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Co; member of Congress, from the Tialfth district:lln Ohio, and George E. Poih, ex-United-States &Wes t land now eindidate for Lieutenant Governor., each, speechert made before the people, threat n, in C3BO Taihndighees h elected. Governor, to. Iran the ..titairdard' of civil war in' Ohio. The - programme of 'eadh'is Idintiesit It is ill enhetanoe this: Incase ' - the Vallandigham Eibkh, ticket hi eteeted, path will be: sworn itth L oitpse as Lienten , altAleienter, and tharebpartirill raise an ... - .4.4tketv of. one bundreCationsand -men or and march to 'fhb Canadian frontier, ram theneeeseort Tsllandlasin 'to Gerombss. : Littletle chltdran and 0 Women 1141; of rewires) be ,alarmed at this -an _lnciAnce4k4r . r • INEINIMIMI ~ • 1 ,' • i \ e i : 'k' ..'•:,.li " • , 1:1 - „: _ ter \1 ' 41 MEM 2 75 i z. - rs , eO . l -••• ?. ,• " , • 7- 4•117•N - , ` ::: :'4• 4.; • • • I 1.1 '~.,... 1# 444 45;,,,,A.itti TUESDAY MORNING, sEpr. 8, nu Übiol Stele Ticket. ran ilver.sbroa ODIXEW QfllirlN, ` of CUMIN tfjß JUDGE OLT= MIMI COM : ,DANIEL AGNEWtaf:Deaver!.,., Unloa Gowns Ticket. ldr Pnottadlskal d al Retried Omit •Alrouzi autrzois. ler dierssliy. *.A.Lrazo arras. qz. MVO B. triatucts. W. N. plartszort. i. THOE. J. atai/AX. L 7 flnV. JJEtB 8. EffiVtAl/T, -)or CM; of Cava, :! 'WM. A. B=Bl6oB. 1 /WO:sit Diann DA ID Anurbr. as. , Yor itemndlere,. ItteCTLUEZ. POP INNI.,T,ILIOULUDSON. Tor Omit., Cleambileter. GEOltall HAILIZTOM Tar i*vezr,if W Poor pucs DUATO. Ta r alof JnitiCe and the Shoddy. The Poet his getout, as ve are informed • phamphleteopy of our, objections to the raxaumbration of _ Gorernor : Curtin, inclu ding our remarks about the prosecution of Neal and the Frowenfelde. The fact is theOo 'twice .stated, and once officially throgb the Iteixte.of • Committee, that thCentiStof ittstlee were there defeated though the arbitrary, impratedented, un warrantable interference of Chief Justice Lsarie. The Westmoreland Republican, is copying that particular article, Woes out thai,itirlliate width referred to the Chief JOuttice, and supplies them with a star. ThOostis more candid, though less cun ning. We thank it. for its fairneer, even though indulged is it the-expense of one of 1 . 4 eve oalldlditCß, to ahem the revels ... tion is much more damaging than it can ho .the Governor. Perhaps, however, the Post is not unwilling that its readers shalimsderstand the character of this :en evict° whig, who crept into its party lo stetitidly a few years ago, anti seems to farh an much better than veteran demo crate, of mach longer standing, Like itself. ff the Chester • County opinion was however, the recommendation which left thattehl to him without a rival, we rather think that his lest effort in denying the exclusive jurisdiction of the Fedizal Courts, ought to cover a multitude of sine even Indio heinous than the affair of the shoddy coistractore. Where is the Army . of the retomnet The rebels atom to be taking heart again, If we mayjudge from their frequent and adienturons firayit -within cur lines about Wabington. They dash in, it seemsorben ever they think proper, and gobble up a suttee train, or a lot of Government horses, or a squad of oar wakeful cavalry. and are gone before_ asp body knows of the mi. dela ,As to retilistion, that does not seem to be thought of. It would be too ranch of arannOration on old habits. But what is Meade doing, and where is MO/ Even the army correspondents have sewed to write about him. Wo do not expect any thing from that direction attar the affair of Williamsport, but we like at least an occasional bultetin, if it war wily on the hygiene Of his cent,depart to show that he is still above ground. Wiaaasoie ourselves, however, with the hopelbat -we shot hear, from him as soon as I,:Lee is fully recruited. It would be against all rule to take aay advantage of hicti . while he is weak and dispirited. /it can ' il be tette, that the enemy is al lowad to SCCUPY the neck between the / 1 • 6 1 ). * pahannock and the Potomac, and to' scour it with his conscripting parties—or that Leib ro-inforciag Bragg, or waiting pa tiently to see 'What will turn up in the Botith-west, while Meade is not even threat enloo Bath are the present reports. Bat is it possible that our Generals will never learn the art of helping each other? Not ao Mysterious Either. The copperhead organ, under the caption of "Mysterioua," 'refers to the resolution of the late Union Convention here, recut meading the adoption of the proper men su, m, to lake the 'votea of the soldiers at. cording to law, and asks us to esy how the soldiers are to vote "according to law 7" If it will look into the actrof "humbly, instead of going to the "annuals" of its copperhead Court, for the law, it will find the ono abundantly provided for. The uatystsry" 'which puzzles it, mins only out of - its own mistake, es well as that of Its candidates, in supposing that. the judicial potter Ls the only !one in this Stale that can make lair. They; bare node a, good deal, we - know, and eery bad'at , that; but there • is a consolation, at leait, in reflecting that it don't wear - much /longer than ayear, and ttu4 in the present cue, we can take the vote in spite of them, and liner° their jurisdiction intirely-4r, in other worde, that we can take the law of lhe.Legielatire , . as am guide, and trample . upon the Ado ' moth law, which irotdd elect the 'Judges theaw/yekby distranchtsing - the soldier. 