i ~. }'t.s.`„~~y q ' TuzsAiltioits—= leas. • trigeti COMM Ticket. M Pratild AAPd Oa ledge 1.00:19"1" • fir • I:EWA .41: slowworm= , kaki 113111108. tw r. .01fik.1 J. - IFafr noir. JOBS B isrswass. r . finff , qf aorta. WtL 113301110)1. " • t ier wok i rrii l mew • DLIT.Dr 11.11Le8• - ISe• . • 'Pt*, IPOIOIIII. • . . P►t, 1+BI0a: • Tor' Oar* Theesiekeir. • 7 42011(11111131ELCOM , . .111e-Vkidar'er Oa les% 1011 N F.DB.A.TO: y3OO :-"•::" •.t • 1 M _'}t ~.~: I'''. • , '•*,: ;t • "-!••:_,t-i•,: ~ ,f , t ? :-...--,.,..-:- - i , e ::: ,,i i , ,, i _ . . :: : : ,,,,, , ,,.i.: : :.,,,,,,, ), 1 . 1 : 4 1?-7. : :. -t-i'l': : . .. 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S `; ;:',•Y-:,:-.,•:',:t.:',"14.•.'!•17::-.,0; 4...;,..i -" ,'''..;...i:::4:-::,:171:-.;,;,:•. i: t.17.•;'3:‘,.:,....;.',,'..Z.F;-:‘,',...,f,:.,..; • v• a:; 1. • ',:',13-41'.";' • I I '1 PCS. .. ~.. ~~i~.:~ . • . • . 111i iri a t tittq a t 01264+0 ltsWolotiiritid the Rebellion , ...Perils from Franca 410:ttin"1/3" - 1e244"-! ` " t 4 1 . Yeate24l7 W 6 presented to our readers i those passages , of Mr. Smogia's speech on - Gni foreign relitions, in which he refers to -England - and herpolicy Of "neutrality"— which conceded to raft ilose.mosgers the rights of ocean . i.edigereney, or, in other' wards; licensed them as pirates. To-day, tie add a passage of, almost equal interest end importance, in which, Mr. Statues dis cusses this oonrde of the French Emperor's policy in relation to the slareholifirs' re- ljnlcin State Tle YOB, 00•311114011: MIDILEW G. cuirriN• of conuo• FOR AMOY TEO IMMO/ 00II82: Dian , AGNEW, Of Mover. Maser Colors. It is no question now with us of black Ca' mbite.--buffOnly of the Wad, skits and blue." We saw a flag a day or two ago—at hail' Oa; It- 03,mill—floating from the win dove of idiot is facetiously styled the "Amor:ea Salk' with the tames of Wood-' wad cafes--Heaven sate themark l— enthassoned upon a long li/1140.0; with swallow-tilled extremity, which Surmount , al the flag. The fork we take . it, was ea %Oolong type, symbolical of the ' , fork. ; iiiMasel" which lawyers &adjudges have been scrutinies opposed to give. We counted the etas, expecting only to find emu, bit to our great surprise, they had grown into a constellation as big as the 'Great' Bear." We looked for the bark but they bads - teen - way to the strifekind the blue was Mill retained out of deference no doubt Miticithvisislassoeistbane. And jet three —as then& it hen been, intended to bring I reproach upon the emblem of our national ity, I I flatinted in broad day the names of the pettyfogging lawyers, who had quib bled &nay the rights of he defenders, and punished ibex: , for u their loyalty, by strip. ping them et their highest privileges as oltisinnt. It the champions of Stare Surriissaty, who =wet submission to tresson—denounce the draft—defy the fed eral I/Dual:meat and its courts, and de -Piste its traits—who shone conspicuous, in connection with the flag that means no • more to them, than the cabalistic word "Derieersay,' under which they seek to cheat - the people of their birth-right, as they hate already attempted to swindle the absent soldier cut of his vote. liad now let any man, iodated by that eymbol, go into that ball and listen for • moment tra one of the speeches with which it continually resoundsrand see whether he.bt{s'not got under the guns of • pirate, witiahsa ihown the flag only to entrap the unwary.. He will find the port-holes open 54.itrid the grim-throated war dogs charged Vint& muzzles with wrath, and ,owning 4estruction upon the flag and country both. If he beard a loyal sentiment--"o much as a &taper , of denunciation of the treason which is spilling the blood of , our noble yorith, and endeavoring to destroy the us tides life, or one kind or enoeuraging word in favor of the commander, to whose hands of 'they have filial:- hung out as their banner, has been coMmitted by the people, it will be lome thing more, we think, than has reached the ears of the right hearted Irishmen who have fled from the profanation to which they are coripellod to listen. :The lest subject of discussion, It we are rightly Informed, which engaged the atten tion- of the patriots who hold their orgies there, was a proposition to gather up an audience on this side of the river, to go armed to another meeting projected for the loyal city of Allegheny, where they have Away" found so little to encourage them. Now, although we admit it is only neighborly to furnish the audience, where the materials are so scarce, we don't exactly see the wisdom of mach demonstrations as these, int oh are more likely to make trouble than to