The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, September 18, 1863, Image 4

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111:14.1Th'e.T.TROss:ftlf==W - If:get:BMA
From Yesterday's Evening Edition
misters of Grba t Satan to mer
ces' Cbsistians on the subj A ect of
A meeting of combat of different denomi
nations of Christians, In Pittsburgh and Al
legheny, was held In the First Presbyterian
Church (Dr. Paxton's), last evening, to hear
an "Address to Ministers and pastor" of sill
denominations throughout Wit States of
Amain " adopted by an anti-ele4vry confer
ence in
America," England, on the 3d of
June, 1863, and s ent to this country by the
kande of the Bea. Dr. Meade, of London.
The Elm Dr. ItifKinney, introdoed the ex
ercises by giving out a portion of Pulmody,
and Zaftig In prayer at a throne of
The 8.,. John Douglas, D. D., then intro
dated Dr. Meade to • few words, remarking
that he was a man of high moral character
and social position—not a deputy from the
leglish nobility—nor an anaredited ambee
sador froth the English* government—but a
representative from the English people. He
coma from the land of Wilberforce and
Clarkson, and is filled with their spirit.
Dr. Must, then delivered a very interest
ing address, In which he showed that the mas
ses of the working population of England
sympathise with the United States Govern
ment In its present struggles.
He cautioned the people of this country
against receiving the London noes as the or
Iran either of the Bestial Government, or the
English people. It speaks for itself. It
would say black is white to-dey, and to-mor
row album that white is black, without giving
any reason for its change of opinion. At
first, the Tenn said It was eminently proper
for English ship-beliefs to construct ships to
;my upon American commerce. Now it
thinks it not altogether morel, because Amer
lea may treat England in the same way—at
seine future day.
It is to be regretted that there was not time-
ly notice given of the meeting, so that more
of cur chiming might have had an opportunity
of bearing the admirable lecture of' Dr. Bas
ile, as will as the addrees of the Conference.
At the conclusion of the address, the meet
ing organised by calling Gan. William Rob
lases, Jr., to the Chair, and appointing Dr.
Ka Kinney, Seeretery.
On motion of its,. Mr. Smith, the chair
man eras authorised to appoint a committee of
flee to prepare &response to the address. The
chairman nominated' the following a Rev.
Dr. Douglas, Rev. Mr. Smith, Dr. Jacobus,
BIT. Mr. Eels and Dr. MaKinney.
On motion of Dr. Douglas, BAT. James
Prestley, D. D., was added to the ootomitteo.
The meeting then adjourned, Dr. Massie
pronouncing the benediction.
A Copperhead Candidate.
The Copperheads of Stark eounty, Ohio, are
running a fellow for the Legislature &plait
whom the following charges are made and
cos denial: Pint, he embezzled $7OO of mo
ney belonging to the United States—in other
words, robbed the Pesten:et of that amount,
for which he was arrested and thrown into
jail, and some time afterwards ballad out.
is bondsman had to pay the money. Sec •
mod, he gambled it all away. Blacklegs got
the sash of Uncle Sam, which he feloniously
abstracted. Third, not 'erg before this trawl
action hews, Township Treasurer, and when
bls term expired it was found that he wu a
defaulter to the amount of $506 18, for which
sumealt was brought against his 'woodsmen.
Fourth, some years ago he was expelled from
the Odd Fellows, under the following oircum
gums : A member of the order was killed
accidentally, leaving a widow and children
In destitute circumstance. The thirty dol
lars appropriated by the order to defray
funeral expenses, was pat in tab Copper
head's hands to give her, and he keeps it,
to this day. Fifth, at out time he kept z
commizsion store, and ran 't as long at any
man could who kept most of the money and
property that ho got possession of from eon
. signet. He made a haul out of a miller
named Earle, for whom he sold flour to the
amount of $l,OOO at one time, and kept all
the money. The paper from which we quote
saysi "One would suppose that such a m
illstone course et theft end robbery would
have left him in possession of some moues;
but for well known reasons, he io penniless,
and it 11 not a weak since he tried to trade a
bunch of envelopes for a bushel of bran. The
envelopes he stole from nowsdeal
era 1.11 rittabargh, Who have obtilaod judg
ment spinet him for $9O worth of station
ery, and mueh good may it do them."
Another chareoteristio which probably re,.
commends the fellow's case to the Copper
heads, Is an oecasional turn of the delirtiza
tremens, a spasm of which fetches him up, in
his career, now and then.
The only thing that seamed him the nomi
nation, is the fact, that he is a sboossionist and
as Wait admirer of the rebel Vallandighem.
There is not a particle of doubt that he will
get the vote of his party, but as the soldiers
vole in Ohio this tall, he will be beaten with
the rest of his ticket.
The Arsenal Explosion
To-day to tho first annivereary of the appall
ing catastrophe at the Allegheny AI/Mal—
an event which carried grief and distreso to
hundreds of worthy households. No loss
than seventy• four persons perished In cons*.
gums of the explosion, the great majority
of whom were young girls, the daughters of
poor but respectable parents. The building
was blown to pieces, and the timbers fell
oroahing upon the beads of the unfortunate
Inmates. rainy wore killed by the explc slot,
others perished in the burning ruins, while a
comber were saved from Instant dea th by Da
lag blown away out of reach of the flames,
only, however, to linger and die of their In.
jarbss. Bo far as tho lass of life was concern
ed, was - tbo moot serious calamity which
ever Wei this oommunity.
By reference to an advortizoment published
eliewhere, it will be seen that a meeting
"of ,all the bereaved friend! interstted In
the erection of a rooonment over the remains
of the unfortunate sufferers," will be held at
liobinsoire flail, Lewrenegville, on Friday,
thelfith inst, at three o'aioek in tho
The Oil Trade
The.oll City Monitor, of the 16th inst., con
tabe the following review of be market at
plea, for the preceding weak : Blocs
cur Wt report the market has been lIMI and
active with an upward tendency. Notwith
standing the prognostiostions of buyers we
have a steady increase it: the demand for car
redact, while we cannot note any berme in
the yield. The prospects are favorable to •
still further advance. There appeari to be. •
disposition of the producers to hold for higher
prime. We have no areditableadvicas of any
.mste wells being struck sines our last. We
bear of sales on the Tam Farm at $7. This
would bring IL to $7,75 at the month of the
Creek, in bulb, and $ll. poth2ges 'Deluded
We will quote the above as the ruling figures.
lbws plenty. The river low as ever known
to be, end the Creek almost dry. Hauling to
lOWA lively sad remunerative. Freights
tp Pittsburgh, 51,70 per bbl. No clumps in
pries of barrels.
llomlelde at Mansfield, Ohio.
On Tuesday night, the Bth inst., Daniel
Diclunkto, Rm., • worthy eitisen of Wash-
ington to p, Richland county, Ohio, Was
fristantly killed by a companion named Jas.
B. Pontoon. While returning from a sing
party, en men had a dispute about come
trifling matter, when Ferguson dealt Dim
Now on; the neck, which failed him to the
grand. lie breathed but • -moment attar,
when ha expired. The-murder wowed in
che nista, and although tavern' persona woes
present no weapon was tam in Berinion's
WA , 'He stipposed to have tued asslung.
shot" et - oliandy billy," the manof the
weck basin; bean considerably lacerate&
The dna:lW hares a wif• and term children.
Yitrgnion war created and held to answer to
char - of ms idly.
Goner sou Oovieln.—Kr. Prank Case, Pilch
street, Chronicle building, her jut received
the October number of Godg._ illery lady
mil/ be lobs to see the Fell fashions, so
eisharlatall set forth this number. Pittook,
oviteitite the possofbe ; W. A. Olidenfenusy,
45 PIM dog, and P. Bast, Mesa& Hon,
kin air molted the Above number,.
