&on o ,05wttc ismAtniciastikom=i - .4;:ezpr. is ses -- Union - State Ticket • - ALNDBEW G. COILEINLet-Gentge. FOB JUDO' Of-TlEBillinSidi COURT : DANIEL AGNEifi'or Deaver. lisps Count" Ticket. proijoi Moo if. as Diakkg amrt, moan welts. lb, lamb* z..7o}nr P. GLIM. AIM= macia. ar: NAM D. 11111060 N. nr. WU. TDCS. J. VIIMMITOI. DUMAN. /Yr Aldr(f. JOBll 11. OTLWAST. Air awl d Cliwo. A. - 117.88011. For Cho* ilicanr. DAVID LIMIN. CID= ler Dresior. MIL BIIMADDBOIL • Sor Om* Clegusbeimin DZOIIGZ Fir Dinekr of A. Pow. 30113 L MATO. • The efeatseu of the Issue. Loins fibroses is unquestionably die poled to tale • pe..-t in our great struggle, lead he will do so Übe secs that he has any good hope of success. What will af ford him that hope? lie cannot expect it In any successes of the rebels In arms, for, thanks be to God and our brave men in artosonnh successes are not to be expected. What then b he waiting for? and what is the South hoping for? Both are swatting the . result of this fall's elections in the great Mates of the North. They will tell him what to do, and then what to hope for. If the Copperhead enemies of the govern ment are successful, he will regard this country as divided against itself, and that, thereforo n it cannot stand; then look out for kis armies in Texas, and his fleets on our coast. The now despairing rebels will be reinvigorated and transformed into desper ately tierce and wellaupplied allies of France, while our gallant . soldiers, who have never quailed at any fire in; their front, would be constrained to quit the field, dispirited and heart-broken at the thought thatthey had no friends open whom to lean, and that their fearful sacrifices in Oland erufferingind blood, had only been rewarded by • d e ardly fi re in their rear. Then N•ronros, e Rebels, and their Cop pniuttikalline, would have everything their own way. But let the people (obtain the Government- by their votes, and we shall hear nothing more of French intervention ; and England will soon discover that it to politic to put a stop to the rascally proceed ings in her ship-yards. If we would save our gountry we must present an undivided front to both our domestic and foreign enemies The Rebels and their &Mei It is apparent from the anxiety expressed by the leading papers of Richmond for the mous of the "Democratic party" in Penn sylvania and other Northern States, that the rebels regard the said "Democrats" as their friends and silica, and fiat their chief object of hope at this moment lies in the success of that party in the October and November elections. Should the party of the Union carry Pennsylvania, Ohio and other Northern States, the rebel cause will be abandoned in despair, and the whole thing will quietly collapse; bat should Woosswszn and VALLAZDIOILUI be elected, or either of them, it will inspire new hope and energy, and the war will be resumed with terrible earnestness on their part., and thousands of our patriot soldiers' lives will be sacrificed. The Southern rebels regard the Northern copperhead Democracy as their Monde; and so far as the leaders are concerned—each men as Sarnoca, WOOD, VALLANDWILAX, COX, WooDwinD, poem, Hennas, and hundreds of others are con cerned, they are not mistaken. Their party is one now as it has been In years past—it is only divided into two parts to suit their respective latitudes—open rebels in the South, sneaking copperheads in the North. The only road to peace's in crushing both. Nair Mode f R 111111110( tbe Blockade. A fertile g o enius in the Vie Anis rebel Senate was shamefully sunbl , .. I letzly in what was supposed to be an attempt to Se cure the peaceable dissolution of the Uni ted States. He offered • resolution in that body proposing that each Confederate State send three Commissioners to each of the loyal States of the Union, charged to say to the Governors !homer that they de mended that the people of the loyal States decide by the ballot-box in favor of the separation of the South from the North in peace' After two and* half yam vain endeavor by war to get the Northern appro- Dation for the sundering the Union, this noble Virginia Senator thought it not un wise to try the virtues of oysters and chant pelvis plied by skillfuf.Yeace Commision ere, who would, of oonne s .he received with all the honors Mille capitnle of the North ern States. But the stern pride of the Vir ginia Senate would not condescend to the means pinposed, and tabled the resolution, 88 to L It has since occurred to some minds that the proposition for such a multitude of Com missimiers to come North * (three' from suit Catedet ate State toe a aft of the loyal States —about /our hundred and jijiy4oniatiesion ere ia IMO was only a shrewd scheme by which a large number of Southern poUti abuts wished to "run the blockade" end get North where they could enjoy good drinks and li ving. In this view of the matter the action of the Virginia &pato must he felt as extremely severe by the hopefoldiplomatists who were in the ring —N. Y. rasa. The Reit()grade MOVOMCDU The Washington correspondent of the N. Y. OTIMICPCidi writes: MS sudden abandonment of the old line oa the Itsppahasurock by the rebel army Fades the military critics somewhat. The explanation given that it is for the pupate of - furnishitig reinforcements to 'grain in ileorgief is regarded as quite un ahhactimits view of all the difficulties that suitutuid that rebel army for it is doubtful if all Of Bragg's and- Lee's forces combined 'ism ever repossess the strong hold inlrast Tennessee : j tut surrendered to the' iden - forces. It seeds quite true, however, that a considerable portion of Las, troops have fallestbaok on Richmond, for some other destintition, or with • vines to take up a dehnudire position in or near the rebel capital. The, recent' articles in theißlehmonti papers, looking to the re elrendOn of as invasion policy by Lee, met after all hare been a cover to the" sillitnifil'Or the army. - Nor dOti there to be any links; on foot for a and ' dea . mo**mt fotwara. It cannot be eta ' etas of Sigel; "that when ho •citnr. scenetti - e}. sotreat, look out for fora fight" Thin Jr no inanition of any movement ' finie lhai.rslisylry wort! Thornton's and .010111 - 0 opl/41144 thu s everything PCIOts , • Ili* Maar* COON bs the 1001 army. "'- .....1.4, , t 4-: . - .