presentit, and we would suggest only n decent regard, Initiate talk upon the pulite squares, for the loyal feelings of trnioti, men;who have sou and brothers in the field, as a much more effectual security for the preserutbut of the public peace than :idle menaces of this description. It may be, and is generally usevered, that the :men who go armed upon the streeti, or to public meetings,,are cowards at bottom, as it is equilly true that the American aiti. min, who lie unfaithful to the. flag of his o citicuattY, and Militant the courage to jein 4 ' the Jebelibit Openly, if he hue a heart at ill, and any red blood in it—is not likely to be endowed with one as big as that of respectable chicken. we ire father grate •: Utak' tkereforkto find that these someram West gentry, wbo the-work'of rte •;: bolder - :rebate, in tie:North, are beginning to show a little disposition to handle thit 4readed implemental of war. ' There are many of theta, who, but. " for these Site guns," and eke that t , villain . 4: Us* saltpetre, to' dined out , of the boa. els -of the harmless earth," would, no doubt, , themselves hate been soldiers long ago, on one side or the other. When theY..*Sin,ts talk et, " guns and drums, and i t s are it makes ris suspect that their .44! hearts are beginilur_to, knock a little, at lasts against their ribs, andieok upon them loshop/Isl eases at alt Orn : tile MeV ot4 dititio:We have ito Abjeetioi that they ithiralloimie their aide, because , we , would Tither meat;them lithe hostile walls than entertain:: the**. as 'Judson here. We skSall the •be rid of them at least. geriiiiliot entertain the hope;ltowever,_ ] that 'Oar • 104o= viler, may niti 'safely- recover the - Trager direction.= aiwilictentruiTtertim."ll at tS e ; ,oih of ti4 th i„ . :,,, o , cogii i. . ,o, And much better 'omplornorit: in helping ' - our brave hojit In the army, than quarrel , . A,at mina their:,friends: at home: Until they are prepared to do so, we iv*. ad lOWin : their Union Flag.. 1 - "in obJeot film cologi either on' IsiC - - • Tto, are the lureof the pirate upon amit ; .:lhity:4 intistliaktbe -plionett_to entrip the "hefts Millie land. • Or) COO. traltia 44V2"4"4*Ittistreetki 4 . . • 1111110001.4 toldfirga= r:- Thor ,isattandarakt - stentftealfits or 04 1141 0 , . . trkisitio .. . - _. ;~-\~ 1, :7;•" - ': - :.,:' -. .;'S - ..' , ' - ' -., ' ';':,-' 2-Y.'..f.-:,--!-..4f•--71.-..-,;..,",,,,,•-,..,.•,,. 11 ::.__. ,-,:.....„, ~. • .....• ...., • .. . .. i,-0::,..rA.,T.1.ti,,,t•:-...t,"",;:,,,&t.,te.-'4,12.t"tt1,.ti.c1r^::....4,",',04-.t4,-^, - .: - ..-:i., - ..`44 , .. ~ ia.A. . ., : i•-ii...'.',;','„l."o : ::„l . 'i;',:','-i"3 • 27. , 7'15 2 ,.;?'4 . NA,41. -j ..;', . .'7 & tlatS. --7 1 ' ; -: ',7 : : ''. '4'(.'"': ''''''''''' . '''' '' '' .ti ' . ' talon: - It we cross the channel into France, we shallnot be encouraged moth. And yet the Emperor, though sating habitually in ameert with the British cabinet, has not intermeddled ao illogically or dbsplsied temper of so little internmionalamisbility. The correspondence under his direction, even st the most critical moments, leaves little :to be desired In respect of form. Nor has there been a single blockade run ner under the French Am nor • single pirate ship from g a N French port,:, spite of these thin it is toothst Bat s - the Emperor has W ren sides muss in at least four important public ads, posi tively, plainly, offensively. The Duke de Gliolsesk - Prime Minister at Franey was familiarly addressed by Frederickthe Great as the "coachman of Europe," a title which Laub Napoleon has earned. But he must not try to be "the coachman of Ames. kW' ' Following the example of England, Ude Napoleon luta acimowledgel the rebel day* mongers as ocean belligerents, so that with the sanction of France, our ancient ally, their pirde shin although without a single open port which they can call their own, enjoys complete immunity as lawful cruiser, while all who sympathize with them may furnish impplies and maddens of war. This fatal concession was aggravated by the concurrence of the Megrims Powers. But, God be praised, their joint act, though capable of giving a brief Vitality to slavery on pirate desks, will be impotent to confirm this intolerable pretension. (2.)Sinister events are not alone in this; recognition of slavery was followed by an expedition of France, in concurrence with England and Spain, against our neighbor republic Medea. Tho two latter Powers, with becoming wisdom, very soon withdrew; but the Emperor did net hesitate to.enter upon an invasion. A French fleet, with an unmatched iron-clad, the consummate pro duction of French naval art, is now