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'z . 3 . 10v - ko- 13 BOIC 0%;,- No. NO, Lib. eittraD*RantabargN, ithoit=als gm aay Nalitlathata &alas is COMB. rm4MI3OII.OaOVIMON.B. RADON, LARD, ';! ail% -wig •. a rie 51313 .4 WILKINSON, Ccumnisttut v V IhmerarEAMboirmie 4•4.1 as hi 'WW ll= ETVI.47BiXii4DIUSD_I= I I, I II, t 7, 0,., Giall Ara Meal* . Alio, Olei, to.. No.ll Mats P1 111 42110:' .. 7 ' • , , .. . . R Nib idmiki seate gois. Ooreplashti ac.. WA • Miaow micianncl4.......i--Ntuusa 161 AVEROWN • a LINEAR%FIaw iza. AM GU= Tagrimig, Pacarcas ik-mw Onnumos" Masaliirtor the the sib of Mao, Ord V ',so* Matta . 01:!1, SI 2 Km 0. .. DIA I* . Pot ;Led gatt t litossetiiitls. Dria am Qum Ahlitil. , Ciatar, 7laz and Gem &ob. 1 Ouli *Maas made on Clowdpsatilts. • No. 1W Liberty st. PI Myelin. I 0 Hll. iiD Calm. to ; otoriao gain moil:lune sad wholio. . d ie -ate dela in IiViSTNBN RNBIBVII ININENR, ourszo D , Laub, POIZZ.B I I4 , N no non, ,POT AN MUM mum - LIN. 0 17'.eineD---zAn " uft-c.4; IL Log ", 4" loutf, • •,• wr.se. II A SHEPARD Comas= M. lamottifo sad gutters to iltfl% ti flitaff AND MOWN; Mt kV Marty strosU Ra• , Oda broads of ll= In Baku* sad salzfly_439 -otratontly en band. - Portloalor Ottentket pal (to ot*os tor lietchoodloo goonstly. csff.dl3l "ma: . ° Mae • • • -AUtiVIN - 31SIMHAVg07. 129 intWiLll4l -11.,,,111150.1k Sunni,4aiti . Wawa 'lrexediess animmel-Esecnten ursoketquantievvai cumivnaDucia. virtr Agent Ice the celebteled thalatttoen MC. NOW 110 Mewl santEllte2 Ares% be -ewe cod and tteldretl4.Pittoharvt. a logo or &LSD One wet Orniziaxe 11.11 a ebbe el CtitUbt AND VriCA ae.looallo W .2m et. Pittsherth:. , eentipmeete. prmaihissittong;inamisor tom. 4161. lirGlLWllag t0..1511 'Ant, most, PIM PROM% OBo=alr eisp gohaptimmugataaNT., , . • . , 7. T TRICK .„44.8R0.THE8, -- trilliitarota .) "cm*. ialx-GBeciW Nos. ta • • e- Jawir WWI 4.l2lstabarth. • - vol&la w ilt Y : aorru juthat,in=ssamxiis ?•••!, ,Apeohl=r 3l l' 'MUNE . AX) iam icre lo . = 1 ' ' ""emr° ..". 11 1 1 " 4 ' • .TrZalg.bi VAMlClllDEPOicasumilial (..1:100:11=01 7 dadikfiriTlOUßMlTr• US, 178,00 " 03.1283,19" — , z.ttacira ILIMMEW pump inktpipdakergas. Ltheraltieb adman ispgbion eotafgaitgall. Wer.,tross; Na3lBl3soditk Ilttibttet: - .sespgatnas.:- - s.36vatur. ..-r,;„:3:4710.111T alni lo'L; sacolistm G, etaff ie rßODlMll AND CCOMESSION 40EN:L•1101:1Wit CO,lTgma a 62iSezioluin Omit lissatuirs i torisrof ota c amitUeli sat gratiestraltAilttalgutbrga!•hl . rrn av,v();,- valumucks impuirmiedirtsupooic u ta • - Atoms. mowit . 4:4ps. 444 5e- A 1 Wifizzaati •AND. °minimum maicamir laricgaffr idliOCAM 9..utsmir4l,.awas, PltttC U. t-,wiatarew 2 " • ' • ' ' •-• rrsolai 4 wort intatia:aiscarf.ll4ll.ll«-i018111.61=3.1111 1 AtrIVASQVAIUDIA" CO, • • 7 -7 crei 02,4 irstaindia ism= Zit sosnam Lon Dorm TIC usTIMODB, 94 Waal =eat, Ma loran abon Mama • ALIIM - Bl.l3l6;Dicamt lit Ron Azzi swat virrsobrismuuse A itamyyz: "`2= tm**-7 =W Ktif - - sate taisizas: Vox "rria igrzuk' Dodos In, icAsuk.mo VII 430 0 a Biwa 61h=r '' rt= - VAMnialLikagUlkitolWitigellik J2ll apiaptall Dahl* in 'r... , 0 . wrafikilL2l3l3ol- istatukagitpan.nnmaiArrain. goa.inind 1117ifth Omit. Pi • - - • 41"UfttifeaVil v and tanineabas in test STAPLE IMP iiiorliHftritetliFir ol , base. •., ••• as • '..ittmati.".Pittfirgareti.'.., ",_‘ , . ESE 4sifiCCUBINIA tkiantsor iso V i lMatki4whigisitraaallitanDo4l3 43111011LTrAY_BrIVODIMI•• L? bra Moan abi Mau* 1 7: 111 7 1 1:1• V S hakelabrall4rikle _.•tittrtZ.,Nriaisittbi til DE! itiDg 4COMMliiltall Mai triBool2B4l92li4llrateitir4itirigaTliSisd i4Aßtrq simolumaritrOw. nisuntiir Puns lIGEt. • mt.:Ls& vA .or , . LAtt 0114 3rjug. gatzseirtsi• tqo b 0 CISFII4, ' ''awr Wa13 , 1 ficarvonatlehrt al boanK7 W ailtawaner itildottiMAWßOla . mit ne.teganserse 112/1114.1altnistatWixdziulirated i'• • yv • ...„ .e. 1 1 ••.' • zmumukli ifretrirre • *-s." AsAut D • * AM • • iittia . 44 1 0 , 4 1 10 1 : - ILIV. ',ID • irs"prmswtatastion., was I AGlir .. v libodnittiet, tothez - of - liircialrinaist , Orb Pt:OTV'. •-• , .s _ANDS&I-dtARMORD, --- Wnounkux .14.41fsaiiria tiligmitiVigitttLaavngor lava marissolqa,putticaitt, Pichtyalt. Hislkepai-f I f• ploUtliL. ItILLUWV4ab, (oactoessor to :sass Qa.,) Roza "mama sod assist to Ta(MaIONO, oorsr tof statitsmt sta,, CqVAVWritsBN , (it* "NWotto J sok *tam arrainineda - ausi aucicsA3D musaa q. PrifilipOOkOaltnallOssizzarlawitys 4 V0M1L1f,111404631 isioxfaim Tes azi ost lissuses,w -- *Sintoquilt 4 +o- WO O 4 sad "cifillit , P• l l4a - nalii itatiMartrotd in Wear strett. • ( — G!Vinieg. ,reet— r r $ r r s Tr: Ls! .bovuierClowisr, fsauas.hw. 4 j`7l,-.;,-; MARIAM% 11LMON f Damn gra SUSIOcABD.XCracum iItaTZI7IIIIII4V6 1 ikai les luau Si 0).7 PrAZOIPOLIIIIO3 saakTUllol3,44 mums 00.% ifilleoDlll. 0111 r ND. arum gontrivocier per.