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EMI S • " i t t 4 , is , '' l , , 1-, . _ 3.• ,?,..: ~.j :' ~. ~,~:~: : ;.• • .f :114•,:;•,?. .., • • . . - vTirrxiq --- ----.--_-_-----,--- -'' • fat& Vr t d , ; I t.:417.r,0 ,1 b.t . 1 ... 431110 1,,,,, o irk ,ritrif.oo,inta 2-2 F. .e , ' .21VollegIggr:r111;01111V mollifkidetta 7y.„;wejanicliampaglo, nu . - A ~..- .ty.r ,' , I Reittiew t - ~,, 1 1)11"re:"*"V eiftMait,Thlomivipiliet;i74litit*lfl away , AE:s4,4; ' dill iittailid , .! nieggltbita. o. tu limn. of littenbAsYnitli who lan lanai :1"11Zikll gi‘41,1110440.4"1rk , on Oa gth , of Jana. acc Join - Oro illlftrefth 4/.1 " Übnlabaraditida.znint. as binnht ' hfonlactaratto taalrasM 1 0 162"111"1"4 WS.' if MARlMAlWtiotiyit-g,i,c; ti tnielighten I oasis if ag.,..zoi,bi• boon k.' 1° 1 1 7, 6 ,14.!1!gu:Itli..labflinadua ,Of. adr -abtatailaoond,.l3ergoant of CO. /3. Rs and t 0.... ag Rft10.1416111: gig bone Mc Latham. both' welt hnownin this otno. Witt4wi.4ooolqaoni Jaaa!lladar 17 'ziattito •' -" ~_, . *-gaga stionbsed.tootwars gaol -= '' . ' litionan:Y.C.l J.l4r 27.18 0 . Intuit Itacoallatelidthont littltietto onnuditt Va. lin= t Madan Ja woad 'Wm o ilkal e Si . it ho il i ttyikt iv i&! soup , fm.r.„..1 d11•a ,„zi,iii...,....piTtritt. i Wa4Valiti 3= "1 "7".g. t `rgodaysonntog. &got% a'ciodtt no 044 illl,4 o W 4 olleaß* .41/62i)gOtL MOWS tO - fee - trytpttrtp l e i :VW:NZ% ti ai=ft 460 -ho to ..? OAP ,113131/10/3 hoodail Mos Soonottnod Whinge' Ittarnottna roar to . 41 :* air' oc i r Altridtoluity, tugs. • Ito Om Ma to WI% thy estred ftto p . 114 ' • • et 0 ,..z..0 of r:dt.air=._-..,;4.=.. .sate. 4, • , ...a. I" b C " 1 " nry pot Ws eta 'blend s Itile, Sad tvraiiia _,,,.,` cilaugi r: tit dab. ~ _ ... 1. P 0 • 00 P tingab *bigot Rot *Ward stmts. 'Wham, as nrieelnlicrintA.,,rg. p p I ot and State EttW mond vii *try swot.. ) , ' Mei A m .o. pp, imam sfatri*l'Vtat crooded• OS the iikpf fp Ffr,u. digiii.pphi • - ' , i m itated 'Mkt bolOtt pia Mintbitta Italtidrondintatottd On - of an. 31, 1 Ibti Bnisse ........ v °il l I s t: t ` tt i r fra 9-1! in Circr mki g Iv • tit= it RV, *141,11,ffic*..4,241,24M. tr." ;It. tdlin .. ', ln : uacii Lions O vem =ll lll . 1,11 tribtr"COC4i:art6l.33WAV la 41,110.1041arWit mind of tho I.,.__Wfmna-th"l4___ _,__7 4 . , 04, ilwiludtaosznaala 0f411133h1_13:34333111Wa0nate lirdvart=l74". am I ..Z:i semi" froaltEdthAdtaniMia alatfidillifer hold 311134 130 .•111133C At .triec , " " dm* d.afiWaig:igr In hit rottani to tho Lan yam. yin, •-- 4 0 vaAry (449, niar . pitniThoribor Omit.' , morettntrail litt goo loormsce 1 )10410401,At.pi 413, J Now otatfok.t if on feAratt im = l : l =V a l ..X11104f1ita11,...)4 1 44 007 P I4I - ' UM ' tracts said* loan votooiluoacraivoitoo. * onna.-.v015.3 lomalistyptda, Chas - ogioireew;as 4- cmackip-theapramm, **tow. , GatoOfattini% and , ' , WISP .3hll l l3)dp a - - 001 - 1, - 0.) "chat 6 e ted dace . as i tintd • 13/04 40 .# 1 Ultbi t , , t e l t i7 0 " 111. -gm -1146ararobsorittanntilliatothfo- tot 01. ra t ; 1 ' 4*C? Watt . sal Is' Mr= su k or :Lith f at s ipnbtlit oty; plO da. 1)3341341• 1 0 1 alg t r ihr ali: 11101 - Isili 010 1 / 4 01. 14 that acintal Wu , • tenglicanhigodtaidandoftitalait bar nit; hdrostalststanoont tottneta 03 11 dm/ 60009 "" 1841pida inot4boa Ittnictlfingti o yiata of gm to nowbentAltarbattlogettottooodhuldnintinat 'lsllsli9WfMgOVliti#? hate eat to ii. ' =Win i l itil l t ai nattorti lie) ' ~.• ' 4 ', • 'II . ' ;.:I.' , i r' .... ' ins sirlifes=labigief id lir ORO 200122 North d r i -i 02012 20" to Wiga. Coronas Caccia Biogiount of , 'tMM. AO. Iftta iro sloths' di the fkosent Ito Ala- annortclouod with alpaca tam and 11t 1 d mkt ~ , t.l 2 ...i 12.11. ,- t i' w hkeiguaisuradi ow/ alma 11112214. Afton RP. 11131RWAwdttliat' tain6l4l.Ani,hntacy is mg otamood gag is snow& floid• at trA , ; 4 , ~__, 4:9021;1110A _ .0020'.0140403100011P10100. ppgattpdignidalratnrslipTgrr a lirp =fp= vomonaGarrit.Aa.bablan annat.lattain ijigi,, gil, did not make tomb poem „Inwrittos .33sightdna him At 41 avail pg. 't at Won op to ant, but won Ito how Inman op. sno linkbanktil'-13. bi 411 0 tftitcd that ttbccan Do t amp... Ociatadtl " 04 '4 Ma "d: verbaribmimotell. o . lin d a I: to to tt =a l 4 4 l e.a tia =r24 l 7. anrontaan jam Of lain lain hi two s att r i l:to for &Wpm g J.* pp. p rip -ft; yeaty not: that-lona -la bounty' t ha oncoitsc tact, dAirtatter, one they lota 0,- intd Intatatalaannualinao Witting t a the- sonars adyttoot *OM only. Otani Iron: miaow chop's Who, beincdsad) a a f i IX Ml= a ismotrtg. AT. •tusr 119IIIIIIIptO - lari.Poo 6 11l gave g M.b vigi Kea if 04212 20 21 0 1 il,a 2 go- , i i ..,*P4,:litfik,LiCcAr _, '. Ts I agleCiebd *nest =RAW In i Wen- P..W2520.00114 i .1.4 409 lan toe, 14 ant Watts santbar. fashOlotof Wong. •soonliatta. nt Jo lattconptota Lidat and It Ot neady tolL, Ulm alb& dot Ifaxotd Math ....„ in te ; cortuag,uticom of Ur itonsintat e lat i : d tt . ... matt tba tit '. 4.1..9. . fiaiii n ha z n " - mat twain sa Vat& 'r rind wan Atel'oo et 0001r021 Ulan Navas:* prat *Mt tdor ettat faith. 1)111May-ilia- O ir di ioi that he gent into OacarAboy talon so truss swims w for di milska rm y oli Ai Li of /gnarl bad ge enamor thottaattos baohntaand Wit/ado. The bad of our rtstosintia om7oooll. WIN IBM Wilia*St 03 ,0011110 11 0, '' '''''' ' • mdmajawAtighwaytwommokr• Tlbtrats Thu Cann onion& his ditching. area lith 0134 wit9.o pi Ten fa*. Ina i•AtlptdDreb B. ,indosoon. ...a sahib* who r io n,,,sit.- ' r, , hadamlittedin,thr.fhanth (Inatdiji WA ntbsi ....b. orssiont affair mum* Waif inter •t Um rot IMO' 1334`033 tilts loin% the 17; 31 HAW ?el, PIMP* Wilttr h a 2looo =l o : I ;dud. tat emonabi Wore J A tuntilli diggia =.7',,,V,:a.Vlrtaittelhic nto% 1/703 taila"liainiii6bl Dt:r; ca Mx* Ws i@gr Vamrsittgavit Into I doom% woman; Id' at 3 I f t at liaUiffi ' Virtu{ ibillte" .13) , ` Irma saittheit thinetbiur cottlodbut ti tb• gra, -. tne .2l ' that. allo.a fialaaa‘otasmannoroni sot onsottd to qiiitViiirtater DO& *r(s}t hue Ism Wham tfity annatat bhp ...a Wombs Wino, laarilltiidadieff &los anibpd titit. 143=g-tororiergm,7,„,-:, ant tlic eatttgi.t.f.,ll,Rn Ltttipm,4o(l4l ens 4 / 1 Inanat ) and , "ma ban Woo Mot con hti'not do tb. fa2:4l7 ' d11.3W.4 ~11.1 31014"311113410ntsitsts thou they an oily dr oisost-itt-ton I , , I sea awl* ft ainotrvill Mum wt. iik,„7 vat us PM inaW at uot littl,CH"%i - - ttlarao r w rzr fnamat• t a a l' • , 1. by - • ,• ^ _,____---= - ' of tha' _ korairent s mini aitutips, us= "' `Dittor. ' : E l lll . ;triv • - ~.._. ! ' 'OA- • -= • _ 1,06--- _ I g.ant l n l :l = ple ) t10ta...... Pan twodlea,,fhoht..o... i Iltat"-•". pie Whennb , =,.., . tog atru4xit ago Pink 1313 On i. ; 964 ------ 1 717---------.------21 TKLMI Ell t i F , ----- _ a• 4 1 0 ralitj YiNitlidftlgritnthig , ,_,.....:i..",• ••,......-.... io leij,-, PI ,1F1FA14,444.10 1,-, A ideoBo t lit ,X O N P ITI , .. AOPP7 , _Ol ... ~ , , Stole ter Jeli t iabllsbeitby. the . ' Yi of Ageloolliniu Prom Is sorautte:4l2 l o*.S '...t*Broriouiiiiitto-iNetotoria Toodi43U i.joos* .60POlinsorat thicgico4loooll# ' ii tgoidgdyvild. tediliVidiblass-bu '' - tria1164. 4 . 494096 t 14-.--- : 106*It iii*lelli**, Cartlail:_ ilial, . •i ra utr bapikkt* ibelfila lAtibt.l 12 kern, shOselag As-00Wiserf dlitAjlildah erilddlik close ' sosto. (iitheilasjavidslliat o Cheif Ix :.; deehtthessatelor sofdp sossAbis larg4 ... : preiseest dal tilisteitalliAilmo v a!' - . Ar e,: ,i,4.o4#4drlditOlitt Ina gotakidint - •:,, 4 .11 111 ' .' 4 . : ‘;_,Roi4'-ollMltirs.4... wa r . k w • _ 614 V' 4 :.• *4 . ..., k* . .9" at 4/9V ti:?l'. f • . ' tk* Are APO POSUZIPArt _ ofie , Oldid i lrefiligtviiiii ( ii . '. iiilitiveiy, ' pi 'Matiwisifilitat *eillaido ot with ,- : savpieWittePtt-zwl la cu kw l'..4lrostio.:niblpedsidAstetirvol-Alsico h it. ~, . opPearaeoesitoslddoiailsw ass o - tit Ibitir*AaradmdSodiglitiplier // 4 44 1 1. _ Yeedlittilitiloo l 3 ollll litZ iia give • 1 01 3 ,04 1k., toilibdsW • Oft i s - ' I.32V.Sktrt-- ;WA . !Ed .. bin rataiil-VaPIVOIP to ' ;; ; 4 ( 1 1 0 i ' tazta bilof itiliii&sti T ot ' • • - At 'Ad - baldi iiiAtilioditlids' ' .4iSts . 1: t mitt WO 4iiithi , ow lit —' Aggspo . ~2 11, gem* ispirr is ) dattit ' ! , soisi . : , e Sow meat.: e qu- i • . _L•2II •:, V.Lb ,a,in er, 4:4 ~ ..., . . ; Nriaa•-••Thippiodook iiss,itmea: • :,110.1 , -,gegpestiv soitistovota.,l , - ,oPtidittnk t0. 1 4 1 91t gle ill° " - AU; Af OtO#44ti,igoto4A: t . ''. WO Itiitillittotittg:. • ttgl* " laweiiia *ell -tietlit r if OA tkintgli it Mildeldif thitlii• Oisr M • ath little Goof it conflate = ,- Bdi Pi ' sussooootwoolol .•i!i - • -- . Borekgao;-- liolasiaßroaii Iwo tho • itaid -..Aei':,:salgoietL.4.dross-tluA,, oassaea.• . thiV .ii.p0.046, at/1:i oppeatefor in.sbeasketves . is, stotrAlothi. StOlf-Aik Arcress..,Bo. OS lea, arid eying. is only one:teath :below 4 good sop , Its drat ability to endive . dros _. , . vs a as, efieseao verstsotittaareopti gr. l . . ' tli' • - .4 t CatlA-Znabi. liii*: : " 06 14, wridAyll , to 1 , 1 1-M* 161 . 1 ) • ; ~.. v :111% . a 00,...U• 111111S-cOting B` a eseehtfis the Jasesepo Elpt .. r sostrigisost eiorsr brsistat olio- ten • bio ! tow an • • sad the isoillin .. OW uteri V* MI I, ik o -75ti 3 .46X . ' ia - -410 la a$ .es tai DOS .; sear ems of rall=toniii iiiiitdit et till hey pls um ilsvOrediiii9liAlepoidaitlast loon ~ b a t its. stiellts loOtTso pod. Make it wilt s bo - • '7advisibialit- fa iesAirtoseiAtlV it_')lptl ovrib wi l l - : fciddoiriialtWiiiiii".?,x, • _ ,,31 `.‘" , '' - - 0 i,-,i.• •.: ...i. slog. 4-424 1 o'Clbtidal. l4l, -11til • • f arm eiestetritrpresentiat iss demerit i past - the • steps -eisi- ot,tha.ixaratryillat Amid tell ho duty 1b.., it tothos44kriterutolh Do - PIMPS' Oa 0101410 1 , 01 . fha VOA. , Bo we t i t no It ititidi on the : satlioriq; f X PP* its . bons" *Wpm .that, the PILAU -do Jul ' ' - iiiii katt the gripes i s the vioiniti • of.l3 eta, Aiiii;;;;Alie-eoiroospoodests•-bezevAbsi-pinte illitionAWAßlßoatosia**:74 sad . , thit POO _nkollMPAtAti=foooool'llt IP to thitor °Ps 01td,1)30.117,,kas 'Gus tkird:OffestirtistA ot,kaitada!;,•4ol • •'"•• 'l4,l4:4ltkorttlfirt: Olt" L • Too - Solve esenV; - ' It `. • d oils+ ' th, 'Ow as tisiges - lAll l ' solid' RIAU - Mt:distal • , lett - - flsi‘ ligiosi dtedviditsetlir,‘oll, t Now ifesseq.dote three•asittlio , below is I to Vary , ludo Num I , llaisAlive, - Ohio, PosasylviAlest sad'. liebreidA? AdatAntlis bele*. ';'ln east Mew it is amlimallogo . • ,--PiasAvv-,-',4sI)bINSPI Viddrioodlito apt , , ••• I. UseiViAligeasteee tß2l6lPuottioUoyi , isk. . ..,.. soosselegioilalows,4lllsoeirti-NiiwiJot-, • .• -.,-• MO: SIOL kediollosniei.Ado4satist ~ War; , • , -Tips *map it bat oae itesito Wow. • ~ Anegsdiuse the piesitiVelawds 110berscad ..,`,lll4oe4tee.ea. • ~, . . def °lell"rnatt to titood"Wiiiti.lOado-with *• }sew " ilie;a4tatit ,et their gedeisi ' - pet Oath 51L . ..: - . ts(dlatttitit to lam WA. f-..ttii•Uatokme.flostt-frdall•2046°11"11 sp. , v e Mr= Tgr iniv , ate.. • .l iiistage'grlea igCstivs* , . T Isii.toar .':AlWA 0 se Odtrollois Olivia . =TO nrpattis 'very tar MA ilitiristtari A . .. . . • ,„ • netAnololtod WAY prepeishf u l dair - OW; pit. ..0)0214*/"Ilnlitiple***1**1.6 _ , tat . - lb* ikkllibUgetislistthoossembill mil,ttfoo .. MAIO, Mote -sabtabloesehsostlis the win. my li.lagobtotogAs Wit Clitk ot, did Ag i 21991 MS '.'!:43"4l9iii-pllkism B. alftta; * 5t94.14 1 90. o linos • aie-abt Alt . - vest iicodaiseiestiod witirtlit UW44 _lii over - - the Briaitetirst alirrinUNC P*OWI sod .. -total. oflogoirengi Flarol.t , Il l g'l So OLGA asietteklavoilkisilgests awoe dv tots ot *mac iattsweestkaasadio. and give • . Wit. she gAblitimtha shape tit a separt,,a, • atiak 4 ae-onell.stieseltada..-. :These npftio. a m 4114131--_. ho 4: Mfoltitio•Alatiavat V . 'll#l,ol4ii°m#thO'tortrl., ,„.- • • ' i coPiterkead Cal . On. ,pp ott.,, ' '' clipoit re a -iiiint trio woks Unce.-I,P Otti. kgPillto d klotolerigui.t l 4 - errovir ot r"W mai : 41131 1 " oratooffid*•444,l6*.sie 0 . iiiio l . 4 Ve Ogriltiiiti (4.4 Om ina4 . _ iwitiF,ol.o4o4SOATPm b it telbsainait. timos..llozriorompasil-WoatitabtirAbst ,DU tba vow bad boor Md. triotaelos that )0...' glared by troodritt.''llo taistbinbr *tint. tor t soil of bid:' ,'• it'd' hisidia 'in* ~. - pror!sodir bet , . , , b4sblor_ritor . "fro -Wig. redid ' lAtaboOkiiitiati it inwasositassorriatOuisddsauss thikastit4 told Mt Wore illin Om A* *as :fititiod 401415* illigniqoallhoolth • 04 Iseloitod. Tb. Ust of f oppas moors** oak a togolsrly, WWI Ao. A sibunto• , "trot . • asi d ortstrak, 1t„A",:',1414, Jo** toro bilodneldowororovsof: obi no 'froppor bol4o of truclOroost36-44n0 do too sora ik td ottbotAin .04: i - stotio l or ft* liforriW or. rem antra thothiiirool iati tie -a, and bin "dorounctur Ira* Imp-00A Bo . .loortorood of to 11! AV .bob,___l4 l4 a . biti f" al - S rss - , . aid; rarivillAttot& t dtrsastriallY ali Ida oblibol2.l4Pbrfolr sarilsowos ' ostotltozoo in TorooorssoortikAdoltu the ", " I PIP I -.d! /rili l ig - L..441/4".0 1 1 11 4 00 Yr" , ' , • 47-----------livimouru 2 ac-a , 1,. ): v " lin „ 4 /.. issitaking th• Mu l l" • ta°l"4.l IS wldelibit was slassitlig, sad abotoastod F i - 1111111116110. mas a light was barolas l4 l l : l = if tl ' " Waif, slaw 1 ' sot kW twain f ARePerms o 4. , _ ll = l4 mr; Immigoi lows, 19•4112 1 6 1 Iscrowdad with paw: Viol whosissaM plistliastWilitti lajostasat mai Ilts town Is salamis ;-.: 114 = m 4t pt i , • gala nol as Ii o _. , —la AwaleltlLMAdatitoalitils, ' - ____, gsliesagabalowellsterinWOr VlAdir c r . s , dr statpuls ,4,, t l '4 ' - - ' i -:.--01111,044ir*Writ A. ~,5 1‘ * Oasts wills Ms - wit astsgs a isisa gtoi, latla , *4! 4_ 4llas Oft . a _ • r; milistalrAy Matron lb i i I a 14 1 16 . i),Tpus n ts iilMilladdiampar_tes . tha tots llia ' beta im eftt l -rl dlg - _•duktw ,, z , -:.'",,',.., ' - -------,----- , ; - :::::W 0.1116131, Tati W boa • till N - Way *WAR 67 : a Oil. Vasty. . Ills . ...:_ emmtligL., to ~ , ilbsilikidY Arilishr maxims 1.. Irrt.,..1 1 1 0 : 1131 : 4 - ,'-w--- -- - -- -- gid - iism - - .', Indust estimate - ell& . -,:' ' , imeatedr.t-ifkvilielNaatav il f ' :i "Wetbit.,7,l,lrl k b 1. 410212 !wa* , i -; -*..iitififtt#l.o -., 19= z 1 v 1 , ;,:' 11 4 107 01 0 1, - . * :;Dionaisiointio , main .. 1 - 1 0. 101 $4Fle. 1 Chirreoted"sii Kum. . Ir!!!1,11t Noss itepir' 4silks Sri end Sa°l Olswaork s lizlr je ark 0144.-2,1 P T IL Maisel& Pa :Mot littleml Irkel ZwaiiraliVP , itga L lt= "ll Unbar. WlAgatlag.. Wasatof saaslbls -4-3.2ard"ffetbasist eload. ranas. . , . Wester Theoltonteal'eleostatul. " "WinsiiitilesVit'ila the oliglesre• noiyit A llo l. l tftrei ll 6 1 44 01 1 . 0 114 70 Bor tomb's 14th. The otwientenrill enenblo at Ai. 1 0._ . IA the f,4 1 / 4. ' V*4106 4 1 :00 win An delyered b y Peafowls WlTeon; on Taiwan, marning at 10 °Wok: •_ = .-') I • ~ TIN warn of Ustruotiosto*.Oconpleta Vion•tess o ~. ol- nt,, retts V Atift benso4 ll iir lin=latA a ideate Wo o willJow ,Brawarsatoolreisie I 0111stou Mho Conon ,IPtrit# o3 ID, . Caigs isa.l=6.L. L 4,1041410 .9 , ' Vit.zo, ~,, . zt,a 3.otd a,t..{, L , •-, 1 prair,, dfiIUPCIIMOVINIOMIV &Si aliltalitaliVrOlogrvialk Ilety Dot el'AnSi•vmnil.. rt DJ 0) , am, Pi Leona ida•P lads ll l .pl " . , gdtginvihari nu PSV, =pat ,-,.:c_•lii . ..i.„s , •,... ..i. .t • . liowakeke..nneesezneesuseet,in 'iintettowinaltoostbonwhy-lest seputieSeed foofOliarAwtboltston .• S"., AIkICA4 - 0 4001401Y04: sae'Vstdmat ilanttleonteardiatoo4 it:04;11140003930ige- , ' ; 'towards awl footles moat* bonne , ' ' 1 Wan ; i*Mlß Am zivisgW7AVicii f T o: la to row ifilsailOdi •Daltiretiteiplttn. Wateviolinilo_4lolll-114ysA'ffir. Ink Ind la al follotti' " '`• "IFEAfti'Wtol.oolo'6l.lfeiYtiliAnlitl so 4 ~.....,..,,..ptith on the /Damon. 1 in datittisztea &ilia lidth,"bly,mol ci urntirei from that :004R , to-= MOO row ,on nenttiqiwohk.,; 11.1 rd AlistokAyo tu ll e nee, fez.11;00 0 In fear weelusartat go Ant depooWee• ' • Cliamplgth , and pty Matte , Met'lh.! York to the „ , 1 / 4 • lA. i 1 - • wattetUnt a emdoth 0 Jaceepaide 'VW Oman • kindly sii %, , f llll2lO O rangenest towel& toeltho=tbAlFt , factory ane.t , llhe tr dispondla 1 s so; If not, I trust this will end nine. Emidsnot,... .7 )1 7.1 ...1,6 Y 44, ' • 14-10•19 T• Wet :''' ` ; a 3/ 431 tiii Wait oligigaial:iiiimai4 • tbigawsimasq, , nil isilr. l lK lext.olllool7,,inadstlintkreiwu eAlon4 o _ ; 01 all 'unpile!, and areaUdifin laigsted i n t IfotitomatwAr ammo awww4/14 , 1112 . , = ego.; aoperAt,Pida 4.4, annulus% • e "a% Thief Attenel it." Son , • -‘' a •• -PaeyWldtßey ~. i • la; ;,0 D. P. Lowery. Bauer r i t /.4 : 4 _, • 11 1:11004 IT / V& ' i r• ' , • 614 —6 aa , „ , ... ygoo,ADt~l l rade .• en N.Ftno ill ~., „I ~cPII . tr: ePlatilbratlit 7. 021 t ._ A / d a l 1 , ..; sums Amon. ws,wlrl ..1e.AU514.......apu0 ~,...2(..quaraeo .1 'Afiaoi‘iitl ,eal;istlai at m e nd, ~ OW.* Clenlend, hold it New Llsll4oolteang reeetadetwallwlsLinAlatretoZ tlftwolessit the Ass miwasice UMW stlarsettreemblassistatintotral ts auopntilsA '. lad ati nho baliapdbrrild of a anti DM !Pal tleit aiding ba Pe 441 0 41,P__. tine in4,W,swatteu7kl;twiiiio4o 409.1001Wtti ibessteAlantathd•Abstonde ass ralseo, btispiagikiltboonalg Otthete gdAtlons otilwolnehtssunb 3 l. ~.ii ti oar i eri t ta4ia l am p Ideates elms ennui:ln& The attendance es I As ilj=l-____AtiraWisn's lif ipioutrensor Immo wenkeleits4 ler theynningystallotatlento Thomas W.. Wright r Woo Pastiest; Deg& Dobbs; SeentiOrh/elm *When t Peesn. rei, 'lLltluied - ratles; ' Witistent' 'lnatera, Mom 11.11,1e5.., -., ae. • -, , . thetas .; . at0..A.00 • 7 icorVal Mr. Jobs A. M 'Closkoh of o• Merlon , Itlllif All WO' 10 .: , , , Itk...lll.T•atoo fa -12144=0 :: ii ii r fti , .. .7 , 4 •lffithis ia l i afitP ottotiol44 , itliolgofltll l " .* AV WOO' flo i:WAWA. ”.„., - • - , i - •• 6 1 4 ,3 % , 0. 412 A4 6 k 1 te em 1 11:1 4,...41i .. utuj Oilit ini , . - t '' ' airA,MSl/10:ittiril , WO . Atted 4100., Alititlkiiii - iiiid tame lb. flair iglus thew. . -t .=- • i r „ 1,,,4 W 44 4tetlAYAgi ., t ,-r- ' ,.14., "' — ' - " - ' " - ;7' "" 1 4. - --BaessleaValtaaarTke Septemberadm. bat of Ihop_Fr to Melee& sad may be oblate- Mo PLOW. Im sad Pettedlot Depot, oipiatte the l'oatalkoa The table at Pietaita possatcwriatetslttatiMml open.. .Tke via Arai .ss_oyea, "ha • tfavolicted Female fa the Bast," b 3 Mrs. Noon, larith " , Its natiitttektetlsteltig WI ottely„ gabstetivraa4tal for stay4l4o=l,tealliblo, 'l%th next ;spar; by Mr. 41,, the_ rtlkatlMltallit cutraltsic Malseliaite Walla It Iltsekareettfr °fits WOOS bat •te ' both' I Wise:Wm sticsah4lt." Me gailApwerat, eitteabolsotlatilie*Atai mmiattidel• would 11l or bat tale tatasouterP-tot we eon say la gimiaralitheisoksa-allia ittspir oae et shit a s ter couitielltore tor the Wawa at, atagestoetatei this smut& TOM4‘...WP iht.lol4sPless7.l4 . ea Vt. neary-sataes,statt docas? the Toot 145:00tAithI000&04thilWitititttaastrato lavzso Cossagna-Inmalso—We wpda qt - a144,0u OW Wu= iirthiMmOrigalutods mod" Pit*, ajnoss &did& dastatadois tordis d finF4 Wife: 2k, don slid - deputize fuddled Ml= Sri lj one! atttaidrib to - the ^Odom" lits.'Biduk 1r an4stladatillaYi arld•ifiludoeqqfpopu• tar umber. Un modwdesidlitiglafesett . - ca zurthorPa6Ws can disedlOrteenci , tis' dds tassituticd to thou hadaels,giv 1 'We lame, n nrWortaxsit — G TP e ik a * o *O p T m T* pont to Major Clotioost Atoodoo pa.PEWS :mot toro - nratdrordaml b) it lbt Ovno."11Loodo - fad liZaotila-04 Wag thw kit bPrAldti ctszial f,50 Ow prompts oa. •Govt Minis sod *ea 41s tingoialtod ignition's 1111 bailment- AMSTED 'to to Bar-01kutotios oftlloW. l4 IL' lionlydly- %g i st& tomb& Nollioo Nebo% asti Y 111111,1141IItttlid to wootlso in ths' ,Uolwa.S.Pol CoVtg.. : 81110 D Of.. was War.,-411* Pint gonad -Peu67ll462" - non at. .gfigito•mamw,ths'i7ih list; • - . 'tii,ipimr7 In Cly4lgn, etanionnas ==r L1.~.. __ _ I .' - - I ATE PUBLIZATIOI4 B 4 - ,1414114.tbilii Mega Alf lark; ' . WPM 114"Wila Writs Mum otaala. tb• &nadir, el oad/W • 11/1/1//a/Irms Wheolitslablah `ftellawa. Beaca's Ildrty = ti U, Llama% Ilajet, auk/Wm: 4 11 00 Mi Wrar . grog .11" . 11. 110 1141.1- /EMM=IM RE°E4ITLY • • 0..88.6 By B. 8..„0„.,04.41.,84 „,, y. W. 4' 6.04,.0r balm by 44 "mike . , run iarAntr.oorak or 182 U. e. I _ In 1 nal" q n. PAIL e t e t ntv . 4 ,- 3 f ka . EAT • Oa. 66 Wood nin Pio, , ...Art - ,: - ...:;...i,. 'lli i . • r tWeTir..1•••••••••••••••......--__ _ . Ftia6l24.4lMt thred4tOn BMUS tisinom ...vat! amt. t.) don frost Water trimetatia. Ilareal~7 • .1 t (1 - 41 , . i• •• • , ‘CN.a .- 1 1 11/ 111 i a SVC " 7 to JOWO WOOD it, • . arose Id.sad Wad i w e AMIN IV Ith -"' QuP" Pwk =l i d 4 11111E , Dsvm, eArdoritnst. abitiway- MMEIBEI fr --- vy'jo,Vagt.dasti ilt al Wee 41.0000 1 I in'sh•=atulibAc4llll-atdiarnsaa4l, 1 t := 0 . Z . ZIFI., 1 4P,},1 1w, M ITsf La it , ho, • - s , ,n o, - lifflaOrtiMiig-- . atilidastrmissimmimisis. 4 -. -- Imuktifseasiiiworon. DRUG Nengr.,t„:„;-;( , ,;„ ,Dekarvnittreitistoriiiiatillii. ' i Linen% latezovailliboce4EAtotaa., °Ts"- Off / WC irACZONLIe a IIZNALOx 11111911.Pagt h.; ___, I_,_ . • . • Goargeß2oll astnol2ll, wit ' "'" • 8 %Sp - Wien : aIgoSISIX soIiNTIO iligiariTvbariknirraltbiaa'. L • ' Ins . failiOli: 11111AoreS4:uus. !,1.160,e -nrs,l3WClll.iiii:l4' .Wil i el 'lri.""r•e--wei 1 la riAM.. rib alairana,loola, vits.b., pro. oand at *vv . . ~ t . " ." ' ' ""' •- " ' ' ' ancLakmirtiolorniata fifinotts. . 0 ._ , •., ~...A...i . iT DI --r --ri -11 l 01 ApirAe..---- - - ,o4lcallt ride . 7 I b,,, --- Mo. 1 . 4 Vgro anise at ge• tars tam ta WPM in ap dai tosel l 11.1 . "4". FAT. — o d s olopm goar .111ariltOr 100tvotatbre• PflfAL Pr i V l E l ifj":. ilmir4l.tV...l —.. ...,,... lansimer-0. "bus to I.I4XMOII I T‘ i, f ield"tbals- . hog Will tr 2. 1 ' " i .'..4 :7 2 1. :: : V46111 :114,1 . i 4 A3l =itali f . . - 406,0,01%. , „,, e........Lii. 'swim, • - "' " soa-4yawantiMNE sii.xwmaro ball uvzruge Callldpi 4 r ATIVIVLEGRAIII.IC A NZWE I. (ItW ) M ri/0519 11,110 'nth 1 1 01.01 W MIRY. Capture of Ft Sumter Confirmed. FISZROWILREVANALRY ROUTED !Tho'Poillion of LOW. Army (AMU ULBVID 01 IR NM 454"1• 6 ' •1_ “191trAng. Tra..sow Bat the following special ilsispdArrnss Ann! 01/7111POTOW 10, : 4 14:—"tisn'onvalsp Picked of the snowy Gana . )0%0 , 0 2 ; 4.2'omi-us woes tht,ll4pPatuinno ok !to thou a MIS own, that .ilost4Somter bast 12Sin'tsluinliy Tale it ionfitnistic o of sitrais re a- by - -Hisinnowiptssoss 01 yelteritee ante. , • • torso Mos, wader ltitslidgb asossad. hyd gip ` nosh yaterdity. tnorning,aser Calla% Was iredesiote birg, tint won speedily rooted bj • 12iplio stith a iou to prlsrnne tof &best oillneri, arida , nnatber of Pd. Hat" yoty,naipaolied, In -killed and two waled before crossing. the dm. Oar lose wee eight. Wakens wrap:s=44 Th• position of the vibe' array now; is I .soaserhat thno ;Moil 14, nest 9sonno. H. Ain new Rapidan Elation ; Loos. ~itreetatiateln.a Loom the 11.8. Ford to Fad , ricktiflui. and the planks from the }Lapps innoot down to Port !toga; leo's head 01,Wilreitte *bent two Bales beyond Orange V. Hi ; on %Ike Hoidotarvillo soul. Twents,into alai paging nod desectegi 104041kliititast last orsiabi, and whist otti , wornag. The, report canon s lio4 PIP* ion and , der: Won In the robot sroY. , raing*td/ohn,,Pearoo, 4/ertinsprt- Tanaka= the #_th Georgia, report Gellert' Stamm boost lland from hlitearag itlaillll3lll,sodps .ippolnisiont of Gen. Hood libisatead, latnig in. eommand of a brigade , . . _ &Treat, at a., Traitor ; Cleft, of the Waxartment2tunnitt-ef Geer- Ihinite4he Enemy not upon , the Potomil, • 'age4eet,Ug.34.—Tits Haraid's Speak qys s C. zaw:rai Later; ilea in the Wu PaPortapint, woo, anootod loit Moodily It listporeirorry wtv Impariiint document' to thadt4 for } De loamy LA hb pesetiion, tiarali fiepiettd of bsvlng been In amain- Illoilkorlilth es mobile for some time, end big dadt3ass ergs their mush vilnabl• T telllgenew, -- gaiatUtir vibto infest • the Chesapeake ad palatal iplot .snadir their appeatear feltitaap on the tow.path, about twesdy- five miles above Georgetown. Tiksyeppeared squads of 111 or 20, but as they were told by Money hailed that o n ther boat veer, Minuet with troops e boarid. no paAn -active pursuit ek es etain& via West** ebuntry ity of On Uwe b constantly kept up by our car =lnd more or less of them are daily cap . The etssonar Baths ws e aspLailtoloall , ar- Med Winds morning from Partresa Mon roe. abereports theorem lose not appeared -upon the Potoniao, reports to.Alle contrary stetwithstandlng. and dere are no dications of new batteries at any point. O in ur flotilla' ho sot bean able to dimmer any rebels upon the Virginia shore, and , the whole tionwtry wean the appearance otionelinius and dose , .The Rleotion.--Zepo Meath df Pembertou...r.lllovements of Gem Grant-100.000 Bales of • Colton. Captured-441AM= up Red River, eta. `lCkscurneet, Aug. 18.—tetesne from *MS busked ami . ommtlea,la Nantoski, gtif ltrasalette Aft thousand els . Inanared and yilitotriare majattlx. TO fautkes'Oalio 4Upetoh Sep 3 It it re. posted that ea& Pemberton died met week at Vo aAUL If Grant and Oaf and Adjatent Omura Thoinal logy calm Monday night fes Mem- jilts; QM Blabs thousand. ha/se of Om 'MOM cotton has been impaired near Natohea• Oen. Eamon I. on en espOillle a up Bed Ups owe tbonsaad rebel troops at 'Monroe, ee ialles west of Vltasharg, Irak': commen Nimbi Smit h Is in in Texas. d._ JohnOtOres forces are sattmed in the Obrin 4Ter From Cltarieston—Tie Old Flag. • IrtilaMSiod, special to toe Worldllyat 011ebd advises from Ron. OR morwand Admiral Dahlgren are expeetod by War ,and Nary Departments to Nash to.morrow. The fest that Oen. Gilmore Imo Amanda the surrender of Okarleston belOvo 4 hole to be bawd OR his success la V'Atltagya.wisaltatk = mPa . tt gad Va ss doolioo stiont4l. It is bellow" thal what le left of Sumter it 'taDi in Gen. GibitOXlVll possessisma and that thlittie dig which waved there until 'dal. tir te 7 o .141d la boa Is its old place, • one having been mat him gamy tilne,f l3 l o ..O r thateilatoc POrPoo•• lutumoLerwurs. , ac. NOnClahli hMing 'utuOltilla the astir& st'oek tom Oa lows os• Mr of J. B. IJoINItn, wOaltl sitoosoce Voilsabl ostffiatossulmithtisitt3fo big ranotsl to ttor.V. Bib Abut. Oats], =now b 73. B. 044420 whalt= istdeserplete stocker Yd. OW suit lasther flatus, Hides.. bUs e 'irtillia'bs lbws!, slaw& lowest rotes. 11.13913113111011; 80. 11) Liberty street. ArN. :MIRING FROM HIDE I.elnataala swags. I - maictiartuaur =l4l l O O a I Etstotsts roy , to acme 1111 0“ Mt r. V DSL = = 2 du r,4 Iw toabigto to say Imitates sequeintellow. , J. 14 Wk. . tombs. taBTICISIAIdIire knots is. -.: We have WAWA. Jna1L, 4 41711. 131 t ' s tr ii rto . be vetritAxima4th. pirt.remp t.• mho 4 ' 4 l ir OA .0114St0.1rmarded .33) *la • iitrirtiOn , Karam • vr. 44oi'iiii:azair - -:.-,...,,..,,,,.... wwi,-.o4APRaztal, . . ./i4,,,.p..,.... , .. 4... ..i, Brirlaaa,,zll=o4 o:6o Ararks t li:= lt i a ti . a dun 911ka We , . , AN'). ' WM, corm of eases Wit --IW-I. Lb-Yrttnanhtp air iishfing_llopriii tb. andiralokT; tvet,the llmU4lotu' ¶ 'b t;!..713211141r; ta 4rrnai air to 02. UHbEtiH #.. 2 4. 111 94 1 • 01 n , , lausow •u.h. xm Utf OF l'Aut-0 . .! ,. . tvP I • D•thilegia‘taistap 14ilitokire •110,4 !ado/ the &mot tons. vosimip •drahlbeiglagratasPOOM ° " " 4/I.llllCt tt 1.1.W4 . _ Wttn4 HE UNDlERlWWocionouits to Ja... tholito thlo *MIA -041ZILIIIITA, irlll ilose9ll9tiik sowatoduto ISO SAW.' on , lor grit* 0041 tom of LIMO, SAWS. DeWitt& /kW tAtoS toilets ottoottosolgott rarostoto I tarm 9.9tototod to stit late 9111. :4109-0; it*,ls; • • BOOM? DAUS - - :At; Whaliol 09T, - LIWIS W. 3. 1 1Wi . ik • - No. 90 ftm it. Pitialrask • . rI3, 41463016A5, 1110.14 tassitind billemOsotkned Dolldt4Pliaitle 6,1 erns; as :4010aCtil—'0A1Wiplaigiri4; ‘ l. . arroaleatbilit! ". 14114" , vim r - 11, H L L. idel,ll RECORA - • PI TTSBUlttalti ffIIAf3HST B : .4 ` :; perm. as MN ?mid:rasa Dane Gazardra • Ifalla , diso. ma. Tee predate mould condones eaeoallagli lull I dta and neglectad, *Rh scarcely as, thin dodos adds' loco thi nigutsi pate diary daalaltdili 0/11coce domes to dnajLdradorlly belog quoted yesterla 172 Is New Tort. Us dedlos there Ird produced% eardall.4ol42idA Ilialtsts bats so. aordl Itiltidada {ld rates pap lts dr.:edd a y. , • 21006.4d0200e-WiteaL quiet, th 0". of ffwP NW* trik.frCla 04,0470+31AV far „T,2l.rre ffo' 3lo l.P 6 ,5 F' 4,152r 6 , 9 40.141° inhi Vellovi s p - tiivat giro' (bra ti dual Kt :7:NO 72e rti ittudh,toittbdelilit tn . flair deiot: roar le Oat and dill, fidiitiddsisdi dlr. Giro Ads of 102 bblabtra-Wlo2l4;"fltsa oPtlar Wed," at * Uys dear ladaaLlst T • .GROOZBII2I—Acpc 1a nag _opt .ales at I lya Ida tor,thabit; tar ro.lo p4 r , sod 13 Sol J 2 0. - COLD . fr Ada storli 620 M stiA24Xo tar rod to cents BUN Molarass NCO ira 4:ACI'OII S7 VA I.lTsw. -- 1,1e2r. .1110012-40 ta aired ditiriad :add' ffrol batik. •' 01014 Weald 4,900:71/0211Kuredliaad atlVar "Kr"P-P3.49 tift/.10190-12.0..PPRPW2 !kte ti . 4 10,00) Uolders alytr l rjala #lisa!AFIL bei'a si ea din ' -N i na toStiP , pltlgalars722kiado tram dales at Man soar. aUfig f-540 21 7 (keen oftud at OEO sad' 100 at 10* .140.11* PIN flud*/ / 8 i butebded S, 'and Dry Pilot 703210, WE11211112.t-fs taut ea/s;ol7obbis Cdnatailtactlfiad it aea DIITT2II a OHIESIC—..aIe of I &Was vials pedal Button and 21- bean Came at 104 12){,c. r afTET7 Tbenk a 1 -9 PA_dowrikfd APPlas• lad se rate sales at from lOW bbl. Peaches tall, k from $3,60 toot $ buttia., • Yousbough I'CITOI6IIOI *Waist., Ave. WA.—The oil market toirbecii unantelly as tin o'4ol, •adiai , SPINA has been establlabed ere bolt' Critle Nitelttnni la goal deritto a enahreafelee'zi tID irtite;t %hog bbl en toll-T° ieoo aid 1500 bbli it irk, To tit "ggiliti';clit tete terms; KO ale letwilkf moo do - ot 433(• ant toast 93%4' bide fottm:od: • frolden o aro now &eking 8142.60 In bulk, endAtie, rictuses litelodoe. A. Fee Of 31,60p11b1e; In tank slept ow Oil City, WWI made 6 ?,1113.41#7."._ ~aiNg.ailat.l MP" PI"; or I.OAO pir Dbl." Reheat sire, wee more Italie, end tee ambit was an mid pries, for pn 141 &limy, eiloenotil l filly! cle's ahi wits‘talee en the ipot of OD in bond, st-6.1)0 net-4bl. com ports to emelt two weeks at Om with of:the Doyen coo bbli," t lAtinett3so bbll “lokikr," at 69aisa0 30AtoblwInfert, or dark, strew, &t, 403*. la to eDe sitive,,COO bids "Lilly," woe sold cm Wadi, for todobie Libre. bbis .141114 4 en 'thewpot - , T r Akeefili the.' There waits rib site* Wise today Areeltututir.dhileity thit leeriiiaid tutu of Amen. Is • maids Omer,' tete toed we doolortsal at Psfitirk, OlLlierrele lual'al u tae} Vie4l4. Now York Pettbienta Market. epxba DUPwL ta th• Pittitrarth - NEW Tow; mutts, Wm , Crods stsidy„ with-4sta so Use spot at-66o—an t Onnep• Disilood b tiors active, with • cautiniuid orssid, issidenT. lisle of 2.000 bbla is bona, qn the mot, lbr siport, at line. Other traidactiossst, DAD Qillo for itiaisdiste &liters elletici for iispistatar. sailers' (pilau, art6sC6s,‘ 411sitillniti In* fa Ombra', ,tarysts . optiorr. ties. is Om at 10011. lispitus stessly. iorith Wes Of BR. caned st 211 s. , • • O. • National Betake We Ind to the Mama ,Intehtittsom the fallow; tai Illetotuut 01 Ahe National Buns .to 'stab °w ildcats' With= trued. It attlb eun that Old° hada the other StiSte, hat tertaklerse hake are teltM °mullein to New l'ork sad Boehm. *ldea yet New Tort and Numantineitts There ben teen id:trete Natloie Henke OUP Wog tabor the at in,rebtosth IVA Tie No.- rem Oliphal. 11100„000 00000 .1 160000 000,100 ..... Elm Tar' AM' Now Jassy Djintot al Wad OtacA—.-. Total The above recailltdattaat shows' this Ctustior wad -Eitatoothot , boo no* Tottldoptad , the vL mum, onto:milli to intl. adiptod to tho n'ttolo. 1 The cosantonitt 1 : 8 504 011 "Ibuli caVam " Mil i hkk thq con at all Onto nib triNtot.t Ma dais* tan. en or disproaidon. Ws leant thit thi ihookolii , Boni, of isolftooc odd. • cogitoi of .400fice; had hitter ccosia l n aca the adoption of s motional who% 'ffeasittot aim la pogroms hatorto Took to oatatalla a 'Notional Soak than, ivittta oapltsl 01415. 0 XMX 10 . •-• Otherago la opontdonloiloa at Sostoo.Nint'Noci , ridladelphht, pktoto, and cast tattoo. talladelpttla Cattle Learket , aoodtt.." dflairdnlstdd dad 'al& of Had Oddest PhIBIX Amato DrouTard,aranonlarate ads eat, reatanti abotdl,6oo toad. Tatra la a good demand. bat ; prays. osatala about ea ;rant as last trotted. Bxtra Battle voalathrlad WM; picas.; OtodWasi, antaad'Padtryttatla idasel i to =lift et Coda OM Mr. tab do S me-cinnwe at from 6674 as to' coattalort., Tastaartot dont; vary Boas moon the H T iota Irina abeteliala efijprlces. I• - .Theattivala abootabovsa Atfltsts Brost Yard nn lanothlatnatevesebtvgl vout v." lona Then la a taraeranulat prate gall from 3366045 1 0 rash aceotdiss to vain". Zaaa I are adLai as taro : wld og* IMO bud as to wadi. . “d& 4 -s/J4c6 The Arrivals ant aanan,aapsat tbs.llatoa and Amato Doors Tatiana:l,9oo Mid this iota sefilag at from S6Olllll 100 lam mt. • 600 Urania atileaulfanaLenha Drove Tad it from 111840 1 6 /0015512111. 11.4Iaiad oat sttlaa Amin Drama' TOS; by .1. 4 ," a Oa.. 61 SMV. SNOW 4.19 4) Jt• TousdP IGAgkettvi _k. Atm. 14.-Yloorrtale asbals XXX, arlete vat,. barb pound: at P.-Vtuan-lehleilua boa, 461 , spa *MAX(' bee Whin hllota.aall2lA Sri ambit Mob. at 10431X. 11 , 609 bat Bo IXad at' Bator MOO dal No S lid ar 10361 TWO Ott dept 0=01.600 pal Ahalllee at Lea alosbriarltharefi salio• Wan buyers at the rata. pores-Bala foreman 1.010 sod nerTIO - 1 - tatrad= PIAR nelao,Caher grams Blade. Nevi Tint Seed - Settliet. " ; • E Atm team from • vadlehoen to Durant* that ma Founts of,the innate of Ita• et the moat oracal.aotar. Clam la no Ob. dartatM6l6 9 aast anueltli GP 11000 osiltfoo•bilotat. IlmvibitiA/100.14Ma Dinh Tag. 51.34 A sink awn alma:Latta Vole bt theamederenert moo sacrseess,-.. ~. .116816W1/490 , 20:1 • i 1. - .46„4161 Maio° Ilonamor,Ati4, 25-4 "Il 7:Via. ,tht:tial-rta k i J mert G.,, .-,....., . _ . . , xi* lowa 11 Ithiltio; 10 do do, J 8 CU, worth . • •euk 18 do 01411•64_ _AIL 18 . 2110 F, Wan 1 , 1 oisiorioriOlutilu aIeCV.,3II quo- 4 6 6 4 ; 1.000.. Alsamck. Stalkomil G 84 .88 Ws nu dour, lilduksowlt.,3 1,84i.rr 160 Wit ir itto c ri D a a Maui* , VW Ws,* 'I blot 110:680 .1 rieggar. 1 to de•timjA PidiseA 1 16 Et INV 4 cor,lGisiume.G II not= i rig 'Cos O. Ayr( Tow 6d00184 . 18 ,68116 * ma.. 4 x 8 Ausa 4 l 1 . mutt ..i l tr i us lartBStitertto .-0111 WM:3' fitddioldi.:xsz,,,z, .: ..1 tor= GlVErgit : 113bido._B ' /114dIE Al - G n Eldfitotroxrpate ate, inesamttaras i,,,, 43. bb.w. man. Pros Alamo; IS taachesse, t "SW.' - goiter; du ago machos, liturtlaud &Omar 8040 ac, Atwell Les It co; 10 do do, Bhrinta 12 1 l lL.l: l lmi :rB% ?i, g ,h t; q buselt,ktinlyirpcs . It OW dialt..o6lo - 8 - 166 *hush Adler: 160 bar ear, a Gut Ildbmi totacco,thladtdo-do', 8 G eed„ tthda dct/,,,fr 4i 1!1 . 4 ; 8 r 1 6.746 W 0. 41 1. iivt eita...n sunne tar' got te o w lk 11,014•944.10.d0s muldil Mie balsa J ditty ' 'MU vlareur L ilteru• ,11 6140, oa ohm and • Mos; SlddrkeirlllBs 4stitt; asepiiinrw bbbak ..kzwirdzi I I dirol bitre,itemmr. £75300r3 1 4 if 0 pouar pgli bur lee roglpoOngoomors.. f ", JAMES M.BAliktio ‘.J.I rovmuc rwe rkta4cilritilaWif rk Acen.:4-"" ea . • tAt="oo.l7. Clk4444Sts7,la;taisibiliail;:i • • •., *-P44/Xj.P . 1 0141 4' . ' 11 isiaLatronia MOM B • • ••41itat i1 4 74"1137 -..4 " MD ' 117 V00= ir e. RTC*W 11$15'""" • uu• pd.tXts - • " • t; s.llMCMlllimp 07 10:10da add laar rim; .0%.12,e,x In don ad lbw add 00014 PIT= d GO:S. xo. mottasda dad. PROPOSAL& , Jaunt. PiioPo6itt arClntYtd.aril than= I DAY ur talOl7lT, 18 3 si 1.9 f0r fareslgni posettas s atatttitatamata mob,. laajrxlkYs h at m viva nag tar vbs.% h th= has kno as No. No. nol Itia• Nadi Firwn than tha SO,Wiloarres .Sids Itellitr =at van Acal4 Wtqta ocnajasiseed imitce tt t Fotnabci or ea icrn ter %MA Goustigdent &mai, 'sr the nits of 800 WWI 1104; &Lbw ed actor st the ClOvertnocat Ia litorgalcirm as the %lam. cc WI the Palatal:WU Ito Lau atroatatis at ammo, wet, of no rost floutagmet may baill•Vitinatibn win b. ib.d. ,0411Poftbionie • - to .17 , /AA aMilz 9>Anfit.64oo/47111114. tf oMS be snuriabsed tgola pangwo.igt prevbass idaily iSta t a c Mll4 ',par Whom tram bLidanarstit lb ad. Tim mit* mitt Icturr. =de TetT gam. Pcos Ma r .__oo o . gat twatarra. • IFF F.PlS4Okt.:Prkik maws, wtia Fr j 7,1- . WIND aboltiotiailiWtwiTa.. I,A) .4t41,-.41 atrWit •.i.M 1 m-- .43Porsiall- p#llPO4kitts,Vo,ll. stars.„. • -.• • .., Din Lim. } lL ~.... i3l aidaaaakein tr.. 41 : VI L 'lllo,laUtitadantrldll zioalvia at this at ill• AO 11.4101331/5. to in d• to _ ta. yetr i airde Ca :Bra** t u ib 'Z . of .- ..ropaulaNalu tibia . ts tostotWits id lasi isoribmssoultl4•463 I=4. Ikblel9.4tALlTl tri=ah ratin I talk% se 'Cod 491 , 41_4(e9d - ae.t.-inaini• Veit filiidlimui ,, an ,„•,•:„;. = t• Ataitil c 4 lli*,londaelo W. S Zo i l i a i mpaa 41,1Plaaaalard WINK( agnaturia in 1 • /1 414043A1b !. ' . : Soup' it. MI l b l e t- „ ;l a , .• li laded 12161P9e0....e11.: ' i . . • ..• I l cs *A " l a ea r li etiliViiAtriabertaii2Oot Lk G. t •Wc BANTU/1k 42111441 A Zama, and ta aukMddati taailaTelclMisb t't Rome' s 0.4. wiviT A 1. 1 0 11 . unit, railikdi MO/ 'M. 'Cavalry Ewan. aa.thtt 1,,,b • ....12 1 , , LVII • • .- +A Lame o._6lit titool/7 . 1 ,titrkawantogluxi4 Awl , -back bugdatat No; ta Mee etresh PM& , , • Ina. Attuned threw., s • ntory w use, with boa building, O. 111 nom atrest,tereeien'llhet and,earond Buten, Aloe, • twowter7tdtk deralllU boom, with boot .1 balldialtor Ho. 11128000nd stmt. swee Bose Ali the abase KS In good order, and saypllad with gee El water. d Also, sad • on• story frame cottage welling, Ho: d Elwood West. sadtlettwrestary trams dwelling ad lOhllogt Rath °Mae knees are In good =art Ca suitable kr coall-donnW 6---- Allto,-• lot of ground ca tlut nortisteannulny side Of first street, between Boas and T 27 Mesta. nest Reds elanwt.-hartagisfroat of 94 test on nit Pallet, and reloaded, boot 60 teat. In The obave property is titasted •• desirable Pact oaths dtt. a ' for terms el gals and parliccdan of, —wst. :titiommapi, - J717: 0 -,...:• -., Ron: 4 MM 04. 4 . 0R RR rlLTlLD.ljallaira OR eiithAt=eiz i g n a m akild4zw —l, alteitatitio Itaiporti letmarf, P .Ttlit„ ealabildgasat fe.ix,goTkonishecooodittiout Odd:, brettyloinPfdtai ftliettu'ing - wyf if idatop bre 41 t n i t Voi r if---7-Wth i-l' Clz I. a i 10 4 = p .. 1 ant lit i t - • high 2* Also a. Mt 80010 -1131401 E WASllHOutfitaer• wooadise tetdakey. , ,a, _, ._..____,;. - Wo,also an for s ate.Oor tlifeltalrswos7, to good workbag candltion.altastod4ra POW MO his, adjoining the Wont of letoperalloatilla , Per Outlaw pietteolvs Weirs of - Tam MILL it 00., ea Rod street. sediflsrame ALINLBLE rENN MU R T DIO VWag TOR USX—Tiro Lou, 21 ,Wt.' In: trout 6711 0 fret dolor to *MIMI vita • 1 11 10 1 iitoth l , b=iss 1111rolv gisiosoini,aild al/A anat. A Sled-, rabbi baiMn barn or Daidni. _ _• Alwootios kos _ Van tor grails tsitiiimog ossr Klosnislm, bun % to 1 we tub. Alas, • lorgintisibor of building kla. isi Tlitiaug shook Wean 60 Soot, trans lig la) to 160 foot Peeptignusla-silliicts of 41 ,i ! , o ~ wu stmo of to thaasinYtait(o:l4:lo, Viscators of tb• *Os tlissoio. 001 d. W. a- 11I8E011, 1 JOSS D:6111136 ,0 461,, . -...... B. e. Mum • VOB 81.1A—Alsw inMertor oadentlV 1 haul OnATEIDSZ 3011-ZO ,tethsa Se Oca.4nraira tssw 116.11.1grnZa 15. 1 . ,41110,2 " g . feet loar. M inialtnan. Tyro nisuemau rxrests,sci elt am and emeng , tumei MIAS Mao lb reial bah Oman dant to b mcl2, •e id lor flu orb. RIMY lOW laztlia-inniteZ var. car Pn4nt AILIn 1i • 1 .0 1 . 803 10.000 0% 010 . rkWEILLINGIiOUSE FOB VALIOIA WIST.-1 of& Az pie at rant s TWA.STODY D vlOl DWI:WHO; to OW boatel onganutits tor, casuilaDis eve 1061121 1 liasda ;cod siva DTOBTAWOM.oa tbsoasmTel rnsailD,eaTa °sristi. !Dona tb tams and farther ,p DAVID H. DMZ, M 921,000 .FOll , BALE, bblsi Booting Cement. • • - wawa. orADDEN a 00.. rSMiNSIM ---------- .Wpb gildroafi ballieliiiit =awe & I Mashed r 17,0: 7PAYlllll7*Cnalli ',fib =maul rod air aselsr, sad Irater. vllll oltuliriftpYit; Mot.. Ml.SCtig .orlk*Se 07177 Y. _ L ow R77wagwr Ran- GD 'lniy ilW . M iletirnt774 ,c 1747 MUM YL 111DInt P liaatba 77l, - ' 11947 o i r s o x. r mEli,;Fieit , L. , Wow ibr Oman a Homo for 'On la aleCanno yip, tato, townolifp. ond , a l M oo fatifirevithlanboti "dbnionos of r PlololforfAVOlOLO lb Cbtoggo - Boihrat on tai WM - old T.O. Building. '1 ,Oa A 7,l ' ,7 at a 4Sgrateestroot., .- ITI • refOta • . ,k 1 11 ' VIM • .11J" SAT: intirtrtAllialth of Cho frortoter. Adana lilyßos4AlieerwiLllAlYANOWn, Von m 1112.167 Llkesty ems. • . • = Mu ~ PUBSEPSOPPTYY ; .. • k. } Pa ll tarr e ... 1110211EOPAIMO 1131111-EDIEn, • 1 d •-• vox, Tax • _ - • „ mama imams& 50.1.-Per rtfray OmpOon sot Iliammaice! , Worn 115nrst, Worm OcON WI *t Qs Did. lra • citiinOiludzug Wiikstal, sogralatinta. 4.4ne tourateichasir. taintaxik spa scow nor 0= latil i t i ma lcomills lhossters pi, MaLdf -•./114.11. 434 6,4411 Clatill* (so4llThltattnit TOMUtage 73t3=Ml*Astsegko. iigalzeimTbst4 151c4 .7 of the Egad. Ito. 10- Otamtch. - t . • U.; Mt:l# .452.13.4ittleitifi •.LiA 4 .1510-14-Bdt Bkasselfdea.- troy., Wm% Plot.lirtalim.Prilia. • •,1510.15.,Mimmi Nair.air !Wa Lascittes ar 13catassman tbstßailailtekt Tabli at Ho. fre.6caingaldlibliattlabmtal7P2ll. mad Narrow Debaity.- SP-Oc:a 1 / 4 0401 beoo l o l a eons cg Afl Gt^li • ,LASCAn -tialatbll6o.Witibtalll*o l l. l fp, Perkidif rtioimmo egoism ;1"..°1a utlboakiasSula 0 1 33 - Angrgighl.= • i47444Bfrtriege resitiaii • ;•14 t 4.1 . 4 ". iitab4 - 10. 1 I C... 06ta, of hag . ittaiallas 0r.....4•1116 iritkrahlztradairstp*Vnidltithintee' FlAt - Ice Mtscadfa Rogrsoestusitrftionee.- I zzATAIMMUUMan T.1t11.17-A .1 " g a 7 e g2rWigar=" llll . l . l3Mata . Groxqp asd acpuer t:lllirThil dffe lzra k e- liiii i4 „.„. this at_ cartels, Vs Mau s la titUsiN. Anglia • All ODOM 11104atier b az . -- ` ll ‘ . • • • • " ' roptititit Aociiiilatioss. Tumid with • alarstiaos. 604 • boa. . • = 7 : filakilAsm • • mon. Thegibd inyr iaz 4 :,: , D6636omcithe RAM* "i fintite fiNikomi ..lbsidome-bncamiltsa Diadzipe sar3 actokluili reasenneassd Dam". sae we secoodta•S inking may laws. sad may be .114••ista• as • city,__lfiloi• 81.itneta.L_ ' . Wain anD CM= erszn, PITTEInatiNi Ma &put lbw Ms Vagina *entry. -a CILEVELLNIK-.,....-11-la NJ prrnacsair .L.Nv '• t- - :,--1- win:mums aatutos , - - 4 .•• .. r.-- 1 l'T II 1 1 11'11 3,Tamy ,„M -.- i.. rao au' 'lob . aoto tau? is& .l r, ..... au , IN.vA cd, tr.7144.01v.raa. 80., 'a Ma. I. weir. wa.lollcorir , ' : : ... Pradml4 ark 11:441m EON t trans PlUitarglt i L4O A p, 0:10,...,me P. IL all 'Titt,t.llll6 1 Mo +- . Als."_, " .122U.a.11:t0 0 - ;, 'AO; :MOON& 6:10 - te - it 044,;." - lada • • rarty l iixgq.r..— 1x - -, r - ;,,A. , „,:, edo .. stpub t i.m:aa - t, _;., 1 .112% SSW% Imiiiir.?-. 4 411 1.4•A gfi m4 iii4l,-;, - ,- uto. &as. '1,401-11irfaMay Ile. A.'railil Masa' * Leah , . Dap c ,...ti t ahrfrtial4:.o , tirruit. Lou ,Nil Cam MI. ~, ,,,,,,,_5y.j...1 4 ., rad am aatats4aoateaeoatlneest. TasuktPViealloa_with.4l,lo•Wr.Ata Eir)llailhomi. Tinewoo oat qa-9, j Leith' - Pithebarith...- - -'..:. - PS ,O o. m. 1140 li. a, : 44 .inawillls-...--.. 434. , ot '440 a 10 .1401001.-----r--0...4.1.40 to., AM a de A11imm0......1*a 11.111 , 4 ' 4,46 .. I do Itaunna........C>or • [ do ...H.cdommat«.... .......a...a.4.7:16.14.a :gap /niter at Slar4.000.:11:111-0. Taw r OrmaaMtasall Balifta8111"3" 11 .11m, PM1111010.11.014 thilitDoveri at Mame with putemingb, rorLiewpwiLitavuek.,,,, Ssitreettis ilatenaamenhAtialtietaati .Grast Western MIMI -.04,-.101 fistaiMilill o jjaiistraltrale. 11 am. JamostOmiio • Clip - 1 - "Laarnills and tnualnant‘ Beilroed for tharahoVraalWesui ItillnwsUrip and at with O. ift• L. B. B. for Erie. Dooklei cad with 0.1 T. B. B. for Bandatlty. Toledo, sad silo ine=sers:Detreatfon i.ii: at LI P. a,. AttlVV.lftari: hii,a.lo I. 61 . . MO 1011 ''• Metsi. .1 . 14:016 'I //.11 iroidnik. ft; st. no bs % 1 '3l4ll44ttajiMlArt Vas LIN, t kititott -. And at Alleghenir me . • --• , - --- ....- A. 4. out44l4ll=T; Tecteuelit. • - iii !tabu itlilbflguitily to BnitniMitoott, it thy Conlyttol . 92oo_ipMe; Roll o% Nos N. , Evy.matlra., grat i -.,..,: : ::-. , i - :i •-• ~ , ~ ~.sexontureat' 1F,t1?.1--..-”'. ~ ilta Willi DAY, Alga "'"': •73 A. ,40116‘4PIVBSIE,VAblia ' - 3 , ‘ '. , .Lti. wffivroaltr .nutim.... ‘, - , 0 , ‘:az.. , . rat - 0 coon mx:l44tib..q ..:a implo larrresibirfaienerliation dal% taast!timllsi ar AM a; na.,stexpini at in IScationatkmm PM* . parch and rhi.W.4tigito, and aratsqp Creel wawa tionAls rlLLernrlnan Ileilaradr WA. !.......L..... - ilk* J .rn-L , TILL-V!; • =ltl; is' -E; II- 3;.-4.. 4 1 . J. , al,-et , ..gglOp ~,,...-; ...,4% , :-M, ‘' .tr oh fed a. et.; nret , Ler .reti L. vri F. aai ItaXtlse GUEn. , ;.tgueiniOl. , ti felt wan cud :Wgzi-,l4„tilla. tr...,1Lr,44‘43. astis ROL n 4144a1t3C44110XYLY.610.e* ' ' ' Mil 1 I‘-'lll/0:1:,11,r,l•le % 7att let -tiet.,-1 - illard oniread:lre at -13.arnext - etr .SiferlilleLanisce3 tat Vett 'Pr A&A-W Mb VA F1L5.58154eLan.., - •,.. e L. - 141.11: ,,, SlArrL,_,P2lirtlani ;.a;i2;*, . amps (itrA",SIV 2,, ~ ctspp#.", .satin cemx ,, 4 re ll 2 st Eftiniraut ~n OM WI V saktee=l, dal sirrallaadltadr ieitt 5- 1 1 1 Tut; Thad Ailal=4lliSzl i 4..4lll24l?iha WI (=AP' num) eviket 4 e, rtbkftiatiart a ttus altrenntit, crprzsOcaszsallew r....0it 1r40.*7:: :00W:rallataFairtlilainadtarria 'Mare'lt%': l 4 , 4l , '6sa l- 4..... .b,w.,„..d...........,.. tatucrare ...r.. moss army (cacnt ec.r.r..n),statEtc.,l4, ;- -. Ewalt, gienmea, , ,,' ^ rai... .2 tor Wier i . airlift tmrsclaZiteoa2l.3) l o 6:10p. m. - ravaliteall l' 41.2 'S . Wkire a faraa 'v:7 - ms. 4 A s t• .. leS4.l.WißAtilebaintegrplrtt, .1 A r , ri - As . tads 2rililltiorm I Ullman ~14Arg,p... - 1:71, 1 I=rilt o t ui rta" 4, ,..a s l a 101Xgill% Weini7VtatWA ' ' •s'a. -t5.1 41eottti 'EWA Man Lal e. _IAA. -fitilrik , Writ „MAN 1:40 r, t'eurth Wrlre etadln anIZI es, ; alstuni,-.Parottertful 476 0 1 , 4 at,ll Fla P. Matitagia 4 ol 6 Ttolatio Dlairrrale analndiaram=i= f. Mtn innaitddlWrlek-'2liraill. in...torr , t• Tor.= cesrog; v. 14 -,Takis Ur" • and rritaTattkatri UPI= &na J•rMLAatal . maseft, Vett: ~.TridtslarL no -,w7 cottect al • tiatb. ME, p. Thru.sad ILIALTrIOAVai . AOOO/1/120dat/CS and SIV 21 4• 11 ** 21111.; ' 'Wt Ar.4-,1A=10116.11 ' 0314 V....d 4._0 , to oitti.Pf AA , stiosetsdi Mara! MAW, es kb.• lialiedeoll artuatas aartmaad-ro ay , ottimitimv crifismati . w.h.*Ki. =Kb. etra, =1 1 arstized, tosairdr dark • . 1-14 =ta=w=s'spArtb fred li=p,I1Z•11. ,uti tmcr.t.lo rx=kwlt4.4tetr If Kra icri,L.......„0.1 Dar listulti co ' 7" r 1 0 1 : 14 e10 1 :!•*r, 10,50 TY;;,' l,so :Pfi l tk , ...1.,. 5 " ' , . , _y " .+i 1.3 all 13ternza rn 4.}1, talsl7 l ‘ . 3101Wastal--Tallena; sal tolt..aLlll9lilW Hailltaset IM /51131 Tate. , .;, .. •-,: 1 .;r1”, TWAY ;,1 , 1: 5054'54 4%14 1 'WI Ira • DR esseri, scra.s4l4 c.q.41 lomilpf, hi , he to' vtatica rati., IrSay, N a ,arerattaLlamlasay WI Wrileri2a,c l tnE! -•;‘,-, , 1 ,IIICITICIL—In asera , ol Ira atm Lbilmacep 55111 Its% tbssiarra rarosedhla .f...... - - pa r oral -., -; Mb, , ad k-r an ar..=n:Laa.rnealine ;471. 1 EI B. -da p-Ar.A= 1.4314 w, tots rstacial to oto ty vatitt.:ftiCtad latareo , to 61417 it the cor,,,itfr. Os. A.ldeArce sici to esrodetatAtrifistedi posi In wr: r. , 4 1, -.17n . -, - .F..." , "? " ' ' Wig) . I. Mit , t, At asit T.l4.'Cbirtlii Ontrti-;24.i1t:z0l bona' ' _ EXAYIKAI. FIRST NATIONAL BANN., ioITTSBUR64 I . • . ttatistirt DOiltMlart. t . 1 crynal or oourr l ottaft of Via @ mac • • Wialington tit:Winos 14411 1 8. tilbumrio, By fatl.factory evldantis ytiodaltull the widorshmed. it to been made SNOW that ttio /MST Lialflolt• n ilia (yr rrnasuscis. fa the *may of Allogtooy, soul Buts 01-Illegratur als,•tiss been duly et 'Wood nada gad aidnallag to the nalsdnunny• of . the tat of li3ougrais. sang.' act to tooshio Ihdlould anneuebe: • pladd• of Iltitsd Muss Cleat., and to Ihr ettsudn gni red<zogstton thgreos.. ilhat ., Istottsrt 231141t6.3; srft has • provisions of Had act ftqullen el ** babro =monde tight tuatssiosof 13anklug.i Dow. Mosta*. bo nn ylotct. 03 .01 t1r of ths Ccatrocy , nn win* , 2.4•••• id* MOT Mal& 46 , RIMMEK , 3II. amity of Alloglisny, sad of Yousdellanbh authorised to cootinsws the bustom of Sufi* int, der the Act abroad. ".•-• 711 taltk6olll 'dared" iratiii46 mai of offtero, this a cu '6Ut dole ft 1.133- oillimttoonstoor . comptralsrot. Ix* 0171307 , • , „ THE FIRST NATIONAL RAIDLOT ' PITTSBURGH, (LAIII FITTSBIIIGH Ti 1752 ODAWid) lautuss.s, $41 , ,00.000, vial pstrileg3ts:#oo Blll to e1,000.600.-: - , 1...4.4 Mits Pisubargti Tt alit Cantoy linf s lojAWssi under Om sut to Fro riao Batlonal einunicbluise .Ott. UM* la- the SMUT titILDBALI 3W,,.0/ PIITDBUSIM ,stoold sosportfults ulbs itlitensoll En the tollostion ot Botts Pratts,BlßO et Di~ - So.; reallve matt on &Posh, OA tqa "iforma , thane osi silvans ol no =sari. Ito mos which bus •Accabid.tb• Trost Cowpony duns Bnacisalsstlon IsCW6II. wo.bolloss, pp a KZ clint.losraltte wi ri= 1 entruttalp tio am oft Gui 331,10 t , seas prompt attentbn. -''" ' , ' ''' may'steads* % Swumoa rsto an.ouins&lnos• *lS Da•ta Al Bnts thoust she consulroes la. hers we CO air unusual Laultlfloli Se sham who do Inillnuti with us Ins bashful' will D 3 ' ecultufsdNlholtiatot l 2 l - stztausit z :1; r' ,- - 4 '' - . Apia lauediu, t I A TmisAirA iObeitB.Lp, Dm:dle. 7 ,..u. trri turpii, ~qDhooaal a.frAAL'9'3 az, .. . ... - AA73ISIADODLID; . IIIO46I. , Ju l,* D. gom . y.oubb.,• , „ i.. ~, 4-L7 A i . ttlQtie6 • DUILLAIS .DAAALIALIAS lidttlie 'DO: OD ,auarrUaAn.legUys a Is ' . :2 4 0 , 41/00:411 B to A e`cloek_, go .boo b ,- - EADE•A•f•••••S 1 7;• D. , 7 USDA lanotor lA. Davi" 4 •Ao * o' sag A= 21•11•44, DM •DIA* lit tem•Ao• ce. z • .__ . 4 ..._,.•.„,. PlPagn4 AClhrt .1 -aiD:Blans labia liagateue Dopir,"ssid it addend. of.tWpiodti4gd id lox . Tearob• Mb tad December. Woad Mama Qs. died sszol.sononlly to Juno mod "r*st" an ;gm the Bank was o at sp nitwit dat IT net. , •CIAZZ lii Aturn - aotirnsall•Aw Do: emu a the t9r oiriattriNDlUDlontllssmso llba. taunt= the AIWA at Juno mid Dip .,,.. , k uoa• nountbsesstnt It. ta - tOtBOIS troubiten 'SW to =tier slow to unmet DDII•runk7SZT - .. . pas, loom wlll double In las than Wart rum Books, conlalntoritnrObsular, 144,m, limn • -1141 BettilktiontatwAlamd-ststiliaMinaclidas idi Dat Atka,. , 1 -.v XN. r.t., , •- " l••••arri-10;0-4D I .i p A,LiS John D.Noti;l: - . itatieirjr , ola - ' Lam Et•lnselh ,LAA. AliabAlle ' Alazandsr Spam —_,...a--Inns D.D.D•oth , Ih3.u4m L tXii k nt r st ock, ", a H . a hi u. p ritotcii. D ;ansittudosz. • i wilt=e . . 'i lllV=Sfai. ' . ' I ta all;rai John O. Sluttish _._, - Alas (Pa. illOrP r igiek. i c. Bobor L Mono L. Oanich " -- ll6tiffs, Wspral•h, - 0••fla A._ 001;04 Jaztes =Ms, ' , wB. Vilßans B•WipW • ittai44 , '' ft r. lachria l i , . WM= sun, Alsyssoloalltellis Pear ELHaidua,;... - ___- .%Ulm TAW*. ..Jamlb" 1 Imo Wlttttlor,,,l L. e. Wasp ' lithi:r.,W,:mnia., . Witnist D. L•••hr: ' Chr l4ll2 "p; AMID= 4 Timuzuz—OßAlLA. oo *-- Ild' 4ow, : -, , A • ~:-..1,, ...-..,.._... .1 1 i . ... nuiluitaus.- - locality Cnuis Oil Bards ix gals than S. Gomm ..a0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers