Vitisburgh 11- nal SATURDAY MORN1NO'••• - SEPT 19 186 Union Ante Ticket. pnly, cproidsor.: aNnREW G. cuarig, of Centre. 10P111 or rn IItIPSZEI I 001:TET DANIEL AGNEtn. of Bearer. VoJO Ticket Avdo. •f Ow 'Nark/ Cimrl. NOSED RAN PTON. PM Am/mbar. L JOHN P. WASH. n. 6LIBED MACE. m. aAU 8. 8101.80 N. iv. VW IL DEW EIPTOE. v. ISO& 1. 8108 ABL P obartf. • DOHS H. ProWSB e Pow 0/mil of Omit RV. A. HEREON. no. Om., Tommorov. DAVID MIL 10. Poo livoovels. AEDIEL/ ,Poo iarbasi. MEL J. EICHABDBON. no. avomo Hamm r. OTOECIE HA HILTON. Far COmmor of On JOHN P. DRA vO. Linton Maas DlEwrinos —The 'Union Stale Central Committee announce Mau Meetings at the following points, west of the mountain; during tho current month, wiz: At Beaver, Beaver county, Friday, Sept 2,13111. AL wagitosoon, Washington county, Sat urday, &pc. 26th. A, ludieus, Indians county, Monday, Sept. 28. h, They also announce that at each of the above-named places Gov. CURTIN, la com pany with distinguished orators from ad joining States, will address the people. btate•meo at Scbool. Ws are prone to complain at times of the slowness with which the world learns, and yet, as GALILEO remarked, when he was obliged to recant, it does more after all. Anybody who will go back to nie reckon ing of two years agape, and then take an observation of our place in It, will be anrptieed to Sod how far we have been drifted by thecarreuts in the meanwhile. Long sighted men who had read history, which U jkatly said to be always repeating itself, and studied the phases of human na ture, had no difficulty in seeing at the out- set the eventual solution of the greet ques tion of the rebellion. They looked to the employment of the negro u the ready and obvious remedy, and were upon the whole not sorry to eee the storm bursting upon us from that quarter, because they easy in it precisely the opportunity, prepared to our hands, for the solution of the still greater problem or slavery Itself. Toe politicians, however, upon wbom the tuungement was out, and who thought they could eau the nation, beasuse they knew how to pack a coutention, end re- . , commend themselves to the peppiest home, would nor_hear of the negro as artelement, sod I,tisisted on the neocasity at leaving him out of the calcutaticm, as only a dis turbing power, out of which nothing could be made and from which everytlttog was to be feared. 'lleep him in the back ground. Returnhim to hie muter. Don't even allow him to be seen in your camps. You will only exasperate and consolidate the enemy, by meddling with him " "Hands ed!' was the eternal Jeektlsw cry. Non combatant white men were sure the negro would not light, and Northern politioisoui who bad been educated into statesmen al. Washington, were equally sure that if he did, it would be only on the side of the muter I Hadn't the master told them to, and wasn't that enough? What difference did it make about instincts, and all that ? The nigger hadn't-any instinct, except that of the dog, and wouldn't quitupon any con sideration as long as he was well fed. Pea MOST thought otherwise, and was dismissed for being rations.. at. a lira, when, as we now learn from a Southern historian of the war, no better thing could have been done for the cause of the rebellion. HALLS.