111141 01, 11,116 Pleutiate—Daniel Eckel
wiliols *WV% at nights we tarr already
roport4 god ef . Waits as Weal's-
;"";' ‘,. '
The Habeas Corpus aad thb Freak
dentla Proclamation.
In the United States DistriotCourt, tads',
before Judge SPCA's:idle:s, four writrof helms
oorpus, aireoted to - Capt. E. S. Wright, Pro
vost Marstel,• came up for bearing. These
were eases already reported, and pending in
vestigation. Capt. Wright made return that
he hold the bodies of the parties named, as
soldiers in the service of the United States,
and recited theist. proclamation of the Presi
dent, suspending the writ of habeas corpus,
al a snilloient reason whj the bodies should
not be produced. Judge M'Osndlers decided
theanswer sufficient, and dismissed the writs
at the cost of the United States. The pro
clamation, therefore, will put an end to • the
service a writs In cues of this character.
GOV. Corm, and frieids,left thocity at tea
e'eloek this morning, on a special train for
Greensburg, at which place p ar t sill address a
mass matting of the Union ty.
ause of the Defeat of the Assault on
Fort Sumter
The Election in Texas
etc., &13., dtv
Special Mr:etch to the Pt taburgh Ozsette,
Paurnenruu, Sept. 17.—The dispatch
steamer Mary Sanford arrived at New York
last night with newt to the 12th host. The
white rebel flog L flying over Moultrie: Gen.
Gillmore is erecting new batteries on Morris
Island, under a heavy fire from Moultrie and
.7ehnson. Two fifteen-inch guns on Moultrie
are very mischievous.
Sumter is still formidable to assault. The
late expedition was defeated because the
gorge wall slopes only from the parapet to
the tcp of the sand bag barricades, pihd by
the rebels to protect theirall against breach
ing batteries. The wall Is twelve feet high.
The expedition took no tolling ladders, and
instead of finding a elope of debris op to the
parapet of the gorge wall theexpedition found
It a perpendicular range of masonry, :red tho
parapet manned with infantry. Three boats
were shattered by hand grenades, and the
rebel Nam coming down with a fire of grape
and cannietbr, a retreat was imperative.
A batch of small blockado raiment are com
ing up as prises from Point ,Look Out, valued
at $30,000.
General Meade's position to unchanged.
Pleasanton is taking many prisoners.
The Richmond Dispatch says the affair at
Culpepper and Rapidan had no result, but that
Mende la making an advanee.
Pendleton liltrnth, elected Governor of
Toxic, to well known here He graduated at
Brown'a University in 1848, and is • native
of Alabama. He was • pro: boy, partly
supported by the female members of the Bap
tist Church.
Philip T. Herbert, olcoted to the rebel Con
gress, was a representative in tho thirty
fourth Congress from California, and, while
in Washington killed en Irish waiter at ono
of the hotels.
• - -
The Democrats are preparing for a mate
meeting in Independence Square to-night.
They are desperately working. They have
no hope of earrying the city and look to the
r.varttry for zajoritier.
From =Orris Island
New Tots, Sept. 17.—A Merzie Island let
torte the Herald, dated Sept. 11th, says : Ever
sines our IN:cup:Aloe of Forte Wegner and
Gregg the rebels have been exceedingiy mo
rose and savage. They do cot allow no a
moment's race. They bra night and day
upon Wagner. bet they left us such en admi
rably menstruated work and so capacious and
safe bomb-proefe that no one is injured. They
ere often enough during the night to enable
as to sleep soundly.
Sines Tuesday ton or twelve deserters have
0061 J in from James Island belonging to
Giorgi. term:tants. They reports continued
dissatisfaction among the men, and a general
desire to escape from the service which has
become disagreeable to them. They state
that the rebels are building several neer bat
' tories on Sallivan's Island, above Fort Moul
trie and Battery Bee, to cover the channel to
the city. Additional batteries are alto being
constrnoted in the most approved style be
tween Fort Johnson and the city, on jams/
Island, on which they are mounting 10 inch
Columbiad and T-inch Brook rifles.
On the green at the city the rebels had
mounted a 13-inch Blakely rife, which they
have Jost received from Blobile, whence It was
brought with another of the same calibre, in
an Anglo robel blockade runner, two weeks
ago. The second of there is in Charleston,
nut mounted. It was at first proposed to
mount it on Port Johnston, but that idea was
given up, and so far as deserters know no
place had yet been determined upon where it
could be position. Ninety of there
monster projectiles, weighing over five thou
' tend point& mach, were lying by Glade of
the gun on Charleston green.
The rims, has the following : It is stated
on good aufhority that General Wilmer° has
tendered his resignation to the President, be
cause of a disagreement between himself and
Admiral Dahlgren. Report says that the
President will not give up Wilmer°, and Ad
miral Parragut has boon appointed, with •
proposition to assume command of the naval
forcer, at Charleston.
The health of the command is good. The
soh:litre and sailors have fresh vegetable..
General Gillmore has issued a general order
giving thirty days furlough to privates who
have dittingnished themselves in the reoens
aiep. They are not to exceed two per cent.
of the offensives on tho island, and mast be
recommended by their Colonel.
Prom the Array of the Potomac.
AMC! OF TIM YOTOkl.4o ' Sept. 16.—The en
emy contests Gen. Pleasantoc'e further ad
vance on the south bank of the Rapidan. with
a strong force of cavalry, ertillery and infan
try, aided by strong breastworks end rills.
pits. Considerable sharp skirmishing ester
red at Emmen Ford yesterday, but our loss
was slight and our force remained quiet this
side of the river. I have as yet no positive
information concerning the main body of
rebel infantry, but it is quite midant their
position will bo entirely developed within a
day or two.
The Tian' dispetatt says : Commissary and
teriaumers' Mores at Warrenton and
feeuessos are being removed to ALaxasi rice
oL of too:I/ of rebel guerrillas, whose eta id
-I,:y VA.:TM!, wr:portionstaly with the length.
ot: g of o: lines of communication. Two
n Osy run through to Culpepper, stop
wog only ct water cod wood etatlots.
it tot t. 1 tonight theta cavalry foes
3,ti40 r 6, with artillery. is In the vicinity
411 Li suodoes Sem, on the Upper Potomac.
Dr. McDonald, hey. W. G. tioandlin, end
scrcrel otter mepsbers of the Sanitary Com
mitter, captured at EH:Upham by the rebels
and sant to Ittchroond, will be released on
Friday neat.
Otileas In the Army of the Potointa com
plain that the fresh horses misdeed b] the
cavalry in exchange for worn oat milm 1s
are worse than thoskreturied to the Govern
ment. Officers say that the horses, issueu
since the establiehed new cavalry bureau, are
not so good as those furnished before its or
elPs Guerrillas Boutod•-An•
Other I:aad Presiartes.
SAIIIIIS Citrr, Sept. 16.—A deteament of
the O.h Kansas mimeos, under Capt. Cole
man, mime upon QuanneWs camp, near Sin
altar on the oth, and killed two and destroyed,
a qu antityr of subsistence stores, capturing
four hones, equipments, some arms. The
rebels fired one volley and Sad to the thick
underbrush, where pursuit was impossible.
The rebels an evidently concentrating for
another raid. The less of hones and stores
will prove more disastrous to them than the
killing of the men, as the country is OM.
pletely denuded of stook and provisions.
Slaves Absconding.
UD., Sept. 16.—The &Wool,
of the 1111% WC, says In oonsoquoneo of
:the frognont absconding of darn from that
raglan s Lamm will set Mu saticbmt
,bolp p:• ptlia Ilwir bill drops.
: - -
, -Successful Esiocenos-
Mr - urn:Si, Sept. 16.—Offfilal Information
from Gen. Smith's division, four tbom►nd
strong, with two batteries In support of awn.
Steele, here boon received. They axe this
week on their way pp White River. Reports
from Sreale's continuefavar►ble.
