The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, September 03, 1863, Image 3

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Oftlebitrfat Saab.
unman moansics, sEn a, 18G3.
Mi ornaia& PAPER 01 171 WIT.
Mated Sipes iChiletian Commission.
The Amoy Committee of the Christian Coed-
Pflisentuthe following reports of its
daring the month of Augaot
,_:;krtilobliolif, to eat as delegates have bum
£li. to %Mom Dalsell, Hannorton,
,Olio' Ear.. B. &de fi led, Jr., Admonfille,
` - Ohlo; Thompson - E. Ewing, Indiana c,oniaty,
Yi.; Wilboo Pittsburgh ; lll
B. ..,Jef
fem,-Pittsbuqh ; snaking fifty delegates sent
to theMmy since April let.
The letters and reports from our delegates
demonstrate the neoeselty and efficiency of
the Christian Commission. osv. Rohl. Mo.
Quell', of Mmorr, says:
- "Never hive there been such doers of use
fathom synod to philanthropists end earnest
Chrbtlatui as at the present. The epporturti , ,
dee now afforded to such to alleviate the out
s feting In our own land. and to hung the weary
and navy laden to Christ, are sun as; hire
ant bean enjoyed in the past--nor shall such
be hod in the tuba. - •
a bsinth* various eiunps aid hospitsle in
land, there eomee - n. every lover of litt
faardry And of God, more than'a Macedonian
my tonme met - nig bib us. In response
is lido: MO lot earnest, faithful and intern
'.'gent Christian men come to this work-end
,Amok; who ars willing to endure
hardships for the sake of Christ, or for the
ealvattn'of - mon. Let pleasure-seekers, and
*oat Mho are MAW by more curiosity, re
pat* itluiriut, and let those some who have
eiltenteth'etnpusionate the sufferings, and
mistd,lo work for the good of the soldier.
Boehm* maybe the means of doing mush
Suud the army. and in the realisation of
~will enjoy mnoh pitasure.
"And In response to this cry, they who
0160101 come in parson should oak to encour
age and cheer the soldier by these toentrarta
thee of regard and sympa th y for him Ls his
privations and dangers."
The Yield Assets in different parts of the
armies are asking for "earnest, motive, faith
ful rotaistors," two of expolenee la their
Bailing, 'possessing good bodily health, as well
as sound judgment, to pabor as doiegetes in
Miens* that are destitute of Chaplains.
We would suggest that such Synod, Pres.
bytery or Conference appoint one minister to
zoprosni Mu the army, make provision for
them:pp!: of his pulpit end the comfort of his
Way, and let him remain at his post at inn
three months to *hear and rave doles. young
We thankfully annovringe the following
entrilittions (omitted in our last report) for
rellidene maim matter, *mush the petal
nation, Moieties of the churches t
- hie/>irtnirn Cherub, Sowtohley. 4 3 5 5
a• 40 40
a McKeesport 27 121
V.P. 4 ' &km. Indha. lO 03
_ 12te Treasurer thankfully acknowledges the
following suit donations r
Depths Church. Frremarg 4 =
" 111 draillsaamenos co Pa- is to
11. T. Church, Dayton, 10 60
. Mormaills, Pa.-.--..-. 000
Kitrauning, 10 f 0
• Bromendlis, .toter co. Pa. 12 65
0 ci Robinson. Worthlmmo ca. Pa- 20 00
, Sidney, tittelby co. 0h10......... as 00
-" " Haat Preestine.Ohlo - 10 65
° Imitheek,Handerson co 111. 19 00
M. Cab E. P. Church, (additional) Pa........ 100
Softes . ned Pc
u ae. Church. Ally:hens 25 69
suslogtll.7:-.77. 17 oo
otookEols. Quack Hewer sr. Allegheny- 55 sr'
1.• Boalhileldst Pittebrugh Bu 3
- - - East. Liberty, 12 00
• - a Dr:giants Borough, Ps. Cl 2
a tr _ Monongahela City, Pa.. 10 55
a Dep
, t , n, 2%
' 011011 y, Pa--,. 11 15
a a" Soon Wiry, Pa....-. 600
, a a Greenock, Pa.............. 705
a "a - - Pins 7 (ea
u ltallair.Dalmour, co.o - 21 00
0 Herr Lisbon 0h10...... 15 00
•• Wellsburg, Wren Va.. 10 00
Third Presbytalan Church, Pureburst ...- 81 55
Month -_. 10 15
Central " " 42 U 0
Esesony! a West Kenton, Pa 8 000
Coned Dayton, 50
Bathos, "u Harriormig., Pa v., 30
Long Liana Pres. Church, (eddlUortal,) Pa-
Nome HA•" -"
Gaily Latrobe, •
Ps,-.-.- 70 64
Esasan a robe,
co,Pa 25 50
Rev. 3. W. heroin', Church, iltenbihrilla
0 2801 7 0 w7) 20 as
Bethel aecliuseintillechavaa. 35 00
Harmony and Plank Road Church. 8 00
Predbyhahus Church. Ckommity, 60 00'
4a , Teructrury Pa--..- 13 43
a laturrad= Pa..--- 3 3 14
• a RM. of gran Pa.. 22 CO
a • Hirer Canis. Pa....-. 43 20
Enrol Valloyuineg co. 18 17
Marton, 1 al
Harlarnie. Roller co- 409
N. Prom , nice, Oreeno. SS 00
Thusbarg, Omar& co 21 CO
Amity, Roam on. Pa.. 10 28
21 25
a Richmond, .-... 785
' K. a:Mlle, 8 10
, London, a ....- 625
11 1 1 . m rat r. "
14 t 0
isamtagtiou:Le . eVrii: 640
Std II: P. " " glermr.Pa 500
GoLlsotkal at Connellerille, Pa....................
13 13 10
=Tie, 45
a 6 45
0 011 Croak. 8 56
• a New Vernon, 15 78
a Marion. __ 26 80
filtered. of the lioldlera Chotron, 0hi0...-. 15 00
Amy 0081, talon Cong., New Derry, Po— 11 65
Ladles' Boa, Larington, &menet co ,Pal 9 00
Kidetridge, Indiana co ,Pa 700
0 Bung' Jinnatror.g 800
err" 0 Bethel Qng,l7.2lClair a 37 00 '
Mdems.ild Club, Ilhaskleyedia,Merecr co,Pa 13 92
Janus O'Hara Pittaburgh----- 100 Co
flatoati 0 0 00
Mrs. J. nine: 6 00
Wia. Jeffrey, D. Dr, thrtialime, 10 00
Km IL Jam - • OO
Philip Beate!. 5 00
Samoa Ileilagis; 800 '
M:Grahr 100
moo oturacco "--- 100
Zona -
A asked. pax Ner. LN. Bore, W. En.bmii 145
Ur following eantribuilans hospital sums has •
bons aostred aorisg the month of anus
One box "ofbreptral Mons lora Slates' Aid 80.
otthettherfl*Onerford excasy I 1 box do from
walat -Pt aroimallig; 1 to of aMbing sad frn
from Ladble Aid Borth ty Loath r. Chien county;
1 toll - o 2 Mem from bolas& Aid &nett of Gool
tonmatt Al 9 glosny eanaty; 1 tax of enedst • from
Bolden aid &defy Of WM* Mils, Boiler cotton
bail of do thief, • • •nd fruit from ladies of Unity
Ol=grAlon• Lamb; 1 box of exiled Mr whom
1114 ilechty of Preasyr9M. Armstrong
aces% II balms of horptisl Mores from Laths' • id
iloAMy at Blelresllle,
of costal; /We do /TOM
.Gbx MO: Oamsdation of Wed Labe= Imams
mabert ib ins. of baptist rents and 1 brig of yds.
ham _of IT. r. clongrigut o of Mort Nape.
ref=tinansty; I bozo osmoses from Bddiers'
of wait anwatou. Waslitorton conalys
1 box .frog am. G. W. ambila, aoytoad)blo, 2
balith. 2 49 Sibecitge s of clothing and Ws, and 2
sod of Wes from L•dlest Christian Aid Soil. c i a g
It.blmost townstdp, Allegheny comity; 1 box tat
itaM bediss'Ald ofltifereon, Graeae ly
It hair of brptial seam from lioldners• Money .1
Wm" artMlicrentlitp; 1 box ortioASlela stem item
...ladies' Aid toddy of Co emerdle. rmstrong me.
libasee'd bosiseed Mores fmnLadln, All &a
tidy at reaMille.'lloyetteeenatyi 1 base cloth.
lag Ws A ilisaen 7 Aid sootily tratt rnttllie, /;la.
don d1yf,..1:007.c9 waling matter from Nis N.
