The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, September 11, 1863, Image 1

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ESTAIILIgIIED I IN .1786', rn '''7,
.00112prqs zummurre,
jaVi bna '4;;l ii : • • 0r...4n11411044teiti Stmt.
Imin.74 • Preseausaui re.
wM. GO/MY,
._› , •
• ' wirolisesis imam
Ho. 1171 UMW EMMA'.
P/MCB111=4; PA,
.. C W s , i tkiLf lata a l lUd hli a d m i =
t ka aumpativastia! trim&
, - istyls.llll
- J, rapicts,st fiLl•••••.- -
mesxmlia-atialeadi r . • ..
br-PNODITON,IfTAUBMIOO3; '.... ,- 3 •
COTTON. TARS, sad .. .... .... ..
....;.•,. roessayill3 and lli&etnid — Pl • ... ••
" ;. - .3 '' ara l 11S97 . 011). a:'
. A Clo.,
NALD & wagon% ceat u k eti
-iza. gala Oomph hog= am Clowacal Klan
irt-Is ' comi.-.2‘ 0. SWAB 100
Tw at
-XO 7 11/ 3 / I =MOABEI WI 8 lIPS.
11101 /LOON, TOBAOOO, ' 011.
11:00, tW, tio. X5l and 244 LI Ett.
18111114 ciria
• =sad Ug) Weal lISPA • "
71. asses.
SIMS 071104.
HEAD it terrams, =Ewa
ftertl i
'-otortriesk lat-Ltbattp Miaritaat at
Waal lbw, Mutably FL, • 11011
O. `.
• Rai Wattaitza
Giccua an Bair u t
ILIFLIgLA 'ROM OAKUM, ( 1132 7=PITO i paad
Pittsburgh aubabstand azah Ns. 1,11 W
Mars tb• lboanabeta balm Pittsburgb. P
.SW WWl'
111 0 BKRA
ustakcitaiC ' ':0 111 0 1111 4 , Rou i l=izi av
Known* gul *slat In triM4 . 2ll eall.atta.
burgh nubasfectal*PittallEW., I
Wit • •
ai1=4:151#014311A041144 NO.
' Xlllll MVP - _ .roaue=ma..
-, WAIT & WILSONOVito e g o .,
w w wwww, Osibuscaildssimunsokild • --- • .
~, ~, ~, "robot sad ft. t~zaszadastarmiga. lad Lilo
' ."- tray Walt. Plttlib.
• oda
.. `l6.llAit 'LAMM' ' st'Utt, Witotatua
staisaaiskozomuce itnesiarn:leadea
PRODUCIS. No. SOWN: stand, awl akin* rwt
itdandah. ....;
wa• Ir. 1 9 060,015 ........ 1: A isuisma. 8 'D.ILWORTIt'a UQ4 Wzoir• .ta
...Guam, dies.l.lo sad 122 Boadad -- • was
wiled; Pitts ••, • • - • - .. ma
. _
01.131;FLOID & (XLMEuitiotuatro.
Ito - couta_kop OmarzoiataccasszNApara Dal
• sad tiCzeortylitmetalttiltanat,
z44l4lkiariati&lAlSY; Wzottaams
ur owns, .14, 824 so wood Wil4 - I . lttst,
beret, pa, • • •/.41i-:,
A IattWiRRIA, W 1101.21141,11
bzi:Portn. anknillpifYlhOMl 'Out/
eves. PiltsbaM Pa.
. asha
•OS Willlll BTONI9II.IIie AND .1
ear9srlitt WAii . ,;pol n
- 111:11:11:119111LIPZIZZ. T. ,
--- .llll.4osizegarniottmotkaziar Oily
__' - ibc;lWooko,Pittabangt, :Vow oi
~ - f. - -.-114PlaTOSH AND milemPAlLlett VW.
PATLEITOBO.ITJ A. gaB2.ll&lll.3l2tOnf i lD
c •E - : :-:.',:: ' iirb;ripi ai ljalwa nia tr i r ""M g= l l • Joe
' - bin, sad a:Mat work in -Moo troitiaglot by
yrombatiociattinartbolitibtodbeode, to olott
.;.yobbo DaMosiyo, , ,'. .--, .- .7'. r- ..-. art
a.filotti :mots- b idientioil DALAI:ED
- 2 7 1 ihtbvs - ozonyualnsamr,aur. to ciun bins
- .:. bantams onottalniot ba Ulla: ol
JOSEPH F. /42.11140Na:C0.,_
Oxanr et • nu! idiXety . strasta.
, • - ,Promiroza4l4
• margiiintrizes
an* KNatEITIViti '.OWSAST.
• m
--- AVERWEAMOUI4--lire; 7 4:l - Wiftli ST.,
,- •W Pa ttall mi r iiiir ni llall a t".
/r. , iatornrlsoretfittloti,, a , ---. i
J: - . I C4rXitlWor abed ortftpo tratitoa, my.
'1 izzat
io Vo a =Aim& to _lot shut oottoo.
•::: . s a toltattoott constalitly oa.ciapacc.tun2Cars
' - 'II9I74,IItaIVILL• : DDOcr_ A ‘40.P!:1!
Tr - vbizity sttsiLit_enettt. mai,
AND S ttootatettotto ot %lain, WOE= AND
:. ' . ft" 'STIFT 0 1 91PtScAl OtAMATREM =D .
!,2 . Orate .. -toldt thtiitio'let - list sue! imams.
-,-;,, iirablopmet as►ver mmmorm,,,. c• . c.c. c. 48:dartirr
` , , , ,c,:.14 ii,weiciumFuniscp...4... - -or: 13113101.1113.
ASIASS W 4 M d. —
. A ,- -' , 42 4 OOI"..PLUNEITT k
t 4171021i.i . 9ivareka.':.ll Wock kkkki keak
. .- .
j: tTrillea....'
'. , ‘.......4".1......4.'
t"n 12111)
"-Am. ,- /for. , OS 1112 E
'- - i PUtglitul , "/Failasito go
, :..- MA cif at will •XeolOnero . - ottogaienx.=
1 , , bisab to Vroriosogo. di
- ,yam 14 4 Proznuli a4dstair .
41 =
I . Oaig Ibi ) biiOOONNELL ,
V A? LLIGIEt i M mu3 ir, wg rail star, KIM Lair prat.
- it *ha sit • azul loll A
Atosiat :woo. ixsowoooko.. tn.
.- : -.;41,0o1 mobilo. . •. ~ . . .
.1.-•' 'X - ' - ' • :
1, - ; icatini, JP wan Clcitotili
i: & 8. Iln - 80HOYE.11, ATTOEXII 41
*j .
:e; PP, T. i :tr if t "P! , , A . 9's b F t i,t
stoessis, ice, 1 :11•::!:.
ihunnwria. a r dnat, Pittibtra. '
:Mf-A 1 41 - • • Asa jaw
jp."; orwirxec h No. Wo:delmitasztdovejo tbr
. I thmterieMblnc7,ll - fa; • 808004. Bpi
LAW BOOKS covstantly as rata. • .1.
roattlausKtfli• • •
?- .... ;.77777 •s, fie. 1
11=11 11 =r1 91 " WM. ti e n
1,:;14.1111139111 1 =1! ler ;
_r r
I • WALED, 'Diu* ti t
%woo sensixosphilerataini
mg* kw wag. • ka
to roliosablo tam - •
ThoWirtladng to toast-040 Haan to td•
ooktio, obrayollad Ira cut wood dam •, •
tO oZoo,kir oda.,
41,11.-14t000atooloosaistVhstssyttOs strictly •••
4W' I, , MARsllltUsilanzautur ' aka
VT • a.„ n. Wad
1 / 4 tilt lAtl 4. ri PIO
MIMI& and MU, • -
t WITI 10EtteisiaWa MAND7 6, I ON
u soars AND BUM sr% No.