Gocerile Stevenson end ()raster retrused
to Vicksburg from the expedition against
Oinassee and lisrrisouburg. The expedition
au suosessfeL The enemy are evnemating
Petersburg, in the direction of Shreveport,
destroying largo quantities of stores, and
blowing up missile's.
Patent Medicine Manufactory De
stroyed by Fire.
LowiLL, Mass., Sept. 17.—J. C. Ayer k
Co.'s Patent Medicine Manufactory took fire
lattevening, burning the two upper stories.
Loss about $60,000. Insurance $30,000.
About 300 hands lose employment.
Orrin or rum Pirmausats DAM' Gasurre
ThintaDAY, Sept. 17, 1853.
The produce market has been tolerably octave to
day, ea much as al could be ezpected ander the ex
isting arab:instances. The river Is too low for cart
i n tim:, at this point, and our raCroali are to crow.
dad with badness, that ft le almost imponible for
our =rebel:its to get produce fomad from the west,
and.tio material Improvement, therefore, need be
looked for until this drawback to trade la removed.
Gold and Mir. have both advanced 'lightly in New
York to-day, the former beins quoted at 112%, and
the latter at 127. fore, our bankers are plying 128
for Gold, and 125 for Silver.
GRAIN 6 FLOI3B—The recolpta of Wheat, are
very light, and the market le quiet and unchanged.
Ode are vary firm and higher, being held at 01Mfdo
by the car load, and 58M.880 from store. Corn is Ann
with sale, of 833 bn eh "belled on tract at 83e, and 1
Oar to arrive at nine f.gure. Bye and Barley aro firm
but unchanged. Flour Is steady CO • fair load
demand, and we note "mall Was of Leto Family
' from sloes at $5,75 to $6, according to qualsty.
G WORRIES—The Grocery market Is considera
bly excited to consequence of an advance In the East,
and while uo ranter's! chen,ko Oat, al yet, taken place
In prices here, holders are very firm, in anticipation
of higher figure..
BaCON—The market Is quiet but Arm, and the
deck In first hand' Ii booming very light. Small
sole. et 61•46,1•ie for I/halide:re; 6gra7c for Ribbed
Sides; 10X$110)f,o for Plain llams, aid 13 to Ito for
common to prime Sugar Cut 01.
MILL FEED—The demand is fair, and the mar.
ket is flan but unchanged. Sale oo track . of 10 tons
et rxs lot Salpgtudre, and $1,60 for ordinary Mid
dling"; also, 26 tone prime Stapled, at 526,5) per
811E115-4.ale In ono lot of 127 bnah Timothy Seed
at $2,60 per bosh, and 40 bush prime to small lota a 1
$2,00. No Bales cf Flu or Clover feeds reported.
BUTTES i EGGS—anclunged; tale of 300 Dos
good 801 l Bettor at no; 8 crooks fresh at same 1g•
are and 5 Dbl. Eggs al 15c.
HAT—firm selth • continued good demand at
former quotations. Soles of 21 bales pttme Timothy
at the rate of i= tet ton, and 16 loads from scales
at $3l to 535.
APPLES—h doctln•d; elle of 1W bbla at $2,00
BALT—unchanged; sale from yard J( bbl. No 1
Extra at 5240 Dor W.I.
BElN—steady, with . sale of 32 bush Small
Welt" at $2,76 p.r Laub.
CHEESE—Ia to good demand, and prim" W S. sell
readily at 1234 c,
Pittsbutgti Petroleum Market.
Barr. 17.—The oil market emit In net to rule very
quiet, wall as particular relation to notice to
va'uee. Crate to la fair amazed and firm, with a
Bales of 1,000 barrels to t sok at 26)--the buyer to
furnish the barrels and the miler to fill then; sent 45
burls at 27o—bartels returr.o fair quotation,
Including packages, would be 31X, out coma sales
have Wert made at this figure. Refined to bent Le
very quiet, as we were uitauln t 3 bear of a tingle
transaction. For immediate delivery, good breads
may be quoted at 53;353%, come holders ulaing fa.
The Bret name& figure (6a) was afford for 500 Darr '
end we Jim heard of 53% being offered fur a almi
r alum Co . ileriew aro unsettled and In the
lb..e of oaks wo omit quotation,. nonotd, hoe,
is &toady with • uir jobbing demand at loom 63 to 65.
Thu . ° is an improved demon/ for deodorised Fos
sils*, and the merket ran h qtr. ted ft , m at n—
ame holders asYing 20.
New York retrolen= Market
[)pedal Dower, w the Inttabargh Gsutt,
Nrw You.. Sept. 17, 1869.
The mulct. for Crude f. dull and nominal with
small sales on the spot .t 36c. Rallu.d In pond, la
quietoirlth nine at 660 on the spot, and 62)063: for
. far October lelirery, buyer's eption. Betloed, hoe,
ranges from 66 to 070. Naptha le fltm and a shade
h ghtr, with Wea of Bel ned at 25(4.7.6c.
lion and Nails 17,—The demand for Bar Iron dozing the
put month bee Gen folly tonal to the uspaolty of
our m ils to produce. air Sheol, Hoop and rate
Iron, there Is considerable and the demand
ap;esr• to be Ln 111.32 Of ;he prrseat supply. The
demand iJI Sheet and Plate Iran, however, is alweys
large at thin season of the year, though, ordinarily,
It falls off to October.
There is a hill nippy of nape to meet the prompt
demand. During the loot of August an advance of
26 ante po: keg cos stabliehr , l The prce bet ro
the ad ran. was Las than for bat Iron, and area now
the yritoe is leas, relaLmly. The tmprev ton appease
to be gaining ground, that nalla wiu still further sp.
Mesta 23 cents per keg the analog month.
Pig rascal continua. rum with a atroag tendency to
higher rat., •poddlr for Jimmie doeonptloua totted
foe tre manufacture of Hoop, ghee{ and Plata iron.
Cleveland Blacker
Barr. 16—Biour--Bo'n 250 bbl* dna al •.1,00; and
small lots common XX red at $5,00. Wheet—lle
ceipts light and market better. Sates o n 'Change 1
car common whim on Inca at Idle; 1 car Kentucky
white me track at 132 e; 1 car rod on track at 107 e;
and 2 cars choice red de at 10.110. Mace morales
brlden have been firm, but the market was not quit.
we settee as yesterday. The only salsa report* 1 wen
1 car Indians abbe on track at 120 e; 2 ears red
tram flora at 1070. Core—:isles 1 car from recrectt
70e. Oats- Firm with sale 1 car t rem store at 570.
Itye—Held at 73875 c.
Toledo dlarket.
16.—Our market ls nearly Unless to-day, the
a , not of grain which bye changed hands, affordlog
but • tadt zto the feeling of holden. nom
No tales reported. Wheat—Market very quiet; sale•
b Iwo report, 700 bus 21. d 1 Jat 'al" 0000 bu d
of. 51,00, 600 00 do at $l.lO. Sluoo r port, no sales,
ono It :s Impowdble to nem. quotation. Corn—No
thing doing. (Ma and other grains duO. Yre.ghte
—No elm.ten that we could hoar of. Bolt— tare,
51,10 per ILI.; Comae and Orcaed Baler, 52,25.
Imports Dy Railroad.
Prrrsamsoon 14. Wnriia & Cletoooo Itstiaoao,l3ept.
10.-441 oone, D et 11 Wallace, 21 bit whisky,
Lynch; 2:0 bp ¢1:1 toed, boa C. Nell; oar lumber,
n Lgdon; rgs barley, Josh Rhoden; 12 his
pearls, J B Canasiel; 190 pigs lead, no consignee; ad
uL b s, Lyday B Clorpennlng; 10 be apples, Seises
krinstsuog; 32 do dour, Bic gluon, lionrgeen co;
3 di. at plot, 10 loss soap, W P Deck & co; 12 do °bees%
I \.n ti a, er, 205 bgs oorn, 11 Wallace; 142 do
.do, bee L lied; 12 bls dour, itt'Llurkan, EOllOll
or, 65 do carbon oil, 7 A. Conshey; 121 01l big, his
Liens; 122 do, Jai Wilkins, 121 do, W H Bryam; 100
do flout, Jaa Id 'Cully & oo; 120 do arbLky, 0 do splr•
Its, Llo.letur 3 !milli; 6 cara barley, .1 'Modes; 2
coca maid J Moorhead, 201 blip mill food, Bitch.
