The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, September 11, 1863, Image 2
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' :'. .7-:-..i.t:::;.:.::::.:,‘,..:_,..ti.::::, r=E MMSEM 'i.G, `,•:,..,.. , ..fl ....•.._.....:-....-' •: :. ; 7 • ..-4 , V e:. :. : - -!--;-'-- ---•;-?,,...---,„ n . _. -..i - , ..,.. 4. ;- - • . 1 1;j: • .., r ' - .. . - ; 4=7..",.:0-.„,1.7..r.-..,:p.:7•••••-,,r.s.c.,,T-.”-f.,....-,...,....,......—..„, o . . ' -..3.-4'.1...Y.t-1-Xc'4t-V ''1.:::.`1,A',3441:-''k^:::-',%:rt.fli,',F.:loZ-,-7.-2,,VicirZY47,-Jlrm,,,t, - ~,,,,- , , Z Ar.A.Aa....4 7 , • mbutgit. Fitfiiil 4 , at011 . ./615G asern t /if*: llaton State Ticket. YOB OMPIDINO//: • 0: VUSTIN 'or 'Centre. you ;mil or mut itIMEs , omit, • DARIptIiGNEW; -*Titania. • ,"" -- vaos - OMNI. Vast., ef ALDiatid s T =lllollllligaltrAM ; . rogilr:auss. U. Avnuarar4aL ns. am' 3.• mum n, WI. 11. , ,W. TEO& t; 111=124 • 1; ; ZWAlt(r. • fDi U . fiirCttafirit. • • -ef..111111 2914, ' PET.u , 144 1 4 1 ._ , • • Sto itrarta" . . • ~ IBDIZL Unarm= _ -• •; lwatataz - roux .turwro: _ Black ' d.Wietti:.Equettioe of . .. .Colors. The Itiolinthattioirspspeek=ead the Au . ,;'the.kt4 l testta.Aelibfr t. o . o— are grelUi czar iiehwel- by the atithe of the Secretary of War _;arderini th ree rebel pristiners—of 4 GPI tf there be any such—inio dote custadi,holders: for as many Wire who iiireciPtured on'the gunboat Liao Miami and-handed over to the Gov ernor 'or that Mate. They are Indignant at the idea that the derides, whim the* insist pan ittiturti 100 insirgents, under their .'3Atisto - Amm - ationl4 be put- upon - a footing eltivielY- T .men for man--whiale • declare to be a degradation of the latter to the level of malefactors. ' They Oxelelinhoweirer, that it is not merely an Insolentorderedadous - pretension to treat w. Gear a s is a deadly stab , that we . are aiming e t their institutions thee/Rolm?! —enti - Abrestai..scoortioen - thst If there con be , , so .eadisigami egos/ terms; there • shall'beitice it a1i , ..-acd thee there will be neirtititri,amilhas-4hereerill be at least ,'• „ ; Ths fellows are hard to please.. One would eirpOsa. 7 frons their estimate pf the differences of nthandconaltbinLthethth e offerof a'retithfref 21211%in - eiclum:go for a bisek.slavi,Lought to be considered erably Pic But:no. We rata the too lore. We are taking an on ,advantage at ' a slat la the mcr ' let, to put them dove. They, valet taker =j them at ea beggarly a pride. If we don't markup the •goals, we. may even• keep .....thent;iiiiithen they will jail oirtallie the .0 1 P 0 41 our black '11.90P81 and =:compelling us to shoot their white cues. =Well, if. thing is not equal; "IneppOse. we offer oat Autternut for two negroes— *lll they biroonient then? We have heard that the alive makes great, account of the imbreloi brings on the „emotion bloat,. and • Aftin - tainta his fellow with the reproach 'that he it only a, "Ave hundred dollar nig.' ger. " BE liki, of course, to have it said tirenntred Soo of his kind to ran ^: 1.2., root :the ,lioor. rmealealelsi white; trash," :; -which krises beenbithellibif of despising. If, however, it Wlll "Lipase the:wounded prided the butternut, to know that he hei - -got ;6'6 :the= - negro at last in vaice, we abould tau no 'ofjeitlon to • the arranvk• • meat We rather like to cultivate a feet :- lag of self respect menet that class. But we are oilskin a deadly stab," it urns, at their lastibitionk thcoucelves,' by eidoeirtg the black man, end leaching Math API This, it niust confessed, is a very. serious , charge. The idea that A' we should drat them be Weed something • of a novelty, and - is -not merprising, ,therefore, that they should =plain of it. Taint reel bent trying all elong to sae their tilittibehibets,"ll.lla particalsrli their . lighting um • hor'nt we been employing Generale that would'eaturt them? And are not the Copperheads doing 'all they ',can, seen now, to prevent is from aiming deadly blows at any of their istedlutione— political or patithrclul—end volunteering to offortihe in.. of the negro by taking his place 'theensolvea, and groaning over his intidelit4 and his „ingratitude dowards the "kindest of, banefactiers ? we are compelled 10 suite re little hard at: last because white soldiers are getting a little . Abet_ moat excuse ea,. an d: take contort froorthe fact, that white slaves are jolt as Good i ii black ones, and much more sorelesablo Just now. • r. - Bite thin thb nogroie are I aurgents, and therefore not legitimate "objects of ex : change! Well, so, are - their misters and. lea this reeled; therefore, they are pre .' -duly equal _ =wi q :this difference 'Ply in favor of tha-niegro, that he b loyal to the GovernMent, while the muter-is not., If ' the 4_2l'l.W:tor, beciuse-he his ithelledisgselnit a traitor only what shall we mei' efthe -Master Who has taken up arms, agairuit the Siete, aid thiu,reailind thither obedience: to him impoeilble? -.: If the law of the State pre:apnoea the gave a malofietei; tor zontintiwai-Arpon his waiter, the lasiot.the llnttistiltatos,Whbli the suireMilai,praiiusoes the dieter a : • PgUiroclo!t see. taking up spinal . ' thi . aiare bit performs his ditY the dobeirunent; by slaying the retielir who does no. In eve r y way, therefore, the "lir" is the better man, and the Richmond edi: tors ire 'led ia characterising their:Pp • nienti*WlAL*olol424tatßO him abut-, ,-: aft*aelittd on e. • 'Me don' t , see; however, that it is exactly '• Alt to co mplain that, we are aiming s fr. • •Id "bib it : chair thilitittiOns, when !they bave tieen dolts the tame thing preolsely • ; •4, , ~ •• wish ours. -Why elonslatteicishis brim& • ty,when they Wool di* it tow? Ie it because Share is. lint- one inslitudonand that tie par cratiows--tiat Is • *o;f :1001;1:4M or hu an ithi ngtrend Opt 1112! • tat they us with the blink fisg, 214)1141244!