---..,'.. .. F , ' , 12: 1 i!" .1 ".i.ZF';'1 7,1 - 7 -. , :.!-; A::;' ,. . , L.k . :.; -- , •:;; . z.-1- . ...::_;.'.4.: ? . , , , : 5-4.--- ,,,, : ,, J7.- , •-, ^,- - ,;-::::i-,, , ,:, ; , ....-41.,::,, s .!-:‘, , . ,, ,s7„,4-A-,,, - .4,:.1:.,:y......‘ 4tq-(‘''.' . '-i.=V . 4‘ ,, ''- e -^4.,,,,t-2,, , •.,__.?„,, , 5.--,..c,.., ~- ...,4 - . • . ...,,w,P.,-....14-,:,.,4W,-;--' '''' - . . -&i',4,,'.4*-.4,',,,P-R.-'li._, Oa e,asto-itebei War Vessels London Times publishes animpor ... fent - ; comaiimucation from .li.tsoly W. B z igos;Esq.„in 31,410 h the Vrilerl•eports a conversation he had with Mn. DAYTON, our Minieter at Paris, on tho 2nd of May last.. Ma. fission is well known as an able writer on etatistical and economic eubjecte r and he his held for many years a high official position, under the Govern ment. His letter to the Times opens with some congratulatory remarks on the smo position taken by that versatile but able journal, against permitting the iron-clad vessels, - built in British ship-yards, to go forth to prey on federal, commerce. Of course, in this, its new position, the limes Is equally against itself three months ago, but the Times never was deterred from ex pediently by the fear of inconoistency. We girt the concluding portion of Ma. Berme' s letter, in full, as it contains some interest ing statemente derired from the writer's intercourse with "stmericarus of both par ties," and introduces the reader to his more important memorandum of Ma. Darror's cow/creation : I have conversed during the hat month with Americans of both parties. On one subject only are they unanimous, and that is-that the eampc of these vessels will pro• duce the evil which we have exercised so . much forbearance and endured such suf fering to prevent—a war with the North. They all believe that, whatever be the wish of the Northern Gwvernmatt, the indignation and rage of the Neff/we people will force it to dectars tsar. This is the expectation of my federal friends, who loci on a war against us with horror, and of my Con federate friends, who exult in its approach. This is the objeot for which, in their ut most penury, they are spending hundreds of thousands on these ships. The ravages of the Alabama and the Florida do not se riously injure the military force of the fed orals, but. they enrage them. The Coated [Taal have always looked to foreign' support. They long hoped that want of cotton would lead the BogUsti government to attack the federals. They now bribe English ship builders to do so. A few months ago I had a conversation on this eubject with a distinguished federal statesman, (hir. Day ton, the federal Minister in Paris,) a man of great talents, knowledge and calmness. I thought it so important that I made a nste of IL The note I append to this let ter. I should, of course, have asked Mr. Day ton's permission to do so if the matter were less urgent. But ho may be absent from Paris. Four or five days might pass be fore I could obtain that permission, and four erfive dayi hence all may be over. throw myself, therefore, on hie mercy, and hope that he will allow my wish to contribute to the aversion of eo tremendous a misfortune as a war between England and the United States to be a !efficient apology for the publication of a private conversation. I have the honor to be, sir, Your obedient servant, A 3.41.17 W. BENIOII. PARIS, May 2, 1.8 , 33.—1 called on Mr. Dayton, the federal Minister. I said to him that during the last five weskit I had con versed with many persons of political emi nence on American affairs; that 1 found fears that the conduct towards us of the federal government would lead to we.r uni versal, and nu opinion that it was intended to produce war prevalent; and that I thought it desirable that he should know the opinions, ae to that conduct, of persons of political eminence, not merely impartial, but favorable to the came of the federal!. Ile answered that he should be grateful for the information. I then related to him the subetanco of several conversations with persons belonging to different political par. ties. t recognize," he answered, °in all that yen have told me the London Times. I be lieve that it is useless for a Northern Amer ican to state any facts, to contradict any falsehoods, or to use any arguments in ,England or in France. You all of you, ,England as well as English, take all your opinions, all your premises, and all your conclusions blindly from the Times. I have known men treatthe Timesoometimes with Contempt, sometimes with indignation, de scribe it as the unscrupulous organ of the English aristocracy, and laugh at those moiler its influence, and immediately after ,' wards