41'Crooty di co; go bls float, Wm 21.0utcheon.
OurrsLeen 4 Prrrsevean llau.saarr, Kept. 18.-
1 keg butter, 1 pty feathers, 12 Biddle, 10 lolls tap
a imp.= a hawk; 10 tubs batter, 3 blAr dry apples
do peaches, L H Yotght 4 co; 80 do flour, Y Von
(Sauer 1 car wheat, T Keonsry a ton; 6to barn,
.1 A Itelsbare; 3 cues taboos°, Ehrr ,or 4 Gaup; 48
lots dour, Llndrn,y 4 Tall sid; 1, do apples, 7 do eggs,
11642 a a Annetruegi 17 togs butter. It 'Daus A An-
Jar 18 do apple!, J hoynoldr; :' A do tobacco, Han
lad 4 Conoco; 138 bts wheat.] S Liggett A co; 17
ble apple., Owens A Kennedy; 17 do do, Flemloy A
Elteeir 102 do do, T Leonard; 100 bdls obouo, Y
Wiellar, 4 ble pops, 4 do potatoes John Herbert; 17
As rap, Zdatir..e; a roll. leather, A W LOckard, 63
bur cheese, J It tantleld; 31 do do, Wm Ilastep; 00
dodo, 8 Swart A co; 18 bales hey, 8 11 Itloyd; 60 ble
dour, bbornalter 4 Lang; 814 cells leather, Layton
a Olden ; 04 tie whleky, U 11'8014gen ; 168 doz
Drool., War li•elage; 38 ble •bisky, W 11 lieyon,•
bhde totacce, John Grier; 4 do do, 111 Hey!: 100 ski
wham, B T /termed, 4k; bro.
LLIGHLWir STATION, Sept. 18-4 baskets market
ink, Vs na osodern.llo brick tile, Oran A co; U bls op.
Ors, J 0 T•Ur 4do do, .7 111014 11 do do, W Tat
ridge; 10 bcs Potatoes. Koury Jambe! 1 cariork bl.,
8 llactaagn a co; 175 eke bailey, John H Speer; 1
Da leunba. A Galley; Ile We apples, ;antra, Eon A co;
7 crocks butter, 011etrIon A H.ohani 70 Ws apps, /1
- Ems EKNT—The three-story BRICK
WATIMOUBS, Ho. 0 woo: stmt. two doom
trom Wstor Ursa. .
Vas term apply to rams& BAHL
(Hathaan, Bodua • 0 1 6,V22 4
wrose 87 sari Wood mode.
FittiNT—The third story of too
bulldog now ccetoted byths sitliwzmos. carna
of Et. Oar Mast and Duquesne W.S.
Fllll lart , ..thirs T WO or a trim boom..
to the thhd or toarth nodes WI Guerra Della;
bp. Fifth nowt, tetth without Mate power.
lamb. e* the pnonbra.
WWl= LARD OIL-8 barrels to'
Ay mato sesi tor oak I mam
pall „ DICILItai CO.
Allegheny. Live Reek Market.
Tim= LT, Bur. 17.1869.
ibis heabeens • rug hard week upon drovers, and
one ',bleb will not be forgotten soon by three who
Pave but recently embarked In the bosh:tea IT_ do
not remember of soar acing a hard a market and
wa certainly never WM WI many bard cattle cn sale
In any one week. One would almost be forced to the
oanclaslcn after looking over the stack on nab of
Isle, that there were no good cattle robed In 'fhb
country; or, If there was, they were left it home for
• .how, father thee . ; to 'leafy the palate of tines
who axe fond of gad beef. We lima had again this
wart ancther large supply of bulls wad stop from
Ohlo, which ware sold at tho low price of I,ea' cants
per pound. The owner of one lot natured ns that all
of his (bell) were Vatlanfigham "man," and be
urged same of his Cr,) Meals to bey them for thair
own table use, as it woe the kind of meat that Val.
and hi... Southern blinds" wore very fond of
Good cattle sold readily, as the supply was very
light, not one half enough to supply ito !mil trade,
and while we Wiese that this grade of stock sold at
a fair profit, 11111011 and inferior cattle sold at a
has at from three to six dollars per head. There
was no demand for stock cattle except fez those of
first clue, weighing from one thousand to eleven
hundred pounds, which sold readily at 503Y,,0.
Oa Wednesday morning, Myers A Bro., to whom
was awarded the Loren:Lament contract on Tues
day, commenced bet ) tog, hot only at low figures, say
3 to aW,c, and these will to the extreme rates paid
for that clue of Clltt'o. Them are ;delayed ibis grade
waiting skupmene, and * ill be brought forward, let
the price. be high or low.
Tae following are the correct vitiations far the
different grades of cattle:
Premium—None In market.
kaus --- 4 @ 100 rel lb.
Tina ._ 3 CO o "
Becoad 03)(0,
Third quality
Inferior 114439 a
The whale number of cattle sold this week, amount.
. .
ed In the sulegsted to 1542 bend. b.lng 212 hoed
We than lan week. The tattle sold were from the
tollortng tamed Staten:
810 bond from Illinois
18t be.d Loon Embalm.
Ed bend from Nonaccky
781 hood from Ohio.
SO3 head tram Pemmican'.
Ebbw wiil be found • corroct report of .11 the lead•
in' oaks:
itt ai /Tank, 38 head of fair 110 p icind steer. 01
Mee gaslllJ tut not tat—cast S coma In Chtcoso---
gold here ats3,3o per cwt.
A Cortartine, retailed 81 head of very fair con and
haiku. from liorthun Ohio, as 2%(63:Yee.
WM Murdock., wholeenai /9 beau of tait Ohio steers
eventing 1360 pounds each at
Id Studer, told a talked 1„t of szoud of small attck
Study, sold 40 head of small Chia terck at
rsti oo .
Wm King, to ailed 18 head of fier *nail cattle at
aulden, retailed £0 head at Ilavto/ic.
L Pationan, retailed a saiva let of 2U h m 1 at
2 X,0 3 .5fi0-1,
1, Bau, told 21 head of-small Ohl> cattle, to fait
flesh, at 52,10 per cert. •
W Embers, ro'd 41. heed of smc.ll Ohio entitle at
121 per head; or 2}l, cent. per pound.
kldredeen. totalled 3d head of very felt Ohlo
stock at
'Shaw kouherts, sold 31 head of small Panne. cat
tle, imitable for stock, tit an average of 2%e.
0 Prater, toll to head et small inferior stock at
J Dolan retail d 61 h. a I of fair Kentuck y steer. .t
3444 ~
C. 301.411 a co, retailed a rained lot of 40 hood at
J Barwick, told • mixed lot of 21 head at 243 c,
P Shoe, fuelled • mud lot of 2 , bud of Ohio cows
and halter. at 8035.c0.
W Wan - time, sold 20 liaad of nice fleshy small cat•
tie at 52 00 por cwt.-
Kidd di co, told a mixed lot of It) held of mall
Pains. stock at rg,3,4ic...
M Johnson, told eu bud of small Ohio cattle of
good quality --40 bead t mailed at 2,tia,,JX. - ; 1.1:10 edi
neat of stock cattle, averaalh.; tbs, told by
Herrick at 1 ,, 10 head of Ohio otters. whilt the
owner held at 534 ter bead, et th e P...t.g the
market, but anbeequent'y lad at 121.
