The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, September 05, 1863, Image 4

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    ATURDAY MORNING, BEM 6 k 1863.
The Episcopal Recorder, is replying to the
criticism of the Church Review on a com.-
nntragethua' Which had messed in the
takeeiciaiion to give two distinct
views of Church government held in that
comminion, from Adak it appears, Rids
**eery is held by one party to be directly
nffeinte4 of tied; - and to to
ehlt*ehaititeneA.while hishePsWrideenr,
ed theme:More and representatives of the
apostles, iniested r not only with Chun"
government PP - 4 4 1 . 11 ,e '• ,014 1 'ut with °ft+
tats distitiot • eacraiental Powers. The
other view,
•Eptecopacy :simply
apestolio ordinanclyt ' and - shown by eorlp
tare and aleenklitlere, to have' existed
fetouthe-hilginntsti of the: Chniih r but is
not made indivensaige IS . 'Christian faith,
and iten C4 lll4l-I ##l . oo ll tkihi Church'e
Perleitielk 1 1;40 :teMuttial to .its , validity.
Thoifir4o iii,bitaiiihlttlitift yield tonone
in reverence for. their' obedience to the
Epitoopel office; The iseorder, in the dos!
la g paragraph, that while those who
Add ;these moderato views of Eplsoopicy
are tenacious of their opinione, and believe
them to be the tine vied of the Church,
they subordinate theio, is well as all other
POWs of..polity, to the preaching of the
gospel as set , forth In the Articles and
- Liturgy of the Church.
eighth annual meeting of the
New York Sunday School Convention wee
held in Troy, commencing Tuesday, Aug.
: 24 Ondeentinning three dive.. The Con.
.iention was permanently organised by the
election of Andrew A. Smith, Eeq., of
Brooklyi, President, and Ralph Wells, flret
Vice President, and a number of others.
Mr. E. T. liuntingdon, of Rochester, was
elected, as might beexpected, unanimously,
State Secretary. Messrs. Wells and Hunt.
ingden represented their association at our
State Convention, _held in this city last
• June. Several hundred delegates were
preient.:, Delegateeltere also present from
several _States. _The representatives_ of the
Pennsylvania State SeridaySchool Conven
tion present, were • Rey. T. H. Robinson
Harrisburg, Rev. Alfred Taylor, Bristol,
and W. IL Kincaid, Pittsburgh. The Slate
- Secretary's report presented on the second
day, was an interesting document, and
showed what system ind•perseverance .
complieh. The following questions were
discussed "What can be done to add to
the number , and influence of Sabbath
• Schools of this State?" "How can we se
cure competent teachers 7" "How to secure
and retain scholars." vene aim, the eel
.' vation of the pre:flute eon's of our scholars."
,"Short answers were given to the_ following
quenelle: "How shall , we improve our Son
_asi tided singing V "What new and
healthful influences can be,thrown into our
meinibly concerts?" What improvement
cal Se made in Stuolay &heel addressee?*
Theeienlngs, were devoted principally to
,' hearing short addresses frpm able speak.
era. Thursday afternoon Chlldretes Meet.-
. togs were held in three churches.: After a
few addresses on the second evening, the
delegates and visitors proceeded to Rand's
Hall to partake of refreshments, &a Nut
muting will be held at Buffalo, N. Y.--
time, last Monday of August, 1804.
—Some objection has been made to
Episcopal service being performed by Bish
op hiellwaine, of Ohio, fa . Western Yip•. girds, on the ground that the Constitution
of the Church prohibits one bishop from
performing Episcopal rites in the Diocese
of another, inlets by request of tho real.
dent bishop. The Episcopal Recorder thinks
the acts of one bishop lit another Diocese's
not an infringement infiingement.rof the Constitution,
Where the *ldea( Bieliffis in open re
. hellion
_against lhe government, and the
.eonstiinted Church authorities.
÷--.ll.Watiefltied ate social gathering as
sierabledin Eagleed fo.kearihstprogressla
Missions had been made In Mauritus and
that when the missionaries
wereobliged to leiveMadapecaritwae eup
posed there were ibput two hundred serious
christiatte lefti.=yet when they returned,
after so many years of 'persecution, they
fotind no less than men thousead. _ I
- —A - correspondent of the New Torii
.Ererniner adroit:des the -celebration of the
Lord's. Sapper in the evening, as being the
most suitable timei•and in harmony with
the sentiment of • the service.
—According to the reports presented
at the lite fleeting of the Peansylvanisi
-TO :ern •trystod, show the , follolring re ,
irate:, Nimbi ef, ministers compoefutithil
Synod, 121; infant baptlemic 1,020; adult
• baptiime, 227; additions by contirmation,
3,220, burials, 3,391; communed during the
year, 50,643; congregational schools, 18;
Bowleg Schools, 284; with 2,224 teachers,
and 17492 scholart '
—At - the :late cession. of • the Brills";
Weslaytti Cen fere nee, held eigheffield, quite
an Itidtlintetidiverisidon ".oacuired on the
prectieeof 'reading sermons: The feeling
was one 'of generatand decided - condemns,
tion pitiotice. ' • -
--Prom the, statistics funiehed at e.
greet meeting of German-Daptilts,ifeld_ll4
Onoltea r e — Chspel- in , troibito,giortt
has been lieleartztereese bithemereherehip
of the churches daring tholutthree yearn
of 3,876. The present number-of hit:Mere
reach 11,276. Nine'nowintuirai have
been formed, 827 stations established for!
pretaohleg-thelitopeL -
•• •-•The aihnen milted Biailicemk:
Synod of North America met at Cleveland;
ooze . time eine& • Sixteen ministate- and
•, eleven lay deputies, were present.", The
Synod has seven other - ;pastors`, besides
these. Pottle the past yenr!-
4ren! have - ,been peptised, and minietered.
the Pad's, gripper to 9,038 commuloanta.;
The Synelkitan llo 4 l stituqens. Of learning or,
missionary - so • 1
—The entire receitte ofthe Aalerbin!
Bible Acidity for the last eleven month
ending Angusti, were 5833,445 Vs. The
Issues of, Bibles and Testaments for the;
month, of, July alone were one hundred'
and fifty nn:sand volumes;
—The Rev; Johnii. Morrison, D. D.,
the veteran missionarlat the ?reekneilan
Baud in Nartheni lid*" who was elected,
Moderator. of the last .0. fr Prestylabuk
Gement Assembly; hut returned to his fiat
of labor. -
— The Meewrisit
Mfg= Mem;Rah at New p - ov e.:
4eethit Atutifeee:2lll-ssieleted.
relti.„"thig_te TLexeroisess 1111.1
rata the üb-- 131 thefil
=dint -
" wi g chaise=
V. 07 1;'1F•..
"4 4.71*-444 24' „
74,X,41.kt,;`.:itzt s Rik
Ar.;:ll l _htlioili 'meg
addresses. The forcipes occupied two days.
:.' l-4 :ieteitlPOZOXli•lOretriOG to thi
miss of thsletsclife,pOlialedla Chiebie
1111 P 4t A ii li_44 -1 4tAlit country, :Bays
its dullness iconly j ectualledby its swede*
roloOl• lade ZorPekts. it
says. ire Acd's! not hire "experienced this
waro:irthe clutistian olattroh had not hooO
a Whim: If wee ant peace the Inference
lejic4mrst go bitch, tolndaieml
a -,/t is elated the rent of Gm pews
in Broadway Tabernacle Church, New
York, since May, 1850; has been, yearly,
.$35,500. The congregation' has -raised
$30,000 for extinction of building-debt;
and contributed for benevolent purpuev,
$30,000, making a total raisedfor religions
objects in four. yearii of about $lOO,OOO.
