...„,, s ,00,,•',24`r4;..., . ....1.-..t, - ---,..--.^;-:,,,.---rx .25.,..1.--.e5vMc.....44.".1".,17,-;r:•,*:Z..C.Z.....m...:^nvz.,,,;:,15.7...4,,,,,,,t..,,--4=..-_,,7-...5....„......-,..,—.... ,4 4..'"<.4-qi• - ''''''-';:.+' 4 = ,, i - M-5 ,,,, - , -rz - ".,.--: -- - • ..C 4 ,- --- - ":"t"7 , . , VISA* Sae*, TIIEPAYMOIISIISreui::::::I3.E'PT. 22,1808. CITY AFFAIRS. 017101 AZ PIPEII - 0.11 TIM arr. ADVERTISING RATES. BTANDI •Tfi sl7= DM 00* 001 TWO / 00 Three lasettlom_6- 1 21 Cl. wesk..____ 2 00 Two 3 Thai 6000 One month _ ---. a co Which ►D4wa thiprlvflage of a weekly change of gnat ter, CO be izumexted smuts Ilaw advertlaemants. PIS STICILS 111,1217a11, ZIIICZT DAL Eti. moo . Twelve mon • •dmintetruor' no llarrtago No booth notkoo, era Al vdvertbecteats ordered tea ono month, cc lees titos, to b. cub at ths lime of ordering. 011,11ILES IIicESIGHT, Eve. Gliroolcle. POSTED a PLEESON, Pieta. Dispatch. JAG. P. BABE, Plttabarig Post. B. DIDDLE a 00., Pltthsborgh Gazette. The Christian Comlalsolon—Letter from a Lady. W. P. WITIAS, Esq., Receiver of Cr/rim :as Coressission..—Dear Biz: Itmay seem of small moment, but I cannot refrain from express- Jog - to you, the goad results I have witnested from the labors of the "Christian Commis sion." I commenced visiting Camp Howe Hospital, trying to aid the sick there, with east my skill and the government allowances supplied for their comfort. I found these means lim ited enough, amounting to only a fraotiqn of what tea needed. But when your kind agent came to the Hospital with his cepa/lona trunks and boxes, Ailed with every necessary comfort no one cave an eye witness can realise or ima gine the happy change. There was a new life and soul given to all around. The steward and his nurses could the emphatically nurse the gob. for every futility was lentiffEl• On Thanksgiving Day, if the munbets of the Comminkat had seen the pleasant, grate ful look of the soldiers as their soiled bed linen was taken away, and replaced by smooth, white alseetrand pillow s li ps, and theft. heads carefully laid back on' the new pillows and beard the feverish but gratehtl laps exc laim, "0, tat th at's airs P' I know they would have taken new *Garb and contuse in the work. Not kcowing the extent of the supply, I oommetked with only two or three of the beds, but seeing how pleased these man were, and reading the unuttered desire in other places, I inquired if there was more. "0, yes, Meaty—as many as you want," was the reply. I wag so hippy and gratified, while I saluted from the well ironed and carefully prepared store, that I heartily wished I could person ally thank the kind bands that provided them for the suffering ones. Nor are three all. know of nothing that would add to the spir itual and physical ;man which the butherly love of the Commission had not In store for The books, I found whenever read to the sick, celled forth their gratitudgland praise. The Wootton, from the work entitled "Some thing for the Hospital," often having the mat happy application. The New Tuts ment, band in separate epistles with their bow:dila platiprintposseura especial attrac tion. ' floe young man, in 'hewing me how many be had read, remarked, a I never be fore thought mesh of reading the Testament, but now it bass new interest, and I do sot feel like quitting until I have read a book ti rough." ,The hospital is now disbanded,but the Commission have written a lesson upon the hearty of wainl observers there which will not loon be forgotten. Paling that it is untruly possible to over estimate the good that is now being arum - ;dished by your Heavenoborn efforts, I am truly and respectfully, yours, OALLAIID, Aug. 24. AL K. W. Card from Frank Kelly, Eeq. praos Keith $4.., s wall hnown DEZlOtild, and an Alderman of the Third Ward, writes the following : Card to the Pablio.—tt communication ap pears in the Past of Monday morning, over the signature of "Democrat," containing a statement to the effect that I informed the writer that my name coat used as one of the secretaries of the late Uelon meeting without my mutant, and fartitetithat linfonnedhim I would vote the Damooratle ticket at the ap proaching elootion. Though I could well af ford to pass over statements made by. pug who withholds his name, sal deem It an. templetf and others to give his mentions an acgaeliflnl oontradletion._ :My name was Wei at secretary of the muting referred to, with my fall consent - and knowledge; and as to my voting the Dsmoeratio ticket, I hare never suede Awls an admission to the writer or any PIM else. I am a war Damoorit—lor my country and the Union &Mae time—and I shall vote.in snob a way as In my judgment will best subserve the interests of both. nue. Kula'. Senatorial Nomination. The ItcpubMan Sesatoriel Contemn metal Prosperity, Wasbiegtin county, on 'Friday last, and noudnated John Lindsey, Esq., of theme county, as their candidate for the Senate at the appresching election. Upon the above announcement the Waynesburg (OG1;1111'04) Massager remarits : Hits. Lind sey hes always been identified with the Dem- . ouratio Party. and enjoyed a large degree of its favor and confidence- and notwiclutend leg the declarations of t he opposition to the contrary, we donot belltre he has accepted or wlll accept the nomination. He Is absent' from home, and has been for some weeks; but will return in a few day. we understand, when the matter will be detirmirutd." r 7 • t. ..1" Gurn=w—illas Heron Wader her Brit ap paratus herr last Uinta& JD her Lamm char acter of. Camille, and ahem& greeted with a very large audience, nearly nay ea t In the mutts and • dress elide Meg occupied. - The play was ineediogiy.inal tundared, and expreued herseit highly pleased with the miner in .which she wee auttlined the company. It wu the object of Manua Bendason - to woke the picas entirely unex ceptionable, end he hie sueueded. It will b repeated thtearening. CLITILAND AID Pnmostman naILILOAD.