• Pa. larilaba tabrow fmt.la 14 - ••• 74 - 11 • 1 4! al- 33'1,0 4 - • P• la orzkAludAs -Isarravibont; allesdoibe Stoteniarragliblsteivrikifsk / T o , itt , • - .• -- .taraLWlthiataltslii AMC J.astcoomoth , M. 2 td.,,1A Wood 'toad. arms math West isol ghtfalttgbad‘ft .. '.~—~' it ~a 02 4 0 11"" .. al g g.. . 1111 0 ) .! 1 . MiSlia kali '::-Dlir..,evervAn KPROZILMB Jatilikai • andaangsdantit. VOUTTlirlanr WOOPOsts E=MZ:'7U.3II • • • Oterar. lvta 7.4o.t t vg:wte6 so: 7 ~''t.i:-,i,7:i,.'7,5-:,7;ik:,, tj. === 'l7. o t'V'' AnsozLz.k - Jrzous caftirs DUQUESNE BUM WORKa CADMAN & CRAWFORD. micauschtnent of mg variety of Walled ELM ROILY lOU 5TP.6.12 GB 0A134/1128,8. NACIIIINISTIS, &UD • BRASS CASTINGS, el 41 deoertitlons, • wade to onto!. • ITTANICOAT WORK. =RAU AND OAR. VITTING, and =PAIRING ptonsptly,ottondod to. lll=tau. attotalon paid to Mint op ltrafflSE. FUR 00al. AND ouebos one,. Alto, Bob &pate ex tboßrottant atstrks al Fenn. for Um oda of =RAU, LAUSDNI,,, 00.111 PATE= SYPHON PIMP, Ibo but apt of Raying no oalone, ft _tit nOt 1141nni net Dqtal aa= Cl throe bi ter qv% an, /morn ten FURNITURE oars' esD WooD ciiietze [SLUM 0111 wirousui Oil swum, JAS. W. WOODWISLL, I n and 619 Third drat. of I$ C. saserizii a go.. and 111 Fourth stmt. whin D M. BARI3OO . , A. anger oj Pr sod Onnsierea . Str.as, BALTZUOBEi 0011111181310 N UZI/attain, • Aid - ._ta tit thi asS• of IMPOST'S OLINPOW. DIBADD SANITY PM. anandfirtinent all Ends of Western PO. an lulu adirsacea thatch. N. 8.--Ballroad trick In emit at Pushers.. NATO ?o Win= H. smith A Co., ignitor& HEW a HkAstion. im*arAiiigns4, c a ws swior. sterchanu , uank,, Baltimore; B. Tio ems. &TENTED ,00T. $, 1461. Dithridge's Patent OVile LAMP CHIMINIES, KazzActurod all II FLIRT GLASS. .1* (. 1 eat gams 'attic! testing all pitta W m = acra Do: mar ' • • -IL D. , D1151/31DGII. lest Pitt Glue Works WeltduiLo2l.llo4s- WIT Pistoborgh ADIEtI FANCY FIJM osILDUUH•e PAROT /WEIL Vir O.r . ,(Kt ,, LLABID GLOS \ :,Itthll.l6 Vary ninety and rink of the abaresoodaos hana - IPARIRD dr, 00,13, No. 1!1 trciotrerragn. BLACK 1/1.94K1ND INIJIiKti, PITTSBURGH. PA. PARK, BROTEEit'il-004 llannactorsra of . . Bur QUALITY mins= tlin STSZL, Ovum, Mot andC•aa, of :".I'stria. Worriod try. rid to my ported lnti or manfit*irr4 roan SillrUeloo and Waramoso. b0a.149 And 1G ZIESi ond 120 to 4 141 EINMND MUM, 213trkorrip. 411:17d row u = nag luir returned .1.11 from tha ;Wiwi bataJanila stare an erten+ P JO'XII .41.1 4 1271 531302333 Adapted to the maim . Desbera ow be ea lied with LaDITS', bllsellEll cad UHILDISEWI3 GA117111.9 and SabiCill 88015, at a abed sdrance tor nigh, es •°a i at?, 4LSRLY4 8 . 011.1 k 00.T1. ' 14.:. Tl:con:ar V'Ocnl ars - 4 lifmnril% lts 1 B " ANL tauttb. 422.1.A,T oT3 08. k Lslie Lng. Last'g ConvOsitenlll.,76 wert.b4l 50 u 75 All other loot eittheBeer7 • ,A.LIAN, hicAkERIK , is Wf, Yomars fromist Xl*. -,- ~ t 1111114 4 , • ' lin, _ll Albizty iined. • 1 ,: . • ifandnetardin AVELLITAIS ANVILS/C. IRO ISTOVIA-PAIILOAVIDNITOOES wawa. BOLIOW•nnEA etnAltimiandtitons Illendda, hell. Ing MlllOnatingt4l Gemini, this, Water and Ar 4 IlmnPlWlLid_ ' il:loritons, Wagon Bat" au. gar I= t n is M a P . nll snitch Car Wltten alla 1. "Almetiebt Ana wow — - Warder. Patinand, . with Boon at Mau Pi er. , ~ . antrtnT thiaLtlad BABA DILL it (X!„ Uodor Unbars Lod 13hoet Iron Workers, PUTS( STILIZT,N:A u T2 end Harlin wont a bulo. yOtattO 1 /##lts• roost I torts42l orsentwryf itztrict - to nanulkatoro scary docuttion of 901 In the boot =nuts, mut wurrantod Nast to nay mode In the country. GILIMIETS. 8111011111. IIBD RIDS. BTXACI 1:2%):OTIVIP OONDMIZRZW. BA smnN . - 401TAXPIIN 1;1 Cent • •L• ' drostburr i A BMW TAITZEIr. • 4 , Sur stit. JILL • - • fr9oll,l(penftattinitllooo4Y.titiiiN , 41,44412ki • .::-F o * TO WA ' -• • Ptrrisvami,R.A.,:, AMR. A. B. BNGLIBIL respectfully Wanes- Qs cltheos ell Plttst b. latid resa=gtel 0110141411 11 4 11 ta Inlif. They an secomatended by .tar beam Iht the city, among obleh ere Gun. BuipingeprarThrOetf:: itooßanD intar.,*"' ' ' Ha OlorT cot Co., ~ thus Potreo k th -- .ad ethers , f 4it Wag ItirILITABY OLABIS, BOUNT OA PENSIONS, BAC; A'AT, rad HILITAS 411,1t11115 of e desert n, collected by the cub. bar, at th e rates, vier l'etudens,ipo oo; 4..! :, ' ''"" ` "gra:eft Ise*r rit ilt bergi 6i a, P.. ri H. B. Ito chap ere otadatf the chits does oot smssed. sod all information Etna trestle. edit, LAMY 411fliNtSTIIALV+Jetrisztitit Aso ISaessa to the and salon enslaver ournriur, pe.varrit OIGAIXI all Mods of WOKING ...." MMHG IMMO, 11N137, TARO: tiorAlismat II Tusw. Itod de., to areal , OWES TIM cllifil,, Acgia, ' • I HAI TisitiAikaktiro - Ig:1 - , r a.oh. .::: ' , "•t.,':•-,--,-.... faillatlY I - 110111421ar8 l''.'"l'DlOngrh, (soimmot to Jazottriiitit4 (fa ; P 641 :44 . 