It Siva BIOSKING:--zi:::::SEPT. 18, 1863 AFFAI.BB. oroF/70Ilr. PAIPPO OP ?11 CITY Forgers Found Guilty barsi Cr Omits BlBBTollls—nman ma 1022.AZD DROWN San. 17. The mire at the Commonwealth NOAH WIIWm E. Emory, otherwise called Franklin Emory, end Henry Manning, other• wile mad Uenry Tappan, otherwise called Benjamin Meth, for forgery, was called up. They are charged first in the indictment with itavingtin the ld of January, 1663,_ forged a 'certain draft for the payment of $1.201.97, purporting to be made by the 62= of Vermilee & Co., bank= in the airy of New York i pto the order of Gild BUPA= Austin and di. noted is John C. Cisco, Aceistant Treasurer of the United litotes at the elk,- of New York, with the intent to &alai the Merchants' and Idanufaeturers' Bank of Pittsburgh. They arc chargedtroondly,wihhaving uttered and published as true, certain false, Zoned and oseilstecteltbUls of exchange purporting to be drat:inky Vamilye Jt Co. in -favor of the Phi Benj. !meths, on John C. Chose, the As• dealt Treasurer of the 'United States at Nbw Took. The third, fourth and fifth ohm* in the indictment rotor to fails pto• tenets. The forgers arrived in this ety and right: =rod their names at the Monongahela :loose, Dee. 31,1862, as coming from Pittsfield and Cambridge, Naas. On or about the 3d of January they secoeeded in push% at the Merehants' & Manufacturers' Bens, a draft purporting to be drawn by Vermilye k Co., of New York, upon the Assistant Treasurer of the United States at New York, which draft was endorsed by him as good on the face and bearing date Nov. 3,1862, 'abseiling for the payaont of $4,501 91. This drett was patted upon the bankby Tappan who, the time of deposit , drew $3,200. Had they been leaded here they might lave escaped, but tho amount undiian they afterwards drew by cheek and wished it to be forwarded to Phil adelphia, by express. In the tonne of a day or two the draft came back protested. In the meantime, however, officer Hague, of this GUIs aloutained th at they (the forgers) were being punned for forgery In Cleveland, and immediately-started after them. In place of getting this money on the $9OO draft, the draft itself was put up as a decoy package, officer Hague acoompanying it on the amp train to Philadelphia. Having made his arrangasonta with the Ewen Agent for its non delivery until he saWthe person, he called at the Britten Of . loam Monday morning, where the first man whonalled for the paokage was Prank Emory, who Is Benjamin Austin desired It to be sent troin Pittsburgh—he changing hit name in hurpanagrfromthis city to Philadelphia from MOLL: to Emory. Officer Hague Immediately 1121eiteilaft with the package, and found en- On hit *win some $2,L00 - 1n money. He then Look Emory to his hotel, where he found a note from his accomplice in the transaction— Tappan telling him where he would meet him. It Weirton unnecoseary to stets that ha feinnto the officer's hands after an hear or two: Upon searching Iditueing, officer Begat found two gold watches. With this ;dander and the • prisoners Ito returned to Zttsburgit. On arriving at the Mayor's aloe. hue, the Oaahlar of the Merchants and . llialudasittiras' Bank was sent for. Be • rffirecied officer Segue to pay over the Money to him, together with the two gold .watehn ; and the amount befog still ant some $2OO of what they took from the Bank, they gave an order on the Pollee of Philadelphia for the =Late, obi= was to the Wanks of one of the parties. Alter this they were committed to Jail, to stne*Or at court, the charge of forgery. In the noon time, by some means, the forged cheek was iertendmed by the =alder and handed to one of the parties, Tappan, who proceeded vary cooly and- neturatly to est it—thinking thus to destroy the evidence of his oda OIL Vernally% thecae:Lea whoseteate had been forged, was bronght from New York and 'very clearly 'stinted the J C ary that no each &aft Waver at any time been drawn by them as indigent. After retiring for tea or fifteen minutes the jury returned a verdict of guilty. Deeperato Encounter with a" Prim' ones. 47apt. John B.rmiughaus, Warden of the' Wotan Penitentiary, appeared before Mayor Massada, on Thursday, and prefenad rettlne of a u tat with !Watt to till sgainat • convict whose term had jcist aspired. Th. footiWits Wall theta : The prisoner, whose :dial It in not necessary to make public, ked—been ocnvioted of counterfeiting, in this county; sad sentenced to five lean in the penitentiary. Hu term expired on There day, There is ands of the prison, (or-it may ,only enstom,) which requires the re- Mind of the prisoner the day before his die. charge, from the esti in rrhtal he has ee-red his term, to soother apartment, that thorough examination may be made of the condition of the cell, big work, etc. Tisk re. mend generally takes plat) the day•preer.d. lag the discharge, and the object is to prevent the prisoner from doing damage tokili work :-cutting the web, damaging the stook, tools, eta., which le sometimes 'done mat of maths or revenge. The keeps: notified this men, on Wedneedsy, that he melt take another oell, which he defiantly refused to do, and I th - sateming persona violence if ix co use at tempted,- - - • After renown= it was determined to yer- ISMOVIIII34, and on going to his cell woe found that he ha wrenched off a piece of gas pipe, 'three or four feet long, into one end of . which-he had theislicie of airll.,e harp sled for .the: purpose of effective eseret&BOO. There isidittie I:perch/ or wicket in the in ner door of the cell, through which small 'Ai des eon bo pissed, and by means of which the keeper can have a view ol the coll. When the . - Walden approached this, he was ohnsdied by. the prisoner thrusting the knife aweigh theirlotet. Lie had also effsocrialy the tenet door, by inserting a heavy place Oftimbeetbrough the aperture, lad fes tal:la to to ' render the. openi ng of the doer impossible, without Scot breaking the baaleads. Using thee fortified, he Mod the assaults of the keepers. Steps. were 3: once taunt - to ranee the strengtiold, and after coli glgersible d'illoulty a han&pike was Omit :through the aperture la such po sition: that a heavy leverage was brought tea fir . nprn the barricade, by which mews it broken. The Waders then rus h. eadinte this cell, bet the prisoner at the same moment set upon him with the knife, and bight hare !united a mortal blow had not two of the keepers inetanuy followed acid disarmed 'the desperado. It was discovered that he had , icappned himself with two knife blades, which were vary sharp, and ingeni muti inserted Into pieoes of gas pipe, thus making every formidable weapon. The blades were Stour itialree which he had been permit. Wien* it his work as s weaver. =-411.