISIISPEZBION OP PtABILta coerce. This piociamation, even while no more than one Judge McCann exists, to ea need ful u it was in New Orleans, where there was a Judge flail and. • Gen. Jackson. None but enemies have anything to fear from it. Brit if it were otherwise—if, in isolated eases, this power should be abased, it is better that an individual ehouldhe wronged than that' the government and Union should be endangered. Why a Democrat supports Curtin. no Huntingdon Globe, e. journal that vas the accepted Democratic organ in Hun tingdon county for many years, and earn estly opposed Curtba's, election in 1880, announces Its. purport to subordinate the Democratic' party to the interests of the country, and has hoisted the Curtin flag. It thus sensibly and patriotically reasons on the subject: "We are not certain we will be sustained in our independent course, but, come weal or woe, we shall pursue just such a course as we believe will give the most aid to th. preservation of our Gem:meat, and the most effective opposition to the rebellion, traitors and sympathisers. We have in our midst, and throughout thecountry, men who profess to be loyal Union men—men who belleie they are as good Union men es any of those who have voluntarily offered up their lives on the battle-tield in the dc tense of our flag, but in our opinion they are better party men than they are either good Union men or good citizens. A dis loyal man ID not a good citizen. Ile can be disloyal, and yet be ignorant of the fact e Las always been a supporter of Demo cratic nominations, and now that the or ganisation has got into the hands of Mai ,ters—the friends of the lesailig rebels in rebellion against our Government—he still sticks to party, votes the ticket, and by so doing glees the rebels as Mitch aid end comfort as he possiblys:mild were he an open sympsthiser or in. the rebel ranks. If Woodward should .receive a majority of the votes at the.nest election, it would , be received by the South as mievidenoe of 'the ,trength of their friandiirt ' altash and would have the "effiet of encouraging 4eff. Davis to hold out against the Union army-and the Governnient, Every tote oast for Woodward'and the eo-called Dem ocratic diettiet and minty tickets vent be a vote against our army. Every vote cut for Gov;Curtth and the Union ticket will bee vote endorsing the character of our army the war policy of the Nationsl kind tate ..idatinistrations, and will be received by the rebels as a condemnation of their treason. No man roan be • loyal man who gives the rebels aid and comfort." - Woodward and Copperhead Comas The Copperhead_ prom is using every specious pretext it can to stem the tide of . publics opinion _ ta t is eetting in against Woodward, for retaining his Seat upon the Supreme bench, whilst he is a candidate for a purely political position. They know the perfect infoonsisjentry of their attacks 'upon Judges - Id put tithe, who; holding sesta upon the bench were nominated by the opposition, for pol itical, positions. , . Who -does lit -remember the malignity with which the- Copperhead press of put times pressed Judge lLelly, 'when. semi sated-for-Congress in 4866? Day after - day the end &gut urged the propriety, of his resignation; and- poured column ofter column pt obloquy upon him for Ids refold to di:so. Similar 'denunci ations were 'Mode_ Upon ,Wilmot in 1867, whin nominated for;. Governor by the ;Op poslttia beeausi he did not-.'resign, Cir cuit Judgeship for several months after his nomination : - Judge Kelly reigned u Soon ninth can saes eltssedi Oen after he endued defeat- Wow, why, should, Copperheads bi 1868 argue in favor ot - WoOdurd retaining his sett upon thet..bault when they denounced most virulently such satin in others in other% In 1868 and A 67 ? Such eonduet is bat accordant with the eplrit4d unfairness which erne' obassoterizet thills , mode of electiorie Will any ottheir journals AY this'inconsisteripy? Will any one "try it ?