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'•'',•'•*'!“•*•::: 1 -, i , .':'..: 7- 1•!•: • •: ''.s l". 1 ' .: - . k .: ,. . ^ . - ...:;* ` '' t %:.`. :,.....‘:;: ...:, 1 .....1.':. •.: 'il.,: ..'" 1 t '.::: •-••::: " . 1` . ... ~., 1:. , . . ,•''',.. ~ ..,0 • 11 . 4_ 4 , .:0 :: ~J l ..n~i' ♦ y y .. .. ~'V.i~~ MEM l'ii - .. 7 ;: , .: - •.:1-....:' . .f.! ..: „:....-.....%!...::: 1" :4: x.4'l' ' _ .: }'. , • 1 1 4- ;„;; • . 1 •:' • - -• • i • 1.4 • : .t.:4: -...t-4:.i71 , ••••5". %. .J.-t`""".t. • • 1‘ ' ;? ; .": *%`:".• ;"' L . :** • ' •-•••• • - 'i;;;:•• _ •••- ......, • .\\` a~' `~ ,;. Vittsburgh tonzettg. BAIIiEWAY ' DIOI3BING, AUG. 29 aloft State Ticket. TOE Go1131IIX011: 13121DIMTIN; or Centre: roe JUO3ILOFII3; SOFIIIIIIII COVET : DANIEL ifiGN'W.'of Beaver. Vistas Comity Tiokek. rot hoodoo 1.4. of A. L* awe /1081:11 gLMPTO& - • Pr ,forobb. I. JO= F. MAIL a. ALVARD SLACIL. at anis L RIBBON. re. WS. R. DISIMITO3I. THINE, J. ST.OHANI. For Ctorh . dijf aro. WK. A. /13811031. 'DAVID AMU, Jo. tor Roordir. MOW= Wm. - J. MORAIDSON. Pm' &Ink Coorionoro. OLOWIM SAilathot _ Jbr 13,04 ar- ed IY; boor. JOUR V. Resistance to the Drat'. Car attention has drawn td the , . violent and inundlay l anguage of the se oeuion organ atJoitruttown, Cambria coun t', grid we can indorse - cordially ,the sentiment of a . cotamporary, that Its eon. tinned tole'ration is evidence of a neglect of duty on the part of the United States diens in the Distriet. There Is nothing in the way 4! treason or falsehood, either in Charleston or Richmond, that can go ber'. yond it , and nothing is more certain than that the newspaper editor, any where with in the dominions of Jur Davie, who would indulge in the sure license in relation to . that Goverment, would be strung up with out Judge or Jury, at the first convenient lamp post. We doubt Indeed whether there are many communities in the Northern States, that would be patient enotigh to tolerate such open and shameless treason. The law, however, if properly adminis tered, as it ought to be, is amply eutholent to repress and punish such utterances. And it is the interest of the soldier, and the nation both, to see that it is dong. The purpose is, of course, to cripple the Gov ernment, by inducing the drafted men to resist or desert, and the poor deluded vic tim is probably shot for taking the advice, while the scoundrel who teaches him to hate hie government and conspire; for Its destruction, is suffered to escape unharmed. Thiel should not be. It would be jut. as wive and humane to let loose a rabid dog upon the„streeta, and allow him to run at pleasure, and. poison with his saliva a whole community. There is no use in shooting rebels , or arresting brigands like MONZA; who invade the free States, if such fellows are allowed to go unpunished, and unchecked at home. We think it is about time that the District Attorney was looking aftty them. If they are ambitious to wear a martyr's crown, with a view to a copperhead nomination at some future day, we would not balk them by a con temptuous indifference. The sting of the smallest insect may poison the whole sys tem, when it is in a high state of inflam mation. Let them have the crown and wear it, if they think it will help .them. Better this, than wait until the offence cul minates In open and violent resistance, to be expiated in the blood of some of these unfortunate victims. The Lawrence Massacre. ne details of this horrible maeareresch , the public, lie amity and brutality , take new dimensions. There is nothing like it in the history of civilised warfare forages. Oa this continent it is:paralleled only in the Spanish end the Indian ware. It is another proof of the utter barbarism of slavery, which has fully blossomed ant in this hideous crime. Only men trainedto negro whipping and negro burning; cc customed to the deep bay of the bloodhound, as he folloWed his panting prey; familiar with the cruelties and faocities incident to this modern patriarchal state, which abro gates and denies all rights to Its subjects— only such men wane capable of an enor mity /the this. For they have had the dis cipline of • sort of spurious Christianity, and the training of a bogus Democracy, from which something ' ,better than utter • lIIITIVIZIOLIC might be expected- Every dogma and teaching of either have, how- ' • . ever, been tainted and infected with the essentially baleful spirit that pervades the whole moral and social fabrio of which slavery forme a part. Hence blood-thirsti nese 15 natural to these men, and hatred of abolitionism and contempt for free labor easily paves Our way, for the insensate fury with which all who do not accept their views are visited. In this raid of the fiend Quantrell and' hie essocistes, two hundred unresisting men were massacred in the .darkases of the nistt ; two hundred bonne were given to the dames; a hundred women were wid owed, and nearly three hundred children were left false:leen The a chlialri "of the elaveltolder' spared women and chil dren. It fired the house in which was known to be a "negro brat*" that Was "burned black as the-hear eof its murder er." Through the - twining armi•.`.of wife aid sister, it sought room for 311 deadly weapon and pistolled a WoUnded man whose life was tested by theiears . of we • ; Ina. It gave to the flames, a town whomi only fault was, that in a region of dark ness, it, shone as a beacon light of civilisa tion and as a proof of the progress and prosperity of free society. ',serenee was a standing rebuke to an effete slave system to which its devotees cling with, fanatic despair. It was • living evidence of the superior value of " =Weill labor. •Ii was the education, refinement, good morals and social comfort of New England, pro- Jeated against the Gotbthism of Western Missouri and the grossness of an old so clay, which wee_dally plunging deeper Into the mire of barbarism..