The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, September 21, 1863, Image 4

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MONDAY MOBNING=::::::SEPY, 21, 1868.
Fiinn Saturday's 'Evening Edition.
The Qualification 'Cit Voter,.
A gentleman, signing himself "Union,"
sada as the following interrogatory r "/
would thank you for information, through
YeMr columns, as what Lied of Mixes a
• vitas has to paYein otter to be;entltled to a
vile at ens*g State election rt
to ellsinfinitkilnterrogatory we may.
state mmewily_that the voter must be of the patine Mors; that he must
.have resided within the 'Stet" at least one
year, and in the election .district , where 'he
*foible vote, talent - ten days' immediately
preoeding each election, and be • nudist of
the dbbriet thedmeof the election. lie
most also, teini4titiorstre, have paid. a Mate
oxiCbraty tax, whieh shall have been messed
abaft ten days before the deaden.
. 1 0 . person having his domicil in the Mate
sad distriakrith his ' - nVip: la" his usual
mods of living, for the spolSed thew, I, en
titled to vote, if otherwise qualified, thotigh
,bejmay, within or during that time, have
been actiationally , 'absent from the Slate or
When a person .hat removed to another
wird in the ume, city, or to another borough
- or.township in the same county, within ten
days next preceding any general election,
I.lauty. it otherwise quilled, rota at such
election the. Mari, borotigh or township
fries width be may have ao removed.
A chimp previously qualified voter of
this State, hulas removed therefrom and
rOrned,:und . who shall have resided in the
elation district and Tali taxes as aforesaid,
I. entitled-tovote after having resided in the
Stite sixmouths.
naturalbud citizen, who has not paid a
Stew or 'minty tax, AMA two years, is not
Witted to vote, welt the first year altar natu
-' , lrosing Int.l Ags.--Every white chino ' La
tium We ages of twenty-one and twenty. two
Oath and having resided in this State one
year, and in the eleathin dtittlet ten dap; bs
. WW the election, is entitled to vote, though he
ala: cot have paid taxes A parson of snob
age, who has total without Miring paid tax
ee, should tate oars that' be is regularly as
(Spied for state or county tax the next
yeas, without having paid which he shall cot
to entitled to tote et the next "Welton. A
person at tneh ego, and having to raided, le
entitled to vote, though not the eon of qua-
Wed voter.
These ate the general qualtalentione of vote.
Or, and It it hapotttitt teat tLey thontd be
generally andattoed:
Legal 111;elligence. -
&MILT Or Willi! SIBBIOIOI...rODOIZI 82111.
au?. imp', STOWS LTD slows.
Ben. 19—Itt the esie of Thso . phllas George
danced with larceny, the Ary Warned a
ierdlet of guilty, and resammended the vie
liner to the matey of the Ccurt.
In the ease of Emory and Manning, con.
fisted for forgery, • motion was made on
itrlday - for a new trial, and In arrest of pidg
in' eat, but it seems that Emory, himself a
Wryer, desired to by before the Court a num
ber of ressone *bra .new trill Should be
' Ire was accordingly brought in
fro ra m his cell, and after a few remarks address
ad to the Court, enbtoitted tiro depositions—
One signed Chas. Melville, (tridieted as Hen
ry Tappan) in which it Is set forth that An
drew ft. Moore, the person from wham he re
ceived thir cloak which has been proved a
forgery, will appear at anytime and swear
that the said amok was sold by him (Moore)
to the defendant Tappan, in a loan fide boil
bass transaction.
Another affidavit, aiped by the brother of
the defendant, Wm. B. Melville, was present
tut to the Conn. The effidavitsets forth that
the shook wet reeelvedfrom Andrew G. Moore,
sutler In WI Army:of the Potomac and that
title translation took place in his (de fendant's)
:lions*, it Philadelphia.
Three other deposition, were- imbncitted,
Signed respectively by Elisabeth Brown,
:41,erab E. Solder and Benjamin Timmons,
Omahas In the county jail, the purport
. of
- which was to prove that two of the witnessee
"isia We trial, brought from the jail to testify
:se to the admissions of the defendants, had
~ ;isonspired to convict Manning, alias Melville,
;and threatened to convict him if they had to
'resortito pointy to effect their object.
The Court mitred the affidavits and or-
TAbriatiliem to Med. The motion will some
stp far argument early in October.
The Court adjourned till the ant Monday in
cons as commoinzar:
Jamsa McCabe, manager of the St. Pant's
'Orphan Avian on Webster street, In =own • writ of habits Oorpns, tuned it the. In
' stance of Haab Whaley. predated In Court
the body of Anna IL Plelding,,an orphan
:about nine „years -The moths of the
dna. who , flked alma twa-years atoilridero
:tared the child, Anns,a the Allegheny Or.
pluut ArylumAnt an mint, ipttling the orphan
la ha ponesdon, .tanteA it ova to the St,
Pad's /mina. wheal/he has been-until
" within the last two due. A farther haring
of the ma was postponed till Tuesday, Sept
29th, at ten o'clock.
General Haupt.
; Tke; order of fleeretuy Stanton mitering
Gummi iterman.•Haupt from bilker duty is
Om Wir Doputinint, nquizosa word of ea
planation. In April, 1862, he wu tailed to
Washington by the .Bmiretary of Wir. to take
%charge of the reoonstruoUoa of Ihe Praia
lobburg railroad, which was a minter) se
'Messityrio finable the Union unties in Virginia
to advsnoe; sad nine _imam; other
`important dittos, he outvoted a railroad
bridp which excited the wouder and admire
tioa of the alms and engineers
=who visited it. Genera Haupt neat mood
abutted and re-opened the Zionism% Gap
'road to. Brost Sayal. Daring thh reriod he
Itad, although rectognieed ,ae Brigadier-dm*.
puoistantly refined a commission.
Upon completing his labon on the Manama
-Gap, he wu again soUoittd to tato an exalted
,:commission, but declined and'returned 'to
Mamachusetts. In isu than two weeks he
Mu .again_ summoned_ to' Wishlagton, and
'daring Gen. - 4 1 0ra'. compaigia rendered most
;valuable sarrioa, arida , . Commission was sant
-So him st Bristdimr,Heneill for, 4 !Mutorious
simian igalut the eisniy?' ' •
Brew thin was deolined, Het: Haupt dada(
that the emmtry could comment 'kb Snakes
• ;Irksome they :ware taalad,lnt he could not
;part with the control of h is - Sims when his
::preleace lathe, field was Dot atossisry, At
j".tkeead of • year he was informed by the EN
psr t men t; that lilt was not - amacted - by a
',.certain date :it tronla be, dada* ousted, In
."•,relly to widah agate ' loin
'Ala inability to accept the 'honor Offered bj
- Eleoretary and confirmed by UM Beasts,
Cud expressed &desire to be relieved alto
lAgetlier. Ile was aceordingly Mined oa the
Mk' inst., and Col. McCaltuts appointed to
!Wog to tia ditties. The labors end talents
;of On, Haupt- hue been invaluble,, tad
It la estisfamort to know - that in leaving
Washington ;he expressed his , wish that if
aay Om/genes Should again own where his
serdoes would be of Talmo to the eountry t he
Wouldas he ksd-donamt - proriou oocaelona
toly Minis to the teld...-PAUs. Bell.
: Be Assessedi
The election take& plies oa Tartish the
, I3th of October. The law :Kelm that all
• paions, not voting on ip, ind not regular
taw payers, must bs untied and pay a State
-u runty tax at, last ten days before said
alsetion. This asseinzumt must be made on
personal application to the tAssessor of the
diatrielp and Gannet be attended to by proxy.
:• This natter shordd,be attended tow ithba the
next ten or twelve dap, as Friday, the 2d el
Oolober, L the tut day upon which assess
; mints ran be readied. Attend to the matter
,?.nt este, that you may not lose the privilege
ofivoting In snob anfl'aportant orbits. -
Sturm la Tairsaasamiz.a.-0a Priday
stsabg one of the Levitt sasstAnp arer eon.
vassals this borougb, was held by.tha train
:iraterr. .Tasspli Ross, Esq.. presided—assist.
Ad I* Dr. W. N. Sham, Jobs Zrisat j _.T. P.
••,21.1.81026, and- Wm. Wlrts. Capt. W. N.
• .."5 . Irstbs, sad .T.,13; Lawson, acted as Swats-
YAM: s, Al& and patriotis ividrasses ware dr
jharailby Dr. Ittectek, Tkos. N. Dune,
- Ala N. 13 twat,' DR.