--0-takik man. • Tan lifolivitiiitA 4 i.4 o 40,•70414•: fel lows.We hope A 07.101. not ~; te - hart anybody;.- But , *don't exactly • at. how the suptireislon - of equal irwitilies on !both:sides of the "quilt:eV!' to hel p p them in the outcome. be no, affair like that of the lamina) , camsWhith I;.•;fought nnill4there • Was aothing - left but • fficke *OIL, _ ,l`fe casksth at there VP ha a rv4TP? . 1 4° 0414 , luMololloeir aids, after the 4 !* 1 0 1 , 11 , P! l 4'-cPraiktashalt bus 14. lir ei uP 4 7 4 1" -- 0 7si t a P da •; oipb 0f .01001*.,Z;C,: The Datiams Iradc. British sympathizers with rebellion not , only build British' ports' ships of war; for the rebels; in defiance if the laws of I their: awn country buk they now lutist dist the laws of this country shall be so rooditted-that they-can- supply rebels from our own ports with the supplies they need. our Glrreinment found it necessary not long since to impose restrictive replations upon every retail rearbig ports for deprives.lhem et clearances until thify avertgalsrly enuLT ined as to theivinigoes, it being well'es: tablished that articles contraband of War . were earrisillto.llssitatsfrosn'llaited States Porter and Qumran into Routh= wooled; ed yetis' in 'British visiels. As these re. ottml - applied So vessels, Astoria en or otherwise, there would seem to no omit of _complaint for British veseeltin particular but the- blockade. return= I *found , their game interfered by regulation.thiry, in the chsraotaintindig. nant British sserslisato• 21bZ to' Esti Russell for redress for alleg elide!' of existing tristiesiindintinaational law. 4is asserted on durable of, tic... British 'lei:chants that loaf um= Great Britain and•the Balled States as to.ports and.places to the undisturbed porsession of the Onited.fitaleCis not in any. degree affected lily .tbs states of war in vidqh the United States are engaged; and that trade betweel• Great Britain and an peaty' of the United-States—Altelgolerpreserving strict neutrality 'Or indifference between the belligerent , pants an-be affected oz e ll I n the manner end to the extent pre. e by the international law of block ade. hir. &Ward replies to tide that there hes been no violation of treaties or inter, national" lor; that bY the lewd =done every Slate Is sovereign over its own - olti4 tens emd dreams wain its limits; that 'it has,tirighe to maintain that sovereignty spinet sedition' add =insurrection by civil primitives or panaltha or by armed force, and to in terdlo lamb expoltatlon from with. In its own borders as may supply traitors in arms against itself with the metal of carrying on rebellion. These rights he de nies have ever bettis surrendered by any treaty or convention ' or are prohibited by international law. Bari Russell admits that— "It is competent for the United States, as a belligerent Power, to piloted itself within Its own.por'a Wad territories, by TO. fazing clearances to. rends ladoned with oontraband of war, or Other specified arti cles, as well as to tassels will,* are be-, neva to bo bound to confederate putt, and that so long wand precautionS are adopt ed equally and - indifferently cases, Without , reference' to' the nationality or. origin Of any' particular 'nisei or goods, they do not afford any just ground of coin - plaint." The cantspondenca is not ended; but, after theadmission tof Russell, itseems difficult to understand on what claim of right it may be manned on his part- 4 %11 Elan the Flanhting Wet', Thln very uncomplimentary "address - to I the tho American flar,n was the subject of an inquiry addressed to us by i corro: ilpondent, some weeks •go. lie stated that the lois:loco organ in this city had pub. tidied "it as copied- from the New York Tribune,- of June, 1869, Wo can now let Our correspondent see what the editor of the Vienna!! to tiny about Sane days since the following. paragraph appeared editorially in that piper hir. 8. O. Clex,dn his, copperhead p.m. elution! through OW, has a habit of quoting a very spirited lyric evokedby the desecration of our Natkami ties to the base uses of the slevehuaters, beginning, hail the flaunting lie I" and stating that they were written by Donee Greeley 1 The said Greeley would gladly be able to wilco so good a lyrio as that, but never was— yerse.writing being an , achievement 'for which he his a very different aptitiade. The excellent stances which Mr. Confab's. ly attributes to Min were , written by • young Irish Democrat of this city, then and nos a member of the Tammany Bedew, and a most ardent, effective coworker with Cie in the support for the Presidency Of Buchanan in '66 and of Douglas in '6O. And dew if Cox will write u sirited and visored!) a poem on - any subject—to be chosen by Mentelf—its relative merit to be decided by three rep,ntable judges of poetry chosen by himself,' we will pay $lOO for it, and stipulate that - he shall tell "whatever