-„ , .lishmstimei=stami le; 6 bozos of otathlug and
7 *WS bow 4541- - Society of Hilltds; West.
soareland Musty) 2 boxed samtaisa fox
Itmeadtaal-Dieuxbao.4 Armstrong county; 1 box
et betpitsf snug from Dale No. 3, inastroax onn
c yg a cr sandshollrom Concord and - Glad. Bon
aintioniambis2 9 boxes from imimorris
peMene box from Masi Miklos Na Y, Oldo
flip.psr.laa»r ()peaty') Amoy Committee.. I box ct
bolded AMMO= Boftliorellid fo.leoy of Elders.
Mile Winn *eddy 1 box of hoop tai storm sad
1 bumf of ditedsppler. boas La' I a' a id isc atm, of
sosomielpl box of haryital suns from Wen of
ttrProsbyterim thumb. Westmoreland coon.
ktLfrozo Ltd Bodily of Dl.trict no
1 attleoLspring towneldp, Mercer manly; 1 b 55. of
Immegfes nom list. Ileadeason'• ettartb, Mean
Grfelfelasettington commis I box . f esthiselerone
am Wks' Aid Society of Preed-10, per Army Com.
edam of ammo manly: 1 box of bwroorlreo from
=li tal chool of Coin PreobitoMan Mood', num
VI Woo bone of hooptud atom,
aft ono bard of potatoes. tram Wire Clot..
Ila Onandtdon of'Balm Bubo wanly ;
flow bow of cam from Ladle' Old Bode, of it Id
tUtiliwZo *Woe eiu k Uono box of hospital store.
too Lid Ata of Clinton, Bator comfy ;
WOO bait. from Lase of Itodlelo Watt:Von o tat
ty ooz. Ontontoons, rayon. 0 0001 7 1 1 box
teem liodfrio • of it eot Itlttabottl.p,o B N BoTla;
two bosom, Eras Lunt*. Aid floolsty of Noon town.
P u .. L . B br,,mbogottolVozowittee; 1 box rum
ditulat, N. Brl n stdon town.
Alp. prissy Cloanattaii Of Amer .unit; 1 ha.
fuss /Alike atillactif .1 pa t ur itra, umm u umf
comer; 1 boi of Apoptta stole, front abeam' of Ir
win.' Motto% plotarcolond *mart boxes of
nabs mottur. nowt Gbdittan Clonintoloa, YAM'.
MAIN 1 box of bontontivoo hos Me Adam. 800.
ilea conttibuttons of arttlng, Lahr. aid
sistsr sr= On. Crate, Ulu Lsog i ti;.
g Br.. 11. Media, ilia J . cum . ,
rater, Mn. loner. illts,"Boos. Mr..
k &pa MIMI ths ladloo. .41 a bly. a
D oi gak Eil biadsgai. '
Sttw a
ledfnt m owttolos watt bo no &A darted W.
paid.% sk.t.ts. ,- conton Conned dtawrro,
media 0XA11.014144 . oftotaitt, canned sod dtw
drwad;4 cons
,I4Frop 0 'or ir4les, 4044 as pits
fetieldres. pa laird vorrada. :a moth Mgt.
olaisvlittoreidll Dub 1114 =A asks%
- • •,-
. . ,
Sackm - 111 - 1011alii .11._p111 1 111P7,_ 1 1
dimbutionrskadi httinliXel34•o"`:
ITN 66 bmada plating. 60 loam 00114.765 a•at at
trailt, 1,126 "made dried teats, L 217 60010. Or".
Fil‘_ ll j”. Mau/ ketammtr, 265 brma razdaarsira pamdaof Unt, 67 arm enam,
6 mama writing pipe, 1.6130 ermlems,ls p.nada b
rim, 27 romat a.rn atarch 21 mama pip. 215
pozmds ba*Le.
Tiro work Ono Coxralsokmlo ardt-glar, and Ata
drminfs nuom curtarana omostaztl h CH= ay. I he
cilitf,r saddimtions, arpeeislly, are yr arpnt,
and with the ornthmed• berme of the work, there
wine • cannoned demand for cair lat lailcb we
eartretly desire to meet.
Tat els stares began to Wm . P. Worm:Mi. No 79,
13mIthtisld aired, and an auk contributions to Joe,
Albfto, Ire 71. Wood et est.
J. R. oreCllble,
Frrtutraon, Sem Ist, liC3.
MarIIILT 1720Z2 01 MI 111193111101 111111570.011
Dariothe peat month we have fed, et our rooms,
at mil losu roldbm on ? their trey mat anti
west. At the folders Heat, on Liberty Mimi, 1,018
sick and wounded solders bite been cared for, and
provided With ail the ettemdence th eir condition de
manded. making. since our organization, August 3d,
1881. 128,184 eoMion who have been forniehtd with
toads by one Committee.
- Transportation - live been green to seven sick end
wended eoldims who mere left be our city without
mean, of teaching their home
le. firs wounded sal
dbra bare been place' In onsone ei ' , bum
died, Wad , LL holy was tent to p hie friend, by the
Clontetbatlons of matt, vegetables end feats, for
me of our rooms on Ltbeettreet., will te very en ,
ceptalle; Mad ma be Ift at t hu Tone No. 317 Liberty
'Wet. An./. del from nine to two o'clock; or at
Mew% Albree, tkai A Co., Wood street, or Ileum
Werynuist Alcd'e.hmtthgslil street.
ititittfullyeichnowltip the Alowleg contribu
tions Of cash dnrlog ugust: •
Ono-half of proceeds of .11nrtiock's lechire...4lo2 67
Hr. 11. limb 23 t 0
10 00
--.---.. 5 00
..... 603
Ms. T. 600
James AL a Co
John IL 9 00
/fn. Pittatn, Allegheny__ _„„ 200
A Lind—. / 00
Also contributions :testable, from Um Achirarts,
Allegheny; it le. 11. Smith. Mrs. bfeClorran. Hrs.
P....ek• M. Corral-I; flattery A, 140 loans of
bursa; 1 box of Ault from Ellsabotb, Ileirdeny
mealy. P. 1 / 1 sr nu,
Exeoatliro Comma:lN
Row a Lady Solved Copperhe
A few days slue, the 27th of August, a
number of men were engaged at the house et
David •Ilitastar t Big , of Rostraver township,
Westmoreland county. Pa., in thrashing
grain. Oa coming to the table for dinner,
Hrs. Hassler noticed a butternut brea st pin
on one of the men named Medielland, which
she requested him to take off or leave tho
Me, as no man should sit "at her table with
ono of them on. Her brother (son of Rev.
Samuel Wakefield, meetly representative of
that county, la the Pennsylvania Legbla
tun) spoke out and told her be had one on,
and intended to keep It on. She replied that
his must come off elan, or he must leave the
table. They hesitated In leaving, thinking
she war not In earnest; when Mr. 11.joihed
her In the request and Invitation to leave the
table unless the Magee were taken off. With
this the Was brothers (kleCtelland's) and
Wakefield left, packed up the threshing ma
chine), leaving the threshing unfinished. The
loyal man, some eight or ten in number, re
mained, and ate the dinner.
