flittsburgit 6auffit. TUESDAY MORNING, SEPT., 1, .1863. - .Untaa State :Ticket,— you cioniiikia: ANDREW G. EGETIN. OrNOllOO., 7011 TOD= OP Milt eUPBIU 00UBT : DANIEL AGNEW, of Defter. - :4 -4,444 • .:)••• . Unica Colin, Ticket. fridast hip ge, Lu r id a..1. '44 :ions amarros: I. JOHN PAU= • . Ir. &LYYSD/LLOL ur. SUPS SEMEEL, .• . R. W7E. V. DEENDiTOE... , r Mart Bgatalt. • lar ark qf awe. ' W IZEZZOIL • ATEES:I3.• • ' -' , er at e riu mven, „ _ wmaariumsbzi: Ito &soli GZOPEN ItAXEMS ' • - Dander (yr 614 peon JOUR Llano; TLreaten[u Statistlts. , A lata Soathart paper states tha t hum lostf •soldlon'aorr la UN Coafilresta army 51PAY.9147 ,tho Add b 575,- *Mind usithisitan hot mailt Ona-ball the filablltPliflllalbn. • If Ulm bo true, they awn be zookozing largely calks woman sad the T. whole white male population,_Of ail *gra, within the tenitoo rim tiontpritedln Used foal dominions of.Flng, ;ON orautolotstdie the last mumui, inoseiS 1,1b0,000, and we take 11. Onlikted, Amid* litai'llie:etately darnel, who MTV done so mu* to "fire the Brattier! hils/la n . bare .m 4 d o 1 0 1 : 030 thedlPping box, and don thirtni snentionables for the 4:1061ItiIIII. Well, they hue _bran. ittlong miscued, that we ' dalbt molting will light like ,tigresses, bnt limy cannot even thin make up the number Wit& outvesedlitg Oct the suriciles. We kave not heard whether the children. ere now coming into the world, In thaluegke, witirleatkand beards, like the bloody Ittabard, bat they will be fraccoalongh, no dirabciritirsuols lurk ling salable ending to the twin founders of the Roman Basta. 'pat how about 01. commissariat? they take thairrable metrimu along with the pap spoon, or will thij girl them the blood of "Linda% hirelings" to lap, by rasf..lif whetting titer young , appetites for °amain? Caner and Palm have jest got their radars, it mee k to march, aid, PUN, and Dephire ' will not be left, of acme, behind—when ; they cat out to attack rureith souountal an ixfanll7. -- • - <krt. Seymour ; aid 40„Draft ~. . The eapperhead pipers of.liewYork are obviously restive aid s the pressure of the' Federal troops, which have so completely, disooncerted their plane. An attack ofthe &pm, uporLtbe Adrolitistrititut, Aare* it with a desire to the subjugation of Virginia till after the next Presidential elielion,und a stillgitater desire tiiintiju• gala Tiew York in. lie - meanwhile,' hie, hoiever, drawn &OM - the billitary.Cons-: mandeet, GetL .Dix, s copy or the ourvlll redone* between the Governor and 'him self, w herein the complicity - of 40 f. .. ... ... in the ireasonabie plan of obstracting the draft, and aiding this- rebel umiak is made . , .zooroipparent thattcver.. ._ General Dix writes on' tho 80th July to Governor Symms, to inquire whether the military power of thi State may Walled on to enforce the net:lntim of the law, in e y.s case of forcible lettuces to it—enggestlni his mtwillingi s to ask the Govenunent for troops, whe they could not be Tn= drawn front the Sold without prolonging the Wir, and giving aid and encouragement to tilt enemy . , st_lhe very time when vim oar anocisses prombted, islib a rigorous effort; the speedy suppreislonuf the rebel: Tito Governor replies, on the Ed (sth) of - August, that 'he hid just written - 14; the President, and believed his answer would relieve them both fromlits paisfut- tiom growing out of- an armed-caloti pe s eitunt of the Conscription Law'ln th at .patriotic State- 7 8nd that ha would write 'splits'as Bain aihe got thePruidettes sliver; On the Eith,',Gen. XiMaids:els` lifin sgalit,oreforring to his duly; as command ing-offitter,.to aid the , enrolling effiders;, if salted upon, in the entomereint Of as Is, --dlielarlng, that from a desire to Avoid thli r ie had wished to see the drdit 'in. - foreedby the military.power of the State, —but that if ettofi co- oporation could not be relied :° ll , be tilintlid ooneider it bid duty to aslclttakrtisiernment for a' brie whit* should be adequate to the oceseinti re. petting that the Governor 'should bitra saribisd the sot is cliConscriplion la the terms used by those who desired to brieg it into repriiiib, and defeat its exe mdinii, anChid *Me or it cat iNtsj, that might induottihe4plition that he regarded It as an obnozionsiaw, ,ihat cught not to be carried into execution—and renewing the expression of his desire to be assured, nefliniarliekinointvistirietleiblei,lhat the military power of Ilse State would, in ease of need, be employed to enforce the draft, beeetuse he should otherwise 4061 call 'thir for such a force as - .would be not only ade• quits:to in the mention:of theAter, but would enable him to carry out ettelede. Cillifil Mellettrea as would IeSTO their la.: uessenthe country: , 04 7,04 7 :. ,1611 ;{h e Governor -!9ll4:thst. he has the Prestdouti's nnsier;#dia sorry help& wetswe'44 comply 'with hie 're queet-thet lefiadhope&thxtlartepportu ,stity would AIM 6eto OordedeoNew York ilia guar - 11044, process tenit;rieeded, but that, se Gen. Dix had