= be iiiveitAnd Order No 8 offset the Proclamation of FILIMOST, and the blander of Corinth was rewarded by tho poet of General-in- Chief. Events, however, are stronger than men. When it was found that all the Southern_ society of Washington had fled, except some heads of Bureaus, and the clerks and hangers•on of the Departments, who paraded the photograph' of Southern Gen erals upon their central tables, while their own. families were feeding at the public crib, it very naturally occurred that the inettfittfort might as well be sent after them, and te bill was forthwith passed to make the Capital of the Nation free. The Presi dent himself had urged the same thing years before—but times were changed--the men of Its Border threatened. The weak-kneed of his advisers—tiercestof Republicans, too, before the der—ware smitten with sudden feard A vision stood before them—it wee of a Spy of refuge—a broken dike with s delogeof black humanity flooding the whole sacred territory, and burying statesmen sod all their works—porch end colonnade, led frescoed wall, sod tessetated pavement, and sculptured column, and storied archi . trees, and towering dome—beneath its dark and turbid waves. The President, always right-minded and courageous, when be trusts to his own good sense, very natn. rally besitited as he looked upon so many *lid feces, with admonitory fingers up. • lifted mond him. He signed the bill, however, though with a sort of protest, end the black Gland passed away, and the peo ple of Washington went to their beds, and slept es securely u they did the night be" fore. Then came, la ',the due order of nevi deco% the Honfitostion act, with its equal -1Y diik hngortee of evil, and the same vie. tortoni struggle of a conscientious, but. ,somewhat over- timed nisi; against the same unoappy influences which had invested the previous measure with so many shad owy terrors. He had learned, however, to estimate three bugbears as they deserved, 'and wlth'some misgivings still, he took his pen and wrote hie indorsement upon this second ca.pression of the people's will. The Gimps were now closed, not upon the slave, bet only 'getout his butters. Nobody here wrrse bark and the President was again en ; Milford. E The;: rebels, however, were not yet and sou of pogrom were harm , !MK with pro.elevery Chorale to enforce ?T .: 2;,:thez Atiodisi step eras io be ake% irutoproslasiltebadola slave In ease the master persisted in his disobedience. Thal master, by s'bjuring hie allegiance, bad already forfeited all right to the protection of the law. Al though, however, it was only the situp e question of depriving the rebel of his food and arms, that food and tboee arms were negroee, and Cabinet hitoieters, who bad been once brave, turned pale at the monstrous idea of disarming the rattraps at hose death-grirwas on our throats by such a process as this. The President always slow and cautious, bad, however, decided. Al! that was left, therefore, le as to cruel:, an indulgence—a sort of 14us peni tenteere—ite the reaeourth'o right ‘, a traitor in arms! Soy to the rebel, "if yen oonnot conquer sour independence in three months, we eball be nader the painful necessity of making war upon you in good earnest, by turning your oattle adtift, and teeing away your suteri•thoce and your arms." Tee President yielded and the notice was given. The Copperheads affect ed to loath. Their SJutheru brethren stormed anti threatened. But the Emu: tire stood fast, and. the bolt sped home with a force that could only be realized from the dolorous and frantic bowl of the Richmond Congress, as it pierced the Irints of their armor, anti lodged in the very vitals of the Confederacy. But enough , for the nonce. We shall re turn to the subject again. The Blaine Elooraeso-1.4 le Mentions Speohatag at the recent starters 50e0001 the Union cause over