Bone—Nino boys van strut
.4tl sad Istod ass Wu ma, Ifolor,
fin throwintstonss Ms by
soma asand
ilailesond Warkildb-
Between 10,000 and 40.000 abets Passing
Through North Carolina.
Lee Deserlin_g the Whole State
of Virginia.
Charleston Shelled for Three
„New toai,ffiept. L2.—d Sowbern letter of
the 16th to the Herald, Wes Intelligence
from the front announces the snivel of a tarp
fore, of the =tali at , Kinston, etmeisting ,of
cavalry, Infantry and artillery. The main
body condos of amity, midrib 11 reported to
be Imbodem's._frontNirghsta. The _ carats
Ls said to number 40,000, bet the figure it
probably azapprated. Theirs are no North,
Carolina troops roontioned as being among
the new arrivals.
Between 20,000 and 30000 rebel troops
puled &brattish Or ware within the vicinity of
Ulsigb ► few days linos.
Alfred Stanley, brother of .13,2-6101. Stan
ley, was arrested in !Little Wasitiostouts few
days ago by Lieut. O'Brien. , Staialey liras In
lire vicinity of Little Washington ' , about a
mW and a half from town, Midis • imbstantial
and influential °Risen of attest proclivities.
Ils seams to be Mune in his opinions, and is
not Melina to let any opportunity slip to'
show Militated of the. Tanßerre
totaled to have passed aunties and lisneune.
*4 the Union citizens In -Kinston, abusing
their arrest, and committed other sots in det
ritnent of the tutorials of the government of
the Bolted States. 0 must, Stanley
add he had done nothing but what he be
lieved to be his duty, and would do It again.
He le now in the Washington Jail.
A Fortress Monroe letter to the fkrald,
of the 17th, stator that yesterday four men
in then:Norm of rebel soldiers arrived it Pert - ,
toss Monroe from Newport Neuf. They
proved to be four of our man, who had thus.
disguised themselves to facilitate their escape.
They were =prated on the 18th of ,July bort
in the Oral terriMo charge of our. 4roops_on
Fort Wagner. They state that for soma time
past four or Ave trains per day hate been run
ning troops through Richmond, south. The
day previous to their unceremonious depart
us the city was illuminated with camp Arch
and crowded with troop's, all doubtless being
honied toward Charleston. The fortlfloations
of Petersburg they state to ba quite formida
ble. They posed three lines of mere and were
not intufatedwith. . - -
The - sameletter -states that thers'are ra
mo rs hare of the most exciting kind, It is
stated that Ise is deserting the whole State
of Virginia to join Bragg. Charleston, it is
sported, was shelled for three days and com
pletely destroyed. This Is said to be comma
nleated by parties Most from Atlanta, Ga.
One Gunboat Destroyed and Another
Capinred by the Rebels.
Nsw You, Sept. 114—The World's New
Orleans ouresponoent„ Writing on the 11th
list., gives some account, of" movement. Pro
bably on Texas, in three 00161:atli. curer GODS.
Franklin, Washburn and Herron.
The gunboat Clifton, while passing through
Sabine Pass, was exposed to a razing fire,
which reduced has to a total wreck, killing
and wounding all on board.
! The gunboat Fathom, which was in company
With the Clifton, was improved.
Slaw You, Sept. 18.—The slimmer Crom
well, from New Orleans. on,the 12th, arrived
at 1 reelect, a. m. News meagre. Gyn.
Orent'e wound was muolt better, and be would
be able to Start for Yid/1w in a few days.
The health of the oily le Uttar than it hu
ben at any tiodifor , years. ,Nos yellow fever,
Gen. Shipley bad arrived.
The Rebel Rama Ready for 6 ea—
Oar Rea On Libby: Prisoa—Deser.
; tome from B rage's army, dre.
Few Yose, ilept. 18.-The Milner's 'sp
ed up : In a private letter resolved
day cur Consul at Liverpool says, sae of
the new' rams is ready ler sea. and expenses
the drawled opinion that the Brithir Rivera
rmut will tale no asps to prevent her from
`h 'Tere . are those who consider Mr. Dudley's
vim regarding the probable course of Great
Britain as more entitled to credence than the
epporitortiewe which Mr. Adams hisdfreiruiptly
reiterated; and who apprehud_ open war as
the inwritstle result of the'seeret Mutilates
to this country, practiced by Ragland.
ha inmala.of Libby prison Writer on the
Bth of August Mat 520 of our officamand eel-
Min are quartered there, and they era as well
and comfortable as could be expected under
the eirourestanoes.
Private letteTS'ffo/6 CIIIO.III la GOD. Damp
brim army, more Man confirm all that has
been printed tonchLog numerous demotion,
(tom which the rebel armies In front of the
ermy of the Cumberland are sewing. Dur
ing the march to Chattanooga, not far from
0000 of these fugitives from the rebel service
Same within our lines. • •
. The Lower Potomac is not thoroughly
Clamed of rebels. - • . •
Thirty or forty mounted men ears teen
oppOilte Maryland point.yesterday, and Ounce
Is information hiding to belles that the.
Captors of the &awaits and 1141111111014 are in
Roue River, with buts awaiting an opportn ,
Pity to capture the, guard boat at ,PinO ridrit.
Latest from . Charieston..Yrepttot.
stone tot aheihn, the CRY. :
'Now Yoga, Sept. 19.—. The shames. Ile•
tilellan,from Morris lama on tho morning.
fWe 161 h, lum arrived. General animus* was
ogating Rein guns on Cumminee Point,
to Alton Chirlaston.
The rebel fire from Jams; Island continues,
,it not vuty effestive. - . .
Ramtgr is gill held by the rebels.
Damage on the Lower Polomne by
the Stolle.
, Wain:salty, Sept. 19.—Daring the stoma;
Lesterday, among other damp done on:the
ower Potomac , two steamers were 'spatted ;
Ind the raln destroyed tha crops. Theatres=
lire swollen, and the railroad bridge at Lew
was swept away.
IST OF LETTESS remaining in the
Ju PINT 011102 at ALISO/WM at aeon
Du &WORD/X. aoptambar 19, WM
Livatatazo atratourt.j
tirplawa matt= Qs date of the Ilst la whtell
Om &Maria atvartlaed.
0321.4 bans tram TN a. a to 634
entekinsonlf 11.1
Ewes Bassist
Hannay U
Jost Elizabeth'
Johnston Utah
Jones P a ster
It Itobsety Annie
liese-Ellenid •
Whirring II
Letatasa to . .
WI Wet A,
LiAs Ewan
plyatJas ,
V kiddie Obis
Afqnsa .0 li. -
&testi Idols . :
Illelaiit Henri '
Irpolur UM
-1 MulahlBlo*
Alesander Wye
Alidame W U
AU`sen Piste A
AU Ms EU' 0
Wawa Obis
Brawn Harriet
u l& j r
peer- : Larlaw- - - 0
Carlin a Steituf
Oratben Adam ;
Chriatt Mix
ajtappe Francis
Pciover /Ws' .
- 1 - e Merit
Wad= Hat
Cooktr 0
Omani, 11
Dansh JoI
Duidson Mati
1:1Ds Goo
Obits' Dio r—
r a.
Zittant Audrey'
Aran Harfotta
fiesible Warev
Vitiep Paw
%Isaiah* 80%
mai:ball W
liandr Pater
Meoßnii Bobs
itaviwi Bu Cc nra
Oft Ellisibktiv
PWNSobt ,7
mma Bola
Nino Iffey_ll 17 A ,, a
Web mop Podasster.
~ .x .!7,,.Y. ,M
eirTseiriceti smell-ET&
Oral= or vas Prmisthon DAILY marrri tt
Euroatavolt. 10,1 4 67.
There 100 been no new feature In the produce'
market toAsy worthy of special notice. The demand
for the leading article' wall only moderate, and the
tranuctioris conwspeently were local and
of an unimportant character. Quotations, tworroll7,
roomier without matailal chugs. •••
Odd continue to lloctetate to rapidly goat it
to almost impoelible to keep the coo of it. to-day
it opened at 133% 1s New_York,,advancing to .163, 1 *
theii declining to 1335, and Snail) . &SIMI at 13 Prre
Sterling Exchange wartime, lad MU Class bibs "old
at 141351141135. Here theme bat both go'd or diver
aiming, mid, brides, the Mae cilia iunottled that
It Is impoisible to repot them correctly. Tartan
Exchange Is steady at par belying, and per cent.
premium selling.