The action of Hrs. H. Is highly approved
by all her loyal.aslghbers, and deserree to be
weed ironed in worthy of praise and imi
In the afternoon her brother returned with
a meetoti from the reverend traitor, her
father, to Mn. IL, thatch. need not thew her
Ewe at hie hone* till she changed her politica.
TaWU-41MM .1.1.1%1127.-.416U evening,
Him Annie Hyatt, • protean artist of the
most derided talent. makes hor first Appear
' &nee this R&M. Daring her last engage
meat at this establishment she made troop(
of Mende, who will doubtless hall her re-ap.
pomace with delight. She appears in the
sterling farce of "Hy Son Dmna." The
beaattral sensallen drama of the l"fle4e's
Signal," which has attracted large audiences
daring the week, will be repeated this evening.
Let all attend why wish a good evening's en
&tartan Oitiatarr Wocznsn.—We pub
lish, in another oolurcus. & dispatch tsoto CoL
Schoosunaker to Meat. Col. Blakely, lot the
Stanton Cavalry, giving. & list et the officers
who were vow:idol In the late fight at Rooky
Gap, and of thos6 who are salukis. It may
be Interesting to oar riadaretto [now that
Capt. Pollock belonp to. this oily, Captain
BIM to Blrsolagham, Lieut. Jackson to Pay
ette eoccaty,Liant. Mellott to Clarion county,
and Monts. Shoop and Wilson to Aimstroag
Mum Cosvienoti.—The citizens of Alle
gheny county will bear In mind the ems
meeting to be held this evening, In the All«
gheny Merkel NUT% We are asanred'thet
them will be a large assemblage of people, as
the County Committee has procured some of
the mast able igniters of the day for theca:ga
llon, and *my prapintion has been made to
accommodate alt who may attend. The ro
tate of all parties are trquested to be present.
Snipe tr stox Misneo.—The Lsdlss' Aid
Soctelgr of Nobicstowo,ln donna:don with the
11. P. Church, of which Err. Mr. Hutchinson
is pastor will hold • Grand Union Muting
In that willage en Thursday, the 10th Instant,
at 10 °Wools a. in. The Bet. John Douglas,
D. D., Professor 8. J. Wilson, D. D., of the
Western Theologloal Seminary, OoL and BIIT.
J. B. Mark alui Hon. 1% O. Shannon are In
vited speakers for the occasion.
Smog: Pna.—About eight o'clock, last
erettiag, the roof of the blacksmith shop, at
tubed to Mum. Jenks At 8 m's machine
rinks, on Pint street soar Pam, ne i gh:
fire from the rpaths of a chimney, It Is imp
posed. The lini.was pnt out with a few buck
ets of water.
Pusomat..—Mr. J.l. °harpooning, of the
firm of Lyda, & °harpooning, and who has
been Weet for soots weeks, arrived in the city
last night. Mr. O. Is in good health and
spirits end is well pmrpsred to resame.bust.
atom aim Besaa's Elwin tilacumtaa, fete
!sanity La.l manufaciazlng purposes, are the
bast in use.
A. F. anneorix, General Agent.
Zo.lll, FUlkstrest.
TeozAe PAIIT, Mtn sad Otheateetal Piste
Roofer, sad daela Li Pawlnitho ad Ver.
moat elite of the beet etatNr , 11 lob rates.
sa Aka: Ughlia'e, cosi the Watex
littsburakPe. apStem
O. ANDRA - A% for Otani smarm Minimum/ to
MO, now of ifartiseborgh. N. Y, (the ell
mete having seriously affected her hair and
scalp, writes, f. I hare derived moth benant
from the ma of Mu. S. A. Allen'. World's
Bair Riutoter and. Zilettabainam. I hate
tried 1 / 1 1710121 other necedles, bat any?:
thing that.. oiaterialty clad paw:mostly it....
fitted au."
8011 by dzugglits everywhere. Depot, 193
Groomlob street, Now York. dew
Isynto COLL2GIATI lrarrrals—A picot'
olailloal school for ladios, corner et Bearer
strootand Eitookton - arenas. itilleghsory fay,
Pa. .The scrauth aiiinteannal melon mu
suoncoo on lioisday,Scpbunber 7th. -Pot air
califs creator Information, se to todtion or
board, call upon or &daunt lb. Ptinelpal.
attliaarne lies. E. A. Bwn.
Mill among the Tohmtooti wonld bo pravont
ad by tho frowns* of SOLLOWAY'S PILLS
Por Wm:44BoMo and
ikom, the Ointment li i Insitaln tom, and
for Boma toomplilato, Pmm, Small Pon, fr.o.,
the PHU are the but rondlolno In the world.
Only IS onto' hoz of oat. ,•• 221
Nonce TO Psorsisr 110/41.1M4 AGE= AIM
AI& Onus Drumm:ft...4ot malts in al
tarstbat to norms or- dwatllap, tom Toth, or
saythlaa SW to the Carpenter Mai call at
Cluthbattatot BUN.Virile OW,
o b oe sm,tofi ittaita,A.o taw arolaPUl
attoadatt.% t
, .
'Von wail's, four. dolloro.
You dollars, four dollars,
Dental. lostituto, Natal Wittig*.
Bost chop Deothtm Not oloopDontiotry.
No onoblAo work: to onsohloo work.
Osumi sad °AMU Guns *NI be *spa
at the 011albaa oat*, No. 40 Marty iftot;
day ta4lll:orda*.laft at Oa above
-Placa vllll4 nomptly attended ta.7.A1l alto
must ba Wats strum eat. •
anl, watt", us Pins sum, 'Mud g•
AU beam ilmobsilai.
epaalal Dispatch to the PUtstroszb Gazatta
Sipt. t. 1863
The report. of the crossing of the Lowey
Reypahannook by Lee in force is not CMS.
♦ 110117 ♦! oa/7u PM:TABU
The gunboats Satellite and Bella:toe are at
Port Conway, and thero win bee Agile there,
la al/ probability, to-morrow or aoit dal.
OLD 111341 OP DZILADD 1101/21
There is an outstanding to•dey of the old
issue of the Dated State' Demand Notes of
$2,415.000. Most of this amount Is held fII
the South and Clatifonda—noi as singular •
eironmstanse as that those notes bring the
sums premium In Rtehmond as gold, while in
New York they are worth one or two per Mt.
The Nary Department la not in poises/ion
of soo7 information, ooneezning the reported
capture of the Vanderbilt, by the pirate
ter, but on the contrary, has biota whiph go
to prove each an event latterly impossible.
43utesorlptions to the t 20 loan foot up
twenty-one million men hundred thetuand•
dollars, during the month of August.
Dr. B.Blusdelholl, of Eaton, Ohio, was sp.
panned ErambeLog Burgeon, by the Commis
stoner of Pen:lona.
Worrants on the Treasury for money to pa"
ell the troops in the Feld will be Issued to-
The report that there will be no draft la
Ohio, Isoorrest, In so tar as there shall be no
deficiency; it if thought altogether probable,
that the small quota required !rota that Slats
will bs mats up by volunteering: but Amid
that fall to produce the mania the right time,
then the draft will to neoessary, to make up
the dadoleroy.
The sale of confiscated property to-day was
postponed on seoonat of notloa being given by
Capt. Tod, Provost Marshal, that oertain
portions of the property Is now occupied by
the Government, and will not bo vacated as
long as wanted for present use.
surevrioa fICEBIDID.
Tho sensation, caused by yostarday's state
ments, of this roman of a hug* body of rebel
warahy, Boar' Elwards Piny, has subsidsd,
upon Its being awartained that ths eavabry
soon op there was a portion of our own mon
ont on duty In that region.
Thereto nothing now from Ohatiosto; op t°
Moo o •oh.
The Lois in Colonel Illehoonmaker's
By Tylegrayb Apia Beverly, Ilrist Vlratala.
lams EagooaxAm Rsement wu
severely engaged at the Rooky Gap fight.