steed, :that It was, his duty.to en , force the set, and apprehende4 > populo re sistant* sad eristied to know _llse position of the mate authorities, they could under noolletnstituei - perform datieteXpreasly 002,feet wet , mar ' fiiithir4; take to relie ve . Own than thair Pioier l r‘ 4 o l oo 2l nthi any disturbnie, ot the wail; be, lemma; Ow tifriettott if the Butte law FILM xeuht tiutprotlnaltiell *Want:, diners—but pat-luttia no in*seetke to rasiurftir imettllctr . Of the Orel* Or*. me_ ,!It r 0 4 14,, aticWfilfiter,li l6 . of uangr e s er - *Os - tratoiTioiekititta the enema that, L imvsli kt rona**giu, previously, he bid e 944 on Mei with Gen. Curet, to Oral thilirlah - : Slit the draft qtiefiliiii*lvtrstOg of iLtifik:ta t f* 4sfieweitiested lan hi; Were( 347301 hr - eat that lu the game sphi4 when he had au called upon b 7 the Wetter !Judah! - he I, scwey;s4 awn hrarrit!iy . ,* the 'llaiernOr=titat enterer to hie repeated anealedM hadjejAdiel to the Beeretar7 of War, who : batieeponded preroPtiAsnditiat he altedinswbe ready lizetkilit o PPP 442ll4 t 4 tkustltt. etlil eS tertalted the - Ye:Tither icirniud - ballade unnecessary hi idni tii:Milidoy the forces under his commend tarthat purpose. On the 2 Qth, the „Governor repliee-- refenirigitgedi to the reasons wiped for his delay, and complaining that be had no notbalehatihedraftwordd take plac4 and no time therefore for getting credits for vokull,lerwir for making . siggeetions or prom a . to. • Ai the ease stands, therefore, the Goe ernor of New York has absolutely declined to aid the Edo aulhoritice In any way in their effort to recruit the make of our army, ;while he het not hesitated to glee aid and comfort to the enemy, by making it necessary to withdraw &large portion of that army from the Potomac, at a moat ino portant crisis, in order to,keep down the still more dangerous rebels at home; while other Batas are Istriotioally contributing their quotas of troops without Median. The Connell of that City lave also been aiding in a different way, and as a cense quenoe,,ths city of New YOrk Is now gar risoned bY about annumr troops ea aim has in the geld, and ceases for the time being to count se a power in this war, on the side, of the Government. .Shame on her authorities! And-yet; with WOODWA11) as Gereinci thbt State, and tmoh Judges and counsellor's/I Lawns, and Wine, and Hcomss, we ehouldhavepreolsely the same elate of things in Pennsylvanla—wlth another draft from an already depleted army to eaglet the rebels in recovering their strength ankinvading Penneylvania. ==i The Confederate Loan. The mainly capitalists 'he, by going .into the 'Confederate Los; have lately proved the truth of the old proverb about the 'facility with which fools part with (hair moity, appear to meet with very little symmilty from independent British jour- WIZ. The London correspondent of the flolfset Manias News writes*, follows : Ifyour butt Is naturally companionate—as I am mow it is—you wi I Lel mach pl.y for a certain ChM of puma heri In London Jul, / Clods to those •ho ham tweeted their mo In the 8 Atlas n loan Tim do not expect, pot f0 110w.. - te ma h.ch a elating cf ell lb.; hate pall .lot The fatly Southern 'War es won in brillbust, sod lb • North. en leadUeSsiMal y Vowed thentsolsesto Wants y Inmentaten4llist tbe fusing b re was that Mei:bum most win and b cows a pea' Pcreur. In one k ths Ms of /alibi* has turned math s% ths &nib. le one weak Us South ban lost ail thomad moo. Witt bunion sutteitle agabutsuch odds Lee &Inn book so au the Potions, to his cm hoar of Weary ; Norgan's may spared In (Rib: Vitt burn end Put Moho* surrendwed„ and th e hiltstt dpyl mats free for all purposes of ocmmtrot the mu of Chackston, roamed by the l etterala sad /Women lobar& y In WI retreat—suohnealta Mono week Sad no Fatalist In the history of vadat ant' ardent wadies. All seams to tadione that ttuswor routturns matt succumb. Itat,thea what shoo the det4l. lam will pa the &tithe:a Sandy not lb. oaoquosiew North. The Uccle J wish gentleman (who Is calbd Sampson, pmbab y bee.me hi is not See feet fun Inches high) who writes the hose city article; mu t feel cossid.to lunbar. raw &Just now, omildertng how ardadu be wroto up theßouthern bun of this milyon stallisg. t TOO isms lettet , witer refers to s pam phlfit lately - issued in London, owing: It Is from tbe ton of a sllsUngtdrhed AmuMon o gentlemen, the Eton. IL J. %Dor, formerly own. tarr y of The Taway. and Grirernoi of Kansas. Ur. , Water Is' lawyer of great reputation and. maw gtently, sioentty, 411.0sallial to areas as [obtain) aurs: bottabotY toostitt,Y hinted th at Ur. Jefferton Pals wattbsporSan wno Ant boldly adtientted the "a. -Wi" of the Mhubstopt bonds," by 'blob t speculator, tart snob a )ot of money. Km I, the @althorn Consmadoner bar* arpres was nab encash to deny - this. thereby pant ally confendog that, Iflefferson Darts bad done the Meg he ass ,cased of. he woad bans been • bad boy Walter boa settled th• question completely. SO