The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, September 21, 1863, Image 3

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    gilifAlittgit auttttl.
se 07710141. PIPES OP =a OITY
The Oil Trade
Tho Oil City Bezirfer contains the following
mime of thedeial artriult for the past week;
The bnlitirdierentbru fair, and the prices rule
a Aide higher. The range of the week has
bean (rem $1 1 .1,6b to $7. Themarket closes firm
at s7'ver„ at the wall. Bumsare asking
$7,13, brit we have beard of no material sales
alt ibis tram At this point we quote oil at
$7,5167,76 per bbL, and $10,26@10,60, bar
rels toelndisi. Bat a small amount is going
forward by the xlverOt being too low for
seecomfal rasigation. The hoar of the ship
mists are now being made from Franklin and
Titusville. The amount going forward hem
these two points we should estimate at about
3 000 hermit per day, u near as we can udge
bllzy people estimate it iota* Ave hundred
b.rrell higher. Thus is still a great degree
of activity in boring wells,bsit are have heard
of bat few new strikes. The Crocker well,
our the Shame), oommenced to flow a few
days shun at the rata of about 500 barrels
par day, oil and water. The bead of gas
seems very shear, and the well will doubtless
Warms in quantit3 of flow. At ptefint the
proportion of oil produced daily Is about 200
barrels. The old Clark and -Banks Well; on
the B. McClintock farm, has -commenced to
flow &Belo, after Wee stopped for some time,
at the retool about 200 barrels per day. This
is a good age, and chose conalusinly that
the oil supply in the fountain: of the old wells
Is far from being exhausted, and will cause
fumy of them to be operated upon forthwith.
We have WMr known a better Mellott. pre
vail among &hiatuses engaged In the trade
than at presoak. Moos are fair, the demand
fully equal to the frupply, and the fall humi
liate promisee .o be large and remunerative.
The stock to all the cities is unusually lipid,
and the %math," wanted it Immense.. The
market her, closes firm and buoyant at the
llgnros named above.
State Fe lt
The Stara Pair to be holdup= the grounds
of the gut Peuneylvania Apiculture'Society
at Norristown, Pa., September 2924 SO th, and
October lit and 21, 1803, promises to be one
of the largest and most interesting ever hold.
The Committee of Arrangements are most In
dustrious, and driving things at a rapid rate.
During lad week 384 feat of shedding by 20
test In width were emoted for the reception of
vegetable", graboo, nods, stoves, 'gritaltars'
implements, machinery, kt. A tent for the
floral and fruit department, 110 feet by 80,
has beau hired, and the Barrios' of the cele
brated florist—fir. Southwood, of Phiiadel•
,phla—itive boon obtained to superintend the
work and- arrange the fruit and flowers.
These intprovemen4, in addition to the large
hall, 100 feet by 50 feet. together with the
wings, 40 feet ;quart, will afford room for a
great number of articles. Prosi present in
dication, the room will all bs required, for we
are Informed that the Levi from all parts of
the States are most encouraging. There is a
promise of a steamilreenglue to be upon the
grounds, which will force water daily for the
stnply of the ,fsiz. and also test Its fall mipi
city at throwing water. Skutt power wits bo
moored to propel machinery. The track is
prononcced by hometown one of the best half
railer in the State. Norristown is acosseible
by railroads to every portion of the State.
Al! the important retinas loading to Pails.
&loins and Norristown will run ono/talons
end the Pennsylvania Railroad, Pittsburgh,
P,rt Wayne k Chicago, the Cumberland
Aid - the Philadelphia, Germantown
and N4rdstafris have art agreed to carry
freight free, 'sielisat to certain condition'.
The iiillo,le tiPecred tobeeffeeted with other
important roads. The premiums In the aggre
gate airentirit to eborn 87,000, and are the moat
liberal in *very department, and offered for
almost everyconestratce article. Nor cats:-
lope of lereenirtell and particulars, address -
A. D. Doegshsr, Secatery, Norristown, Pa.
Bishop buopson.
The Arnim/tor, Oitristise Advonils has
the fellnitieg cioneernirg the departure of
Bishop B:uspion s Taesday evening, the Bib
kilt:, the Bishop and his family left Oh'sego
for the But via the , Pittibargh, Port Wayne
andOhleigoißilleby ; the Bishop, however,
left the family at Orestline, scrag to Upper
Sandatky,to preside over, the Central Ohio
Conference, the family going to Pittsburgh,
where they will *male • few weeks, and go
to their new homy. le Philadelphia about the
Ist of October. Though the evening was
stormy, and but fiw apprised of the hoar of
departure, a considemble air:opens vire at the
depot to bay their Utensils. To say *tithe . ,
removal et the Bishop is regretted by the
whole' Protestant commanity of the city b to
peak very mildly. By our ehuzzli on the
ilorthweat lib regarded as a calamity. Stet
white regrettlan the removal, the universal
good wishes of the peapie follow the Bishvp
and his . family to , their new home. As is
preacher, as . *a pettier, 1143 en eaterprlsier,
pubilci spirited 011,11412, the Bishop het taken
the foremost plasm in the Northwest. He
gees, btt hie wort recialiss, and his hems will
ion; Be In the hearts of oar atlases. The
tremillous and toarfal farewells of those who
puted fries him mill hie ;tithe train indicated
the depth of. feeling and alisonon. We trail
that every way the new home may be con
genial but stile that nowhere can there
be more of warm affisetiou and hiik esteem
than were in oar Northwest.
topperheads at , Church.
Party Copperheads, dlspbtying butternut
badges and armed with verolvers, appeared
at the Concord M. B. Church in Bostraver
township, Wistincireland county, on Sunday,
oth inst. Twenty of them entered the
chareb, and when the praviding elder prayed
for the President, the artniihand the destrato
lion of Naivety, they sprang Sip, and It wu
suppcsed:monid have made an attack cn the
smallish but on looking around they discov
ered thatibieittemy left outside had repaired
to &blacksmith Om where one of their num
ber bad fallen, and these bold." insiders" left
the chinch, to look after their tenon compels.
lon. Many of the number nevem" to °turd
anywhere, and were Induced to visit one on
thls ocassion, to make an attack on a ohria•
Can minister who was dlr.:barging his duly in
upholding the Union. each IA eapperlield•
Distinctive Fire on Butcher's Run
On Sunday morning, between twelve and
one o'olook, tiro was discovered In the bona
fastory of Mr. William Martin, on Bstober's
mu, Benne township. The flames spread
rapidly, and the banding, a large throe, stay
idols, war completely gaited.. The loss Is
about 64,000,0 z widish there is no insuranez.
The soap anefentndl• foetal of Mrs. Ar
nold; cone story brick bonding, with .frame
building in the rear, also. ought 6re and was
datiralad, renra 63.000. tdorenos.
The '.ayarloomse 'of Molars. A. Masysler &
Qe.;_oppoilti the above property, wuroorebed
oa the anterior, but not mush damaged. The
Are is soppoced to bans eatight froui a tiro
nndoiolin of the pots in thiboon tutor,.
801101111 Dleturtranee d in Allegheny.
`Three mien , named
...Alm fallen, Patrick
" •
Idertur nod Petrlrk Blunts, get drunk twee"
eirdalty CI the cattle yards, in Allegheny, on
Elaaday ratertiorai and noted. In a molt out
rageous inander. ' Tho s . polio° acne Were
needed, and; Oak Peri undertook" to arrest
these non they were vigorously asseded.
