'Oitstittrof 65 g zettl 86 , SATURDAY Ifaitt' 9 ris maf 1 "!--I r '. 1 . ----. Y r ne ,, date contained 77 , 6 FvccilW ri lLoot Assembly (0. B:), sn „rote 0 11 : ,man some interesting iron wgr i octstical reports of members Asett• o wettire Churches, show that the D ih6 c anrch, New York, under the pas .ol4o care of the UT. Drs. Spring, and ocedd, has • the highest number upon its communion roll, having 833 members. The church ministered by the Rev. Dr. McElroy comes next in order, having 714 members. The church at Acadenda, has 710 members, Then follows Dr. Rice's church in New York, and Dr. Blackwoods' in Philadel phia. The aural in St. Joseph, Missouri, Rev. J. G. Fackler, has received the largest (116) number on profession of faith, during the past year. Next on this list is the Ger man church in New York-104 having been received into that church. Dr. Philip's church of New York attained the honor of giving the, largest contribution to any of the boards of the church, namely $80,500 to the treasury of the Board of Home Mis sions. The entire sum contributed by his noble congregation to the Boards, was $61,991. Dr. Rice's church in New York, gave $12,180 to foreign missions. In this roll we are pleased to see that the First Presbyterian church in Pittsburgh (Rev. Dr. Paxton's) gave the munificent sum of $10,270 to the cause of education. The ar ticle closes with an allusion in general terms to the gratifying condition of the pecuniary affairs of the Assembly, especial ly-to the fact that "their is always a com• fortable balance in the treasury at the end of the year, and investments are constant ly made for the purpose of securing an augmented income in lime:to come." —A correspondent of the Presbyter, writes that a certain Presbyterian D. D. in "Dixie" quoted the Declaration of Inde pendence—after the new Southern version —in a Presbyterian pulpit.. Speaking of the "inalienable rights" with which "all men" are "endowed by their Creator," were "life, properly, and the pursuit of happi ness." —Rev. Dr. Shedd, assoolated with the venerable Dr. Spring in the pastoral charge of the Briok church, New York, it is said he has concluded to accept a Professorship in the New York Union Theological Semi nary. Much regret is expressed that his health is inadequate to the full responsibil ity of the pastoral work, —The Union Presbytery of the United Synod of the Presbyterian church, South. (N. S.) in May last' East Tennessee adopted the following resolution: 'That this Presbytery will neither license or ordain, nor receive from another Presby tery, any man who does not sympathise with the South in her present struggle for her independence, or who holds that slave holding is sinful, and' ought w be abol ished." —The Pennsylvania Baptist Assoois Coon meets at Salem, Westmoreland Co. Ps. October 27th. —=According to the English corres pondent of the Episcopal Recorder, who writes from Paris, twenty new Protestant places of worship have been opened in France during the year 1902, and a num ber of schools have been established in dif ferent places. —Tho Christian Timer reports a gra - clone work of revival in a Baptist church in Albany, and that something like fifty have professed conversion, several of whom have been baptised. —The thirty-seventh annual meeting of the General Protestant Episcopal Sun day School Union and Church Book Soci ety, will be held in the city of Providence, B. L, Cie Gth and 6th of October. The an nual sermon will pe preached brthe Rev. Dr. Morgan of New York. ,The sixth an nual meeting of the Society for the Increase of the Ministry, will take place on. the Gth of October; in Providence 8.. L Sermon by the Rev. A. Cleveland Cae, of Calvary ;Church, N. Y. On the 7 th of October at the same place, the Board of Missions of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, will hold its 25th an niversary. —The Lord Bishop, of Winchester, during a late visit to Aldershot consecrated the first purely military church ever built in England: —Rev. Dr. Nonod of Paris well known in this country, has long been afflicted with throat disease, and it So reported, there are but little hopes of is recovery. —A correspondent of the Sunday School 1 Times, writing from Troy N. Y., where the State Sunday School Convention woe lately held, says fruit Is already appearing. The work of extending Sunday Schools in den. titute neighborhoods is the outworking of impulses strengthened if not implanted daring the minion of the Convention. —At the lest meeting of the Board of Managers of the American Bible Society, a grant for the Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention was made of 25,600 testaments. —From the report of the treasurer of _the Society "for propagating the Gospel summate Heathen" of the Moravian China held at Bethlehem, Aug. 21, 1883, at He eighty-sixth general meeting, we learn the .net capital of the Society amounts to $158,- 992 90. Bishop Jacobson, President of the Society delivered an address on the °a eon. —Dr. McKee, a member of the !ate Irish Presbyterian General Assembly, has lamplilted a transletion of the Shorter Cat echism into the Hebrew and Syrian lan- MSc& —The celebrated Dr. Judson, says a Baptist paper labored els years and saw no eonverelon. Thirty-one years afterwards, 'amity churches had been formed in his 8.1 of labor, haring in the aggregate Ber ea thousand members. —A Regimental Church baa been or pulsed by the 28th Connecticut regiment in Gen. Banks' command. It contains see en,denottlinaltane• Thu Sohwonkieders are a small body of :C1441404 . in ) Bastern Pennsylvania, numbering 4bont. 180 Wallies, and about 500 members. They take their names from Cigar Sohwendkfelt,"a Silesian. knight, Who -was notemperary with Luther and Ideinitathon. The Aral families of this body emigrated in 1784 to thin country. The sixth -annual wootisi — orilie 'Vatic - aid 'Local A/anchor's A/isolation of church in the ,Itoltod States, will beheldllit then Union 111.- E. Clusol/ /a , ~%, ::`, , ,i , , , ,--- -,, ~, ~ ‘-‘, *."-- ~, ~ - • - c J - =', - •'-5 - • ;: z- ,,, • --. -.. - -- t.- . •:-,,, '.: „‘ - , - „ qr ., •_,.., - ~,, , ,--, - ~-, , , ',- '-' , •••:' ~, ..4' ~.. , , 'E , ,-, `,, - ' 5 '.., - •,`.... .-, ' ,7_ r ,:: -4- .• - - 1.„,,, , L. t ,, ,...: , ;.` -.. ,F ....-w. •-. :vv.,,,E.. 70adelphia, to commence Saturday, Ot- Puri Poaysarre.—The Baud of Managers I orrEuzel ING FROM PARIS -1 GOMInieIAL RECO.RI) sober 10, 1863, at 3 P. IL of the Howe of Beings have obtained ex was estimated at the last annual e t,. lll ;:t i L l tv ' meetbsiof the American Board of Wisdoms, 117:et:no of and on, late James dweristri; names have been 30 intimately and Is honor that fourlartidred thousand dollars would 6 :1 m i r . 1 11 ,,, ta lis t ( h ot t l b or te 'i . 