-Phil. New. - ImpoitiniS Diseoteri lit Medicine.. Broads, asrtr, - Semedy for an grenb The - Xenia& 'Delktle informs MI that a great science of healing has been-lie/eloped tha s military gangrene hospital in that city; air:that bromine is •• speoitio in the treatment of pngtene;-- experiments which.. lave led to this Abeam were tom. mooed by Dr. Haamond, Dargeon General of thekysited States army, and followed by proffswe Brainard, of Ch*igo. But these gentlemen Mailnid ite application to the bite* of Poleatunto ,nerPettna In which it am found almbstmein°. Dr. Oold. and Dr. MOM, of the gangrene extended its use to the ponous matter of gangrene; andahe Towing In tht molt:. twentymine cilia treated without'liotolney nine died, all of anyone. Of lamuss • treated with dbrov4ne,.tmelSO' died, only four of them ot:lnakrenn. • ?Oldie mill startle t>re , medical -arcald,:and, if the experiment can be sustained, will prove bromine to be an op i s specific in this Om, as qui nine is in The-Rational Rule in New Orleans A correspondent writes: "We find that the military city government has paid debts repudiated' and over due, and necessary expenses additional to the expenses of any former government, the enormous sum of $904,645 41, and yet the sum total of the expenses is $720,919 65 less than in the year before, while the city was governed by Secessionists duly elected .by the people —a saving of over $1,600,000 No wonder the taxpayers are pleased at the new regime. Some three months ago Gen. Shepley celled together some twenty of the Wealthiest and most influential of the loyal citizens and asked their opinion as to the propriety of ordering en election of a city government by the people. But with one voice they adjured him to do no such thing. 'Never before,' they said, 'have we had so upright, safe, and economical a city government as since you Yankees come here. Our streets havebeen cleaned; great lakes of stagnant water, watch bred pestilence and, disease, have been drained; our police WO: tie per feat, and we, who, for years, have mt dared to walk through Bt. Charles street after nightfallotre now perfectlyeafe in any part of the eitrs any time of the day or night; you have saved 40 per cent. of the yearly expense of administering the government and you have saved the credit of the city by pitying $600,000 of overdue or repudiated dikes. 3/or Heaven's sake, put of the elec tion as long as you can.' Ova Irish readers will be interested to learn that the city of Belfast, the Northern Capital, as it has often been called, is im provingrapidly. Entirestreets have sprung up as if by magic, and four hundred build ings are in progress within the town prop er, and the Antrim road, Crumlin road, Shamkbin road, Malone road, Falls road, Botanic road, and the suburban districts. Of these, the large majority consists of a class suitable for persons of moderate means and for artisans; they are scarcely com pleted before they become inhabited. The mills of the pity now employ forty thous and operatives. POLITICAL X' i TICE s ONION litEliTiNG will be held at G1a21"13 RUN, Deqvuzis IS °rough, cm rELIDAY ZUNIS*. Eeptelub.