Oloor Wills, wee varyvoughly handled, add
ha was errapsllsd to use hie rfirudyrlAhy coke
EMI on the-head of 42 /len, haying th 6 blood
to door truly. The other tame bid to re
tort to eiolodt mtuvares to quits the other two
Friona& Alter* severe sung& the Tartlet
wen a7l ptioed In the lockorp, and will have
&heating this morning.
Hiarr Ifitoiy.—Thoz• me • very heavy
best vuibt• on reerulas tbronyheue
ma melon if seenstri. The weather has be
ams Ott•hesli sad Am are found nesesaary
4:4;giNst; i
t,igtoClissi cam , s Boans - astabitsa a
digit fia pOitivist JOU 141144601 a Ito*
saaliit - an ,BiOnday. -, The quotations yam
01141 . 444 . 14/ allsvtd 7.
. . .
AOT/1/ossiollisale.othindiur• at/ tow,
taiastros traude)iegirsthigrid /0 0'910014-
00/110Caahoriiiursiosi /Mk
Assault with an Axe
• On Sunday evening, about live o'oloek,
a most brutal and unprovoked assault was
committed upon the person of an aged Ger
man named Mathias hiltseh, ?fiddles ea °hie
Street, near the Diamond, Allegheny. It 'p
pm' that two men named William Elkin and
Nicholas Miller, while under the Inflames of
liquor s . went into the yard in the rear of
kiltsols's dwelling, for some tarpose or other,
and while there Mr. Micah came out end
asked them what they wanted. One of them
replied that they wanted something to eat and
drink. They was told that they cosud get noth
ing there, and were ordered from the premises.
With no other provocation than this, It is
alleged that Elkin seized an axe and itreek
the old man a eevere blow over the left eye,
matting an ugly gash, and felling him I. the
ground, where he lay insensible for some time.
The men then made off, but Elkin was tam..
fluently arrested In this city, by *Meer Wray.
hillier was arrested in Allegheny, by the
Mayor's polies, and both parties were held to
&newer a Merge of assault and battery, with
Intent to kill. Mayor Alexander visited the
Ware d man, bud took his information. He
in not 'apposed to be dangerously lejtved.
The blow from the axe must have been light,
or it would have proved fatal, as the man is
seventy. three years of age. Elkin I/ a moul
der, and resider In the Second Ward, Alle
gheny. Miller resides in the same vicinity.
You oc Om Cpsww.-oa. Tuesday unsling
last, a are broke oat In the Misery of M .
Eastman & Son,sitasted in the unpin portion
of Boonville, Bu gbanan farm 'come four miles
from Oil City. The Are ;caught from • tank
that was broken .'near by, which flooded the
oil Into the establishment, The refinery was
horned to the grotto& • Capt. Alden had quito
a large amount of redo. d oil in the establish
ment, all of which proved a total logs. The
entire damage is estimated at $31,000. The
lon taus heavily on W. W. Eastman & Son,
as this property was all they had.
MATILD• HIRON.—Thts popular and IMMO •
plished acCess, always so oordially woleomed
by our ,cdtleens, will commence k,er fall tour
ld this city, making her Ant apt:urea*. on
Monday coining, la her grant °barium of
°amine." Mugger Henderion boo made
the neceimary preparations for a sumnisful
"ran" of this great gencation drama, and will
pat It upon the stage In the very but possible
shape. He has ccoured new austery, now
(culture, ate, and will endeavor to present
the pleat In better style than ever hifots.
We anticdpato a very scout( al engagement
for this talented lady.
CHILDIIeB CLOTHING —We dixeot a tin tion
to the advertirement of Meyers. Gray le Lo
gan, who have formed a to-partnership for
the purpole of tarnishing to the public ovary
variety of children's clothing. They will
keep a large and vatted stook of bars' soles,
both for school and dress purposes, manafao•
tared by the but honsu in New York and
Boston, and which they sell oa the most fav
orable terms. The arm is composed of Messrs
Samuel . Gray and J. C. J. Logan, aid their
place of business for the present 13 at No. 16
Fifth street.
, Toll Moots MIJISTRILII.—MIN fine troupe,
embracing a number of the best musicians in
the country. will give a series of entertain
ments at Concert Hail, commencin e tt this
evening, and continuing through th week.
Their reputation le so well estabilsheif here
that It is scarcely necessary for us to mom-
Mend them to the lovers of the peetalcv spa
des of amusement which they represent,
Their programme for this evening ls , novel
and attractive. and they will doubtless be
welcomed by a largo and appreolativa Audi
Tn PIudirostr's.PIWOLANCTION.-03 Fri •
day, in the United. States Dlstrlet Court, at
Philadelphia, Judge (ladieslader stated In re
gard to the argument upon the erect of the
President's Proclamation, that he was of
opinion that proem:lingo were suspended in
where the write of tutbeu corpus had
been Issued before the date of the Proclama
tion. —He was also of the opinion that no noir
&pollutions for writs could be granted. Be
stated kb' intention of redatingto writing hie
Pray Le Otc Crer.—On Tuuday night last,
the barrat Motory of Messrs. Roby & Co., at
Oil City, caught fire in the drying kiln. and
ts 4 damaged to the amount of $l,OOO. A
terrible aordsgration was prevented by the
whims forming in lines, and pasting waist
Inbaokets from the river to the burning build
Tag Tax ow Ou.—lt le egtlmbted est the
Atoome paid to the Government from the
Pam:tedium's oil well', will reach $5,000,000
manna= There Is no lox on eras ell,
and this manna Is *obliged mainly from the
ter of ten unto per gene** on refined
A 1102.111RALILVAT to OILDON.—A company,
under legislative authority, hue been formed
it Oil City, for the purpose of balling &home
railway, to Titusville along the Talley of Oil
creek. The fntentlon of the • onopeny h to
transport oil between the two poloto at a
ruble rate.
Riau. Parsonage —FotiT-fottr dem rebel
prlrmere poised through this city hat night,
on their way to OSEap abate. Columba', Ohio.
They oame from Fort Delaware, and were In
charge or Went. Brooks, of the Parnell Le
gion, Maryland Infantry.
lIIIIIIUTOII.—Three females were bsptlsed
by immersion, In the Allegheny liver, below
the suspension bridge, on Saida; afternoon.
The ceremony wu witnessed by • large num
ber of persons.
Clorrnulans.—Mr. Banyan, of Ayr tp.,
Fulton county, Mel no less than nineteen
eopperheade in hb garden one day last wuik.
Must of them, we presume, were of very ten
der age—not old enough to vote.
Joss Duerr, of Wooster, Ohlo, fell In the
strut a few dare ego, white tato:tested, and
sustained a fracture of the sign, which ended
In speedy death.
CLOAK OPINING at Dszkor's, 59 Marken
street. Wednesday nent.
GICTIII AID BArza's Bnrato V.4.owunis, for
tenth Aud maritthoterlag purporsq, Are the
ka:tin nu.
A. F. eurozy, Oateral Ago--L
No. 14 PIM (trait.
esovia MID Nonni's Braun rdoontin, tot
fazolly and manufaanzzing parpotto, are the
best In nos.
A. P. thu.sorr, General Agony
-No. 1,8 Fifth stmt.
