===IMIM!EM PittsburSh sdnzef• THlERBiiii WAVING SEPT 8, 1863 - Union State 'Ticket. Fos aoVilairOß: ~6.NDIXEW G. CURTIN, of Centre. VOL/nal Oi Sae earallara 00IIST s - DANIEL AGNEW. of Deaver. Union Coitus, Ticket. !or PrimidastZedp d A.Marks Mutt ISPEOIS,AIAMPTIM. /W. dasnagy. - JOON P. GUM • a. ALTAID SLACK. BANS D. BABBOH. ~rt in = g. OA J. DIL TOIENTISTO IO S. SAIL for Mph wf Ocopte. ' • WIL A. lIIMOON. OM* ThlaIllnlr• DAIITD .AX6IIB. JA. hr Beewdw. ADDIII.. SWAM& WM. J. El Few Clessy Ormmtwfouw. OZOPOZ B miILION. Dloseisr cif Ow Pow. JOHN P. DIIA.VO. Treatment of Rebel Prisoners ;We hare just been reading an account, by an exchanged Union prisoner, of the herrid treatment of such of our soldiery as two been so unfortunate as to find their way Into the Libby Prison nt Richmond; and itharreminded no of the fact, that while Bruelawr and his command hare_heen con fined as criminals in the Georgia jails, we have a number of lioncisn's marauders in the Penitentiary here, who are said to be somewhat subjects of dietingnishitd at tention, on the part of the °risible or other sympathisers there, and to hare written home, that those gentlemen were entitled, for that reason, to the eternal gratitude of the rebel ladles of the South.. Our information to not very precise, and comes from parties-, who would probably be marled,if their names were kno mi. A priori, we should suppose it to be true, however, from the political connections and sympa thies, of the functionaries who have charge of •that institution. While it was in good condition, it was taken out of the hands of the old managers, for the purpose of with drawing it from the sphere of politics, and transferred into those of the Judges of the Supreme Court. The effect was, however, the very reverse of what was expected and intended. The Judges of that Court were the very last men from whom anything like patriotism or fair dealing was to be expected. These gentlemen, true to their party instincts, have exercised their powers of supervision hi such a way as to con vert It into a mere political• machine, by turning it over exclusively to their politi cal associates, to the manifest detriment of the institution itself; and that so shame lessly that, if we are not mistaken, a clear Majority of the Board of Inspectors has been drawn from the - very office of the copperhead newepape - r in this city, while ihe warden himself, who is of their appointment, is a veteran Democrat and offica-bolder, of the same type. Wo doubt whether there is a man in the entire man miement. of .the concern, or in the enjoy- Ment of any share of its patronage, whose sympathies are not decidedly on the side of the rebellion. With Mem in its direition, who think that - the Southern oligarchs are better than themaelvea 7 whe would book on them with profound reverence and admiration, and feel flattered by the privilege of bestowing 'on them them the moat delicate attentions, we should not be surprised to learn that the traitors Incarcerated there, were over with gratitude to their custodians, and should entertain small hopes of "in ning them back to loyalty, by any ergo- Monts which they were likely to hear from -Ameba quarter. •And this suggests the remarks, that It is a:clarions fact, that so many of our political lining-holds in Pennsylvania are maned hy parties of this deseription' s who have managed to take advantage of theilberall sty or indifference of the loyal men, by eels. Ing upon and retaining them, and using them, of course, for the service of the re :hellion. A resent example in our own imighborhoodi in another department of the Administiation of public affairs, where another veteran politician and place-man, of the same school, has interested himself in the retention, in public employment, of "Men Of questionable fidelity to the Gov irnment, will occur atone to the memory of any reader; and we have no doubt, that a large part of the dlffoculty which we have p+id to encounter, in mastering the rebellioi, is to be eat down to the 'account of the misplaced indulgence of the authorities, in knowing so many places of the highest Must; to be held by men who were hostile to the war, and ready on, all occasions to em ploy their *Foetal influence in embarrass ing the Given:anent !nibs prosecution. We do not know enough to enable us to affirm, with any degreeof positiveness, that ifOustinelfavoritisin has boon shown to ward thkhrfrencto--for they en to bolter or more respectable than freebooters—who no in oonftamiont here, but we would take the precaution, in such a case, to guard against it, by committing them to the bands of nien t _whose loyally to the Govern. re/ 3 4 ie so well ascertained, /Webs beyond dieptive—and this without any desire to Imitate or retaliate tha barbarities, which lutes: so deeply disgraced the rebel endue ilea' and people. A . reasonable degree of rigor is, hoverer , necessary, not only to put 4 stop to . these barbarities, but to re mind theorlutinals that their offence is ono of which - we:frilly estimate the enormity, ind that we are riot quite prepared to deal with thostas heroes, or martyrs, or reaped- 'enetniee, contending only for their in iehom the chances of war hare eltrova Into our hands. Webeis wad CoPpetbeads. The ribald do not had the powst and abil ity o f the copperheads b Tery high oast= Thy ,even tub:nude a doubt of their honesty. 