Loss, six alma And dray men killed and
wounded. Myself and stall am well.
3. M. SCHOOIIII/11114
Colonel 14th Pa. Osira! r-
sworn 'DtarAunK
The tolliwiag dispatch his bead resolved
by Lient,Colonsl Blakely. dated
BRYZILT, VA., Bapt. 2, 1853.
Col. Wis. Blakely a--Caps. Bird arid
Meat. Wagon, of Co. M, are badly wounded
and mining; Copt-Poi/oak L salailni; Monts.
:mason, Moffatt and eltoopare wounded and
in oar hands. J. 1. Sozoosuaral,
Colonil lath Ps. Cavalry.
The President's Letter--.Tampico
Occupied by the Preach—Fire in
Williamsburg-.lames T. !Grady..
New You, Sept. 2.—A Chicago dbipatoh
to the Fast asp the forioving passage oases
is the President's letter “The Proo*nation,
as law, Is either valid or it le not valid; if
It Is not valid, -it wants no retraction .It
cannot retracted any more than the dead
can be brought to life.'
A special to the Onevortial cage General
Doubleday is ordered to report to General
The New 01111111111 Nargues, of the 22d, has
Tampico dates of the 16th stating that that
plate was ocoupled by the gnu&
A lire in Williamsburg, tut night, destroy
ed the factory and agricultural implements of
Llsthurts & Bro. Less, $20,000.
A note from James T. Brady, is published,
emphatbully declining the candidateoy for any
°Zoe, and will not swept a nomination from
any political organisatiOn.
A Memphis letter, of the 25th, dealer the
death of Pemberton, but hi. men and odious
have sworn bola( him. He hid bum takes
to Bislanond under' • stronggnard. Fully
two.thirde of his army are in the field under
liardee. Johnston is in command at Mobile.
idle Interest Sale Postponeds..The
Captoro of the Alta Vlrtaa.
WAegurotor, Elope. 2.—Th. Ills Intent of
seventeen diffsnnt ownm of valuable real
estate in Washington was to hare been cold
to-day. A large number of persona wen it
attendance, but after the District Marshal
bad read Use deans of the Court, the Provost
Marshal produced o letter from the military
authorities, dating that' they would gin op
no part of the property; of which they now
have possession. The postponement of the
sale to Wedneedarant was then annonnoed.
Captain Walker of the Da Dote, advises
the Navy Dspartioent of the capture of the
steamer Alice Vivian, for violation of the
blockade. bhe represented herself as from
Mobile, bound to Havana. laden with cotton.
She had thrown her papers overboard. Among
the passengers transferred to the Ds Soto
were several of the staff of Ben. Stanghter, of
the rebel army. Gan. Slaughter himself
had embarked on the steamer, with all Ms
staff, bat a few hours radon to her leaving
Mobile. He returned to' the city, with the
intimation of joining the vessel as soon as he
could remove his baggage thither; but for
this he too would hare been captured. His
destination was Tens to rats* a brigade.
Other navel captures are also reported.
Gon. Davidson , ' Expedltlon•-aler.
maduke Knott d..411ce In Full Re.
treat. .
Br. /41:13,11opt. 2.—Gen. Stade telegraph'
to Gen. Sokodeld, from Davin', Bluff, Ark.,
Aug. 26th, that our, admen, undo General
Davidson, has driven Karmadakea Cavalry,
about 3,000 'trout, out of Brownsville, esp. ,
taring Col. Barbridge and some privates. At
fast somata, Obese* brigade was pushing
the eneary toward Bagenidelotis.
A dispatsh from Pilot Knob rays that de.
mom from Barbrides 00nUIIIlld report that
Prizes forma seers driven across the Arkansas
on the 20th, and that the, rebate are in MI
retreat, and Maple and Davidsmiln hot pas
Wt. •
llisrassdoke's command was eotsplitsly
routed and soaftersd.
Unit Book Is within vup of the Federal
The ertaceeo Convention.
Siattomo ; qopt. 2,—Tho Committee on
Parmationt repo:tad 'the nom*
of littraltam Waltoataa for Prouldent tad, a
samba Of VIP PrOottletoto, NW& warourtatt
111% Wakotntin =Wang. the' abaft', mad*
iotablig Uslat 010501t,10120 was Eregooney
. •
apple '
45,CooOtte.,toiliegpsts,Ontloas was sp
a:4 10w:
- I ..rofirA.itortis mos- toit‘rroi
tariol ipoort tor Oaa=
awl Me D. Conna• los Atiorater
The tetra General Low la csidsatly dewed
hearts& He Is reported to be in Richmond,
atiaserorbog to rats, rainforomanta for his
army. Rebel deserters shy that cultism he
mate battle him army will disband In leis
thane month.
Ott. itasza'a atm:.
a n . arra will not nuke nay of
fensive operations. This seen to bs a fixed
No arrivals at this port from the Chubs.
ton Squadron.
The President's Letter to the Ill!.
one convention.
New Toss, Sept. S.—The following is
President Llnaoirr's letter :
lisiourren Idersioe,
Wseumorox, Aug. TA, 196 i
lIGIII. J. C. CONYLI2t Dear Sir:—Your
letter inviting ma to attend a mass monist
of uranditional Briton man, to be hild at
the Capital of Illinois, on the 31 day of Sap.
towbar, tratberairseatini. It would be very
ago:rabbi to suo thus to meet my cld friends
at my own home, but I cannot jolt now bo
absent from this city so long as a visit there
mould moult*. The misting is to be of all
thou who maintain unoonditional devotion to
the Baton, sal I am slue that my old politi
cal friends will thank ma for tendering, as I
do, ,the matinee gratitude to these other
noble men whom no partisan malloo, or parti
san hope can make foist to the nadon's
fate. Thor are those who ire dissatisfied .ith
me. To snob I would Lay you desire peace,
and you blame me that we do not have it.
Bat how can we sada it r There aro but
three oonosivsbige wait: Eirst, to suppress
the rebellion by force of arms. This lam
trying to do. Are yon for it ? If you are, so
far we are agreed. If you are not for it,
strand way L tp give' up- thesUalon— -Lam
against this; Gin am, you should ray SO
plainly. It you are not for force, norpot for.
dicolution, thee only remake some Imagina
ble compromise. Ido not bailors that any
comorocolso embracing the mints:tense of
the Union is now probable.
All that I learn trade to a decidedly oppo
dts belief. Tae stranght of the wanton is
In Its military and its army; that army dom.
hates all the oraustry and all the people
within its range. Any Offer of terms mods by
any man or men without estrange, in cppo
"Rion to that rapsy, is simply nothing for the
present, bemuse inch a man or men taro no
power whatever to Galore Galt alde of a com
promise, if one is made with them.
To Illustrator Suppose the refuges+ from the
south and the peace man of the north mat to.
gether in convention and tramp and proclaim
a (emir:omits, imbruing a restoration of the
Union. In what way can that oomprianbe
be used to kap Gen. Leo'. array out of Poen
ulnas f Gyn. Made'' army can keep Gen.
Lee's army out ofrounrylvanfooind I think
can ultimately drive it oat of existenoe. But
no paper comp:omits to which the controllers
of hen. Lee's army are not agreed can at all
afoot that army. Ia an egotist tech a com
promise, we would watts time width the ene
my would improve to our disadvantage, and
that aroald he al/. A compromiser to be off cativo,
must be made either with those who control
the robel army, or with the people first liber
ated ftol3l the dominion of that army by the
sateen of our army.
law, allow me to inform you that no word
or intimation from this rebel army, or from
any of the men in authority, in relation to
any peso, compromise, has ever come to my
knowledge or ballet All charges and intima
tions to the contrary are deceptive and ground
less, and I promise you that, if any ouch pro-
position shall haunts come, it shall not be
rejected and kept 'Garet from you. I freely
acknowledge myself to be the servant of the
people, according to the bond of the sorvies--
, the U. B. Constitution—and that, as nab, I
am responsible to them. But to be plain, you
are dlssatislisd with me about the negro.