Tnyeas Nese, Pistil sad Onsamental Slats
AWE., and dealer In Ptemaylvaxla and Ver
mont slate of the bast quality at low rata&
Oltee at Alex. Langlilln's, near the Wata
W orb, Vittelnuel,Pti apleent
Lvriamoxiltaummen V oburrsess t.- The
attention of our country's bravo defenders re
cently returned from the seat of woo, and of
the publlo to general .is again directed to the
'very extensive and handsome worts:Lent of
the latest styles of French, English and
American piece goods, for pants, Goats and
vests,lately received by News. John Wider
A Co., Merchant Ratios No. 128 Federal
street, Allerierey. A astefel selection of
wo tlemen's fornishinggoods.vill also always'
be found on thsehelees of the estsblhhment,
together with a lot of ready.autde obiliitug s
got up In the boat manna,.
Itsurremos linsameato —9. Rudolf,
Bag., atillitalovills, N. Y., em, in • lease
retsina', of Mn. d. A. Allen's Zylobalsotonmi
Ir. is the but dressing for the hair we eon
get, and the most stalled for. Her Hair Nr
sonars is a mantes' remedy for boldness
and gninosi. I could preenre more testimo
nials, but that , fame br already too well es
tablishod to - ngalre them.
Sold by druggists everywhare. Depot, leg
Greenwish urea, New York.
11111110 ii tlosntn•s, PSOTSCII YOU /flail% I
—no gastsibli inn nil lean the gips without
• supply of Hollows' s nd Ointmont.
Bar wowis i bruins, sons, Assn bud dysen
tery, then medicinal' an the bat
world: Sway Zoglbb and Irian soldier
rises tkoso. Oral 25 oats per boz or pot, 226
°XXIV= and 0.11111191 OAzie wit( be taken
at the Omnibus offica, No. 406 Liberty strat i
day or night. All orders Ws it the above
place Will la promptly attendant& Ail ealia
lanai ba paid is admits. em.
claws Otani* at Battaes, 69 Idatkst
strast ß la sat, , •
loos DOUAI' tow darn. •
You dollari, bar dollars.
Dental Institut*, Dental Institut&
But cheap Dentterry, but clomp Doodstry
Illeassoldno work, no machine work.
O. Bus, Dentist, see Plan 'taut, attimi
bwitms •f his nrefessial.
CLOAK OPUIBG at Barker's, 69 Market
sleet, Welneaday nelL
ALBRIZ—Tn DAVID, Note , on Trtday. the illth
tart, JAIN ►L BBILE. Er., to the 7th you of LL
ago, formerly of thin city.
7t... Coulon of thin InAltatko boil.. oa
THCrIIBD4 I", A. 224 cr Cctober, 1861,
and continua until the Lt of Moral, ISC4.
6. M. EDITH, x, D
IProamor of Theory &ad Praztido.
VT a50:8 o►tiTiJ, tl. D,
Prof Otst sad Da. Women and Childian.
Poole: or An.toan sod Phyrialogy.
J. W. HAMM" V, EL D..
Prt. eta grry,—Zra and Tar Barmy.
e LOVING. M. D.,
Prof alai. Tbrap. a Mad. Jar!op.
Peak Obeaktitty sad Toi!oalogy.
DaatonErator of anatomy.
Homes Purlieu:a-7M [lieu will hat - einem
to cif:it:al hotanie In the Obb Penttenditry Hasp l4l
and the two Wire 11111ha , y Ilcatiftah at We Owe
/or littonnolltn alters
selft.lw o. N Olt[Mit, rm.
w. C. 1taXXX....../. X. DATIDXIX.—.....I. DLVIDISOX
Awl dealers to
Or scary description.
X. L. ILAILI.OrrEI. Zif CO.,
ou'zriEsuarr EtTEEL?, Pa ADaLPEIA,
RIBBONS, RID °WYSS, *0 , lc. •
Boaighl exclualisly for cash, and *Malt NEU be said
a , • •tnall
ABILMIST Q 0 alrfialla=Blll 011711714
Owner Q and est motets.
Washington, D.A., earn* Vith.
A ANUS !ID nitl take plate at the Ostral, 8188
the Oberreatory, In thie olly; on the ho AND
bra WEDNDOLIAIS Or eirtllllßA LA the
P-0, 18th end MU days of the month. lb. gasTAM
I • condeinset es unfit Om Dahlia servkie. ,
Wu to commence at 10 o'clock m. of each day,
and In amilotod from day to day untll the number
n hand than be told.
Tams Ilisseb, m Dirternmant Wanda.
.2111.3.1 nopt. sad A. Q. W... Q. B A.
Matsu= Qusassaxastaa's Untcs,
Corner 0 and red attest%
roadhozdos, D. 0., hoot Iltli„11143.1
NTWOS —Ni ill be sold st Yuba°
Auction at the Quartermaster's Warshaw*,
au the .Suers batmen IS and r tad %at sad 20
attests. on Wan& DAY. the 4SI Outwit, a Imp
tot as Quortennoatae. &arm, esta•caneS as smu t
Fa d
solace. conals , lng to pars of SOSAP IttOO
and 1.31.4111111. ea DtiLES, DLit, Parts of
Ll* ItS sea, sad WAGONS, SLUM, TOOLS, and
tsr 21.11iNT4
Term, cub. to Cltmeramat
halo to aononoonta at o dock a tn.
Oapt. and a. Q. 5. P. a, 1.
PAID.--We Late this utelbcd of Won:Ong car
Monde and the vitae generally that vo, are now
prepared to 1111T114 Tscra wITHOOT Pair
to the practice. of Dentistry. Thar who hue been
(LL morel &modal aeration 'may RR
all'e their pan and es. ea a call, ex the nano
rats. wo bare In are boa bat, thoroughly tasted dia•
Inft the put (oar yaws, fully eetablishlag the cart
end Within character of the OAMtIO9 No Drone
or C'terntrale nor Galvanic Battery rued. All that
whaling' the *Moos of a gdool and reliant* DeWitt
will do well to all end !Oath with
fifth drat:
or, Do
wwww•e 11••
So. CT BRIM!' T.T.D MEET, Prrristmaa, PA
largad and glad up In gala* atylz d.ll dad
cadet o. th• *won alwayt Cu baud.
our Dalai= ()INTL.-% the Ant at the mom
!WHIM EL , N6v, Taman N. !Imam,
Nutair PkaPPS, Ja , Epedal Partner
Clauarat Pareaara.
o u,a W io rtrusascat-
Deixtrosturo far Iron. Goaoaal Roams; and ototue.
Dose rcr Amts. Past ego. Freight std-Lcoom3tlvo
talus, So:. tro.
Iptstrarah. DoDurobn Ytl, 151.3.
Fll5l WANTICD.—A 1 , arm of Land,
IL: on any of tee railnad Duet, out *reit°
. tufle•
fro toe city and not over two mast trom a . tattoo
It moat bq hr. quality eon, .4th goof bolldlnp and
niter lm mermen:a, mid may contain :rota 60 itto 160
a'rer, more or lass. ;nay yarns bl•bing tq ou.a.b
• farm. toly And a pnrulater by addr.a.log .11. B.
11., o.aarra 061101. Llttabillikt. ha." Ittihll par.
Mullane about quality of no% Inentinn, littnitutr of
acre., Impromarota. prate. no. antlitl
ARiuuratthip IN THS
PIELD.—We are DOW •IZOPOODd to tarok!
Coral. and oilman of ntemboate with I8TIS•11
11 1 011110 of any Oa. and locos a. We will Webb
CU the saarlfaery of le Net. and 'guard In pole) Cl
'madamee le acme. We hope, by car rrozaptocan
In oanalnin op to Woe, and lb.. quality Of cot work.
to Oars the pe'r,n‘ge if our coo direr amt.