1,1 !Thai see , ,•Aoliniond Dispoisb, of the 27th, gives oisdi . t,ti Wood and Ityaden at leaders itio - psom . movement hare, but says &my truly, that bone of the pore prolamin, &bitumen inedlitimit'sppiaranea," It says that some of the Dmonersts ' hare made 'the esapproulon of am rebellion" a "plank to theft platform" in adds to get votes while lhey_are anally &nylons to stop the, wig." Swim Yallaudtsitam,the Dispag Ob Sinn, til isoonsistent. He refusal to vote Mosey for 124 war but bye he:is for the r tostoratlon ;tithe tfaion.by &escalation or war.", This the 111110004 bassist, and simple minded flouthang owonot nadmitind, tut Mots bib Janos" to say, that this war would not be • ”Sigorans" one. . The .I)fepatat concludes by saying that these will bf so Northam &Iba nez until 0.0.0. A. has whipped Uncoil thorotatAind,this rollindhis !cam* dr fiar, _,,..., Bow en* spotout. it• l impttrigua. - Habeas Corpns•."•Ha'porth a' Cop. peres.” While the Draft Commissioners are dili gently et work,-to.reaait theriitnlus of the aney, the Juiliolal Meellatieems to be equally. buoy, in the operation of depicting it. No lees than nine writs of habeas corpus are said to have been termed the day be fore yesterday--tis of them by the Copper head candidate for the /hymns Court, who being of the opinion, that .the man who fights, has no right to rots, and that the army is a bad school for making - Demo crate, will be very naturally. anxious to mhabilitate thine patriots, by mitering them to the tame of their sorrowing kin dred. It Is now pretty well demonstrated that this famous writ—which was the great safe guard of liberty in Wier times—is the in strument, thronth wluoh Ii was intended by the Copperhead!, to cripple the Govern ment, and aid the cause•of the rebellion, by bringing about a conflict helve& the Na. tional and Btate authorities, for the benefit of slavery. That program me . was knocked in the bead in New York; but is still lowed to be carried out is "0, 'smaller way hare. _ It is about time, we should think, to `in- terfere for the credit of the writ iteel4' if nothing more. A literary lawyer in Ea.: gland, named Pegp, who published a book of "Anecdotes of the English Language,". intended to illustrate the high antiquity of many of the words and phrasee, still le use amongst the'vulgarialthough' entirely discarded by the learned, remarks of this writ, that one of the names most in vogue for it, at Newgate, where it was as often in request for the benefit of thieves and raga bonds as it Is here, was "a ba'porth of cop pens." As the Copperhead medicine for ' the ditease of the State, and a sure amulet for the protection of our Democratic youlh against the poisonous effects of kad, it seems to us, that'll would not be amiss to return to the old Newgate phraseology. How convenient would it be, for instance, to dispense with the tedious and expensive forms which require the aid of a lawyer, and allow the eufferer to call informally on the Chief Justice, and atilt him fur "a ha'. porth of copperas ?" The Sage might open a Dispensary at the Pat Building, which would operate more efficaciously than the one opened at the Capital, for the man ufacture of fraudulent discharges, and surgical certificates of disability, at much higher prices. We recommend the change in the nomenclature, at all events, es a de cided improvement—more expressive of the object—and more intelligible to the unlearned, than the outlandish Latlnity, in which it is now lecke& The Rebel Betogee, blacerir, on Con fodrrate Prospects. The Times publishes a letter signed M. F. binary en the prospects of the Confeder ates. He assevta they were never brighter. Tho North, he points out, is fighting for conquest and makes the attack the South is fighting to be let alone and acts on the defensive. The South, therefore, cannot stop the war, but the North can. The ULltell the bond of which was voluntary fraternizing, cannot be restored by foreetif arum. The Union is gone—neither party can subjugate the other—and it follewe that the war is not to bo ended by the sword. Other agencies mast be called into play. The warts bumming more and more unpopular in the North.,Now York is threatening armed resistance to the Feder al Government. New York is becoming , the ohampion of States' Rights, and to that extent is taking the Southern ground. There are, b.:Aides, dissensions In other quarters. Even now Mr. Lincoln has to keep an armed ftrce not only in New York and Kentucky, bat also in Ohio, Indiana and other States. He is Oren now march ing upon lowa to put down there a cry bf peace. He is likely to have occupation for all the recruits his concoription will give him in keeping down hie own people. The writer °enfilades by eaying that all we (the Confederates) have to do is to maintain the. defensive, watch our chances, and strike whenever there is an opportunity for a good blow. —The Verrasonskattlints, the WOOD WARDITES, and the Peace men of the North generally, whose opposition to the Govern ment and the war is so fraught , with hope and promise to hisuar and his friends, will rejoice at the above acknowledgment of the importance .of their efforts. A Catholic! Organ on Slavery The Catho lic Telegraph, of Cinohmati,:ed lied by Eev. Edward Purcell, brother to Archbishop Purcell, publishes an editorial in Its Lome of the 28th inst., in which tha cowardice of those people who are fright ened by the term "abolitionist" is exhibited in the most scathing language. The Tele graph says, speaking of shivery: We never raised a hand against it; no word of any Catholic editor assailed it co long as it would be unjust and illegal to do so; bat now that It is dead—dead by the sot of its admirers—weirlll not consent to see its body festering on the highways. Let it be buried out of sight forever. Let it rest with all its horrors in the gravelet its memory fade from the recollection of men. It was an outrage against humanity such as the history of no other people could exhibit. There was something manly in the old custom of reducing to ;slavery him whose sword had been beaten down by stronger arm on the battledleld; there wai a show of justice in_reducing to bondage the debtor who could not pay hla °reinter; but for AMerican slavery there was no ease I It was a monstrous grime—from the seizure of the African In hie on land IS the moment of his death, when his bodP, was wasted by toll, rather than disease, to uphold the luxury of ta master I Well. it has fallen; and ware called ab• olitionist became we refttse our consent to its resuscitation! We are proud of being called so under eironmetances so creditable! to the mind and heart. May we ever de. serve the name I We will bear its etigm6 joyfully through life v and carry it into W eternity with honor. e struggle in a holy cause—the cause of religion and of the ha.; man ratio. Beauregard In a Bad Way. The Now York Hems le. deeply dietscssal because "Greek Fire" was throwa into . Charleston. Itiesis quite as badly as regard does, and talks of "fiendish malice," "horrors of the past," "forbidden eppll. antes •of savage warfare," " unnatural weapons," &.c. The Aurae of annum, commenting upon the fame subject, sap: It entirely escaped his (Beanregard'e) memory, that twq yeara,ego he threw eln l- lsr metmengen into Bauder when Ander son and his brave land were holding that fortress. Similar, Ws ny, for it makes very liUle difference whether the iirevideh is sent into , a besieged pine be.in the shape of red hot iron or burning mixtures. We cannot see the dlintreneeltetween throwing red hot shot into Bander Indatting An to la - wooden building, tato& that plattern miniature hell for the brave men who were la it, and thriving' cold' allot with•flory mixtures inside of them to.kindla dameeta Beatiregard's quarters In the city of CharitlMMlL! , , It would igaziagett wags to palm A stnausi'd inner:maths bit, a bealtget place, while It would be perfectly proper tomato/ it filthy and thug prevent ice use, ixient Koff, - and ItUi the people by thbat finch are the nice klietinelicoe in the wsj of killing eitat odurr, which aten make se rules of war: "Greek firer balls, however, are clearly within the-nears of modern citillredwar fare, and Beanregard cannot by anymeans ishow that they _are contrary, to Iliermest rigid rules of human destruction by . war. Bees bans Live - been very extensively ex perimented on in England and France, and are generally adoptedby European artillery boards. The Emaseipaton rolley The President has been repeatedly urged to withdrai his proclamation of emanel potion, on the ground that it has failed to accomplish thZ object for which it was is sued. This is evidently not the opinion of intelligent men at the South. The. Toledo (Ohio) Blade, recently published; from the original copy now in possession of its edi• tors, a letter Which was picked up in the streets of Brandon, Mississippi, by Capt. Dinins, of the 72d Ohio regiment. The Bias says that it is writtenin unusually fair penmanship, =die evidently the pro duction of an intelligent man who is is a position to speak correctly of that Whereof he,writea. The- followingextract will show how the proclamation is regarded In Dixie : . . . - •glatizt, utter and entire ruin, has swept over this State. The negro emancipation policy, which we so long heated, is the' most potent lever of our overthrow, It' steals upon us unawares, and ere .we de any thing the plantations are deserted; families without. servants, camps without necessary attendants, women and children in want and misery. In short, the dis advantages to us now arising from the negroes are ten-fold greatF than have been all the advantages darned from them Muller in the war. "It is useless to dlsauss the errors of the put—possibly there have been none that could have been avoided—but certainly we are a defeated and a ruined people, shorn of our strength, powerless fora successful eolution of the problem undertaken; or' rather ours was erroneous. The solution has loin shown us by a more favored peo ple." With such facts as these before them, the Copperheads are welcome to all the conso lation they can extract from Oen. Logau's assertion that the Emancipation sot has not liberated a single alive. lie meant to im ply no doubt, that the Union 'armies— which, we are told, are composed mainly of Democrats,—would have freed the slaves without the act. We incline to the Opinion that both are working out together the de struction of slavery ; but that of the two the South would infinitely prefer the draws' of the army to that of the proolama. tion. Ix as OLD PLAT SILO andertaher PrOVii one of hie mouraers for laughing ate tutors!, and says to Wm, "If eu rarcal I I have been raising your wages those two years, upon the condition that you should appear sorrowful, bat the higher wages you receive the happier you look." PUBLIC XOTICEII. . o.lllli UNION MIST AND BLIALL DE PlthlultlVlLD.—swar a HISS tlt.ll. 4221T10:4 A T IP2.2IBPWIT.—The /opal chime of Western Pencsyletutle will aluethhle at TrogEts. POUT. on 12/11.28DAT. SEPT. 1.012. at 2 O'clock p. no., to vomit end dthbeiate upon the etas of the oluthry. Iterr loth vUllog to Dye under and soe• thin the goof old 44, Is throe tip mounted to nt. lend. The slowing cmlnetth awaken' wth althea Oh* t topic PDX. A 0 OM'S, HON. J. IC. WOOSHEA 12011.41.4. LAWI3IO9 OA 0021. P. 0. 81162114011, T. BO W AHD, Tel., COL. J. B. °LABE, .1. J. eIIBISINIC, , 3.21. Kt. IIKPAISIOK, IBM dl. ItAIthEILLL, OMB Orli DAY TO YODEL OCITSTP.T 1 memos COZNITIZII Gen. Thomas ZP.ltasii, H. A. Waal's?. John 21013. Crakel. Fittsbuthi C. P. %tartlet, Wmitooreliad .oe l .ol Jobs F. Drava, 111111 1 11; Boojamln OCKI/13/2, SI Slxtb. W. F. Hanlnm, B.oaual ALLItIoa, M. astaArti Jam J. Ilium, Vemarles. 0041.11VeallOr Gen O.P. Uinta, Vest Newton; N. Blocks:rue, roWl . Oonnetheineo IL IL IntQahten, Cbaltrasenter lattn - A. nastier, itlizabeitn Pentnel Walker, Dille, bob: &tor. Oone.in, Elizabeth to.; 0. N. Tower, ZUzabottn leak Piattarton. IniStbete tr.; Cop; Sara. Ce-r, ash4.s tp.; 111.0.1 tamer, West Us. &bete; Wm. 0 ell, Writ Us .neta; Joseph Janata' to; John detiasan sp ; JOU 0. Maher, NAB n tp ; Join Wirock, If Mtn tp.4 'antra B. tonn e Volatiles tp ; Capt. Deco. Wood, Tortellini (p.; E vary itnlry. o.ltieb tp ; Capt. U. W. clitelle tor, Feeble.; tp ; D-. V/19 J Oil tom Lower 131 Olole tp ; Jobe F. Demo, doses Cl. Gray,- Pitt t{.; taut. Little, rentelO'Ned. Bobent Necker, Wi. b. Flentb, Wm. ld. tlattailL Win A. Lire, Plttetanth; Jolla T. Jennlesa Jams Palk. • legbetty city; Win. Banabee, damsel Itrilch, A. Ckteltebloar, :pewee Penney. Pimp 11.rr7. ffie6Wp.rt, eel 10 ,D,Fra CULLIGIL—EVENING tr.ISION epee TlilB IVlsat G cad wDt *Dale* atmleabe who me armed during the day ao complete the toll catvate mamas ta boalccre e P 7 "reading the seeming Itelliol3 only. FORTY DOLLARS r.r. for the full arefloattag coerce, and al, for Doff a Test El NA. Elacutemie fetall.Mazy, (Um obeav Col lope chateau ylO =ell: for thalee 131616Zta 06HAt1LMP&IeesNat&Hba lP rsa Targht by WE. H. DU ff, the only teacher of Pen. roansolp of any repativip oow belching la the ally. Ireelf 07TI0N 07 Wientae TILICROZTATIO2 Pittatairgk, May WI h. /BM f rT6 , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to ebe sow:zoom to. the 'Jittek of the Wart. ers•frasuiportiettua Cluturany that au areastaaat of rlva D0L14,1118 ($6 00) PM) bailiff has beau levied oppccaa the stock eubieribed, payable Si the oftloe of the ,Si Pithturgh. ea lir before the 12th day of Jrza, aid a like amount story thirty days thereafter, nett' otherwlee notified By order of the Beard. jelkagn A. J. 141.1101VWF,T. Pwretim. • .11 - TAKE NOTICIL—Tb eJoarneymen vnzr BaPdler and Mimi= Maier. of Pittsburgh sad vicinity al, eleven atly requested to attend a meting. ca IHO ICIER INVZI4IIi NO, at 74, at fla ..s.selln Boma? in tat Dlitund, pit abarab, to which all aro at:neatly Write. I. ulaeu of lm. pomace will be baton asl7 meetfng. a general tam ant la anaetal. RAJIV 1 0 11 AP. salad NOTIOR. TO SHIPPERS —en and athrtagrt 3 stall forth*, nail° na CMOS will be no Ind fa traturportatton at tho depot of the Plttentrin, fon Unpin d Chtatito or f instant Plat•buntb Rahn - oda, alum 4 o'clock p. m. b.Freights will delintrd to tome toots as moat. SOUS J. 111418 TON. astlit 0.... l trots b • Moat --- ltiCiTlCElLEuertr WAw Comics., wex 135101 Lzeees, meet, TO-51GUS, -at '73 Ofook, to 7h. sum's Ban. Palmy:ratio/ erten, •IL Ind of taudaace of atm au mber., wttk It• efttehN Is thatroct, Important bustatte to be , rihkeetee, t suandlPg dirromp.tottA. • etirtinj Pais art:tilt luaatd Ire" Comm. B/ 1, AT.I4 GUIST Ctr7;— Dolttgotto to 1011 tnaarll Qv amenity requested to t on NAM& If NIX?, B i:ooter CO at o'clock p. en, at ti•equaters, VI 11 , lot nest of I apeztande odd be brounbt ba'aze tbe Venn: bible IV% Ur 4DrERTISEJEVE.N7VI 11111?-100 bblo Yxtra Mhito Limo fnbi ravd.nd FitelittV Fr nnta.lN• NEW.YWOLOShiI3NT-400 bble. of I.‘ ads sepals" articee Jest remised by se3 sit.3.3.lsse WARE/LOUSB FOW . EIALB, - eituato . TV 01 0, Wenn Water ling rine ttt.at. Apply to N. coTdantr. t 43 adleirket 01,4. $3,000 wiDL Flit:WI:1 MR a DS¢3I. LUZ g P BLIP 111 Yl¢Wltlnrbvry, near. station tot bn (*it trout by . MI deep; •Ith • tonmtlant tircotory , Belot D *ening at moon Ate. , Vt. T1811111,••tei 4•31 61 Mutat at WALL PAPERS—Fos _ urr in or iT uta.