—Dr. Gulick, of the Micronesian Mier
sion, says the natty. word"nor" 'Amen,'
which ends Goreltrlstian's prayer, is ,cfly
From TosterdskelkiMitorciftratte.
--- •
The Federvil avid Beate Courts-Imi
• goriest Decision= by -Chief Janice
In thellnpraina Cowl, on . Dills, 'macindni
oil um of habeas =Vo i d s simile Wino,
wars I:bight Wars Chid :alba Lomb, of
Du Bon= Cont. They was writs saved
on Captain Wright, Pronatidarehai, b pro.
duos the Win of Elq Mama, Maul Tar
gets?. Samna] B. 8111711, 4otopli Duldsy,
David R. Binh sad Tim 9. Eallak.ella.
god to be iilegalirtS*ll4l4rOf ask Mew.
The following is the liistoly of the woof
Ifolman,as showeby *I 1,1127 k of Captain
Strybfot,ean is a elegem of Payette estint7i
.stros of 18 , and 45 years. lii
was regularly drafted, in October last, into
the military. aryl*, of the 17altad States, but
failed to ripen at the rendsafolu for drafted
men; was arrested in obedient° to 'General
Mara from tho WarDstertment,and.brousht
to this military pod. .lia hatkbaan uniststed
Into the eartrise. and is =it held 1111 soldlor4
The catkins *Wanted by-s.. fluntad
hen, Mated 'States District Attorney;
who took thiftfound that the State Coarthad
'nejurbdlotitin !Leese oues:
Mkt, Jistioiti/owile delivered vary
ditelaton upon Ilea apolloattin, of
whisk the felloWlngetre the concluding para
graph": • ' -
ul Ned dist-rad bound, under the yang
lies-of the lawn corpus not, to entertain jar.
Imitation of tido etas of toms, azitha..lle.
'ponds*, andante, tame penalties, must obey
Iblrrir. tke itilatorartyears on the hoar.
lag to hate, restairljiThooonia ,a soldier, he
must-answer for all military egenoes commie—
badaftor that bsfore the military authorities,
and not before the elaileourti.
"Barer m 4 to show elate why attaohmen
should not issaittainst Itivnondent for wan
of a saihtdent return—returnable on Sitar
day, September 12thost ntrustrolook a. m."
The question involiad it tiniSof great inter
mt. not only to the potpie at. Pennsylvania
but to the oonntry,st4rge, and we shall en
deavor to giro the %haan entire in to-mor
roses paper. .
The 011 fiLaxket.
- -The Oil City Monitor, of the 2d inst., con
tains the following review of the oil market
for the preceding week; The low stage of the
rime., and et lack of faellities for. reaching
market, has . condoned delicate in the oil.
market Of this section, during a week put I
but prices are still natintalned; and the tell.
beg rates at the wells may be pot down at
$5,75@5,50. At the mouth we hear of sales in
bulk at figures u low as $5,50, but $7 le the
slant rate, $9,50010, asks blended. There
U not such great activity In the market, pro
duce not caring to nut with' their steels at
present figures, while buyers, for meow
stated it the oaten of this article, are anvil.
flag to make an advance. We hear of email
salsa of refined, in -bond, at this place, at 44
@Usand buyers eager at theme 'figures. The
weather, at this time, le cool, with a clear eky,
and no prospect of rain.
Thelma of the river is hamming btre, and
011 Creatisalmost destitute of water, and pond
freshets are apparently far In the future. The
stock of oil on the creek Is eery light. At
present there le peat activity, fn boring opera:
tins. Many new wills are being put drown,
and °ldealists being. sunk lower; Pumping
is In utiveLopetation, wherever ar'liZ
burgls alMore, atay.he obtained in thie we , .
We occasionally bear of new leering : wellebe
beg struak,PrOdiciug a few" barrel" each, but
nue worthy of *lda mention., We have no
alteration In the prise of barrel', prime new
beintwortbs2.2s, and secondhand rating at
$2,50 to $2,75, as to quality. The roads op
011 Creel are la eseellent audition, and the
priors for kaullagmere meditate than must,
so many teams being in the service.
Union !Meeting In Plum Tp
r In accordance wilb.parrions notice; a large
and enthusiattio muting of the anima of
Plum tp. wu held at New Texas on Wed
nesday evening, Sept, 2d. The meeting or
ganised by ceiling Mr. George Alter to the
Chair, and T. A. Patterson, ficuetary. T.
Howard and B.P. Lucas, Erg , then add d
the meeting in eloquent, patriotic -and truly.
isinngspeeehari Ilteisgenttemen entertained
the nudism for about two hours, and were.
intilusiesticaliy applauds*: -
Dr. & Binintir offend the following molts.
none, which were tmanimonsty adopted:
Baolved, That we do -hereby endorse ilia
nomination of Gov. Curtin - and Hon. Daniel
Agnew, and we pledge ourselves to-give them
an earnest sn_ppart. s.
Baroloal, That Gov, Curtin is entitled to•
thoecellittioe of. the .people and the support
of all true and loyal nine' In our State, for the
Mady - and uldefts support he tar at all times
during his administration given our national
government, and for the attention he has con
tinually even to ohs and comfort of
our brave soldiers In the neld,"tbus earning
Jon him .
self the proud title of the ,"Soldiers'
Prieed"' • - • •
Budged, That ire Wm undhalalabati eon-
Abase In the - adialnlstratlon of Abraham
Maeda, and in the ability of.thogoyeremeat
Unruh the rebellion and Tholloste the nese
of the Union.
The Case of Habeas Corpus
The case if John J. Smith, In the custody
Af,..Capt. Coulter, was, temp* before Judge
. . .
llicCandleu this :menial.
It was shown * dial Jahn .1 ; flatlet happened
to le within thellitet of the rebel army at the
breaking out of-,thewir,'
_and wee sworn tato
serrimvoirtbst Confidetatet
&Suet his aftenreds got within
01111'' Una and wait deviated. a n d led the
oath .1 allegiance to the "'"government of the
United BMW' ine was afterwards drafted.
I t petition waithen presented; and a writ of
UM/ Mpg i&sudd to have him, discharged
on the strand he went into our army
spin, he would be liable to'be - get as a &-
eater by.the rebels. , -
no awe' was argued by Itiattk Taster
and Swum for the relseer, and by Mr. Oar.
aimanjor the Betted States. 'After a hear
ty& the 4EICW - is sqUiliiid st titi cal of %hi
uUt,or, Inti Smith wee remanded to the Cus
tody of Capt. Coulter, United States Proust
Marshal, to bi held by tbi Board of Enroll
went—the 'Jetport of which is that be shall
be held in the mirk'. where he cannot be
captured by the rebels.
