r ~..,„ .. . •_,,ok. ... . . 'C=:ks ' .:• ii..:— is!,- —? WC= _.. !4 •. =Ea '.i.;.: , ;:;i:"..::,:;ii;;..:;.:•:: ..F;,:.;'..i1,.4,;':1,,,!:'.1. - • c- ` ~tJ^Y r ..1 . ; , ..L: : . 1: . •:;.:' A-'• '; . i.' 1': . ..: - 1:• ' .; . !: .;' . :4! ": ,. .*:::; .,. ',7:': . •'. ' : . ;:,;: ENS ' 23 : -: - ,•• •••,1-4 • ':w• • •• • ' ‘,. , 'l4 ‘•''f ",;;;e4;:-.?.:orz`' . . • t.::40 ,;~.. ,;; :~= • . . • ~ .: • : I ‘*---,':-.; ~. ~... ~,,, 1 ~_,.., ~,.,4....e.i.v.E.1. ... , „.......31...,. -, ~-....,.i .. ...,47 1, ...zi.i.,-.,.., . ...-z . • z.:„..,,.zt.,,,t,........,..11..--.2.:idttaa4i2s, ... ,, ;:,• , ... 1.* , ...'4,. - ; i. ;.. , ..,.0.5k.,,, , ,. 4 . "'''' " I.'. ' • tv -, '• • ,•-: • 1. - :; , ,,' ' ..f- '. 1- . V- . ~ ,--:t -..:,,•,F.i..q..ir--?-7:•?-1 q.,;ai'z'';.;=',-g'*-"O'''la,l4,-I'''-c6- -.--'- -- • ' -.' - - • 1,i..4.1.-.43Va',4,34.,;4a,.M.J4.4,1...7,9e.ji:',,,...4 . • •• r ,: ~., - ' 'l4 - .:- , ±4s' - i - r•-z•siPj&44.!..ot , g;re; , ....vg : -- - -. ',4 . 6‘ifr-Vt•V-V•;1. •.: ~..? ' .' 4 ......:..).... .;„. I . m . .. „.. t rti f ...0.,,..... - , • .. fi - .. ":2>44-n'i , •'''' . .... , ~,, •••., • . EISECIEI I 1 >t liittsbmit anzett4. 84 unoAY )10EN1NG, sEPt a, 1888. - Union state Ticket • laa Govaerrou : a(0111:EW G. CFRTIN t of Centre. --.101111D69 Or%azeQrsaxtooveT DANIEL AGNEINcof Beaver. WO' 009211 Ticket. lir Pia" i Y fa dif 12e MAU Galt -- Kora tumor. - • .I"se , 4004041. ff s. n•i"F i gi 4llll :ll 3 ramnwro lliaLTASlL lMl Cl4 lloll"; 1 . 411011. J. MEM. 6:1 - • jirr ELEV. 10E3 •ipw,lrgriarrighkark. wig. a; MEWL 'I I' • - at= 41X113, 116 ABD aramlin ra. IM 'sr MIX swi ltr a m t WK. ji &err tronriki.. Anmm:l , oN. - a. Fco FOP JOHN 11 . • nava, 415 Hark, tram tha 'TOombs t a Doleful The norioral)le ;.oir. Toms; whilom tienator from Georgia, awl non .. enacting the num re& in the Ins?. Davis concern, hie published a long letter upon the depro olationlot the rebel currency, denouncing the financial policy of the 0.8. A., and con trasting it very unfavorably with our own. Re admits a depreciation so enormous, as fo render it utterly impossibleio carry on itts war, without a radical change of meas. ne4setting it down to the account of the nniiroltad -issue ' of =IN and, the ex trsordirtary inflation of the circulating me dium in that Way, without any correspond ing provision of revenue to meet it—and suggesting, as the only remedy for a mis- Chief that involves the very existence of the Government, and must, be arrested at °pee k at,all hazards, and at everycostr—faz ancn and toanr—with the principle and in. Writ Payable in gold , and silver, and n Opeoiflo and Lerepealatiff mortgage of cm tan portions of 'the revenue to meet them. - cannot see why their credit, .which Started en nearly equal terms with our OWn, should not. be maintained in as good a condition as oars: Robert hair undtmbtedly read the Tell Boo's, of Political Boonomy, at some of oar Northern Pllvezeities, and shows that he is tolerably well-grounded In some of the fan tiamental 11110213 of the science, which bear an the questions of circulation, and values. Re does not seam however, to comprehend the elements 'bleb tinter into the great problem of national 4dit, or the essential fiferences in the terms of the comparison between the two Governments, or the fact 'that - he is. dealing with a concern, which be . &andel jugglery can bolster up. Ho forgets that ire are an acknowledged Gov eminent, of the - first :auk- as a power on the earth, with an established credit rest lug on our approved good faith, and great Xesoureas as *people; while they are mere iryeafr, with a Government unrecog nised, and bound by no indiseoluble tie, nottlending against great ads for the es iablishment of a get= which can have ao durable foundation; with natal; in their piing, or prospettte, or history, to yin for them either the =Melee, or the re "rot of the World; with no means of pay tient withal; aid without , even a port Which they can call their own. He is evidently not yet awakened,. even by the rude, shook of the conflict, ttt • sense of the peat mistake in which the rebellion was ground ed, in ignor` lag and abeilutay diger aging these great elements of national power, which were laid up in the habitual badnessy and thrift of a people, amongst !bom labor had not ceased to be respeota• bla. He overlooks the peat foot, that of the many atlases expended in tMs contest to, the Government of the United States, every dollar has been drawn from the in , exhaustible reservoir of the free, vender - -Working, and wealth-creating labor of Its ewn;people, and generously. offered for Its suns bribe very basuli which produced it to be returned again, to stimulate those hands to new and more profitable labor, by drawing from their industry and skill the whole armadas* that has armed, and moved, and fed its gigantio hosts. Bow does he expect that idle - masters, and unpaid, and of course, unintelligent and unekilled, labor; with absoltite dependence 'on foreign hands for every necessary of , linter peace or war, will ever be: to 'wrestle enocessfully, even man for man, with a power that meltes population, and developes mat; and multiplies itself in the direct ratio • of the, necessities by whit' It is surrounded, Instead of being eubdued and overwhelmed by them ? Political economy tetmhes that no purely . ..agrealtural people was ever rich, or thoriuedy lade:cadent; as practical ix patience shows that:no Agricultural Bank 'bas eyer.proved a success. Bat where it the fautualai manioc that can'aineirnet en nadurlng edltice of Italic credit qua =oh et fattif4etbst es these builders—these Mere *mention end =pixies—liar's selected forlAtimlaelies2 And beware theytomand the matter by benutobti—eyen if theY I ,shenld prolific to ply in gold and silver, .and, had 'polio; revenues to mortgage se ,the security—when the man who deals )rith inn* allotrinueent is, like the block. !We eum . er, *filers gambler upon the chances !of suttees, and must have an enormous:premium for the risk ho mist far t Toon= *brats that their ease Is lost withontan 'remedy. •There is none, hir Too tan, its the ,id ale Pharma .t.isoPeist is «mai farehsr study 1101/14 have • informed _ 7Qut _.