'Giotto% B. Xmas, the: historical and landscape , engraver recently died on his farm in Bimini county 'Pennsylvania aged alai*. sixty yeas. Mr. tilts was`born in the city of Vldlaclelidda. From boyhoOd Jte 4401810 a rercarkable talent for the tine arts; and to the close of his lifewas a Cita gsldent of the beauties of his profession. For anumber of "yews be was engaged in illustrating workir published, by Seery C. Carey.. and tither' biding publishers al phgogiphiw, New :Voll4 lioston. - and oa caslinally-for Kiedsfa lady's Boole! Klinhaidelifagastne.t" 4 -24the timber his deitlaelsajastlislatada snits ofpahthid "togittaings ot Imp ilse,_illustratang the works of Ehelesposse. w~+.wNsaW,~....._, a ~-.~•y._•np ,, , - .. ~tiao~aa++.,rw Union Illovemont In it ngland. The Manchester Ezazmixer and now, Of Aukat ISih, contains an aceount of the formation of the Union and Emancipation Society of Manchester, comprising Members of Parliament, clergymen, and men of ea rions professions. MAMAS Ban sr Porrzn, Beg, is President. Among thc Vice Presi dents are John Bluest MIR; Bey. Newman RA Edward Dicey; the Mayers of Man cheater, Bermingham, and . Rochdale, Ron. auditor. Baptist W. Noel, Prof. Cairnes, Prof Goldin fimith, - Thomas Hughes, Dr. Biluials, pumas Barley, M. P., and other persous equally distinguished and influen tial, to the number of one hundred and twenty. Threkkruldred and sixty-three ministers are enrolled aa members of the Grand.CoineS; end there arealready fifty three Branch Societies. The object of the Society is well express ed in their Address, -which we are tempted to copy in full, as it shows how thoroughly our friend!' In &gland have tome to un derstand the importance of the Unionquee tion, as well as the Beixaripaties question: The union and Emancipation Society of Alitachester has been formed to give expres sion, on behalf of the population of this district, to their earnest Sympathy with the cause of freedom, and fraternal regard towards their kinsmen of the United Stater, and to twist alt recognition of the slave- holding confederacy. The breaking up of the American Union into two or more separate governments would be a world-wide disaster, and entail many grievous calamities. Bach st disrup tion would substitute fora Eingleand cheap government, two or more of a very upon. sire character; would impose upon each the necessity of keeping up large stunting armies, which would absorb, as in Europe, • third of the resources otthe state, hopes ing heavy taxes on the people; would provoke, sooner ',rioter, other wars es dis astrou.s as the present; would encourage the =mien of other ewes, and thus para lyze that magnificent development of hu man activity and constitutional liberty, which has been the adatir;ition of the civ ilized world; and would re-open the African slave trade with all its horrors and bar barities. We are, therefore, deeply con vinced that the maintenance of the Federal Union of America is an object of unspeaka ble importance to the whole human family, and that its disruption would prove a ca lamity to the cause of freedom and to the interests of civilization. . With every wish to uphold the principle of non-intervention and steict governmen tal neutrality, we are impelled to declare that this nation is by its feelings inclined, as by its antecedents bound, to give its whole moral support to the cause of order, of civil freedom, of constitutional govern ment, and of emancipation, all of which are represented by the North in its struggle to maintain the Union. The eacalled "Southern chivalry" its waging war against. a free, popular gov ernment, with the intention, unblushingly proclaimed, of forming a new Confedera tion, whose chief corner- atone shall be the execrable system of human bondage. The men who initiated this wicked rebellion, did so by perjury, robbery, and fraud com mitted against the community by whom they were paid and whose constitution they had sworn to defend. 'The Federal Government, on the ether hand, was elected on the policy of restrict ing elavery within existing State limits, and on the principle that the normal con dition of all the territory of the United States ie that of freedom. It was against this that the slaveholders rebelled. glace the commencement of hostilities President Lincoln has made many moil cal advances towards a complete recogni tion of the declaration of independence that all men are created equal 1 He has pro cured tho liberation of the eaves in the District of Columbia, and the Interdiction of slavery in the territories. ' he has enforc ed the laws against the African Slave-trade, and for its more effectual suppression hie concluded a treaty with England granting the right of sear* he has deolded to re ceive ambassadors from the negro republics of Hayti and of Liberia; and following the good example of Great Britain, be has pro. posed to purchase the liberty of all slaves in the loyal States; and his Attorney Gen eral has pronounced free negroes to be citizens of the Unlow•— which pre done governments had denie d. To crown this series of just and bin:nano efforts of free dam, President Lincoln, as commander-in chief of the forces ' has proclaimed uncon ditional freedom to all bondsmen of the rebel States. The conduct of those public men amongst ne, whose policy has been to retard the progress of liberty at home (pretendlog to Ignore the distinction between the aims of the constitutional government at Washing ton and the elaveocracy headed by Jeffer. eon Davis,) may be understood ; but for liberal-minded men to countenance these rebels and enemies of mankind, in their nefarious designs against public order, moral law, and social progress, is as op. posed to the teachings of Wilberforce, Clarkson, Granville Sharp, and Henry Brougham as slavery itself Into the genius of the Christian religion. We know that the operative classes are convinced thatihe labormarkets of Europe are. lajurionsly affected by the system of slavery; that the value of our commercial relations with four millions of people, en joying the fruits of their own labor, will be vastly enhanced; whilst by the success of the Federal cause, and the odious system of slave breeding for the auction pens of Richmond, which calls for the indignant reprobation of mankind, will receive He death blow. Deprecating war and deploring its ruin ous consequences, we mast cordially and earnestly desire the speedy establislanont of a safe and enduring reset, on the basis of thotiompletzemancipadon of every chat. .tel sheet in the Allter/41:2. States, believing that nothing lees will justify the policy of the North, or retail to reason the slavehold. log oligarchy of the South. East Tonnessot—Progress of tho Ccuapalga. On the dispatch from Bridgeport, Ten nesseo,litating that General Burnaide's my occupied Kingston on Wednesday last, andlhat all Eastern Tennessee, except, the Chattanooga region, has, bean abandoned by the rebels, the N. Y. Evening Poet re. Marks: Those who read this despatch carefolly willperceire that it comes not train Gen eral .Tharnaide's lines, bat from those of General Reeecrans. In feet Bridgeport nearly due went, from Chattanooga, and Kingston lies near the Virginia and East Tenuous Railroad, northeast of that place about eighty miles. We may take it for granted, therefore, that the two armies which were io operate together for the release of Bast Tonneasea aro in communication with each other, and have, to all practical purposes , effect edi junction. This is a great event to thousands of faring loyal men and women. For more than two years the unfortunate people of East Tennessee have been barbarosely treated. They have been hanged by the roadside, they have been whipped WI their blood ran down on the ground, they have been imprisoned by hundreds In filthy and noisome prisons; their properly has been 'wantonly destroyed, their wives andthild 'ren have been Insulted and' exiled; savage Indians have been employed to hunt them In the mountains; they have suffered, in .tack all that men can suffer, at the hands d 'llO miscreants who were determined to :break; down their loyal spirits or else to Wm:data thew; . ' • • Walls o are think Joy o f the loyal East Tetuasuesems at their release, we suit not forgat the haportantbeatlnp of this achievement upon the mnitarilline tion. General Burnside has - actually terrupled the line : V which the rebels in Virginia have hitherto drawn tbeli erriP plies from the Southwest. His occupation of 41zgeton.cesta off from Richmond• all the Southwest, except by a circuitous and tedious. route along the sea•cosat. That the rebels have given up this road,' even for a day, without a dtsperate Stange°, shows that they are much weakened by their recant louts . ; kint it Would seem to prove, also, 'that, unable_ to defend them selves here, they have withdrawn their forces to use them elsewhere. It is probable that neither Burnside nor .I Bosecrans will find a formidable Toros be tore them as tbey pretyrforward. Bragg may Atilt be in 'eOplinandat Vbettateoga, but with en army Co din:Mashed that lie will not be able female more thane strong Mom of realotance. The rebels are in desperate situation; they have strength enough to strike but one more great blow, and they must strike that at once. It is highly probable that they are even now concentrating their forces in Virginia fur thin purpose. But while Leeds oiling ready, Bose crane and Burnside, Grant and Banks are closing In around hie rear. He abandons everything behind him, and Is forted to plata the fate of his cause upon the result