, Pau' Louts ..10 . .Cirt. Etotnnor...:
21dirimat .sad.ateiedtterAiewperieseca
"k oulls /4 La. all
-Mak publkiSlon
trigs& , For 5a1ie . . , W4..W., Pinnies, :PIM
Ando opposl4 tbs Poet•offlosi , ',".T.t
:jaunt* Rah
dalotai:ol#lli rtrul, kare Nro tiosirst
tiu aborh - 7,7: 71 - 7.7"
, Co..‘ Damp, i - Bternot ilasorrllkui Co gibuLtatouttedsithi Idtay it Itan t ahu
td4 UtidtatitlL',',Tha *a a se ,,
trambersttheCtounntly of tErtargatida
imstomalwroil taw
non: wiltertiniduith._ol4mas.
ofl3lastirlasadatsy, Sear 1811:6144.
Arrestor it
Berne-ef otr ntadliawilllicasbtless ventein•
Mei fatal afftsterhich asearredin Bluning
haseiln Ms 3Lil of 1861j:bitten two Ina
Ntei Kale:UV - and Bisard Lath;
dtiring vbielt Leith draws pistol and abot
ICanstlea...the . nonad goon aitev.teaminatiag
In death. Leath =staged to escape at the
tinse,'Sad it was reported that be had gone to
tai the tick lle Itncudsted
abroad until about a week since, when he re.
turned to this vicinity &adjoined his wife at
the house of hia.krother-in-law, In McKees
port. Ofiloort'Moon and Hamilton arrested
Mai oh Thursday nigh:, and he via brought
down, to Aida city, and .00madttati by. _the
Mayerleanswar a charge of murder. Lanth
is &young raja iolfrof •Evrati.kriawn Iron
aunalastsrer bithitaity,snd is very respeor
lanky coaneoted. ' - . •
BaU!ry A.
At meeting of the Battery Committee,
held.Ai:oo 26th, it was ordered that .the
Treurazer pay' o the donors of the Battery
fond from 60 to 60 per cent. of the original
enbleziption; and retain the balance towards
keeping op
_the organisation , of Battery A
while tha wetr,leite. Tilrerdecarre , a6 out
this resblduonote - Has scou I n third
story of Lyon'a Building, on Bilth glut, has
been tented for an armory, and is new being
fitted tit. A brass el: pounder mitt be placed
teethe:cam to 'drill with, and so arranged
that one detachment will be drilling every
night. In cue of any danger Ulm Leigh*
benhOod, we will, by this arrangemealt always
have a well.drilled Battery ready for. service.
We hope to see ether organisations doing
something now, while everything is so quiet.
Capt. Wright'. Monthly Report.
The following monthly report of Captain
Wright shows that he has forwarded, east
and West, during /Lured, In stragglers, 113
dusters, 28 paroled prisenen, 81 convales
cents, 42 reerults,.24 drafted deserter,, 9 reb
el pr loners (oonvalescent,)39lßours, in onset,
145.0010 red troop', total 530. In addition to
this, 1,020 drafted men were received and
forwarded to Camp Copelend, and 1.420 men,
(deserten, rebel prisoners, &0.,.) passing
through the city were furnished with rations
at the guard quarters.
MADAMS DEIWZILBT'S Qtrastaat.v.-51r. J.
W. Pleb)* oppoaite the Post•olDce, has jest
received the number of this high authority on
"Fashion -and. thelFashionl,” for the fall
muting November, 1854. It contains plain
and colored ,engravings, both on steel and
wood, .with patterns, and the until variety
of, Information on the ikoportalit celled to
which its ample pages are devoted.
W. A. Glidenfenney. 45 Fifth etreet, and
P. flues. Masonic Hall, }fifth street, hive
also received Madams Demoreit's Quarterly.
bronze's(' Daus° vas P1113¢117.
The neivorganizatlon of the March of June
Christ of Utter Day Saints have been
adding to their number. They have removed
theta plaza of meetin g
_ from Mozart Hall to
the hall over the Neptune EDgitle - nOtaa.
Service will commence on Sabbath afternoon,
at half put two o'clock. Tho pita, ars re.
spectrally invited to attend. Seat* free.
Brae KILLIIO , -4 Mtn named Maks, om•
ployed on the railroad between Franklin and
Ideadvillo,-was run over and instantly killed
at Franklin; on lut..Friday night. lie was
noting as brakeman, and was in the sot of un
coupling the loon - motive from the mein when,
at the signal, the engineer started and he fell
down and wu run over by the whole train of
nine ears.
C Cle Nona, on the Gospel by Matthew,
hayebeen published In Edinburgh, Scotland,
with high commendations. Orerthirty thou.
sand copies of this excellent work hat► been
sold in the United States; and it Is destined
to a still widening leg of lifluenee.
0111121 ell Mixer. .11182111171.—Th0 next
session of this institution will open next
Monday. Persons whiling to enter the regu
lar classes should proonre their tickets and
hare their 11=01 carolled this week.
Ma J . P. Harr, Blosonlo Mill, Fifth street,
has received Frank Leslie. Illitswaled News
paper for nut wank; also Narper'e Weekly,
both attractive u
MI N. Y. Herald, for Sept. 3, Critupday,
containing a map of :be present seat CP war,
Is for sale at J. P. Mint's, Masonic Hall,
Fifth street.
Daerrao Max , 11.aarruso.—The drafted men
from the Erie/tad Crawford districts arecom
monolog to report at this point. .
Tax U. P.Sjacoi of Pitteborgh will mutat
Newellle, Ps, Jut Thundsy of September,
(21 b,) at 2 o'clock, P. M.
PROM OUR MINING zprziotz.]
J Rilpatriok's Zapedition to Corban's
Bleck— Foonting Parties and Otter
i rillas-f-lee's Army Reported in
Motion by Deserters.
New You, Sept. 4 —The Tribune has the
following: •
Headquarters drip, of tlu Potanne A Aug. 3.
Information having been reeelvedvhat a naval
expedition was to be sent up the Rappahan
nock to retake the gunboats Satellite and Reit
nee, Gen.,:iflipattlek, was divested to move
down with his comity division and ao, oyez
ate inenek a manner an eintaustancos might
require. In anordnice with these instrue..
Kilpatriok moved,. yesterday morning, '
to the vicinity of Corlsn's Neck, where the
captured` gunboats Orme lying; oiling the
rebel cavalry bribe neighborhood to precipl-,
lately ford theriver.
Binding no gunboats appeared to engage'
the Reliance and Satellite, he ordered the bat
teries of Rider and Fuller to open upon them.
The boats more moored to the shore, opposite
Carbon's rook, and havingne steam up, they
were unable tonespe. They were completely
riddled and disabled, and can never again be
used by the annoy.
- The entity played nion our force fora abort
time with • few ileld.pleces without damage,
but were speedUy quieted. Then boats were
merely tam altered for navy business.: -
Scouting „parties . Intim trf - and ,earelry
combined are In this habit of leaving Gape*
Coreoraies.ennumnd. Yesterday they chased
a scull body of gamins, and flndlog a house
canceling captured sutlers' Stores, set it on
Damien now coming in eePorffien. , l4:s
army le generally dimmislag another raid
across the Potomac. There most have been
certain' Indications or expresside drowned by
thoPO high In optimszi4 to — wartgte lE. sa
da:peen. •
The reported demonstration of Lee's army
be mud exaggerated. It is again In *rollout
fightiag addition. ' . - •
Duertars are talus nusasous tbaistatod
both from end to our
ThOliabOiss'Corpus Question at Day
ton—Threatened Conflict with the
lililitaVrtOritiek—=From Bose
crane' y.
incciecAm kept. 4.—Qatto an oultement
wiegraatad at Dayton, last night, user the
arrest, by the military authorities, of two men
named Hulot aid Specimen for the murder of
Listit.'Watarimut. The civil authbrltu do.
mandad them for trial upon a writ et Jabots
corpus, but the Proven /timbal, under in
, etruottoze from flus.i'Cez, rehired' to sum.
du Ova' 'The inititla his boa' called into
requisition to tokathsm by form
The Catusweisrodispoitut, from /taiearane
army, represents 8114111144 •
Prom forty to liftydesapters eomeha crony
Blue the army crowd the river, the
Bridpport his' bun repaired, skid
thiamin, us crossing. , ;he country soqk
of the r iver fit may tomb* and reads bat.