—• TA* Raw York Times rye the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Company will probably begin their half yearly dividends upon the stook of jhe rind $3,900,000, out of its net cub sant filo, attar paying the interest on the Pandsd debt cl!di,200,000, I& the course of &few days. The patine Intention of the Clinton, we h a m, h to puke the lint dividend at the rat* ef 8 per cent. per annum. or 4 per sent. for the half yearipiyahlikabent the 110 Ostoba. TIM Koalas iftsrlizcs..-Thls splendid troupe wens gusted by an orerflowLeg audi ence stPoneert last sends& aid nay., body seemed delighted witll tke perforations. The music was.ezesilsoVtlerjokes sad witti cism were Aspitall, and the extravapasas were of the most aural and amusing elute ter. There will be another - rush for seats to mid thus who wfsh to campy the front Of tims serfiteo eisly. • _ Ovum es was sw Cents Ass Bum cstair Itirisess.—Thle road. which eon-. seep- with the Pittstn; Port Wayne k Chi cago rasiltrey, , it Hossewootr, fltetlee sad epee SI New Catt Leila Iminwsee counti, wW be opal& T. Wham ot the sewn:shave smapisautawlththe Plitibtoth and Chtesto toad toles psesseger tratoo thttotet to New CristWantll trap se they Can stock theses& theattelees, aDisoourto". Misoutoo—The ,u .Dtzto• am" bold a f , coto.horso". militias lit tbo DlosOnd; A.Usotway, „lift iminizto. Vito aft 1 tb ful" mug caned to ode loy ftnnin• dare!.- lioants and J, Etude, Bob, as Pnildont;:wai . ',tbo only ,officsr . witowitiod. Andrini - Borko, Elq4 wu istrodooidi sad Wiwi We loft bo war tailing, the tow prim prliint hi/virtu wicked it Wu for the P. idiot to snipasd tho writ of tubas Corpus. Plan of "WT. -Cant. Hwy nig% troll.knasa la sanitary olroloo, Old a nti; at the tioltfanot of lib lothovis•law. Goo. B. Datum, Zig., of' tklanabao; Ohlo; Ho itatoCitt,pao. dam u Asilttint - Adjoin:it Goaorilt to Gm Bowman, Otitrruds to the. Fremont. and win tobisonnatly traillfarott to Ga. eduladri itusayribithowipt tp? amalri • N • z 4414010... .711 cr; ."'""" 4 ,-41 4 45. , • ' Dispatch from Dr._ lituantglosplial Although the Christian Oonindoston hu ben stesali forwarding dons to the way of Itsseoraas, the following telegram from the Chairman of the Contlnlllloll shows there to urgent riesd for lIIIIMUIM Ind hnorodiste rap. plies : PHELAnzz.rinA, &pi 21, 1863.--Josepi bre*, Treassrer Ciriaan Chuniaigs Send battle. Add stores by express to Beativille for the wounded of Mosecrane army, and • good corps of °auss: Oar had agent there is very argent for :sore men. Make an extra effort. Elio. H. Eimer. CI MATTES. Two c000tha—........09 00 Tbroo coattut---11 CO Taw ut0uth0.....--13 00 Tim m0at'5......--14 CO 1 131. months Ntho moon Ozwyou..— • worm, Let all stores be sent thunedbtaly to the store room of the Commission, No. 79 Smith field street, and they will .soon be on their way to cheer and comfort the noble um of the Western army. The Aid Societies In the country are earnestly requeeted to forward their collections to W. P. Wejmsn, Pitts burgh—money to Joseph Alarm No. 7L Wood street. -412 03 3000 2 25 Baas Excoaston Trcxem—Call at the duo tion Booms of Davis k Mollwaine, 54 Fifth street, for free exclusion tinkets to the sale of property at Turtle Ora*, Thursday morning next. The train well lure the depot on Lib erty street, at nine o'rdook a. x., precisely. This sale anthem a great variety of nal es tate, to snit every elms of purchasers. Bee advertisement. ?durum Posrrosen .L-The Union 8e b• Haan meeting which was to have been held Last night at Ws. Paok's koala In the Fourth Ward, Allegheny, was postponed on account of the Inclemency of the weather till next Thursday evening• It will then be told at the Old Market House, In the Diamond. Mantra AT lianquasTize.—Then wW be a meeting held this evening, at Vnion Read glutton. Wilkins' Wall. Fourth street. Ad dream will be delivered by distinguished speakers.. The room is comfortably famished with seats, end open to voters of both parties. Hatiro Sam—David Robb and John Robb were eaoh held to ball yeetarday by Alderman Taylor, of the Ninth Ward, for moult and bailor,. Samna 81ser wee hold to ball on Saturday by the same Alderman, for throwing a stone and merely wounding George Jebil of the Ninth Ward. PALL 0000.—The lILLOIMOII of our readers Is Galled to the adeertisment of MennWhite, Orr & Co. Their stook of dress goods , enn molly dz., as well as the articles perbinlng to a lady's outfit In dress. The cloaks and shawls are charming, and the assortment is so large that one can eully get suited. Bousszniumss should attend ths, largo solo of Furniture, °musts, ite, thus moroidn, at 10 °Wools, at IVOlalland's /Lustlon a 05 Fifth street. arnow. LOOM. NOTIC33B aZOViI AID Balita's Elmira Ilicinna, for 20,117 and nisaufietuing purposes, are ea bat in ass. A. I. Curogr, Genus! Agent. No. 18, Mb stmt. itoitaa Paiurir, Plata sad Ozaszsatal Mate Bodo; aad dada: In Punahula aad_Ves mint date of the best quallt7 at low rata& Oil= at 'Alex. Idanghlia% an.. lbs Watt Rada, Pittabsrgh,Pa. - &Alba Opinions of the Wheeler and Wilson flowing Machine. Thus b bat one Swing Medals / and that is Wheedler k Wilson'e.—.lady. Afeig . s, of Asseric' fastasis, B. Y. The Whisk: a Wilson liaohdaa has no rivaL—,&iatiflo damican. • It Is the machine for badly nss—Adroooto and Journal. It Is omhteatly surerlor.—Dielionarg of Mo. awaits, Bray one should can at Wheeler & NU sou's rooms No. 27 Fifth street, wad ozaraters spoollaus Of work dolts on thaws craohhass. Wm. Stunner ds 00., the Western Agents fer 'Whaler A Wilson, hare now on exhibi tion a flee stook of nuschines, to Rosewood, Mahogany and Walnut cues. Join Ern:mese now ran Eawr.—The un dersigned would mos rupectfallY call the at tention of their friends, and the mall° in Gen eral, to their Pall and Winter stoat of Goode. They consist of an the very latest style' of Clothe, Casimeres and Vesting., English Es kimo Beavers, Trice and Pliot Cloth and 0 var. cloatinge. Alio, a large assortment of Trend Chinahlie Cremating' of the Tay finest qnslity, all of which is selected from the latest importations, and will be made in the most fashionable manner, and at a price lower than any other merch ant tailoring establishment in the city. Oise us an early call. • • 13•11171 L GILLIS & Co., Merchant Talln, No. 64 Marte it. Samna Gangue, Geo. bloCiammess. Fon Few. AID Wilma trael.