his pamphlet he quotes Dlr. Darla' opoeches and lot. tam, word for word, End he pima beyond all mom. Mon that °Jeff" was the nun who rocentra , oiled that srpoUallon" which robbed English Ameba& eas of so mach money The possphtet hes paled an uoplauant aeneatlon hers; for our Landon specula, the telextda cry oat farbettelyi •' Why. bang It, we bars but our money alpaln to the smy fellow who old as bass! Ws alma's /get soldllbut book." Another Co nspi rgtor Convicted, _ - Time is rapidly exposieg the secret his. [ory of the secession conspiracy, and the names those who:were Promises' in it. [Already, from -evidence furnished in the [ corrapandence of Jeff. Davie, captured by our soldiers' in lifississippl, .we have - Bu chanan, -.Brodhead, Reynolds, Lemon, Hackley and Treat, pilloried as sympathis ing with the Southern cause, or engaged in the plot for , the overthrow of the Govern. monk The Chicago tribune publishes a letter, found in the residence of Joe Davis, At Jackson, which adds another name to the list of conspirators, namely, that of David B. Atchison, who in 1858 led the border rut ilene_in their Wok upon Imwrence, where enormities were perpetrated which the re. cent caching of-that ill-fated city no more than . paralleled. Ten years ago thin .mad wrote-to JelL Davis as follows: [.; LATTP err; Kay 29 13 3. aßiitt. Jeff Dab: Permit me to teeroduee my (deed Judge Samuel Ttahet St. Loch, in this State. Judge That. is • Geulkma of Tara abd a gelid , eke of the Hantaastlen. Marna= and Big% Wei gam re sada faipaig. Be oudetutestda - the true Paittme ofMalaand Mott la aka / &sae seat you will mars llmelth llamas asil mut*. sy, lu.. I. Islas and ad ee you tbla.tent. . • Yours War. • TO:B. llectusaa." in due time, if we but ezernise patience, trishallinMei, no doubt, other names _to add to the list of „Northern. traitors, IMO aided in engineer ing the secession move. mast to maturity; and it would be. wall for themi-if like Yancey and whorl of their &Woreal ies,'they Could din before the luel`eximire °braes, bringing it swift. rat. ribution with _ . . . A Brame inn 9 2 Answer. • DoitiPuLlert ben'oPuth.ha made while etoppiag oTer night In Netrilampaldrit on his wiy,te the White Mountains; wag now andthau interrupted by Copperheads: - Se In two years we have seen tines quar ter, of aleilliort of men raised. Before the sentence was completed, otte , of the Pierce Democrats asked lassitude, air, "Where are they now I" ""home ot 'them," replied gett.Hatlerleltit -anstomM_Prcint awn, "lie sleeping, beneath the red; and otherearCatill fighting the %Min of their country :while you remain -here at _home 11141140:souse of traitors:l - In another portion :speech ' . Oen. Butler said: you volunteer ?"- a voice replied, "No." ,_"Yon Toted for,Breckhuidipt,' sold a voles tO Gen. Butler, alluding lo the lad Democratic National- Cuireatlon. "Yee,? mgd-Butter, ' adif I were eckeowardly se you, I might be tempted to deny lie then went on to show' to these New Ramp,. shire partisans.thai one might, er7 `erly vote fontmac under certain sirmun T stances and oppose that man under certain other oireumatesum When.ludattleesilot wu a Ins follower of hie Master, he was : no doubt a worthy esamrelo be followec4 but ha wurtot aware that a MA to pro s ,erve his coneteteney Must 4tontinuelo low Adair afar Eik betrayed his Lord." Laitabti Eleastaar.—Diutair es 'Peewit bombattbseat o[ tort- Wagner iromine saw Do:sides, It was bond bnponible to drive ' netball, through - !ha nod ma *otter or "Nob tho with 'lO- bade, or IC - ante , ti l e pka so alto kwi Ow Oil la 7 4 front* LION tar. The' we roaotted As :the - Ispsdiena ova. 'the 'placer. ' vilwriby - the lolls, a gibe water about 5117 yardarm' the beach, bonndM upward and over into the tor tress. Thb , was sesaukably inweental, N Thoth an whet ; t call tut Qat captain, watching the Mag. ,of Thsy an w on the bay ant bath arid' pastel the la lits tort ow time."+ _ Muntuant Pentroxszoot:—Baton . thy Dattltholimlact4lt - wasialdbyilsiei ig l new& lion that all Demeatte..la4 the war. Seet th e Oa drafttook Oleo" it la ai nite. d bY Adoal - tiow that' seas bat the D gm made ~.. A _ ''~.`. ~~~ °% ~ `' ~~~r.,.~ ';.:s ~; t.,:i'£a, :vpßfik ' w.~la~,~',~ll! x ~L ~.:a;.,'" w:•v~~~"+.~+3"'%~';.'~':. 6 ~'+~+~r~,~' „ `A~~;. . ~~. Ira Otis Heady , Iriunira. It addition to thil Lto7l alad34ibattaa, Irtki V ni 441 7 torcating to balm:deli at toll mat; Um foliating will alto 19 Mita timing the month of Soptinaber,, in, et tar. that, before eolith of Ootobai num- Tont. -Wharm- Riakapoo 978.«...8t. Lets. Iffssistta Sandusky 479—.Pittaburgh. Wanks— .—....1014.....C1u5innatL 1034 Pit lisagank tug 000014---1034.--013013341 L Tippaaa500..4...