-Prillobar Wag camp l . t eqhot gamed, and removed to another cell. On Thozsday, his tergerbaving eipired, he was fainitted with. libredthien's clothing and discharged, bit the Warden had .two clArtere outside with a War rant 10 bran Idennti `Charge of threatening to klithinee; - ilewas taken into custody, be; apottoblearing-cif the case he plead that *Pr exalted, ' and eceivesly knew idkiirlda- - -was tieing. • letli life, a very firm looking- we Isteresided it his behalf, and the Warden- finally - consented to withdraw . the chargo,Jthae restoring the men once more to Shinty: ' 11410illsiteident in the 61st keg ime tit "ALfrienfinihe, Olit regiment sends tie the fiettiliigi On Saturday evening, August 231, tildatlth . ectinipthir Oidnitui Springs, Va., two eithinseinteis of Cto;.A, , t3lst I'. V 4: Wm: H. Bbiiay ind'hlnetoi.lrelker,Wko amusing Chishaeliaa - in'the bayonet exerciser. Stan k' ken penitent off, the cdontents enteriug,the left beessrd•Airalker,dlosn to Ind'untita the IM - tied:it through ;ha chest, and - oet latest Olige lor the left 'boulder blade,' sense and. dangerous 'around: • . Walker was tunnedietuly. meted to the hold.: 04 111, be la .120 W d- A ng well, and it h P04.'1 0T31 ,..„,/ tt gLe 'helot ifoatment of the will ou r* A. spee dily !hoover. The gun by t ook „this sodden: oacurred nee ,One mit by the guard accompanying Acme ion swipukto unpi that egos eiresioni joidgsaii: 9 by pinked op.thildthig it to be one cef their own am ply guns. Stanley lad Walker have both,been qeinbero of this Compariy:,as s . its fl Grit ontstans and have seta meiels hard see vbs. Great sympathy ill felt for. both -of them en amount of this midorteme—one for blase. tore woad', and the'em for his wounded Kass A Union mettles was kW in the old Mar ket Howe In Allegheny tut night. Then ware ebor.t fear or lin hundred persons pree ant, a number of whom , ladles• The Enttlng was arpnind by cleating the follow ing officers : Penidset. Davis. nee Praidests—D. Johann, W. D. Newell, J. U. Barr, A. N. Burchfield. &cedar:yr—J.G. Coffin i T. Cutter. WI/Ilain Moreland, Hse.l, being introduced, said he did not come to epeak for Governor Curtin nor :great Mr. Woodward...for no partlzialar man or party, but for all parties to support the Government. He spoke of the ounce of the rebellion and of the deception which the Southern leaders had practiced upen their people. He said that intelligence comes tons that Hosannas having recaptured Tennessee free the Southern Confederacy, is now marching right straight down into the heart of Georgia to &sentient' her and offer her up teak' on the altar of an outraged Union. He said that there seated the same neeesitty now for rupprezeing the rebellion as when the war broke out; that the rebellion must be subdued if we of the North would be free. In all the . history of the country, the real Demeerade party. has been the war party. It her shown to the word, the platform upon which It stood and stands. It commeneed with exprerdets of devotion to the country and concludes in varied', language, that it is for the country, right or wrong. Yet, within the past few months, e Democratic party has as sembled In the capital of Pennsylvania, and In a series of resolutions, twenty-three In number; it hcs in twenty-two spoken against the government, while in one only imprinted • little consolation. In none of the resolutions to a word spoken against the traitorous men of the South. That party says it refuses any expression of sympathy, because "this war le not prosecuted according to the fundamental law of the land—beeause this war is notpreze entail in full view of the Constitution of the United States—Leastme Mr. Lincoln has de viated tern the landmarks of the past." Why did not that party say a word agate st_thoee men who plotted treason against their govern ' merit while they were public, servants of the government, which they had sworn to protest and defend? "Beestue" say these men, "you ' heve.imperilled the icatitution of African slavery." Hers, Mr. Morels/id said he wee glad he lived to see the time when that Wri t:iron was etrioten down everlastingly upon the eon of our country. [Great altering He then related an instance of devotion to the Union ley a Mieefselppian living in CDC barn county, Miss., who, attar suffering so cial °Werra for upholding the Union erne, before the approach of Grant's army, after that army entered Port Gibson, gave tip his 92 slaves (all his wealth) to the cause of the Union. lie contrasted the condue't of this loyal South on with theloondint of Ifforthern Copperheads. He also referred to the woes-' slon of the States, and showed that the men who were following Gee. W. Woodward, ware following the doctrine of tameable toonsion. He knew that this could not be,—that as long as the North stood up to the banner of the country, there never could be seesasion in Americo—that, as loncas we are true to the country, no single State could dimlye this aion. Ile said that two hundred thousand vetoes go up from the plains of Virginia, and the bills and valleys of Tanneries, for the support of Andrew G. Carta for Governor—a man man who has never faltered—a man who al ways did hie duty. He said that Pennsylva nia would otiose the world that she would. never be slave, but ahem irsa. Patriotic speedos were then made by Capt. J. O. Gieboer and Col. T. M. Bayne. Fi;ca%OlLaL Several gentlemen yesterday made large hauls of salmon, in the Allegany river, below the Snspention bridge. By "hauls" we don't mean to , convey the impression that the drag not wait need, se the Weis ars hani od ont with the hook and line. Thoy "bite" with extraurdlnary rapidity—the minnow seemly tousling the water =AU it la flipped away. It is soon back, however, In oompany :with the rapacious salmon which sought to like advantage of its helpless condition. Minnows are in great demand, and no little trouble is Cacao to obtain suppliei. The sal mon weigh from a pound to a pound and a half, and are worth "Aching for" by those who have no more profitable employment. A gentleman infonaut no that he caught forty of these beenties yesterday afternoon, from she data of the steamer .oottaga," and that Nev. oral others were equally eneoassfuL The` wry may be relied on, if it isfis little fishy." Haan ntIIIST.—The new barn of A. H. Za gar, of Carroll township, Perry county, con taining his new nrops of bay, grain, 10., was cuncaured by tiro on the 9M init. It is sup posed to bars bean set atm accidentally by same children. Mr. Z's lees is said to lave boon over $1,200. His Insurance in tho Parry Matnil had expired about the middle of last Magnet. GOMM% LADY% Bo:K.—The Oetober MT, but of Gocloy, with the usual attriotione for its fair readers, will Le found at J. W. Pit teen's News and Periodical Driot, Fifth street, op,osite the Post-taco. Besides the the usual double-page fashion. plate, colored there are numerous and beautiful illustrations, both on steel and wood, in this member of (iodey. Leagues Doti TALCS —Mr. .1. W. Pit teal, opposite the has received the fait eclat er of a Dew sada of Beadle's ti publicaons. It L wattled FoGo, lions and Bo anew et Border and Benohaon • a—; Rimes."