—The smn- Mar is put, and by the morning's frost, we begin to approband, that fall and winter win be shortly upon as, and we must provide our selves with the material to keeper comforta ble. Lulea fall suit, or a good and well-made overcoat are 'the very thtag, and we do not know of surplice where our readers would snit themselves better than at Messrs. W. H. Monte A Co.'s clothing utablishment, corner of Federal street and Diamond Square, Alio. ghany. - They have also received a complete assortment of gentlemen's furnishing goods, and *groatvariety of new pattern for waist costing, As. ATIZIOMIE Vommwasil atocution of our eotmnye brave detendem re. neatly Muted hearths seat of war, and of the publlo in gsnerel, it again petted to the eery eztauldre and kandsoms.wmortment of the latest ityles of honk English sad American piece gook for pants Goats ant Testa, lately reashid_ by Mesa s.Jahn W.I. * Co., Merchant Tailors No. 128 Federal street, Alleghsay. tasteful seleetios Of nottleman's forosodog goods will also always be found on the aimless of-the establishment, together With el lot of ready-made clothlng, got up in the best manner. Raytown EITABLZBEID,—,I. Randall, SaMvesavills, N. Y., says, in klettor recently, of Nit. Athra's Zylobalsainuen "It Is the beat droning for the hal: we can get, and the most salhnifar. Nor Nabs Bs 'Connive is a valiatiteremody for laidaws and grapiest. I could promo mote tesilmo Mils, bat their fans to alma, too well es tablished tolregnkl there. flokbby druggists everywhere. Depot, 198 Greenwich stress, New York. AMICIA - 118014,111101011107 i0111111;aunt —l2o suilU. air will ban the city without 1 1 21 1 17 of Holloway'. Pill. sad °Ottani. For wands, brains, sons, fours and anus try, Inns, sonlslass a» the hat la the world. Bray llsslish sal Fault addles aw tbsou Only 25 seats pa bon of p0t,225 YookDouai,lourdol4rs. Your dorm, roue dollars.• • Dints! Wend% Duda Instants. But olisspDoatlatmbost olisopDauttstry. Ho omalloo wort. rio msoliboo Irak. Omata and Camas Clam will be taken at the Omahas oft, No. 405 Liberty elm; day az alikt: Ali olden *aft at the &bore plaee idit bepromptly attended le. All calla nut be pail la edema. . Ct. Bat,DMA' MS Pon Moto Mad to bins= ot Ito ototottin. PRIOR: Rum= To Inn" Rains.A Richmond peps! tryst—A 'latter from 'the ATM! of BONO= Virgintsi syi shat ex Brigadier. General Trios and all the mena bore of his staffers:now in the nab , of the aid Virgirdmonlry, of Fitz Hugh/as brigade. - Bays the writer' Gen. Pryor was inct on double duty forinitia "roil call?' not I ti ng einde. l , Mentes:ant Cintd-, of a Virginia _ regiment, is also a prints in the Third iVirgiala. Thicerar Amnion. elusively shown that distiagntslird yoli.l ticians de not alwayemak.o anocessfor • Tax death of Charlie Putnam ti awanneed , b • Paper Martethec. Ohio. no wu groatipadiaa of the famous,thaarat fend Patatua, of tba wit ofiadepoadasoe, huita4 uaay of thi vletua of hie nods as rotor. Ho wair dlitlagatehed tiv the aatV slim nue Is Ohio, sad at freak Mau , of oukfatigas molttleg Iforgatea 110130111n6.ft Ilaoat7MiitZtlift"4"l=42l/4 WILLI4III alal.MO / P-, 1 ! 11 ;.r,r . Beadi74 reganali panty joi; m Tome deo4ollVtaist A . 12040 0 1 1 01 rommapil „ • • ' Stores Greatly Heeded. 0111111 t THE LATEST NEWS By TXLEGRAPH OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES FROM WASHINGTON Spectal Dispatch to the Plitsbtirsh Bazatt• W•aarsoros Crrr, Sipt. 31,1883 81011.11T/LIT 0111113 NOT 00110 TO 61110 The heavy prate of heathen In the Treasury Department will probably render Secretary Ohase's visit to Ohio, daring the pending *aurae impoiliblo, moch, andonbtedly, to his regret. SUVID OS THII EOM In many MIS ft It undererned that able boiled men presented to the Board of Iln:ol msnt,and accepted, are replaced before tin ar rive at the general rendosvous, by Noble men ens wiring to thaminn nem., neat for military duty. To guard againetithis trick the Pro vost Marshals will hereafter be held respond- Me for the delivery of the Identical men passed and accepted at the rendezvous. 110114131111 inn or me. 21111112.11/1 Blue the prompt delivery of ilve.eweaties have oommeaced, the rates have materially increased. I=ll=l= Rocalpts from Internal revenue k.-day war, tour hundred and eighty-firs thousand dol- Ws. lisealpta have for soma time presented a 'toady Increase. MOVIXILITS OP FEZ MUM OP Tlll POTOMAC The movement of the Army of the Poto mac commenced so u to send forward Be ford's eavahy emu the Rapidan. The crossing wu effooted without opposition. II la prophesied that bat a feeble tome of re bels intervenes between Meade and Bleb, Mond. The imuunanders who have misted the accumulated evidence of heavy detach ments seat from Lee's army southward, now ream inclined to admit the feet alum the news of the Chattanooga bath) hem began to ar rive. Rumens is lighting the whole Beath ern Confederacy. • • TEI TICLIEOIIO PAZOLIDIIIIILLI 22 -AMID AID The Bateau of Exchange hue received a letter, a day or two since, from Commiesiona 0 ald, at Richmond, notifying them that 19,000 prisoners waled by General Grant bad been returned to the dad, and in exellsor referred to the rams number of our prisoners delivered at Clty Point. The whole statement in re gard to the delivery wu a lie. Not a man of ours had been returned for these 12,000, who wore then armed And have doubtlessly parti cipated In the late Watts at Chattanooga. . From allesoura..6teruner Plundered ...Affairs In the Border Commetes*. Marta of uenerafunnter..where• abouts of gunning.* and Coffee. Br. Lostsgept. 