«1034-01aciaaati. Apidsto —.llsl4......Partamoigth, N. H. 1icamu1a5...........1661......805taa May Yard. %%slut nasierengslir , nary built Tos• nit, barbs ben unstinted by the builders of the "goventstent. Qrdeu re t: ben main/ to kern Om ores stooks for the impose if einunsnolui at oboe'is their illness sr feat of immerge nun hos clad ships &Oar to the Dictator and lhidtae • which are sow hens bath hire ander Own partition sf Captain Butosos. As Ids* of the muialtsde of than but named muds may be formed whes It is stated Qui the ha muse ship hone at the Drooidys nary yard Is which the (moisten' feigatoNas aao built„ lus bessrond - to b. weal fort too 4011 to ontals the hall of fits tut amend omit, and It Is to be, broken oil In order;thst De taw and stin of the vesseitonbe num toodatsd.—/f. Cbusureisf. Tax Gam (balk kw which Is oci distastoftd to the fir/Haters' ltherlsoloa ths Imam of Mr. Elhort, who' wu far s loss thus a suitor to the oikmassaaat to us this projsottla x bat did lot summed until It was rseturuasadod by ,Adadral tutor by Ida maim* at Vlatsbarg. ffiouttm raper ssatatlres of !Snip prenatal= btu ap- Cifdr the Invades Aft without avell. The allsalres, forty or In axon aloud la • shall Wahl' Wolf suelosad number, nova of the srdlaary galls d the sorrkisaad es- Tana a itasstoory—Ths Chattanooga Bail Ivo : Ws viugy balm than use soma msa the eordWimia who, I!, cDs". had tat% would auk them baron thdr logs ever, time they heard that ohs Teases wars advaltedag.' riNli at iTlClS.—Notiee is hereby A.' 'Prot an who has not paid thane W i f t Our, Ttretylletaxii, aid &hoot Mime la - the dip of Alleermage gar 1169. Mit tar - fr o ezaleed-to Dar abeam on en betas' Os/ Dor corOass Ersamow ass If Ibs_dit—O not said on or be ths drat day et Veitlbeiltlill fill Or Cont. vrtil be lidded to sad nuVe Pirate thereon sod that if Qs nuns Ds one Datd on or deem Ms dent Oar of aloisoneer fbllst tat .warrialonditteedinniod to pro2ar4 Vandal true txdorteadhla WA of th em to lay old Os, with all Dude sad norm se scorned thereon, of ss7 pods and dudish, of the dollociento whams. ell* NM& coed to mats ale liars! attar ant ertho. son; el ta costs of cater a for rah P. II &annuli. Por,rrw.aL .rromiEs. ..1:3.d Teeeveer. rCe.THB 0100,N'LVUDITY MECO- Tan 0011111211111 .111 win at the OClce of Ihreball t Brotrn, corm of 11111 and WaLt grata, on 1111421 r WE4IIII.9DAT sin MU- D et I o'oloolt 9. as • A UNION MINTING will tio bed vir , " at the “natesiwsoe :UAROP,“ In Stiaryaburg. Tam I 'wail) IT AMINO. at TX eNtock p TO* manila win 0. - M.ll4OmM try A; II 8r0.,. IlistOttel. and oiling .1 10 r'A UNION MisiSTlblU will be held at LIQUIOArd TA Vann, Ems tairaship. n Is St 4 Ws's& p. m. Ca1..1. b. Cask Han, Jo. Lanham e. II Brown, and El 0. 1114cluall, Lg., wttr athlsses tag mostisf. FLV PO, LITI C AL MAM I—Persons dottrLos to Lai,: nitetlap in On vitttqa limbo flittloto ibrosighoni tho coon% Gan pro. con HAND-DILLII AND YOSINS.B, nods print. od. free or clunk by iyllying to D. B. TWIG[ OH, Ho 84 Mb strut, Pltlolorrib. son 0.1:11VION CONVENTION.—Partm• out to the ardor of du Ontoo tzeeothe OmutaMee, of lllrghway conaty, the netderthlot4 bomb, moist the Dalt/fides who wproarnted the tort etas= of Rohl ttoontylo Conrosdka re lons Id, UM, to lILABSENSIN IN CON VIIIVON at {be CART HOVEL la Pittabnish, .en THUM DAT, fasdataber 31.' 114 at 10 d'tlOolt a. m., for the purpose of moodnalnj a candidata for the aloe of Shutt - a. DI. 101t11WN, (Uhlman. Jog" N SET . 4WApT farostarm smhltdo•os OTHERS= BALLY I GRAND UNION MASS MEETING I The Ilseaten at Allegheny County, kw' at the Halos and imamate al Oopgatheedletn.eall twit In MASS 0014VEN'XION, OH Thursday, SeptesUber 3, 1863, ON TIM WEST CO3lOlOBB, Allegheny, AT IX - O'CLOCK P. N. l gloctetat •peekine hum bum woad and will b. In attendance. Ltt no bare I °BAUD BALLY FOB THA UNION. By titer at the Onlecittenuttre Oennallgeo.. =Mg ti.THS UNION NXfCUID IVE Cob'. ItUTPIFIL Curti 6411146 Third Wait. Aihemp Ricasas Pea; Ualiougsbais Dustmen D. B. Tissues*, Lower Si. Cisir tp, - lass.lLEstont. &laced Ward. Aibighting; D. (Mau. Rome Ward, Pittsburgh: Sou Ihatans, Ja„, tog, Muth Want; Altigiutuyi amuck BUIZIAT. Bestuth Ward, Pittsburgh; Jams Baum% Lieut.'s Wart do • IL H. lirnmsts. Peitz ecinuadr; Psalm Bum, Isicausida% B. B. Eiudit,;r.. hobbit tairtitidgl La. Erman. rul4 ll rard, ' Fitilbuzitb; • lama P. PAW% =Bla towitildp; ;mug Bairn. Maine 1114 OnOitt kinishipi" Issia Thrum IterCht toinisitig; . loss U. Puma, lisnotuaii Mimic UssztaPi 8.0. Yuman; 14. Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh. • A. iffunoits. Third Ward; Plit‘bargb; *arm Haaoa, Youttit Ward, Minting; . Cast, JSMISUiLtS/N Z1U141010.14 J. Cl• lisszortii, third Use; Plitshurgb. "A. W. BROWS, d ratgarii, Obalussu. I. B. MBAR?, BMus fp., Beiretarg. • ' Sus•Cosurnuss - ruwiss—At U. saown.lx orlisua. sad J. U. writwAat. peatigio—a. L naapaoa; aossrut sad MEWL BARCLAY. , $ , .• • • • - Ca Shatz", sod fireamr..ll.'ll.lllACZßlLL 114 rum avos ; I &MISS Di X 128.111 MUM 1114 SOL litaitifiLti. 104 US 'rostra midi. L. B. PAMIR, Jr. Pits tp,4 JOBB IL. BROWN. US Masai stlsskalbibluiPi D. a. ranausozi. st Personsdesittig Aoki Miss lisetbits la. Qs turbos akettgs Statists thuosubuct the ocunit). tarnished artbilioasubS CaUihi os AM , -at lbe slam named - istie PEIBLIO -xozwer.s. P SCULL 11118Tilio.