fainhoods he pleas* to our prejudice for the next di months without rebuke or ex. cure. • - Foteirl Coiabbastiolq...Ustotinded Apprehend Ono A Washington • corrmondent makes the followiniray sensible reroute on 'a sub ject that has called forth a great many stunting dispatches from that city: 'Theo Slits Dqartrizent has no adders (or none to speak of) about:the European combination which Francs is reported u engineering against the UnitW States. The United States IS &TOM large country, territorially considered a and being a some what new country, as far as its towns are concerned, the burning of a few of the lat. ter would go little way towards. its eon- quest European armies would hardly' make their way far inland, and ea far as our commerce on the sea is;ouncerned, that is at low pbb enough now. Under these considerations, impoious European , statesmen will find .very . little that b at truth, in the , ides of.going to war with With Russia in the.rear and the Uzi tad States in its front, Europe wont& wish itself clear of Commaks anal Yanked.' Mr. Seward is placid under the announcement of the Yranoe.engineered combination. ' The sympatidsuir with' treason bout that they will:cube animmente majority in York county, and among others stream , the -suthority,for this s Jere. stink Biaok;lita Attcluay Ge neral of the United 6tate and present reporter of the Suprema Court of the United States. As York county is said - to contain Several thousand Knights of the Poiden Cirole a sworn to , natio:ad authority, there may be saciefoundatloa for the ru *nor, but wcnld it not - bevel) to. recast & hew far ibil dietirditintwitney intends, and Icier far It b encouraged by_the Yore. sworn -agouti of the' Maryland traitors ? Phif `Azar. - " FATIACTS noxmiLut PUBLIC BPD:Zett or GEOZOD WoonwAso.—uSigro! sla very Is an inorksulable"bleralng • r! • 'Hun= bondage property lin are "deiced; tanotioned t if nol dhinray. or• uWehsar it add, let the Bath go-pesoo., ably. ratty, tart atm ao ructsarm." 'it sews tome Mathes intuit be ithno "hut idsvebolders may finissalini their natural rights, 'cid opkw Isfisuis ot saefrslavo_proporty whatever- owns of pea g e ctio' thos poutstor cps tonsiatd" drop of North ft rerpoudbls for every drop of blood shed this vie! . VALLAIDIGIIi3cWO iii Inforined by perms, who knows, thst'ir _allssidlisksis has at hot fond seSspprspriiitsbahrdias plus at Wisdsor, Csss&- -; with - a &spier. from Lis Fsierid ow; sated Ober*, • Isis sup.. posed tbst *WI Will iskiiesini "bibs" at that "OhanYr-4"001.Nan,. As'lrish Captain hi the arm,i amity ap pointed to drill his 2.010112t04 vociferated fondtv Ms rat ,order, to show hie author'. ' Advance,' 'lima 'toys: bsakiraids ; sad - 6m meirvithqut, - 3 1011 AP Your m Trot ti A , or namos.— re an itutalpilon on lambdas* se lA , POO, 7Ate„Onparlari ibbh rands u follows: 0 740 - 1,11d111pr i „ la • iustaf Weil's!) , kis WOMB:" • OPT RUAII Crinoo MSS trial Io Lawsonao. Koalas. on Monday. by Pal etleoted by'tbs, clam& Xi was prayed *atlas knew of the rad and alai:row, Malin- Ily oat:of town cal Thataday .14tor briagalataaold sob; teas spa apt, bi 1105.,,! fund dal ha ealarin *lip Itzaablitbasaitsliat Da t!llei th e widow Allan 'a son. no was then Los In liltdimsnd #4 rapt& A 0;4 p,Ap4* golf the gsmidlag And diitadilitito 1111 sp • pusezi los two" lesatAttel.:aid 1111Mbri tsrotnaksap IttaillilZ2 in 10/1 , 11101311 • • .• Atok Sacr a and evimbodkin toal &numb, sr s knight orttn-order $4 ratio paaoh;. - . !Int Hokum of Lia lt, initatilitd Att}lttititaii C ttifoltoorlos load , , to 11 0 4 . 4 Couttivat t casidto Web W Olll O l 030 7 , aid -00$111$ fam)*tallit matithi' - cookhl***l4 ava nal thasiew:.. A litairsvitkattireigiver bits Wthe moral _ ttdasth 11 *! Shs ow! Mi rTh Arit - - , - PrMtdre"-IVIg& ;'` &1110511 — Zratittliat•II:-V Foit ALLTEItiItM Ootttillt..l2‘tm Oititzetr will meet MIRY TtriAD 111,ot 2 o•okok ty wait EllaAttUARTIItt• wniaas Salk- Debstp) -AM mutated to be nekr,lalitadilinear , = . Nol'lUli=—Tfiere'ba sill. a oat , wer,_ aItheaIBILTIIIN °lntel:eel We Ms: elliny, FRIDAY *YEW% at zw, o'clock 4t. .11ABL, BLICKLS'B, No: 1 Dirtn ravetiam tat Far:, pow andoptlng • of-- Mos lba , 14411 p. 41. vaeral attendanas otitis Want= lett4sted.'' selo-.2t was imeessmorei • " - .PLoTcott If Align. GUektrAiOt ttat, Wuhtlirktp4l7. ;VW. • WPIRtruu,s:MVSCU-T-Drafkidlain' Win rigerill litiendansto Kat Oh , lode maisalkiM,be, swinged. by.forttbre th of she taio:Lacat'4o, and la .nonaistanan walla& arsomither, seder Swam psieennost wI ere walk rs:rw_oostig t sh o l t rogotrod •cf etbh bodied lair hilts MOW"' &li t Rai b . 