talk to me pare Times. The govern eminent of the United - Rates would be frantic if it did not do everything and sub mit to everything in order to avoid a war with you." "That," I answered, "is precisely what they say, and the inference which they •eiraw from your conduct is that you are frantic. If, they say, the President and his advisers wish for a war with England they are mad. If they do not wish for it, and yet do all that they can to bring it on, then also they are ma& Take the appoint ment of Captain Wilkes.' "I do not know," he answered, "what are the rules of our service. Captain Wilkes is the most popular man in our navy. Homey have had claims which could „lust be refused." "Captain Wilkes' popularity," I answer. ed," "for having done all he could to bring on a war with us, is a proof of the mad ness of the people. An English officer who had so acted would have disgusted every body. What, then, do you think of Mr. Cassius M. Clay and of the motives which led his government first to publish his dis patches, and afterwards to employ him?" "You gave us," he answered, "great provocation by assisting the rebels. The Alabama is manned by Eoglieh sailors." "And is not your blockading fleet," I answered, "manned by English collate Can you tell mo how to prevent a sailor from taking service where hg likes ?" "You ought to have exerted," be replied, "greater vigilance to prevent her sailing. You ought not to have thrown on Mr. Adams the onus of proving her destination. When you complaine&during ties Crimean war that we were building vessels for the Emperor of Ennis, wo did not throw on your Minister the burden of proof. We examined ourselves, ascertained that it was so, and stopped ids ships." "I admit,' he continued, "that it Is diffi cult to prevent the people who are the greatest manufaeturereof military supplies in the world from supplying belligerents 17 ittilaumi. But, if you cannot, as you say that yon cannot, prevent Nassau from be ing a bleu of operall7l/8 to the Confederate wader, you should use the utmeet tolera tion of our ideas to prevent thie. If your By tupathics are with oso who are endeav oring to ruin us, yo ushould not panda them. if you t hink that you will gain in the rupture of tho Union you are mistaken. Do you suppose that Om Confederathe slop& Mize with you, except so /err as they believe that you Utz w r "No," I said, "I have no doubt that the Confederates hate us as much as you do. An honest neutral is always hated by both the belligerents; but they have the merit of keeping their secret better. If we knew all that they think and feel, we probably should feel towards them as you seem to be trying to make us feel towards you." "Well," said lee, 'I do not believe with your French friends, that our publ io men are mad. Ido root believe, therefore, that they wish for war. - Nofdo I believe that yours do. Bat each party is excited; each party is—wt ether voluntary or not—doing great mischief to the other. I see no rem edy but patience and an earnest attempt to repress the'evil passions of the educated mobs in your country and of the uncounted mobs in mine. Of one thing lam certain --that if you think that any interference on your pert will atop the war you are wrong. Not Eugkmd, had Frazee, and itus sies—zot apt Europa—mild &flumes us." "Not," I answered, 'jey persuasion 'e" uNot i " .repiis4 "by , , Jorge. What the apple Tuts toll; and 'that you cannot pro her. She has arms enough • bat sh e: starving,is end she will be starved oat." "My expectations of peace between you and us," he man sled, "depends much on throws ner in tokich you dad with the ironsides which the Confederates are now bullding in bland and Scotland. You excuse yourselves for not having stepped the Alabama on the ground that she was not obviously a ship of war. Th , te ships are so. No merchant vessel is plated. We maintain they . are intended for the Confederates—lntended to prey upon the commerce of the federsis, your friends. How can we prove it except by the facts which are already as obvious se they can be made? For what other purpose can they be intended 7 The build are alone have the documents by which the innecent destination of the ships can be shown. Yon should call on the builders to produce them. It they refuse you may safely asses that they are intended to at tack us. 140 not ask you to coofiecate thym, or even to stop their progress, but merely to detain them until their builders prove, which they can do in a day, the Irmo censer of their destination. In the Cri mean War we did much more. We actual -1)f stopped the progress of the Alexandra on the suspicion that she was intended for the Bunions. Not en ax or a hammer was allowed to be lifted In her. We found our laws as you have found yours, insuffi cient. We amended them. Yon merely fold your arms and allow proceedings opposed to your own munici pal laws, and to international law, to good feeling end to gad faith, to go on, because your municipal law has not sufficient de. tective power. Then give it that power. Yon are not as we are, bound by a consti teach. Your Parliament is omnipotent. If it is not skillful enough to invent a law ,which shall enable such atrocities to be detected and prevented, let it copy the law which we passed for that purpose, and which was enruolont. If ( gots refuse to do Ws, mut in consequence of your negligence, or of your sclkinfleceed impotence, these ironsides wage and plunder us, the America" roes, irritated enough already, will