Ddringibe year ardLug an the 7th intt., there iru
Dabl and cancelled of the. Pennsylvania Slate debt
$334,720 41 Of this amount $100,1:03 wee of the cm:
persitteu'of lie:, MS, 1700,710 60 of the 5 per cuts,
of the lame year, 1103,000,0 t 113$ per Witte, and pcs
of Ballet" notes. _ _
The Clore) ad and Pittsburgh Company will re:
bob* begin .the:r half seri/ dividends upon the
stock of the foal, $3,950,30, oat of Its set cash warn
, • atter, gaping the Interest= the guided debt of
$5,200,030, in dulcet:me of a faW day& The present
intuit= of the Plrecton, we tura, Is to make the
first dividetul•akthel rale of a per unto per annum.
or 4 cerit. for 'the half year, payable about the
16th of October.
The following is Ow comparative statement of the
import' oftareign dry goods and gaunt ausuhentlite
at'tbw,pert Of New York, for the week roadies Sep.
tireobeiletb, and since January let :
Yerelia week. 1851. 1339. 18IS.:
TATOU theport... $853001 111,513,423 Ve6 31 610
thrown on mkt-. 1,118,754 1,476.4 W 1,6:14,1111
.414:1111 ehos .116 L Mei 1
Ent 'd at the ,0rt.p11102,1551 $41,864, 6 77 $404 0,414
:shrew_ on mkt..-.35,11411140 Antler 43,90,249
The receipts of paid at Sf.w York, from Callan*
from January let to September lit, were $8,694,931,
wines $15,9411,078 same tied. tut year.
One of our New York exchanges, speaking of the
Domestic Dry Goods trade, gays:
Tto, course of pr. ea the past walk has Mon *lightly
opens% and sewn are very firm. Boyer. from the
his le solo West express dleeppantmeet sod dismal,.
f.etmn, a.d ere cutting down their purclussea one.
bailor too.thlrds, &terrain dto await events Job
bers on the wllontarbe of the illeatedppl, however,
buy more !Aerially. Theis ta no decide ebony I
prime bum last- seek. Standard i.eetiope Sur,o4
Ste; bed madder palms 190 W2'. The plats it
reedy made clothing *wrap nearly tarty per wad.
above peace pe lam
ffilkf 31 AND YLOU d-There Ls no Wheat of.
"Wing, either from Ant band, or on track, ant fa
the abeince of sales, we omit quotidions. Corn le
firm with • moderato demand sad shelled Is selling
by the car load at 830-.11.3=5 holders asking 86c. Gala
an in fair Inquiry, and with but a I•ght supply
the market te firm at 65516t0 on track, and we not:
a Want 1 ail to arrive at 060. Barley may be quoted
at 11.10,31,12 from wagon, end Bye 86c. Stour is
steady, sad the demand 1, a shads batter; sale tram
store of 400 bide at IVO for Tetra, and 8000 for Ex
tra family; also, /25 bbla family at from 118,C0 to
$8,40-the latter Ilium for cnoles.
GIINTABIZS-Sugan are Sm. with a fair 1 Oh
demand at 19 to 18* for Cabal 18 to 11130 or Porto
Erato and New Orleans; 113 to 1634 e for Crushed, and
16%0111.* for .B" and 11 A" Coffee. Some VDU
choice grades of Now Orkaw an bald at lic. Coffee
Ii steady with meal lees of Bic at 30 to Sic for fair
choice Wu. Melanie remelts' about as last quoted.
BACON-The demand is fair and the market
Weedy with email sales at 6%06* for Shoulders
6 1 ,11530 for Bibbed Sides, and 10 , 44010)$c for Plain
Hams. Sugar Cared Hams may be quoted at from
13 to Ito Sir imam n to prime Cincinnati brands.
BUTTES, A EGGS-Oomaton packed Butter is
In go A supply end dull, with sates at from 16 to 1130
ra's of A crooks prime York State at Ito. Eggi
lady onto sale of 10 bbls at lfe.
SEEDS-Titers Is considerable inquiry for Time
thy Bead, /Ltd the market la Sim at pjagp,so
able 080 bush prime from stow at VA% Plea Seed
te to demand, aid may be quoted at 111,9510,00.
/Sailing doing to Clow/m.B,nd.
APPLES-The market is very dull, and with •
large sup Ply and 'but a limited demand, prices era
dembeng, with ads at 01,60 to 1,76 per barrel as to
POTATOES-There I. a Masi, demand for good
quallties of Potatoes sod lb. market for each is firm
et from Moto $l.OO par bushel from store
OREVID-Prime Western Blum is firm, and we
note Wee at 12X,.
BAT-Is steady, with taiga at prices ranging from
$3O to SU per ton. Baled flay females about as hat
Pittsborgb P etrOleinn Alarket
Barr. 19.—Thent la no new Inature to notice in the
Oil market, with In* exception whips that titre to
• betta fre:le• on the part of holden of Ward,
owing to the more Womble ad vices Ikon:Aim York.
Crude U quiet but steady with null sots at WO)
27. wanes retsina& and 81831%, planar bicin
did, and them may be regarded as the ruling Amen
♦ ode of of 110 barrel., "Ilea gravity," oat molted
it 263. Banned In bond is quiet but steady am bold.
on appear determined not to make any coaeeednn•
berm the meant rattle- We Ante a tale of 300 bar.
ret., .Y.topire," far inunnilate delivary at 63, and
Wavle the oily trensmion reported. Befinet, tree,
le ism with a amtinned fair 'Warn demand, and
note tales at prim ranging from CI to 66, attar&
Ing taco:Entity and nudity. Bombs in In demand.
and prime deodorized would set readily:at 20—hold.
en vocally asking 21122,
New Tore retroleam market.
Epode Dispatch to the ringbolt Quetta
Nor. Tot; Oct. 19, M.
crude It quiet Gad anclungod, with email sales on
the spot at 115X436. Defined, In hand, Is study
with gales for goes.nt delivery at WON, sad 630
65 for (Mahn delivery, boyars option. Neythe to
nom and a *hide higher; sales of retintd at 11504%
an the spot, and gor prime, dawned in • I
October. O.
Fotaken Petroleum Reports.
Tram the London Grow of September 6th, wen
tract the emend mono of PeiroleateAroeth ,
Ainfize,fteptenthr Z.
The excitement diet seated the market In July
paned aux with the end of that mood, add lbw
then the enlists has been comparability calm, the
damask= to the values of retold not Wing ex
ceeded 6 tan . There ban been a awed, and Wido
w= Mound for the we of swimmers, IS ha Wag
the !MOS, and So the highest bald tot ALCM= Re
lined, wham, •an small lot of Bele= Ileatted
Inched 113)6,411 In boo. for Ssotember delivers
the whim sengettfrom 10 to se ter, for Ostabe from
Betess,we tir November Irma hi to Mt. Teo eat •
weft not so large as la July, sinoontlw to Mlle
barrels In AMC" &Walt 111,69:1. &ads Teholimat
is mash neglected generally m thls mute* amiss
the month of Ansa, the silo awl only IMO bar.
rat, the greater tart of which rostlad 14, end one
smell parcel 68 tia.
Hairstraa, Dept. 1.
71A.thisfacts dons La August wee pot aoSettensles
ea la.fdte pritylobssnontb. sad, _ansomitsitta, *tab,
10,Cdrbirrele, sada 341,41X1' in .The . *tab,
throe hare been rargAlhOt, In the begin:dug Of ttie
mon% a WAWA, 4 0 / 1 0 1 CO, liar.. LOIN
toterldd Caldrgillote node& end we obi- ant
'dun they were at gated in bat tunglea molt
The lid; pion bald .beteZwere el jg Mks hoe tat
Dated* MO. kit October dairerjts, and bob,.
Lumber sad rrscitobsi raji: , •
A Ariig, re bie taken glue sham mod
gasorrsaf oefkode are orhiblirsblo.lora, the
udleowaistlag to&boat to pa meat, u wortarat
' wlastbfroarrieni enotatlans Am Jdy. . An the Wain.