114ulteli naistar" warm obtsiud Kallee the rertWar tote discharged nadir rail= , Jettaß H. lair. . salleadar/l 'Anneal If trettel Goers ... IN AMMERIit ug AN ARTICIis M u - T -T is tap ame& Orninete, cf the Sib kitten, wo wend alk,lt toe - it be Mkt/ s Mies sea fora kaoline: to go Waal Ice,, pr any .tsar rat rood depots or wtelmale weleboo•mr, sn ;archon sort et Watts's elms tam from 2.C.erJeneyr, std ware asteso,. alp ea end Visehressore' ; hooklehonits, cranterkla, atm+. ds ~from dlreata 'markets; sod In Mt orrery ankh of ceasumbeM In its Vas of regmblite sod fruts to I taught rem parer boa nth and sold' to oar clams at at wear lama titan Orr kwal ream out seat endltc.c. too ay or onopinat rum our Immo ands:a% et 'a year two tog one of extras* &oak eat shoot obi" It It was not tor woad-heal *OM d obfprorsoa - mdse. ors could hare bald tame taint ammeters', end bre ova*/ as month We, ens twat an woad e end desk.. wroll 11 lick at oaths; Imam On do hot nes • boo hnoksterieg tab tolottwo with one guarani' or I. mere' wl,asps about • ths toserima NMe Nand In taw Diamond boketL fot t yr; r looms at from IRO to purse with imolai TO r 1 11E and city authority to protect them in toorahr. Merv* w red tat th In thsobtmoo W ars:4lW lento of tas stand, bre not ell moor matsldots, ger item or turclutere, at she ems erg twee -Ken wpbt to to. copy ttoknat d molar 7 We this& any tram Ifa slur, we suggest, on god sotto sty, mkt bas 2IIV Ott s t gamuts ind graven vs nothing top:o. or to • 'bur bookstore, for /I oar vornottmors sad drat no oral easadoe, ahoy or It sea oar toot Olden stands rayyllst w almost potatorro 1003 Bow Jor toy, spot e broarbt to market by u err who hare en *barbel ma thou parro,aad la root WI serfs Of ro • does. old isaltreel sad sold I y nick sad osunter. Mod OW no& ewe growlng, soft•tt atoll arrays the Jai that musky sothn lees kaymm , on Our rev= eltalatse Themthegroat ester of complaint: .bs. .armed a LOU that pus 'at ty dollars •your= a Mkt maws antral 11awhet . thing , and bustbelr ow f ete aln roars yens, I ketbis, Mtn leMll Wragyarop to a fatkre, We therefore hero our au- Comake and catarns will took oat former qv' tn. Worts, and In o'er, of dlmoursgog or 'soyersolog: . oyamothkes, in I or awry ratan to 'Wallas lty therebylary lea Imo thole moan well Aourythill olth good 5011 Oita tognatios, at amsple toter than car potty audit:am ma co, ohs era renting an Wm or too of Und ant play mat glebe laftepor nit; 'and sopportlar fssallts, anencourallet MorKtY 4l7l7 - growtog nob bforrtontror of cur 'Eta us Watson sates Lot leek staft, • Bojo( tbls miry meat the op. woballarof aur dooms g so ally, we mann pins ropsottnity, rah nun m ANDY LUIT. 1511.10 • '7/.."111. tralllCS. •• ' POLITICAL AVTICES. O.TUE 0.1i1014 Exuarrm COM , . M. 1113111 wtil UM VIM sal daII7 storm:ter, (Euntlapp uceptoia tatheIIMUS OLTJ, HAIM% livratusliap s roux th stmt. 0.110'404 p. rdoneor 0 :011, IT OOMMTIOL--11 - 00112Mlii,1 fat the Yyst Ward, 1I Inittany. sppgntod, by the lesentli • Wan mattes, .111 meet In Wobbliest' Hell, Tebozat on OILItIiD tlr "Ulf UV. Sepkmber ;WS, stip; es. Zee* enswebae Is requestril to bs present. Al 11711: VNION 14.148T1N0 eilll be Led MIME:MOM BOSE. In DOVIPPIE BON.= 1111 D IX ZY.7,1130. Sept. title. at rig S'esit. r lints B.S. 4381111. MB. Loa 11. lilt 10K. BEM stbinst the math* By order of tbiLltesentles Colneoltt&O. seat& r&GBAND MASS Id&WIN 4 0 • IN DIAMOND WW; Illtrairirm. 01 118IDAN SPERM. 41 r% - o;diocir. Bag. JOD2I BULB, of Ilillid•lpbtop 11411118ALLOIK., Dr. Iir.COOK; mid oilier eloquent Awaken will adf tn. meetml. Ono* . 0110 mug 411.1-11 cgar es • rate us omi■rrnli. r&P TOE UNION MUST Bp PRE ww• NO tARTY BUT OUR COUNTRY ALL IFITAY. AIT. 7.111t4 walnut froaa:d to old %Arty Una, who so to favor of the • .:!- GOVERNMENT OF OUR :COUNTRY, /Ai • 91001,01711 I , IIOI2IIfTION OF Till WAS . brthe,apprinfoo of the BAbtlgam and 04 piwa , Talton of " • OUR GLORIOUS UNIONI• AU who lowithalf Monti . All who hats faballoo sad Aitalcsrasy AU Thelon Ulan th and an ~ trao to tho pia of ouiliavolothbon atrial ALL.WiLdiaa taw. orsdaPtsd Irbo liar, to Ow Utlaof Mist so Milli t All ittitt'sr• fi bib a Chi election of bo SOU rnarAaiwlßlD. ANDREW C. CURTIN And ; c 14.0 .a,CAoscia.w. Irbo Wes voicabilooldle•Si sod "TY. dead thcza baba awdlioa of thouonsotbg swam; sod all who aro lm tame fh titian:a of th. bob% *tau DANIEL ..A G - 14 - E W, ofr Saybaall44Sh ' obbonlaosodlaUlf Pn.1114,1.. " , - GRAND , MASS COINEIIIION' SCOTOR SILL lIASSET.Etareas *Us* Gaune isicors!nniv, PITTBBD-R4121 Wednesday; gelit. 1611i,' 1.183 i . . -AT 0111 ?OW% ! The Allorki Appian% and o!drar 110 Ckanatioa: . • - AM DAVID TOD4 . of Ohio; • . Dor. 11011,2011, of !snless; Gov. ANDRIViT 9.OIISTIN, of MoiosOursim. BUTI.EIfq MA/01143maim. LO9AN; , 1113011 Onins, PHAISZ How 2110,9.41.. gOW; 3- nos. J. lE;koottrißeD lioir; - 11011T.Itoll!fIGIIV; 4 - Box. WM. B. JOHNSTON; -Box. P. O. SHANNON Coo: Z. B. " 21/..03 lIABEINALL, Ben A.ll. 011088. Boa. Tn AMU— tabls. Sweat Vide - sad beasts try Is. U. Watt MM. rrumaray EIBRD-47 *Sit 3 airkl 4l aud Ow asialm DIALIT AI 00. CBMENT-400 New", : rte:' - • Busy n.norierva. as map -:for, i MEW 4DPERTII/MINWI'II. IIieSOWTION2 , 4he. of: KW- - Juritora o Oita ;Olaf. liamettooloid_llif• secortrunuar. IW& "SELVILIIX • OD: I • - .. holkllneteseteee Iet,ID3Y. • eel= • 'let' 1 • •To 00 ; . e •20. pante are toegted sad out be meted! by the Commute en Et so.. of the VIII at Allegheny, tat 111118DATotif 1613 hut;fortes reve.ftfatot yeet:g of the sidewalk an the fest e 1.5 of ram' rrinnia‘ Gg i li4l6fMr"-- :111 t r ill""1614 47; 13 O:A .1 .. ::: Ct"8 : 3 • 3 4aa j El7B 4011, " I litiAtOCAMEiti N• . la It 81314 Ito IDL7.Ii IDolasto amber fir sisinrviaminsixo, bam rt - re their 111 ail* a SClqfOlrikkh th. 7 11111Avasinow rat OM: Conan,. .111tiezatti scold do:molltoaal1. log abou • oton Xlll nws t motly attmlid to. ',' ,puthi:llollkial&--lim,authbrized - ale tor ailsom reuxuablop itnim • T1417_/ UMW, scaitateng swat CD sok , is. idell!!ia.E..N Oh% iugt . townstilps , tate rernm l l•p., 11'69174h MO firirt treuptel! •lan •Mr.3l, • Ahrtrir .11Xt tele iltand and 41.1^ , x 4 M s eauts4t, ,F.