—& catop'ele sow toont of Invalid Pt rios HANGING% of 611 asyl" i p:1 a Lowtr ths3 c n 1,4 span Druid Tor Ws by • W. P. id 4 /1... P LL, Woof 4144.1. L rION SIGN &ENV. . . . • Aar , 60 btoh4a prima rpotby Fad{ • ICObbla Appian ; , :70(11,1 bean= To wars eel tot sal. 1 , //WM VAN GOILDEL r 4 1116 Secooo swot. pANDI blftlll ritOrtstiwr NtP L .11L14-IWe aim forte* Ott eataa4aabtso tisl 8 OM all k (ta. Ile) aratolaa a - 20. oatoodt:g WOE WD sat. sad ottestol 6 "n3 , Mgolu Fre.bitorhkei .Gbattk. Pa* stmt. ro, p tams anDy to - B. Mat./11/ 1 41 , r 0 JS ItlittalA large Lot of Uroun , on allei.olMhaiikijiAtile allinooto 1.1. IMO, a tvge amitutarhill otstititront, ftl2olll TODOOVIOUI WI a 811111,11 F. -Dow ThiltlktF VD year. 901. v and Vorsiopt9 B. 11046.109 4 0110 0011 109 tetra dm& M!IMEM mzir U.R&PEagine,*eiiiment: of tip 'Abotro l e=rll l4ll t anl ' ma. '4114 filts sal* zux. x.v rink . " L xv 2 FOR B ALI/111 LOTS TO SUIT PUR- Cllkl3ll3B.—lbout TIS ACIIEB or asotarD. on pad inOol4oLfor doing tadoesi In the Mr, rtd wouganialtor's ithairort r or for rafologifthtt t,• noassr AIITEIII76I attodiry, , OUrinb:T.- B.S. 6T r, M. D., aroillinio It VT Pll2l stmt. to tract all aft d tV no of ths Osrstaa tbt gestic:ow, (cro,kei delta) asstatta by thsola sperssisu hut or displaced eye 111.7resoves Clamart by's new r yesitain, dada ist( but SUVA ps3o, and rotor's' jaresaeral Alba. Batas persons th's clayo Ins yaws gob totally bLWit a trusted by thlotnodo,nontinol to ere to read tt• • Onset in tat. . . setts., lbA* iNllAeal.eT° t"Id ; - C nt 41mieziotaboonvanteItc Das4cn• tbo'aitati. et-Tatou filcurar, /44 01 Atch W*l-I,µty Pittalamth, &ward: trnical t mein ,tiles atatztirld I Wats dtl rfattf il i s o a geetre . 4 111 " " " 1". P_G tar • • . w; D- sw&g,4o*lnixtTaktr, volAtdat.lr £l.B•Arszt . "MOTIOB.— . IIO undeusigned. has Weed Let en of Adealtattatlon upon the es e'en/Mau Woods; tote of Allnittmlif 0 51 /MY• de. cente.L nal requests ell paeans bst.ng titian; mend! noteret Met eetettrotesell decedent. to rook, luntern the nee to lira vintoatdouly.. Thcs f°o - WA. (Atilt. are Van rave Med to make . mredinte Pr/ImM a: T. uorrss,:mter, sa:ttaksiwr N. lad illeb stroet,Pittetu.ee 810.00 tb -""D.-44211Yid from. corga sad le t Ns 4) tate .I'lll , sub .. rot:A: let,tbe - 01111 Dll2ll SLY 1108816, 4 soup •4, vitbota thots,ls lo 15% bends Wyk irttb' later ult Ca the Mkt hip. and mall wee ea tbs Wt shoulder. 'ms atr,va rewatit Ail. be veld If thelusizal 1 . 11 . ft " theTloaraadFiei Moro of 610. cups. • 'aura ZIERCICiNTS 4.1 p liILLNUFAC -1• =IBM —Wurrav-01. WIWI= u B2OIC. 111111111118 dr SHIPPING mans. in e Irbolcsb " mannnwtinfrig. bamboo, by • paws wbo bas htd sapiticace In boak.kandag, .ruraspaaleece, CII1111• elsting;ga. AA elabbiltatcat wilt lag to waylay on•—af •rhots esp.tetcy had stllabitlry tatlstassay . ttulltuny 14 ensu e WTI plum, addraci "A, LOCK-WS 141. Pittabare. uniereiened havixig :LI the pyramid. lateral - a • iti:ll. T. FM to the lined 11. AY 00.. (lodate ft= Mey li t . 1803) yid ontlexte tte business of Booke.lterg sad dialectal., vole:- the mute 41010 as beret lore. All •tialtee du the gym are to booed to them, and tittles ovothed the firm will ter p.d.d by them. • A. O. RAT. • acTittut tsborate. lot. 31, ICGI. 8. DSOLUMN'tn? PARTHICITSII IP. —Tee putts:A.li hret , lsra eitstinebetween the stasutters. under the fins of i'77OttaB•BELL ts Mir dhsolvtd hs the withdrawal of Whl BEL The I.esttets will le to Ld by ct:ha of therpretttra, at Se. 45 Pint street. HELL; deptl, /W. Wit. SEA. The el edvelgned eym ealltUtt6 the romm6sLln. Beata and Peedtrep beldame, ander the Adele of 3RW:IM BILL a CO., at Noe. ea and 95 Water WRECKS OF IST111&1±4.80/.'113 FOR SILL gram - murrna's CAPAAMISI32. Certor pr Taaneramaracm, Br. With Ice , UV. Th. wreak of th e'stetmee Ca I' I .IVA. V MIT," as an taco lies, Cyan:ides eels", Gathatin, to tho Oambarimard onto. Abe, the wreck of tie. essa . r “Pa 31111119 lA," near the had of lier,mth a litmeds, in She Canter land river The machlemy, boners end hare of ate Adm• named bantams rspnted alb* geed. They mil be sold at public auction to Itte htch, at Midst, Garbo lar DAT vs. ovroszn, 1643. In the ctiy al Otnete net 0013,1 n frame cl!Ltus OlDce is:Capt. OBAITIESE1011M1”,, A. Q, It. Terms cash, U.O. Tummy hetes. By I r!ar of Brig-Ca , . mostarr'Ait re. Cana Lti 4 Pain ONT., , ea.l t I Caci•ill and A. Q. IL FOR SALE. . . TIM BEAUX/rOL you-anis BLSIDYHO■ Haupt d Ly the inaleatter, one Oita froeo the city, oa the Brownsville tamplke,cnisinandirg Idea Of the diler ohm., d .en Woe Cf the Watt; rat litir.k Haase, of modern style, ban Waren :done, bee lids bath =one and doable vasndshe hie lert bon repainted and papated. sod O supplied &Athol and 'to d Wider, drawn to the lotto (mom c'ateera, and • more - antes spring Status WitarMlergs brink staple, ,C4niage HOPP.; &O. It eta: his 05 I a OBE,enclote 1 by a s one wsliebigit felon sod halo, nub over I.VP chat. b armw Ilan Inns, Grew YiG4ll, sad every variety of amaillnelts and Wutinbery—tbe pls. iILeTITE been alma, yews liaer caltivalloa. 