- Bo Lawrence, persecuted in its infancy, huled by slav ery propagandists from its very founda tion, must fall, in order that slavery and hivelry might reap the honor of this field of blood. - But the avenger is on the war path. Qeantreil's men are followed to the 'death. No prisoners are taken. The Cruel doom they forted upon the innocent inbabitante of a peaceful town, teaseled ant to them ae • simple measure of inadequate Janice. They &serve no place to live. They have forfeited all right toexistena, and therm suer will but do hie duty in h=tieg them down to the last man. ThisLawrencentee- Isere as a proof of the demonise character of slavery, evim•in its decay, will antra** the world In , the true nature and fendeney of the oysters on which , the . ..idaveholdarte rebellionL blued, and ; wldely - its advocates annoonce, is to receive a new late of life anda sew instalment or tharenette. has been always brutal, and ever since it h i g pager In this republic, Ii :has -grown more anal, exhibiting more often its horrid deformity end exposing the tyranni cal and exacting nature of th e supremacy for which itirth **desperately aindag. Tedlarilm. been drafted and accepted in the 2d inetrict.of Maine. •-• The Habeas Corpaa•-Jartsdictton of orate Courts • -We took occasion, in announcing a few days' ago, the discharge by 'Judge Lowatr, of a drafted soldier, from the custody of the Provosejdarehal, to complain of the failure to plead hie want ofJuriedlotion in the pre raises. The answer was that the Instructions only extended to deserters, or other crimi nals, and that it had been the custom to admit the . cognisance of the State Courts, as in the cues of minors, &o. To this we replied that times were changed, and thsathe Judge was a copper head candidata for re-election, who had re commended himself by, disfranchising the 'tidier, and punishing the agents of what he called siartripra Government, for arrest ing . suspected traitors, and that without recollecting prechiely what was decided in the Batik - ease, we theught its principle extended to - all oases where the party was in. the custody of the officers of the General Government, acting under its authority., We read now . that tide - - very point has been settled in the - Supreme Court of, the 7th Judicial District of New York, where • loyal Judge refused to take cognisance of a party alleged to be a minor, under eigh teen years of age, on the ground that the return of an enlistment showed a prima facia case of legal custody, which Gould not be controverted before a State Coup; and ruled that the case was covered by the principles enunciated in Ableman vs. Booth, .‘although arising," as he remarked, "upon a widely different state of facts," and that the Jurisdiction of the State Court "was scan end as soon as it appeared that the prisoner mai in Oa custody of a United States officer." He cites, also, a recent de cision in the Supreme Court 21 Michigan to the same effect. We subjoin Ltd* or tour extracts from the opinion in this ease to, show preolsely why it was that we felt called upon to pro test against the waiver of • eel:tad and tali objemlon,,as we thought, before ouch a Judge as Low= : “The doctrine averted In this cam of rib*. WIZ Ti. 'South be anomie.% to the maintenance or the . national. atitkatti. CalatUlli In. time of tear. -- 40 ihnorommat wino mechtant and anutlw !to point* In thou fod rigor worn sots could be oontrotle4 by tholtuarlary of amber serrareignty, or by &Jo dunmy owing ize author.* and appointment to so other Goreromoot. Memory act of the General Got tramant affecting the personal liberty of the citizen 'ban be orethantal upon bobcas ootpoe by ;he ledges 'of,be State Comm, inealeatabie etotereeentotte sod ml.chtef would be the intreitsb a Muir.” Still more pointedly and forcibly ho ar gues: **The 'resent condition of thin country ilitutzet.• much more than to time a pm.. the untartmce and necessity if this domino, b enable the Cloretturn; properly to porter, its Meth [auctions. - in many I-- milli:4 in this century made from the Meta mulch Mee prefesmilly renew:col the tuationat authority, It ts nonwhite Mat there are some swathes:es ed person* in *empathy with the anemia of the country, who areoppotred to Mt war, and who mince.. spirit of Smutty to the amernment by hindering Gullet mamma releutecrinr—by enticing enlisted hunt° deter.--by accreting deserters cod tea/flog by fore* their wrist and return so th e army, sod 121 !Impost taw to the dram, and In maims other modeo &dom ing the operations of toe Government to conducting the war. It would be mrprielug 11 such moo coo d not dud sum convenient Judgwho would fame writs of balms corpus, and by this moots. discharge sit Demons erotight before him. on Os µmud that the tans of t mitre= authuriolog sultan:L.4m or the draft and the arrest of cle.ertas, siod iitoimps the war Itself, were unotrostimitional, and tittle gi,to color if taw toilet, dlsteyal act. and p . romeetirige, 4 The practical consequence:of: luterfer e unto by bUtto Courts, .and of protracted jadicial proeeedings in reference to the • mustering of national forces, are thus clear ly stated: * 4 The proceedings upon Mb.* comm ate sum. 1:1140. Upon to. decision of the Jadgeententaheing them Pr. o .4ings, lilt be Mot t h e prisoner t mime. tally *rosined of hie liberty. it would to ordered mat he be disrmarged/r.m each hoprimnment. By this process the army might be 4141 MM by deser tion. and the deserters discharged by habeas corpoa. PnentedLige to roe..