Copperhesdiam in Maine, the N•• Tort Tribeae thus dwells an the contest, and interprets the victory : Sect party did its very best. The State was oan sssss d from the marble hells ..l lend to the lug cat/011 or Aroostook and the Wiriest lumber °rearing In the runt:ore Noah •rn forest 01 .b. I.l.tion side, the lend was token 01 Vies Pretloeut Regina and Secretor Pat Peeeenden—tea .boa t as thorough ..sad 0.1 s" •r can be lotted. lieu Shepley, fresh from New °dears, 'whet for the War Demo cre, and explained the •bsoldte necesslty of t • Proclarnat on of Freed,ci ,to success to o great etrugg'e. Embodying in hie pera,u two or three generations of intense Pro Sla very 0311 ssssss isco, he was heard with to end conviction. The other eldest.° put forth tacit strong men, sad made the very bast fight that wee in them. The Stete was tenant as never before, and has polled—in spite of the absence of her citizen soldiery—her eery heaviest vete ; and the result is a ocean sweep for the Union ticket by twenty thousand me• j atty. Is aay one green enough to suppose that Pennsylvania, Ohio and Now Yom are about to vote contrary to California and Maine? We will not so underrate the popnier Toe remits of our recent emotions—in Ken tucky, Vermont, California, Maine—States as diverse as possible In their originated making up—are peffettly harmonious. They embody the Increased filth of our peohliettlit the re bellion need not be bought I ff, bat can be put square down, and their Died resolve that it shell be. And this is jest as obvious to the remaining Copperhead. ae to Is s. hospitalities to toe Officers of the Russian Frigate. An entertainment of unusual interest and importance was given Wednesday af ternoon on the Russian frigate Orlaths, now lying in the harbor. Mrs Lincoln, Mrs Books ( wife of Gen. Banke,) and likjor General U.rz, with other well kuoven officers and chase-n, inoludiug Baron d Osteneacken, Russian COtibtli Gen eral, were received on board by Captain Boutskod. A repast wee partaken of, and at the (Awe Mrs. Lincoln offered eo a toast, '•Tne health of the Enperor of Baum." The captain gave, “Trie health of the Pre. eident of th• Untod Stoics." Boron d U•tenesokeo, after a few re make, offered, “Itie Army cud N avy of the Cooed Stares, and the health of °on Ote." The General 'seconded and gave ••Toe Army and Navy 01 Russia." Judge Roosevelt teen '.The goeernmente of Russia and the United States—rosy the nee of Irtendebtp become still closer." On the &Torture of the guts 19 a grand salute was fired by the frtgaio.—.N Y. Eve. Post. ESLISTISO SLA..ES IS 61ASTLAND.—Tbe Bsimnoro Amoican asys the li-oretary of War has decided pay all to ) owners of slaves in Maryland, ribose "chattels . ' may enlist in tho military service of the government, the sum of three Impaired dollars for each able bodied man. A cum mission will be organtud in Washington in a few days to bear and adjudicsto all claims that may be presented. Toe follow log paragraph from the Centreville Old ) States lbsqua probably has coins bearing uu this deco:doe: It is said that Thomas Chambers, who is recruiting negro troops in this county, has been ordered to ;hake out sod report to the commander of the regiment a list of the elavebolders in the county, and to mark such as he regards 'disioyal.' We bear that he has shown the order to several gentlemen. Totrohjeot is not stated." ATTEMPT TO Escoes.