Quit, likely. there is • diffsreioe of opinion
between you and myelin upon that subject. I
certainly wish that all men could be free,
while you, I suppose, do•noL Yet I have
neither written, adopted or proposed any
measure, 'hid Is net consistent with your
views, which proves that you aro for the
Union. I suggested compensated emeeeln.
lion, to which you replied that you wished
not to be taxed to bay nogrosa ; bull had not
Woadyou to be taxed to buy novo% except
la oath • way as to save you from %testae ex- I
action, and to one the Union euctulettly by
other means.
You dislike the Emancipation Proclame.-
don, and, perhaps, would have it retracted.
Too say It Is unconstitationii. I think differ.
catty. I think that the Constitution vests
its Gornmsuder-in.Ohlet with the law of
war In the time of war. The most
that ran be said, if so much, Is, that slaves
are property. Bas there ever bun any
question that, by the laws of war, the pro
perty of both anemias and friends may is
taken when needed; and Is it. not needed
whenever the taking of it helps us or hails
the enemy. The armies of the world OM db.
'troy the enemies property when they. can
not use lt, and even destroy their own to keop
iilsom. falling into the hands of the enemy.
Civilized buhigerenta do /A in their power to
help themselves or hart the enemy, exeopt a
few thing* regarded as barbarous or entel.
Among the exceptions are - the massacre of
vangumbed fon and non-combatants, male
and female—but the ProidanssUon Is law and
valid, or Is not valid. If it is not
valid, it need' not any retraction.
It it is valid It cannot be retracted any
more than the died can be brought to life.
Some of you profess to think that retraction
would operate favorable to the Union. ' Why
bettor afar the rstraction, than fedo ra ._ the
u m , Two wail mere tan a paella &
belt of trial t 6 suppress the teboUlen,beforst
the proclamation was Issued, tie tut one b un .
dred days, of which pseud—
[The have &Ina oat and we cannot
get any men to wiskt ]:
!Movements of linertillas•
BITIILY. Ans. 31. 1883
LOODIVILLN, Km, Sept. 2 .—Hogbao. with
from ffry to two hundred robots, &ppm - walk
liarks to-day.
It ta ma*Ulo.
ted that Munillon.2lM (man
to offrkindred robots, tat roaohodJamortowa,
No ftrthor particulars. -
l adling!' lagi agle•
onTaitigar,Asi., thtzi.a...4ll nate:seats
Odosel-171 Trude% Ods!
dukiinkTloneari . ts Ottim apsetilium,
d Jilts Advents, , lUD aw.
0 3111314 1114010.
Epeeist Diiptat 1612,6 31.4286508izett. 7
1688rati., Sept. 2,1863.
DosiC4L73 arrinoci CU. 4111LICIIX LID
Is i s sannatly reported In high dials that
a silsundattanding edits between Adnihnl
Dahlgren and GO. Glihnore.
b not unlikely that Admiral Psuagnt
will be called to sapereede Admiral Dahlgran.
nears or uur. enrisurvixe.
Btue rebels, nine,hi nanther, lir Ito took the
oath.el allegiance, and thin mu* teceivid as
rabitltntes for drafted men, sniped from the
rsedurins at Alexandria. Each feller stole
a lone and an much other property as he
could omentsittl7 eatrY away
I hot it from the bid authority, that Lis I/
army li toatteeed our a large seetlei of ma
kJ; Loogstriet hu the right oecupythg the
IMO of the Rlthoromi era Ftederiehthurg
Railroad, Gen. >Btnithu the left, sod A. P.
am, as '
emu: szoommo ITSPOPIMAIL
More, the radar. Ibioansoi of a nnoabe o
tallFreo lately, bu blooms upopnlar
Meet' bands of guerrlibm are hoitertng
about 'the mu of our army, but biro nit met
edth on, great sweets recently. It Is noted
that White and Imboden's guertilla bands,
variously estimated at from one to five thou
sand, have made moral attampts to . qzoss
the Potomac, but to ovary Instance they tore
repulsed by the 'Talon antilop, arid infantry.
Tee FOTOMIII Of 1,11311.1.101.
A room, stadia a for days auto, ream to
come in for a pretty authentic shape to-day,
that President Lineoln will Imo a paper in
• abort time doff:slag ih e future bf mbeUlon
ormoran carob or n'orittan'a cannier.
It b sold that the oficial report of General
MoOlallan'a campaign oomph's nearly 4,000
pages of foolscap, sad an uxtra appropriation
will be main& to be puled by (Ingram to
defray the expenses.
The !Weed Convention.
Juianiorftryr, MO, - , Sept:, 2.—ln the
Conantlef,tbis morning, a Committee of ens
from each county in the Starr was appointed
to visit Washington, and ley Wore the Pia-
Went the pieranou of the loyal people of
A resolution was pasted Inviting the Union
men of Kansas to send a delegation to Wash
ington in =nation with the Committee Bp
panted by the Convention.
Henry A. Mara, of Eit. Laub, Arnold,
Resta, of St. Charles, and David Wagner,
of Lewis county, were nominated by serial
=atlas for Judger of the Supremo Court.
A resolution was adopted intimating the
State lizeoutiva Committee of the Emancipa
tion party to prepare and publish u address,
ailing upon the people to form State organ
isations. and • Central organisation in the
United States, to give direction '
elbow and
power to the radical reforms la tor Neural
A resolnlien wan also adopted providing
for a committee of five to prepare a system of
organisation for tho friend, of freedom, in this
State, that shall take cognisance, not only of
the danger tow impending, but for future
emergency and trial.
The committee on resolutions reported the
platform, in sishstance, as follows:
The diet sustains the Goventmeat in a Vig
orous prosecution of the war to complete the
Seal suppression of the rebellion.
The second denounces the military
pursued in tide btate, and the delegation by
the Genoa! Government of the military pow
ers to the Provisional State organisation, the
whole tendenoy of which Is to throw back the
poople under the control of pro-slavery and
reactionary indbienote to paralyse the Federal
porter in tuppressing the rebellion, and to
prolong a reign of terror throughout a large
nation of the State, and *Vend aid and com
fort to those-meditating hostility to the na
tional authority in other States.
Tho third endorses the Presidant's emend-
,proehimation, asks for Its prompt ea
ematlon, will support no mae not pledged to
Its prinelples, believes those liberated ander
It cannot be reduced to slavery, and refuses to
sustain any reorganisation of the eountry
that does not embody filmdom prinelples
therein contained.
The !math refers to the Freneh Influence in
Mexico, and male on the General Government
to resist it.
The :fifth arraigns the provisional g over:k as untrue to the loyal people of the
(hate, and gives eight reasons therefor.
The sixth demands immediate emancipa
tion in hiliscoart.
The toventh fsvors a oonotitntional amend
ment dlafranehhing all who hare taken up
arms against the government, or adhered to
the enemies thereof.
The eighth demands that the LegisLatina
esti a new State Oonventilin, to take into con
sideration the grievances under which the
State now labors. In oars of their refusal,
nothing can derogate from the right of the
people to set In the matter.
A Committee was appointed to:ittand the
Union meeting at Springfield, IlL,to• morrow.
Additional resolution were p urred, reqacit,
big Goi.,GambLe and Lient . tialr. Hall to re
sign ; urging the President to remove Gen.
Soholiald ; denour.oing Qaantrell's raid on
Lawrence, and expressing the warmest aym
pathy for the survivors of the nasesaore ;
inviting ell lovere of Iwo labor, free soil and
free speech to reek homes in Missouri, and
guaranteeing them protection; thanking the
gallant soldiers of -Missouri; thanking ; the
President for arming unreel to kill rebels ;
warning members of the Legislature against
disreguding the will of the people, and re
questing the radios' members of the Legisla
ture to vote for B. Grata Brown and Bajada
Loan for U. S. Sanatory.