Crum d Lb, mild 86 heal of heavy IllinMs elute,
one of the best lota io market ' at
Bash hour d-Lo, retailed mired dot tf 30 toad at
J *glen, told 20 hood Of Infrldr Mock at 1%
A Lantz, told a medic= lot Ohba stock at 2XO.
It Boone, told Si hood of Lair Ohio sic rc, aaaaa g•
tat 1000 I'M each at 3.0
J Bybee, w d 162 bud of the finest stock we have
teen in market. raieed by himself, and weighing
1223 pound., at 3}o---uld to be cheap.
t.; Undue:". sold V brad of lulls a: .134 e, and 20
head of small heifers a;1 yig,3%•.
E Whittles. y, sold 22 bead of small Miters at 2
E Wo'fs, 20 head of Ohio heifers which cost him 527
per head at home, sold hese at se:—pretty heavy
11 B litonros, bad 20 head of bolls for which ho was
el red 1a mum per pound at L.., and told beta at
the tamer.
B. King, 20 hoed of smo'l Ohio cows and heifer. at
J Pringle, bold 25 head, which here bun In mar
ket for ue ere! r eats a.t 91499 d
Wm Marton, sad 23 head uattle at 13iir.
8 Wright, told 2X bud of good email cattle at 5:460
per bead; or abut 21.4 c per pound.
Webb b oe, tad isti head of Mu stems, not
ray fat, at
LI A fderfintt. sold 30 head of fib . =all little for
.1 Bond, at 2%614c; also 20 bead Wortar small cattle
for I Tanner, and • mood tot of 110
head on his owe account at 3.04t4n.
J Elliott, sold 61 head of nice stock ',Lad by him
self, id Ohio, and ueragi g 1200 pounds each at 3,40.
Marko b Oto, sold 1.11 bead of very,good cow. and
better. at 1..6 0 Pee cwt.
Ir-rt ware other etnn:l• lets sold which we do not
think It important to nolloa We thin/, notravo',
that era have given enough to sills', any one that
tha marital was a hard one, and that they were very
few good cattle on pie.
Hanka k Latizrty, Commlesion Ilercbude for tie
sale of hogs, !apart the following transactions :
Merrick .t Lafferty retailed 100 bead
sad wholesaled 150 head at 5; Wm. Hu mea I.ola sou
Lad i'ximlwe . 0 5%; 0. Hue.. cemm. .t
4%; 8. Orlt 45 at 1% • J. H. Bell 100 inferior at ;
Wm. noliadden 48 ta lc at ; Wm. Hardy .8, o
good lot, at li%; and .1, B. Axe 50 common at 4%.
7 be marker. cured dull and none bat prime teary
are Inquired for.
The who,. number of Sheep sold this Irak amount.
In the aggregate to 2140 head, as follow.:
771 L Bushnell sold 170 head at 8); J. Mitchell 194
4 it! aud,Goo at 304, J. Glass 473 at BX„C4 t also 173
at 4%,. 43. Swisher 191 at 4 ; 1/4 Johnston 174 at IN;
and King 90 at same Sgura.
3 he above potation. phew ■ decline of nese y
cent ply p.uni limner quotations, and even at
this deo In., the market is mbar dulL
UTlOE.—The undonagued baying
pursbared the .nine saw* from the long es
tabllabed home of J. H. lion brlC. would 111/1101113(.0
to We old =Women, and the public, Ids mineral to
store lig Lbrerty street. (fatal occupied by J.
tl.:Caue,) whsre e large sad comylete stack of Pad.
dim' and Illasimakane Leather findings, Miele,
CU% to., can be found, and at 10nel rates.
0.11. 4HDILIS6OLI, lick 181 Llterty ;Uses.
AND LUAU] CB, BUSINIB 3 , I most cordially
oommsnd my encocisor as a roan of !grist It tegrtty
. 24 good business qualifications. For some months
to mons I will motions to occupy !U. AND/ilit.
!OFT trountlnuroom, and will Mdra gnat pleas=
In Introducing him to my basin= acquaintances;
J. R. IticaUtill.
July 24th, 1662.
111114SOLUT1ON.—The Co-Fartmoratip
0.0 s=Lt lag botsreen the tuderilia.t, order lbe
arm rams of SNAP. 'LEWD 0 GO. expired tote day
by droltetSon. The buelattes , ritl bs Onti". 4
(melt Yd b.lliAr, by whom All demands due to or
from the ens trW to settled.
jr, BUDD,
July let. WO fellbfrol
—The pertnerehlb heretofore eztitleg between
011ECK/ end It. H. WA/LING, &Nag hINIIO3I at
N.. AI Market street, coder the style of 081100
WAILING, U this des dle,olvad by tactual cosiont,
R. N. WAILING ref Icing. 0. U8)02.2 U authorized
to ale the name el the arm 14 senile' Iha basUILIm
Is 0. ensou,
rETER Loau.,Lian,
52i1317 AU TOILS= 111,511111,0TV1Z11
(tomesly 49 Math= drat, Now Tort.
Wonll rail the attention bf dealers to the article. of
RR manufacture, 'eta
Neraboy, Phis Rapp., Ochre. terve*, Americo
Cleuthrm, Nataifrco, Pare Virginia, •Neeltlbxhre.
Scotch, Met Toad Scotch, Itich Sigh Tart az
tnutSnom, Booty Dow Scotch, lirtall Ram Scotch,
rowb Scotch.
WirAttatuien to coiled to tbo redaction in
pikes 01 ritio•Out Oluridoi ood Smoking 'Macon,
which will he found of saparlor
finairsa—Laos, rich 1, No. 2,, Non. 1 And t relied,
loin Oinwino—P. L. L. Or P/A l3 ;
MA. or Bueeti ew•st acesasd Oroncco; inn
Mioniso-8, Joan epanhb, Cormier, Turkish.
13—A decay ,
d" prizes .111 oral on_ fieigh
catkm. solUmi
11-tyltitr, Wki,th(leattl.—The " (Jai
renal theibts Wringer" is the only ate that
dit ytT• perfect astiateottan. IS
tthie, how.
=they and pathum Xvoryirezeth ghould b en on°
In b.r both% se It will ;ay Sex Rolf be the aftring OS
clothe% far lab by 3. aIL PILILLIM
'the NI WOOS. theft stnimb -
num MILTING, goo, Fading Gas
ket. and ell sett ohs to the GU lbs. shims
set hand sad for axle at the UAL Bta4w rot Pet.
and saga Milt street.
POR 14L1
fk.P.T4III/446 41.1.0511 S
All under fetax, nod le . rood ,late of cr&
The Improvement• carats; pt .& my 1191CIC DWZI,
L! G, oo;;IAtulng 10 roor.; large TRAMS; BARN;
MiL, with 5 ; and g 0,4 orchard
of young troco. OUAL nod. tho lorh i olo tom. 64-
liate IN Baldwin torroblp about CIO miles from the
city. Li:quint of
Po 15:9 l'orsib
Fox sALE.--& canna:Rein two-story
brick dwelling hones, with back banding, No.
26 Bose street, Pittebar th.
Also, • large, convenient end wall•entatted three-
Mori brick dwelling house. with bank handbag. Ito.
93 ace. street, between Pint seed iletiond street..
Alsch, a two-story brick dwelling home, with beck
building.. No 019 Second street, n
All the above are in good order, and supplied with
gee and water.
Also, • one story Mane rattails dwelling. No. elf
Second street, and the frame dwelling ed..
Mining. Both of there homes are 11l good order, and
suitable for mall famine..
Also, • lot 0f grotind on the northemtwardly side
Of Pint strict, hatereen 80.. and Try etreile, near
Bose street. barhir e boot of 94 km on Yiret Wee,
and extending beet W tom.
The above property fe Eltueled in a derimble pert
of the city.