-4Thiak of four well printed and illustrated 'Vries. far a dies*/ Mr. J. P. Haat, lliasozdo Ball, Filth street, also has relayed. the above. TES/Tlll.-.40-night the !medial and vex. settle estrus, Kiss Sloan Twilit, makes her last appearance in this eity, it bents them:era sion of her benefit. Splendid selections have been aide in the pierce, In both of which appears. The ;aces ant th hy.e Hunehbask and Nature sad Philosop There will no doubt be a fine house. A GlLlames Burzlll —During the grand ceinbration at Bt. lllalreyUU, Onto, on Wei& nudity lett, a little girl carried a banner with the following inscription: "I two one grand father, one brother, Are analog, and twenty four corvine in the Union anr_y." User. J. O. times's, of the 140th regiment, P. V., intends visiting Mercer and Lawrence bountie,, in the come of • few dem and will address his Dim Mends In that station of the country, on the political luau of the day. Tsa U.S. Steamer Michigan, on Lae Ells, has received an addition of two twelve poised howitzers to boy armament. SiIICULL LOCAL NOTICES Geovna aaa BAsse's Swum Idanniern, for Lazily and dem:ramming perpocca, nre the bast In nee. A. F. Ontroirr, General Agent. N. 18, PM Went. Tenni. Fatar t Puts a2l Ornamental Slate goofy:, and dealaz fa Peaanylnate and Viz moat elate of the .it quality at low rates. Ofhoe it Ales. Langh:ln'o, nisi the Water Works, Pittsbargh,Pa. anthem Opinions of the Wheeler and Nilson Sewing illetehine. There is but one Sewing Machine, and that le Wheeler & Wilson's.—Jedge Maga o/ laneries4. _ litifffigto, N. Y. The Wheeler & Wilson Machine has no rival.—Solaityle districts. It is the machine for family usre—ddeoeatt and Journal. It Is eminently supezior.—Dietioriasy of Me. ekusial. • Every one should. call at Whiteley& Wil son's rooms, No. 21 ; Fifth street, &Adenosine sr cement of work done on these Dinhincs. Woe. Sumner & Co., the Western , Agents for Wheeler & hen now on xhibi tion a flee stock of madam, in Rosewood, Mahogany and Walnut UM. Jon Itertmume !LOX MN Van.—The, un dersigned would mot respectfully call the at tendon of their friendhansithe publioin Rao oral, to their Pall and Winter etock of Goods. They consist of all the very latest styles of Cloths, Casimeris and Vastings, English Es kimo lisantr, Trios and Pilot Cloth and Over man:me. Also, a largsassortutimt of Branch ehischlla Overcastings of the very dnest quality, all of which is collected frchn the latest importations, and will be made In the most fmedonable meaner , end at a prim lower than any other mereladt tailoring establistunist la the city. Give us an early ealL Stunt Onus & Co., Merchant Tailni-Pio.' 64 Market st.' Bunn duns, en. MoVallbtass. Fos PALL an Warren VreAn.—The sum mer is past, and by the morning's frost, co- begin to apprehend, that fell and winter will be shortly upon us, and we must proves our selves with the m at erial to keep ble. A nice fall milt, or a good and wade o v ercoat the vary thing, and we d ell-om t know of any place where our radon would suit themselves better than at Meson. H. hicthe k Co.'s clothing establishment, corner cf Federal street and Diamond Square, Alle gheny. They taro also received a complete assortment of gentlemen's furnishing goods, and a great variety of new patterns for waist ocating„ ko. A. 11121142. Vomagnmas 4—Ths atter.tion of oar counbi's brave defenders re wally returned from the soot of war and of the public' in general, is again directed to the very extensive and handsome assortment of the latest styles of French, English and American piece goods, for pante, coats and vests, lately received by Messrs. John Weiss k Co., Bier'Shen: Tailors, No. 126 Federal street, Allegheny. A teetotal totem:ion of patiemen's furnishing good; will also always be found on the shelves of the estalllishamat, together with a lot of ready-mode clothing. got up in the beet =sonar. VAL:Lima .kaT/CLI11.••••BE V. J. 99 ES 1, No. 6 Washington Place, Pacific otroet, Brooklyn, L. 1., says, in • letter: "I am happy to beer my testimony to the rains and efficacy of Mro. S. A. Allen's World's Bair Bettors: and World's Hair Dressing, in the most liberal sense.. They have restored my heir where it was bald, and where gm to ito original color." • Bold by druggists everywhere. Depot, 198 Greenwich street, New York. Zdscst.ra are prostrating the volunteers by hundreds, the hospitals ate crowded with them. Soldiers, be warned to time. Hollo way's Pills are positively infallible in the cure of this disease; occasional doses of them will preserve the health even under the great est exaosnrcs. Only 25 cants oar boz. POUR Dome's, tour dollars. Pour dollars, tour dollar:. Dental Iratituto, Dental Institute. Best cheap Dculistry, best cheap Dentistry No machine work. no machine work. 01/18178 and CLIIIMAGII CALLS will be taken at the Omnibiu came, I o. eits Marty emit, day or ;tight. All orders left at tho above pia= will be promptly attended to. All COD MCA be paid in vivenea. em. C. Sni t Dc.atist, 24,6 Pura 'Wool. et'amd 10 aU bne!r , ss of hi, ',revision. . MARRIED : HABBLTLBZ—PATTEIBON—OA the 16.14 ITAL. by ate Bev. Ds. M. W. Jacobus, settaisi by the Rev. Eloberd T.w OBABLBI T. RABB MINA of Phil. sdelphle, and SLIT►BXTB HOLIILS, dau►hter of Josepb Peterson, Seq., of Plttabatgb. sTrressos—HAlrri.4l--On lepteteber ITtb. by the Bev. L. B. Beacom, Br. J. P. BINVEBBON sal Mei Eurriz A. MATTE% all of blnif eee- Tort, Pa. IIoCULLY.—At the residence of Dr. J. B. Nen. um, neerion, B. 1 , on Monday, dept .14th, et ors o'clock a. m.. WaVIIILS r6ADOEB NSWTON, eg'd ansetess, yeaegeat denghter of Ste Wallace The funeral ant tato place Tamar mosso°, 11th hist, st 1^ o'c'ock from the see:dance of John Mr. 11. Jiang, Do 517 Liberty street. She friend. of the Lastly se reeves-trolly invited to attend. • LSWIS—On !bonds? morning, 1711 a instant. at 3a. Is. Jallf, wife of Asseasl 1.4•4 la the talk year o f age. , The facade of the Unify am repectfolly invited to eased the funeral, on Faros: errtazoos, at I o'clock, Ino.n her tisband's residence, tarter of !forges anti ttibtel4m streets, Allegheny. /MILL —On ass 11als lost, IVALIDX. danshtir of Thai. IL sad Alergsret Deal, aged 12 rare. !ware at 3 1 /4 o'olcsk TIM ArTISSOO3, from the residence of her parents, on lecctut street, Manches ter. Ills !aside of tbs family sr. sepeotfolly li aa to &Mad. AuLrr.anr - - - 1110VOirr 21111111116L13 OITIO.II, tie Durum or Pltne , 93 fourth St., Pittibtwgh, Says. 17, 1861.) kMOM DRAFT.- In socaraande with orders, I yeblieh the 8:1- lewine iler. of wwee exempted flesh droll by the Bowl of berolent Ulla Dlxtrlat, to this Gate, with the tesetree oi slide exempting : IT IMAM] or TIM 11111210 A COMMA lIICIT /11,211. . . Sawa. /Lerida., B.&Carla. 