N. IS. 1101.0,
• Beek of AlloghanO Darer.
Zcatens wb7 tt L betel LW Dry raw,
1. It Ir firmly rotted
I. It bur to trbottrar.
8, It trod emu no au*, or dart.
4. It mod. t h e mod Istwit bast.
5 Ifigraerrrt from riot. •
5. It Li Um atorttoccomls4l.7.olsh.
7. it h Sat Me forth the lab.r.
Fcr silo by
•eert% owl fisithirld ltnw
AS Mids. cboioa Pone Bko 21:12u;
AS do tale Cubs do;
I do allamail B. 0. do;
70 MAI. A ages Ca;
ES do B do
20 do 0 do
de do ata■b«t£ Puled dr,
do do Bsb•d Coba do,
Actoolly oo baud and Mr lab by
60HOVAltill t Libil,
aulß tea bib LICoPty
Wtolprolo &tetra lo ENS/7 ASP SUMPS. Mt*
now Id min Molt Mil nook of goods., which thry
wll mit VERY LOW nu CASH
tionotry Ilormatto "mold do sell to call Wort
proodaslog alamobero.
°Wont promptly oft/m.3od to. ..It
tsre N—
il 1 reek chola ObetonstllNurramed Bow Dried
1d) bbtr. EttuursPyftp;
100 bmsrprtme Eno Cr 043;
Jae remind aml rce seM by
11%,u1e b 7 111:611PD SIAIIIILTOB.
et./:%011.61 . 4 WO TO.
60 badtels prim, 21:0014 Esid;
100 010.141ppIer,
2) 1141:16 Mutter;
To snln .altar Bala by
see len Nomad stmt.
p EFINE OUG4ite.44o.bbb; .1 oirer!
U fore Hefted, 'Quito& sad Palvortzsd
'sod Benne& White foal lellaw Futon, jun pa hid
*sad for saTe, tttall a o$ thl ramp/
Gram 7 hien or .
corner 'Liberty and Bud stmts.
P. l o+ll l . CURED HAM.— 10 deices
bust qually Otneienatt P. O. Bann, jut ea.
alved and for Ws wholesale and Isla% at La Pun.
Grocery Mara o:
corner Liberty and Rand street.
VU13410AT4 , 40/1..: -
1001b18. pstri'Diack Oilek 011 i
-SS . Pcsaklin
Wsenutot tree prazos . ant. and not t.,,mr: • amity
at. - - M& DAL EZIWils SON.
oa~lYY— sea. 1711 Weal
4uo buy Irani> .reett
1. I.:mm*4o4lolOP laxnoolnd orld ttt gals Of
No 191lemadytteai,_
Nl7 FRANK 91 yr Goal:rim
Ih nutaltin yeast ls Gat 61111011 Ai _Ommils , tov dousreffludgr.
mute. WIL,IWOOD.
=i ::~{~:
I~c «~~,':aGb~a`~>uv.n~r o ~'us ~.: sr~=i~i~f}e~'t2-+`t:; ~l
THE LATEST 11 E, w 8
SA42I DLipotch so tbo Pittt'ourgh Gootito.
WAseiloros Cl;T,l9,pt. SO, y 62
An official dispateh frcm Gen. Ticseetans,
from near Chattanooga, to the War Depart
ment, states than& TeOrindaSl3l3o to ram, est
Friday, developed the away, and brought on
a partial engagement, in ehloh ha lest at the
oatsetlrrest gang, and the admire Vat cam
polled to fall batik.
Yu/kiting forward
,selztbeeeznetts be pushed
the enemy book add reocrrered the lest trecuid
sod 'asp:aria tlitaeon 1116
erse expected to be resumed paste:dep.
1M.P0.)1741T /11.011( ill-G4aaro4
d. private latter, front Ragland ealei oD
high authority, that the lobe! rams will Dot
be allowed to sell, Or, it allowed' 'en E`r gliA
iron-clad will comney them. =Kr. Gladitoni
bee been converted to our ride. it t .
vestments are about to be made Ib OUT Beorai
ties. . • • ,
Xesterday le portion denciailtsforti!s com-
Mend swam the Rapidan, near Blom Paid,
capturing& considerable bomber at pilioners
and retarned safely. An Indiana imentry
man, comingaoroee a. rota LlentenaaVand
four men, made s charge, capturing. the oatoa
mad routing die others.
LIACISTEIIet cotrs. • -
'No doubt le olotextilmed in eht tinny the
Longstroo's borp, has iFit.n.e6 - 4 South:,
Lts'a prciegt 11:03 b leatlataW at wit . over
1111 ff YATIONAL Baas.
Third Nationel Bank of Now York, capital,
000,000 ; brat laArtsnotorille, tudiane, $OO,-
000; janeavllle, g 125,0410 ; Identoonik,
Illinois, $51,000, and Germantown, Ohl
00,000 hors -been organised. Jay Cooke &
C. open, the 140 National Bank bete
4111871.3TILCICTIJIT Itizakarnos
Bale for Europe by Wedrerodare steamer
from New York, on two mouths• leave, In
vast of houltb—loet In the dim:lugs of
ardnons duties. The clerks and beads of
bateau: culled upon him yo etcrdey to hid tam
good bye.
Presented his credentials on yesterday as
biltdator Plenipotentiary tom Montano Ts
presenting tne old and the only Goiretutant
of that country. •
oloantserioa or Can Goan n'sznnotra.
Adeloss from New o:leane ehow that the
organizer's's of the c ;rps d'Afrlque,,cridoh It
to somber 20,000, it last being completed.
Nearly 15,000 blanks have been mastered 10,
and riremits aro ei raki, g 10 vary rapidly.
The Provost Umbel hea decided qtrektriglie
of party drafted to Iniget on exemption, is st .
privilege be may waive; and dots waiter• whin
he furnishre sob:LI - nice and pap commute
the. Ile cannot
.attarwards be permitted to
retreat that wal►o.
H. B. Olmstead, of the Comptroller e
psrtmaot,'sita to day LI% sw York km 11U
km Head. He goes to behalf of the- Ohio
Ettlisf Assooletion, of this oily, on `a rellgt
miltion to the Ohio , oidlors on dory Ira South
Osaolina. He also goes autitirizad to casts
the necessary straogemente for holding an
election on the 1311 t proz., among. the Ohio
troops, agreeable to the taw of this &tate.
The Stoney Lost on the Meunier
Ruth—Mash is go of towels—Callas
tersest restage Currency:.
Westueores, Sept. 20 —The Treastror of
Ito United States ha: meetly eetteived adds.
tlonal ovidenee that the two milllortilollars, for
the pay of Qen. Gnat's army, was amoral,
ea bomdrhe simmer Rath et the time of the
are: Minh of the money hes boon moormed
la a otirrelnondition, end si ootanitellon bas
been appoinadro extend the istrah , far the
portion Jail missing.
Sines the omit spation of Lawrence, Kan
sas, eight or nine pachapi of noted bars been
tont to the Treasurer to no exchanged. They
.hero been subjected tutee ire, bat torte net
Waled beyond iadelitillsellen. It AIMS
that the ohemloateeintiloyed on these notes
torso a coating which agrordiA partial Pratte -
lion from lire. A t •
It has been smertailled that of the fifty
owe postage rarracoy, there are Mad different
eonnterfslta ; of the twenty OW/ and ten's,
two nob, 'adv.( the Ores, ono. Toe pretest
postage le oarrenby. aoudad Into the Treastury
at the cele 110.000 par day, and .about
$2,900,901:191 .the $10,000.000 lulled lite:42-
ready tiesit seciired. The My, cant aid
twenty-dro ochl noise will be withdrawn.and
the nisi cad improved tunes will soon begin
to ishh.lholr Place. The withdrawal of the
PS And ten Cent nstee wilt be more gradual.