be trogoeernabil. You have seen enough of them to know that their resentment is not under the control of their interests. They will really become as mad as your French friends call them. They wilt be quite ready to ruin themselves in order to ruin you. Democratic Fraud. The N. Y. Express indulges in the follow ing statement, in which polilieal and gram matical errors are equally abundant and exquisite, we quote: "The :people of this country now, nine tenths of them, are is favor of peace,— peace any how,—now, South, even if soul and body can be saved, and, North, for with restoration of the old Union, and good heart and good fellowship also; but the MILITARY governments, both North and South, forbids." The News, a Democratic eo-laborer of the Express, says that in making a declaration in favor of the prosecution of the war, the Slats Convention "practiced a slight decep tion upon the people" and that the vague allusions to a "war for the Union" indulged in were merely an "illusion." Now, if nine-tenths of the people do favor "peace any how," why was it necessary for the Democrats to cheat them by making a dec laration in favor of WILT ILLNESS OF GEHEILAL Cass.--The Detroit Free Press of yesterday says: "We regret to learn that General Case is seriously in disposed. 'We have not heard from Eta to-day, but his case is considered very critical, and it is hardly possible for him to survivo many days unless he obtains speedy relief." PUBLIC XOTICES. Ow THE FOURTH WARD, (ALlA olgsx-r) H. IT. LEIGTiIi narstt 'IIIIB (Er'. day) XVlsa IN a. at 7% o'o'ock. Ir•ry member la 'coasted to attansf.a. Dullness of exclal tztftrat grin be be.... lb. to...tler seta It AS3SNAL EX PLO: 4 10 N.—All the bereaved Meals Snteretted In the 610Itten of • Monument owsr the remelts of the no few:mate garroters .ho lort their Hee, Iterember 17:13. ortll meet at li(BIH•C'N'h BALL, on the ISt a 11InTa HT, s€B o'clect p. en. CHIIIIOII. DEDICATION.-1 he 1,1 SST GETMAN PUMP TTEILIAIi (0. P.) OBUEOII, In Welt Elan-hinter, P• , be openta and dedicated to the wcrhly of the Trlooe Gad, on N ZIT reLBATLI. the 200 tact., oYi o'clock a. to The ailslaw 111, In out, he In tee tannage. Chriettan Wendt ate ttiret:ully In,Ped to Wend these urethra. 1.17:td 18 HEREBY to the sub. toelbrre to the Stook of rOlhe 03d Fsllo - ss' rand Jas.:fat:on. el Temperanoevfne," that en as let,lastet of tea per cent hal boon levied open the 'track anbscrlbed, melds to . tbe 7 resumer. •t To a , - r•rat.ville, en or before the ler es DOT OP 00TC BLit. 1863, sod • Ilke svonnt every thirly days thansaftvr, smell the nook is paid op. By order of the Board. JOHN D.IICIEIteIIDY, Beemtsery. ov4yr O.ANDEKSON iK CuMING \Tao II AnDsziosr 1 Anderson and Mystery ANDICELBON! TUB PHEST.DIGITA.TORIALLST 00. OPT rya htozasoli! ANDERSON THE PICCEIONC.A2CrIONIIB -1 ' ••17:1• U , A BASSET FESTIVAL, be bold et BISESPIELD, (Fait terneelp ) on 111:111bD tept. Nth, at 10 o'clock b. to.. the roam& to be applied to the Cbr'ethe t ommaistich. J. B. flt A MB, Dm, Dr. DEMPSEY. Prof. S. • 81. WILL, OS, 800. .1 Le. PIIESTLEY, D. D., mid other dlitlagotikmd epeeker• will addicts the people. 11 . Wm. Tart, M B. Scowl, Jes B. Cismsa, Jks Bois. B. Lct, D. W. P•TICILION, and °Mien. eell:roltd Commitbe of drrancemesta. Teals.B. NOTICE.-44V2 BOUNTY b draft?. to man mho hays tamed ea Ehldbro for a term co..t lee than sloe months, with choice of lizement er Compsoy. ter further talorioatfon Inquire at Ho VI fifth street, as, itairs. h. B. SICELABD, Lt Mut. 9th itegiment P. S. V. 0. att3o..odtf .4^E 1r .dIDrERTISEXEXTI. ALittiV.6-2,000 bush. Oats, in ~- • 4 U. VOIGT UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGS'S V —a nether o upply Just romitad and toy aale eta, at coo hd and ab dt. (da el lomat. . H. PHILLIPS, •818 Belo *gents for tido enenty. APPLES. W LITID —Ol DSd A ITLIS. A. DALLO I J, No, 140 WAITE& "STEM, staltial T I %San+ WOW -Vigo PA 20 kW& Jersey Sweet P,taoes; 250 York State pples; t 50 beak White Renal it DIAL Tales; 6 •• Het Olden ADS (or sale by G. H. TOIGT a 00 DIIOTOGRArEi ALBIIMIS.-7A JL tot of Photograph and Auto Photograph l imn, for mho by WM. 0 JOHNSTON & 00.. di stir mom 61 Woo 4 nr.st. ENVELOPES, all size' and qualitiel, or Hot °msg. sabot,. Cream 6.14, Mete Wave and orange Envelopes, for nu by • JOBEISTON CO.. Taw Coarse end Beatlovers. LETTER k OALMS.—Fairbants' Post G. Triter Scales, net sod mat Fatten, 61.46 eiyinaly for Ooyoting.bonin ore. far inbe by WEL 0. JOWNSTOS it 00 aatiowar Stationer.. 67 Wend avast. AGREAT ILSJIGLIN.—VALUABLE 00M. PROPIIIT r TOIL 8 OM, aitmtte In hetanld Peal. hlonongahele giver, and adjoining the tango of ithabeth, 141 Acres of OW, haring ono thontand fret of aivtr hoot, with deep water ; lays mail for both airing and draining. Will bo vary low and on awry terms. Atply to toll hter.MN $l5OO WILL YORCEIASE A NEW ev I/AMII DWILLIIIO-110RAVoi hill, tour toomo. kitabon and collat. Lot VD tart front on Pakutylnalit Mono, by 103 AloP Alto, a %Ito story brick Batas of portico, 11a11, two palm, auto obotabloo , oat, kliclom, collar and tot of pound. No I Wotan et— Veto. 118 10 Two lags lota of Atonal!. PaltAblt km • otAtabon tuldenco. ono roll. from htlponnrUla raw/ Elm". Apply to A. GOTBIIUT 4 SOFA, • twisorkst alma. P9TATOEB-400 bush. prime - Neat. mica lotitoos Nut readied sad Ills,llll l l No 12$114coad stmt. - /BANK VA GORDEN, POLITICAL .TOTICE I'LitUNlON.hipiTlNl4will be held the ecmoor. nous; NrILEm. BURG, on YBIDAY, beet. 18th, it 7 p; le. edeteitte yin be dellven4 by H. C. LIACKILLL, Seq.. tad ethers. MP 11; trl A UNION MEETING will be held nt the Drng atom, ElCEPansiscsruax , on EBIDAY. Dept. Mb, a 7 o'n!oel 4m. Ad. draws irltt to &Enna 11. Ho:. W. D. KELLY, THOB. M. EL&B.SEALG,, leo , Dr. GEO. ITeGOUL. cod Ca.,. 