'Ar Clark, Charting tp, Thomas Honig Joseph Daiwa, Birmingham, Coo East - oar. PALO $3OO POD VIZ PECCOS•I/0 1,1 OP • tritITSYVTIL. Jcerph Lrcinomsy, Birmingham. Jamas N 9 • Geary, do. Joseph B i.enotng. Vision township. George Perry, Ltrwer St. Oh & towashiP Qtm rfaniVard, fissr II fagots* townrhip. 'Jeremiah Morgan, Dixon township. Wm El 'lariat*, do. Daniel 3l'Can my, &mit to wn at ip. Etta. y A Boland, do. =AWNED 11111.41 D LID ZSIIIPTID. Ilobt Ildmunds, Moon townoblp, arability. JDs Cain, llobiaaon tovaohlp, do. COLT ICPPOZT nT LOICO AB/1117MM PL11121159 DC" too 01 POD 172.14310 T. Le•ell Ht.:ODU.7, 8.0b1703011 township. Witnecce :!..c.hvand, Bea lieuxoth. BASIN TWO 11{0702.105.1.11 . 0171Cr1i.6. II Till lIILITAST n 1710107 TTa 031710 BUT I 11. John Brothers, Elfraeth ft to Craw ford. T D Doug .% and Isom& of tho AtJa'ant Go.. arors 01boa. 1111111tOriALS 1.101 LIIIIOLLID IA ATOTIII3I DIEVRICS. Perri r, Ylrat ward. EaroVed nal relidet In Übto. J. PIRIII Cart. and Provos% dank.), i 2/ Dirt. Pa. re' 8 LtdawT ernes cr Conahmens Gaitamau. or Psueossna W.IIIIIVRION, D Q, tept. Li. DM: f ki-PtNOTICE—IIy not the t t oo rotary of 1 7, er, all ahem and rolleted man now no parole, wh• ere absent fr m the canape to which they telong. et:ether wlth es without anther. ay, • 11l immtddstoly repent for' 'robe:Age at add camps, via: rho. belonging to rentmeots swre lon In %Le repa-tmen tt of the Yaw, and of the .oath toe army of the Potosom and the lost: Army Corp - , at Camp Parole, neat AnnspoPsOld., or the Con. TAlN.elat Camp, neat AteXallitilli, • • - lbw. Lo longing to regiments set r.og to the Deportments of a t Com p of the Onto and of the Comberland, at Comp Obese, sod Ohm belonglng to regtmeote larilog to t he Deparunento of the mimoorl, os the Tannest°. sod of the Golf, at Denten Smocks, near ID. lo Dlangaid of this oettro will be iodides desertion. W. HOPP tIAG, LW Ir (entry, tAmatery Gen. of Prisoners. Pp BUB OTKTE.•;--Ey an ACT of A.- usably entitled iliAn Act to pfseent fonds oven temeissa,. approved by the Govan:or Nay It le mad.* penal *Cann foe any person who le net tte regularly authorised agent of a Ileilr owl Gem. to sell the whole or any band that ftompany l s Goleta. Tissues Cr other iv:dances of right I. travel, lamed by snob Company. The penalty . Is a Jim of not eneseding Fire Rea- era Dalian, and flzirkaument trr a term sot races& lug me yhtr. Rotted be hereby plea that the partaltbm of lbs &bolo paned law Will be subtract hereof ur, against all gams who Easy violate the mute, by purchasior thnuth tickets 11 or from tee Rastrrn cilia, and diaposbeg of a portion of each tickets In this city, to other parties. Any per. toe who may have Toaratmed through tickets, one who do not now duke to travel on them, eon have the named pities Poems/id mud. the plo 'Woos of said Act, by presenting them at the Tioket 01Gcs T. A. scorr, V. P set Penna. R. O. G. W. CA", Proem P. it W A.O. 11. B. Ca. kIoOOLLOUGH iProe't LL L P. R. R. CO. web Eln,IL la 01143. esl7.2tead mg II .1.1 wilt „A. 4V' Benehmeattsaldtagedd tak er. beck ; tublike on Liberty anat. Ofhoe noun hom till 3p. in. In order to proper unciarelanding on toe pert of those who may cell upon me, I demo It my duty to designate smeo albs things oommou to the pnio. ties of doothn7, whichl do not do. In the flat place Ido not db. • dafe artdlC to any ono. I do oat mike cheap mot of tectli Ido not amr• ince. by their euractioo, sound, tot )w teethe in order to Wort artificial ours; Ido .to any to der dray the Barra of t“th, thank, muderiste them lloblo to Me sad pumas Mimes. and their early koe lb. more certain. Threw sod numerous Mho things which I conidmieulfre 14 0 not do. to the O or ak* of materials proper Mao the tooth. 1 take but • limited ass id cad, imperhmm hoeing Mud thalami of. olref&tual their proserys. Um. In all rases, hoarsest, Inkjet* the appoint= cf the e kethel do Wit balitatil to mats Meal It. AA thtuusllty Gl Or PITO •/ 1 c old j • • •=bar of wblrZ Matted In :ho years of 83- I t us still beariog t•otimony to my vortummthip. or perhaps I doidd ray protasdonal Odd. Waal VprBRCKS OF' EITRARBOATS FOR SIX. Quasar Dariaiwurr. Crooner T11451 3021 w 13034 Se. Lonna Aug. 24.1289. Ih. wrath of the stealer .-01111"PaWa LSI," Josh& my Drainiles taloa Gallann, to toe Ostrobulind rarer. Alto, the Vieth of the Veal , r ABT111111In." MU the bed of narpilia that% in the Muster. lend titer. Tklo inadanglo bollgrl and :halts of the Otte. dente! lwate are reported to be geed. Tear will be iota at nubile *notion to the Word Inner, on the low til/ OUTODICEL 1853. in Quo any el Chnetenatt. Otto, In front of the taw of Capt. aILI3/13011111Dri-A. Q.ll. Terra ea*. 118. Tremor, Nowa 137 crier otlirig. EOM ALUM. 0/60 1 3 3 PARSON% Ospnehz end 1. Q. N. ' ../00 We ,C=l9/1 O ' A willbssoil kr. -oat=ll2ll6 isiod,pletta -11 THE LITF.ST NEWS BY VILEGRAPH OUR SPEOL“ , DISPATCHES FROM WASHIRCTOW. E9odal Myatt:kg to tho Pittatatv.ll Gor.otto VTABUTSGTON, Sept. 17, 1863. PIOTOBT IU!SEdL OZILENAL'S OINCUL/IL IS 'ILLATION TO Till will OT 11111111 001T08. The Provost Marshal General has leaned the President's Protdamation in circular, closing with the. following instruetions to subordi natel I Attenrise—Every of in the military ser• vies of the United States is celled to the above pro d...ll o t, of the President, issued on oho aftoenth day of tiepher, 1863, by whisk privilege the writet in cf habeas emus is suspended. If, therefore, the writ al habeas corpus shonkl, to violation rf tie aforesaid Proclamation, be sued out and 'served upon any offiser in the military lengee of the United States, commanding him to mo th his custody, by the authority of the p ro d. duos hafOre ani Court or Jadge, dent of the United States, belonging to any Any Person coo of the classes epookled in the President's Proclamation, it shall be the duty of such ea. ear to make known by his =Costa wader oath tto whomsoever may leant, or serve 113101:1 writ of helve corpus, that eneh'persen is detained by him as a prisoner under the authority of the Preildent of the United States. Saab return having been made, if any person carving or attempting to nerve ouch writ, either' by the command of any Court or Judge, or otherwise, and with or without the due preens of law, shall attempt to arrest an cam making such return and holding in enstody snob .pe..son, said officer is hereby commanded to fif oo submission and obedience to linnet; and iF there shoo!! be any attempt to titiceSuch per son from the onktody of ouch dim, or arrest such ofilear, he "ha!! resist sent attempt, calling to hie aid any tome that may be ?Mei eery to maintain the authority of the U rated States and renchir rush restetence effeotual. rson 11"106 . 