•• • Mr. Toones, bowenr, makes even a wore ease thinfedersey -than we euir at , „ir e , Iva their !pia h ave ePrOjaiil tame.eandper east. Reprding WOO* idtoply worthless, we would ' bare .7 said isliaidreef. ' If they have, Indeed, de• osendedito tat times len gcm, =aim le =must be . s - desPerater ease. Mr. Toms probably meant sheets; but hie ertihositie stems to be as much out of joint as his G. Ours oig Oa* ii , y " 111 0 °lint ' 113 id rlu o, _on! tkt to SHIN Mosso friends. ey mat oonverOng pima Gen. Login d Me exten i loafd,PtOooilb: Goiorot Grat r ill admit ll*, be extended Gon. 4W" , tatdona beost* - Ijille howai 7 th //1461-44000i #* ll ' 11 4 b 0. 143111 duty ' I=Miiiia The Regrow of Loaislaea—lmpoft- We find in the sem Orleans Ern, of the 27th ult., awarder of Gener a l Banks' ap pointing Col. Jobs' 8. Clark, MajOr B. Bush Plumley and Col. George.R. Hanks a com mission to regulate the enrollment, recruit ing, ampbamest and education of persons of color. All questidns cones's:king the enlistment of troops for the Corps goo, the replition'Orlalior, or the prom inent or education of negroes, will be re ferred to the , decision of this commission, subject to the approval of the eommanding general df the department. The order also directs: The Provost Marshal ,General will canoe to be carolled all able-bodied men of color inszeordanee with the law of conscription; and anolinumber es may be requited for the, nallitary defence of the department, equally apportioned to the difterentpar lahis, will be enlisted for military IIeTTICe under each regulations as the commhision may adttpt. Certificates of.exemption will be furnished to those not enlisted, proteot ing them from arrest or other interference, except for crime. Unemployed person of color, vagrants and camp loafers, will be arrested and em ployed upon the public Rorke by the pro vost =rehire department, without - other pay than their rations and clothing. ' Arrests of pereons or seizures of property will not ber u umule by soldiers, nor will they be charged with the custody of persons er property, except when under the command and accompanied, by duly authorised offi cers. =6 a Any injury or.wrong done to the family of any Soldier, on account of his being en gaged In military service, wilibe manually punished. As - far ms practicable, the labor of per sons not:adapted to military service will ,bo provided in substitution for that of en listed men ? Quantrell, the Guerrilla Haman. Quantrell, the butcher of Kansas oltitens, Is an Ohioan by birth, went to Kansas as a school teacher, and turns up the leader of a banditti. The Worcester (Mass.) Spy says: His real name is Hart. Sometime after Kansas was organised as a territory, he went there and became a resident of Law rence. When the border ruffians began their outrages in Kansae he acted with the flee State men, joining one of the military companies, and for a short time, we believe, was connected with John Bro'wn's men, and failed to win his confidence. Attar a time Ktutintreli" (orr-Hart rath• er) formed a secret connection with the border ruffians. He was fast losingreputa. Lion at Lawrence, and found it desirable to seek new-and more congenial amoeba. lions. He served the ruffians as a spy, concerted with them plans for abducting colored people from Kansas, and continued to operate in this way until Lawrence was not likely to tolerate him much longer. The fear of lynch law constrained him to leave the State. Soon after the present war be• gan he turned up in Missouri as the leader of a lawless band of guerrillas: .~~ ~s,~'!:~ r _...:., .«.~= ...f.;:cc yam` z^ :-:`.~"._._~+=: aid Order of Gen. Bantu: ARREST ON TIES PRESIDENT 01 THE CUES APEAES AND GRID CANAL.—Tho Baltimore Sue of yesterday says: "Mr. Alfred Spates, president of the Chesapeake and QhJo Canal Company, _was arrested yesterday morning by a govern meat detective and taken before CoL Fish. The 'charges against Mr. Spates were nu merous and of a very serious character, most of Ahem haring reference to his al. leted interviews with Gen, Lee and Gen. Ewell during the late campaign in Mary. (mod and Pennsylvania. CoL Fish sent, Spates to Fort McHenry, to there await • Mid by military commission, unless the case Is otherwile disposed of by the eh:am ities at Woahingion. Tine visit of Gen. Grant and Gea. Thom as to Notches, brought oat a strong Galen feeling in that oily and vicinity. They were met by many of the oldest and wealth. test °Weans, witha number of whom Gen. Thames was acquainted, as he was former 1y a recruiting officer at Natohes for two years. In their conference Gen. Thomai told them he should take all their able. bodied negroes far soldiers, and of the re =abider, all whose work was worth more than their support, must be-paid wages. The people are fully convinced, and admit without any hesitation, that the fate of els every is sealed. They can never own De. gates . as they have heretofore. • dit Anourerrtor To vie Hat& or Irvin e. HUME —lt is understood that the hairs of the late Zahn Hancock. E!q , will probably pre sent the original portrait by Copley, of their illnatsious ancestor, Gov. John Hancock, to the city of Philadelphia, with the proviso that it be placed In Indvndenca Halt The poi. traitor Gov. iTeAOOOk in &nonillion, Boston, was painted by the same artist who painted the ideate *that is to be 'sent hither. Governor Hamer took &prominent put in the peat event width made the Hall of Indopormence swami, and thin. la a pocullos States is the d is. pcaltion that his descendants pupils' to make of his portrait:Philadelphia Balletic PUBLIC •XOTICE& THE EAN,SAB Temancrer al *Surd Baerrra," a know! , • i antscriptlons: lOW torriths—......