1 " apobdt manage coat "le e " be the least sum that would enable the from -t the hands of insti t ution . B. Wall, artist, rrt and Board to carry its missions through the can be c oin et GWet , Pbeie Wood street, until year. The receipta will reach three tliatnndai.nosixt methodLcommTLea.Bird hovt of f er p t a a y h i s n ly g dred and eighty-three thousand five hun- a deserved and endnring tribute to the memory dred dollar; which sum, with the redne- of there most estimable and benevolent men. The portraits, we presume, will grace the lion in the rate of exchange calculated in walls of the institution the estimate at the commencement of the year, will leave the debt, if any, very smith The annual meeting is to be held at Rochester, N. Y. October 6th. —The Generaltfeeting of the Univer satiate was to be h id In Portland, Maine, this week, —Church building in Australia is in the ascendant, Presbyterians, Wesleyan Methodists, B.ptists, Congregationalists, and the Methodist Nair Connection body, are all engaged in this laudable work. LOCAL INERTLIGEBC. From Yesterday's Evening Edition Tap McLain Habeaseorpus Caao•• Amended Retire, etc Our readers will remember the writs of habeas corpus, recently issued by Chief Jus tice Lowrie, of the Supreme Court of Penn sylvatia, and directed to Capt. B. B. Wright, Provost Marshal of the Department of the Monoagshele, requiring him to produce the bodies of Elry MoLsin, and flee. other mon therein named, who-were held in the military custody of the United States, and who claim ed to be illegally restrained of their liberty. The Provost Marshal, through 'United States District Attorney Oarashen, denied the juris diction of the Court, whereupon the Chief Justice delivered an elaborate opinion, In which he held that the btote Courts wpre bound to take cognisance of these cases. This deal:lion (which we published in full In our columns) was Inbar quently laid before tho War Department by Mr. Carnahan, and the further hearing of the erne was continued until Friday, the 18.1 inst, in the meantime, the Presiasnt's proclamation, suspending the writ of habeas ourpria, was issued and pub• lishei to the country. The ease of hi'Lain 01E22 up before Judge Lowrie, this morning, when Mr. Carnahan asked and obtained leave to Ale the following amended return: Grated Strata ex relation/ Eiry McLain 08. Cupt E. S. Wright. And now, to-wit, dept. 18th, 1883, the re spondent aehe leave to eubmit the following additional return; That since the return made in this ease,and since the granting of the rule for attechmtnt, to•wit, on the 15. is day of September ' inst., the President of the United States, by his proclamation of that date ' has suspended the prieilego of the writ of hebeas corpus, (inter sail) in all oases of soldiers drafted, enlisted or mustered tete the national forces of the United States; said suspension to continue during the present war, or until rucked or modified by another proolamation armed by the President. Said respondent further sabmite thee he did not and does not now meditate or intend to commit any eon tempt of the process and orders issued and mode by your Bonin; bat wee forbidden by an order of his military superiors, referred to In his former return, to produce the body of stid Elry efore your [loner, and be is now forbidden by the Proclamation of the President, suspending the writ of habeas cot put, to produtee the body of said Elry Ma Lain before your Honor, and that It is vine out of the prrei of respondent, and contrary to hie duty, to do co. lie, therefore, denying that he bu committed any contempt, In fact, and wholly disclaiming any intention to commit any contempt against the pleases and orders issued by your Honor, would respectfully submit that the rule fer an attachment agaius him should be-discheaged. Lie further sub mits to your Honor that said Etry IleLem now is, end hoe been since the—lay of Au t,1663, held in military custody under the authority of the President of the United Staler. EDVD S. WILIGHT, Cepteio end Provost Marshal. Sworn and subscribed before me this 18. h day vi 6qt:ember, 1863 Tnos. J. limas, Pro. B. C. W. D. The argument in the cats, by agreement of counsel, was poetponed until Thursday, Ooto• bar 15t13. This was owing to the feat that 11. D. Foster, Esq., counsel for the Relatore, is rammed in an ejectment trial In Kittanning, while Mr. Cantahan will be engaged for the next two weeks in the United Rtates D's rtot Conti at Williamsport. The ,Chief Jastioe will be engaged in balding Comet at Sunbury in the early part of October. In the are of Cavanagh, the President's prints:nation was &In recited, and the hear ing was continued until the same date, by agreement of counsel. A. Desperate Womau Mrs. Margaret Hall, residing in Lot g's row, Grant street, appeared before Alderman Don aldson, on Thursday, and preferred charges of assault and battery, and forcible entry and de tainer, against Mrs. Catharine ' , Melvin. The testimony showed that Mrs. liad had rented two rootrisfrom Mrs. Melvin,and was in arrears of rent. Mn. Melvin demanded payment, and Mrs. Hall answered that she would settle when her husband returned !rem Philadelphia. Mrs. Melvin became highly indignant, and at once set about dispcesossing the delinquent tenant.. While Mrs. Hall sat in the door, nursing a babe, Mrs. Melvin gave her e blow on the side of the head, and passed in. Pres ently a tub fell of clothes wee pitched over Mrs. Hall's head, out into the street; rod this wis followed by that indispensable article of furniture—the cradle. Mrs. Hall was then hustled out, and the door fastened, when the desperate woman took a breathing open. The informations were made as stated, and Mrs. Melvin was arrested. She then preferred a erowsuit for assault and battery againet Mrs. nail, but there was not a particle of evidence tending to substantiate the charge and it was dismissed. Mn. Melvin was then held in ;500 ba11,,,t0 answer the charges at Court. lltea of fill lrjuien Andrew Mitchell, who Will . , as windy scalded by the explosion of • locomotive on the Sandy Crack Coal Railway of Meagre. Dickson, Stewart, & Co., in Penn township, on Monday, the 7Lb Met., died from the effaots of his injuries to-day, at the residence of his .father, in Penis township. Ha was employed as fireman at the time of the explosion, and was vory badly scalded about the breast and arms. The deceased woe thirty-nine years of age, cod leaves a wife and several children. He was well known to many of oar of thane, haring been employed for many years at en- Oust' at the county jail. As the explosion is attributed to a defeat in the iron, wo pro memo OM CLIO will be investigated by the oor- One?. Criminal Court Proceedings. COT OP QUAITIIIi 0PP1110321.-JUDOIIB errs {ITT MOLLOY, OTOWI IIID SWIM 18.—la three oases of the Common wealth against Rogan Bolton, of ELM Lib erty, for ulnas liquor without ❑oenao, the defendant plead guilty to the Indictment of Jana term; she was acquitted of the charge In the indictment of the Deember term, end oontleted of the charge in the Indictment of March term. In this last one a motion was made by counsel for a new trial and reuons fag. The cute of -T-heophilus George. for the rob. ben of 32,117 at the St. Charles Rotel, on the 26th of Ntrturther last was taken up. "Bursas , Ozze."—T Ire yoke of buffalo are ea exhibition at the Oblo State Fair, at Cleveland, and admit much attention. They are well trained, end as tractable as " the ox that kneweth his muter." They a•e put two )ears old, and exhibited by des. Holey, of Leavenworth Cikr, by whom they are owned, and were ea toted when calves. Tholr docility is remarkable, while their movements are math quicker than the ox. Tii DAllaoll sr Tam Floar.