• l .2sth. it 7 WO. et Wil. Ei. anal, Isq., will adtrett the msetlog, am ale , • Chroom meak.r. 0.41. UNION AISIITING via be held et the HOWE 0191/tOBEET WRIGHT, 'UA' twirtithip, 02 eeluaioe.T . , Copt. Seth, et t o'clock p. vs. Idlreaus will. be de !tend by TE69. 110W1119, EN., ilos.JAhtle 4 End. HAN and 'MELIA 110819816. tatitd fCeA UNION IdESTINO will be held et SHOWY BSOWI2, mar John Brown's Of tee, on SATOLlikilr, apt. S 6 h, at 6)4 o',..Lick p.m. Addrumw will be delivered by Hew. J. H. HOW • 11116. D, 11103. 21. 111ABEHd.LL, Nag.. and °Mom sannd "'"" ONION hIEEIIMI le to held et FILIN.IdAt'S EaLt, TIGh NVlrd, oa ELITE ViTHISO, lie,?t. Eta, .t 7 03 - o:k. direissa wVI be dallvtred by JOl3ll 11. EMU TON, zn, WM. 0. ZIORIL&110, Isq., and oth.n. 10. A UNION hi lOITING will be bald at I7O9SONVILLI6, Patton toorablp, on 111IIIIIDAY, e6lh Inttatt, at 6 o'clock p 64- On:eau will ba &then dty C. Tata DATBE, P OTONN, cud a.° ealiaELL. Isq. aol6l:td ONION METING will ba hold at ELIA ti 11 HILL°, 6tialez townsbip, coo 85th instant, at 6% Addams will be delivered by 001. CLASH, CoL T. 11. 31IIIS sad Dr. A. IL 06059. ,e 52 td U.A. UNION MEETING will be held at BCATI66'd, In PtiorsTILLE. on WI DSZCDAT, ter. 1170:11, at 4 ticket p. co. LC draws nlll Ds 4allvara7 t, JAIN H. aextrzusr. dot. Balt NB, and ashen aollittd ar GRAND SALLY.--A MACS KELM 3 o' the Mends of the Ilakm writ. be hold In the OLD lIARSII4 DOOM, In the Dis toon.3. Lllegheay cnT atflAlf EYZNINCI, at 73 o'clock. Col J. B. MAUL JklIZ3 L. Mit RAPS and other' 631 1 .1 silts), tht meeting. eetat2t UNION mss MISISTOO.—A Omni Unita Y asa Meeting cl the lova Teeple of Pittsburgh will be bold et 1107.1 SET HALL, &Tenth street, below Oren:, THOLISDLY EVII6- ISO, &pt. 84th, at 7 o'clock. kdd.eiscs will be do. livered by Der. JOBE Dot'OLAll, D. D, Tab& FL Illatt SHALL. E a., and others. 0.311 N lON COMMITTEE ON ItiflET -166i AHD et ElKum: HMENT A. A raTza, H. /aux B. Drown, J. G. Beonorm, Emmen, Jar The Ccmudiles mute EVALBY DAY, at 9 c'clork p. en, to WILIEII99 HALL. ram arr.ngementa will be made for =Mingo and epeekars. Posters for =Wimp cm to. procured et 01.1,611. O.TH g BEAVERCONVEN TION. At a inse'lrg of eel Allegheny County Cafes Xxcontise Committee, on Weinesisly, the &3d b et., the following genCezien were elected lor• stills of the Allegheny Ontin'Y Dtingalon to the Braver Convention : Cept.-0. W. BATCUIL'iII. thw. Capt. JOBB H. BTIWAST, Ail. Joe* Y. BELOW. Tee . " 0•14111 WUNION CLUB No: 1. Theta vu ge a meting MIS (Tlairaday,) ♦t the utitoreoLus somas, IN 'WILKINS HELL. The total m►e ere Invlt'd to ►ttmd Able waste •AI Wren the mooting. etirsageseente .1.11 be aide tbe izannisabrts • the Serer Union Oor.nnencro, on Triday next. eaten 10. BEAVER CONVENTION AN EX= iL9fON TRAIN Will Inmatelegteay D.pot se 9 o'clock a. m., UNION CONVENTION. LT BEAVER, CS IaID&T, 25tif unsay Train ntasn'zig will lean l/pchinter et 880 p. /111 loyal man on invited to atom& A BahEß BUD •N scempany the eteurelut Rom Wtalci 11.11,.Taarak drolt, .t 8 a. ta rare tie rotted trip, ON IDOLLAIL Tickets .can . DOW b grxerred fiam T. B. DAVIIT, Wilkins aw, u m the Depot, Allogieny seat • [WORAND hIAB3 9UNVENTION, SHARPSOURC, SANCEIDAV. SEPT. 20, AT 1 tYLTIRCK. P.ll A omens mess mzimap of the 107a1 clUstml of Sharpturg, Indlasi. RW4 OoWaa, cad Mmulepii; trIXI to told M BB.A . SPZBUZG, on OMIT= LI, Eel t. UM. al 1 o'clock p. m. BUM YOB CURTIN, AGNEW AND THE UNION. , The fantliffni grab= NI q.Nommt: Od. H. 11. cousins mtnauum swurrimvpial. Jq., • - :. or. OW: NeoooB,, JOHN H. BANProN, MO. Boa% Zq J. LiODtSifr , Lq' ad otINFIk . wortoun " gu ilaM"dl Pittailaritk at 11 ceeereit 111. .1112214''' WANTED=''A , ! 