The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, September 05, 1863, Image 3

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    i' , .^1 , 0 , 77 , 1 , , , ,b , 1
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CITY 44.P.FA188.
The Writ of ilebens Corpne—The
A atiolitetioa of the State Vomits—
Important Opinion toy Chief Jots.
Wee Lowrie. . .
Commoninalcii of l'enntylvanis ei rc.Stioes
7-, ,
McLain, Bag. :Berwick, Farquhar, Barth
anti Barkley •ew Capt. E. S. Wright, Provost
Marshal, &C.
' Eitr. ereite4l habeas corpse before Chief Jus
tice Lowrie, for the rebore of the relators,
held as dratted soldiers. Opinion of the Chief
Justin of the jurialiction of amebae Judie:
uy,in such tun r . '' _
When the firstarthen @slalom' cues tune
op baton me rstattly, - an balm coron a no
question Wad nittelabout the juristittott.of
the State Judges to sand this writ to s Fed.
oral offider. In the see ad cass,tito DLit:riot
"Attorney e: the Cal - Straw, noting nada
instruatioos (tombs P. writ hismlsl Goner
al, at Weihington, did also the quettion, and
the cats was adjourn ed ordninst he might
make such a return as would put bin tithe
time on : the record ; but a a fterwards dude
ed to-mine the objectio in that case, and it
was beard and dallied on its own merits.
Of enure I would not re baud it, if I bad
not believed that too ate: are within the
Jadicial competence of this State judiciary ;
for the courtesy of the ed District Attor
ney could sot alibi, m want of authority.
In the patent cues t • raspondent, under
the advice of the Dittrla Attorney, has made
a retina in which beer pct to my jculadie
tion, and I ;have heard all that th e counsel
desire it gay on the to, eat I find nothing
in what hie been press sd that weakens my
long entortaine d caul one, and I feel boned
to show that I h a ve not been heretofore and
am not now guilty of us ;lon. Even some
State judges latol acted this Palate
flea to the State jadicia , and this makes its
vindication tho mare I ortaat.
I observe it very sae decides of the Elti
promo rllourt of hibblg , Spathe's cue, In
whieh two, and puha s a - majority 'of the
judges, tam to have a on this principle;
bilt.they can tecaraely said to have disesnec
the quistllon, however o fully they may have
cots.dered it; for the do tot devote more
than icinr or five sane tot to it la all their
pubilehad opinions; Sea Am. Low Reg. of
Angnit, 1863 And nice, as here, the cue
was under the that of Coogan of ISEI, end
tee State dccli.
They seem to found their derision on the
oplaion.of the Supreme Court of the traits/
bates to the one of Ablsman vs. Booth, 21
Howard 501. But that ease decides onlyitat
sprhoner cannot be token cut of the custody
of the Judietal Demartment of the Federal
Government by meant of a hol , ear corpse is.
sued by &State Court. Ido not understand
the Chief Justin of the United States to have
.., meant more than chic; and It blond, be meant
'Mete than the coin esiled for, and all beyond
Is mere orbiier dictate and cannot be takes, by
itself, as sufficient authority for to important
aprinejpie. -•
The principbs really deolded in that case ii
a most important one; and I rejoin to bollovs
that it ii not now questioned - by •any one.—
It mail:list/meld ill eirbeolleht la s eerydisor•
Orly wiz, and ant of that disorder that deal.
Ann arose., It was questiontd in out State In
the one - Fastatoro.Wlllllmaen and twice
daeldet ;a hereon:at I.oesay, 0: II Wright,
0. 3 The point decided in those cons does not
at ell 'rapport tin • otjectlan now under ctn.
tideratbso. •
Jodges.aro the fanetainatios appointed for
. the teat °frights; and they may await rot
~ trial or In oonacalsence of a part of than
__general thrisdicon; and therefore they are
not expelled to show their authority for any
Pottlerclar nit of imprisonment, except by
their records, end to their judicial euperlors.
- But all erecntive,-leglaislivo and military
funnierarits herring no rahea pce, must,' as
. My their restraints of liberty, when their le
gality is 'disputed, before the judges to wheels
fun/Aimee each questions finally Wong; and
the habeas auntie is the writ or salt by which
they are raciaL-ed to do ee. It Is it.tbded to
operate on all extra Judicial reatiatatt of lie.
erty, and it, more clearly thannny other rem.
ady, expresses and embodies the principle that
every man shell hart a spetdy heating for
his liberty', - before the regular Judges of his
rights„ and by duo searee of late. '
. ' "Thlit his been the law of onnelvet mid our
utoestailfor several hundred years, and wo
hue always found it tandems* to liberty.,
main very rare !cantatas Liss it been used in
li s dlloydallyr way; though It doeo require the
jadielary very often to interfere with and set
-aside the acts of the very highest *Scars of;
• ellen: alepaitments cif the government. Ni
,conflict. betwesn them; on this stoma, is it;
• 'ill probable whim eaoh is Anomaly desirous
of Wig guided by the Conttitntion and the
laws n
sad ordi n ary mina of the country, es'
neatly as is reasonably practical:oe, and_whoa
oath Is rossonably•ratactial of the fano:dons
of the other, as each ought to be.
This it the nature of the writ of habeas
awn that Is steered to every one by the
Coastllution of the trolled States. It was an
it etitatlon or remedy to wall known that it be
• not described in the Gonetitotton, but merely
eased. It It tubstantlolly, at least, the ha
-boss corpus deser:bsd in the Statutes la Ches.
1, and St Chs.. X, though not always limited
as they were, Ind three note substantially in
force by edaption or reenactment in all the
States of the Union at the time the Federal
Constitution was adopted, end this declares
'that ths privilege of or right to this writ c r
' suit ikon nor be suspended, unless invasion.
°rube:Hoe inks it nemstary. Oar 'statute
was sad is broaler than the old Enetah ouch
and at broad as the modern Kagllsh one. As
'then need, this remedy was entirely In the
- buds of.tho State sal was apptlea-
Mere all emits elistsaj Midst astraten of
ilbertylttnin flay. pritelt whatever. rue,
' rthereore,istha Mint or privilege, themovery.
where eels fun by,Stato law, and no where
by Federal !w i thal Wee seared against sus
perolloo; and it no where appears that it was
(abutted to be at all-intathotod with by the
Filers! Constitution, erupt In this litbllity.
to suspension. It it a man's right to bring
his suit for his personal liberty, and have it
promptly tried.,
• Why, the*, shall it now bo told that Fade
rat caws shall not obey a babe= corpus h
oned by:a State judge? The Chief Initial, of
bilehigan says, in flpangler's cue, that, be
cause'an (Saps' against the linited.Statat il
ele/SliTsly essaftehla in the Federal courts,
-theraline oaks acacia o/ power under soh ati-•
thaity to tqually under snob exclusive jab-
Afetiori.'" llati after'a dears and rev octal
calf:rite Sae that this constqunice follows, I
Massa my inability to do so. The learned
Chief Jade!, Titan Chanoellor Kent for hl
catmint, bat not for bbrotmollasioa.; Bat awn
the Dreading nags of the Comitnntaries, p.
440, the Chancellor lays dolga the ruts to be,
that, in an. Laialsoament by a Federal tam
by plot or under pretext of Federal suttori
ty,notindiatal, the State and Federal courts
have coscurren Jorisalation by bobcat myna,
and Uinta Many Who:ldes for this.
• Another tf the inroad Judges in /bug
ler's ale foie, other, is enough appearing no
.itio case to-show• that the Commissioner, to, .
goad filth, claims to hold -the relator under'
. Federedotithotity; that this authority is not
it men PrliiitAtshat that the Commissioner,
and•the anthaillat under whom he tun, are
honestly andante:int to etny Into fleet the
requirements of the an of -,Coogrest (of 1813 y
and of the Fedora ElielltteektA a matter vi
. tat to the safety`of the Union . ,' Tea question,
—•=biers/Om • of toe 'astbotity -of rho Cons;
adssionor to , hold - , hit prisoner for the
purpose etated .if 'toss which I •think
. ipprepristaly ' billings to the Federal, sad
not to "the. State outfit?: line again I,
Most toning 'my liability- to 'troths how
the' conclusion. , follows from the psalm
Tits rinsing eta° acts of the Federal caters
don not tam to me to plots' the exelutfre
„Milani,' kw of the Federalaurn In relation
to than. I ratter InOlito to : think that ta•
laarrauljadga did not intend'so strong an la
feria*.. -
I flitd, therefore , no 'authoritative decision
that izaludes the jurisdiction of the State tn.
