The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, September 08, 1863, Image 4

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From Yentecrda . onin' Faition.
• Legal isteillgettee.,
011011 OP quassia cessions, arnanserzsern,
memos .13D 0101116
Barr. 7 , 1863. The following spree:glow
for tavern lioness, mere refused either on the
ground thst they all notworesary for the aci.
eommoffetionia, 'Wingers an traveler", or
that soMe hid Ica 'keen te Oilers :
, Edward Stokes, Jolfamon,towithip ; gad
Hants, Flanigan township 1- envy Grow,
narricentoffluhlp;.George fissile, Madsen
toimmhtli. -
:In th e eases of Commonwealth .mlne;
. O'Neill andehaMior aggravated assault and
bovterhby muted egreewmt of the District
/Atonic/ and Mame, Marshall and Swartz.
- wader, mad for defendants; shy were ta
ken trff J iit47 i altd; were 12611 by the
•c. ;It that on the 27th of May, Moat
• 9 o'clock P. 14. while Mr. O'Neill wag sitting
to literheller'e Bilotm, on tith Weer ' near
Ilmithlelditelhing to Mr. John W. MeCar
thy;Mr. Ohm entered the-saloon and lams-
UMW, prOesedad tq the bar. to.get a glassed
sherry. Perceiving 'Mr. McCarthy _ (a hind
ends) sitting sbent.sighteen.feetdistance
from the bar. with Mr. O'lletU; Mr. Shawl"-
Cited Mr. McCarthy to` . tete a drink. Thu
MG McCarthy &dined.' About ibis time,
SUM testifies) he heard Mr. O'Neill hiss
through. blithe* at him's very °perdition'
epitlust. Sheirthen used the same offensive
mordiand"proesedid -loweds - O'Neill.
A light than cromineneed, WWII* O'Neill
polled out a small pocket knife_ and out Shaw
wevall,times---in the Up and back of the ear.
O'Neill had lie lips oat, two teeth knocked
Out, and miliaria some biotite On the head.
Sham. allege" that Pe" blows on either side
were sininitaneOusa-thit seeing O'Neil wag
going to strike Mei, he .used off the blow:
O'Neill testified thetSiiew began thesnault;
that he approached him to a menacing man
nor, caught him atoned the nook end began
to pummel him. O'Neill then att ack et Bleaw
With his renknife, after receiving throe or
four blows, Wt. he only noted , "elf-defence.
Mr. M'Carthy testitia that hetet olio beside
O'Neill, and beatific offensive language need,
as altered by_fillem. The whole inns hinged
upon the veracity of the prosecutors.
The jury rendered a =diet in -the ors*
sgaisst Shaw, " Guilty of malt end tat
teryp and in the 'tate against O'Neill, n 1110
fondant is not guilty, end prosecutor (Sham)
to ray coats."
conaon male—JCIDO3 STOVE.
The Court met et ten o'clock. The jar,
wan dismissed ands new joy ordered. The
Court than adjourned till the first Monday in
tiara Deetroyed.ieSerlous Loss.
OA SUAlity evening, between el: sad IAIIOII
o'clock, during a thunder storm, the barn of
Mr. William Cox, a farmer residing In MIMI
township, tenet he City Poor Perm, on the
south ride of the Monongahela river, was
struck by lightning and entirely coneumed,
together with a large stock of farm produots,
implements, eta. The Ore was first &icor.
ared.trader the corner of the hay-mow.
and an
effort wailado to - ontinitoldi it withbuokoU
of water, bat item:gin so strandeneath the hay
as to be beyond the reach of the water. The
lightning singular, as it snaylapprar, bad not
dammed the westher.boarding of the barn In
the least, and had entered the- hsy
out leaning any iippareng mark upon the
.The flames now bunt ...forth, and
continued to rage until everything within
reach was oonsamaL The barn was very
large, and twine , of the finest in the coun
ty. -tat. :00Z had all theoheat, eats and W.
'of the present am storet, in the tarn. lie
had alto a large lot`of old hay stored in abay
shad;e few 'rods distant, think caught fire
end wits alto consumed. AU the stock was In
the Molds, excepUeg one hone, which was
taken from the stable uninjured. 'Dir. Cox
bar nothing whatever left, exceptio g•the corn
and potatoes in the-ground. Ills lots U about
$B.OOO, upon . whitih-it la repotted be hat an
insurance of $1,200. The barn was supplied
with lightning rods, but when the earth be
comes parched ant dry theta _conductors are
not Effective, Unlink ease le taken to
ends so deep that th ey wittalways be in damp
What A Little Old , Melt Woman Did.
In Philadolifda, en Friday, among the to
tal of the ern-twenty lam, Wall a little old
Irish woman, whose wrinkled floe and
whitened lacks indicated some - eighty win
; tea r This old woman intones the - olSos as
imrelly, as one baleen:cal' , consummadon of
:'. stood purpamoind, roomed by the room full
of darks with latch . she found herself sus
' rounded. Ins strong brogne,lnunired--
"Is Mr. Jay Cooke; the Goaranmant Agent,
-7'4 Supposing the Inquiry to:lsom:ea from one
of the mazy applicants for 'charity that dud
their way to his office, Mr. Cooke arowsd his
wont „to Elbe:ribs a $l,OOO to the Coy-
Gamma loan."
Assembly surprised, Mr. Cooke expressed
~ graelostion.
"AU that I am' worils I acquired here. I
bad not a cant. when I came to thi s country,
- nor had may of my friends. I tak e much
f0r,014 Albe and the country, end If more Is
steamy they shall ham it." •
Feeling alseAuid. donor. duty. and without
nay ifFsloot . , , Malian i to whether eke bad
modes good invistmentin a peruniorrpoist
. of filTobiretbed. This is batons of many
Likikessra from do' to day transpiriug in the
agency. •, ,
Another Match between Hamill and
Mr. II Radii, of MAC oiti, its =speed the
proposition of Mr. Ward, of New York, to
• Tow him on the Undson again, oondiMortad
that hi be allowia MO Urn extent"' The
Imo will be Or 61,000 aside, - and will come
- off on las, the Id of-October—or. It the
crtotriela not , smooth on that day, then the
Judges, stall select- ano=nstent verson, - who
shell YeetPeee the from dal 'diy.anttl
s smooth ems, coattail/id. The &Moles hue
elretaibeen iltsinr -and the point
not 'ssttled'is to tagird to howtha stale boat
shall be barued. , r Ulna is trilling di lisp
ease of opialin,l,and 'will not interfere with
• the match: - llampl tuts - besn tenths • tholes'
' • to olittou a botersabetween tonlists aid Mud-,
son, and has whioted Poughkeepsie, the sobs
of MI late cob* Thstacsinaibetts&desi
as a Ansi ttes. •
CamsltAr," la Partaes Hatay
A letter front ons et Os MOD belonging to
Capat 31. wing's battery, edit& oar raiders will
reaolleot was rioently engaged to the lats .
battli At.ltirldte_Salphur apriage j ltisa&list
at the casualties in Capt. E.'s command
Private Samuel Laney Med. Wounded—
sapt. Earing, bad!, groin add - Idyl
sarB 41. U. grans and: S. .I.:olbezne,
badly in haat; Corporal L. Marshall, badly
in ram • Meow John N. Taggart, leg shot
off; Aditißrowniitins Shot4l; Philip ZWg...
fatally —hip ehot sway GeorgeArbogut,
I shot through - Ms - breast fiabi lfart.badiy=
shottbraanb laa Ored. Btwy tpsdly—ithot
• —theitikb, billy -.Janus , ![stay! ugly wound
; Jamie' Biro s :badly in Ms kayo; S.
P. lieptikeis..loAlt ks!.tho - ,aiskieb and J. P.
Cinist; wanad,lef lb. eltouldar. - Capt.
'• hawing, with tits ..last als partial in 'be liat
Wert laths the bandana prisonemj
, . _
Sabot% hilcibEay,
-.}771-Thi..Dlnotancot.ths.rgld .W11413.0be9P.