21—The steamer KaroolL was boarded and plundered on the 15th, at WOGS Landing. Lefejetta musty. Three soldlors of the 6th State MWtla, retuning home on furlough, were taken two miler Into the woods end shot. The bloat was not burned. Duing the put weekly' thousaud persons crossed the river at Lexington,-Costly refs gees from the border counties. Qua county, ender Swing's order, !smutty depopulated. General Bazaar hie arrived to preside over the commission to Investigate the huntins of the steamer Ruth. A • Lsavanworth wail to the D.woe►nt states that a messenger who' came Into Fort Scott on Wednesday night, reports .Colfee at Cowskin Pattie, with fifteen hundred man. Qeantrell had passed Ball'. Mille with most of his command, on his way south, It is sup posed to join Coffee. A company of the 2/ Bansu colored, and ft company of the ad Whoimain cavalry are a few miles-hem Oaf- Ws tends:sons. Blunt Is on ME way up, with& small escort. Leer Army In Line of Battle-414Q road frepaired.' WattHIKOTOS, Sept. 19.--AR the Richmond PIT4II of the 16th and 17th, received here, mention that Ltlea army ; has been in Mu of battle for some days, batmen the Itaphlaa and the rasp of mountains, but they seem to intimate that it will remain on the defensive. This would seem to indicate . that . Lee's army is not strong, and is &mated as confirmatory to the reports that troops have begin sent tooth from Virginia. Another spootel to she Putt, dated the 19th, says the railroad north of Washiuton, which was washed away, hu been repWod. Markets by' Telegraph. Now Tom &pt. 21.—Ctottan mere aettn at 71073 for Midi*, Upland,. flour unsettled and mita! sad 11.0803 Mew, Atha fair denim a ! for part arid how* consumption at $6.4805,65 for Inn Mats end Extra 11. H. 0 . end 16 46 011. 8 0 for Trolls Beau&,—. the market cloilog Arm, with an sellers at Inside geotations. Wlthky snore actin and Inner st 600 £034 forAtate sod. Western. Wheat irregular and unsettled, and{ to Sc hlgher, .84 $40101,18 foe Old Chicago Spring. 81,91.t0r choke I , emtWcigolipting, gt,eB,Ol,VA for Attlwaultee tliab;10.1801.81ths Win. ter Bed Western, 1448 for prime us* 'Anther Bea tetchy, and $1.63 tor Wltha Western. Bys rues and Stain as 81c00. Batley tends upwarda Corn ex cited, and 2040 botteriat mosso for shirplngtatard Western. &to tar White Western. and 8441: tor mud Western mind, In store. Oats active, and Sc better, at 66(073%c for Western. Saw Arm as He tim Clarified. 11X0I2X,c locauscoinute, sad ltd for P. B. Boluses quiet and Arm, with an &See. P.. mecum a shade firmer. Polk moreaminand Arnim 111t,26012,60 toeold Ne t 28,67X011,00 tar nay em, S Di5ua.6010.43 for new rue. Ana .108,430,18,60 new prime lien Bests 1.. lisamlibies la mod erate rennet.; Weeders sixes Jibbed at 430; within • kw days, and Dot Wore reported, &Ohms of city long nu haws far future dating active , $34. Lard acti and Sneer at LON,oll%—rhe letter price an ex treme at the ct.ea. Liters termer at 14J13. PIULIDISAIILL, Sept. XL—Stour doll* and un changed. Wheat Se in batter demand; White .0 $1,60. and Bed 0,4701,11. Corn Is min; Tallow 85, Now 700. thus serire and higher Petroleum; WhinCrude an 62c. d, at 81, Refined 0034m67, Bend 080660. y Berrtzusa, dept. 21,—Slour Arm and sayandng. What; Kentucky Walla $l.lO. Corn dint muulacanna White at 11243a3e, Wataky , subst at 61.5i,u. Cora" Wady. N‘w York Stoat and • Money llasket Bar. 21.—goog i oador is %ow., swum do. Med y higher at 104. Oolialnritod • want, opottiog st WA, a nocing t e te 4 4 ol l6lol to 34%. and 44,04 but at, ..69% Cloninunont Moan ire without tug= on:l7altelitolon B'o. It Onzpono. 10 ; T. 2104107., ~ . , Doak Statement,— ' lit 99094 117.6 30 . 3 761 docinato In Byte*, SL001,030; banns In dash -11015. $4,273; koottso 1 6 apatite. S7A 3 O 77. &Wu bitter. trot not so actin: 0g A Rl_ 14 Hothin--..--.14736 PUB, it W a 0..-- 11)i 0•II W. ... 37 Itoodlng Illoblitan ointraL- 1 120 AAT, U. prA,........, 89 013 65.........._........... t all 0• 4, Ped—..— 90 nb01kir1p.«.......-1 Cloning! • T.--1173i N T 0 ' 138 (it 0 ----AN% g010.kin0te..;......-.... 66 Otairglond 4 Mu.... MI do 116-........-............ 01 tr-r............ 10 8 Tone St-- ...... 63X .cd ...... .., -. II 13 1 y‘ sr coital:it* 99% Rodeo . WILLIAM A. WARD, DIMWIT, v - Ittdldto 161 d hoz beck ; name an Lflarey Etna. Moe bmn Mom ea se. An order to a paper eadelsW.ft. on the yert of Uwe law may all opos seir.l dam It my duty to dastgaste maw of Use thhop pemsori to therm. tics a dentbtry, vtdoh 1,10 not fa • Ia tha Int pass I tlo Dot en a WI: malt Wagons. Ida not oak* cheep sets of bath; I do Oct matt" b 7 that extraction. nand; healthy tan, ta War to haul artlfieta qua • I do nat. to soy testinces.da. stool the otrieraf t ; tbersty nnialag th em Mahe to the most Maim and' their nub low the mare antata. Than sad numerous abet things wttlele Ina% man, I do la 'do. In' UM deb:. of suilarlate or4er faL MIME- the nab, 1 ask' bat a mimic us of 014 expirime hart na wend It rho bat of all efhenal h Oar: prawn. Ilan. In all sank howerra Wuhan ths maga= es tt w t:pi dosoudup so coma no It. As tba sot tillages snne of gold, a_ number of 1 pia the yam of MAJnere Wad testatioay to say enaltontaa:hh Or WWII I ibedh2 ear tanfeadonal akin. . tyllatt 7 1k4ANLIOOD; ROW 'LOST!' HO* As.a. BUTOIIIID 1-4mSpoblhtherl. la amid so; ro100; • ltbro tab Odds.: 44 lactation thraldom, Trostoint sad Radial Caro or bijorsatorrlos, or Wookttorh laroluotuy =Won boottal Ilbrbility, and lonvedlateato to &anted,y ; vorroororra. Consumption, X.Obloy sad =Ws. Cal'and Poploil loolloolblr , rossabri from 1414 Abut% dn. by Bola. Crtrcioir.r. L D., 'arbor alike Grow gook as ' .l .* Moo to fikintetade of tharmaylp ant_ Ivor ma, in • Vats outdo" to lon *Wei. peetv dd. on nodal, of el agates& Sao Nebo elan" by DLOft. L 0.11.1111/4 Elf Hoory. New Vin t PO Me &z eta,: ovtilisolav US bbls. Loydr. ix be. Bona, onub•4 .and rabid:id Lag, add Sedalia. 'Midis dadltellowtvaairs roadied sad tar NON etudes* and xi" id. the Nanny i'IMA.3I3IIIItAIr s sir /We.. --W-ta .XflLlTaltr JV'OTICES. PEOVOIIS MAMMAL'S 01111011. Direstur Paw.. 98 'Youth 81..PtIMb • .19114. 