of a single venture. lei no be prepared for him. HaZsill make& desperate strug gle; all Magentas he hse,"and &lithe force he cam bring to bear, he will concentrate' on one objeaL Fortunately; for my he will act at a great . dleadvantage. He must be the invader; we act on the defensive; we can cheese the timeend place to light; and with these advantages, and with the expo rience of the last campaign in Pennisylve, nia and Maryland before IA there Is reason to hope for the best. It is a great point gained, that Lee can no longer afford to wait for us in Virginia, but must take the risk of offensive operations or disband his army. itir. Stephens in Europe. The Paris correspondent of the Courier des Etats- Unit writes to that journal, under date of August 2lst : • "Gentlemen from the South, residing In Paris, announce that Mr. A. H. Stephens, Vice President of the Confederate Statee, will soon arrive in Europe, charged with a mission to the governments of England and France. It'is even suspected that Lo was ono of those passengers recently landed near Queenstown by the privateer F lo rids." We learn from the Stabile Register that Mr. Stephens was recently et Nassta, which gives an air of probability to the above statement. As the rebel Vico Presi dent made a speech In Georgia about ten days subsequent to the battle of Gettysburg, be must have departed on hie European mission soon after his unsuccessful attempt to communicate personally with President Lincoln. sroTICES. ONION ME isTll.O sill be held LORE 4l5TIVii KELL, B rmlt‘hann on TIII9 (' needs Vila I - .G. Pci.t. Bth. 18'2, at 7% o'clock U. C. 1k( KRELL vlu o d meet. fee. geß:lt A UNION MEHTI.s G vrill be held ROBINS' N 9 BILL, Tab ( %ash)) EV2IIIEO, Fest. ED), 1003. t 334 oVock. IL A. WOODW&RD, E.g., end otters 1.111 cCd•en the mese. g THE UNIUN COUNTY EXEcU• TIME OOMMITTEL willnictt at B. OElca of Manton At Brown, corner of El th mad Chant streets, on EVERY Vit ItIdE3DAY and BATI3B - at 2 o'alcok p. m. maid UNION MEETINII wili' bo hold at the SCTIOOL MUSE le DUQUESSE 8080., on TRID STESI SG, Sept. Mb, at 7)f, o'clock. Lieut. B. B. OSILDS, U. S. A., and U. C. lItCK. 11. ELL will uldrim the meetlei: By onler of the Szecotive Committee. WA UNION lisirrts bo held at COURTESY'S *STATIOV, on WEDNESDST Sept, the Sal, at 7X, o - e:oek, p. m: Et C. 2.1 iCREBEL, E q awl Col. TOO'. B I NE, will addtese the meeting. By one' or the ftectalre Cuontnittoo, 5e5.11 a4-, - .THE UNION EXECUTIVE COM. IdISTBD. Ours 1111.10, 'Third Ward, Allegheny; Bierman 'Pulsar, Honongetela Borough; D. B. FasoveomALsnerm fit, Mir tp; isms K. Baou. Ebertni Ward, Allegheny; D. O'Nest.L, Second Ward, Pillabrugb; hot. Batons, Jn, tat, Fourth Ward, Allegheny; &um= B sumer, Seventh Ward, Pittsburgh; JOIUMA BEODMI, 17011 M Ward, It. B. Slrreur.u., Pans toirnahly; gamuts F. Bean, leavrenseettle; B. H. Pssursa, Jr. Noble, toatuhly; Z. 0. SiGUIT: Fifth Ward, Pittsburgh; loss F. Duero, Mini totrEphlp, JAM Barrel, Daum do; Faust lifoCtutAAND, lareaceat townehlt.; hat/ Drcnsos, Hodge tountably; Jones H. Perna, rentum; Wur.tAte BMICILLty Eichisad Imanadp; H. 0. liscartmu, , Math Ward, Pittsburgh. A. EfoTtaam„ Thiel Ware, litttargli; - darmom Bows, ninth Ward, Allegheny; OW. June Hintze, Hinclester; F. 0. Damon; Third Ward, Pit Shargh. JAL Pall. Jo ha. Idassaast, s. truroarm, Jena Pairs, Wm- Dm; Minim. Reams, B. F. Josue, Jar. gams*, W. F. forreersa, TUN. B. alsarm Wm. PHU./ as, T 0.,. It. Howe, Jams F. Jammu, Jam. H. Ilkor Julue HaD. CEOM&X, WM. Isms, Tue. M. BLitt, N. Verartzr, Sr., Hamar I. Ws r au, Teat..3lolism, CM/AM. W. BATCMILOS, Jogs P. - Itgeue, Jo'. Plusetra, Teas. B. Baru. JAL Harm. J. 8. fauw.r., 0. D. M. Banta, Tres. Bum, A. H. BROWN, ChaLfemem, Fe H. STIWAUT, Berfatary.- . -- .TIIII UNION MUST AND ALL ke.ey BE P1:liolltVID.-20AN0 udBd MN. VSNTIOti • T El`rl:itBPOßT.—The loved &Was of Wnstern Pennsylvania wU at actable at 0 c C.. POUT, co TM/4180AT, BSPT. lane, at II o4inek p. co., to consult and deliberate opoa the state of :be onannT. Tvory on willing to Iva ender ated tats dlegood old 12 og, fa none reqcusetad to ay. tend. Tbs . °rowing nonbatnt /paints will *dints the 115011 . Boy, o =OTTO. HON. J. K. 6100788Ap. GOP. 1111AtTaFi.o. Ind ,JUCOR KELLY, of 4 11'.4. /1.211.0. V. IAWHEISOII,.3O9. T' 0 PH 419 KOS, T. HOWAUP, Erna., VOL. J.. 8. MADE, J. J.t1,11311H1VR.0.4 . R. ht. J. M. 11.11KPAVIT4M, . OIVB 02411 pAT TO Top 31:11nTs t p ISC/PlO3 001.1111126. Cu. Thomas V. nose, IL a. Woatrz, JpLo hole. Orman, litlsbnith; 0. P. Vatkko. , Waimardixid tosttnr John V. Dray% 1011:31n; Booirova Ooorrn ZI sthoth: W. V. th,nhosn, Omani Mtllllaa, Mo. liers2o7l; Jan J. Ham VesanFloo. • opuat72llol. LIMIGIZISTIII Gen O. P. Inatk e, Wert Newien; H. Ble,k.ft a.. ir,og , 8. 8. Ilrgalttem Coulterseme; John IL that; illsebelh; Waiter. Elba: both; Benj. Oone io. &Unshed , In 4-13. B. Tower, 1031.1 Ah; freak Pate:eon,. Zllisboth te..l Oapt. Hem Can: 84 Rebell. tp.; .etver. West, Ali. ebestly:Wal. U bell, %Viet Elts!lvinl'hgerllrrllace Jenson h.; Jobe 4'loB, Jitt reanip John 0. ul.hu, MIX% ty John IVIL7r.e.O Mix to.r env* D. s. ore,. Veniudeelp; Oeyl, Ban. Ward. Verwahe gp.4 Camp toaley. 