F.; 011,11.11. ft On . itarildth *looted hdicrwl!g
- haalwit r pas • •
APtlgud :01,-10110. oiir. - Aiststaata.:..
laser fto ad too aa4 (4,1014.
0111411111111' 00011499141410. hninis
Ana Mho Wakeliam. ,&ttlatast*,--111ssea
Instat. Bluk - and Iditildaa;
Mantua Doputwast—altstas guloy,flaw._
td l Acker cad Lsoky.
• L Dimistrunt—muswAshwetai
-Bwratiald,Blatur,lcuntau,ltaawialr,, Raw
fstid.sad SO; Casultall. . ,
told uttabar of wapiti auallad for the
*wall Jalla-Ist, 1883, wu 1,91*.
' 1,11 ejor Maw; 11.
4 ?AMANITA At. this
;. • - ',Army rr7Nrouro , 7 o ,i ""-
am a ss .00* Writ 1 1 : 0 4 44 r
- : abo r t
Or OrvinuM b ~"'l l°V .lo7pZia's fa OM
5 'err
. 111 0 Wm'
luLts4o4! _ psimmi ei t ua,
Warn P7 /81 111.
The People Charleston Anxious
to Stmnder.
Port Sumter Beady to be Blown Up,
Another Turreted lionoter Bailed from
gigloud. -
ThroatenLog Aspect of AttMrs
WWI la COADffIOII Of nil HI '1
Special DhpsSoh to the Pittsburgh Gszotte.
PiIILADILPHIA, Sept. 7,1865
Nevada Territory, we barn by the Pith ci
telegraph to•dey, will come into the Union
next winter as s Republican State, and oast•
her Cut vote for a Republican government.
The Union party has alike swept California
and Navada.
- A Morrie-Island letter represents the people
of Charleaton as anxious to surrender. Gen.
Berturega. - d has resolved to leave it only
when In ruins. One of the first of Witmer's . '
shells thrown into the town, says this letter,
entered a house occupied by °Moon. It ktltsd
hut of them sod destroyed the house. Three
shells crossed the city, destroying a big cotton
depot and other buildings.
If deserters don't Us there are twenty-five
men in Borates ready to blow it up when an
attempt is mate to take p ion. There is
no desire in this ooniinanlty to see Charleston
taken. Let it meet the fate of Gomorrah; it
will never be rebuilt.
Beaufort and Port• Royal will be the Ooze-
Ilium to take postulation of its *Biota.
Letters by the City of New York and Ger
mania, from Liverpool on the lOtb,!ehow that
ono of the turreted rebel monsters hits put to
The Emancipation Boo!etre appeal for gov
ernment interpoeition meow to have bad no
Prance hue opened her dock yards for the
repair of rebel privateer', and rebel vessels are
being built at Rene end Bordeaux.
The relief frigate Atlanta is repairing at
The London Tines of the 28th of August, in
its city article, sap there Is no belief in the
threats of the Within g touG overnment against
Prance in regard to hiexlco. The general
belief is, that the American people will now
be feeble and unattended by any threat, for
the first really dilative threat against Napo
leon would be the signal for the deliverance
of the Confederates. The probability of a
Bussle-American alliance, enrages both Eng
land and France. The horizon in that emir-
tar is startling.
An anglo-rebel manifest has ban Issued
demanding the interference of England as per
Our Minister In Paris to about to protest
against the action of LOttil Napoleon. '
Maximilian has aooepted the throne in
Megieo, and will be kept there by Napoleon
as Pio Nine won onotalned in Rome by Munch
bayonets. Men whore sagacity is unques
tioned, predict that before a ycar expires,
Francs will be thundering skits gates of our
Poodle territory.
( Geld to-day took a slight rise and stocks
are on the decline.
The order of Red Mon are now parading
the streets, 3,000 strong, with umiak, and ban
A chanter from Hampton's Brigade has
come in. Lee is with his command south of
the Rapidan—his lines reach from the Bluff
Ridge to the month of the Rappahannock.
Hampton's Legion Is reduced to 120 hones
and men.
The robed government is paying $l2OO each
for artillery hones.
Lee is not receiving enough reinforcements
to take the place of desertem. W.'T..J.
Desertions in Lee's Army... Passes
, Granted for 50,000 Contrabands to
Washington.-- A traits In Banks"
New Your.. Sept. 7.-4 Headquarters dis
patch of the 6th to the Herald Bap :
ars deny that Lee Is receiving any large la
info:cements, and say that his army Is being
rapidly depleted by desertion. This is alio
- confirmed by citizens who have come inside of
onr lines tsar the vicinity of the that and
Pares for over 50,000 contrabands to go to
I Washington have been granted lines our
army came from Maryland. There Is scares
ly s dace now_to be foto:dealt of the Mond
tidal and ninth - of the Iteppairsanook except
those too old for service or too worthless to
enjoy freedom.
A Mars diem' teholated Washington, Beth.
Gib, says t The statement by the Wore that
Quartermaster General Kelp had bean re
moved by being sent into ealia, on laspeetiort,
is true. The statement by us' that ths chid
of the Ordnanse Bureashadoltobeell rem oved
• is likewise - •
Mother great Wren ' , Vibe War Itart-
Matt will tooobsve young blend tdeff into
• its administration..- • •
A New Odes= letter of Aug. 28tti, to the
World describes the military and political
situation in the Depettment "b! the South.
The- soomment. on lOW, trot nodoubtedly .
been abandoned. Thai Are no Indiestiens.of
movement, and the Altamieit distrait,.
l in the army and"pwry emitted to greeludefist
possibility - PII*IO3IOIII, bowies/ism
going forward Suggesting **wend intarest.
tug coulagn.
Cent te ..forouwiduts linos th• 41110111;
Lion of Brashest shy, had not been idle on the
other side of the bay and Gong the Teats, were
understood to be concentrated for an offensive
rate, or invasion through that part of Lou
to be held by Oar form&
Babel Bross rem gathered at htertinvilhr,
New Iberia, Itrenktur, and camp Wilms&
Theplen d therebel campaign le atatedby de.
suture as contemplating a march into Ls
Yonzehe, *nee conquered by Wettest, and again
recently ho the hands of Gen. Banks. -f
On Bride, o• portion of Baford's Cavalry
meted the tint as United Mateo Ford, and
traversed the rebel mushy some distance over.
toad, sad OW no-rebel troops, um, a t aw
ptehaira.whe fled when our cavalry appeared
Insight. It thought there thit theme:*
have any trot:A tit. s few Cavalry plekets
between the itappahanneot aid Bogdan No
ne Sanitary condition of Out Army is im
proving very . wolly with the return of cool
Th weather. •
gg7u - pg - " --- 11 — gag o *slushy. •
_ _
• • Irtnultrfiept. lipoid digital to
tits Jarred ot the Mim the rebels But
titan. mad anghoi 'aside Into Columbia with
sts Modred men, and Hawthorne with trom
two hundred and 11117 to. three Musdnd were
ehtbig miles from ukase% Mow sqssds
were two miles tester Otsigew., • The Aroma
thinks thls maw euggfentai.
• Ilte POiltp Monde.
Tou,e644AUlrstoige amp
po4dattaf Ito sums swami as was the
statte 710#1,:"44 1 / 11 PaSilts,ll l o l ,l l ,!Mago,
to Mak: ' ' l, • -
Terrible COurilty.-Steamernenbenm
Foundered at on JEloard
Canoe, Sept. 7.—The 'steamer Planet ar
rived this forenoon, brining news of the
steamer Sunbesm having foundered at see on
the 23fii August, ad all On board except the
whecisman, were loot; the wheelsent tuba
lactocif to a piece of the wreck, and - &Gee
Seating 30 hours washed mime at Portage,
20 miles distant. The Bahian left Superior
City on Thursday, and diming the next morn
ing during - a heavy gate- was lost. The
steamer was etruek by a heavy sea, which
rolled her over on-her side. Small boats im
mediately-4ot; bff -the passengers anCenw,
when the vestal aulatrueltby another hese;
aoa and - eotatenced breaking up. -'A nand
man saw eneral baata3Oed With puiengers
and crew swamp: Soon after leaving! the
wreck he ascertained all wen lost wept
himself. The Planet plated up portions of
the auk floating eland for two miles aroma
whore' the nisei west dawn.