* curb slociafou would be quite Idle and melees for aft ps act/cal porpotee; for , In Me ordinary mune of Judicial proo.edlogs meowed years would elopes before the CY. maid reach the Swaim tkturt of the United Mates for mole., and a teemed of the mcsams Million of the Judge even by the Supreme Comm of the Stets, timid not be had in time to prevent the selmbieL -• As trio paint is two directly ink* and iho ofd. urn of the assent Government baring the prisoners la cannery refute to produce than in obulance to t h e welt under thatniCitagui from lb. United Matte au. thOritift. Gene la no other mane bat to Manias Gnu prom.dloµ not iS It wore doubtful, whether the Morns in these cues wore sufficient to coot me of fuciedlotlon, so sub durbdietion amid lady be ... gaud by procudinga voich would involve congint Idottnen the flute and National Govonunects, I ahOtad 00 Vat., anatilltag, and should hardly think it my duty la atyat. sun proceedings at a alum of iamb great national pant, and when to. Government ocestance With n gtputtin solatiffeck nil •Chr.e.d2 must be dialed and ttioproceedlap dismbeed." War Democrats la—Wiscoasin The action of the late Copperhead State Convention in Wisconsin was too much for the War Democrats, and the latter have La med a call for a Convention, to ba held at Janesville on the 17th of September. Re ferring to 'the Copperhead Convention, the address says: "We have no comment to make upon the ticket, but it is utterly impossible ter War Democrats to acquiesce in the pernicious doctrines, the vindictive, jealous and lan ' gold patriotism displayed by this platform, or to approve of Its Idle= on the duties and necessities of the boar. We cannot sanction its heresies, net are we willing that the glorious party of Jefferson and Jackson, that party to whose guidance the destinies of our country have so often been etifely confided, should piss into the con trol of this arrogant and disloyal faction. Under these circumstances the duties and true position of the loyal Democracy seems plain and *liar, and that Is to Wm action At once to organize areal and sound Dein ix:rad:party, which shallbe unflinching in principle, loyal in practice, true and free in speech, and devoted to the Goverment, however and by whomsoever administered; hgainat all foes, open or concealed, at home or abroad, In the North or In the Emile ; The calls eignial by over fifty of the !Ovens supporters of the Democratic party, inzah ea M. FL Carpenter, Judge Hubbell, J. B. Arnold (formerly Demopyntio candidate for Colgan), Judge IleArthur, Byron KU bourn, Col. G. B. Waller (one of the pioneers of Wisconsin), 0. Brodhead, Col. Bobismon, 'of the Gretna Bay Advocate, CoL B. &Bragg, and otnere eqtually well known. . TeL Itzunizon re Blnsocaz.--Corgress man Casey, luta reached Washington from Vicksburg, whore he has spent some time. He says the rebellion is thorotighly need np on the Miselasippi river, especially in the State of Mississippi. Things in Vioks burg commence to move slang as usual again. Many of the citizens of the pi be And surrounding country still draw their rations from our army. Several who were but two years ago among the wealthiest in that section now appear daily, with that little demand for enough to keep body and eon' together. Thalami they spurned at, Net in pity feeds them. They cannot for get the terrible lesson. . Taxan are, or were recently, two fami lies living In one house in .Lynn, one of Which was named Yell, and the other &ream Their next neighbor was named Pail Mr. Noyes lived in the next street Notwithstanding this, it bleed tobto s very quiet neighberhood7 COUPLE were recently parried at Lynn, whose united ages irere,lB2 years. The blushing bride had passed her 74th innimer, while tho snows of 78 winters rested upon khebridegroosa's youthful brow. He had, otito;aiul. the bride twice, before' intend into the =ship obligations. 4 " — . ... . • , • . ,_. , . , -, . . V 2dirioxl siimit ba Nib priced in Nulrvilla. The /Mos gays gat if . lou give a &oasis "gressi,tiack,". is will - 'Blve • you a paw maul tack. W.l 6-gf-v'-t:'-WiWf'V-P 4s t-:'-t"--O-4V r :IT -I 'a - ;VZ-TrY - T.'i' - ': -3- -':'X - "l'q -1 !F.'.f., ,- Z.l . ?:t. 4 n.fTnj 7 ; - i'r?; , r.- 3 'r' l 7;S*t:7-S' - -' , v - '-' -, Y- ,,, ,-- , ,- ._.,..„_,,,.„,.,, __,,„...,....,,,,,,.-.--, -,,,----- -- • . l' - . . - ' . The Londe. Times OS Uglily. I In an article on the dierieltien,towarde unity in Germany, the louden 21cies hae the following: The oldest group of Suttee in the world is now impelled to extraordinary action by the very name yearnings and paasione which are convulsing tinfoonntryof Wash ington and Franklin. The Feder&ls are bent upon maintaining pollticatuniorq the Germans upon recovering political unity. What Germany has been for ages, that the American Republic might be expected to become in the event of Southern placates or Northern failure. We should see a Prus sia on the Hudson, and an Austria on the Mississippi, with Messes and Manovere perhaps in the Northwest and Badens in the South. The result would be prates, the same . loss of publio strength which Ger many has long experienced. All the na tional power iroulit be consumed at home. For external iaction the resources of the Continent would be next to useless. One of the divisions wooldocanterbslanonano ther, until the eitiolenoy of the wholel'irould be neutralised, and nutted action would be almoet u lii possible in Akinrica As it Is found to Win Germany. • For two years pan the Timer has over and over_ again "demonstrated" that the American Union was too large, that it ought to be divided for?the benefit of ail its notions. Now it acknowledges that such division would be the sulf-destruction of the national power and the utter iroposei- Why of accomplishing any external ac tion. This alone is a good , reason for the hostility of the Timor to the Union, and for a willingness on the part of England to see this country broken up. "Lornaza!" of 'yr?. Weekly, Bays: "The letter of Jemes Bachman to Jefferson