*, I RA • ,aoult. 745 Meth IrtrdaL Pittabftribi LOST - CiatUnCAT.B9ll4OllB tho Outfit:A% of Its 'ilateir.Ot Mott ot. Ito Mack of Pittlharthiottotbstial, lttnt4 Sambas It*. -1.838, to Marla Bari &tura% hal tato tattlatd or lost,natko tt tun by dim that oaks aka raid MP libido to tocavonta liftlt the .4iptiattoo 'or tenzt 1111411 irm *la data: applitthlou via bi stab toes' Ito/rip koala doptlchts tattletata of Via rock. - *lthatntittstor. et-Ths latileat latta Kam -StotriatarlL, teem— • - I. ..acom innwllstocair. Tac*.fillralnum, . gpsdal Partnet. TliON CITY FOIEGittL - • • , _ song WA's!). l'instr;au. lisimfainrercihtn. Gamlßsairsistul tam. 'bat rOtelfg : Plariltft. Widen _Act Sp:noun • attstaiVierptentaratb.i= - • KLOMAN, of Pitigbargh. EMMY PHIP2S;Jf a aid =ow 1. itZLlLlLlka,.Allsgbary ettya baud& dayra toned bto a Matted partunblplaf th• trusaabx of 1161114 Mat tinst, cedar' tlarertn ammo al RLOllan a rEfIPPS andilaclilaaligisad Ham Plana Jr., u Gaunt and Thusan fr. 'Mgr so, =Dr y : t er ia tt nt s ranip anntinna ran ALTaDfLiW 'WORT PHIPPS:ft" Taellns N IRMA% ezra=3 &SVEN 80 NO BOON% _ • ontaxas • • 78 New anB'Popttlar flange, POB *AVIS CBBlll, liabiitiog "Wlmi 'dila Cruel War It Ottr." t. Cony , around tho floya" • .uWho SMOLT& tor Mother r ow." " 7 . 1 1 Ceti:tarn it is of 'A boa." !Motto 4141. Ors's, Flom to Lb; , .?Dan to tottes sow." . "Our Uzi to Them" tHYm floaloyufs Wets." ...Mantes:lo %IL" Syttst Clollforolsa." tlEba Du ?,,bt, Wolher." IlttertrlA Onato . t." übtrt,Y allallsjtioro to my Country." stilad Words ram tom Ste." nWie ay . Ittrrt, her to Oa &onto." "Do they tb'nk of moo at boas." thou slot mit at lams." •• **Sotto Brcaratit34ll." , alirtto "Lot ono Wu Ma for Ids Wothsr." Ma ichth, ".. "' ldotttor,is tto tatilaircr." Moms ono to Isss.' • ' • "Bo ono to tore." • "..Boor titio boots of that lona rim." •IStlinttr _Pio Imlay" • Ott dad, /kV toatild." ELstliblaUsirotuastn." Arnim cosotrxs to traolloa. 11.11•4 ptsl oft reodpt ot ID tenth, by • JOBS P. MIN.. Putilsber. Woods Wit Fletb otr•ot. .ENIVE Q. HALE rap, • . Are facattog their pkija & WRYER STOCK, • • Jiiitta . frkada and the pub b to eaastdoi tbefi4kok. vblck fa ttor flout and or at ix moles - war bing*t to Ibis mutat v" Alsip to task a fir p aloortmeat of 01141016 es Furnishing Gopde. CORNBBPItIia HD ST. CLAIR 81111311311, PlTTNluseir, Pt. , NEW BOAT fdl'Olie. V. C. 1111.117.......... W. t. DAT1D11177........7. 7. DATION:M. HARRY, DAVIDSON & CO., GRIP 0 A D LEEK, and &slug In BOAT STORES, 07 4vver7 diecrlpttoa- So. 52 PIMLIO LANDING, ream 011707961411.0. QTANDAIW LAW PUBLIOATIONS. Esslib's Toren of Pro:odors. _ Donut & Dowd o.lzobua Osea. o de. Moorkaa I aiding Cans. 1 vt Millard co Dirati,ogoo. 4 nth. WlalbOril CU gala vows,. A vas. Dithard.o BilakTUftcy. Panononn Dn. Soots. Do. Matruh, '9 vols. Do. PionsooUto Law.'I Lox Diattoomy. A tole. • • I. tills an PI/10hp. 3,011. Ante lon Limitation; • Do. Ovrlua ' Vito sal Llk bisarsoco for asle by BAY I 00.01.1 wood WOO. - ETEIs: AND Fox. - - Bins Pali attsation 7 treaciasat ot (sumo otenumr t: lad URI fie.' Iton CATAIIMPr a MOUNT BYRN for AtTral. bleu rum, Worts Aterrmuit. 11116.trog treats ell 121111,111111,1011 T =LNG hall abut* al:OOthir Wits/ to lift I" . ^ marimba. iMN• or wr. -noviSarro OPEN '4LG GAIN I ; .; : uttlintAlirs DUQIJISSNII EATING BOGOR, I;;;. ifisainnio anger; Palliimalk 3a1re..42a6 Alma ni witigest £ll talk, ash, Haan. al imp od bud. • frirDeleloasOTlTaise, UM ant 01 ti• le"'n• AN.irt 4 . P,ATHAT JLI Want-0a dram& anienh Ilan 'raper tnttot and -trtaotnarnt. noaland failipm• iabniattilliln Ito -Qinnitarddaca Nada ort,impab sad 'Tastily oainnod.44l/4 LS 'ant fit Ina* ja lanalta lOtililf by• - Wit;o. - ,roereroa - - • la loam a? Wood strait., OortiM ioAl.l.l3..;4siikbants' te3 Litter - ilAksiai tow std. nest . kaltaq, pods istanterbe cosititi tiointrusi , WEI.O..IOOIOIIOEk CID livir - 111611inars. IST Wood dna& DI/OTOURAPII ALBUldia=A (halos .ms of rholosesigi mot 'Afllo ll2 aterd , f 4 al' " 14 ", c Jogisvrou a Go» 09 liver Ofatitniro. 17Wocdsinet. •L'l sa ll ot irE nutr. lo o P ,D iaa a a ll e:bar eiz i. oi; v r a d s. q . us id. l wati et, yrer .,44 4 ?Tanis illial.biloklar tii r s Roo I wlos Wit Btallosaw, PEONIVEID- TBll3 DAY Airtosobwoho tea Tart euo,l4ln* — NV been R: It. MOO; , .10 0 talcktra lauttes; t3;1111,116111Parkl4 tw 0016 1. 1 . 60., fICINSIGNKENTK .. , - • • • - l eo 4 4 ,4 a posaiom : + • - 10 MAW* ruzw• • . tutu for esiAll. Ai% lllir 111 ilut('r. " 114011 I DZi 1 0 P akiim 'VA • . , . .. . •a* I NaUttlielll 4 .4eceitual dinfi, cholai-14$01. ilikati Rime. To' cl11144"/"V011itesTiloor • sat "- 7 - 7.- 01.14911 41 IMMO. , , Iji . al=2so pigs. 1 , 10: / - rot! 0 glans to ` witre ma Snob b7` ' frit „• .„, RVATO, ftlonctiwit _ _ quo—poolyfra?diftde IZ:Sty #44Liks prizat:~te ..s_l4latookumwi.liram draw 4DireRTIAILINIANItt. 13440CLAMATION.