0 - .1 , 1e, tip Cep7.o. W. Caul*. /01% tp .11, 10•11, 8i 01.1 r tp :John V. Minn, James Grai..,Plit tr.; wzn..Llute, reraa o'llBB. Bowe nicker. Wu. N /huh. Wm. 11. Ualsell, Wza ,A..latf, 'Wabash; Jahn I..lennisse, James Put, jr. A legliany din win; Danihse.. mind "Indy A oitchlsw, Thome 17,70ty1,. UAtity Dem., 7., Bpnid.'ha . l;lyri!fleae n e•fltlibniik Lu118:11erl• • SizallYeral:W , A. at. r."s. Bea Dl 8441 M .! • lroulb - 0 - 9:10 y re. nniface 81 lone Nebto ep7rt as VI 'ewe s • IF.nt 7ta tie t.s. B:eandl7llo2 630 t. a. • A rpwlet,'lrsin ern Nue phips seinen as 1A1,2 P. . .tegniqf al all ma sr stellate. net% retiring at Melee. pa at , Ingo a. tr Ottattibt. VIII - 1,1 7 1 al egeortt at NV It. It. Ica West -.Bentuf.' A PPLIEL—Ihe qabperiber ivi!d 1 6 Ito 1 to TES =wawa 00,000murv. te delivered duTint tbo ccitib A. DALtos, , railwather Ile Woisflitts4_ rht, $2-000 -TWO THOUSAND VOL:. • LOB "wig to tont, tz )411:G Tht bett trabol• ocoaaty gine. ado drug BOX UN, Piltiberitt, ti setawd ll= - .enwe x,t•woxg. EVAME - 4.410 Fe...end Ward N. L7ordhalairs. TM be abti ilamogsd THIS (rae141.7) RVENIKCIos.td now and Impal -eta btoltiarei .lit be btarght beta tto lawing sea le - —/If orddrr of VIZ P fIIO.IDCIS T. 141,8, BI MINUEM L. 'will hall azi-0p.2 pub* eteettrz to CBIOS BALL. (Bhereastel ) oa SOBSDP.T. the Itth se 734 -eieloch.p .ea.- Addrtatei will to &Leered hz R. U. tl ilOtt bßbS..q . and &Item saTtht jr - p‘r, TIRAND 'COUNCIL N. 11. L. FOB MAXIM'S= 0001IST.—Tble o=ol will One. An= TS iSpny, nt g tenbadt p m.as MIACIVIMITIAtA. ValL Itt4gatte ate tatintatal to be r:gater to attendance. ladtAtilatwS rEs - w , TAKB N0T10.8.-032 BOUNTY wur . is Mhosd to tam wiw ban, se mod as &Mums for s ham pot biza than calla months, with choice d liniment er Compaus. Pot further information tnimire at So. TO rah street, ato stain. • L. B. RICHARD, Lit Lint. 9th Regiment P. B. V. C. saltscaltf IfOronnintni 13¢1DC?... Ourrewr, &pampa alb, Md. THE PIIF.SLDDN'e AND hiANA 1. Grin of tho Company Par analog I Bridge *ter th•Mozumptudi Inver. oppodt. fitubargh, to llatootuny of itlttighenf , bete Oat dla 13 . 1 • 11 ea Dlolducd at rour. PR& 01.21 T. on Ma Capita! Stock. efhfl feUl to paid to the Btotkboldm, OW? Intel topioroolativos, at fho Bsoldng Ham of B. HOLIIBS &SONS, on and atter the Ned, tut. • tettt N . LlOL3ll.ll,Trtenter. P.y. { ; l'l7 i:f iii, :r'l A WANTED-2,000 bush. Flaxseed, for which es lamed cutlet pl)* will t.e alto. /24 &end strut. ' sea TRAIIR YAW CrOrtISTIL NIOR BALE—Four Acres of Ground JLi Ind a FOUIP Story erlok IlcrUNag. Zogino, Ekaaro and klaohtowy ; w It adapted lon a MIMI. botory I NO kot by 110 toot oon be purobsikd for One•hat Iti orydziol mit, by calling CO WLL LtaLl WARD, ..B No. 91 Groat •trant. PittakkAwigh. 800 X-JLE EPE R -WANTICR-A mnit min eilab!e cr tarn; chtrze ct a set of Zulu, and vtiao b willngt3 tuna In &stare. Addreu, with reerel=,ll , X. 41, P.O. etB:3t 42.50 0 WILL PURCHASE A NEW TWO•I3TOUT MUCK DWELLING, G. Wee tnnognonto„ Motto on Billetontalno Wool. nou the Vidiol NoGrosioottich •ent ttr army. tito dawn Eor month. Torn esti. Aynly to 0. S. DATES, Oozomerclal Bracer. Dot. 111 5%.e. I,..letegovle ee7.11 - fiIXEOLITOKS ISOTiOe.—Notioe ie heroliy that meters Tarsi:rents+, curia tr.e mote of it mit Wauhcp, Cease d, Jamie( ahe pommel' cf Haeobtater, bee, Digo graded to the iatitcriber. all prone 12..1.1 chino will hrusent them. sod th ei indebted to said estate reek., pit• me of without eeloy, to seSzetsrT ANrPAw WerilOP. Ele-efer. ed slo.ootit E itable or D ihe st rr` t ia be tOraer •I Pean end 'lash streets, en I epte.mber Ist, D 1114 E4T ROUE, 4 pus cad..tthont above, 15 .0 16% heats h.gh, sttb lei er to the mitt hip, quad • mall ••.• no the teat ehoul[tr. 'rho aletve recant mil he peal 11 the asefutal t. left at the )leer and Peed tt:red abO. 01.1138 r. e. 2.1.4 i e11i9.1.0.1i DRY GOUD.i.• •We have ‘-fhost received • Iscce lot of D El3l BOOM; very fa &11E9. at ell plug ; MHO NO!, in °very ed,-, shltll and aty le ; a-d 13111LW1 of every pA t ern koovh to the trade—sa well u•gn rd assort ment of all kinds of (=as —tv vbfch no lu•lte the attend n of oar Ideals end tho public gsterrlly. 8,820 NVIPTE lAD Jl Oil. frINVALID PEN ei ON KR?. —Th anleregned will examine INVALID PZD• 6 O CRS, as till cSee ..cf DR. 150 TAM, Dn. 110 Pieta In REVS. Yittebtorgt, on the La DAY of ULTOIIIII, Ngrr. Theoe wham, bandana °wa rner ced price to the 4th of March hut. are retraced to be unialned Wore they can ot tnltt the tame. The charge Is $l, which trip be rtfanten by the Peas 'on Agect. GEO. eIcCIC DM, II D.. J. W. DIA %%DM. M. D., vaTt.2a ton Instale , na Pereems. OPEN AGAIN I S. rSl:it4lt In D'S DUQUESNE EA,TING ROUSE, So. 67 BUITIMILD STRUT, Prruarioa, PA SALvictd and Attai up In elope. vita. All del cads. a , Ike seinen stweit on bead. R Deadens On Tat?, the tint et the totaan. teAdm QTANDARD LAW PUBLICATIONP t =lib's Farm or Prucvdco. Bennet lc Ileanre 0 - fininsi Cu... 2 Ws. L. edema 1 eadle; Cater. 