WM% in tali cues. The Federal Cantata.
tioi balms that the Federal Judlcdet Pomo
shall extend to, all asses In law or -equity
*gob* under the Federal Constitation and
laws; but' this bas neverban haltlo exclude
the'lsrhdlotion of tho,State aunt from the
trial et auss.where one of the parties founds
his GLIM on a Veltal law t though It Inc.
is aloe S'enietitUttO•lll,3netlioatlas of laws
proddlalfaiszellim;tl inch elese by the
ifsgsrai- tdiClarti - Sass* shooed where the
Sbanjanytt liatelhlat Interfered by labona
oro c li vittli - the'aots of., liedorat safest 0
43tanliyiiii1; 7-81517, SS 5 ; 1.2 New Nam., /In;
• it •5her50i•63,114133,-,114: ; Piel,ll7 ;10 Jobst,
..'z SIB; 'I Gotarili all; it W s Ift Capita on
C::•Vit**•l:4:44W*4°4"'.4“ •
the Constittitien, Etta on Nab. Corp,
Itur StirY, In work on the Constilm." - -
Non, vas the' following quotation , from the
Federalist on this pone ntbjeot "When,
In !addition. to this, we to:eider , the- Mate
goverment, and the national imveriamant,ns
they truly are, in the light of kindred
and es parts of mse whole, the infmenMe
slims to be, conclusive, that the State courts
would have a concurrent jurisdiction in all
mem arising under the 'laws of the Union,
where it wan not enrolee', Prohibited."
And thee constitution expressly provides
that cues arising under federal Uwe may be
heard before State courts, when it declares
that itself and the laws made In pa:mann of
it shall be the supreme law of the land, and
that ath•judese in every State shall be bound
thereby," and requires all State judges to be
sworn to nipper& the Constitution of the Uni
te! States.
Three provisions evidently anon the State
judiciary to decide questions 'Kriging under
federal law, and require them to be guided by
It ; and they may arise - as well in cases of
habeas corpus as In trespass, replevin or
jactment. Nowhere Is the Rederaljuriedlo•
tion held or declared to be exclusive in not
questions. Yet In the exercise of it, I admit
the wisdom of the remark of Chief Instice
Tilghman that " this power should be elm.
cited with vary Best caution .and never
where Is any reasonable doubt." The
State judge, in deciding upon a federal law,
ought to be extremely veteran! that no State
or keel opinions, prejediass or excitements,
should so influence DU judgment-as to cause
him to misinterpret or mbapply a federal law,
which is intended to rum ep end express the
general thought of the nation ow tan robj eat of
which It treats, an not mere State or beat
The Federal slonstitution and those of all
the States more to every ran • judicial
trial for all his rights-of life, liberty and
property, and the habeerimpus Is his regu
lar and anal remedy ot. snit for hie atm If
as others are for his property. There is noth-
Ins 'mutter await to cake it a /pester ob
ject of Federal supleics, and there is no
era tangible ground for striking at a more
than at any othajedinist remedy, unless it
be that it Ls more speedy, beams -preened
liberty is dearer to men then other rights.
It he &snit for a men's right to himself, es
data, replevin and ejectutentare suite for his
rigpht to his money. hit tumor his land.
,The objection relied upon, therefore, reaches
snob beyond Op remedy by behests corpus,
and founds Han:gap= a rends breeder piaci
phi. It is this. that the ersrafss of pswereeder
welding of Hera/ enthral:am be seelyteised
°gated only before thelefera I =aro; and it to
taus broadly stated by the Olds! Justice of
blichlgun in Spingler's case. In other words
it is this Where any am i* dosesprofessedly
Sae? federalarthorith no are wart is me
reres_tati whetter priests rtabie hems bcot
sejelid thlreV. I am unable to state the
principle in any narrower form.
Why then are State Judges sworn to cup.
port the Federal gonetitation, and bound by
it and by the law. made under it, it tarok an.
dimity endr, when a question of federal law
is raked? This cannot be. It sever has
been to regarded, and Rarely we can have no
better evidence of what is the sung taw.of
the land than a reasonably uniform profitless
unless it be statutes,. The history of oar
jorieprudence proneness sleben the broad
.erintiple which I have stated, and that is its
cominsive condemnation. And wo cannot
avoid this onsequemee by limiting the prin.
eiple to taro aorta, woes.. That would be a
mere arbitrary limitation, limns" founded on
no reason.
And it would be fruitless too; for it hat
always been regarded as law that State /edges
may, by habeas Gorgn, try the validity of
onlistmeatt in the - Federal army and in the
intention, when called out ey Peden' aune
theft, as well as other oases of chins to
thirty. And I doubt not that the nomds of
the Mate Omuta here (Pittsburgh) would
show hundreds of =eh outs; L have tried
toms of them myself; but only two siva
this rebellion broke out ona of which I hive
ahead, alluded to, and that was the only one
is which my authority Ins questioned.; ag
apt to my own mind. In the very ITS; ens
I ever tried I had doubts, but thsy'-were -en -
dryly ramovei by an loves rgat.on which I
thew made of the law.
BO if the broad principle which 1 have
lasted be true, then all this must be given op.
Nny, Moro than thir; ranch more. If a fed
eral marshal wronsfally arrests a man, or
wrongfully noes him when snerred; or wrong
seises any , mart* property; or ejects him
from his land; or imilitary Moor wrongfully
doss the like; or Imposes the 'punishment of
the whipping post; or arrests And fracas into
the army one who_if not dratted cr enrieted;'
or If an army surgeon wrongfully sad 6y
plain sulfa praxis amputates the limb of a
wounded soldier; or If any Metal cuter
wrongfully quarters • band of touters in a
persons home, or enters a malielorts proton
tin or nit against any one; and "the deems(
be..mede that such thinge were done under'
federal authority, then the °Mina has no
remedy in the stareetourts, bat must seek the,
much lea aomertible Wheal femurs. This
would t's a partial. denial of the right, by
rendering nits unduly difisult to be brought.;
' ' iteretoforu the law bee always bean that,
ler every wrongful set by any person, the
sufferer bads right to sue in -a state inert,
and if the supposed wrong-doer had any fed-
mei authority under which he could defend
hirraelf, he wbound to defend hinneif
end the sate
there end ware bound to al
the defenci ' „aireerdinoo the tall legated-
feet of the 'federal law. No doubt them is
danger that the onto alerts may sometimes
be eve:borne by local prejudices or excite
ments, so as not to give fall effect to such de
fenses, and therefore it has boon thought!'
proper to :squire that, in - nth oases, the Su
preme Court of the United States should have
a right of review. No doubt this rule is nee
eatery, so that stateyjudges may not become,
merely arbitrary in their dealing with federal.
law, and if It does not apply to llamas tor
pus eases, I do dot now see any reason why
It may not he made to do so, under proper re -
But, and I say it with great respsbt, I can
not avoid thinking that, in the light of ell
our previous practice, this objection indicates.,
an undue suspicion of the titan courts. I
koow that in the trylog circumstances in ,
which th e Federal Government is placed by I
the present - rebellion, it is entitled, within the
conatitutien sad laws, to the genereus sym
pathy if ill Minima eitlents, and that all
its meseurei ought tobe liberally interpreted,
and not narrowly criticise/.
But on the other' hand,.. In can Irene no
Government, union these be mutual trust be-
Mrean the Governannt and the people, and
between the Federal sod the Stitt Nonni
mats. Iderepower Is tit arethoriey: An et
, gantlet damns ot. ail nateuel,ind enduring
authority is the moral quality that is , involved
in mutual trait between the- governors and
the governed; the Union and in elements ;
and this moral entity is none 'stand, bat
rather excluded, by form end diluent. When
there Isnot such mutual Most, I venture to
think that it is most likely to be wound by
cattail avoiding all, even apparent, de
patent from the usual course of administer
, tag the Constitatien and the LOWE, so far an
Is compatible with the work to be done ' and
.thets preventing new onset of distrust. Bii-
Boni as well as law, therefore, forbids any de
parture in this class of Otilet.