-02ANi Caditti.N. V L. fit illatukuir Cohn.— Delegates tliart malt onnemtirrogrota tomcat cm rattlar 3sXIVB Iltainter 411 X at I ecaotkl• la • Ist iloseggirtat, VII•fm• sem got. anew of usgurianso ins p blllght I , !seall Ooes • WATTENTION VOOLORE 0 MEIT f ..•CenOtiontis not/ Wriest to lb. Colonel Nos of littolootin and lb. oloyoundlos comer, to not. Nast Unftod ntotontordno. to Jotnin Ins Ito banks. to Likes Ann tbo. mons tun torch t o Bale w hore all ant t= s li v ealtd to aoll tont bat kr ittenotlvon, I'M to Inlaid me tynty lash, in 111/01111ualga , Csizo any cows all, nut follow Uie izatiplio of tbms wlto hash. at ram eftall. Ilita`l2loll ond Tort ' , keno*. • • - Cask WOOS /V B itintsdi'-! • " "vaunt:it Mar Ptiragem Pm. cod ow. . Oda es *gram manivsztruat I PitiabwO. Mrs rOtb. f t , jr - IiErnOIC livaoyAtIVEGN tO frcY, the .Bateatboa. srik treanortiatioe inioalehttbal uasionisla of "Ma litaiLdßB (SS OoJ ainvenn no Mm haled Ma , priibkil ofik• ,ns .4-asWwii at - 211.~..- td, Ware ft th day id Juts, infoind *like =mat aril dies 1841.1,119710 *WM 117 oldie IA ea Boa' Ada*: : J.,ll6DOlVlMP•atekars.. . ...r:NOTIO9.--Prinntritan anutairia wex - MaoClLitozni tnemunpWmtng tti Private Boas lo ins Wilda lama lion aro Wonky notified icreoslut Toni ibote ohne, to ins Boototaro baton On ft Re uIIBIII6IIBIIB, welted trill fa laid Wino Nagano atosato,atspo. go alder od int Hoare ot Ida aniktd. . Vosroeskey. Vavramarrs. FUR -- 13114BliritiATENtar- Z. uwis. ofAbiro ? "4, :aisatlasik Air' *twit settort vino oda* of ibeltotalratlsig Ocerrattrii, AMA wall old on xttaaGq, IMP . "VW PO It E3l3.llBlM—JouraAtasa MC" la to a elsaidate tor tba abort ofiko, sob. pet to tbo that= an* Fat, !Cotttty 1011.1.11at100. :••••• :I. 0 , :II: • 41•1440•1115Leigiii itesinua ?ilk stotria“ Ice sato bIMO peas. a. ,-. jj tedi e • ANTIAti, ol'thil best 2,2 copty, slum ca hib4 at Woad SS It adr arm, . J. A IL /anion% Altir Omar MI relliallik or AM:IMM et 4 PlUttatab, Log 11, ISM TOUPLIOL&TBE/ditti. do id Lls vim teettrtd stilts tem to SNP DOZIIIB CO M Inn& lilt: betistm for farttaing /0178 M/4 PO mat texas= fttutt, JAIL lot Dittktdass um*, at Qs DOW at as gamer ecm xlmenar.' MUT WEBIBT, Otstrttlet. TIWKLLING HOUSE YO,IC IMO Ms 'too tows thick Doi: No ltO Wrlo 141sifoh la roux ,=-1./4 far- O&M loth =doe more% itod lola goo sad vest nit/Albany boo mow gm, note mastic& lets. sod lino mob tom% both roan. "du clash 'Wok too miasmal bill• adat "° 1 mod Woke. .brin tom 'pas to sa• 11. Ittabi a on,. mat Toorth 61. gRW/CILTITNILLB PROPERT Y ere FOR 8 1L1.—.11. inn • bath sa4 eeefli staged gest_wildtabb tee tee temlnee. inel4 _ ieeh. Wiwi! Atli : , tee neels• clinvOltah• sad ° the , wr•U elstensipspe _rank ball iatil dm& teest, analm. eta e'lleelem7_ 6ll sta en thaw street, lee Ite bet Out ke /23 deep. _s 1111 1. let relne . sad tenni mg, le • • • .•• MUSKS? ann. _ el Maeket stmt. .0.11.133 OF .REAL be aat Waldo ado IC 17101150.114 tko filth coy opttabor t bol a at 10 o'clult ao =Ow mobs to Plan toinailp. two maw DM 110110 s dote.= tb• &solos valo Ealuts4 M 1126 1001 1 • 0 1 eltolyillo t . VW LUTA- mat • aial ito 11111atiffto f Ho. 6 _„...o o aiatztallo3‘ Maw; sad No. S.l3jortawif moon 16, tootteir o two atom Bit& moth mu= feet. sostablat sin roosts sad coilar aadar lb. Awe Ainithar L9l* Mlllisnals, es widal ta e Amps. sad =Wu-WM and W.gso lunar ah ,aa 'fforr Ow bottom noo too -Abate, THIR STdovi AOB . 33 07 b orta two Tltto I tatitptcab'o. Tams la au. '' • O. BSIVILY. /Money la tost fat Llto hairs of 111ohool Rodakm doom& - atala "Jahn IRON CITY BANK. hansom% August 31, 1863. 131 1211al &0 0 ' $ 400.000 .00 Loans and , Dbcounta—. 18754 .4 U.B and ea DondeA Oettllloates— eft kW 00 Dory bthw 1142 ; DD.8 . = l , OO 0 SAN axis Macke of ether Hanks and United States Treasury'Notes-- 8 5 7313 139. 134.1711 t 8 , 09 Doe to 0ther 7 '21 5 4 1 2 91 The o t h o m p o e s t i a o nen t cm acco rding 9 t l o t t it h e best of my knowledge and bellat J. 41A G OITIN, o.fighter, illlnzu:d onto before m this d . 7 . _ S. rube, Notin EVERY fiIERURA T BHOULD Wall OHL LLOTIVEI SIZZI, PEATII Telegraph, RaUread and Express Map it shall' n, 17 1114108 APE orizos, RAILROAD STATION, AND =PRINS OFflOll United fitatea and. Canadas EVIDIINOS 11500. Om a or ens Ansa, brews Co , 09 &sodomy, New Tort. Web. Td. graph, Wpm, and Bantasd nal we Ond avast setrelesto at, end hatssalaortbed VLVX UhldaltD VOLLUIS to show ow mend Mynas Wes. Ws down It • tors web%) Nap, sod WWII. stead ICU btentst men. ADMIX Txrazu Cfo. /11, W. II Dbustre. Pru WHIT POO on scums Mks poll'Atmidg faikprierat tinocritmws DEPOT, OPPOLItri TEE J . 