4 1 4: is4lor to DAMN JIM “ 20ilaiVi'^-tlLA, , 77,trit=72-7., IrAMM itanrat •, 615111121ke1t • ;•• • • oflico co Ands= iajdaki Limit Zt!lora (JOV graccmgainov, l eck;SMlZMle lli4l OfIle• co Admen MrlM6 AlimM - AuNmm ithi.4 o bi . ;l-1 ! "6- lams* 14. 0 8 . 710/8115A4 'nada raCMIS, /14—Vithautamption the tersed awl tu4l_d!gid tidditr Plateitgoto, *Weft, at eiumatialrouumv. 11 :V'ft a : # Q • alirmininvalakat M=7 "t 4 T•24 bole Mineral to Ainet— for 1,1C1110I,XV:00.14is. PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY MORNING, T ,SEPTEMBER pHisturgit duabl. S. SlDl:kat & 00.9 EDZTOBB 47tY:PBOPOISZDZ 18 .--'' ablicagpm 01041 ** No. IRlint Rind' "LAM= A.NDa....}Li+.471170, DAIL curreusino THE Lanastatwo UP TO ITOLTB, O➢ P0737.10AT101L TTIIIREIOA't 11111111411ift, SEPT. 10, 1063 NEW TERMS OF THE illiViZErFfi l • , 4 • Non2l.Ci Inrifol, by may par. Tom..-40 00. . iszath.. .6 ' nat..... tetano" Soften. t 7, Par Toare..; CIA I t ' . 7 ' 7.- • °m kt", " • • en, 8. W MILT tear. 100., • olaha of 6 to 19, 1 50. " otis 0/oer =min 166.. —and one extra to the party eon6lreg club. Mira ,c 4•1,) fifteon. We Will tend th;) ETINI3O 4,4:411212.b - ousweityir-46 aill tor. 6 the. Bloaanot GLELTM daily. Slagle °Woe, 6 nate. ..g4l-4/14i0acriPt1666164eat io adeeacr.6n4 peosn alwayeatotpe6 ft= the One alpine. moon placate, Fernando Woodte Peace Proposition to the President. 51r. Sernendo.Wood 41,publlabitd the cor respondence between himself and President Lincoln, IpAß,fltiZa an; effe.i pf. ppm which tb Px.rdiyhi4tried'ah&ildhei niidele his friends, the abide.- It would be uninteresting and uttprohtsha to read a , ca hallt from 4e pen of PeilliMldOiroodali the rubject in num. tion, so thetArOtellliottek-onr ream' Bence-witlathe:rebel-sympatidesec eptstleo; mete especially si the Preddent* in: his answer (looter the only passage which halt nny!pedal Importance, Pernandes tetters dated gait York, December Bth, 1862. Tins. calmer of the President Ls :ifoPows Arasertawr bre= I wi'wootr . Snowfall bleamos, 1 , Wannacivoit,Des. 12 ; 1862. j lion. PRESANDO WOOD: Aly Dear Sir.- Your . letter of the with,lthe,accompapy lag n.te of same date, war 'naiad yealer • day.tll The most important itragreth Tn the let tar,ae T emdder il ie, in,thasc word, , or ck a t,. 25th November Lien Was advised by an enthority whioh,l deemed likely to be well inferateli iur WO:CV reliable and truthful, that the Southern States would tend rpresenter tires to the int lilangtersr Vavided that a fall and general amnesty should permit them to do so. No guarantee or,arroawere asked fort ttlereltiri the nenestrreferrid Lo." - I strongly sweet your Information wip prove tole groundlen • neaiirtheieer, I thank you for 'oetetannicatingit to lib. Understand ing the phrase in the paragraph above quoted -"if the Southern States would send apts. tantaliser to theatst Sitarriiii";- - ;to lin sob 'Menially the 'elnisrat Abet "the pebpbe, of the Southern filaterstould Cain resistance, and wounivelnaumetreettbmit to. and mint tale the national authority within the limit. ,o; Imola iftetar,lmt.ettketlimistitglicirefile -United S dais," I ray that in ruch's ease the war would eeaseNen , theyart of the United Stew ; and that If within a reasonable time "a fail and general intuit," were neon. eery to each end,.ll would, not be withhold. I do not think Irtionkt he proper now to comanzakette Ltd:, formally or informally, to the people of the Southern States. lliv Is that they already know it; and when they i choose,Ali . cver, WI, can aommunirate m mei el *iteecituvoinilly. Nor do I think it proper now ea./instead military epsratiene to try soy enterimentof negtolintlon,. Atiterthelliii; redelley ,with neat enejittfollmation you now have, andeLsovidaother as you may in any way obtain., Snob linfornuident'udgitt be - mere valuable before trus lit of January than after.: ward. • -- ‘ z . thaft; In this letter which I shall dm& Wee hatitorl, 3i le, pichsps, better for the pretest Wallis existence should' not become pnblls I di:niters fusee to re. gags tildttycit will rogardit ew-ccrafidentiaL - - • 'Volt obedient Itengdir, - A. Lutcoss. . • The President treated. Wood's letteiWitif. , more respect tbsp it wit .entitled ta s te en- i esering it at aIL Dot waving that point:the-. answer meets proeisely,.end with emphatic directnms, the only point Wood had to make,' wernely.that he hid anj " authority," utivitia fll and trustworthy," eto. The President discredits attire!, the .infortnotion on .which Mr. Wood professes to have netted :—but be days that if the Southarrnlnleple - wilfoommu• niceto to him their willingness to end thews?: on such tenor, atli'isits: woeld cease on the. part of United Matta and a P.:: and general,' riontesfyilaal Midli As the New York Times remark., Wood did paiiipp - 001474-.4eivs' his country and restore the Union. On the con trary 4 ha evaded tbappthistyp,direet and