—Advioss re mised at the Agrloalmral Bureau sines tiso assanesieset - theirostshom -than the damage AM* tamps is not so - groat as at first nutlet. ThSbjat) to the "ergo is compass tirdr ingh * ti aadlrovit Wet, the pint is mar bard, .them-ora boss :tibiae, with *delft has tots boss elatied. • 0" , LALOISFY or ♦ RIVOLVIR —.I led entail:4 the gunebop of Mr. John Fleegar, on the cor ner of Beaver and Ohio streets, Allegheny, for the purpose of getting a gun repaired. While there be succeeded in secreting a large navy revolver about his person, and made off with it. The melee: was misted shortly atter, and after a troublesome search the boy was found, but on being accused gently do tied the charge, but afterwards aimitted hav ing stolen the pistol, and pointed out where he had hid It. No information was made. Accinser.—A men named .11,81118 McGrath was seriously Waved yesterday evening by being run ever by a buggy, opposite the Fair grounds, in the Ninth Ward. It appears that he was in the act of getting on the street passenger oars, when a men driving a horse attached to • buggy, at a rapid pace, attempt ed to pus the ear, and la so doing McGrath was knookod down and ran over. He works in the Fair ground, and though seriously lA* Jared, his wounds are not considered danger -000. Sine !MLR OLLLAND STATION.-011Batur day afternoon, at 8 o'clock, Davis and Dail ;mine 'will sell on the premises five acres, subdivided from the farm of the late David Lynch, Erg. They are beautiful sites for suburban houses; none more desirable in this eleganUy improved neighborhood, so conve nient for a residence to them doing business in the otty. See advertisement under amnion head. AN AtLIGIIIIT COMM Tooicco PLANT.— Capt. James 111cGibbony, of Baldwin town ship, has exhibited to us a tobacco plant, of the height of four and a half feet, with broad and luxuriant loaves, cimpari , g favorably with any Kentucky or Virginia tobacco. It was grown rn his own farm, and as a speci men of what can be done, Is certainly very encouraging. • Aega.LLTlL—The following mite of effaalt and battery were heard before Mayor Alex - ander on Thureday evening and settlid by the parties : Frederick Weisser, charged with boating n son of Mary Ann Jnetson ; Weaiey Sloss, asesalt and battery on Josiah Lows, and Phillip Wentz, on oath of Joseph Zlit , hut. Nonce TO JUROR/I.—The jurors who have been summoned to attend (lout next wee:, will perceive, by advertisement In another column, that their presence will not be re quited in consequence of the Court finishing this term's business to-day. ILLMITCATID NEWEIPAPZIIII.—Mr. J. P. Hunt, Masonic H►II, Fifth street, h►eroceteed /Winn Lease and the Illusgrat.d News for next week,—both of taltioh are beautiful and uteri torious cumber; of these popular jouroals. ALLIOIIIIBY Tex Plrxxe.—The tax payers of Allegheny who hare neglected to pay their taxes would do well to remember that after the let of October fire per cent. will be added t, the amount. t itcar.Y.-00 Wednesday evening • young lady named Alice Gordon, boarding at No. 152, Third street, bad $4O stolen from a pocket In bar draw, which was hanging ap in her room. PAAI:3II3 are rather abundant In Philadel phia, the market bring overstocked. The best varieties being one dollar per basket, and the poorer qnslities sell as lew u fifty cents. FAIR AT MONORGAHRLA Ctrl.—Extenaive preparations appear to be making fa a grand fair at fdontngabela City, in Washington to., On the second of October, rex. DISTRICT ATTORMIT &uaroTalco leaves this otty this afternoon, to attend the United States Court at Williamsport. LATE TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. FROM SEN. ROSECRANS' ARMY The Enemy Reported Largely heinforeed, GEN. ROSECRANS CONCENTRATU BUM BATTLE SOON EXPECTED The Present Situation &e., (fee., 6.,c Li IA DQOAIIIII6II, IN THE FIELD, I I • CHATTLIIOOO4, Bart. 17. All quiet ; no attack been made. 'The ene my COICIALIe in possession of the gape of Pigeon Mountain and about Lafayette. The lines are vary close, and cocasional skirmish ing. Capt. Drury, Chief of Artillery of Van Cleves staff, ws.s shot in the bowels by a sharp shooter; tas wound is dangerous. It is re ported that Longstreet has errived at }teems= with twenty thousand men. Our army IN in splendid health and in good spirit... . HIAINCICIITILEI a Tua FIILD, Tea Mmes Nowte•lairr Cr Ls 'Valli, Ga., Sept. LS.— Oct the evacuation of Chattanooga the enemy retired to Lafayette wad maimed a force at that plane, taking p ion of the gaps of Pigeon Mountain directly in front of Thomas' opi nion. The rebel force has boon made fermi.. debts by new additions from Johnston, Buck ner, Molnar' and Maury. Datertera report that the enemy are now superior in numbers to the army they,had nt the battle of hi urfreei bore. Among the divisions are Cheakam'a, Claburr,'s, Stewart'., Beckner's, Clayborn's Breettictridge's, Hinman'', fileughter's, and detached brigades of Jackson's and Ander• son's, in all thirty-eight brigades of itfantry, of not lets than 65,000 men. The formidable numbers and position oom pelted Baseorans to concentrate his force., necessarily mesa scattered' in crossing the L aokont mountain.. The lines of the opposing armies may now be represented by the miss dent shaped Pigeon mountains, whigi extend as an aro circle eroend L sfayette, the rebels holding the interior, and we the exterior of the mountains. The two forces are within a few miles of snob other, but effectually separated by the range of mountains. The rebel poeition can only be approached by three gape In Ceuta's Wing and Blue Bird, which are etrongly guarded. The rebel polities cloven excellent lines of retreat on Rome and Ce[bona, where they will probably make a now line ehould they be de feated here. There ere rumors that they have been retiring for a day or two, but this b con aidered unreliable. Gin. Roseau's left Chattanooga on Sunday, and Is now making dispositione to Belt the now situation. Lie has been ill, but ie in fine spirit& la the fight with Negley, the rebels lost over thirty killed. Oar lees was seven killed and thirty-Ave wounded. uen. Scherleld , s Department—Mu liar Law Proclaimed. ST. Lours, Sept. 18.—Gan. Schofield has issued a General Order, stating that hereafter martial law will be enforced throughout this department, against all persons who shell in any claimer encourage mutiny, insubordina tion, or endeavor to erects disaffection among the troops, and against all persona who shall publish, or utter publicly, words calculated to excite inaarrscrtion, lawless sets among the people, or who shall publish falsehoods or misrepresentations of facts calculated to ern• harms or weaken the military authorities ' or in any manner interfere with the men in the diseharge of their duties. Any person guilty of either of the offenses above mentioned, shell be punished by a flue and imprisonment at the discretion of a military commingle:, and any newspapers which shall contain publica tions in violation of thiserder, will bo sup pressed. General Giumore. WkilllZOTON,Elopt.lB.