'those wanting et:arable' improved property, la erue• Vas order, u s =ideate (apemen, dile to au opt or. Invity old= to be mot mite. rt stain view of the city, end only twenty TalmateW walk by either Midge, and ten minutes' we& tram Om Birmingham ttreet I wiway. le. W. O. MEET..., 1.49 to C.rner Water sited and charm alley. A.'d ELKILK ' The Onkel motto; or, the Little Parisian C3MBEE! It fa upon this mama that Um grOrIS toaanneil play b founded, *WI lasZbeln partbrznall tar ovar bataxad nights, at litbld'a Nen Toik, and t• row baton Waled at the .Plttabarib Tbeatta. Nice, =ls 15 o.llllfB, sal at if &BOZIC HALL, TUTU 6T111,L7 Metad, poa-ustil, o Twit nt of mfrs. 64 REAL ESTATE I.'oB BALK-7 ha onderehmed orill offer fa ta'o, .t the Ise reel- ZOPCS of Dead Howe, ctweasol, In Tama towneblp, • eallablo, amity fa. an . Thursday, October 15t,1863, the te=lltred n•st flute, to-wit :SIXTY BEE AMIE e (wane =Mist OF IiAND . , Improe• ed.C1001) BOOM enet LAUQL ISOUBLD WAS thrown. alio, =rem' oner.tattlrg hpriogs and • well of go'd =tem s Ole Orchard of Apple; Pesch, And Chesty Tries, Sr .—Sitaste &Wotan.. mils troos idfilentoom, rod about tsar mine from 7ereetoro, on the Illskheny Meer. pal in a go:d roVgimmhood. An =disputed MFG will= emu. Terms made known in cloy of isle. eu31:3144,11 Wei. V. 11.VAISHI. pHoIOO 11A ra ALBUMS—Now Orzisso- VIZ 1:11MT MLEGA.NT. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, Eno °rood In this city, eomprtsth otonfrOtisitylcs of the bait kowrlalo sod haw% make, es /I.l"S', MASONIO Hatt., FtrettSTaw, COUILT:SALI—By vir tSk °tan order and donee etheOrphins'Ooart of Allegheny event T, 4);e antneher viii lupus to publia tate,to Ttu3sdiy. September:29th, 1863 - At tin USA not" en*. of Jgoargolfainnwhoomeo. , tle felloologfteaLEttato, tett: All that ( %TAM .TRAPT.,:or. maw ietraovso bent), wiqk hhtullooconf coln, shush to Yawn owastifp. , &llo. ithror amity, fn. oneuintlog Of AOHISe, P/Rhtled cu the north re Lb, Inns of Died Hewn on the ma e•nd loelN4atoot Hon, and on the ref by &Mb 211111er.', Trant,—entwthhd. oath. the remit:: de: la tore cquet.httottat Mounts firm Cafe of tote, with Iw twat from lams day• 'AUL V. JP, YAM, seat nod eat , • A desrlefierattr. MGCAMitili hLSSBILE WOR K:7', • Ltravrt 11711111 T. A beautiful and vials! 'warner of MARBLE MANTE LS, MoDallneliti and Grua. ttnnei. 'Flail m Joan cam' units. IvlMJsgi T° pAeo C!..IAIQ, =TUT NOP MILLI, A tzsaingr - IC,lta magically an Mad a lasie.and elor/41111 seasonal Welt of DIMS Illief; BD ST AND 11011 raLlue Srarr;mils ma% vuxeitaar ;Inv!, matTiaa,:ziATar, PAL. iNoeota.: id :as; , He wia , 1311 g‘dt , i — ror 13,1ilyjp, fiTIVIT : ',IIII F.Friepto,eltna nib fa fatal. • • -- St-Pm:cab ttaatiaigiedfllTnlttais P O P. Lit4araravttagttly bitted to otiontoo, btu %toes. Iry a:* i?zi =l.3z Orbs% acar SoGiaraa. , Bar WARTI3I);=.4 VA* or - X ' l7 " 24 1 Of raroat . 11 4 1 ; lin QM l 0 la* froa ty aaVoaro pro - ear tali: l 4PP. U moo biluitanallty ioWifithlaindlaktiniao &Pa atherlmarofituta* aad wart ontenjtaa ta.tol6o ilisaSuma.aritaa._ aaiatuanallibloa bag, taxa a farm. easy Dad a wawa adarrld.. •Att. 11 ,43asataa Caloa, Pittstirgb::lllite-;.ffil.tha pat. llaalara - abcraa qaaltty.'ef 4014 0011132 h numb.: Of wawa laaoara.a.a, araa,aa. , aa2htt, VO. 3 LABOB ILACKAR d ri —2O Mai bo 3 Lars lhokerol; for bi bi waskuvrazurtsvo, - ":., ' to- - • Olaribt TABY SALT !•HIEFER.;. -0 30M14 - Allit,!=cdna 4.0:41111D2os oct, an wart eti.4. xgrf• VIIRTIAAJISr/Jr/V. *F .4 yell V M a gii I ,3 lth i ": T MAD, LLOI D'S 81 Ellt; PLAIT Tclegrnph, Balluad and Expros Zap. Itatioso .v.r Tattila 11 IP2 OTIKCE, itAILROIA.D ETATION. United 'Elates act Caruadee, ET(DZZICE: 130 Orn c or • us Aetna Lemma Co., 51) Br, a - Imm, Nay York. rex, 3, late j Voylia •r• I(graion la.Z.(ratt =ll tanned Val ire and pretest eartinl. 11; tati arse alatooratbad WI G - 13 Erb D3ED 0064 trete IMO. oar Mea' ramie Linea. We dmro if vary word insp. ted team cred to bra:near men. Vatif it ISO OS COLLINS Maps cow lay Tor ealrnri at PITTOOX'B NEWS DEPOT, • orrus...n THE Po9l' 071,108. A N A LYS'S.- BIIJO L.vaut.• I.= Or. I am' ILO 111111 ............. Z 1 —. .01. Hs.to. waved the A,glndy Poi the tale(of the ELM Plait OL fa, Wood cow Bt. Louth, Mo., I in vite Oho attoottoo of MAU god Steel Mancini:dams to tho (matfett then 104•11. IA repotted by ?rota. A. a. Hays, of &atop, and 7.0. Dooth, of Phfladeb phi., which. together whit the test of nand espub aura .by manufacturers In Pittsburgh, einclucati mad ht. Louis. dietermthes It to be the part and matt adnahle Clay now kuwah, whether 'maga or Ascertain. Pot. made (rota' It hate stood In the atm furnace From 6Sy to 9 mouths. he Anaird. is of the Ohur its taken from to mine, without say washing or preparatioe what. ewer. It pommies great edlueirtneet I=l3. gwaltt-a, whinh are toot. 'boon by the A whtab admit of the, admixture Cl lam proportion of then or horned clay. I cm now rre.pra to 911 ord.'s* for the above My, to be shipped from Bt. Scads or deligusd hese. puipn 4010filt PHOTOGRAPH ROODIO, emosa roll AHD ILAREZT IiTILEMS. (ad`and Sd etrlu , nrer litadirhion's Jewshy Store.) EME=I P 11.01"0.114211/3, of every dim and style, pbdu cat colored, boor lire parrnar Oarre ee Yak. to Otblnal ilfa BIZ 'Mx. 70071190 E weal, particclarl3 ull thi 1.4c1051 of tM Lazo Lm memo to the nay mom& Lllity at Ltd" estabilabmal, tcic/risabod by seta gin thort Mght ':f stain. oar rim= etaziaalm, szvl ntlitscitos gyms*. SALE OF STEAMBOATS. Duo: Quesestwerman Om= • Night We, Tenn., Log. J I Will cell toga highest bidder, ter cash, toe bi ked:l steasobss•s, weaned to the Orroberbind firer, with maim, end ether • they ley in toe river: (I) DEW near teed of. Hargett Mosier, (2) MIKIS "CM 110 . 