11 AMY. Newt 'from Gen. Meads is meagre. The enemy attempted to force a plunge to this side of the Rapidan, and advanced for that purroce ea manc, with a full compliment of artillery. Our cavalry, supported by the Sec ond Army Corps, sueeessfully prevented the crossing. It is quite evident that either Gen. Meade or Gan. Roseerane will soon be &MA ad by the concentrated forces of the rebels in a last desperate struggle. OCISEILLA The guerrillas have appeared spin in the rear, and to-day they captured ton sutlers' waions, with the full contents, at Cattlet's Station. From the number of sutlers' nagons taken In that region, it coarse the cutlers rather like the operation. They are never osptured coming thie way. Till ILIPOILT OT 010111.1 L yams' 111OTAL IIII• FOILIaDID. We have it from unquestionable authority that the reported removal of General Ecigs le a mistake, baled on Lie departure for e tourof Inspimtlon. In the event cf his re moval, General Robert Antai, oblof of ttn Quartermaster's Department of tbs. North west and the Cumberland, will bo appointod Lis atm:enter. lUIHH Returned to Reston this afternoon. He le spoken of, prominontly, as the successor o General Bohodoid, whose administration o Missouri sff sire doss not meet with the ap prom! of the Exeoutiso. coatnivorso LS CHAPL/111 Rev. Maclaine, of Alton, Illinois, has been eannissionod as Chaplain of the Alton zollilary prison. OVA'. rIOIeILTO3 TO •DD111135 TIIa ClTi2B7iB OP Glen. A. J. lificaUton will address the peo ple of Prillaßelphisaiweirlans to his departnro for New Orleans, which will be in a Law days. He is not to be a leader of the expedition shoat to vet out for thwre-enenspatior. of Taxer, but gets altogether in a civil capaeity. lie is of the opinion that the mho's will make no light in Texas, end that the advent of the Union army will be hailed with shouts by the grant mass of the peop!a. OILLNY SHE PIESIDESeII P!.00 • IZEEZI3 A letter from Gen. Grant has been reeelved here, In which he endorses all the adminis tration measures, and expresses satisfaction with the results of the emencipstion creels cation In the Southwest to for attained. He says the black population has been swept away from the Mississippi river for a breadth of ten milts on either side. TEI Dk4PT 11 OHIO The suspension of the draft in Cincinnati is for the purpose of giving time to correct n error in the assesment of the quota. Tait error amounts to about 5,000, which, when adjusted, will leave the number subject to the draft In the Stato about seven hundred. rOllllOl Persons likely to be well Izfernieti en the subject, expiate the Inetctitating opinion that no foreign intervention in oar atfeira trill Oadlaal. 011.1.00W/I RISIOILTION. Although contradicted hi the pipers bore, the report of General Gillmore's resignation is true. The contingoney upon which It was Lued has not occurred, henna he wUI remain where he is. Admiral Furregut bee gone therm TIM lIIVALID COIFS LW expanded to an army of near)y twelre thousand first Glass soldiery, divided into one hundred ant fortysiz oompardes, of eighty men each• 7D■ PLO raft TE MOIL ULICIADI The committee of gentlemen appointed to preterit a Sig to the Iron Brigade, to-day, did not go out, not knowing where to . And the brigade. !as NZW CICRCL DOVE. The new capitol dome will be brought to completion before the next session of °opposes by the elevation of Mils' Statue of Liberty, on the pedestal now ready to reeeire It. The Writ of liabeas Corpus. Wseendros, Sept. 17.—The Secretary of War bee ordered that the act of Congress relating to the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus, and the proclamation of the President, based upon the same, be pub lished for tbe information of all concerned. AC diem to the military 'mice of the United States hare been sorra with a writ of habeas corpus to relation to the Procisma tion to make to whomsoever issue or serves rush writ that tifl prisoner ie held by au thority of the President of the United States. If an attempt is made to resist the officer, taking sad holding such person or to take nob prisoner from custody, the effiou com manded to refuse submission and obedience, and resist effectually, using any force uses• nary to maintain the authority of the United States. Little Rock Occupied by Gen. Steele —Arrival from New Orleans. Canto, Sept. 17.—Rear Admiral Porter re ceived e dispeteh stating that Little Rook wrap t iN t Osn. Stasis en Sept. 10th, without fighting or any loss of constquoncs. Price is In ocmcalld of the labels, and tepidly re tro : mu Gen. Davidson Is In hot pursuit. The steamer Sunshine from 'Now Orleans on the &how awed. Her nova was mild pawl. Sloshes on board 900 bales of cotton belonging to i the • government taken on at Memphis. t Indian liodsos surprised. Oskar., Bept.l7.—Thin. rorprised f oot hoodrott joi l gts sbont tiro holland' man ,sbovo Sort Bosom s few days ego. 040 hos ' And sistigtrindlsos wore Itilloitz - ; An thetr applies of kSitartrolatons sod horses wOre captutod, topthor with Lett im tutabir primer& oar /OM 11 POrted. The mobs Wore rilloh,ttio Istttlo walks& Ir sot Mos& FROM PHILADELPHIA DECISION BY JUDGE CADWALLADER The President's Proclamation Con- stitutionel DEMOCRATIC kMASS MEETING Judge DadWailadei t s Decision Re• 'cased by Town Meeting. 8;eolal Dispatch to the Pittebaxgh Gacitte. POILLDIBLPIIIt, Sept. 17, IBG3 Judge Cadwallader, Demeerat, to-day In the Uotted States Court, decided the Presldiot's Proolamatlen eons ti.alional, and that Congress has a tight to clothe the President with pow er to suspend the writ of If aheas Corpus. Judge Cadwallader 13 an anti•administra tion Democrat, but a thorough lawyer. There is a Domcoratio macs meeting to night in Independence square. The enthu- BieSl3l wad palpably foretd. It la a funny thing that the town nteq4ng paned a insulation reversing Judge Cedwal. lader's decision, and donating the prools nation unoonitttntional. Tito Jews and Irish in tho Fourth Ward, the Democratic Bebaetop,l, split end had c separ ate prooeseion. The people on the ground num'oered about Ave thousand, (so,poo ex pected.) These wee local speakers only. W. J. J. Ramor■ Concerning Itorecrans an . . Mawr/tie, Sept. 15.—A large infantry force from Johnston's army is reported marching up the Tasountbia valley to reitforce Bragg. Roddy's command has gone to Deeater for the same purpose. Refugees being the report, eirculating in the South, to the effsot that after two days' ,fiihting, in which Bragg was defeated and driven back, be received large reinforomounti 'lsom Johnston' which turned the tide of bat tle, and that he was now driving Roaeorans. . All Johnston's cavalry are reported to have joined Bragg, with the design of destr eying Roseman.' communioatioes. Inforaation, however, said to be entirely i reliable, states that puesergers item Steven .son report a reverse to Thomas' corps neer L slay otte. The report doubtlen relater to the !engagement of Reglad , several days since. Several heit7By laden freight trains hod been Latta by our forcer tear Morrtstowr.. The Difficulty Between General Gill more and Admiral Dahlgren. WASHING7OIS, Bept. as pub lished this morning, there hot been a disa greemant between, General Glamor° and Ad miral Dahlgren. involving the tender of tile resignation by the tuiteic sad the displace meat of the lattes by Admiral Farragid, there has certainly been • desrcase of duty on the ipact of Admiral Dahlgroo, who has sold no- Itbing whatever to the proper department on (that subject in the rosently received advices. ,fleece the report to discredited. No action has been taken whatever to traneier Farregut from his present command. The Weetern Poodle Railroad. Batt FRASCISCO, 860. 