Iteeiesulsaeoes are sat deli: to soar
Cape Lookout moue
The rebel force OW oseupies a strong pot. ,
C hat
Dormers thb '
' a we will Due to fight at
- vtedition f---
Expedition from New Orleans—Om
Br. Loma S Grant.
ept. 4.-4Tha ROtarkelea
listsphls aispstab. of September Site
Ns, Odom data of the 28Lb, halo bell
nadraL ,The expedlUoa'af thsll7
river stssagoiats for scot: Pstat "
t. G liairlo mwi s t d o lavaaVi a u oa g fit
Niri Minh os tits 31st."
TEE rumor, nt O.I4IFOBRA.
France PoiMena' Xezko
The Ehmation'at Chattanooga.
Epeeist Moon to to. pittowin Gazette.
PELLADIMPRIA, Sept. 4,1643.
A &pato& from Si Preneboo, thb EOM.
big, shows in :morass Union majorities in the
Piennt eleollorts. Dim*, the Demoaratie
elindidaie, Ii ahead of his ticket, but the
Dillon Whit will inn ahead 1/ , d0;1100
ioritY. The Union majority In San Pranelsee
ti Oat'The independent Union ticket
gave owl as rosy votes fb the regular
Union and Democratic ticket.
The Steamer Star of the South, from
Charleston bar, arrived at Mit York Mb
morning. She towed the monitor Lehigh
hence to Charleston.
The Union.,from Charleston bar on the Slit,
also arrived thin morning. She lay off the
bar from Monday noon until meet. The bon
dads opened fire on Ton Moultrie
.gi Soil.
van's Leland. Ports Moultrie, Wagaga,Gtou
and - SnOltan's Island replied. Port Sumter
was eikmt. The rebel fist is still floating.
The mutt was not known when the Union
Foreign Eschew, this morning, la 43 in
New York. It wu 44 at the opening of but.
The &di:dation of the President, warning
the community apinst being over sanguine
eta spied, and final tdamph to oar arms, is
Producing very decided results:
There is other news operating ad fy.
/t is pretty certain that upon our monitors,
as they attempted to pass the sea-wall of
Sunder, to approach the inner works a tee.
eteadoue dm was opened from an hitherto un
known battery, whase guns grinned from
embrasures in the sea wail.
Author nays from Charleston is awalte4
with an alone Interest.
Aethentio ieformatloa gathered at the
Frericci o3nsn4t/3 shows that Prange Is fort!.
. .
tying with all possible &Symms for the per
manent oaonpatlon of Maxtor. Every port
is being made a naval post. Strengthened by
hugeatith works, and while the tri-oolor
floats over them, Branch cutout houses aro
established. It isarbitnt that Nap loon will
utterly abnegate the Monroe dcotrizte -and
defy as in Mexico.
The premium upon gala is not likely to fall
again to 221 n some time. The numerous mar.
chants who paid their foreign debts, and who
sent orders at that rate of exchange, went
either sagacious or 'inky. Gold is not now
cartemoy—it is a commodity. Let the fact.
of the care quiet the morbid and feverish een
timents of our people, who dy to the morning
papers to see cur troops in the streets of
Charleston, and then sink back dispirited be
eline Wagner is not yet demolished.
Will the rebels fight at Chattanooga Is
another peation. Of nouns they will not
voluntarily endure bl-seatlon. Their pool.
Ben is very strong, and to . Reuerans the
oonntry is very dill:salt. Bragg Is already
under a Mend for his retreats. Ifs will fight
hero to the bitter end to redeem himself. The
prudent strategy of Roteerans May yet forea
Bragg to fight in the open field, but lot not
this task be andarlostimated. It is folly to
do this, bar amid are doing what has been
done by no army of medals times—so said
the gallant Gen. Gregg, the other night. In
his epeeoh at the Continental.
The expedition ender Gong Kilpatrick to
Point leonway, as foreshadowed yesterday,
destroyed theganboats Beane* and Satellite,
captured from us. The,/ could not be retaken..
The cavalry have the credit of the exploit..
.The boats were altered meld, ' not of treat ;
value; but answered well sao►gh to carry a:
small armament. 'The nary felled to co-op
erate in this work. They came up too late.
W. J. J.
Vallandthain's Treason in the South:
=An Extraordinary Statement ,
New Yon, Sept.-O.—The following extra
ordinary statement Is addressed to the New ,
York T.wce, in which paper it appears this;
PM/ads/plan, Iloaday, Sep:. 7.—Having;
Jost returned from the city of-ltichmond„ , Va.,'
where I have been for over one year, I wish.
you would give the following publication a*
plea* la your voluble journal :
I have, during my stay in Richmond, made ,
the intimate etquatance or J. Lane, Cap
tain in the Confederate Army, son of General
Joe Lane, of Oregon, she infolutad,
and who assured me that the .iate Invasions
of the 'North by Gene. Leo and Morgan Ware
made upon the unseat end undoubted repre-f
oentatlone of that Arne Until= man, Val
landighem who enured Jeff Davie and his
Cabinet. th at the North was prepared for a ;
revolution ' and only wan ceed the appearan of
the liontintin army, to proolalm for JeS Davis
and forsake Lineetn.-
Mr. Vallendigiutm's representations were
corroborated by no tone of the majority of
the. Northern Journals, who surely would apt
domino* the administration so boldly, inapt
by the assurance of haling the muses Otrong
ly in their favor., I have sent a copy of this
MU note to the Cincinnati Requiter.
Respectfully yours.
/luxe R. Rusin.
The ihrald epeeist', Washlegton statement
that CODlELdfliOner Cold has terminated
gotietions for ell:hugs if prisoner/07y a pa
attire declaration that whiteeilican of Colored
regiments will not be released or exchanged, ;
is premature. Negotiations are atilt in pro.
grew, and no definite result yet reiniteL
Dianthus' exchange'of "enliated men has
teken:pistfe, but both DUVAL fOntiniff to ff*
lease on parole snail numbers of this *Lass of ;
Notwithstanding the vigilance of the PO:
tomes aetttL , smuggling is stW curled on to
a considerable extent. A flatboat- hie
engaged for some time in iraneporting con
traband goods across:tkeriver, it Delp Role;
from between °sequin itad,Dumfriu, from
whioh point articled have boon removed fate
the interior, and erld 'at exorbitant rates:
At Dumfries, the lending:placer, common nit
is told for bit Per - ; •
,t. dispatch from headquarters, to the Inu,
says : Guerrilla 'operations In our rear con;
Untie.- The lest depridatlons'reported are
from the vicinity of Efutwood Chunk, fitef:
ford's Store-and Dumfrtee- mall; party of
e'ght was alialikiid on the road between. War- I
renton Junction and Iluterood one = day' list ,
week, and four Cl themilueloding the - Melt, I
A member of On. Eilp.strlsk's body guard
wee killed a couple days ago by_ guerrillas,
when the when body guard obtaiustITIOZMIS.
sips to hunt the guerrilla,.They have been
gone three days, and iludrrocaus may be es-
Moan& by the number of amuses '
suspended a, ocarecrees from tall trees on
their tine of march. ' — •
Preniitans for Recruits—Lea's. Za7
Syr You, Eipt.—The .2/11 , 1ea's dlepatqlo
lugs it ordered' that &premium of two - dol= for excepted , recrotts farthing=
tar army, and unioateere - shall also be
far accepted colored remotes. The moult
himult U eatitlello this prenlain if he prei
ones hicuelf to the recruiting often.