19, um( V r p , II2CEMPTED MOM DRAPTr- In with anima pablish tba Oda hominy Ust cd winns enomptad ham draft by tbs Board ot Z,mnt to Ws Inotrloc to thb dEss, with the mums of cbstr cumption: sun Mil rex Toz osocusaum or • sosurnmr. John Pumnbr, inslith ward. John Vertallho township. junta B Glhans. MUM township. John Louts, Bout township. Jaws Watson, Union township. Patrick lactlawa, MiHia too:whin Loma MoOsitisr, Shwa township. John 0 Idwpos, do. • Jams, Moiriiion do. Alfred ttacbs , do. lines Jura, how 81. Clair tomothipi Bradfxd Jones, do. haw A !slog, do. Richard Mast* Robinson taisnah'p. Wm Brno, do. Was Melanin% do. Margo Buten, Banat remlp., do. James H. Ewing. do. Wm Bosom. do. John Clipper, do. James Elkton, do. 3. HEWS 108T111. stalards 041. add Provost Marshal. Std SW. ft FBOVOST MAIIIIILILL'S 0//101, Edo D1M.171. MP Pricies, . so Vonrth 14.. Pittsburg% Elos. m, Ls= tw•XEMPTED FIKEII DRAM— /a sectirdiutos with =410,1 pobibb gh.ibli. lovtog nit of pumas sitomptkl tram daft try UM Board of inrolottt la this Mulct, to tbla data with Us moons al Vali examption t ►AID rum =nip icasius. /mph Itiadtb. Won towasktp, ham Noremon, Mirky towoulp. aT 111 W! or rwo 310)211111 Of Wu II090101.1) I I. DM IS as Yegentek Wainer. PUt tonuadp. Wittm --- Beoord,o d dilatant Gannirs Moe. ctar lON Of 110=p wan Paarari DITIOCOIIIO COI • su roa lICPPOST. ea191:10i 0 lifelllnaa, Ord= toinnblp. Wittman —1 II Malllland3 Peacock. ELMO= wr MAID alco Enure:o. Buns] 0 ffeltalsn, Maas toviaildp. J. 111$02 ras r Clap*. and Proton itandial, Viit i h. NM Maul' FOR ILA LP. FARM FOR BALR OR BENT, CONTAINING el ►O3 All coast Am% and to a vxd state of coition:too. 'IDs tripnwateate carats: of s cr. MUCK DWIIII. LING. Doatakilng ID rooms ; hags /ALEN IMES TESIANT EOM& with 6 room.; and rod onguini of yocog tam. 00. LL tube the .tae beta. EIV Ut. In Baldwin toirublp. &taut Bye mate Ikon Um city. Lupin of BALLZT, TARZELL I OD.. No. MI Yowl% itessi. VOR BALE —A eon' vellums utoittory IL: dick dwelling boa% with back brdilag. no. W Bob turd Pittsburgh. Also, •convenient and thew Wary bricl=ling home. with bid b=ebt. WI Rom meet, beds= Tied and geoand Also, a twortort brick dwelling hat" with had bedding; o, po Elasand acne; near Eau All the abdo are in food War, and sayylied with gam a Also, nd wafer. one &Gaylen= cottage dwelling. No. DI &dad striAand tbo twodad Mane dwelling ed. lathing. of times home, are In good order, and magas tar email gazoilbse. Also, a lot d ground an the northmetwardly aide at That attest, between Sou . and Try strata near Bad drat. haring • m ot 14 feet an ibis sired and extending ib•ei of The ds d dare property Is Mudd in a dealdble port y. Tar term of mils and partionlan inualse of Wit. W. THOMBOTI, • iylT:tt No. 105 Ptah wird ATALUABLIC BUILDINtI 14.ati Al t PUBLIC BALL USBOLD DIMIABLI BUILDING LOTS. Known ii the ...Oise Propeiv," altuatat la No Clara tounettlp r aMololng the moot, of NA Boon of Bottum 1.111 Is offend so PUBLIO AUCTION. sot sold to as Wilmot bidder without mom, on BATUIRDII r, svt.*:26o., at I o'aioat p. at. Tatss-011"tAtrtb of the ponrehasa tocrateithes dead to tsscatsd ; tetaatolog thnratoorsts titio mind paparata, artth Want* JON P EII LLD* .76111011 aNDLlAT,}oocuatttea. JOHN PIMP-ON. 5e1834 • LWB SALE.—A Lot of Oronod on L Mirka stmt, la the Itiath Ward, Oar ban. arid arid arrant,. oao feet front oa tali stmt. sad WI Coop, oa width era mooted two Brick Dire Mas Houma Maze Mrs Lobs la the !Lath Ward, froallng cm Meat:et% sad balrig lota Lc IL 10. 10, 20 and al GKI. L. Reis• phut or lota tbo, Tour .Lola n LararyirMa, to the &math Ward, bang lets Ran, 16; let leb sad 160, la plan of lots laid out by Blob= Mewl!. AZLE- B. MILLI% -Maslow! sweet. MS Gnat. VALTILB . E PENN STREET PROP. NETT 1011 GALL-Two Lob, II bit • IL boat by ID, bet de o to an easy, with it &MAI home, batmen Elasoxk sod Eland stmt. • dal. table kaatbm by • Physician or Dentist. Also, mine Ass WO:Mishap far pinta milbstom has Etnetvefile, time ).; to I sere each. Abe, • large naabes of building DU, of "arks" else, of hum it to 50 teat &tat by IC* to Ito bet Get% dtaatel et the Sumba of the Wylie .11trset Pessenger Bonney. ApOy to the onderalgned, Execakee of the Mtata of Jobs Berm dm% W. A. HIDEO% JOHN D. HILBSON, Minn IL D. HialtON. pent. FOR FuLLILI am authorised to offor for solo CU rewash!' terms, a T 11.40 OF LOUD, contalatat twat 40) ten, oh:cited to Obb and Orinklbs township% war Iforryovillo Al. Wm, toutith sodas'. cecupLal by John hlcDas• 114 Go taunt. Mao are lablat 100 se-ra amid sad to good MUT. The tad ft well thaterst, maid= eoal, tad wry valasla - 0x arming, pupae.. U. BRADY WI6ICIIIO. tali( • MI Fourth arrat, Pittsburgh. A GlitaT BLEGAIN.-VALTIABLEI 00/0. PROPICHT I TOR 150% In &mood Pool. droutcogskolo Pim% and dem the of 1111saloity 141Acoom of 0001, ow amnia lon of sivxr toad; with deep voter lop widl ter bat* airing sod &doin. Will be sold ria7 loti and osisagy Won.. Anti , to toll H. IfoLgall ar.. g nfi WILL PUSOHASS A NSW TWO.BTOBT BRICE DWILLING, Unmoor*, lOWA ea Billeloatains 'arm. ma Us Taßq italroadorhick .111 vat Prx twenty. Apppu Luisa. Tsll4ll Sag. G. 11., 134T123, Ocumuttilareker, Bat. in Owe. Lwaraosinitts. ,N 7,32 FOS BALE—Four Acres of around sae . your bury Met Ballitom Ikea* tuld Ilsobbscry i w4ll. adapted toe R sans biotory t Ito fast by 110 tub t cob p plrottiscol fa ese-ball its coctiLeal oat; by cabin co WILLIAM WAS% sob No. 91 Gnat stmt. Pittebendb. COUNTRY HOMER.—Beautifial dim for Cloaatr7 Ham ter a tit 'Wore bar nablp, (ado tartan*. dad Ala Way Bardeb AU dust iota an Weft dart &twee Of gill= Da Ibra Pittdar6,llrart Walesa Mow 2.11.. 7; IturAtrett IL K. DAVAdd P.O. BtrUabs. rug 611 Woke Arid. Allegtimi. fi'DIBLL. b BANNIBLIA, lILIVINLOTOUIata aWI WORE. Bono *lvey, on band and aLika to mast LISOLuED MUSS 8011131 Win CLOTH; BUIVOSof nil Ito& JUDD fix Tosendyi dui Elm WO= YOU An.; BIRD CADA OB BADURITAL WIII . WO tr lloworn. Om. Pan irtap in solo, a 4 116.. an inn imam," JONES' Fancy Dyeing Establialunnit, !9 onto at, Auxanitir arn. WWI goods retwnosdin Iwo meta. ialltaxa BARGAINS . n .IfoOr sans, AT iCaLELLANDS AUCTION ROUBP4 sell aa 111/TII EL, NABONIO WILL LADIES' AND MMUS' HOOP AT JihrOLIILLAISMI A 1702708 CONGRID39, AND LAON GAITERS 4 AT EscmwalsOncos. g IYVATWAS.