-6 I film it Posnoat —.—.50 1 /awe .0 - 042122r.....-60 I Bug 2 PAnter— —5O [ Steyr:. Bode & Co-50 Wm WaStilly at W--50 Jasonll 04pre........60 him* 11 11111.—.....-50 -0 0 1ita1rf..........00 Zeiple2232, batt..ba—,so r1112.00' 11222—.—..01 Thal II 1bre............50 Witso2,, Clan 1 0.1........5 U it .elassrlst ob-25 I T i x* Sood--- .. . ..52 -112.... ......20 i so:Lye2 Co --..4otßilb L azD los---- 0 M -Wads---....10 ff, Bliwalsart..—......—* 0 OWN,' C 602,405 I' .1141'........5 Olin 0' , 14W1y....--.6 140232...—......... - a 11L1ttur5a1.......—........5 I Stuillenbuger..—...:.ls Cub. .11102r.1e --I .fr -4 RIMIER O loor Bunt 111319....- 0a the DOW of tbo .410)8 zra&l4 clumsy • hot* thraser...-.4 0) NMI* a .11)-..-...100 &wit. Coltant a Gain) N. Notams...-....-.-.100 Babarell. Y.ars a O&M ',v01.& barb & 1 Jow& 1 Cagglilla&....UX' Oraff. Bent att & 03.-300 Emma gabs ..-.. 1 60 &sop% Dolle f 0D...666 Joao& eanak............65 8. MI& & lin. LK. lloodaimd-5 , 1 I bur 00--• Gump Ms* IlkOotd Illorgaintru Den...-25 Urs. YeU6ramosautt-15 Jobs Ne5t1ead—........2.5 piti. Dm a to. "3. 1. 9: bi W Wm J J mount, Maly ova kundzei sad*lll74sven &Um (112,267) - boo bent rt-mla ttii °armor of Salsas, bp dmil• of Iron 0111 Book on.Cluitedoi! Bank fire Yak JAS. 0 COBNIII, Troier. 11 Mintrgh. ONO , WI. 11103. - • RI. ititia.SZCZ , TIMES glum. COMP=C Ell3llllllBNlNticd tradzDear El, : Er.cbtal - ala s Sod do. 7,11 14th Gig Book drill am** Obm i col Bonk. New TOlrk. (63,167) twtoty•ono tottartit and tiziptorati dm laro. tabs ontrotioloss to ttio had dir tko raid of tie autbrota at Lawrtoca. Lour. We molt this team to your neelousy. end 'olli yen wines. It weld to:lves who here WI red mixt oy the lehumen nil of the rebel obbl Qnuttrell sokombdilag to* lyt of enolowdronit:ante yealll ohl2p. Wry truly yours, ere J 413. CrOONIS, Treaties, ornai Or R Amax Inantairance 00. 211:11. May Nth. 106, 1, 10.N0TiCrit Ifl USICBY GIVEN to the entartem to. the Moak 0 oh, Watt. son Troosymtatton Company that an arsvansnatd DatiLASEI tll6 00) PIS MASA towboat latest as stock soblosibsd, payable st Ski odlot of ono Dam Min oa or - totor• ast dss Jussalo63. sod • tato antoont ivory thirty days thsrootto, atherirlso nottiod D cedar ot tho Dowd. 7. A. I. KeDOWNISta ragartarr WO N0T1CE...402 BOUNTY effind to sea who bars marred as Bolding fa Waste kip than la cal‘io viontbsilißß &dm e S it Slassat et Oorpy. _ at Author blarainou bob* et 80. 10 Mai sta s.Z. B. MOBABD, satioltt Lt Lint. , eet Begliagot P. B. V. C. Tr z /LTTIINTION, BATTBRIT brvir Ito mounters ot the Vatter, on nowt/4 to plat it the now Arson. Weed fifths op, of the t%n,) Wa tho stes, LTOWB ZOIDDISG, loin . o Bookman, .3 .541SULDAS LHtrot.6 , at %O'clock. ikro?fet at the Co,pi. rd. ° ; i1 L. H *AM n. a P QI A - PORTING.— Gaunt uvr oaosas. AUX4IILIT °OMIT,* *wpm l e tut ilotodl I no oanotitr noipbodod JO wit TAlDlLl:2l:l7.l.4ll4tmler.4la. st °Via paa4 as theMilritihms Bid solo of Inortasel vtu N Might Woo pollen. • kW POLITICAL A-orxcEs. ONVIZTINION ,Exsarnyk. cum. Cams cal* ThtirilVgadi'kUelgteth.l: Pumas, Nita, Honor gates !Swat& D. D. feasrsos, Laws hr. MID ry; Torns - B'. }Suva, Seven .1 Ward, Allegheny; D. 45',Nnat, &Mad Ward, l'itlebargh: Sm. EMMA, Ja., rcquillWadaiiilsewer; Basutc Lamar, &mai Ward, l'lttsbqrsb• . Minna litzgats, Fourth Ward, 40; R. Llgramman, Penn eaataxc. D. laza, Lawronowille; R. IL Parana, Jt.. Nobler Unita* 11. O. Soarer. Fifth Ward, rittabarsh; Join F. Dam, 1141 In toinntilp; - Jura Bartin, Bajanre do; MOCasurlra. Crewel:a townehip; Zara Duman, Bacilli tamlll,l Jong 31. Palm, Taralllam; - Ww.uait Swami, Eleblaattarziblig EL C. Illanniaar a rag ,11Inth Ward, Plitgazgh. LaMarsans, Third Wage. DIDdicrIDU Axiom Hozaank fourth Ward, Allegheny; Ospl. him Matra, Illaebeatari J. G. Baxsaamt, TWA Ward, Manna. A. IL DBOWD, cf Dlttalszgl4 Mamma. J. 8. aTZWAIIT, Oallias tp., Bacratary. Ens•Corriorras Sectae••-/I. IL BROWS, D. O'.37aILL aad I H. STDWABT. Prisettep—D,D. NEBOVisON, D. O'NEILL sad BAKED:. lINBOLk Y. - On Meant eced Bpeakas—H.•o. HiBEBEDL. 111 Fifth meet ; MINN sArrart,nr Thu ift.; 801.. BCHOYEILI. It.. ISO Tour* street; IL H. PA.LINII!, Jr, Pitt tp.; JOHN E. BROWN, In Maul street, alkgberiy ; D. B. ruaosow. 64 Fifth street. Pusers derbies to bold Thdos lieetlngutst flu verb= elicit= dlatelate tbrodgboat the comity, will be !crabbed wbb Speakers by ballade= any of tbe above mailed Committee. 4820 ." , Tll2 UNION MOST AND SHALL krer ' BE PUISZBITSD.—GBAN 0 MASS OM- Y 9111103 AT ZAPHELBPOIII.—The loyal citions of Western Pcassenals will ¬able at if allies. POET, on TilijitilDAT, BUT. Wen, at 9 o'clock p. m., tooonealt and deliberate upon the state of the o.nntry. VeeTtnar. waling to Iles under and sus tain the good old dig, is eammtly royasstad to at tend. The forming emlntnt rptakeaa will oddest' the swot*: BOX. AO. MUTTS, BON. J. K. WOORHS&D, 4309..19011T0N, of Ind ,JODOMB.CLLY of Phila. 1P39.431.Y. LA9 1 911109, eozi. P C 911Ali 8 ON. 80wT &AN Esq., COL. 3. B. °LABE, J Lein:tat:ME, rro , T. et EAR HALl+,leq. J. ii. kabIiPATIMIOE, GIITC ONB DAY TO TCUR Ot'UNTIIS 04D. 