The passengers and crew numbered thirty
live names. Those lost, as far as ascertained,
are as follows: Passengers — A. fibula sad
son,A. Caen, Oatenego. Orew—Gougal,
captin ; W. A. Gardner clerk; Thomas R.
Healy, nest engineer 1- girl* and J. O'Don
nell, Ant and socend - mates, Detroit; W, 31.
Collins, saloon keeper; P. bleHall,eabin boy,
Chicago; James Butters, fireman. The scene
of disaster wu at Lacate, a little north-west
of Eagle river,
tan miles ont.
Lean, 0.W., September 7.—The steamer
City of Cleveland reports the loss of the
steamer fiattheamlast week on lake Superior
rating e gale. All the passengers and erew
except one wheelsman were lost.
Mato Saxon Burned by a Pirate—
The Selleall Throne.
CAP/ Boca, September 5.--The steamer
from , Liverpool on the 29th, and
Quonstown on .the Mb, palest hers this
afternoon with throe dale rater news.' The
Amin= ship Anglo Sszon, from Liverpool
for'New York, was burnt by the Florida, 22
miles south on Ensile.
The latest rumors say, Arch Dab IttaxtmU
lion wlll deans the Blezion throne.
Cotton buoyant and &donated l@M. Bread
'tuffs dull. Provisions quiet. Consuls Word
Gone. Grant and Banks—Rumored
Mangos—Movement of Johnson's'
Be. Loins, Sept. 7.—The Deelocraes Mom
phis dispatch of the 2d, rays: Gene. Grant
and Thomas Imo gone to New °dans.
It Is rumored that Gen. Banks h going to
Terns, sad that Gen. Grant will command all
the fdisalutppi river region.
Joe Johnson'sarmy has moved from the
vicinity GE Entarprise, but in what direction
h not known.
COMM r ROLIL B.E00,111)
0111“ Os Mt 11111={011 DUST Gains
Noma , Sept. 7,1583. J
There in rather mote activity In the produce mar
kat, and =se of dm Matting 'Wain are somewhat
exalted with in upward buidesty. Groceries Ire
vary firm, and, with • light stock, koldars anticipate
$ material advance Wall ductiptions of Supra,
sad Idolasawa. OM and Oats too, are stiff sad
disbar. Gold, as in lean from prints esurcas, arm
• 'bads lovas In New York to-day, and our bankers
refused to pay over 124(01117, andlillgglill for SUM.
Eastern Exchange is sturdy at par iniPloge and X
per taut prem. 'glitz.
GRAIN YLOUB—Wheat la quiet and orglected,
with small silts from wagon at former pot- , ^t ,
Corn is firm and Mahar, Shelled being hold Orally
at Seto to track. Oats also eta blear, with • ode or
1 air had at goo, Bra Idodo at Sic, dellsoritL Da
isy may Do quoted &manually at $1,0031,05h0m Bret
hand,. Eye is Ana at 133g485c. There Co but a limi
ted demand for floor, ved the market la plat but
unchanged. We note relai of Estra family f,om
store at prizes ranging from $5,75 to Idea, accord
ing topidity.
B ICON—Thera Is a moierate Jolklar demand for
Banta, mid the market Is firm but clactunpd. We
quote at 6,g,kkie for Shoulders; legplet;ge for Plain
Rains, and 134040 for Sugar Oared.
lIOTYBB d EGGS-eels of 4 firkins packed But
tar at 23c, mad a pole prima Co at =a. Prime Roll
is worth 210250, Egp ham advanced with mall
sales at Wino per dozen.
44.11 D-41 steady with a regular local demand al
10001034 a for prime city kaf In derma. Sale of el
half bids Country at lea.
Lino but micheaged; sales from depot of
23 bales at 412 t; per ton, rank keds from testes at PO
to $35 per tml.
FILIIIT—AppIee are la hotter supply, aud pates
are a shade ceder, ranglug from $2,50 to $2,75 pox
bbl. reaches—ads of 27 baelt at $3,76 per butt.
CHEESE --The dock ls &roast exhausted; prime
W II would sell readily at 12c..
SEED2—nachanged; Tustotby *selling from store
i2,8603,L0 par bush, and 14470'01,50 oar pia.
ILE2TIIEBS—. .o=ll Wes ;from entre al picas
racer% framed to 66 wasps pound.
Weekly BOIritSW of the Seat - York re.
Wolemw Weikel.
[repotted Remaly for the Pittsbragb Own.]
Hew Tone. lopt. 5,1203.
The market der both Crude and Nefined won emu
what unsettled daring the seri, pert of Ms week,
aad Finn varied easentially. The transaction
were ro:derate, Dosing the pest three or knor dale,
however, the market has been excited again, and
ander an eadreeprealathe demand for Relined, In
toad, the redo bare been comparatlyely. 'heavy. •
large broil ens her also boss dose in uoptlans ."
In Grade Petrolum there we. comparittiely lit
tle does .daring Monday end Tuesday, when pride
varied from 34 to 37 cool Blnoe then tbeu has pre
vailed a Intr demand sad fail pion have been reared.
The ei fat the week comprise 12,800 at trom
34 to a 7% cute, Ike market closing decidedly dull
(alma% nothing done to-lay et notate.)
Befilvel w BB oornPlfstltoir galet, daring the 8,31
ball of tbe week. ant eabeognently beam, entire,
when t o
In was evened and • fernier msterial
advance In prices was ertabllsbed. Tb• •Inturtliv
sales for the wo,k ccmpriso 55,1:00 Obis, obteely et 159
080 auto for tote on the rpot; 03E05 for mil geptaat
ber. bayeraoptiont 57008 for October, buyer, 650
63%, segere; end 05, buyer, tor November, tat c!ca.- I
fag very dog at 19660, on the spot, 6541804„ Bolen
bar, boom aptlas; 8467. OctoWr, buyer. liana,
ter nominal.
Imo oil bee been la limited deemed ail the wwk.
end the transactlone bees owl AWA- Tat mks Iss.
elude 10,0013 gallons In tins at .80 cents, and al oat
MI bbir, closing et 68070 cants. . .
Narita in steady wt tt • =dente demand,. and
Wet to the extent of 1203tobta to. theapot, Insides
about 4,000 bbls. part for Suture delivier, and of
which 1000 bids dalleuable In Pbtledlilphla Ist to
etc October at Gig 700 do !Wined in bond at POW
banb, on Metros, at 650 Inaludol In the lotus
dellwies are 000 bbis in .all October at 83 tenter
baler option cad WO do far Noremba. Paw* Op
, • Men at ein• - The market rimed dall at 25 cents f e
liteßned,aud 22 for Oracle. Tim total yerde
. 1 1315 " ,01;31bl u s 8" at
4 bbil. lulud;°
TtM merketbeebetn very Illfdrititiog the week
past. osid ammo to km
Mid an Attack at tha chills
and. aser. istday isal o most .sMallad.iiod 'salve
day. while to- el tbere !stained runbitig doing;
• ~ Pittsburgh PetroJetta blisibet;
bpt.l vat as scabs demand farClutte
bob for aria* see Ind opt:Vatic, aud the marfat
ens outbid and Armand the Whines a! aa
faints, vs/ rally usaintaba. We Vas at i 6 to
balksubt SOgla butt% übi if 70 brie et te; 650,
-100, 130 and 103 bbl. at 80X, Pileups Inolniad; 50.11
tabo In balk—massed Is bast—itt 05. l u is.
test adttcoalkora 71ta were report the taiukd 4an
witba &maul caul tOA inisbetkai. Zs.
thud, In wad, you ancootont 9ittot though haus
ius atm it out last oaten ma, Good brands ere
Igola liner at t 81S4sabl 660310 t Oztetot. ANa
gttitio tilb..taxsto," for SlOntebei ZoG 7 trioru
obud as &hub, at 56J{,. 'leased.; tisk , lo dui It
Ike:oat to 61, for Grew color to ;what elite. - Ea!