% ,l 4illrbustg:lgrime - ritah• too* Pablaiatiolvimlnorast anixiT,;4.,r XisCELLAJMEdirs BliN 800 t POPIII.A.R BOWL 8 ! • Bgafro Tnrvilyres Ildr, by lin. Wood. Beam Ekes, by H.l Prsett. Wbot annamll Jicksan, by N. Addiy. Tbew Tuas In Ivan, by Bir itntrArtnrd 8. O. ri.• • houidar Straps, by Morford. hank Warrington. by the anther of Butledga Portal Condition of the Ingtbh People. War Picture! the Louth. by B. Baran. Harrod the Vitas. by Capt. Orem Lost and Saved. by B.= Mrs. Norton. Aura Eliot, by Klagelay. Batt of Thiry, by Wm, and Illsabeth rattan. Blvatto and sae - Battle Nell. Hatband and Wllb, by tbaardhurotParats' Gad. Artta's lLuriad Lit., by Allen Darer. Madan Gray, by Bra . Holmes. Iron 'IMMO or, Slavery and lierealan. Hating In Booth Lam, by Baldwin. Wild Oats Boolsg. &Maly Amato In the Saab, by Marrs The lamas, Boy. My Southarn Friends. Among the it.... Lib on a Georgia Plantatloa, by Bra. Kambla. Metbodhm thexenttal, by Bev. B F. Taal, D. D., L D math an latreduction by Bbitop Jana. The livaryday Throsopber. The Orphans O. Bar Parent Par's 1 sod L Philip Van artsdat, by Betsy Taylor. La filterable% by Vkl..r Dago: Lib of Victor Beat. Sawa Floyd. Boonlla. by Oro. Elliot. Tb. Tidy Lysle. Sybil Campbell. By Ltey. Vernal Pada. Lae It Down. I Am Hare • the Duke's Hato. Star Athrton ; or, A B Atm Life. Mountain Max. so ilßandm's 10 cent Songs tor the Million. The Pow Girt, by Place ldram La Magus L or, The bildnight Owen. Plain salla to apirttaallata all other Bar Saks, at J. P. HOST'S, sell Mmonfo Ball. ltifth street. rth kiiuttilAtiALE, A dWICO conec•.lco of SONDE', CHANTS AND IllrBIlQl3. Dodged Im the um of Juvenile Clam% Public Schools and tiamlnarlac eontatnin a complete sod !amens mien of Illeumtary inttreetlen. Oonteiti• plume et Moab among which an the td. "Dm -Huhu "Had, White and 13:m" of Tem" Piker Hotter, IliCleme Home Again." f•Antde LIM." • "aileatb highs the Diem" "Bury Ilis ln the deep, deep m." "Irian& Dretdom." "Wen Going Hem" "Lai me idmihim for hie Mother." "our Oma ." .011 Home at ur Ho o rn..' "Where lb. Nave t" "Dearest limit of HAM " "Hall Columbia " "Independence Day." °opium mailed ma receipt of 40 belga Pm lab, by NAY COM. G. M. LlOll. et Wow! at. STAELING MEDICAL COLLEGE. Ihs feadan of thb Institntica beaks at THURBDAIY, t. MI 41 refob►, 1281, and continues until the Ist of *arca, 1814. IL 11. =TB, W. D., Previa! of Theory and Practice. /110117711 D Prot ,totand Wosem and akfictron. :0111 Dewsois, M. D., Predensor A..tom and payofty. J. W. 11.11111/Aulr. M. D. lATING. IL D., Prne. Surgsy,—Zyo and Zar Wray. Pre dat. L 1 hemp. A Nod. 11110,6. wommir, M. D., D. Prot . Ibtlxi . trlx7 and Tozloalogy. 11~ Datrioturfrator of Anatomy. Barna& Patranaaa.—Tko Olen .lit have moors to allanal fedora fa the Ohio Penitentlery Emend and the two Lune EdEasy Earphone at this phew for Inkomatlen aldners .06.1 w P. M NEW BOAT E 3 COE& I. C. /1.1111Y.—.7. r. oorusoo. HARRY, DAVIDSON & SHIP CHANDLERS. And &Wars la BOAT STORES. Of rrsr7 drserlptlort. No. II PUBLIC L&NDINO, team 0Z110131151.471. 0. 0 &13t1tt01113111. L. HALLO WEI Zs CO., ot6 CHM:7I7T eraxsT, P 4 Dr.LPH I RAVI NOW 0 11.011 DREES GOODS, BLACK AND SANDI SILICA se AWLS AND BALIIORALB. RIBBONS, RID GLOVES. to . Booed szobaltaly to< awh. sad which will be sold at • noel Ovule. tatty 16.3.11111V.1biLt WI1'1IA)U1 tbls mathad a tattalatag ear friss& iusti _the ambito pasrally that vs ars sow =ito DITBILOT TIMM WITIIOI7T PAID ambics of Dratbary. Thaws who bass Ism psalm fta this =eh drairiad operstical may ace bay NMI ban sad en ra • sidt, ths Mu sus hos to km bra Petal : o : lgia„ob ib Ltar y. of f eaperstLia. Dap as Gahm,* Danny mat AU thcas :alba the simian al • pod sad nasals Deatbri via do Iran la and awl artunill with JAIL= IL KM% D. D.C., Ne Oa TM strati az, Da. 13. 111148. lidtemai No. CI ticaraskt Pittg6anpl6 1541 AU unait+, OLTLIT 'LW !MILLS. ALLZELEIJNY cirri% Nano constantly on hand s lam and Itutrocably swami stock of OLOEINO,BO AT AND DOTTON [LANA WIADOW TWIN 81011', MULLS, 0135.11d1dt. JOIBTO. SPOUTING, LATNE, PAL INGS. An. do . An. Bs VII all order Lr SAWND MIS/ with sactoptasso sad at Dar Mts. M. B.—Acsons ',satin' LONG SIND= or POI'. LAB, ars saallosdariyinsttal to azasolna Ws stock. Or 01c• on Oralg atrial, near Robinson. . ant6:ll LIAM, W arm of Land, cm say or railroad limn, not o va 40 m ty tom eta Day sad loot ovir two Was fr om „w t ., Lt wast be tent quality toll, with tool buildi nv and other lota oromentu sad rawr wataa from 00 to 160 Mee of Wa day pawar libido / to pit tuab s torts, may End s purobser by addle Y. B. °WM Clako. Pittsburgh.. statiss par. Malan :about quality of lOU, loartoit, mamba of m& lisesoveranils , corks. teirAft AlLliapt • No JOLLIET AB I BULB, Wholeo4o &Om tit 811011. *ND IMILlte, tuft Dow to Woo doer 1111 rtook at goots. libktt taq vIU wi viarLow run 0411 H. Cowart Itorcosato itoold do , Wan bolon purnbastag otomboto. air all Won promptly ottrodod to. sett )1 1 1 3 10a4;01 rlllllOll Irby It Is bit than Dry Po lY► I. It le easel, stud.. IL It k.i 150 La& ' , kabinet. S. It palms go an or den. G. It nand' the son Wens hash 6 It ornann hom nut. 4. 1$ le the amt too orlon polhh. T. U U hoe one tank the tabu. for sale by 151:120N JOHNITOI9. ===l stns.:Ls& bUltilliel I =Ude. obidao Porto Bice anger ; • LS do biz Cabo do; a do oorukos 11. O. dcg /IS TO bbh. • do dhho hr, do II SO do 51 do Ortolood a Palled • d bh oh do BAJO Cobs do, Actulty ®hood sad .3r Ms by aasomasia a ust . . G, sots _ N 0.129 Mem swim J IMITAILIa DAV*, o.r. Obitt sal /Maul aro" ASPiesig, GEO. A. KELLY, Proprbtar. SPABILING SODark i lt aiourioto. aretlacustproorkaossacescrsWYWczt h a ii j ai r icreOßßOW ar 00. 