'Thomas K. Wove, H. A. W..ww, Jobu Gres 0.1, Plttilburgb; C. P. tlarl le, Wcotmordsnd comas; Job, V. Dray% MIPPut 114.Jamin Ckmrdn, ET ai:oth: W. P. Ilarritcro. annual 111111kaa, Sesextt; John J. Hoe, VatimPies. colt UTZ% Or AIMUJOICICZUSS. Gm 0. P. NsOrn, Wod Newton; H. Stlastatrn-, , Conn*llultle; B. B. tdiQktrkm. Oonlirerevill•; John S. etvatkr. - 111saboth: kuntol Walker, bath: Benj. Cone La. illoabeth tp.; O. H. Tower, ZUsalutb; funk Catterron, Ellatherti to.; Chip' Bara..Cow, El sablth tp.; VeAtel Sarver, West Alb. .abetb; Wm. U tell, Writ itaf•Vbittg.lowel , WEeor_, 'Jel:futon tp ; John 0'541. Jr.N.raon tp; Jobs 0. Mahar, Milks tp; Jobu WlVomt, 11. tp.; Jamo a B. Vora', V•llllAitieg tp.; Capt. Der. Wood. Tanallin tp.; laoap. Fraley. Callas tp ; Capt. O. W. Satoh. tor, Parb!ea tp ; De. Wm. Giieco*Lowar St Our tp.; John N. Barna, Jame. O. Gray, Pitt tp.; Wm. LOON Santa O'Nort, &Mut Mickey, Wm, b. Haub, Wm. M. Halo 41, Wm A. Lere, Pittsburgh; John P. Jamu Park, Jr.,Alrgbeny city; Wm. Omaha.. Samuel fritcb, A 0 Critchlow, Thomwe Peer.y. Barrty 11.rty Holt etn•rt, 0. POLITICAL NOTICE6-POllOl3ll &faring to boll =sedate In the VatiOGII ilootlon Ilitricto throughout the county, can pp, cure HAND-BILLS AND POSTI.V3‘ toady prbit. ed. /roe of chore, by graying to D. B. ►ENOOBON, . IS% Se Toth *trod. ifittiourett. ialb THE 111N1ON COUNTY "MEM:J -.IITE 001111111TEC will mcct at the Otnes of Pa/Intel it troant, corner o! TI th and Gloat atm% oa EVlEtilt 'WE - NESDAY and EUITUR- D &Y. at 2 o'clock p. co. son RELIGIOUS JrOTICER. ORRIST CHURCH, 4301tYBE OF trADN :ll] AND EiNOACIL FTIZNIN —The pastas reutrord, theta will b. urea, ta ibis church TO Mtlttitt.W. Italy Caretotartnn at 10% a. to and preee`irty In the atenlog at a quvrttr baler; B Wriock by Ida puler— eta 10 JX T H .-PRESBYTBS.I6.I+I OttlIEDES.—.Prd. a. I. arDsaa, D. D., vnt re.cnuble latats In the Stith ft...Vitali. thczatt iIIORNINCI, at 10% and In tteerantus at 73.4 d'etzck, by opocial maul. LW RL'a~t wall ta ' , Sae U turned au." The palate at* cardt.lly inattad. al aid [OSTEER FIRST CONGREGATIoN 01' DISCIPLES. et Pittsburgh, most Os. tedly, le the MOS CITY COLLEGE BUILDING, comer at Pena and St. Clair Ltmitil. Plesthiag LUMPS DAY—tdorulug set Ertalug—at ths sold hours. Sunday School as 11,tiollock p.sa. Poor r IDesting wary WEDNERSAY BYESING. Tin polio sr* respielhilts twitted. totilt E all -TWO THOUFAND DOL. $2,000. L&B8 witttod to 10207 fa one it.tht. now, but *whole acuity Otto. AO elms BOX Itbik Prlttaborsh. Pa erClirl R. THOILPBON'd GOLDEN HEAL D , , the greet Pain Antalllatar, ea well knows and tried by tee public, le r.oi ter tale at stl the ding Omit tn the et,y. salt QALKEZAN WAISTED—A. man no. vg kited link Mei hoe budded, preened: bad be soma and 111 Uzi toad*, hiamelt puma, cur rot A 1404, Bra X. ClArmg °mos. ard:st SIGHT DRAFTS, available in p isto of Zarope, and cheap pimento end teem the .01d Vonatry," tam be htd D opplying to labt. MOM& al i 00., Adams to AVIS CO. L'OR UV& 1N LOTS TO SUIT PUR- E: tbont TIN &CBESOPGIECIUND, en goad Iccadtn for doing Latium In the city, and welly:Het for cr tot•tldng MAL ap:lr to Routs! aIITIMES. Algoma.", lathy! So. 115 ;mirth an... FUR 8 A LR—A. two atoTy BRICK D HOtTell, So Pt Patten al tut, Pitt bulb. contalteng stun apartments, lot 20 That front by IP.O bat dup. touting on two stoats. II pot mid by tht lit at Ottobarrest, will be Itr Teat. lon Wu' tuft= apply to W. W. &IDZU9OS. Itsnonea West, nit 1.21 allserty Intr. Orricc or roe (commas or tairosest Co, Pitt.boreh, eept:rd,lBo3. QEA -. LED PEOPOsALS will be reedy- Jo a at Me ogre uotfl the loin INlVl'..tneln• etre, for trope:nisi to bom.ed bf the Asiumszta for the per Mi. tun. pits can he ten on appilestion, By direction 0 1 0 mute 0041113Va1. EI seistd • Rtilltt CAII3 *. jiXIR plaasant and dad:* L Elirut.eoro to Allegueny—a theio story Bel* toweling, eentelnieg ten rooms, • hath.roete, ter. Dished pmt,sed • yard, 114/1 theslad with. race ter Lanai bete era Ohio and .lb. ed 7 west', wP alit the Or t•ti Nato:tee week of the LOOMI et,e, t depe. Peeeesilcie given on ihe lit or. October. au terms legate on , ete remise c..! sehltd iio9ltlae BILOWN. ANEW. COPYING INK, nia. /b. by Wm. Waal's' Saab, &al v u Dula se Att. nottre Waling )lull, sad Dm $ll WII. 02stee mar Nutt's' k off Three sr tow date after lbw mans: errpt his bean writtwa. wan, ter dews quarts. 67 60. Tam jars ere fad saute I.ol.eoan W Muss 7sk. Is gutty Bad pinta-6 es, 4as and Stos Pride* seri mach lour thus Arewld's. J. L. BUD, w 4 TB /earth auto. GEORGE Vir. YOROEI, General commission Merchant, NEW OBLELNP. L 4 air CMIOIII32IT/Eowertak itSrIBENOSB: • Inure. A. II- Jack i to,,, , Plttsturgh; . X U I[olol ,a 00 ar.4 0, P. Knight 41 , Phtladal Eta. - raa.d WALL PAPERS—VoIt Arms*: or coroVete twelve* of b,eatilol I'd Paw W ONOLIGe, of dt etyloe, at pit of lower elm, we be solo offered Mr eats by W, P. kl r 4 BALL, re 3 11* Wald stmt. WV. 9 LARUE NIACKHRBI, —2O bbls .S.M No E Largo Llacktre for isb, to by 'ULM Dl , llMt C,O eel ItO W.br •Inwt rTNIVER.RAL CLOTHES WRING. vv 388—Anzthar mpptj Jest rtetlvitt at the I. then Dubber Vepot of J. JAL .PHILLIPS. Wm Id and tit Bt. Cqutr TOW r II titcifasti m—eaothar yanly, troll mbiLbi. Jug 'mind from rotary, kw alga vitae/Ws and retail by J. aH. PatiAlPS. 1211.1k41 AU • receiving dei y L. Item Kantoclty, Otto and Joon, to boxes and buten, etodoon knit In market. ana L aMOT a OM Übrr ID - D— eyond the Lines or, a 'halm Priaoser L 07.11 fa - Utile DI 1 / 1 1 OSA J J. Gar. for sish by IULT-1.00., ed Wood nye. et' the cot seaufeatelb, sluts ba tatid,as roe. 27 ea' Net fear stmt. i s H. THILLIPA. F, is " 11.4-11tustin ileigr/ibiplshaaikar of ..iatiattiteraw Mob KAT a 00., 66 WWI 4 470 r. 4DIMERTLIFILMAIM. LlaralThalr-.OITV BffiIDENCIII POW 11AL11..-11; bullt =ICY :Dimming HOMY, oath porttoo. wide WI. two tarps 'palms. Marry, fitting rem. four Wow" TODIM tsar cbsettbers, low arils rooms, too small rooms. path, see.. an well aresaged. w,ll Impend oo perused. audio-pod cert. tares lot of sto=ol. el rue et elm career of North Omni end Syeastors stmts. 