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',C.:‘" : 2-".:.' - . 4'4 ~•'l,' ':".1!:":•4".:e.. . • - ....e,,,, • .„ ~...,,,. : •.-7 ;4' ;, :`‘ • BEE c. - . ; _ 91 - cfe 3.10-„ lEEE ; ' T eilisburtit t "12414_ TUESDAY SIORMRO:::::=:SEPT. 22,1863. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE Prom Testerders Evening Col. Formelli Cie 911 !legion. Oot: Sohn W. Pornq► who Wu jolt cm. plated as atootlouoartog tour, through the Lab Sotottlito, writes so follows nottoutsing s portion - of the oil region, through which he Pam" That ' about tha view wed unique little town Of 00ny Eibetnitt7- It le the dig. sdbuting point of the oil Allot. Two years a go sti• spot whale Our/ now steads was a 'dense, almost as inspenstrable wilderness. .gough and: rugged .zeads led from its few gigging' into onter.etrilisetien; aud i t/tough 14.1setweisa Erie sad. Warm, it was one of the.obstaoles litho way, aniftravelers were Ada to go;ridisid Walter routes. It le the feundition and formation of a pity. TheAt lititkinnd Great Western, whose broad gltage already extends Isom Now ,York to Alston 011oiaid bide Wets sweep. on to Bt. Lout: and. the Piano, and the Banbury and Erie, , 'new Oder the absorbing contrbl of -the Penn situate Central, dross an& chip heads hera. Goal la situated on a high tette leads the ideitest, it is 8614 out of the Mississippi, and it is - marvelling to , see liew. a few ,years liliv*, Ist this light iiito the forest, and °PENA up the way to an &thistle aiviii setfoe Altead7 Alne giant reeds' ere stretehing their lion' same 'to the We,L Oar*, is the' vskinat • of the oil 'dlirosvOip in Venting* &eats 'Abet tkezian-erho-fittraded It and tats/edit Is a itankeet me notice his name la wner. Ris one of the best types ottiNtlew England tun. lie aras a rare attar; Otis, and his story Is almOet a romans. Per twelve years sonde, tee with a Boston film la extracting ell from coal, he has devoted **best years of his llfe to this pursuit. Ms agents have traversed MOO* and the Indies for information. , More = than once nailed, he supposed he had bet discovered the "gnat secret," when 'Provt dente interposed, and the all from the bowels of the earth in this quarter, began to spout forth, sad he was again ruined . Bat, as if "pleased with ruin," he at once removed his establishment here, and is now at last in'a fair way to the fame arid f name he has so well gained. Learned, accent: 10, nervous and enerptio,he has put his whole soul into this enterprise. Ile is the benefactor of the neighborhood. A profound end pationste hilAit the same time a preetical philanthropist. 'Obi you men of party, who sneer at Yeakeita l. whan will you learn how • to 'appreciate the 'Yankee nest They are, in fact, the - great civilians. ' , They may not be sesensual or ay lavish as the Southerners, but they have bean among the-first to adventure life and fortune la every great ..interprtse. Downer is, I should suppose, a man of fifty. He has invested nearly two hundred thousand dollars in Corry and the works round about, sad I could see. os welt in the capabilities of the place, andln tag own unsleeping energies, that even if the oil falls to well up from the earth, he will be ready for the change, and adept hlreself to new circomitanass. All that formreminded me of what I beard of Cali- The value of the oil transported from this point elope is estimated at duty thous aid dollars a day I Men who, one year ago, were hankrepta,and some of them almost beg- , vizi, are now realising. frees_ ens. to tame • thousand dollars per diem—nallhase to net profits. The process of exOsto, Ung the raw Distorts!, once you get a good well, la cheap and simple, and the supply seems to be Inez banstible. A great ehange has naturally come. over the whole of this border. Everybody goes into the oil trade. The Now Bedford 'halm have given up their hazardous colleen the treacheroussea, and are getting good wages, or making ' large fortunes hero. Your thousand wagens are daily engaged in the transportation of the precious liquid to the different point* -ef-depaziar*. The barrel trade is atone a BIM= of enormous profit. The population of Titusville, Crawford coun ts, has inoreeled fa one jean fu:Lions him &ed to four thousand, and OE City, the great Centre of the " flowing wells," Is already a tough and vigorous borough, never before late= on the maps. It is most difficult to cibtainiaborsis.for where wealth la so easy to Obtain, every man exposits to be *millionaire. And yet, strange to say, the pioneer of this wonderful development, the =II who Arst bored deep enough into the bowels of the earth to clause the oil to urst forth In count less gallons, Mr. Drake b of Conneeticut, Is Mow a man ataltrimille, living upon the :of the °Mee of Justine or the ,POICO I while those who came after him are making ineredible fortunes. Mr. Downer's great sorb, marvels of Yankee darind skill, ParTi* of science and trophies :teaauscess fel investigations, are most eve and perfect; and and . l was not surprised to see that, while reaping a fair reward forth own great aactrillose and energy, hodid not fcirget.Drake. Our meetings in this raw California' were ;esorstious gatherings. The majority for Cur tin asd against slavery will ta iinormus. • :Letter from lit Pa. Resent Cavalry, • Mr. D. Sheller, of lirlipville, a member of ?Cali, Pint Pe. Reserve cavalry, writes to his "brother In this city as follows: itaIDAN, Sept. 161,1863. We—that if, our regiment—have boon en ' • gaged in some hard and dangerous work. We—tluat is, Gregg's dlvision- s tarted from • Warrenton list Sourieyobout, four Velook. and marched to Sulphur Sprinkle arriving midnight, and starting at six ialkeenortilag. - This clay was 13crla7, and *hen- we! ai=td : the Rini river se urns upon rebel plasm, whom wedge» in as feet es we cams to them. I Bet when weneued Calvet:pet we foundubal enescapteenta , scattered all along the road, Wei we else drove i 2, bet eau SIMI resist &nee, which United in. some .few killed end wounded, though tot of one vighaelt, ei we were not then In the Advatee, Oar Phu entered en& puma through Culpepper With oat_ mud: _opposition. _After Paulog this place our esevelry.took:diferentAnutu — DO• fort eid Ellpstrick to the-left, and Gregg to the right. At, this point one regiment was deployed skirmishers, in the extreme ad. vane*, aid hotlicee we_had of it. There stood the rebels 'before cm—e:;,thlek, strong ilne,ind through them tee inut go. We were than dismounted, end with a' yell mod whoop we pushed inti them. We got-behind trees end and rocks, when we mid, but when we had to adtence jsoioeftelds we had no cerrering. ,soon sudtcilieir line waver end bsek. Gee . drove. themillts MSS two Mclntosh *as highly pleuedi end umplisesabdht apes our lira '. very and general good behatior.:. The cum. au" d 09, K, stine• thank there.were soma marrow eseepos, ;John,liserlott had hL eia teen perforated with a. Wale belle doing no Diary lo Ida person, further than : baiting a Imam -'lledsteobsteeles interned the bell would Ilan entered his grotie-ad-Inilliced very setiontildury. Weent thetprovldentlel? Ia the morning (Monday) we were 'off igeln and marched tautly to Rapidan elation, g l end then biro:mood for the night, end starte Tuesday monies for the station, but before we testi:greys found, the.enthey litnehttitt. We got, about daylight; to the front, end thee we diseleanted mid" Seployek es skim althere. We soon lentid the enemy, and then sharp eholiting opened upon vie, =Meg their. belie whistilibout moms, In too Nose laity to be comfortable. We returned' the ".