..rg: r out i : SOLV ' W
Ilawasaa •••
h.. ,D
.„; ,„ - -
. - • ' ' . • . * -
, ~,' ..........
) 111
N-. fa i . 14
—us nizsaa.
irmoicat. ,
arsr E •
- Z)CiTU
/fan • BALM
111 =du Ihnoo. and 11 A good dodo of cultitgldog;
Tho inprovoloonto oonaln of a maw BRICK ptri4l.3
L ie e l i mat w o k
TENANT aauaLwith a roam ; and gand 0414',
of young teen. 00dIt under MO whets taut., - Mb:
tuna In Baldwin toamahlp, about Ate milts awn tint
so. ma hearth sti toetZ'cl
7je. - ' DOR SALT.
Tall BIikIITINCIL monist assunitios
Otcmlik 4 bras mbscribar, ono calla from tlw i ctlY.
paw arms tats ant tfolLtd
rtba'Adean Wabetwomicanyara MAW rift', 'Waft
Mat BOON of =darn sty* Mr alma rooimt,bw.
olds both man and doable inwandab , tsm,tuat
repainted and papered. and le mbpliodwhb bckarof
cod water, drawn In Ma home it= damn aid W
navaroaillagsywniationa watanalary Wickets_ bla,
GorciapEfaack&n:ibalatbaaon3 aolll4oOctowt
by a comoratt MA AIM* sod bade, With mow UV'
abaci b.luing 'twit 'treat Ong* Waco, and tj'a7
Mkt, cd moan Emits and abrabbay-14 Paco
bailor beim twenty ma MAW csdnftticia•
Una wanting dactrabbi fowl:and vannerty, to . ona.
grltiOndwri waltindarsta etviaricUdati annpar...
Wank to ba mat willui , ,llt is 'MIMI Maw WI
Ur imaLagn7 twinty_wadolae`ladk Whir ,
bridge. and bon minnow. walk from tiro Bi arm* irlway.
antadlor Clamor Wait Strad litilebenT '1
. 13 ealar..a.CLOWEEI0S .;;
some, withhach tradtErth
InOteat. - :4. •• • .
• bgirson lad hallahhed,tbrat:
aag a rt.l.Whonla tattletatkEdledaa Na_
itt stmt. batEheithi sad thaw! at
Abh a Manny Mak dwelling tenni with mut
butiaLsji• 141.0stancterrUseuTDON. ,
AD abate en tawed order. tad asyplltd 'Opt
.. „aloiA,• age ataryinies hinge drifting. 9a. Xi
atnAra Man Ithdllpg ed. -
=at are bonne era la hood .aad
Et null thollba.
*Lusa IA (kerma ea the ,
of 11113 stmt. .itan herby etratta sea
nom strut, bathes *oat Cl 161 het oa Ent qteat,
sad exteadtag back 0011614 •
he abon prayed, h datead la • ashretaalatt
al nadir-
J r c 0g0 ati.44.4.2142ntr"4""
Iv yr. e MOD ;
*rat Tre..loBl , lltb
j]`AtUAB. PENN STltlattpiON
• IDDIr TOR 11134.4"w0 Waal bleb 6.,te.
Croat br i lyZet hop to ea any, Elk% bap hoable
itsacatia sad End etnet. dnb ,
in 4;taittaa he L I VIta as Deattt.
AtahTante Oat Mee haryettnte
awe ittataletda, ham
t4l tel am each. mi r "k
Abe. a) IMP Itstabd
_Menet labb id nth=
attn. attract ZS to 60 ma haat by 100 u. 160 bit'
OM slanted at the task= at the Wyll6 hheat
Paranyer hallway. •
Ayyly to isadeadoktd, rameaton of eh. thin—
at John Elan; ded. W. a.
!Maw It 0. 1
alliariooSl4 - 01'101T 111 . .AC A ,
las* lose, all Wad.
Ono avatar sow HOILRIS„.":1 mesa Ms , ..-Ar
14 1wrragrai4111liga, Ssr Olsloss4 Ft*
Owneol sew sal iscoad-tWad 50111651 m i re/
tows 15 Sash dkostOst &Ma 035 .SistS4 WO- Wit :
low for on. sun K. nols, :..
Is&U Os es /111sstssq My's, oss„,plss ASWIS' '
That vahiebielapparf - tater owaad DAL:I7.:
IflotheigidoWdflutta peat, carrtar Lomat lad
Pnble meat •• lama two.etory Wok deallhtli
boom of Apt 'MOMS. Wiled Milo and oratti•honta.:
ulhh7dnint WOW la Iliaban.Xtil *Meta M
d the most attatanttal and tat •
lienria la the lelocuab. mad la la excalloatsr:
Pride sett- ItaMltror, ahrubtarrand did• krtnia:
Moly to .- : flourastaT.StWer -
ado 61 Blaotatatted.
PQS,BIILB—Fpur Agree 1 of .urid
a: rari'etory gsattatna. sighis;
Bans eal Meeblbely w.ll adapted toe l i ra-
Csatory s ICO ket byl4o !eel i eon be parch diet'
,ass-1114 . Its Wilma eiWlALeallygip • 1.
014 e I ri341.4=1:1=117124d".-
slims Ai Cloais E9®.. d.r to
taviebly obb
AL slums Johan *lnds rit=iit
oa tit, Plusbmrgh. Iltit.Wmpse Lidisto. may:
amid= of FL pima, old raL gnat,,
• Wrterrigrr..Aftia.
VOlt SALE -00,01e. Crzu CA." - *
A: bulk. Invites of ' • AL Y. BILLWD;
=IT ..n.PgrO inOcirweittqWel.*.
= , ,
wok go v t:. !
a1 k 113484. !
Br attention of lb* Secritamot thee Trnainry.
_ again :MM. WV 2 'rm.
kono oda lwpe, Lien with cal. desttra snaky.
Ow. fa the togas of Tennteam'arkwans. /Oafs
avid, at lordshrns. trzadd New Onleans.) ate re ~
seized to be NIIBOLLI4I ;MD 1.19121i8i1t. end
obtain a elearanosowd pasties per blittaill:fal
WON Oilthfliiitbd rat= of the call In bid" at.
fhb Post. . • I „
e l r= l e= c% ° f lui te cli a 4
sill cot be delleverd st en, blareoe pnt offi ,
phwe or tibenifothen:than , lbws 4stlanated itte
looldfolo Boa oblorebfonrtatlotsansausa
Dawn 'O. Itrii Orkaas atpervitatige palm ,
on mate of which Motu:HOMY bewmniffet
Opal contrasted be. rat the. use of Um , Netted'
/Natty will not be excepted. Wan Incirtht 41 1
minas, or naval areas.
hey etiCation,ol fhb order 11111 subjeta..tb tpat,
Ilgffiliftto On istrutdlWilw thgrao mai m a
yotwerans ttielfandarald dilly, I soul st -
awn Mt rho neoswertbspera be profane! • 4k4,
bare eratiosralid anis
MU W. N6talt/L0
—a.. flreorw of elo.ofpoo
1,1 .C.:ANINW. 4 /2 11 1112111120Na121+4.
irstlze _!itions ii: iOn abirtakif
thirogiikasetdainr wel , autire!,
0 0 7 lu e tis.oo. Mau Obnimiiss , !miu , g. et.