67 festimuct 4 raudlrer tlwk to Buth•stmO 4 • MA , koblo sid Melees hods. abate tat& Volts thus, welt, florrsre Ind shrubbery. roe. plot used tut" 191:47 to S. miasma? *cosi. st srarkst stmt. O&M HOUSE. JEL L. 11.1LLOWELL 24 CO., 6IS =MN= STRM. panaDuraii. lILTJI lOW I 112011 K DRUB GOODS, BLACK AND RANGY SILKS. • BRAWLS AHD BLLIIIORLLB, RIBBONS, RID GLOMAo , La, Baaght scolmbrely lamb, and. Ida& •Dl ba at a mall araaea. astkr SALE OF STRAMBOATEt. Emror Queneltaltarrars Orrick I !lambent*, Tom. lig will cell to the hlghat bidder. Dr: g • ma. IL. fol. hulas amoebas% wmotod In the Comborlsad ti rer, with ossoblaell and other appar, ea they Iv la UM TIM : (lESTMA/11111 "W. H. Of. Dlble.. near head of Flarnsatehcallg (t) IMP flee mike abrra Berteib nem. Sealed bide Int be necolnel al this aloe until IS o'clock m MONDAY, Stmt. 140, JUI. Bbls viii be model/ for each boat oelemets, sod the beats pill be sell womb to tha highest bidder. A bond to Um ante= et 11 pr cent. et the meant cared for each boat, signed by tworommedble tart the, to be Swatted co neglect or rental of paling the Ammon lid, (pIWI bid is accepted;) will cocoa. pear each bid. Ws irk be aliened to the amlarligned. gado:end ePropeetis for liteetolosta." Wu right Is roweled to reject soy or all bide T. 19. WllitiLo W. Capt. and A. Q. By order ot Oot.. 71EPIN tenORBB, anirfAsetto A. Q. 11. ill. . It S. A. A THRILLING TALE, BEYOND TUE LINES; • YANKEE PRISONER, LOOSE rs DIX= 13 / Oepl J. J. for, late of 3( n. a:kind's 8t With an Introdasibtni by Ea,. A Irzandar ( Ink. oar Matted. p at pali, oa 'acetyl of prim. JOLIN P. RUST. El==!M!!= FOR SALE. Ta BTAUTIYUL causrar 1:38IDEN011 Occupied by the saber:deer. ono mile from the .l; on the Brownsville trirepho, commandlng a view of the MO.t subsets, erd on miles of the rfrers. The Brick Rom, of modern style. has eleven room, bet side beth room and double vorandele. him Piet howl r!F•lkiad mid papered, and Is supplied with hot and and water drawn in the haw* from chteros, ard never: ailing eosins of pan emtordt krii• brick 'table, Oarzinge ammo, to. The lot be. Okla wOßtt.eaokeed by a s' one wall, high fence aed MOP. With over IU3 oh ice b ashig Fruit trees. amps Films. end every veriety of meta fruits and shrubbery—the pleas baring been twenty M 7 tinder on:tendon. To those wanting desirable imprond property, In am+ Pe o order, at a calderate expenee, this ban °pier. Malty seldom to be met with. It .s within Mew of the 'dire and only twenty minutes' walk by sillier bridge, end ten minute.' walk Irmo the Birmingham !treat Fanny. A. W. U. BIDWZTe Welly Outer Water street and °berry Oily. D ROT 0 G R APli ALBlMit:l—Now Omiso— Pal MAT ELEGLIST PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, Zrer ouoa @ two cry. ostataktmg numerous giVis of the 1.1 rkon 111 d trench ral.to, It MACONIO lIALL, FIFTH ETZREI XTII3CKS OF ItiTHAMEOILTB FOB BALL 4147/X4l 4 7WRilell DIPALTILIZT, fait= ar UM141740 mina% • Y. Ladd.. • Ty Te. Th. work or the irdetror .011trAdWe TEL- L ILT," ea du met tbeetive malt Lek. Gelatin, I. the Ocaaberhad r.nr.- A!co, the w tack et the W war r 4 TA.Iff HUTU," den the head of nar2arh a adds% to mut Corner. lend liter • • 4" The sdiscbtossy, Wm sal Lars of *J. swabt be ors syrrrtsi is b. rod. Tboy sr.ll be cold istrobite snobs 'o btatbsst Hider, o. the ler DlCrolr °MOUSE. I St 3, Lo tja dty of Cratteasq. Otils, In front of Me °Zoo of Capt. Olt attrais'suattiWr, A. Q. IL Taros oath. 0. b Vsossrl !tots. By tr.lss of Wig. Co .bosutr aim. MOLES PALIONS, sal f's • WEI CA I. Q. 63%, BARGAINS IN S 13 0 E 1 S,• To clot• out our prerza Sock, at McClelland's .duction House, sea 65 • I Irelf MIME?. URAL ESTATE FOR SALE.—The intetus 'Mara? lir csJe, at du Ide dance of DanW Homy, decanel, in Yawn towaddp, Allesittal annty 7tn. cn Thursday, October let, 1883, the tellosing etrielbei 11-al relate, tante :SIXTT 81.T. M7Ol. Cenower OW LAND. irrell:ntprov. ad. 000 D noosik sad LT:s Dotin g BARS tbaem Also, metal ne .400 g Sprier. and I Inn of so wetan a nee 0 gaga apple. reibea. end Merry Trim, bi,lltaate Mont one eau front 11111enitenn, end: gene roar nithirltam Tweet= oa tb• allitbserrfter; and In word neatibmitood; an nidlspi Ms wilt be. alma. Tonne auto Yawn aiday dale. nal :Stared • WU. V IV MI. 111(tOBBli&VMS Dontaavars DIT?LkB. 16011:1111AVA4 BMUS, goat coma for Dppopols, no rota owe for Ppm** The root onto for Dppopito, Ealing at hilt pstg.', bi `WWII JOHNSTON, • Occurrourai aatlemlUdiald Wadi iiantionrrrooliacialtinney 60c. anStil nBilEtAlifP,Clo I:3ALE.—Cy vir 'V he it on - •ot tbsomasas.coars of 61146rayeacsty, becaitmr win 11 7 10 / 0 *act sacca Tuesday.. Sept/!tarn 29th, 1E193, At the IMe warm. of COMO Nehou, diceswer. the ititowint Reel Monte, to tit: AU that f Eau= 'MOT OW Mita, 111P110VID LADD, with abenisteedienst, sitneta in Warn tatwohlp. AM. deny empty, enheentog VT saw Weeded en the north ty tee Nan ei - Daniel Hone, op the ustia ono, .rw.,..prn, end en the err by Vino% Tann —thwthird, emit the reindede in two wide, enema naytw,nte Z tm date.), iste, within. tweet from ems deli. WM. Y. NUNS; sail hd wd.- ddwieistrwee. CPUNTIVir RESIDBa'4IOII FOR SALE, •.J a eonpfel by tit* sabtta war, it Somme 'Wiwi, cn the Nana. Unload. ate quar t ar car Wind Bunt Ltbart7. The lot =tuna *boat Woad* half ores al rota. as wittab Jt mold BBW TWO EOM!' ssatut DWELLING!. Rai at vita at tba awr. enualbutionmad; with Wrath ta atnallar (tutu , a Ito • irxo inane Btablirak c al and via boon. to pattralars Sad tertatatiqatr• on tta ptembta. 30111111 PU Toininsp, or, at rizalinubliaszsei ts•rtet tad 4bfra *Potts. ' OrriVICT 7IIIII O NTITIALIVIN J 11140811.! COj Eittebargh,hog z itts 1814, ' TO - tIPIIWATEREKS... ao.—pSe td -11. PrOPIMIS idU to &salad at alai IstillN TOIBIIs TM, ho'ntles, . for riagrAng von% DOZE( COIITOR're, for hoof plummy Ls 001 1 / 1 11 JoIL Air wheel's, armful , t the Delco of tha umuity cm slietwor. ‘ BIM LAMBUIT, e3l.6td, Oonteoller. DRIED BBET--= 1 ai9stinnaUOamuaidgugarDrt rd guDri . I , 2ti b a Semi% gg . Jail r.,..,entrils for ego bl essanTo/I.' se4 ' Mame CIONSIGNittaNTS.