If the BMW courts are not to bri - inuairn!
with any jurisdiction in ems iniiiiing acts
done under Mini !awe, then our Federal
Union is greatly *taloned by Unless of moral
bond; mete legal forte tenet hold theStatia
together. - There is ' • moral bond :Strong
enough to hold them, made. up of the moral
fibres of retreat and areotion for the Constl. 4
Minn tod /awl, is heretofore usually under
stood; and of mth.toolelretaliensind
tatereourre, end I essuset eontributs to -the
surnaming of ea single one of thew We have
found the old paths to be -paths of-pleasant
- mess aad peen, _and./. cannot _kelp to Ind
into new awl untrietor;danbtfol. Islet;
it Intl, until, the moral enthrall of social
custom and amigo hes prepared the erity..end
madethe paths straight and :tidy, for genial
travel: Idutulitteyand distrait 'lot theta
social fibres. . enspielon and strife 14 pits
hand - meet leretieedes in those paths, and pro
duct all sorts'of evaioas Ord dbiordere in the
soda movement. - ' '
Nit morefitin one in inanitliansaadi of
the ~ t rinnotions of IWO life, requires the
,foros of - law for its protection' at execution,
when the itability el %kir la* anti of iti'lid 4
trithistration, -mut its -humpy With toast
Itharlesien Cook th at its isooollol la suNotent
to illipmets all queitien• and dispute.:. tad ,
thee eikeegelmassin ere inoompatebly better
fulfilled- Una when the lOW U often'tailed app.l It. force; betides beteg mare
peacethly done.. lint when the lair bonnet
so unsteady, ant so di/Quint - with natal
states, that all may dispute' it, then litigation
and social allentione abound, and - the, social
bind gives 'tokens 'of nein dissolution.' It.
cur mattes! allenationlas gone so far the
State - aorta cannot' b•truittut to administer
"Um supreme law of the landp it -mime to
me ,QM il,ol Vas damp for bs to b•gbi to
destbkont abintY4e, allibt 30/Uni
ITnionpUtoisgiorarypelyiriony erefutir
mg* ibis dallpr.--Thei States dp not now
plendly..distrust the . Word Celina, and I
think there - heretofore hien' buSlittle
Peden! State, Courts but if Fed
end distrustAtu, grewn ,or is to grow to
rented Of tlicprinclipler taverna to this cinaz•
don, and Federal courts and mut carters be every State Ref/dent to wet
the demanded snob a principle, and if the
State courts end themselves continuslly re
minded, by the application of the principt.,
,of the distrust intuteind towards them by
the Pedant Gorelninent; then this 'didn't
will soon hums mutual, and grow up into a
&redo alienation, and produce, or very
strongly tend to prides.. Bedard Melioration.
Let to cautious, undo; generous aid free
from putt's:ter local exeltemant in the ad
ministration of the law; and let as retied
much before we adopt co danprons a mind
r pie, tither by palatal interpretation or by
positive legislation. Trust the State judges
with the administration of such Haderat law
as ordinarily COMIII before them and they
will generally do right, an the 114021.211 - 0 e
throe paten of a century ho, proud. But
,pit upon theta the mark of Federal dlstra pit
and yon invite the people to regard Federal
law as something alien. Co their system, and
inspidons In its character, and therefore as a
law that is to be -opposed or eroded.
I feei t therefore. that I ace bland under the
penalty of the lawn Gomm set to entettein
jotted triton adds olau, of caner,
and the rt
spondentoreder the same peseltier, must
obey the writ. If the relator appear on the
buries to Ana f o r
become • roarer,
he..XlVilt 11111 M for all madders amiss sum
mated after that before the military author!.
des and riot before the civil touts. •
Enter .rule to thew ante lily an attach.
cunt should not Issue , againstrespendtnt for
want of sudident return—retuniable on Sat
urday, Septembor 12th, at nine o'olocl,'a. ar.
Yvon Goa Noglo7 Command
Cava EPPING, Mr-, Aug.:6,1803
Protmining a letter from this depart=
will be soceptible, I have concluded toil,*
tome infosmation as to our whereabouts.
Om dlr4foa, (liegbree.) left Drohard, Tenn,
Aug. 16th, and after a very tedious, roma,
arrived at this place Aug. 19th. The roads
were in come plum almost impassable, which
compelled ui to build corduroy, bridge!! la
order. to has ton.cur movements. When,rteg
leymoat he surmounts all - obataoles. Our
notrat in by the lirihrorsity rand, Which
compelled ns to mole the CwOberland
tales.E.:mecimo/ we would be among huge
roele,,then is dens weals, when suddenly
beautiful volleys would burst on our view, lo
dated with golden arc—valleys soon to be
overran by our army, and laid In-waste as a
military teamster.
Ou division is now the ado nee of the 14th
Army Corr, which speaks well for its
commander, in whom we have every confi
dence as be has proventy settons, he Is
worthy of oar esteem—a atrial diselplia
clan, yet kind withal. A 'commander
' who takes every Interest lit the welfare of
his men, sad who bar endeared himself to
them by his mnoy acts of kindnees. With
Negiey as our commander Victory is • slut
pnatiger.. • .
It Is imposelble to tell or even &vino fa-.
tore mevomento. Tho Imuntry „ should await
the smolt With. patiOnes, and 1. have no desire'
to chronicle prestrot
Gen. ltomicrens Is Organising a Corps dd At
rium'. Au &wpm' who are notengsgedas ter
rants, areplaced in-the mold: Already Many,
applications have teen .itrtdo by sergeants
and privates of the three years regiments to
command them, and many have been assigned
to that duty. •
Tho health of ant division is generally ex
1112 & d bd&k4, (segue,' division) is
now commanded by Col. William 6lrwell, 78th
Ponta. Vols.' Ho It an Outlet' brigade
'commander, and will leave his mark should
he be engaged to battle.
The vreothet Is opprinle ely wain.
. ‘'. . Juana
Another Address by Judge Kelly.
A large and enthusiastic mess mooting of
the friends of the Union .assembled in bla
zons Ilstil,lest evening, to hear an address
from Iron. W. D. golly, of Philadelphia.
Ron. Wm. F. Johnston presided,Assittei by
Mourn. Jaokson Dancan, Henry Lambert, A.
K'llghs, Jame& K. Cooper, William Little,
George liamUton, and!. 14'Donald Cross=
an Vies Presidents. Beeretailes:-It.' W.
'bitokey and A. M. Brown.
Judge Roily was introduced to the and!.
'nos, and delivered a moot patriotic and argu
ment:ilea address, telly sustainieg kb high
repotttion as a speaker, and rendering most
etbalent garde. Ito the caws of the Union.
. arguments meal a marked impression
upon the large audlorate meant, and will be
need with telling divot against the copper
heads during the proms campaign, The
frequent andhaarty applause attested a keen
appreoletlon of the more prominent points
whisk were mado,b; the learned Judge, and
his masted, exposure of the weak sophistries
and deceptive - hikes Of the en-called
:by leaders wit keenly relished by every
loyal hearer. 'The 'Judge& address was BO
lengthy, and his argementa Co exhaustive,
Out there we/issued, any time left and but
Utile.disposition manifested to hear other
/waken. Calls rem made for several gentle
men, but the lateness of the, hour deterred
them from respondieg,.,..., , „
cartin4a Addtdes .the People
On Um 16th of floptelaber.
•We ate 'Patti:Ml*' to , eutiounoit that, by
errinleMint of the. gide Gemini eammittee
b_f the thiten Petty; poverhot Orlin
in this city on Welke:deb . the 16th or Sep
tet:lila, et - tehlotr,l4 - 4,14 - prig eddrass the
people of title county ! ! ItieChisigned
mosecOtiliiitieikle.ttreit , ,htads7; PitTarli•
Ilona for which sill he commenced Sit once,
end everything will tiro dorie r iehich the limit
ed time will admit, to - nieke'it stimulant by
the tntlegieu itsviitigthetuitteitiu dem.