Thecae:amities of publio safety roported the
Rescind, That we j in view of the talons
complications arising out of hostilities on the
past of the Provisional State Government, to
the national authority and nattoral polio eo,
and the &bones of protection from inroad,
from georrillos, we hereby instruct the Pre,•
Went of the Convention to appoint a general
coma:atom on public safety, composed of ose
from esah Oongresfional District, whose duty
it shall be to confer with the loyal men of the
Stem, to organise and arm them foe the pro
tection of their homes, and in thetrest of no
relief being obtained from our present troublae,
Weill upon . the people of the State to ant is
their sovereign capacity, and take =eh meal
arcs of redress netball be doomed neweseery.
The Foam dings of the Convention were elm-
aotorisod by the moot onfhaltionlo deizaonotra
Lions of tomtit loy fifty and camas Melo.
iftarkets by Telegraph.
Hz, You. Sept. 2 —near lower and active d.r
common rades, and heavy and drooping at EMS@
PEES fokExtra State, g 5,10,56,38 for Extra 8. /I 0.,
$5.4 - 811 t o r Trade Mande—market eloelnir dell.
Whisky dialed y better at 41/360c. Wisp I, lea
satire and common grain dull atoll heavy; good and
prime FOSIVS owl in moderate mined at about the
previous plat% &VASS for Chicago Spring, Oleg
•t,12 for Milwaato.• Club, sl,lBetel,2o for sle,,g e r
Red Western, 5103 for misonnd W Inter Lad West
ern Illinois. Gera melte/and eoso better, and its
pod speculative demand at 7.8 e for 'Denying vexed
Westares.-stleatt 76(¢77c to Mao and 77a for Western
Yellow, 'Oats excited and 24.14 blab= at 6G@600
far Western. Sugar firm, with a good demand at
usionx, Ear Ilueouvado, 1034 for P. IL R1T14.•
fejitgli)4. Park ofenei dell and heavy. Baton Bideil
no let. Lard nukt and steady at 9X91034.
None/ more active at ICI pa can. Sterling
firmer, with a moderate business, et 110)(0141. Gold
fletner, opening at Iny„ end Mean
Or et zs;{ per
rent poem. Government realm are withon • theidad
U. S. 84. 81, °capons, 106%; 7. 90 te, 'Mg
@MI Stocks lower and heavy —P Ft 0, C
C& • 51)34. •
CEMLINLII, Sept. 2—Evening—glove unchanged.
Wheat dim, and Kentucky white higher, ckslog at
11.1241,115, and fin choice 114.7.11 was obtained, and
red 960;91. Corn firmer at 60c. Oats 14.945 c. Bye
pan adranoed to TerIMO. Whisky In salsa demand
at 66e—being • further adenine; the market closing
buoyant and unsettled. floe was an active de.
for el/ Mass Pork, and P2O barrels aigd at 110. Balk
(WU am In demand at 6%, and Shoulders at 4%0
aThen wit a gram bailing generally in all ..r
' Gold tuichangal. Exchange firm, with more d►
mind for money, but th►market Ls rug.
BALTINOIII, Pepin:llser 7—Flour dal and heavy.
Wbeat..dcdl and unclatued. Corn Wet; yellevv, 16c
0870. Oats Amu Whisky hue advanced X. ceni.
Cane ftrm.
Chicago Market.
Sept. I—The reports of the damage to the crops b
the recent frusta In the Interior of the State, canoed
considerable csoiteromst on 'Change today, and •
material advance on all grades was • tabllehed.
Wheat was in bonn request and advancing 21gi6s.
The Inquiry was priacipelly for the Spring eerie;
which sold at ingialo for No 1, and 811@910 for No 9.
Winter grades were quiet with sales of No 1 rel at
93046:. Flow was Arm, but without meterlel
change. note was a good laciF kw Corn, and we
here to note an advance of y per bn, tales tro
log mad* at for Bo arid 61%061 are No
II In store. Theo of Omni Corn ware light,
and sales small it SIGH 'tor No 1. and Sbo for high
milted afloat. Oafs were is Italie segued for Alibis
Government nontracta, and the mentor-improved 115
Se per Mahal. with sal.• or /So 11M,37§360, and No
si Silo In state. Ilye wee in good demand/End ram
at an advance of af,c,`lnees being Made arSl4so,;(icY
principally et the
i out ry ride gore. There continue"
to be • e>o by daytime and mothers for
Barley r inqu
7 end the market raise Ann at 7:30760 for Did
In Core. • '
Cli)velaact SitiLiret.
flonr—small tales XX red, froth nreentd, at sag,
6,10. NTheat-71te market was • little more Inlaid
thin moratnt. Then it vary Intl, trUn effarind.:
We nate • tmall 'aloof common at Item Bed is In
Tel 7 good Mutat; tab thte morning of / ear amber,
nd en treat at 1000, roa r 13d care common do do at:
1440. Thleafternoon red on - traek sold at 1040.,
Cont—ln study demand at 60302 e. Oata—Vary few
on market. Holden are whir% 600 from store. Bye
—Held at 700 for ell. Ltd 72 tor new.
11111111-,FLAIIE —On Tuesday morning, &la
Ist, et the glen needy ell gt Church Alleghegy, by
the Bov. & P Berth s D., R. U. PIMP of
Allegheny ery /11111AteDA, oldest t ankle; of
Ils. Joho Flit& of this city. Bo elude.
.tiltOWN—At tho residence d bit father. Elen.
Thomas Lwin , b the Wet u t., sr,. K4U U.
DBMS, wt e of John H. Drown. of nate&lOW
_ .
'ha fennel wt taterea Wennes day. the 2d
test • tam the bonen et her tether, corner of thief
and Manna e'sosto, It 3 o'clock D. Cb.
LOPG—Do Rotoesday, Eqpt. Id, et Q &cit.*
a. m., Xes assior, ells of Licnerd Wag to the
83d par of bor _
Thettindu of til• tangly ate reepettally levied
to ntreni . the Novel, nitre szrzenroon at 2 o ' clock,
(rem th e ole's= enitr Insibende North Cenuneas,
loath db. 0.14 ailte44elitelei,
- FOK SHEB,litiontr E.
WOW Lim; Olt Lthatplbstm *HI be n etalttlate Ibr
ebaxlC,oublaot to tho dectdcra at the notattathis
Oasventitn. trtilehgratteeetcat Thatulay, Reptant.
WFA B - BILEBIFF:L=4ciiumr Boss
irsoloaitooaddip tFt tb• above offics. spb,
"VI to"
ot the totalootho Union tiotottiqloston
• - Katmai fags":
" a Ct owl 42,1 1 0 EWA non/ went
ti • • ' - • = sum e, of 'the' •
gait% always on hand id IS sad la [WOO
dna. J. • IX raILLIIP&-.
_ .
---' rms annurtni vitaxift i t to Dmea
at Mardzill & Irma, COZISW sa Gast
strata ea EMT WEIDTEMAY ad WWI
- ott t eeloet y, m. ' sat!
/odds' to bold onotbili In du o . selia
Iltcti Dtateleta tkrotthoot tn. cowl, raft pro:
can HAND-111V13 A D P 09191018, ma" Pttete
lho of thirty. sirlAsta to D. Lizzainos.
No. Si Tittli street. Pltrolomb. eals
we:. ant to the order of the Thelon ltriouttie
coacoodetoe t of Alleenory county, tha tnotenlyeed
Mich, repeat tha,Deletit Ould) rrireaenhei
kryil dna= crisid comfy In thorentloig to Jam
yd, 1863, to 111141111lUISIal coillyrioN, at
the clout nouncia Plitilauth, ea Tall/4:
DAY, trptssiber 114, up; at 10 °Wart &se:. tar,
the pawn at nculualug a cendhlata lbe Ake
Ilbeellf. llllMllf.thiatmaa.
toea 6TEWAIL . fisarottry. aseMairta
CAVA GAZG. Shlyd Warta inagtiSkY;
linitialo Pinar, Notwegaitela Dcweafti;
A._ lawaroa, Low ri. Chic
Joanl.Dsowsi, ffecand Ward] /Megterm
D. O'Hzus.. Besandltird e Vitteharthi
61111171131. fourth Ward.Anefb6l4
amnia BalelAT, Stara Wad, flitibergbi.