,Dakie sire hosistriallithenkly grAUS. I II
YORLlnglikellthrok,mllo , aboc:nwpsweloass.
eiwo.blewirat. a AI& oft, !Mit-
WeilCkgri) l4 44P , ty Mallitaitbalifig'
:11404 to Os aisamS paralmVat alum&
ogee ix sub bat, ggiellirtfarorepposir:
My 6, larldted'en rienlect or Moat ot fog
-s szaccot bV; (lithe 1,4 kr saiptsd,) viß n
• 1 1 4 La,." b g e d u lg t ta l '
e '
Ma right fa tor rewral Meet ma or allbtial._
• IL 4.IIIIIFILMI,Ci awl h. tt.tial;',;.
Broder et riCoVni riVOINd.„' "';;;
seNtdesild • Con.P.llf
VVBECIES OF - " BTlgailKiAglii ; : MC
F F OWL o_2, I '',. 4 ;
Qvosirsi susszs's Dusan's" 1 :; . i:
oynoi or Tamon.olunoyd
is. tom *no SI. Isso. i'.
Tbo Ins* of Ow stows/ ..oIIIPPIIWA V li.
LIT os ohs cm 1100, tiro Wks tem Gallann o. l4,
balsa rms..l,r 1...\ - _L..: ir ,
P. eters* of - is•Vonnivil.anstign"
ow basd of Furth's 1111041, In 1110 bo ,
last slow. 1 .+,,,,
.rno IrscbtooTh bays sit , loaf of As spin.
iksiOnt 12 t rev..0 pg. .„ k ~.,,,. , „
Bay 't aliObllisuouos le %Writ
blIdos: os go I.' DST OF IXITOBIB,I , Is ths
der oienelonslL Ookyls Iron otgis Opp of CAPT.
ir ed esa
as LILTS OM i .412AC.f. ; .
Toonsposi t II MAW .; ' '
. •Flosot:ot _
.. - 9:41* US Amu. , ~ ,
sin el % ..., • Inend A. IL IL
, 'it klinilah Qiiams mama 0 mca, !
r:'..5 Claws if and Sid dna% _...1
i litb,l4
1U 4 5TUrg...r4 1 ,1,.. 14 40 . 10 ..,Vtatiip
*A:11 - iii WRA:ia' **lir ' 1 .Ireallot .
istAi t
ziuranav arditti&s,":6
aalosiikk g l= - g_ at 11011711,01,
maa LlOl4 stADIMZI, 11 1 / I Dl4l_ ,1 mita or
BitlUM lll /L r _ V/ACIOMO• TUTU, WOW, asai
111,1411 fa. . :
- c - Tattasalalu to Oarlwasaafiras46 -:- ! —','
— rail fa 06malsocil al Ithepostar au , .. , I
• _-' a. EL, TO Knylo I.
Oa" sad a. Q.V. Ulu A. L.
- - thomull sod 112 d stentil it i ...-,
• Waddagios. D. 0., *beset
Illi lIBLIO WW OP - OokiiiiiiiN 0
A., ~. alumna vill•takelrbet eb ilpOorrel t illei.
iThiM la Ms ou lb* In, S. *ND
.14 • 31 itr Or 61, Ms. - Wjllt
&Ns.: tbalsostii. Ilse .
Is couisiuml as abas hr poDU• umice ' -- M - e , `
balm to onairimoral mod:cloak a, m. of mak Ur;
as 4 be evalleme los day Skiff 1,1 teas
"base t i l imo•owyg.,-- igk ..•„.
'l iiiialatt, VSPM" A. .a• tr ,
' . i.. ' . ~, A Ito TaN g.,o l7
a re. 4 a h
e • !T•*l . 4
• 4 iTt.,. • T
• •
1'.',! , 7:4' - 'B , lttraw4x:_&:.4o. •
„ .
IDiro9e- 4 riri Tiao:rn
%UMW ,MOBlati, flint 13,.
40aiwe .ti,issi - 4.4ce par—l
! 4 :, /.... :0 t aloath..3
. 4 a r• • • - •,••,. •
dWuirritoniot~i octdeh per few;
' dabs 05 tilD, I" .
..,a, 114.17
—sail ova =lra Absi-pirty saultaglitt,
t , club of Afteep t weld; 0 13 4
141110 f, ilif**411 1 0:141.
.11aurawauct01610.. Stade e0p1,6 •
I 4 ogrisa,pai*,, ARIL
Election Oflicer. 9 'wisties to bare/ ;ow •
on* !4P9, 1 4i0ne of judges Toi
Wooditudi of Water who my bit atb I
terkegyksA 41;qua11404 ; front nolitii;
sY itetise wit° eto IMO emit" I
9 1/1t16 . 11 # 11 1!0 111 #E bt ! ,0
this A. an inquentleiinble o
'tint EllOtting", Itolinvet, tbittfihntlp
ektittle of IltoeignOni4sli fan -ba bs
eVtdenes of Mt -law; ln none whose
ArtiallY I's 'a inati: •
?Melt they hate noEttnitto - dft:, ?sopt ••
' 42 4 1 4 0 4:4 1 /0:IP autitPue
iindisiniaeit - en tit .1
intion - lintitotnlxiCtliint,tbe.o4ti; b!
Inidatntit its •les Adelman so 1 , 1
. 4 ttRIWO fat 00 1 t4tit . ..t/iii *OM*
Tun nirwsicfratr Is et tho best ohm
sitar tad litialks. The amount. too , ouch
that' ll f"cl, iim„ - proiiirirassl :ekes Irks
blessing ripen ear grentetense most pro end-
IY• TAIJ:4O44:g GittiiM q 4 . 1. 44 14 Jul retail
the robes. tot errant' Morris rebind, b.
ttsl4 l, :xlfillt `,tl4 ritlimo *Wait soma
of thetalletclutrbaste .o,llMost teretedltiolr—
fciihroin idiilitininkeoPiiini; Wilkie L 14ow In
bls ItOrreoirtqp; hitltAttrides win ,bed iteruY
1 is &tit niicllit failliesiorthirrAitoit#. If
t a
'fr om ,l 4ll " 3 4 ltai k -4 / 3 1iii4 1 rWirs* "re
AkuniigritsfrinittoDat fltr7 , Raft c f' I '
,t4Prx an... 4 Onkt, - !#4 l 4* 3 4 VOW.. to
dose.4ln. east wok?" hiso In the of
the P 1 . 4 11•4 1 ; 141 .11 4 144 61 0- drtn/.04 0 ' , l'h3d
[ aducesserrouglyAdiumg.llow moll more
P1if441#4.4.4:4 4 4kAte111n b0.b3,,F. pc..
,i,„...,.. aromihtteresepted nue the
Aide a 1144 kligtoft - visut ,
Thetalk°, Cnarleston Is,, therefore, cog
40 .ttlittkOFV4 o 4lf arm tatli ;etas gas
now, Iprirrtit ticirihkr Illshr4l thin
slisterei: the risocims sit Abbot; Is • de.
" f6 P id bil I ' . tilwg!Ti /tat lc A tur'arlso
or a few new,-•may. be consumed. talons
riding ttossi- - bat thesis ins !ittacit iif the
porsibilitiesdhatremsla to the rebels i$ that
, I
The resin limn Clhaitaneoge is In ilp o re.
eileat l itoorif hr":tiiii..4... f.,thaf fr o m
Phitergdo.74.perrb4rumtp?its masa
,biL CIO. p1aaa..,1104 results. no, mew of
PI 7W- 0111 ,bl!rftigu0 4 ; 1 "igh it.' 11 ' 4 ,A7
,W* t el Vicksburg lexonly not
c i lual — t", 'bib IY*'•4 l . 1 44 alic9l er as,
alho i gi IlOwdlrldss Wiens: Ike am el-
AO liae, But rtelturatAlittiliinatit dlndt on
thenimportenes of thi; ration haul Tan
'Allies Citt;rdas* '4. 1 4411.944,tha1: r need
noi-furtherlsellcpori it:notr: , Soli es It,
i111kt4414 Co itJaVii. ta.-the lid that the
teseof th e lonpforeiesur adraatalerof Dial
:fink &a groat natural satantein- of
e Southern Spat% Is bobAright^figeronsty
:spiked biene et thentigtt and mat success
(.4l:6o°4l,o"o Ilittl x ,
... , .