To, Mace MoEamon.
—4he aeries of Roe, Morton; of Indians,
and Judge ,of nitadolphia, ere oil
eisity 004 thellet of speakers ta'addinn
ttio Mass, .floiveritlen at. McKeesport on
Thera:ley next, which now promises -to be
no of the most izterettleir peer
lage'of the campaign. ' The COMmittes bay
ing the amitosis' chirgeato doing everythieg
In their'sfyi
,to,Ucts Interest of the
veterdnintenlng, :held , Ileron loiter,
Cheek* Ideltent7, Ohnelg frloriilon. Alfred
liogle 114 Geergo PidtnettO ben In PA end,
to ikppasr at sto.nestAerni of-. the mut and
sneerer *setup of 'wanted and
ooked assanle and better, on ik soldier nnutid
MAO. some time
fiagrous Aoileneggro—Altra y named
Albert Ogden - woe emu by tlso Esprote
tab, - triv Pelday afternoon, st. far , o'clock,
otlho outer d.pot, and was' so eeriogel 111.
Jared. that amputation of the log gap noose
guy. ne,wles rot:toyed to 'Dr. Wale?' hoe
Gov. , Cqyzuvo Iran Knwriusa.4—The
fabwing:4 ls P ata WI! _ 04 . 1,0 a
•111111i1110 o Eimpt,4,lB63,;=To IL NIII.
ter St Clutrlullotel : -- r - winberts - Ktttan.
slag on the tie: luk% A.,CfeCtratts.
Joun.—The bhp& of Prof. 8. J.
Wilton, will be glad to learn that he hu ter
tuned home very instal Improved, and vtli
prima le-marrow I morning In Ms 81011
Church; and in the *ming by geeiat !opal,
his eobJeotifBl both. aeratteotion."
Ina BELL la anal at the theatre thti
imenlng—"Tke DON'' Efignal" and 'Zba
Demon Gamblft." ' • -
Gsovil IID , liagAs'sl37tAti litsmuris, tW
litOisinupttaztag putpittssi ass the
beetle nee.
A. IP. qursrv. Ottaral Apt& -
e.IB Yttth stessi.
TZOILUI Pe swallas watiOraamealal EURO
Gooier, end dealer In Peanqlearda and Ver.
mcnt slate of the beat quality at lota mitts.
.0111 ca at P.a. Lioglallery mar the Water
Works, apSsea
Wotan and (button Claus VW be takes
at the Omnibus aloe, No. 405 Liberty street,
do or nlaht.,, All, cedes, left at the above
place .111- be promptly *Waded to. All calls
mutt be pyQvuar.
• .
Epeeist O➢ima to t Pittsburgh Osuats.
Wozauraroz, Sept. 4,1883
TB/ caurolica mann.
The foilosisig diepatchas were reinived to•
dal :
Sas Frauisco, SQL 3—To Abrahams
cobs r Loyal Catiforala sends greetlega. The
Union State and Coagrisalonal tickets awe
elected by a auklorlty of from 4,000 to 30.000.
P. P. Law.
&pt. 3—To Zee. Edgarslt.
Straton, Seeriterry f War: The Union Stat.
tiuket wu carded by a large tosjostiy. Lugo
eostsibutloee to the raudtari* feral.
By of Brig Om. Bright. •
P. P. Law.
5421 Franci•ra. &pt. 3—To Efors. Edwia
Stanton; &crews of War: W. have moved
on the enemy's vote, and they are nun.
California, by bar Tow. bids yon awl the
army God-optrA la yaw Arlan* attd glotioud
work. R. P. Law. '
A dispatch to Secretary Class uys :
Sas Franciteo, Sept. 3.—The Union ticket
Is sleeted by as overwholmiag mei atty. Ity
ber votes Calgortle his at as example wor
thy cf
Toot, H. Y., Empt. 4.--the draft for this
sty began this rooming, end terminated iSie
afternoon. The prooesdings were orderly,
but great interest was felt, and the Ojos of
i'sotost Marshal Hughes, was crowded
throughout the day. Only s email military
Gros was on band, although two regiments
ate in the city. Among those drafted, wore
eight from the Times came, including the
local editor and bookkeeper, U. B. Hobbs'',
edit.r of the Precs;and one printer from the
Whig. Ssveral city. ettisess and 111:1210t0111
prominent calms drew pesos. J. H. Hogg,
of the telegraph aft:morn alas drawn. iTtms
baste( foaling protails.
DIIB7IIIIOTION Cr ISLOCLLIM lIINSIIIB. I Burneldes • Arevements--Eastern
Admiral Los transmits to the Van Depart
meat the following report of the desiruotien
of the bladed* runner Alex. Cooper, which
was stooompilshad 111 New Topsail Inlet, North
Csrilir.a, August 22,11
United State* Steamer Shockakon, off
osiopton, N. 0., Avg 22, 1863.—Butt I have
the henot to report that we bare destroyed
the blockede ruemini sohooner Alex. Cooper,
under the following eiranastanoes On the
12th I made a poonnoissmnso with boats In
NSW Topsail Inlet, and was driven out by four
pieces of artillery, stationed opposite the
mouth, bat not before I had disoosured a
echooner at a whirl 101313. VIZ miles up the
Bound. T Lig sollooaor I determined to de
stroy, and as it was so well guarded . I eon
eluded to use strategy.
On the evening of the 321, the Shooholt=
anchored close into the cgs beach, about tire
mites from the Inlet, and I sent whore two
boats' mews, who shouldered the dinged, and
carried it scion the neck of lend thaXdividee
the see from the Sound. This wan about
half s mile in width, and fevered with a dense
thieliet. The crossing placed my men some
miles' in• the lOU of the artillery force guard•
tug the entrance. The dinqui being launched
the facade water, six men, under my ex-
Oleic, attacked them. Ezalgu Sol. 8. Oen',
started with orders to des , xvy or capture any
thing that could be of use the in enemy. Now,
it seems thit the 12• pounder howitzer wu
stationed at the point for which we were ex
amining, and the smoke of my steamer being
samovar the treas,the command set of the poet,
Capt. Adams had come down from the main
camp to insure s bried lookout. While the
rebels at the a ohoonees mastheads were strain-
leg their eyes in looking to the south my boat
was approaching in another direction, and
the men succeeded in lending sixty
yard' from the wharf without being dlrcev
end. TA* master-at-army rebel ChCares,
crept into the robot camp and counted the
suer, and, having returned to hie shipmates,
a °herr, was mined, and our seamen bore
down en them with a sherd,.
In a =meat the enemy, who outnumbered
no three to one, wore ranted, leaving In Ur.
Coney's possession, ten phoneys, including
Capt. Adams end Lieut. Loatbato, este twelve
pond army howitzer, 18 hulls, 1 iitooney
'audio= catenate cat works. Air. Coney
then Claim oat two pickets; dessioned two then
to guard prisoners, and with the remaining
two Arra the vessel end salt works. TIMID
Were thoroughly consumed. The °Weal of
the expedition being aenomplhthed, my men
returned to the vestal without anytime, bring
ing with theuteeven prisoners, all that the
boot would contain.
Itebel - iftlarra and pintas duu alike, sad
Liz. Coney was at a km to know what then
tosbtain ; be settled tbo matter, however, by
pbtking out three of the but looking 004111
who ail turned out to be privates. Bo the of
glom owed their safety to their look o
physique, a now feature in military strategy.
While this was going on at the main land,
the pickets on the beads side, under Acting
Master's Mate Praundlit, engaged and ro
puleed the rebel picket foxes in that quarter
without any lossun our side. This schooner
cleared from Now Yolk for Port Rsyal, with
an assorted cargo. :I pistil try to team the
numbs of the patriotic olds sae, if say are, who
entered into this Uttle speenlatien.