Reported gvacontion of Ittetiotoidr..
'a tie Hebei Forces oo the Ataptdam:
Ipereased—Copturo of PrMows.
Tistrixona, Bept.l9 —The bowie...wee spa.
alof t Fortaw Monroe ocrrmendant rant
Thorn Is a rumor those which obtains begot
with went that Itlahmond libelee. eremite&
Now Toe:. &pt. Yd.—Washington epe
eists state that tee reported erecuation of ,
Richmond can probably he accounted for
from the foot that the rebels ars withdrawing
their atom from the Hoe - of the Teatimes
railroad and teattsring the= south through
North Caretila towards Atlanta. This la
caused by the esptare of Rut Toutouse by
Advice' from the Army of the Potozose
state dud Cm rebel/ ep➢rn to Ufa In
crusted their force along ths
though determleed to mist any crossing by
our fortes. but showing ao 41spooltlou to
moss themselves.
A smell number of prlsonen brought In
Including • rebel captain, most Lie is
commend, th o u g h thou are swan of MOON
of hls reilimetlon. It Is not billossi *64.
tie Is Imminent sinless the rebels attempt to
The Itepldsi Is much swollen.
From Mexico and Japan.
. Sas Feasottoo, Ocpt. 10.—The stomir
&Man Age &Mind last night, trlth dates
frcin the City of MOXIOO, iris Acapulco, to thi
10th of August.
The 'obscene* of the now. shows solidi,
among the guerrillsm. rho have occupied the
1111/lill roads loaning to the capital. and but
captured mieral Pruett trains, awing mush
siliforing from • garotte of provisions.
Cann=leaden with Yore Crum is constant
ly teterrapted.
The guerrillas oanophod Jalapa and Otislis,
fiallph: the. Branch Minister, had been
poisoned. arcing his dangerous iitn eEs .
The ship John Joy has arrived from Hens.
Sawa. Anima 10th. Japan continue unquiet.
A British float of twelve vessels had sailed
for the - widens shore of Japan, to linish the
punishment of the Deimos. who had rerun,
been tsken to tuk by American and Brenoh
men-of-nor. '
Examine of Generals...4loll.ond
lioanoka In Fighting Trim.
Nair Tots; 9ept.,20.—& Patten Mane
letter sem The rebel Goners! Nampar, cap
tared at Gettysburg, Is about to be rzehenged
ter General Grabara, now a prboalir et aftdi..
The iron. chid Boa:tote has been put ID
fighting trim, owing to a =OM thet the rebel
iron-elads are about to make au attempt to
amps to tea from ;aura neer.
Guerrilla Depredating.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 20=insrrillse still bar
feet the southern:.*de...of theTstOweer of'
total miler's poverty. On . Ihttradey.
11l horses isii3 3 foal wagons. together vital
min; tiff Into the ban& Of 18 uniformeatinpv,
Mies, oominandon3.. by Capt. Stringfellow;
while on the we from Catlett's to Stilton
Roseeraus Attabkidby theßebels.
The Enemy Repulsed and Pun
ished severely.
The Groom! Recovered by Generals
Thomas and Davis
Casualties In Wounded Heavy,
but Few Killed.
The Corps of Bill, Polk, Johnston and
Lougstreet In the Fight .
HrATKIPAIMIS dm or rue Courrasarco,}
Tagus rimas Taos Couvrosu trarroa,
Alrrouois 19, 19i3.
An engagement began about 11 o'elock,
with a heavy attack on On, Thomas, form
ing theleft wing. At the eitne time an at-
Mek id light, se thought only to be s feint,
wascritaihe n on the tight wing, compesed of
McCook'a and Orittanderes treeps, thrown
14 as oonventenee offered—the main portions
or, each being on march at the time. The
fight on the left was vary desperate. The
enemy *u repulsed, bet on being reinforced,
!Pined the poaltion, from which he was sub
teeneritly driven after a desperate engage
ment of an hour and a half. General Thomas
elierged for nearly a mile, punithleg the one-
My leis/lily.
( About two o'olook the rebels made a dell
' - on Gen. Carter's Corps, composed of Van
Clon's and Reynold's division. Van Clara
wee streak on the right flonk and, being wig.
vronsly pushed, fell batik until Carter's lines
was broke. end his troops very badly soot
Gen. Thomas on the loft and Gsn. Davis
right, threw forward their forces vigorously
+o wards the Gap, and after a hard fight, recov
ered their ground.
The fight on the right has been light—the
enemy apparently proposing to get between
an and Chattanooga. .
The general ingagament began at four r
:and. ended abetst
, Palmier, who had gathered the scattered
forces,-and Nogity, who hod been sent from
the right flank to feel the nutty, 'pushed for
!Ward and re-established the line u It had
bsson befcre—parallel and along Chickamauga
Creek. The °minify is level, think', over
,grown with small timber and broth, and nu
'favorable for the use of artlllery,and very
little has been need.
The casualties in wounded is vary heavy,
hue sarpri•ingly light in killed for is heavy
e mushaty engagement. The engagement
as the lift was a heath:mom roll of mtitketry
for house.
No general edlosre wore lrjared. Colors*ls
Seg and-Bradley, commanding brigades, aro
wounded ; Col. Jones, of the 56th Ohio, Col.
Carroll and Mein Vaunetta, of the 10th In
• dtaaa, ITGazdod ; Lieut. Jones, 03. A, 101
' li:diens, killed; Lieut. Col. Haat, 40th Ken.
lucky, Lieut. Col. Idozeell, 2 / Ohio, Lieut.
Degrew, Lleat. Ludlow, Lieut. Feseenden,
Battery H, sth Artillery, Lieut. Floyd, Betz
tory 1, 4th Artillery, Copt. Brown, net nu
wounded ; Capt. Searles, Aseistant Ad
jutant of Sterweather'o brigade, killed.
The 791 h Indica reeovered a full buttery.
Battery if, of the sth Artillery, was lost and
The light la not yet over, and will probably
be mimed to-morrow.
The rebel prisoners taken repro/sat that the
eons of BID, Polk, Johnston. nn3 Longstreat
were In the fight.
The IJr.lon troops aro In the blot of spirits
and eager to been 11701 f.
Latest Itom Ctuulo4loA
Nsv Yost, Sept. 20.—A. Morrie bland
letter ruptcu that the robots are satessesly
basy In rspatzlng Bamber—steueaters are con
stantly plylog ems Item the city with mate
rials therefor.
At deserter 'eye that atom strengthening
Sumter and planting mom batteries on Jsmu
14and, Beenzegud lutends to mime tho
amities. in order U possible to gelid pones
!don of Morrie /stand.
Chatlotus to said to bo full of robot troops.
Othoi aosounts state that II oasy be I 'rook
yet betas* ElMysore will open are on the city.
an. Gillman ha:Flatted a congratulatory
order to bla troops on the capture of Morris
Islalsla ,
In which ha rap the city and harbor
of C baton ilia state unroof our artillery.
'lb cup:olio, of &rebel msgaatos near Pt.
Jac nla contra:ed.
Ono of the English Items Ready to
Salts , --An Alliance Between So.
nerd and the United elates Against
rtaeCe-.-Oen. Butler to Re-enter
the Tseld.