Joanna Sarum, Warts Ward,
We D. Ilmatieu. Yam iatraddeL
Firm= T. Dina, Lawranae•Clea
R. IL Pszsua, Jr.. realm towzradpi
1. O. Heath. Fifth Wird, Ylthbargh;
Joan T. Dana, Blifilb tow - whip;
Lunn Duras, Beane' du;
Ruiz floffunamm, Oreseent township;
Jut= Dimon. Vain° ismnsldin
Joan H. femme. Umtata; lituccenu., Distand township;
8.0. hiscitlaz. fee, Math Wird, Pittsburgh.
.A. Haltom third Ward, I.lo.‘bm , gb;
Awmus HOUOZ, Fourth Ore.:, Allegheny;
Capt. Jamas Kruse, Wanchester;
J. 0. listworrzr, Third Ward. fithibargh.
A. ffi. DBOWEI, of Pittebargh, Charm
.1. it. b7DWART, Coble. tp., &iciatary."
fire•Coatts: •
finwee—A. Vt. 'intowv, and 7.
li=rD. D. PlBOOBOOl, D. O'HZPLL and ,
Ow Weeffsge end Speakers-ICM MAIOVIIILL,
114 fifth wrest ; JAMAS De lUD, 11T Third Su;
SOU 81110T1ti. Jr.. lei /earth sheet; B. H.
PA L.llSts, Jr, Pitt ; .121111 K. BittsWil.
metered attest, Allrghsay ; D. B. PB6OOOOOl, If
fifth street.
fervors desiring to hold Delia liestlap La the
mem sheikh &biota tismashout the eartneh
will be famished with dpeatere by cell_: ra lam of
the above wood Onmeltrea
The frames of dlleghsay Oectoty, bun or tha
Utica sail oppcitonts a Ccippartectlita, will wee t
Thursday Evening, Rept, 311, 1869
Tbs follamtai .plaktra will b. prestat atd scbi:o.a
the meeSing
Dm W. D. DIMLY, of rtrale..`pt ;
W.S.T.NS tioTZIO3.. E q., a! Westobrita
Hon. J. E.120011IIZAD;
onlarot tba Unfon gliwctlre.Conslete.
JI crranr WrO
PROVO= ILaßliltalin ornat
stito Damasoe os Puts. •
thi Toutth Pt., Pittanngh.liepi. 2 , UHL
h lreaxlun with orders, I publish tin hi.
lattirg 110 of ppenoonns craniptta from drat by the
Board of Porot A t to this Dhtrioe, to this date,
with the roams of their szamption s
WI Item Cha i m's.. Venally, township.
Levi Lndwick. WfAlas township.
Maass lloOlintack, Hollins towssinp.
Wet:alas Habana'. Callas warship.
John Mashy, Panntownsbip.
Hairy Oypben, Plata township.
James lialkiria. Wflizlnfs tows:lA.lp.
John Bhpporstaii. Patton township. •
Atttheir hicEltaviy. £llzsbath township.
Hash Suoneybili, Slizawth towashlit.
Hest. -HantlesU. Stet Auto.
BUm darer, wakka tp, Chu. Calm.
JOIOG H. Duette; Utah l'lt Wee, T. Kelly, 10th I.
J. A. Woolalatur, Colthas tp . Atidzur Farley.
acacia wt. tun myna zrzttraux as
a shod Cox, WElkins TOTED.
toonshlp. Blinomes—W.
Britt. 4. Moloney
Jobs Hoßrit°, Wilkins township. Witursorow—A.
Bosky, lir.Brido.
John Brown, Vs:sallies township.
&mils. J. B.2.1“1.
John thsvdor,'Puss Word. dhshi , itY.
Polar Wultlost; disability.
Pour titucao. do do
fatiel H Liao/rd, do too
John Otolland, • ds do
Wm 13 Mohan. 00 G. 161tb P V. Hiatus tp, d'w
oblitty—wontifd at I rwisrlotwborw, 'Sgt.
Boast% Johnston. Patton tp, Cast:ditty.
Wilmst Vitrialitos sp. do
Palm Usohdollor. Patton tp. do
Andros , Sithrook, do do
John McCully, do do
J J latkr, do do
abvto tragunaussui OF UM.
Martin Dowling, W/Islas township; ander iamb
gartin Dowling, dr, and 31,nry.ret Dori
cannot Stovall, Yam Mlle township; over 33 and
tamed. Wltnecons,B etswart. Er./ BLI, W H Hll.l.
Bfehola blasbovangh, Var.alllea townah.p; under
Wilne en, J Bascoroagh. A liaaborodia
Jamie ♦{ia. VcraeJllcs tosnablp; under 4.3. Wit
cams, El McMahan. A McMahon.
JoIIIfI Moragornery, 'Versa leo township; over 3.5
and married. - VVlsnareev, Gravrfard, Mary Mont ..
Joacrla M elogiten..lattan township; =far .1).
Witusaess. B B Clogitan. 0 clunatun.
Jacob Barkboldar, Tarselsotounahlp; ovvr33and
married. WOnasace,Jecob Barkholdal, gr. B•bec , :a
WILT 10.11 tutu to starratt purr, Air, VIM= OF:
Mu. Harm. township. Witstesini—Wnt
Cooper, 0 W Shares.
T .1 Onaltsnt, Patton township. Witastssi—T
hiolnarers, D Bandit=
/en= "MD CSLIASIMOZT 1147111111211 CICELDIZI
vaossi a r . supi or Aci.
- lit-Zlmmeriasn. Patton toiriuth4loiVitneats—jito
Thompson, Wm Iflibropk. • , -
szamps or.tAztn, namici no . nn imarzio.
Johnson Molless4PAtytt touPsAlp.
llospicih a mut:
srmxiiirr na tastimrisaTimamikl).
. ..
- Debut OIBBIABW Drielellete e Ms Collins,substi
tatieziatsfund wollbuzi,
,%Arnow; mimics, 81k
Wa ...
Lixs , o 4 Ettartate.TatudgrAiWatiam Adosoo;:sttli;
Ware; tronsiatrod to Joßtoo Jousteoey; Outdo.
Baste to. . . .., ...
J.mes M. leks. Jr . ptir.otpot ; Jonathon Dsio;11,
MO:nate; ctsosemtd to JIM. P.,a/laszskd*.
EL T. itopellood,,. priocip ; Woi. -Moab, gime
eetbitftntil; tam Waal to eieos. Marti BIM",
W. W. Thoutoeo. eoloceptei Wm: FL tlndednui
cobetteeto t trooduso4 to lyennes p ießbytet,
, Joe W iirsrbprs4als Quit_ _Fes , Pews. tube&
tato; leasafortsd to Author, mt... , ,r12 I
,dli, tulFt,. :
: Booth PUtotarge.:
.. .. - .. . -
, „up bow. eissoesoli J M
t Slithaanos. cast&
~,t.; to iaow tDetekbel,dletrieo,
_. ......'
Oloziaor Niteleoll. ply B; John Mak, aab,
gaga e-troseelmattoJaolf, aloonliehte tebteletp
i a It 0•11044 : :llrhictpak
_abft , !..jecitbeeppa t p*a•
:taw W WW B4l . l44ll mwsolneVlTlV . :
tan 21 1,1 1 4 r. etWßOl4;Wiei , lawaassittoeltotoir
tunutirid 14 , iso1 1 EFT 110 i• !.. 011 . WAg dt .
i • ' --_-.,•._:, 4,M= roszni..,".