—Wnzanas, in and in. Ml:tboUth action of the Act arta* auoinal Is asoNi a Pe=lv t iah PeSted., , Joly 2d, 1839, enti tled sea et to thaiDintions of this Cont. rtnierselth," it is nined on'-the Shedd of....esery. wady , to giro notice of Mb elections to he WI, end enumerate to such notice whet ottoman to he elected. ;In PISUICCe thereof, I. A A3IUEL B. CLIILET, 'Ehertext - tte cormtroftneginen372l6 therein make known, end give this public who, to the elktors of Ltd comayorltlitypheol4haVii lIENEEAL ELEC TION wilitaihtddith.hdd.Coanty, On .the BYO MD TUE= ,13th DAT OP °Grub= NEXT, et the And at Itridad by 'mid =IC Stet/idol tLe Act of Jul,, 18.29, I hereby sire notice, that *my person , pm:aping Judicator the' Poles) who Shall bold any alike or tippointruent of tiefilltor tetedonder the Gov mama of the United Btates,or of Wag= enharthemonadinnerictorboinar a vapor or otherwise r. antordinste caws err um; who 'licashall be =plaid tinder the legislehee,extxntive culettinter7depertownt of tWeStIaIVT at lb* United thcorpx ? t. Ehtee, or army dtwolineorpmenl. iSsa Os° thetesbrywiember of , Ccehtm!l44 d yt . tbs . Leg. bad e% and fifths ielect or COSODSOLI ' army dty, ar antanissimere of pay, district; Is by law incipablo of holding or ism:him st theeense ffma, theolacs 4* , lopolanwif bfJodge, Inteetor or Clark,of any election of thintlonatunawasltin end that MI LISPOC:IIO . 2. - of Otharbinellr a aniyfinek ekee. ir ,, W 1,, ..n. be tWFAIg totuttoilleetobithen seta few. kidalitber, Mit Vali m isetbeit et. the' Act of APraietl.4B4o isprosided,tlwA-Sheefotaseld 13th iectidn' of 111,114 07aly =• - stitil: tiot Kos ant.• stated in SO 'Almaden, WWI Mow anbatough cdri. ear F.m serving se Judge, Inspector cc cloth, at any vowel - or .octal ateetiotiln thisCoadienwealth. The electors of the First Ward of the eity of Pitts burette meet et the Palle &bat flame insaidWerd. The eisetarief theleeond IV cede( the city Of Pitts beech fa motet the Mlle Echoed tlonsein said Wert The electors of so much of the Third Waal of the (Myra Pittsburgh, &it product, to meet at the home of Outdo leuned.,4 caner of Tunnel end: Wylie streets' emend satinet to greet st the honse of . Trends Jettison, corner of : Sixth and feni.idle.. streets. '' " The electors of the ?myth Ward °fib(' dty of Pitua blugh t to mast at the kaiak Wog Mum ho Bahl Word. The electors of both pirdects cf the TURK Ward city Of Pittsburgh to moat at the now School Rome Home, corner of Pine and Adam' streote. The dodos of ate Sixth Ward of thadty of Mho -buflh to mod at thaPadlit School llotuebo ath) Ward: Thuelacii of Warmth Wald lathed!, of PIM burgh to meld ale the-Polack School Lame In odd ' W gileatoro of thillettth Vfmeof the Cho Etta -4W meet at tho Sclicel Muse In mold Word. , The elictors of the Moth Ward of the oui of Put& blu& Beat at th e Rohr.° *text &Loco to mid Ward. . • The eleStorsOf the lflrofW' °Mkt city of . All4e * uy to meetat tha Public School Mose ler sold were. The electors of the Second Wird of the city of Ante ' gheay to moat at the thick Moot Morey coma of Yalu Alto oadtheateltla rum% la sad ward. The electrum of the Third Ward of tho city of Alleghe ny, Satpeedect,lohthet at the PubUo &Mod flame eald Worth ths electors wood veined, Thud Wart, toroees at rhe'bouse of Geo. flara.le told tad. The alicthri of the tourth Ward of the city of Alle ghee,. 1,..5t prides% to meet at the togler# totem, car &at Cit Laois and Aadomou mete: wood prided,, it the-home of Jamb Pechicorner of Oho not mid The gleams oitlieboaOugh until : W.l2o=4 l yin, 'did, to meet ia thif Pandla Bt col Pr& dor; at the Brugareptlexatu sold The electore of ale borough of UM Etradigham to bust at 'School Muse No. Weald borough. The electors of Dadmemo =a\ to roots . a.l th e Public School Would in eald Therdedzse ciao boose orough W of Lastrucesilli to meet at the Public Sch nald borough. The diet= of t ool hoborough of Sharparurg to !met at the house of James Slurry In sad boomer. The eloctorsofthe borough of McHeesport to tomtit the Tont Mal In nor borough. The amuse of the borough of TimperarmerMe to meet at tho Public dehoolliome, to sad borough. The electors ot the borough of South Pittsburgh to sheet at the Public School Home, earner of !Wl= stout and Beasserillo tomtit. rood. The electors of the borough of West Pittsburgh to motet the &had from 'timid barotor,h. The electors of the borough of Watt glicaboth to meet at the Public School Muse In mid bargee,. The electors of the borough of Tarmac= to mart at the Public &.hool Hems In sad borough. The elector' of the borough of 3 1 ^ne to meet at fht. Pablto . Behoorilotme. The electors a the borough of 12kiebeth to met at the house of II 0 Taylke, Sarcialy accepted by John Walker, ln isititiorough. The slalom of the borough of Barleltit;, to meet at the Publie Bdtool Hass in sad borough. The elector of Monongshale borough to meet at the School llonsetie said borough. Thealectora of Makes District Da 1, of Peale. township to meat at the home of John Battler, In the Theallege co Rea Libely. electora of Blatt= District An 2, In Peelle. townsldp, Mama at the Man Ilotalto said tcanshba. The *Wm; al= Emma", to most at the 'halo Baboollams, nem Oallead, to said towaildpoecept the codified rotas raiding is sections Woe. 47 and 14, in the tily dletact, who shall vote at all the gen era elections, in the Ninth Wad of tlro city of late. The geckos of Collim township to toast at the house of Wso. MEWL Jr., In Ihnsfllige of East Liberty. The elector, of Wilkins tommtdp to most it tho Palle Waal Dona. Ls the WIND of Wilkineterg, in towtablp. • ' electors itamme a rtille in Wa h ip . townshipst at thehonse al John sad The electron of Pattart to mat at the hones ofkbratoun Taylor, an the Nathan Tornpika, in said annialp. The claim of Fenn townehtp to mad at the house af Hobert Donaldson, ca the Leachborg lioed, In sad m The i