W. B. Coserso,
Ltontonant Commas? to toting Bur
Admiral B. P. Loo, Commanding W. A. B
A committee reproser.fing the &stilton of
Ohio aro hue for the purpose of procuring
from litemetary Otiose a modigoation of deal
alone In regard to the modes of taxation of
the prodaou of their establishments. '
The report that Gee. !delis hu bean ro
omed from the Qautermaster's Department
to stUtine.
Cisa. Helga hu just returned Irma an
speotiois of the Quartorrnester's Department
of the Imo( the Polonleo. That inspection
hos determined him to mike it thorough, In
spection of nil our armlet. Ile stertallume
&lately for Great'' and Itosscrans° armies,
aisdilll in his tour comps' aIL
axcalsaa os ooi;oteD rusessas DUCCE2IID
At a Cabinet meeting to•day, the sutdeot
of Gm holing" of colored ;Manors of vu
was folly dlecusard, The Government
take a f.rm and honorable position on this
question. No exchange, other than :soldier
for soldier, of any dokniptlon or hue, will be
consented to.
meroicams snow XllllOO.
DI/patellae from lifligstei_ Onwle, hem
gale% were received tools, at the State De•
parte:teat. No Intimation of the eenteatt
has boil made, farther then that they ;ma-
Ulla Mitten ot intense Impertanoeto the
- Colonel Bowman, Suportntondent at Wad
Point, hal been tentovad, and Brig. Gen. B.
G.Wright,of Ohio, appointed to AU the vs,
Surgeon Bache, 11. S. V., has been dotalled
am In Simla* Surgeon for relantsor ota•
0011 inViashisgton, in plus of Dr. Clymer.
Kato? Cen.Zuater..has bun assigned to
active duty'. Ile will . start for U. Wait lit
hit days.
othutose t a 300 rouinsa.
Gen. 0111thore's great 300-pounder gun wee
not Washita the eiplosten of shelle Liable
of Ite but Atal4hi icrite.was blown off.> It
shoots aa well; sa our; Itt the ?spelt of the
saddens casual thi'Depastruent to `bend him
szother.jrhisktires afloat, and on Its way to
Irtni in tirentrOntheura slur the news was
noetvotl. l ' '
: .3 ..
Special the ristitherith Casette.
_ Pauanrisau, Soot. 4, 1863.
iza'a rwgz. moraxErr
That flank mornment of Leo's army tuna
out to be a mistake. Nothing of the kind
on possibly take ;lees. Thereat of orr
army wag bassi with guerrillas, Wave and
murderers, not, attached to any mina* 4 6 -
partment. A portion of our cavalry loomed
the country, aol all of this eine they uptur
n they bang to trees, and loft thole bongs
dangling u a waning to other vagabonds.
SIX7III enwetvaalloo.l.olloo
The 6th Peons7lnnta . Colored Regiment
has now 560 members. It Is supposed that
in two weeks its make sin be fee, when they
start for Dixie.
Quaassawseras G/ISSZLI.
The etatement that Qamtemenster general
Meigs had bean ?tweed h denied. My Ln.
torment, direct from Wallington, rafdlt war'
Vie ourront report there that the General bad
retired into ptivato life. 11. A. W.
The Draft In Troy, New York.
Tentisseen Avacnattd.
Barnotrowr, Ar. 4 , Sept. 4 —Oen. Burn
side telegrsphe that be took Kingston en
the 2/. Partot liiinty's brigade, of ibis army,
went in ,'aimultaneouily. Burnside Says he
met with but little serious opposition. All
putout Tennettee, except the Chattanooga
region, is evamiated and free. Everything
is working splendidly in both Barnette' s
and this army. Tao great obittsles et this
region and Lookont mountains will be sur
mounts(' in a thy or two.
La? obi from Charleston.
Naas Yoga, Eerpt. 4 —The steamship Fulton,
from Port Royal on the ist—left Charleston
bar the same day—arrived at Erman o'oloek
P. u. Toe siege still continues. Gen.
'moro had eneeneded in running a parallel
against Pert Wagner. Tho irortelads had
been withdrawn from the otteek on hionitrle,
and the batteries on Horrid Island. Charles
ton bad not been bombarded for ton day,.
Everything was progressing favorably for the
Union troops.
the ease of Specimen
Cflomarn, Sept. 4 —The Co tum<reiar•
Doyton dispatch Days: This morninsc Speel•
man wee surrendered to the civil authorities
by order cf Gen. Cox. lie It in the Sheriff's
custody awaiting the disposition of a writ of
habeas corps, by Inggo Hays. The Provost
Idorehal will not resist, and Speelman will
be axtimined before the mayor on the charge
of shooting with intent to kill. Dator Elat
ion was released.
Vesciters Shot
L00t:mm..74 Sept. 4..—Fiva dmerterz from
the 221 Kentucky infantry wire Amt. at Mon
fordswille at noon, and two of the 33.1 vitro
respkied until October.
Pittsburgh Petrolcuca
elm. 4—The eultement noficol yesterday In the
oil market le unabated, and while there wore laver
trundle., pric e are drm and Italy ustalued.
There Is 6 continued far demand Lr ()rule, and soma
800 or :430 bids changed hence st 24*, pa:kegs re
t uraed, m 1 2Cie packages, sal three may he regard
el sa the miles figure,. fielders of bolk oil are
akieg 21.. lialood, lo Lend, le vory firm, with coo
adershie Inquiry, Leib r preeest and future deliv
ery, le ithout, hmreve., any change
ran Oa the float, good bramie are ht Id et , 63451;
eels of 603 bb N, for ail Itotob , r, seller.' op' Ine, 0%
56m6C0 to be dairored ;seen the first and afteentis
of November, ethers' °Ai's, et ff.; 60J to be deliv
ered between the twenty•filth of Ostoter, and the
fifteenth of Novemtter, at 1500 On Thonday seen•
a elle of 60 Dbl. “Brilltant" ern m ae 'or No
vember delivery at 68a. Stained, free, may be <pan
ted at from 60 to 68 tor dark straw to prime whits.
Thera Is ce demand for Denali., ' and In me eiroemi
or nein, we omit ameteulocie. Oil may be
Quoted at 62,d4,2,23 ncood-hand trod-; tht,43
501.60 fur mond Befitted, and f 2,80g2.85 for tew
Mirkote by Tedegragh
Bev tote, i.ept C.—Cotton fru, bat 1 e watts* le
69470 a for middling oplande. Floor opened weal,-
ethyl exalted at at as, lance of ltii L6O, tot the d
dull attti buyer, generally retnstne to pey the cad
teem; SOSO foe extra date $5 a6e r s VS tor extra
6 if to $6 60ify7 f r Wed. brand,. N. Mgr) Ilex at
62e. W best beery. on.ttlod end detaining: private
aatOODU from Inttroad Ira rtey detressing, 111.f6
sl'7 for Mil:ago lipx,ng 14431 14 to al liwrukte
Club. $1 Well :2 tor mloter rod wester*, cod St 18
for Si moots (Pub. Corn synced steady, *.sod
it sty and lOgio loner at Mania for mitoi Modern.
Wool collet without decided Satrat eteady.
Pork a beds armee, with scar ale as moth daind at
$ll MG It IS. or nev pease, $ .6 lt@lG for twist me
teen; stela ed to she cab. arc 1.1‘.0 WI new meal
dedversbla on nr Wets the lath ['slob.; at Was set
ter's option, at $l5l CO. Bort doll cud nocharg tot.
with email melee or prim.; me • bo f dol and noml-
I cal Ideal Sams qulst mud unchaag di clot mete are
erm 4,41,3. , ,e tor rhort'ders, tlia,2o fur Basal.
Baca stele* steady; ssorre.rt duct clear at 4-7i4Sto.