03: OritlalL SALE OP STEAMBOATS. Error Qoamoravaneo'a OTYSCS. Nallhs MO. Tenn.,. Ace. ti, I.IIM. I will sell to the blihtst hiller, for reels, the tot hying eteambows, Irmottel to the Oortherland rivor,whb mtoelemy and ether ayporteamema, ea they lay lulls Wee (t) OVUM LB BI DI hL,.. near bred of Empeth ttboalr, (f) rti litres ottaallTttE," are ma, ibis Boma* abode. Sealed bldwttl be remind at MI" off to nottt la rielocb p , IWIIDAT. Sept. nth, MS, BM wilt to receleta for each boat requite, and the boats sill he tall upstate to the highest ladder. & bond to the amount of pcoat. m the amount 'offend Itr each tr.at,alicted by two nopealbia lore. Ilse, to ha relined to neglect or recut of petite no amount lid, (U lb. h!dle atemped,) will scoots pule root hid fttda while &Mooed to the oniudgood, named ollopoests ltteamtoate.. • 'The rlight la roe met to reject 'my or all Ws F. ft Wilt LOW. Omit. sot 4.ltt S. Si orate 1( a 005.13114 C & 5 OWORuS. anitrisel2o *AZ) If elt. • REAL MATH FOB SILLIL-4 he .5.111 inie_o74md v 17101112 kr th W ea • s not. Moan of MonW EOM. deomand, Iv room tooradlp, Antilurny . county Ytts on Thursday. October Ist, 1863, 6.l.laabli eaattbea Wei rad*. 'omit :HUTT. 'lli *Mt. OV WM% watt Wpm. ad, 01:100 DOM. and LAIM UM Will PAU Mum. alcouraal asvar.LMtg Varian aaa a Aral at so .1 raw; a az• Orebaca of imp* lick. and Qom Vass. #4..-4.ltaak Moat ono nab boas Hlllonaova 204 Maui bar Mkt avai Tartusaas, unite allftetrar. and b a rad sattiberboal. " alit to alma Tam made tam to day orals asStaatar4 WI. V. IT? ifYlll4l4B. OOURT !MLR —By ...of is On maw end d.o* eine ambsan'Oonit Cl *Weeny musty. the sabscelbee will acmes to p sib. Tu esd ay, September 29th„ 1883 At theists nays= of Gears Renee, aeounse.tbe alloolog Heil legate. to wft Att tbat (TIMM TIAOT OF WALL 11t1.101,11D LANA stilt amen:met ixed, smuts In 'Mara tomato Ala =fa. otatotatos Ft Anal, sad id on MI wadi sly tin Mee of Dada Rows oa ibo art rod logta; /WWI now% lad ts tlu FulS by leap MUSK , • towistaw.tbl.d, Gehl its tomolodot JD two oval, amid otptuato Om date at Isla with la Unit bolo www tato . WL V.II.ABa salbad rod. A d whitstrstor.. VIRICI3,—The partnership heretofore .' Wahl betimes *DAN WIIAAS mat awn sorti. wow tee name al A. WILION /ICU. has be dtmaolva4 tto daub of ADAK WiLo. SOIL The sederitoad hat this day rateloatell the begat elide hatkpartarr from ha iteeptar. 144 'Wtritalli IMO thIV Soo tad Pane 'llashiaisila sonortmosseA4 Thin amen. hater the old Arm Area 0tA..V144)11 00. AU pascal, indebted • tithe Arai its: hardy sequetted to scale their ea AteAU.: . roan wallow. .4 . tsar- ssseassay. riuNAAD Ajtary—Liteaat frown ltrenpsol aid iloonatoll4B'l3. if 1 VOA Of WI • !Fmt.ta tivroail. Imo How Tat isS tit ea remo...B4Estray at, SIMI/ tO %ROL BATMAN, Aiwa, w:B:rNTI :~. CO,XGRISS BALL °arm MAY. - 'lhOpoblto ore nspOctlidly I oforlood Vol thls and- Ow Wtol wllieeallausopod sill. th. Oft odlg• _WOW., Ibe rod road So ooWPcodOktotond Ma. Opiate to Ala aqsallad valet lad odoco, aad - throo om. roxido It to mkt from - Modeled& Awom• mouth( tan4s br (42611111/ tide house ealk node on sod ottsreopt. SLURS WWI, mar /hieing Estaillanun' :39 mo , Aturouar any. 11111.1121 1 . 1isitytised tot 'tiivivolts' lybotlLUllo ur ,r,Winil3lll;biltr. ' ft la imillaanhb biritoloto silletlag Nomu r a 0 4 1 % - It.l9.7lllSlNArdadarbudatse at' 11W. SS Malta strop, -- cadar. Ilibeini• of, clam 411 , wAtatickundadi l dkitolvol_by _astaal 4= l 40. WASJIICI Mag.. 0. (Mil II Pi tt ill,Ot !ha 01Pd thilrm la aittMs Instates. : ( 442141* - • -r•. l- -, - -- -'; - AL 8:-WAILTN61. - ' IV thnitg • IL* wv :JAW% d2Olllll TIMOne . AN bpi is band and sada balder. Lbw, IMVIIO MIMI' ;mum num tat env eosin - nip owe, Pit sae cloopan bed eavassowtszw. -JyNo. Uspind east Cuba Tinritini• ' lll / 21, ' Marbitivenow AV 189-41moisber appisiast vain& at Um In. files itutrbu V d IP" La n. airtLuPa. aim U sad SI 111. alb stew; 4111:1 rza Mlifirarn. STAIIS FAIR. TIIII ELMS= AMMIL EXHIBITION at ref HIM. STAB AGRICULTURAL ROCIETT VIIL IX lIIID Mt 110BRISTOWN, NONNI Y CO, PA., September 29th and 30th and October is; and gad 1863. tra rlstam 1; that smntein Who nut of PlM eiteplds, oe rba stMaliM Mir and le ecragoltde bg newsy to GIVTI portion at the Eftate. The pounds are beentltolly alleated. anitatelng 21 urea et greasd. with @DO basted/Magi then e Mirk tepthertrith hop avant trarddl - g. Tt Moire mid ta be am aline bettlua Mash' lb. MM. 7ha premium, an the Imateet me of. tersd by- tho Stalely. Inmtlag is aka PM. The proin'anal kr ell gates of at rAOO. en of vadch ere IVO each. 19 from $l5 to Mottoes Ms I t Cairn to loom ate. Boat bred - not we than lb bark ht 93GULIUU, ON Ind watt" $2l. Bosse tar e/1 - grad. the peahen aced $1560. The tiled at Stara CI bun VA and $lO, and ethsti rs. glad from $l5, $lO end $5. foe Sheers sad g. ins the preamon. range b ern $lO to H ofend $l. Pm Poultry there le • long gat preasnme from $2 to $1 es.h., JU the foßmlng clams mat Mem pmanna*erecderedt Plooghr, Cultlntors. Ditto, Wept& Beaten and Stooping Idarldnea Getters, Corn Paella., t lair 11 l& nue" Ilneltato, Wire, Leather end Its Bleastattaree , Goa Flume. Startle Kant* a, MUM, flows, Grate eal twee. Trgetableg and oleo lbr romotlo end .ilaarehold mathetorse, Moth, Canal". &rat t lb= dthaellng,Bleakets. r/anzwb, dhewb, Knit