The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, September 10, 1863, Image 4

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Trial of Miss Elizabeth Beatty for„
the Murder -of "John AlcCOrmlcri
, Comm or Orsa Aso Tanunx.—Before
:Zseigei Elteriett, Btews and - Brawn.
. .
Court gated at nines teapot Wednesday
hthmeingorben the trial of blitz Blizabeth
Beatty, for murder, was resumed.
Mr. Etrkfatriek, Mullet Attorney, opened
the due on behalf of the Comminirealth, do
tted the :Orkin . grader et •homicide, and
- 1040 oriePthdated the biota connected with
the Murder of John /doCorrniek.
sarrotoar lall Mill PILII2=I7IOII.
The following testimony was then elicited
ois b Eslf of"the Commonwealth:
Ceretiof John Itteleelib—Am Coroner of
the county; held;en inquest on the body of,
&dui Mollormlakiin the 233 of January—per
kips oh the 24th; the Inquest wit held at j
; 13:1 1 1the 1 1theMeBdde's office; the bod was there;
ud 'it-ball lodged tinder the sk y
in, neer the
stip)de...of .tha lift breast; Dr. McCook made
Us: , post merlons examination • / made the
Doctor, out the ball out; It his becalm my
poesession SIAM; that pistol has bleak my
ponetsion ever due the verdict, when It was.
leaded Me_ by offiouliarry ; there were fin
Istreals loaded • , wu empty; was maid
lairSlC tbe'aftunoon—about 8 or 4 o'clock;
meld not BUM exactly the hour; BECormisk
waddled haste inieed,;' he warsiged &bent
&Orrin's; I knew hlm personally before.
Ds. t3so. McCook testified: Am a
p pracd.
JIM BOZO= ef ibis 4117 ; • held the ostmor
' how examination' on tha body of Alto.
Mottuatieb; was sitting In my office
- dad; hard the ._report of the pistol;,on
going ant into JIM stmt. woe met by s
meuengerWho wu Galling for me to see the
way' peered Into the hill lending to litdci-
Mow klalJelBeh office from the allay; found
ifelkomiek lying thepletform in the ball,
with hi, right thoulder to the well; got some
of them to aid me, and remand Ili body into
the:if:ln; dissevered no blood externally;
butpartins coy ear to his *hest amid heir
tbar Wood WO: idly, gurgling from the bean;
upon die everting that fact, together with the
stater of the palse,,l was satisfied be would'
Vila a few minutes; he did die abut four
mini* after I ea*bLn; iftershe Coroner
led commosett his rary I made a phi mor
ns Saatmlnatioti; found the ball had enter
:4lth, eighth rib, just back of the angle of the
; the . pasted in a dinar line hem
the point - of entrmeato the point atm I re
mould it; WWI, in its. passage, penetra
ted the left lung. thejeft diked the heart,
an4yrie reitiojedfrem immediately beneath
the:Mtn la-front, letweatt-the cartilages of
the Liettb -and lath ribs of the left Site of
the Amt. Murree. hie. wound _prodnad
death. De. Demean came in about, the time
I stood up this body"; but hi did not cutlet
me. 'This at& Odturred about 3 o'clock on
the afternoon cf the 23d of jesuitry last.
Alderman - Mcßride !citified: Am an aIT
dermas of the oily of Pittsburgh; my other is
huh of Mr. lollghe's edlee, on Filth Moot;
on or about. unary 23d, tibial:lh Beatty
and John McCormick woke in My offiee; two
biothera by the aline of John, d officer
Barry and myself. were pros ; Giles.Beatty
lad McCormick nine about two o'clock;
about three o'Clook its Messrs. John, oame In
the once; the Tattles trazucted theitbuitl
• mu and were about braving- theenice; don't
Our sateelly the manner in lattlealheylift;
Attu -Beatty we sitting in an arm deli by
the side 4:4 my dock, when they loispormr
Berezina sitting in front of the stora In the
centre of the room; tamedietcy on the relic.
Ins ores putter, . I heard - the report of • pis •
tot4MeConniek and' the brothers Johns
' were the retiring - writes-) Officio Bury
then sprang to his, feat and • turned • Attu
Beatty heat ths cite door observe! nothing is
Wee Batty': hard at the Altus; Wes Beatty
took 'sat in my office on the Rattan ; I went
to the int platform from the office; Dr. Mo •
• Cook wu there over MeConniek', body and
got Min into the 'office ; we laiehtm Ant on
the door and than removed him from the door
to the WM', when he died. McCortdek had
sank down when 1. went to him; his head
was Isalag - agstast Wpm:01; did not hear ;
Wm say a wars; don't recollect teeing the .
wound; saw nothing in - the bands of Misr l
Bashi at cagy time; the affair took time
shortly . slier 3 o'clock in the ifteznoon;
suttee in:eking off ariostilam AleConalek ;
Ukiah I have 'kept in my cure era eine...!
[no cost was steam] Mite Beatty had?
team alaingin the when Modomiait and
taw limy it; probsbly"tventy
Admit lielohnisk remaioedla the maze with;
.Many uonitwo to three ceelook; I
,Ws not.
fa the offitraellthe they did not
vent while _ I wat 10;, I was out WU-fourths
• of an hoar; didn't know Whether McComb:l
mat/tarry went out of the offier; A. AL Brown
was not in' Me can at ,hies o'clock when •
Ake Parties were tham,rtemight haul left and
Gams right leek 'while they worse there—lt'
might be weak; Min Batty had something
to do wttlithe tuntsamions that brought the
, parties Wu; thst - busineu tat that MoClor.
mkt shinald enter bail on aaeount of the in.
foratetioammle bylitiesDisttrott the 64t of
Dassinber; 4E02; my.sarrant was issiz&tit
that timer but the officer had mot Imes to
strut him up. to ;Amery 233;: the infonow.
tlenissyfor funituttionand bawdy; theadbur
weasnabled loaned McCormick 4he 23!
of JenuUy hews Miss Beatty cams to the
. office and informed him where McCormick
Mould be found; the and of UT desk , is (from
where she was' sltUng) about twelve feet
from the.door I was On the .side of .the
-drisle=towasds, Us- -431101: -.Jun: my'labs
wee , towards the, duk and my beak toward,
the 'doer 'Allis Batty but:Titer rade
towards'the 'choreal face towards theocrat
caw Ban, wasUltingire bent of-the stout;
idthble. but towaids the door; heard moon.
vareatizahabr......BUsabetla Beatty:and 'so.
et , the-dorm-at the: time the two
lobes' we:lrv:int off; 4 xsicit.gics the hen/
apps , MoConniok's:entrammr„ he ,sited to her
da you dtitir,,hee fag, I dltlnot
tiaerfiy hear; Imre nerocelleetlin of any - cia:
- irereatioa between themt - irled - ,tho
,entered; laskaildlu Bultysthather_aho
salisAsd and efusuld At/ :euppple Jot° that
_Di. i'Am
Valet phi** of tits My; was Wisest et
tike ;psi martini exactinatlon °tithe body of
Jae ASOCculfelther iroteibrough'.whea
=arrked, bat Dr, McCook qhowid -tee the
wounds. [Uft corroborated ibiestatetnicitioti
Henry Johns testified r : Basinsln Pititurrirk -
PEN kne*lblitliErfalgeb;;;,
ma '• I iforkiabtimeCojeWr Worbt he dame
heal ferstel listexh! hiSe effillenthe 234 of
Janus* isa4ebont- o , !4(oah l rfil rtidenteti
'Menttlee s -offini recollect ceding that time
la the effierifilseqtriti;oonitiblopny wig.*
ma -NW Methyl Myricellso, l l ausits Ed.;
lard 'Jobilifhe isle .. ..0101114344 Wile) I
Arent down loth. writehowellaltnert;jinsth
- street) and the oterlf , telltele , thiten eteir
bad:. helm OE4 And .tweited 11.0014141
• seat' nit swishes mat ) thi - eisttii , teltk
ble(komlul a tolitme beriiiiineted and
-wanted Ming:4lo belft 044
Beath thls '14 , 6;44 ietthig_ diet'
by the stove In, the din;
'hal,lt - Asked fitiltrline it ter was Wee gh
with ter, be Alak Oaten ft . I
went out : Arta , E dward after , inei , ests
atelicte c k ftsAssetsVl: - . t - Fitt
go eulolfe and= - McCormick Stopped
tea on ‘..tfierztilootor7e* :third "atier'i from
' ; ":tbs_ terf baositild4Ohnoar era hi could getr'
3! f Z misa , ltivirdoonld harp:
Edwardaimi, is stood betwsenhimandarsz
lifeCenaleWvar on tor t*thelittfornikinthe
nazi thin /girt .ituiltirientrt ittaltla!t
self h eIlT.LEcboiI are
shay! littTe 11 7:144:5tg - reaftlt. bilideardr
• Ilim nil l ek 1 114 . 1 i4N1`:011 6 :f di/Wiwi:OW
ett 4billritfains .ernctiveritith Ow 'Miter
door, wheafis
Iteetifet dime, liudde
pistol, he her band; she mu-About halt lay,
from tie etou c to Um door; iter,,aun was- ex.
tended- towards Ifreaciatkrt, eror the Mut
trbsre l4 l-Metiktini the entokeAfAllisto ;
UM cMoiraami up,' WSW klierat around It;
took the filartliktue hitr;lsed took .bstattlis , "
heckle:4 of WOW; she and own; went sd
to etnitiffrgtitrorisiok sot theta to
luta dater hut „Jest arit was going out, mu
444 went ant logos loon , brandy
=4ltai came back he Walr dead; saw the
• „ Irma int Ike btu elk t
be; BallAWsitto tbsofft • whoa )04.