~., :, -., „Mane .al Mama i '
Thii tabistailb ' 'a hie iiish Igo hyought os
a Wag aitraat cf- a ietter written , b 7 . P.
:1444.44?1,1WCiesiiihnits4 . . , Wi Air now
thodoeunwas Itself bate mei itilail, a are
a iso pOlitiistOtilits ni:ibllik wo ex
't_.. tithiesgigit finintUi'lni ion his.
What ars they 1 Let tut inquire. an,
ilfriabhwlt'tlarratspear lb *n. II -
.aleas e_Winitthir.o Ikaliti,X . #4. ham
ithidl 1 1.--w A t. kstrl:l l timg,..AlK
„ sto •
1 bariasstasatt wita'whieh tlinagoirtr nu
, • lir.? LtataittpitaCaliAtitsoditil du.
Ilia teems WOW' le Wilier Arliii(liet
I , in tlaXaDelpfilitiVit*A.a...nnint It aid
Lit 44 Inn& ' %Wilts .. , - - ,1 ,- 1
lAs an t 'tato, agaitit'uto l i ds of I
tat, tastesti - strlble lath,. tettirasks ott.Tals
i reMe.,l l tieli_irt thiliiiiitiVi an art`
1 "1/ 24 0.40 104 ' -X44 4 41 1 if11W. ,
411#0.r4003 , 1111,. i ta3rairtoltitosca SW
I that. • isa.ta; at tho our, 41m-uplift :
•Vtott hat hen soanae r tlo.not4 to ,
ago, Ogroutntly'fnO bfinOttlths ode'
l Oil 4 1 4S.W.LittYtt” 4.4- ..,-.: 1
: moo. ofwithstattilag , Am, gm Ira' out
ing non andvapopalar 'the rth.
Is poor, St+ thli,l poWits, duals/am go
/ klutiv,elJ."'4,6oo.4l.ifloifs-iLI Mat
Xtdit in 0171 " sails ri o l Vr t at ;,.to Vt
1 olsonsitandos via which tha liaglisit' to,
lina Nen aiiisneineintaii bx ,tho peal spar
.- I:*l4 ,:'.•;' l" : u '''.f. ' ..l;; ; ;4'l : • :- . -: , ', L" - : ;-
r liiintho tatillitilaintliii4stlsi ii si
1 sonti o stlns olp Mr gmog 'fLoottler `
and` 141141,14 fieVe to c og ' :
ientlifiaint et
ormismAo 44,4n:bein k.
sdoluitreo , bstin altalraint , spin g
II Qviisirorkitan,fihattiols, , m* Ins
• mblettbita 000 .gtogiUtott than ,oyl,K
. _ VO A Cain** :this
iloYdr t ,peilgon--tt .1„ 4 /toritior o the'
1 3
Slats• a Oblo..tianityllsgstail Must and
1 the war, and
• to - golorthosesiL Vast ris.
1 sint'd As atiotton than*LlAO ositnolkl4
battlyt tnallats Is . gobs on,, aan" its snow
that opposition fo. Unpin:- ant Us war tatty'
Is grontag soon Ana sots popular rug day,
thrughont4o Vide X•IW "" "`' ."
-:;Ii tisibilitiiiiiiiiiiiii.M4iiimi 4tit,
hit (hi tenth': iitni , , itqlimilstrif:l4 iiii:
nay,„ Me chaehils 'bar anniklig dip mat o ,
add !WIWI 'gin' lisiliitlitit . ,rgio q . it on
aganklud arOdoulifirOAbai ks b.:*
Meu5tP 1 F41911 13 0 1 4i4 0 0. 4 104 4 4; ,
litinttlig isioattetrnmtld - It Is trill po
, w
frfil'AtO4.4h/kPft/lOniPhets ' Otpl tolls*
yanta t osa mal what Ihnssindidhlottrlllan
iithttaii-orthi'slieilnitloliothilinUM 001'.
avors,l4 uts,. tordae , MO" gala . sk t(oPat
for tlistibielonto !inhabit thil'isitilog., 1
) 1 tt.f,rf
: 4 101110Iii i ngilAteilPTIPIPUbt_ i 4 .9iiigle.
Ail - dl*tob '660" OL'rig;"Mbl i ogi,
taylaullagg hair bstnr: recolvadAsso I to
lisl'b biitill oini APPAJOuri yak I
Paula, toss caosintof usn,ptt+Valgt!
Aiejk-irstrikit.#44 O f Wight, Itat hil oi
WilAirg,Ski I tt ,f 1 # 1 45 4 ) ./r4 4110 .4 1 /,
! ii.....a.,..,4.....w..7 : t
p •
litiOrgo;lgtantati;4l:ol9 - Witti:
mug o tosbarg.as6s4
antiinsstarostai la totall, 111,tints Itoth,s,
4 ,,, e soth i:
. .., hi .-7A`A. ‘iti4t• '4-1 ' '
, " i i. "'
.;,‘„ !,-, ,Z.! :.:,...7C1,1..f li Oj !I
1: ii.: A
~, '). " . I_. - tra
l', , i,
.t..-m.ii - '.,,' - - •••••; -::;
- d ' . '' f '.l
: ''
- . ' ' ' l'
~,, .... 4.2 z,
I , ll' • 1,9 •,"' • jr
' E - 1E443.
, . '•— : .1 , s '
- TL - E - IfglidOiogfictutd:,Cfkkit' t Mul l /gid e
Ths Baltimore and Ohio 'taking" ' trill be
in . nnifrig:iirdir,iliorieia to end, tat auk—
dacritksiotkoffieptanzbisu, , On.thatisy thii
' 6 4 lo ' ol 4.'*;l l .44b l 4#4 o , 4 oita t iof th e
interniptioitsrin berm , iron h. by sposiat,
Ti ii =t ilif , :ii b.- i "" 6,44:l l 66etiihigh.
LielP tg a a ' betiftoti•! * Thl ' - 0 . rvir 6 il. ;
1 1.11.1, 01; .;dliqwu cr
t: tp. 1-misa zgulgoplrattiti
L e
Li e enp at ed off Zesty .thsirre sa ble
zsablzak end , flUnres." Theystrds to'
miles ,Oltke IV t Aivs9 11 wftig•psi4. 0 t *on
Ori thoii4daykrpotang IM I rtm fit
w i t
leoutitk oil& auifit itonibillait is ' menu
muse attest", neer iron troth end ei tam
iffinW u rpartY, efo which
',the4 .— • . MOW' '
.r ainefitaktfol ibit
Z 1 4344 11 :411 , 0 1 41'21/11 1 41
f r
T1i.,41,1714410111111111111/11411 Alga ofi to.
r .tane '..i'iletile%Reffl mi t
rotil-sailitrukr lac
oipia a dile Ai bet;
. to, •'- MO theirobsis-uide in des
i l
I It. flnt'thirteen deya Istubeesseett e =
l "IWlfitiVFl'aitidilif TOW 5,J44 Pte.
pandocs labor of gathering an siss
the ono:routs hplkod atatirletrafesss haft
pairing the tfamegitibistV .•; • ^ t vi: t, ri
The dastatodek lok MIAMI troops ' ' 6, iii
. 1 b0: 11 otAdi -410 Ohio to- the Moo ' ~
.fitakbutOltia l ll4ftin•Pitkr."'il '
quartile will probably by Ajd j aididalm
tiamberiuuL,:f tamale , neerkli‘, Ifni
• • •• • aret7llteeeYbOlde
• , .tairtalOtl44ll3blol)
1 mailiv:: 1.1 : - .19 i . - .r , vir.