1 aorta, area uc osaamosTAL gamma mania AND (MMUS, Ra. 111 3711.110 4fXB LAIR/ 41 0/TY /01 4# 1 ,4%-9,? PALUALVDWIIIIMiI Boots, eictu; - Galsin,"Ballatirali , f AS:B010411074,1311itkIt %wad tram 40.1.3/.4- 7 ' 1 sc:ni '77". am'M .u. 1-sulvo t'Am C4RPETI;OIi CLOTHS. eilillillil ItEDVCED PRICES ingt .ze.silv cub vimbun, .soadio Ent Rena %kenos In ali the Esatero teatime, we fu• am bled to otter the hoot everheett et gees Cm tecatht to the city, coraldlog of vsLyrrs, astrassia, nipzazet s PLY! INGCSINN, =ALP AND BAD OA. tt 1:' .1 1 1 8 met &ND TABLE OIL C LOTUS r Wiedow Shades, Piano and Table Covers AT ITHIMILLLI lOW BATS& 4to, • Well Wetted stint of EIATITSGS, GUAM for the Wiztra trade, which we will aspen of at greatly nducel prier, to make nom for other coca. Pturlams acted do sea to citi mod examine oar ruck. Ea as are °caldera we can offer greater ta daoetaaato thin en) other lame in the city. OLIVER BI , CLINTOCIL & CO. Hg. 23 rurra ITS/ST NEW FALL STOOL JUST OPENED eT TilE NEW CARPET STORE OP McFarland , Collins & Co., • • 71 AND 73 FIFTH Bottum the Port OCHco and Blepotel Planin g gut pnrcharel fur mall, during the inept Womble condition of the markets. a mat eitansive and complete alignment of the ceased aid choicest irtylie of CARPETS, Otl. Cloths, Window &adv., W. are now offering goods AT PRICES OF A YEAR AGO. By our reduction in prices we bare almost closed cut our former purchices, and ns.w car to toping at irtudatali and retail did I'hiTIBILY HEW 4NI) FRESH mar, e. Tinmormand by any mar offend ln this city. BAROALNB C gRPI7T S. MST OPSHICD, AT AtE Chit-I.IIX 333. 87 FOURTH STREET, A large anortment, which erill De sold at a vary great rcdncUon from late pricer. W. D. & H. M'CALLIIM. sal) 0/880/OUT/0.4"8, as NOTICE.—The undersigned having purchased the entire stock from the long as• tablhhad imam of J. B. Mani NT. would announce to Ws old enstanterre and the public hie removal to score IE2 Liberty arcet, usual accept... by J. B. licOnso.) where a large and complete stock of Had. dims' and Shoemakers' Leather Findings, Hides, nits, de., can be &mad, and at lowest rates. 0. H. AliragithOld, he. MIS Liberty street. -rig RETIRING FROM THE HIDE /. AND trA.THVB 131113152133, I mast cordially crommemd my successor as a man of 'mkt istegilty mad good bantams itualtScattone. Tar mmo months to come I will cm:anon to °Campy tic. ANDER SON'S comating•room, end will tab ar.at plasma, to introducing tam to my buelases ecqueloteums; =MEM n I 601.1.1 . 1 lON ON PA WI N lias.16.1:111". L./ —Tbe partuotoblp ee.nto:ure eilettuly between d. OREQG reed G. r. WARING, dolog budoess at Die/act wow, u odar the style of GRUM Weal( bill, to th , . day dicolved by mutual eousartt, S. fl t ra , i,eg. U. OUIV4 Is authorized to ream toe a.roorq cue rum l 4 orettllog the Inaba.= O. ORE.IO, auSlart USTABLISIIED 1760. PETER LORILLARD, EIBUIT AHD TOBACCO 11105177ACTITSEB, 16 16 CadtLiteicB STREW?, (Formerly 49 Matt= strut, Hew Tort.) Wonld call the attention of dealer. Is the articles cl his saanatictara, BROWN 8131317 Iffaeaboy, Tins Bappee. Coarse Ram*, antteleaue tea.. GkatLoan, Deseigne, Pan Virginia, Nackitotbee, TZLLOW MUFF. Saatcb, litgb Tcaat. Scotch, .Liab High Toad at Landytsca, Eaaay Dew Scotch, Farah Honey Beata, froth Scotch. airAttentian Is celled to the Issas rainction ln plow of Ittne-Oat Cltiewtint and antoking Tobactce, which will ho Sound of all:parlor al:Wits. TOBAOCO 13Nowza—Long, Ha 1, No. 9, Nos. 1 sad 9 othicd, Orszuilatat. • Fun Oai Osurnso—P. A. L. or plain ; Govan. ellsb.orfloset ; threat Emoted Oroncco; Oneadfab. fataXM-5. Jago, panlab. CIUESI.O2, Tarkish. 2f. ctrattlar al prices artil Da mut on an!' catlon- aulftly pIIELVIALWORS PUOTOGRAPEL ROOMS, opals= nrra tam nem= mums. pi sad 51 etattoo, over Illzhantoon's Jevoili7 Stare, rirminsaa, Fa. PHOSIXLVAPES, of every Ass and styls, plata at otloroll, from es polottar Charts do Vtitto to Oattost sat We ass Kr. PUBIy.SIII woad partlcalarty call Ma c► tnttoo tho imp mum to gloom mad- Witty of Wm artabilibmaat. batas mewl br ea. ea abort Light of Astra. / Komsung, and u...ld'aostaa vans. I==l IoOIdtI34)I3.MILEBLE WORSE; . ISS. UDE= T =ZIT. A Ilmanithd and ruled usortmact of MARBLE MANTELS, Monuments and Grave Stoney: MAO, PWLBTIII3 PUBIS, AINSINDLLIL LED JOHNII . TOWN GIIMSTIII, I,3o:lvan UtitiLAN PEABIALI kIeUTACILES. —Notirfibstasultali Waits of scsbni liaStedi *kW Wl* t 0 Como of oyab ttu BITEIBIAN PEBBLE SPECTACLED &ft ocarina dally Os wannest ondonouttab of mu dUrAmo. AU flat I. eiletd Is to examft• all Woo 1=11; Alum an.a. p c: U r it i ol m.o b r a mloo flUetUAll ' ' j t. DIANDZiD, inatizal Optitha, DasAttgonrcr ellte llavlu Panda 0pm:".... Mir - 13 Th.tio.t rh.a.re.Pno meter. 4... °E'EN !WAIN I L 3scnlllil2 'e DVQIJESNE EATING HOUSE, Ito. a 101117III'LILD 1311=117, Priertnazy PA. gulped soul ea up le dogma style. All miss et the Nowa always ca haled. sir Delicious OYeTWItS, the tailor th. sue= swells •31:Daalrliaaz.111. TlOl4l if. • 10.111, • HMOS Prilli vat it l ank Yartnis: Gomm • . TRON.LIITY.FORGE,.. • XiONAgVii•PATPU. . ch: 17412:11:22114i "' boat llan for .p uu t ;A 184111 7 solttiasM;. i SiCA O !i n : 3 • ltiabartb. • atiol.itts:- .13 . 4 rirogzOospatinitiikninalm. obinteditotheleasotatrierae= •jA ossibab, .1. DiptaEt_at rowtotna,irt SPECL4L JrOT/CEI or B. T.-1860-X. Poisons of oodeatary habits troubled with viol. um, leadtode, Piolpftstfoo of flu bean, lack of op. petite, dbtreoi after eating, tarok! Ilvar.coaelpa. Om, &a., deiverna to eater tbe7 wM sot try the colobtated • f PLANTATION BITTEINS, Wtdah ars nos nonancendad as Winn manna anthatitina and wananted prcdnos an lemagala teneadd grant way adm.bis, perfectly pan, and nand sivemeds . I'll tcnia lama a healthy, Intl a sitnintant La reandral. They purify, strengthen and invigorate. 1 They create • healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of velar and Oat. They ovezoomeethets of dlepettcm and late harm They strengthen the system and enliven the Wed. They present calumatinand loterstittheot &sera. They parity the breath and acidity of the stomlth. They care Dyrmato and Constipation. They mu* Diarrhea. Cholera and Cholera !deans' They care Lim Clomphang and Nervous headset* That tube lb* yeah strong, the lanirch to BIWA, and are estsintsd nature's great restorer. 