Wm:au/ton, Bept. 30;--binciels to the N.
Y. &raid say: Basest edictal satins state
OIL one of the rebel rams was ready to al
trout England, anti wu supposed to be waiting
a fateribis opportunity.
Au..Cottes, et Sonora, waited upon Bee
teary Seward to-day. Minos says hie obleot
Is to establish, it possible, an alliance with
the Buir litotes against the Preach Invasion
Of Mu
Gen. B i
utler s about to mutes the bid.
puke*, by Tetograpti.
New Tina, Sept, 19.—Cotton firm at ZOOM, fur
intddltog uplands. Ilaqr bassist% advanced folly
do per bsrml.ed.fia br rk detaand for export and
Mute ooducop,1011.11; tb.1005,0;
.sztra State, 55,50
605,76;• Coannicti *rood Bgrted braids extra It 110
1153010744 - tra4d Wanda abates fairm,• no eaters at
itigidiniontattOns, InchoUnd 600 ternte Rocd extra
Mate for driat ton• dam to smut AP. Wbb.
key • ends tower at 191L4d0X; Wheat 'salted hal
lht per bombe! tettell, With a brut &mend for export
and bob* nee at oiagesl,lo for old Chicago a/Meg,
51,16 tor ddo* new do, dt,0301,20 tar 1111wookle
Oltib; $43161,27 for *lntel; red ',fibre, and 51.40
fur 'bib ...ware. Corn victual and Yd bettor; dm
mood Abet opeetdattro, et 70078 for ebtopted mixed
;end cWfcq uanreld. quotations. Oats doll
and to lower et 64471.. Whits Patrolmen dull And
bearrat• 36(537. Crndf,6no barnal reflood bee, at
PI and 750 bomb tinned In brad to account et lb.
boyori 0g..13n et 63. Port opened valet and olatioada
shed. drover; 114014133 old awes, !MAW tenet
dot dto,t11)03111)( for new prime; d13,M41.11. • liter
grime Mai Best dod. Cot Ids•ts a abode army;
Oaks 125 parlidee at da Oda tleoleders al f3•l2dkat
Hew and Duero dI quiet. Lord catenteal 55043
Itnner end clued unchanged at 103R510%.; the bites
as extreme at tea clue. Cows, trent ltatell.
'sato quit. sw:131; tnerllnd from
trot eau bins maims -Gold divinely blghw;
opened at I.3>k 3%; declining to All%
and elodeg aa ad%
Gerernrof et 'wet/ ,quiet and without materiel
obese. Total exports 36,4'0.
Ost ',ado dent.
10.—rear dm and 60100 batter, ,
at Se.6os6 70 for *cod white. Witmer Wheat at ,
the sod , 807,30 better; taller Att $1 cotsi,aL Corn
abbe eiddi'bettor. at 41®61 Cala quiet et 4%
.W 7 .Iteoftpb, SAC barrebof roar t SiCCOtrnattele
-d Wheat • aktadd bobtails - of Corn. Shlpoteut. kad o
bomb of Plow: 68,000; butte(' of Wiest 133,000
truboti of acre.
11‘.0111000 t • HOW . 1.0819 BOW
AXIL' 1115TOWOL-Juklpublistled.lo =dad oa-
Wow irdostjz Oust& _ & Lean* CM the Motu.,
7,roittosotiod,4 ollo 4 Corow.fionoolorsbau. or,
& c a u l; viatica, larolnatuy otall'ona. nand:
DeNitt - azit JsappOoatta to Mardogo nalitel .
4 0 1TOnalge" C0' 1421, 0 06, Innvit and kW. Ism.
tai A usit . ggalea-Inavadkv..toolgODX Itoal
Mom; 4,11 30 311; D.. author
4tui Gm& 13ook Aa . A g000.t.) llstuot4soft
nre,p, amt o•toc sukla a Vidgi,
on. odotom pest•p44,fonroceat ofig pub
I • t it Omni L 4 .... 11 , 1 414 : --0. sue&
rr LVIGMS4I4 tal
IJ ..,Assiaer -nWy jek natio igo t k m a g.
soy et Squalid wn.taate Unmet- .
J. a. MAMA,
ssU • ••,- • , ,7 1 1 16•110111 tyska oftwar. :
- ra:f
By ettoNtrttoly cub ottrettilot, Mad dtrrfag the
tocont deallto tit. Etatoro Porte ts, Ina ..Ina
bled to offot tits gi Da ►nertment .f hoods cva
trotibt to tto 04x1htlzs of
I ELVETS, 1r111:11311L9. nresarAL 13 P 3.17,
11C031ITS, lIZYr ear 2.Att
0 .A. Ri P r 2 S I
Window ifhades,
Piano and Table Covers
Ake, • veal tedoesd stork of ld A T•T par
dotard fa Ms 'Opair g truss, labial us veld Slops.. of
glassily tamed pr:o el, to maks Nom for other
Pstrchstres weed (13 wel to call sod ass M . O. oat
slack. sews ars areadrat r.o an offer vast.: In
duce:ll:coats than soy clltex toms la Ms otEr.,
N 0.13 rI/113 LTTAZIT
McFarland, Coffins & Co.,
71 AND 73 FIFTH ST.,
Betwris the Pod Ogee end Dbpacig
Having last porthole! f.r 0.13. dollar this resat
favorable coadtct.a of lb. in .3 keg... most .s tropic.,
tad complete assostaseut of oh. sociviai szd choicest
styliie of
du Cloths, Itindow Shades,
W. sro now offering goods
137 oar redaction is price, we bass a'most awed
oat rue former pnrehasea, and n:w to taiere
at wholesale and retell
Übrarpwoad b 7 say ever oCcred In tbli dt,
C a,ll - u. nat. a;. "
A lere, orsortartat, ',Mob will Pt` cold at a very
groat radar:ma tram tats priora
W. D. & H. .11 . CALLII11.
eetrtale A rtriadm .nte o the ronytuvwct
He u roolval is gee tirelg cod fro..foprrgovo
ffree elf Lis r`oetateamoo/g4 of Neetervissaie ty General
Jamaely MI, That the folio% lag amen , . meet. h•
propeso to the Coss' Pu'llo of IL. Com Louie. • Ih,
le aoourduass with the i.mortelims et the moot arti...
thereof 1
There stal bean addatioal lotion to the th'rd
article or toe roset.tutlon, to he d.els . a' el as etc
tiara sorer, as follows:
Bacrsom 4. Vilesueear say o' Ito gasified s'ec•ors
of ills Comecon wealth 'Nei be Is set :el WM..
re service, nada • retyal.lll. 'rot the Preesd•ht
the Oult-41 elates, • r by the esibouty of tut. C 00..-
ogorm.alth, rash *Lectors tone the Ifs, GI
suffrage la all isoatiora by Cl. attLlena under suca
roan anion se sr., or tbs.l b,, pr.. ',lsm I by 1.., es
1.1 10 as 11 taey war. p.c.% t It ttei. ton ;Leo 4.1
Thom ihal hi two ...acti3224 recline - 4s to nil e'ee•
nth attle• of the Cotetstnti.e. is be d..-.7'autelad
mot:mai elebs• and Wile. ea ',nips.:
lizattow h. No bill 'hall i s tet...t by the Leg , ele
toes, eohtelettic Isere thee one .Beyer •ht:n ,hell
Ni clearly expresstd In the tit:NOW:4d eptrow,le.