-:- - - • - ' btobvill Prim, 'timothy lies 2; 120 bble - 21 Mild' To luTly• an 3 for sal• v. 1224110 L VAN 00IIDEII, r 4 • WI found stmt. GRAPICK—Fine specita ens , cf — the Delfinue.ctriming •B ttfoil, priteattant, 'A tan sod Anton Plauct4st* nay Mt 011 abittla Oth fat ads at a 0.99 ISM CM& - NUM ti OUSE WANTED:-;.4 comfortable Eirellbs Boma iou Um of rained plan id. Doom, U Wart stmt. Alltahati• JrZW .11Drzwrzsisicreirrs. azetsriws carficE. t - - . Yrressranst. etpL 1667L 1 • IganCE IB HEREBY GIVEN that /11 the fonerving Accounts of Einstistoss, Ade:ants. trees., Guardians. Lo, have been duly passed to aid Itegister's Often, and be presented h the Orphan:l9lmi far eentonnthns and allownnen, MONDAY. °deter Say 1363. Act - mut of R-b - too S. Talmo. 'AdmII264IIMM: of :Ma, Ilona, deco& a. riled nay fibllBB3. - Account of A Aka._ ,re gustdten of Alex. KC. Mire. Filed Iffity 414 /802. Account of Borah Nicholson. mowleing A d clnb tretdx of Atthut Nlchohon, doceasad. Piled lay 7114 Account of Samuel Neely end Thortou A. Siolun, Admholetratone ot Catharine fikilco, charmed. Field Nay 18th. 1803 Account of Catherine Low Execultlx o 7 the Zstaie of IL Low, d omeo4l. Plied Ma) 11th, LIMA. Irina account of Hanna Trantelt,_Admlnittratrta of Chilillan room:h. decassod. nod Hay 18 h, 1861. Account of Mel William Guardian of the Maur atllama of Chutes Wantoa, doomed. Maid May llth, 1883. account of =ward Ifectonall and Sokoph Baker, tidudtdatnanca of Hatboro Wits, decrated. ilkot iday 19th, 1883. Account of J. E. nom,. • Ja 6 ifthiftdor of Charles Gamer, dtomed. itird Nay 19th, 31161 Accoaat kr C McYahee, NWOotar of as - agate of Jams Roland. Tiled MIT 11. 1811. . Account of b. 11. Deall, Guard' not the Woo, =lidera of Joseph. Hall, dso ued nod Hay 3; Arcouut et °barbs Bergman and W D Haelltan, Executors *Chum Hwatitco, &mated. filed June 1 11141. Mid swank of Ecubin 41111 a sad D. X Lenz, tuhillnittraton niJosedh Lon, deasarid. BO d June lOW Ytnal aceannt of And ow Glys E rent°, of tits (stab a Alexander Olus. docen4d. /Nod .11/q 591, 1359. marine cf Wai'rrclaati atal W. K N.ebtt, radon t f dohs A. Nesbit, demised. F 14.41 Hoy 2I 1163 Eeparge acedunt of John 0. Elwell, ono of tit" Ex more of ,00snal HO, dammed. BHA Juno 11, 184. - . Accomat ctilamuel 6. lirseetwat. Adzlnlitrstor of Adam Forman, &Wend. Iffled Juno 11.1=4 Accotrat of J. II Robleh.on, Adadtditratar of Jam.' Botittorm, deorand. Illedimms li. 1.8f3a. Final amount of lif m. S. Linton sad &unapt flt.P. union, Irsecutcri ofJotaLlia deccated. 1114.4 June 11, 1863. coon of W. 11. Denny. Extvatm• of the estate 421 Dr W. L. Mama. ietaised. riled Juno /2., IaVL Nl:o!seccuat of Thomas MAIIITIVO. etionllso of Sarah mono fa; deceseol. Iliad Jane 16th. 1113 Acatunt of 'MO Nentebsen ' Administrator a imam ideenichran, dm mad. Iliad Juno nth 1861 7lnal ccounttf &ben Mehjel, Zucca= of the • tate tf Samatlitelney, demised. lied Jun* 21, Account of B instal Collins. Executor of the estate of Noy Jourzett, demeed. Med Ja'y ad. Ink neat anew of Satan Afarabetaws. Caeca'. of I huostato of John II Gaon, &cowed. nod July lit, 1883. 11;41 oecoust of 0. 8; Bat., geuitilsa of Jahn Miller. ?Hid Juno 27.241863 fissional:loot Weg.f3tonatt. rot brit; Executor at the Watt of Hugh Lusk, dtctestd. Had Julio 29th, 1883. hal somata of Illselah Porter and Soled o.p. roily. Knocutele of Bawl Perm., decoated. l filed :m.° 22111, 1883. Amine of Cathewhia 011411, adialalatrat.Lx of Thown O'Netl.Cetramet. Paid Jul; 10,181. /Ind account of B. B Burns netninirtratore of John Barns. avowed. fled Juy 11,1881 Dletrlbution ecnonst el B. S. Soros, a far of Jam Burns, deceased. lfikd July 15,1883 iltllll account of Cb•ittopber Graham. acting Ex • =don of Moth Maxwell, dcoaseed. 11101 Joky 14, 1133. Account or I &mei WaUaoe Adealnlatintetc of Buccal Wallace, deceased. *secant at Ana Iselleass, &dmltdetratrtz of Oe 0,111.10 01 000110 Mdhe 0, deceuid. ILLad Jiiir LT. 180. Account of George NoThano, Administrator of Ann Wolframs dromead. Sited Ju y 17, 1863. Aconant of Isaso Jose suntan of JA.nr Qolgg. Plied Jaly2o, 1883 account of Catharine Gale, J dininlatratris of Nicholas Halfb. deceased SI ed July 83,1861 Amount of iota H. it Slim 8. Slurp, Harmon of Janus sharp, deceased. Hits! July 34.1863 Account et Isaac Joure,ammliair of J. yrastra Quin. /lid July 20, 188 Account of William H. Haab Admin . staeor of glla B. Thaw. deceased. Piled July 58.1863.. Account of Ilimor,e Hums, Allastaboastor of Gieo. Eltulcurs, Jr., demand. Filed July 28, 1863. Ac.corrai of Joacryib Barton, idtablistrator if P.m. tisl McKee, decease. Flied July sioaas. Account of Hobert Lincrigrasi, Administrator of Jain Wtlacm, decease. Mid Aug. lob, 1863. Amalie of Henry KW, Administrator of Soup Hardy &mated. Wiled Aug. TM. 1883. Acoroot of Joseph and P. D. McOemiell, Eason. tars of William H. HcConnell, decamp& Fikod Aug. 9th, 1812. Account of Jamb Jordon Guardian of Ofehlail end Mary Jana Coulter. life Aug. 11th, 3. Account of Christian Haciltkb Administratrix of Charles Escbricb,, dammed. Ilia d Aug. 15th, 1661. Mal account of Jacob Measly, Administrator of Jams tiazueH. arcuate. rile Aug. 15.1883. tine samosa of William Dorsaam. Aliplicaltra• of Samuel Doug~llasest, demur d. Yield Aug. 7ch,1161. *comet of Hairy Lambert. Acting Executor of the Edam otlem Dinh dammed.. 7114 d Aug lab, 1849. • • Maul amount of Peter Ambhr, Executor of Henry Ambler, dud. Thai Auff.l2ll4 1823. Elnal "occult of John Grubbs, Admlnlatrator of James Grubblt deeeavd. riled Aug 22th, 1821. Account cf BAmnel Courtasy. &muter of RUH= Courtney, decease& Tiled Aug. 12th, 1863. Account of John Boot% Athotetstrotor of wnram Wirth, desteeett. /Had August fl. 1863. Thal aroma Of Bezdeinln 81cOonteek, Seem% x of Hugh 21cfkennlokotrosseed. r.tod August 22, 18=. Tina acenost othstah AL.r, Goodlao of lb. ml. nor oe Zhao of build Itiltobrzio„ doseastd. 