ldcats of Versallee township to mat at the MIX &hod Hotta, on the torn of bee!! Maw, near the Whit. Home, larmarly occople! by Thomas Neat new by Willhan A. thaw. The 'team of Elbodeth township to meet at the hamar 113. G. !Vila, itematy cosapied by Jahn Walks, in Ethan* borough. Ile electors of Jefferson township to meat at the hoar at Mahal Bate, Sactoerly occupied by John Bit% Meal towinkla The eLxlcon of Main township to meet at the home of Banat! Wilam„tentestymeapied byJasnes IL Noel, in aid township. Its et a= &Upper BE Clair tawriabl to most at the name of MO mama, In add tawntniy. .. The akators of Lower At. I,2air township to meet at the hooey lately kept by F.! Set the Incelled••• i of the Birmingham end Cant HMl in mid townelp. The aleatoric' Chatters taw fo meet at the hem of WWl= Obey, on the and Sus. beneilhiTonolka. The electats•of llobbmon township to meet et the home of Sarah Milearland, formerly Maass 312farland In aid township. The electors of Iflndley township to meet at the house of MMus' A. Armor, itaDerly occuphd by .1. Chaim, in the !Diego Cllnton,in meld kinship. The electron of Noon teremehm to meet at School Han No. kin sad township. The datum of Ohio township tamed at the home of Weary 9. Thempeon, in sad townehip• TLaates of Ire klla totality, drst precinct, to meet at the bow caupled by leans Maly, In sala towim the electors of dead precinct to most at the store hmicK James Nods, to add tairoallto. The slates ol Basin lawaldp to met , at the Waal House No. B. in sal Olswies•W• The electoral Baldwin township to met at hoar of John Gonna, fn dd Mama*. Wm electors of Mom's township, to meet at the bona of Jacob &kart, on Moan Bon, in sald town e6l lke gleans of finowden township to meet albs house of Parse Boyer, In midtawnehlp. The eteates of Bath blotto towable to meet at the lease of H. }pylon Me fatut Of O. Y. , Clositer, In Inki • 11br ililiN' elactosis of Worth 2 rte do Wm *email app b7>mall ,Jandsuo, Bodger'sll2l,l3, idd tamildp, • Thoslettars toot/lad lama", to meet at the boors of Hugh Wall, on tha Brea Bud, in obi town. The electors of Eine townektp to meet at house CaJICISCI 221mble to said The gleams of township to seet at the haunt friok Wards= in vat townroddp. "The electors of Won Deer townitdp to meet at the Mans of Nathan Oxley, to aid township. • Ile abettors of Bea Doer township to meet at the Publlo School Weave at the nenth of Daisy% non.' The slalom of /awn township. Bra precinct, to moot at the school harm at Bola Wade. in fiat leo reason; eacoal pre loctot • the bona of June Mo. • TlreslettWil Odotiliktonnallp to meet it Bchool hum ,ithassille Llittnel Clislatt pooled= a flowithley townalp to mast et sus I boar damped Itltchle,ln gad tranship. .t•The-etectorsaf of, toinit-Up to meet at the hamar kemitly gargled tr: disx...Teraw s be said The Tundra 'rasa ettlst r 4 of Whim lima. ship, in alltahaty amnty, the tub,. atilesaited boundinios, to r-Beennins '• at e tan the Alleghedy rlvoroditultlpper Una act She afJ•ohn Odds, andudoig • malady. acres, Mayan the farms of Deb s end Jn Boyd, Ate north met carter (hhWs falitc4 a serme tan *log a easterly Omer - to the ilhadaar tarnshiplins in Inch ininnisefen to radasesatilertal or tots tau ated "limmaillmini i i 1001' kobvil Um, Eirelf tracts, withal filik.talee,ehall Walter atteat thaspiandelection IA the letwongh of Vat)* berg, at theelecdon pull a ieldhorongh. , VA tale= ,of to uretedp to meet at John ilhaves 'With geld tonally. • The electors al &caul, Weald. p to meet site lama Bousebt Shousetown. - Tna waters a Ha opt* towahiP. ts wow a go hats of William Pane. In MU township. The elettersol Union t mistbipto moot at the Walt alums NOME In aid tanatiip.„ The teams at Scott towneldp, lama at the boom of Asfrote 0101n.ln add townedip. The electron of Kirkland - tow wrap to West st Qat Palk, &hog UM* Viiiirgifink. • _.Allahkh Wad sal pace the tpaillgod axiom at Moreatid W 1314 ballot sae for One pawn Ix Goinernor of Pantsfiventa. Use ram la Muftis of the Bagman coat of ' On Peun e Perima Pmeldent /nap of the Ditirict ey One pe son ior War a Attest= y coonty. ' Biesperecias Itir mambo= of she Home a Sawa ~Mail's' of Painryliranin. One person far . Clerk d Coats of Qtirtit Iseans drenbetTaogafJe„ . • One pawn for smarm of anew mny aunty. One man to , B4teatila of Dade, do., of Minim. One Dorsoll° ll 4 l34 * W at; of Allegheny county Otte pinata kat% stmandoner of Allegheny county. And the catmints of "be emend bromine and town. ,igrklrEllebet, mt. pereoa fax Matte dthe raw of Silmanal acrdertny hat:stead Me t nt thie 14th - the Unid p l l t e a m ta g s ilfeasmil i mutt. the b sett B& t o • 192AM:WilX POMO/ABM ANEW mewl" v..TWQ4STOBT 1911108 ME= , tomPeritt shuts liallelbstelas t. seu ibetarbri*A t kirl wtil vas St Iv oy Asps so 11: Wer" Onitarordatituitir,jlo. ist amot,Limisonah mat Vier GOODS, VIM GOODS, LOW PRICES, =Min Joseph Rome & Co: s, V/ AND 19 3IARNIF4s.O7. Ws ars sow cp isiog s most detlisbla stock of NEW FALL 'GOODS, Wlileti sill cost ptise eraniibite ti !Asir is. sir Tritaraisie r?.?Witilrtp.-Ziiie' oar .11l o3Ldcs or. DBIII3 TBIYII3BO6IYD 13172 . 6861 • B 2001 1 ,1411) diseitni nounzamo ;- also Amiprota. Guars a7foilmotia: 611112711 X ASO PDXIiT 2101/ (1011.6)113. Cat: P 3 A ellar• - TIMIS AND ClliaLtDiaziriu Le i an ocurg. n TA= LAOZ sen CIiaLPAI VEttl; ~„ Baum girlaTlV. , etto•co eoTori and good from $2 03 to ltd 4 4 4 ' it1.418.5.