• dm and danbtleateremeditheirpodaddl ot. Lieu. if organ' ,WAY-1 1 1 1 0. midis Aye thigh, while on the akiemith'. line. -This wound, though only a tub :round, will be sore, for it Is deep, end dose to the bone. George Mo. Feely, uother member of Co. 11, was wounded in the arm to-day, the ball passing through • above the elbow, and near the bone. Thus rinses Co. K., llia had some eanzaltLes. • Try end :Seat Sortie If you min. D. L. Bun Stir.-Jams gamines& Ms trainer, Johnny Nicety, started from the oity on esul day avernboa for Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Usual will there' train and prunes on the Hudson _ rine for his: third scrag contest with Ward; which comes off next Monday, melded the weather in favorable. Hamill will tow lA* towboat , `that US been bait pupae* orAbla 41'0,0 McKay, of inter Vs spacial Mreetionik A umber of . Pittsburghers leave during this week to . be promt at the -match. Oa the day int. wefts the race theri win be f :true. Nuns Areasuar.—Tkat portion of -Pl2n. tylvinhi avenue; known as the vaxtmidon," is onset the mostnnsightly spots in Ake eity. The gagglngsger are of thewarit oho-, leder, pada* ocelot* Owthihtt the Might; art Thare an magma stales and ' `plvelSas hillifair it do tbateasbfame and tbsdral beak same at ta paled • 'latest et* Tat CIA* wet thentrielOnall=W 01a9sra4 *OW tosoTISS I WIWI - -. , , ~... -..:-A John titian and Patrick Madden, (not Patrick Martin, a before mod id) bad a hearing before Kayo: Alexander, this morn tug,. on lichniter of dhordero stondlistk kt•• fared by Mr. David Shaffer, gmpristos of 'a hotel at the tattle yardt,ln thelleobetWard, sinoghtny. Mr. Shaffer testified that Alm de , fondants were fliteticated, and that they had been both:gin a very disorderly manner, for , an hour and a half, on Sudsy afternoon, in the vicinity of the dine yards. They eine into the yard of his Mid, and one of tido (Quinn) Walkedlato s tba room la the rear of the bar. Mr. Shelf ordered him out, when lensed very d thrcatenin language. He was then cured and thrust eat, and the door was Itched and • barricaded by Mr. Skaffa. After kicking against_ the door for sommtisse, the inn They after at tacked a strarupw, who hadjest acme in on the caret attempted to pull down ) fenoes,and put the whole neighborhood in terror. They hid no dehune - to make, end the 01 11 7 =ass they offered in Pailletion of their toridnet, was that they were under the infinettit of Nun. Mayor Alexander lined them twenty' dollars each, end the costs, which that. pita. Their conduct wee of the most flagrant char acter and they got o ff very cheap. It might be I nteracting for the pollee to have the nun lion answered : Where did these men get their liquor on Sunday • Edition Twee•+d *ore for Voters Miters atm:an—While urging the Impor tance of being assessadas the law directs, you should also remind all loyal voters et **ne cessity of paying their taxes patio= to the election. To be assessed will do no good un less the taxes are paid, and this cannot be dens now, oaf manly, at the polls on, O day 'of election becatute throb nobody Ana the County Tr easurer authorized to receive taxes, and thatin his own Mace. : Therefore; let all who intend to vete, and have not paid a Mots or &only tax within myopias, drat pt themselves astound, the, call on the County Tamura. at the Cent got" at least three or four dap before the eleation,andpay their taxes. Woe Ayala. Duna or Lteirr. BeCen.--L'Aretenant George tileldon, ron Qt. Ilene B. Belden , Reg., of ftiff ofiY. died on Tharstisy at one of the BaittrOOTO hospitals, from injuries receival at the battle of Gettytbarg. Young Mr. del don distinguished himself on teeny battle fields and was beloved by not only those andel. hic command but by • bogs drab of friends at home. 11111 remains ware brought to the oily yesterday and conveyed to the res idence of Mrs. Israel, on Penn strait. ( They will be removed to Meadville for interment, the Rev. Van Darman accompanying them for the garcon or conducting the funeral ter vices. Loot TO TOT? Cur --Plutons should be careful, in kindling fres for the fool thus since last Spring, to see that their Allman& are in prayer condition. If any detects exist about the Lire plans, er nom, *rough which Ere can be communicated to the wood work of the building, these should be repaired . If the chimneys are choked up-mltli - soot, they should eleantd, - is the robfk ortiouses are often set on fire by burning soot from the chimney. A little elation may prevent tom. Gay. BAIL tOR• finantao„—Wllliam Elkin and Nil:bolas obarpd with smolt and battery with intant to kill Mathiu Kitsch, were held to ball this morning, by Mayor Meander, in the sum of $l,OOO each, for a hearing on Blida, nettL The Injured man h still confined to his bed, and the blow from the exe would certainly ban killed him, had It not been warded off by the old mace throw ing rep bit um. Smarr Fla.—The roof of the Windbag occupied by Dr. McCook, Sr., corner of Fifth street rad Ohm" alley, aught Si, this morn ing, from a spark from s chimney, as is asp. posed. It wu discovered before It had ob tained much headway, wad was easily GUls hnished, without the aid of the tire enema. BATE TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Exciting Frnm Tennessee 6081101118 BI3I4TED BOLT BUTEN: Retreat ot. (he Caton Army to Chattanooga! RAGG'4 'BP IIIaVELT IIINIO Further Particulars of the Fighting on TILE CONTEST MOST TERRIFIC HEAVY LOSS ON BOTH SIDES. Disaster Near Tiller& SURRENDER OF OUR ME OF THREE HUNDRED N. Lotnamts, Sept. 21, 1 A. 11.