Worn !tin dewed wl ides at PAO, istlops to..
carted. Dada* qatetaad saosasoul.
Now' York lootr,9linustalarket.,
'pedal Insbattb to tM Plitabargb Goat& -
• ' • Frs. Toss. petit, %Asa.
The owlet foi (bads U &II with a 4 7 008 tap
desalt =all value or the spot at al. Ratlaod,la
bib', to dotty but anelpiaged; salmi co the 'pots*
&WV, October daliworh fo e idler' option. and Fact
47 buten' optiouttiovezabo7o3 3 tibiae osloa. ilw•
aced, trio, U oaabaapd at 1776170. Xoptbs amt.
tads! 25 tor &mud.
MOB RENlThoslhrootiory B
WA5111011811,13214 Wod MO% Ow aDel
tor taw apply lo mow Wiwn
o gru=u WOOow4
Aoruirr Woad stsysta
mo LBT—One, Two or 'Moo Rooms
ALlfilbelltra ar bulb, Ardor at ;Oisailit Band.
taa,FUtl gnat, vitbsall MRS pain
ea the swestam. - atadr:
ROB NENT—Tho t i ldol4tm of 010
oterwelnd a" =" l"lll4 " lm
1011 t WWI=
Occafdsdity the subscriber. one mile from the etty,
on the !trim:write turayace, commandian a el* at
the clt!as , wharte, aryltsttuttlea the risers. '"
lrk Home, of modern toy's, las dour. rooms, be.
eldebath 'Maim* double sormutalt. has Put be=
repatnted endlapossol, and is supplied with hot and
and water. drown la th tynge from demi. " d a
itarewaitten sprinjerpure oretermlargo brisk stable,
• Clerrbge Home. dm. 'Motet b.mollll a.OnSourdmal
by a woos unll,hdatt fence aod War, with 0 "T
sh dm kering Pratt Tram. 011190 VieCII, and army
misty of coon fruits and shrubbery—the Place
harldj been ' Mont/ Teen ender otilstrellou. To
tbme venting dosimblatenproord property. In win'
Vete order, eta =Morale expense. - this Len owor•
amity seldom tabs met with. It m within dew of
as *bend on4torsety Minutiae walk by etas,
bridge, end tan W.outos• walk fromtbe Blrtnionham
Meet Palau,. V. W. O. DIDWILI,
anWhat Ganes Wass West and Merry 007.
4.11 order fence, pd s good state of naltlntion.
The hopronuannts =An of • rum BRIM DWZI,
LING, co:it'll:tin ILO imam; large PW Diats;
UNA= 111311151:, with 5 rooms i and good orchard
of pm* tress. OCIAL =dor Ms whole Wm. 811.
Wm 1.11 Baldwin township, about tits =Mrs Bozo the
city. Lugar, of
FOR SALE.—A 131m:romans two-story'
brick dwelling bows, with back building, No.
20 Buss street, Matra:et.
Also, a Inge, amandent and well•fintshed three•
atory brick dwelling bows. with back bonding, No.
93 gore street, between lint and Second streets.
Also, a two-dory brick &nand house. with back
Alf buildings, No: 212 illecond street, near Bout
as abuts we In good order, and imppiled with
gea and water.
Record. ona dm frame ootage dwelltagOlo. aid
of t twee etra7 Mame dwaling ad.
joining Both of there bowel are In gad Indef. lad
imitable fla sma ll
Also, a lot of ground on the nor thaudarardly side
of last street, tavern Boss and Try streets, near
Has street, baring* front of 24 feet on Mat itnet,
and ratendlng back 00 fat.
She above property le situated In a dedssbl• part
of the ray.
Yestams of sale and particulars Inqu Ho/ ire cd
WM. W. T 11303,
No. 103 Fifth street.
BALE.—The subsoribb, abottirlo ensue b
other baleen for sale their DIBTILLIMIN
sitoatid In In:apart. Armstrong booty. Pe. The
establish:mot It to gotel rmentog condittort, excel•
loath lomat for matmdsotrulag Aye Whiskey, be.
tag to the Eye groping repro of Western gennsyl.
ebb, sad enjoy. • high reputation for Ito pralucle.
.ooodlne Whiskey.
We also cesm tor sole our OIL 1111YINEEY, to
good wortheftl i r, situated on dew lab Ron.
d ~ ulnlo forta l itte Irtfooley o sire
i inqu ra ol n°"
'0 OA BELL A 00., IA first street.
-IBIT YOE BALD.—'Pao Lots, OP Pat f in
troit{ by 110 kat deep to an a ll ey, vitt% a bugs double
homa, between Hancock end Ilszsd strait. A dad.
sable loollon Orr • Medan or Dentist.
Also, soma vas building situ for private 'adduce.
now Illnersdile, train %to 1 acre sub.
Abe, • large umber of building V.
of rariatis
Asa, of in= 96 to PO bat trent by 103 to LSO teat
'dap, sttnatad at the tannin= of tba flaws
r manger Railway.
Apply to the underrigned, - Dxscornn. of the eclat"
of .lohs Dawn, dx'd. W. A. HUOR.
Wafts R. 0. HICURON
ccoubisti by the submitur, At Torrens• statten,
cn the Penna. Bsliroad, nee oinertsr mile hassni
East Liberty. The lot emstalns shod lemmas half
aces or ground, on which is erected • /SEW TWO
Ell 0111AMU: D WELLLE/0. A l h
d aster st
the door. Item is • mug Orchard. wit • cub ty
cis:mailer Mats. Also. a good Frame Stable, a oral
and wash bome. rot partiedvs and Orme enquire
on the member. 091011 TOILWZN
or, at IS =um S T(111/31
Omer Mutat and Third streets.
I'OR 13411..—thi0 En_ner-or eacont.'
Lent 0t1.141011i =LUIZ, 60 hobs; by ID
tete tong, all vend.
Ons engerlat wee 131)1L21...xt lafAte
net tong, X. tntn tron.
Teo arD,Olollslo raiser:a, for irla=MC Wttl.
weevil ell ecnotloto.
Emma nor and: tanand-band EM 52.2 I:ErGIE
tonn 15 bath diameter down to 6ea be iota
betor csolt. 1110 E. LI. BOLD,
resat On the met h- ay tteer, oar. Point Alloy.
FOB BENT.—A pl e a s ant and desks
blo rt &LUDO! In blialineny—a thug. story Brick
Dealing, contends; ten rooms, o betb•rome. fur.
ribbed irrst, end • yard, will eluded with Ernie
itllll4 mtnetei on Nest tent, C bto nod Mb.
arty Orem, within Oro or t.n minable' we k of am
redo& *treat dapit. romencnn giant on tbe
or October. For Stahl on the printtots of
ert6td lloOrate
VOR SAL K—A twoetory BRUTE
DWAILWINO Etotres, No, 84 Pcaber sum;
Pat.bargb. cosistatng prey Inpartsnazta, lot ha het
front by 1:0 t h e
daop, boating on two 'Metz. 1!
not hod by the hi el Wotan Next, hill 63 tat mat.
For inbartoniton only to W. W OitIDIRSON,
irloithaly Bnortry, ils Bows street,
oottird Allgrucy Ottr.
50 bble. P noting Cement.
mina/ car. nth and Wood shoots. f 4 .ter)
BALL.—We otter for see tbat neat and sulatane
Mel 3 story 1311-k nom, (so. itlf) ansetel an a PO.
!net lot, and entandirg back 100 teat, and filtrated
nearly oppcslte Ms in Presbyterian March. Penn
atecaL J ot price and terms arply to
a. leaL4lll d 10
VOR SALE—A largo Lot of Ground on
Vireo ilk baroedistaly In the rear of Rum&
Y4l. wall au' ot to an ct a large tosonfm - tarlu
eststethrosat, 4 frame Tearmesta sad • fltsebr,
mttlelt now n ote tor fg4o year. f or prim sae
terms apply to D. if 0.411111
*al 102 Worth stmet.
'CLIAII7,3I.—IboutTIS AG= OW 01109/ID.
cn mad Walton tot dotes tatnintet to the tittemtd
wW whet tor ft vineyard, er tarlatan; tint L
AV', to 80131111 AUSSWIS , attorney,
Wand • Ito 155 Yoorin save.