, 'Th •"<• , ~s ''' =4 •' • '''''• "40 ' • '
I !, E# 4111 8 6 in rthOper. I`•l • i
The President was interrogats&Vogie
Witt% Sc ' tidoconwit , ' - ertgioaki,b,the .
father ofblow •Yorkol m ices ai of tlu col.
, . a
.erect regleputi, mho 11 a prisoner in ;111cV
, mond. Mr.: Lincoln said he te); iii•
his paw spinout. tauss.ot that. og o as,
and all now phonon; but he wu tint'
ed, nor 'swill he consent to make the stein
of odious Of calmed regiments an ladispit-
sable. ooltiltka to , ft•relteeldef szoluiellSt:
I The Oeierninint was prepared to exchange
man for man with the EMU, ma shooflies/
Won to rams the others of colored rigid ,
meets. This /Mild be done, biome this flot 4 ',l
orsonent moldered it unfair to make )3ts
case of a fus:elllun ,s telt ,iputstlon, Oats.
mach Lulu -numbarnald be MOW by a
resumption ofllichangeo, and the/Oudot of
exchanging thsse.ollearel4 open for future
consideration. Ile wished sisoarely that they
could be retuned speedily. lintJeft,Daefs was
a PM to be *outbid, and they Could not
be exchanged await fiy kiwi Isgrientelf with
the rebel Zathoritiss. "Thy, *Witten WM&
LI, regard. to Wu O&M Area nit isivrjy,
the cartel, and tits-4034/m atthests rig ta
knew when tbey entered - the ureic) vn.
collar risks luidinitil'to lbiLr . .pteltion k and:
for the presser znik, endue -th e le
eonsupsenses. The sideitt, bows e,
sued the genii/zenithal anyAnunal or bar
barous treatment of 'uldt oflosnini:of color ,
e d soldlers, would cane retitletlol.-IWail.. '
On. of N. Y. TLoot
' 4 . 2
I es.
• lite
Nos•SaegknsG DitAtiO lifif:p+M
fowls; circular; :attiring to:dieted mou wao
Wass to topprq hat bon Itifitod: ,
Wei Deterrent!,
• Penton? lkimenekßaninteee Our cl,
Wartespravoi, D. Cl.g AaPt.l:o o) .
CIRCULAR No. 80.—Dratted men * fall to
report tzt amerdanee with the notirleation
eerredoi them' as regained by etotlot IS of
the Berollatentitet, sad la oonsegnenee imb-
Jeat themseleue,audemettelon 1301ech
mint) u deseMen,lllllllloß4o'6. tend az
a part of "tbe required Dumber of able died
mu liable to • salutary duty," ablate "requir
ed number" when obtained entitle' the re
mainder to be dlrobsied under maths 16.
Jena B. ism
Provost Mantel' General. ,! „ ,
Tie pseud at the hot nation of Congress
by Witk4 per). far,felied if the
'final tit% - liter& not t. paid ' 1604
months from the date of the itume.i The
law has just taken effect and ander it some
Soar huadred patents which had been grant.
ed previous to March 2, bat the fees on
which are unpaid, become void. Among
them are some really valuable ones.—
National Intelligence?. •
A FAT PlEin•4. 4 •Atberi Pike, Isle • briggss•
Aloe zone's], inttPla rebel &Mfg and WO
reeivied on account of Inoretoing obesity,
Ie si Fluent in Tones.
A Q Klitiffla PPIA •
nupteeiivinau unmeooce:
•-eOB PH PiolPO tt
P L.
No. 1-Pot rent. Oendeedun knil.lonatotonlin: •
No. Fent . Pnk. Worn - aidle. Pine/
Um Pod.
moot- • ' •
taints. IS-Por oolikutilog, 700014 'tut wadek
• •
N0.r4.-Par Mintn; On: InnOtinno and Pm
ttr Oomplaints. ' • • • • -
To. 07 80 404 at "Mk
Tltr. No. x.'ltirileekthednexiteitai;Texelttag.
No. 7-Poe Omplo. 0314 S Ixelxxo.ant Then&
N -1 T N
0 0 0 n l d i o on leho,o iyoon lgmoe, NOwnil
o WELeV n At
la ,
. POL-Por Wean oat Dim*
INoton:lii Mins ind ONnoloW • •
No. IliePorPounolo 4e . ingedinin% fko - tri w oe
I 3qB=PiefeaW• • --
411.a*gehiii:***44XXX, nierthres
doter - • - •
Muir Oauseailhdlnisilitu,
Ne.l4-84 gbena
Itays,No. motto . ,
121-Pniondno aldoplen. a.
&MOM liblObooSaCiriZol2ll 4 l7:="... , 4
n0.93.4.0d4u t,'
and NononNoNINP.
oirSontene! . addle of obilw
ilo.lo-Venunn lawnUotpa, Wig . t e U o.4
• -Wei 32=LPOnfol Pextode; mom ex
rea,n-gnamin els lawns Si Wa, ttostimi
I A kixas-Aletay int tramitiOnevoilli.
A-NexlieralaurAttpt 4 WlLPl!*ek:iptaleAxs t
P 01.141! Ww
, •
• W rr tidixiod Air saelltplll4:
raubWeiskeerillardettw , .
I • 43-40, Cenottbont burg seaxill4•txxxl. Whir
teteb ebstenottnefeeritendiw4rePi
Warroreer Wle,q4Dl o :Rhestiteng!‘"*!sa,
• usq.pactrice: - -
i•ii;,44l4;s4alds. —upprolim. -Duangi, tr.
ixestteoled : • •th . pv,lll . od !Neoax.,
rseSocv tkr .ou ennt__ Po r nnee , .'5
• • ifirikr eir s q,Dheinegat tees
irirolr or _WNW on Nor.
MAN. ; fa - the . ot.mar .
• lath* Sali.
4bill atairEtlaAoo lTh ir a
Iwo • • _IV ,
toeddeld_ *non . - unso
p a pri f
.400.0,... hut Wasik &
=AV ' 1=
,Dlppy - Aiwa
ma t you aff bal. , • -
Rwasitra- safisich&—ftwoialajr Finhieberpmi
Oxemalleit. Politteltlolsoel thblltte. e meetings
ftihdsoccontal vidia4teat mu*, tam e
ennn • i relti. 10e.lioask - - 7
• • • .41011 t d. P VLiOg t '
•••'- .144 a 7 Axll-P'Finii
. • Pa 4
po4 Apo 1 14 0 1 1. 1 . 13 Piffil.
somsTinza NFAV 1 _ -
- Ms Belli.r 4 DX.
ocintjA f944DIS A L,:!':
gLAWSUL 11 . XWACT, sof 'll4
iw utte rdoevirat _
sAantlliSQP.MtP , lootillnarbi•t Tfiitir
63.: tton iltp;Autsut,p.orium,ts Wine
nolk goottqlowk .
•-• $ 0.7..1r0UT1L-,.
helllarpiast,lbristra Kai •
i , ,iningwv• Op and timoN't
.:I‘2lOY 10 ea AsuI... IO ILre—MITIOLEc & R,
i A lrertertenguwil - 401.
• 4 - Mika 7.. E
re,T*7 - ip
- -
aIitIONGUANA- 1 / 3 AMWAY All=f*
Naos.. distct,ttr. st is caosk.,iiiii be odd,' °title
praggis, ba MOM*" Vatautol stele tb9 Mtn."
err dadhkairiag iat 1111telnabatil , •
toast bi do "Mb ado 01119129102911, einlflW
leg Oben of 19 1911, lad itzloldMir bait tO
one Web bulb et& of -bosh. street, butog a
Memo! 1114eetvetheatendl.g bock CO Oct. .. •
liar H 9 4. mqlbs elle I btat4l of Bush street: gab'
boblejli o i t ateat of 10 bitted teteadtha blob A 0 fedt."