uninistiikibitaket etas amnesty, aid 'rushed tett F aswoeßing.nnd Icostilanylticism i of , the 04 16 4 - WNW , f's . C'tini AdministratterWitlie insisted' en' tlieitatudity idianee." want* tho-Posidentto stop ten 'Mitt order to afeftnin whether there wee any troth in the stotLtbat the Jdorttli'sriehd_it stupid, The President verrtuatinsally sdid'teilfri* arty declined acceddingto this request. Medd riofthinii'i r liatilitmilift:*sCd; or the 'co n. ~.1 Pft7.llo4tif {{ precast, hit made hnithing, by the publication of ,this udiriipoideingoi It iirldhl which they hav4to:lol4B'Amen IMUting t h e pablio, antl,prileaooncinsirig that pare is not thinliglitdid tiundition for tel niters. tad assertion' thatabe President has refund to acoodo . ttpionsitions for Itegotiation. Ie shrf,„ 4 p .t ry l c, that the conespo4trece iwid4,;tt,i'°.,t,A.llo4r.t Fait tosem Oluniiethg itnecif 1114 (completely lolled:Iv thoillmotand straight. rorward,ho.nesty.pf g 1543 F Mui447. 39.-10.'ek sr, of the 65th Indians, talegrsAlts tok a hle • len tfitic ion of Knoxville, Tom, on the 4th ithhfa kri.ed.! o .,WV l64 4 s a 4 0 304 PkilAinK • Ira cintoitided. Lo_Warat—the whroks-orkt-la-186V-ii- • mmon for the Domocattsttif alogarblitiiio l'inthe of the troor ware Dorßograts. Thar Imo man are lictiototWolati4lolorring (hi oldiersqt gurins7 that/ Y4Wrr Catlf:treUt z hi - ti l'htWO'iids PePIMAtA , WekI.f4O4IIMATKOCIu 7, . • .2Dgigio , ,wrosintirelir hoses to Zito MOinot tyi Otuelliffid Utiita j 'eelani lOO gonna aims of,powdar — wiJo rnearly ton inches boreilid °undo seek teenduril,,OpitromuLt without' canting, arnitoit $1 ' I inineroz Irapionoin.—Amesg these eritgAwor mind ileirintamt,**SLlW,4 l . reproiottontriiktiolur-;Netioniveortiite.: o"bspired,'' are TAY; , - 40=ilimugge 400luteli , J111 1 01:ntaineo , DoetllipK 114 • ir 7kti17 , 0?!...P. , R..21.m0t:f.ri" , ! . • 1- „ .rnkP- IsnwertbaLiv err, -ma t _and me) with e+wori....enlit.: doper - 1M 'Two pm edition:lto:Weir Upon him. Colarorrelire^rdie riot a dilatant in Sunni. reiinillaltbst the 'Minors are 1511 urtfohniinouttiged. They Ws to dig through so +t,telap Oros iem. feet thick, boiorktilitf*Rosolt Mur,gold. Poor tollowd --” - " • L.) .._. p . . ._ , , ~..,..„. ~._:...,i., :1;-f. ............ ..... ...- ....i. ,;',..it.;,:i , ... e:1:: - .1 4.. , T . ... 7 !f • V , ' '.. , l' . • / a 1 i i i texes ais g ..frona Chatiesiors—WlST: . elitv , Strellinf at Sliole'CitylVas- Men contisliteal-FAlsoldablia. _popai.a.. fleste ,1111114iPta. , I ~..- 4- 2. ' The, Bostarisiiitit4bu r the taloa* in , Serattna Infointalan t '' ' ~:. ...,. 1 , -- A - gliefl n li 7 d - STils*Jilaulfsirssi . tit ,I - frau 'KO r. whOrs.he hll4 . fialltisi for - bsterention- ant jilliting - - : MIAMI, UN- ISOEllliOle#4# lois as. .CI: blealigthig bat EXillittid - -litthtliteik # , Charleston,. iatieklbrow Stab- llglititt , .eutto of altairethatelr,,Se befitrase unfold the, _patolkpby. lien. fillintersdLinot oattbseihis bomberdtanft of Cherleston arith.thital yon•oratin-waritiennteihts - Antele:U ignite!! an Ili eel .I , :!tittion pillosi , olit i ti, silsohartsd **SOS's , i',SWitil iteisho . 4 , . thhie , adtlittie ./ask...4.4rtitlit.' eith` - angleiiillit*lsiOndiseikrwifarlis)- sluts '.but denntrarded ~ therefore bad , domicil:fat -.fititzum_ilia. 'etti - ili - i 7 iiidi' -,04/1 • di 001 plied fp a 1....,...,tc:.051,9_,4.4%„...*p104 '- 'whiou ' Zeir into .stAfattheise ..and, . which fell in• this alliet: , 4hlV ' of lion sad dsramroVtiteLliffilll lisle pik / loimirtit *to - eoono,o4..rarma 1 . as. 1 . tot I=llh it:tafilitly *obits 1 for oontingeney. • TO-titteAsr-iloistchai , lon- mire the delayirthOtOintirdt4 ~ Tbaolases,whiolt Wilt lielintaitailtyli 1 . , vote at oileiettilonentl-haystdon,,,... Warr , i rived at Morris Isituati Wore , -thisiantis likely Obatlesttnialit ilthrideteine ana az , wipe,. the. draadfol__`Wia.'irSa',lehowu if '"Greeklire" slailii Litlest - handfed of w ' VOA been ordered for the bombardment . f - that not of trauonTltstooltOftfliblih" shells were diet Ofid/Sres slOdeaindat rott, will& can thro. a Oat no lesit la seven mUsefirlibilisi 4t ail angle of for - Cm &stem The t...eltalb ; , went Charloston,..the &Salo **Wei it tooebazp an angle.. Oa readers ate pleasett toleatn that Gen. aillmore ' ' -no Zees.' then aft rarsott gum mounted t tilll thiciCaliefts plumfi Into Ohirlestat. a lso flit tlitiiie tof Mask Cr. atolls Who . - that Raba strong- .-hotd-- iv praronally. - - dared - - by 7 Priatidastt -• Litooln. - Th. 'Greek barns for, twenty minute's: 'it will,bote , , the Inter aiwell is I I 'on land, and each Ada veto ati sem of - one hundred agnate Leaf v th , dwarf The shall baste into about Ono indrod and runty plc:::, or tan Timis is ittny u they:dinar, shell. Of coarse the'eadol of these shells will be to set Challeston - li lives, wash nothing al infant'.. , , - In stltitlon to nit (Risk fire abells, s large quantity of - imposed erten! 