I , 4 o nt tl f4Aiagost. taih mutat *And /s l i g„ -- ,m,
asparep IA FA ho, the Weald pod,
sod Aso de present !aloe. - The odd of month
mom only dont hilt ths ideal o f thos. IA jut,.
belfit TNO.tittrelx mind 4•Aosa : abirwad
Aft Apttadtons la aad.the 4 l*4o.l, sod wea
bl lea : fad .1"
qtt . dxfe4 r,
ot et_idftd•
treeliadt.P.ll l did Added 0 11 .71 whilst
prime gide allele/he orers anattaaally •dkIKI AIL WA
*WO the Isd•efeekrldinx. thd ISO' tn.
award, iarldrihrtted *lsola PM d erfelle. , Tho
mew -itat tid awl obtatadrire WW,,atul for Orgtsw
bar delirety 34 gi; fit Adobes VI 13, ;A* Noropibsr OS
ton Dwameir go 11. •• i: 4. ,
TAW market his ocra.vori awl doling, the pat
••,,,,,,,a o ,l,o4nattsj dewed At Mildl a r
b oy a!
hilt week., The Ingairs,lath . tcaligna•
Zll4%bilitiaod, of which „MAW bunk ban.
At &Mu per Asuati,,, 800mAlows
Ugh Italie o elpsi bard Pngere spot :
lailirsiss was,g6ld !orb:wad diarliiiK t ruAr.
IWO barrel of Piansylnda had chaps *lade 11$
11h. wt. toot. 600,trantle d ha d chap
olled did ts par pgoa, arlEasyksA4 pr Al et sten
At tbseemtwasencund of 'Apgar►etfteatorkas 1,28
4n, a read coneftfotb - tote ,
*Weight/Hs pawl pall Sean Mane
O bill
r.the tairleas tumid. They s rims ,
brad Be to 87}fe,*hich ins lbw 'bet tor'
Ealbed IrarA. b ow s.
fittlettes' ro ll 0 01
'bier &Amy: Pads jos' inderste; deV d
oz burr* ger Omuta; tram Now trea
• Isla Ina; bat - . 111 AA Ansi% bop' 1A4A.40: 04
'ixfl l l Jake for Adria": ea antra,„• . ”
Porte riLortba
Puddler Mrs L
Porta J'H •
Parka Jobs
•artNdp Jobs.
Pbl.olp , pl J 0
Potter Jobs
Pall Frank Us
taddsr andiow
Ross Rota
Retneend Peter
Richardson Wist.
tareltes John z •
Rodgers Jacob
Raynolds Rau
&bah Py
neer4bt Stares
tUa GI.
RhistaJulia-. •
Stewart tan'.
SUW bands -
Willy* OP .
Wawa Urn X
Woods ilia R
Wilson John J
Won J • •
g ßay OW
Vattorßa mb ritst,
:KW boo
laid, ladle;
isiitSinat et unehimid Wiwi. , and
iirmnotaiten. ear imotweatnoratooseissr
IVA, rod ou iu SIO3V 3kal 3 are itaituilli
*at MAW. Ows, mos s aus Da laid es=
0" Ihdo of Sanaa tradtal6B4343ll 3 cc, Om
on boa ai Mkt. ^ Swift as WO
inky booLlhas Mau MAU. Com
Ova Am
Chicago Market.
Our. I.l.—loenrwu an factersi demand for
- .• .
lion; apecially good grader of both W inter and
aping. and prime aireased Ms ger hOL • lth ales
of tibia 7,000 boL .at 16,0007 50 fa Winter *s
tills; 94,90 tar Winter agent $4.8001415 for Spring
extra, and it MOM bar aping amen. E'en at
the dm the dmandaenied still as motive as
ever. but the stocks of &amble brine" were masa.
ale low. The Wheal market Owned at a decline of
taiga per busbel, but heft* toe CIONN under Non
favorable new. from the Za.t, It ranted somowlnt
1111,1closeld my firm at Mic for No. 1 Spring. and
115)ia for No. II epilog. About 150,0111 bushes
aerated bands- at *1,65 for No. 1 Iced
$1,03 farN6 1 tad; Opt for No 9 nal; 03e forlce
97STic. ft .No. 1 lipslog; at 953 for
No. 2 IWini. sod 83056 for 80/Jested. Corn was in
good demand, bat the flrmneb of holders limited
tnuwailkur, the Malta showng an adnaceig43
Xas bushel. About !VOW Imbels c
a • • 3 , 260 62 30 Sw Nine Mixed astllitg
It slot; in No.l Corn. and
for Na 8 Oorn In store. at the clam the tb=aol
wan setae and the ma kit arm, at 69340 far No.l
Corn. Oats wars rather mare setae. but • dad.
°Blot 1041 .1. Claims dull, with des of about 00,-
bwitels. at 4144(411 6r Na 1, and 440 to Na
ln store There la an albs absence of that linty
•=rinquiry far Oota, which exist„ end
bare but a far drys slum and there are
painful am° s goat with reVtid to the 1 • 00 of .. 1 . 000
of tb• speadatora. We trait they are unfousdad.
E 'au to goad demand end active, at 600700 for
No. ye L
and Walla No. 2---en advanceAf 1 0 per bustle.
Barley was In fair Mond at `•tlus opening, but the
market 11=4 dull and leo lower. with sales at 0.
lal 11,10, and No. at g1,0301,01-Imyers at the
dam adcidag to ley over 11;00. Elgindom was
!steal at 10)017o. Alcohol Is held at Malec.
Mae woof good kph, for Timothy seed
and the maker MlS SCUT, and d - m. w Alt =I
Win it St./0 2.95. Ilan Bead is also In good do:
Mad at $2, 60 2, 10.
Cincinnati Market
• kept. 18.—The implored Paling In the Omar mar
ker, retread to yesterday, wws 60th de=ed to
day an an ammo of 10e to 230 was Obeli,
with tabs of 4,008 bbl.. clottng inn at $4 4084 60
for foods made superfine. Whhky muudned dna at
4110. Plashdons are eery firm, but holders ask an
adeanus old& buyers are not willing to po. Old
num poet would sell readily at $lO. Lard lo bald at
10 ; ldtb balm at ago. G•eetale• firm, and relined
eh abash
Wheat la held firmly tor an ad
vance, *abash endue Corn la wanted at 700.
to bah, but holm taking an advantage of motio
ned light reselpta ask a further advance of 2953 u.
Oats dem at Ws is bulk.-61aMita.
Detroit Grain Blatant.
Sept IT.—}lieetred &47e bushels wheat. 470 but
oats, 1319 but barin. We quote: Wheat, The
kat is Arra, tindery's, Ushiefferhipi or nth" 0000
at all. • adds, offered 111,19% far 3,0-0 has No 1
amber, delivered, Winn new and the rod cf next
week shoat So above the wh , letwe market- Som,
held at 62ey the ear lead Street price 62'4. Sao ,
demaad go od at 50119520. Bye, steady at afict
Imports ay Railroad.
Prrnitvamt Yr. Wane AI Offloll2o BAZLIMD • Sept.
19.-21iddre, 0 Badman; 100 pier lead, 013 Homey;
136 bides 9 H doz pas, eto, W H Gorm
ley; 15 do do, J B Moon!, & co; 6de do, Geed*
Neregsr; Sdo doill'Olerken, Gerron or; 15 s ld du,
Little Trimble; $ ble apples, 9do potatoes Fetzer
8 romereaur gy on broom., Wm Cooper, 20 Me ap.
pies Y Vengordor 140 bge wbest, J S Llgrett co;
ble flour, Culp 8 ibepard; 100 do do 16tiornakor
Lang; 103 do CO, Ju 11'Cully 8 co; 100 do do. Jr
Gardiner; 100 do do, W H Kirkpatrick co; 123 luge
osta, balm by, 25 bp seed, Hitchcock, ITrlrwy
&ow .155 do mill two, 20 do med. See Heft ; It
bslshay, Bingham, Sturgeon 8 CO; 60 logy ilmotby
seed, IVOlurken. Herron oo; We Minor, W
nett; 300 bp corn, D Rffellace; 3 con metal, J
OLTIZILUM A P11191:1144111 RAILZO&D. Sap; 16.-
101 beans, 65 bls apples, L H Vohlt A oo; 61 bra
aloft, 10 ols apples. 3 drklatbum , r, I Van Oorder,
26 Ns ripples, J. at Hewbut & oo; S tabs atm, Wil
son, Can A m; 5 bls 'Wm, Patter A Armstrong; 11
Si. boom A Leppert, 17 brks hay, I B Floyd; 16
his •11, 6 rolls leaehsr, J Hardman; 70 vapor,
Parkins A co; SO alm barley, W H Garrard; 12 rolls
lsathrer, Om Orr; 16 Us apples, Bhomater A Long, 16
has cheese, B Oalzell A co; 11 do do, 1) Hawortb; 164
do do, ii'Doiild A Arbitala; $6 bls lapPlaa, Boymir
*bro; 85 do do, Flamm[ A elm* 10 do do. Ovmn.