'Dray ere compoied at the celebrated Cthasys bark, winter. Ran, saasideas, recta and herb', eA pressrved to verbally pare 81. eras Bunt. For particulars, ere eiroalare and balm:Wale arcand each licit's. Beware of !Whams. licartfte airerl 'bottle. to that It hoe D. B. Enna' [Wuhan on oar prix to D. LI• Iltuttp serer the cock, with plantation ahsr.e, aid o~ firm aliplaturs on a fine steel plate:engraving 02 side isbel & , e that oar bottle Is not retlied with sipationa and dehtarlons Muth We defy any pennon tsvmatah the taste or cbaractor of car gnosis. Lay pan= pretending to sell Plantatioa Dlttors by the gallon or to bulk, han horster. W. sell only le oar log cabin bottle. Alp person imitating !tin bottle, or selling any ether material therein, 1 , hatia ealloi Plantation Litters or not, is a gib:thud node; the 11. B. Law, and will be so prosecuted by as. We already have our eye an two parties re filling oar bottles, Is., who will screed In petting tbementras into close smatters. The demand be Dnske'e Finn. Milan Hitters from Whs, cLingymen, merchants, to perfectly kondible. The simple total of a bottle la the orldenaoe we present of their worth and smoulerity. They an sold by all respectable drug. gists, psalm, physician, hotels, stiamtxuste sad touchy Mora. DEAK GENUINE BIT TERS, for We, artoluala and zetail.:by 4 SIMON JOHNSTON, Chun& Elinlthtlald and Potalti dlnvela. arar6m•craner 'PURE WINE VINISOAR, S. 4 M. BOLL WAN, GEENAN Y (Formerly 111esirr b Co., The may Vinegar avarde4 with Prig., mzdni, o. sixty exlxibltars, At the Iniarnatlonal ExhlblUon £The Confessions and Experience Of LH MALL% pubashed Mr the benefit sad ■s' • warning andO.II3TION TO THUM HSU wh, mita from Hemel* DebTht7. Pinata:me Iwcay o klanhood, ate, supplying, at the seas time, THB MEANS OF BEIM VOGL By one .ho Las cured himself after being pot to great expenee ar.d Him y through medical humbug and quackery. By enclosing • part-paid addressed madam It. copies may be bad of the anther, HaTHABILL i&TSAI% Beg., coy2l:l.dawlf Badfml. Rings manty t Y. 10E — Late bupeanor Uopper alul ana SHELTIE° WOBEZ, Pirrasunex. J. E. MoGUN L. i.ss:sm APCIIRDY & CO., Manafacture. of 81IltaTHI2 G, lISA2IIIIIIS' SSD BOLT OOPPSE, PILESEM) OOPPLIL BOTTOLIO, BAD= STILL 1101111118, usiarti 80LD6.Y.4 ahm Impartarianddaalara isPISSALS, TLII HAM BURST IRON, WIRE, do. OatatanO? on band TLISINKILS' EIACHISPS AND TOOLS. Wairuom, No. 141 PL-at and 120 gocoad rezz-te. Ittlabargh, earspeatal elders of Oapper cat to say djiirad ,01 fora- IDy23.dawlyt sinfTo 21 ervons Sufferers of Both B.—A reMzend gentleman hawing beau re mand to health In • few days, after undergoing all the until routine and Irmsnlat Umpenalve modee f trealmant, without succom, considers It Ma mond duty to communicate to ht satiated fellow curat=es the SLIMS or wan. Hance, on the receipt of en: teneed ensalaps, ho trill sand (tree) • copy of 11 • praecriptian end. M=4 to Dr. JOBS U. DAO HALL, 136 ftaton street, Brooklyn, B. Y. jOrDIITUFLEBM LIGHT/11V ItLI-Ml3lll. enppifee a went Mt by every Rod homekieper. Stacy 'toot till kill a quart tam.. Blame thick. Benumb= that It Is DEITI3.OIr, that don Inte, and nit= the ben Imltsilons tbst acs egercd.?bard d article Is for nee by all rurren able Drnizieta. b. A. NAHNISTOCES, SON a CO., =Aar at Tint mad Wood otrcets, lolltahrdamT Plmboratt. V. num 15111/11011. OrBOBINSON, RSA elt CO.. (su ction to Bassasoa, Mem k Muszas,) Waisativrai Wain, rarams6 urn Mazinstm, Pittsburgh, Manttbdcrerf or BOLT ASO BTATIuIi IRV STEAM =GLIM maim RUIN ES, MILL 1 / 6 0801:613:11t : OWILHO, BHAVTINO, CAST , 18C19,0t oil duo Ipttons ; OIL TAMES & Enraz, BOLL= AIM SHEET WAN Aseats for 131.1f/AR:o% PATEgT 1NJ7.0.702, mr foodlos Boller. . OHE COLUilLea dc bAll • ufacturars of IRON RULING, IRON VA 01.113 UM VAULT DOORS, WINDOW SHOTTNIID, WINDOW QUAD% Jc., Ifix. 91 tkoond suroot Lod 119 TWA street" between Wood sad Darket. Ban on hand Tarts* tit pry Pattf . nis, tutu Ea Ada. suitable for all posposoi. . Punkah: attention psl4 to saolosing Germ Lot. , Jobbtos dew it short. notice. Eta + WPETROBIA UIL W 08,EJ3. Long, Miller 4 Co. Wadi at Sharpsbarg Ratko. ANagbeny UM) Bautostl.. Mb* sad Warebouss, No. 23 minim IffraNZEr,.Pflotaburgb. limantadams of I.I.2.IINSHATINGsr.d CIALTINGNABBON OlUi sad B&NZOI.N. air 144. 1 WIUOIL, Tirranied n0tP 4 2140- stwaya IM ban& H. MILES dk 80E8, Dealers - • BEMS AND DOMESTIC BILLS OP PE CALSIIGL, OIRTIPIOLTLI OP DEPOSIT,BIai NORM AND BPLWE, No. PT Plarkst r attnot, Pitts. bulb. Ps. a ends. an RD. Ms vendipslatlis MMY COLLIS% For ICRI:ra H. AND CIONEISSION IrDIRMST 521.1 wholisaki dater In CRUSE, DUTIES, 851D35 1111 13. 225 P12152D2 onarally. Do. 25 Wood Wed lictabargb. Pa. sot CLAIM .IGEIrTS; pB.NBIONS, BVITN. TY ARAM PAY. T. WELT.I.B Dar, CIEMBAL CLAM L 12,44 50..,163 RA 136 etbd door bake Ps atiodnd. • All lerandri &lam vies bin Dem b the sillt• tau ye end webs, Kr. gamed to - ilea Deem* eisdl Pemba. AU fotdiers 'vim ton •ssertel grijLrei,rlil =Med to the sloo.roant7. by - PAP:dot .dLterse, are eatteled to pm. 1 11 7kton of Boldtees , Vbs els re ars killed the-abbe err reelUedb Peseqeue tad ths 11 / 1 74-g. ' Mar Oalme, oreer7 descelptiez. Pec=o4 tended tr. Ho tharge ' ends b any elm - are# likiBlONB, BOUNTY, BAMPAY4 - -, zr. a irA mars, Attormit-a-Zsra sad claiis dead; `-, .., -..`• ,' go.th irty= nix*: kittiiivCii: • r',Colladicmita=rricegc , : 1 : pecoatun ea _ olovetrdaatilii` . Mu BOininia l tor all ilacbirod &Matra LW. .... - EION11;10 werat4W ORicers ima to wont p WI 4 ., ,, lata =V melon kaftrrirldawsift y rclts, mast' =Wm IttaibilsiOt - tvAttbir WI. oimliStment tittet t ti bittin - , ,,tita ab. 1.1 or. 4 4o l 4A4 l .o.4 l p3topamilisen tk,- 1 , itevialcoAr b e r mi k i g Iphiptiniunismill . 1101 Ayer-4 MEM .P. H. 1311.&%E 3 00., 11112ClAt7VBCD BY Tar We by F. AI. BOLLMAN, I=l =E:r,IM