14" atti.e gave Usrpeth Mule. deeded bide VII be received at nag office until 13 o'clock to, gIitISDAT., dept. 14th. 1833. Bide stilt be racestred for loch boat espunte. sod the Wale will be sell upstate to the highest bteden A bend to the mount of ZS pee cent et the starent otered for each kat, steed ty two eurtorribie enr. Abe, In be forkited to neglect or retterd Of ming the mama b'd, (It the bid to eccep:ed,) wU moan, pent nub bid. Buie eat be oddest:red to the tuultreigned, esdented "Pnrpoetle Etteseeboate." 1 he laget U no • red to Meet any or ell bide S.B. wusaLo tr. Qapt so 4 e" l , t , M. Dy order of Oen. 111 0 11123 6Woftw6, • strt•reeltd /I. Q t 3 oen.ll. BAitilhaNti SH C A.R.,PEIT S. lOST OPENED, AT Dia at 1 111 ra I P • 8T FORUM STREET, A Urge asacat.mant, which will a• acid at a very groat rodualcalrom tale tem. W. D. 6c H. 'CALLITM. TAX NOTlOH.lietiee i 3 hereby alert to tel lemon who here not pale 'hail Oily, Water, Ott? budnue. Poor, sod itched Dud ling Taxes, In the city of Allegheny, for 1853, that. Myren required to ray tba one on or baker the Van Lai or 0011iltiEB lifflT, and that U th. aims be not ;old onto before tha said dot day of October, tban Zoe pet aut. will, tes added to and me 'e pietas Meseta erd tiring the tame be net raid en or before tba tint day of Pforeekber Ing. warrants 1031 be diluted' to prolarly qualified permute curamazullng each 'of, than to trey told tuts, with all rests anduntrees acourd thereon, of our irtdde and chattels of the dedincoutta whereto :tree tumid, owl to mate tale Miro:defter adrortiere mud, as in cure of disireeetcr re 111101711110 N, aehterd, fib Trearorer. BARGAINS IN SEIOIOS, To don oat ow precut Ella, at OfcCiellandia alruction Mouse, aaza U MTH BTUs): r. Amara= Qessztazeettwe Omar, Omer 0 sad 22ciatnets. Manistee, D. 0., digest 25th, 1653. pusLzo SALE OF CONDEMNED A. ANIMALS will takeplace at the Occral, nets the Obeessaterw, iq thle elm ea the Is?, .9a AHD ens WADNZEIDAIitt OP eVE.TEDDE.,, len, the 2d, lath sad 30th dips at the =ate. the prepatty :is teed2ertel se tmtle Ate pablW service. FON to eattuasnee et Itroiclock e.m. of each day, 'D di be eatttatted time dsx to day until the amber th`beild thiatiie . Tenale#o,th Goveiimait • - 0.13 TODIPKT2IO, Papt. end A. Q sr.. U. joPlar Firracy .Dueing Estabitehinent, 39 OHIO 8.! AtLEasprr ant RG9• All K : 0114 [du•oed in Iwo web inirram DUAL ESTATE FOR tid,LHe'llio 1.4 sled:T*lond oikon tor nth s eery 'doshablis piece at istOostostsidni 111% acres, attar, eittottod 111 neidwin lownstep.l'it butts as the Prownset rood oa one aileossd one side oaths Xlisabsibtosist rad. It is port of the Whits Hall Pars. Ibis lot ha. • hoer emote! on tt, tind an otetnird of spas sot chatty Issas ballot trait • This tot ell; ht , lectosimodatlcw Wats. If sot told Was thee wt et ',tutu', ItorDl beim rest . rot further pgti =lons lova* 0, Warta 861.1,, or thisotetriter. tattooird= to sad •WA. DAVID VMS cONGB , IIOS - FIALL, . C I APELTAXAIr. art tazoottattlatarathd that tblitirst 'Van Ilatel aoatteta opth oath the lath at tep• ember; ' ate talltuatt Jam coteßleta tact Phila. to-tala staittalad "MEN plaakani this. luau rim dirllrto aid tics PhilaZolphla.. detom. mudding twos. far It satin , at this boats mule M'4uta w sr4VOrallPt. tat. DI MUM it WM', ItLAST B URNAOI INjg BALA Oita sada itOillitt. Ohio, qua* Olialaka ritiaboto IliaObi° ahaL'Usatopgt Mat assmallespowa. Pa , seaslaxtrog imam do so Nam l a n l ir ftn Dr ! D P. D DIM Mug TG lamb An. Marmot inalv to ,Daval) enoitalic:Apiwavoi. Gr zln s % anacts, rich 'amass. it I. 14341.4. • . Orldasr„:l4, aat.aaaaa utagataaraud i . • , *, , - - ',tibia:llAl, Allt.ltia/e= ~ '-: fita - ,'ittPWASTICRSU4- 11.a.-13e it -*_*.4t u n wz as., _leoilnd at Oa sala tOilitP. Titit emu , ttni•ft0111111,1 la Andlibbg' ''' l34 DOW , . COISORT•itoe mot man to Omani JUL let particialui Lambe at the olio ni no County _coluntatonot. HAMBY LANBIlltt otLot4 Oaattnibr. Nw Goons ! NEW GOODS! Aso =Pates ernes We take ;Inoue la talbnillteat fixe•Fmre .ad ' deafen that we are poi rcoefeing • Wit Itni COO. gate eseortaeat of AS rots' rxruis Oa. By W, B tint'::'. Pxes. F 3 LL 0-007DEli toxin. In me saacrttaant will to Itrand GEM' /0&610312/0 GOODS; LAMM' & cauLaiswe IrliDI6GARI112111; And MN tins of Notions, width EAdloposedst MIEX. GORDON, go. 121 816005LD HTIMET, =fffill Wbc,lasla Naha, =Ham, NW= sal Baia; Bums walla do wall to extid.suk. Prrrinanurs, rt. JOSEPH HORNE & CO, M=M !`I raTLEBLIDTSVINE EM14113, : NA SMELT OOLLIIIII AND VV. _ • BLIT HOU MID 11115P/Panialk_. bunko colon of ti• Manua TILLTZLISci 0:0071 1 4. s 3 ' WON; 311AMIVE -1 i 1)&94 .- stall •-• • • ' fr; irtiti . 1161 m t -. JUST HUCEIVID"tait 41162 t /At of ZEAL NAMUR LAM 114 a. , Mob 11afk.• Owernamigtorsay vhigia 110 10111014.1.' ••,.