•311E1 itO7p4nd:pllll9 IngiNlllolll,ls, RAVE mums, now! zonsw mutants ; sosiray asp PLAID 111E.B038; •• 2 • •-• . tu-4•11 110.10178 /I rat 113Wa c _talLeathit. 'WA; mks ltnith thoplwas MI6 rid LIMY and 1031,-.4 bentital - s. ILARDIRMppIU,I3,:aII klfids*irei; 111111180 1111DIB•OATISLIST3rL InCL7IIII3. BEGLIBIIII Maar 1,;.;" SUMP= PATTEBNB, WoBBTitti;fl STOCHING TUB, ISZOIL VlZ!ri nd s fel Mao, T. 0 0.. - N ESS To üblch dipartmont rs pay : put/Apr Ws:talon. Our Wel is sample., and our rilt h us unit etre sattearillon. sir all and lack threaA oar "r#Fisit. UOWIE po, Wr W1301 ' 6 . '141.1 Raw VP 42.,5e. TALL DRY gOODik • SECON D ARRIVAL . ALTHf L J. IC -Burchfield's. r an.,..thosy earrdp, WififOliOredi latniala 00036 D atPician; sestig (MOTE; ' Enumr.a 'jinni:Ea; OALIDOI# BLIMP: WI IIVILISB; 7 - f IBIBE - LISTLBS; • 1613111 r TWILLED ILLEBELD I D 4 YLAIB ' do; BLLIIIITS; .• r- • "te. laop onortsoord of. N" ICI W C OQDS JUST SLOIIIYID. - iggw.,Goovs:. • • FALL bAlt- GOODS, liken/UM 11911ftiai ovenbidant Calmest. at new -,lAtefe 000p11: Our sleek Iptil to Smut wittylON entintetenk ante, Staten, wt.' ithr el kMantakt_ rodent be keand In the Irstent CULL -In OW ULM DlPiLlrfatllliT will be Ina a math buieriesortisset *skin malt Unhand es: Wan umek , etteener 1/1211.* hit '110111)bg co CIMAS. PASSIONS SAT. Wetted with eon, Wants) cue from. the West sad - non Itshionable Leto% stlbei; sat deptiestee wilt to mumbetafti ea car pnabis, malls -104 Galata, and at =oh thea - snao. VON * *ID betiiht the Team ettlts," l Toter/ , anamrcs, Latin 11001)13; said 4101311121/11telsElr. GOOD& will be tenet all the newiata dentetee'ineht of thiesstos. Ser. Whelesels bejern wtudoweB"toe:aatttu oui desk whiten. Is nklepte/s;:' • • - - Alexander- 3a#es ist IVIPTE STREET.. • SABGInis A No 78 pilarlcet 'lBt;ciaet. Mown:aft of Aterehzati inul ULU 14s4rs et . 12 "P i ° tr i. la 40 11 (441 / 1 /# BOl to Oa numrsoofterion, ; - avtimzeiorse. agaurounauskpravose, "-. laD•lnvallE3 &SD SRN *f ar t I • .8=4161119 Bur i al% 9ne linkall to Cot ILIM - We inqi tilatiaiiggiast Idat oar hgroisollitaltliklis as 'Os an* lowdzio AtAcattitt urn.. WAIN! MUM ' :11Mralk &aft ensimadviaama - NairActottal • _ Iluuttaa nom, vwisiftm i2T9 081 :Cl= 0 0 .1) Wit Willa ' i l ea* iliSnamLiankrria*mbal.- DMr 60011211. KW GOODS! NEW GOODS! rwpw:s:3ecaoc7.s MONDAY, SEPT. , 7TH, BARKER & CO.'S, 69 MARKET STREET. WEIW 'NEW inAIEViS NEW DRESS GOODS I MT; N EW,GOODB 4A,TON; MAO.RIIN CO.'S, 808 17 AND Di turn Kim A oaa: pit ts Rock o DEM THDHATZGO, EIdBBOIDIMHZI AVIXO LAOS GLOVIPI AND GAUNTLVPS. BOSTOBStBBiDHOBIBBY. , HOOPDAIMOBAILILTHSO. Mini& LIDNOH.OOIIBITP, • RIAD OHICBM, SEPHYVIVID-14017LANIA - 118111•KIHTTINO TAB qP, BfilßTB 4.I.IIDOSAWHOO. • iviatteig,. In thol'ottno Mut • army Ind Om try . jilerchluts, and I' :r.who buy NAM yip And Itte guilt. - Interest to loot through our presarktulock before purchasing risco where. IL&TONiIiACIEVNY CO., It< • 11A19 wirer; 5,11111. JIIBT REGELVED— SOH/11/1 LIILLQITILT GUM ; IGT. GILT aIID 'um sivr BUM= ; UNION Amin= nvisretv, Mali AHD Di= 1418 al Os dist Ado tt nerd anortstevrs4-00a pods t ' 41 "" ? w a' Trimatsg EsssEsst hiLOßEild a GLYPET, TS /IMAM Erato Batavia Terarth aadlland. PI~JI" ~O,fi g _ . . NABS'S PIANO .A.llll Tag BUT MIMS THAI • OuLaTTRT. Warrante didAst yam. WS= BROS. PLiNt* be Piano mod at t pt r at. MARS H h• ALL a THOU'S PARLOR RIMS PUNTS la St O. Also, NUB= aC0.1111i1: OMB% CHARLOTTE; BLV M Tuth dm% Solo okent for two tisorlaotarors. STEINWAY% PIANOS nadvid tW la= CLAM Pialatirrnif 1L11D44 u Os Wozszes tauz, London, 412.. itrWansaistt sapsztat ban alien tisk*/ is cat ♦ ewe steak of taw &bars Jot szestSg. Mr nob ivacy Oar tile Cadet au Lb ektavay than as FL =MU' 7118016 AN elaninion. _ awn MO. u -"-111.14'. St MAO, Pis Oz. Ism LW. lan .01. • .01. • Brsoospel tbs A far tbal als; .. .Pa MAT, embed us rm er lit. Tax% Mo ol I Iv alto dis attend= of Oboe earl Elea Mandactods Id fad/Ph den arm as reportedte= , A. A. Um. of poem, and J.O. Booth, of todad vtd dr& snot by , dandetunds to Padd ted eofdodd . Claolnasd out IL Zeds, tisterndses It IA be Ow port ad • lissdnlostds Clay nou Imam 'bend Tomlin ea deeticas. Pots id% from -IS boo stead la do 01se noses treat to II !maths:- - diddle Is of Us Clay es titan from the solso. without, any wadded Aft bramatlon dud. der. lt pcsasseltand lalbeddeases f u e= addeakeldeti us not dwan by tbo add dad of the addsletra of lam peopentloa of dell se brush ._ • am no. to 111 odds far the oboes Clay, lobs treat 131. Udine' delteend hem ALEX. GORDON, Sam isooND mazer. ' ' Prrtunas. N SW FALL STOCK JUST OPENED AT iHs NEW CARPET STORE McFarland 'Collins 4t..C0 71-AND 73 FIFTH BZ, • tid itat Cake del Diryetch ;ladle& -Ilartogjar yerciddrt in 'emit. doing ibe slant rideable condltlea at the matte, a mod se teaks sad com a dde arreartedd or the awed aaddetteesS 0 A B P EA'S we =noir otralirigoedi AT PRICES OF A NELII- AGO. By ear redaction to pricer vs bane:drat dared eat ear foraree_pardreerr lid pm _attic .teDirpas of ‘1!°1,14 aad re tdt AismiaLT Airs,' AO rsourirocz e VERlVklltai bp/27111S abridla 911.b.4417. RIMMED PRICES! To auks room far Luis:l4 Vela" - 4 12 iP i6 a 13 , . . Tiertim *fin Dew ont 11111 metiona CariOnglif ; • TOO •1' Window Shades, Ara •FOli ram OLIVER 504UPTO4* - 41 Co., 41Ci.23 tifillt ;•N, , • go • miss iGH. P. , uw‘mtgZo&