•! - .lski Imo bier, storelltivJohn ez
..-.l pwsprovilitiscrinnita-darinwitbdivagr,
go t eft thir sortisaljr - k.doe's itnow:whethsr
goollEarliaottyluth if phials 11*-- - tuait
jrn Wee thi( 4 o l4l9 BC - liikr-gla , Atialut
mob et Akettitoli putoiltis Mont gAnt
- -
, •
I!P't;i ;
. , r. _
• •
- - •
, -
. _. l2 Mi7. 10, 18133.
Porn Yesterday's Evening Edition:
from the door; Miss Beatty held that pisfel.
Mn.s Mary Ann IdeCormiek testified: Am
tire mother of Ate lattlehn IfiCanniok. last
law John etr, .taking dinner on.the day he
was brought Itome4ead; lived at at
theiceppeseforket,: Abu xas about tfilrty.
threaltirC*.ot agar he au brought home
dead in thentraning; have:the &ethos : which
Were on hisierhen be nay brought hams; (the
tuider thief: end a ate i of the-outside Inlet
Won shown thejury - .
Barry testified: Am a consta
ble in,the wareica of. aldermen idelirldc; nev
er know McCormick Ware the day I arrested
him; he .was down In Haney hCo.'a warehione
xn,Niftit:strest when I arrested Idte; after`er•
resting him he drove up his tenni to the alley
when hießride's clam is, and I took him to
the Aloe of the alderman: this was obt'ut
two .e'clact; when I brought him In the sties
the alderman: and Miss Beatty 'were thp only
parsons Pteseut; he remained In the office
about an hour before he got up to go eat; I
remained in the aline all this thee; alderman
Mcßride was absent about three quarters of
an hour Marino this time; I was present when
hir. Johns elms. (Its corroborated previous
statements as to tne petitions of the parties
on leaving the after] just. as they were
going out he. was sitting In front of tae
stove looking towards the desk and Miss
Batty was at the end of the desk; I could
see what was transpiring in the office;
eke followed (as they were leaving)' right
"efter—l saw this; next saw harm the was .
going towards the door, Melling ter hand
from the Inside of her shawl; saw her going
out with her right arm exteadod and a pistol
in It; I= hiird- the mak , of the pistol;
(John kiellonstek) nreanited; heard him
he 1/041 . shot ; I stepped nut of. the chair and.
fetched Miss Beatty; -at the thalami had his
beak to the wall; hicOolmickal the time he
was shot was justgoing to step from the plat
form to the step; he fell on the platform ;
Miss Beatty was ease to tluidoor When she
pulled the pietal ; her shoulder was to the
Jam of the door and her hand citadel atria
time I heard the report; tho
Belli; used was idegtilisd ;] idles Beatty had
the pistol la her hand when / toot it from
her; 11100entdok. and idles Beatty bad a con
venetian when floCarmok name in ho Said
to, her he had nen attired of liars; she in
waked if ho thought - he would get over it;
he replied w think he
hie. idarehall here stied tho witness
whether, at the time of entering t 7 bail, Mtn
Beatty did not say, wYes, $3OO for me."
This question was objected to by the Matelot
Attorney—Vint because the feat of a 00111ret
aation„ much less the details, were not in
'quised of the ultnese by the District Attor
ney. Secondly, that the aroseexamination
was improper.
.• The elimination on the part of the Com
monwealth ben alma, and Mr. Marshall
prooeednito open the ease for the define°.
He raid that In Ireland the McCormick and
Butty families had been well acquainted—
that Miss Beatty was born them. Herald
that AloCoridak visited the Belittle, but was
not airslaome Tlator. Is Otitober lest, Mo.
COritdOk came to tdr. Beatty', hone', alleging
as a season the Illness of Mr. B. He then
commenced talking with Miss Elisabeth. He
repeated hie visit in the latter part of Octo
ber .or November. They went out on the
perch—he to Mrs,. and the to elate the
outs. That night Jobe MeCorteiek viola
ted the person of Miss Beatty. He took ad
vantage •of the illness of the father, and
robbed this girl of all she held dear.—
ler this he lorfeltod his I fa. From
that night, the poor girl Inatome din
tiaMed—more than once her mother bad
prevented her from taking the deadly drenght.
She had taught him to mike her "an honest
women," as she termed it. She Implored
'im; "but his answer to her was, that "theme
were no de eat women, and he would marry
no one." She went to:Butler • county, and al.
toretaying a abort time returned to the atty.
She afterwards found -Abet he wits walking
the streets of Pittsburgh: She went to the
often of Alderman' Mcßride one day, and
when McCort:oleo refused her only re
quest, she shot , him—her .sedrieer. In this
cafe, according fa law; she . hot responsi
ble for her art that
The Court then' took remiss till .1% o'clock.
Tito Sixth Colored Regiment.
CCamp, rear Philadelphia, is
now occupied by the Sixth Regiment of ;
United States eolond volunteen. The regi
ment /1 progressing very rapidly in its for
mation, there being seven full companies of,
eighty men each.lashiag, In all, .5 Thne
fifths of the regiment Is competed of drafted
Mien and substitute, from different puts vs
this State and Delaware. Squads are coming
In every day, but tow of the :.are volunteers.
The recruiting twines, is becoming rather
sleek, end elm volanst folks de not come out
with that spirit which leguereed them while,
,the.3l Regiment was being nemited here.
A large amber of mums visit'the camp
daily, m takef them p lat e white people, who
nem to a gnatesi, in the ,welfare
end .^.lvancement of the mimed volunteers.
As 'a matter of eons, numbers of colored
pond - benzenes may alto le seeit'sbell.
log around, .acacmpialed„4 their. Oldie':
Mende; 'of duo visitors, :mete sex
mite to proicutinsta, and veryallsotionstely
are they received by these men 'rho no doubt
feel within- them:elm tbst"lrefori another
month Le petsed they zeey "ileging the
sleep knows no waking...."
Explosion. et is Loeomollsd..E,gl.
neer ?randy /aimed:
Oa Monday aitersoon, about two o'cieirk,
l o oomotivermpioyed on tbil Mindy Creek Coal ,
ttallway, belongtog to Mum, Di bon, Stew
art .k Co., in Penn • • township, plotted and
merely ielored the weglneir,. . Andriw
!ditch& wu en the Iscomotire st the
time, and *as very billy Mudded shout the
breast. A son of Mr. Robert. ickson, Who
wee sive on- the train, wu slightly sontdad,
and was thrown ovu &11. embankment EMU
forty feet blgh. was net dangerously b.
bredi and 4,114 brought home to the residue*
able father, on Liberty strut; whereihe i.
getting slut well. At lest accounts. Mr.
Mitchell was dill living, bat Mkphyslalan
(Dr.-Diekson)getehle friends - no Auourage
ment—toltope for ills , isootery. Bs is well
known to many *X Mar eitisens, having been
formerly employed for many yams uenglatter
at the jell.
rile iron:calve was made city, and
the-uoldent is Attributed to a defect in the
iron used In the boiler.
: . ". ; Wolk Note - Quotatiptis, ',
Corrected , e 8): -roe itis' Grcumus by
ileum Pald k Dam 011 lagonsi Pub
!roe* . ii , Ejioi•ga. riatey.niiiirtian-st--vtiionts
diiettlibldstater..l ilmlarentortar.;.. --..
litintillatXBWavia,« : ••• tif Cand1a5;.....,',6,".
brunitact elty - ..:::..i...p5e agate' Ceirolkuk_;....'
N0ir,Jetept , ...............S 900, , ...........i...... ,
POnsis. rnua.,........... ,Y 414,1••••••••••••••••••
4.• pittebm•gb:•: Ear Miatinat*w••-•• "-
Sk... of Pletsb'gbageas, U teefty..............- Pm
Erk,Of ammo 00., pr. a Tetutft1i05.,.........
fAtalfiesti•ONo** 15 0kta.:.:44...;;4:-. '..;.....,. pa.
;ftimpheuv • satici -,-- ladiruh - fres,;, t.. 4:. - 1
- BroefokeTti.eqent.zp ir.dt=sirk:.etete.o....
e* -- crobigt r Th o u n 1 . 0ir....".....:::...:1
De1iki....... $ ' - •tio.X. - 4
Oic..otivioodo ••._
t l aY/s4 .l4l 4matfildis 1nc474..-Att... l o r . 4..
tree ' littertor...., .2 tir,Etootid",..t..4.