COIINTR tr ELOMEB.—Beautital sitir
stints for Country Boma for =ln llocitlf•
township, unto tooroshiporld Bow y 11(6064%.
All Ouso bb an irtrldra stwrt Winces of itttloos
on tbs Pltuburgly Port Wm." Oalooro /103.17.
logalr* of X. IL DAVIS, old P.O. BoUdto6, .
app 03 Water otroot. Alltelesy,t
FOR ,BALE-500 Able. Crude Oil he
tuft. Vacate of - - 11. P. !MASA
anief Perry IVoot. Pittsburgh. I%
P.,1 , R0014 toaddon of 4xnumerowtt,
Psi Wawa.) nil well korwo cholera"
Idrarpbol. New 'York and Vbilidalphy Enenstildp
Obososno on lolanda, to safl as tolloal t • -
tan ArnAventoßNFracptlL
MX 01 NW Y08Ji.............daturdayi Sept. 39.
- • __,..,:_entowdow.. dont. Ses
`And aim anosoOdl97
di, Nowtd Biro,
• . arm on alawowns,
Pok Gala, ar ea dodos! di Cantaa.
hail Gum 480 Dr z.,...1Zt
do. te, Danl.. 93 CO d 0... to Load On..-33 555
do. to Para...... 93 00 ,10.• to Pa5ta.......',110 50
do. to Banbard 90 03 da - •to Thuoborg. 91 60
Prow* rbo krwardad - to Elm% Sp a. Box!
Cordon, antsinwitovsl , ovally la tw raw. -
rass 0 9 1 31 ' MtdVd or al:modal's' les Oar%
1174.118 5 ,11 103 . diesrods, SW. These swho s .wddi to
arid km Batt ;adds' can toy *kilts !wird awn
Pro Baths, tillOrgatioa Jo iipp,V • as the Oonspastra
Ma. as:riAbl. uni t _
" --G l3 Bradawl, 11;
- JOHN ,TElOld/1101A, Apr!,
Hand drool, Ord tow! front um amp,'
rolled ,-
DOTAL tialL-usroa,aariat-
TIOD 0011P/111Y, • ; •
61)111.1,170, 130 41anovsfses, 4,010 toss
Eißlanit.lo o . Boll WP 3lll ws 1 1 ‘. 000
• 001,111110 Lt, 1,000 Hosiblixmogd•
ANGIL7.I.I,OOD llor . ssiowsr,ll tons.
.ancene steculdo 6DIIIOIO irM
tOM . IdWaVOCh lie Gaiwm fo pie Tatii. on Wilh
JfiliBDAT„tu. utt, o f j .so be 101 owed by lbs
otbastsassissal i tbiltneeirl pool
gaator.Plawfw I.4ves Yak
libel to_ gm tu pn frOES lvaiit =M , q 7•
~;el; ,•
•.4128 .
Gland SS
Par Plifit"P9ll Atka adiaiot titii A`e
Ilia Ain intl.-1=0(w - •
bo b. devalebt Daft&
to, la inteb.strud. vottdnrssi.
elTeso Tarta r EtwurL,frpm,A , K
Llnrpsol lad QiNciiskrern, INN ta Vdd, (*l4 ll llntir
sleet B carrvary. Immo New To* ash m oar
tanarrezi ARAI , ,
lita' wilL
• -
• / •
-,C.••••,,fug 3,'1. ~,,--•'•;..,--"z,•31,•'0P7.a,-9;,,,,,`,:;1:%:i"dAd.15(.:
~" x - •
- ;v.
, e"
2.4 ; 1 41 ? ig WWI -xot
Q 117 A -B
-11. Z
and attar 61qNtnif. Ape
10th. flirtifiTSVAME cranteVirAXLMl.D.
MTN DA 11Y—TaltIOL _ _._ •
If -TPRolli•itcopettiapolol; TBAIS
ham the gra•angor Station Sallp...{.,..uoapt,gurisy,r
at 400 • to—Angfluo 041 !pktimablart - ep
burgh and noted *s . ; makiii.g•ltt=t conean_.
don for ELI w- Tort: al. PbrAter-
Ths T5..V.3:11111 fiLUE= I. , * :Pontos o..ras.
crags oa t w t
:=0 * BrEkii. 'or
a rtttAra
_atatbrro.• sun
=Wag almt urruntilop - at Barris .hcrg 1.4.1W16..
more ea V:vi , u;rirtetc-"ifitt faZtem Tort •11 -
Ttinouan girpaai 'ish.l2/
ir,...„...wrAmtmly ' et .11 .' 4.11d1al Matt—.
Wad coast:Val a >i4 >a 8a1t1 ,04,6 -
Waal • Et•oLosa,adliar-r-rorb Alluntawn mow
and - -
dins' not MHZ Immo PA 5 144 2 ? AO. , -onlo
- at caks, vur ctDpplz4 mai mama! '
ration.; coonataing altfarrishorg aalitaharsaai Tlillkta tor !gm
acsaccatoDAVVE MLA* ,
Ingsiatzni - draiiio6aiipinuoi trr.3nurs 3 uft,
tatorig BitutoiVat-110g4to:oltapiLgu ra alintiUnni
W evonlngnalbr nuOntwartigh.
Inns TriplinaltieiCan leap
tall7iitffiaraa .
tioson.i Trata Er4Warri OtstSls ,
tutu dally (GIMP Ilatarm.
Marl! Wftir.
lama dolly tacapt 6=dall st P. ut.
Fotalh" Ateorinheottto aylut lifq;. ttlim
ham tatigAta.liegittund WON 1:0; • -
The Church Vohs/saws Wall'ataYien tratrY . 40
Li at PAS o...ln.l.raivgabas /*lmo .? ittat uzL e
liaturnbg Trahig infra 7n Plitaboogn as can
Baltimore , •purg,, U:6O p. nut Philadelphia 1s
ma, 1434104. Pact
. 1.d0a,14.60 s. einuousb
Jobrolourg Ahooo=woiaiton
Iteo6 a. au r Tod Was Motion Aaxcazzeutina
WS ru.; Socoud WAN MAW - litunntnotalloa
836. Third MIN 6tatics 6.oponsuandatioi •
p. out - Pm* Wan Stott= Azoconsondatios,
11:03 p. Baltftlare Expragarlit win with Phil,
adoin.NU Somas: at 13.1i0 p.p.' on Mu4als ,
nsims ftz laalsrviao wad Indlialerhutt at BLUM
rflie WA:v:4W. With - " rough Its=maittCasi
icau:sto.r. Aeratrl 4siles'iad Nitorria Tnilt-Lmt,
ma with Beilti - attro Karma aliaohnzlown Arius'
modaticrn Weal. -
Troln torlibiout wrinonzeou'at Oro= with Ett.-
prow Trains LaiiKail I.'nrinWost,and with Through
ganatoitodation analtuproar 'Endo Sad.
Tho =laic will 6?-4 St email' tot isea tattrol.ta
going rat or Wats, to. triad by tho
nageowl.a. I:lo_=updstleas row east
=not ho inulpes.o m nay oihariaida. 4Ga R,ailt
billuted Ith. trona, end 1a ottbaty tins froofnit
Ws =1 proud". taftt minting is do
• sal , Sltf Ibis *tit he e ost,twaol
BAILEY, IABIIX4 I . £ 00.,
No. 1 'mirth stood.
Ts Nov T0t3........5111 DTI na,Vira.m.--.. I %
So 11031a00103%,... 10 50 'Totloisowtrz—.... I
To HaTtlobowC.4...' T
aii = 4 = l Tlo o ltr i a= . 4l 6 , =te;;
loot new Tort. • . •
~roaTtomuitVl,lßENttetalLtddiellclattatoo orlll-
_woootoz•TtO 0-Ottato tooTeni.,
Wilnos to too stalion ists), amp: bolo
'toroth. Cketpany boa ma Ave.