The Tome dispatch ernes -
A dlstlogulehed *door In, the Army of the
Polemist, hes seat In word, that Lee has not
given the slightest Olden, of "a myelin
more hisfoross.- Oa-the other : 614 he is
waiting for the neon of the creations of Itoe.
same. Onlmore, and Burnside. ,The *pin.
lon pavans aunt the mint latelllgent odour
eScers at headonner, that - it um - owl.
Sons are mmonsful u the Seezetny.wiftcv.
pose terms of amender, and endmirovan ,
Wag the war to a elm.
, ,
Batik on atinft Jut Slat
The= Monitors Past 11, Moultrie.
VKw Yong, Sipt. 4.—The steamer
!slaty arrived here :rpm ifiessau with amigo
of pineapples, pores to be Uttpirate Betri.
billion, and iris eased leaterday.
The itemaii • Oki or Air South, from
iikulestin bar,, arrived -to-day. Also the
simian Union.
Oft the3lifiszt, (Monday.) the tron•clada
zeoved.toliaritiff alltrazeil Ward, abreast of
Bore Moultrie. Wad °pied Am -The Fort
related, witted bythsbattedes on Siitlivan's
Telwed;aid forte Wigtir wed Gregg. .
Oaa. GUlmors s batiii* keit TrP3B Wig•
row. Hort Banter was diet, thowch , the
rebel dig waved evertfue rains.
The result of the attack wu unknown when
the steams isle.
Panama aboard the Caton report that
sort Wiper was oilerned. and that the mon
itors palued by Port Banda without kb
drones from Wagner. Al, itudirnot the fleet,
while on night duty, had gone up to the ;oily
without finding appearances' of obstruotions.
The impression prevailed that our fleet could
pass. op to Charleston by a dub. .
Boman* Monson, Sept. 'pada
correspondent of the Baltimore Assetica' a says
the Messner Spaulding arrived from off Mor.
vie Island Monday noon. The stormy "satin
for the but two days had et sicked the naval
operaUons. Everything was In readiness to
continua the atUar as soon as the Weather
was favorable.
When the Spudding left the Weehairken
was dulling Gregg.
The rebels nitedanother gun on the nine
of Blunts: on Batut4e7, bet on Bandar
Gilimare's battery dismounted it, damaging
the front of the parapet.
The operations of Gan. A illmote an pro
greasing vlgovnaly. Ws approaches are Co
okise on, Wagner that the combatants throw
ghats and granedee at each other. On Wed
nuday, we drove the rebels from their ride
pits o g n h t t he left adv
ance Me, capturing seven-
Dehlgrnnlint of moans.
Orem OP WI Prentstman Daum Gums I
. lamest, Sept. 4,1685
There is CO new feature to nothm In produce,
with the exception that there Is some excitement In
Grain, Oats sod Corn particularly, in cemarouence
of th s rumored dbastrons frost ln the West, end poi.
cm are cabal:ming. Gold as WO lean from minim
/Arica remand from New Tort to-day, but adman
al to 191, there,which ban adrance n of 10 per cent,
In the lest throe or fpnr drys.
noon a ORAlN—Wheat is steady with des
from wagon at 111,05 for Red, and $1.1041,12 for
White. • Corn is Tay arm, and holders are eating 60
aillto for Ithelled by the car load. Cats, too, hare
'dunned, and we pots nominally at 660157 e on
tract, and 05c front store. There I, couriderable In
trohy for Barley, and some small des from float
hands hare ban made at 11. By. bird= at 83.
Flour la unchanged; sal* of 76 btas 7 . Family from
store at 6,90014, and 100 dodo, at 16,7666.
GROCIII3III3-Bagar Is rery dm, and tending up
ward; tubs at Igo for Cuba; 12,011.1 c for Porto Hl
roiand WU* flir prime to choice NO. Cotes Is
a shade higher ranging Lam 90 to 310. lifolimes
arm bra unchanged at 660 for old, and 60a for new.
MILL nto-u In good demand and prime are
tendhog upward. Saha on track at 11161,131 ti `via,
for Bran:11.1061M for Sidman/7c, mod 51,0001,85
for Ellddlinga
ABURS—Tho mutat Is Quid and rattan doU, but
pica are unchanged. Small tusks at 33ap10
common EWA; &Mr, Reload dot and 8 for Nitrate
Soda, 4120 and Napalms.
84106N—'R. market is steady with a fair dermad
at atone tomes quota:km Eboolders range from
0 to oiieglides 6)j, to 7 for Bibbed, and 734 to Be kr
Man Plain Mona 10 to 10311; and Bazar Oared 13 to
WIIIBKIE—ti somewhat mated. aad prim hare
satiated materially; tale of 65 Me Chen= at M.
llAT—wsi la better demand, and, with a light
supply. prime advmeed; salsa from matte 010 load'
123 to PO per tea.
New York Petroleum Market.
(Veda Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gesetta
Niw Yon; Sept. 4,1863.
Than in • continua tar Somali tor Chub, and
prima= tied upward, with wino co Os spot, at ST
fitS734a. 13411214 in hoof, la Sim but nnobanpd;
mata at &Tasso. oa tlati 004 Septanber, 64065, bo
on' option; Ootobar, MEM, borne option, 643683(
salibre option; Nottnawr, 680, bums' option. br.
Elstd, ter, b arm at from 111 h) Tio, according to
quality. Napttut:la naming at 25e. 0.
San. 2.—PleuraLugar WOlOO bble XXX, from
whim want. at VIA Taktort—ftrtes ftension:
TOO taut whin Web: in UM; 400 'boa amber do. at
100 c; Irtai boa bei ft nd, at 103 m 20001 ma acid MX
bre *mbar I lob. id 106oi 400 boa *deo WM. 114;
600 boo arid 600 boa whits Irtett.' al 114 of 620 kw
2000 buy 202). bin sod 1240 bin amber MM. at Mo.
alms N. T. TsPora4,o.6co bits 110 1 to at 1050. Dorn
Hotbinr dote eirtdorr aro an dbipmed Co Dame
Opreo, man thenzelatof Modal:cap =clan from
the Mod of &lardy night, to more &UM, mar
tend. Ciato—ran
a—Mover, peaserdap, after oarca report, of
ass boort Ida. - Sead
82; sl,37y,oheo.—Eisa. Tbabri $l.lOOl
Amyl:Ms:4y agaroad.