• Keane'ey; &
45 do ds,l- Les co onmed; As wheat,
T tem. hallon, King A Pe:mak;
6 hi. tobacco, Jas • 39 mauls; n rolls bather; Hey
A fltslrarg 25 hada. 11 BMW, 25 all bla. W Mae.
ksown; 16 rolls Botha, W 71scrus; led tddra, &a
but A Kelleremas; 80 Ns flour. Llndray & Telford; 10
do babacoo, W Taylor; 56 pkp do, Lambert A illalp
tom 6 do do, Wm Baftalta too.;
ALIZGUSINT BILT/1)1, 15 -148 Iddes, 0 Graotsinger
A Bon 11 cks chase, 0 Hornig:
do 33 bls apple*,
hits; 2do segs, 1 keg butter, 1 macros, 01r B
man; 2 crocks butter, 11 Hs applies, 3 big asp J
Oluid; large lot mszketln,g, oolong 3 calves, 6 slump
J Oro.
Markets by Telegraph
New You, Sept. N.—Cotten Wady. flour so.
Me., e4OlO betteeet_SS,loS)SS s for Mxtra:State.Ss2o
05,16 fueliatra IL EL 0. Wheat—mashies 11407
waist SCUh cud do batter at 97081.10 far Oblcage
Spetug, i4 o yo the Milwaukee Club, $1,21018 1 4 7
for Winter Rod, and $1.28 for prime nrw print.
Corn active and So bitter—readets MMAKl—eet 76c
the shipping mixed. Oats la loner, at 640070 tor
Western. Port. let. Reef do t. Lard Is • shads
armor at 1030114 i. Petroleum gated sad steed,.
Stocks better mid settee, but cheat ocular.' Money
to In toir demand at 6016. Steele, higher. Iris,
1714; lleadlng, Gold. 31. 6 2 m Coupons ,
1 leer certificates,
Derrege, Sept. IL—flour dull and unchanged.
That &mar, mad In medusas demand ; Milwaukee
Club, SUL Corn form ; min at 65% afloat. Oats
dull Milky In liar demand at tft. Freights
PltiL4ol24llll. Sept. 19.—Patrolouto doll at 380
380 Ibr Condo. and MGM far Bated. Flour oold at
3 1334 for stiperflas. Who., a m at 111. 360166.
Oant at 350 fat mtraol. lik httlty no.
N OTIOR—Tha undersigned having
Um matt* stook Pram dm long a• tobl= of J. B. Nonni would amain=
to kly old oustamas sod Um public tar natant, to
atom 119 Warty anat. (hilly aomploo by J. B.
NoCtoto,) whin s largo sad comploto stook of dad.
None sad dbotataltore Lsollar Fodlnp, Mies,
to.. am be fond. mid at taun trata.
G. B. ANDASSON, No. 19 Mail strut.
watimad my imossoor on s bion of sate. Moira,
owl good Mahar quallfloatloom Tar wrap moths
to maw I will mutt= to occupy Nr. ANDIB•
own, sod willroom, tau gnat plasm
la teittoduslagAlm to my badness saptattamour,
. B. MOD
Joly 912.1267. lytkltut
111b8OLUTION.—The OcpPartnership
imittbs balms the atelardpod. ander the
u•nat of KELP. BUDD4tOO. arptradl Ude day
la=on. Mr badness 0111 to outland by
ZEAL by .b. all dartatute due tour
form the tate dna taM he wattled.
Shirt Pin Tort Ad.l7, Jut, bit, hiftetta
•••41orgartaimado heretofore azbtlog Wotan
e. GS Mandy L WZBIDG,doltz boAllesl at
Oa. Yulott nadir lbs style at 0111100
to thts day dtaattnod by
_mutual coadent,
Bt. & WAIIIIIIInriIrbg. 0. MUM° 1. email:Mud
to nag ths nano of tbs tdm In oattllos too burtnosa
euun A 117) T0111:000 111ASIT1AOTIIILZB,
to a 1$ atrasaisa BTEBST,
(lossoorly Ofsattums droll, Now IfOrka ,
Would au She ottostioll of Maim to dm Orttcloo of
blo foolofoottfl, ht
- •
• - ' ' BIM nun.
ificiior, /MU Zan"' V"ns frilasichlboalise,
Ofatimsea,Diumtign* Pus V
I:k r a . ' r. l. YELLOW Mil.
wrimo Soiser` 1 7Cti llb .cti r
amins peif i t ind
611/10/ to' the WV WWI= hi
Wild' will Do Ibund of *superior panty.
thaciava—Laog, no. t, ftn.; Eon 1 and 11 ndzed,
../tqui Ore lironso—P. A ox pludni am .
ditak, Pr SWAM Twist donntad Oroluxo TM Toll
lvotnid—T. Jade, dpanlati, Olarta, Tarldsli.
' N. clivalan at Om vlll te maim wit.
is:or TORII-A lot ef Cosa at the Ant dam on tho
111020°1044, abort Mast , broad CSO rot dm%
13 toga voter lido midi rod. rallevar,dod dor
ootoooloarloo, aolo, or tOrPlooll Pound not.
on liberal Won
424 10 I. GIII at -molar.. Cm.. CI Tooth it.,
or Join" O. CUT! 'mien,
WM* IS Liani Stmt.
_ •
Nancy Dyeing atabitahtnent,
39 auto isT., mussy/ one
WAIL Peas setnized is two roal I:a97am
35 rrrni en, IlkSolllo item.
ei onilam.AND.Laim warm
Ar IlleinthAell aaorms
FOR 5.17.1.
FAlii FOR iiLEiiiiiENT,
, orTAININII 81 &CllllBB
All ondnr .41 la • epod .iso , of ral:tratfon
The lalprorf moots o,rsfet of • tom LI HICK I , W LL
Lisa, ouatalelrg W rlx/n.a , large YNAMC
TIM ANT 1111731, with i rooms; sud liohd t.rch•rst
of young In,. OthaL ender ths mhala farm. Blt
sate in Baldwin townatOp ainnul fine mike Goun the
dty. Ingaln Of
BAILEY. rea.nsi,L A ou
you. bidiL3 —A astoontans two-story
.1: brldi dwelleg bows, with bock bnfldtns. bo.
26 How street. Plttzburr,b,
Also, • Ursa, CouTauten& and Wall•flgtthod thaw
story brisk dwelling Wan, wlet Wit building, No.
2.21 Nam street, between tint and deooad streets.
/chaos Waster, brick dwelling boom, • lib bock
buildings. No. 219 Second ecreeb, war hoes.
AU the mbar* ere in pod order, and supPUed with
ps gad wider.
Alta: sone st.M Sams cottage dwelling, No. 911
Seeded stmt , and the two-story trams dwelling 'd
ivining. Both o
time house. are In good order, ant
suitable fu=Wl Amine&
Oho, slot cet ground on the northeszawardly side
of rtrat Argot, batafteu Eton and Try streets. Boar
Bois start baying • front of 21 Net ou Bt strata,
and extending beet CO test.
, rsi suns property to etneted to s dcdreLle part
of the city.
"or terms elude and particular luonlre of
WK. W. T , 11:0N,
Or Pla Pitch strtaL
PIIBLIC SALE.—N . Iin be exposed for
sale. on th e Drat DAY or 0010 C IC ft, tb.t ~Id
Tom, (better koowa u WM.1.601'8 ABS ,)
ondatsing 10 am', more or, 16 male, tram
I I Waren, on the A. V. A. a, 12 flout t,a ottlp,
elleghay county. haring • front of If ;arch.e on
the river a frame boa* and ettba a nom Mr of
kholoe footrace sup , . turn, •hich Wryer 1212 e fruit ;
• dee quall , y of rrok f r grandetoote, of eh grids;
'Anal !kindred peachee of coisr stone, already
qesnial, and • platform at the rat.road ready for
loading, TIVe lot could omen for oil rellmartee,
or say one that would whin to go In the acne bad
Terms nags known on day of re.