—Our arm? ander ,liosearatte has bun badly bestenoltul compelled to retreat to Chattanooga, by Bragg, with heavy reinforcements from Lee, Bialue prd and Joe Johnston. Military occupation of the wises will prevent the transmission of farther partial:am to-night. CilollllllTio Sept. 21,1865. A special dispatch to the Owassercial glen the following amount of Saturday's fight : The battle opened at eleven o'clock, in the .ileinity of widow Glenn's, on the road lead ingfrom hicLemore's Cave to Chattanoop, and soon became general—the enemy Ins limning his troops finely. Early In the no tion, the rebels made an impetuous chugs on the famous Loomis Battery. Five out of six guns were captured. Captain Van Pelt, com manding'the battery, was taken winner. At two o'clock the untold was Mine; the roll musketry was far more continuous and deafening than at Stone Blur. At two o'clock and forty minutes, a diet- don in the centre, hard pushed and broken, retreated in disorder. • I Col. Barnett planted a battery and soon okeokei the parrning enemy, who, in tars, were driven in disorder over the area ground. division wse &leen be* with ;MIT, ha, bud every gun of the Bah Indiana Bet tors tife:nre I, when Un - !MIL pu.hed he ,osmy back and retook the pls. Raj noids t heavily, but stubbornly !MN his outdo, arising the enemy but writ leaves Lle sine. Palmer, who wee Orri' redid to get oft-his wholeliatter7i , and too gMas wire loft. Van (We, fighting gallantly, lost ground, and being ocUpertged, fella to regain his position. Our Una being iteszol manly, wad. The robe% exalting owe: their app.:eat setoest, mad. the Mr monad irlth cheers. Ihsy adesacea Mess the whole Ilu, 'bra a *Motu Ma of mutat* rolled from right to left. and *IU tre o'clock the lighting was Cerrito.' The Oconual grew enziom, the wounded. impute pour !kind the rebels steadily note op nur his headquarters. New forms wore opposed to them'. and from this time till dirk the battle raged with destmedire tory. ; i At dusk; Wilting kiting 'almost naiad, the threw forwardtheir.itoopp, end spin engaged mu right. The actin Beams pastels and until long auk dark - OM battle nod with taxi., Ike battle thinifai!las a bloody one. Our lotirtne 114 beII'IWANI lescall= Prtbni Somtof ware anal 111131Nakted. L Y ' ' Both armies Campy the - sine' ground es they did when the amain Wigan ! We hime I captured simetsl hundredltitoners, many o Whosamto Odin the But:, 1.! k. tta 3 gnu e,toc Enciannnn; hag., with threw kundredumn of the Toth Ohio, fete atliekwZ near . 1 n Ord, nlestfAbzw-rulbuilat tbiss b aighteerihundiedgehelaimadmlnekniau Thrir== isidersi _ , . sanenda. • OUt SPIER DIRATCIEL FRON THE BET OF 70$ OIIEBEHLUD, THE FIGHT ON SUNDAY. The Defeat of RosminsCredited. THE tXPEDITION AGAINST TEXAS. AFFAIRS AT CIIARLESTON. eeret Treitty of Renault'Oft between Na aleon and Jeff, Davie, BITEROBES OCCUPIED BY THE BENCH Min Anticipated between the kith and fed eral Cobras at the lenth:of the lie trade. THE REBEL RAMS IN RtieLitliD Special Dispatch to the Pittansugh Gazetts. Parutuusgia, Sept 91, 1808. Business at the Stook Board is virtually suspended this morning. There is • deep s u spense at the defeat of Eosecrans by heavy rainfosumimts to Bragg from Leo, Beauregartand Joe Johnston. It is statically credited, though only a rumor. The army is said to hare been driven back in disorder to Chattanooga. &wets, Stanton knew that Bragg'. army had been gaining five times by reinforcements what it lost by desertions, and that Davis bad only kept troops in Charleston sufficient fortifications. Longetreet's corps, with Bragg, began the attack on the Baton left; the enemy was repulsed ; the second overwhelming' on slaught on our centre was also repulsed, but the last tremendous avalanche swept BUD crane back into Chattanooga. The report of Bichmoad being ovulated, was caused by the removal of 80,000 of Lees vetaisouSto Northern Georgia. The 'view tlon of Chattanooga was a trap to get ou army across the river to press pariah upon a supposerldentoralleed doe. Roseanne has no !reserves. ' The federal espeditionagaillt Texas Is "- an Gen. Franklin, Warne, and Emory, with 8,000 men, thirteen. transports, and four gun boats. They underestimated the strength of the rebel batteries. Seven fink class siege guns opened upon them, and In fifteen minutes the ispislition retired. The Baohew su dis abled by a shot through the stsuadrurs, and the Clinton was ("tippled by her own captain. Nothing new from Gen. Glllmore. The re bels were at night repairing Bernie?. Gsn. Gillman was emoting batteries to shell Charleston. Private dispatcher at the Stook Board, this morning, cay Charleston will be shelled tO nalltrow. There bas been no more progress made In removing the ebstruetlous in the channel. ' Ex-Governor Moorhead, of Kentucky, who is now in Paris, it is positively alleged, hex written to friends fn New York that Napoleon sad Jeff. Davis have formed a secret. treaty of recognition, through the agency of Widen. It is known to the ?meet Consul at New Orleans and other., that the French had occu pied Diatesnorso with 4,000 or 0,000 men with in a few days. A collision was anticipated. between the French and Podersi gunboats at the scathe( the 810 Grande, an •3131 0 Patta7 ' connected with cotton and Confederate sup plies there. The close of the equinozial storm will probably blieg about a battle between Meade and 1630. Meade cannot advance fora week. Counterfeit Government bank bills are in circulation here, dated at Washipgton. No each bank exists. The Mule arrived from Europe this morn ing. The British Government will detain the rebel tams Just launched, under the foreign sag:sant act. They are claimed to be bunt to the order of a Breach hours, ender a *m ind with the lets Pasha of Egypt, but the Pubs repudiates any such contrast. The Preach pamphlet !rem !Malt I gave , on *streets, is neer said to be by Baluster, lonfedersts agent of the loan. W. J. T. Saturday. Enna Europe—The loon REIMS. NIT Tan, Sept. ri. Tho'township Heels from-Mei:moot on the Bth, and QUOIIIitOWIS on the 9th, has arrived. The Moray Phu! believes that there is tie doubt that the two suicamted iron rams, at Liverpool, are to be detained by the Govern tang unde the foreign enlistment act. It is asentsthelsis contended that they. were built to order of a Ilrenoh house wider contract for the late Pasha, of Eignit, but the present Pashe repudiate' the entreat. _Thee tlut, Is that they are Intended forhostilities *strut • friendly power, and ".• Court. of lair dealde spot theirdetentlen orrs. hue: ' The utton and Zumucipation Society Is urging • prompt investigation. The trews that the rebel @ornament had reserved tondrintt the newer; le readied wittydtstrulti tome regard it, if tract; es • oonfestiott of weakness bY th e Solatb. Asia by etliers as a inset - wily straw Of volley. ,The Deity 'Sean .sari it will prove -sessieinsfeely teat not only the .ossui ts hopeless, but - the leader") howw it to be So. The Past Alooll on It iiisterptese volley, ;Mat at (mei WS esessertehsforcemsaits-asuf aseretdag so ad._ vantageons and moral lefloonte in Europe. i . I ea. Marta-Wheat la 2. d cow for Zni. Mb., foreign also 11rm at treme ram. fugue quiet sad anautp4 caned ex easter. , • , ct2:74ll.ll4geni..int amrel ?dew ,Breditedrs- Itichardeon,-couvre., lad Stile moors flour nandeaUy at ad gas tarot doom Whoa., jeurod ounenmpUnat•ind , donna al 91 tat 'ZtfiltNatiglll l .= ,, X l «Ta. lll:, Protlatone-!- and Pork unchanged: Bacon quiet; iard wathicard, sass at us meow is. • . Tea me LAM?. VOL QOZSEVZOII/I—Lifoy7oo; &pt. 9,-0:Mon-Via Gabe today near WA% 112. &Wing 10000 bate to spun:Wm and exyartanii the market le excited. D•esdatafik rin: Pruritic • E . n 9 OA Produce study. • London, Post 9 -Console doted at e 33 for money; metkan stookr-Illlntla uentasi sasses 6 1 04% dlamuntl, Erb B 21.9t)00 6 % and eiclted. - • Facts Relattve•to the Nonth..l,eels • Affair•Tne Nombre!Omen% of to Ottp-of-Oharlesi o, r Nur You. pept. TlL;i+T.tttsitt whole* Ittebmonds few days since funiihiiithe B.f. Obi with tbe.