9 ruts. 11litl.rd on Mortgage.. 2♦o le. Wooten= en Bed crater-my. 9 Tile. BMW/ co lleoleroyley. Parsons cal BD's. 9 vole. Do. Cestencts 2 ec.I.J. 170, Hero•nttie law. ' Bootrefis Law Dkelouary. 2 acle. t Jetty cea ricollnin. 3100. Angel en Ltnatcatteas. Lo. Curio. Do. r 4. an I 1.12 s tnentatee Hoe mile by RAT t 00., 63 Weed street ' ''OLIITION OF PARTNERSHIP. D —The prtneretu heretofore reethag under the natis eon sty'. el JAKE, WOOD 10 L. !Ida. Minh, s-d WOOD. icTIBLINCI 1 Ott.. itida j temp, Pa. d tehurgh. to by dfie mired by =wail ens:Le. coaxial: B. 671.11L150 rettrtor, he hew. tot en't out oil We intoreehnd whatever nature. In ,at 11. to, to Ids. JABliu WOOD. PAM= B. 6T GIILIb Q Plitibtrgh. Erpt. 7tb, 1E63. THE UNDERSIGNED will continuo the ocounfactlre cf lycn and f.l a, uticirr 166 um, and &laic of JAMB WOOO kJJ.,at baratc.. tom. J WOOD, Ll•t MAT' TRW , * O. W TISLIZOO‘O7.OO. J. T. WOOD. O. A. %won. N KW IRIAT MR E. nan.—:.r. btrulsos.--c. r. DIVIDCON HARRY, DAVIDSON & CO., SHIP CHANDLERS !rei dealers In BOAT STORES, Of arm drecript:en. 22 PIIDLIO LiNDINO, Wars MOMS r ATI. 0. TAX IiOTICP.—.Noti so is heraby ghee to all _potions woe hew sot paid thew City, Watet. UHT IYror, School, sod !Sheol Du:Hug Taus, In Its city of Slbetray, for 1864 that the, ere requirod to pal the sew on or before lb. Filter DAY tiff 00TunES DUI'. and that ff the ems is not paid os or before the geld fins day October. then dee por rear. laid ba Wed to and ma's ptyable thereon sod that If the attitit be :lei oefd on or before the fleet say of licestatur follow. Ip4 wernusta will be dueotod to windy vaned Pena% commanding tub of them to Lary mid tow, with all a ate end. cuer, es soorard Unseen, of soy goods and cha•tals of the delloquents wbereso. ever kora, cad to bats Safe thereof sitar slearttew moat, as In caws of dirriukr nit. • • D. Id aorasuou. sebt d site Tr...serer. CABILEOOB2, - . J 1 L. HALLO FrieLL rs co., 015 CLIEEITStri trrazEr, PHILADZIPTII RANI WV Lei [IOU • DREES GOODS, MACS ADD ?LIMY BILKS, DEALWI,9 ADD DALMORALB. RIBBON, RID OLOYEB, Lo , do , &knelt execs:ter for 6s.h, •nil *bleb' •1D bs ' ata small minim.. seto• IVi.li(161148 IN S I 1 0 M 8, To crow sat car pumint Italy at Ric C ta scR • Judion lgouse, str,l Ed tirrir STRUT. GEORUEW. POACH, lieneral Commtssion Merchant, eiw OBLYANF, LA CotttairsiorrarowernA fIErBSENCES: 14. 14-E rtltht iE di k al a . C :ad . P C1 1 : ° 1 1 . 1 0 4 191 ht A Bros., p 10440., Is. aolhA•d Ortin or TOM n ous.antf4 Vit. I. . , Sas. id. 180. PIIOPOzALS will be reeeiw we,stoup offloveng no Ha "Not, bc,u,,, we, at a.Mang BULBS'', VGPLICATAZI, tobio.nt by tto flaussen ralboras Ma. lam. offs am beam oft sombnabw_ direopos of Wonky aambulans. oeLttil MORA' LW:WM Oonttellar. Ari 419 IFICRTESE-VE.WIrS. HENRY 0. fi , stLE CO A, , now neetwirir, tbeir • FALL & WINTER STOCK, And i nits lb•dr friteda sad thelab . le Si. etnedlus their sleek, lelllch le the finest and win n tuAste eye: broegta to Ude mutat. Links en band, • le - gieerand. Gentlemen's Furnishing Gooas. COMER PEEN AND AT. CLAIR STREET'S, PrITABLIBGII, Pd. A Let SGB FBE;SEI bTOCK OF STATIONERY, of all kinds 1314.2 , 11: 800103, I.OIICOL BOOK% DE ATE B, STAN D 6121) ASto rorrian BOOK& vuoTooaeriz ALDUII3, PLIIILY Si FILES, with ; sad 'Molt Ptotogrsigalo arranismcnti. YUCKET BOOK., Dinar BOOS., P.OIL(dc 13091t3: JITVGISILS DCOSEI, TOY BOOKS, GIMES, HACTialultOh BOABD3, cugcstal, ruzts, /149 hut ban received at JOHN P. HUNT'S irEolmal. tad retell Book, Stationery, Magazine and Inn *aim, oi.aosio aALL,rurru eraurr. ims7 AIN OittiI.NANCE to authorize the Grading sad Paving of a par: of Perry street, ' to the Third ward. Sec. 1. Tie U entaised and snaatuf ty A. Seined end Common Cosacifs pf 'Our of Allegheny, eel kte tone ni ardonret cad waded 6g Ow aothwery of the That the Couthaltnes on Burets be mad they are hereby anthorsed and averred to. beds and receive proptuals for the wadies hod peeing of Permits:mt. Vona Chestnut street to the atop Ms, and teethtratt therefor with the lowest snd best bfddar Cr Wl:en, ae thelf dismet'on. Elsa. S. That for Chi pupae of defraying the ant and exprancs of the said Improrortents, thaw Wand la hereby unled a special tez. to be equally mewed. rpm the sowed 101 l bacading end abutting upon the geld strand tesp. Wetly. Lu proportlern to the f.et front in theme rspectively comprised. and bounding ant abutting as Om S. That as teem to the cost and enpeases of told Inthrovernesoth shall be fr.:ly sacemained, it 'hall a. the duty of the Street Ounamlndocar to Ursa and :impaction the some sazoog the several lets bounding. mod abutting open said street raw:air:Ay, according to the rule above Indicated. and Ilbletrea;ork proceed to conks demand and coiled the sum(. acoordiag to its provietons of the Act of the Gkqeral Aneembly of the Commonwealth of Psnosylvards,paitltled e•ge Act drftcdog the mama r of colleonng the toyenses of grading and fao;eg of the etlett. and