• J-A 114.7014 MOWN I CO, ' odd a 0.111116 Am* DRY GOODS. Parrlemel direct Imre the Importers end =ado EILLINIBY GOODS; DIMS TRIkIMUSG9 AHD BUTTOISSi QUIPUBILAI/D POINTB.LAOIVOLTAI39; GOLLOSSAND OMITS i BRAID HATO, Rink ant Colored; BIBBOHR, • sytoneld lot; BALNOIIAL AND HOOP BAUM ; D BUN AND It &WM ; BLAD•DgY6BL4 LSD SILLS; Lowest Cash Prtcgs B&IiGLINS No. 78 Market street. Tho ants:atm of Iderokaats snd IWO lloa'as of Ms city and =MIT, to espial l] Invited to oat stock of ntruirms. GOTLOGG. GOSIEGY. GLOM IMMO WILIVES, ILTDBUS. HB6D.DGMA3 LED GM. 5211111., _ COMEICV. vlitsia.t.as, IPPTOII3 r And (An thonsandend wild= In one lbs. oildt s ea➢ fit= all burin, Gana this vith cur lac:sued 4aWtlq vo3 mn gtia Qum Lusatia fa the quilt, and Was of ar ;oat. 1111.013.1 TE aIk*GLYDE, Ts xesszr stew. set Itatersa Wadi' deist ue Dfszacesd. GREAT BARGAINS 33C. ES 59 MARKET STREET. A EMOTION OF 50 PME2O CENT. to BLLOI AND comma. ALL NEW SHIRTING MUSLIN. 1210. Per Yard. Ann SECOND AREITAL • NEW *FALL GOODS, AT J. M. Burchflold's. NEW PAIN' ULM% BEANE inatrani PLAIN BLAME ARIV R IArD BASATHEAN.•lgail . ra mmanni na : l3)/ Mc I m iPLIPA N A-Arr AooAe . vain ktrinFie,l! ! wpsys„ ,; • A Afi••••NA4d NEW AID • BEAVZIPIik 11130113 Uzi nadirs& °Bala* and OZaMtllll tti aaSt• . . NEW 000E31 razaza, ramp; mensaina aim atpur D IZ"E` 3zt . Jolt tilolllll4 LAM, MIAZIOY a cam, no WEDXSaIs 111111 MIT, data rablif _ - pereift. N 1613 iiND - 1313ADPARESISP: 1.11. & top aasertiont anivireunok BIM) B Bala) 'a 1M • OENNIGNII. RIBBON & PARC/ HI&MDRIBILS 3 &Nand sad sold 'holm& and ntLLI by /114203.11M=A A tne, - 'Pa IT UNION: AND DELT - CLASPIL•='•A: L. elides tot ct !IBS 11.11114 GILT AND Zter B BLT CLAMP% BLUM MID RIND WWII Br; ALL 811. A BAIOI7Na AlROTpipy ovum WI dad IMMOIre wraula a . tari 0 SO droPt., 4XVINCJIMArTS. WrirsßuluaH THEATER. Lease sad V. I I Wu. Elanaziai. our TA* TWO BIAHE el Qui great now% DIILIVASIG.IAL O'r nit •fr•lnsoi.llllf vesray of tna talutad sad yerrattc atom M= ARA= TAM - THIS filnzatiirinltatai;- Inla b• Peribmad astral Itesub Arms el • The Dtikeva CA PT. LAO MID .DITIEr. GOES • ALL Hicsim OMPNDALII. moo LIWIL PUL IIOI . I3I . II2I .I.A4HILLIPS. W• 0113 IDAI 5A 4 5 ,8111 ....481111111132111.M. BOVA AIM VAUD. MITA EOM ' R 3 BERM BON -11 Cat To ezttrAPAs Itb -11 # ' — UM/4 I " et SON,I)IAIiNA, riinNA *MI RM . % . 041RST ANNU4I, PICI NIO. HOPE STEAM PIIIE-ENBINE AND HOU CO., AT HILLBITOX On Thnresicty. September Sd t 1868. Leant. - ItCl Is flu Pad ral att g at itUkcit Mims TA; &LI; Lat atla 4 2 0- • • Tkkets 1711% be bad tretallatt. L. Bramml4.4lWit- WT. Wm. Batt. L. Pltuisa,i. LP r t J oft ucs aspi O. IL threenay.- :-JutOtts 1101+83E01X aoaD • AHD D0.11E3T103.' • IN " GOODS. A POLL PPPPLY OP WSW GOODS OP . .I.IIIIIG • DAILY. We bore rooolvol, olargelitool. of 110118111/111P MG GOODS ard DOV.IBrIO3, sad sfflototlazo to ram!» Push flood', for to=e thr.o. • • • ' • • • Oloa)cs and Mandei. Dow StykA. AD Plias.' • 00IIIPPBY ZIDBOHANTO, !viol/ for Mit, will do troll to Warta oar Steck Goody, oat to truths to d 4 1 ALEx. 1411.11 1 , sun it Tirrti rritarr. COUNT' Y ISINIKMANTS - WILL STUD AT 371 _A_ I=2, 3EI R.+ Jr 0.59 Jllarlat Street, Just what Ulu abed Ne t REIVINISHIfiG THI:111' STOWE. and as , LOWEST EASTERN - CASII IS. .0.34 JUST 10/CEIVED-. 11011/33 JGT~GILTAM 81 /ML ZZLT liZaKrant ; lIZION BILTINGI INVIBIBLA BEID tart smut, 113140 t Ito Istatt stiles ; -leptlttz with • gsaent ascortiont of cthtr goof• kept In- • irlauntag Mrs, at MACRUM & GLYDNIEIi Y 8 Maur, Ilmaen Vat* and Zdaiaid likliCAD AND BUDD TBIRMINEID, LI.IIIIZ BORON Kamm iuswa„ Ali Wars WM TBMICKLIgk. ALI:LA.BMM SIDMAN*. No. triniiiittsi.s. soaooh BOOKS Coed In Its PU13140 80H001.4 HIGH BOHOOLO, BEL.IDT SLIIOOO, nmiul coLLEGE, mama tranrimun, And gm *Maul ednadinad initinnloudAT and *lnky. £bN • =mists usordnisull at • . School Stationery, Ovy BOokik POW, Tat, Pencils, NabbigH, - Iretalt' Weltlns, Letter sad Note Perin lenelopea,Ntellat Dreedeg Paper. Compatttea Haab, &Om IMEIIILL9E{13;;;::: , al Mood *all. Tar gala at STEINWAY'S PIANOS A IMIN natlnd the ILUT OLIM 11/1131Milt. ;.11 MEDAL, al Um WOW/ Irmihloniloa. MIL NrWirrintiel 1264.4,!0 all, othski L 7 eirt, r. es. WA. km, nack.of Ittartetcto Azet =lsla& ,? 'etr tlols istrO in' Sits autdata*.tiiiskinia 'linos az . Er. SIMMS illatT4 . lo . —. • ? • "INA. fovlPloni.stm* viii . . I AILN 0,8 t• PIANOS '' - .L.,Er w zrow Pilaf jut Obeli. et Weald by thattibmzb , bee thaSio!aictllis. ft= Os cob beam irks al Mobs & Oa; Unman Edna Blibtilk. TC4i i ang M oibsAlm4 yem. atabuyN. T.: Puo raranau le as:ltlgstoa IM M I sp. wards. Ateo depot immanent at MIMI .. ON/lIVALLIIIT 11.11.0102 _ .* . &al - ' , - ...., ':, •,--,..,- 431Pifth met: aUCTIO.r. icrouszaow -•FUESITURCiodr. ctomouotot etnuiscrozgipt, toils delmileivflittisoldrat t7N . Ocmntaafal Woe_ Itagligh 64 111RIstrott. lOsi gauntly ta-ffaillloarebeit Itte6falrersiturri aeredar,asholnl Out %Wm Zdebograr lids OW Ohattoakikaral trot rtar4r,Millealsi Tomsk* WO, Slang Sall 1.610 gs. Brania asa 'NWT - CriavitipT•setba Ilittndc Shael.W.tidsuaLso Wash dttad. is BebOarge GUS Ingo Look. isig Glow nursaus.listise, Ea:Mar Chez; Wtelt, dad_ k lamp% Ifolt Bechteed.c_ Its lirom:Delf, ' 70,441 7. Ohiss Jlts, Co3kbl Aga= Alry oxratar.eultscig, Dar rfttarw, Veztithis ftien. WO* BUM. 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