NOTICIT.-7acm.cLbth amp= t
thootiottoa rotpotktttos tot_porw=4 •
tocob oloOmtpoot ma-mm:7lw -
II B. 'Cbbatir 'maw teza' ea,-,1nt0.! is
tastgtram t - na
pot, at • Owl* otot to sotomodtlicaosto tor•aolo pas
taro taggial. da cartusaly
ri tkr 3rosivliigi *data rumw r.-1411,
,Thvet-Ir Crastirtradn. - svig
C 1 ;1 1 1 1 113 F 8 1:461 . 1 1 / .
6IIPItd 1 It ASIBLNOTAISD3.—un and alto
KONDIT, Apra Mk, 11Z11, Trona leill leave CM
Depot of the Parmtvanis Sall:toad, b Plitt.
burgh, at Items 8
P 06.174 sod We estax ge,,,,,
lost ealttstatrgisi 403 a. in. 410 a. m.114t0 p. to.
do Welbettle. MO . 415 . I 4.1Y1 .
do Itteaberres CIO . LOT . I
do Wluollng. 5:10 . 101:15
Arrival Dellalr.... MA . 10:25 . eao .
Clottaentlad at Dtionbantilleand Bath& with Sten.
benvllle and Imams Italboad and Central Ohio Ball.
toed far Sansertlle,Nswark, Columbus. Zen* Day.
tan, Indtenspolls, Otationatt, Islodsvall4 O dra, Ft.
Lords, 151. Joseph, and all potata vast sad soalloest,
and at Whaelb rit igh Boatman and Ohio Bellroad.
A end Gleeslosed LW.
Loam Mgt nrgh................1 Idlo a. bur p. Is.
do Wa11nt115.,—.........., 4:10 . 450 .
do Faiard—..........—....... 6:40 . COI 0 ..
do dille=s 6:55 1.1.5 .
do 11avann5....—............1
14* "7.81 I 4511 a
do Hodson —....—... l U
Arrives at cr am GI .. sr.' 0.. 7:60
ealtat.thlt of %Ma with Sustarawas branch An
pew Phil/4,101a and Osnal Dover al Mims with
Meanly Tort Wayne and Wowßaikosil at
Barran/ with Atlantic and Groat Western Itallroad
rot Warren, Ortentille, Weadvny 01141, Cora,
Jantartoon and-Falatunea; at Hndaoa vitt Cleve.
had, ganeretlle and Otnatnnatt Ilseroad Px Almon,
Onvahogs Falls sad:lllllustarg, and at Olersland
with O. t FL B. D. for &is, DunktrE and Rath&
with 0. A T. 11. D. for Elandaskr, Toledo, and alto
with gasmen for Detroit.
Wellsville accoantodanon leaves at 5t50 p. ca.
Behanatag trains arrive at 410 a. au, *2O and
405 p. at., and 410 a. a.
80111311 F Tleksee to all proadaent palate can to
D ts Liberty SL EW% T treet Depot, Piicke tttAsburgh.
0 wr oi,
And at Allsgtony CDT,
A. OAS6ILBXEBT, 'Ticket Agent.
for farther taforfat ri a k er to
eTZWABT, Ignot,
At the Onapan.fe Moe In freight Station, Fain W.
aP 22
EX 11. ' 133 IT 1.0 r
September 29th and 30th and October
Ist and 2nd, 1863. •
too itetawn is about seintoto miles wed of
deist* op the dchnylkill den. awl le accenible
by railway to enry pattin of.the Bute.
The ponds an. beat:Welty .iterated, containing
err erne of gratmd, with One large buillinp there a
arect,d, together with large meant Seed,'lag. Ti.
track Is said to be one of ins beet half mita tracks in
the etatik. pnadums an the hearkit ern of
tired by the 'Bcobity, 'mounting to slant PAO.
,The preadmits dr all grades of cattle exesed
are of which ere ittl each, 19 from $23 to $l5. others
mules down to -leer rates. Beat bard not tees
lb= / 6 bestial+ , inanitae. il0; Rod yrezetem, Md.
/hoses Gar all tirades the pramintes exceed IRMO.
The mesa, IX binned, an I gad others
ranging from it ILO end 53. Woe Ehed o and dela,
the preminta, ranke tom $lO to Owl id.
For Poultry there te s long did al protatnees hem
.52 toil each, In the following chases toast liberal
premiums are offered : nevem Chtltinators, MU,
'Aregnis, Beeping end Montag Miehtnee, Cotten.
Coen libellers, Cider Ulla, Pura* Dockets, Tin
Wara.leetber audits liamthetures, Ou litztoree,
BUM* Mantis, ,Batter, h our. Gtzlit and Seeds,
Yesotablear. and also far . Domestic and Household
iffseisisitorea, Oirpete, datinn,
Sheeting, BLealatti,illezdatbs. Shawls, Knit deb* ' Mead, Ostes,Preserves„
Large pletalanas ere *fiend for every variety of
Trotto sad. Moven The Moral Tent will be the
Moat Glee Meted by the Society, end wW norm one
of the toad anisettes telltanea of the lixtilbitbm.,
Trait, Gupta end Wino wilt be exhibited In Ms
t i lritstirerda Itaffrral eta Noirtatoons 11.13 •
rood hate arranged
_to curs anklet for %notation
to and' Irmo, ixtdbitkut Weight its% regairtna the
hewerd freight to be myna, wbirla will to reptia
stepper whan•goodii are ramped to the Itatioll
whence sh.ppo% lt l hoped to *Mot the iamb with
other Important ebada
ithrsaione t - radeced Mu will to me cal oil the
huller Whoa:lit
Metrics tea to wits at tha ofteLla liontatowa
eau this Ilaw.„ of. llapttossbes. &Moire meal
be eistared oh Ike books ow or before Tutsdiittvgn ,
Jog.flept. teth..lahlbitefe thort beams mamba&
Idatobwehlp PO; with four amp= lioludeiberb el
Width will Melt cateworeon to the Weir once
Awr suss of 'Premium sad litrigasttona ten be
JIM b addratiloOtiteereatar%
" MOMAN P. KNOX, Praideni
A. BELOW=LAMM& tre'r.
Wrpristow% IPo. f
di The immune Woo toothy to tbo mall of old;
Tbs agatomono dolly mato - of outontablad coral
attest Ito voles:. - .
•a Mt adtaancess any otter nnindy.. at once
=tat do disuse, and Imnarthar tono awl Axon&
to the syont.
IS Ws odd banalat W the Intaitt; "ad poundal In
Vi• Mutt MIL -
4o the soldlor, orpoatilly. It p 4tinlntblo. Wag
noprot tanned tr. Inch i¢ inanroutttnit%
"The Soldier** rrierfd.
Moths= Clad ft Marl= to my ox4klsittporp lox
ohildrook foothill& Mood from th• Winton, ofioota of
NABAX43OS, shoo toot to the 'Whew by tattooing
tits dhow& •
Bobs tL!ucuawi '4 1 . 15 gqiPist r e n t•
littebtriX tesretfb arum roserals#.
sco - Prks,is cilia aBOW=
TELLSI3I7IIt. DffrAratriEßT.
Opine or GoetreratAns 'or SIM etriniror,l
Welshing ton h:uzust dthjeCl
— Censares, By varl•fsctroy evidence presented to
the uudentLentd. it bee been nude to. glPFenr that
to the Conaty of Allegheny. sod State of Pensaylve.
Ws, his been.dolytattenised under. and Aecordh g to
the molten:mote of the . Act of Congress, cntitle4
4 AttAcrtortrOVlde viTiettortal-Cauence,esccrad be
• pledao of Uritid States hoots, end to irtovids.for
the efrttratiotrend tedmrdon thereof,. approved
enbrarry 23th. letn. and hex - =waled ten all Vas
rovitions ottal4 Act tinclred. to be COMPli* 'Of%
before ennmennVA the' tandr.esi of
tier. thereEns,l.lltna 110Contoodgfcenptroller
of the f2,arodrl..dentereby '4=l* that fits sata
FirtkA".l367/USAIr.-4013., Oir PATISIIVEGIff,
coenty of Allesdume, and Stahi of l'eninyll anis, le
sathevisod to, compettoi the Ingfceu of ninth% um.