%pie* Sreedirkt..-'1 . • : 4, 4 1, 1/4 1, 4 ,
ueotlecoranettee.4l% ' .. ""
3r4.... '..abgnuelailtiilitit.iiii
% may %moot. gur f uckaadod. l6 •i• - •
82 7frhit - rat* skuut 14 1 $ 0 r aila .rni.
nsmsdanathany; - Wobbliras „tilled • In_ st east
phi Winging tolistisCiHalimin , A Bahia ? '
ntontAirety• miles nbbylithei sityrd)stisrAl.-
1 / 1 4bOtityti•' , I )loPstrithit:byytas Naykil
ithB ginisialandiurbitiS'
ornshliii him nudes it. s corn:lei loikan"
ie ltest - assla•verdistof-aesidents t i death ran—
fdain4W Theshalsald issabent_iiistly-siyen
iyinie 4f bityi,innd; loonsiimiltelma ems
En - Ansisnatflobasilliifin
iand ,Wasde_Alisihmey, Who nsaspak ham
pageant Sara% at tissrisbarsh,dn Air dip,
Agei ww rearrested In the name lila*, on
pond', by Sergeant? hinrisni zof
15 4 5,1 4;tio4 , 11nbittfolule—Agnio*
mti`afss likikstlag
theatukot tqaarevarmixtglustai fiziaFtids7
•Al*W2lllk 11 ;4 Di' .
*dim ify
Aztte4.l24l, th i 4aß t gOl 7. ty t t ti,lllo ,
F!!!" 1 1 :411 ). 1 14i oases Uwe days.
emit DLlOLLNlV—Carpeticatoloiiiretr--;
daormstsAivit.L Silsoleib - torrite oiaat
411Lfik ofireetri oppOslto tits Court Howe, —
17 . - - ••••
Probable Attack by Gen Roseerane.
Oar Troops Betiorted-Defeated at
Little Hoek•
The Building of Rebel Iroz-Olade
Condition of Bragg and Jahn
stonle Armies.
&0., tee. etro.
Special pirpmeh W the Pittsburgh Gazette.
Putaesurnte, Sept. p,1863.
Over fettered Tennessee, the day of Marty
is dawning: 14 light is upon the bills of
Chattanooga. The two amities there stand at
bay. I have letters from there to September
2d, stating that artillery duels were constant.
ly occurring and with uncertain :malts.. The
rebel position Is the most advantageous. He
has the Interior line, with a ninety mile rail
road, over which, If compelled, he can rotreit
before Roseanne on the exterior line, and can
make bls fifty miles over Mountains and
riven to Johnston', rear. The, probability Is
that on the 7th inst. Renewals att:oksd Chat
The rebel amounts admit that Knoxville la
occupied by Union troops—they concede it a
heavy blow.
The Knoxville Register has been removed
to Cieveland.
Capt. J. R. Rhodes, of theist Confederate
Cavalry, was shot at Chattanooga, end Lt.
Col. Adolph, degraded to the runts, for em
battling the money of the substitute,.
Au Atlanta, Oa. , dispatch reptant/ a de
feat to our troops Si Little Rook. NO pulls.
elan. The Atheneum rebels were unexpected.
ly Marone&
The Ad/lathes new, this morning from
Liverpool Aloes England to be thoroyghly
is.larmed at the building of rebel
.zams at her
ship-seas, and her • iolatione of interns.
Ronal law.
Bap the Loam' Toms, We do not think
It morally right that ships like there ehouto
Ears ouy ports for snoh feriae as that for
width Messer° Intended. We do not wish'to
see any more of them on the earn wand.
England'e own military weakness In north
America, and the l=mense power er the Erni.
ted But.,, are acknowledged by her states.
Speaking of her North American colonies,
the Meer says, " If they should ever change
their minds, and wish to be independent, they
need have no fear of our repeating rho oitlieSS
and bloody experiments of sot ancestors with
the United States, and of,the federal and eon•
federate Stster; we shall lot them go with re
gret, but without resistance."
I' Maximilian takes the throne of Mexico,
he is to lora his polities, rights u s Won of
tho rosal fatally of Austria. He hu Aoki
therefore, yet accepted. . .
Porch troops are marching libm china to
the aerie of trouble to Japan:
The Richmond Govumunthad made oker- '
tares to Spain for recognition, offering i to,
gametes their possession of Cuba and Porto
Rica. Spain positively declined.
Tho sinking of the Vandubilt by the Ala—
hima is confirmed.
. 13 reggaddlohnston's army ass In fearful ,
dim:lra:4lo% There is no deubt of this.
Their deserter' are mere skeletons..
The feria of Bragg are at present FQsn
otte.thlrd rations.
The smouldering Union sentiment of the
people is breaking into a bloat, and the rebel
troop. are regarded as oppretairi.
There is no doubt that oar forces were re.
poised In the night attack or rtoonnoinanta
Opel Port Gregg. We now seethe splendid
engineering ability of Daaaregard. fin ea •
perior perhaps does not Um Oaly.the navy
can dank Wagner; and a line of obstacles
from the parapet is low water mark, preclude
the annalist of troop i beyond it. Beery
Wade is sweptby the picot the work. An
assaulting eolamn can attack buti a small
portion of it. front. The marsh on its left
is impulable for infantry, and is betide filled
with torpedoes.
The fort armlet be misted; two spades deep
rub water. There are two powerfai casaba
the harbor.
Tho nut Is looking out for the anglo-rskel
ram, and aroditermined to glvo than • walla
Yostwlll see how idle It lo to hope 'foretwly
Dews et the tell Of Obatleston. . -
None of tho inOnltors Imo been to thou
Fifteen hundred Week fire abelN 11111 be
boat most weal to the amt. W.. 7. J.
Who Hebei Iton•Clada anadult; in
• England.
Now TOSIX, flept. 9, 1883.—ThelTribsow
has th• following Ifona a pastiangs• by th•
etsanwhip Scotia, mho tr.; ayed posallarly
fa•OiabL• fietlitiss for becoming Lamaist with
facto. We barn that the Anglo-rebid hon.
olada az• being pushed forward to oomplatieli
with, the utmost vigor: •Two 2.000
eons, agabirdng:th• Itataand Monitor pzin•
idpiw, Rs Wag built by the L alfda, at Bitkan. '
head.'• On,' of, liameis— already haultited.:
In titled with ton, bolt IVA; oat
navy- two .larnols twolyo, father. lidok,. and.
Wit fanktdatie rams projtottng_ffola Agin
Wins; each turntwill cony two two.hindaid
pandit , rink guni, and wok. wad
armed' ,In addltton . with ,two igawbundlad
ponadiritein ohasarl, Thwanot Iran toady:
at Priston,lianetthifiiand,woldtb• *hipped
lind put on board thiltitb ohlunaL,
& e
tateresthik Offiu
tai You, 'Bent.'-dts
002b.ftoni Wasbington o September 8111, twee:
sjok Gotha II far bu mind In' town: • =
iCol4oble "UV; /life* berets** , :to- !bit'
peddent, lira retuned /putts Tauttott.
f = Beenotary Swinton ii sgalust
Between 200 and 300 deserters anit242
ißeit Yeti Yerk f to.4ln4under teterd..4 They=
dietrlbtt dto,theleugtmentesebeek
Toro deye ego nraldjus emit by Able t rebelt
upon brtgade - of th e Otk 'tense'Tko;ginl
dwais fstxj camp ead.,AA.l. inur; sit
f Gen. Diuttitt, mid iwtod PI a* b ll ll 4
ads ast in siatkietbeßentwal hut. bis
)besdquateri tbw , tun* ..ot bit
Admiral Farrautturtud-11)--Wasbipgton
to-night 4'1112 was eezentidelat Winked%
lull; • •
ti tlo tt o44 le Al : ° ; . ;7l
- itteiAloiSspC94:44Bll4lls(4.44 *dot
oat Iratisi`Wilklnd promgor width Nosort,
Idtdati. L l4!C, be. Well's Zimitarfainarbilk
limo haul& Of gratz iioroi l Dri4
*sr;azi..2oGiooa ritshils,o44 400rs iW
gm* *.t_raut Assurdk ,
T ,
e. *op Wand; tor. , abost
wayelonii stegoilanwitr o Statiqf
,Lots oslimus4 atlffisYmetl,t
rit.T , ztzit
s . posi,bylkipkire7mutor f ock a
noirli l 4o; BAPVW4 - tiglqa
mi ghlwipstiopoo;*HohAi m
twain th•llfirT 1:1it• sad 1;.111,84,14,
r 111
4.1 r y
• , 3: .1 c`4 , l` tza
; rkag tta
„ , r.". •
.„_., _
Ctuiots Stateineat of a Rebel Officer
Another Battles Expected near
• New 'roan, arra. 9.—The Traeoe'e Head
quarteri dispateh of the Bth, states that Col.
/L , 0 . Hil4 of the rebel army. recently ant
word norm the Itappahumook, from Fro -
cdokibecg, that he would like to see .an off
ow: of our army. The wish beinataidektowil
to Oen. Caster, the General, himself, crossed.
The motive of Co1:1111Vs request 111/ make
balmy respecting Gan. Gregg, with whom
hones once a elastmate and intimate Weinm
an. Cage: waived a note from OoL Itill,
which - Vat. forwarded., 04 Bill remarked,
coo IseentlaUr, to Gen. Cuter, that porta was
near at hand. This anation was also yolim.
Amlly made by two-rebel Men in. the boat
which conrefed Gen. Custer, and by..othara.
On shore. , On being uked the reason of the
assertion, they would. not Communicate ift,
reiterating their °plain.
Cot. BIN would not state whatnommandlue
wire cour.roted with, but appeared to has etas
°Soar: let lout 1,000 Caralry and infantry
from the rebel army Winged about the whiff
at aPoetatore when Gen. Caster landed. Ms
reception by the *Mom was exceedingly cord
Notwithstanding theta anticipations' of
peace, the lobos expmted another battle Sear
Culpepper. They did not anticipate attack
ing zu, but presumed that Lae, strengthened
by the conscription, would speedily rums
the offensins. • '
Qen, Laois rain Richmond. Deubtlen the
consaltationa among the hods of the rebel
goternmentare earnest.