Diehl, dated March 18, 1850, and lately made public, is • striking illustration of the servile obsequiousness of the Northern political allies of Atte slaveholders who governed this country untiltwo years ago. The cringing, fawning, supplicating, slim eting, slobbering tone of this letter is that of an eastern addrearinga despot. Itmakes the disdain of the master respectable. How could Jefferson Davis and his fellowaon 'Orators pcosiblysenuscie themselyes that • country, which, at their bidd ing, could elect. as President such a craven tool as they knew Buchanan to be; would even try to resist the fate which they, with his con nivance, had prepared for the country I The sole aim of this man was to propitiate the elaveholding class. His only desire was to iinpreif • scornful Southern leader with the arnylotion that he was "more Southern than the South." He knew no country but "the South." He knew noth ing to be served but slavery. He was grateful if he might pander to it, and he thanked his muters humbly for the wages of a PLP- "Don't chastise me," ha cries, "I have always worked for you; I went to Congress in December, 1821, sad I have always done more for you than any other man. To be sure, when I wet very young I was once so excited as not to be reepta -Bible, and I did happen to be put upon s committee to do something that was hon orable. Bat I humbly beg your pardon. On my knees I swear to you I didn't mean it. Cameron is a scamp for betraying me. Just see how consistently base I have been ever since! Please honor me by reading, the speech I send, which, being utterly mean, wholly pleases me.' And what Bu- Chanan said in 1860 the Copperheads say now, in the same spirit, and for the same purpose. This was the man who succeeded Franklin Pierce as President. After the two, civil war or national death was Tau Lancaster (Pa.) inquirer says that the "Democratic" Central Club of the city and county of Lancaster' ought to held a special meeting to zee* old Noah Webster out of the party, for hie definition of the word Democrat. The other day, it tells. us, an old Woodwardite naked hie son, who is a rising genius, to tell him what the word Democrat means. The young hopeful got his Webster and gave the following: .Draloczar—a: One who adheres to a government by the people, or favors the eztession of soffrago to all dams a/ men." "Hold on, John! does It say all classes of men?" •Yea sir." "Who's the maker of that dictionary ?" "Noah Webster." "Oh, the blasted old Abcdhthener. I al ways thoughthe was favoring the stigma." Psitsossr..—The N. Y. Mars, of Thom. day, says: Sir Henry Holland, the eminent London physician, who arrived yesterday in the Persia, will receive a cordial welcome from his numerous and attached Mends in Ainerke. Sir Henry remains with us =ill the 80th or September. He goes to New- port tomorrow to visit Mr. Bancroft and other friends, and from thence to Boston. RELIGIOUS JroricEs. WELDER T. C. idoKNEVER, of Pleastat win pesSoli he the BOOTH 00111106 a. P. MUM% TO.HOBBOW AVMs. DA et I p. tn. The publle eze ecattally invited. •otpde hELDBR D. B—BURNETT. d cultism old mach entD.CONGBZQATIOE 07 DISOP.LTS. (=Wagm 11X0318108 HILL. An 0011217 aAy o ) T04101130W. (kora Diky) at 10% m.. Alm liars JAW DAMUI at 735 p. L. T. •us • I. bmitod swath ITHE FIRST CONGREGATION Of DISOIPLUS. ,ot rittotoulbonsol Ma- ANAT. In tho ismiertir cousin - BUILDING, coml. ot Pam oat Ot t Oh& stnoto. lambing WWI DAY—ltotabs sod Mirolog.-41tho oroi4 boom &gods? boboolas 9% o'clock p. 134 Prayer tlesting miry INZDJSZ.Wia it IMMO. Ms poles an, forpoOttaty terttd. . CANDIDATES. F 0 Ii EIFISRUJIP.—Ibarwr H. wv, Lan% of litathsbarg, will b. I coadleato Elm= =blot to the eoliths of no noolostbit We o r Onionnion. width otht non on Sthodin. embus. :awnotto. F 0 R F . F.—kagre gaiik us? , WTI bee uctablatsior tbs above atlas, sub. pat to the tlandas tbs Milos Monti Osttsottat. PUBLIC drorievi. 1 1 - ,. ? N. 11. L. Foy= WOUNI. GMT mote Tan (MO ) 1 . 0. /given pumal. napiattally reponad tosttand, nit tell ii - kt)ENTß,ith UNION LEAGUE will 'Mr meet at Wale' Ilen e TUIS IVUINHiI, et I tethlh• clichely. hapetatt wands eta sow belle the Leaps a fah attic/m.... a swa b = tequeeted. arost of Qs Pasiddint. sattftite.• r.,PAYriC.B.—Prersaintaa Gram m° Alsoatetem—ntse iambus detains the MVO,BOsnIaI sPrIIIISIOSAOO4 it the swoop. tin its hereby notatd to wake good their del= to the etezeitarylrbni tnellitiT•tif SZETZIE 0 Ott, at ery will foetid tor the What Of thiehrtect.tten:' 13, seraa the Dosed ot Kenner& stated JoHit ViltLikEseettet7. treATTENTION 1 COLORS'D'VEN: chino sintollailith Mined tioa of Einsbanti and tbo anatrflO tol• oaten la llnflod tilota make. to ifflo Wu • to the WON fa Lftan• owl th e Union. .• Tho room Sri sada all Soll. idiom all ao. lrafollt halte d to all end tar Oa likomitiva, a eha niloallar mill to Sand an noir . to lira 01l folonoitloo. Como alp also .fillr: sod folkow mania of thin atto Sioillil at; fon Echoer. Rd. ILL~w'a tad Oallost wataar. . • en& son. IL tilltatatt3B. vanillin Mon kr Woolint2o, Ohio. oalo2, °laps as Vogt= 7iOnannitallol Plttaborst4 Mar it9tl4 INS to NOT/CE Id =IRBY GWEN ib• Dubiattuas to Ulle 'Stout at the Wed. orn IflunPonadan *Wan aoromanant Of ifir2 D on sa maul has Lem WWI upon tho moot pueblo at Ow °On of the ifonaanur SI oa at Won LIU at Jcua ma • Mimosa' j s . non thafooder, vatlistbandse wiped • T fula/ oftna Board • Won A - . J. araimirit.iaeritan. X ll r 4,olriutrzsgausaii% itirBLODBON WANTE Int Dray, umusin.