1 CLAW Boar. cambobas rotkalkisoldAlis ImA 01111.11 X• .143 tommmilia DOZ OA Pon 015eig. Waif .zazzaz:rw i t2=gsktiVi ; PUBLIC XOTIMI4 100.13 Y AN AORKEDIENT entered in br the ?natant of tba &wad Prebb," 4 " Cborel of Pittsburgh. ud thsThateas of the dale 06 4.1.17, to exhume the remalue of that Gram lord, 'Rusted on Centre AMMO and Arthur street. to all erbs may be moored may afp y to JOHN HITTOIIIION. Euperitginderit of an ldals Croaatary. for leformatim SeNhift OrPICIS or PIS - IMMO GAS COMPANY,' Lath esyt,satier. MS. rELICCITION.—The ttookholdere of the Pittsburgh Gas Coliontin" ant 68101 ricititled that so election for thus Treatees; to terse far the teem of three years. sod of airs Mute, to ems for the term of two Perm. will Do held st ths Moe of the I:l:mpaay, to the City of Pittsburgh, on the Plan bluellnillf (6th day) CV GOZOBBB GLIM, between the hours of 9sted 6 ° Week Pi :IL selflinetz 3 wits 8 efiltreTtr. Tramper. NOTION.-$402 BOUNTY V effirsd to tow who hays sawed as &Mors for • tam not to than Bins months. with choice of Beiginksot sr Company. for runless inirwation foquim at No It Wirth street, up twin. L. B. 81013A1/0, Ist. Lire. Cih Begloand P. B. V. O. anlawitt 117:NOTICE Id HEREBY given to the mobanibere toll:of:Mock of "Ills Oa Yellows' Fund Asesclatioa, of Teamperanoemilla." that an am cement of ten pee cenL boa been Dried upon tbe stock saburatbed, payable to the Irrunrer. at Tem teranneible, en or before Ocala= DAT OF OM CB. late. and a like amount emery thirty dsys thereafter. wad the stock fm Veld FP. By order of the Board. JOBB D. 1110ELMID P, Secretary. .17:11toodalawOr fr -, 24. BASKET FESTIVAL will be held at MABEIFIXLD, (Scott toenship.) on 711011ADA7. eept. Stetwot / 0 0'04" a. m., proceeds to to applied to the Chestiest temmlistrn. Col. J. D. OLABIL, Bev. Dr. DilllP6lll. Prof. B. M. WILLCOX, Bee. JAIL PBESTLICY, D. D., and other distinguished spankers will eif dream the peep's. R. Lan. WK. isrg. EL B. Bunn, JAs. B. Ow!, .lAs Boss, W. B. Lik, R. W. Parrszeme, and others, selluoitel Committee of Arrangements. Lulea or Commusart tilltrargag or Panatelas, W/111391011, rapt. 11, 1813. W.NOTION—By disoetacn of the Fee. Mary of War, all officems and earsted meh now cn paroto, wipe ors absent from the camp to which they belong, whither with cr without stahm hti, trentodlatory repwt for emehange at said m s,olae Mots beointlig tO natmeata reruns la tie Departs:watt of the Beet, and of the South the army of the Potomac. and the Army Corp, at Camp Parole, near Aouspolls, Md., or the Oen valmcrnt amp, neer Alarm drie, Vin Mots be. foul/tag to ragimente serving In the DeVatimente of West 'V keels of toe Onto and of the 1./authorised, at Camp Chan, and those telerging to regiment* serving In the Deposal:onto of the edistOnti, 01 the Tonnewate, and of tn. Golf, at Beaton Ban ache, near et. trots //frog's d of this notirs will be trotted an desertion. W. HOST taN,'Ool. U le Wary, seller wed voniery Goa. of Primer& Jr Efr .111 rEaTistszlz.orre. WAN rtiD, & PBAuSIOiBLZ OMAN VITTBV, To whom conataakt moloyamtat Col/ be even. At ply at the O. of the HMO of Bala" Ne. 67 roans meet. ft. L. BINOWALT, Ike,. aa24....41 110 M COATS; alio, GUM BIDING oen , , tai all /poi la tbl% llos, aloe oa has! tad for male at to. lud • b sober Depot of J. a H. PHILLIPOI, oda 26 and 23 63.. Ude street. pROPRISTARY STAMPS for tale at the (Mee of Internal Dewar', Yid Dist, act, Pedro., AN 67 vector Moat, next door to Um Day Trorso or's t flor a Allbitwal. roe Do Va D Di. WHISK CorUctor. AMUSED BALISION.