Greet amicabtUty 'nista between our pleb
eta andlhoseof timmtmuy. Yesterday about
100 men belonging to both . armies bathed to
gether la the Itappahannook.
Oen= or a= MA Daum Gazer=
Arsanntati, &so. 1, MK% I
The roll= werket walnuts to rule about as It
bas for worst dale put, with no-new lettere set ,
• thy of special notice.' There- is • falr Local demand
for most of the leaving articles, and get:totally veal'.
tuL Plc= ars MI Om adwww, thtegh, sw let, tho
!thwarts are Lat Abnott arm raw= of mai!
cbc.,,alee Is effectrd more or ins by the fbactnatkmB
to gold, and but tor Ibis fact, Bo movements would
• not be watched with net Maly lularcat. •
01141112.2 PLOUB—Wheat Is very !plot and =-
changed. Clone it In road demand wad drat, with
, =laser 2.0 bush Rhtlled heat depot at 80c, and 1 car
Zan at 000. Oats we aletds but enchanted; ags
on track of 2 case 00 Gds Barley—ad, cf 3 cart
Elm lag—one at $1,15, and &La =bra on private terms,
understood to be 0,23. Bye to =change/ at 80
685 c. Thaw le qu'at sod unchanged, with small
=kw of lixtra, Family from store at II •,75 to 56,00 lot
IPA sale of 60 bbls r.ttra st 25.(0.
011 4 0 0281C.3-3agars are dna with Pies at 113
to ltjo for come= toptlate Cuba; 12% to 130 for
Porto 1/10; 13 to 13Xelor Bow °Liens, and ll%ge
18a tor'Ortt.hed. Coffee Is !daily with Wet of Bid
at from 22 to Ile—mostly at 30c. Melarscstmchanged.
BICON—Th. &ma= Is falr and the market firm,
while prices are =changed. Bales at 6a183c tot
Bhtmldaw, 10 to 10Xe for Plain llama, ant 13 et
13Sa for Eager Coxed, Tatra Is not mach kquiri
far //Idea
BUT tYlt d YB l 22—Butter Le steady with min oi
10 Lea common picked at 15e, an: PM% trwb. at
13, 42. 1 0, Emie Somali' u last quot•d-
BZSDr—Slinothy is lulling at tram 42,60 to 59,80
par bush, aa to quality, it round Mir, and $5,00
small way; Weald bpi at $1 80;112 CO do at 50,75;
45 do dp ac 56,10, and 25 bosh is email lota at $3,00.
Tim Seed le drum, but in the Gb3.211V of mks, vs
omit quotations.
OLIPISS—Ia mac Ira demand aid nun, with
cabs of 37 bee W B at no, and Et do Mae at like.
THlllT—slas of 110 bbl, hales at from $2,50 to
,1 2 .71 Der Id. amp° taah Peaches at $3,00 par bosh
Pittsbnign Oeirolettiu Market
• • •
Buz 9—Thsr• Was s slight frapotnement to the;
domino for - ernes 1041 7, and mall small lots old
et an advance over ptatards, 'a wettations. We note .
• sale 0173 bbla al 250, packages roltuned; 48 and 110
bb's at So*, aid behind 900 and 1000 OLIN In took
—rorl2e4 it k ! .*; hisp:ction—et aklie t The
demand Is aftmost unfitly fr barreled or balk oll—
to boat--as thaw liconslderable trouble and ensue ;
In 'Abaft from tent,' and boyars allow a ditittrocel
of from jr to k cent par gallon le (nor of the roman
A primate titapstelkroreftel boo Oil City twday, ea
ports the market both, therm and at the-wells, vas .
bran and advancing. • iteentd In hood, owing to
doubt to the tairorahlo nswetrom Nor Tork,ruled
troy Tito twday, though ft L es butmiser •
to email, that ohs refiner" do not entertain tho
alienist Ides of anklet allY * mondani. Time in
not a einem sale of• sitter bt tidal or foto that we
mull hoar of, awl the salting oaten rto ll o about as
last quoted.
New York Petroleum/Market.
4. 4 . 1 D/Vstch wage Pittalmnita Gasetia.
Zino XOszo 9,11361..
Crude II quiet tail unclisOsed, whit tales an the
spot at teGare. Valued la bond, Is laattlre and
doll, vltb • drnoplai Leadsmen 'Wee at 530370 On
the ,apot; and 61tit660 flr ectober, Enzyme orlon:
11..itod fuel, and low , closing at C6Zi67• -
ISapllta la tiomtnal at 4ia,a6o for WM:cod.
' , Wandetpbte Cattle !market.
Son. 7.45 e airrinds end mks of Deaf Cattle at
Phillip'', evens Drina Pant are nry /argi l • Ma
w o k
main eb U 2,20fi Lead. Tao marl et to
amtagoesim I. eery- and"ption ban declined
iidlrato the trwts. &ass ani =Wag atgrom 23.103
lao tot Wan Om 24 do; acid 6/97.
ammo:4u to madam. Akan CO head Weatem
.feet cattle ware enema at at *a% gran.
'MI fear gib of Mei s l2s tba Pair
, Tb, anlrs'eand,nlito of Wit*" Pbll / 1 1 * A " .
'Dui Dion Tard candrum nu large, nachtag about,
.11,0 MI head.= Than le a madman, demaiz,.. - .4 pri
ces rue without axm material chant; - tat Daisy mil.
lag at from 4, 0 441tte grow; mat sheep at from
11 2 . 50 .W0 'mad, tenzollttaM and Lama*. at
drool ;341,4 la !mad. - -
The antaideandaiiii-cf QOM at t h e Cain: aid .
Mean Dan Pardo an larger they ban bean
Li' Otani sane Pan, mauls aboninang m g .
pang az $7 Adati,C24 - 11he 100 In _
i a tr i i g litt ec Zeotatztr o s ) fl bo lag k iblea Dion Tad. ,
.1421„bant gem at the Oman Dro•itard. by ZOO
Cr ou" 4 P 414 !r4A R 0 59 OP Aci PAX .11 DM *tha•
- _
7..-Ttore lona inuchiTheet afoilopor spq..
it, and tba 00 h metket In dell at gitetteise West th
tc 41i 40,alluoj 80 $1,2501, tor new. mAti
s l . 3o 2llint (mold do, and AO 41,53'f0r white tn.
4 11141 :14490. Doti KealunST ddit4l.lld, *II- in
Wm: I/ye 1. linle4 at finseulic foir,Ditw, ind 4441
1in , 01.14 %ken bliss Icahn and,:tathilfistrd wish
tisles of 1,000 bush pillow at - oh sawn Mahon
mixed Ii held at 8:01113o, wishins ales. , .pats
batten and. nem 4oininq and abOartnOd"Mln
'll2thara ' 414 41-1 / 3 1 0 bnooll 1 / Minn Ihnerilitire r i
ght;'• ittetlby thi treausin vast.
8 Grata fill 11114; . A
- -aweigh at nitinit Übiri3; NA
Ootu nod Otstisend a ktiumnoTho tdkintior otatudiel -
MAXI Whcal, 4,000 do Oorn, aad 85103 Gals.
Priem of When showed • decline of dliidof Cent and
Oats went mlinots.; maleMalothiritpoind Byolese
pet testi Vain IV. sm . gam prim ,to chola,
bouthists"eadm Wkitg rod de
Mitl. W ool 4treipqmniettnmdoniisLWAlo
dotonyon tad cotatoon do a 551,10,01,10, motto% to,
nindoctlisminkji thltion4 41061A8 ,'loud to onhltio
°bug r°4 a ifi llir4 6 ..am4 1 111! 4 t Air do at
$1,20,41,26 too d , i 441,11 - and rift ,to t
/Now/nada std. Kitutazt !di> hh 11.P(1,a. Pre
bomb.. IWO call itC4l , 4 Ind )10/011.14.#64"
Mob, si td "fiscr Oaf 1131441170.
4140 71 4 7 :0. 11y. BMW;
Pcni*lminlit do iiii4Vso pm
i • Sl° Oor . liiiiiiitioo . 4froo
inrll- 1 8ipiii.i a Vitgirbiyikkoi suga r .14-
cripritLitiiiitarlast4nol-sionoVeyeboverfooli ag e
per day, and ataw,of on: axpernini ;swat WA .10 ,
tleapmehraK I.4 r tett4l 1141'0.qii fasstuaa op to
thip ordeal of lee Nemesia opporWftioeigioi
log, Igoe Millie that mud • smoother to Snout
.1 5 . 0 0 0 toga. " dieaie.piptoi tempi's:tor:sm. mil k
em Ih°° " * "thl cdunl7 4 l,-thitidellit heVitikontia
Vit i btl i gi i r
:orient totes, 'lll mid signal& to fir to4/14ttike:
toneCtimittillotitir, • lleirhstit therdc d.