'shellsiinade of by the inventorthe reek Ate ilia, and. containing from 40.0:40 . , - I_, __ollo. ba ll ets each ' , have been nu:, weft:mislaid, tole trans- forted Menu into the rebellious elly in smart. nu not very yleadoS , the ,ertemy. Them sheik are died with'iltne tutu, and nme vary destructive of , ThsielebrittrillOO•pound Parrott goal which Ota:41111more baa lite 27,000 pounds. !fleet - 2,ooo'nm nisi hr to get the monster into ipOdtiti; the s tea= breaking down enextriighta to lIICO4III. don. the .enemy .almiliag the party all the white, and mon Militated sightly. Nothing was dokteirith it by dayjthe gun being our ered with bushes to co rtU it trout the one. lily's Ore. The dlameter7of the bore I, ten_ !Doha, the charge of ittordru twenty-1u pounds, and the shell that you put of it as ktigh us flour barrel] weighs 500 pinazda,and contain: uventero pounds of mortar powder. The ezeoutiok of one of thus shells on Sew ter, la coniddered.equal to three 200 pound shells. Bat two of these Inmate died inns have bout made, ilikeust.twenty more have bun ordered for the army:;. Hone have bent ordered for the navy. • Gen. 0111.030T0 at flat te s d only one, but Smother huluit bean heel The- MI pounds: when itexploded oSse In charge of an infantry captain, who had never fred a can non before in his life. B..waa cautioned that some accident would Iternn if he wee not very osrefol. On-theterenty-liflk round; the shell. cantainiag 17 wads of powder was filled, the percussion fuse was screwed !latt er., down, and could not begot, any farther. when the Captain said,olset it go at that.", The consequence was that wlntn disolargad the Are communicated down by Ai thrnA the shell, causing the lattarllsszploda- Worn It left the gun, and breaking 0ff.30 lacherof the month The gun way repaired andiant ready for use again in two days. It bunt On re.4sy at 12 o'clock, and was Atha again on Benda; as wa ll a' enr. 'Awn guns lutes been Area with 40 pounds of powder, and sent • ball through nine Inaba' of wrought-, Iron plates and two feet of oak Umber bp which the iron VII nide& Tau eke sent a ball through 28 feet df earth. The liner a gun haring a rifle bon is made, the linen" and PM the WI preheats aent=Wl4, the 'tamely ci a rifle L attained. Interesting from Vlctsburg—tioneral — llteeenson 2 .l3spedittentisto Lontd don=lntereiittbg' Detans of tligl Region, etc A special lispstoh to rye ITheohmati [lasi*, dated Vicksburg, Septet:start Iris Cairo, Sept. 7, gives the following particulars of an im portant ospodltlesk Into the country thrones which the fihreirkport 'anti . lass 'ltaltroad passe,: Logsn's division, under the command of Ger.oral-,Stevenson,, was tent into Bolen, Beat, sad" Washita oonntles, about daty ;Wes woo from hem oa, the Tomas, filusifs port wad+ lirioksbneg itallroadito break ap, or drive or capture the mbar fortes Iliatinenan the country as the robbers-. did the foists of li viand ln'tbi days otyore.- -La lag con triuntitne .04. tbo poopla of She country, ber mar-beta Wed 'dna - tho'boritelit toteff. Reports coached an of Manus Aims between Monroe on tbs tralwey and Tam. A moth expedition maid not go. The Infintry, prii (wail by two battalions of amnia. ander Major Osborom,of Gm; Grant's moult, tinned thadlyttiop forthi ezpodlttott. , Mb gallant band so hied, spoken of In 'the Meld in post of Gin. GAnti did WI that hi, pates hp_ oohs. Thin they wets slims from tin to twelrsimilis Icsa•sue• or th• main body, contending.with the on•niglarts dila Tex an, it each' ord,— la • ono musics 'baton of the Booth /Also% under . -Liam. Chapin, ohdrged on a body pima heindittrand Ably earl! mit than ito Sight, i Lieut. Man Iris slightlybsjured - At one ford from his horse boootoinr.eurtatuineable 'and Orating him *gable etas; • • ' , . At' ivory place wheys t he hisL•tiop.pottn dry of -talking with, the howls thilizgew et , theintalvos bikini stok:ot Cliet•Wito', rule. Brom Um Mlitisilppl tO,Fiyan Sheep, la dutano• of kwo•ty.nikw. Wirer, .thlotoom buetible'lout,:torm destioieiL l Brom there to ',Bayou Beet; thr ornmersLALPOorly_Jettle iThr .6ii-WW. 11.W.Ifil , Itien like in iti beau tyi.. Thaplantitt age wealthy, the M iur a= Inii, sad this slunbberginageonalt • I WA pun sotlibiLl*sdelme WINO lAtNtatengut-ifmners.thepteplitaggemal "Osialtirmreana IsEtavlare Of multitealth. The stores wein - pileditith the tereasariss of Lll4 -bit ' they; ore held at fibulimigrioes. Ines -cotton; astollabins lma. their bead- Miners here: ...leis an mm 1111404 Jou d foreigners, for the nuclease stointoia par ths i trensportstlon to Meant, bringing grads u the regent"lair. 7 2haao , otamorsim s . d.of-litatcntilayonmpoininablggetolli. foroottrin seal sailing for gold: At our ap.. >mob they burned- . three , thousand 'bales: Thinking taphid cams to stay, the topple awe anxious t o , riblrliVilsit. old order of .btlp. ,r 16320010100.41. the Zoadt Mita. ink gran and looranotives la good or der, - 11 ;eat IS, shall .be.Wanttdri wax!! ire tilik. • itragedieer thak it 4111104' ,Irs:lnosed, The intabitante 'yilire to grettitlhe roadget ' 1411. - „:regale At.: _There are ,rehiL asiagtoco, enough to do It. Th*lBollo,7 is fillat with , Thousandr Of Ponifirtoiall 4 ififfiliel 04 . 