15.—C1111 ran from thia city seventeen miles towards San Jose, • yesterday, over the Western Picnic Railroad. • Twenty-flue mike will he In order for paserm ger care within a month, and tbo balance of the road to San Jose will be oompleted by :January. .11.eganit on an Officer DAYTON, Bapt. 17.—T0-nlgnt Lieut. Eedie, In command of the Proven: Guard, vete attack ed and shot at by n I.ll9l2rderr nat.f". Frederick Brown• Lieut. Eedle dreer a pietol std fired upon hie asecilant, eevaral shou effect and pri.dailng, it le raid, mortal Tit Width Delegates &glared WAIPIIIMUTON, Sept. 17.-11. t delegates ap pointed oy the Cauvantton recently hold in Jeffereon City, to preefed to 7:aahingtor, order to make reproferttafluna to the Federal attleofillOi to provide a charge in the military oommardere of the DOpikkAidellt of Sibareri, have arrived. Arrival ol Sick nod Wounti.dSoldiers W/OEllllOl'Ol, Sept. 17.—AmbalaziOL were roaning flout a late hoar last night eoeveying to hospitals to the vicinity of Washington about 1,200 stok and wounded from the 4,rrey of the Potsm►o. From Quebec Qutusc, Sept. 17.1—1 t '.• reported to-day that the obtainer Ortledonte le feting to coal to supply a Oonfederate steamer. The debate on the ottotioa of no "eonfidenee In the Government," eetetneneekto-sley. The contest prop:thee to be The Welland Canal Itepairld. T. CAIHAIMIZEI, C. W.. 17.—Tbe podia to tee Wel tend canal are completed, and navigation hto be returned et ten o'clock to- Markers by Telegraph cu . Tong, Sept. 17 —Cotton untie feu at 69070. tout more active, and 6e nigher. at $4.8u6h56. 0 5 for Emirs eget° $3,33146,06 for Ex . rs B. 11. 0. and $6.7043.7.5 iGT trade I.ran,le—tbe market cluing nrm. Whisky 1. without any material chaos. at 6006 C% Wheal I,tlve and lc high , r, subs of 174.- IIOU at 24411,t7 for Mtlmre aprinc 66.@,51.11. for Milwaukee Club, end 3113.1;1,24 for Winter Bed Western. Cora less active and scarcsly so Arm at 76y, for shipping mixed *•.,tern. and 77 „,r %we a n, Tallow. 0 sta quiet at 6.5a7.: ler Western. Petr...:mun dull and dro pug. Pork °p . n.' c'esed more achve and Amer at $ll far old lime; $13,71 for new Mess. 110,12)(At103 for new prime, end 013,250 $13,26 t r now prima 31cm. Beef dull. Cut m ate quiet anti Arm. a ILLan as.los dud and nomina . 4 on cheng.d. lon is r thade firmer • bat less active at 10% , 012ge. th‘cso firm at 10@;t1..1. for c:narnon to hiuuey easy at 6 Par t.t Sterling Arm, with moderate bu.inest at 115"',0144%. Goil Ls wlthent a deciltd change, r peeing at 31.,?4, advancing to 33, declining to et4a, cud closing valet at 33.40:1234. Government mocks are without • decided change— r. li 01 8134; henpecks 106%; 7 30.166%0106h. eqnr.4..ewerl I.b.tot. Itland, ltssi P. D. 0 , 67%; rittsburgh, Lori Wayne sad Chlatgo a 31,:: Cleveland and rlw..nurgn, Minot. Con. fret &rip, /21.54; Cleveltod nod loledo, tt ;4; 16.16. Eli: M. U., 11.}4' Reading 1163.,'; haricot, 140; Eria 100%; Tounets eau. . 61,,;; liaised States cue., 81; Coupons, 1004; Huunn, 136; N. Y. 0 , 13434; ermine hall, 125; Idtmouri Bliss, 6914. PIIILADLI.PI3 I . I , Sept 17.—Flour dug at $l, 60.57. Wheal dull; sates of 1,600 hu,hets Rod at $1,31E61,33, and White at $1,45. torn steady at 84. Petroleum; Crade,.166636; Refined, 67M368. Whisky firm at 62(952,54. BCl#ll.O, Sept. 17.—Flour uncharged. Mont ac- tive at 0100 04 lorChirago toting, $1 084109 fur lailwankee 010, end SI 16;01. 16 for red winter went ern. Corn dud. Oat. miler. BALusistia, Si pt. 17.—Ylour quiet. Wh at active and advancing Cu. White at 88c. WuukJ dull at OtabLlA entaino, Dept. U.—Flans llrm sad sloady. Wheat act.tvu sr.l 2.c littun at vrdsl. Coto quiet at 88069. Oats quiet. New York lttoeery Market. (ream the titityping LIU.) Beta Tone, Sept. 16—Cotiot—Th • turbot for Bra. ill has egain become active :he demand being chiefly, • for conaumption, and, so ;he muck la reduced and 'holden. very arm. ner potentate are again ainnaced :7X, matey lb on the week, riming strong ail the he. :promment. For other dacriptirns Own. la ano • :steady fair demand from the triad e at gradually sp. ;Pedating pricsw. The ealos - intinde rotO bap San • Los, per Upward, at 28X,e; 11306 du Rio, pu Janes iAdriana, 19K; uoo do per St. Oat, 23; 2740 do per 'Derma, 2,a ti bond; 2593 do eo to tots 21O4C131; 450 Mutes 28 MO 10 Ceylon 32: 1073 Maracaibo WO 22, . small Los 'y d bite du 35; 92 Sutrilla 23, 4 mot; '1143 mate - Java 35 caah; and 3683534. discount firr swab; 1800 bags St. Pointnge 24343241; 250 do Gana. :Ives ni% mob; and 20 0 ',upon:we, no terms not ,made paella. The sk Mo La the dountry, as me d. up by Hun `W Scott toc A San le 62,129 bap, dz. in,. 11MO bap Lore, and 750 u at Baltiscre. At lastan. ;•200 top Pape sold at 25)40, cub. • Sv2er.-Then net, wadi yesterday, so math to Bur es T was time peat. bot•lare Mips :cm , Arm. alfalfa hair nuke sparingly. and this .tee-ema ammo SCODULIt Mr the dbalula.wd bus. but yeaterdsy, a mere saints demand epring. • leg up, large business ID done et a iurtber Ovum of oneuslpti of • cent tifl lb, the market chotrug Mop .aptly. the tendency being rather to a further Inn pp ma:tent shun otherwise.. The min are 3215 bhde tjtibs at 6-3,Ag1136 . 6; bbhi do 111 , ; 0 852 bbda Soda 'Rion ci3l , oll‘; 174 de rho!. ; 332 klarthalldb li%•19113‘; 97 Sew Orleans 110/i1 223 Met, int •hu, 9 tibia, and 436 bap mud to .tra bags) Bet au 'Bahia 10 , 4; SAM bee Bataan 95'4913; ansi 3 hnfle Mahan 7,4 ma, or usual disumat for mob. By nec. '.sloe, 070 hada Liao Orlar told at 11%01351 cent" • '4 mo o n Eidures—TheseAtail Inat bera'much activity slum ;our Mat, bat with a good datonad , the market Ii very !fora at the full Tolosa ot tha Wait wick. Teo Ulm m 4139 hlado BS tail33B OW end 330 bf do Nem filleting atdoa6 2 r4 iabbln Pon do 34 31 hada .dt. itrinatut 41tALGO (Hayed Cubs 338BarbadOes606313 Patio bs Ildwaoado 44646; an 411311 hitch, and 6 By Moo Atop, 4 mos t *slower rats tor soar. By !..g.t. 0 .600b0u, and 100 hf do Now Orleans sold it ..11MMOM,coutatll altNi ^ . „ ok I %trrn lifiND--47 bag* now MT 4 big Arom :Wrest an sad for or by I nuasaniakin . a ob. J/1173CEL STATE FAIL TEE IIEP3IMII ANIMAL MXIIIP IT I 0 PRAM. STATE LGRICCLTURAL SOCIETY, NORRISTOWN, moNru Y CO., PA., September 29th and 30th and October lat and 2nd, 1863. Bardstown Is h abeas aeremteon mile. vest of Phil. ,edeipbm, os te Schuylkill river end la acceedble by intilway to every postkre at the &ate. The 'panda ere