Lig Mhoolpi 'lM3lrseatadalta 111111 OXhlalit tat'
81410:1014 Vogl' now, coos hum 4.l!ittiltifiVioCk*,
It.. from the !mud &atlas.' daPPifes of new
Setts wham Goren nootOloos mock hooted -4o
andnfoll tdtirrnprd Mgr Mfigtiolot,
Afa#PF. - •
7 , 111rf:44- Ifiitiiiiiu our dull. Haw 60
bble XX tin* ttlstea„ , hohivigotod, ilt sma.
smodniiirint demand, balm tlitsmoroboy
Areremiciciddita Eititacky int Mach at rgic; 4mu
:elm Amok, ; 060 1 1 car titiloniteglittlidn;
I ttO t i i i v be rid s = iw t =4th i gb i t
the ato dna CA ha urrinkteorteoey. Ihih best
store at CS. OittieJ-Illmtet tendlnSAlLlmandli
15.2o;Tmolirmaithls inteahtst od , Viettaseo. udders
aw 1410; MI Molina Wen. -13 ,4tim.cintsethiln
; Elbi btifig,.. in lifrr . .. loo4 l‘ l l olll"l l l 4=,l"l2”=l
Chicago AlarkeL
'ClNOtharePt '2.—Thrra mei a fait dernend for
What to-day , bat at Mow plc., an the manes
daelloordlathin. WI th thwof No 1 Seen' at 03® INN Ind ihjacted pragailio, chalogquies at the
kende Ileum. Winter whit Was inactive and .1-
ensitensaitd at vox, for No I; 110 e for No 2. and
am Lc INdeated red In Oen. liming wheat bro.da
of NM= wereln active /moat ants advanced 6c per
brl onthe Medium and. good gradm. thaw Um Mad Lirodte brands were wlttont quotabie fin
prontitent., 'Whaler Stant Flour was tries but elm.
Lb et 11.020 brit sareaoldan $5,0247,00 for good to
choice White winter I s4t @5,62 for good to "ot.
I Spring sl,to or Winer buperfulo. and 12,75 for
Spring Bnpoiline. Oath wa. dun and kfoliste lower
with sales of-No Ifn store at 5161,64)(,e, No 2at tril4,
mid ILO hoist 62c. Canal torts afloat was gala as
67e P.IC High linadaand elkefeke for gro:d
The demand for Oat& wasllgbo, ant the moket -tied
wohr, with rain of NOI at 414410.-elwies at shot
42kic Ilya wan few Sian and declined ird,2 , , 40 , 0
being reheat 42436 c for No I Mame Batley war
In ordfCrequest. ant bight - ,-With salsa of No 2 In
store et a, range cf from 11611thll. and No tat 51.67. I
Thnothy &red Wyly wain d m2nd and Ilan at yrs.
terfarandranea. Minim an a ifC9O lots ml tat el..
00g2.Itc and giallo choke quaities at 12,1031,16.
Leghwines 'were again firm r, ;lath des as 16e.
limo POrit was good n must, with thes of city
packed at $12,r6
Toledo ileuket.
Bar.?—ila market opened /guy quiet, ai a de.
alias et lall*Ge Wbillaild Ilea Vilest Nee.
1 mad Shed appear go bar. beau ruled ens eatL-Mr.
llcer—U , bbla„.."favante EX at $5,80.
Whaar—Ba'as 600' bb Red Mak at Iles3ic. lOU bu
Mate do at 1155 T,OOO bit do do at 117 e; Me be am.
ber Mich MILOS*. " - COiro - -No sales opened. . l e.l
aft/ea at ge ter Net (lest/—Small Wee at 46e. But
alT"-WOUld coullurod 5 6 4 1 00. kaz efts—an nro
;bins t a9altead 414rauab i sad Mare la LOCO to the
=Mot: Molar kJ/ 'woad oil at $1 , 76 per be.
Nityketa by Telegraph.
Hier .You. Sept: 9.—Ploar doll and declining.
0,80@tn.95 lorlintra .6tatir; $6,1*;46,441 for ow.
Wheat—la:Opts vent 1a.605. the market to better
and irt • mederate demand; 87(351,a5 for Chicago
tpring, Matt 19 Milwaukee Clan, V1,14(23421 for
Winter Bed tVettem Corn —Receipts were 87,034
bathelt; the market a shade &mar at 75X07e. Oat.
catot. IMO:1M at • illignlio. Park gong; Brit dull;
cut wine lino: l and dim at ky,egko. wysky
abate Armer and enlist 80@i0?-,it
Laporte: by Railroad
Prrruman Wants a CkoLooßtazoaD,Eept.
9-66 bbls carton oil, AL3 cmn; dos brooms,
Robison & oo; 39Orbgc 100 bb!. D & II
%Ilium; Scats corn, Hitchcock. HcCreor6 , & co 60
kg, hi B L Patinas Jock & co, 6 baits rake, II
CM.14,9 0.00.
ALIZAIIMET Bsszios-10 dor, brooms, O'llsnlon
80hm:42 MIN app:es, D Cornelius; 8 do dr, 0 Myer.;
7 do do, W Bane; I car 11 rar bbls, B T Heoneey
13114 8 bat/apples, lan butler, A Lippert, mar
keting. meas.
Ourrituito A Ithratrimon HallatoaD, Er pt. A
-500 01.1.64 McKim A Brtr 617 bg. corn, 11.11 d,
eo, 746 bush do, Klrkpatreek eo• Sl bdls halm,
G Walter:2W
by corn, Wm Caho'clusal; 5 MA.
apple, Arlen; 3 bbls reser, 13hrIvar Larear; 9
Sc. bents, hiller A Blicketsen; 15 rolls leather, A'
pats Sottacco, G Ludwig; 151
mew boot. mid au., 11 Childs A co; 1 2 3 Obs•
Esefirr; 25 bbl. 11m., r A ruts; 15 bah tobacco, 50
Du cheese, Bbobraler A Lug; at cases boots sod
idiom, 9 Tanner 466 do do, Goo Allies A Boa; 26
Mkt hay, B Ihrytll bbls apples, 25 bzs cheese,
L II Valet Gem 2 bbli
apples, 9do Pc 499 :91, Titter
oA,A u oTalcaaOpples., Vasgordar; 10 Ma
Clampled by the alba:rider, one xelle from the ally,
an thosHrolocksvale turepauo, canunorullag a elan of
the opts, entntrbe,pod ten mtles of the than. The
rack Hcanos, of modern style, haa alma rooms, be
olds bath nom nod amble verandah. Imo Port been
repainted and papered,- ban, polled with hat and
end water , drawn in thona cleteran, and •
never , allbos spring Wynn eretarpi large briclestable,
Gan lege Ilwon. do. 7ha kas aoll3,enciceel
by • one wall, high fence and hedar, whh over 100
oh to sting Intl Trete. Grape Vines, and every
variety of unit trait. and ahoubbay—the ohm
haring bun Wont, Rare order cooltrasinn. To
Woe wanting desirable hoorayed poverty, In as.,.
per. order, at a malsorate expense, thin Is an .vm•
ftalty aahron to be het with. It • a within new of
the alto, and only twenty sannba. walk by saber
WHIM, Ana tan minutes' wait try= the alrinhoghain
asset railway. D. W. G. GIDWELs,
• sorrels Corner Neater Meat and Cherry allay.
00.9TALISINg 61 Acura
An anderkses, and . IA ircod dais of cahieatio a.
The liaprovemanie omits eta Dew DBIOILDWZL-
LIMO, =Lining 10 rocaue ; lane IMMIX DABS;
TE:2141.11T 1/0178X6 with IS /oda* ; •nd scrod °Tabard
of young trom 0041.1. ondor dot who!. form lift-
Rat. In HaHilo toraablp s about fivit mpu born lb.
My. Inquire of
11411.711. FALMILL • (sO.,
No. 1 fourth 'Lyra.
[OUR SAM •AS. cowmen. twettory
brick &rolling bouts. with back building, 11.).
la Bur (Snot, Eltaftres.
Also. Ws*, coaronfsal sad usE•Talsbed Mow
story tat* dwalnd tame. willa back banding. Na.
18 am start, Nevin Ibat and esocad strum
Also, s tinn•story Wok drones. forms, with as
baltaloas. Ito. ILO thcond amt. near Boa
AR I& libOn aketlk Lord order. and nap lkot with
pa sad stator. .
ens story &saw cottage dralllnt, Va. Ili
donsid nsa, and to two story trims dvaDias ad.
iarang. -. WU *tamp home aro In good osdarosad
saltabis trivia tunes.
Alia, a lot groued on tas acotbarrevardly olds
of Mrs; and, balms Roo and Try Weds, mar
Boa Stmt. barbed a /hat of ti fat oa nil sfards
strd OsSsadasig boat SO Ont.
Edtheß start !mobil"' la situated !a s dedrabls part
st ar t -
sar Waist WS sad putioalsrs blaa of
• .
I 1731 Wfl—W.lllolooB.
• - . No. 1011 Vida stars.
-161/?Y 108 ULM—Two Lc a, 21 Lot to.
boat by HO bit dotp to on Why, with bop doubts
hot^ between Havonn and Hand wilt. A d.l.
rablo location for :Wit or Dutist.
dlso.'scons tat pinto zunittatto
row iltnintllbb tow to 1 alto
mos oath.
Abo,►lar.• =obey 01 banding lot', of VITIOO3
As% of trcmi - .1111 to ISO hot tent by 100 to 160 not
dory, shoaled at Ur tomtit= of eft Wyln Mot
• AP to Ott inutoslgned. Szotaton of tbs. estate
.acl Nam. dart& W. a. anlion.