Bale to Oemlethrth at 10 o'clock a. M.
J 6.21118 kid ItTlll.
Plum Iv., Bept.lo. IEO3.
WITT Iroll BA I.E.—.Toro Lots, os foot 4 tn.
front by 110 hot damp to an •1141, with • bap doubts
house, &tare& Ilaneock and Hand street A dad•
Table location fora Phydcion or Death's.
Also, some 800 bulldog altos imprints residences
name aftenrrillo, fratil )00 1 scrorach.
Ala., a largo amber of battling iota, of &riot&
als& of from SS to 60 Let tent by 100 to 160 toct
loop, &tut& at the umbra of the Wytto Streit
l'sweeller Itatray:
of A M
dada- W. A. Wien= "We
J.IIP tiodanlipasd otters far ale . ray datinab:o
plate at land, containing Is% acne, snarly, minuted
Is Baldwin township. It front; on the Brownsville
road an one .!d., sad cure on% on tbe illaabathtown
road. It la parka lb. White Heil Pane fhb let
ham • boom anted on it, and an orchard of spots
and ebony in.., lauctog trait. Thla lot will in aold
co accoscoadallog tuna. If not midi:etas the Orat
of Jarman, It will be for rout
/for fuer partintlars twain at W RITZ BALL,
or the gnecritea, in Snowden tom:whip.
LIAM FOR BAL11:—I am authorised
.1: to offer for tele, on reasonable terms, a TRACT
OP LAND, eontsbatng abOnt 1,03 srn s, drat' ed to
Ohio and tranklln tOirewhlpa, near Tanya/Me. Al
legheny county. and now templed by John MaDrn•
ald as taunt.
There are about 100 ec-es ob axed and In good
Toe tract le well timbered, contains coal, en I le
wry traloable for fanningßßADY
116 roneth street, Pletaburgb.
COAL PSOPRST I 708 BALD, sitriata In
ffronond Pool. Ilionoapbala Paver, and Anteing the
Wage of illtaboth. WI Lau of Goal. haying one
that:inn:id it.; of tivtr front, with deep water ; lye
weal for both sizing and draining. Will he .old very
low and on many terns. itypiy to
reit a BroLAIN a co.
12.500 '4,".l4gin. 11VDEWILINEI
trues tertennsute, lapses ma Btakeeenufne street.
nest the Vag Balleved, erbkli .111 teat ter twenty
an dollars per =oath. Term eau.
Apply to G. B. BATIB. Ocenemercial Broker, Bet
tar semi, loraremerrllle. vette
Foa BALE—Four Acres of Ground
and a Your Mary Brick Idlinag. Itnitne,
Bogen 111.11 d Madan,; wall adapted tar a mat,
Baton t tees Or 1.0 Seat can be parobasad for
oar-lau Woriginal eon, by calling an
WlLLarall WAIID,
No. 93 Grant: stress. Pitlabargh.
COUNTRY HOMES.—Beautiful situ•
stiono for Ocotntry Ramis f oalo. In lOcOluro
township, Okdo timid* sod tkorkkbry Bosonts.
All dim kits aro within short dbtantoo of mil=
on the PlOobruipb,lfort Wayne is oblo.go Railway.
Ilnonlro of H. H. DAVIS, old P.O. Borldlos.
sea a ter Mahan,.
F 011. RaNT.--tfis lugs toad well
MON. LAil istiabls tor Oalgael
MAW cc llechtcw Dom will in Lamed ti 122.
airaoll, am*, &to
Bfillaitheres Oarnat, for the Whitlure;
.llllllngtuores Otineat, far the tt hblert;
Blillusheta's Clattneat, fa the Whitten.
Rohde flyrdp of Bark andiron;
Blohola• Om* of no k and Iron;
Nichols' 83 nzp of Bark and Iron.
litataudrs wydlal Dlicararr
It masdre 111•110.1 Dlionlrp
Istinstly's Ltsdloal Discovery.
Wistses Phu Tms 0 3relal;
Wisives Plan Tres 0 w<110;
Wbbses Paw Ins OardiaL
Tr. Baboack's Palmago Syrup;
Dr. ecbssek's Yalmonle eyrap;
Dr. Ediszet's Polinonla tiny.
Dr. Seturacit's Mandrike P 1111;
Dr. B:henckli lisodnike Ptlle
Dr. BottancY's Mandrake Pills.
Paraviark amp, for Orsomeprfrri
Perartaa Ifyrop, for Oessaroptleat
Pannier ryrup, far Oonscopticra.
Prot. Woo& Hale fluWrathy;
Prof. Woods' Hair ltaattratt•*;
Prot. Warta' Etta ➢utotatlra.
Fresh Udine Water, Dr. Andrews'
Troth lodtne Water, Dr. Andrews
trash lodine Water, Dr. Andrews
Dr. Wright's raw. asps Coated;
Dr. Wright's Pllls, Boor Coated;
Dr. Wright's rite, Beggs anted.
Dr: Chasers:ash Female Pll'a
Dr. Clark's female Mai
Dr. Lyou'e Periodical Drops.
EtaT d'ord'e Initircastm;
ginedford'a Invlv:Won
litandlord's lovlsoratrr.
Cherokee Bawdles;
Morass EamedLes;
Oharoke• Lauflbs.
Constitution Water;
Oxastatanal Water;
Ocatatttatt .1. Water.
Dr. LeLhd'i Rheumatic. Led:
Dr. I Mead's Si enemata Ds d;
Dr. Leeaud's Sheaths:ln Vaud.
Tsa Ind:roar,
Tann" Margot;
Tottny's Xitnot.
Starling's Aatbiatia. far the EWA
Bluttrea &atm:Ma, fa the Hale;
Starliaa's ambrosia, Sr the Hair.
Ludlum's Ppsoitla
Ludlum's Bpoottlq
Ladlan% elecifkr,
A blob nipply EIIINPUBbirB HOMCCO
Dtra Alhi's Hair Iturtorstirs;
Mrs. Allan'a Ellobalssm:
D astiPluttttioa Bitters;
Rates thatelos Bitter&
advid.theibit attbisto t rmoalwlikLifilek•
Kai 01 MS kr !Mbar**. anis. by tbs Amid
by JOtifi A. 87t1Y8116.W.
'amass %Maly sad Haul striate
• iisizon imam poi itAlltOalitze
alhea per gay. q*
Ir'S FM Pta
= O =!
Cancerous Forsations,
Scrofula, '
Cutaneous Diseases,
Erysipelas, Boils.
l'iraplos on the„Face,
Sore Eyes,
Totter Affections.
Eicald Head,
Old and Stabborn Mears,
Rheninatie Disorders
Balt Rheum,
llorourial DiatitlBl3.
General Debility
Liver Complaint.
Loss of Appetite,
Low litdrits,
Penalo Oesaplaintz,
Epilepsy or Fite
Porn,lyale or Palsy,
• rtyphilitio Disozoes and
Oikriez of th® Bonn
005DISION 07 THE BLOOD OR 01)301'Ll,
TOBY 3T67143.
CADA OP DA 111111, E. 11071)
root lea, Ifreeember kl. Ira
Du. O. C. Errinnal fake pleurae b ma.Mo,
this voluntary rbtarateut a Divots:of a medicine pre.
pared by you canal toLanamr'e BLOOD B1161:823..