--The President hlm• self is not aware Out General Gillum Du tenalwa his tilArls. _ . REFINED LARD OIL-8 barrels to yvainiman my mai ed A il 7 Nom a cia Important Change in European Mirk SOMERSET TURNED BY NAPOLEON. France and the Mexican Throne THE CASE OF THE FLORIDA Nsw You, Sept. IS.—The Pula corre spondent of the New York rims, dated Paris, Sept. ltb, ease : A most Important anode has taken place in European affairs. The Emperor Napoleon has turned a cozened, and now lies at the feat of Prince Gortsohakoff. Hie position of European Dictator to at an end, and hereafter ho will have enough to do to take care of him• telt. His Msjeoty tried to carry England and Austria with him into a war with Banda and Prussia on the Polish question, and he hoped by this war to conquer the Ithinish Provinces, but his allies took alarm, and while Eagland declared boldly oho would not ge to wax for Poland, Auetria went to work to organize the Garman Confederation against him. About the lams time there name to Paris positive assurances that Mr. Cassius M. Clay was maturing an alliance between the United States -and Rusts, which engaged the United States to attaon France in Mexico, in case of en European war. Than arose before Napoleon's eye that bug-bear of his family a osalltion, which should embrace, as sotive enemies, Russia, the German Confederation, and as a plosive, but not less damaging enemy, Great . Britain . Bath a combination would have cost him his crown in throe months. Ho um it, took alarm and tuned aquas* round, and fall on his knee,' before Gortachakoff, and protested that ho never intended to go to war with Poland, wished his hands of the Polish question, and begged to be friends again. England thus being placed morally in an attitude of hostility to France and Russia, will be forced into a friendship with us. Another re, ult of affairs Is that the Mexican elephant is left on Napoleon's hands, for the Grand Doke Maximillian now refuses the throne, and there is no other Princo eligible or acceptable who will take it. The evidences of the intrlgnoa of Preneh Consuls in the South for the detaching of Texas were true, and they have not eeased. In regard to the Florida at Brest, the same carrespoodence stater, that the engines of the Florida are of English manufacture and math deranged. ?WM was obliged to stop some where, but after arriving at Brost,the French workmen could not repair his English engines, and he would have to wait till he °mild get English workmen from England. All this has caused a delay which has put Sisfat into • towering rage, for now his vessel will prob ably suffer the tato of the Beater at Gibral tar, but there is no help for it. Blain says that butler the mistake of Lieu tenant B.sed, who ant out the Caleb Cashing at Portland, it was Su his programme at one ante to enter toe port of New York or Bos ton and burn the place. When the Florida first came into the port of Brest, Mr. Dey protested formally against her admission, but not probably with the e x • potation of having her expelled, for so for the French have faithfully exeouted their neutral ity proclamation in all other respects, and it was to be expected that they .wenid in this, but a protest guaranteed the incidental petals which might wise, and prevented an exten sion of favors, not fount in the neutrality proclamation, If such should be attempted. The Moisesr this morning putil,hes an of ficial note on the subject, which declares that she will only be allowed to repair such dama ges as regard her navigation, but no supplies in war material will be tarnished her. THE ARON OP TUE POTOMAC The Hebei% Driven Across the Eapidan in CodatiOn STIRRING TIMES ANTICIPATED Pelt... Daunts, Sept. 18 —The Press bas rezeived the folloaing: Our army will not hero to rest this side of the Kepilnn. Por two days the soldiers are without. Gres, fearing they will attraot the enemy's attention, who would have shelled us. General Kilpatrick made several feints &arose the Ripidan, but found he could not lire a moment on the other el . Yesterday a body of rebels crossed the Itsp 'fan near I.soooon Ford, and drove 730 of oar men swat, but were afterwards driven back in man:Litton by as. We lost about thirty men. Mawr says that ► strong force of rebels °tossed at Lemon Ford this morning end osptured 150 of cur wintry. The rebels have a strong position on the Rapidan, but no great force. The Capture of Little Rock, Ark. WASHINGTON, BOpL 18.—The following tar been reeolrod: Little Rock, Ark, STI 10.—W• have Just entered Little Rook. The cavalry of lien. Davidson Ls pursolr.g the enemy, who is re treating Spoilt. F. R. Srati.a. Major lieneral. Gans. Burnside and Butler. New Yost, dept. 18.—It understood that Gen. Burnside acquiesces ln, and cordially expressed • wish to the President to withdrew his reeignation. In the trent of e change of commanders in the Department of bilasourl, Gen. Butler will probably be assigned to that departmeui. DISS01.1:1710.471, AFC. N°TICK—The undersigned having purcbased the entire stook from the loud oa tabllshod house of J. It. MAIO Nl6. would announee to Ids old customers sod the public his removal to more .Liberty strict. pettily occepled by .1. it McOans,) ohne • large and complete stook of Pad dlers' and Ettooccalsrs' Loather Findings, Hdes, t Lis, do., ova be found, arid at lowest rates. 0. IL ell , Ito. Ilin Liberty biota. 1 - N RETIRING FROM TIIE GIDE AND LLATE C 1 BUISIBISS. I most cordially commend my encoemfor aa a man of strict ',Legit, and good bonlimas quallficatlJuia. for foam months to OMI • I will continue to occupy Mr. ANDiB• Fuzee) coantlzg•toom, and tatty gnat ;daunts to Introducing tam to toy business acgualatotofoi J. B. aIoOIIZIL 1•26:1tos July 44th. 186.1 Sll ti Co-Partnership exist lag blow= the nodereltned. anise' the Ann same of KN hr, BUDD ft 00. estrimi this day by ilisit.tles. The buttoo sill be crontlausif by OH ALKLEd ENe r, by whom ell 4..marlds doe to of from the late Um sin to pitted. OH r. BUDD, &ALIN !MAC, NICKOLAS K. WADE. von PIU ros,i•y, July let. 01,11 018:2m DISSOLOTION 01? PAUTNERISH IP. —The parttoinihip heretofore extettog between (3. Ottr.oo and EL. A. WAIIIIIO. doing bunions. at Bo !dirket skeet, under the style of 01iE1361 A WA MEM, la tbts day dtcolved by mutual mount, Et. B. WhailEo riiiirirs. 0. 00.Y0i le authorised to use the tome of the drat In Willa' the bestrewn 0. B. wmuta • ESTABLIEHICD 17041 PETER LORILLARD, OHM, AID TOBAUCO MANIITACTOBLEI, le a 18 CIiTANDERB EITESMT, tiortahrty 49 Ohattuao street, Pm York, Woohl tall the ',notation of dealers to the anklet of hie manatactora. ♦la DROWN Blatt. Ilsaaboy, Mao Rove, 003,111 paw., Amelia= a.ntingmu, EalOgrcs, Puro 1,141405. EackOtooloa Ovelabegon. YELLOW *Krim. , Ekotab, ElJela Toast Beototo kith abit. LaUdYt. l l RCM., Deo Scotch, froth Honey Booth➢, /hob &otcb. air Ittentkm to WWI to am bow redtiotkra In pIiCOI Of Ifins4lit Obsving and R=oklut TANNtost *IAA trill be found of • superior TOB 000. • limosinn--Lmg, No.l, N 0.2, Sou 1 and 9 mind. °manhood •-• Puts OmClawson—P. A. L. or plain ; Oman. di.h. or Sweet ; Snort Boomed OF o l looo 4 Tin 101 l Cavendish. Snomo—a. Jaje, Opsafidi, Osnorter, Turkish. N. 8.