111. R* von. seilll.ta ;O , LAWILENCIEVILLE UNION VIG ILAECIE OCRIIIITZTSI —At s meeting of the Committee held In Bablaeos't Balt the follow. tug named venom wore added to the Ocgosattto Wm. 0. tseown, If. ELLersoss. Jobn Wlet, Jthn 0. KolanVongh, Thames Dongleas Haute Wetnwright, James T Ilcaure, Nub G. Craig, WlllLm lisomm Louis Wit, J ha Mated', John Wolf. Omelet North, . ,Odrritu )brace /mem Jormh Elethewm Geo. W. Irwin, B. P. tbr:Dgt. The Oemeolttee trill meet et 8081NT309 - 11 ELS LL on FRIDAY LVENI:BO, Bap. nth. at 7 o'clock. Punctual attendance Ls mg By order. J. LONGEITAI7, tweestary. pro ten. 17 . LSECUND W.&111), AI..LEGUEN Y. The following named psis= ars hereb y notified that they have been appointed Ii Sitaibens of the lINIOIf P 101.1.41108 4100111DITTIIN for the Wev 4 , end am regained to meet to fail face et JOHN K. BBOWisid„ 80. HIS lidera sued, " /BLOAT ItTIIN ISO, at 'PA reeirak Brown, Jr. John, Lockhart, James, Brown, James 0, I,lblM. M, Brahma, ll V. lAN Robert, Bell, Andrew, I,earoch, James, Bothwell, Om, McKnight, Hon llobt, Den, Joseph, MolrrnalS, John, Ballanting, Jobs, Murdock, Wm. Bross, John K, McKenna, Thomas, Ohathisirs, Wm, Maanica, Aloz, Hendren. T homm, Morton, OW, Curtiss, John 0, Hellenist, Win, Orals, J 0, linerm. Break. 00004), daceuel, litate_ott, Diehard, Cubbsge, Wm, NOMA., Thomas, Oros, James, Malloy, Waiter, Creighton, John, Nonni, Rohm, Davis, 0 W, Ormsby, H Li, Davis, B Z. off, James. Dunlap, H hi, Mid* Ono E, Dinnison, D, Ramsey. John, Devellyn, Charier, -Willie, Is. Geo B, Ills, Wm P, , Biddle, James. Hominy, !mom Bomb Oleos. Dilworth. Robert Pharia, James B, Paton, John, Btarre I t, John, Eichbatuia, 'harlot', &boasts, Ernest, Pranklio, Benjamin, Black Alfred. °oyez, 8 H, Ft ight, Christian, Grey. Alex, apragae. Joseph, Gourley, II I, Smith, 3 B, Gillman, ilex, Stevenson. J Z. Greif. Wm, Snails. Bobert ri, allitolds. ante, Smith, Thrusts, Haute, John. I ham., Berm J, Earbbion, d P, laws. Jr, Win, Elotchinsr, ()CY. Tesler, Herman, Etowah, Z, Wilma, Jaw., Jacl.son, James, Vi Addington, Boni. iishostrials 3...0h. ..11,vt. fTHE UNION EXECUTIVE OUIII - Cotton Coro, Third-Ward. Allsiihrori Hisao= Punr, Dui:unplug. Borough; D. B. Putouts, Lowor Bt. Clair tp; Jou K. Burr, Pecond Ward, Allegheny; D. CPN ctta., Second Wad, Pittsburgh; Sot. 13C110713, In., Yonrth Word, Allegheny; ILLMOIL 111IICIAI, Seventh Ward, Pittsburgh; /01111 n BISODIM, Y.lnt Ward, do; M. B. Dirrcaion, Ptan torublp; Port= P. Baas, lonirrencertils; R. H. PLUITA, Jr.. Preblot tornihip; F. D. Emu, Fifth Ward, Pittsburgh; Jong F. DRAWN Sliffiln torn. hip, Jam Burrs, Duarte do; Faun LloCuouu, Cutout tortohlp; Joins Dimas, KoTIIL toirrithly; Jonii H. PORTIA, TI1111101M; WILLIAM BO•Ce*LL. Richland touthip; H. 0. lilscuirm, , Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh. A. Idahoan, Third Ward, iiittiburgL; Luau Iloictot, Fourth Ward, AP igheny ; Capt. Juts Eaton, Manchester; J. G. Borsoms, Third Word. Pittsburgh. Jos. Pun, Jr. Jot. litottnsci., Its. Drtworro, Jznii Wu. Btu Coruna. Iftanot, B. F. Juts, Jos. L. (lulus, W. F. JOHNSNA, Tau. 11. WK. Pans:oh Tau. M. Roar, Jona F. Jurists, J.a. Worrn, Jour MOD. Cross ix, Wx. Lime, Tote. P. Buis, N. Vocorini, Pr., nIFNUT a. Wurtn, Tool. Sießrr, COM. W. DATCIII.LOR, .101/3 P. Puts, Jo,. riesligs, Taos. IL BoTNC. J.H.Js/. MCACLCT, Punt, C. D. M. Pnllll, 'lsm Dram., A. Li. BROWN, Cbalrinon. , J. H. isTZWART, flus.taly. - 4" E r .IfDrERTISZINEXTI A _ A ?PM , —lO bble. Green Apples for see b 1 lIERBY R. C014.1Nt3. VLOOft OIL CLOTH, of all intterns azd tale wholesale and re:ell, at the I.nl Cloth Dew t ct J. Jt U. PUILLIPh 1 50 BIS. W. R ENGL I S H DAISY sal eg g ed otizEia. etas , " maign. W rBB WILK Itifinti. BUTITE--8 tube prima fresh just re cehai by Adam' Kavries, to , .ale by Bel 7 W FRB &WILB I NSON. eIT LTherty LAUD OIL-8 bble. Refined now land log from B►llread ►td fbr ale try orl7 Itl►IAU Dirionr k On. rPALLOW OLL-12 bbla. now landing J. tram larva C-0211 and for salts by sett ISA I A Ei DIOR nr A 00. flgltliNT.-110: 1 New Cork Water 4.J Lime, for al, bj MOM! IL cult.ta NS, NIS IS Wood street. OHNE 1 CHIME I—Franc ••,--IM box,. Wasterojesnr• psi reretr:.l 17 WEEITir WILK' NSOI9. .17 'au Liberty West S2SK W ARD.—P 0 CKBT BOOK LAST.—At the Spread Lade Road, on Lib. etc, rite. o Wednetday, s Lig:SAT LEATHSU POOED f BOOS, containing shoot gnonbtek and the balsas* oriatifangin Ploannillh eclat A toward of sas.in be old to coy one on ieto.ing it at THIS 011110 E, of st tte EAGLE 1101 . 11. TAbirty moan. 94.17 :fa P.tTATE OF DR. FRANCIS MO- Itl7, DZl'D.—Lettars of Administration ^u the ettata of Dr. Y. McGrath. Isla of Pittsburgh. Amstrad. lissinit bum granted to tha undersigned, .11 pawns haring claims aro requested to Immo' train, row all .ho are indabtail are requirad to mats Punt to TS IIEdd , asThissrdew snood .treat. Ptuisimmib. J ,ANE•B PATENT RULILES.