Lard mote active cod dm at fri.;(3 0 , / i•—tbe, tatter
t extreme for very choice, Imo Kara lag. at tilic
Menai I. gotta s elates t 641, ntarly all too
601re:eat Ma latter rate; t terbeg. Ia epap.tny
with gold. to Ineßolsr and uniettbd, 81 .4 .1,.• bibs
opeze.l at 145014 - 34, clouts gdull at 146%L146; GO'd
eery a not uaaktle.t.. uptultia et 54. s,,,autzg
3t34•trotc to 5034 and rao4og hese, at e 1 ,4,
tlota woe it /Storks ou.1; 0 B 4. ilt; Mow. llwyg
10.14: I Mt to Ittlgratoola at the etrond. bowl
closed slightly Wes ky, Oen t tea: IhrttElesmes BOX;
Tennsse 61 64% es usatul Si%
ess'ino—l he gold market nes been trot Wed
throughout the day, and Elam her* boa bo.vy tlao.
misname from boar to tour, lb. market rpetted at
1:3, ads:tort to 114%
I . l3ll,ltot.Plita, Font, .--Tioar acts,. Whoat
steady Stlllet It for red. Corn scarce and Menaced
it 660670. rrostaloas ant doll. Peuvlocco Mealy
at Ma.. Vhlaky trm at 634‘a.
Chicago !Market
Sur. I.—Tbe excitement In the grain conduits
I, unabated, and wo hare to no:e a further offence
in Vice. for ourrthing. Wheat opened firm with
au settee ateculatira and ,hipping demand, and ad.
fq.llead.l34§to on Spring grades, with ralee at 83*
forgo 1 and 01444.53 for No 9-cloning quiet.
The trpeasetiou in Winter whtat were 11418, and
U. market wits without material things. There
we. • fair inquiry for Moor, and the market ruled
sready• et yeatueoe• pare. After the reeelpt or
New Volk news, holden conifested mutat flunsue..
The excitement In the ecru market continues, and
we hut to neat' fa.-ther vivant:4o 432* per Mt.
with eel's at 68,111573ie for No 1, placipaltp at 6fc,
and 651N0e for Ne 9 in Here. At the emcee, Viper*
went WO anxious, and only offered the ice& Ilium
Waal Ootn ente_quiet. Bari, ram of No A. wets
mato afloat at tapic, but subsequently 68Xo rat Pal;
at which peke the market cloud. Bpecu:atete, GOIN
6 , 11131013 tontractres, end then tellers keep up the
a:Atm:tent in the Oat milker, and prices am agora
INAS* per butbel higher. A.Dont 78,000 Inuctung
ed herds at ItiNiGe kr No 1 and 410 (or No 2 Meters.
The offatino of Bye were Hata and the market rut.
el waist at OKPBIo for No I--en advance of lc NMI.
Bar •iir was in very attire demand. either ea track
or in eters, and the market Improved 8 to 10e 9 Us e
with sake of No 91n atom at 85,0 Sec. and lots by
aerepip . on track atB o to MC ThAre wan rather more
argi 2 OM to the Markets Lw Inoothp 8404 and the
market ruled Waft , at 51.90 to 11,05 for Mattoon to
chola samples, lifilbwints continue firm at 450
Cloroiand market.
Stn. B.—The mutat au • shade bettor this af
peroun.--Tt. large .reaelpts .01 wheat pan dealers
temathius to operate on, and there was more anima
tion- exhibited than 14r a week put. Ylenr—The
muket Improved a little, thavgn atilt doll;
aelas watts at; do red do at 35,10%; GO Ws
sepullae .01.1 at $3,50. Wheat—Macke' bet
t e,is6o tan red from store, Oda afternoon, xt
1045 Oa 'Clump 1 car choice white an track sold
at ltoe, and 6MI rod on tratk at 100. Cono...bed
2 airs very choice an track at Po: Oats
—Firm; sales Basra on track at4s3. qua,
at 720 for
n ee gear
locally. Weald hens
BS to 100oi accordlog to aunty.
naI.B.LED :
Irctig&U-.81408-9epiermter 33, Int ity
D. 4. Cissuisehass, SS his raids:Ks In litidosrstsr,
Ur. JOSIN B. DiaLll/24 tf ISt. Laois. am% Miss
IBUZUGSI BLACK, lisaghtor of istimiailsehOiliv.
of hosier atazt7, .
1 :
LGU1t....0 Virna.e—ay. E. pt. 213, at 6 'Nock
U. in..21.L13136.11NT, mu. a Loam d Lacy; la aba
834 yaw of bat 08F...
WARM WANT D.---A Farm of Lima,
0n env 04 LW rained Ilnea .inAza
tha cif and AO over two adliisThno a stattott.
It twat Want q aUtyIOU. with rand BattdtpP and
other Itattdadosats, and way Qon &lt (Midi* to tad
swat, Pam AllTPreadMiedni %QUA Mil
.tirmonny And • paramer b addrtadag-tld.
a; Gann °ilea itniatptc
31=1as-owes dtddit7 ntir'indidna ninr. rdi
ains i oasaoma•Votpaohaai edith ,
now= hazum4l,ls:ortlCSi 11
Mo Domuct vz Plaza..
BA %facets Bh.PftUbWt, Sof de - tatta% ,
-L - -. EXTiMellil) - - Atom - nßarti-r
Ire =sods= with ardour I Vihnsh the ' 0 "
taring list otpsetosa szemphod from traft lty!this
Basrd cf Inso*.lowst to this Bested% ta Abb de!de !
with the swaps of their az - et...lW= :
IT moos az zusactunzeo kl*tremartSt irinTrVITS.
Napa. L'aidostm. , EtivfiZara.
Jan .ts l / 1 . '': 13,1 . 4 f?. Join vi1:111mr.
Jotailkwn, JtfT•nca tp, Th. 11,on - e;
Wm Doors • Itlisaboth tp, J. O'Neil;
Jeremiah [math, Pons tp, Prank Even
J. 23 W 'Pallor, Temsitet ti,, &m at p 4 k.,
- pito BUD zdroznsi , soccsartcs Co I saaverrtr s. '
Baal% Mixon, :Patton township,
.. Dooms Mehl% je; Peon toirr..bip.
Darr: Ireland, do .
- Denj Ballttos, do
floury linnzweeltr, Petblea'!ctristip.
David Yeats, Zittermth tow.tithip._
iiid-J isaan.shtia, Wtithis to - scalp,.
Dunes Niamey Varaaldos township.
Corks Idattaffq. de
Ooltostnea Dow% do
7alattlft Louis, , do 1 „
tfenry Carnsh, , , do :,'
Vestals Duncan, ' • do ',, - •
Dawson Aaril.• do
John A Stahel, Megewport. •
coltr Woods, East BinZgAlbagi. .
Coo Schr.ellissigh, Peebles tp. Witnesses, G Gabriel
A tiehaah.
Wn P ctamh, Peeblea tp. Witnesses, Wm ?cast,
Carolina Wolin
Jonathan Cotahrle, Ellzattat tp. WitnelseevA
M•Lees, W Redlintib•
Junes clematis Elisabeth ty. Nilitnesses.
Stewart, W Einione
PleWp W Young, Eilsnieth tp. Witnesses.
Kuiptamp, I A room.
Thomas Edwards, Elizabeth tp. Witnesses, 3oluit
Davis; Wm Morgan.
- Thomas EMI, tp. T /1111,ari
newts ninTre.ri Ann LIAL
Entry illegal:ld, Elizabeth tp. Witnemae, Henry
Snyder, Jacob Schulz ,
Eftehstil Tcot. Slizsboth tp. Witnewiss—Thomew
Pam, Jahn Odin. • .
W.SAIIIRLD,ir MILD AND sx.ggiebn. , !
Chas 8 Lunn, Elizabeth tp;
-from Co I, 6th !Diemen. ' •
Wm Shia, Elizabeth tp; dLibiißy.
Chas t tabu., Eilmbeith tp; dbratity.
• John \V bloftne, Ellesh.h ty; dissbillty 'Goes
wound* received at Pair Oaks.