Immo , , 81:111102t.
.!' • O. ITIBUON.
coesrplad by tb• aaboa ear, fteitait'alatioa.
;cat .tba Mama. Batlrcol;ate gotta sall• bayclat
p4o. The bt =gams *bast taaaad a bat(
al cravat!, arbtoh exacted. 'SEW TWO,
RIVET YEA 1111 D *ULM. - ••troll attester at
. I . l xe• TIM firs - magOrebird; with a TU4SV
frtalg. A 110.4 end Infuse Brink ao'2l
a waab Was. -Fur sitaltalata and terms eatiatza
1 1 ,',0 6 ..k"nt.P0• Joastra . Tonasas.
•• or, at trauma Tomatae t
- aabitita Cotter Matto. tad Mira 'twat. •
r. EL HAUL . ...Ono - illrAtiniOr
Dl ea•
' 414. GUSIODa3I , 3OI:4ae. le .1333133 ID
011 . 13 43.33333 nn I :ollol4. 4 l2ltikiii ausister,
Inohlrol4 _. •
t VirolauttLlcr - 731/4111,'Zi Illizia34;vilt)
rrevad vont tag lietwiatalSTZin leatalliali,
. 7 4i lk *4 kilgagise 'blotto 6 ..hugulint be nui
loiciali;,, , , _ .." • -AlnliE3l. 8014 '
I 1111k11, OW OP Amindivi, 41414. 0 3 4. 1 %4Dt A thm. .
4.. . . . .
I't :i c ~•.• ,h
bl~ralietwe ihis• 407 MA
alio& °inikead ls,N
th loom. * 'hedieoree, tor
• • ernar erd; wall shaded with . gra
litheirtehoW Met Lionetelerent e n a ble anh hob -
trestle...halo eye tetra lithluthe **All
iheral_streth ; depot. rowieitie en:thsth
•r eatoleir. foe" ieziwg 'hpe* on the primulas o
ittete • • hOlllllll. BROWN.
OR ISA 4 .11b..A -- .•ticraWry BMOC
DWULING BMW -rabn dna.
•tt b cmithlatni tin* *put moo* Ibt so *.t
, • ebf 120 het; dap; &mkt at too strata •if
'mesa! btr tko Itiot Orton mg, wlll W br rut%
it e t itilbtuttst4:lPPlf to At:. W-ottblittoN,
t '
iretbrd a nsstiow artwYfgi 6,19 cc•
n, km , a
f( 41YiiiiI8. Rooting Censent.
WPM; 0 . tinallt 00.,
I DUNI% V 110M318...ineautifallifil
. 'Mu taresttyltameariat bas. la MMus
pi Olabl ia . sad Bearlaktay lkwaagb
Moo to us "nada abort illataita- at Eatkata
- el ob• Pltsabargbaltamlta3,` ''' lRn Etti**l.
quireat 111.. U. P1a212,212 2.p. DaUdlag.
• Crttatat' atta. A ocabaat
UN::&1111111 1 W,InLi.4411T i, FOB,.
' "liati.;;-We'iltar . hpilie4ittatriti a id alit's
, t 3 glory to `110;(1c0.210 atackat In a 20:
t tat, and ableatittr teak 1 00- matibtataltuatad
It . Hy ap_praka Um 10 2002.2tatt Obaxtb, P 1313
V. fi !' 10.1.! t 141452 P- 4 ,l l tiltai lst iof .7
ORULIC-4. largo lot otGrottad
.a: Tlisfa alky,lsonabakytattarratof IthTonto
Ind* sow,riat. smipetosluai, eta , stilcsica
ti 0n1 14541. _ ;111°,,t",:1,-,
. 41 kOt Aah ...OrNACMICSOVAND.-
' garnelppos fernigt . Ind ' IP? "
AP* cp. xvimmr.Utaufte. attonsme:• ,
sitha r :: " - r- - glirovir • •••
- ern 0,4
.1.41-11 1 1 M-WZ'
L lal V` : 5.1 -7r
Omcs op (klumv.asson op Pa C1711E134
Was.Vneum c.lty, d awns t6atC3
• •
Wnotete. By tall. (=tory evidence paginated to
utda.elan.d. h Lha teen auto to_aypese that
tha WIRCI"bt iTlllNat. BAAS' of PMSBLT.OII:
to the County of Allegheny; and Etas Ot Pentryleg f ,
eta hat been duty Btgen.ted ordtr and aeloAlsig to
tha requirtmtnta of the Act et tbmgress. .note!
"An Agt to worth, a Notional ll=nuel, secured he
phatio al trilled Steal Meeks. and to provids fro
l'° ettrn'atten and .red , reptlon thereof: • a:+praved
llstrnary Oths .nd has comp led with all the
prBghlona cytoll Ott retrestut to be cotoptletrvlth
Wan anntatettuf s lb. thanes of Ltankleg,
hotr:ttetetorik /, Man MuCcbggcn,Cotoptreret '
of lb. lunatics, do binary enttlly that .D 8 ttetd
001,11 / Q 1 An.0" 1 7. and AU:to of Peonighanta. b
Alltb.riba to conunence tba bud= n of Itant hipu..t.
der the Act afArtall.
In teettmoDy shawl witness my Luta
/ SS ' 723. "11 °M' lll . l k ol l i t i 61ro4;11°!0 a ujn at,
n-8.8 Ottortx dlcrof eh. Cat:unity.
etritut., $400.000, with pttrUtge to faccui
to $1.000.000.
She pltuburth Trot foreplay' twin' orgilithota
ardor the act taprovfde a Natfonal thirreeey. either
the title of tem "111 ST NATIesiIAL BANE OW
PlTth,l3l3liCill, south reepectfulle oath Pe Healers
for tkeconeentth of llocee, Walla Mlle at Extharge,
at, receive moue; on deposit, and bay end sell St •
choose on all pineal the cometry.
the ammo which hat attended the Pittilaurgh
TethellOosepany ahem the ore.aulzetion to IESS, will,
we believe, be a 'cadent gat:Lobs than boaliten
entruated to the Dew orgethsation wtli realm, the,
tame prompt attention.
litres" a very extemdre corruwthitnce with
Divas bud bankarithrmeghtut the country, "labe
llers we Cal odor unusual lecithin teetotal who dr
bceltalla with at
The baleen wM.Le sidacte4 by the tame Cdl
owe and Mr:dor&
James Laughlin,
Haw t 8. Ens,
7117 a. neB,
Tbo• Wiektman
Am. E. liirolc.4
Open dally Croat 9 tot o'clock, also CO Wednesday
and Saturday onsntude, from May lot to Member
tr., front -"to o'cl ock , and from Bonambut US to
Kay let trust to o'clock.
Depetto nestled of all mut not less than_ thas
roller, Ond sidlrldand of the pronta declared tido s•
year, to Juno and Deoembes. Interest Lot been da
dazsd serntetannally, lens and December, dun
the Bank was Groaned, at the woof elk per cant.
1 =lst, if not drawn out, Is Mood to the crayt
of the dep:ettor se ertn, el*, and bean Oa eareeln.
Prost tram the flat days of Jane and Dowather, °me
tutoe a. year without thoublthrthe demo&
.ce to at emu to plant Wpm book. , At tkft
:go, tawny .will double to lose than twain tem&
Books, meaning the Mann; BY-Lein, Bola
end fforlfalkots, furnished patio, ourspllcallon at
atm - •
Punnethl , 43ZOß(ll9 Al,l3.ltri.
John B. Molraddon,
John Etz!..moo
ILlcundor flpikor,
Bo* L. Tohnontook.
James Mosnioy e
.1W : o H. Pennock,
John Marshall,
B. D. Pleads,
A. D. Pollock, H. D
EMI billionth
Will!arc J. Annocracn,
Calvin Adam.,
John O. Daetofea,
Jobs O. Dimßei,
George Mac:,
Mouse A. Carrier,
Cbtrles A. Colton,
Wiliam Dortitlu,
John kraus.
Minim S. Hert:,
Peter H. Marker, -
Richard Hays,
Jams, D. Kelley,
William &lamely,
SIZOLZTAAT dr 4311.Ailtraxa
lei: lay •
, aumpanrs
rou TED rnorLz.
LIET Or SPEOLSIO Baririoall.
I—Tor Fem. Clonstaltou and intammatioa.
ed. 2—For Warm Kam D%-ast Gala, Walk*
no. 3—Tor Oallo, (Irytng, Teethlug 'Ed %bid'
• '' -
sus of
ata no. 4-70 r Dtur bee, Marra Infautsza sza Som-
Mo. 6—FO
GOIPInp, Irrooter; oz Blood;
80.6—Tor Onion, ettolozn Moro Vendrazz.
No. 7—Tor ' INnito,4l:d3r, Inifinza.
No. s—Tor
and. No. 9-15:m Sudan*, ontigo./Ilmt and Wm=
No. lortispeass Wolk aid Dcozal
Mama. Orattlpottoa and Lim Ooriplabt. ,
N0.12--Por Tomb hoogolorittoo, beauty, NNW
at Illopoopod Potiods.
No. U—Nco
tqe&o Prot= Utoortsakorkez
Om of Ami , .
• ita, V s f u r Ofcrrg. Rome fib, Bad riestadr.S.