-dew the Act amain
lulectittunty tamed wttaine nay head
t 6Ale n d oil of odic,.lsth do of angst,
Oomptraler tithe Patroncy.
r eimi.l % a,•4.00.000.vith D 1 Seto tr.e.-twe
to $1.000.009.
The Plitabm . pb ?nut Company having organized
under Um act to provide • National Ournmey. unden
MI Nita ot the FIRST tiaTlaNli. BANE OP
errnsuaan, would ntwPootheav ofrii tu terrfas
for the colloothm of Notes, Prafts,Bille of Eachesitta
dc., receive faded) on deposit, and bay and seU
cheep on all w'b of the coont l 7.
The mums which has attended the Pittaharalt
Vat Compel* , shunt its organisation in la t. wW,
we believe, be a caldera /parental, that businto
entrusted to the now organisation Will receive the
tams prompt attention.
/larva • very enteral,* cortaymsdance with
Dante and Hankers thrcroghout the country, we be •
tiers we owl oiler =anal tschltles to those sato do
lantana with WI
The hurisesa will be ocnductod by the tame Oft.
den sill Directots.
8131.10 TOES
I lexander S 1
/rands G. Beaty,
Haractel Bea.
Ja=to Lorailin
Robert 5. Bale,
Thu Wtghtnian,
Wm. H. Ninnick,
4.4.1 6th, 111M3.
Dotaas SAVINGS BANK, No. 611
TOM= Brum.
CHARTVIND 11l 1839.
Opal WV from 92d id o' also so Wadisadiy
and eatarday sraiSrum May lid to Barlardial
lot, from I to 9 o' Irvin llorsisibit Ist to
lot from 0 toy o' -
risoihrsd of ill inuri tot flu than On,
Dollar, and a dlsldand of the profit, darlaraid Mos •
roar, to Jana sad Becauthar. Wand kal tom dip
eland annliannually In June and Diroodiarodnes
die Bank van o at the rata of ila4ar demi
= . oist, lt>tat MIMI Ott, to plasW to the =dß
of the &pianos sa prinetpal, and bas the mama tis.
twin from **IBM days of Jana Moniscambir ma.
t o
1 4 ts= t a gt:r witho t ut troubling Ins fi t it
nits, money dou lirrn lass Cilantro punt
Books, osritsibdrig the Muter, By. Laws, Bids
and Regulator* ferrishbod path, on anikatlon id
the silos.
vim rarrrolorrar
John B. llolfadden, Isaac. IS. Pennock.
John Salmis, John Marshall,
Almada, Speer, Salim B. D.llimids,
Bail. k Italmestock, A. M. Pollack, M. B.
Jamas Idatsday, Bill Burgin
Janes Ilia damn, William 4. taidsrion.
Peter A. lla4oln.
Veto? P.llarituaL
John Om
Lobed Bab.
Now, L.
Janos UN*
John H. Shoonborger ,
Alanandar MAI%
WON= Tinkly&
Wm. P. Worm,
ChrtiCan Taagrr.
Oalllll Adarat,
John G. Baokofft,
John' O. Bindle) ,
Boom Black.
Alamo A. Carriar,
Marto A. Ooltoß,
William Wit*,
WOW= B. Hanes
Pew R. Ritekor.
Ilkbard Bain,.
Jamey D.
William 8.;
Eiscarhurx b•
N OTIOR.—Tho undersigned having
tatt=tbssatire stock frora Ito Wag as.
e or J. IL Ea 0211112. sertdd announce
to Me old enstentenl and tits teoblla bit terra! to,
latell IE9 Liberty stoat . (Utah renteltOt b 7 J. B.
ItoOone,) 'hers a lags and cotardsta stoat of Pad
dlers' and Enosaukers . Loather . Findings. Mar,
elia, do., can be WO, and at lowest Mae.-
G. S. AIIDEII4O2I, 210. 110 Marty Meet.
.L /MX L 120111121 81X2112122, '2 rata cordially
coannend toy maxim sa I Wan of strict istegrity
and good bolster qtaillticationt. far sorsa =rats
to clans I will cantina to diem ilr. .11211)/18*
BOirEtomathgn con:rand will tans great pleas=
In tstrodurlng bin to toy badness aapatzdstaar,
IL 210021212 L
July e11b.1863. ITBO
Ws day anoalatad with as In Ms llollby ffiin
truslossa A. J. DULL, Sly styla of lb* Iltot to to
EMMA GEILZIIb DULL, tb• parasstsblp ta tabs
aged this day. Tbs Oil business 1011 be, =Mad en
by the nn inultizninli as beretzlora.
ULM I atm=
UOOl tan. 11/11TRZW tun. LIMILTIF r. DDIS
Mau&dame el tat desertptio• dMeg, Owe aid
ltata bra.
Nola" eaartrnota4 car works With et On
raiktog this Mal of trot • speciality. vs terpecttelly
solicit • stem of the trade.
OVlce, coma of Emithltald and Water
atreet• arrZti
—The painerithip heretoiors existing twits
the firm of LAMB, DAMILLA UU., vat assay•
al on the Lit day of August. lee&
A. MD. SAILlit.
thaFeteirg patsies.
ryas UNDERSlGNED,___sucatesors to
the late firm of LEWIS, DAL.T.EIara Oa., sal
continuo Ms utssars of Ism and Sato. scoter
tbs style ind firm of BLUE!, DALZEIS.
00 , and solicit s ccootintuals• of the ratroosp so
llbenily estenced to the lab ens.
• SAIILS O. 14W13,
MoD. 1411.111 r,
leirWssoliosio, N 0.73 Watering No. SO nit id.
406barsh. itsgers - l. 1861. saMity
riIt3SOLUT/ON.—The Colartnetsbip
eitstas hetleeto the tindersignet, wader' the
firm name et HAP. SURD A 1:1*. eaPtted tab dal
thatetten: The itadatre ecotttatie:l DT
VTILRLY.3 lth.P; by whom ell duns& due too
teem the We thin 'Alba eettlet.
• mescals SAAP.. '
rumbas H. WADS..
Tort Pitt Petittdtf.Juli 10 ism • -
, --Te 15,55.5kIblikkentofort inktlog bstvem
e.GIEGIG lad IL B. WARTISIGI &bit bulbul' at
No. 115 Market streer„ maw , the Mk, cf 81111/30 k
WALIOISO, thts day dbooltrad mama =sett,
8.5.-WM=O nnkfag. Ak. CMGS la tatheglsea,
55 cis tko =kik ej tko 561111_Allurtrcibma:
• ma
riir 13001/Q4
AV Moll an tie tsnOqulte et Alan.
11,1btalt Astronsan, abbe Digs.
Bscrieuleet inelOestbus ant gal/.
-.The Iterarrestion in the nine parte, be
D'Ariblepe. Toll.. • -
V4ldwrin's bunting to tionth'Arelos..
Wensi's Tow Armed rlusyyramitti.
Elnable's edema Orbs eeL 1.
Beckett's Batas ea Oorenredit yet ghskeileare.
Colima on Ms Ponta:nth, role. 1 nod 2.
Colenee en the Book et Sarnins.
lbleinns Anew to Ootereei •
The Pentateuch Vrodlcirsd. bi W. FL. Crean.
. At Odte, the Earners Isambost.
211 Nem. Day IPploirsiStters by the Oonntre
She Oseasbenui. by Osbert.
logenght of .4bellenuglut Ofacir-uf taw
lama% casiipagiue
ansta or earatille Obvert/. Ur IH I ..
Mame Korth seed Wins Inrotit•
Long acne ans . nannynes. WOW
Tor rsge by. ALTA.Fe.6S Wood at.
j_ :WAIST OVUM 1 • -
Duke or tiot • thou Qumen
. washtub:OA). U. tom , 10. tROS. ,
GD P 2Tat torto=f i silt r rias a leg
to Otothrotodot PittgOosiiti,ltillastaybb.Wish.
IV= ItYnittibiAl T.. of lbasol= l / 4 1
m a.