at Vera Cruz, and the French army, after a protracted siege, has stormed Puebla and entered the famous capitaL This far reaching enterprise wee originally said to be a son of process, served by a general, for the recovery of outstanding debts due to French citizens. But the emperor, in a mystic letter to Gen. Foray, gave to it an other character. He proposed nothing len than the restoration of the Latin race on this aide of the Atlantic, and more than in thnates that the United States must be re strained in power and influence over the Gulf of Mexico and the Antilles. And now the Archduke illesimillan of Austria has boon proclaimed Emperor of Mexico, under:the protection of Franca. It is oh dons that this imperial invasion, though not o penly directed against us, would not have been mode, if our convulsions had not left the door of the continent ajar, so that foreign Powers may •new bravely en ter in. And it is more obvious that this *Unapt to plant a throne by our aide would "have died before it saw the light.," had it not been supposed that the rebel slanmongers were about to triumph:. Plainly the whole transaction is connected with our affairs, and I know not if it may not be a stepping-stone to some actual par ticipation in the widening circle of the war. But it can be little more than a transient t exp r e p r ia m lz — o, f pl awnheod bn foreign chare hmropd t by bayonets, will disap pear before the ascending glory of the Re public? This enterprise of war MO follow edby n a enterprise of diplomacy not loos hardy. The Emperor, riot content with stirring spinet us the Gulf of Mexico, the Anal.- las and the Latin race, entered upon a work of a different character. He invited England and Russia to =Re with France in tendering to the two belligerents (snob is the equal designation of our Republic and the embryo slave-monger mockery 1) their joint meditation to procure "an arm ietiee for six months, during which every' act of war, direct or indirect, should provi- atonally cease on sea as well as land, to be renewed, if necessary, for a further pe nod." The Cabinets of England thend Rus sia, better inspired, declined invita tion, which looked to little abort of recog nition itself. Under the armistice pp posed all our vast operations must have been suspende ed—thlockade itself must have , ceased—while th b e rebel ports ware open on the one aide to unlimited imports of supplies and military "torts, and on the other side to unlimited exports of cotton. Trade for the time would be legalized in these ports, and • "theory would have lifted its grinning front before the civilized 1 , world. Not disheartened by this failure, I the Emperor alone pushed forward his di &mall° enterprise spinet us, as he had. alone pushed forward his military prize I against Mezico,Tuid he proposed to our CIOT4111•10111t the unsupported meditation of Franco. His offer was promptly .re jetted by the President. Congress, by 1 , solemn resolutions, adopted by both Holmes; with singe's? unanimity, and communica ted since to all foreign Governments, an nounced that such a proposition could be attributed only "to a misunderstanding of the true state of the question and the real; character of the war in which the Republic' , is engaged; and that it was in its nature far injurious to the unload interest that Congren - would be obliged to consider its repetition an unfriendly aot." Thi e l is strong language, but it filially state he trio position of our ,country. Any such offer. whatever be its motive, must be an encouragement to the rebellion. In an age when idols- prima, and even words become things, the dimple. declaration of statements are of incalculable •impartanoe. Bat the head of • pest nation is more titan statesman: The Imports/ proposition tended directly to the , dismemberment' of the Republiti and the echstitulloii of slave -monger nation. lidded In this effort, twice attempted, the Emperor does not yet abandon its poi.; icy. We are told that "it is postponed to a more suitable opportunity er so that he too waits to strike, if the Galilee cock does not sound the alarm in an opposite quern ter.. Meanwhile the development of the Mexican _expedition shows, too clearly the method mediation. It wits all one trans action. Mexico was invaded for empire, And mediation was proposed in order to help the plot. But the - invasion must fall with the diplomacy to which his allied. The French Emperor is against us. In an ITU hour, under temptations which should be scorned, he forgets the precious tradition of France, whose blood commin gled with cumin a common cause; he for gets the mud 4 f iLafayette f e t n h d e swßm fWin flashing Washington and Lincoln; Valls the.lilles of the andeat monarchy floated !together wilitthie stars .our infant:Sig; he for sets that egliarlyn elllanoe, sealed by Frank-.l w Ho, hich tto thepublio the mar ante of flatland life; a nti made France the 1 partner of her rising gloryr , Bru "dew, prindjides-,-reinnbus dais lac ellenis; and he Resets still more - the obligations of 'his ownname, haw the Stet Napoleon es* rendered to us Louisiana anti the 'whole restos west oithellbsissipplissAss sooseelon of unitary r_stsolidum forever thelowei of the Vaud :Mats, and gives hi Ellen& a maritime: rival destined to ;Iromblev.her:Odef.