1,0 , 1E0211h, Ellsobeth tp; 'dl , aility.
llngh P Wilma, Elisabeth tip tliesW.lltyr
Al. Ciao.. Elizabeth ty; dissbnity.,
Jim I homm, Elizabeth ty; disability. -• ,
Elefserd litcCresSen, Elisabeth tp; elizabilityi;
David B Mann. Elizabeth tp;llbabillturana a
waned received at Gaines' BItUO. • - - • ,
Daniel 4aory,,Ellastdlh tp; • ,
Washington 11cOinse, Elizabeth Ip; ednablitty,
8am•1 Painter, Elizabeth tp; disability. ' -
Wm Hamar, Elizabeth tp; diaabllity. ' •
Honey Breoreheidel, rubles ii,; dtability,
Maisel Ellsepbard, Wilkins township, under twtia,
ty; wime . mes—Parl register
Jamb Ileiniann. Elizabeth towmabip: undar twat
ty; witneoare—G E.T.A J Miran
Loeb Lente, Elizabeth township: over thirty-Use,
marled; witneea.--J saWfilltimas
Jan Jon. Elizabeth township over thirty-eve,
marrisd; witnemer—Diald Jolla*, David Limb
Owen Emitti, Elizabeth township: nverShir
married; win eyes —Vilenthle Dare, George this
Jobiph this EUr, :boa: too scalp: over Delmer:we,
Patrick McShane, Elizabeth tawnahlp: osier thine
tiofive, married, vrilnesna—Pair Murphy. titers,
Daniel Sims, Versailles township nude twenty; I
ditto asos—Jane 81ens, Ellen Kidd ' I
Thomas Covan,'Elosbeth township under twen
ty; ertneases—John Cowan, Caihari. Cowan
Robert 111 ler. Edzahetn township; Utiia twenty.
wimesseii—Elugh stiller, Mary 11.1111 or
MUMS or eglict6Diarll o PLV.r.I.T• • ctrXrclx,, en
David Cowan, Yet - millet tp. Pianistsser, John
Moan, J Long.
sa m W Irwin, Ellsitbstli tp: Witnesses, 8 8 Ed
munds., B Bell,
ow - . SON LIMILL TO earmvany purr, tllrrOlTT ' br
J B Copeland, Elizabeth tp Witnessea, J B
Cormick, Coo Seaver.
00DIS. 12 TnAfl or AGE
J mob Tt Byetly, Dllz %both tp. Witnessm, 1)
Hough, J trawls.
ELITINO TWo UftErTIICIS,NoT OrrlCtilif tw TIM laUT.lltr
B cliVelqa or TIM 05)100 MT.&
Thomis Neal, Verssii'm tp. Witness, Siecords Ado
Isitabt OMee
roosyth, Vereslnes tp; re orda Aej elan; Coo.
eniVe °Mae,
Win Wagner, Dinniughiim; ncolds Adjutant Gen.
oral's Met
TS 1 CILVICII OS 3D rr la air U. 1663.
Daol.lTenon% Versailles tp; idioms.; Juba
Black, Datil. blast,
Jam, Monk, Penn tp; dleolsargo from Co A, C 3 P
Y, L1...1112th
A L & Wallet", NVlilacs 1,1„
/511310PLaii 1t411.1.1.D.
Wm Fmk.% l'eeb:eo tp; enrol .4 and residing In
Weeemor, laud.
Hiram Moore, Wilkins tosenslelp; melds. and en•
rolool to Vereellles tp; esltntates, Abraham !Wm,
MichseLJ King.
Itm rrD.O7 010100 Of TIES C1:01, , , 01 . Tin 601-DIS•
li:cr 117110 EEO? 0114.00.
/ Beni nce In Ltwrencerllls.
David Helm, Jame; T Tompkins,
Henry Daterry, Thema" Wllllsme,.
Henry rt%mud, Francis Stademsy,
Zu'rers J kSkmaelJ Itheam.
Itet4lng In Temperancesille.
James Sl',ll,e, I Laurence Munch, '
Wm 0 Warden, Patrick
Ildward Loty, •
ltestidlng In West Pittsburth. . •
Michael Kelly, I Jacob Zeiglar.
Holding In Vonoopttela llorongti.
James Duntscod, I Jamie Young.
Dodd Lloyd, '
Residing In eonth Pittsburgh.
.11LIX104 Moorhead, I Lemuel Wilcox,
J W Pent amuel Albertson
Powell Ditch,
Cantata and Pr .vust
.Af U E.1611C-Trid
Lame sad Ilanegor -----.--Wit. anuirmael
1 All DEBI
TDB (taturday) lEVEDDSiI,
Luc time of ttts
The Dukes Eignal.
Can. Lstark.B.DA.B.P —.UR: Lo9T.Dalt.
DUKE DK 1:11171.11B--id8. CHIPPZIRDLIM.
Palßocm .=.aiiriaba. eat Laos:
B•AwCIBEI NAY N 818 Essaus.
oTRITA----- BOW.
DULT...—.-11/3sZ 5 BURT AHD !molar.
To coo elatlo In Ca Ills Tor:mall, Gonnatcdria4M
ant B .11YATT.
Telegraph, Railroad and en Dial)
It any, cv;
TZEPOMP.3 'orrtos,
F.ili;110A1) BTATIOIN
- ''kio.ranistkoyrzon
Vnitod `states a'nd Cwwldtte4
ilO% orrkzoi no ADfillapiras Co.;}
•60 Dtraiway, NeW Tat. 1.t.:3;11o. .
Voyl'o Targraph, Etyrent and Hatlzoaf MTh is
rata:root tagloototwatrt halo Baba:tribal 4112 c
la UnDalID DOLSAIIIi to shoo oar onatal Street;
Lhea. We ilica It a rtry asafra kin. =lnaba.
sand ft to baguet!' moo.
, .
AIALIi Israel Co, •
By W. D. DthiEsiors. Pras.
-tam' sl Go co RozAsim
?dirks:Atm tout, 'or &limy at
pmckors SEWS
opecsrrsi Tia.mT emus-
pmgdoNs , Bors:TX.IPACKT #V•'.
T.Wet triSZ ;Pi r. •
5a.:103 rift % St.. Card alai" 5,1,0 r• tA.,o3,4e.tra;:
All Mot6a4l Ea ytha ism bean to tholEdll."
WI et oatol tertlos, ontoottclut -.t0310/ . .lloontp •
ent tension., Mt .roidkos. bon Wind ftwo;
pas ott. alio ipaitesd tg thiisl9o.lScranty.
elooluirporbytosottof &oat, strottot - tolpro•
stoat; . ..1 1 11doira r bt - DRattos -irttodlto tar stykllltd ID'
tbs , "ssertat set , dott.th4 thailaq
Boa i 1 fix& agur; 4 = • z - •
Undid to:,'go wash* 1301 0 1 . 11111
moat+ b colbobit - v. htitivirs.b -
A DMITSTMTRNIONB- 0T14311 - 44,kii;
tag ztAttuttaistratha ussiaglsom traabg loi
eta giddentgatdoni theestatirpt A Wav;.ll. Whluu7,'
ilgtoo4,l4tioillib wail:mkt rut abafill.•
att paipas IntiOwfts ttamolotift:tnaelod . . l46
quitinKAD ed iate 1.1 triad tll bet
sosibuteg tlttloe a{dael't eldat•IFOI :
111414 %11 1 .-. 4 " irglfaliriMraikiika .
• ,
. . _
S. T.-1860--3.
pm= curistiatuy babltt Ittaleflitittoeulk•
_nr4bildtial l / 4 4 4 ,4 z1 FP c' IVA /l'otA t ' -
ragil, &Pr' 'lase astfnG. ysla UnT 5. 032#414.
lin, gateil l aioieAt ttl;c7 4110CDUtif.ilm
Ind**, toir thhiltitatUltith
Eitii/S. =lt Waria)atia t3 - PrOlC*= ir"'We ia ." d
lantead edr:st. Thalia siti",o4l ieirserale,
pttfeedirett tad mat itapitiaat" u h*e,tatla
start hislthy, pa% irtbohliat NOW..
Thl K% •trtugthaAt4 Perlitcnet:c
They enateArtislthilimetits,,.., z
Tfiby m ea 'moat, ti‘iiiiiisitfiistv and 'oo.t.
Rbeyetereaettettilif allefisilisii4bee titre. .
Thrretresathen Uhl nniciaiideatTilt WW I .