F rt - lor team. of sale and pecahn baqufre of
No 100 Ttfth street.
p 13111,10 rIAL.K.—WiII be expoied for
tato. on th• 2 ) o DAT OF 00 , 011211, that old
quarry, (bettor known au WALLA CA'S Ql3 B/3.4,)
onnoalolog IU oriel, more or less, 16 collo. from
f t tatary,o, on the L. V. ft. It, In Plum to, nahlp,
Allegbe. y COOLItf, having la treat of if parches no
too rarer, a !rune btu.e sod tithe. • number of
elm!co boarnag ayple trees, •bte.h never the troll ;
s duo quality of rook f - r grlndatones, of all geld.;
V ierni hundred tarorst of collar stoma, atreerly
quarried, mug • platform at the raFroal roody for
loading. 711'. lot would ;maser fir oil refornies,
or soy one that would with to go In the stoma baste
'rams made known on day of la's
•- -
BJe to commence M 10 o'dock 9. m.
JAMAS Ililicit!.
pi om .1 . ,. gepi. 10, ISO 4.
-7 LBTT 1011 hAltr.—Two DMA 99 feet 4 tn.
front `7 110 tart deep to an alley, with a large doable
hems, between Elam:oak and Ilaad drett. A do:d
rably loath= fore Phydd.:= or Dentlnt.
Also. myna ballg site. for privalarmideacee
:tear 11:41nererillet from to lam tack.
d Ira, a large numthr of building iota, of *various
BUIL of tram 26 to 50 fact front by 100 to 150 feet
darp, situated at the tarminus of the Wylie Bth:et
Fecleaker Bathyal.
i tGAtr, "t"'
B. 0. HLBRoIg.
- GIAH.m. FOR BALE.—I. am-authorized
I to offer for sale, on reasonable terms. a T itAO e
OW LedilD, vdntaluing about 401 am a, altua•ed to
Ohio and kraohlio townahlpa. near Perryarllla 61-
lrghen7 oonnt7, and now thruplai by John 113Dcrt •
alc as tenant.
There are about 100 acres, 41 seed and in good
The tract is Tell timbered. =Wants coal, rat
very valuable for ISTEMDC pnposes.
146 lrourth etrret. Pittsburgh.
of three tonemeete, situate on klelletontalne street,
nova th e T.Bey Railroad, erttlAtt Ell tent kw twenty
lire dollars math. Terms easy.
Apply to G. 5. 1 BATES, Outturterelal Broker, Bot
ha street Leyrenoeellle. ser. tf
'LICH, BALE—Four Acres of Ground
I. and . Your Story Brion suuamg.,• Znnio° ,
Donors and lanchttaty ; watt adaptod for :Mum
tanory : lto Set by ItO last; OLD W parcbaa:d ter
sae-ball Ha original can. by coUnni on
Ha. 93 Grant atnat. Pltabattgh.
COU'THY HOMES.—Beautiful
&Lions for Country Hornell far ads, in Bunion
township. Ohio tanalgip. nod 13ratc.kley Borough.
All than lots aro within that dationce• of natant
ou ihn Pittsburgh, Fort Weals k Ohbingo nanny.
Znquir• of It. IL. DAVIS, old P. O. Bondinl.
FOR BALK--600 bbls. Crude Oil in
talk. Eragatra of B. P. HILAND,
au= Parr; Black, Pirtabargh. Ps.
To mcka room for • largo hock of
3Fletll CI-c•coc:lis,
?e m-rtre, we are Dow closlng out olzr auartznent of
Oil Cloths,
Window Shades,
Al e crest reduction from present market rates
AT Tillt
McFarland Collins & Co.,
71 AND 73 FIFTH HT.,
Petween the rcit Mee and Dayettch
Havlnie jut purchased for ash, during the recent
favorable coadtaon of the market; a molt asuman
Ind COMpbrie moat:neat of the newest sod chased
styles of
Oil Cloths, Window Shades,
We are now offering goods
By car redaction la voices we have almost elated
out our ton= mama', lad now offer to buyers
at wholenle and retell
Bactryaseed by any ever offered to Shia COI.
_ ZlitGit.ll4tl
0 A. 12, 3EO T S .
311E'Cista1tina , ea.
A ISTge moortmant, which will NI lOW id • very
groat ntinclion from lots prim.
Jrric w BOOKS-
rm. TRIO WOllll.—A gupplement to We's DI..
Mussy oat Arts, llsnotsosthsee sod Mum contain-
Ind ohms sznairoo ot their principles isul prao
tit.. from the lost London edition. Illasirs.ed
with won lionised engrs•inice on Sr(' od.
For sib by CAT k 00., 53 Waal it.
a. GREAT BRITAIN. theoretically and Mail.
eauldeeed. taolodlaa dflowlpilvo details of tea
Ong, rues awl Blazes employed, thy pral , mlaary
operation of cslatnadon. lb. Wad, reAlterT aed pad.
elan temaama eagles, aed maobloery, and the earl.
oue oreveser In calm. In oaavoleam, with gamer-
Gam Ifrostratteda Pita IGO.
salt ILAY t co., 85 Wood Meet.
Wm. Manilas !Warr and la al) fink! an Ar.
nein Writing Maid. and lions an nip. Gagne
may bast:rock off three ar four data attar the gonna.
script Lu been written. Dace. per dash gnat%
;7.6A The jars are NI gnats.
Bmittia &marina Wrinung Ink. In Out, and
pinta-8 /s r etas. nod 2 eer..
Prices vial mach lower %ban &mid%
J. 1.. UAD,
!mirth drank
CLOIN env , on band sad fin cgs, wbolanda
and ntetliettrokle. Lie Um. Oher
eels . Ali.
' trigrisarti ITO-1141-
gLOOID Is*llCHii,
Uaneeroas 7ortsations,
Cutaneous Diseases,
Erysipelas, Boils
Pimples on the Face,
Bore Eyes.
Totter Affeations,
Scald Kea.
Old and Stubborn Moore,
Rheumatic Disorders
Salt Rhetun,
Xcieurial Dia(181811,
General Debility,
Liver Complaint.
Loss of Appetite,
Low Spirits,
reseal° Complaints,
Epilepsy or Fits,
Paralysis or Paley,
Syphilitic Diseases and
!Nees of the Penes
HAVING TEEM 011/GIN IS A rarrasval)
radterre=ll. Deemonne El. V.TI.
Dn, O. H. Lareant—Ltaka roe nra la matt%
this rd=tary statanumt In favor of a tatedl4m pre
pared by you called naccerrl Moon Sammie
I lead =flared to: Oro pan nth Berohda, which
bras oat en my Mad arid braked la ea to dlctlgare
ma may meth, and leek off the her when Ma din
met mud. Ito amsrazues; It alm broke oat Co —7
arm above and below the elbow, and eat tato theutt:
and Each le ar to =De= a kortal tom. The dlaemat
Co my toad wont Mr that savant snail rises Si
bon. eama our. I was vary weak and low Wetted.
sad had Oven up all toye of eve i etUri well, I
bad text several Allied physktdana and they .t.hltnr
no rood. In Bopterober last, DIM, I am Ind=ed le
try ttlasuarr t e Impact me MAUD
' , meat male= I had no bhp 01 patrol
altar I had need three bottles of Blood Saarebor.
alum on toy bead and arm began to heal. I boar
sow taken Mad ca lan bottler and sly head madam
era cntlrely well eiewpt the sari reanaltddy atm tin
Borst. I will also date that I had the rhemnattp
very bad In my arms Icge. Its V.ocd Itetaralm:
also amid the rhsentatlmn. I am now • wall ltusa,
wet forty years of age, and I hat as sepia god mum
es I did when I woe twentl, and hale Ilozossodla
night twenty potmilla. I we=ld Dim state thd the
disease Le my forehead was se bed One when he
cooped and lifted anything beery, the blood run ant
of the 1011% Dr. Miser had a photograph take= 01
me by Mr. Otrgo, the nth*, aft= I been to gat
wM. It does not abet my topternmee ea bad is It
ant before I omemmuted taking the mild= Too
am we the photograph, one of which Is =lf to cm
poweadon. end also of Zr. lioner4, Modal:mot,
I would alas Mats that I took the Blood Ecanin
which was made beton Dr. Saner comma=nd mak.