• and - !nine also Low be lIMN , A - Worn bigieitileirMs War , . firltalienliberiy.boute4 mar that Frame slime "'ford for , sn' , .ldese i Osi,:forgettlng Ahem things mu "lsbetl nisei .ferp4. he reeks the illetinao -40:0"..04 1 1 PW 4 s Irith . MUNE of that very territory, which had eons to us from the first Napoleon, yhils Promee, always standing for an "idm," is made, 1 under his auspices, to stand for the 'idea" ' of welcome to • new, evangel of Amery, with Bison and Melt se evangelhits. Thus is the - imperial influence thrown an the Bide of rebel elavamangers. the indent Gaul, the Emperor forbears for the present to Aug ids' sword into the Beale; but he Sings his heavy hand, if not his sword. Trampler upon the Republio in Pranct upon the Republic in Moxico—itremsins to be seen if the French Emperor can prevail u s trampler upon this Republic. Ido not think he cm, nor am I anions on account of the new Em peror of Mexico, who will be u powerless of as Ring Canute against de rising tide the American people. His chair must be withdrawn or he will be overwhelmed. Sow P—"."-*-".---rmnsylvants and Marfland may be Canted% The Richmond Enquirer has a pretty scheme for enabling the copperheads to carry the MOM of 'Pennsylvania and Maryland in the aigrosaidng elections. It proposes that The shall spin moss the Pro sumo, and ocolonise" his army in these States. We quote: orbe emus of the Democantle forty would be no longer doubtful should Gen. Lee once more advance on Meade. Parties I in the United States are so nearly hal- I anima that the Mist advantage thrown in favor of one will ensure its MOM • • Let Lee drive Meade into Washington, end be will again raise the spts of the Dims crabs, confirm their Calk and give °rea dout° to their wavering. Re will embolden the pence party, should ha again moss the Potomac, for he will show the people of Pennsylvania how litileseturity they have from Lincoln for the protection of their homes. It; matters not whether the sa vants be made for b ore plurals of perma nent oampation, simply for a grand raid; it will demonstrate that, in the third year of the war, they are so far from the ;subjugation of the Confederate States that I the defence of Maryland and Penusylvs vats has not been scoured." This is a very nice scheme is U stands, but unfortunately there is one great ob stacle in the way of its sueceaL Meade's army, if there is any eleotieneeriag of this sort to be don°, will be likely to hive • hand in it, and Lee would find it difficult to persuade theiveterans who have so often defeated hie arms, of the propriety of such peculiarly floithern tactics- But as es hibiting how perfectly the rebels and cop peheads are in word, the suggestion of the Enquirer will just now be found of no little sto the loyal men ot l!ilaryland and th Key s tone amts.—R. Y. Ant. • Politics is the Cars. As the trail:it= Willisinsport, contain ing large numbers of conscripted rasa, was on its - way to Lock Haven, much conversa tion took place on the mbjeat of the draft. and in matins= of some indignation upraised as to the hardship ot. the law, certain Copperheads in the train deemed is tine opportunity to take a vote and thus make capital 'for their traitorous cause. The vote was accordingly taken with the following result: Curtin, 71., Woodward, 37. After the result was known some of the Copperheads declared that the soldiers present should not have been allowed to Yale, alleging that the soldiers were all for Curtin, and hence the necessity of distrait ohisingall who bear arms in defense of the Clovernment.—Harrisburg fiteireet. Ice for Diptherin. A correspondent of the Providence Jour fovouches fo the fficacy of ice as a aura diptheria, r crou e p and all ordinary in flammation of the throat. The manner of application is as follows : "Break up a small lump of ice in a towel and put the pieces in a bowL Take posi tion slightly inclined backwards, either in a chair or on 'a sofa. Proceed for tali an hour with a tea spoon to feed yourself with small lumps of ice, letting them dis solve slowly in the back part of the mouth or the entrance of the throat. A single such application will often break tap +com mon sore throat, which otherwise would have a course. of two or three days. In case of a bad sore throat, use the ics fre quently and y. In case of ulaeratbm ar diptheria, kq •p a small lump of ice CAM etantly in the ".