I had metered for five 'yams with Sewohals, which
broke out on my herd nod forehand so at to &MIMI
me very much, and toot GI the bate when tha
ECM made Its asonearemee; Ii abs broke mt. on Uzy
arm above and bolos the elbow, end Cat lute *Sothic
and Saab so es to a=pace a lambi core. The Dem;
on my heed went if he that mama =all ntems el
bone came out. 1 .611 wary week and low Write,
and bed green on all hope of inr getting wall, se I
bad tried moral emoted yloyeiclara and they did toe
to good. In Oen - leather dirt, 1811, I - was induced 4
try ttldarnant's berth 'Fa Beaton fine coon:" 1
meat cannon I bud too faith in natant modkboa, but
wile • I had used three battio• Of Blood Bmr.ther. the
Mans on my bead and arm began to had. I bate
raw taken ete.tor tea bottles, and raj hard nod arm
env entirety well except the steel remsdning from the
tom. 1 wits aim state that I had the rbannatbut
very bed in my exam mad Itom.. The Bbod therauta
elm mind the rhourmtimi. I am non • yell marl,
arm forty yeah of 660. and / /eel as rent. mod T 3l =l
611 / did when I wea twenty, and Mae tacumalla
-"lea twenty panda. I would elm Mate that the
dhows In my forehead wu er bad that when he
stooped and lifted anything heavy, the blood run oar
of the ecru Dr. geyser load • photograph taken of
me by Dr. Cargo, the 'artist, after I began to gal
w3l It does not dome my *peanuts* as bud ea it
was before I annuuramd taking the cordl.thue. Yoe
OM PO the photograph, one of which Is new in mf
grostwelon. and alto at Dr. Kayser," Iff Wood ottreati
I would also date that I took the Blond Bearable
Which wee merle before Dr. Esyme ceracmeneed oaa .
tt. although It taped use some, I did not art
rover fast unit.' I got the klnd made by Dr. Ewer
blauseli. One bottle of kb did me mare good that
two of the old. I believe It Is • pea dead Munger
and batter. I lath recommended the Blood laorcbo
er to • great many of coy friends for various &mean
wadi believe HAL, helped .the whole of them, 706
may publish the If you wish, and 1 em maxims that
all who are afflicted as I was may oa cond. I
Ikis elfy, Eco. 4 Mom street, mad am employed 610th
tub S andersan's Colon Nubia Works Wayne
;trust DANIEL A. BOYD.
t gee to fillgo, et iahlt:o2 and ban Pm
into Wm! In both ryas Me meal] fotv 7.. a.
Ite. Hemet 111)0111 t xos manna &goo=
asked atm to pm ma dtractlons to the loettaMo ,
get the ilia to PhEladalphts. 11. told ma that
teed not go to rbfladetOblo to leer well, as bit hat
maellotes that would gam mae as be sal cif dim to
was On iha blood.; I Ins vested gm tt Prom tzate
items On tbs bovdtal to able city sod was rollers&
bit my disease always returdscl atter • scanth art=
after I cams oal of the borpttaL I bead my elou
sass was tagarelog sod I malad, by the SafiC• et
Rood Mend of ado.. ow Or. Hayes. wbottas restore(
it, AO. sad my gym are newly ta wan steam
The Doom gau.las , Llndasy's Elsa
emste. DAVID IttIiISOLLY. •
rittcburtb, MY SOM. !title s
WM:ea—lL P. traitor, luderaua toret i ts.
.tray pity.
Menses, September U. ISCL—I bean, moltft
that I ban bed • sore ley for over/ • Tear. It ern
revered wftb edam sad sores so tbat I scald w t
wort to naillS Ely legewelltel to tbat lon
enable to de for a bog at In n
eh months. I ananlortlts bellfteftre In Pm
My, bat sentient any benefit; Lally I called on Dr,
Berner. at No. Ida Wood street, who cedy attends
on atom two meth tad gin co at two bottles M
cledlons and I am 120 W nttrely er-i: ood ban tat,
Mud mil fat eta maths. I am employed et the
Itente ICArlns Hong, on north street, Eine an
Pfeil VW en. • THOMAS !A BBE[
arEl cantirl IC ell ths tioly kW. lu Il.r.r 110•2
PrfoiChi Use
4 3:140 4.t t
OISOM.L . _ . _
M•roo1b Balm;
Moab Balm•
Ma/malls Balm
Tbs star thbp nedidso hanagnads IS Lbs
stuffy of noun 0 =mantra* Lbs llto t Plot
Moo Into o Ittoolotto bor disoono of the b of o he p ad
Throat, to ow offering to nolnotog buttoottyths no,
solt of Wm ozpostosea. TbLot teat great sad pod
Agatha to propood with snob nonntos too tidos.
41:0154 acrigualy for li, b, thmiSco , trove= SD
liVil• of commas too , . .
ei loo coxed cum Cant at Oanteu4ootal Ma alii
IMMIT.Sadi or " iraitt tta ' r--
litiitH cm 00 • 'OO , inli ti in in.
ilaustbripmer adam tllssam of Ow HIDEISTO u
O ita
xi wm can Bsououins.
• .
It wm we ASTI/11A. . . •
If mill =ISO= =BOAT obbLD pa w%
icriiiitare 0 000n*roz,Insi_
Moldier's Bitten;
Baratta's Oates.
II in hayallis Ditapaa,malDailHaDra DTI
PIMA MID. sad:ll aba , do mat' am
van. IP De . la• qua of la= Yo,
welled alma-tat ready, •
• flaaricall at hboarauaD airs Domlydra ctaair
lay. Alit*: at PM wit irsta# licit•Psik
aalpt al Ona.Daliar.
- ' Do.lbeyalltesaoall rya
gala by De. =SUL 111.4.110 Wyse Malik
UM tii&R • ,
LotazDrearr, - -.4fti;,;±7 ,2 :1
tad altar lIIMAT A - -•
ttnl 1911111111ILV • •IA .) - 4:
term the Pmeenier [tattoo (isaart ensalrej
fat,o ► co., 002014 at an etaUmi ba,tirmal Pttlth
burgh and Pheadelpals, astel-s,aklaz &met comma
Coe Bu lr Tor% at lallculetaSl-a.
"r/ut TUBOCCIa MEM 211Arn' hew 1y Pu.
tongiL , lttattni am . ; fa Lt earmlan d.
LEV a. r gUIVEN; ~0- 1 . 1 at 1 1 ugh.l.143t11101:14
Ir.sateg ermncettazi a 2 Hurixbug br UM.
msa amt Ny t p.hbzus,, ctd tm-• Saw York eta PEI*.
eer..t.U. • _
inerTHEOVflif - =Pt . MEI TIMM herrn daft •
&ED Foci., suasion emir at principal crantani
Ctraol connart ct arrllltrxx Itallnacre
woctra nsIZ
ct.a, an fl
d for new VA • U dilcutown nrcie
end Pnteadalr
Tao YAM' LigSkarn ata C-tagaa
I n la a a ti t n ay a a ,
cr..,..,k.C Ba •i± a n s
stLd:oft:rZat 4
Vtzlfr.trte2, ml at PtUsltlpatt far llata tart.
LCCCRIZODA.T.IO72 Tr.s.pais.
R.L'alaa 45.100Gtanc2 11601 Mate. tally
243 eterriel at ell atattaat
ata ranclad titr t 9. Ccri=aratZ: , -
lirtestAnszam Mate Ira Tier sSatbfl 1?-9,C3
hill (atm"; tazdaY) at •C‘U ) 9 . W.
far W 311.1 Mita.
%gm d.n7 (acay.t . St:4a') sr. 1.147./ a. ma
• ?Wed Accr.mnuaattc. 'araba far Victry .SV9.
1990111 994 (921944t119032.7) Y. #.40 P. 19.
iliorrmiateati!on Tift Mu War. stain
t a ayag 4.114 fc:=Yl fYatday) a& a.:14. ca.
The, Obsrsb Train leave' Wall 'a nation every taa•
tay a: DM a. raltrantry • Ulm Pfttat - ugh 1:11
Astaufma Trial nein fa Sitteama 6a .mtaw
Yank:Kara 4.r.rara, 11:60 ; 4.
;raw, p. di 4as Llaa,-LtECI a, at:; b
deity Traln • lM a.m.; Jobar-otra •
190 ir..• Pint Wan's Stativa
tf.t. e, ea.; Seacrs.4 Ffre:ra fnatloa fasomatastiCa
am a. ro.; Thc.^.l Sat= Accomisodatke •
LC p 6 ; ;:c.-;ti Wegi Stedo'l -dmmorrlaSka.
1:115 p. o. • IllalEir_rn Rcprf.-p ?V'errive rtttbYhlt
adatl.Lla ftprga at LtV p T., eh Meant
Vab-stm 13tvatwilleand InutazioomasigaiMatra.
ifla latersastlen• veal, Tltrouzia ACCOISMCdinan.
, atalt-ra. and Exprvia Tram ISM,
tad with Ealtirsort Lima aad Joandown Auxma
nadattet Watt.
Train■ tos. tbernbure ohniteet at Creams with ltz•
Plesa Trains and 111•11 Trate
with Tbraishit f
Acaoceatc4htlaa and larprews Train Nut,
will C:414 IS anatill b th , tr East Lc Waal, travel by tIo Pt - ^-mtylviolv
o=tral as the antetititahttcea taw engin!
7-szclas M. rautTar- en an Mb', rode. 'rain/as:lt:,
Pastad *RI itT.e. azd is claire!, Me Seca de*.