obeys of the City or • Ileg,hans, add for other ParP•••••• • fused the third , th dos of Haub. Flit Sec. I. That no much of any Ordinecce u may ova- Clot wleb, or be sopplied by the feregedng, be and the camels hereby reputed. Ordelnad era enacted foto a law the 3d day of Sep:ember, Lona Domani 1013. fikliT IRWI I'n oldest at the Fowl Navel, pro tem. OLIN , p.e.weat of the Common Uoeco.L Arneer : D. MACTS.EIIO3. Celt of the f elect OffnueU. IleGotatath, Olo.k of the Domaon Charm& I.7:Ste It - EDUCED riticpz io Mike /03Mfar etudt Flek,ll Gractse cf To emir., we us now eceici out oar ersortmeut of Carve:olgs, Oil Cloths, Arattings, Window Shades, A: • anti reduction from vaunt market ratty. OLIVER .11 , CLIIITOCIL h, CO. : NO. 23 FIFTH kiTEEET, . of Trrrasuarra . , N A LYSltit-, - A• as oho . ....„ 'k474 >,4,.. AMAMl* aaa St LOON (C" . Lm 22.001.: Mamma— .cri. Or . • Bar/21 101) •Wisigiel tbis Aguas iter no WO! the BTAIPLn WAY, Wind arm. a. Lords, Mo./ in. ens th e attention of Man and Steel disaitaiotarers to am Anelyala Akin *ere, as minted !h i = A. A. Hays, of Exton, cad 0.3300 th, of pha., w h . togetur wOh the kat of actual expert. ence by toannfactanson In aniebontal sad Et. Lon* dotantlase It to be Ma porton and croft valnabni Clay WV buoys, whether Forsign at American. Yob mode tram-it ban stood la tba Alan Vora= hum ti% to II month% as Analyst. It al *ha Otos el tabu Erns the mine. 'Mont any washbog or proposition what. star. It poessasea grid adhathousas ati a gr watch are not shown by the A wblab admit of the sixtare of a lam proportion of then sr burned I am now to All orbits for nut ohm May, to Si eh pad from Pt. Look cr daltrifsd hen. ALEX. GORDON, Mo. 111 SICOND MUM% Pm:anima, Pk. SCHOOL IWOKB Cud In ths POBLIO 6050010. II 801100L8, 6ILICIT 808OOLS, COLLSiN. I►lBThaB urilvatuarx. And tits urinal olncaticnil and vicinity. Aft a oomploto in tmtat of School Stationery, eapy Etrott, Pus, lok, Tenon.; gab*: Matra:, Welttng, Letter and Note Pow, inindapos, Drawing Pope, Compoidtlan 844 . 4 , ; - ,or West IktELL.I.OR Bl flood Meet. wri PIIITE4 VOW. , QObiETHING NEW! Wki/TE POND Va.! POMADE, • MOSS ROSE POMADE. . CAMELIA POMADE. • QUEER .01" !LOWERS ISIRACP, for as - Htoit•P‘Alet wrip EIIAPIVE POAP, for removing 5.7 Grape. Par. 'PAWL do., hoc Slts. Rattns. ar., Vrit tit /*Win ti..ett . • IotIBDISD4OO3I OP TOOTH. t•TEULTE(PA M MORO , t•T tall , BURNETA OC Wit wed ICA •TON SADO! tOAPS O *AA TOILET LI annuLtal tutu deiaip, at GEO. A:EILLYPECIERTIMIL DURO imam, 07 In lb. no. lilsrlent 41111111STAIT tl.. hornet (i sad stieess, liragtegtamy D. C., rept 111041i00. MOT/013 - .-4, be .eold at !Niblick .11 Astatizn Wiinuatiutare Warabowl, on the ROM Dairen Jd in 4 Y sad_ flit 474 904 glottis. en WLDEE qu.7.111. f 73 'slum, I WWI 101 al Qttsclatmahor's 8 Maw. Catulasund imagollfbac plant:minks canslailoiln put of 50114 P 1.110,81 sad L'Zinliß,-'4D01119, of 11411111:19. 1'44 WAGOIIt!. TEINIV. , wok% lad Tams failk, Gienreciastittinute, J r Bale to c'egkol4nte * *.lo.o'ciadt a. • I irT,W o .o l ‘nit lk• ILOT IL A. A'!rr orianursiumat..;4 4 . t . tersitadmi.btrattme hattsg. ten imp the afidirslia4d on theta*. at . W. Mt* 6 dasssa, Isto of Um *UM WatditlApt tarstass- fusion- thsissslWoasatsT Okla, caspd ta mats tatiastlialtpafligtolitt alritsa's - Nora b tsbg skim opts* saht adds punt thus duly slant:W.lW retthaasaL MUNI &LUND/IL Athitaleraaos, attetil - &UM itylia stmt. DRY GOODS. NNW GOODAI NEW GOO r.G i IITOW ar.c3o4:les MONDALY, SEPT. .?TB, BARKER & cp.'s, 69 KAILKET BTBEE El 77Sir SI la 8 I NEW SHAWLS NEW DRESS GOODS ! NT N EW ADS: NEW GOODS! Totem ;domain) tribriatag oat admicroam mid &Marx that ma aro no, repotatag a laigoaad ma. plate worizramt of FALL 400DS rnrchaired direct teem the 1m puters and elltittlfao tams. lam= weurtmeat will bo !amid MEW:RIMY tgOOD2 ; DEMI 1/111INJENGS AND BUTTO9SI Gramm: AND POINTS LAOS COLLARS; COLLABI3 4151 D ISEITS ; BEAM HEM, Mull gni Goland; liIII4IBB, • splandLi lot; V ALIIIOII.III. ALD 1100? 81(1673 I DU D 5 AND TARNS; urea-DESIZES A NEW 1 GESIV 111BNIFHLUCI GOODS LLDIW AOHILDIIurB VEDLII eatzr. And a fall Uae of Fictions, irklch vtd Lowey' Gash Peces. P AT Wtaiseste testers, tntesrs, Peliters sad Mita BIZIall Ivied do troll to croardno. JOSEPH HORNE & CO., N. Tr AND TII mum= 675;3014. 9,1 NBW GOODS Nrw Ofxdi rot FAIL OF isca. Elia Goods ?Sew Good. Net Coeds WRITE. OUR is CO.. Now Goo& ;locoman to q.pp.lpiti4o). U., coodi ao 25 nr:Et a 7 BE lbw *oda PlZA6srol, Ps, Wean call the *Mattes of at Falk to Uudriunt 'Una' at FALL DRY GOODS Et= New Gaga Bow Gado New Ckodt ef All kW,. Saw Cads airSl-411 tot= ea 'Mks. eats 000 Di el Me lawn's ImpoFtatbm. hover "misname GOODS—& ball 1123 In taL depart=iml. mamma aooDs, 1111:73 Now Good, Wm 47006 UM= Vow Mods Ilim Oxab . otgr,tottoky. HOSHOBT, - • toy' tom as mama. WHAP.Ior faU tod4 10 2 / I HJEWMPH c100re...4 ado) uxistat. : . HOOP ILEIST4 *MS Jruwa pattern safkdot. to *Web lottto t mgot Mho. 4i. asOttlitilfr o file.tost . the E=l=3 ATM 02C41 linr °aide New Goal liar Good lbw Cloths Sa~rSimla Fn Ckafs N.I3W GQODB. - • • - , . . , • -. FALL :DRY :GOOD% W. am twelfths and - Givalps_44y. ano 01.