—Lano's .I_ll Patent Capillary Grooved Union, with Paper Cotter and Scala attachment. A nest and Indiapett table at Oslo In the Countlnit-7001.. beech and Turkey Elmwood 15, 18 and 91 inches In length. Tor tale by WEL O. JOHNST ON b CO.. ta Sousa- 7 Wood W street. rINVALID PENSIONERK—The unativgcod sistaltis INVALID PEN- A - 09MM 11.1 the ottleo of DN Na'JOON, So. 110 PIM' 091:LIT. PU01111414 eet the the DAY Cl 00T0.11111 NEXT. Theo. ohms pensions COP. lassoed prior to the 4th of Nst oh Isst, aro on strc4 to b examined brfors they an obtago the lasso Th. Chugs Is $9, which snit b. Wanes! by the Pensloo Abut. OW, NoOOOE, It D.. J. W:DLAGNIIIIIIII. M. D., Szionlalsot 800/eons. THE OENTR&L BOARD OF EDlElthi- VON, et the City of Pitteturgb, wish to 68..131e t me irrvices of a Mkt CLI TII/iotllill, to +apply a vacancy to the (Matra! Iffigh Entice'. Candidates for the punka "111 be recalled to purr an examins• ties by the Inanity to this following branches "rittunello. Hugllth Grammer, Oecgrapby, Orthog raphy, History, Mesh a (isometry. Halibut Nor nob, and title through the Wu ary lunette, and star's Gemtesntaree The szercenation will nom. cue. THU "13DAT, October lit, at 9 o'clock a. m. Baldry 9160 per ,ear. of ten "nuns. try order of the Board. 8+ 17 . 2 . • JOUR A. 821101S11r, $5O nitWait,U. LAGGE,DLACIf, FOUR TEAR OLD IJOBBIL Wlth a star In (root. arm etolm frrm the Geld of tb eubsonber. Ole Idle from Tut tle Creak tillage. TREHTT4IIII DOLLARS BEWABD will be given kr the ceptare of the thief or toe re• !ll+n of the tome, cr piny DOLL e 1 ka the re tort, of the borne and onnytalon of the thief. gel 7 ler J. A. OAWITHEIIB. nI.B43OLUTION OF PARTNERREIW. .1-• The yartnerelilp beritchre reeling Intel - ten the subscribe% under the era of PHILLIPS, THEW • OM, her thin day bean ditivolled, CHAU. LOCKHART and WILLIIAII /SIM liarlng par. awed the Intoreits of the ottur r wirers.. The Wa entire ken of Me late arm gilt be nettled t 7 LOOKHatt ► TRU., WILLIAM PUILLIS•d, wlLLtall I'HRW. OH HMO LOMECIART, VANANBOILL, eswit V. HIPP. Vittabwrib, Aug 10tb, Ina& MMUS A S LII.A rum LOCKHART BREW, Pro duaoro and Refiner; of Potroleum, At ALBIOZI OIL WELL% TOZILDp CO and Bi;ILLLUIT OIL :TOM, ;Valero Ban. Oar Onla, rft 174 WOOD niart JLD VERTINF.MILX7'S Jr.gWr c:11) PRICES By etc usire's r. 4,11 ron.be.e , coais 4nrlvg toe rec. ot d. cline in the Nserro siarttle, • - .4 a- e .os• OW to offer tbsarsortment ode Iris trcogbr toe ct , y, ai•tiog of 'VELVETS., IMBUE I2IPE .ILL 3 PLY?, INGRAINS, EIENEN AND BA le CA.R.,P223TSI yr:pc:E. AND TABLE OIL, CLOTH% Wiodow shades, Piano and Table Covers. AT L'SII3IJ SLL7 LOW BATES. Also, a neil selected sto k of EIATTTFICIS pus. cloyed for Lb. Sprit g trade, wlikh dlePole of at greatly reducal prier, to mate room for Other o , Sai . . : : Fuca gore wc ted do well to call end examine on i emir, at we are werfidnit n Iwo offer velour 10.. Macemente then soy caber bonze lot the city. OLIVER lI 9 CLI‘TISCR & CO., No. 21 fIYTH t-TREET. .elO FLAGS I FLAGS! FLAGS! ILTn.loma. Mlla,grs ! FOR FOR ROUSES, FRB, COIPARIES, 44., or BONI INU, MUSLIN OR SILK, All rite, from FIVE ISOM TO FIFTY FEST, ♦T DEPOT Of Pittsburgh Flag Manufactory, PITTOOK'S NEWS DEPOT, Fl.llll BTBIST, OPPOSITE THE POST 017101 1016 &OEN suhO BOWLS, Containing 78 New and Popular Bong., YOB. 13TVZH CENTS EIT=3I °When this Cruel War 1. Over." "Bally Around the Veg. Bop." "who Will Care for Mother v ow." "My Country, it is of lbw." "Moth. r; VTO Come Home to Diu." have no Mother now." "uur Flag le There." nuelicant Wake." "Lanuegan'e Bell." "Tie 1.44.4 Callforrian." , Rinie me tsceA•S lsht, Bothea." "Kingdom Coming." "Where Liberty dwells, there Ls my Ceuutry." "Kind Words ran never dle." • "Wu my Brother In the fiertie." "Do thiry think of me at home." "Do they mi.& am at home." "Jobri - Brown's Sonic." "Viva I'kt:orrice." "Let me kis. him for hi. Mother." nteerohlui, Along." "blotto; Is the Battle oru." "Some one to love." "No ore to lova." "liver the banks of that Irate river." "Star of the Sewing." • Our trocel Ship eel). Icnntr.ht.' ' "ArAttleen Illavounteen." And others toe numerate to mention. Mani. PO paid, on receipt ct 10 oents, by JOHII P. 1111Wr, Yubltsber, selo Masan% Frei Perth ernset. rAPer Tt, ItalLW A PAVIZS, MILL OWISZILS, We hero erected and bars to operation. soar the tr. an az tattle* Labfatory f r this enomfaelti, e of Lubricating and Paint 011, By a new and to macs, acfentflo procure. and now otkr and commend to potilt notion and pstrtonso three grad., A, B and O reopteilvey, of lat, 24 and 24,1 gruzaity LL'IIB/C4 TING OIL. Whelan Ear these hilericatvne ban been tested. they have been kapaansced greatly =parlor today at the preparations lately I itaael to tke market. " A." or tat gelidity, Is designed to lake thee place et the butt Baer a 011, end for ass on cotton, .oaken or other inseltieregy. ?hi "11," or 2ignell ty, to rail as/ and otharlW arteidniry ; area the " or Ed quality. tor hairy and exiike gearing, I The rALbT WI, has been testad by uneaten Painter. IA thee dry, and proved to be • capital sub stitute far Lona Flashed Oil. Indeed many Painters glee It a evaded preform:a. Three 011 e an now extensively reanniaertend at our Zurcika Lubrio Oil Works. do tits moan la sclentnla and uniform, cnatontall can ale Et the uniform CZCSUCVZI of than en>namio equlvolenta at sputa and flaxseed Oil. A trial and tat la =Adel tly lort•cri. for sate at Ito. SO EISICET BTRI:ILT, coma of eamud. • PENNOCK, BALL & CO. eals•lm luiß N ittirrUWALli, A choice coUto•.bn of SONGS, CHANTS AND HYMENS. Designed- fJr the nee of Juvenal, 01astee k Pablo &horde and Sadnatio. contesting • aorstdele sad concise ',atom of Itestentarr Instroettcn. Otntato. to 195 Pinta of Halts, among which are the fol. to sited, White and .8.r.5." "Sear of Trut" "Deer Mother, 11l Came Home Again." .Analo footle." *Osntly