--A oironlar of prices wilt to lent on soli. °ohm. ap10:ly LOTREB WHIN GSM, ho " MA elstbis *ringer' to the ally Cm that 1111 ptrfict stitdbetton. It ISTLI ante, tabor, mow and pattettati. iut7 !roman should !um 94. ID Oer borne, r It wiD pay ea Malt Is the Baths et clothes., /I:atsa4 b 7 Jzat IL. PHILLIPS... ... On 'nod OIL Clab stmt. rt rTsuuntai atAtineTs Orma or TIM Ptrrirrnaa Duty C •T.ETTK I ivral, Sept IS, !Ala.,. In maw To: or . : of more liberal rocelOt. 01 prudare the market is more acne nal as will be even by rol cranes to our ri port, some Important chat gos .are taken piece. The egg - regale of the ti,1068.71i0G/ however. le nut vast, though there is a decided im proven:tont taking the r_., few weeke for a ectupar A steady drislling rain has been falling all dsy, a:A strong hopes are new entestainel that. a Ilse in the river I. near at band. A resumption of naelga 'ration Isou'd pral‘co meerial Imp•oremeut in all kind. of business, as lbe•e is a considerable amenet of merchandise bore malting fcr shipment to the Inset and axial watt Gold continues W advance, brief; quo'tl I. S.". York to-day at 133, an LliT.t..o o! 4 per scot over the rate of yesterday. The rates for both o,ld and Silver here, ...malt, about S. last quoted. GRAIN k FLOUR—IS - beat Is quiet but ceady with as Ottnio2lll in all sale from lint hands at for mer quotatio: a. There Is considerable Inquiry f Oat., and prias are 3434 cults ter Lush h•gher; s• le on tra k of l car at 66c; pod we moo 110.1 cf a sale at 68c. lbong`t we can cot roach for ita alkzreotneaa Corn I. firm with sales of Stu lied oat orb at 8246.30 —vine home sakfri; 85e. Barley la go.e.t, and M the absence of a4m wo goJto uominally et 1,1,100 1,12 from an. hands Bye la arm at atic. Floor la Mostly with a fair local demand, sad we nob sales from gore at $5,75p6,00—a0ma cholca brawl. at Mak:PA. 11,e fl,ur is arm at $5.( O. GROCERIES--The market is excited aod with every [activation of • further advance. Indeed, the prices het o a.e le at (rely hel th. so of the fialt• ern markets. 13 agars are In fv..lr demand at for tJoba; 12 to !or Porto Rice and New Or. Issue, 16015 Xe for 'lt" and "..t . CWT., mad 164 16Xe for Cruahed, info of 10 litßis prime Raba at 12*. Coffee is firm cod higher, ranglog frzm 31 to 32: for red to p. lme grades of Rio; sale of 25 bp at 31n. Molaeses a so have advan.d with gale. of 25 TIC. o'd crop et 680, not 10 bbls now at CO< Sou,. holders are asking 03 to 65c for new, th;ugh we think no sale. have, as yet, b.en made above oar, qpcta• liana syrups, too, kayo adr.m..ed conal,ie, ably. BACON—Tbe market., utinues firm, and with but a limped alcek In drat hard., ptlce• are well malutnined. bmall .l:ea .t og, , ,l,Cji t e far obealdea; 6 3 ,4 , 07 e for Plain Llama, and 13 to 14e fm• Busar Cared. BUTTER dt EGOS—The t to wall supplied with common and lutsrlor gradeuol Butter, and tar sucl them Is tut o limited dematd. Moue 8011, sultabls kir table ass, scold wll resdlly at 23 to 26c fiats of 60 kegs picked st Plc, •30 l I crocks freak do ►t 20Z220. Fags steady with sales at i6c. (ISSZSE—The demand feu; end the marktt Arm at 12 to 12.4 for W eels cf C 5 bet to the trade at 120. H &Y—aate o: 18 balm ►t th• rats of glit 0 per cwt From mess It Is selling at former quotations. MILL PEED—Ito market I. drm with • fair de mand, but prime are unchanged; eale from depot of 10 tent Bran at $l, n per cwt. YBUlT—Applen In conugurnce of lame receipts and but a limited demand, are rory dull and price. declined materially, ranging from g 1,50 to 02,00 por bbL Soles in lob ~110 bruit reaches at from 111,25 to $3,63 per bosh for common and prime. POTATONS—Q ,let and ow:lenge; tale of 100 bosh prime Nrahannocke at sl,nn por bush. Com mon and Inferior gualition are not ranch inquired for. CELAIIBEILEIII3—emaII solos of Michigan (ilnt of the ....Do) et $12,60 per. bel Pittsbarga Petroteam Market. Supt. 18 —The MI market, both Crude and Re fluod, for Immts!late as veal as tutu,. delivery, rules very pilot with no matori st change to notice In prices. lb:re le but little Crude in the market, and with only a moderato demand, we cantina, to quote at 26)4427 packages returned, and 344.31 X pact e gos Included; sale of 66 barrels at Mu, and 47 tares's., light r avity, at sk. Refined. In bond, bath for present and future delivery, is very quiet, and, In the abaerine of sales, we omit quotations. Refined, free, to .toady with a Lir waters demand at pricey muk luk at from V. to 64; we note e sale cf 300 bbla at 63. There lie good demand f.r Benzine, and a alight ad vance has bean istalollsbcd, ogre of deodorized be• lag made to-day at 160"20. Ittaiditurs 6. in active demand and 113.60 per barrel is freely offered--tome holden asking k 4.00. Finance and Trade in New York From the New York evening papers of Thunday, we condense the follooieg item. In regard to finan cial matters and tends generally he the metropolis: The associated battle gala $1,100,000 to the United States nonts of legal tender elmoo ywtterdoy'e return. They now hold $23,000,010. An 15@talment of $.600,• COO on the negotiation with the govenement will be paid into the Tresau - y to-morrow. Money is to good supply to the brekcs at 007 per cent. The subscriptions to the Third National honk of New York, $6,000,000 ce.;l'a', ham been closed, and the organization will he completed Inn Mort time. lion. Freeman Clark, of Rochester, member of Can vas elect for the idlorr.• and Orlekna ;District, bad been spoken of 1.11 President, but Ms duties at Wash ingten nod thenblizallon which he kola under to his conati:uents to giro these hie whole attention, have compelled him to deoline the GM.. &pat has given out that Mr. John J. Claw, Bob Treas urer of this dl y, le to have charge of the new book, hut this WO MU JWCILIIOII to believe at least prem.. e. &saber rumor is that Idr. Mamma U • Yield, the Deputy of Dir. lase°, lemon to be called te a re eponsible poet In the Lowry Department at Wash ington, which trended la hot unlikely to occur. At auction to-day Mee .n. Tan Wyck, Townsend A Co. continued the sale of Preach spode, of the Impor tation of L. lifwilla . d d Co. The otiertng today con aimed of drum sod yell gocds. The sale opened with osoch . spult on veil heroic:, and a number of dopll• cattle were gold. The Wore realiod 30@t45c, black 2303.814 c. Printed Wahl*. .1d with epirit at high paces. realized 464/40c.; mourolug sty'. • 31e,Inio, inside price on mourning etylee was lOW. Printed cub. mere. and merinos told well, roll:Ing D2cBsl.oo -for cashmere and &. S 1 01 far printed merinos. On Oath colored dolalnes there was a very strong demand and Vie choicest high colors brought an .d. 'canoe over private, sale prices. The lowest price on Magenta was 50c; Vack 41c; materiel colors 403ia In the sals of shawls yester- day, the Paris brooho long ehewle brought an advance ever prices cloak:led at the proviotie Isle of the sea son. The dry geode J ebbing trade °maimoe to show a great deal of animation, bat boelnete is not BO pren• fog on It was last week. The /Wools Central Road earned the grit week In Septemter $lOl,OOO 'gallon $llO,OOO last year. The regular bin/rent of the road hat loctured, hot the falllog off If due to the decrease of O net omout work The Fort Wepte her maned to the month of Au gust $404,839, rhowing en increment 16 per cent. as Temporal with but year, and an enrage locresan to date cf 15y, per cent. Tbs esporta for the week are large, bat ere below the corrnipondling total for last year. The following will show the exports (axthodin a specie) from New York to foreign ports for the week Donn Bept. end since Jamul, Ist 1801. 