I Pusamdsad Fi.Watot& Otaaano Ilauscaz,49ol.
3.-4. ass tmp, tarn= lad, Bit * KO; tlests ann,
261 bp d 0,20 & /I - Waltzed 09 bbla wnlaky, Wm
can 404 - 60 dasto, 21 31140211*. or 00144
Mar, Watt *Mead 100 baapasp, 40,00241* At ,
bask* 17 b 316 199119. 1, /1 F O 7O Sur 74 bil 3041 1 ,
Matkba ail3mass awn, 0 Ludirt4 10 bzs Ina
*WM Los a co; I tar tatfochl 'Minh aco
9 03 927. , ‘Bdwar . & Bailin Tar rip, aka dad,
Hltobsock, ItcOnads* an T6O Ind, It Al Man
mac 3.* ad 15 bra audios, Gam toid
361 bides, 0 Bat 34011; 7 tau!' ta n sy Kant & Pat ,
kar,'o bba Boni, 11 Dalonsa. '
Otreassai & Ptraatntali Batman, &pt. 3;-
10 hat bate **, Wm Bubo; 30 bent mks, 0 0
23ests7i 6 tab beater, 2 bbts apples, I V .28
do do, Beata, &Barons Sado to, Owens 9777
6do do. - Jahn blabar, OM mac boats, sad abasso7
P Tonal /7 Ago tobaam, 14144 a Woad* 7 Ism
6tara l / 2 2 bbls samtaid,Jl/aab; 127-bbla L. 21
V 9 / 3 4.9 93 1 or als ink% Postria:ai,
_kn.' 20 bza
canny 16bassakar4 Una 13 alta= atasmuna2o
*an ,
madam buttar,lll4l6 1. Batsman;
de 2tda- Sabin% itulanda -170=361
dsi , dn, At.
welt, Us ad-22 oka paid* 04,300,2135]32141
dud*, .101Laworthr10 Obi Saba*, alcDoiald a Ar.
bnals; 3 balsa:EMU &71x0712 - blatott, 0 Ad
amr, 21 Ibis •17m - 111cOtttehaan; do do, B
Blibop; 13 bdla dirmitiecad Ihkdatobacca;
9 6.0 9 10* dosll &hub; toll peara l / 2 711019a&
COO odip /114414 Wakit ma, Batik aad
10 tuba batter, 1.12T010S a, to; rd pub 71334 Wm
, . m
Au.sandsr.dsastats-4017; d* lts desk to/
tads, Estraaly t Wm 9 km; trade* B Manor as mg 2
bbla ttpirp baits* 7 Tad; 21kb aim 1 bat
butts, t bbts Id** J.Kra111 4 41% trattif, - W BO;
0 bbla
~- / Ilaatotasy,r, 20 bleb.;ppm
Di /0 Mb appka,l atm a lawn 43
applaj John &maw 2 pkga natter, 0 F Da.
man' IMp wheat, D allutds: DWI 49196 A PP'.
Rat 792 2. 0,441 44n9607931.. •
ZE HTLTIR_ im.iattLras:
Eumilibs, P
*an Tatum. hapromaimea.
tn. lei Wan lia the Asa Qua Caos
Patina. m 1111113)IX sad 0322101. -
tverY citifb rtmegtatty bitted es ow at por
ceariguld was ta opmakm.
araa Malik* tionctiat firm leen.
rttliati tot I attigti,'
.-:WELsvitinizik dice
- - wklenger-Auller"'
. ,
I=...ire. sassinzetwii'.,
9t5aii4 3 14. 1 4457114ub
11 4 0.1i1 - %4ZL
,;FOR WiLlt-4700Witaleat Magary
a! brick dullibittidtow: 'With hick traltditz, 33e.
!BB= Etreeti'Pliwbazgh:
Aso, •hwWtteetted and welledniehod three.
stag brink t i hem, with back bulldog, VD.
12 now alroAilottrpop _Mat and $
&wad rtnete,
Ma, ,
twteegrwr Ortandwell e hote wit
Andidhwer Sean twined taxi* Weer o Sem. h tech
1111 the stens =attired , and earplie3 with
Moo. one iitari mmq oottdv) dw,Ulne. 80. 010
Sawed awed, and . the two dory Ilium dwclllzig ad
tolatne, Beth althea boom are in good enter, and
sortable hr man tsmtlirs..
Ale, a let d Brazed wither ziorthawhewely old,
of {tat street, tetweete Bare and Try/welts, niter
Bosistrtel„ hating &treat of itt feet en feetsheet,
sad tzterding twek CO feet, '
above Beepirty twatod ta i dorlable pert
'ores My. • • • -
For term! el ill partici:bat voter* of
WM. W. W110E034.
Irrr:U - • 80. lei tenth itmat.
All =dor fume, and In a good slate of cultivation
The hoprorealcats =slit of cow mugs DWIL
LING, cantabing 1Q rooms; largo CURIO BABE
MAST EIGUSL, with 6 roams; and good ercluad
of yens/ treas. ODAL wader the 'hob hon. El
onto In Bal4wLa township, about live mils' horn _tho
city. inquir.• ol
sauxi, seaum b 00
• Kant YOlt AALX.—Toro Le% 20 toot 4 In,
front by 110 FMB
deep to an alley, with a large double
house, between Eaneodk and Daad street. A dee.
table location kw a Ph , s i kdan or Dentist.'
Min, tonne flea boll sites for private rcaldennet
CeQ illtrinnerille, heal ; to 1 acre tach.
Mee, • largo n bfilbling lots, of mane
alms, of from 116 W r est front by 100 to 110 kat
deep, situated at the tendon, of the Wylie Meet
Paeasmerer Rahway. •
ofhtt to the andandgned, Ibrecnters of the estate
Jo lierron, deo'd, W. A. MICHBOn.
R. 01. HEBRON.
BALL—The ornbscribetz. about to engate to
other hotness, eget tor aslathair ,
situated in Preeport,„artnettong outlay., P.. . The
establ6hmantll to good rutting oondition,.ennel•
lenity loaded for stuttnitectitting Pr Whiskey, be.
lug la the ity agnate' term of Sedan Penturyl.
T anlk step I WO rep:Whinier lie Ecollnota
Aim al' .Pllobit BAACLIC WitliZpieuga, tot
Vending" lighlitey::
WE also off= ibr vas - oar Oni'antnlie Irv; in
good wrung ocwittot imaged oil- Bait Mill Itna.
adjoining the botonghi at Temperanoarilks.
Per tuither pertionLus ingette of
TEM :1 1 / 1 ,1. 05 Tlret 'treat.
10(111 ELLB. - .0 - operiort sessostai
band MIMS 'num.'s° uass-s7
foot long. perfect.
5 5 Pottoerorw.155 !nob* a1ti54 5 4
teetionc,s4 - torn t, _
Taro UTDP4I3I. on
1(1 PPrIBEISA for Plorneri. vftl
PaterPcornolste.!' - ,
fined aeor awl seostr4-5145 Irria/5 ..fiwan/Z
from 15 inch dlantstar &ern to 5' 124. rKIII
ttr omit • 1111Q11 faf. 1101.84
fact? on Ilur dllnabsav rho. car. POW-AMY-
50 bbls. Roofing Cement
aalttf tor. fittiond Wood statoto. 2d story.
BALL—We aer for ts's 834 mat and sagas.
flat 3 story Thizt Bouts, (to. 218) orsctodyn •At.