• oath. " . Cassels or Bass.--A Washington paper soya : "In consequence of the high price of board and rents in this city, about one thousand, clerks in the visions depart ments have been contemplating Om ad vantage of moving over to Baltimore, when everything appertaining to living so much cheaper. House rent and board can be had in that city sniper cent. less than in this. Th e ent in dividuals in this movement say that If they can effect an arrangement with the Bum more and Oldo rstlrod so as to ds the time of going and returning to suit th they will most assuredly make the desired movement." ' POLITIPAL A"OTIQ6S• ......----_______ WfIGILOIC II 4.102thil ITS& .Iht. Vlgthorom Ocrarattraa far lb* lint Ward, Alleitisuy, WI a seating au Ward.: maim al Washiagtent Eel Beam Arad. Cs =AIM the Ibllrdtoisaarta were added to VA Ward Tletarrdi Ootroalttra t, Hold. Tbilm7lllll3, Blown Mon, team! Pastor, g . 8 21•104 CI V. Inaloam. W W. Popular, graphed roor, John Ildllong, a. V. War, Jima Ctlatk. /Wino/ D. Onii.D, Marta X. Ihrtatm Samuel Thotopioa, Jobe dlllintbdri. Blzooa ealtord, Manuel Wlldadroa. 0. A. Obarabelalo, -- 044.1dtatodgers, Bat. -Whits, . Add ow r yrta, oso. W. Clubby. I. 11.dt:owlish atoz.,llaana. W. 11 , Pktdippt. W... Swarm. W. B. a oblrooa, Josiah Slag. W. W. IlloOlitlaad, B. P. Maim. Thos. Coitus Tta, Jas. P. foldout', Palma B. wen, (Thaulgattivd, W. Wiwi Obatis W. Boom, 2lrd. 0. r fatty; CirdrP Illarbada. - Jams Batboy, Jobs I. /Maga, We. hada% Jobs' With Jams 1.. Grass. as. 'arm ta=d Ocranattos us assarstly re. quartet to attard a malls. at WASIIIISOTOII 4.1.14. Babson atm% coi TIIITIEDLT IVERING, Mk toot.. at IN o'oSook. radttt4____,_L____l, Clirdratia. UNION ULM CONVEN•I ,1108.-71 to WWI Months Oosnaittan re. ipeolinni swim' OA ladottWu 41 n0abin b vieloM to cup , ni tulnw cm W20113110'. fact. 6th,lett.Obs en gonna ti ittattectbe Grand lien Oontotlon to be In tau lawn= l o f tbal dr7. 01TO washy lo los Counirl• 111 .• BROWN. a. IL flUlWAST,fwentsa. , - _ DBFINED OUGARK-40 bbla lover LW nee Sand, Odadri aael tolvarisid Lod, sod tdo& 'Whitt awl Tidlow laws, jars rinitail awl to sad, iraalauls aid rata% as .itta Wasila Gracia Eton of row/ a. assaior. ls sod., utortyadi glad mo sand& Q1:1 1 HARE MB.--10 dams bid gamy , an/a . a Russ, lasi no totted sad tor isle wholasleasd man; stile taw I I OTOCOM /lent of . .. .1 . JOHN a. sinaguw. mis . armor Wont tod Mod _4noont. N0...1 btatOligaciit re , /..,,awd, lb* gra ot the snips. orr 116.111adr• or* In kits for WWI coo. oat tor Witt thopooad JOB' sznataw. NIS , voter Lommtsza Bast dards 114 TATE do IiEVILLIA, paAoTivAL PLIMISEast allf AND 'AMU riFrpo, , 69 MOULT' alleaktr7 CU7 ` 1 and UT LIUU!T svincr, MI6 ftlt ANE P ARENT GENVEVOIL' 01•0111 alms ea and sad kw Sala, slesdnde awls a ad No. IPS sat VI es. atatistrost. l l Nos a. a a. rowan, W 0116-10 tads, to strive and try =WM Dunmire ce. arse..;. *cs ~~ ; s~~ '~:~,~';a. a~,"~ -'aa ~ ~. ~~. 10*GBAND MASS MEETING. PITTSBIIR6III, PENNIA., LOYAL PAWLS OP !MARI pzirsanvens. WEDIESOM SEPT. 16, 1863 ALL WHO TRULY LOVE. THEIR COUNTRY, AND HIM iSPIIIILICAN unarm ALL WHO 4111 IN FAVOR goroni Preueutha of the War YOB Vill SUPPRESSION OF THE REBELLION AND TUE PRESERVATION OF That Glorious American Vniou, WHICH I 0 TUE Palladium of our Woolly at limo MID TEE Guardian of our National Honor Abroad, trai teens with o plow of patriotic prUe Hon. ANDREW G. CURTIN, THE CHIEF lasourivz OE MI COMMONWEALTH OF PENN BEL EANIA Dos. DAVID TOD, GOVERNOR OF OHIO, Hon. 0. P. MORTON. 00.VBENOB OF INDIANA SaJor Gino. BENJ. F. BUTLER OT ■IOAOHIISSRB, The Eecond Hero of New Odeon', whim, fame has shed new lustre on our arms ; otr Will Positively be Present .40 ON MS OCCASION It is Believed That FLUOR NEURAL FRANZ NOEL The intrepid young soldier of the Republlo, WILL ALSO BS wris US The Convention will As semble at One O'clock, WEST COMMON, ALLEGHENY CITY FREEMEN, TURN OUT AND GUI ONS-DdY TO THE GREAT WISE OF THE Barron " Oars tt tttrtlinttaadbauatAtb tuat Tru pritus,purelissitusl ditad sot aloud But Oath its titA written ette, and :fixed sest dais ken eossgrated blood." Committee of Altinigements ansmcwitrwsp. WY. A. BMW. J. a. corm; JOHN A. nizawar, B. S» H►l/BILL, WIL WOOl4. ' A. JOHN 1. PAUL, TWOS../. BLIIS. PAPPAS On% oca..lollW P. 81./.18, GPO. JOHN W. EIDDIELL, IMO 11. DRAVA, lOUS IPPON &W. W. IL lainacm. W. W. Pontos% D►oID NM& WIL SOLD. PALM M. POMP. G. IL TOMO. - No J. OILLKOIS. I►ZIIEL'UuPIP. AkIRIAL WALKS,. DAMP ILOBINSOPI WE. DOM. VIAL Vr.IIO3OAN. ISAAC 11. COPOIN. - , • coiliturrze or BicBOUM 800.. WILLIAM D. JOYDSIOB. . C 1012 " 4 800. D. 9. sawn*, • am:. a. Pia gas. me. W.11.1:1411M. JODI Dolf. MOSUIa. Ers. T.BLICIWILVIN, I. 1311.1ULT 01 . Bq. JAL - Boa J. Z. DOOM& D, 3"1/113/1'0/10aDi TODOW!tif. It., O. W. ILLVOMON, , Dr. oWN gaoooll, J.O. DJODLOIRIL S.D. 0/.lllABagi 164. ROST. W. lILOILDri, -Oat OVUM Joni soon, llollll W. A.D. *BOWL JAMS 1 1 1 94TA T * Bps. T.i.