?rlll9llV99lr6olfirt.. 4,ol<!!"•?lftri*al
sead-71Nreta tortturnar eiraftthotte orf =ammo, 6klif
ftrawack Go tea. 1
- "-niturt otthiramth 'airs - et Earth stroot,l“tat
elf=ll o 4 ll rmo uf b=t4 Strait
itraits,etaniiiime'of le bet bad itteldbf
Atiok-99 " • 14 • • ••• .
- /0111MitiiInzacatur anazioxaditf kg,
rSTrlntlll'l T . 4 9'll l °ma' F i f
of , trat set) 146431"
i mama. Na 6e I ',4".
DAM it 11e1LW=tobai ri
i OUSI (~• ;AND -• - LOT- - IN - := - .44*.
• BitiaLVILLY.,O_I 21119D41 6 AKA&
61419991,-,114949'0 , :pe_y, sill be eekucei , the
HO" ti 9 lemenceeltle, thrlobr.
i ....,A9-elowat99 - 07R99 t .g-, , ,
li v i NVlATur..Ctao .;*71;1 5 0t 1314 - 00
4.llAttittatitiltniCtio to k it7gall:
Wool fito • irAtt 44* . ...9 . titt}V#09,•, . - , Ttaxi:
°V091 , 99 ,'.l4 . l t it tglinel64 !robe qa me
AtI94IV 49% 9941oTKIt'ealloyoulf .
li k rx
1 t - • Vatiff=i ;elf Pl*ltlitpie pi
N - #
OWE 110 t tbiros eersilezlo °vox
1 , iriviouhs . - Ritckllttigll Weed..
1 ' 'tab '..lint amdttlatt, c 9919409 "' i t 0213 '
2./iiikliCalatnizoamilbne mentil gawp)
MR. 9999991airk#5999 iiviAcel94. , a L.WSIL.
Sawa:cm. • ~. , ! •• • -
yeaninarnoteirlity , flita Oijolioiiti per" ise, tim , iiik " • - ' ' • - I n
• , Trios or rice —Qnnttintrd CACI' .billitatirn;nit
cntsant tintlerns. 1541 Oberst, Irstri9 by 'bold'
- .e 9 , p441111'90991L • Ant acev.ii.
. .
.. . .. .
(.11100B,HIE8, 81INDELIM-4) .
.7.13,017 a DAT NOBBItiIL .EOA. MX at / 4
o'clxk Mil 16.1;0,4 111 , 100.1112Zaraisa eslor Poona,
51 /Mb. mist,.
ar#l#4*.#l;#lmanlinni • . .
' tr
# pd. Wing Bs son T o eo;
12.4114 Atrasa4 r•pler; ,
4 tairj,li klykla el; .
. .
4 ,40.. Harr agg.
bcici Cliveaosp; .
.11 do rale tab, lisp;
1 twavi thlsd ay pi . „ . •
•1 Qat sat Dry lot a:co;
:.# .
• I 14194**/#1971141 1 egant
. 10120 Ads*. EchnIPSS; • '
a. droz.nea Ettztus, . •
4,1 •spea winos; , • , . • 3
itoraa 0,404131 littota . 4. •
.6 /maim! Quitman', dia.
a u ; AIMYI6 IicILWAINZ../mern.
lUW)AT 161. at igr
Plakik, l l Ilan 1 0 *AIL Mt OcimmerVal fold Iconnu,
71104 street, dis 011 Salltist7 Ittiat,o4ll d
MIA* on Itaw 11111 Sus. aulfoinlng It. Dusoogh c 4
Tcmruantwril* .11. madame, lc lmanorl .ork
int gram nal, /or Icaum4l/48 as , Lenk.
Smut= thip yamt apprairod plan, with pccsecit
ovakelty t t r o tkpig 146 WWII tetal/Wd.04,; Vttcb
con to doothol ILa*all othitlonatemat• Sas
boltlaP foe sztataiollll. and laateii• 6.r 3100
. : Taw ,o , 'tesisls.-tlarli -coil 7, ti - i:liainc• fa
and I osotbs. wltkonnitca secta , ll7.__ I •
actsDA VO - 11; Yollis96,llWW. Atgeni. •
#J,BB,l4..tbutal. a RS icrw, Is .41 Wu eats of
rzabritlao, Sbe liimmasinta, conga Urge
/WO= liCeloo =WON /3,4111144•413 toms;
Aso oalcAlloooe •ott /fatta Bauer.. hip aissinot r •
4rnEQkreale Swim gain arid do
ofirvvy vs. lety of fruit. NC
Drat Lugo, thaw, antur.a.d, Son's. led
pammte Polon. Toe playato welt wi;exte, onOolo,
'luta% cis iolls trim Ms *MOW , lii.taltyclts.
•cczna.sdlug vier .21 tiny refrowl sod earronad-
Ine peantly Tub ',ma tits 4=l+4d at • low wic•
sad coo easy Witt. erply to
bolt'n 101otAtlf • Col , Ira in.nrth it.
Jr—a. TEJDEI A IrECEII6OI4. rcpt. 11th, as
o mock, will be said. as thoO,mmovisl Estes Eo ,Up,
fitatioknot, Ilfatopozy Halt Eflt eall I CB, nibOt•
as Bob, ElibosigiriEoze. drm4 gaol ails Able, Epilog aria Units", Ugrian asso Bsod4
earpeti, Floor Otlol6tEe Yeultion• W lodow
Smug. , EPrizi rattan. Zedara. ItAtea., now
./cogbas, GNU* aluS loackera.,l;4l.4.,Btasils, Bob
Eta" Zanta Meta, Pocking Zetnto,
Lamm nog Curs; en Mutual,' lulu am!,
Doti Ware* Elleloo Scomituo, , do. '- -
, 101 l OA • 11/01 LW • iwa,
-MOD 19. gala. Mgt, at , .teeloelt. trill be
see, at thellostaretclal ease Itlhtes Stith et.,
mi •
!l JIVE DOSII ET, perreAlt gel teltid , s
Fit; hapated teas /Casisedby the treseat owe
es; docile with childish; cat weak sate:. In barons
es undo seals. Shia salute tack the semiuni for
teas yet the ewer Meaty Pair. , .
eel worteris IteltihraTtri. totem
UPRIGIIT 13114:11C . M
ALT rtliatlOON. rept- Mb. 41 ,2 tVatte4r7
w4i told:s4 the Oommuctst twles Ilootat,lto
,711th. Inset. Mt end atigint upititt el ow
Cow, watat4trautt.
Delta* lictvaratin.46att'ts.
LIA RBI WANTED:4...A Farm of Land,
ao iny of the railroad 11007, not ores 40 Wier
from Ow city sad not ow two toilet from attulon .
It maths our Quality aoiCirth gaol banditti/
other lanowinnen,ps.libilq. 4 o o tuen trom,fa [Ol6O
o ,o 4 . 4butiaPhil.l di•l ford) imp
• rank nay flail • Wotan Whined tg B.
2,0/Mem Cato% Pittsburgh, Pa... ttatiencpart
Mahn sbont quality of eon, icastion, madame ot
tani. Inisiottownts.pricii. i 0.., , anSititt
QII ULTIUN, W.441T1ia, T 91, ;On. d
IJ strict bostoeta habits,• good pensetatt sed - ao.
epp~t t.dottrlts idea Wan .tn soon vitro bushels
to hatfrtly ssd ouritattintlon to duty lemgd
b• appnctattd Olt door 'mph:imam, gridtaxstl ,
:Mkt otgertlai to lambi the city. Coat! , loon.lbts
MAP:Dire GOrn. Mops, or oil as Itregst gall*
bottom It &obeli.