It. till •
o,olos P, Ho 911 b. rsittl by th+ trg'4l.-
tors r. sotlog• any i.,04 rt, cr p - Irdeges, .0 nor oast-
Vbffo the .OLD... I y to gnu p-iecto. OS strati,
ego.. boa tr., of 10,01, haaalto • b. wslartra 14,4
lb. col:0U of Lb!, C.lamoasroslo
. JOON 11£8F.5fri.
Sprat,/ of Doors of Itrptreso wirer.
.11.18 N P PICNNZY,
Epeaker of the caste.
Ornez or Braarrsri or t or CormosirclLTll,
Ilerdshme, Jell 1, Ibl.ll.
_ . .
PENNSYLVAIiIA, ta. • LQ - fi
Ido busby curtly that the fors;ohog sad f.'s . '
gummed Im a fail, trua nod correct copy cf th• . kit
rat J dot Iles*lealoo of th.. Govern! A sum It. er.'i
tied •.A Joist lissoletfon proposing rand • Am. cl•
=lents to this Ootstlualt a. the sass rolnalr.ll 011
gl• tm thls oalca
111 TISTISOWT Whereat I bail , livr,ttnio set try hens,
and Wisest the goal of I gsuarettory's clLo to by
salts!. the day Sod year st,ra
Wl:omits Beastary of thu Lb.
',WILLIAM. A. WAR:- 1 .,
Itetiehaw's Bntidtag, 7d em. hist ; entreocr
on I.lbarty street. OBoe boors from aa. m. td! Bp.
it. In cedar to • proper 'alders' audios on the sari
of thole who nosy call upon ota, I ds.,m It toy ditty
to deelpiatettome ot the things common In he pas
Meet dentistry, which I do not do. In the arts
place Ido not pre a deem credit to any one. 1 do
not melte cheap site of teeth ; 1 do not sacrifice by
Mate attesollon, sound, healthy teeth, to cods tea.
Wert attache,. ones; I do not, in any I.tanoes de
*troy the lawns of teeth, thereby cbco
Uatle to the =at pat:Sol re
end their sari;
key the mono certain. Throe, and numerom other
Pim which !could ossify, Idt not do. In the
Choice of motelltale props Is filling the teeth, t
ash. trot • Limited car ei told, hall of
pond It the host of all effectual in their presto's
ton. In all sues, howcwir, involvtos the anon.-and
of the teeth, Ido eel hesitate to make we of It. At
to the QpuYKy ot things or plop of psi. a numbs
of watch 1 lasorted In the years or 'ltti-'Bll an suit
besting testimony to my wortunsaatdp, or perhaps
Pionld ray proPenlana e2l/1. 1,18:t1
PUBLIO NOTLUE.—By an Act of As.
numbly ontfned "An Act to mown Joao to own
travalers." appocreed by Ms G.tvernot nay inh.lBol
it lo toad. • penal onent• for any pengsy tto t
reantaxly withootstd Essen of a 11..1'i oat Com
pony, Co tell tb• whole or any part cf Oat - coops:Ws
tickets, puma cr other ev.dtacts of ttabt to teasel
Wool by nab Oamposty.
The malty bp aAs of not excleontur Roo Ettoe.
oral Denary. and fosyrinsitacat tar &Mom not oratont
ins oso
pitte f. Welty firea that the benetka of the
'korona. ad law win bo safercel borer( or. ogolcat
all pinata who may vklo.• tb• *saw, 6y p teaming
thwack Mats to Or from tea Eatttrn cities and
ethos.&Ryden at* portion cf snob tickets In els city, to
Any winos who nig haT. parchased thrrogh
tickets,. ono who do cot tow &lire to tratefon a ham,
om ha* Cho timed portion retsina ander Abe pro
slaloms cassia Act, by prosentbiti them at the tilatet
T. A. SCOTT V P set Patna. U.' H. Oa.
O. W.. Otkto, Preet P. Ft W d O. 11, f 1 Co.
J. 11. IIeCOLLIJOGII, Posit U. 6 P. 0. 11. CO.
PULlibargh, 8 , 10. 114 11163. .017.31: od
COIINIII3 lI7TII AND 11 1 / 1 2KET 131111:1213,
rA •ad lkt .!Dries, crrer Elehardeon's JelnU7 Etort.)
PHOToor.A.PIIS, of emery du and area, Ado or
colored, from tba copolar Osrt• do Milt* to amedats
Mr. PIIIIVIANOM would particularly can ea M.
tantbas al the £ Ass. Emu to Ms cesy eces
tally of OW
, t, bob; roodssd ti •em.
Lb shalt Sight at awn.
sir h . q . ganaum, Ica instifictlas amaze•
WRECKS OF buceusieUNl'd FOR
ire Shia
Weise. itumn's Dumfries'. "
ernes Or MAIOPrOsTr 11014.
ET, Term t it:. le. ter.}
Tha welt of the stems" Mitt' ?VW te. ',AL.
Lilf." mitts eor Dm Cu int. helow Cialletje, th
U. ectubtt.eid raw,.
Abe:the snack of the route NPAIMInt TA,"
wiz the hitt of ILat2othi that% ha the Cniater.
tail river. ' ;
TO. stothlntry, tellet sat Ws of es elms.
newt beats es* ?split* t t be Cid.
Tbet wall he toles* pub`to iambs .0 the tathret
.I,lldit, es the It? DeY Of. tf.t.T081.1111,13: to the
city oi Cttitscel ONto, la , of the o'Xce of Cot
Cu At LIS 8011111 D r, .I.Q. .
Taus ash. ID.B. Stwery ctn.
'Di c 2413. at int& Gil. VOS Atari
,011.'" & 4 P alt!ft%
vete " '.' ' . Crptile ant 1. Q. it
- Lioa BALB,• • •
1` IS% azoolitiajaiti) •
Ose T to
ovals guider6 s4 " , 4 , 4 hot treks.
Gti~tD •, - .
"bag 01-Sortts '1%440"as *stiem.tell..
*e ash. . fi.
rirB. T. 71860-5.
Psavoial of plosatary Wits trottblo4
tts•s,Oltods, palptlntfm of tbs boort, - of sp.
pouts, dleare OW sating, Used User, mostly:.
Ifon. as, &sorra tosalt. If they eUI ron try do
Width are ram rscenzieesdea by the Mihail cella
atitherftlea, "14 warraracd to predate se hx.=estints
ben. They are exceedingly '- eeetl%
perfcctly per,. and seta repercede all ether tealat
e tars a le.,lthy, putts Els-alma. la rcitirce....
1 bey peaty, auslegthen and Inelgerale.
They create a lealitly spir at".
They "re ea ant Leah, to chance of water "e 4 44t.
Th.y e•tramesCects of di:death= =elate hero,
They shemythoe theeyetessehderalvon ate ape.
They prevent isltsostlostel leeertalttera Caren.
They per. Ifythe truth ate sclZl'yet the eutlatoh.
They rem leyopecelsand Cotalpstfer%
They care Martha" Ch.o'crs and Chcltte Barber.
Rtes . care Liver Co: plezt sod tv'eretCv llnddcbl
Th.y make the weak guars, the languid b flaeat,
and are ethane hal netan's root rata, er. 'Thei era
onsspcani of the celebrated Catucre but, winter. .
gram, sereefrcs. root. aea h,-t., all yr...crud in s
peradls pure Bt. Croix Una. Ye; particalars, gee
elrcalan and teatinsoulele Inmo.l-earla bolas.
60101.6 01 Importers. rzstrantrovery tattle. L t .
that It hag D. P. Ilt.-nea• elsoltare 6e. one private U.