—Just reotived, PO smoked 13es daimon; also Dialed Ealmcns, smell alto, or for saw DJ the toned id the lamily Grows, Sias of JOHN A. BUISSHAW. se'Zl earner Lito.rty sad nand stroa•• Tr INGSVMOD'S OSWEGO STARCH. —ln bor.. Cora Starch. for cocaine; also Ter Gl= +tarsi', to ono viand man ponsd torah rewired and Intl ate ty Jake/ Liurissuew, suns' Liberty and Band *biota BABBITT'S SOAP FOWDEB, for claiming paha' rr &lug clothe; ha no lupe rtar, ti tut up la ore pound uniumb and wady by tho bus or as ratan, at theJoll.2 loudly Grocery glom ot tet4 1111.18, Tgbegty and Haag Mosta. OPEN INEI siONNETS. WM epee on THUILEWAY. th) hith lestaut, the Lersar PAWS 7683101i3 In BONNE re AB t) HATS. seittat d IL 11101:111T. Pans titres,. DISSOLUTION.-Ihe film of WIL-• LUND, BLACK A 00. was disacaleei on lb. 17th day of Pepe/amber, 180, by umlaut =ant. Tla• tooth., o. the Oran wlir be eked by it. H. P: W &M. seasons baying claims splint Ms Iran will present them to bin, at their onto*, at the Paw MIN Duquesne Bororgh ; and all peteotas in debted to said clan will osll .n. settle lb. same. 0. H. P. WILLIAM!, JOHN BLACK, MBE • ISZ fit cRIWEB, Jan , lartiD. Went - 0.0. 1301 f SAL • MUHICI MUSIOII CLASSICAL HMO I OFR The onderegned ate the sob apente LT Me chap yet most coma wildon of Mugeld Menlo palghbad by Beim, to Wolfinbutte.earapttsbg the omelets cocks of Beethoven Nowt, Hilda, Weber, Bath. Chmaste, Zablan, Minter and abo Port. poets and Oreetaret. Two and 2X cents per papa garall for Cletategne. J M. aofnukszi a NO, 61 71(.1t et . VALUABLE FARM. AND MILL PROPERTY FOR SALL eitnaht nur Cool* lowa, Per eta meaty, Pe. it tars all urn. an. der pad imp:ovement. upon wleolt there to erected • two-Italy trams Mantis/ MAIL with' bur stone and modern imptorementsy al* a bay 11111 connected. The whole is =viand to goad tuning atter. and is vend to tan by item and waterpower, or separate, as may bo dettral. Also, a two eery iTIMI Dubin' caw Barn; and the tp. mum, ontbaltdinp. Oh. mad Is moderisyed with am% au • bank now open. width eappliss the mina an. Tst a nacre mints dataiiptioa sod terms spill to O. 0. BATAS, Real Estate and /nuance Agri, Baru 'treat. Lawntrantle. - moM MANORESTEE RESIDENCE FOR ALL hAlat, plmiustly athlete and easerentent to Peemosse Ballot. The Wise In a two.otory Wick. well boht and UMW! !Smog:dart extd0311,111.1.16108; pordoo to front, vide hill. two potion; dtotokevoos and kitchen: god thy cellars. 4 *bomb" holsbed .tea, Toett-hooos entl . stoble, to. The las ha a hoof of O has on Lomat and. by VD reef deep oa ridge's:vet, elth aide sot trots trots, Tines, do. Apply to vela 11. OVUM= di Wad, dl Iterketetrat. Q. 6.1.11 IN PfilL IDELPELt, for no. IJ =at tanned Sista. • NEW On LIAITED/Or MOBBING, &pt. 26th, of 16 o'toik. at tbo Anction glom vitt belikit 11WAM, halo, for acocoutt of Thaw! Hato, 1W OBLLI 061311, atouakd mom MAE 'UT PRIVLSWB 0061 . 61 6A 20 PAM WOOL thlooollBB, tatartal Won. Bias *random Terms mkt. THOliab 6 lONS, . 2 • Auctionsert, • G -021.40 800 orA 0:12til ith Stria. HB AIIMY OP -THE POTOMAC. T B LUND 1011 • &LEI of opium= ph*. from tho orpadzatioa alba lumy by llo'ildlso to, rho o'oao Of tag Cam. 1. 