711.4 *nod 35 . IKi. Ammon of Jamie T. Pottery= and JUNI Food pow, Yucatan of Jame enemtoituun, doomed. d triton 41; ecamist of halloo Duman, Admlniatlatoe of tit, oill"." 1 Jam IL null" demur& nal Aegust 46, gamut el/oirn !Sward. Administrator of I tro ate of MMus Ifyir, doomed. Pfled Aston Se, Amaral ofJ.J. McMinn, aos cf lbs Szscators of tbe estate of Uses Joao, et ' cum& nod Abdut 20, 18G3. Ameba of Henry Matteld, Cloardlen cf Gems fiemorely, decevoi. filed Auragt 66,1853.. Account of theory Matilde, Itssoutor of Qs el. ofJeatee Ilsoundy, deceased. filed Maud VS, Acccunt of Unary Mihttiltld, Maritsa of Jame llentestly. Ylled Awn 26, 16egi. Nyman, and And meant of NM= Young, E:• gonna afII Young, docened.-113n3 Asaguntl9, 11161. Aconunt of flerangenlner,adutininttetzi: althea. Gesdner, doomed. F 11.41 Aug. 29, UM. Account of John McKinney, Klecator of the es tate of John Eobfnnon, duaed• lard August 29, 1263, Account or Wm. II oCrlesa. Sp., Ifseeztoe of the is towel PP to. McClelland, donsomd.. Filed Lova 47.10@3. Nina account of John Harm, trtntae of the ea tate of ft.bott Porter, &o wed. Fad ¬ PS 18IPI. , Accoluit of Zan Chant atmlnistratar of Ha ettatt of ti n. Chats, &amid. 111145 AUSust 29, 1863 Acomot Of Mow Chess. loudest of the minor rued children of John W.Outt, tleosseed. Tiled Aug. M. 1863. Accosts% of Mao chess Sp ZE suitor of the u. tote of Jeftstson Hears, iseesseeL• Tiled Anita I; IEE. Account of Stomas Donnahly and Q. L. D. Fetter. wan, Executor of the plate of LII*IIII C. Z. Noble, deceased. Filed August Si. UfA. The slant mod final acwout of M.• Gilliland, ad. m'nbtrator. caw &roma" err the awatscf J. D. Boma demised. nod August 84,11113. Account of 0. L. D. rattonsan, adnittdatrator of James D. Ca'n: ltlled August WOOS& *Wawa of Aydtadleauw.Adtulnistratrtz of Dahl Been" demand. Fttrd eapt. 2d 1833. £0:0131113 of N. Delano, Ailoolotetrator of tsars Auden on, docenoed. Filed Sept. Ad, HO. Itnal account of John I Illicbot and J. M. Foes, Adrolotatndors of Ltoward E. awn, drogue& Frad Sept. dd, 1643. Account of John . _ of the Wow MM. dna of Dean Son% rued Sept. 14 WO3. Account of John Dyer, Gaulle* of the sawn tbUdnenil-Jamos - Forrester, drowsed. riled Sept Accouniaf duns. Patturon end Mown D. Pat. tenon, Administrators of Samnal flattngs, deceased: Tlld♦ Account of Jas caut=ion and Thome D Peter sen, &dahlias**, of Mgr Dstsbt, deemed. Plied AM* 200, Accouet of/cation DOMINO*, Administrator of the °fat.* of BM GOlgfr dearded. Flied An;. 31st 1663:' • =cant atJames sector of the area eV4 3 Nita tuataras, Filed August 89th, riwa =Gnat of GIMP Tt aetirszh A thAlaign i " tOr of thantsta of Ltoes Powth demigod. Filtd Sept /A 1661 L aceoimt ofl II Robinson. Adminteratorofthe tats of Wm Thompecm, doccand. Ifopt. rd. 1853. • Am= of imp* elbroo sad Gaol AM:diagram W Ultrail Eippoy, &team&' 7.110 d &Ps. 24 . / 8 43. • < Account of Wm Espy. Esoca'or of lb* 0001 a Juan Elm decolood. ~111 a &pi itly • Irina cooot of Wes Espy.l3 amain a the mince , cbildron of Jaws Wllp.o.ploossa, 711.1 got 11. Partial &count of Bo'xit Ball, Administrator, of the @stela of Ado= Poach, daaped. Piled &pi 1033. Anal aecoonVrof Illinftton Stewart; Exonaixr of Jimmie Maury door Bed. Mod &pi Bd, 1.81. Accoons of--Joen lIW. main ltcrentor of &m . ' doolawd. /Mod &pi 1163. • eiceogotofAxi Holum and I U Zaton,l6.ocotoia of 'tbOostolo of lloult le Wove; 111 SeptSd,lSn.'•'• J.111011.&BDSON, ma:ll.l,Thr , - 2 . - GO 40 -13084N1A • 91 MEW BMW Td&neltfiP licH;rli43lV2B a wzm SOU SOIM:110(46 aa t • - • , nALP 2=4 et aostative,esmutetit4 - gra - - deft ma nth. NOW IB TEM CRAM= FOR BAR. Gana hl 73 ova han) BALIICORLL% at Atoll Ca NAUSS aaar tram VIM RECEMWITS EXPREISEV AA misebas. jsk 'Dm mama% • mad (or Ws bl ITh wall IN. DRY GOODS NEW GOODS ESZ:=I FALL OF 1663 WRITE. ORR c 0.,& E=EID 1271=1 Ban.:semars to 0.8. Whits Et Co , Emm= Ito 25 virrn 8711L1M, 131XE21 EtWank, Fa , UM= Nair Goads public to iht.ls cse =et at FALL DRY GOODS, Now °COI; I=3 chill kinds. 11111Ji5-1111 eslors azd Heir Goa, DIMS GOODS. f lbta iruw'Y taipactillan. E=E= HOUSI WIISIIBIIIISO cioava—a full Ifni In ado &garment. MOUBNISO GOOD 3: arml EME=r Bar ecoda ertrz nflAy Wv On& HOSIERY, • ra.7 tarp as PIM Oood• Nei► Gsods Nw Goods B 3111•413113/. for fall alma* er.trassoure Goon. • ..holo, twisty. Tea Goads HOOP SKIM *Tiny know pintas and mice, to latch vs twits spatial alttn. Lion. Wow tkeds New Our!, atiIItOI4III.BKIIITA tat the tittr4 for tsll. waar. B•ir Cloaks N EW GOODS. FALL DRY GOODS, Ws are now nailing and owing daily • full serenest of um MU. OOODL Our stack 11l be found oatoptrta, Ken all the &Mint earl , snag of %Alai Oda a to be fond alr tbatern MOBIL In oar DiPeraidllNT will be found as much tarp, assortanant tkom usolly tuna. and at_ prima much chaster than last alma. Our MOAK PATTIIIMIS here bum twlettitil with coo. adorable oars from the bent rod De fachkombla Lasts= styles. and duplicate; will to saanntactur. d on our mambas, equally wall finished, and at much low rotas than same souls can to bought be the lasts= clam In oar ISHAWLS, DIMS GOODS, and BOIMIX81111110" CMOS, will be found all lha mw sod dattrahla roods of the saws. rOr Whet/eats boyars vi-1 do wall to exanutna our atock Thrls It b coarplatia Aleicander Bates, 21 PIETII STREET. N EW GOODS EATON, BIA.OILIIN & SOS. IT ►$D lil Tlrrll STSIZT. * A caapitto deck of BRIM Terinaw, inutuotonns ARO LLCMS, GLOP= AID OALIBTLITO soma RIBBIID 901118*, BALMORAL eiLL6III, HOOP DICIRTS. ran= COMM RIAD OMBRA, LEPUTRI AND RUMANIA 712111 KIMITINCI TARIM mare AHD DRAWBAR, Ant smithlng In the Bottom flab. IMP Ms and Omar, Sueebanb. and all who bay to ell spin. will And LI 'lathe& Weisel to loot RAN:intim must week Woe purobittog eta wham EATON, *AMIE & NBW GOODS 1 NEW GOODS! R. tato *sore to Inlblrmtsig oar anstometa Ind &sham that ars ate •ow rtoatatoi • Imp aid tap. plot* wortmuLt of FALL ci.c:sonsi Panabased Meet from ths fmp7rians and cominao baera la cot merbsient vitt bp Tenni 1111ILLIDIRT GOODS; DIMES SHLUILLSOS AND surrosta; 0 01111111 AND POEM LAO' OOLLABS; eowatte AHD s ame 1 MAID WISP, Black and Ooktned SIMON% a iipLual lot ; • asuaoasi, AND aoor gams BELTDB LSD TAMA ; lELLINDBEMIIII AND ISIITS ; GI4STS'ItGINIEUIDO GOODS: LAM M' CGILDBXE'S =MD GLIIIIIRITS; AVIA OM Um et Etatloni, whka will 4e almoskof ... at Os Lomat Cash Price& Or Mamas DWI% lSluians, PedSlars and BMW Balms waat!GD lira go UMW& JOSEPH HORNE & COy Ras. TT I,IID Ti VASES! MIMr. sal . GREAT BARGARRit SI I La 3135. SO B .404“CATt."Sp 59 MARKET ernErr. • anuormor Olt AO PI OR CJICeITT _ In DLL= Ar00g.9144. ALL An milll- 311161,11 ( 8 . • 1210:Per V';aim btu Ds! 41104111D8.. 