1862. 1863, For the week.—. 51.1311,524 WM.831 8 3 .112,337 Pres nep0r8ed...01,730,829 95,047,681 111,635,027 ELAM, Jsn 194 7 / 3 e 55 $98,703,612 f 124,307,743 The Recent riosts—lextent of the Damage Done. Two weeks hays cow elapsed Waco tbe gnat tracts Milted the Wen, dole; DO notch damage to the Pall grain and yeg.able crops. During this time we bore creadeed or been shown • great many letters, beard many - reports from persona Oho either molds or bare t meted In various parts of this sad adjOki itig Maim, and hare endeavored - . loom all the fact. Presented, to from en approximate Ides of the dam age that has really ben done. Instead of lama:o tog up our columns With !Mara and extract., we glee Um following general ninclusions es derived from all smirres of information. The frost extended over a region of eonntrY corn. mowing et the north In Upper lihmasota and the Lakoactineior maim, end reaching so tar 'oath as Not:crib. sod liecapbbr: In the neat it extended as tar as the altesonn river, and boat as for a. Western New Tart and Pennsylormla. The bent .pperently made it. visitations instreeks and epees, and was very sorer. 04 all lon land.. The fr.tost damese was dot-. In Northern and Central in Middle Iffichig., In atonal Ohio, and 'a motto. of Indiana and lowa. Onmt pcnions of Wieconebrand Imes were scarcely touched by the frost, tboogh W some counties In the interien of cash of those dtates—eepeolally on the low lands—veggta. time was. satiously ittirded. While In Stepiseusan Dellulb, end other counties In Nmihun Womb, and in flbampalipa sod exeigthoring mamba in Central Ullends, one-half of t h e corn wag ruined, In other ports of our Etats—Adams and adjedning mantles far example—hardly any 'tableaus of a frost are rid- Qb. suffered mucticy thaeouthern gtilof the Plate, and la the Webasla Vary, both and In this BMW. In Oslo, ktentucky sod latomart, the Wiley donate almost entirely COOMMICt to essoMallem and tobacco, while iapartions of Mich. %maths cent fe gamed totally dltoyed. It may beviOrnated with day: we think, thstat log an elgth of the Corn crop of, tha Bothered bee ban deetroted. and that the quality al as lout one. third Of the entire mop has been sedoesly froitAtt. to. ItenTlields en NO baCy blighted that they rue •iintit to swab*. while odd eta only timidly gino„errid got I few vete Gutted; untouched. Thibbao6o crop hal in tact adrinal dare thin any ether. Eon than one one-ball of that growing mop ha. been entirety cat down by the frost. lo every timidity in the Weft and South where it Is ccdthretad, e learn of rut damage done, though that growins o high Ispds in Dearly every instance essra; od any Nary. -The earshot° and buckwheat crepe are also reduced at Iran eon half The buckwheat was jut in Glee tom. and Ina &audition to bo iv aced el, merest touch o' frost. lea ereti, ft will prove a folic,. this you. torsi:tom stiffenel In lb: of tae mut , propor lion as torn. la p‘ritn• of lowa, where it Is being extensively maltleated, the damage is very toreros The yudens in the lioterizr of all the Western Steles were pretty generally laid low in blacks , or but, fortunately, many of the vegetable crops had too ter matured to be match injured 8, Mg int•lllVrit obtiaftVlll, who Late traveled ex terodvoly throughout the West within the past fort night, making the published report. sod whet they have awn along en levied routes their basis of calcula tion, estimate the aggregato loos sustained by the If °Atom turners, In commoner:ice of this unfortunate viettation ' at els or eight millions of do Mrs, This to probabl y .• high outsets, but certain It le that the total bets, If it wall be definitely or. noun op p era- Imately eecertedned, weotid email uttilione.— Chicago J. nt nal Chicago Alailei Cu crew, Sept, 17.—We he:ve to clot• • coetina. care of the acticty and Li erect. to Wheat. with a' tura or alvance of 2c per bushel. Tbe ingtlry was moiety fir gyring stades, at prxes rangin• ;rota 98 (121 (or No I; 94ye0:498.; for No 2,}led 87y„(439c.Cr Bop:cord. Winter grades were Inactive at an uivancs of with eau at lIIWOI,OI for ho 2. and 1,05 for No 1 Red. A routarlot r ef 5,000 Las of Ind aria tied sold at 9 to stun Flour woo firm and io fair d, nisei; Lot the a was co advance In pilau Inlet foot. up 3,600 Lanais, at priest, rsogisur into a11,2547,&: 1 for loud to coo'. Wh're Wlntsr; #', 'O lot Ped Winter; =4,50 for %later Soper:lon. 11,110 5,10 for good, end 25.6234 for choice i.e favorite brood) Opting Lstres. There au a modtrate spsou'ativo deemed for Corn, bat the merest ruled quiet and pH., ware withont ruttriel change. Mixed re]] at 605C361.0 No t in store at 553tA590 No 2 at 57>,,t 202, aof nelected nt tey,4.57,. The de. mud for I us ems 't•ht. and price. wore outer. with sales of No lat 47%0148.c . and No Yat 4400460. Rye was arm and advanced 2e, with sal.. of No I at 610 tea, and No 2 at 650 In yore. barley was :n retire ehlDPlug fetinotf , and advanced Wee per bueltl, with liberal solos at $1,9101.t10 f r.No 2, and'21,1284 1,12% for No 1 In store, cl; slug at tt,r6 and gI,IYX, Timothy ee d war dull and enter, with awes of good and prime grades at 82.1409,15. 13Ighelnet wire eery firm, but Inactive, at 4O34c—hold.re general y taking 470 Toledo Inas ket Srer. 16-. There h. been so active (lemma . ] Ili heat alum tbo New York report of piitarday, and the riles have boon quite large. Flour; sales of 100 barn•ls XX "Pottle," rod whsat, at $5,72; 100 Les XX do fled at $5; 58 bd. N X do at 56,25. Wheat sales yea orday after our report 1 1,;00 bushels and 350 bushels Amber Michigan at 51.11 ; 1,1E4 bushels No. 1 Rod at $1.10; 6,001 tombola No. 1 Rod at sl,lt; 3,000 bash°. No. '2 Red at $l, OO ; 100 Lathe. White Michigan at $1,72 dalea this forenoon; 1,100 bothela and 3,000 bushels No. 1 Red at $1,11; 8,000 hosk , la, 3,000 do, 4.000 d', 2,m/ and 1,500 bu.hela No. 2 Bad, ad .151,65. Coro Is good Inquiry, bet tranasctions are limited by firmoessof hob.. and light °flatly gs , dales of 370 Nallu a No. 1 mixed at 62 , 4 e: 6.1 c Is of fered for round lot.. Oat.; no vales; receipts are main ly for through ahipmont. Rye; no .ales; nomtnally 700 for 'hobo. Barry Lin demand at :WM city trade. Seeds; Clever $6,00; Timothy $1,75i30,00; Flan 1M,60a1,75 per bushel . Cleveland Market. • Elope 17.—Floor. dalL No twee reperted. recelpla by Canal fetr sod lha market firm. Baler 2.,u00 bon red tree on t nerd at•lo6c ; 1 car do on track at 108 c. Since the Board Llottdrig bm been dose, Oora, rata 3 cars on track at 624.34 c ; 3 can trota store et 70.7. itata, firm at 57c. 117., so import, itallroad. Pero 2000 Pr. WATS/ A CHICAGO RJULAOLD,Sep t. 15.-13 bp leathers. Joe Oleic IS kg. chat, A G r don; 1 car star., J J F eye; 43 eke rage. Markle; 160 bile paper, 113 Godfrey; 1 cur barley, Jo'b Rhodes; tut Lg. olds, bingtam, iiturgeon A co; 39 tile *hi. ky, tioetetter A Osette; 20 do do, 11 F Avert; 9 Ix. 11 Heel; 2 big Ilakeerall. Pee. co; :2 A co; 10 M. acplee, L H Voist A co; 9 do do, J. Mou'ootb; 10 do Culp Si Sheowd. 