highs the Dr. ass " "Buy me sun in the deep, dap eta." "Wends of Proedom." "Were Going klcms." "Let me kilt him for Ida Mother." '.our Onantry's ..011 Howe at Imo.' "What's the Nese ?.. "Dearest brat of Darth " Columbia " “lodependetro Day." Claplee moan' en rattleit of 40 =fa Tar ado by rte OHAB. O. 111 I.LOR, SI Wend at. SE6rLirs .m.dcaunts.l GET THE BEST. WFIEBLIM a WILSOE'S SEWING MACHINES. THE /HOW= AUTHORITY IN DIN LAND (From A. Eekstfito knerlarn ] Wear* Emotes a great many laypthiel for Erasing Machines tram video part of the country. and Si Ti nano* =violently reyty to them by WM. Ire thought it proper to orate oar optnicn In regard to them to this public manner. We no. the WHEEL= AND WILSON SEWINO MACHINE, sod oty, In regard to It. that it withcnat' a rival. No oattr umbras sawed' It In as Mu to all rug ass of domostia ma tt Is not esaly - atrronrortitdre:Ms In point of atria tinwn and finah oo attm seathlus • .ode ahead of It. W•gt•to thlamoon In regard to this sseaileat manhunt non ror tnra respomlbtll••• and bops thereby to sere onn,leto croald• ablo Um recd pry' ag• in warning latter." ma Call et $ he Agent, No. 27 /I PM MOW and see them In operation. Sir Ern., Vachtue tearrataxd ['the yrin. OR. SUMNER & CO , ECIE=II NA AN IitIOD •--HOW WEIT I HOW Lfi ./11181 . 011RD I —Jost yottakbad, Ina salad wt.- toloWs. Pit. €ii Ovum. & Ltotant an lb. Botnnh firettwont anti It.dWl Core ut 21minfitonbcesh, Or nominal %Vegan,* 'Carob:Mat! tail: 100 u bolus' Debility, and Impedimenta to re.rrpOre Poona . ) i tiolvonswais, Cot onsuptlon,lptlegy and Wit& nen • tat; inn .Poystetl Ina maolty. rosottlaw from 1414 abase. to.. by nost.J. tronvsnwntt. 11- D., author of ths Oven tiook, Boas It 'ltionstado of Buff non; slots ntler neat. to s Plan onrolope, war *dorms p.-abptict, nwetnt °ten Mai or tiro wasp by - DIL. 011,1- 4 3. HUBS. Int Bowery. How Tort. Post Otltco 13:1 Ltitt. 11..tod.tt P • Is GEORGE w. PORCH, General Commission Merchant, NEW Gummi, LA alr CONIGIUMITS 601:71:IIIR - . BEFARILISCEB: • Itatan. a. U. Jack • Co.. Plltitwitt s PhrladalpN. U. Knight, Co., sed 0 . P. 1.141111 I Bros., bta. malaad ~., , . DRY GOODS A NOtHER OPMEING juL NEW GOODS! 3, W. BARKER 59 Market Street. OEII BTOGN 13 NOW THE LARGEST! EST ASSORTED! THE CHEAPEST IN THE WEST sir oovevar NECROHAET2, DOTING 1 01 0 tat, LU INVITED TO IX ilitHl 003 MODS AZD COM!AZZ MUM. 1e I 8 N A W LittODS, LOW PRICES, Joseph Horne & Co.'s 17 AND TO MARKET ST. we ire noir cpamlng Rust die/able ster2 0 NEW FALL GOODS, Which .11l calarlaseeziethlag that to new la the Trimming' X Ail/inert; Line Oor assorfmont mkt of TIIIIIBUISCO ILYEP mrrroiss; BUDDHA AND 0151121N51 DCZ.D=IO BRAD AND sans anus AND Burson GUIPURE AHD POLES 1.101 OOLLLES..L. pat &Was. TlllBlll AND CULINADINZ VIIIB,II: odsn. BLACK LACE LED CRAPE PELLE ; 1,441.11011 AL SILIBIS. cha:ao a4ots and good quality, tram Sit OD to •18 O. 17,09/1315, RIBBOISIS, VIATIIIMI ; SOITNITS, BILIS, Pars; 011)41.23, BLOND ED131303; 1:1=1 DOZIKIII MID GLOTZ3 i PLAID SIEB058; LiDl3l3` OASTS AND BOWS. to Lastlnn. 80. man tnds,llllspbarda Plaid aid Black and beantital let. HAND6ZIMU2III3, al kinds ar..4 paces ;" 11111E1B0 U3DEB43I,BIZAT3; VELVSTI3. NEGLIGIIII BILIZTEI ; BLIPPED. PATTERNS, WORSVEDS ; STOCKING YANK. NIGIC 21E3; NOTION'S To which dspartmeat yr my pa:U=l4r attaraloa. Or Mock la =plot" and our ;eon mast gto. ar 6.1.1 an a look tbrottah oar asErtmant. OD' WI! OLIELILLII 800113 t P BTAIILL N is w uoupt, EATON. IEACIIIIM & CO.'S, HOB. 11 LSD 19 PUTS MAST DIDDIS-121,111111C1P. IMMEROIDIIBI125•21u LAOS GLOVIDIAND GAINITLRIO, 808/ON lIIDD I N B RIBLERY. BALIIOIII.I. ROW. MINT- - //DINGS DOStitit, HBAD D DMITRI; Aili n2ll loB, .1181 ILIOLVING-TASSIS, SHIMS lAD MAMMA And aterithlng bitheltallas Itfts. or Oily Isit Nanaanti. ••• • who WI to otititsia. vitt Awl it to theft !sum! to loot through oar punt stock 0•11:•• yorel•Coll wham BATON, IMIRIIII CO., j Ut3T 116tINLVISD... MOHAIR lIPISIMMIT SAUDI 112, OTh? AND STEEL HILT RIMEL= WEITTB3 tombiTL USIOX BICLTIZIO I 119171818 LE, BEAD AND ZUAW KITS, alibi latest stjles; Together rithg aural iisecatuggit at can goodi kept in • Trblizip% awn, Ut MAORETA a ounnrs, - .. TB Emu, VMS% FALL (WOW 1 NEW GOODS Jut repotted at 11201101 r & so. ito straist ~NIP ollaaa • 10a %YAW' pitaud bun offetil Wadi. an idiot tialtir (lan of Irmdo and sumbliati. 431014 sail W. P. NEW, 13001)8 I We are mildn • •e. 7 Urge a:4 Wirosivi dad a Now tarcocodati ! 6c“.11 so BOMA SUMO LED ISONTACLII. TIZ, lAI CI-E 3 I A urge waskiity el EON' AHD 3ALZOIULT4 3 SIM, LIIAWIII.S, VIRZI PSI) WOO= MILTS, 7BICISCH CWT . STS, =A a lap Fmbredery, Braids, Fancy Goods, Bottom, AT WHCLIBALS AND DETAIL. ger We by .ly from FIRST HAIRS, •ad ta• tato yarchnors to examiao oar goody bat= PnralV' . Isg s:sewhcra. cs srs eqt: sell at tta LOWIST CAM PR:CEI NIACRUNI & CLYDE. &I SD LO V Icd, 001201: lICZITZT; RAW BILE 130:1k BzuLrei OLOYES; vat. they will be sad at a New Goods. Taney Poplinsl Now Gocts rsocy Poplins New Goods. rano, Poplins Nev Goas. r.oe. Poplins Efts. Ebto L.. Silks. ettswis. 