11, 03 Irirgtnts, shwa the ihst day of 'Annan 1811. By AMA k Osideama. Burgeon of the Pinta hoalmout Wfmousin.lo;oproen. LodrhAr l AM DI- Yrk• $l. fro/ Edo by - 141 J AL L. 41140 Til Limit; dr.et. OPENIbie tin. if. 81T021% ti 3 hdaral Et., Allagbuty, Will epei ca o.ol:ll,DAY,23llllweata, a vor, da ritalgetaie 1, 3 i1. - I,TaseN 17191 . 4' - and nentblrig 611111 011.31LTAUligat serl:l3t AGAIN AM!) koiOtAILTi.II,4 DUD," Wlrobsolo dsoltrts jo. non Jam szaio3B, ban -atm to ovrs tboti ttoottot redo .00; thtl vitt savirsey LOW YOB CAH. *Coutes Nannants vow dp *en' to aaU betas snuottiortnit olsorbots.' 1 ' toirottotdori oromstivattmliti to. . -iatVl Alipinta,olla - . NEW if`ALIA GOC:ftleg. : Clonifselox of lAMB' IFTSIM SHUT i nz, l/! 1 7 L0D1113.0011150141811.1101V1 1 . 5 4 a eathaaltrafatan 1411.180 11 ; • tilt ' ME M , NEW:. AND.. ENTEETLIN: INN WORK&: - - tad loam 01441111st:6 Psi Veto UN:Mem ii:Tryinv. as • Now nidy. -Nikaorri of ChTiotoptitr NM /4! IfitANNton. .voirtit , s Buiattatiketopentitaro.; ll 'pi'. -Tor . Ai NAN OM. HAAS WOW - fiIsEIDI9 OIL •FOR,l3Allit—gherkab -111J tatter airs rer 14 Xi Hats rats* OSILIDI Mt; ceilttia " • • • ••• ISCOU 411410114T1ri0 ••• ince Wah Ocialq st•4lotireet. rriIMOIS . T 1310 pi= 10....Rooetiiif da t o MO bush L.S. iont Softest tors& b 7 aur Tuivz a ON . . - • ',14.`,..r2,--.1,1-,,:i.L...7,,'5„!:!--zi,T•5-V...7.:--4,71,47,:r.g.34-74:ZZ1T=74.17.11,-,F...-415,:a4t..,=.077, ~..- 1 7.^r47. : r•.-2,:::, -. 7--. .i.-.-- 5; ,-..-,-,----,-,.,,.......,,---_,..„.„,.... .w.::,,,. kr a. 4 ,„g . ,....,..f.. 14 .,,,,, t 7 1 ,, if i„..,. ;f ,(,,,r 0 -.,.,,v..,..wz gz .-5-'9'. k' , . . '-`1w.1.-, --.atitetz.rstks,t,7:4-,ig,,,,74--,o;i-,,,A=v';,.,,,,u..--..,--.,:,:,!,..;:•:-..,,,,..-i-:-, -:r..-._::-S.'-',..'v=?:,,5-i'".,:-,--,--,-•,-, .......4,14a,,,,F.,....Z.t15ii:a,c,.."it.6214,,,..4....,,, 'cam.' c •, . . ~, .. , „. x. . , 0 ,..,,_ t1 ab0r.,,44,,,,,,,,,,t,,f,z,ra5:;,• , ..,,,,1C.F . .14',4,-i - ::,'`..'''''' '' k''''':',,.. , :". , 2,. ,, ::. , _.:'., . • '' ' 1 " . - - -- ' '-'4'-'' ' 4 ' '-'4""'''e-tlt-3V;:'*•'-'4"i:.%,;.:':1.:Vic.i:F.1.7=::-,c-C.:',7:,.4-:.'0., p'..!:,, , ' '': : ' ' . ' ' - ''' ',, ' ' ~,': 4..*•:....: '. - " ' ' '..- ''''' l,::°Vc:V4*.'.A.:4s,l,,V,c-,-,,-;,r5,44,-,!:',.:1:1.: ttc . ;., ~ ,-*,:',C ; i . ..-,; ~:":1- , :g,, ; g .,..-', . 4,;'); . . • ' ... ~, . "' • ' : - . ' - ' '''''"': r• -'''''''''l:'''.-""--g?':',:g.,i.;"?...!,.':f:::.:;',7,:,,-,1,,,,,,,;,;tk,-,.:0,,c,,I.,, vr„.'5,z.,...,,,,f4, ~,,,,,,i,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,, -J4IIW JIB FICRTLIIMVIIGNI7II. CAWS CONSUEFTION, CUBES BRONOHIrIe, CUM ALL DIBBABIB OF THY LUYO& I low to ottuttloo to u oe of the pest ortroordt nul cumsby my PECTORAL SYRUP. 'ay are at break and say ate ,ha has &watts qtr albs poem •lo boo bcen cum! by U. La. BETBLIt 13 TBIPABLD AT AST 211111 TO I.XSTIIIII WHOP, 1112110114 OfIABOIP. TOR ALL 31101311 WBO BRAD 813 IUDI -01310. ATTIC!!!!) TO lOUS OOLDEL—A cue cf Ste piers' rt■cdtug cud by DR. 8.1111811.'3 MOTO BAG STRUT PITLICOII4III, Jan. It 1803, Pa. Harm: 117 ere tun been afflict. d With • tad consh wed didicalty of breathing Oa Lee years, eetitalk for several fun back had gradually ir.creased in violauce. Tim complaint km ban h•riditary. and she bad bean treated by avast Opiate:is with oat my rater. In th a stela of her mat. I procured emu of your Pectoral Omsk Syrup. I knight, the Ent time, • day ant bottle, Width nelrved ha eery mach ; I then called tad got a dollar bottle. which cond her entirely, aed