U. Blimp over the cork, with pigutatlcro smog, and
oar dm gigtutore on a Cue steel Valr;tagrivtag oe
aide Bee the/ ant bottle is no: mailed with
spurious rod data:ea/one stuff. 44 Loy petn,a
to snatch the tagta or character of oar gents. Lag
fornon pretending to .511 Fignitalog Bitters by the
gallon or In bo 1, le an Imparcr. We eel only IA
oar log calan tcV.le. Loy perms twatotlog this •
bottle, or eelilog any ,ther materiel therein, c Baba
caller Pin:tett= tattOre or not, is a catatog/ . tofu-.
the U. S. Law, and will bo to rover.ted by us. We
alragly have oar eye on two sal, ire els tiling oar
bottles, &a, who will en vol to felting theyor tree
into ciao doer:era The debased for Ifoke's Plan
'WlWl Bitters front ladjer. elergicgd, Yearchnoth
to, la perfectly izondlble. The supple trial of a
bottle it the evidence we present of their worth cud
enpetiotity. They era sold by all rarpoctablo deny ,
rate, grocers, ph:Wangs, Bettie, etatanatta
aocany etuyea
?,19. Dra.F.E
C,ic - 1) Is. t'S QES
TEES, f4r unit, wholna:44.til "La!, Ly
Cort.f SmlttCold sad gocrth Staales,
ima , arn-Issaar r
(rommel 2114...11. A Co., D4rd0.m.1..)
The only 'Mew saa.dai a - lt% a Pr:[, ELdsl,
?eaty ext. - Iblt,e at the Internst',enel Re-bib:tbs.
Tcr too by
"The Confes=iona and zap= ieneo
tilf e 8 ItlVALlD,.pobilated to the bedinCit tnd • a+
et training andO6l:lllC.Li TU SOZY6 LISS
suffnr item Bervons Dehitic , 7, I - amnia:et I.ecoy
4anhood„ ate, supplying, at tho .12.10 tfay
UK/Li:B Oi nELY CUBA. By oda who hat 03.04
himself anon being pea to gr,t exper,or and lkinty
through medial hutobag.and qt;t:ct cry.
Br onclnel.:g a root r.ta addretuod envelop', sin•
glo eopl•s may to bad o• tho author,
ATHitil Ai tt RIM, Kat,
zny2l:l-f weir K y
tsu.penor . 4;opyox GALL ti4l3
zLii,L7I.IIG WoB z, Prrnamsro3.
Stamut.-... - um.r. of SR EAT RING, P.II.6BISES . t , _ZU
stet, impcztata and dtslara 1n:1E1,415,T0 PL
sampr IRON, WI EZ, Co. Constantly c.. 3 k'Sd
14 Find cod IT) Ccavmd setrAns,
Pitt...burgh, Penn's.
111Z - 24,Atial tram of Ocwit cal in any drit-e4
IM - To dervous bn.gcrers 01 Matt,
.7.6.2 Lia—A moo:end gentlosnon to. •
stored to health In a Oslo days, calor anderigotas a 1 4
the mood routine and, Irrocator ospor.olve roodoa
trostmant, Athout conoiders tt hle tat r.d
duty to oostraurloa. , to his a/11cl.d follow 0f...t0:0n
the ULM or MILL Eause, on the regnstpt of on.
drummed 0r.50107, ho wIU mood (Imo)* con tol II a
7CC5...1;:4513 1:1344. Direct to Dr. JOBB IL DAG
11ALL,166 Fults - rn otrosi, Brooklyn, B. T.
JJ UTUR Llotil ii
11. a' ;KILL= sapialie a -sake Lac navy anal
honseltespve. Every Eeet all] kill • quart vb bete
Vas eat tb4clr. Evalamber lbat le le BUT 13•Efi . •
Mai doe. thla, and r.feee ttM tee. tzat
are offered. The nal article It for tale by all reapeeta•••
ato.o DraWata.
b. A. SA..ENZSIXEIq, EON lc CU.,'
•• cornea 01 Meet and WOO.l streets,
jell.aadalyr Pitt,bverb.
Wn. 0. 050. r rotatllPi
a. SCA. Carr rullia , Orr.
MIIOIOIIBON, IllsA 1k F.O. (suc.
C, Ira= 00 E.OlnirOlt, ?Imola Hat au,) WASH:II6TC.)
Woosa, 3'ousplas amp DJ Amami, Pittstunh, Pa.
Efanclartnrars of BOAT ASO STATII.NE ET
LEGS, of all &so fplloa. ;Of L. TA EB Q ATILU,
' /quits tor INJEOror..,
turfeedloic Bottom .11e)
Or' JUBA UOUJI2.4Ii sou.,
Nanufnetnrets ofTllOl5l anILING, IRON V &LILTS
WINDOW ODADDS, do., Noe. 01 &woad street bud:
88 Third street, between Wood wad Elarbet.
Etta on band a variety of new Patterns, fear . :
and plain, imitable for aU parycitta. .
Partisnlas attention paid to enacting Crete lot
Jobbing der* at short notice. ab 2
Wrird.fiONA ua
Long . , .Miler 4I Co_
Worlu at Sharpe:l=x tlistioa, rillesk.orq Vallc;
Railroad. Mound Wdraturoso, ruaa try:
Maeatbtmennt ILLII/lIINATIL - 6 and Ltiaßl..
CZ" No. I REPIEMD OIL, clarraspd ison-enlo
dre. slimy. on blind. nark lid
erfi. HOLMES a, 80111:1, - Dealert
lIOTEB AND BPEOIS,No.b7 klarkotatznat : a . itta
adrOollootiono mono on .fl Mao orhicipel Ono
throngbarn tho United State,- aetn
M'IPINRY S, coLtnis, For-
WARDING lairo Ca11t1.1951011 MEitaid Nl` and
...handle dealer In aim?, BUTITII, 617 1.D3
MB, and Produce generally,. cs Wood so'ce
Plttabirgh. Ps. . sal
p uzislatitkittarSTY ABACK PAT
023.101 AL CLAM AQI72:.
50.:103 EvikA., gllrd d0o• Woe as Cabrina.
an leoended Cleaners, whs.' ban teta la tbo*ln •
fr r it In171:0 " 11 nte. P . `, %!.1 7 ,, , ,. "'
rears are ale* antlttakto the saw tonal, so,a4 u :
Oreolaarged by krona of dtpea•, are entltles to n•
ate'r ' Vtdowi of eadfeti olte ne •r I 'le. tr,
tee weal ate =tined to ponalcau tad the 11100
Hottens, tun e do.
&Cods' aslattae of wary dricrtattru e pvistattr
tended to, no amp castle In SDI can nun the
I. K.ILYt..A 1.4111111
a; l'ApintszL,
- end Ck Ems,
!Ica /14 riusli=ra s ta. •
in tniOitly iraS ildWatipdttl344
'r.=tot SOLDID.WI24I2r. ortre.Vz,rn,.„-e-
Lbw, UOUNTlWkarsil fatthattill Selltent P
Salo3..lcr:ironsdod 1112em. , 1Md
TSB wad 1191Z1810218 frIII6C4IN Aim t C4, 7 1 / 4 s ,
obniren, sattostsullieril t -As asterb;i-a - it -
is:astir*, pf Om= 100 ow IL s'asstwv.f i cs
ries - d1 5 241* - Insitsifs'tsa:sapemie ' 4 4
t ainibelliewasktSri vat",