/awl YrelFot eslesisu4So aid Ogyhitteo.4l9t;
they w.lity the and 4404 ct lko 40, 1 4+
They eate - Elyrpiyihs arta tohitlpltha:
Vbey Can trihrthre, Clledeihiirddibites
Tititg. ours Lim Ocontalatetilifierwrui Stadieto.
niq.*&k• th• F,k-sityPt, t he laasntd bluus L
su ire •
or„iveritid netnie!r grist :Waiter.. thel..iie
octorptied*tti &wit' bark; *tiff . "
green, isitithar, tatty sna huts,iiem) to
lirtritotar tmeLt3rolz Its;l2. Zar parriculamr, err
aischlen e,wd teris Aryznl.rwrik tow..
Ileiraie , rxeraine,rer-{
ea D . tithe afgas4ird'ect otri
tztasi por . tb• - calk, with plantAttost. ken rid
514:144tkilLtriturti.crt04' .1.4e1.0134 4PitiTrths.
"We that, ciiithet till s 's, out., rehhett, with
sP4toiie aa'dOliLaikla.l"4 We 4e>j ;FT kui=
irrnisichihti thiri Q ensic.-Aer ot:ore Elea. t , tat
Ono pp:aiding Flo sal Plittitilich,Billets
PIP 0.1.03 111 eb .Piff4r. _ cia."
car log cabin bottle. • Artfirfroft Ltaltating .thir
bottle. Ileian_g say othirtioaterlal thirefir, Whitt:,
cieJecrtattiftexißttiiia 603 eitatairrar ,
is, U. idliberinicroeithilgititg;:lYs
74re ...e2. 1 4 /. 4 AI!? FF 110) -FT 44 1 D5.,.. -4 1"
wiko vlu 1 49r44 1 u ,sea r ing
Ina dot! quartets . 7he &mend tor' Dulcet 'nib
tathin Bliterlfroin Isar*. eleinhiew iiierehrhfr.
prtact4 vas ample Wed of
Briar it the atigrecrt wo peewit GI their wortrwwd
!they ore sold by Ql respeetahle drop
grams, phystrelairil hothl, sithiritioste Uri
_ , .
twilit* stole.
sliteza Lida
TIM, Vs isle; wbolnalti and rata; by
SIMON' JoinisTorr,
- Comer Szattnild sad lbarth Streets.
4k N. BOLL N, Of RNA 7.71".
(Totmait 6 Co., Bordeaux.)
ne only Vinegar ava:dud with aPriz, 11‘44,,e:
.lily esbibttls,at t.ll piNanatioxukl
. .
- WllleConfessituis fuld,Exlesience
us .15 xErsaa,D, ptbllstidfCrthe begOt:zd
vrarelni andO4I:ITIONIWYOntI7O'
safe fttan 'Unions Debility, [Preinsinre Eeeieol
A[lnnitoodo eta. aUPPlXthat,St. th..1111r3 291E 1
3114[10 OE BELT C
[ 1:1[4 ! .;._ DJ one wholes curled
bilis& Oer teng put to pea Orptialft en d lijir7
elitsigh tangent brantmg snit - insekexy.
[By eactesdag • pot..pald ',Heaped envelope: odn.
Fay In bad of ibiumtbar. • - -
zanlianza. )I PALE.
tu7li:lydair7 Bedford. Klwi.comaty. )9. , Y.
Or/Ake lanpisnor Copper Sill and
WOUICH, Frrnaimas.
BOLT COPPER, mum Borrow,
Runt' erna. BOTTOMS, ria , Avas SOL9a,
Aso IslertAni and &al= in AIMPALS, TM PLATY.
MEET ISOM VISA :ouittuttl4:au t.gni
Tirmsas . rtaawsrp A.YD . ToolA -
wAsznours, No. 149 Pint And Mil .71.c7rd stmt..
Pittabniel. - Penei- "
-MlaPodgy:6= Ott:kr/Pr= tb taly 4:sired.ort
.tom-. - • mripmfaidirl.
M•To Nervous, Eadoreza. of BOth
tiIdILICB.-41 amend seAthoneo Wring km'' , 1"..
stared to hirelth In IVO dari, after rduhrriotru - ,
the and routine snd itrigaldr eaptiiityr
trmtment,erithont sicoere,O=tidAt sth
duty to ocantsuilestrtto hisitaleted Wets ertratits
the/zeros or czdtd... Armco, on tho receipt od en ot•
duzsed envelope, her wild send (dree) e,copy of rt.r
presulption axed. 'Direst to Dr; 701131 21. D4O
litair,lB6 ?Tilton s&et, Brooklyn; F.Y. -
sahllardawT s •
OrROBEINON, 11E1. r itt r eo.; Ow:
moon to Samoa, SnitsDIDADIA) WAtortater
Wcom, icroanou AsuklLAcrittetergbiPo.
Manutoctorers .or .lIDAT AND 6TATICSITAT
stram 14111:144 1 tr“,
dneursel, - inerm.d, °Ler-
LSD% of oil dmiulptlono ; 01 . tiTANED 6 ATIL. ,
BOUM/ AND fiIiSZT 1110.164FOSE:: •
J. =RON -ten=
• arshal 244 Dtgrlcs, Pa.
Aseats for GLISABVS PATE T- zzusoseir
ftir boding Holten.
,roar COWIEWS2( - asa,
blezutieterer. of filpad„tictii
AND VAULT DOORS, wrztinw fininvra r e,
WINDOW ?MUDS, lee., Se.: 91.43ocendetrimt end
Tbirdstrevt, between' Wood and
nave on band n variety?t pew rata:rm. II
end . plain, ail wows.
Tavtlentar attention faldte osiolotbsi
.erave Lot
-dobbin* deniat abort zones.' ' -
JIWDI7TOHIIR'S — llO/12072111
ue• want' Mt b7; 47l ffir r 204
bcdnekespr: Tray at ih,ete
Alm are Oita. Itonterolate that IL DOTQUILIV4
'that dote Ltd; and rifest. the We tadtetiOnsthit
ate offert!l. llheael ertlale it for ula b &Umiak.
works •atltuiiriburi ststrap., Ar. 047 Vea,
ird,Pfsfp JEfinek dff Coeq.
liagraad. it:Cada Wksndidami - MN a diAßEirr
liansdadureso Cl 14L1Tha1i43:145:13-and J. 07101-
CATINO Cd 11131211 911.4 and Erairttatrw
' IlSrlici; 1 :10121±MB MI wiiiiii no - ik•exldo'•
' •"' ..'' .' • ' ber2:44l+
flerrl3:l3.'fr c: r; M'AvIcTTC, PiVa.` _
avireorossaeand eleabut BOOS, PILlitT,
ALP; um= IND • * tr. =as or Inn -
iiiraveramomilro PI *0 litS . srlLoP:ce4 l c 4
ift*litagiaditreat:Pittitaigh; Pi:
:114M89 Olt TIXADEI 70E PACS":
lire-EOII2IION litifflßTls 'lms - tarsi.
Anuitoz, orannonis,BAsis
1101P,ANDR*PlOgo. 61.-MutaNtraketfrpo
liairaTh; Pi: •
-••immuoittais tistto 04 en?ibi pilndgaleittFs Wes- -
' CO 5 - 19 r
."(4-IWWQ AHD 09.41EFESICittalltarald.
il'allsf,utiLir.the:_ . 'sprnra, orate
![BBratdPiodnc~gatieiie~~, Sc Wog! stns6%
Tittemrat.:Ps. si *AV
• •
::4611,111113 in= stwrAusitsriarts..'
Oa lead ttosita, ova Biclutdi:ai Y ii Irethi
."- • - "z -
, t'/I6Too2.l.lSiltefeiri7 rtse — astil etyKluta ai
a° poral.eVsztaa. ' - -
= mcdt.e acct iatelqiirtiet
',1 31 r r: 133 V. 1,00,11 * .ek4.putaccreisn '-:-
6 ' l a ° "ID 1*
of tba*W7 ie Zia`
'1;i6194 ,
~telDottA Lt of ktal 7. « - 0,,,4.
1, ~...
P. El.pwrz
Mit iiroadm,
'tit WA by
V. =II 1.011.25011
/ 14 A. natur3Togzaj4s dra
corset 01 llnt . aid Woo strict,.