1 bilks. Stuiwis. Silks. thswis. Moak Sills, 1170. et niped 1 1 / 4 plink Block Efts. S7a. Striped Poplins. Bieck Offlts. We. Striped Poplins Elsck Wks, S7o. Stripod Poplins. ALEXANDER BATES, I urn; . Valmont. DIM f ammo. Bahoseals. Di mes gtU zost/i iacs . Bargusa. balmorall. Dosunsiks. Circular. Curtain Minding. D aotsike. °lraqi sr s Ourtsiu Maillni 0 ago fox Ir. w. 1 Olr on larwZurtalu "towns Dam Circular. Cotten Ibulfor. D sm•s It • . Ittasalea. Coburg.. raw Goods. , naralea. Coburg% Tem Goods. Finales. Coburg'. Dm Goodly . Idsat422. Ocburvi. "Heir Goads; Bela Ina a WI 11. ct JOS. lIIORNE & CO ♦ comsat* stook o Vt. If Alta vTrremraiter Betmrsti resift sad lassmad NEW GOODS Oumpzieng, astotg others. GERDANTOWN GOODS, Of the latest atlas and In gnsat saddle NO. 78 MARKET STPXET, 13.vsna TOCISIII AIM ruxcip. M. Burchfield's, CLOSING OUT. WOOL%i uo311&T; ISZAL SILK HOD; WOOLEN GLOVES; LYILI CLOVE% BIIITEMIN OLOV/2; 60151 4 1G5.A.ND WOOLEN HOODS Hating ditetireetcod to qtilt keeptni the Ono 13 AR G AIN. NeW Itaptim dew liganlll. Hew Manila& flew StiatioS Nor!nom llorlooos Morlsom Holism& (pas 4.pors HooHcada.d& Oros Had. Opera Hood. 21 FIFTH STREET. Uer/thr HAWES. QUALL FARMS, SUBURBAN SITES 1.3 DCILDING LOTS AT =BTU! C81C68.. tin THURSO/Of MOBBING. Sept. silk. 1813, AS /0 o'clock, will be sold, on the remises. Dar ndlowing 19nburtsan Btu% Faros sad Building Loll in th e 'beantlfol valley of Turtle Creek, suboddided Boss the wellsknown Allen Brown Term, Made at Tare' tie Crock Station. on the Pe. B. B.: Bon Si. f t. 90 ere mem IMO fronting an the Brad:ors Field Plonk Scat, and aztandog back to Ttullo Creek, containing from 4 101 l acres each. Sc,. 23 9,31.3 n, are dee loin lying botwmn the Plank raid and Greombsvg Pike, containing (roll ono vatted to one.en94.tolf acres each. Nos. Si end II are two large lots above the Plank Bear and Looting -tbdeun, containing 11 and IS acres oath. • Nos. 5,1. 10,14 m, 19 Si and 22 are eight late fronting on tireensborg Pilo", and extending back to TM nod aired, costaintogfroncnobalf amen" two and • ball acres tech. Bea. 8,9, IS, 111, 111 end 40 are elx.lod fronting above on a et feet sines', andadning from three gnat. tors to two acme each. Be. SOL It and 15 are four lore lying in the bend of Gmexuburg Pike, and having each two Banta thereon, contulallog tram ode quarter to ons•Itall ran anon. Nos. 9, 3 and 4 are three lota fronting on Gomm. hug Pike, mid extending bask to a 10 fast sage oontstaleg odor one sure sob. SIXTY BUILDING LOTS la the 'Moped Tare tie Creek. hoeing 29 and 80 feet fronts, by dotted NO and 150 feet, nod of than with inimoventalits. lie. 25 is ono lot of about two scree, fronting on Greeneburg Pike, 'Alarcon is emoted a two-story Baca Uteri:. in goad condition. containing edgls. teen moms. and dome a flourishing business. One let directly uncoils. St feet front on Orannes burg Poky, extending back 100 fest to a 20 bet altryi salterecas ale ended one Brink and Stone Beildlnlye *templed aa More and Dwelling. This stand ha lam Lon iatablialted, and Is now doing slap beds new Of only and immediate secont, et iB kens% by Oaks oral of the beet avenues leadleg to the_ city, and ett. vats In • btaorte and Mundial: romantic lixailty, no grounds in the county arc more dedrable La di. ligentni ossuary reddennes, and tor kat and Tina growing or gardening part/nes. Pima can be obtained at We Auction 1/00334, 51 !tab street. The grounds will be abown to debate by cilling . on D. H. Teeny, at Blearte Betel. Tuttle Creak. • Timms or Bait s —Oneolifer auto ; the barns it four equal nevi yerkmaits, sectual by bond and . malannrettss. lacmaston.—J, Special Train for hes one. mance to tea Er.ands aid bath, will both lbw Pennsylvania Pawnor DWI, Lib sty Janet. at 9 o'clock Malady, Otf ritortang uf sale. esla DA US it EIIaILW4I.II7II. Mieres. lidetlfbt.thliS Man& .Nre/LII OAK LADD STATION.—On BATDEDLY ALITSB. MON, inyz. 19th. at 3 o'clock,. will be geld.= the p •osadiene, m Peebles townenly.part of the the labs David Lyrah, Le. adJomtr.g the middies Of D. IL PreU k, Brp , end within ten minute. walk al It. Oakland Station. Ornate on the against EDI Tosaillep End, 'blob IN SA Ca 1111.1 1 .00 from reall• apivsnia aresusof &cad street, Luna/Mita/ at 7 TD* Itation. • Vl* innerly is subdivided into tom bend/woe stud loth for anbtrben resid=me, containing one and two acs ..ch. 11th wide fronts on thi road, and abundant anyyty of goof ente r. Then Isis creepy ?nu of the way float eitketbeili in this adeeirahle nalrbbarhood—ban Liberty, °ski. land, and the "slim of the Allegheny; elm, the adesatep of the purest atm bed. tag Ude herelity nowhere aurysas.d for 61:131. . Tbe teddy of altmalon, convenience to the: l Z and eleptabalty of Ina grOundLltrall make these lots desirable etr nantruthen home pea irlll be told ettlartogethsr.or nelPt &Mod, 71W ar gazn—artentdsd 'crab; residue In one sad two rem with Lateran, thattred by bawl and MOS& The Itttenda will be now shows to viatica by cal. lug at tie ruble= of eira Llnthi an the nsmbs, self DAVIS kideIIsWAUSIL /LIAM. 140118BUOLD BURNITUBBON Li_ AM= 00N, Sist IDIL, IS o'dodc. wal be sold, tbe-Coitrandid Sam Ba=s di nth tout, poi Boasahold randtare, aimelid• lag Dew Coma IlsbDPzur HI& fat. @am Ku hogagy Ebb WA* Mae &at MAIM 8g Sim Loewy Vinzar dr.4 eccretaa, oil maws, Glrixodolos, Yalta Lump% ginolltdstssodoMds — MWdailltadV ^mm " l,ot. ` want *oh Berakhin Wad, ilitcluds lab. Jos Gh.L_Guner 001 , Alta= Tahoe; Mown, Triutks, cnt erall.nt oSoking Skin! and el turd% Ming Rumi MAIND. llelf, Kitchen lozaltdel6 .' e DAVIS a MaII. /MM pirdwrs. 8 .66 - 'DBE WANTBD.—A Ecicat , Bur g as. competent to take charge 02 a Ittodetyk and oho an feratek eat'afe"tay totlesoatebe nay, boot. ducat= by aptly Leg et TlllB . - WANTED.-46 1 .1 Morrao-We want oasxDlinh=awrtiul Aar anal crafts 5ANg. 4 5 ,10 " whin mg /adzes, arlsl3mOsia SHAW • kIi&SE.JI4" 1513110Tiriri received for obi by /bMis AMA VA VOA d.