else has Inw so bare of the font er ditrace, except weakness. I would it.. stab" that I end the med.cina myself to • cold endure& The mediate. cared me by taking one dose. I ta pers my nth., addiction with the medlotney and you era at liberty to publish Mb if you Make to do it. w H. WILSON, /Wen= fifth Waal Ifth. Kansan I hen bun, mom or lees. In my Ilfq affeeta4 with the severest of col& and hoarse ness, /Mame' soy throat wcnald become so cloud se to pnrrent my speaking shove a whllper, and by tak'ng a few Qom of lb* sloes limp ft wcnald vo lley* me Whitt,. In recanunendlng this inteltdoe, I lc tht aehteLs• tingly sty that It It the bed nm• dy 1 era baud, porputlng N owe the 'bon, nor should any tandly be without thin nately for Mimes to prevalent Toon, meet rtaptottelly, ZDWASD J.JONIII, Oohs Calms' Delp It Bask. VOL. ?DAT? AND DB 81111311L'd PEMBA!. Da. Kama—Direr Gtr: l=ams the Way In my aoknowbegatog Ito szcallates of your Putout Dough Bytap sooner. I tate groat planers In ny lon than la all you say it la B knocked ihs sofas ass el my conk, and the worst raw I woo aver afakt. ed with. I tau no: ued mu* than ont.half of the b2tte. sad I can and do erLti that all' who are Af flicted would eh. It at fats • trial u I bars dons. end they wilt Is pond to ay, "It is no quack mad- Iclne.“ I voted not ultra another Inch an attack for any an ahltratton, or at any oat. Ina oratichmt lon breathe mars freely then I sun CAL I chill alarm aoltnowlzdio a debt of pained* Le In nett. tag so ruallant a r.otedy. Ton are at liberty to no my nuns In thb nitard, u you Wok pure. Zahhwal, May 11, We. H. B —1 aza no Wm pa to toy Mow dna -us, and W who lc:Vedas doubts can anuotlt me paracouttly. N. T. P. Trrsorrian April LT WT. TVS 21131111.—Da. Sawa I bar, a doubter •bo boa take a moral ourdlabos tor a Tai coop, vitbant bandit—mon them Ala'. Cowry Potent. I purblind from yob a Wale of spar PIOTOBJkI. DUMP, and bans dui tad ofd bet •totilt lava tam& The so:dad bottle oared bar entirely of bar obabb. .108 H DAMN., Robison drat, Alhagkany. DB. REYSERII PECTORAL SYRUP Pols Meats tar Docket's Plum PEC bOtl4l, rIELI P OUELCB 001,21 i, 011.1M1 18TEINA; Yrnsironos, So, U. 1853. n. v. in imr: Iteuenga Common Coandl, PiMburill. Ix prepind and aid by D 3. QZ/ZEill EL IlEYElifiS, 140 Wocd strait, Plitatcccrib, Fa. ==l peuEssß, FOR THE CUE OR HERNIA OR ROPTORE. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Earsh's Radical Cure Truss. Ritter's Patent Truss. Pitch's Supporter Trues. Belf-Adjutin Truu. Dr. Banning', Lace orßodP Brun. furu the outs Or Prolapse:Ls Plies, Abdominal end Epinsl Wasknenses Dr. a a. Pitch's Over Plated Sup. porter. Pile Drops, lor the support and cure of Piles. Elastio Stockings, for weak tuid:Tu , %ore veins. • Maatio Ines Caps, for weak knee elate: &Me Supporters,for weak knee oleo; Suspensory Banda,ges. Selflrdeoting Syringes ;:also, ovary kind of byringaa. Dr..NEYSBIL has also, all/rush which will radically cure Hernia or Buytyra o:7' DSc* at his Drug Store, No. 1 40 Wool) Starr; sign of the-: Golden, Nor% tar. kerrons writing tor Traires shoal/ send the number of Bides around the body, 44.84041.1' cle?to as. rtatezu win strays tomtit gine= to the sppUestkii ofTmosos ho sdatts "Mrs% 404 itelsaidita: with 114 Ujaltienab of raw ty rum hi Ida D. tublat tog*. uthkrAtoti. - ramie:ol7Ft; eratrante. exarrostortnoirinutsra. „ runtrersorrser , snttnose. earar,utrionso tanunais, of stir, WAIL sold at Dr. tESYSNWS. 