10 ctituktuid, *WO Ahab they itillaetra. bent .. ' Un - amatry seem determined to free lthsalesives from - Confoderato;rule.' In- Ike . ralrytorse Ittihad but oneitillitlA4o2:, infantry I lan _ilqr:teleited,hoyr„ira out: - lesilli not piblebry bitargekas at Mar sanulthing :was in .frost , witg tho o ft Oen. fitosenson madehoitraitoutiete I) order to 4mtroy nothleignia Wan* flan the nioplebet boil" and too,e Solos taimar are =a with cotton.. , • , . • ,No cotton lies bare pleistsdhy,tl=4 bessuurtho - biftilliiire *hi raid or. bide It. linsrel amps 'werelranid Attain , the enemy hod ialtillkiltitt ali,waroampepe_ vi The pool, wore Wilni to idea all tim us formation , la •Mieirliownr 4 - ,Thq 4 l ll 7' tflar E E T. EMESI Ai nig idilbi:Coneditid In t ot tke 15a ospoadoriiis aid to find tan as In foist andt.,wititor but, like thorn of old. %Asa rstualldividi tilits,thasof.. • ' 4 '04641 4 0 /kiieilisr soniod from Iwo! testi 12 to Vintit !Wm emit Utast troWl'od. - 131 - big toady sisal inot toostait'sostai and conoidesosati na:gabdog n eltaarnot Atlantto, CHAO:tong ph-iras-fireit - Inse litttnr on but Stint Now Otioans. and ono szas Will would-, id., Saw. Alin tru - front =Witty on Fit - NO lows from the army hero, Cioninlitiit soldiers . as itiprooing • ripidly, In tiensiz intorof - tlto cool - tristhar.-- Tar 'olti mum=i oomphwtenoiration, and thit Plintetit a the itlittlit.,•lmportaiti Order. Ifuenuseie, Sept. 7.--'Nke odes . wu Weed tkle roomier, • untrmarans„py Tom Painsruserm Tt4l .40Mreams. finsuasela thruentaid. , • _ :flanisbneg, Sept. 7i 1863. 6annue ! , oantratNe: • Nth delayhding neteiroidobly ocomered in ille4faynialt of OA tallith called ont bj the - tite - ftemencr - in, d Weis ale, tint the Presideneof the trailed SistO, datedfleptember 11(1861; fat the roam tic:: thrforialitiss of Midge Mopitkla4 by the 141. Postallifoic seesuisikr bad ; Oath*/lay paths them Intesenlosyand a format roll hasingbesh apprired , by pro 4 per lispartidat it Wultianton az s eifidaht • tior Trusorflor ootal an& Aare conanandlneorpniur Clone of Isoopranda the said call will budr distal ct , ly make application to this Lemons, distin stating thole post once :weat printsd blanks otrhe approved :oil and h the peeper instraotion ntsy be at ones farnishad. lir ceder of tha portend: t • /Aided, Gwent Pend, A Lola WALL—Two young student§ of Tale College, neatly walked (tom New Nan to the White Montano and back, a dlitiatto of soarsal, hundred albs. They apt under a roof only one night during the satin aranien. They were equipped with tospateks, blankets and tin dippers, obtain id their food at tamers' halal cad Thugs Stores on the rate, and camped by the road. aids at .sight. -Tbsc , had thottppearanes. of tairreernits or oonsedirtO, and were stopped as deserters a few times on the route by Go*. arnment °Soar, tint lifter showing their pin es dated by the major *a other giottomott of Nevi Haven they were allowed to go. on their wig »jading. , VOTING BLAU Asa -Warra--11a•the Wien ,Parltaseat the members vote by elet Welty. Berm eery deputy's vest am two knobs—one black, the other white, When he "nay tcy IDW IB Yes," thirTdipat)r tonthisAha abitsjardr, sad at oboe Y Whits spot sy awn a black tablet bolds tbe ,What he dukes Vo vote 41 No, " he Alonsluto the Wok knob . sad a black spot mows oa a White tablet. , Thal ao one can vote that whits Is Utak, as other leglelarcires gm* time have done. Taw Waxes& lrawaiiser etratl 16111, 1861, eald Woe wfUdltztwittLse the Indasi tp of the Note; It Can LWa little effect apea the Industry demo 8 ;nth." Two pure hues poled Chattily of Awn& expietstlowe; : : The - indight of its South Ih mate," any toWards the North star, aid the elwte.ltoldets are afraid to thtnk of the umber of elseee.they Ewe. lout. &mut WrizreioY.