ben. WWI) elterded. containing 29 arras of 'stand, with Lae large buildltam thereon ereetvd, together will bop satomit Br.eddleg. Tte track is aid to be one off the beet tall tura tracks the State. The premiams ars the kaarteat ever of. Pend by the Society, •mounting to tax.; $7,010. The preminua for ell grades of cattle arced $l,OOO, five of which are $lO each, lit from $25 to $l5. ..:.ens reaming dows. tO leaser Tat.. Bat herd not has than 15 bead, let premium, $4O; god premium. pa. Barees La all 'net.' the premiums exceed 57000 The hightst $ 100 ; Ss betweee stil and $9O, and cabal raegio from $l5, $lO and $5. Poe Sheer, mai Ss ins the premium. range born 510 to $ 5 51,1 115 . mie, from lfor Poultry than Lea lima tial of rum 52 to $1 mob. In the following eases matt liberal premien., ere offered: Ploestre, Oultivrams, Drills, Welton*, Beeping?dotting klechines. Cotter. Cern fitallere, bider id la, rumps, Sackett, Tin Were, Leather and It. Etimulattcrea. Bea IflaraCXera Marble Monte's, Bolter, ifloar. Grath end Feeds, Veget•bles; and abo fa': Domeetic and lioriabold illmlufactures, Cloth, CarperaVatinst. Shirting, 4booting, Blanket., ra - ismurla, vie, &nit Goods, Illeedie-work, de. , Bread, Oakes.Preserves, Jellies dc large prenbocoe ate offered for every va... 4 .3 1 T or bruit not Vlw•rt. el , incest Teta Ul be the largest ever en owed by the Society, sza 'orm one of lb. malt attractive feature, of the Fahibition. Trait, arapcs and Wines will be asldlottrd In this liereartro.t. The Pennsylvenis Bailer ad azd Norristown Bell ror.l here masked to carry amide, to erli.bition to mad from Laraibitiou freight free, requiring the forward freight to to prepaid, which will to repel, elepper •hen I t are raorned to o 'tattoo whence sh'pped. It hoped to effect the same with otter impo•trant road. f lactation. at rearmed rates wrl to run et oil the leading railroad. Starts ten be made at the office, In Ntrriatown, titer the 4th day cf September. AU articles must be entered an the book, on or before Tuesday 110011. tog, Sept. 2Dthi. linh'bitors malt become members. diembershlp $1.03, with four outman tickets, each of whirl, • ill admit vas person to the Pair ore. SINGLE ADISISIII- OBISTS. Or A List of Premium, end Begs can be had by addreeslng the escretarv. [ THOMAS P. KNOX, ) .Pruident. A. 112,051118 LONGARE, Prey, Horristown, Pa. Al EVER KNOWN lo OrDBAKE'S GENUINE PAT TERS, for ads, whams% and retail, by 81111eN JOIINSTON, Correa. BmlthSold bad Ytroxtb [Mobs. &SOMATIC BLACHBERST CASMINKEITS, DEXONO.4 71:19 ICIYMICS GRIMY rOl DTIANTZET, DLL.P.anZA, rLr:T., CELOLSIII NORM AHD 19111t12.1E8 COMPLAINT • The immense 11•114 Watley to the =tarifa of this remedy. Tie mimeo= deny reptile of rote:Viking acres •attest Int value. It taa advanateatts over any other remedy, at one. caring the diatom., and torportins taro and etrantA to the spasm. ie eels and ISP,MILES to the lobet, and powerbol In we Walt CSJ/S. • To tho soldier, topde• Ily, it la to rainable, beat appropriately termed by tiona, to many eartilicates, 'The Soldiers' Ivriend." Mothers Gu.d It superior to say soothing syrup for chibiron teethieg, treed from the injurious etnc of EISkiiOOTICB, lira" ott to the Winer by remorins Sits anise. Bc•Q by IN. ,4 00 , Ai asutet atret,s, ilttatnargh, end Ly napadable 11.1--.l43icrywhare. I=l 12= WM. F. DAVIDSON, ar. - .011119AT1., 0. pu todavis•zs P HOTOG RAP EL ELOOHB, ow:van FIFTII akD HAIL M sra • (2tl and 4d vio. ow Etc-harl•n^y Imes, Starr P.:Y.11:1611A 1' or .wary Ow end style, pleLa •lazed. troth the wry a!r.r Carte de Ytallo to Chrtrlzut TEEM M. PUIWUNO wczl4 particularly call lb! ea. teat:lon of the £.4.1 AZD DM= to the oas7 weasel bllity. •of tbig ettabiletusumt, being rannbed by a cht its short Matt of stabs, ar• rizaza K01M1A.134 =4 astarbotioa gum - - STABLING MEDICAL COLLEGE. nu ren'oa of tlabi InstAutirn bee= or. TB 171210,4 Y, the WA of edo:..r, ieel, and continua until the La of Merck, 18e4. E. M. ENITIf, Professor of Theory and runtime. Y0..111018 OP.E.TED., M. D . Prof ()bat and Dia. Women est] Children. JOHN DdWEI 39, 21. D., Proration Anatomy mod Phydotegy. J. W. HAM I 1.T031, 11. D.. Prof. Pam ry,—Kye and tar Pnriot 7. U. LOVING. 11. 11.„ Prof. Cat. Wet qbooap. a Med. Jarfop. THLO. G. WOWILIC Y. M. D., Prof. Chemist,/ and Ineolloay. D. EILLDES.PLAII, M. D , Deroonetrotor of Anatomy. Eleerrrat. Olin will base Mon, to allot:al lectures In the Clio Penitent try Iloapital and tho two lame Unitary Hospitals at the plan. Tor sutormatbn aldreaa a. Id elf rTri, De... at wrest Qa ..... nesewa'a Cmca, Corner el and and itteem, Were Lepton, D. 0., dept. 14tH, 1863. OTIOR —W ill be sold at Public auctlan at the Quertermertor'e Warehome, on the vinare between Z min 11 and Mat end TM lames. on WIMPS tDaT, the 131 instant, • large lot of Quartorsuatar's Snares, cinctemned aa unfit for public we're, was:sang In part of SCRAP 1 SON and LTATMLE, WADU - LE9, eattaxe, pins of 11 &EN WO, and WAGON:4 TtllTB , TOOLS, end IMPLEMENT& Tenni out, ha Government Tunas. bale to =memento at 10 o'clock►m. • G. IL TOMPKINS, t Gent. arid A. Q.111...11. tt A. AbELITLET Qlll&Stanistnall arms, Donor G and TM demi% r Waeldnaton, D. D., tlegint r.snosca. pusuo tiALII OF CONDEDINID .L AN will take ;Awed' tin Gomel, neer the Observatory, In tam Mu. on the lrr, lte AND bill WEDNESDA d e llT CEPTICI3DE a, In 9, the Ed. 16th and SOth f the month. The property le condemned al unlit Sec paldlo orrice. Sala to onnniallne et 10 o'clock a. w. of each and he omatiened tram dey to day =all the number cu hand dull be sold. Term cash, In Gonninsurnt lends. O. a TOUPELNA, ow( end A. Q. F Ollllll2 MALI. VN 1t63. 2C0,000 , PPLIII TEISS, EAU. B o, B. A 4 sad 5 yearn old, holudiag all the old lovllnd varldteo, end mso7, wow onto Aim, • very bove stook of PBA.B, (olandird end .4*W.) oureau,,pLum EVPMILIJI, SHADE AND VIINAHCIITAL . HUM, ciaftps VINES, DEADII3. GEANNHOCIEN NANA., do , Ac., who!osalo tod robin ot orry les. sonat.l. prior. JOHN BIDADOOIL, Ja.. solEdorlf Plltiborsh "NI OHeand Daromoo. SUrIaSION. • PHOTOWILPH ALBUMS. Tot the Poeta t sad Nam Tables, tezie with Limn Dust*. An eitatain and divot mecum jest received. 147 HAY i no- Ho. 145 Woad at. vll/Zll VitrisALS.K.—xlerts , keeptaa •la tract of Ps,* Clidar Vinegar Wt pickling. cm be enppilad by the barrel or gannn, at the Samlly'Grocery Starr of • JOHN d 215158111X 5a2a career T.lbarty and Flaad,strmia, rpuß ELECTION LAWS OP PENN- A. IYlLVANlll;digettud sad arter&l with notti of Judicial declobes. 14 to the pa lE6i t Inch. she. Price 60 ants. ot sale by TUT a 00.. 66 Wood stmt. 'MEW NO. 1 MACEAREL.—Just re adred. the fret of thr owls, new Ha.l Kook ma, In kits for testi, use. rut tor eh by the pound by JOUti IIKUOIL&W. eelf. comer Motto Rod nand etreste. LARD OM -40 bbls. N0..1; 'taunt/ad park, to? eals3k7 , JAIL DALZELL 0. a and 70 Wats, s oEtreet r • r ' UU/ fox 8 o bst ids Tunnel 0. bot.ilioa. it& ri .14hus-,100 bb • r am WS RIM IL coons. 