—.l leer mornings since, a carriage slopped abreast of rather 5 dark, secluded portion of the enclosure surrounding Camp Douglas, near Chicago. This seems to have been a signal for a break, a several prisoners rushed towards where the carnage was standing outside, six of the number attempted to scale the fences, among them a sou of ez.Governor Magian, of Kentucky. One of them use shot while on the fence, the ball passing in at his right side and obliquely out at the left side. it is thought: that he will not recover. The other flee succeeded in get tiugover the fence, but fouling there a strong outside parole, armed with revolvers, and hearing a report from one of the pistols in the hands of a sergeant, they dropped flat to the ground and cried for 'loaners." Tug Mame Etzortos.—The Portland Advertiser, a copperhead sheet, has discov ered the reisoo Irby its party was defeated in Maine. It was because "patriodo men bad the idea-that a vote in condemnation of the Administration would be a vote of encouragement to the rebels," and that it would be safer to overlook even its mitt. takee than to do anything calculated to weaken or embarrus it. The login thus attributed by the Adeerturr to the people of Maine is not far out of the way. "BIM& DEB TILUI se Conutrumn."— The Richmond Whig has an editorial article under the head of "Bettor Dle than be Conquered," which reveals s consoiousness that, with all their hustings, the rebels feel their cause is loaf. The Whig threatens that in the last resort the rebels will "take to the woods and the wilderness. like DT. ages, and there fight against hunger and coldil as long as they wey be able. A tine has passed ins ii.oiss of Retire etintatives of the Leen,lawn of West Via• gilds, to "provide for the forfeiture of property in oboe Stale belonging to Lae en emies thereof." It is now b.fore ;he 8.0• are, in which body it will andoubiedly be approved, sod iben let those woo took pert in the origiosi eo• of secession look out for their wordlj posseastoos. Tar Indepmdint says: Beecher, at the 'meat etc last writing, was to Dres den. eapeoted to leave on the Bost of dep• tember for Bolin, and to reach Lued.n about the . middle of the Month. If be should !speak in Payload, he; will not be home till the Brat oi l blovratben, otb■rwlss he may be expected about tee [cuddle of October. file health and Ppirlte were geed." COTTOa AT atomism. Patotero oho bi:ing anon to *.topots, to 'Amain family Pop pist Sri indred to pay the mamas $lOO We tat the , THE Csoloatco ie Ooto.—lt is reported bat S,cretary Chase will eprak in Citiole- Ci,vetand anti Toirdo, our iug the wrsesot p I 1 ical carnsas lb Oblo. Ibemne FrokuCia rilsttghsr is to speak against Vallandighain as Cincinnati, Doi inn mid other points where these is a large Irish rote• To■ N-w Horan Puuradmai star•. that Mr. Nil s on B Boorsrood. lam of time oh,. •.a murdered it Nam& N P ~on !must 30, by o notorious somessionist, lot upholdiog tba Unica aouee in oopositioo to a crowd .f rebel Mr. Sberwood had gone to N for his hoslth, sad karst • wile sad l.tutty. Mare e.-9l stns advertteyd for a Wen of $.175 000, sod bide for it time to the-slam:int yt $lO 000.000, the premium being .Imoac 102 per wet. Pretty ;good ; but ohs On looress.d her credit ton yet bigger pro whim by the hendsome manner in notch the oleasd Copperbeaolcco at the late election. MR F W. 13 ca tiEs ass the author of the propootttoo to dissolve the 0 oion, and clone eectuey with the Southern Cooled• eraely. Mr Jaetlce Woodwatd was anat. a wed coatoty by the efforts of Mr. Hughes. The teacher knows ball Pe, ss. Toe Dnvocarers of Ooio, some time since, pub robed post toe, called Mr. Vallandig• batn's tenor," Toe, now and it of so muoh tojury to their cause that they ore sup prrestog ic. Tr 3 eogioeers are being hoist ed on their own petard. BOW THE Sol-DUOS VuTE.