—i iktse mina basis l6 11% wasted Nu • Mill OLIN& tit the IVILIIW searipragghtudefoi, WV: .1). L. eazrnis mum" rzw .; DUNCIANI 4 IfERIAN MS flight ...Basco 14. thepa BankOnscrAct owl light UWE* every inartilst temp i„ a.rm.br. Tram.. Ewitzerland awl Italy vr rsb i n..... t e " 0b....e1,. by W H WILLI &WI a 1 , ". saw Wood stmt. :tom. Oyu PAWED. DWELLINGS-1650 1 -9 linlyurchagi sir ? story Dwelling tloossi and kit of stsietid; 40 hit fermt ty tcr ditp valet Er cove la kilobit/61mke am. cog talk" ato, ttell p waged. mut In goad *Mfr. Fosse slot at 'host or tfite. Ne, Faystla and Filled ousels. . . • lAD HI WAtbary *OW tsr.4tary B let Dela: kg( Roue, emit". and molar. $3 an 4 P. frTIVIBIIIaT t ROB., 61 le etehei et COUNTRY PRAT FOR BALX—Von wain Ia eoaso aB Dada. canyon •r, ',blob an. otactod a two efrOttv DW !NO. BARIic'OCITHOILVIRGA, to, with AA ( " .1..d 01 ' .0bolo• satard. fad filtrated mPe• float Oa city, la Soon townahlp, war ty, Ofalol'a Catirett /f ofrerod at a Tpptu. Apply t o sat B BoLalti CUNARD LINK.— team from tau rp , vl aRtl greorAtcTo. IV!. to ¢o d. , It Noir aboht la OW tePrOPS Ham Twit SA ID cc rim. &I •• • • eat. !, pp!, Co 1 lit)H. IL iTI /0•11, =TM ndartMal Qv tanstramura Drina, Dortar-43 and 224 atmeta, WWlLogton, D. C., Avgit,t 13th, pljEttilo meLit. OF CONDOINE) L ANI Id ALB .111 take place at the &m.l, arty the Ohtornto7. In this op, cm lb. lay an ANL Zan WZDNID3IIB3B OP tEPTEDIBS 1F63, th• itcl. 16th and 30th dada of tits m onto. The pr party it oortlerar•l as 0061 for pabllo arnica. Data to ortritornea at lu• circa s. tn. of ..:13 and ho mationad from day to day aotll the aanber .0 heed &hall he told. Tenn. ealtit to On term:lmm Pond.. O. H TOktPHlbit, aa9ettor3o eaor. and A. Q D 8 • SALE OF ETEEAMBOATS D wat larriaatiramena Orrice. I Mahal* Ti..., is, lists. J 1 will all to the hith,at bidder, for cub, the fol lowing elaunteara waited In the Ormberbend viva with atiohhave7 end rther apyoranatars, ea they lay In the titer iT c• 11 all -.W. B. 81- DILL,. mar head*. Efeepee iamb; (OMNI& luta .011 riaTillt, ha calla ah.ra thonln laded bide 'CIO be Hamad at Me *Ma wall 11 o'clock m . hIuNDAY. !apt iteh. NIGEL Olds will be received for each brat apse ate, and the Maul will he ail separate to the hlebea bidder. bond to the amount ei ZS pa cent. o • acialot offend for each heat, elignal ej two et eparlble oleo, be forbited in neglect or refteal of paying ate amount lid. (II the bld h araiwed,) ell eaveres • pony each hid Bids .1a D. addrmsell tothruadersigeed widened “Proyessls sor Stesaitosts " lb* tight b r.s• roil to elect say or all bDis r.tl 1/41 4 .441,0 flsot. •144 A. 11 IN. . .By order of Cot. 111 ill So OWO6sB. isoffriestlitt •. Q II Cos. .% A A. MONO NG AR ELA WAI R CO si • PART.—At • meting or the Cotfuntnosfonora co the dionompattele Wenter Company. bald almost nth. at Mc Birmingham ol anent Chamber. Jaw! aalisbnry v appointed Cbairmcn, and John P. Peon. wont re. On mottos of Mr. Chanibms, It wan redo:A.43d that think. tomb of Ike Monoomitoala Water Company 5 moopaned to realm annectiptiona to the stock of said corpany. commencing on HUMID a the said day etaagnit, tram 9 o'clock a. ro. toe obloeit p. m , conthititog open until farther Dodo at the folloajng glean: not tho office of Smile Ammoo, Itast Bleffingham; at the mike of Loire Pollan:try, lititninghami and at the Milm of Jame* 91.111cd•r. Mouth Attain:rib. acootding to the charter. on. dollar ter dove .111 be aldanaub.aridlog. aolffrai CONGRESS -HALL, CAPE MAY She pablioars !smooth"ilytnnortud that thLe enl istees Betel will unitises open moth toe soh of rep "ember. Ile railroad la nor complete tom Phila. &lints to Ibis usegsallsg watering place, ant three Indus run dirty to and nom Philadelphia. d M • nodsthig tarns for funnies et this bones inn be wide an end siter Sept. Ist. 111 WAS Si Witt attiOnlbr Pro • tnrs . MOT/CR—The partnership heretofore eibitteh. Wawa ADhEI WlLooli and JOBB WILBOO, miler the nuns of A. writes' a 00., his bees dtssotreS by its death of ADAM WIG. CON. Th. andanlgned has Male day purrhued the latmat of his haematite, trots Ma Rm. star, sad wilt eatut.as the Map sad Cerullo BulatisSet the corm/ at Anse sod Third Meets, midst the old Arm mama of A. WILSON * 00. AD parsons Indebted to die Arm are Wray requested to settle their ae. Manta. JOEN misers August 21, latil eutfaettattwlt DISSOLUTION'UF PA A'rNERSHIP. —Shepartnership heretofore safeties batman 8. OUZOCi awl E. d. WAHINE!, dole; tautness at NatalrW. ander the etyht of 'OREM • -WARM% is th is day diaotred by mantel .arseent, U. P. WAILING retiring. C. elthii 4 Is authorized to nee the name of the deem In eattlfog the bestneen 0. a8&00. II P. WAIIIIIO FARM WANTED.--A Farm of Land, on say of trio railroad Ito., not over Pi WIN from the city. and :oat cam two ram from egad= It moat begun quality soil 4 with good bolldtnp sod attar tmoroventanic and may contain from 60 toted arm, maw ar laa Arl gams iriabaci fa roll mob • farm, may find • pnrokaair by addnearley IL, Guava Offts. Pittaborgb, Pa.." omit.. W. fools., about analtry of aoli, lroatlan. number of was, Imporammals, prize, an. andl:tf JIBT RROEIVED—A LAKGE EUP PLY •Or THAI Of tatir&AVlD HOVEL isoke. (la now Att. MAN article ) Copular fa softening sad vtaltatt ta• lauDasra uirgovaal34ool:l BcillolllCa l BOOFLArtrfe GUM MI eirrimg; 8raA111.1114411 arIBEMIA. Lr the Mir; LAIIIIYB BLOOM or YoUTB; DIIABIrd Pia TATtuli BITTER& SUBOWrre 0000&1111r. fOr tha Mar; • Ara ALLEN% BUB itt810216.• DIOCBOII9 BLIOKB*RBY OA 1111111AT/V11; GOCZAtini IiZDICIAIXD 8:4 P. At QLO. A. MILLI'S GAM ?UAL Mlle Mr; Corns Ohio gad r.daa! •hsW, - In Mark.* Home. BARGAINS IS • .406.Rp 333 T 8. 3IIIIT 0831 D, AT na l Clial.lll.llXL las 87 FOURTH STREET, A Imp lownwistortilali will se sold et • was post tediusties Iron Ws prim. W. Tkik s. w o ALLIIM. WitailAill A. WARD, DENTIST, • Sartabicare Boildtos, 9d door. welt ; fotrance act Marty "rust. Oma Om, from a or. MU Op. or. In order to a proper tmdereaadlirg on tb* part of Um* "tor may oat mots aro, dm •tt my doty to &Opus soma of Uor Wiry COlLlatna la Mersa. Melt dant:Wry, trbft - 1 do not do. to Um drat 01011 /do nor eve • days !runt to ay mu. Ido 00 1 str=sata of lootra ; do ma snide. by Chet° awed, - ter tueskay teetk, to order to Indirdtartlarda:Alo wt. in say tottasoss !MT Mitmacel., thatsby candor au them 'MAW tO soma Mamma and thotr moll low thatotiti Thum sod trommour atm thlastaikkb- I won ciredity. 14, sot do. In the 4 4 9 * illtarlati amps dor Olga D. trutb. I Matttal s Untied On al PI 9 , omPotiollor harlot! Mud It UM {NOW aU 446dmat to (lair reverse Una.ama,boarmar, tortdatoo the *paramour rd tba lartho I *toot Imitate to Ulltitt , Cr a , It AN ItCt WI /malty al dlljoarror plop ad dote • mamba of *Mott thin to tha.yoart 'll.l-'M mi ad/ swing tseteasay to Oly meta taiwatat. weer I .board es , orotalarcomd NA, J U n OPKNED. NEW Be percher its& In the mow , •.;. , rlpr! , 1 the Cita. Karts% hoCeir - IR• 924. tem to BILUMILa s,D4 • •bla to air 11.03O104111001rtlibnit • gaiPets, Fjoir Oil Cloths, 4attilig. LWlth• ee.7 tine ndeette• in °Unit IVOLINTuu. & CO 144 yoe- MAT TING 3 t • Imisi airman AMilliattiti, We are rtilivalag el elm pric. • • , Wait., uneaked &Ad/Macy Matting', Es "en Ito =do! a Capon:. 51.. 111 1. OLIVER 3mm/on d Co., friLTB it WV/LLB, fiadaessortro wyi A ?as, le. lb Oa. PEACETIME. MID it DMA DU AND WWI No. £27 liberty At.„ Illtora, aa4 lio. ie. Mail amt. Aleg i Mn ow Mai sad lOU tad& LEAD PIPE, LEAD,- lIMA LEAD , - GUN HOOD.. HYDE Els, nom t .11/AISIDA - DLPAlrrif. B LTD Eliß/4 LIU? ' Ifo sad , ALIV• PIIE Plt NY. DEMI° las, ausmonaltaN 'LEDA ETA, READEITIIi la .. All wait rwattioeii. Ai*. jab. Virauguatt_ourraw WRING. dissout uationtoustercartktoktheln., I. eh. PHILLIPS, Nos. 211 =MIL Mak Unit. xair:dDrEß2tal4llllE THE BLEVILVTH AMRtAL XEEIBITIO Of TM PBANA. STATE IGRICILTUIIaI NORRISTOWN, NONTU 3' CO., Pd., Septembeir29th.and . 30th and Ootober let and 2nd lea Known is abent eerialogn MILs vest of it'll. *diploids, oa 160.1340 y 13thefror and I, ammalhis by Wheel to mgrs. Partin of dm SIAM The iptissda aro Mitially gitosted. oontoliatur 23 erne tigroundolithithe I s buildings Umpteen eisottd, toge th er with Urge amount Medd g Tie merit ft gaid - totteumint Um bat kilt Mlle troths In the BLitt The griminess us Um Marlon son of. brad hy the Ihxdsty. amounting to about Tha ggenthilligltr all grades of tattle mad 11 1 ,280, On or which an $2O each, 19 bum g.% to slb. When rumba down 20 loggia rates. Best herd not les than lb had, let prenatal'. $4B; Itrai premium. gin. Boast ke ail grad. the premium. exceed gisbil. The highest g t00;22 bailee gin and 110, andothese remain/ from VS, $lO and BS. to. Sheet. sun Bolas the prenthain range Emil 110 to $3 and $3. For Poultry there la a long tint of premiums from 113 to a each. In the following demo" moot liberal pmeiroxis are adored: rlemght.Sultrestori, Dellis; nirguits, Besplog and MIMI* Machines. thatch", Oorn atoll/ars, lior 14, Pampa, Buckets Tin Ware. Leather and lie illaaukatures, Fixtunio, Bartle Bigots's, Butter, flour. Grain ant Paseo, Vegetal:dem and also tor Domestic end Boutehold Ilaoursetting, Coal, Carpets, osolo.l *awn, Sheeting, Blanketa. - Sienthis, Shawls, Holt mood., eedie.wark, to , Bread, Ualue,Preserves, Jellies de. Lorpremiums a • otter.d rot amity variety or Trollsd Awns, The Moral Tens wiU be dbo lorgeotoner month by the Male:tont will ores cue or tee most attractive reshot** of the Exhibition. trolt.tinthea sod Wino will be oshltited In flue remusenent. The Peonsylvmds Railmod and Barrigtown B.U. road have arranged to carry 5,11.1.1 err elbibitlen to god from rattatation freiglit fro., requiring the forward height hi be prirpsid, which will, to tepid *hipper whim golds are monied to the *tattoo whence shipped. It Is hoped t, .Beet the gams with other implutent roads. .Ithoutelons et nducod rates will Lei run On ell the rmitoidx =Jra rant. tea be made et the Once, In FOrrbtown, .:ter the 4th dm, cf emitend.r. • All .bite. m.. 1 b. entered en the boobs cn or beim Toeeter even log liept. 4Dtb. Irahhltere men become members. klamber.top SLO3, tone coupm tweets, etch of whkit stn.:MK one person to the leis ono.. BI BALD ADM thaws_ 9 (MISTS. W A Litt of Premixes* end rejtilettcns can be bed by add...mins the !number', THOMAS P. KNOX, President. A. B 4011041.111, goer , .0 , 14031.15, P.. I aaB7:sl 6 euzio 8001E8, Coutolabs Sixty-eight New sad Popular Bongs, TOB sm. OKM MOW, pout•peld, on receipt of eight canto, by JRI/Li P, HUNT. Photograph Albums. The but, the tiraggatt. the ipotesi sad the obispoet In do oath at H N CIARTES DE VISITE. Flom iS) maim to 51a dozon, Dada, at AL HMV WOK/4W LAT,. PAPERS, .11 Leall SAGAIIBZ/3. at 1:7 h , TATIoNIST AbD BLINN BOONS, WAI. LETA AND POORE? BOONS,TOBTPOLION AND POWEBT INKSTANDS, .t JOHN P. HUNT'S WbaLob and estao Book, Station lavabo and seal imporiom, • ItIABONIO HALL, 11Y LEI 818Srl. vl7 LLOYD'S STEEL PLATE TELE• =APR. EXPIII2I9 1111 GAIIJIOID 2LIC AL IP' , United Matti, Canadas 4 Plew Branswink, &ILI:, 5 13Y4 FIIIT Accompanying .we main limy Is es InalsystAant !UP 011' TRU BASTalin AT&T/8, la ..cal. tan alma es barons 04 main Ksp—eins, 4 feet In &maxi done. The two Maw together dun, no We than 60 . 000 134.11.11t0LD 67LT10N13. oaly by subscription. SobscOptioa Books now open. J. W. PITTOOK, Bole Agent, OPPOSITS VSX POST ornaz. oat $lO IiEWARD.—A. reward of TEN DOLLIES, sad the ressoasble =IMO INGIIHEIP, will be paid (or the annthetudon and delleary or say Milt= at the Meadqurtere of the mend Provost Marshal, end the caste reward for say DRAITILD 11A8, not =mpg from =far, Daly, atlso fab to Tryon Oar twig bon daly ootblod. •f 9 wino ais vonteilegatbi% BAUM= OB 0f1f1391 lIMPLOIXIBST TO A DEBIRTILB, an dor Bo yonaltfoo yromatbod by act of Ooagrets of May tel. 1193. By anise of the Promot Ilforthal Goma. J. MELON FOBTIB, Prom* Kafoloa• fled Marto; Po, Bronnt Illiusbaro Moo, MI LL. 80. 90 fourth amok Pltiaboigli. 4.9.1124 ISCS. 5t41.151.4.13tv? ISAAC CRAIG, OUTLET 8/15/ 4LLIGH3NY CITY Lupo omasiorttly coi hud a lugs sad Shorocabb soasoasd stock Of DZOICING.BOST AND SOITOS PiAtZia. wispow PRAMS FUMY, LINTLIB, JOISTE, BPOUS.I2IO, LA2131, IBOa dxt, to , to. He •ill all ogdars for SAWED 6 . 111//f with promo:runs and at fair ratsa. B. B.—Paraosa 'rondo& LOBO TIMBER or POP. .LAB, arm soittoolorts lovliad to maim his stock, Mr Celle ao Ora* street, near &Wawa. ano&tt JONES' Fang, Dyeing : Estabitahment, 89 ouzo st, ALLEGMINT Cm gdr AD goods estazsted . two weeks. aallato WAGONS. OASTS, WHBELBATA. sows. siosio . Turmas, se-oceps Vand sod mods toordor Alto. MOM' MIMS CVALIN DBILIA sad BIND BOWING BAIIIOWo., (y Cut nod/tub sad chotprot Nod &minnow to ow Alp" avoid at:= AB work vorriudod. sun Karim IMIIIIIS. MhoUm, o.lliv4lV fifi BgAVEER :FM BRICK wvo roe iabi al Os ELDIRLSIOII GOAL AND LIND Wait. ilaatos Ammo; AisatemorT gly l 2lrumtlt trritaoTZD WITHoin 3 Ii take tide method of inibrmatog oar Muir awl _poblio pawing whet me are sow mewed to DX.TR•OT 74.32 D wuIIT PAID in the victim aiDaotfitry. Moe "he hams beam this touch demadad emotion may amp adds hire and give as • calk am tio sow ire hare to us tar boa thereastias tasted ail tog the put: fOta pers. itily ortablishime Ste es sad likkikorchersotor of tims operation. ito or Oestokals rum Wreak) ilattrry need. all .ams mrtmtdas murvkiem of • good and rellaoto Def duo win Eta yen to all sad coma via JAMS 3. KING D. D.h_ se. se itab Noon 0. KING, y l leitikez• alikeeld Dkolioarab. N GOON 1 RAD 0.11) Pal 0111 DESIBABUI AND came DRY GOODS had moved al 1/‘,XII; IrABOY 4 GO ilk 1111 1 1.511..., E:.1.. IN . Paw. 1300SEHOLD GOOD, NEW GOODS. L /DLL OUPPLI Of NSW GOODB OPINING we ben received • vicla of EOUB2mP• 150 GOODS said SONGLITICS, =I will mottoes to metre Grub Goods for tome time. outl/Talf ElCB9llA6TB,'bnlleg for GA. will de well to exattano one Stook Clads, ant la lengths to snit. SECOND ARRIVAL or NEW FALL GOODS,. J. M. Burchfield's. • NNW !AMID Milk • BLACK /lOU= BILISSI PLAIN BUM AND COLOR/SD MKS; YEZINIEL NZ111303, aolarg B ABATHEAB, a era styli; PLAID OABINffIatES; FIGURED NOM DI LAWNS; PLAIN ODL•D LLPACCIAN; ?AMOY BELIVELNG PLANNZILS. A ra3 saaarttalrat of NEW AND BEAUTIFUL GOODS Just eseetral. a.L.OOa sad azactlas tha atatlL .ate T BARGAINS 121 fa I Le 3EL SI AT BA.RIKER'S, 59 "MA BRET STREET. A EZDUCITDD3 OP 50 =IR., CENT. 119 BLUM AZiD COLORS. ALL NEW SHIRTING MUSLINS, 121 e. Per Ya,rd =24 03333 INDIJOICktENTS ARE OFFERED TO LittrAll or HANDKERCHIEFS, JOS. HORNE & CO.'S. Haring always nutas oar HANDEERCHIEP DEP/M=2lT • rp•dallty. In ars enabted to cear BAJA/11M to PLAI:6I LIH DN , LIiBWIDI6ELD , EIBItIIIELD SIPYHR AND Saxer/MUD 11111 r Att Isms stoat alwass rat bait& Nos. 77 and 79 Market Street. wig INTRBENTING TO THE LAWNS! We aro idling at a HIM= 1.100:1 Cotton Hosiery, Gloves, Lace Mitts,. • Embroideries, Veils, Sleeves, Waists, &a. .13.00 p Marta, WWI, monad, et half pee". w. are recetttos the latest itj or WMADh DIMES, H 319, niete stirs DEW ThiermxioB, 8170111.32. ihe. WTIOLZALLA ZOO= tip Mtn. -4: MACRUNI & CLYDE, NO. 78 MARKET EMBEAT, sail BMus= 'heath one Desmond. COUNTRY W.R/313R&NTS WILL ITHD AT .12, IC ICI IZ 8; MIN 59 .111Iarket Street, Jut whist aerated for REPLENISHING THIIIR STOOK, LOWEST EASTERN CASH PRICE& watt! 0. OOLIMLN. TkBAD AND MOH TIUMMINGS, JJ nal BUTON ILSITIKEIG YAZD% AU cakes 1411116 T7171L11103, ALIXADDBIII3 KID GLOM, JAB. 1111110. GINTLENENITIFINE BLIMTS, Nun OGILLARS AND 2W : Otialta ccdanoW= Al TillM j a i nns at zwroa, mataatix a e0: 7 4 aa'Al Ira. VI rtflb strut la RUMS AN D ULAWIS.—/IL Alba* tee of ma enM.SILT MO AT BALT WAWA VACS ADD MS OOLOBB AU. MK ISM=9.recabrad bxyzyress tbly dry. won, xecitutz*co.. slab Etp. IT Illtb swot. Tri, NEU way WlAL‘Ditntl2 , lo. tat. tat at 1111/131131,14 . BEAD 13 HIM cormltai. =sea a /AM ZILLD.D realred and mkt lasso& mid xstal by 1182021. NUM= it CO. - - =lOl Ss. 11 NU merest. LIMIT lizokaViso—nn eicans._ _los of mV Rut. New= ocuss, 12th hapcetethes. the newest Mittens, W. trim 50 meta tog 00. piAtiTlM-40 tibia Calcined nista, .1. WE HENRI 11. OOLLIZZ. DRY 009 D, AND DOMESTIC'S Cloaks and Mantles Now 81yIss. .6.11 P 119,3. ALEX BAUM', 1:113= ZATOS. MACE= a co., zoos, MOWS .00„„ No. IT VIMIb stmt. 41.1 , 1 P, IIEJFIEXTS ~NIRtiT ANNUAL ~ l i'. ROPE STEM Nftad .11ill MUSE LO., OT HILLELOIL STiTION On Thursday, Beptemb.r 3d, 1863. item 'lan bays am Poi r. fallmn: 7:6; 9;13; 12; and We Enkala cm br had trtm Mast i .ca, J. BMA. bang, Wm. 8,11. A. Pltealm. J.: J. Cara.. fir. and 0 II eirs..e3, scri:4l j• - •PITTSBIEIEGH TII.III..TRE. IM; MILS (ratzthisj) Will be pszfrtmoit, THE RAG-PICKER OF PARIS. oellitaJISAIS KB. EMITS. USSR! I , OTRDAY. --ANSIS lIHIaJIR BONS DWELT. NILIA SORG SASSY RUT. 4 To cciuttaeo with Lady - A dticiley's Secret. LADY AUDLLY.--..--...ANSIR ZBERLIIL AGRI= LOVIDAY. .ABRill WARD. TAILDttt BIBALs3 nta. OD/P PRA DAM 0. BEITOSL Mr Ia aittii priparatioa—..Th• Dots'. f ED UCJITIOIrdLL. H. 111 YEW IWAIIDENG us. AHD DAY 847/1001. far loon %Das NW moms on 40ESDaT t Copt. Wog No. 23 Hancock Watt, Pftfaburch Circulars may be ob4ca4 !rya pitovfoo Co tba UTIL WAKEIiAIi'S Buxor SCHOOL I'o3 zcT BgaMEMi;MEI lot (antler parstcsaars ii, 21r. WAEXII&N. as his reeldtSLCS. tr os tLa tohool loom, Lit Coissows. •11mb.07- suB4ll. PENN .LNISTITUTS, So. SI HANuOCIX 67,-FOrtervi. Sbo tzetirelvatd tag leave to Worm nett Mato sod do pantie amen.ll It at On, Mt* orloroil tato pattztarottlp I. the pupas. of condattiag Maggie loitttation. Tao comics term will otztuttiono cot the Mat kat. Tat , ton. BMW prism, to, al slam Cook., to mitotic.' Oar eftralars Ma b bad at the prlaclpoi Book mom or ■t oar roma. Bar. J. IL OMB, A. IL, QR WILLIAIII&A.M. PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY LOADIBIT. AT W 854. 01L137111.. OW Boszda Only.).4lte &Wm cd this ileadimy_lid be maimed m an 211USIDAT. Eeptember Ea. no Lowing gimlet= compose the Boudof Trutmat fLui../401121 roLLOOII, President. - Oars. WM. APPLY. Pin President. W. IL DAUB% Esq., Bonatary. ,1 / 4., JAMES H. MIND, Mel. TreasUran LIT. Thos. Newton; D. D. /mom L. Olighan. Ear. T. Brainard, D. D., CI luarles,W. Thrum, Hon. (Maki Thompson, Goo. P. Doseall. Hon. Clarks O'fietli; Wm. L. splint", Rao. John Ziloaman, too. L. Parma. Hon. W. D. Lebano n Memo Day. , 001. Wm. Bell Waddell, d. D. Paterson. _ Jr. B. Townsend, theodoro ElysU, nitiodoentaget °Tenni err the aegalroatiwined a tharregh military eared= are wood only to atom of Wear. Poing. The Academic Emit le compord'of thoroughly axapeteut testmetors The Xdotaiismal Oepattasta mot:area Primary. Collettee and del entitle comm. Careful stioatloo I. pal] to the Isom] tostnotkok of the cadets. Otnatars ow to had of JOHN BOUTS, So. IMO Li oly Won, Ploolougb. Cos. THEO. elf &TT. Wo.t Cheater. P. SELECT SCHOOL, J. IL P.-ZWZLI., AL 2f... %Yawn, se. lal PERK /STREET, PTIMURGH,PA.- liziessr. Intend, to opine ttleet School In the laza alry rooms en, the - second doorot-Novill P.M and, =the lliest 110NOalt OP Hint, 186 d. • WIN GeotkliteekOPionah end 13111 , inen will to taught; teldiane pales will • be . orptred to 4,1 the PaPir.thocctlia , Instmation In the omit Wanda, oleo Xiiidieh education. , Mx. IL proposes to limit-the ameba . et pop% thss be may harathis batter epixetunity et proper moral and latalbetnsi colinatoneletena lmad a nroiteeta Taman-ice per feeelan of /lie Dilinti44iiottra A:biz: l :anion to be paid &trio; the sit ballot the School Hams from la m. to 2 Q. so. Cirhtter the 17th Ina. Mr. N. may be NCI day la the echool Boca; dtuing thy above both% 60244 p ITTSBIERGH FEMALE COLLEGE. BEV. L. O. PERSHING, D. D., P:XILDZAT. BEST SUSTAINED COLLEGE IN TICS STATE. The Fail term of the Muter& female Gave will tomatoes on TUESDAYidi.thISIDO, Sept 1. A large and able Faculty of aiudene teseheis ha been employs 4, end atrengemente mole Ire the ac commodation of an Lammeed number of papte. During the vandlen, important additions ham been tea.M, and the College not affords unenrpareed faze itka lot sostaltlng a eoliCand omen:moat education. •Dalve teachers bate teen employed to aim WIMP t/011 In French and German. Pope received In the regular adage cinema mho any of the ornamental dedatmenti. A NORMAL CLASH win bo farmed al ths ammenonnuat of as turn, and also cnain TELEGRA.PECING. TOIST7 DDLLLES per torat pop oh expeneos In the boarding Cperaneat, except tesettlng, and hal. hoed to Penh:hut PLIttiIING tor-s catalogue. an46:llr t. 81151P3021, Ftest.'lnsatoon 4 UCTIOrr BALER. nIINUAN tsTREET RESIDFNOB AT a...• • UCTIOH.-011 TUASDAY .391191.1911, doh. ltqef, TA: 0 sleek will is mold at the Oonunsta tilt. Atoms, tic. ft Filth sheet, that dtetrable LAtT of' gfebblED, shad* at the outer at Munn end Deets etrests, heeler a hone of 03 feet a hid= an inettoui street, and extending slang nuts street ita zit, on whisk U er.cttd a ea; w 11104201111 D 1111311311. DW,1:1.3•1IY0, contshalog MOO moms, bah teem sad droning roost tainted attic, cells. ander the entire house with cement duar, gee and *stay Grail lage ranee to the It then. marble =Ode ad tine !tubbed pale. In the - patter, dialog moat end bed norm The home au bulls to the mak datable maws:, and halthal to the beat style for the ownat'a own occupancy. day persona dee:haus of extinlng the primate an get two keys et the AucUon t tare. Innini—Une-tonreb, cub; rictus In Wu equal annual pikyniasbi, with intortsz, teenrsd by band and maws,. mai • DAIIII3 & IMALwAIHZ. Aneths. TUE MoCORKLis PROPERTY FOB BLL.E.—Ort 't GE /DAT SVESINEt, kept. 11; et I% o'clock. will be acid at the ConuotoLalthalsa Boma. 64 allth stmt. that YALU abbil J.CIT OP OfttlUtiD at the math end ot tba lltaucutiabela brills*, fronting oa Carat? or 'Ulu grad, 4.5 whin width, and samalcUrig ary atoms the Iteutmallle Ballroad about td 7arda up the bilk Wined old IMAMS DW/11.1.11461101361 thaw wk. sad Ircoen at the ttotkekle liordat'altustata two= pcoprrty Of Itc::ally d tkt.oa Mk tide, and locos, outlet other. larat or Bans—Ono third. =Nand the naklee to too oval pappenta at can and WO lean, v 146 interest. withaimitatur , . _„. stab • • DAVll3kNolLWillilL'Anet"n. 013E54 AND B.XERE SS ,WAGONB H ELaTLIBDAY KORN- V, at 10 0'c1.611, I* sold In fun of the iicznatertial Wan liccon. No. IA Flnh stast,l* mom of wham It ow ininmtc. 1 Dna gars, yeara old. =As fa nub ant 66016 itumnig 1 arq Itlaro, 6 Taus 464. work' In dues bums; 166 nuts under vials; 18. Bog" 4 31 . 661 old; / Sad Henn 4 lean old; 1 Bout Mew 6 yea* oldiVrorkt 16 signs =II tonbl• ham% racks ante tbssant6s I Slick EOM. nada to lansia - and doabis han2M2 racks nadir tha mann Ilia Math 8 Pan t. 18: lapreis Navas, =NU am 1 mill fining Wawa. Ram —6 nu =dos $5O. col: pc - tirritc cow $5O el: =Ube aunt on apprand nano& gaper. .n DAVISi isarGWAINil, Aunts ikirATOH HORSES `Sr AUOTION AZ& Oa BiTIIILDAT ISORNING t ' As ( 21tN u l nw n y st 10 o'clock, will Do LIM in front of s. Woo BoranaiNa.sl 111ilhotriat.,.cou Volt of Qa Ham *AI work atiluo lo doge re dlOis;lsmaL. Waa oils ram Wogoo. .n 27 Dtalfl • IrolLitranrz eiben, IniirTa. WANTED, A EIZOOND•I3AVD SLS kiIkIIDIASI4 6ppll at lidializattStitt, tISLIALT isOfra." saMlw =lM=l WANTED—An DarnursEsto. Eoom, viLtiont bear& Os& acLT iW to tir Par, oases rnamid. Addams BOX. 147, Pittsburgh Part Offlak sattwi • OUSE WANTED.--A. =Ratable A.A. !VOWS Evan; On tine of ram! pelmet,. - kL DAVnk. sal3 • r_• 17.1.8, 'tryst. A nnk.N.T. lalff..Of all kind& _ MESOkeral, Den= sad ink to btu. a.naval ItaMx= Take Vllte V 613 ma BeFriag — ;In 1:4/'..s.# . bqyq hlids. 8 agar EO Few , ' , :rt.searl • lor do 17 D 111 Dimas EIME:I3 IVIL EZIMICIMOIL ..Orsuserea.