-folloring fusty relative %to the pezth= lie states that bUods.dleteion of _troops has been talon from lies'nerear,erhioh beftsf leesfsa nets i1an0, 11 440 1 . 30,000 Wog at fir ,datp. Yb lunnderatend that it Undo samosa Los .trill,fell.bukion Etch* lioulionilviuttatioi of which is nos *oiled efitletuUnd rfOomp3ste. , . , The rebel for In Woe= Vlrifolo Is 7 sor ;field eiteboTen'e en - Tiotion. 1 The mbsii ?Mei Plinty 'to sat,•=etarvation . , rtorlas Ere simply stow& ' ' This Informant `woo In Charleston when Gillman bombarded lt.. Ona of tho shalls IPA the spire of BC ?lieboLas Chard, and taws* attilitaltstts. - milist ladi oitillr; Thiyirodneed the utmosteonsternation. Wm -di/ u nearly deserted now, and the place will hardly be worthsurreaderiss. 1 . Basuregut's force, about 9,000, was swell ad to about 41,000 by,lenitins' &vision, from Lee's army. I . Besuregard lost mud of his popularity when our forum ceptiwed Montt IsUnd. . ~..„ ~ z -• _ Louncillti betweea Muses mod 861 ? I I , .! . 11st la Rti e I::::l3spec.ibit,"ll2o3o64lll.—ts7,ollte.:l6l°D.smato epicitiglu saws, barons some cations and iet4,l4'Whiali three of eh/ILA:ter was [ itosolls4.- ~ , , t ! kiretilltiihrailliiltiOtetalliltfi 'etc L e ft Nat e TbssadWrisa44l4l44l:l4ldamstallSamalortlies""Mtlounj AlszlidttaZ tia11e.31111111110,3P34211 6 . sad sal* INN a 1 M. t . From Eleaden Araiy.e•oieW 11ded 2 . tees 1/101....8ragg lEteliforoad from tee's ATM:. Ifwanorawmze Anstr or ran Potomac. 1 A. n.--A dispatch dated de 20th. says : Ehnen deserters ware shot on the 18th.. The Sept dan has' risen oweral feet. There wsa considerable hoary firing at Blemon - Ford on the 18th. The result ill an. known. A dispatch of the 20th up the roads are improving. We hire 100 is d22 l 2ttehtnifs the past week, eights.threo stertatt 2 are egleere• The troops ars in flue condition. The enemy's left is ucertained to be on Crooked no. It Is said to be definitely ascertained that E come has gone to Chattanooga to re inforce Bragg. A lady from Itlahmond confirms the passage of a large number of troops froni army. Their destination is conceded to be for the South, Stevens , Blsesso n to WASHINGTON, But. 21.—A correspondent of the Herald hue statement that Stevens' mls @lon to Washington was to consult with the Federal anthoridas u to whether satisfactory terms of compromise might hi arran so leis that the Confederacy might be Based gram of limiting foreign old; said aid to be an. apangentent with Frahm, by whiob she was to assist dorsi:4s with Boots and armies 'ln exchange for the possession of Timis. It is alleged that Stevens li now in Paris 'dot ing this arrengemeat., commPROMI, BECOBD. FlPalled arta Trade. • f ill eat zu of the " emPt o.inn .n po lt l the CamP"tea dWwr berlantr' atl end eara "to have ccoated Wei a poloist the New Took gold market Le dab se our advices quote at US, an mi nims off per cent over the rate of Eratunia. This sudden advance ln go:d, will completer %let the Pitoloi =riot% and of emus, will have • teutlentr to swam prim of abzuntatery article of merchan dise, Tits offerinp`of 1014 and silver, her.. are ecrl , emigres andhed4es the sates are too um flied to quits correctly. / The return eons the Bank of Inglend for the smelt ending Sept. k, give the following results whoa .compared with tha previous Publi elett— ..-6wlBeek e ....._..43,64.18 7 loc.- Other c de pptts--..„..-1284512 lac..-. Oa the other ells r f the scent Government Seenritics.--t11,094201 No chime.. Other becucitlee— . ... 1nc.....8•7,ati Notes unemploysd-1-............ 8 , 183 , 20 lno 4. The amount of now. circulatton It 121,100,615. being tacretunof £197,9551 and the stock-of but. lion to both departments is L16A9t,21 9 , thOwNit an Mumma of L 184,11.15, when tempered with the pro ceeding totnen. he position of cur financial attars, Li p old= eaten minuet be solved on the other tile of the Lt. antic, and, in lieu of this, financial into at some time mete tr less 'lomat, It is predicted le sure 10 overtake In. The ides that the United &atm would prove abundantly able to mho and equip such mut armies, mate inch a powerful navy, and, In 'pito of the hens of feet without and within Its limits, to do this e ithout the aid of foreign capital, was not dimmed to be •poulbllity. And though all this but been amomplishad, we are in the !akin of a season of wonder:fat prorperlty, sod our prorperity u stl method that even soon pipets as the Loudon Than are toietd to acknowledge IL bays a tale numb . 1. of [het Sheet: relblth s debt slah would crush any 13tate In the Old World. except Zealand and wasp !ranee, lir. Lhasa still exhibits as 1 the di/elective futures of • spleadtd,,toreutrig, nd permanent prowerity..The •hatty stab the &shad affairs of the Government_ we been managed Is hen dlethictly c ladarknowged . by a paper oath; mots than any has sounded to evil rattexualons ooncerning this Coun try. She patella press of England, generally, ire as • tounded at the discovery that a war of goth co load propatione. and of Bo tong &lustful, could be canted ou at mob • out atoms without the aid of 11 1 t capitalists, and they as disappointed Met owners' were not long Aloe ands to the Bethel:l.n' for money With which to tenure a vigorous prance:dim of the war, Vitiated° anoxia, without such aid, nuer seem to hare been deemed possible. Tel, the war bah been waged for upward of tempi" and ther" are DO ladle:diens of any call uporalngland or any other Country—except to Wrath hum any Inter ter enc•—andour British condo are becoming ma yioet the y bcy n t n h ot v p" rr on a o r : e M so g uc o e w s otfh teh e gentndebt going to be tionideted. The Times (other tisyse °Tate; all clears into account, the lialetitisrof the Weettington ClOventruent canna" balm than MON -0.0000 sterling. dio pressure that ever threatened me le equal to that which now hang" over the future of the Cuteed States, and It may Nerdy begat that if through tutors generations they faithfully meet, as the Wallaerest tweedier' appear to rely will be the awry alt the obligations they are now underlaht. they will (Orly ears • faro for uprightness . Mush will abbe throughout the world.' • A quantity of Pubes Pak gold hen Jest passed through Ware withia the put few days. The ar ticle was c Band for auto at Ira p: se L cs. The, Pyrrielaral bank cf Canada is about winding up. Its note des be redeemed at Moat:eat or !Mu stered until the let of °delay, when they will few lobe second by the derma of prolate:cal ileCo3l. r omens hundred and IS:ty Draws in Wel strut. New York, who two jam ego were worth -nothing, or t es thsnnothing, are now worth each from 3250; WO to 'MACAW), all from the expsnalcn of the oar. noty and tie wountents of stocks. A QUM 01 • Dao /toga Order or tht 'plaid' O,T. !moment author . zing the frre tmportitkra into th• Vtilllpplos Islands of hours of wood or Iron, and to pt ma of allbnibling motor's's, has beet oflcl ly oomninulested to this Government.: Pittabligb Iletketa, Sept. 21, 1802. GRASS 6 ILOUIL—Wheat I. very quiet, with 1D CCAlklnd ante {roe warm at $1,054)408 for Rtd, and $1,1d01,11 for White. Corn ta rutted tad dim In puDNlTaicg of gaothar illablrons frost Wog re. ported Lotto Weal, and holders aro Kiting • matte istitivines. *hen b • fair demand for Oats, and balm arottalbg from 68 to 700 by the car load, thosgh; — vio think, no sales have Woo made at gm OGO'. -.Shutt b nothing doing in Birbry or Bye and In atotnea at Was, no omit quotations, FL= is a ahadattottr,but =bengal; solo tt 300 bbla Mara If until onvirato terms. 02.01I1R1101—Thera la • fair demand for Sugars, and wit nOt• aloof 161thdo chtdro Cola at 1.9)00.2 1 k,' 10 tibia prima Raw Orleans at Mi er, 20 ,bbl Crashed stIOXI, and 20 blb Cobs at Ifigo sad 15% for .a." Nolaboi dim, with cattaidorobli lagaltl bat unfhtligadi, aat• of 60 bbbaoldnrop, to Ms trade at 07e,wod CO bga prima Blo,Cotto to Ilia trade at at. 8a.0011.4.he dontintlis cal: tronbriath, bit 14 Ito& la much Wooed, the market b den, and pat ," ire luny nnintalgad. %Baled at OW* for ElhaultafoltWo for Ribbed HAW, 103Q3103‘0 for rain BMus. and 109111 tot conic= topritno:brobb Offtt&V - !:4 04 .. 1808,—Thera it a cautioned good &wand for timothy Be d, and the Market b Oral, thcagb the *446 hisliSPrOviii, gab " oa t trailt.of '203 manta at 82,75 ;?arbush,and Climb from atom at $2,00. Ibis Aleed hicilitaiiiiriwantidosistirs eating so. oo icr . 0 OHNitSE—datinni with • regular local Almond, andtro Apt" Wes or too tam pet* B tql 2 % ° . OMB oh toG34lOstenou. and Isitaica Frew Batman dull, with'antall salts at 16Et18eS lab of Palbriind at tte, lfgtof steady with Wee at is®lba- aex—rhodemand la foils tonal to the supply and the motet la Ilan with Was cf 20 loge from t alga Ili HMO per ten. Haled Hay may:be quo. tof at from SS to $3O. - APPLES—With continual Moral receipts. and Only allinthed drunand, the Slifka dort with a drolog taudanry; miles of 119 bblo OM from op 11,00 to $1.76 per bbl f T cowmen to pinto. Pittsburgh Petroleum nerket. 1 811., 21 —Therapies • decidedly better Niles In go, oil market to-day, end, ladle boyars d'd , . nOt ;.= disposed to operate at an advance, lAdani slay, ware less anslona to ail. Crude was more •FtlinAtiaintesieberegiting 11221/ 01 t 12 ' 1 0 0 : 10.181. 210, andB6 barrels at 2834;82 DM; at Viand COO Ws. balk—mPlarmA in boat—At 20)1,..iletlard, bon bd, quiet bar anode tinnir;-. andam'eshratang Mai 66 one eared fir 1,000 barrels for immediate Ws +7.l4kaldeserel • aUght adrinsca,L hos Oman i rgatimilim dapple, Mtn Llama hignityktnit tn, abates ameba: ere malt quoiateern• tree' OR, In I good demand and firealrith ales at from CI to to4rtallty—lenzie holden eating . 65 for prime altibtaaM.,:ilianabei. ii:aisis aiMiset iihkaaen• I arad-omdatem saws ar typing. prime deodorized el, 20 . EgaidlWis in lectire.deoPnd.- Wet , Ina/ offarlng $3,50 per barrel, obits loaders pnontitY - are ii 111120.00.0 sill ba pen' 81-tedirentie • 12 eitir ltrer Irattidisittet - eb, the market has inneroolei ti• thu ' ' T. Tbia may ha attribtdadoes .preenme, trC men In payload foreign erx4oF,SP. , . I New I(arir t p . otrolenal fa ark Pi.,, V"lnrigtobtottifittlii* °Wulf. , Si"' lint You, 121 2 . 2 1 . 1222 .` k. lerculs la doclilsdlybittir;andialis yam:Dads shim taace—nAsporLp3R it:c.so 4 ne. id gaiiiedt s..l.llcisa. alb. tied In bond is ensar, smi 'steaits xi. Pialigk.lo3E4loskAttliii. i Wit en ps coppokocktoolotaggalo gsta Pi tilliati the ist et. 6:°' Weekly Review of Owl New Volk Eft • Woieum alalket. ploported Yupressly forth, Pittsburgh Chsette; Sres You, Sept. 19, 1863 TM market. far Crude Petroleum Ms ruled seri 4mi:de:during a grreer part of the week pad but is gradually setting down, and ghee promtae of min again becoming ready. 'Vahan hare been matttlid in fact, prier • have Mee merely nominal during the most of the time. Neither. boyar. nor seller. hare manifested any anxiety to imusect holism—and the aggregate sales are accordingly mull, commialr g only about 4,500 Dbl.; nearly all at 353.05135 cents. The Market at .the clam was very greet at them quo- The above rs mark. are alma equAly applicable to the market for !Witted, a. to that tor Crude. The first part of the week wag cberacteriutd by great dullness, In view of which Mire wee atrong down ward trudrncy la price., sad' the sales ware tuner ally at a rather tower range, eh ear et 56057 to lots In bond, COI the spoL, There btu bran rather more tone to the market during thrput few drys, though (harsh oat much sclialty. The males s a ile eves foot up iti,lsM o bble, mostly for . ctoberery, and 4000 Odious In tin ern ant% There bat bean o ing done in NoVembes dellvartm—trumectione la which Celled lost week. The market rued very quiet to-day, sod 5G(051% cote to bra on the spot, 04;55 far October, buyer. optica, trate thelumleal quota- tiona. Lae 011 has ben In fair detnantl, and the bedews of the week comtared. tarotably web that of het week. The salmi comp !be 5,000 bbla at CO to 700 and bbl. 0T h dol a l k d e h t n at the t a ! was n tr on a dnl.o,7s per tWaptha by nOt be n attire, yet there bus been canstdetate• dote. the Wee tomprlalna 2,500 bbh et 29 to 270 for Western ftsfined; 204,0Wi0 for prime city, for atl October, a t cents.,d WO 93, tar Cued,. Bales to-day at 2432734 Philadelphia Petroleum Idarktt (Tees & HAL, ands? ) Sept. 19.—The market foe Petro'enm has been doll dui tog the past week, an sea demand hoe been ex tremely limited Lir bothed and Crude. Seer of the Muer ar.3.1.1136 anti: eall Loa, bercel. of the former, le bond, at 675368 meta for Iniondln'e erU 2 COO barrels. deliverable to all ed. month. lit 67 woe, Ei 0„ arid I,6tObarreleat 0000162nentafor nut month ; including SW burr% deliverable 16th pron., at 62 ants. There has born rather more de mend for free 09, and 100 barrels bed at 65868 cis onl barreLe Native le loading for Cork, ntrlmi Ls the y 'raver on the Ir rtb. Exported from Phila. elocek.lea 1itt......4„195,894 got. " isms time hit yr-1,0:2,811 Chicrano ; Minkel. km ID —Wheat wu la settee demand. PemiPal ly for eltlymout. and the market tubed Inn sad Mutant at an adman 0f:20.40 'brudiel on our quotations of yesterday. No I Bed Wilda sold at ; Pio. 2 Bed at 11,023d,02 t Amber lowa at st.t No thrtiog $161,01 I No. 2 Amine at 911%€0 0a 28e, and Belated Spring at 820910. There was an soda ingalry for Thar, and the market ruled Arm at an troprotwatent-of ANtoo per buret. Pales foot up in the nsigtbsrhOod of 6,00 u s&Bbar rels at lia,aokga,76 for 'sod White Winter Kim Bed' 44.2003.20 for good to choke yang Ex tras, po d {5.6061 '1 ,80 for Spring toperers. rotor. I:e brands of Bprthe What rioter were hold at $5,20 6 6.11) (loon was in actin spealadro and ahipplag amend and the Hotelket Mlesoost fulty 20 p.r bushel, •Ph Wee of at 69)(411%c, daing at 610 panel porn afloat was Min but gala, wan gags of High lifted at 623.63*. The demand for pus arse light, end tber Mutat inded q&t sad easy ,Agglat7o fa 80. I. ind 6.14043y50 - Pio. 2to l ug,,,,"Thers wins felr daunted for stye, and mites o f 21420. with adieu 61.5220 ,for No. 2, sod 710720 for lical in store. Barley was lea soda and Ter,gsowith ales of No. it 11Q1,08, priaeipolb at 51,02. Timothy peed wu doll and sash with sales of igtd geadrs at $2,11. flax Bud C.lll/1.111 scarce and prices an higher, sales bonny lamb at M 25. • Cleveland Market. ...C1.6 111 .101,981 .451,94 i Sam. 19 —Wheat. nothteg done oa Tbs. go. We hear of sale 1 ear Idahoan track et 129 c. Atter Board the coartet arm more sotlmend we note sa es of 9,00) bush. rad free an board it 112 a, the wont Madan Ora at that figura Corn.holden Ina at Mkt, with Wel car hom demur atthat rim Two to urleed trent Oaltago ing theday, amount ing to about &LOCO bush. Gate, firm and la tenor. dea am on track at Arc. Some 12,000 Mt ants m etro! from lttkago. Iln, dull. Ito calm. flew bell at 15080 e. Barley, meatus tnemak lota, winch are geneselly owned b 7 the 11:1221111111. Good neatly wood pmbably Infos $L'OO3lOl. -. Toledo Sla;kel. • Bapt. Was 600 bh 11 H. CI. at $5,15 Re do XX rod shoat at 26. 21 NO do Id 26. 13 ; 11 0 do extra at $l,Bll Wheal. Balm 1,600 boa amber 11loh. still 14; 1000 da and 506 do do at Lam ; GOOO do lio 1 Rod at ; moo no No 2 Bad et $l,ll ; 1 6 1 0 do at alma ; 6,100 do No 2 Bakst $1,11; oCCI do White 11.1 oh. a 1 21,15; 11,t0) do Nol Illdua at 21,16; 6,112 do Berl Bad DA IRA. 00113. NEW_ do“ as trop ; hot sales. at Cs. OlditEllia Mb. at 610 ; =do and 100 do 411 620. Darby, No trams. lions; rOCtiptl Dopers , DT Railroad. Pirrestinime I'm Watis a Ommecio Itammoin.l3ept IL-2001mm timothy bad, J IL W Farley; 185 do bm l- .1. Join Rhodes; 913 do mat teed, illieneock, llPOtemy a co; 40 tag ,appos, Fstsw & Armstrong; 10 DU do, Culp a later 140 Amp wheat, J 8 14 g. ptl aco 23 as 11W, 15 B Godftay; 51 has cheese. J 15 & Go Gendel O do d d; Pk d. 3 o, B do, &Dal m Thum; 28 do: pas, d u o, Sh Helms als; ll 8 or, L 5 do d orn'. ksr &,L.g; 47 tail cheese, 44 dos hzoome, L a Vast & is 3; 63 DU carbon oil, Joe Wont, 16 ski rap, Har tle • co. lot psodoes, Z Hazleton: 53 his =bon oil J A Osnihey; Smoot wpm, G` udwig; 18 bp pota to's, F waxinmeri 14 ites nmi, 0 howeed; 152 bis highwtnes, U amsegteri It do dour, GI Mattel 7 bass ram LI Childs & co: 100 bp mood, 60 empty ; b A J Hagen; 1 ear atom, Lyday & Compening 48 Phi-enemy, A Gnekenliehner & bra; 8 do do, F Lynch 87 hal.s cotton, Mat A Pennock; 27 do hay, U.. Banta •ider, 1011 s hod on. Kilos & Parker; 873 bke oats, Illtobsock. Ill'ereery a co, 9 am tazisy. J BatoStE 10 clu Lad pipe, A Hzdon; GO bin whiny, Hostettet• Etaith. CLM6MIP A PITMMIS• 114m1040, 80PL 13.- 14 litide tobacco, 3 W Taylor; 80 Ile flont,l_ Yon Gorda; 160 eke wheat, A T Kennedy A bre; 16 oil tdelitemnerts & lasksly; 33 do &kJ 0 911ekketttok: 1 E li 5 beCco, John sOrssier; 5m bp pm a c ... 8 B Y•• . 16 bli telmeco, ll'Doeski 6 Arbil:kb:, 1 do bee wheats Hitchcock, Iremer: a 1:45 8 40139' 111 , 4 B Kseelli 149 eke wheat, .7 . 13 Limitt & co; 71 hides, 0 13 Mine; 1 cask chine, I Halm; 8 bells pelts. Wm Fleocat; II Hi Otero, John a Bemhess; 521 bexto chsese,LsBl do do, a Biddle &cm 4 Ws 1 611, W I'. Wooteidge; 63 kb espies, 11 irm Gorder; 5- do cessiburim. ll do Moss, 25 do pitatese, tame it pripatrom VI do spples,3 do gyp, L EL We It co.• 453mM:et flrstime, illnd.' 9L-45 ble .;plea. 31:3310, Bona coo; lot aundriss, Toe Ondit;.2 lb egp,' Wm Seddon; sdo Way; Wsa P Xessac - 11 bassists togidebiteh W Gibb 7 aide mkt, 1 Wm psecliessll suomm 7 taisppl!s, ill essrliali; 0 do/13.2 do 8 112 , 1 2 bailie LintlAt, Id L 3313113 by bout. yas Ur yes s: co; 1 at sour.tionlY. Rl' ir**l# l ;i° , . _ rpFNTH LIFT 0I AFFLIOATioNS Ofilos .A. TOR TIM Ospt.lthM mross, Lod in thseltzWS up to . ididd 1 Robison Pobrk - toyttrs lit wa rd. Pithhorph; Batton 0. ; It, ;A do; ozain fl ois olil sv iss oto D zahoi sni tred. slr as., tup.ig , t : :twi t , do; do do; BobiscisOksolos, dO, di; Oook Tinto•s• torero, do, do; NelC•OJosrpb, sidles holm, do, • On Whim' Wuxi,: Worn do do; Erno• That, do. • ; dn. :dd ward, do; Goldoni Boards. Mir goods, do, do; a.flbraun C Bi;u4ght: do; Oa do; Burki.lotos„: . • - do, do, Jul Lodoods di, . -eating boo^ do, 40: ='G. It., do, do, do; , 7 1 V 7 .1a ,' do , do do; DishtutLiuls. , do, do. do, Ton Tonga . tivorn. 41.11 ward. do; ads Wen &baths% .. b.. dor Wpm* fL. b U.. otkot gods, do, ' Ilii 0r,112.4 Cu, ~ , do r do, do; t Zia Rhos. L. titan, Sth eons, do; HMls= A. IL, • do , dos do; Outtandarf Jatob,ssill km" dot do; Acing Vault IL otbor goods. do. do; Zi~ 'week,. , •- do, eta ward, do; Ilha IL A. - ; - , , -- . db,. ; .7th mod, dot SialtdO,lgms' to al 'Sp laid, do; alai IM osiiortiot*: '' Oh do; cameos . Hoot TlOntiltb volt, do; DOlnt; PlOO4, Otho Teak 'O, , d;O: Bojisternsp, 'ts .1.X00i. - Tor dor. idishOldr(4."tnikl. 'ilt wa r d* kulunP seekart 11Ceioduittproddifiliand, ' tl - Clam J. L . : taiga. ;ICI utwd. • do: /lows August, outlop *num. , • do, • di;. Bali JIM; • ' tißsib i4 4triphAhaini - ' adastlfteric,likthiW do; . Dllitatio'h Wni., . o, .' do , Aunt Todst ,- ,. , gaßsrn4 . Lot Blftstagbaso; 1 3/Urnobli ' ..- 116_.... . Solt Won; ".: - Otour pm.. Bale Bitisiish, sale;Mos, DtApunduolloto; 1 TbaltiobbteldfifiJoutitt . .Litrrooo . Oillltt ILiity,ILIOVV: ' ' ' ao. . - Fax lan: • do, Jr ; Blvd Philip, .. do, I.Saotto Ginilr.Thonou, - 111. do, lisrarromt; • Muni WO.# tee? pods. . . do; : Ttito CIA MIC=4, - do, Tommaool4 l 4 • lisulotl satoo..; lama. • . Zbuotatb tis ' fluttoo loriarb. otbot'soodi; J•IItoonly IrombOut Scooph. totem, • if) onO Si.Bt. tp; filligdabsitslo,salfilthtsde., do • do; Ho== awry, • . tans, MOM tp; Culp L. . du; i DiantataMbrbt. . do. do; Goldoltott or lt. etbor coda, do; • Btrittup, Wont, Pitt tp; I Mfg= Si. lo. Nalco Ift • Touts Itiat7. • ;ling boo* . do; _ Cashes Patin tpuom.„.l7outi moons tp; 1 Milton Jonathott;, , do., , . Kum tp; ire ales Tbonda • 0.1.. - lobisoos , l p; ,- Mom. _cher ga d s.. wolf Diet 114 ktqar Jobb Itoary, tam. - WILL= tp; - King Owas; . ~ dn. - . . dir. ..__Tb• Gunn will toot on .WCOMM . Y.St ei t Mu. at 10 o'cbult a.m. Boutoustatotolasoust tot or tams that du. - AvollotcoA silk Wag tbstr, MIA to op tam beftgo tfai doi of oett,t2 • •W. A...11= y,_. ata GLlnto vr: ' 'Pjti) general Caininlselon Merchant, IMF COI Ilintirgrtilanin oll * , fila T ig # 4l " l - aii;J 'ILL Ss* co. Pittaint' , Kale's asVo..snd4 t. Rased it &au Pb1 1 10 1 1 1 4Dble• • . t• ~.mod, s IitOOLLISTIEBA BABB, •; . . 1 llipsubaCtrers tislikilimete al nods , 1 , - :,, 4 , 441:(j0 ,ilfUll ,A,16):•, ~, ^ t; ' ' z io l .illS: f1:00.6 tl7Y /10:1inillicielai• ,-' L NaltiMilkhliP* Blll4l of on Kraftallisow nth! STATH FAIR. TRY ItLEVENTH ANIMAL MICIII - JE3 IT 1 - 0 IS Of 'WI MM. STATE AnICULTURAL SOCIETY, N.OBBISTOWN, MONTIT Y CO., PA, September 29thd2 andnd 30th and October let an, 1863. Vo - ristown Is about searntasu ratios weal of Fell adoirtda, ea the ectatylkill deer and is amesable by railway to eurnrypontlera of the State. The granite are beautifully attested, autatztnt, 25 rem of ground, with Soilage buildings theak.n ' a u r icle to together "kb harp emount Sauldirg. The track said to he Aloof the be et %rake in the hate. Ihe premiums ore the leafed sae of. lead by' the &Alas, .mounting It about WC% The premium for all &arta of abates:mad 8 , 0 5 , Lae of wbia are 810 each, 15 hum US Id 815, Oben mutat Sown to laser rates. Best bad not lets than 15 bad, let arcuate. 1110; Tod premical. $ O2 . Horses for al grad.a the premium , exceed 51550. The highest $lOOl 22lbetwees SA and $2O, and others ratting from $l5, Stu and $5. For Sheep atd Se Inv the premam. range tom 810 to $5 and 83. for Poultry there to a long tist of premtums Iran Betosaln ae reoffered he following clam most liberal : Plocgtuv, Cialltraters, MS% Worm', Beeping arid-liowing Machina, Carter, • Corn Shaba, Odra falls, Pumps, Bockats, Tin Wort. Leather and th itantaatires, Oat Pitt Ural. Marta . thintea, Batter, liter. Grain and Beale. Vega/Meat end also Vat Dolnestio and Beatebold Maautestarea.-12n1b, Carpet% eattnelt. abiztina, abeetlng,dibtakets. Irlannds, Elbanle,Bailt dooda, fleadle.werk,Ao ,Bread.Osikes,Preeerres, deifies AO. Large Valdese ere edarld tb: every varlet, at Plait sod Mesas, • ?be Morel lent will be the largest over crated by thetiodety, GEO will -orm felt;erns moat attnotime leaturos ot Jtshibliton. Gapes and Shiva ho thls Deterunent. The rellitylllSlllt Venal y ard Eforiistsera Haile road hate arranged to clay wade for inhalant to and trona Nxtdblttou debibt tree, Malting the reward freight tot. prepaid, width gill to mild obligor when goods are returned to tke station wanes shipped. Lt boiled 13 tract tbe Alarie with other Important roads. izeuroloss el riduccd rata tall le run on all Oa Inlet' le bto made at the office, is tionirtowo, eta the Oh day of September. All stades mar be entered on shs boots ma or bates Pareday even. log. Sept. 29a. Bakddters mad become members. awebee.kop 510.1 , with fairsupon Basta, each Cl whl h • ill Walt one person to the Par oven. SISOLI 01121113. A List of Prank= and liegulations can be bad by addreestng the Orcretall. THOMAS P. KNOX, President. S. B SEMIS LOBCIhIIII, feey,t worehrtown. Po XHVER KNOWN TO FAIL I BORITIC BIACIIBERBY CLIMIUTITE, DIBESTMET, DLLSBMA, rum, onomaA Tim itaments dee tastily to Mr mate a we taintdy. The wneentra daily rtperte of satonlehtng COTO &Mott Ha Tabu It has advantages over other any rentedY, OtMe men the diatems, and Imparting tone and strangth ths astern. It sale and tandem to the MLitt, and penathil the OW cam. to To tlie mailer, modally, It is Invalnable, being symcprtately W.msd by them, to sonny arta este., The Soldiers' Friend."' Mottos, Cod tt topotfor to soy oxettig tor obiktioo tostbfi, trawl trom tbolodartcon ogees of 151LITOOTIC8, ens w t to the totters/ by totOotablY tto Ow. INU Dy N. EIcCL&IMULEI £ 00 , 85 litiaket !trot Plittaatirgh, and by reapeciabla dealers eyerywbaca EIENAY 0. RALE t CO., FALL 8c WINTER STOCK, And Brits their Wanda and thp pubis to azaratna thelr stab, which is the finest wad tacit cc:opiate star brooght to tbla market. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. CORNBB PENN. AND ST. CLAIP. STREETS, HHW wrmuuri LA. WILL II DOLE LT DIHONIA TUG SORB/LUIS 6.IIXIDY TO3 MORBUB &UD 8171131111 COMPLLINT our 14:ce, 25 CENTS A BQTTLL FILM= OUT IT WM. F. DAVIDSON. Cligiatifien, 9 An 1101/ tecelvini their T &lona ca Wad, a Is-geaciortmant o PITISPORO II , PA WRECKS OF STEAMBOATS FOE SLIM Qllmainreurrwel Drrearommt. Crnall or Twomey/mos, • it, Loots. ans. 41.1663. The wrest of The simmer .0111PPIIWAIlf LIP" as she now Beg, are miler below asuatin, In 'the Ortmberland Altry the wreck of the glamor rTAIITHBDIA," Mar the head of llespeth's Shoes, in the Comber. The tambkien, boilers and hnII of the above. aimed bears arareported to be geed. Tbey wilt be told at public motion to the blgkist bilder, on the 1m DAT OP 00TODITL, 1863,14 the sin of Cindenatl. Ohio, to front of the °Mee of Capt. OBAILTA BOHNIDT, A. Q. AL Tams orb, 11.8. Truman Matt& DI crier of Brig. Gee. Doane AWOL oneeLss ramon,_ Captain and A. Q. D. • • Adam= Queiztauzermas az, Oozes GI sad Atd • • ,__ Wuldnyton, D. o.,AlNlclit 25 th. / 301 . Duswo taLS. OF OONDEEMENID the OA'lld t A a l y S ,.tll.U tadkee d OoA;* * the Octre, .zt 311 WZ b DZt 3 PA3o 2 E 2 SD IthIns, ths gd,utheadEOtti doe tit'• the kortb. ' The ppopexty le mama& se =Old peddle earticte' • • bake to aouzzawe FA ID o'cluali e. sa. of AKA day, etui.beacciuzuvd Dom day W dayzuttl the tattaber so head shell be rota._ Terms ash, to Oatertuasat VOMM. • cs..s. TONPsuire, Oept, eat , dold. et.. 11. IA A. Antrum QvAmixanoil Crime, ! • - Omar QiusaiSQ *Was. liFo4t•gtos, p:Cr i tlart. 14144166 S rOTIOR....WiII - .be . sold -at Pn Ho toettau,at - taz• orattirmintest ificrecat6 -- Ouirepthit• btwoorn-Mstid P sad !-I,Ut and na avast in..WILDBILIDAY.thir sad moan. • harg: a .6 likgeePaixeD4 es annum . üblle, casiddiar in part 40.11011&P IRON 1116111 pataisi, zauna.s; - puts of MAMS; iyA9Olll3, - TI/1114! 10011, and • uruntsaTe. - Rums aul, In GoPenntund Tea& - Bala to mauls= at 20 eclocks.:l2. • ! 41 IL TOUPELNE6 • Cliat. and L. Q. 1L,;(1. e. A. Alittalitt 4 .—* t6a tame actlet.ouctetzaus of ' 111073001111 , 1 117111 . in the (iltint and ai low, and I uttls lowunaltan 01 ilmilar quality ars rasal..• Yui t t ai tun D&US in the country lair shwa *ir s ran our cub II oar osn't astlany 3; 1,. -- ltwitin - Tilroncth strut. TNDIL DUBBER 4;IIOThING oho, own= a.igyip 9tVilitat tar tea as Stool to - . io4t.tasAhcas, th• , • Dabber Dort -- • - • - FL r:800.20 tad 1118helatrignati IFTNIVERtiAb-CILOWISEIWIL a.ssithir afippl4tiognd LI as* ligi enkt O*lll4 atnittL Pna •••-• 'gala arktitelbribb l IN S'! • s ri. 'NO • 47 40 1 111 r 1.11.. R C L riSt, to; ibt Orm:nilo3lteik , tiut naintinaft bythakowad ils ,: wow Moto 'ad - w 7 moor. — *tom - • IS-:OW • 3 •• • bilk, Snobs el P.81441314,z, ate ' • Yaw Moot. Pittsbargb.Ps. • •lGNlrlGu I &itD t i tl tarzois to soul— - ••c ISUAR MUM & VO 7 Ititiri tioalUnii*OntiAtiiiiii-i6i3i 'BRICK" wshisnottMl44-1 w Q pi struiivr9 rtir aPPIi Rum Casibusa. Was Oo..__Vj crio4oll.6PS WOODW&L, costa Wond otrossti; mhT:N pwaiiiNT r -Tb.,thisti !Lou otAbe fttlia= wi li &eta' ..I.I4IM4PAINXIMSC Magas " . 01*47:=1‘ al tberafts. tau CI II hi bi nikanizirr.—os. • sad after 11021 DA- .nth. PAISHEIR.V , iat e - tcr.rrirt.. NINA DAILY M 412& The TrnwaGa 4.OOO2IXODATION MAUI it 41.1 to. Ltation. ty, (mama nartMe and l' rtogoku a t at e an elacti Wawa burgh ht ag don an Nast Yoekatrptar lb Tha TH11013311 KAM CM lama Lb Pas maw ration- vont =Ora= 11.24) s. ea. atoptas anis It stations aad mating tAbet Olittootttnt at Itarrhibing eati. more and W. 01 1 041 ,4 VA tut Vow Leek via WS. Thp ninoa rli trall l ROW eart S TRAM harit ... doka , &SO Posolirtt otar atioll-essoloes, dined saw al-liaritaborg ter 13alttart= enatintroortatter new Scat r to Allantara mar. end ?Mr...WAAL , - TART lanititarrallit BOO= tally (now Itanday.) at -8:38 rat nt - o?bdV e z NOM" ort.t.ft al Itiortabarg t• o: tad Wat?-tsettriod Phabiatalie forlSor Teta. 1000ZIEWEUT175 nfaiMaa • rafaoloooramazurentosaton grata Mao tatty (moot Soadaast4.46 ar r atrolnat an statists god roosOg sr tar at.(arcoregb.- IntatAzoonotodatloalltsta for Wen'eflatnintraorre (tound noadaky) at rants 11.- Woad ihceozeausabra , Sista les-Valrs Sawa: Woos dany (stint faraday} at 113.,05. so. Taira naceoaelfto "flab tor' Wen tam ditty pada Sunday) ettotOp. a. Ittorth Ateuetoodstloa, Rhato for War. WIS. LOMB .020911111)1133WienOp. teraralWairebtation aver, eta .4ay at KA a. ta.l rapenefsa, isms- Pittererah es 'T.osarnin Troia - infra fa rtststrarya as on= itanbaots 1110 p. Platmolpsta iti praa5,14.913 p. as.; Tait Lbs. WO a. as, i'Tkroogh 110 Saab, I.= a. as4-lotestoura reaassOdalft WM a. to.l NW Weirs indigi 4 0 = 1 :0 41 fka #O6 a. c.; ttacaa4 Willi Bucks tu=auaaastias ow Third -Wars-ft:ASO Atexisushadfao 1.10 p. north Wars Eaetioa Aaosamssodatioa, &OS p. Ealthoito St prat* whip with Phil- IMAM' Ilfarfai at niddi 0.. y Sagas fes Eislerdifo mad Sae= Ma maimas at Akira. aO6. Intorattor irnh Strata Asecontrudanua. ltthaiion AroDmlmdt sad lispreas rein hose. sad srttik Eantocas Lorna rod Johnitoina Atom. asedatton Wait. VOIDS On Shanahan tazotect at Otoosta with Ma ori= Taloa nut 1101 Pr Wass sod otth 'Moog) - Itooommodatiou sod Zama Trani Saat. Thar?ant dad It :natty tom an tatarlat.la or Was; to triad by e Pararrimale Oral. WM& sails araxasunoissi= aoss cam& coma he sarpalaal al ail attar ramh. Tho Pod b • Winded with atom sal merely hos fro:advt. ifa ma WWl*safalp.Veof oestrArt scr favor this Bowl anti emir pairoafatf. Wen P. Mew ilhfUstesa.--- I DO Scr.?. TiChnouler--... a to To garrishua shodadt ta all Sr dolma/vete Possralea• I% l = Alahlaifs ail 40 VAltset4tU. Boithasn oil Bari Yoca. Partangoll astononlit WOO 1114 - osta via it etargat axocch soutddlny to aletsase tremisdh fa srldttioa to the stall= oda% SnOtta tont 'Ong= whotatta 001:4a31 or Adttatc: HOTIOSL-nlit ors of kw* ilea wavily WM heti liusesofroa sespoaolhla for piMhid fa% cad for see =fa= not , , Bn -eAarno l D g eallbas Vas ha scaoal P. pmrtnt&, to Pd. at • Gawp lot to scored Petals tar nab par ewes: ail impfep. Stu Osten, asply to - VITWALS Anat. At tka rgantltraata Orntast rtenagn statsmeea LiZerro oaf OPIIIIIO2O/41 O LBRWLIIAD ' . WHICIGINGSAILRO Bti N IFS It - 1911193901 id BRI.-4.rn aad dies 110191111. April lOthrleas Blrdio Ildli boa ON Ge of the. Ilatiolooda Railroad. to Pitts. b is Ali oat ALAI" Lisa. roans Plterl LW a. oi tido a. in. IMO p. sp_ do Wi.r.. 5:10 a 1 11:18 a tab a • do Butibenv`s 4:10 a IBM a 14$ a do WOO.; . 6:10 a twat a &fa a Arline Sellsix..... 6:421 a `tab a lUD a Ginn ..1 ••totalitenboorGht and Whir with Stan. spyawl Indiam Railroad sad Central Ohio BaO. rad ibs Zwisirvilia, Roark. Oidatabra. Rola. 1010- tan. Indtairapolta, Olachinati. Lordoill•vadas, • ht. Lola. It. Josiah. and all polar. oat mil andiMatt. and al inteep=rolh and Ohio Ultra& and Otarked Lisa lona Pittabarirk..............1. 11.01 a. curt° p. w. do Widbari11a..........--. 4:10 _a 9:60 a do itioarit.....ww•••-•- foio . a ikol a. do Manes , .-..... 6.35 a t 45 a do B&W "=••.:....•••••........1 T. 14 a I &Et • do Had= - irld a 11210 im. Antos at Olaveraire--7--........ ego .. um . at /Ward Ilth Tastaralwataaadi Ins En i r cu =Phla and Oanal Davao at Alliance *Rh Yore Win. and Misago Ralirodi at Th l t t.bal tonizawith Altana:and Great Wotan ildlread Or Warren, Greenville, itiold Wear Gant Jonestown and lialanissea; at , iwn Mtn Glow land. ZazisnUle and Oinainnatt Railroad for Moo, Pails and ittillusbaritr lad at Cloralaaa = k r: B. B. B. for Ss% Dunkirk and - ROW with 0.1 T. B. B. for Sandusky, Toledo, and do with stemma dir.Diitzoit. . Wallnithe Lowarancdatioa loos at 3110 o. in. Batmen* Into arrive at 410 a. in.. ISM and ea p. r 0.,, and WO a. nu er=Ticksta to ail promiramt i t=i4 ;l‘ an be t the Laborty_Ettrot Dap*, GEMS roam, nests afferile And at Antra,Oity. MB- G. Alti GGBB,Y. Ticket agent. Ina farther irtfor=fflity to BTRWART, Apia, At the Ca=paity's OM* in Yreightetation. Fora at WU , SHIPPIXEL fr 11 ATLANTIC .a. • LOYAL NAIL orsAm zuonarldb TlOll 0011111 Hit 401111W.a. 1.1116.) ADBIATIO.-I,3l:oltotsaterver, WOO was. aiszazaeopoo aorwycewer, foto tom OOLII 11131 A. 1.1:00 orealcwer, OW tons. AMU. notwpower , 8.000 tons. The thagollosat eterniatdp ADB,LATIO win indd haw Noe. Yott-for 'ldtarpool TUESDAY. the SZti of deptend*r.. . to Bate: oft tram Warped Now Tort.p4- abet b. as equtistent in =mood : Ant CO and IttA Steerage- --PO CO Intersedtate-‘...... POI Petseogare *two: dal atm to London, Part. Hon. -burg, Hum 1305=112, Bathrtlll ll , MIRSZPs Mu. it batik rates. farlefront Ltetneel or Wail le New Tart god litetonifL s . Iskr ib ifZe $ lO5 . for wage a it the alai ot the Agent+. &SALIM tdt Moody* gintsts Join, Ittanagar. or, D. O'NXILL. Beer* ,Chreatels Idnitatit, No. TO ft= alma, ftttet ktlfklinra QTRALII WRZKLY- LIVIR111 ) PO POOL., toacIIII at QIIIIIIIISTOWS 1CAu430 30 5.) '5O vial 1000 stossoso 1. How Turk tad Phtiodackto stioos9ddp 03=PsoPose banded 558111 so 31 WM • - kooadTh Et t. 2o. OUT OP 111 WLSGTON,.. 13atorby. 8. cur oisesansTgliaturibor.bot. :Ma mei toooool4 Oatuidal, at was, trots Par O s Earth 111,0. -- , • - atm co - : Pa4table Ai &Wee 0 apitodlot Orreos. non Oacut.—..saclazuzass----sas do. to 10ad00... 85 do. to Laudon. 0 do. to •100. - 05 CO do. to 40 50 •do. to lOostrarg 00 dO do. to Handoint 5149 PoatittaristiOos 4 oool to oior% BTOOLO, NOVI tazdon.o2ooWita.. at oloallp law rata. , linooosoo oz 4000500: Lot Ow*, giod. ateasiD E po. 'Thom lac etsh 1. 03tolor th# 510315 castbm tidtata bozo at Utili Sot forther yob as U. o.opants 000. ' 5uBLll - DALIN /100,_ 15 BroidwaNls. JOBS THOMPSON, Assil., .' Bond dna, ant boon from Co Bildi* ttdlll2ll4. Mhler ti • IPI . • OIII4ARD fecal& ;Ltcortol ead Qvanstova,o to gabl, anti Kith *sit In ciizaaa. Irma Haw York, pe In car Isne7. Balla tray Reek. Apply 1:8013. IL&TIIOAN, font, litlabezt. E=M2l cmakPEST PAIVAGE FROMM , 1:1CId "OLD 001111131.1." Joi z ei t orro broudg ont in rttn CUBS Xl3 OL flow Idoonool, Landow Odra at: ant, tor - -Twenty-five Dollars,' Aiml7 _ D. 01111 LI.. ..ntifueCtrooh loyt.tneodt Oath stress, lindwith. PROPOth TIEOPOSALEI YOB; HOBBES:: •,: ;.- . L .1. '. ". ~- . MALEY -BnitAtt. --• , OSllOl4l= caw tranzgazsgmla. i . . , ..Wishfttas. LI. 0. Az& 1 / 6 1861. , Propook6S6r6 t- es ttol 9111 to svastssi at , (ea So the taralshtst ist lIITALIIT EOM% tis , be &ISTRIA 1t - ••,. , 1 / 4 , re.sidualiodwpip honor= - _;:,.siZ:* , rib. 44' la lots at not lass than STnota4kse al os . hams 60 Ito item' Sam )to ststssis 6 bags ' With Inas dr, (6)tostiss - (1 WI 4 - pass el& weltt to ft. nada...cospecuntzuk. in 094. 4 4 16 And fro Its ability at. tito.td4dat to Wit Itto niwitin: 101 VIS to ismasssteid bytes vorposslbis Omsk vbs.', Vans Zan birsivolsdl to Ms ilssnastisa:- 1 irs saktistef ci * C a tbs bl ,= . 'i E Uinta ,co . Ft, n:, - 14_ vnm,d . li,tis Ritoct, of, . / Protasis 'not 14- Manna , to lint. OA. 0.0 . ... BAWTILLII,Chttf ourunassuricialikla 3.w enigliti ,QII Ab• amity% ;Uagg -ibr ' I r-----" CS , Q. ti. / 10 3. C4-144*:(104,13matql t. • - ~. -.....: -„--...... Ewa A Tara goon . ' - " ..I " . 'ss.." -' ll2umadedi'':".'r: ' r= -•- '%-,- , 742, , -. Z•PlOr o t am, _ vr.m. ,- - - • ' ' ",th6.41," ' w icisti m f r •• ' ) a