„11148 1111 !:.„. - , --. • • Cgr Palanntina = 0 ' 0 lOU ba tan ea Dr 4110011 Ila Dael al Ile *NB roma oda or Ma. ada J. wt. mats Jrllolr prER TIM IMIOJrIII. Fa 84!il E —Coe hitlf of the hAel - tmrelvy to 1..4'11011.14 I•AMING. kW:MI s• tbo LE4LI.4 HOLIBL PM Of Isom. broom Toms sec v5t0t04•41. 3 4 PIA ooTtioa l a rg •oop'y to b. Metall tn. , Attorney, Nor (wit: P. , P 8 BOWL ANLI, STS IlcodnOt Potabolobto OTICF,--All parties in iatetest are soleie that the dtatesest .4 Tillman 1111 Salta of toe mentos ot MONTI a lth BMW. to the &coed Word of AlPetal- 1 s flied to the LW irks Loath of dtloebent Wavy ..0.4&OCIDT11116 Jr Co.PARTN L3H 1P NOTIOR- 3 he Aro et 8 011311.1. catkatar, hada rt en raged in the Kestled Wades Hu tons, bee Ms d,y essodded Ur. 01:08.01.11t0MsDLE9e, and they •td °settees the raze 'boshlets at the old dant 61 thaketellett, en's the named 061111111 malt tnlrM CLpusTION FOR A FAO T lot of amnia et the Mil dm on the alotiongehete, stoat 180 fast breed by WO feet deep 13 WO water line with 10 to sad riser colonsantoellten, for isle, or -feminize' gonna rent. OD MIMI twee. awl toL Galin SPROUL Pen Voarth et " Line S. ditAlT.Stattro , Nel4:le , 29 newt Street, CmOTICE TO CONTRAOTORI3.—Pro potato are !wilted and sail be rsorived by ths t o Cll eS MVO of the Cll7 et Alardhrh7* an tU ISDA.T. lbe 16th lust • for tte trgredlngCersl and past 4 et the eldesralk Cu the sect side of Is atm.; from Bretton ayeans to Chatch meow* WON the South Common. Prop:eats will be land,d to LBTEM HC DION, Street Cos =WM ar, J aid o lt II TGIIT• eall:td Chairmen or ibmtalttea. rilv INVALID rsaisiornoia.—The anderelemi irtil examine INVALID PIS MO alltdi,as the - °tam of DB. Ko3ooll, lin. 110 Pi MB a 7 HTYT. Pittsburgh. en the Ise DAY Of utfolssB Olaf. These wham pensions am• tnescad kr to ths 4th of Itamh.lssis ass regal:ad to be exa m mined Wore Muy can Obtain Uss sante. The charge to CS, which will be :shaded by the Pension biota. G CO. SOO( K 0 C 11 D.. J. W. DIA u cum. st. D.. a 560310101 51LT(0,132 N INETEEN YEARS' LEASE,- Three acres of val.:ebb , land. pleasantly situate la the filth Ward. 'Wining the Hospital glands, fa raise ol the Halir.ast end lb& streets; a deals t boom of mow, a dersillig of three TOM.. Bad a doable truce boom of ati rooms,attlor, hitch. no sa .1 cellars; s tool wrist at the door: the lead Ben ell be rultlestad, sr scold divide *ell boo sore Ws for random reeideoces. 'iota.: lease can be obtalred al' ?tetrad Will t • eo'd at a arystn. apply to B. 00THBIIHT & WHO, 104 61 Market asset. THE EUBSCRIBBB OFFEI3I3 FOR BALI, to lob to snit porehseirs, hie tesattrol 111.11114 shutout to San township, jail 5)1 mq" from this olty, sod seer the Ohio new. The plias oostatte4 s acres of pod tillable lose, well to proved. Than ate gout WI Apo% peach, war and sham trete; ohm Wolters, one pep ewe Also several pal tiptop of wets , . anti • ipod well of pure sort Intel , etos the honor. The tad op ore In pod -mks. The above impiety will to sold lor for cab or wpm d paper. los • roontry residents , the Pots - We oinoot be imrpa led IstAileeisay county. Mil and ate. soothe of A ..1..1 AO& holes Eau, or or lICIBT. WHAT, Jr.. lf_roAtiktno or THE NIGHTISOALB, SONGS, CHANTS ASP USJINS Derfired f.r the an of Jareafle Moue, PAM &hoots end Ossalatrlrs, costatalog complete sod emits ',stem Ittementary Isorsctios. Oostafs tog 1106 portal natio. mot/ which art the lot. " tee Red, Willie sod Lou." "leer of Taos" tDesr nether, I ft Oats flume Aloha." 'Aunts In Est" oilestly stabs ths Bs ese " "Bury tee sot In the deep. Step i.e' "friss& of freedEnts" "Wets Gatti flows" "Let ute Wu kb tor his IL the," o,tantri's Inn." Olt Mare et Howe.' .MAOI the Ness "Ditrestorat of earth " Cottosbts " "Isdapeadesai Day," Oa DU staged an rectiot of 40 ants Tor .ate Ds alb OBAL Q lIIILLOR, SI Wool st. STABLING MBDICAL_ COLLIG& lb s toss so Ibts manna b Intro on TBUBSDAY, 224 ef Ccgabor, Mt, sad centimes ball] tbs lot of gaol, 18(4. e. MUTH, M. D.. Pro estor"of Th:ory and Nadia. / HAMM Okaralt. WL D . Prot Otst and D. Wows sod Chlldrest. JOHN Dawaos, IL D., Peolwoor Anettety sad Phyriolau. .I.W.aIiILTOD. D Prof. ant cry,—Se sod Ear hurry. y. B. WTI. Prof. dal. L 1 tors?. A of. ar . rp. THIO Cl. WOBILLIT. M. D.. Prot. Chenatitre and Toecaps/. D. MILLDISMAII,Didw D atarstOr of Anatomy. Winn& Furman.