411111Pi' A 1., NEW FALL GOODS, J. M. Burchfield's. ISIIW 7.1.1101" ITLE SCAM riatrium Style; PLAIN BLACKASO GOLOUsto IL- ranaos utateoV - 4 4 . 4 BABATZEIR, o P4W styk: Okfall=l3; FIGMBED MO . MIDI , tAlltig4 Mani ClaL*9 iiLpl.oo6B; SABOT FatATivia rusensm A tal fasertr.enfcf. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL GOODS Rut receive& ain too' end amltte tae itook. WIZ BARGLLNS No. 78 Market Btreet. Thawtendon of DlerzLanta Dna BeallNO of th• eh, and nnatrJ.L orpothay iniilfdAo aDr stock of TBINNINGI4 NOTIONS HOSIBRY, OUPiI B, MN 888 IDBRIE3, RIBBONS R La D•ButaNtE, UN. BOTTOM, 6nd•tbe anannd ar..d one sto-l— In our Ulu. We Ell:It a con from all bo}•crs, assarid that our teamed beilltlaa, so Cep glut them t tuyetae to the qesilty otnl pito at cut Lotds. • BIACRUM 6 GLYDE, ra MAHE= (STRIEBT, sea Ttatar•onn-IrreTtb etr.. , l and Dim:Wed. UST RECEIVED- MOILLIE EMBDOIDNMIE EllitED; JET, GILT AND B 1 EEL BELT 11110ELES: 17510 N BEILTIISO ; INVIBIBLI, BE AEI) ItE11.11) lißle, %lUDs Ant stilts ; Togtau with • emend asso4moot of other goods _ kept fa &Tex=tog Etoro, at MA0111314 & GLYDREV 78 !Spirit Ivan. Bet.•rea T.artb and Maeda& wtsv GOODS! RAD V C/1Z) PSI CALI .7113.511, 01131RAZIAZ A.ND Calk! DIZ. - 1 - GOODS Jon rem:lced 0 LAZE. WABOY VIC 121DIRAL IMSEC, EntOur.- pßovros. SCHOOL BOOKS Cad In tits PlasLlO 60B0C-7.8, LEIGH 801109L13, &ILIA! BLILIOOLS, TENA.III COL'LE2E, lad dos ir•eous adpra!tznal Isunitattras 3a Woolly and oklaity. ALlsa, • oomplst• mortoisat of School Stationery, Copy Books, Pens, Ink, PrnaSis, ROW: mgr. Wsiting.Lottss and lints Paper, Innkfpas, Lulci. Drnwins Pspsr. Compoillion /loots, an., tn. for We al DIECILLOR 8. P 410D3 WW STEDIWArB I'LLN =shwa the rimer CLIeLS3 FELlnst ' • . =DLL. at, the Waraes dm, Lactank WS/wanted turd= to all otttecl ttl'Otar ra• Oat, Apm stock or Oa stop 1 4 4: 1 01ring: elir Bob .14;rsoy to lab MAT*** ths Mara as IL SAW= 110134M nap was, poBl PIANO:it-191 a. mw PIM" jut melt. ed, parionaLV Wetted by the tubicri• bar in the Sawa dila', tram ea. ads lath* site of Raabe C Ch.. Mittman* irsinel linty Took ; sad Mayball *Travar,Albany; ALL linty Etaaa wurattad Ara ,yaara - 'Plicatiromt 3 O vp . : wards. Aka to elegsat ssertamit cit PL/Halra entiVAISED MALODZONG lot rvelved. • „ s: gawk= mann; JUCTIOJIr IMLAY. VIEt&T BEBl.ll.l74§loll.—est TICISSDA.T.EVERING,I3ipt.itth, st halt pest' 7 o'cloik, wlB to told, in soma door of Commercial Bales goetne,sll HMS street, tbst desirable Lot al Ground, situate on the north nide of Mut, be tween Tarty tenet end bedcreb7 Alley, bating a Lmteflo fret on Ylrat strict and extending beck in aurae depth of 119 feet, en which le erected tht three ttery Frick Dwaine& ha.t9,oontslnlaw Law Parlor, theist Hate hot, Dining Roam • ' With iloste,7 Bed Bolt% Bath 10717 4 Wr i ll a t o7o Eocene on sick ' 2170 r, Vetted, IN arble eit Clindellere, Pendants and Iliankete, - blithe (strn, lea Turcat.ln With Boos thi . e, goat Oise - the entire Bone and will Vented caller under it. Swum or bats:4ns Lunn, cads Islatte in nue. two end Wee pan, with Warta, secanid by knit and nuirigsge.. eterjAYAISA deaths 11 ANIS ST00)1 Al' AUCITION..;.en JJ ..stntEDei xvastao, Bert. . atl4 at' 734 cestaelt, vlll be add at the Coseendal Ammo, 4 In tbstmate - • .. 80 &ma! Beeksaii PAnk tack; BO do - Pi/tabus/it , Innineueo Co. Btedr„ 10 do Nodal. laturanos Endes . 25 de. Binds/tam Bridgo Cb..Btnek...'-• • 10 do '/ilttaberat CoaselartUoll.ll. . it do • Pntiburah Gas Oil - 20 do Gamma sire issuranee te.; se4 DAVIS a IIaILWAIBM. Asaßra.' 1 tiltilDlUSli AT At on N. tr,v DAT IDOBILTDC.Eept.. bit. At 1.0.0 , 4caku Zama; Ball Azalea Docie, 55 Tip: ttnet.util At old. without relate. io etas. 'Noah Whit* TUN - - IA brat fkotahlienlov- • &Uncut CbSWII2X T4iD2); . `; Ilktxmqicand C.lfee : • -- - vioiterurs -eel = T. A. Iteol...__LND. Anis. OptI.NO WAtiON - AT' AULYALUDI.... po WAITED 41 . 111211011t0, !WAIL st 11 cfebelt, win be ante freak wt The bigwig* Itan Ameba Ham one tvp sad eters taw t Vann WV..M I F II. abler tor vedillagerit beans en, /air. _ Ara . -V. Ael 40AILLAIRP, Auer; -ii111315 atitaiLtlN.-.on 1.• 15.1.1011DLY. 210810.1210. &WA ath. , se 10 etl-ek. will be wad et the 00:010wdel&e , n4W/21. t 4 rem WM; 24 sot lOW Zubo- - eek Diwa. a etto4o4lllol,Ame-ge. frIiGREBS 1iA144 ox•Pai qt. =bile sivilatatfon Wawa . that ilds Ent dug 116sei 10 Manna gota vatlisksaatls of hp. amber. :The ratood ti -ocor =Wets footirhhi twohts tottiscotqtaid waterlog plow; sot am' testae On Mar to said tmh .'AIX01:11. moittlog tam , tor 'faxaMo st Ott - Unto aut ash co lad &Ur Sept. ht.; BMW .11 vim 810'00 lißWAßD:tralre • • Oa _ . oat. cf tbs sabiteberi al Abe ozruret Pl= led Bash sues% ea hiptembee lehe 02111 TaBL B&1 mow. 4 sou.- dorlikons Amos ,S 0 1534 hues httli listter 6 =2 the rube hip. itel semen WM , DO dui leri The Mere soma willlthv 1411106 salami ti ids at eha Ikar sailSualderio or ' ,47Z0. 00BEF! trrri tiratriardi too !S soy : sad pitte ' m cat , Wadi Gait . I'm to obi at vices to ode she OU Cloth Dere et ',Lam itakT sat fp Clattsinet; ' lIM =1