eg Lithough It helped me coma, I did not en
over bat =WO I Mit the kind made by Dr. Ktlits
hiniselL One bottle of bit did me mere good that
two of the old. I believe It to a groat deal Amager
and better. I hays noxementend the Blood Sestch.
to a great many of my triable for voltam dlstaset
andl believe It two helped the whole of Mom. You
may publish this if you via, sad I am anxious the
eft who are edictal ea I wee may oe cond. I
title city, He. 4 ?beetroot, and am employed at Oci
stile dedereol'i Defoe Mashie Work", It Wayne
4 .81,1111) AAA OURSID
1 Da to Lam st Man MIL wad Ws bin
assay blb.d In both spa kW rawly lour wow. 1
ailed oa Dr. Maw about Wee months utoont
abed blot to en to dlreatkal to t o Instanda
for the Dllnd to Phil•delydds as told m• that
stood not go to rbtadapela to get will. at to bad
atedkloa that would onto tae, SI bs mild toy din a
law to en blood. I wan trastal mt to two a tura
Una to the boittltal to 111, oily, and Ira manta,
way dame away rsbaned alba • month at ani
caul alone out of tW toipltal. I found toy db•
as was rituality sad I C•Dol. by tta 'kabala •
good Mind of rams, ayOr. Ewa, who nos nwoore
aty idgbt, and ay asuly as wall moat
rap Doan; pas ow " Ids FYI Blood kaNOLL utbar gat
wall. M lIIHII,
Plibiburibi 'WY Ista. Clinton ELEA. 61/
Wlamo—o. Y. lit'lloat, indzeson drat, A. 112.
Olen -
Ihrtutra.a. Eaiytorkbey 111,1514—1 hardy, owttb
Matt has bad • any bq toy ow a Tar. u was
taiwad • itia Wart and scoot so that I mad not
wok tot warty a . bag masa to that / wto
moat& to do lot long UM, I to at lone
As awrztbs. I triad wand of Wu not ftam lotto
city, but irtiloont any bandit; finally I coital on Dr.
goyim tiro us Wood sweet wbo only Macaw
no alm mato, and ova ins lot twO batttta
*Wilda. and I am now Windy well and bye woo
Work! wall fox att month*. I an amployad at too
Zees noes* Sorra, on Worth lame., abtrt any
ns 151t1 as WM TEOILte PA PP L
=re. ksretal k 1/19 ricill UNA 14r.t ,
Ykil.rla A. eartora.
* 61444 4
The tapprietor oth intedldre hertegreede VW
eiruirof years: a soneemtrate the lit, of the Pine
Tree Into • Illeatotte for armee et the Lam end
Throat, Is now effartort to erdferisof hmnenfty ttn ne
eon at tie experienos. This Orgy pent and geed
medicine II prepared with ttch ant; the tar beina
Metaled expreadi tor
tithereon tree irate en
telptultiw edam= tar.
It has cared more awes of Oonseseptkra num en
Immo remedy on earth.
It will care 001141 He MID OOLDT, and loan ta•
jam dtwans of the KM= Sad
It will cm noscanne.
• is will oars AIITHYLL
It will awe BOBS =BOAT AND BIM=
6? Emu* of Cosmtaritata. Ms
U tot km the use W /401.176
not are tie
Mad end they Of do
100. fro tO Igt6i whom , Toy
v0..-obated them and metre
nerWeall al Mr Sta. and pt dradlyttrs and
ur. Alber of Fill& nut by mall. partleld.
;I cosi
adyl el ClarPallsd.
Q. MI/MAW owr,
110,11/ &oath dissead rt Nark Irddly.
erli rer. mum IKM vat dna. -
.1111111/ .
,J BANGlantri.—tra t.; 4;7- '-
ord Ow mon DAY, Ar4l* ,--- -
esarniori.v/kNla. aart ,l m A 1/1-
11171111 DAILY nel6B.
. .. . .. . .
lure. sha Parmager diatlan daft, (map Ow=
at 1:60. cm.. stopping at all B tla i
bent and PhiLdelpsth...a ~,,,kty st = a m m.
don to Naw York at Ph
Ths TELEDIIGH Ilse i i balm Us 11l
mei Pmilas Every eosi n s (az Buda) as
IkAD a. m., topping aft as umuculad
making disret ossanntions at aw
more and W eshineell, and Car New Y via nib.
mx.raza maanwhansftt .
LW p.m., ra7,1,,1ng only at gratetpa attar;
area aposecars et liaratrad kw Brataania
Wratdattrz, ani far Um York vt r Mariam raw
sad Philadelphia.
Sher atm. =mann lb. PtatTrattagr r =
Canday,) al BO p. ci Eri =x eV
itallea, manoottuki tr thmusal
Washill.k% rat at P'll. 4 4nhis for Haw Tart.
AOOO2IZIOntaTOB Tri.adds.
TIM Jana:own acierstosaanar risaa maws CM p
(imt Randay) at Sh 46 p. a., atoppins doll MUM&
sad runina ao bir as Consonmakb.
Mut doom medation Tials. £m waritiosahomi
Oily (nap Ehmlay) al OD a. M.
Bonsai anrammodattan Praia ker Win Rang
tame daily (adept Eanday)4l 11.1.10 a.m. • -
Third aorantszoistion MisM. for Wart 09010
Nava daft (=nut Booby) at 4.133 p.m.
Twarth arearamodattem Train for Wan SWIM;
bout daily (rscapt harr.:ay) at &VV. M.
Tha Ohara Train Mara Wan Station away UM-
W 4 1k.06 a. m...: reinnsina, lams Pfttatarel al
lindi p. ut.
Darting Trains =Pm in Plit,lmr‘s ini .ollOw a
Paltimore U:110 p. m.; l'td!W%il ,vv i I li a
mut. MP) p. m.; lass Line, ltiO a:au
Bali Train, 12110 s. in.; Jokutown Ascarantalldkas
NM* a. in. ; Plat Wall's Battu LusMannodoikal
mit a. m.; &cud Wail s Bianca AcooMlnodatites
MS a. st.; Third Weirs Stalks ismostimaltlina
140 p. m.; birth Wan Btalssa
&tap. s.
m ßau a t rrt Papap. wm v .
a o l
with E
Dabs E
t 1 Indlinasomta 6 alMau ti
dila lintraMion with Thrush Laxamitodation,
I Johnstson A , cemciedsPon and Lamas Tyska NIS,
and aitb Ralthaore Erns= and Johnstown ALUM&
incdation West.
Trains kw Lbecsores n•Joaect at Gas= with Zs,
ra w Trains and Train liVest i. and with Thrones
and P Let
The tyr ,r wi l l i l tir•! to lt sztl .. toZ.l p takmattel 11
Entra tnr
l - Balarad, is; t', anasurAistimm now slats
In sorpasul on any othernet. Ttis Saab
t..ilastrd with earn ami is esslisft frs., Cam dual
Ut can .mom tresty,_rpood mai natelvt IS all nib
ary trait tklm Tad wit h W:dt pilaw att.
Te 51r4 torli.—sl7 fiar. I 03
Tejltradelptits..... 10 50 9 191
To aarrlabora -- 700
dams chrots9 to all &Mita) oa :la PeastrltTai
era Oentral ysllrars3, tall to ParadetplaLs, Balttßail
axeWry ork.
P datente cazoksalna 'manta tanean "pi sit
== to era, aoccrling
I. to=cant WOW, to
'coda rtat*ui
did la* employ bra no AVIA.