; • . ' 111... ,741,111140111011dInati r,-
, ati - 4 , • . • . >, ...,,, '''',.' .. 4 'a i. +.?,... ,t-4-!:.",
AAP DAT.'IO Oa*. Isplos ream. Ix
noresad 14E4,4 moo. a. skunanr, • •
- - It 1111 14bletrusess.. '
SPECZAZ. irorivis
!& T.-1860-8.
Pumas of iirterttarybablia tembledvith vest.
WE% It3titlats POidta" o f tM but, tact of oP•
Petttat'dlstius stiff with& CFOS 'llia, conetp.•
tke;t4di:eerie to tater`tt itsarullr not try tea
Whirl an sow reccumaidai byttel WOW mail=
soiharittra, sad Ararnmted to.pnittliaa im.t...."1• •
4suatticial Ohm z'flury-414. et*lblikr Went IN
puliatbipartsria iiiasfinrparcieW lanais trcs
iltbakb • befit*; inimnisafii d.
'Myra qte.agthea
They mute ieiltby waits:
?bey are ea eakldotatopiaof ifeiter-rad 41 1
They cum= eerie oplierkyritkekesie bete Lorre.
Thay strengthen the sistear'sidadhrea the mind.
rha Prsysta trtsionstleand lateradttent /rm.
Thai ;edgy tha breath and natty of the steer.,
12,17 totos /limes rod Onorttpalkst.
no =se Umber. Ogden sad (ads= Mesh..
They eare Lbw Cbteplelnt azollgerecete
They Fake the week item& the 44E4 bt
liiASllllll trahreVi great esstccoe. Pet era
•pdid . 'of' de OefehLati4 •Caltane Veske
getteeCiaialtte,ioiite sad all posprced
,Par pertloclere, R
am - 24= atukteettoisotilili sitertad each bottl e. town* Of 113,PCneic." itICIZLILL• nom bottle. t
that It bie A etilazztat alroaturo on ear private
•Stamp me the ietakortth pleatation scene, nut
.o.a , Ann tdgnattre on a ens steel eate ettgrirriag
tide label. Ike that ear bottle ts not reeltted wi.
sparkles Led delete:elm at= 17e deft eel lE.
to loath the IE4 ti (Umber ot Out gilds. try
mob preleudlnf to 101 l Panlation. Dlttcnj by
plkn of LlSati fteititg. *.• .9elY
oar tlehht bottha Any pomp.
bottle, or int Ling soy ether matatial thereto, vhettt, r
called Plantation Bitters or not, la a edema =dr,
the U. 8. Law, and Ell be ao proesteate2 tty t,. W e
'basely base oar orEest.two partier co!
bottles, eo n who will racceel In getting theme:lets
toto close owlets. The *wad for Drake'.. Plan
tation • 1311 terr retate Wrest eloriptien, merchants.
.44•1 of
bottle!' the enlace - is fitteitit of tliOr . emyth eall
soperlatit ,y. Thepere ELI teembeble dreg
Ott% grows, ;1 aklans. beta., eleataboate ens
otrante, stony
P. B. DRAKE Alk CO.,
W 2 lireadera
fcr eel% ertaelater atull rota% ir7
Corner Smottltilelet and Fourth Streets
Et. rozzwes. azaausr.
(Foriaarly NALLa a co.,
'ab wily llama awicilal will. a Plias
tizzy t zbibitsia, at am 2akraaticnai Ezhibiliz%
for m '
.• by
F. M. 110/JLZAN,
wvs? mascurvass)
Lake Superior Copper- Mil e.r.l
-PARK, !WORDY & .C4:1 1 . 4
Itsnolactasen al 8132111131150 1 ,81L1815W A
aim Impactorsaiddsidirmla LIZTLLB,TIN 'OLP n•
1311311 M MOH, WILT, Sc constantly k
Wiliam:ma, No. 149 first sad mosecoa
SWF>pedal at= cgiogon act to say &aired ;L.:
Um- m5..11.v.1y
- -
o Nervous SOffeiera of Bon
reverend =Mama twins; bean re
gond to boalth Ina few dap, altar euedergoin7 ei:
the snug =Um and innernlar enpmsteer.tdni o.
ttestomt, lettlecurt mom ocmledute. it lan tsar.
duty to'coannuninete to Ms &WOW lltolVatosturce
the ism or mt no., on the ricektenn
dressed envelops, be will send (Ono) a al:41 of tht
preeortption wed. Direct to Dr. JOHN H. DAO.
NASD, 1802111 ton Meet, DrOoklyn, H. If.
Roures a 130N0,-Daiders
NOT= AIM SPECIE' 6171arket Wag, P . M/
. .
berth. Ps. -
01 'Oolleatkini made on ill an gxll4-42 - tbn
throachout the United State& -WS
dtiarneg-W-Lso sad Mb' Agent,
No. U 4 /11ET . 1, 14931131, Pittobusgh,-No.
Coaa:rzs Aoadj' :Danz C0UC.1.44
••Prainad BOLDIIIIBEP MA.W.B,td rrta7aer!t•
dos; BOUNTINA for an dbastrdZoldisngl Prtz
131033, ka• 1...d-Otticers rad 8431 y„ 801'h •
TUB sind Inatao2l2 whim. Prraa.
Cadarez4 Brothare 102d1Ittort; - or *az kga riPt
untstlns et thas irtro trim" ad to The ienfes.
attar dterbolp tram ania teldriett. N
Itinlo elan* ocasotd, and er..t<4=-.ef.:
Ininranal y.. • dixn... is sesog...ll
2'. Eir..TZJI:D.27.
GE:iZtl67, OW3I
ii% . 1.03 /VA decr Ociemlatenit
All tfidaddedi- &M:M. sha ban been te Ma Zani
LIU GI Dana mgrefee,lent entitled y4ol3ounce
end Peantos. - 111 YOU.* who bete gerved tea
seaps c l v ass else Ilatltiodto the SLO G loony . s *Leif*
- by tram at- diessio;a7.. entitled to p.n.
.Idowi ,echthoi.sbe die or nibbled to
the "' vim ars eR.94 141 .. 1 9 Mat= wid ;gm. 100
&coat ko., to, •-
mare Maims, othrimr l eOththttho. ProtiPti
tended to. No wind d & th say, cur cow th.
mosoru ocalocant. . • • • bfkivArlvti
B 1
Rlik peat ears tw DlrpepitA,
Tlis _gnat ear* for Irplepata t ,
.14 1 *$ my for -DMlePta.
• .
Bain at het 1:4409', ' •
• - sizzoe Joatcm±ii—
oacto m;:mh aaa smittAaa aivu.
Illir E URN BITB WOO atiNE od
LOOK HERE.—If you - mat jour
bgass Pi OP ROT MID °OLD tact
lu'roulT, DATA wean czoszt - a:.
an at a =mu& firreariAlygibiali.
Liplzmir ElTikaT, '
• '
. mr3in...sit...:ie.-also
."- 4 1. 7 4 0 , Atta.
, . TOngoge, rhirsraND•wisx ,- 1- , .
10 It woopApytimiirinalr;i.
R evam it.,' thr as bult,•Atrii viuhati4llo4 '
and liknotbs • myth,
EWA - d3ollt TSIT tin; Et.; kantan band_
and toads Wader. Alan-DaNla'.ll,2l2lPr tn;
PB2llllandBllD SOWISCf Malt° Wn;ttia ttit
sacksamtet_eilainrettavArais: , Abe, !Lirfrcl
, 00 tPAL
Marko ...Kum Atiil47;
.1: • ciatimpla„ - •
swum" sz,d ti; ebb. , itt
, mar MO end Et . eptig; to al,:
ria tc*Cd6B3 4;l
.svr Gott? --- •
grE 3 , 87 t.,.?Ekf1f.:044y4,0.,
wow is
1.11 nu m:
maoxsw. •
64. =B3