—Ths Olus CD bore owe to Widest actors la the Olt Windledll wp Dolf.tal awl the two Lop Malta* Hospitals at thls pleat lar blamable:a abase ' ostrolw P. M. turn. Tess. TTa EXCltill TAI.. • lionstoltsh rrin. lad Mutton Dist De o. lOd Youth dr•et. Pittdarab. Entail IS 111011111 r that the Lists of Valuations sad Illaduastioaa of Proyes” WWI to tea oder de ohet breade Isityriusl Band to moat the Gomm's:a end to pay Intand an th• Deb to Debt. aripcmd lily let. 1681. and th• mow Wary Act voided Match 18.1681, stabs sad tabu by the coma Madan& Asoasors or .I'6l Oolleatioa District. ail mails oyes tar the ritualc& d thous intartstea. for the mom al Zama Ayr tans the date hind, at lay olDas, Ite Maas add, Waldo the hada dID e, at. sad p. sudbasaididdy odd the ophidian d Shahid AD bye, bodadalLt a the Ist end deg cot the 11th of OctoSer. I IdD mai" and data:aim all ap peals Matra to artanaoaa at a. astlya.nataldbme or' eannuraUsoa nada sad tam by the ,old ;Want Ammo% all sivaa's to the kamanor. aaplansidd. anann be nada La sad apadtir sacndar mai. manor as tab,unPlictUtd whkh indeolUd. oil date the AMU as pda Ipie ido quality az ems samplidaal aL 111.11 t Vill/01314 Assamaalid Pas 114111MBOLDS MUM J-L WILINOLDI ISOSIWABS; =LEBOW/ FILM ON THE N EW GOODS, A chaos colkeson of BMWIan% Ouporsti e= br ths Wltharn; WbUteri; Bffitssibisa's Ogggoali Os SWlnsbasieseagasah. Ox bro %abbrs. Vtdads* Spas of Bert sad Dam Maas' Soap of Bwk sad Tuan Nichols' Ilsrip of Bark sad Ism. Sasuwdre Vodka Miami% Images Monad Disown imudes If•titeal DiSXMIII. litilicesPia. Tree Oral at; Wbb.e. Plus Tres 0 0140: Mabel line Taw Ocala% Sobrack's Polars& Blimp; Pr. Ilobasoles Palmitin !yew. Dr. Calmarthp Pabsaa is tirrP• lir. si l ly llindrake PUN lir: B.Lmoll Dr. Dobiort's Manta .1411 s. irinilth6PosstrUmillel4, =1;44% ftrarlsa pop, kr. Ociasosoyttosi. . . Peg& Wade' Elate ltateattela Prot Ire& Her Ilasenatee Pmt Woods' Hale Hasterealler. . _ lash ledbi•Wittiri Dr: Alain Diest. lam Wear. Dr. Azilwee Deeds lodbu. Water. Dr. Madness' rr. witatati viataiers: claw: Dr. Wriglirg BvgarCkstad; Dr. IMO* rm. Gnu Clast4... 1)r. Cloossraea Fasola Enbr, Dr, Clark's row. rmia, Dr: 1111's PettoSkal Drop. faidSirdli IsTfrasiOn feadtlovrellivlsagbM 'dimni Tarliotate. culottes Ifteinadles; abeelft Itim•diss; ; - Cbactio Rimed! I. COistitallon.Wsten 00011tliZeten Dr. Let [AI Shotuattio Wad Dr. r. 1404 Dtentratio lßs , d Dr. Warr, Spoors& Dana Triply ICU's** .Tennei.Mit.treel; Tetsrl Ax.tr.4ol. MattaleaAmerclla air Oar; Blaritnes keibrataart Hain ambles Mobrods, for tbs Bair. UMW, 'pinta* tasettroOligredir. LlPanes Erghi . oIU Ads" 1 trolls rooolly of Di. HOnPBDIIB nonce° PATRIC 1117.01VICIDinst hatind, Kra Allmeallobanals. • • D reataDos, Itlttar. bides Itatitka Dtttwn, VD. "; .1 . VOA e►LI ►T J. I. MILTON'S DRUG SUBIC all. LOW PRICES, Joseph Home Sc Co.'s 77 AND 79 MARKET AT. Wo ODU crying • Wet disfistas stoat of NEW FALL GOODS, Which Sal canalise ears Wag that la now In the muting 4a Arnisery Line. Our staortment will audit of DalLifi VIIIELIZIGh AZD BOTTOMS; BBOOUA LND OIIHNIBIIIOIII/110111:10 DUD LUD }IDOLS GINIB AND SNSNOIIN Mr= Awn P 01391 LICI ooLLASS, 4O pa slylar. nulls AND CIREILDIMI VMS, ill polars. BLACK Lk= MID 0211% VIM BALMORAL BN thee* ete.ors sod good quality. IN= 1111 a) Willi 01 nowies,. BIBBoNs. nail= ; rams, huts, NM; WWI% BLOND ZDOMBRI; 50nn22131 110/11iBT /MD GLOTXS ; PL LLD BIR 8033 : LIDISte 110a11.711 /.11D EOM la Luther. Bo msa Uds, nissherds rasa sad Blast sad Phits—a bessalfol lat. ELAN LILUMIUIII 3 , all kiada s 4 prices 11111180 UNDI34/ARILVET3; VELUM% HIALIGIII BEMS suPPis muses, wanly's; STOCKUIO ILIN. NUM THU; And a DO uo• of NOTION'S Tu 'blob dapartmaut we gap particular ilk Oar 'Scot la omega, sad our resas nag en sir oxll an 4 look tbronA oos smattnint. JOS. BORNE es, CO INIr WHOLTISALI 11001118 UP SWIM NEWGOODS N!elnr arcocacles MONDAY, SEPT. 7TH BARKER & CO.'S, 59 iIIABZET Slant WHITT , SIIJS.S NEW SHAWLS NEW DRESS GOODS BARGAINS No: 78, Witn4ult-EMreet; • itts attatUsa et - Zoo/Lasts sad lista Deslas of ea& country. Is amacially to u e ; ta out • vggiagaihitanew__ 816 D GLID slum Flu n k • _ _ _ • ef . )1115111% , • • 11111111 SVITOIS, ... and tbs Omuta aid*initick, la Oar Mo. w. - gotiat &an teisi inkAtrand our tharessid Itsealik ft 111111:141 tqapial la The twiny asd Woo sittatint atiexern, itliourve gnaw .14ivsta Mir& dna siiiillaatet. 