Addrus, O. L, GUMMI CP11 , 02. .i 19.11/
9P 1 5 , 74*!f - F". 1 4
maw mm aliabk. of t,F:I; 4nala cf ai tot .4
Mts. sad wto:la 'Mina gouda !masters.
Addrust,Ctiltb ea'sTerithE 0. L .
NvANTllD.,A. g oodJouslsud g ,po
wilt she pod ma k t taddreaa, ,by. blear ar to
Ovum. "• II: A; urns.
&tato , ParkatotstraVirtatittigbila,
VOR Initriltethie - 04ttejURICLIC
- V WitttlBol7slll. Ed. 4 'Wood Ittost;tio• 40:itt
from Wotorstotet. - • • r . • ~•,)
Ara togas, am,
sr oft*. 4111 " 1 4 54 .
Doha _
to JOBIPII -WOOD • • •!.
an • ••• •• •DI • WOnd atroott.
'Theth irTo zo
seniotin ovu ,
ores Gab street sag RPlRsenigla A w mt , r i:
Tie .
vots&chwtio ace 44093211
- or Omni starts" of GUAM W 4.
. MAD street, Nth ca wfibrat dawn poi*:
irLire ..a•gamirzir.
_W/4,"ka 11 !..P 40103 1
,„ 1 44 0 4ri fAT!"?ItT II3 -,U,inia
• .vt fAbYwzobi•trapurnmmilk
:b. only iiicabietimpintia care Gil.
p r i4
"mom ellinsit 4 0.• ,99 1 11. :warp-tua
•," I r r. ,
arid,uw Y..ikellUakfillia l o4 UP AO siOtIV
Mos old MVO llitattlilllllollol.ll2M lt, !I
• t , '
1'41115‘4".14• '411"1""".
• 'soda.
, 1 rz . t rt
' lummox—No.2 Utsiest , - ;
A tr 4 •
.-Latudi r .."l6.yrairicto
gdappior t
StiaNITOW.TRAcet.-%ii r=
..114-44,110;-04.i U
a ya tl n tniA .6 WW — Ye
ItbD_, 01t d T
z.57.JT. , ,T . Tt.: - '77 7 . 7- Lr''.'"TY•3':.'l , ii'in
l'itaxwva BHO4
Cistkodaefutedlelloteim,. itengne,
;_,„ rit37;44w; fir,, rIi~LAbI au
ba.enniPtAiedia , tv v. v.:. sin moire oar
VtaMApoziainalmacitito., , f. , -
L: rear
/11.41 t 1.4.. , ._ 7 . /kra,17.3
D4O . IO{tTARRe4;4O ,
7 1 ***. V. 1 0 t 400 1 * EL
il O tf p g*Elit t r gr lll2l P LEllll
rOmCommlaloa,tatitiettols.tAlinkorgoo M most
011 'll
croM MlM irtiii ob kitip%aZk Wan. v .
OMocrtfaiallos ottsmicdpaittle“llli2o ffi
,g9 ls4Liiirraitii:oo ls ElNAliii , " •
s .-ikr44 ll P4q ol4l -1 1.
'dzarlrttllEriblitsDrii lißoasr.E4_z
. .
1:....,.:. - 1, - ,*AfFirylcqpim:.7,.: i ,
Q.. 1 142_ cL ,
:Crude and glellued Petrol [M t
7 4, Of 13, `'a o li n c -
It 4(
• I . arT P4 I .4. 4 PiI a r.C.. r rgP I3 4..M O P. LI I:4 4 $9 . 3
7 , '
raqiiitizstantsga pam ipecvismnindP of
OW; /peril µlnstals molt.
aidffy • '
o.#o4:in 'sum,
•• ' • • PHIUDZLIP/1/4 .
OP:lB4*4l* . ititpaloN lIVIIOII4NI
RltAzoAnzia /3112i10L*,,,
And 4041,104 Cut& /142xted PRZAQLIIIII.
• )4:1117
• ; nista of tba
49 . B !.
r. ?MILIEU; AHD .111114T1 011. WOBILL
asarlAtund cola advances =ado arridOisalt!
amassed ,or; •Crtida Petrolown.
902. DIMILLI!WAr ‘3? HAW= awry• ; '
. rmaarranii. 1"•.
•itty , '
LOON an Otb WOB.
andliathAn at
- :;iCa..DDX PZrRVLap a
girnarkx,oppoellg Ilgarpsburg: •
ri:l2lll4.l:ll2Urr BL4OK, Ihnaigne Way,
eantarte : „ • 'menages, Pa.
WETMORE & 00.,
colsiow DdE.RQB.4 sr.
la animas mass. szw
11 111'1 . 0414 ; ika3111384 ro. 6,11a1 MD MEP
2411CeitEitits Bap gas.
An; nitN enatiail l anntht
by idateurant nu*,
'Mut they ma here that. Ott harrelod ad *hipped
tritbota toudtlreg the Olt? Where.; u obey, , more
prompt, with...tree thief tam tractile said Iri bettF
()Xi P d 2rD, - --;
AhtitmAllsi.totmeratleylteareed.sbon 141140 . 11011.
TILIOLT , bUra On Le lorrepeo Dora the Oasts Allred to
MO 404 Lit War , ktiy fD 4.0120, Emetic Wils
*Montt so - Any roollpilD• ;
- AllafttprOto IyAttoodid to.
.Parthatiaa-75r1.•0 awaits 'Psi/gawk-B. L .
Poet ago. addreali BOX OA. mutants or .1
4ah ma dilly at IhoDD IbroboAgo. • • -
RIONKRI) SON, 0141,L8Y 00.,
goatauloir 'lnd I/annulling llcretitultm
-:. ' • •
1 040 11 1 . 4, ' TSB I'STSQLEU t,'
air-1060, au* unAzawort ocustarsonto tit
194 PmfORT, B 1,1 41n!1 11 , 4 . ,8 • ;
. - ;-:•teratavu#l
. 'Thourectuviipo,l4o; Pn111.1062224r4Vpiik...
. .
11:10BERT , OHNYANIcrii,
KOrwilFdWlT Minunissicaiticerektint
• imarnaanati'AlatOAVlCl:4 Oka/
4110, *OW, cm. toutd,liad
Arta, Wilts /impost'ass, FOIL • floinanagns
4usisseircorns. ; ; .. Ispiteas
'lngdoesainair * h i m=
111TIOUDViLLB 011,4121FligERY
rennim ~ 00 • ci ,, "
:12 .atunitudomunnuastaainalab • -
titan (F
Imeatavro • am warprinuizoir oag
Gnus : , fxt: I s •
rAll,ctaiir it GO Ot No. OWA , /ors
Moot, saw( door, w ill Ds ion;wsky
,( 141"1. 41*
. , 4 30 4600.
WWI . 7i:!
-WAP4: O 4 I mum.
urtigiqa:44Ut Dielagan oeison'ou,,
c:;v L.
earorivq bet at itliduollaNno.Ailr MAMA ,
:=:=41 0. 1 1 .4q 1 /•° im i / 7"") 11 VPI!6 9 !
17 Mani orvarrbar - • • 'Mr..
, m ,..
-1.5 r
maws - cio.i ' 1 " /
. 11 4. 08 . f
ruia warraiiitaaa
Jejl •L virrunntatti.c.--t
7Li. i mmefwgillZaClia!r, r ~,,
f!' !Vs, ?‘?1trr.,51 4 '.,iiir , 9 1145 ..,,rfw; Born.