U. cat prosla• tred and cm:tart to 13
mai firm MI; Wad with tOir parroitv-
Zo Zigw Tort--$l 9 501r5 IX
it_Pl.llwlelpbbs.... 10 50 To:Lxzen
to Esarktm ..—.T
Dazspo cbc--3.t4 10 all Etnitria rn tr.e Pirannrj: C a)
ah thrutral 0521%51 4 1'51b2.15;1 1- 00., Beltlstrae
mai Has Itazt.
Puma= varchaftt Ira bo
Muted as =oar., soxaCtaz to fleas** travels; to
to the etattoa ratio, azrvkl tun rtztsP.J
Vane tbs Lm la Arcot.
190TICOL—In case of tra t.C.o=temy will Vida
Vasamsdras nsposallalapG - xtal kamrs astyr,
sad tar an =cu.: not mcoatrAlitOrt
Ti. c.—An o=alloto Moo hat' bras amolovoi to
an Cl pastezaztv end 1~ to anG:traem tba 1)s.
Gat, at a diary sot to mesa IS aorta kr esola
=Pr ani ba=n l . aer tt;.tArto
At tie Pouttelvoni Cootral Ealtrca A gstsgu
GI girt. co ieborho 61111 i [tout. igns
20014 tonotang it calltliaTOWN
(Oonz llAran.) no troll known staamors
Liverpool, Hew York asd Flttladolplas Btasmillfp
O i gry are Intended to sal M Wow s
---;---Bastatszn lam 20.
CITY 01 W MELD MON eattirday, Oct, F.
CITY OF It AZIOHEISTEIL.—...-9aturds3, Oct.lo.
And eirm tonceading 13ataidah at MA, RCM fin,
North Blom
Papabto (a Gal, sr iCe ausbalesi is Curran..
Irma Oerna..--.580 00 Braman ...`._..SS/ 60
do. to Lor.don... 93 00 do. to London.. 15 60
do. to Pule— 93 00 , do. to Pule— 40 50
do. to Efaxnents 90 00 do. to Hernbarg Ir/ 60
Passengers oleo forwarded to UM', 111 . I=. Bat
tartlam. Antwerp, &a, at eqeally low tats.
Para from Liverpool or Queenidcrwat lot Osbin,
175, 585,1103. Steerage, pt. Tema arko wOob to
and forthelr Mende can bog Uttar bets at tb
jar farther la!mmattn apply at the Ocrepser a
Masa 7010 G. DAL% honk
16 Broadway, N. T.
JOBE 'monitor, A
Hand street, grit home from the Mer — . ,
c.hlertf Ptttebtersit.
BtrllLl El B LIIIIABGEREST.:•-ten soul- aria
MONDAY, April Mlle, lees, hates wIB kenra the
Depot of the Peatestrants Lamed, to Mts.
barrh, as talon :
Pindweill wad Wheelies U...
lime Pitta borgh LCO a. tn. l OM a. m. 1440 p. la.
do Wells thlo . IWS . itid
do Eltantwav's 6111 ..1 9:07 •• WS ..
do , Whaellng, 6•.10 . 10:0a .. DR
os •
Arrive' Ballatr.,.. 6:15 • ltedt . 6elo .
Counsoting at Stsubsovllls and Beth& with Stan
basins end Indium lialtroad sad Central Ohio Rail
road far Zanawrillo, Newark, Golmatms. Xenia, Day
ton, Indianapolis, ,Olndonati. Dndirills, Dams
Louis; it. Jowl*, dad ali yot is vest and soldlivist,
and atWhosti with and Ohio lial/nad.
argl! and Dasiond Um.
Loam Pittabenwie.......--.1 140 a. en. 12.40 p. m.
do Wallsvill•-.--... 4:10 • 1150 •
do II rd...—...........-- LW • 401 ~
do A.Manes . ...... eaa . 41:45 •
do 8are5um...............—.1 Tat • Iddl •
do Hud50n............ 7:53 • DIO •
&Mrs, st n ul...—.. ••thlo TOO .
Ganneati at Bayarl with Townrairas branedr tor
SoP and Canal Dower; at Latham with
Pittsburgh, fort Wayne, and Mono Ballesedial
Harms with Atlantic and Great Western larva
Dr Warns, 0 restrilLs, Iliesdrills, trans. Corm
Janmstown and Salamanca; at Hudson with Ohms
land, Dinessilla and Macdonald Railzowl har s =
Cuyahoga falls and linershard. 'aid st c
with O. & 11. IL R. for trte, Dankhi unel Dulisio
with 0. & T. B. 11. for Bandatty, Toledo, and deo
with Macaws for Dstroit.
Weellertile domantnodatice hum at 160 p. 121.
. . -
Batamtree trains arrive at 410 a..ia.rria *AS
&OS p. m., sad WO a. so.
v 'Elates to all ercaLtal L eet i= z a
at the Liberty Street
ClllOllO3 Altl3,ll3'lnket Ipas..
And at Allegharie
A. Q. clumsy:rim Tad Argot
Tar farther laforsoarlea, apply to -
al the rhaapeny'r Once to l'relekt Statism. Piaa d
(GAL WAY L11151.4'. '
ADIIIATIO, 3400 Eloroelover. MOO tax
arinsanie, Imo amm.p.wer, Lcal tan&
OOLIMBIA. 1,000 Horse power E,OW tom.
ANEW A. 1.000 Horio-porer, , d MO tom
Tbs maguttlanat aterroeblp ALBIATUOvW len
from Now York for Liverpool on 20112IDAI', tba
22 of reptembez..
Bates of porno tram Liverpool to Hew Tort. POP
abet te (lAA or Ito opinion% in Maas);
Itret 0ebtu....470 and 030,13t0eteue.......... CO •
Peeeenera foray lied also to Condos. Part, Haw
burg. Hans. Drama, Ecttordam, Aztverp, to., at
tarot Wu.
rani from Limp:rot or Galway to Hew York and
Data., $25 135. V% 555, SIM
For passage apply at tbs Wilco of tba agents,
OADYL t 62411L11, DI Broadway.
Isamu Toro. &Isamu.
al or, D. O•NIELL,
Glinmetde Buildriag.
MI/dyes Da Ditetb Store. Ptitebersb.
C LlBAltai LIN zs.—:tteam from^
Warpsol sad Qrszsgairs, 525, In gold, at Ltil
jaent V esiner-cy. Tram New Yotk, to tar
nracy. ealls rrea7 week. Apply to
maw* Pittaturp.
- -
°AULD! 1102.1L6D.
CuWe sco OF
ltan Ins Ca= ataatakealarras.
ehlaaton, D. tk_ usa.
Drown% ate solicited atiot 'Di De tecetrod at this
once tor the tarabking at CAVALRY 6/01161311.36
be delivered at littitour i lt Phllade/Dhk s Wash-•
Pox tne f m ot
harem In lots of not taw that tosatt.nts
lastatte bi from nom (lb) to slakes (16 heads
high, ham Ate (6) to Ake (Si yews old, welt
to the stedlo'compactly.tala, In pod Cody, and free
Don ail Mesta . • -
The ability a( the Walt to_
marl be inarantss6 by aro sopooate pm; !haw'
Vursimust be appookO to the mantas.
tattamallati *fibs intrantoismattbeaboon
tationatel es:Matta! the Cult of the awed
Onset, or the United Etats Dlatzlot
matt to sadnald . to -LW. 04 0. CL
UNIMILLTI,Chkt Clutototeastat. Doak, lhcnisa.
and Do Warted on the Dinky's, Proposal' kr
Mum. 61.. ?M
- '
e Lint. CoL and Chf. Q. ILEmma.CavalrEmma..
. •
lIGAR 01311BD .
1150000 Ma. llltchali l i l k
e l ; Cloolicual;;
do plido f/aiog
=AO Ettooldszr, -
10,0301100. MAK .
-100 Mgt Nitraramlly ikon
In don, asta tor nab at
coos. pwrirr co .44 . '
Fa 19 lialthaill stmed.
fp it A 24111 P ARENT—GROS- OM
C UM alTsTs oa band sad tar**, wbcdask
lrelfts9, as Vox.= dad 21 81. Cal Y IN"
sa i•
af, kiAl o ;d r)
Wk. /81,88 ii of " L
war •Nrirsuckmitatavith
'RIWIIINE1) LAW) U.1.1.—a barldit-4
sni"1"7111. %UM mut a 59,