8; T.-1860-L Nasals cdheet=tl. - y halts Mutate with yeah , um. lauttads, paWatkatof the heart, lack of petits, dabs= ass rI7oW torpid /Mr, tottlUPt ttoa, destaws to ettfPw If they will cot try tea oelrerated PLANTATION BITTERS. which are row nwar..x..a dad by the bl,htst atattozittwo, had vartantst to product. so itamsstars batstaclal ertct. 'nay aro tatmedingti arett•N; ploltse.ty pars, aed meat soperveds ntl ett'sr t:=Lit whom • healthy, {watts stbastsat Is rarlittd. 'May polity, atrealtth= sod las:earth They mate • boaltby appetite. -1 They are en antidote to cbsAgo of water and diet. They mamma altects of diedget.l.l. and late horn. They mrengilam the eyetzon f r.d enliven the tolma- Th.ty paced minmstio and intermittent freure.. They parity Vas breath and acidity et the ateMesb. They cue DyidsiAna and OuLftip.tica. They curd Inattloss. Citotsre am; Cherie !loth.. They um, Lifer Complaint and Samna Desdauh.:e. Th.y make the weak g, the languid and are ashaafted ustura's great restorer. The? Lte composed of the odebratal Callnya beet. winUT• gram, sarsf.'zr, tOOLII and bear, ail preferred Is perfectly pal Bt. Orals hue. for particulars, Pee cdrwriare and tenfurraisiljrr•-rd each bottle. Doware of importerS. yteasoine even bottle. Fee that it has D. S. ranee' sigimmee on dart plicate U. D. Stamp over the cost; with pinztatlmi scene, end our era liignatore en l Otte steel plats atignslr.: side label. See that our bottle Is not refilled with a.:uriom and deleterious Mud. We defy any prom to match the taste or eltssictsr of our goods • nay pawn peniandlng to roll Plantation Dittoes by the gallon or An but, is en imposter. We sell only la on log cabin bottle. Any person imitating this bottle, or milling any other notarial thereto, whether called Plunintloiyitrart or net, L a mindful under the tr. P. Law, and will be eo prostizatnd by 00. already. hare OW aye CO two parties re filllog con bottles, &a, who will aticezoi hi getting themselica. Into en. enarturs. The demand for Drake's Plan talon Dittoes from halm. choWlLlens IterdiOnt* to., la perfectly .I==dlble. The simple trial el a bottle I the evidence we peasant el their worth and eupartarity. They .re sold by all respectable drug gists, grocers, physicians, hotels, Itteaciboubs ettd . conatig stores. ==3 PURE WIES varpleAß, . .11111E11117 , 11113 , ET EL A. At. BOLLII4N, /MOW, MALLS? i CO,, Dordsatm.) no only Vtnegar •warded with . Mae med.], of sizai exhibltals, et the Intamsttritid Maltlllm. 'The Confessions and Experience VY AN INVALID, published for the Leoegt mid as • arming Leda/J:1110N n YOUNG N:Eif wist. stiffer from r.cnons DeH ill, riatmAture Lefty o' tlaahoo I, idu..auppip,z, at the =lB UM'. TEM =ANS Olf BN.Lif CNN& By.oue silo has Lizoself after being put to greet exparse and Wu , 7 through medical humbug ar_d quackery. Dy enclosing a pmbpild addressed OLITOIOVN dn. g 4 copies may Le Lad of the author, NATHANIEL N C7l - .1.1.11, Erg., • my2l:leds., Bedford. Votes ocmoty Lskd 6aperior Copper !Lill rind SMELTING 'AGNES, PITT3iOLO3. P.k.1.1) ILITURBY & CO., klanctfootu=rn of all&krkithit, A. 113) BOLT COPY:LI , " PIS v - R.1113 COPPRII BOTTOIIIS, HAISLD STILL BOTTOMS, BPALTY6 EOLDEIa also 'cavorters and doolors =TAW, TIN PLAT} BiIBET IRON, WIGS, Ae. Oonstan•J? cn t.;nll Ttlarral . LIACHItiId AY]) TOOL& WAIXIIOII6, No. 119 l'irtt sad 11.43 tecond straPtr, Pittaborgh, 1161/13Fccislordas o 1 cat to any desired p. 1.• tem. ar.729,dawly2: Pnximunt, Li. r.,<•To S ere :us Sufferers- of Both 814.7.1,5.—d. reverend gentlemen • having teor re :tared to health In a few dap, after endergotog atl the canal tontine and term:der expensive modes r f treatment,ealthout ei:kanes,.weeddere it h.te eaor.d duty to coriondnicate to hie aced fellow crtatroes the ar-tee cat craw. Hence, on the receipt of an ad. dreneal envelope, he will wad (free) a copy of tt e preectiptlea med. Direct to Dr. JOHN M. DPI HALL, ltdl Tilton Meet, Brooklyn, S. T. hilillAardaver DIITCH BB:8 LIGHTNII. S . tilt-FaLi..p. supplies a want felt by story good housekeeper. Bear, sheet will kill s ;mutt whew ales a, thick. Remember that it is DUTSEiZir, that does this, and cane the base imitators that are eared. The ml ankle is for isle by all respect • 6blz DruggistA b. A. FAMI7STGOKI3, SOS it CO., earner al t :ad Wood streets, Jel&fivrdava W. 0. 1 10/5131.3X. 1111. WINST I[OIIIXION. 110,1113130 N, B A dt Go., (5w . . awn to OAK/SONO:WM k Itimasoo WArtrmserca Wooxii, Toy!cocas Alm likcrastips, Plttabsesb, Alszturocturers of BOAT AIM STATIONARY STEAM MOINES, BLAST ARGINIIA, 1110IIIIIERY, OHS RING, BRAT/TM:3, OAST. LNG% of all Awl lotto. ; OIL TARES B NULLS, uu was AMT. MEET IRON WORK. Agent; for GITYASA'S PATENT MIRO:OR, for Lading Boilers. OC'Jatili COMMAS idanufacturara of IRON BAILING, IRON 'AO L'llf AND 1 , 417 LT IMOIS, WINDOW satmurx. WL.,7DOW ;MUM% £o., Na. 11 Baccm43:xast. sad 88 Third street, between Wood and klarkti. Bata on band a lariat, of nee Pettdna t taut" and plain, ratable for all parpatera Particular attention paid to ancloring Crave tat 7obblskr done at short notice...ult 9 ' " IMTETROJNA U. W ORSI3 Long, AffiZier 4 - Co_ Worts at glutryburg Bratitm, Anzaboug Yale! gailroad. Olfice arid Warehouse, Ho. Et tuatxrr EfTILIZT, Pittsburgh. Ittanatieturen of IifeLIIMINATING and LITBEI OATIWO CAIIBON OM and WIIWZOLFe. sir No. 1 Wels — AgED OIL, eranautod uon-criito• elm always on hand. oattlyg HOLMES 4it SONB, Boilers ii.ON AND DOKIN3I7O BTLTAWIi =MIA, t:z. - %...c..102,179 OF blIPOSITMAZIII; sans AND sPZOI3, Ho. 6t !Whet ettteet;l4tte' blush, Ps. 1114 - CoCestloit Elan on , the prlntipal tahatit the Vetted tete. eeZi HENRY B. COLLINS, For• WARDING Abmoubunanos kizausep . .Q s wholesale dealer In 011=311, BIM= BEADS PIM, end Produce ennetelll. AO. 95 Wee& street Pittablenth. P. CI,ArJEI afGE.IrTS, pßNelOiNiti,litrUNTY BACK PAL T. WALE DAY, 0L.6.1.11 AGM*, ffo,,110:1 NS Et, Oda door bekot Ootketral:: , u woaaded &Man, who ba4o iktei ta sotimw: I tin or naval nal* am eatithil to, StCO HMl*_; er I tad Poeta.' rn balli=ro trbo bitirlottssi VFW mu222 , lalleatititlel to the 1.100 Boloal. Maus by g anon at dim* tier=2.l7ktows of 13o1diers who di. ar art kbi4 la Qs lionize are totaled to roar§ ar-IP . 1 49 ° . cont ao., Ailtb^art Ots!=s. of etas, dessiptialt, progaptb , ot- r • lauded to 30 obarge nada fa say WO lIIIin-itt b. ag.otfd.: . bribilloa•to pKNSIONS, BOUNTY, BACK PAY. .11. H. a =MIELE. • • Ate:~ 1.a . g..10:0 "RA Oloto Agent, Ho. 1111 ll= L2aYIT, fittibastb. -4. Moans in Allietwq , 2 , ir,•__Albs imam • PeClOaCale eoLouna OF um; BOUNPIr iltuStard Nut.' awn, ext. •oa .00;en *ma -"Alban mile TM prasioNs by Widow% Parenta. Wiz etadSall/ raxibus fltstopL-ar. :letittattr vitiOun'iYt ziss ksvor Old alAp:Etan!tclraro Wink abarp aaUl 20041‘44•114 acidier IRMO& unread Wawa amp is oimlo• -- Warn P. V. D.11.5.E39 6 00.. 20114rooulwat. N.Y fur =s by F. M. BOLLBIILN, WrBT lIANCMTV3TILIL