No. Maas /414—. Tar Arrilipeks, trap.
e=, on the box. •
1114.111--e: Pati—rar IPsta t
.Lstneisoa Of
Emma la tha Med. Br*, Lobs cr blintAL
NO. 23cminsl Rigatoni, InTolantary Dlshisp
Ni. V—ificte /bath, or .Chail.e.r Or pkill,—Plo-1 7 _ ;tar, loottittnebee, Wotting the Zed
No.alabd retiode. Prewar" bgazza..
- ao. asembrtas at tiwOrt Mt
No. dit—Zybow lad gpoont,Oberes; 81. Vitt.
A—tot Zan end Agoe, (Ibialsoor t Dumb Adtiot
r —tor fte6atuta,ta - "att4 , 4g, *Cr*
o—tor tore. Walt or lattimid AO, sa*qllls
lab& Weak at Ehtnid MAL. - • -
o—Vor Want. of lon standlaso notch Alter
with obtractkm ersect*Cl.=harp.
W. Co — r 4l li r ho4h 2 Ccbdilliabstang 16e.)1
=Kw Dittees Flfiehie..—einesiows,,DlAretty ler
bored Breekilefor. ottembeil snit .
ration. -Pelee. 60 as pee box.MFR andMxpodoe
' •
Dr Mir Dieeiteeleat strneesio fecox
tiut 40,th• result of &SIX ii Diet Venn idealleiot
esoleas. • rex lidos to the Hee, Etxrdeeerfet Mem,
loy taut no
ys el fx - ills ext9;e4.l.4bik, : :.Yrlye..
oilutile' ,
_ltraw=ahrurs aitnadatiyirF_lartliareit:
kitta 'ulattoq Of - ecats yes box,
q •. Pl4l4 etecotiolaWea. Timid ihria ,
ins; with &say eseretiote;* Pries, &X par box,.
Der fletellitiome....y44l4Tlffekosso, Verily*. Throe
oear,Totaittog,p tadiet Ilickstori trate riding or
pooh Waxes : 7'• -
Moult, Matta trekauva, Mom crma Aidzip.
Pile; 00 mote per box.
ton ileesioal asaiks.....inToznetri biteharges
Oxesequeat PecottotkoteatiDebility. Tam owes
ixoesteflot and Melted rimier ketone. eut4: oplle
Felted am as • comi.- pee bitt.
it. iivreicii :
1 , JOHN ~.- .
Tim, 67 uns 69 Pavg_tinxim,
.. 1 . 11=uriman.
eguAguit tx tb %dors amnia. - ••••z 4
tuna mot porAniti
081114/49Z POIMILDE,..L d_.;
04111.21,14 POMADE. n • • • •
QUEEN 'or 'nowx.4::,ll4.ttri,, for Os
Ilaanterchtia. Toy flov. ' • .
80/P.lor itiatiiilns soy arum Tug
Patati..4%, tram t 4 , 4111yel bJatlxig,
BLOOU TOPTilsr: - - _-.1
!:I:l4ln4lrCd AU4.I. NE thdafr.-, 17ENEr 000Od : ..-
E 0 shd TOILV/ 61ITTOLLI; :41
4:gaipUol4 al - • ' •
.044. A. 4 414111 GENTRIT. =Da unit}. .
147„ • In tbstisselll.234ll:4lll4-11144mir.
P . .. -• - lava.rarrsßaaii
; .1: -
, . . ouzos& tirixtgrolo
aanuan ek -`,:.
- Weehteeto, D. Owdcs4s. Ugh, ,"
' Propores are midtad and NMI be coedited d dal
aloe LIZ She taratibla kof.dAVAL3r,goll3tB; to
billOftendianthl t u ffbo4abtbdebbWldsdvi
Antra Mtn Elwell.. e.cs: V.,:oc trObinapsitt an t-Rt.
..: ,repaissvuebe exittimilt bt., tbitt at
burp In tots of not Use shelf feria *tire 04,.--
harees_te be iegartitaitt ( tt) trititiool)-lixt*-
.tvorexe A(6) ta tapolgkreen old. wellicedtet
to, stis Odd* eer c iPIPAIVA 143.P41‘41•144c1.44 troc:
-, leicitelltbr 41 ;ebt*Irbir . "_ Wall Widist'ilaiiki
west be gintseteetbres3 .....loopetwoisei Irdsee'
geypitzgast tsvEtod sitar przgr , ...- % .
WizWcuttLizeC=o the ammo,'
/adtft Clot"; , #* th e, trat tc 4l— ,.piebtfet Al;
-,' eciereficelstd be addremt VC Ma 1: CbE 00):.
newxabor. chkr‘inelrmatainmaim raft; 1
1"...,..9.11km.0 Prepocatcsa 1
CO br, ma,
,c - tult.ekiia 0i5tat,4441141,4;
iga1aw,. , ,,..,, , ,:-.. - -;.--
D imma) CABBUN-0%..- pate;inl.lfaitste, ..tii tie, ianticcalititui
• teak)! -fa% ,ili:44/4:0-0011/,,,et.
0 .
MICSIS 11 ,All. -:::: 2- , . .
na nary tsrr. .. •
Lt d Lit" monD,lllol- ._ L;,' . 1 . ,.. •
' - ...
••"_'.... 111 .N.HEY/A.llll d r ~. ,•- . T. •
Hilf.t DAIL7 SP.Alfff.“ - ''-' ''''"' --
T igR4l7
alt t; rat ll .tts, nM
2Htiei lbi 4,pt. u m t set staldar daUzlo
kersb uada.V e l b zaal
I Caat rmaai
vdd tor Ns. Yerrarllll4o22lA,„
, Sta TH'itui7Hll 1,1,2... L. .a.m•lidni flu Pea.
**kw Ststica_alcm,===ilr4 fax gr=4,3l y
01i 4 a.406
_aat i at aiao Itlli
cuiLl' aidiralrer.ydgms St 11•113.
ninik rzfi 7,7 /..thitlt 4 =? ablllcl.l4ll 11.11.14.•
, " yinrotimnraraita. harts iaa,lic
;:ao taEz4lant24o.ll,,, 111 , 11.....t41,213251.......
dii. , tell
,=3.14,316-4 ...,....-.1 .....1..1.1.1 IMO
itritlhOM "d tt#lo.o'7MlLE4Mkreti
e_ .I rUllaLglybff. - - .., 41 ...
''S -111 .1VP.1.4=1/44ife 04 tAiumtaitm%
Inc-daj id. 11;41 v. 116 74 =0-6-11e
c tsibrds,c-^ , 44llSita =xis `thstataral
Tras ,... ...ri,and at EtingeplxlskrAßlTlrk.
4 .!Awrowtirsar........Diethrxwerbitthroothaky
ithorot E.1.-zCzkyl:ar S aiStkccw:!=:ll 9 4l 4 / 1 , 4 r. 1103)
- rbwr Arthri=o ,, ,,,knorricrVO.,T(M.l,lwCilowe
tiny (thai•othrithoirnirtal et'• '
' Woad -a Tia: tir palm fain
- *grow, AAP , (aunt OW?". 34A 0 L Om .1
Aoathiwwilth. Wrath 'sr.:WPC •
dcr , r(,l.o3lv,4o.li6 rt. .
irorrth 4oeocoithethltir *that"' for S - WEP:
ithrw ftriw (orrars:Zuthiyi UAL*. at.
.Tba Month info loom Win'iltsCau amen.
dit7 *kind - 4 FWEA=Zany MVO, MEMO, Si
etotthwiwit fir,iiiiithriwn thaw If
-11:50 p. so. its,
Prowl= p. rim sat Lhoi Mid ii , "4 1 4.. ►
tom sh. 'SWIP 'AlMilne43loa
6:27 IL 114 . WATIIk4IO - AC:911:416400.1
&Pt w.3:Thir,l- Wei 3 'LISA"; odsdidk
WO cr,„; Tooth -Won't CUM% lux= tfed a,
Cap, to, :Eoliths rxt Jespreir frilanhw
vin, latitmectiori TbsWittrithodatice,
Jairritowit A , wairwlaiiwr,owit raw frida rat.
and.with-Bolthirrol4Proolthrlo 4144,11*.Alitwcw
thwthiloir a t
Trains tor.t.two consoot.ol
proo,Trolog and lC' all 'Wostoad with Times
downasowistioir war . 2.1-prow Vora Uri. -
"'At rr anti!, to ark Uri.-,
that. or Weit,, to. Ponaspirthis
Oruro* itorthiod, es ilia swwwwwiriithis rioirwiwie
..:at Li firp=l4 MI othrrnow., ,Tooliowdb
beinoted. frprwiwit
Ira ret IWwwfrourie• irCald cri ttiwirrilie tri•
-41113 r WM" Ltil Ma AMA tiarAtrl.
po kowtorw,Sl9
'Co. 19.1 , 0 Iniwilrott„ar.„...., t CO
Co EOrtar,r,
Dodo:* cturik , i-tO oil E•thtbaroi titilorworryino
1„; awl Co
ral orrX34:4:. '
Opxisagort parthortoth 4041 !GOB' MIX to
"cost id MEM; CUl.Vtillt: LOdMu.w.
I r OS atoCtri ntos;:stri",
ithirroths OcitorWity *rect.-- - •
,Allaid,= , is • area ei2or,thf
thowowiror r=pcoiriblo...t.cpactor. , ethy l
*AC skawsconitnot.r.r.-wilivi,Wll:
13t - Air lawiTherlSsu' nun ) —salaam
ey-pobrothizrolthi vi.:,tintit Do.