•:=lrir - Itated that the wheat otem *teases= br the rebel eterer willfoot op 59,688,601nth5te, whittlryill be as eueu orer the troy of 1860, u stated fa the tart Get= of 18,273400 bub.!' The ts raki, hire ben -gathered to goal order. uc.arsorr p EN rill YL V • NIA LILLITAR_Yi 1 &OLDEST. AT war Aniesits: (re Darden vet I—Tbs darts claim Alaidast,arill Mr, rimmed on TatraelLifil , rpteiabtr 33. The ibl. Winos palliate; Stapoalithmiltmrdit Traits.: an. JAWS' rompas,Paddezi. , QUI. Wit. APPEL Tire Piaddsit W. IL BAIIB3II, Is, timingba. /LEES M 011,18, Baq.. Tramming. Bs. IlicsMistaa. , D. D. Jima L. 02mihana an T. Brainsre, WU. abatis D.,,D3113,1i4 • i t u... ii.ad rtionows, alio. P. ass% 800. Chula ow.. ~ Wts.la new% • 800. John latisia. . Los L. l'amiA .. dm W. IL Lebetair; • /Lams Mai, , • Orr. Wm. DM Vallbabar r. L. Nitinsols; . h ffend a. H. Towasead, . Meads* Hyatt. i. , . • chi Solana o . s' tbr ,asra rif a Muria& military adatailpitardscoad itoussat ra* tonics of War Polak TbaAtirdatito Staff is maws! or aimmxleal resperanithittertnir ThritAarattersl =grin nabs= Prissy. Oatinfiert and Saw, artaadt& ir pa& to Abe anal taiiiniArat. "'of V d caritn.Olt •Wara OM is brial:Al Jorgx sckYri!. #O. atis isentistms, Stlainuga, - • . . , co. Taxa pram ..., Won °Limier:. Dili- Wes Ira' M. U. MYtar Waliga r tiGi AIID DAT WHOM Ai zing 'lair- sad' eblictriros:opeur TOlCAlgia* bit`. St Mx. 113 Hascote 'trot Plltiberili elwalintuto to 0bt0z01t7.111111461/02 tartheitindpal. MOS am WELSH WILOON'ti 1111.0ZUMIT VAIIKIOII. GLIVAErbLft HOOK SEWING •V2A.CMNE. WOBlin NAM =intim. lino/nom, Paam-.....-18M Irish ilium. tap:Mont& Ilia Vloths. tit o*lb:en 'neusil Okra Fumy thugs= sad emu, Lila 033per0 6.mgraitgar twitted • liiivan IS 'mai Alliarlata Poe u. amuse tkeiMesai .1 11 r4 110411111mr;11 araeivi toi ' _ . WAIL AUNIIMILUA vnemuts Pinsitirt.4lo. V EFTS IrMl=l baZZa".44"L aLupolaulanisvi. , IREILISETBREWar .. i SEM . rmthstsithisailtis =ate mia of - Nam, magi lido mobs ft the Imo It typS. iiilAi - - 1 1 4i1)1E, tkitoridigaiiii nsit tanar' . .urk esimust - Hisdoemnats . Hy/ ''' ass to aillaaLts ta amea an silr . . . . ~ o ..0.. -..l3l6.2ll:olll:l,rniaisvidayx .,,! New 11 Milli. Itaktallas Pas Edieba. . pli 21Mentral-teltit fhb iiithot iletefethttetha. • . awl the- editle peieelle Oil Willi' sae to - Illieleaat IZMIR MOUT MAW rsoneavezasitlitty. witeerhe - lens tem . impat ia mhseilatt efiestteie nu eltee yeibmei hie Art il et Cilltaitged * : Opt , lbw- salmi saw ii*-406 • dtwoural .sl4 B S ail f: ;k _ !Amp * affirgallinds.. .ja wis rie , 14' seetiote et i pod Deatitt tireli . aced] heatesealewhat - .."..:t i'' -•- • '- - • ''' , . ' ' a Aillq:11: CIBIWNO I 4:• • • ' !NI ' E ' • ', E. '•' '''"' ...••' 4lo.loTUUkialioll -.. 1 • -•- • - •.. te r lhi..o, KM , - . ..-- , ; I ,J - 1 ' jettati "If* 0 eattheeki,C . . Jetttehseei., OS i l mam tV iA timu), gaillisarn WIJIVIVLOZI dra, be "kik " • ;:g (e/ • VOLUME m?am.,:Txot OWI, Sc. 11L a BRO., "" • • ft:4mb Cradk Befileit fatnlejue, tensile, in, m war or.. ez+liiwurink.. • Balton lsiitated so ort tors .m no oar :'ltohrioliralilloiszertiodoi ha; ;thine, REtimmaaa Pttielniti I ftot,ihs 1ti0r.;rmn.283231.01474.1. roar *CI sadd.l : I _ etdk d mums; Jam. flan; ' 4l." l2l * Briiirtriiri• rtrigliSP E "•, Oil Vs.Voahliiikai eighth*. ea dumps we IFOLIMMULD teCesii Ira Atll igleaVilar g =tisii tar DOD ! . Kam am sa, duemy Aim rwassgroN, arithcquipas stsoms, 1316 &Valium Micart, Crude and 11011edIserphitini, Weida" to bay or eta inaptly ationdel to. _ @ably . ALLEN 'NEEDLES, • • Piiii4DIEPHIA, CJommission Merchants. Partdmilar it pal to azulgosesto at CRUDE & REEDIED PETROLEUEL it mew ammo made. latly ; HENRY ROB, * * • No. 1: Vasa Taos: Ikurr. riniapampau. COade and penned P4rakians, LtraatoeTteici oil, AND Amua dealer tslingS. an a. . • - Ili& " BfIEWE,Ri BURKE & COMMISSION Kinicaerte, • PA . ,*(IIX/I =NM OTh 4/0P Inane cab Won= ;kola ea andpsmilds kellueol or-Crads retrolssiuM o:ll,Dimmiumpgiumgemimm :-.EiwarmaHas. • IRON"OrrY 911aW0840. 'L - YDAY t 0110.11PRE3150, ilasixtectuela and Datum of cimusox OIL. - Ems* rum ABB LIIIMICIATIZ. Lad draws hs ClarlDl PAVROL/UX. laiiiotaricdt•Bigitam *As Pang SU:94putnemis Wm 1%,, ~u:~ - WALES, wrnaomr, boo., r . i'an=mEcaw=l l , -11[11,01MO OF PAVIMOItaUIIa av tunas Wl/4 . / 1 / 1 7/ rens.: ter Aim* icautiri tz etowur,Aso is Pnia. at Um* PS 464 old, . cmilLinfLlW'need mt bb bi tOk 7t=sal w they agi bars that:. whansoi 1410144"3 " ,t'aiath4142 " a5hi. " 4 " 42161.1 " " -- 444 ,.",. Irl '• al .' rifiri 0,-1144A: - • . • th. amok/arum: zonttolt — aloortairingtot tostoitoo to. .do., sings MAI Par i.4 1 . 6 * sac Loa at wad., 'Wort ardies . . •• , . OrO OOL " inak alitaill BOz ge=tll, 1012 buwda4ll2 , io on ALOIC vim WM Ei.aftwm. HABIT4 -11 FOCC. -- : , . anualubm and luxvimp-riaßoLlum, 31:110 WLM Bra it „ i ormaisi ass 4u*iipa miltagiosti PlitiMpakor i 4 . Triiio!tr -1216,i1UW0 41*. ROBERT 481#141071, - : - t7si. Lae. arriusptrr, ro*ourithitli 0 11, k 1 .rirlititOnumuinroongant neritosaqv ouis.a/qt, *daft al Mad oak Moab et tlir krunaiwames 111:11.01SEUMMISOM. , - .7.07.41 es bay= WOODin4iMAnYagMBETC • -111Ifth: .„ qsasor * ,raipzgazinkesg4 -, ..) ,,, 1 ErarrayucUitite ita t Mast/s CI ti= 'lllO 13 A l eA WSW SLI= I •11 4 41 M AlrAlerdisteniS sloes, wog_ Pies Xl* 09Rnietilkolaniatw--- ; if WM Vim; WO MV1. , :iii..i...; 1 ''' - 7 : :: ill Ai:li i * iiiiiii: ' ;----. 