Boot lot, sad oxtsadleir , back 100 trot, sad masted
nearly appcslasths Prtabyttrisa Church, Penn
stmt. for rise and terms syyly to
sal Lt. Idol. AIN dr ro
FOB BLEB—A large Lot of Ground on
virerialby. ht the rare of Id noel°
Mall. "all mot Wand a. large minnfacturlng
eatabllgnent, 4 *ants Titennanta and a Btatdarp
whk.h rote tar SW A Jur. for Prim and
Ursa apply to B. WWII& Cu..
109 Tomah alma.
riOUNTRY HOME).-43cantiful aita.
aa edam foe Cleantly Homes for ads, La MG=
loamhtp, Ohio tewmhip. aad deleintley Borough.
All these to are within short dletrieter of idatione
011 the Iltiabaryh, Rat Wayne I Chicago Batley ,
EL DM, old P. Oaladdleg,
onS Water stead. Allegheny.
WWI SALE4OO bbls. Cade Oil •is
x talk. &quint
=ST Pe try Bloc !
Pit ts
.0,, touching at PMEBENTOWB.
Nowt Bassos.) Its well knows ototonot
"TOP*. Now Tork and Indladriphia rhoionahir
Clontoonv tot andad to sail as talon '
CM seventoas.:. - -sascate*: SO; VW
01.2.1 or
ova or maw 01Pt•
Borth orm7
Bi asocoodlng eatnedag. at ma, from rag
id. ter.
' limas mina%
Fat OM. or fa witarakat to Chrstarg.
do. to Landau." to CO do. to London.. 55 60'
do. to Paris:;.... 06 00 do. to .=45650.
do. to Hamer 00 CO do.' to Haattara VI 50
aho forwards' to Barns Brame". Bra.
=. lei rir Bo g at opal's kw rites.
Jim frau or Quaguarrint: lit Bahia.
MUS. 1111 A 0 t 001 11490/ Thou who wish to
bath& Mandl can ay Wats hart at thou
• •
To farther toireatstlan apply sft - thisexamar r
Ma, JOHN O. ALlkAssal,
HI B D romickh N. T.
• JOHN THOUBSON, dir s t a i ,,.
Hand Meet, Eat bolus from QS
'shifted . .
'4lOll CIORTAIITi - - •
ADRIATIC, lAlMlloroolowor, CIRO tom
ittenuu TA, s, 4axi acnintoott &OD tom
00 / 411 IBIA.LITAI/ogewpovar, 3,000 tons.
1.000 liaros.gaireri:ll,ooo toy •
ntognidoont Iltownwlttp AMU/MO WM . all
trots Limpid, Ai eihrah to Brit T 0 0 . 04 WM: 6
STADAI'. tb. 16ob od Jar. to b • fPliowed by Ito
otbeir stemma ettbe nary iliarnato Wednesday:
'RAW 'of front
• Biolgool to Row Torii,
iible to_ go or writyalnat in ourrouty -
TAO 03 15t00r0g0.,............0.0 00
B ooo ndo_ol_
../for maga oWywt. *Moo cd'ilis Agouti,
C=o 'ARCOLA IS Brooding.
Boum Mum, Rumor.
w•arnototo or, D. O'BILIBL,
..'Ziordo Building, •
In Mb &red. rtqabarek.
PASSAGE FECIM.nta elm conN.
./.. TUT."—The tuelosithtsect Is sow pospuid to
tetog oat elotinaita hem iony-lort o t t o , Ine
hog at B .liodi either tilt =pular Mil
litteatettcteehMigthemetateoth steams: 18.1
ThaTTlMV.4tteest oboe Iftptha , Teuelo, Tot knots
trail aktibermen toe Ow oshotoeceb;
TIM Ur rhouneho lieu- Ltrawd ' writ
~ totetteg eeTenatoisdatty Zra the taint
The oalltuit needs hore - Llverpot mat *ask.
; A•d4usti •. • •• , . D. 01111 /Lie
emote ezney.aroaktoEullilag, •
somenee - -- to *inn %tort 'Ptsbbaralt.
CUNARD LlNlficiix!l ftommi
UMW.' sad lanotuturn,il3s, in goad, pats Katy.
ono to cFreicy. ...Irno4 Row Ycck, 535 is car
mtcy. cur: wx:,k., !Apply to
TIM& Apnt,
DA ERNZ•alliii ihrisettoiy. BRION
At wamatotrezato.=_!qtat, tiii dial
tram Matra:mt. - - - -• , '
Partarea anly to - '-', • WM, -
.. .
, (Illantszai ilikixt 2 14.10 - . 1
er to Joaam woonwza b
. =wild AEI Wad atneti..
lIMIs LET-One, Two or Three :Boom
L; taus third at kazialmarlis of misersoruno
totr a u r : wed, with se 'dent ;taut powsr..; -
DOW' • :4 'il- 4 -T2ue third s‘ry of, the
WHIM itrehieeeiharh, the satecak tome
austAnar stadia Devieehe •
ilukts MM. &SWUM. •
pROPPSALI.O,.fft,RA rift ' . '
41re :,
c ,
or arm FR, itll4llllMtisr*
............• Washbutos. D.-0., gra g./IFolgta.. ~
c6=bririllakliddbaPtillitir. 7fOrielkto
be dallysad ell Altbibyrjikr•l' Abb l / 2 Wit.
lm, 0 0 , 1 21==t ior
ti, 161. 0 . 1
Womb lob 61 ion lei thin tvtatpfill VI
hafts to he • floseitsetea 00 pr: date= us awe
MO. km ORM 1 0 labbi @i Yon af. we ktn
JO *lna* =I -FaitAWUNI iTh PO Askaskl tow
Roar au didada;
Ito alefty et ibi • MlAs ' mai itimeioeui t i
mut be 'annum by toe
sk L abfe r am mta t srask " o r& lb* gacalltlik3 t+
by Os bfbabil arldlioiolol=3V4llllst,
"*ft -f: 1 / 4 1 t ,. f •,. 1 7 .Cl 4 2 , h , ~t .1 4 4 1*
Ifs."'" ast".„......._'etttlisoa I;.ttstaabi. ILA
ga, Calklwanatuair.eavatriZarsari
auk be "a us C ( 4! Pk , AnicPea:riptor
~ . , i , CALM* tal..
777z. . - .Lkus: oat . lie tem isick Irablait.
LlNtiamys miltnvvx,
C '
n •
, .
--- • •
Gaudette forma tions,
a nTthils , I
Ihtaneoneiebs. .-
on the Face,,: ": . ,t - , , -'''
PUO Erni: .
__- - ' .. -7 :": ' -
Totter mregotnnoi
. Bald Hetai, - ."
4 1 :0Pailidar'
Old and Stubborn Ulcer.,
Ithenntallo Dioerdnre. -
tannillek . •
Salt Rime.
liver. Complaint.
Loki. of Alipitito.
Low eildr#l
roxittli Coioplointo t
I fP#PP I 7 4 RATiti.
P1ar441148 or /lair, •
Syphilitic Diseases lad
Carlos of the Berm.
50.129 nurth Amt.
Toarrass wrza ALL Kama DlBZ4j
ELAVI:I4O 111111 081013 IN A Ditenmo
OONDITION- OF THI BLOOD 01 . oneptq,a.