.ieso win be trosiddarob tbor of
Woman Woof not Los fluo twosty•tint I st
home to be (tom taboo rta otstoto . pa 'hinds
g to
al. gs no (0)f LIS* 91 lOUs tkVinll ken
to tbo sad% tonpoctr pod noptiontt ton
Tbo abilayst the baitst to tan ita is4esatent
gnat be ituosataid by too ropoosabtpisottioboto
ototoootoo moat be oppoodod to Or mamba,
thealtootoadatrotthi youlaborioststbooltown
ygric t r'ogleta oolabsto - thoOlotiOt seatort
.00sav or tho WOO StiOstrThottitt Att.
propoottionotbo snood -YaZtobt. Okilr O r a,
a/MULLIN Obba cbuotarmootoi.Ouery Itartegy
Rat 0. ondoesokos theonrrkpi, "Itcattbi fir
0. ft. tUtihnuitak
iriatt.4.l4.:llol*a attettl
lk •=i3filii2llFo2
Caraterous - stions.
Erysiztelius Bolls
ripples on the •
Sore Eyes,
Totter nestle*. •
leald Head,
Old and Stubborn' Miers„
lahownatier Disorders,
/audit* •
Bslt Jahoinn.. ,
Iteroulat Dioclinns.
Liver Complaint, -
Loss of Aprieti
- Low Spirits,.::
FennlC 17 . einpla4as.
ZPilejoY ar-Fitg.
Pluitlycla or Palk%
Syphilitic Diamules Ind .
Caries of the Bonn
SORT aurrag
OAAJI OD DA 133 a. 110710
rasitgomoo. Doorator Wen
Vo. Q. EL Agegires-1 DA, Ammo mmaktap
this voluntary stotgusomt in tame of mead', pi*
pared by you nitalMarlf BLOOOI ilnik9lanor
I bad scurgred for Avg 7 With Ilesokin, Whkit
broke oat on my bead and torshold go gig to Magni
ma vary mech, and ook off the hair wham the an.
bra 0 : , ••• 5 it. MeillatDl* LL ego bream vadat my
Inn abase and below me elbow, and vat !Mondial&
gal dab ou to aspna a Wed ora am ammo
on my lint great go far that wad (man Ones of
boa. corm oat I vu very weak sadiagg
gad bad then op all note of Mr gOttlng FA lei
hat tried moral a:Ma )hyilda= and thay ad=
no good. In aptember lan. 1841. I was ladneed to
try nidenerre Immo Ono !War. aulkinlar I
mud coulee 1 bad no tato In Wed ntalknem ben
attar I had rued those bottles of Mood lioggrigle,
olores on to bacrio:4 inn inpen tolleeL . `d bat s.
sow taken Weldor tga tottlegh kid ity pod Sid UM
me antLedy Roll extent the men rerandnitSnsm thy .
sera. 1 vlto Also date that/ had the thEllffidilll
lay bad it ray pone and lop. Xha,akwal lbarden
also eared the rbgetentlao. I =stow eWaid nuldl, •
over bey yam °take, and I teal as mtpleand lenell
se I did when I was twenty. gad bolo tpargoildli
greet: twenty wag, I wind also Mate Nettle
emit to gay Mishead rot so tat bkatwbeit kik
Stooped and lifted anything beamibe tdood man
of the pre. Dr. Sayan bed a -
ph'ototlf Ulm at
Ide 14 Dr. Demo, the artist, alley I Twos lo wit
well. a dem not show ady, mein* ea UMW it
VIII Mon I amcozw,iN;ol 413=g Tot
am tho photagrsph, one if le• is now ta ttW
pone led. and aim at Dr. Seyuei.l,llp Woodstieet,
I world also state that I took the Eked etwolio
whleb was node baton Dr. 4jaes censtakamed mat
ag U. Although li balpg4 aomoiyi ad iiikketi
03113" hit Clinl gotini abed lamb by Dr . - Vera
tdmiell. one bat* of hi did rea non good gni
two of the caL: I. bellste i<tv a pat deal Mow*
and Inner. I ban tennutended
er to a groat aunty at say Mena intlinteddlNS
' =Mean. It Ism helped the IWO of emu 7[o l
=7 Pith& mot Urn wttlyand I mid Moans tie
alt who am Maned so a wee Mayne tone& /Ulla
shy MI. So. a Mao street, arid am employed si VOL
vas A Anderson's Dam Untie Weshis . "Walk.
Strad . DLNITti A;110111.,
4 BLIND MAD 017.1,21 D:
Liss t:Olito. at I.MattAitaX at& bin tout
aearly Mod In trotb eyes its arm 4
colled cm toll abaci throe stioalta in = a lk.
mind Ole ma. direofforuitereo
fea tho 141104 to Italadefthla: - Hilda eta Oda
teal isoti so tothiladetpbts la 'pi wen; oafs_ Val
soffotoo that wortld cam Moil/ to ada- Mg •
Ins fa tba Mod. - I waa treated *MU two or taxis
firm 12 ha9 Bllll- edIY: sad. was railmi4
bat 07 &sem amp ntaratta sitar swath Mtn
eta I Clratt oat of the hcipma. 2. Wed =vs*
an Ins rotunda sad Leothed,by ets melba ed
owl bland of tam =Dr. IiSpeS.IIIsoIIsIISISINIS
to idea, are sisl ass timer es wait:sasyst
Ttre taro ma uldadoettleod sienaugraii
• mut. DAVID ismarozzas, .
matzo, id, I. Anssotassaf.eatA
Wltuer.`,oo l lCifiza.
OM 0 47- • - •
4 BAD BORA LEG 01711114
tnniiimax. sweinter. hintissitab
tbst I ban bad • cast &g Ibr over • lona. It tray
emend With alms aad am so tba• I. wain apt
sack Ca UMW' tr. V
17.1batandled ganef Ilia
gaud& to do j a bag al , fir lot but
atonabi. oreaddat Out best dalr bibs
dtyw bat trltboat aarbevtat; dons I aped awn,.
gam. at Ho w lie Wood moot, wbacftly attends.
pos stool ton seeki4, and vas zoo In* two beim al
medkaaot 'Mal am sow mainly wit lolitoo•• mow
Matta inn Iblabi =mew . Lszt.ososiorNl Was
lb& IWO* Balsowao yam% Arroimi - fra,
men= soi, :
Orbs NNW IeQN Itied Ma 4 1112 - ; 44.0 I
Ih‘ sea&
• ' • r GUM it. airtig*:
• •
..A .
...-..,.. -..,,,.:-.::;,:,!-,,
, .
.... , • ,
.. . .. .... •
TIM WitiSCMC/IPB,Vo,2o3lThatt
nit pil; . Ws inidiet,in biltegilade_ Ittbs
study of rem el.' ipmentrate tha v ittri :=Z
'hie tritolcMadeacke isr
111 63assellil a.
111201elboarmeratosi0 .
salt at kaarailigralw AMU 'Oust pol
e n neboi preplan,' "Kb isuldiesen Us tor ANON
ibtatea, tx 1,6 1,1 ukure,ge A 5, - ,0111 Ila
tavaiumg of acimme tor.: •- - • ..._- .. _,.._ .
-It bag tend am was of pais: F!l*tisFsFl WIF.
Um' tundroalkulb. - - - - - _
IL rall saLODUM XIII OMllMadts SI imr
riliablim in aiS tillutm, tailus ii!
~ . ,
, it I da emlß.llolllolll7.Fi ••. - r -",.• 1 , 5,',, j
Ti ii?:ielindleA4 'PM) £ DUIII
-- , -;:•cirireeatiot.o4iilisk-
plc , : bpi tbs- ow _ _
1111Pali sa: •thim e 0 agy 4 !".1-
Titgag te _ sgsaf 0 wi ldw r il : - .q .
Ilatuitailtll tes
s; ':;" 4 rill . 11,i." *./ ;r.,-,,7.,,,-t,
Nab Thr.iirliMlP.M.,
osltmdr ------ ; ---- - 1 7 3 - • -
•-•;.' 'l, 4.:.' , :: , .A '.iir,ii,- ~ , i .i' -;,.t.z-