—ln Ibe Uoi ted Biatee kluepioti at Cuveutud, 0010, tbe other day, ;he boidiero toot a •ote tor gov ernor, which resulted se tullotre: John Brougb, 858; blank, 2. Vallandigham did not get a single Tole. AN ANNIVIRSAIIT battle of An tleiam was f.ught oue year ago. The Elston cause has made great progress since then, Dot only in the field but in the confidence of the people. PUBLIC JrOTICES TFPC FIR 4 T nqr Bog will b. open for DiT , l2O to VI C* T •BI (So ^ej )at la% to sae Tye pm. Pr.s b ug by the Pastor, It,. fi. JJII , f 3 io:t wDviz4,)iPt..e3 OLP titittl , a, Mer- ae•ST unit R. JO , Ertl alma P.m., meet n EXt.:ELSIOII HALL. tran,r red•ra Leecoek .orrete. P•e•cletag e'er, Lf *lt D•T. at lu% gym., tmd M7kp. m. Pr..yer Meath,' W SU. N EV II NINO The puLlie aro oordially 6.1c11. Fixer CONOttIf.GATION Of DIEGIPLEB, of Pitteturegh, meet ea tedly, to tb. ILION GITY • OLLEGE BUILDING, eon er of and 84 Clair Greets. Preachlog Loiio . B DAY—Ctolotng en 4 Saot g--at the mod Coot Sunday neboal at 5 o'cleet p. m. Prap.r Bleating every WEDISSID•Y ,IL rBSING. Tem an Lc are ..'g!tt A I Itirt I ea olealattl meet' itott lb* II LW itEISIORY 1!IA • U LYN/SING, /901 lastant, at half put Hif.a Py olds[ u! lb. Captain I. Alttlo.. 0. N. ••18:41 W , CHOW 1 11 DUD Cat( )24 —'l he GERMAN •U 0.13 V HIA9 (I. P.) Oa IJECH. 'll West M.• lasster P., will be cissuso noel fedlc•te4 w the w.r kip of lb. Iran. O.d, Cu m•k "I' n r Bk'rc, the tub lest., at IN o'clock e. m Tre ex mists 11/11! Ix . I•art, he .a roe tbf•l•h loaograg. Cb•l.tlen fiend. Plll 1••;oet ad, test • J nt ti-73 Juror. .1.1121111u11134 tt/ lehd I. the , o•• • • •Q. a ••• n• • a Y 13 r. or- b•r•Or utE d t• • thin at,elf•TlWl I .or n r•wa to • b u •i. nes. •b to • slot •-it n o n d, Or ho . 11 ‘. -EL 'V, /11.. t llt -buqc.. - (It la 18 , 4 • .8 It .1.7,h :Writ n,—b4 2 13,n , la otPur , d ✓ ova who h• • ,• red •• 8 ..dh•r• lM • h•rto u t ano•n olhe cmuttut elltat.• tt.gtetwo. or 120. twaij r toithat lot•rtuattoo loquh• Ito 76 int/t strvet no ets , r• 0. O , OIIAIIO, ot 9th ••gloro• P 13. • 0 sal:urot•f E i. 1 - 1 h... • b wcbe .ub ra • SLOCII Ut h 'O.. A•• I.• T. 000 r , " 0, I e. sr aIV tot. p a,•rt 111•4 been lo•terl ep to 10 at rub , . I• t pet LI 03 In. r or .5 to. r • 1• ur In• '6 ItA • It 0I•• B. B 11,3 1 , 1" a• oat, •• , ry thirty dry ttts‘otylt... tt • so..rtt re d up. By 0' de- of ttte Beard 1 .14 I'. bi B•OTBVI. 11* v•rmc tt &showstitra•T tt tla ett • • t•-• • I EC ILlidery of ••Ttl• P•ttetkor.h Gt. tockho ••• Lee. •• nott lel in at ••• -ect o • to. oresreet••• to .777 I, La. le to • of t Lie- yews awl o Ul..e.r Li u LAM to ••• • •t• tar t , .• Lena leer. • It t• h• la Itt 21;• f the C tops y a the Cty •f P.l•obhtsb, tto tn.. YI etT 11 o U.7(Ste thy) ^f s,Ctkno• ,• IT '.v i.,• 11,11• • • stt 5 a vest u. tn. e!'9: .ea h• 01 Ctltlitp r•-sa fr. POLI 7 MAIL art•TiCEs U MON ii.XECO lIVB CUM We , Li i7TCL Oegeaa 9 bled Wend, Allegheny; RiOrme. Final. Monoag.tNs flionongh; D. B. 