140 Woon Sr. 8178 r 1218 °BY SA I LDAM soirintstrat aatrosam strepansoni =Tone. ' ' ' btriN s 9.47 I. I AADAFtir, Afton' earns at*. Adasad aeteeatrunii'atitani., , •'--taseivansioriodo;:-. v-• , _ lAt stargEw4o,,wooD Esa*fet. I 10241111V17 DRY GOOD' • JOEt HORNS & CO., Jros. 7' and 19 diarket Street. Bowe nlly Invite lb, attention of WhOLISaLI • RETAIL BOY- 118 to their ittxk of FALL AND WINTER 000118, folaad ran mad diTyiltrinit7 fp • II lijamr , AT AV Di NOTLON Una. IN EMBROIDERIES. we ban all the taint undo to 001,141CP, itLESUB, LACICS, to IN 131081E11Y AID GLOVES, Z.trict trorrigiZZ." l4 IN RIBBONS) all the Chao.) and &Nasals colon. Of Bonnets and Hats. A mu Ilna of JELT, BRAID and or rt.rs Or:pars, A - d;leANTits;reTeilit rads Ncmuttes. . IN WOOLEN GOODS, HO - D5._8f...11:V111 . 5 01018, GAR- AB4LDIII . I, JaClare, To..,wth =MEI HEWN WITLINISIIIISG GOOMP, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S Us DNELOARNEN7II, ell of erblah` we Owlet ler, low CASH PRIMA JOB. HORSE CO. se22llw NEW GOODS! NEW GOOD 4 ! We ire ivashisir • Tay large sad szteash, stock at Drew 0-oodles !, °combing, iman Oben, GERMANTOWN GOODS, Burt u HOOD!, MMUS LSD BONTAGS. TRIIIMLINiate , 1 Of to Watt Elko and In great variety A bop quality of HOOP AHD RALHOBAL IMMTB, Damns!, rum am wool= 11.13151,r - 71113011 mum Awl lingo (apply of Fmbroldery, Enda, Fancy Coods,Notions, A? WEOLIALLII AND B.IITAIL. Will W. buy oat, from 713.13 T HAIM gad Is We mahatma to exacta* =Loots teem pasha tor obairtu re, to vs will moll at the LOWE!! 041317 Man MACRUM & CLYDE, NO 78 MART ESTREBT, '~ Hyrum Forma AND Buxom). o7D ANOTHER OPENING NEW GOODS J. W. BARKER & Co.'s 59 Market Street. Dun eroax to now THE LARGEST BEST ASSORTED THE CHEAPEST IN THE WEST IN11•001151* BOUM NOB cam au mom To, =aim on . OCOD3 DID COWARD PiIIOCIL - Nos 1863• „.....MPTEM8ER........1863. - EATON, INARRIIBI & COy Nos. 17 and le Fifth BINA gerittatho Watt= of tho lottioo to a istopif!cos4 mittioomf of . ZiTew AMOR 71137 HINZ XIM orsERD. The moot b compldem NW7depsztaad, sad gm would noselinUi sat tba mallainc, Mb, Mang Bich mid Elcorsit Styles . Goo oot cuoistr beau putout oeuto. Ttur big oosedud.ttory out air autdoe kola to .611 dam-a pozoluens. t Itti w.y of tocdusto plow lud oth" ottuutirt stook.. : • • , . , fro ad Wan. stip big toga ;till as sepgabil Rta w LI/arp4PlLltidlngnilKant gib. an 6dF oche et Mosaics shrup =load. air Dellalome Ital Ow tam. . VOW WANTICD..F.A.Eara of lezu% .a:Amiftoeur, forma nom not eye w maw boat Ow -Or owl wat we two calm boa a Italica. sotabbsazat unlit! mO. +Ma Pea /Want/ and otLa baptanatentsoupt ma 7 coasabt bus It) to L5O obasatania , bas. - awl pasottartahlaa to ND auold tom may tad Vorotasar by • B. .111.. llamatittalturib= 4 par. tioubas about quality, at My, Run of "LOST CIRTINICIATELWhezese the CodnottodtiO•dtalaCti dodrot lioak • d _lmaid Nombre ltd. nu, so MIMIC istrOMMIC, toostoldaid or lokkortfor aility Oros 'dud vase Moeda ar. Meats 11 itaMIM Dam* thlk ..11114thalkillt of tour irrobtratittb gets, appliridni RN Disbud' toils ink robots oftoidroto tatifloarad• dodo*. •w a. XttpilD; Ataztddistir 04, 1 , d dada Eta. Seitelable ni - WOMB V ' _zeal to• —The - Aulearree. - va - teeietee- ID Pis. 'mom% lig** oft" et DI. EcaUCIK. /3 13 Ina WailiKE.,ttdraribi ea slakaa DAY OV eauses - 111.1X., -Ahab wham pubs, OAP Limiscid gialerto ililat:Kankireti so topical by cualsed betbrirtba caw obuda 1112.• !M ebb be - WEAK' by do .; 1 . 1 4 : s 1.14.1j51518:61:11-17111. - DLAIN Rah% kz.&• silo. for ego at WS anti. CALDlnikli