- /Invent of nav FULL GOODS— cm. stook Ida bi Jamul inmate, oamprlsing aL IND /Margot vial , . Wool ImitlinaTlA pedalo - I* hood !riffling:lll4m - oliks. In 04 bILB DIPYBIMItJS lUD be gaud =A brier viortutsul Ova /1111/48334 AI prlms .mach. eboaver.. than :lut worm—, Oa CLUE PAITSIIBS Inn ban selvvrd with cov. dderegs duo from ..the West add must faibkvabla sweikand ilapUcatm vUI bevivalliatanil os mr.powolgoo.coftslky won IlvhbVl. ot, swab: joint TAtt• :ems stir Om: Old. eau b.loaghttn. toe ' , meow ear. SE*Wta: ArZES. OXUS, and ILOUSEIIIIMUY 000 NW 5. Amtvel , The ow and oodadde Riots Oils semi. gar Wbohndo buns *I do wdllooozowdas our pitchVW* It Is frompleds. • ' Alexander Bates, ihd► 2l PIPTIL.STILIUM, AW 41i4A) Lai AA MUM NUM 70 ti Vl l ,",if 07:0 me LUZ, AMBOY 1110,114 uo mamm a orsoort. Irwin MIMES Dlt ,eocurAL U AI:f}4IIG9 No 4, 78 lkiaiLt,Etneet. 71e mtec,sk. of Nexttanto mai &Vali DeWitt& If Neckett. city an4x..,:zs, npedray tutted to tm oe TEISMIVO , , 5017088. littstlllT. GlOsore. rateatainzaTENTacuain, irrszasigazas ADD arm 001=7., trEBBEGLA.S. xi. 614 the ttoinza 624"nat utt.l6 — i ia Oar Um. . eel (rola en Suitt", ussiPa guit lab our Increfiad f.o 11U.s. • e eta stye them taxptet th. %rally and F•lcee of otz DIACEttli *GLIDE, • la ILtrILET STRUT, - Pt.tyr•rp Wm.. 0.. NO NA %DB Vohmagia. S EGON D AI.RI VAL NEW FALL. , COCIDB, J. M. Burchfield's., lIRIT FANCY SILKS; IIL&CS IlatfELD MIS; Flan' DIACS A.ND COLORED ULU; 111131,1805. Wang BAUM/ELS, • new.style; PLGID WatELAIME23I fIOURED DIOU3 DH LA,VSEB; r; etti 001 YD ALIPACOA resov baIIITEEG FLASZIg.L3, A fca soortment of HEW AND BEAUTIFUL GOODS Ju ta t received. CAD scot wad exaseksttiestock. N lOW OOODS EATON, 21AC.8,11M & OWE, 909.17 ADD is Irma sTflh2 A cumple stcek of DRESS TRIMMING% g re lli a ß v ltny i gi v at im o L a k i r s, ZlN BORION Rt 118.1) EMBRY. BALIRSRL daralet ATOP FRI tot, WarN - Cll cOIII3STLi, HEAD i• plant, zgrara• • ND tiIIIVTURNTR. F.LN rarrrlN3 SILTR. RfltßTet MID DaNWRIte, - And «T•rythlug In Mu> 141.10 n Milir Oolizer7 ffnr.tsacts, r Ad * i d .„ b oy t o wit avlti. win On Se ihontr fr "tw o . drozgh prenns sOck hal= ,TA;rol Atomt - k 4747- item. NATOR, ittACP:mg a CO.. lee• A, rtrat wrzinit JUST BECIY An- MORALE. art 12.01 1 11 . 1127 PBLID ARD 87%SL BELT BIIGKLIBV .O 2 LIMTII.iO ; • IBVIFIBLE, /WAD MiD BBAID zaaa, of th it)k. ; Topthez with a gentral amottanzt of titiftlipa .31! tr;:. In • Trtoaln• Etta% at lidtcp.um & GLYDEFI, 4 .01 Barna Tearth andFlionsan.S. PLALM"OII. STEINWAY'S `Pawed Us STEEP QUM Pans agruz, wanes rim' Landia IMPliTsreustrd . Insect to oil Otto; h eWsgt is sped. amw Mel of Os atom Dart mktg. 6111" goisAysintUr tLi. Midst fa ea eteirm Mara as L szaraufa mum. ss.s. 66146.1. omit ' Prat:Nos, riaNw T.. o—tilit• t r new Marx. jut maw. ed. yeeasduo yVirted by the isibici. -.... - bet 1n hp &Irma citom trete the Ws 11041.:, rinlof linen & Oa, Bilthwe; Hanes litta,listr , Turk ; atdater.ball & Traver, Albany. A. Y. after . Piano wed ISt& yam. MOSS tram , SOO ift. • mutt. Also an olegant- sontistent •41 IobtROWS. , LAEIVALLXD 1111CIDEON8 jut Toefared. .L, • OIiABLOXTE aunts, ',_, .-.-. sa2l. -•-- CI littlistriot..-=: UCT10.11! SALMI: MULLET STREET ItESIDENCE .RTIODAT zrannoosi pt. sulois 111r -1 7 trelo:k. will to sold. in mond doorof Cinastos: Woo Rom; 64 PPM street, thee 'deltoids w' • Oroundoilierdis ttio worth ills of lint :sot Or tween Tony stmt and Pedonbt A 14.7. snot. W.: frontal to foot ea First strut ead r nAllTbit ;en aterop depth of 66 net s en ssio.W. Aladdin beedt. throe stay Frick hierulrd Patton about lfrto foe; 'DV 4avnefe=pr, WIIIIIMests; 7 Dad Boom I Soon or. each .1/ on Mir ii t a t lV 'Rec . = VvveliCis Chcodollesn Pesonsotr ' l l4 toe. efefbb , witatele. sail Flamm to Weer' end - Vesellwiti Close .11. naandr s Rom, rtaw Berl am the' tnaitaeEau;.ll DOM Olio: wader it: two and time r fAilitt, do*: beim. boso. , and worry " ri • !dm. James; deffted bs po4d. Davis trawiTtind. - Mutt& B A" STOCK AT AUCTION. ow _ix s r 18DAY Iii1141:;* &pt. halal at the themendel BadatideeWee- H.,,.Vfl_ L ti sired, Zubwolre - Vitok • do Pittelwaph Inearshes Co. !Wk.:" dit, People's Ininumme Co. Mein 2% - 13 Vetlestisat Map Co. Stock, ; VO Putatorge Osionsentilloß.B.,o4 do ' - Pitiateneh 20 lib damn Ere timinmo Co sea et IdelLWAlrMliketw;. fj.OOD FURNITURE 'AT:4I UMW, A : Tamcboar Int Ezra; 1 0 c!ots. st 00111iss•We Aaltlolll 1104, 4 Berlftra Lust, will 0. 601 d, Walitit Flea p q t ottaxibr. mortar Walnut Illgh PoettaiWitiros gab , Ikat Iloctur. 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The ratboad b my, comps teorallibm.,- ts ntrutiquilbd weave jejakey4ibtlei raddialy.to and &rods Palgrapign, •Icect. siodr.luir &trawl* tablas at Mb lwasimarbo,' almooa sad ir4cr #44, lat. ,11L1f4aitt,. 31:1 ' 2 3A217%1Ltainum enta. lll4" 02.cs a .21.3. efxr= et LEW* and uaD,r. *pe a miry frEDDX4DAY uzi 111112. . 41 . 7 :< 2 Ao:sa