1, : -- : - . - ~,..e t. .., taq:17..... ..... .....]; ' :".1:'•::: Immo Alia sailamoilariiuticii 7 dir.''' sareviiim q ;.:= ti. ot: did 7 ,sim Hta- fia 7. l l l e lt H. , :-. 1 4 71,37fi11 . . , ..: :.'''.'littl..4.: , i it. i . .., I= 4 ridebriA - or , ozotil int:' - ` 11 Difigiihirilliiiaii ciii;;- ': ..'• ' ; ~,,,,,;i:,,J.•::-......,;,;. -.... ... : :,-.,•.::., limosintrim .•,,,,,.t,";,:1-1•.",i.:::- i , 31:. ;.,..._q.7..".77-rTr,...7r,T.a-9Ullle. 1 44141116 10.4111"airtilihrillAkf,1!,7:-::1 iiitilittjaK,....i :,... : _: 2 t r, :iit , rei f i „.. i . , ; 1.16 '- ,gatinimorloututair , t.. 'titioi 46' ilia; MT WA% i munnoOftif**,n - .-e.r:si Larciihninnitarisitionsetwa •Whilrfaiessaarib..wah • . r" bi1i011411310:‘,.7,,,t‘ -.- V!. aavaluotamik.• sk ammo% me 7 "m etal Nit .4.061'100W 41.PV, • ' • ,Oligiii-....*i .- '' . 7' l RIDIMOIThiOn4 t • inamozanri aro . •Pitq — Tms. mei; U IMOD U HUM low Os tlibarOLlM WIROINZI WO BOW 'IOU i :r4111 WOMB OOI * , ~ ILA" ,- MoCCIRMIOKik(LILLENDiaI, , 0n!...0.0114111.46 ail and 213 South Waft St. cfmaca• LamalealarligismAlsCUi4iii Itott‘ has virmr"& Abut 106 t isk. ccpuoriagesi t 9 . l*l - 40 0 ,. imbel :ri , WALLAINMCIFERSV.:::: ' . 11 t la g r V.r.r AM *ha tit cIUDItIMUMIADEMREQuiIr. ze.:54 ming: stobitblenink; - • • - • - ; .110 1 4z.,0/0 4 . israu"iiiiiiii;soilifiidir &Rua AprUMbble,. 61-Whla- trftWou W /Win Pr% lit oar vain Go ° IS MN; aim pi sbtAnstat am; pwraord'acd.w4p4 , Kurciscroui Mar tints •aiusicii 'whelps Poicar tottitmeasi balms trwesaih..`" - zrualt i VOßAlP, - rpOisters. 050,11amaiikilsanausp4oppgt.. ):14m4 . 4 , t)'. £NT ,07 - -"' tit ft 7 siarazi_i4 ista smbushml nohow. . wi l mads, tom 0t 0. ':: ,, eo aselistalk lane rragA r l/0801 oat • CO Toncroll iaaac", 0 .! 1 !*•.:.- liWi i , 9 ...k.,.,` €X1.740 05 fizek4 (prised r ea r= ........... 411:1----- , Notes aid Btha — : , 74 , IZra 01 .osh• " ' - ; :...xco • aPTMa'at youdattatitli Oosopuky m dm*, btr fie 0:1270 b Immo, au& as am illatinigries at ht town and crantry, et rating' /avatars= ,titna tbipaid.l lx,tsterpotsDon. ;sada thity you Cry Wm nens byllr• to or mond tans eTltleratentrottor Parr =km et &Daft tastily ..oft NWnatur Inntratinortnetas thrDADk ty nett , Mtn ilia, tinstAttek . -!11111111,11!..: tannsltt km. pill twist er Tar •:eniglilelLiledteri , r -bra Del - • /lierdial D. lis n ia. area Inolths ' Tablas - Wrpte. Dodd 11. Ittsrsa. ‘, -W. • &EM I . "r at dAntgi .13 0&113 " aftagit. - • IDWAIWC.,DALL ,Prigieo4 21:8113 1. l e gMbrgtrelni . ex MOB NOtthellit ear. Wok! it 'Matti • y ...11W11131MIN • INERMAI4OII 71$0111MIZMan: - • "" . A T litainalgal 11958114414 "aospOtobatink t aommor, , Alsookolk iemortas .. E ., gzzita;. .._ . woo kossweilo=iresidor& vait=t hzip m damater . a.. MAIM • -.Aaaqes. .00mosialoosat 1111"5"11.4 ram: 'SiftMain" , ~... • . • ~,,.- „.. , R. ilinlei,l;.. , ~.t Andrirw. - avklort_ ~' .1 Janowirakihry; 4 •-- " ' Wimader rp5u.,.. , : - 4 .11bOwaid Pawl, ~;E: . alavldlikload.f_ti 1* AWL. IMlllot- ,- - lbw J.:Tboatak, . . :Miluttlic ....I ' • L.. .Bad.P. Barepik,, - / a. SmlLly . . i9ba B.i.fechult,, ,, , . Iniso.. 7. Y. GORDoll.,ftershini. .IMMtik*o ll i , & i.' . l t., V,-::_,.;:l• 1118PAKCIF""" elr.tirPTU - VEXPII4 . I ,-1 . • 4:_! qr; :c•,h• - Insztrance Co: °Flits attitollPann i .ic - • • • r.ll ,N-11110, Ziatto . lasuitnaii' 0 setsadalgigto pOse ars* , tidebed MEW II O III O. • *SWIM avaiduSAIMOREPAU olpmeasimlit44Bd-Ame.6 imat4tagkie Alaisigussaingoodacts ham • - • no. _issinurainlW.Vomaddestostatif Ilmasdpiolo sioimadattosi Aramett -wmairit =ad amlpusitsttbams... baa 11 0 211 - J M I C T= I TW Z,1,,- -1116ftarl ' Br* !.- :•.-ArAlmakiallfai, =ll4- :4111WL. • ... 21 - 1 ••= 7) .4413ak ' -97:121400111.1111. . Allegmeengdattaa.::,,t, y ----_— !IiANINZIEVINKIBANGIS !Amnia. - - . 1 - xi. Oran Ircid 4 0 .4 lima* ‘ ~- --- .. ._. , : i tattiva - k , riainunniuuta. .-".-. _...-,, , y..-,-.4-..i. .-_,..., .mincomir . ---: ....... 2 . ~,,..,. ...., wa „ r 0a,,,,3,F.,..t :, r W i taticril v . itt, . . ii, I r : !:;!; 1 M1ikeM...6 , .P t .01MdmilLalpia L:a r, A: m anZ:vt? 1 innilligllChlk - ' o,lltapona..: - , - -177a . At n., ~, inc.„ 2 a ," astunnw- ermens9ll=ll.. .0001,40...„" ...,, .... z 1 pada* iii "'Tr" iebi" ilbn;;; -ILMAIRTII POOM4 1A14191P31 INB __=mma...ol4.osoiSTFin 16,,,•=m04,-,--:.--• , tile, , I ?!..l_,ngperi n ffir. ii,,,,11,hkt56,4, ~.i t _j 4, - 7 ,14 likitortseirilwi t i s T ... _,..,,,....„,......... AL...abbigw:..,...- . . . , , ,e.-. 8.6., ~„... lan., 4l —= - •:• La--2-1Mi1.r..., aßiamtu4 -,.3l!.rstostof;;• lq/194P01:ww.V. • - - -a . 76Eiral XEM ON4lloolslWillbarthllMWdi ;1.'4 eidatiW,all:,,avitg t. s EZ"z - :t.7 — :;r4l‘'l l / 1 1 - I=- - "Ut 7 .114111/ - • %.— Wr,riii:‘ - - - -
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