P4it 11.11 -11thrixs thEscood SZiworto 110 ,
FlrSjp airSinttOCX •rwilletook rag? to
; eh. • ritaintthiik ,butril„.sar
tr4wcyttalo.ifott-..44. .2:7str.
MeruWar Speer,
hands O. Bailey.
Alex. Bradley,
Be.mael Rem.
lIGHLIV, Prusiden
i'" 11, .BICL11.11 - Dir•,______ 4 -. -
'Li prrrssintaa •Azu) .-----,- •‘• •
wfirriave ztantoim - . A. , ;_, -- zt• i , - _ ••••
SUBURB _AzgeacitakzA • ,
MONDAti April 20017 Ililid; - war, 'Um
Depot; Cl tha , P eranift*''Srattf,4 - Pk' Phi*
birfle-4 as Milowate.: .. :. •:‘. : , •1 e..- .. ~.....•
_ • - • liiiltbaowth mad WasiNso LimA, e• . .
imainiPitt Lela. .11:10 - a. m. //old& at.
'do Withi. 'WO or. I Ibld or •
IbAS o
do' • ettrabanNs CIO O •h: ., ,, , , ,, ..... ftdol o
an Whuding. thlld Iv 0:0II 1, " AM a
Artists fiallair.... 5:20 .M; _ _
_ 0 •• • MO •o r
Oannectinir at Steuhetodas end =Pa adde Asa.
bonsai.) and Llama Bearoad and Corattai Oldo Rail.
nom Tor raaneStaWitutirki froltillthca. Um* EV..
ton. Indianapolis, Oftimmatt.'lmanilKoo,4o‘
Lords. Ert. JosaPht and MI palate west 'atulatattlinst,
and at Win=th Baltimore and Ohio - Halkakt.
Leans Fitt5bnra15.,..4.....:...1 Tilillk:M.
do Wa11a5i115:„............... 4:ID o - t.150 or
do 1tayard..............: kW 41 ' • tetz , ok
do • Kum. • • • .d:l3 or - Ibitllco
do Batantm.... *** : - .."..Z., - .1 Mi.' o : - .•l.lkBlltst
.d 0 Itasca, - Id B " - en 11 2
&TWOS lit ,Olaymastd — " . " . " - 9g o .. , 7.10 ' it
Cion_neethey. at Ilayard with Toeatimma taint Ix
New )0 1 / I pila and Ciroml•Dmar; at AillateM with
Patsburja, rapt. Wayne and Chles.- Itatraidly et
Bares= withAtelantio and 'Great Weatsr•. L sr /Milmed
for 'Warm; Onansille, I f dadf= o / 1 4 VIM
lateartarn-and 13Mateandii :On - valegh.
WI, Zanerrals and tlittalsosid'llailroad fatAlittmo s
Omyoboipa Palle anti Ifinsmemmy r ited al , Ulevatentl
with 0. .11 11. /1.41,. far fltleManktr* and. IMAM
with 0. a T. B. 0.. for,fiendmhz,..Tfaddk and ago
with Stellal•Th for D0t..41.
_. .... ,• .. A. 8.•
• Wollorso dOnee=odathaleirrelaSald A" •
Estionalny Mal& ardor. at' 920 s. B. 3.10 end
1.05 pet., and tIO a. m. -- se . •
Titoayb Takata to all prooMnstd •italma iba
m•oanrw id thsldbarim Serest Dopot.
• Grum' ).34usni, Tt4. i7ror"
And at datybeny UM • - -
a. Q.,oz3rari,,4!**riat.
WILL TYWAlTaigtai.
At the Clatepany's 0110:411.1 .
,114111014Cillifillia Oh
Pear A. Madeira.
Walter P. tianman.
Jahn Orr,
Pelee lied,.
Jamas Biddle.
John H.Bbotaberger .
Aleramier nom %
WM. P. Woman
Obritlime Yeamai.
• • ,L.OOLTOI9.
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---,- ---
FOOL, Wicking a Attrialastowa •
coonvilanzu.) Tnt "no known eliesuae
pany at Hey in trer..l4 York
- W au ean a t- f -- rkuadopkts, !lama"
enzn Maws -- '
CITY Or ammutoun..........okurnbi. sem&
WIT or wow rona..........jaanzashrep. IL
LTNA......—..- • 0 . , • ann..=
Ana nrar saaniaTg-sannui, as : l xorftcFa bof
ciatortn We. - - • - .
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ra n 0., 4to 03 , 1tootalag ..:.::..M ii
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r do; ''tCF 4 71 . - gi
do, to Partt....., at 00 do. to' et to
• Riab !), oia..;. to thattiottriT id
alto bourns, fortosa.pat ..
team. eatotry,./aa; to tonally too
- raw tem livarpoot or ihniatistowitlat GM*
17 5 .11a6.1110%-fdoonga,. go. , :Thtecitlpe , viik
mod lot Lbalt Ada* taa boy, tactebk him it Coil
Itittor t*ttittba_apply at lii:Dosiii4l
- •
to e. DuaN.Apat,.„,
: usant sing, tio - pwrir ems* siw
Ill .a. aBoNyAt.
zumTLAlitazur,llo3llllB44- .
ZlOli 001grAWL ~"-, • '--, , '''' " ' 7,, . ~!,
, .(aAzarAir,zArge.)-- ,-.- . t
,AMIT - ATIO, 1-200.IIttioommii ta_ktakil. ".,
• ELIZZI.3 14 . 1 ACIO.17.orat.powor. Figo toot,
... ,
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""a4"4"11"111:1;4"ehitt ..evaszerraini liar
Tho otoitattloott ARK= - _ _ _
tom Stis Tisk Sor Litt ,
. ittyzuzspAy,tbo ,
2IJ otE t razobre• - '' - - to Ettirie*Pir,
Batertaf 41tio
!AWL ' Fe 0 4 01111 94._ _FTM=II, ~, .__
Attit esbin....47o'utpomuteriga-t.:—.4w Cla
Ittenilidtge -,:"... .''' to Zoi26:l* Ewa:
- Voittegtrourws• dad also ,
..., _
41 _
boil. nano. Uri!ihM. G. , ...n... ,?..77-.., !.
twat sotto- i - lot
ria ifit _
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mail:cum C uss:
5111.11 z. scpi.,P,Fxrcos.k44:s4,!:!gnkel cap ,
- rlivircuitMviltpca ;
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in:it/mod: --MUM lareet„Patittlifitbri
civreati.L.rrozE Nor :TM*. - i3b ti
react:. 4pjfitiy,
'REret. Bagpialt,Aigia l , • .
ias:Ssur, - 7,;
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lIOECENT 1, 1 1 BLIIIATIONW.',: 7--„..,,ir;
:Lto Lye Slot tlis soegerler of ..
' • Idltebtllidittrortemv of tile 211b1s. ..,
- •
. ATCWOI.IIOI. LOA bho ant 1704 4 -7 ,•- 1 -,..,, S.
.Ile' neormallon 'to 14 27,.. lOOartirt
D'Amblat. it volr." -- .'1 ...14SK
~- - • T44,,J,-
Wine, Tour Ataaitha. - /inum , -: - r - _
.Kbabkobes ~,J,
r , II ulutt's Ihtakiuid %mammas lio abaweatt,.L
Coleab on tbs rutt/1141144_ liil4; koulds„, t ,..., x ,
- : &dun° on the Booiret aiopums.- ti. aT - ..,_..,,...
liabsn's Aorwor oa_tiobooko'-
___,- , -•-••••,„ J , !._•••• • ,„
' no bkanooloboVroomarasub77l7iikilomi4 ....:
.- . AtOdds, b 7 gur)3ll=4.oTutulPhoi.a":4 Z:-X.11.•
.! : Ths ItterY DIY nnti/Pter• DI the 9ogmtkr
1 , rih tinillemsa.*43ahlitte- ....•-' •'•''' - ...
z ,
_:1,46e44,14 fauta42.lli , % br 134ii*1146 { ‘ ...c
_1 - tratad. _ ta : ..,......:,....
Scatarp.genapp ' ... _ ...... fif iSia - .. 5,,,,',,:t r i• .4,• 21
~: Annual of bthm yutvgly,..algack. ~,... :a
.., , nickodiesanitudues,-Ehotehorc4l',-:
-:- LOnt 03011',Ing tetartos , 4l4lAloC ' ' 1..
' - i , or Ws fly ' , .-- 4ME1.00411043 IrddiriVt!.
A -2.1g1 ----- 1 -----..- "i ' a HIyiNTEAT E :V•F I ..„., kW 41.
4.34'744 Valitald,itattl,iranr sai l-11 44:Iddr '''..-
ID or bourn* oililuem togs boo alba u0_7 1 0 32 0_
'allot boo boo* orfixteob.,._?sfoo, urAbonorwfo.m.
r;4 Thojirtiut7ll La,
Malik% reost- w. Cla7 , !4!k:Ap 1 04".= .,
Voto-4 1 / 6 ",4
.. o x ii,i,'- 2,
iihrtcoo rogrodooklpores moo A iiti,ZlS-.4-
a-411.1441 ; 111 . 9 1 1 -4,....111
'-''- ' '' -',- - mat:. 4. 1,, ~..•,-••
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