`.:zon en, ansfae i 4.44.,.. , , , 1 '
: " . I.ooAlaiiii'itilirli.o4,l4 /Wallop
Mott ValabettbOSl. c • , , _ *tart
Qll.O/ T/3310be •
tor• ;AdA,'"fikkafitnruali,
allAtkOliii Intd MIMI; .' , loo=.lawnitt
attetion. t pan
. 1 "1 .
GottiEWAIR ainOMEarTe.
laittctm,p, ,
.7 SO. RklialkeNt ,
61 naosn Mt Twig -
0011.P.SSI. isa‘
saltine - Qtnizus dxset
2 . ll ikiic l, 2234OlCtilLlVF.ater fit.,
earoom9g4msaii!siittriek, "'.
LT it 3 Oguidietitsa, Itaa G'll7 Oil WOOL,
• 'JAMB PAncriurJ.Patiltereq,„,.
.tertirill - .7! :t)
It 7: ,ft
lllTMEltprtgo OppoltyAntder corm) far WC* bbh
Abotmatlient tteilltior tar llllpptog Itr• Ataationn
and icesto wt., at out Thad at the &Lund);
tatittut plabletuk ortht Pext , u. U.
UO Xiiii • 3 . - furreXw cum
Esznrrannits on', cluzz...
01 - fill" two Itailactir=et Xr:
.F V ' iPP" Ofe t .Wai t opf#lls Holm; buil te. t
• 9420
viDElnirnr , MlAl24/87 'LOBS BY
J-11:11.1L--XBANICZ114 FLU LtiSURANC2 iJor •
PA' OW PHILADZLPIIIit. Mos, 433 and 4.57
almstant street, mar ' •• •
fititisailene of 1 1A; 1888 prattelled
• ligltilablX i 0.115 &dot luimxtll7,
nit DI amply 50care4—........41.880,393 00
4-rati 1W8.114411)oSIV Efz,lss
Vac 3 P o, 3 2 7,l4l,% . Cplyiteral
"89,135 X
Stoat, (preseat nano SWAT 1E) coat—. 80 .180 aD
Notes And BIM apaduble 1,%11 JO
5T,919 DJ
. only pmfaa fond snicolOsco which wife
Om:pasty cau dl 4g by law are _ km risks which
lune bowtembled. z • ,• • .•
Iniprono do o toads =Lamy. desoriptdow propiwiy,
Ulm and Mit try,wt rates Istlowuwirwissisiont
wilhocostily, „ •• - t.:••••-• e! ,
. Eicardicit (coop° 'neon, jowicid of thirty Pest
thithin Old Idled bk wfatoottid
Jrar.Milikaw of _DoUars, tharebrafroirdiog wridonob
pf . tti Lawcami of ihnerance,awirollso Mak oha4
tbat..l4:4EtrO yith, prmitatri All
' I M 4II I
Aim plll4l,4l22fagthw yper
, Dpipnos
(Jhar' 19.4aixtkei, • • •-l iti eatiole• ;
itaricca/D./ends.;,,.- Jawb,ll tonic!),
'Palm Wagger. =ward U.
Dada& Brown;..! •• L •,OL4 B
eaaigel Grant, . Ckarge Paloo.
0112111,7.3 .136.110E.C11,
. xetwaßD O. DALE, Fie* t-sysidsvi. -
WL:, L. %rut,. - Lgersierrpro
tolf ..oII4L liarthosat cot. Woad I.lllird mai
--vir.67EAN muk&Ncit,.9o3lll,
RY olr rnTnaniam • .
a- is Giosixii.l4/..7.
Ofttet..lie: 02 Van' ist ooo . P*o" .
Ti&Pipid" dli g kol'aii" - 103 Haim/
Haim / 81x. Sow' adraddik sionsdbr e Dondion
drindLl imaki 110;aadcaos_ ***awe,. dews
61 , •etritios .-- • 044.10 1 n0000. 00 mantas Om
klOrtgattr SWIM MOWN .411A•61=1* LIM L.
03,000 VO
01310112. 5 0( 0
Ptemipsi .17,696 14
•,::. .... ••. .. - r ~. :r_ ~ • - , :•, ~- •••••.•-•
litil;2sl 9!
....8,, Buller. Jr... „ . _ I Andrew Adasy.
'lambs McAuley, • • - • Alatimilot Bpse.r,
i.L.liagilkala Jlo2.lprb ,r 1 , . David-34.7444,
Alex. Itihnicki ' ram J. Thomm,
VDaWitly , 1. 7 I . ':Bad. Paatowell.
~, IV ii.,15m11.1 5 ,.. • . ,Jcaps.2,, irOonr. •
kYalsa9. ;;
, -327.10 :•• • • •• .., , -1. IL GOEDOI94. herrea.r.
COke'r H
nun: l * w ° ed. l '4f theliaticif I;emea
elr twthstbo6,*2 azdkattaltitlet.
Huila cia be obtOand bymgketloakto
J 4 : 4l as
WAIT- ilacaseiialldhorMl7 Watastrsei.
Volt prrnsunom : omosi,carw mew and
Valiseltheets; woad Beak' -*-- ' i
' iniraum .-- . 4 , a il ii4 rlgliolt4SlA4.ll:. ProkraisO. -
-I. TsimisTleaselbostraita 1- :- • '-) . .
, _ .
.Issumetalast, hia sad ip.hi the . xisT
tir Itio anthem' insil-Wei awls, riikee at .
:Ilajvcs, sad tb!!miriptleis allike Bon.:
- Loft splustyis indlusoo by ye
,kt r W IT: 6 „ „.. .. „1 - . kg Elm, ~...,
' ay ,
'2.7. him .01:, ,
, .B. '
rikaml:o.l=s7 1 • ' :4*. i.; -
Jim T. M. =
ggick ?.,11.4.8. calk.
' - JlararafTtiater. -
AiloonewEtagthiaiho I 3, --, ' , : q• - • d...lrt
:puma iNpaitrigg comr - eri Y.
I:firosf, - 9tlY.: sidnar woos:so,l' . l74it i se.
..t-.7. , .•,, , ,.-m.i - ,-. ..,..: -
.142 4lnk/Winianiiirltb.l9 CR .
. .—.
win, 114141 q,„ .... :haw D;Teeti '
••• loam , Watt; -- .- Clispt. kaa L. itlxclo
7. - 1 4 10 1,1 40 3 ...A5etadr.. - fitattar,
'Jan .111. Zloty - , , . Amu B. Jc
1:11,121411S.1111ftiV , ~.- ' IDlkafel WalEsaiir
Wm. VE 2 I C4/y 1., r. , :59P50311 LOT
,t 0 finELPIUM. '
t . :intat.iiiilaDrartM4,7ol ll '
ALLEGIIINY . ItiSolll ma
A= OF PITIMIRamtk. , 90‘)..Ra ll'illtth
' t Ity* Eicr.k.
-lawn stow au atiutitifinmaa mists" shks
, .., Q 1 , • ,isiaoio_m Fyffaia.
• JOHN II: AcCOBTV,VoiI ittrfrtn4
. OA wig. DLLs. "gain*
E. N. tikattgh;; -
1 : 1 0. Q. Gran colt,. Wm. Dino
At. Ta. .• - - WA. a• P!'etsfi ; w
Z 77 'n.:4
.1' •
r.. F *94 1 P 1 4 13 1 1 , 1i60 , 6 4:bc....? -
•.1.=. 14:11 +r49', 441 '
Tr .7. l 9l l ,Pf'F.oo2o3Retcarsiodi
Aixonatruillrifi BRICK
• • . Ur," -
Afta ire u il ni ttairiZi3.& , ll74
iike a re giC l 4
11 . 111•A $651
~ ~~
OIL snosEns,