TOUT 6781111.
Cain OJIAVAL 4.. Bon,.
- , rarbsomm. Dstrebes S.
Dn. G a m E. Ata*Osiait! *Wig
ildiblembry babment 1c i ecr Cl ; l itneteet
tiredly yew ttgbd /UPS Degibmitm"
lam lidteivlfisi >Cn 7 tiitijfkmofil4 Ifklok
broke oat on my bead end tbrehowl pleb Miami
ma very numb, and took off the intr when tho die.
Nude Its appensneet ilea Woke ont on my
arm above end WO" the silo,, end sit Into theskto
and Leah so as to emcee a &WO tote. The dI
on ay bent went to ler that emend small Moon of
bonvanoo cat. I was very yeah end be Welle r
end had given cm all Mpg of am getting will. at I
had triaseverst Oa=lltleleFe Ind Ufs/ did km
no mod. In September lin; Iffl. I eat latiqed . !;1/
“Zamolitin's Lim In Bacon iftiaanne . 1
mart confews I had no bita in resat insdktoes. tab
et r 2 bad mod Mem betties of Ding Boarclwr.
ekees on ray heed and arm began to honk 71
eow token deter ten Maim we my head end stn
me mak* wen "t?, P le . l 'iO r tv- 21 441 t* the
t* - 2 atm ebbe that I Ind the
. I.lmentedige
nil Nab 'nay arms and lege; The Blood
• Elturkstt
afro eared the ihemnallern. I sa now 1/wett freb.
over reit; yeers elf age, mdl lml is suyie lad loneg
is I did 'Judi sae Menu .nit have..burbent in
weight tinailr pits4s. - amid alb 'bete that Ike
.to my foraltseri war is bed Mud lama
stooped chd lifted anything hum the blend - run ad
ths foriL Dr. ROliewhad a ptioterimo titan of
ms by the. Cul; the ertbt, Mari beton to got
well. It deal lloilllo7l aPPM*3 14bia
Isabel= I menumend takteg the bediedne. Toe
ean tee the phototriyh, me arta& le now la by
possendomend One M. Dr..asymeAllt ilebilLeffew.
I would else state Mail took the Stood Sekledele
Width wso made before Dr. Sam commencedunk.
et It. ram:mach It hayed , sns moth did . :noted
ona Dm nat!.) I got the kind mode try Dr. Itelfer
Idaneli -One bottle of Itts did Sias rsinA goorthit
two of the QV I believe it Is sped dee *Myr
gad Inger. I tnnerianntemewltinlkhoetlltetbb•
ex to Wgreat lzyiar or my Ala& virtin* Omega
adz wing, a ha, help& tin white ef Zee
nub pohlish this it yen wish, 'sad euteloietlnt
an who are- V 3 4 , 44 1/ ee lwee 40
.oaralt: theta .
thta.citya Do. 4 Pim strut, end am employed at Col.
yids IlEdarrak's tralOst Mod& Zak& 44 WOW
ittent. DAD= re. BOTD.
4 B4llf D ACV -
I His to nu met uuiltax, hite:4lo
usltly Wad is Wb errata?, - 1=1.7 ter Pate. r
oe on Dr: geyser Moat throe roontas hi r a r i t :
taw- We to glee roe =dtesattata taths -
ter the =ad yam u m a*
esed not go to PliTholotourn So' Let RiarAll 6. .61 1
=did= toil %moan:. Me. gabs. old ay 4101111:.--
lies to the - 140 tinted 'lot trohrhith;-
them in the hospital to • thbigry. ar4- iris rellendi
-One ter itteseio sheen Worried Ittarateadli ot -
act rows out: or Us tonitat--7 illorreriTT
retMICII a4d camodtkz -n*o*. m
tool Mead otrolne, oil D r.Seyser,erheassiesbeild' '
a 7 tied. Eta ley WY ore =My Wart - _
The Doctor me ate .1/taw'''. Mad IYearabeeial ;
s ' DAVID' annumw-i.
ruptcrib, Jury UM— ,cistacmana. wita4 , -
Wltmea-11. P. lelletar, Milopr-o ItteskAge!'.."
play Qty.
BAD 150E11 LAO .
, •
Irtrrinuacn, &Om:1 W? 15,1640.;-11ndety'ssetlIf
thael bum had a sass led f mans year. 'lt vas ;
arrarsd 'tem said sorsa • so. ant I 'could not
watt ' istsisentd :Malmo
any., tor As an for - t o tatait l "
du Maths; 'I, eerszatof thehad doday bee
atty. but lifeboat any benefit; Castlyl called cult. •
tradifta, at 80. ltS Wood street 'who only attastAsS
as about two yeas, Ind sauna but Iwo telliassf
Mild*, and I am non satin* win sadlulnasza.
Matted well for six months.' I and itaplophi at ;In
Xedleltottna Muni an Youth stnittittbsatt
sum tee etc " "THOMAS
.etrzsetnna bill ri:u ktiA'a tUrtr'•:2•Til
iettoto atrkst. • . -
Cr aIIR R itIIYBi74
? .:-:-•., -- 01.7,411 :72t ---1.;: f .:; : : : :,:v -.
.. , :.4..-..:-.•;,.„,...-.1,,,:. A l t*" . -
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. alit" . . . .. , •
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aillilia ' A lie '
.. . . ,
.. , . .
~,viiiiropiesoz :1111,42*U:4uits'iiiistrilitilis
adds of rem e..danaedeste Os the otilia
T ercidi now card* into dltadiams A
tozomm, et .
_...thle LemP
Isicanteall Ur no. '- -
woo lib sxplatince. ' may. yea -sad
I esedklind to droldnee with ethth thee; the
1 dtdated. eaprandt.ted let thel?dreddeAvi pad ea - •,
V im* otocriadd #4, ~ - ----.:- .--,,...„_, ....:.....„ •.,- - ~.
= elude:rod cats add 4,thatzt,iddth:dthetheet '- :', ' '
• - 'lt *la ode as AXD 0 0/442„,______ - derd
". vartabla =sktitti
_dhow! of , the' +umlaut fail
. 11. aladad.COthme_____," : t :.-. ~ ,• . ' .--,••!--- r-r- ' '.: ..
If Ida veri3fadat , ' --:.
4,l4tare ' e qukismuozetAititlilliils74::: ; l - ,.. -
'- '",-- -.--- • '-'lieritiiitnidt Aam tiOdlid ;: z
ii,iad illi bid - - theldidadark*
.eAddLd; - az* to dor elat : .-,-..-
,-.•• 7 ,' tpai to t . ill• %OW tfi atm: dee , " = .„%., - :,
..;.- .7:_.- dertd4o4, Um dedethethe i .`" '-':-'.--'. • ' . '..
!; - .ti.r- - .- - - ..-
illdidors add gad' illoodtdith„ ' e.,.
ieri.."lret thilelerthy leafy ',.'01
Ott *VII i . :" = -'''' ----' `- : • *--.;,:- :11: - . ' ` I - -
. titirnougeur-a=loiti,
'' - moli, 41 71 ;1 410 Weed ildWs
DOWN '' -• .' ,- - - - ' ' - - -
, ;..,*4c,f*.'' : . , ..
OLOOD 211AnittE2a.
a IQ az COB 6 7CI
Horaurha MAW%
43attera1 Debilftv