'emote... Lower et. ClaU tp, . Yews K. goners IlononeL , W ed. Allogb.r, D. tr farms. ee •ond Word, Pit gh Bon. Ecuolze, Jt , Esq., Fourth Warn, Allizberty; 13.d.oiAr, darnuth Ward, Pittabarell /own. r 110 Dee Pou•tn Ward, dot Cllnamau, I . .na toeruehlp; F. Iwo,. yourolkOeTt.he; L. U. Ptitoca. Jr- Piabloo windily; Jr. O. Lhasa/ ?Orb Ward, Pittsburgh, Jona F, own", NOM to.o•tlp. Jhara BAIToo, Boman do; Past thrarait totruildp, hum Dtchsou, tainirlitz Jons M PionsncTsnn‘66l; W muss tistaisia. LSCLIaud tosnstaPi 8.4 0 ACuitur.l., Lfq , Ninth Ward, Pltirbaril. A. No - mug, Tble.l Wave, ri it,lnzioN; erring Holm., Forth Weed, Allost.atli Cap , . Janne !Myra, Walichottir. J. 0 Otcsorz3,7tard Ward, Pit slitirigh. Jas. rhaa. Ja., JAI. 3.l.amazt., .1. I. 011,011111, /rim Gairr, We aria y Cheraw. fihmaas, B. P. Jos u, J as. t. OaAttAtt. W. P. •oaasroa, W.. Plitt rt, Ti v. X. Bova, J,tn■ F. hishisaa, Jas. M. 0,.0r '5, Joan BloD. Czossia, Wz. Lyme, Tam. B. Bsatz, 5.1/050,LZT, fr., Baran •, W■ ran, Tam Hog SA Oahs. W. 13 secants', Jolts P. PirLail. . ►scrota, Taos. M. BATES. Jas. klnAcihr, J. E. tweat.l., 0. B. N. Minn, 'fro'. Buss, A. M. BIWWII, auiltican. J. H. PeTZWAST. &Kolar, seY 11 , " Maris awas.e-rm. POTPAY. -50 bbla. Mitsouri Cloy lb, cal. by H 4Nlnr OWNS A PPLES. alttlD APPLP. 8A.111017, to. 146 W &TES 8 nits; makvviat.r t 1 tabswirb TJ84,0430.-200 bed last:d Tobacco; aliOLEßETe—tles 1, SI sad a mar Maeketel. On bald and fee sale by ut.T.r.r, A TIVIEIBLT. 112 413.1 114 134-pae a‘,041. T Nut& DPBRIeR CLOTHIN • ; alao, .11. OTC, Olio , 11 ro G olorayo on I d sot for • .t pltoes to Bolt the of oho DOI; It+hbo, D ,wt Of • J.* •0. PA 0.. • 9 it l• • ••• tsiEVe r tpt ti^ AIK 0 bmi ttlo Chao.; 18 h •A• ot.a r. ttO to 14 0,0 Ist 1 11 - ••• Ttru.r. 1"11.0 Rude v •1•.•4'-0 • B. rap 150 bt.l. an. ht. It • o•• 'a owes,* ••• ..• VT!' It • t•LE Kth.,v , ,,,J I'CIItI Pe -- en en , .. I -ropy 6.411 P !Vim; • •• So.* Bt.. • oplesi b•• 11 Whit . re•LF; ..I,l*. .11 • t 6 • bew Older; Altai Ihr P.. yr .T•TO . a ftri NOTARY PORED, Vo. 80 DIABIOS ETSZIT. P A.teos'.dfm•e•. o' Nods Tepee mai Ae. • !ohm ult.!' PI., Peoria, Nat sgat. .1 Aao-03-ba L..s ...d 4d.1 Potato *foal. t'l4l Won • • ••-al 8 bbls. caned nor lord4:11 ( I .to; 01111 063 dot Do win • - fws 4 ME'SiffiZsZ . - . - S".• t- ,-"Z"--,,V,Itt,"*".•;',,,,,,:7•,,=7-17;:'Mr.-.7.',.:".,77,.`N'517-..*:.7:7,--;:!.;"•:3:27-•••7.-.Pli-,..,.i>7.'1,",...,/,',1---7'.•-•.•,•.,....•.-.,--,-,:"..• .....- ........- - '-'-', k . ^. - • "--`' t-,--TV.,*,-..-!'.1.tif..;,,5"--4.:.y7.1.111%;.:;.5...f.,..",..„,.....,.,...,..,:',0%,*!...•.:. - ,...,•• 2‘-' , ; -, .- , I . kr',..'"t . • I' - .L. -, ' V . "'''..",e - -"•'••• -. 4.:k",,?.... tai,:. 4 %,i i 7--,47,'-'F n ,-.•' .. '•,,-',' VZ ,,...,. "4 '• •• - F 4 ,,,.: , / ,,, ,.: ,• '-... - t•.1 , 72. ,, .2 - - -, -; . „,1.;,..=.4Q.,2t..zg.1.4-s.r,.:;_-4;r.....',-a-,i:,Z,rla:;.:c;7,7'..*i;.'Z.M.'•'.:--'k.:illtli,'..Vi2a.-,'--,,4“-V.6ltf.t.SoZq.U'r:lZt':..f,': t l.. ' ig. 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Norton. •.1.1.1u • Id t, oral. 0,0, f Teo g., • y Orat and • Penton. 111. v. arc aoa • el • Do rk 1 Han , a•A bud W by the...boy b 1 P.r rata' Guide. A• lat's na.rbat Lis, Or .0. Art balbr. Mara a so.y, br iara colgoas. I at bove , l a d 6ene11141%. .011 nig to a rob A rl.• by 8a1d... w.1.10..•0•1 it A•bitrara • .e.t. tb• booth, by Thula. Ttia abeam.. 1007 My doultora fro ado. wooeg•• la • LP* on • Pia . l•tiol, by 'ffrr, G fobl‘ k• to roc 01, by to 0 . C. L.I. D •I. • slr Oroctoo by r lob.* Tb• r• r)d•. rhIO.IOAMY Ta• Ur Leo. O. ItAre ....Ike P•lr • I a. d Paul y -vary T•ylor. w. fftl.orobbr, Iq Viol r Auto Ifir of • or L... • two,. by 11l o Etaut T. • Lady L3•lsi. Mill 4.0..11 lay L y Var, or it VOIFII. I •be H. .1 Ib. Yak 'I 11..1, ift. , b.rena or A B okra Llfe. illoantalo II 1. a is a d 0 -rot &An. for lb. Million. Ta• P •• U r., ry P•.• lg. • • La • 0O b. M.o. 1.6 Q •.•a. Plrn o to .ple rut ..a ant .1 orbs.. Rook. .t J.P SlTs'i • A, .