1/0770 1 2.—1n one at dot the
aware= scr, , ,, >Aetna tor acme , ,‘ anus
tai Nan 191011Zi not ti tam
I. D. -An 010010.1 Mar but tam de.apit'• tea
tae t 7 =did and ban,* to asulatere DP
psi, at a eta -=, e ltd to azoool 115 cold Ira amok ph
dew u tr.s.laga. 7..^. tickets, wply to
81%A l l al A r ld''
at Vas Paaaspossia °antral EMIT gt=
ftitaa. ea Mar* nag idol add.
V t a t •
Frrrsatrran AND
al3 II til •II ARRANGE sizOtT.-tin and altar
MONDAY, April ZOO. IMO, 'inane TM tom tha
Depot ot , the Panniulnenis 1 - ..e_lvtud, la Mite.
burgh, ea fellow :
Boateagh .^ . ,.1 Wiwatero in'.
Lams Pieta lUd
eil =l
B. ui &JO a. m.'1240 p. a.
do W MO . 0.15 . t 156 0
do BiNibark/ . . 4.10 " DO 8 .
..T . &Si
do Whvell. -... 1.10 " 1.0:09 . 4:611
Arrive' Itenair- 6:45 " 14.45. 6:10 .
Ckmr.enting at Stechnnville and Itallaix with Blew
beemille an:. Indiana Ballavad and Oenusl Ohio Ball.
rood for &manilla, Newark, Oonlattros. nada, Dap
tot; Lndianapolin Illadtined, Loodeillo,
Louis, lit. :amyl.. nod all points wO OB and tonthemet,
' and at Wheel! with Baltimore and Ohio Railluat.
e7mbarpb and Gkedood Dias. _ r
Lessen Pitlabrugh.---.1 1:00 a. 1112:107.111.
do Wellsville ................- 4:10 . MO ta
do 8ayard—.......-.- 010 . ten U
do Alliance -.....---. alb' 4:46 re .
do Bareana...-........-4 tas .. lan .
do Hodson - ---..1 LES . e.lO .
earlym at Ciirrlau . d... I 5:10 " IVO .
Booneittas .0 Bayard who Tuusrawastrandt It
Hew Philadalphis and Osnel Dover; at =mute with
Pilithargh, Port Wayne and Masao Eallevidass
Ravenna with Atlantic and Great Western Sebald
Or Warms Greenville, Meadville, twos, varry;
rautastown Ind Calanianes; at Flaibou vrith lame
land, Zanesville and tliardniudi Railroad lo t =
Ow ahoga Falls and hiltlerebarg, and at
with 0. a D. R. R. for Zeta, Dunkirk and bad&
with 0. • T. R. R. for Eondruky, Toledo, and alp
will steamed. far Detroit.
Wellsville A mot= miatlon leaved at IWO p. a.
Returning trains arrive. RC Flo a. to., OM and
8:06 p. ea., and 44.10 m ta.
Throats Tickets to all prominent points cox be
procured at the Liberty 64,1•1 re l Repot, Pittsburgh.
GZOROM P . 11 . , Tlekat AVIS, • -
And at Alloghe Q. ny City.
A. OAntY,I.I.Z.R.B.T, Rant AgeraL
For :nether Intormation apply to
At the Oinspany's Ohne In Freight Station. Path it
ADRIATIC, MSC Borawpewar, 1,003 to=
HIRISIIIA, 1„000 Horopconar, 800 tons.
OOLONDIA. 1.000 liono•pmeordiAoo saw
ANGLIA. 1403 Ennw-power .3.000 tons.
The magobletot tltermahlp ADRIATIC! win NO
from Nor Tort for Liverpool on TIIIIIDAY, - tho
sai ot otox•her•
Bates o r tru= Liverpool to Now York. par.
eel In or It. wynkralent conenoy
That Oa In—STO and Lin,Fiteerso.-130 CO
latextudiete POI
Peowore lorwandad ales to 'London, Park, Ham
burg, Bora, Brwmtn, Rotterdam, Attwerp, Ao., at
Leas rates.
Tares from Ilvanool or Galway to Nor York and
Baton, gen $06,,75,51 54a, rota.
for poop opt, at to codico of tha Agents,
HABIL a !MAIM, so firoadway.
k.l POOL. tonoidnig at QIIIIZEBTORE
(Om 2aattos) 'Ma aroU Immo stinunars.
Now Took and Pitladelphla Eltassokkl
Ckomnany an, Intended to sail co cello :
CIITT ON EL W TOSE...--13aturday. rapt. IL
—.--BatordaL Eeki. OIL
y. at noon. mon
<au as WMIII6OIOI/
eel every =meant ••
Nora Binr.
Rs= 0ama...........P3 00 Brinataa .—...........E9 II
do. to London... 55 00 do. to Louden.. 115 60
do. to Res.—. 05 00 do. to Farb_... SOW
do. to Hambean 00 OD do. to Hambdry47 A
Pamenams also howardsa to USW% Bram. £6O.
tardaro, LIM& 841., at ovally by rates.
Yana tram Lmrpool or P Q O. ueenstown: Id 011atle
Mg ls , gIM &bark,. Those who with te
:or their Molds can to, tickets hats it Chen
rot ttothr intannationapply at the oompant • •
O£. co. • JOHN G. DALIN Ages%
15 Broadway, I. T. •
rohleett PM: ,
Hand Orzet. End testae from &ha
CUNAED LIN L--Etesin from At
Livergool and Q ,otrzinvin, SFS, in gold, on Its per.
aL•at la curreacy. Pro= N. Tart. $S$ in au
nary. Balls tray weak. Apply to
D. U.C. R. IT "ST3EI
larva. 4.01. NAM+ UN
Pootoottort brought oat lo iron <MAN NAIL
5711A21DA0, Moo /Amp°Olt Undo% 04111 .7 Or
CORA. for •
Twenty-five D onarll.
Apply to D. warrriu
Doing anotOtta BeriZdfor,
inyWaeod illth Mrs, Pluatrargh.
paoroaas FOR HORSES.
Orme or sue Ciao Qatwriaztaiza,
wz,,,hfogige, D. CL, hog. 111,3263.
Prepowi's are ilolleiled end will be melted as iLN
one. ha the hamithinat OATALUT 'Rossi% to
be deliver-1 at Piltstarah, Yhtladiaphiew Wait.
Ingtou Cam Wyman, if. or LuthutagoUs, Ind.
nymph vlll be eardflesal for the fuWeiftx wig
baron to We of not less len twootpllte (U .
horses to be from them 19 to eirterh. ( Made
high, tsom Mrs (6) to aim ci4 yeas" waU
to ;be conlatUrAnfik 1 104 fah. and
hom aU &hate.
Mama Josse, Manager.
or. D. o'Blol.l,
Estminf Okra:lciT Banding.
1711T1 Mo. TO rim ern.t.,:pitaburgh.
141735 ay
regirdie r Gobloor leg
TEO& luzmatar, Aont,
The ability of the bidder to thlllllhte egetentane
umln be guaranteed by too negoredida poney shoo
signature mat be eryandvd to the imamate&
lb. eveneredblllty el the guarantora mnathe tbof
Marthe olltebt wildcat, of the Clerk of the owed
kt Court, or the putted States Ditledot At•
P la mart be *angled to nat. Elpl., Q. a.
BA D. Chief Quatteeroaster, Cavalry Item%
and llaza bess." entiorted 02 ils atirde rp d.RT:3 o. ProtomLlN eider
• O.Q. e_ ,
Meng. Col. and ca. Q. IL Gush' =ea&
aul9:tl _ • ,
Fel IdOAOO ihe Kitchell leedd's Koodocuii
auto tr. do
100,0101bs. Molders;
Id) KJ& Kers lately Mimi 7 ",,
Instore sad iamb se
00084g o ir a r%
el N 0.21 ttel!e4"