24 do alibi., 8 H,Weteon; 61 do clay, 11 H Collins; IS b. tobsecu, Wel! nom A too; 200 We 0 'or, J.. Gardiner; 100 do do, Lindsay A co; 4 car. metal, John Dloorheol; 1 do hay. _ J Merin; 4 do barley, Josh Rhoda; I do barrels, lqanock; Jr co; 60 bdte !I sir A Davison. Ci.r...i.sero A Prrrturreert R• 11.80•0, El pt. 17.- 1550 tuna raper, Godfrey A Clark; 156 Boole what. J S Liggett & or; SO bls four, Colo A dhspard; 14 bz clone, Wm Sodden; 6t do do, 'kobb A Wilkluton; 160 eke wheel, Id Dane ei Anjer; 13 tails paper. Slo wly A Alyere, 23 b. ease., W A foes:ben; 64 bp potatoes, 91 tel. buy, 8 11 Floyd; 2 liege idiot, L.m &trt A t !tiptoes; 4 do do, J Kirkpatrick A bro; 2 nes • tobacco, Little A Trimble; 4 ble a'cohol, Goo H Key ser; 76 laze eats ard P Gatteadoof 0 Ws binge, Woolridge A Atwood; 2 ram leothar, Hap A Stew. art, 4 ha liquor s H al'tleriggen; ?A do lard oil, Jae Dairell a Sou; 2 lab& tobecoo, 11 Damper; 4 do do, Ili Hoyt; 076 big wheat, 350 bll3 do. R T Kenna', bra; 1 hhd tobacco, W A D Rinehart; 553 LL flour, Knox A 11 . 11.8; 1 pkg tobacco, John Grezuri 6 We pelcbee, L 1/ Voigt A co; 6 1.1241. tobacco, John Grier. ALLIIIMINY FTATIOS, 17.-1 car stares, A Taylor; 9 bra buster, •8, • Canon; 11 bales cotton, S Brad lay; 6 apples, 0 Mitchell; G Gls eggs, S pkgslost ter, 3 mops 6.mrLs, S Walley & co; 39 als aPPIoS J If 6,111.; 98 hides, 0 Chetah:4er, I Ws ars, 8 pl[gs Dotter, 11 Roney; 26 by about, Gllfi pi.i to.; Ib. bcolza, ./ Starsusoz; 1 bl hid,. sod tallow, J Yens; large los marketing, owners. POP. SALA!. FIRM FOR BALE OR RENT, OOET.&IIIING 61 ACIILLS, All tauter Mace. ma la • rood state of crltlvatdon The leaprovemente ocandsi of a new BEIM DWZL- LING, watabling 10 rooms; large /RAKE 13 ABS; TEHLIM 11013816, with 6 tOOLD, i and good orchard yotutg trwa. 00A.L =tar lb. wholo farm. tilt ute in Baldwin twirtahtp, &bent aye miles hum the city. Inquire oi 0/SLMT, TABBSLL & 00., lOR BALE.—A convenient two-story Lrlok dweilleg borne, with beck building, No. 86 Boa strew; Fitteb=gb. Also, • leec, caneent and srak•flnished throe• story brick dwa ling house, with back building. No. 80 Bee street, batmon Flirt and &wood Knots. Also, • two-story brick dwelling bonze, with back bnildlop, No. Oil &world street, DM' Born. All the above ass In good order, and supplied with gas and water. Also, • one stray Boats oottag• dwelling, No. 314 Second strut, and the tymetory trams dweCIA3 ed. loining. Both of these homes are In good order, and suitable for small famtliea £l•3, 14 lot cf pound on the nortbeastwardly aide of First divot, betwran Boss and Try street., near Bose streak Using • front of 34 feet OD First street, and extending back 60 fret. The above property iseituated in • desirable part of the city. For terms of sale and partictdars bnnire of WK. W. THOIIION, • No. 102 Fifth athirst. • PUBLIC BALE—WiII be exposed for cab, on the Ito DAY or OCTODEB, flat old quaatietter known if WALLACE% QOADE.Y,) routsl 10 acres, more or lad, 16 miles from Pi tabors , on the A. V. E. IL, in Plans taw rtship, Allegbosy county, hating • front of 41 motto' on the floor,. 'tame home and stab's. a n Lanka of choke besting apple tree, which nom fah. trait{ • doe quality of rock Dr grindstone., of all Arid { asisral tutodred Fetcher of collar stone, already qnarrisd, and • platform at the nifzond romfly for load Log. Eh , . lot would answer for oil rolloorke i or any one that would wish to go In the (tone hush uns. Terms mode known oa eon of gala Salo to commence at 10 o'clock a. so. JAILIS HAM M. aol'kaoltd Plum Tr... Fent. 10. ISM A/MA/MIAs rIsNN toristosT emir . DUTY FOR BALL—Tiro Late, 22 fat 4 front 67110 bet deep to an alley, .ith a Imp doable hom, between Hancock and Head dna. A dell • table boethon for a Pbsoloien or Dentist. Also, some One banding alas to private residence' veer alnerallia, from % to 1 sere ado. Also, a tarp member of building lota, of micas dace, at from 13 to 60 tea trent by 100 to 180 hot deep, altasted at the terminge of the Wylie Bisect Peseenge. Railway, Apply to the andereignod, Daman of the rotate at John Rowena, deo'd. W. A. 1311111BOH, JOElhi D. lIDDSO24, lettirla E. 0. ItZBDON. pAIAM. FOB. am authorized to otrsr for ado, nn innanctabla tame, • TBETI• OF LAND. =staining nn-oat 4.03 anus, situated in Ohio nail rantlln toernablpa near PanTwilln kgtwity county. and now accuptai by Jehn Atcdhn• tin al issunt. Thom are Sband 100 ocitm eland Bad In good crler. Tee trot It wan timbered, =tabs coal, end If troy valuable for farartrot Dona u& H. BUD"! WILHINS, 145 Fourth street. Plttaburgh. A liltala..l3Alitiiil.N......VALUAß trZiA. PEOPERT iro.ll BALL aituato edrotid pool, Idonshigaholi, Blur. and adjoining ilia village of tlizahati, At dean of Owl, taring ana throned het of airo fro., with doll onto, lap wall for bola sizing and draining. Will to told rag low cod on rao Waal. agply to B. & CO. $2 500 WILL. ruttutiebts A NEW • TWO•RIVRI BRICE Dwzrami. a, of ace teeemahM, Minato ea Belletnatalns 'Beet. nem the Valley Railroad. whlchirM rent tkr twenty- Ave dollen per month; Terms away. Apply to G. IR BAYER, Commercial Bram, Bat- Ito Weed. lurvocerilla. so•TAI letrit leAutr.—Your Acres or liroand £ and a Your Story .14:ck Building. Logue, Mara end hisehtnerY t wait adapted for ■ mann h.ctory teat by 110 feet can be purchased for grae.ball Its cedgeutt coat, by calling on Willard:l WARD, No. 93 Ogant • ate • .b. RUNLES.—aeluitifu 1 eitu v Woos for Goootry Rom* Ear so* In MeCtoro wozahip, Qhto gooroship, and Bereicklog Paroogh. All that lob ars girds start Mamma of asthma on the Pittiblugh. Tat Vora Chicago Ballow. Eng** of PL. DATESOI4.O. 6:1 Wats: dna, Anaibutg. Q 13,ti M ELLEGILVIIM. , 4* and etas itiDISDIT. awn - 4n o. • PLCLSV LVABlit KISS DAM, TastES. ll* TV ROGGE AOCIONSIODAT/Ob :PSI* !nave* the Par..es.zor etstlon dans, iosostilko= %t 4 , 60 .0./ 41 alt Stations beSsson busltO sna rsaktoi direct COMIC. 0.11 NJ./ York ta. Pl - 4:aeal . pit. TEROUC4II kr I'EALE tome awr rm. - 7 r.atal.Z.l (erosont Stenday) lb) noi•Prat - OslY at Plnotta.i ststbnk and at Ecnit.borl Han& srl La Em. York via Fhta. laachb, Tao 7.13r1.0' VQI3 EY^3tC 71:141E :aims Grays &tam., Esercm• nes •i Pr t ..trai datkra, Miklll art,. amt . ... Was at Harriatrets At Madman sal Waottaganl, atttl is 7ae4 "lark Ala tillantearn Tani tm3 Pc.I.IsIDMA. ma FAST LINZ karc9 ste Euhoia 4tb Wm, Btadspj at each P. r•C 994 at p.bap9l 6.9999, cr9.l.9ctini at Hirsrhlnseh 199 halthacas sad ai Pi,51.1,1r.h99 h. L 9 How Tat. OCC3IIr:ODATIDE Ts Jritorterre Z.CON,I=..IIIITOS Tzar, mans tell frr az.l randnyl at t.-45 r. at.. rarrEptr; at W atagoar r,loatorr., 5a ar. Conotoartzh. rtni Low..r.wastlvi ?rata br Walt'rClotlas tat!: (t 7 , ^t r.ortlar; ii:3o a. at. TralA tot Wairi Eta:! !meros V,o4ar) at 7.11.70 takl Lr.storr.o4o.lc.r. :'rat, for Wan st.l•J i t ,ary 3alis ei tat r. Pa. Doorth /o,l4.ramoarator. Th.!. tor WaTr. Loan tray.. 0e.127 .z net attaday) at C.f.tO - p. u. ThuLeocro`a learn Wain altat.oa arm 507 raturntr.r t !oar. rittrt:trlalt I.&K nacarz.x.3 "-rat= arr:r• to Fir trtrzzs era pilaw Errittraore Er.orrst, 11,50 p ro.; Phllsdalpata Ern crane. litttO r. La.; last Lir" L.tso a. at.; t Mei Troia. 1.2.°0 a. m.; .4Mnrellell AD=l9lll2o= I Clot iitatira kenammeriatioa GLIS a. m. ilacorte. Wc.ll's Otattra Aotoramodagat B:E4 a. et.;ttrO Wan Stalttok itheenamodothea 1:10 p. ; Tarriti tTara etattc deMmanadatin. &OS p. Daltimara Lamm val =rim with Phil. aosiphts E.e.vrr, at 1.4:20 Hcmdayo. TeaMs why ithalervP.ia .thd Indio-waren:eat et Bien. Mae Lntameatina with 'Hannah Accommodatiaa, irOratarra O.r.m.landael..rn and Trrnr.aa Train bre, and ash Balt!. an ;.V.:1,41 and Jahnsterwu Lancen. modacion Vrtat. Trezu !or The...burg connect at Crecsoo with Ix prow; Traiu and ail 'rraio Wcwt..anli with Through rtrrr....." Train Tut. ras pc.4110 win emi It greatly to Met Luta.=Mal tote.: Ca Me I"...ailleals °mind Caltrca.l, sa to' mra.sa.m,3 alba net ogelli oensot ha aorpov.s..l on may ethos rout.. The &sd I.olzameti nom, sal la from Ge caa proult” bitty, qeed cer,igrt b NIL eu taTc. , 74011 with doh' Cet,mACTr.. TO Now Taro..-6.19 60 To _ t rjT) Fbaadalphla..... 10 60 Vr:ltaicostar--- bSO To ritralabral .-- i 60 katgo; - c. aSocTrA to oil ttottou co to. art N I , 6llsdrPl h. EsLaval cod Sow Tort_ potto,vaca pambottlif Cctati toZosro vlll N aOsagof au slum, acaocdfaz , tc dictirace eddltloc to 12,..r 1601100 ratter. earogat tem Manias rihros CS. Gar. rt.ny two act Agsat. MYTTGX—In cam cf lora, 160 Ccroaputy ttemsalool wsporc.l - trr pamott beg ado ocatour.l not czasi 'P P. —Au Ocantbrr 14016160 Tmo Mailed SO et, IT pliEeTalsr. 1101:0 blitrags to 1eV , :i1,7,11 frt. D► pos. of aaSorra not to :sore! :16 mots far end pa. table: tr 4 Wor ticksh, epplyty SI.SW -V 7, Atonal, ft: A: Ftr¢:fiV!...llll Gootral FoaCroo4l P n. 46 ales . eIY 11. 4=1 ni •ed la 1381 CM EV ELAND, a./ PITTSBURGH AND WHISZIALISO RAILROAD 80U SI 1111 A.BEAIIGEBART.-Ou and Oat 11ONDAY, April 10th, 18C, Vat= will leave She Depot of th. Pennalivanie Railroad, la Pitts. Gave', ea Iona.": ' ridabeval dal Wiaailaw Das. Leaved Pittsburgh' s.l 1,00 a. m. I 8:10o a. va. 11 1.110 p. is. do Vi'ollarW ItIO .. L ID 0 kW 9 do 6taubsuVel 4:10 . LLOT . 11:53 . de Uqwwling. 0 10 ••ims “ 4:66 . a wive. Rallatr.- 6::15 . ' 1e.2.5 . 5:10 ^ Connocttag at Steubenville and Pallair with Wen. benvilla and indiums Railroad and Central Ohio Rail. road for Eancovillo, Newark, Oolumbas. Xenia, bai t-a, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, lordsville, CIRO, It. Loots, Et. Joseph, sad ail points eat wad moutheart, and wt WbsoLtne with Baltimors and Ohio Batman. Ptissowil and Ginalowd Use. Learn Pittaburgh.—..-.... I.1:0 I. 'RAIE4O r. a. it iirallsvCio -..-..—..- LIO . kw se • • •• - - do 940 " till 0, do Alliance 6:30 " 4:46 0 do 5:29 do Findam9--.. VW'," folo " Alit. es at Clevelar .1— 9:10 710 Coont,ting at 0 .yard with InacevrowsabranrA 4:. Hew Philadelphia and Canal Darar, si Aillardia with Plitabtugh, Port Wayna and Chicago Pallnadi at with Atlantic and Groat Wee= lialleosd for Warran. Crimmins, hiesdrillyQolos, OciTh Janteatown and Balainanca; at Hawn wi th al m , Lnd,lf.anerrilla and Cincinnati Ball:cad for Cuyahoga alle sod 10111erstetrg, sad SiMl= P with 0. A E. B. B. for Nric, Dunkirk and Bata wits O. A T. for Earidasky, Toledo, and ago with ammo" for Detroit. Wellsville .60. - ..azanodattos luau at 3:80 p. n. Batsman& trams .ribs at 18:10 a. as, 8.1:8 and 8:06 p. mood %10 a, os. Theme' Veleta to all promtrant poo.te cas procured at the Lltarty Street Depot, Plttebangh. GE/11.010 PLUMB, Ticket Agent. And at LBagban, Oltj, n. Q. OnnareLBERBT, Ticket &gent. Tor tarthar Intormat i ir, apply to WI •lAbt SUMMIT, A Lent, At nte Co panfe Office In Irrolght Station, P. 22 anti SIIIPPIJr6I. T 11 15 ATLANTIC 11111311 ROYAL MAIL 9T11,114 HAVIGA-Ath TlOl9 001112/119T: (aAL WAY LIKE.) ADRIATIC, 1,2C0 Hone-power, 1,000 took HIBERNIA, 1,000 lioroopoirer, 5,01:10 tam. OOLONDIA. LCOO Roroe-power, 5,500 tow, ANGLIA, 1,000 Harso.power ,5,000 tons The magaltioaot Bteanubip ADBLATIO will. mil tram New York for Idrorpool on TOINDAY, the M of teptero her. Rated of pomace from Liverpool to Now York,lell. atol to gold or It. aqinvalint In arrornag : Tint Oabln--.5170 and $8015t0mage.....:--430 CO Intonardbite giOi Pawners oria, ded ohm to London, Peril, Ram burg, turre, Brawn, Rotterdam, Attworp, An, at l•rest roles. from Llvarpool or Galway to Haw York cad Boston, t2B 1136, $75, $l5, $lO6, Tor peserge op ply at the Maas of the Agents, PABBL A SEARLE, .151 Brooding. • ILIUM Joni, Manager. E.. 4 04 = 41519 M11. jyUklyarls Hooo VOID Bereet.'Matairda , QT.F.A I 4 WEEKLY TO LIVE& 1,3 POOL, touching at QtIIIII43TOWN, (Cosa Hamm.) The well known fttliillKA Liverpool, Hew Mat lad Pklladelpkb Masai* Company or. Wended laud r Allows : MU.-- ----Saturday. Sot. FS. OM WitiIIISGTOS----Saturday.od. F. OISY 0.1 ELASMESITit- -Saturday, Octaa. I flan Cam. --$l3O OD 017.19uum ..—........Va 0 do. to London— 86 OD do. to London.. SI 60 do. to Ruiz-- 96 00 do. to Pada-- ID 60 do. to Hamburg 90 CO do. ,to Hamburg BT 10 Yisseugere also torero:tea to nen% Berman, BOh targets, Antwerp, ta., at equally low ram tam from Llrerpool or Posenatoes: Ist /IM% STS $B6. $ 1,26 . &carer , . VO. nowt who wish to seal tin their Moods con Day tleaste ben at Own ler further Information apply al Uri Compenf 11 Mee. JOBB G. BAIA • 15 BrosdwiV l TL . 4011.11 THOBIPI3OII, Agent, a1L214 Wawa, felt house from Os Bridge, male:et • . lrittetarialt. CUNARD LlNB.—Eteam fromm Liverpool mid Qtmatatown, 525, In gold, or Um spar aka In carroncy. prom tie• York, EIS in cur teatoy. 'fislS tvery - wtolt. Apply to 219013. ILATTIOAS, Agent, =EMI .PA-RedtiE. PHOBIAS OHHAPICST TB& "OLD 00L'Irla7." Putungeni brought ant In Mtn CLASS NAIL STEMERS, from Llntrpool, London. Gahm or Mak, to: • Twenty-lave DoMire. Apply to D. O'NEILL, /bean Gloved* Enacting. tnyftestead Puth argetiPlltaborgb, PROPPEJJLLIL PROPOSALS TOR HOBBES. C&VAIET 11118111Mr ;. _ Crews Or ens Ours* QtrabLECILA Weehingtan, D. 0., Avg. 15,16 . 6 Yrs —nue% ars liol.Wted and mill ba received at ads deco to the forubbing ot CAVALRY UORBR to be dal vered at rittabargh, Pa" Ittilladelphla, Wsab lngton City, gyrnenes,N. T., of I:41=1pol* Leg. rropoeale nth be tone IM ter Ma tarn of horses In lots of not lop than twent74n:(l6). She horse, to be from Ilitegni (16) to sixteen (16) hands MO, from to (0 to Dina (05 years old. Tall broken to the nod* cosapsctirb, ullt, blood doh, and tree from altdstana. The ability of the , bidder to ttnit itiscresznetit most be ituaranteed by boo responsible pow% whose stanstnres must to appended talkie goarenten. ThorcencosibUdty el the guarantor's:earths shown by the o e.• cart:incite of the Clerk of the neared District Court, or the Dated Blatt. District At. tamp, Proteanle bunt be &dawned to Lint. CaL CL. 0. BAWTYLLI9, Chid Quarterneuter,Climth7 Bureau. and to andorred on th e eareltips, ..P_roponsbe tr Llama" C. O. nAWTALLII, Lieut. OoLand Oht. Q. Z. Cendry Barmen. anl2:o OURRI) HAMS. 1,10,000 124. Xftetioil a Ladd's Cinottumil; MAO lb'. d ouo di) plata #oduk; IoO,OFO Shldtar 25p010. Sklar. 1:041.h. Inn Madly L 0123 1, 140111118111 Z lib Si o 000 K, rmiTiTe_4'o. , a, ea 19 mnambli stresi. ESI=I .:4- : -:,:ig , ,