3101U1/1111111 3 110/11101i Jsr;atur *J11)912;1. film! sacgcps ; =vie's!" Dian Asir 1111411 D /111158ollas latAsS antis I --z 3• - - Ittalrylni i asketimat Oi Oaltgoo6l I • - 11441111111031/111101.04 - I "liateßtat 44/./rDrOP ils*;:otlit i t St -ialrrodnoll it LANE, MARDI( & CO: a, 14.1101111;iMig 16311127, maim \ r 4 fve: r Pnai. Ir. u.a .- ... Vittrcool4. - Praia Web& War - 11Enedlir NW 04xds. holm Pcylki._ frit ilhathoh tats` , isms.. Mieholoki: KW.. • qua. ' • MidisesS' Wick Ravi'. Mitlaosk. Illag. ' floes: xstricm - - - rack mg . EU nth* Masa epics Mob. 'alma enc, Ca. BtAped Pocalai. Opini Moot% Black Bliks. 8 14 6 ettirla PellThla ODE' ascii. Elect mks, 870 &Aped Pcpßoa. BIM% Mad& • - ~ ALEXANDER BATES, 21 PIETA STREET. eSSVIIMI. 1 8a1n02141. ..OSCIVIRS it. PSISSIXSIS , SOW S. IMISISSIS. PM ESTISOTIX • ' Ci&rcWular& Cantata llcallem D Cleoular&aartstaXasUns li 011i:tiara. Cheitila Math* D 0 leKangas. oulars Ocetatilimilu& 0 °gam.l Ilintles. 1 Oottver. Maas& Kozak& ' Co ed llura& am, 'rill FALL DRY BODDR SECOND ARRIIN -LX.I M. Burchfield's; 71QOBID MIIREIO B : POPLINS. plain and Vita; LIA.TII3II 001.0101 D LlPADakbi DIIMM oLr-Ta ; Ufa YLABBILB; BLIACH&D 11118 1 4E 8 i sates LIbICSB; fiaLT TWILLED TLAA3II.Si DC , . YILLI2I !MANZI= ; v -333w GOODS. NEW GOODS EATON. MADE= & C 0.11; NA 17 •SD to TUTS ISTINNr) • • =Aphis de tD • - DIMS TILUININDIL DROIDINIAS AND LACS M IN INS AND OANNIIIMIA &MO BIBB= HOSAIDis DALNO N BAL 1100 P OKI MN= Of ir l ir &N. HUD DAN 113216 mans aim islarnaltli. 113$ IaUTTINQ :Asa, mum ADD And etetitlem; to the Notion um. or ow and *maim madrazgos. ant- s bey to eat mega. mitt tag It team& ixteetet Nat& Omagh our MUM 111 •••• vim% 1111401. KAM* lks.ll ill MTH MOM Pm/roma DECKER'S PIANOS t tits BM IH killll/101 114111111. Ws hats teeilsol tot of PIANOS Alia Sassed issostsethry Mill% 11.1106 Min pimaent i s sus by dlstlegalsas4 Ws% sonsid dr bl Amadei. sad an, //I bribra" OMEN COla oYGonoeetato Our lads. Ws Writ, flu" and istotala/ tho iv* dor. to WI owl aid oro oopAdat tl!st. tlu Indrumosta ravouxeßd Alludes. • SOIMIWI irEas egutwern evening 08 /MT arra P "M" 111 11_ SULAM Uis Woisses Yam IsaldSL VIOL 11111"Weassdel cOnt B r b ena up& •um stook al es alms ims sslMs• . or so• Agway elm-Illettlet los Illetswe tbuscsis IL ELMS AMOS* sass si Imo *ma, I --,-------- NA B Wll ir l I la c 503 • VII 3 Pl3ll Ili= OuIISTAII. Wanassuld6iti7l3o- ` -,. WSW RIO& YL32106 &milk- 373/30 ,7 suds attha Win. . 4 1,' , 1 •,z.,.;.; ILASSUALL 3 23•711111 333303`, Miss 313104 5t,13 , 0.0 " - - • . Alto. 331303 301.3 N1t0131035. , -. , OBAIIIMI3I 8LU1Rt131333(304 - re • rola /UFO Isms 1itia13133011310 ED IDUANTIED--A-FUMMITED:7IIAI4 .witheat bead. wit* . two. 'WM. 16 ! °AMIN _OM& 'ai ow. r -Palm r A A. autiTi ern= eima WANTIIM-AL good JO f WATOti.SAIDIS. to its* Load mops. Addasi. Mr pua.ik S.A. 'eine WAIMBILAIsu • mkt' al Po a swath. aspasato W4'lolo oar DierWtag Maas. Weida Pmara,iiall Wms.. aatalsaa =Was. dr. oho oat frac Seams, • - gaistsaorar attaW •armor. staaabta.s.;! PIiWANTED...A Facia Laps% a ! o r railroad linal. tat or* EA sae tom taa .MA maws tessaUla tromadadok IS man Imo owns PA Ilia loadMadi !Ma_ otherthorminantroadanotraerairrionallO mom' raw, we at kok imams vtddeog ta all rand a tam aity dad a pada= ty:oldrulli , AL, Gaon Oilos,Mdoli Pd. Umbra stoat vim of 11/ Ilette.ilagla , - . - ' 'Sate LYB~:-_ ": atom rat vas. MMUS Mell JILINT.Ibr Oki**Om aud sirs ite.leti lite the aeon* dittos sod NW tottweadras atm &babes 240 1 14 a. i i „ ihmonhataksatcoaMoUseit sisamP hiek, wish the NW maul ow& Pi" li I 1 i i iii 1 11 b i Pliblat4 - Ottumwa' ma 1 ga m iada, diandrig U $4,0 1 113+ 0 = s olig acisleptieasy oar imam deem ir mama. Tow sac *mu bm, - *4l6,ek t the Wm ihnsoefiviseitof maths: vo Mardi isAilla elf 0 lan bag OD at pnillsam i n* litaalinfanalimileginidull ad . .gairideliaissoldwistr ihs ilia 2 alibi itladelinFc Iqoptee 111 - I ma m loor bill 0 . 1111• 40111te 11* -14. 0 am BC limb at ANN* Wm s - 'AVM COUlter 1 s k . , ." m e a x m istidi42 EYBS AND HAM DS DAILLZ brioiticatbs' a s teiabailid et WisrvillWilt the 111lLingr u aus as amazon. ta ir .Mlbr . Mao ftiUitsWV- -11"11M WM deo 81111110, 0 0 ell own aloft Maw sa itoDim• - HOOF liIIIMV=.. RLEGAINIB:-Pg = EVOLEUXIDIA"A' vgalL• •- :go nififirf.a/4 60 4V 1 1":!!!z ,: : - he Ora of illatis .WTIIIIOOI4 timur. autacia. tbki =Oa 110111.0010Mi s h 71 mammal 6.11 deft. abate. Postiesk ISPlfti ka" Warns own min Dania& DCMOO. 111111ASiLII. •11111Skil, 1111/1 11 LS. , 'slim. tlur... Nair ".110001. at Ova, Saw .9(.448 No. IN Mb stmt. rv .--11.uxit-Coot