• 11. I b •t•rof. i/lia I P 16 1 4.0 meuh—olyi epervinln-er sto k or ta• 04. halal Para(Us P rot Br.d roartefeetared p she • hal k••• Lallo ••.•d• 4 zoo b gts.t pre Onto o•- •x,es'e•o• • r.r an osi.ett ion, -o• are orooonhoed by It Mr, bunko oo 11•10.1 . .01 other 4 • to . al. pla•••t•,•ap.rl rto Su, Maar. tearranted leant oosta. Claanturra opio, -el• el •• LARD ANL) Plihbll AtitilVAL uF PALL ♦SD W.NTSEI , ols, Shots, Gaiters, Galvinla ii Gams V.B k u root d or Fom CALL AND SliN OUR W B ALL, GOODS. Coos Win; of T.o DiT3' STIIIC 4 t II OVN 870114 LS biz s• arm soLE ailaullei 6; Mnsia' a UfIILDBEtOO FANGS [VIA!), It WAHLAFFD . A. Eli Market Am t I'OR SALE.—A Lot of Ground on Ilar!ott Went, In the 11.htn ws.e,.• bun dred and Invent, one feet .front of anl4 ttst, and 109 VTS. MT= A • ....... z ...„.- !into tamoz• —ALLO. Pia L Laos Lia id • .01. AO. Beetle aceeptod tbe Already far the its of the Bdtd Pt,* IRA Y, mined DOW Bt Loa% no., I Is. en the attaatlol2 of Wu sod Steel MocutesterrsrO to the 00.1) 5. given goers as reported d tri ,b Froth. • Elms. re Boston, end./ 0, Booth, of 1 4d+ phis. which, toeeteer with the test of ectost expert. fuss by —usetesteren In Eitisbereti. 01aoloised sad Bt. tools oaterroOsee It to be the purest earl wet rentable Otes sew known, ertsobsc Varela cc tmertoss. Pots nice from It time stood In Ohs Oboe Curse= from old tot 6102026 The •Wye!. to of - Qin 011, MI taken from the mins, without any sedans ,or preparation what ever. tt posestoss crest odbeelessese Wasticity 4 =11114, .blob ars not Clown by the analysts, Mt Indio khan oi the oda/Wore ote WV proportion of shell es bruard 014. I am now prepared to AU crofets. linr the sbowe Cloy, to to 44;44 fro so St. hods or &MUM ham ALEX. GORDON, Q. 121 SHOOHD MEW. Premonfias. MAD 11 , Ant ; " LUDT al • 'I d DESTODDD I —Jut published, In a salad alp 'MVO. Pike fix Oeuis. a Looters on dm Rotor% Praise:est .od Radial Our, o , flismaitanbats, or dormliml Mediums, lavoluatary amtubas built to.witty, nod lottodflaaata to Pianists =OF If ornuiams, Potsumpttca, rpflopsy and Dmm till sad P, plod 'Galway. peoultfni tram fel& abase 11 , .. by won. J. culizairms, H. D., an** of Om One. boot, a.. "a cam t Ittstivadii Of End nits: MI a-, or sod, to a plata envelop% to ant mitre,* pat-p Ad,cin resittpt of is canto or tifti Footage ssamos, bs DS 08.1 M. ELIE& Boom. Nov Tat, Post oaks boa Ma goaama..F t. G lAra is W. rtALOti, General Commission Merchant, NSW ear COMIGINZIMIS EOWCMD. ILEFESZN47II3: Moo, 11. U. Jack it Plltstwei I I. 0 Haight a oo..and 0. P. Eaisbi • Bria, pbuivuiphia. - 633:8.d MWORK% oCIADAYB MARBLE LIBTATIir STULL A bent= and warted taintuatA at MARBLE MANTE LS. Monuments and Grave Stones. .111211 PLISIS, EAKIMDALL" LW JOSE! TOWS OED, llnput naa.liwirrao W LTIIUU t. ' rerS.—W• Oka Orb sabot al blonds& our blends and' thaocorally tball wo on now giVito ElETBafir TUTS WITHOUT El= nrottat of Danthrtry. Tbooreho Ws ban mstomino this WWI &Maid Mina= aq now lay ages t o Inn and fro al • all. as taw *OW Ina War ws pr rumat to ow bar bora WOO to. Us lbw posh ay Oa oh and palatial aboacur ol r tbs arorarkat thnoi ar Onergads sot Oarranlo Battey OWL an rhea sighing lb. mot= al a.aad and MOW, Dactlill gill do wall to ern and amain with tio 911=9 Mod; Va. Fra.,..?:.F.P12?.. LAuinb . , AND hiMSist? hthß 4IZ LB 7.8, AT NoOI,III4LASTI AMMON. • • .611 CutiGiihai AND LAUD OA BB 11,11Ingeseap v sr traCLELLAIBD 8 AUOTIOX. A • u.. utr Istl!J3Jo, Olostas oat (tr.?, ST Matt; Li ND tllos AVOnOS. . , lit FE SI- 113 t amp TraloglikaasulTiaarAi pa. ltaarai I mood Walla adT AT laberty