itanda.nerk, Breed. Cates,Presertos. leap geminate • named for ma variety or 7111 t end :Skewers. The Stml Tent win be the lama ea? metal by the gotktp,ent 'avian ene of the most sanative baton of as Szklb:Con. Co Yro mm ltellagee and A In.. WU be Walled In this • • • ''Persraylvenb tidhred- end Sarehdowt toad hese arranged to ma ertldats lbreslatattan heed from istdbaloo weight me, regatrlM the forward Might to La min d& which will he repaid aima whim goads ere r.tornal to tte ILIUM WWl* , strip Is hoped to Mot the mm. with Mier trapottant mode. Miradalile adi eraeduced rata wO.l t• run an ell the ng gnat . eau be Inds .5 the alike. In &M M . a - tot the dth dsy tf &gumbo& All erCehe most be intend en the books en oe beim Toeslag mon leg itatAStb. - Saltbnore mat blame UUMAGGIL Ide $l. 04 with tone wagon MUM mob of wh biro . int OM penal Glib* Salo ores. erscrainirtasioa.--.--es osams. far A Ltd of Priming, and Ile valences cm be had by eddrstedng the racetary.' ' THQII t. .IAS P. KNOX, President A. DU. LOllOll2, AWN, Poribtose, Ps. I stattf 6 EOM; BOOKS, goatalnlat Eitreight Now and Popular Bongs, TOR SIX MITS. nallad, ppd.-paid, on receipt of 061 MO. b 7 JOSH r. HUNT. . Photograph Albums, The beet, the atraeiteet,tha ipsehtet end the cheapest be Ma elty, at H If TS. CARTES DE VISITE, Rom e) cents toil a dozen, all kleda. at Boars. all NM 800N11,411 LAT* PLPI4B2, an L&TI 111AILUILNIB, HVISTIL ATATIONIDIT AND DLAIDK BOOS% WM. LIMA AND POGINP Boose.PUBVIOLIOD AND YOCUM nuurpms. at JOHN P. HUNT'S weto.b.adrow Ratiney, Idagaime . " and lan Espana, 7 miasma saw., 'lna mug= sal BAROAINtiI IN • 461. Mr 333;1 1 S.; run , omizo, nT Ctf Eta 1 IX Ma's, 87 FOURTH STREET, A Imp alsortmist. 'Mph will amid at • ray poi wAuctkil twat late arleaa. A. D. a A.I.IIICALLIIII. BARGAINS IN S 0 El 13,. _ To door orit oar procat Eta*, at. .Ricaeliand's auction House, sag 85 VMS BMW- pENEEIONS, BOUNTY, BMX PAT 8 O. XACILINIZZ, letordpat•Less ad Glake Aged, No.llll o.lllllETlttlff.littst Ni. 021bietketsIfinanspesd ftasestorthe Freaseeta eoranuterMAW o 4 - mitered:. suss somintAtos all*Mena PIM UM. est tfal Mee ted.liohilant DOM WM sof =MO= foe Wiese; Para% MAN Clideltea, Biafra ead Mai,' or akar lonal ape astatine of Ws idia ben Wad te aiiii•oilleh lune died after daelaip Iva dime amtto olad onto ems •• Wet ISt le smimmoil melons memo 1. %Mr./ pRNBI9I4B, BOUNTY & BACK PAT JrAL22I2 tea r,- ezalutaL CLAIMI3I'. Ep.,101 Mk M. Alrd door him Os &ark& An frolomiqd BakThWorbo L.,:ea.e.mw otan• tan or Dual HMG% Amanda/ to OW BOVIDti rod OW/Am All eddies who: two sr rnd tire na2 . AtLaloo intlSAid WO* InDO OW= by Yuma al Aliire.sre . 0101161 , , wltqa.l nolirliTklows el Beldam who AID or to no wilco en =WWI -to plod= DAD OA : OD Oneeze WI/ AI (Mg &Bertram. idliArl* •IW O to ...no meg mode tnety otw, saw is coneab.4. , • , hiklinnt•ls • ISAIW CHUG • . . . • . ovum. ;kw 'ULU'. , ALLseatift. crtr. , • du it d napirad 111111108118 stack id tisammosove A sa ND MOTTO nasur winnow :maids story. zawetse,, ntramits. awe,. SPOUTING; ziants,l64ro da tq• ' He win CU ode id ,dat iL9tEntriEE:idni. pumper:ha col al Eir rum • - • ' - Dr-Parioas 'runs, LOME CIF Pr PON 1.11 pre sank:duly Jollied le arautue:ids UNE. dice op nada atrial. wear Epidural. ' audiktr - „ A/WARGO% MAIM'S !if91,31014- must wrap • • boa= 4 : 4 *; 4 o4nestineauf MARBLE' MANTE L'S, ffionaments sztd Orate Stout 1145; =RIM halm - . TOM' ir4Jrrs. &gore • - Api:aok wit ,$l4 suiltarbi iNV rlrtert:lPtittrA g eo, 1 - 1 - 11" 4 ,7:10 . --- WANIBD. 13 " 08 p 4 / 1 410 hung c. 041246 . 1 . 4 .44 21 ****; • antkfirßallTeNatlaw. PARK:WANTILik.-41rAirm' ow say 0144 tottnnd Ittow. row tar walla tort SU tor am! wotottw two Who tibotaatamta. Ironat batattlWantaaattewithltoodboittlammd ctlaptlaptcwantata.aottitoPotwArla toVio owl% *AO °rim :An pout latttn nob a tana,msw Wad I , autr Ws addrratag IS OltittlttZ tr rUftlivak PIO wain pa& WOO about 'at soth, ttoe. waskase ol acras, ftwoluyalp,ll:ft:l!,eta. NSW ear woove. N EW GOODS! NEW GOODS We tats Oman la fabliau car coalmen and deem AM Ira an ao• r.ov!•lag a large sal com plot. aotortsort of FAX3LIG-OODS, rarnbalad dhatt tom no Impalan and enann'an tarns. Intar asscrtment 1111 ba bud lIILLINUT poop/; DRIED TRIMMINGS AND DDITO9B; GITIO.II.II2!XILIKIffit .401110014411,1 ocUsia Ali Ulll3 likTil. Black and Wand SOMA S iplapip lat 1141141.011 AL /HID BOOT BEI7III 86A1D3 AND TAN= ; DEAD-DRESIMI AISD BZT3 GEM GOON LLD= CaLILD22IIIIIIIIIDIN GABICIUM Aad • tall Ilns of Notions, width .111 to dlipccal of - Lowest Cail'e Prices. WS' Who Urals Doh* 11111rnetair, haler* axid Brien siatl4 to sotto asmlas. JOSEPIII HORNE & CO, U.. TV MID 111 ILASICIT 1111111117. al BABGALNS No. 78 Market Street. The attaritlonof Iltorobaatt sad Satan DitaUts of the et* sad otastry, II topoolidly Maul to oar stock of 011.01 M zeissonmarziouenoas. lIIKINDSXSIIIII /lAD BIM antsre. 00L5111. , • •Ingiairr.idLe. And tto thousand sad ass articles in oar Ilan. , Vo solidi aoall iron rearat cour.bWmweattalWarlman aanklugabul to Oa oat, mad pikes of Gar lima. mu:mm.4 aunt • I!,3lmilan annum leatwipei !earth slag wed toliaM.4L, H OUSEHOLD GOWN LOD DOZOTTICIL I•7' 311 '97 .GOODS, • TOLL BUTPLT or 11W GOODS OTOSING DAMT. tri to ban ta t=t o l is harok rallST lSld aoatla t; rush* huh Goods tor mai= - : Cloaks and Mantles. Ow beta All - 00MITOT moscampre.tiotig en' Cadi. win doyen to fa daboour Lick Goa% ant Ta Was total. AVM ludo. sure IPI1I? GREAT BARGAINS . SS I X.. 3rt. 19 - L •r . BARKE'R'S 7 BARKER'S' .9 59 ILIII9IIIO STREW., • SEDINAIO2I" OF 50 Frizi lAl4= + 6 Pijoi* z - . :ALL NEW 'MEM AUSIMIti.. 12ie. , Per Yard. • i• 16115.13iMionnerr Snail JIMULTAiIIin*ECIIIVriteRai! flllllo3lßigaliak - • 1 ciii• 11MaBLIN 13W1111 1111141:1 !Wit r wU6 a *Weil iiintant Ot 14 0 11 . 12 "Ndall4 4 15 k at - MONK isEIVIDIFE;,' te;Zdr~iilT is': t - • ,:ibt.marayth _N=W 6OODBI - , • - L- • - lIRDpOIP PRIAM Jam; ittimuizicauxi caaw D 7 --- (3iO O D s , jani;_s 04041,66.. 1111,4D-A111)-11031r TAININLIdGe; "LEE terns sirtsrtlla laitik ;, n, t PAllllll lo Vain itp zi mio.... 7c , iILTO/it awsunic ilea; sin sk.n ago iond;„ ~~4~' . entaxm- SECOND ARRIVAL NEW FALL... COODat J. M. Burchfield's. ISWir PASO! SILIP; • IMAM ZIGMUID MUM PLLt 8LAC8.1317) COLORED *flak rEBVPIg inaNOS,•aloaq 111.11ATHESS, a POW Mb; PLAID' inlllllllllll4 1161131tED 110138 Di 1.11.111110; Plain( courrittimax ir&Noir 8111113M60 A Ail addicts:2l d ,;"•.• NM ABD BEAVIIPIWfIiOODEI Jut recent Odl sopa il o ct WC • - COUNTSV : ItEIiCgIAT3 WILL j BIND AT B A lid' Ir. 333 - Ariti. 59 Xceiket Street - • ,---,-,.- Jui•wagiriwft ujiminnuNG TEMIII STOOL Lain LOWEST EASTERN CASH PRICEB, HAIR .NETS !ND READIMBSSEP; Bolt arofixtent orivvizum, BIM IsaalD HBHj CIEDISILL.II,IIIBIIO/1 JI TEAM "Kamm , reethed sad sold ulialsoilik jag wan 1:1 num, rums a c 0. .- . .wo ITTLtlelnie REOEIVED—AnCIotot tr Blab iIiALTILU 161011VOLLAILIV-, A trodsliglatilatas. ImitiV Ph:U=4 POOP naitnig tepee Matta to 114 OD. Sams, auLamt a ax., _ - rearm% tams - RELIB -- AND BELT . 4 alokolot dirNINITINka _INELND BOLT mom_ Aracmc...anstuxicoLost ALL BILK BibRIEN, !Tavel byexpgaiital! "ay 8599 Ha . xavoii• itrustst All EtN3'LEMENtiBINE SHIP": vr. sem OCILLA.I2IIIID. ULU'. Rai Alibittrlt ules aprsof am !lasts! rIAVALLIte 12011, awn= awo. 5d ii mkt' leak; JEDVC427IAirAM. prrr4Buaaa BIDEILLB 9tTLLIOIL RSV. 1. O. Pillti9lliO, D. D., ramosmr.. ;air ausTAINZD Ozzsaif jH Tint win. Mr twa et itts PI!~ • Sims% win oosituara oft 1 1 0/20.1i ZUBIUTO. Aft A Iltrgatad Mt* remit, of shotano smokes am tool omPlaYatt. eta ortaasixtunts Mat AZ tL..n commoiatloit- 4g. oat Itcaossol sombre Dosing thommtbn. Important sank= two boo me l l ir rat the Oolro asowimitaaant=alom id bon. Nam = t ilos b ea.mptged to itholootne. Om In hem* and Cltroatn: - Paptts noolll4 frON, togukr Oolt dosto. at .. 01msarc.antal dotottatoots.. • • A •NOWLILL CLASS WEI be ltoasti it Or =tato • - - 'TELSGRAPUIZifii-;" . _ • romDJLL&IIB pi? tarn 17 0 7. tAt WPM , b as boarding Crotined, excess vt•t=hai. Had to Proablut Mt SHERIF kit • szel&r. 7i. • 1 11140:13. Prot‘Ttosttra. PEI N 3 SY LV AN I A ASILIVIeBY Azontr. AT NM CRDPIRS • ad Derdas Ordy.)—Ths duof lids Arena_ I. resumed cm TRUBsDAY. Irptember ZS.- pleo *l ivens nentlesen compose tholkord d Trustier: Hoe UREA APPL E. Prodded. 0 Met. W . APPLE. ytc• Portant. W. I. BARBI% Peg, Perfttorp. JAM!! R. ORM in, Treader. En. Thos. re stos D. D. Jima. L. Clagborn, l aw, Bar. T. Itedned, 4. ik, Choate D. Dummy Rom.entakt Pborpoon, P.-Rom% --. Ron. Chartse_kettstit, ' " Pm. L. rpringc: Hon. Jobs =man, - nur.-L:Sormu s .....- Rau W . 2. Lohman. ". Magma Ka. , CU. Wm Bill Iraddsd, _ LD. Penner, les.li: Tawaserd.-- - -, theadom Rpm, Ms steintorms *and te *be depattunest el • ndittrzy Wadden are osarad set/ toeless 17,,irxPote,.. dam lladado itsff is emnpantiol thcemplar aimpotedlentructots Thordnistked or Deportmenteinem =tree PrlnarliOdkrido sod !cI. aino . - - -,. - ' . ' • Costal Addidtlod is Id to lb* mad torlavelka tbs adds. duly be bad of JOHN town. Ea ViN Liberty Etna, Ous. THEO. tirdl7'. larot . , 1141,a01' SCHOOL, I B. imam. a. aL, Tt Do. 101 "ism arazitz nmEnsrldisr4, •SY.ticiumir tO *psis italoot &hoot te the lap shy tool= ea the mond Illoor of to 111 Non street, ou thO 71:115TNIMDAlt OP 1511111 L am, ma. LI", Oink (ook Prow* sad fila• gm sill to taught, orbits so polar WU beWag is u Im import to *s m au pitSlist thorough huuntotiou rifts suil alMWltattati.- Xx.a. promo to ltudt ths atiosistr. orpowk qua ha nay hos the botior opportunity's: prayer sum! and totollootug catio, awl s i lt 3 Z - - num= readout of Firs Mouth& lion:tut 411• Mot. to be pail dubs tits ihst tt reboot goon non II m. tofro _ Ord 160 17th Lod. ltr. aq-bo. 0 1 111.4011 tt.ttot [oboe' Zoom; doting the &bon, Don* _DRNN.IIIBII. TUT& pro.HairGoas az. salikreir eta unincsignad ben ban to Llama their Insudt sad tla midi° ginartildtbcirbsca *also/ Ist. pas bascsolp tba pupa of conducting tin am lattintlica. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers