'll4l - VAAN 1 • r ' e 4 ": • =ES •, • . • . • . ' i;" • • t • • - • ,- . 2,4i ., ••!• • • • • 't • • +, • • : • - •,, „ "`• • • • • - zt,i 4 ' 44' ~ ' ... , :• - •4 - ....!;',4i4 - • .... .•:',;"' ;i::1 ...•:'' ~ .1.: .. ......, •3;:: ' ..' 4i. • : *':• 1.I . . 1•... ::- 1 I ' ‘ !1 t ` ; ,-;' 1 , 4 ~....i. ,4 • ~:. 44'4,-.,14:4;:i,,,,,,,.. , , I. , 0, , ,,, •;;'‘ . .f?M'4•4,`,:- '.:..1: '!' •::74:; ',./,'':; ‘.:::. i? 2 4- 1, T.E1`::;.:1 !:•:.; :. ': ...P,., 4: . .4 , .-.. ':••:.:;-:.:-".,*•• -::, ,--.'- ~..: • ... , ...: , .-;0..: , -: 1 , , , ,:.;1 , -..,, , . : ..: 0 i . ~. -- • • 1 - m ; '....--. '• .': I. 1 . : , . , 7,,,:,. 4 1.. ---, N .: I:. -, 4; - = - :• - • ', l ti..44: , ".: 1g!'; I i ,: v: '.•.,:' ''.;.;„, 4;4:;. •,... ' IN _ '....-5 ,. . - -- 3 1 - * , • • ,4 .. :-',.. , , , f .....- .....* l . '', ' l . - ' (.. •• --' ' ' ;.* ' ,A ; BM 4 ; 1. fig ' -••• , 9f-A. \ • NN.‘ ...:REDNEDAIN-110MINWA1711. 26. LCAL._ From Yesterday's Evening Gazette. Pittsburgh Batman Coalmine , ' The following donations have been waded for the week endinpaugnst 234 . 910 31 One package of Tolethibt, lars:C. S. Gmbh, Heathester. Two bOnes,..fieldiers' !in - piety, North tiolfee,o piton noristareb, 8 piperi'dor. , One pa th os' anthem from • m en d:• , Oae pale crutches,allit-Mary Metcalf. Oils box, Soldiers" Aid ..fle , tm, Temper anosville, s ' One bon. Botabirs' Aid i3oolety k dierion. - Elitadit'sitokir Aftqa lastalso; Ooaol Prithybufito Chuton;'Ventoe, Pa. One her, Soldiers Aidlloblky; Brookville. One box, 111111!Ontik Prisbyteriati 'ethos gation4- • "- • One band cutolint o n o, Ha r m on barrel aid qa whOlun, 9 barrels ono, Harmony Society of if Two bor t oPEGoldiers'.. Aid Society, Worth ington. oat box. Mlii BuleAdair, Eewlokleyvithi. One bon, 1 iterj,largerikokage, I beads, 1 crook hitt/4_l "drool' _ Plokle,s Hampton, an d Pin. ' tow n ships °lads' Aid Sicisty. Two boxer, New Brighton, Soldiers' Aid & q uo. K. •R. Church, Freeport, per J. W. Shusr...---.....* ..-----$ l9 25 Mrs. Geo. IL Hogg, Fayette county... 10 Do W. M. 5 00 A. .fdahlastan ...... 5 60 Denizsmie bontigh, per 0. A. Barron". 16 00 John B. Zich/on .—.. 28 00 A........ 6 00 , Cid:ea 4th Diard, Pittsburgh, Per Samuel Barclay .—.-- 12E1 60 Citizens ti Ward, Pittsburgh, per La -516 00 dle and The following letter from Doctor Gordon Winslow, of the Otittall States Sanitary Cketi - mission, will bolound to nontlith an illterwit lug desoription offito army boslital at Get tysburg, together - with • ttmobing re eognitien of the 'strides of the Sanitary Commission on the parrot Confederate Surgeons Gerrnetraon, Atkin 13th. I thank you for Your latter of the Bth host, just remised. Yon teem interested in oar hospital matter". and I am quits disposed to afford 'soy details the, rosy to desired. I Will be as specie° as circumstances will 'silo*. The camp hospital le called Camp Sellormart, and is about a mile from Gettysburg. It oti alpha an elevated plateau on,tablirland Of some fifty acres, overlooking the town and the extensive battlefields for miles around. Thls, comprising the Bound Top, Flat Top (or as it is now nand Weed's Hill), the Cemetery Hill, the College stofileminery • make up the fore ground Id the ploture,nnein the distance are spun of the Bins Ridgiamountaln", with on denting lines of rich, deep indigo along tha Il k horizon. The site 'of the camp and surrount --"" big fields were coccipled by **rebels whin a - Wanting to turn our 'sit wing- ' The ten an tankage& In military order, of the usual hospital size, in doubts rows, b acked together each opening upon avenues twenty yards wide on either front, forming six double roofs with avenues some threehrthdred yards long, Tea derbog the comp nearly square. Oa the north, northeast and =dare primitive groves of tall hickory and oak, eleand of the under brush, in isbieh are situated on the. northeast a row of tents for odious, surgeons in attendance, lady nurses, and the large don tants of the Sanitary Commission, due In number, with their cook-hoar, Iko. Along the Ilse on the north are arrangiod ths commissary tints, the klichozooms 70 fed hug by thirty wide, surrounded by huge boil ers, do.; an lee-house, a bakery, and sun dry tents for attendants, de. Farther back in the woods are the quarters of the guard, nearly surrounding the whole. A stria:voila; is kept up. I had forgotten to say that urns the east end, nearly at right angles with the offf oars' tents, is a row of tents for rebel officers, numbering some eighty to one hundred who We kindly eared for. The whole amber cif patients [d ;now abootiourreat' liatltid; df whom thereon over nine hundred of the worst class of so - ends. brom the commancoment of the rebellion the Sanitary Commission has maintained 'its position as a most wise, humane and affloient aid to the government in mitigating the hor ror. of war la mazy important respects. Its agents are on every battle Said, In every amp, and every hospital, to motto the uafor taoats aallarsis from themberteref - neglsitit and untimely death... UhlU! feleandattpwit datel by the Conlin crab as will aellnfort soldiers.. At thelate - battlO two of thespiata of the Sanitary Commlnfon were - captured, and are now in Libby ration, Richmond. The moment this was ithown to the rebel znr gums in our hospitals, they united in a poi lion to Gen. Los for *Arnim . This pa* don ls worth recording, and Is as follow s She undersigned swoons of the Confede rate army, now. in charge of the several hot- rates within tha Colon lines et and about • allttylbil2g;bllt USTO to testify to cur goner: al is-ehld.itt-facorof thetlniutdfitatcoSsn', • itary COusmiselon, as • mostpraltiewortby and charitable thstitition. Vapor' Its kind Pror visions, oar hospitals era suPpliell with many comforts wtioltano.of inestimable value to our wounded and suffering mu. Whits this promptness with which their agents follow us t the heel' of battle enables them to an immense amount of relief to the animta nate sinkan &wounded soldiers, on eithir old it also necessarily exposes them to tiny mars of fortune, which may oblige them to ask , Motion from the themodul party ' Thus, dart lag the late battle of Gettyshertifour of th. agouti of the CGimmisslo n fe ll Intl our bandit, and at 'We fawn, 'arie no* helt ad - prisoner' of war. We respeittfillp 'thbinir; that as th ese men were taken without _ artful and while in the employ of• their duiritablo *Mae as Wanner' of the Sanitary Corouthidot to tbs wounds"' soldiers of either party, t be released from notralst, and permitted return to their work of benevolence and goo will to all. The obo» was signed brsome chief sargsensof the Cinfidirate •arity, and almond to General. Lee, - ((alum wusiov. Bad tainmity.Ftve Persons Drowned On Eisturday last, a Mtn Bingham, and three daughters and aeon of Loran Dewayi Esq., were drowned in • pond about ons and • half miles woos of Hutophreisvills, fn Ms: Ingtou township, Luivrnoomniy: They went to ride in an old boat on the pond, and When li a her rod" from thwohore, Miss _Biaghani said to the little boy, #Come,to t6ls end of the boat " The boy did •o, and almost in: stantly the boat lined and . sunk, . leaving thy who's five to stnggle . ln the later,sad them beteg no near -lemons theni-lhay ware drowned , . Their bodies-waressoavared in about two hours.' hir. 'and. ifts. Downy oats absent from hem*, but Mr. Dewey was soon on the. ground—only, however, to find the dear ones , from whom ha- had, parted but a short tints efore O og UP; death. Mrs. Emmy didnot aftIIPOIL*W-e•Mado - llt o 46j. Miss Bingham wan from Viiiiont,fon. to bet broiler, ilvingissu,Slarit's.enten,and wad visiting at Mr. Dowses on the-day of the wie eidetic. The funeral Ilinklak wire held on Sabbath - afternoon, end It was supposed that over twoillottsaad.pfticwariAwmant. It wupwlistnrthwmost - sffsetiarcamwthat any *nod that vast oonooursa of people ern wit noosed. A Strange Preairdi Lightning The wale elsp of thunder, what aroused env *Mena on Bawdily night,ind which hat( bean the subject of go inuchrumart, was heard family lilies around the eity; - Thi dub of lightning wide& produced it streak an , old gas Is the limn of Dr. AL Lamp, N 0.14 lland street, but did no material damage tci ~the how*. Thtllea was ,ilialtiling in the awn nes of a room, near an open sad had been char d with powder and for mpg have la ewe: s The li ghtning - MUM to have ring down thsbarrel,as the loadwie tumid SIMI:L.4O4g ,the app., Theban: paned op along the wall, and beolad Well in' the ceiling. , This isone of the west runarka..; ble Intake of li ghtning wiliest etti. recorded., Pommes litorosr—lira or Sumfasua.—. The Atd Boleti of Noblatowa_ead -piem ' lino • peed e est pressed , to be appmp petit isted behalf at ira dot sad wounded soldleis. Snap! the beet outwit popular 'Peskin of moti4lol - ffill e t himmthe ,elthiebildi;the oseettoe. The 'B olo o 4l C of Iltriargelat* :to Aili; is :thstffteljaf talwataanisdagthirfectlvitiee 44 WIN that all peessat faernjoy them ' ohm to tie but sieeatese.":74lll , 114tiotte . . . L fl M=ME - AS itcsunim Arrolwrwerr.—lir. J. B. , Livingston, wits has bran 'Ong imd Womb', ' known to the iiiiimunteommunlty ass Steam bast Agent, has been appointed. Eitaregety to the Plteburgit Insurance Company, and Will hereafter be found in the olliceof that bast: tattoo. No better selection could have been made, sad we feel satirlied *lst Mr. Livings ton will disolaelie the duties of the position with honor to Main; and to the entre sate faction of the directors and patrons of the company. kluanaa.-000 night lust week, Daniel &Melly, a German who kept it beer chop la Ashland, Schuylkill county, was killed by James - Barke, - aged 18 leers &Aterly was stabbed twice, lin srtery being strrefed; I t " said there was no provocation or difficulty previously. Dillon one Conwrzsvirr:—A new oonnter• AIRSb note on thgrß►nt of Northumberland, Pa-, was eirnalsted for the first time in Pali. *dolphin ontilaturday evening. The mei is not very good ; the engraving and filling ste very well done. The note is ealealated decisive. COMINITTID TO JAIL:DO:114 Bowman sod Froncis Rafferty, now customers, and Eliza Daffy an old boarder', wore oommittod to Jail this morning for disorderly conduct. Suloms.—hir. John Brill, aged seventy Tearer committed suicide b 7 drowning, in the canal, et Potteville, vn Wednesday hut. lie wee rsoldier In the Fierids war.- A.. 1. Alsnatts.u.,BuQ., a young lawyer re siding in Carl sle, was killed in Philadelphia, last week, by being run over by • wagon. ATE TELEGRAYIIIU NEWS FRoett OUR RV:I:VINO EDITION.; LATEST PROM CHARLESTON. The Southwest 81de of Sumter a Reap of Ruins. NINE BREACHES IN THE FORT. The Bombardment Continued ISLANDO SILENCE JAME' BATTERIES. Important Rebel Dispatches Tng mom OF BOOM imo mog 618 ISLAND DERLADED,. 'threat of General Gilmore to Shel Charleston. WlitY-71 VISSILB nog 1118 B.k Surrender of Fort Sumter &a., an, &a POIYUSS MORRO!, Ang. Si.--The etaamWW City of Richmond arrived M Hampton Roads yesterday noon. She reports having left off Charleston at noon Saturday:last. The flags of Sumter were shot away on Thursday end Friday, and no reply made to our bombard ment, whioh was constantly kept up. The whole of the southwest side Of Sumter is de • molished, and sighing left but a heap of ruins. On Friday morning nine breashos were ob served in the fort. Our emulates •vereged about four daily. Maw You, Aug. 26.—Two steam trans ports, from off Morris Island, midnight on_ the 21st, report the bombardment continued. They south wall of Banter has been demolish id almost to its base. Berta Wiper, Gregg, and other batteries, replied at short intervals. An expedition was timing to silence James Island batteries, which become annoying. Every cionfldenoein our samosa is felt by all. Pottiness Idoesoa, Aug. 24 —The steamer from City Point has arrived. The Richmond Senthul, of the 24th, con tains the following highly important dis patches : ' Okerriestos, Aug. 22.—The fire from the enemy's land batteries is being kept up on Sumter, and more guns are disabled; also a ...beast fire-es Vidgnim from the fleet and land. Gilhnore'er demand for the - surrender of Sam -ter andliderrie island, with the threat to iiisheirChariestent In four hours from the de livery of the papers at Fort Wagner, was M edved and returned this morning. Stammer& in reply, charges Inhumanity - Mid the violation of the laws of war against Gilmore, and Ohms if the aflame is repeated, he will employ stringent measures of retina :Oen. Up to this time the throat to shell the city has not been executed. Mar/estop, Avg. 29.—Ca Saturday ea ban shed and fear shots were fired at Saluted; four hundred and nineteen shriek her Inside and entitle. The Hest wall Is sealed and batter ,Pd, and the parapet undermined. The North. _wart wall and the arches have fallen in. The guns snail dismounted. ' I On Sunday the land batteries open td from the south and north, and the Monitors from the east and west, coating close up. The Ire was - very damaging. Thershatswept through the fort. A shell wounded several odious, ittolddlng Col Blatt. The latter 'ls ordered teillol4 - eat until relieved, or the plata taken. Col. Gaillard, of Wagner, was killed, and several wounded. Itls said Clemens twenty-three vessels in side the bar, inetuding the iron-olads. k Gilmore seat notice on Strada, that if 11 O'clock to-isorrow he would open on Charleston, and In the meantime non- cam *stints could , VOLT LATEST Pnitannsate, Aug. private &s -r itahfrom .Washingten Asps: The Warlite. pertinent has an announcement of the surren der of Banter. ,Latest from Illonle Idand..Copdt lion of Fort Bonder. Ilsv You, Aug. 25.—A Monis bland letterto thothraid-stateethsttiresprnranee of the gorge fine of EhimMr, last itigliksind It, parapet was not unlike thetpmeented by Fort Pulaski on the evening °LAW) 1314 days' fire. 9 Thirty or forty large lobssAcoald ha counted on the fees of the wort. Theists pet eras knocked off in phase. Thsberrleadei of brinks covering the msganlnesi.and the sand tummies were aerlotol, damaged; and the grim old fort leaked as litough...stre bad received very moire treatment at ; our hands. Three days of nob work will brio& down Booster around the heeds of its defenders If they wait so NM& • It certainly sealant 'hold out ranch longer than that time. - Biz days were given it to hold out try those who brat know Its strength And our offensive power, Ports Wagner and Gregg' will be attended to. in due Nana. . rotelo markeem. - low Yolui;Ams..?s,7Theatearner City of Biltimorithal'arrived: , - , Lionpootidur:lll;w4otlion firm and un ottanpd. Briadstifirkaiiiirally, quiet and .itemdy. Whist quoted anoint Prrvisioni steady. -Lisperpoel,Atig.la.--ConsobaSyffortnerney; ;Ulm* Centro' itailmad2l6 , disamont ; Erie, tlijigra)t. • • ••Terrible , Tormitdo..tivery . gonna Blown Down. illintiser,Vta.fAsi.l4.-4 - toitado ttiroughliniinvists, ;Ince ore fridayiand angry home in the plane nu blown dome. Tbraa-,perms trimoCklitod, and leurtaan amnia& • ~_:: n z:~::,„. .F.;v:~.r,~x~:~..ra ~«a.a:u:.a.~;~rx .~.s+ut:.t~ ~ . ~~F ir..._~u.3~ 'u,.,:; Ta„J -r. THE SICHINO OP LAWRENCE, KIM Additional List of 7Lillnd and Injured. 111.11301 DING AND FICKINING 801113 QUA L'S FO RCE OVERT/11(13N LIAVILIWORTH, Aug- 44 —ln addition to the lista! names of tho killed &Li-menet es elided, rent, we have obtained the lo : John Bromley, Mr. West, E _P.Fiteh, Chu. Palmer. John Olga, Simard Jones, Geo. Coates, JnO. C. Comfit, A. Kridmiller, Robt. Martin, Otis. Langley, John W Low. Tie, Wm. Lowrie, James Beooh, Michiel Mee i ey, Joseph Bre toheldbarce, Dennis Marphy, John K. Zimmerman, Carr Engler, Jacob Pollock, Bred Klima Mr. Earle, Daniel MoOlellattilatheel Reynolds, George ilatrud, Chas. Alien, Ju. Wilson, Chas. Riggs, A. J. Woods, Chas. Anderson,.W. B. Griswold, A. T. Cooper, Asbury Markle, David Markle, Lewis Markle, Aaron Haldeman, Addison Waugh, and Seven others of the 14th Kansas. Wounded—Dennis Berryman, G. Smith, Jos. Halcuerson H. Heys, and Mr. Sawyer. Chauncey Dix,; reported killed, is not hart. W ii. H. Lyklns is not hart. Up to this morning 128 bodies have been buried, but it. Is still utterly Impossible to obtain a complet• list of their names, se many are so much dlellgured at to prevent their recognition, while others arostiti miss ing, and are supposed to be concealed in the woods near by, or they may be In the ruins of -the bindle-re Besides, manyleft with-Lane , l in, pursuit of the Itrardaters, and tot . 11t - :e -tamed. Chm ie are ill:1140411Y passing backend forth between Akin phuie and. Law rence, and the details therbring of tbeeoenes thet occurred in - the streets and houses of the doomed city are heartrending end Melton- Ilk Abe !sat account we have of Quarrel( and his men to up to gattirdsty night, at which time he was being pursued' closely by Lane, who had been okirmtslilpg with him eon *timely tint. be left L. 11171100, Lbl3o'B force being increased rapidly by. farmers who- wore flocking to him with their: arms; and it was the determination to follow him lota hi ingot; audit he-disbanded his gang they would hunt them dowalike wolves and shoot them. Owe of them number was eurcired near Olathe iced gave names of fifty of Qoantrall's gang, who are °Means of Jackson county Minim:l, and are ironic:town there, .and have always been considered Union met. • - The best informed citizens of Lawrence are of the opinion that QamiitrelYs troops are mainly composed of paroled prisoners from Turiberton's army, and tome of them from Prioe's command, from the feet that they We moth sunburnt and have appearance of being long in the service. After they had acoomplished the destruc tion of • L 11.9101100, come of them Itemize in toxicated, but being strapped to their boric!, there were none left behind to give informa tion 11.3 to who they were or where they were from. We learn from a gentleman who arrived by the coach this evening that Qoantrell was overtaken near the Stole line, and twenty of his men killed. Farther details are looked for hourly. MPORTANT FROM CHARLESTON FORT SUATER lA' RUM'S ! Notice that the City Shelled. of Charleston will be We have jast been handed tho fallowing dispatch from the Secretary of War to lion. Thomu Williams: Wssaisaros, Aug. 25-12:10 P. a.-11011. Thomas Williams: A Richmond dispatch, just received, states that Fort Sumter Is In ruins, and that Gen. Gilmore had given notice that he would shell Charleston yesterday. Gou. Barnside's Oopartioent.-Guor rills* Repulsed..rive Ohio Sol- diet/ Cap'Wed. New Ton, Aug. V.—The specials We morning contain but little news. The bons has the following: Gen. Burnside de clares all feet• s over the Ohio river and other streams within the limits of the Department of the Ohio military highways, and when the interests of the service requite it will be sub plot to the military anthorities. A patty of guerrilla who were attempting to etsal horses and destroy steamboats on the Chesapeake end Ohio Cana, on Saturday, at Santo• Bala, were handsomely repulsed twice, and finally driven off, by Col. Baker's Rut gera. A rebel Lieutenant was killed, and other rebels wounded. A wig n and five min, from the 731 Ohio, were, captured by a dozen guerrillas, near Greenwich, or: Saturday. Particulars of the Explosion of the steamer City of Madisou..Terrible Lose of Life. • Oisroniserz, Aug. 2.s.—Sanie particulars of the explosion of the steamer City of Madison - , at Vicksburg, was received here last night. The steamer, was babe loaded with ammuni tion, and. had received nearly a fall load, when a negro, oarrying a percussion shell on board,letit lall,..uusing.•instant explosion. The boat icolcilre And communicated to the ammunition col board. The steamer was en tirely destroyed. Oat of one hundred and sixty men onboard, only four are known to haveescapedi The City of Madison was large side-wheel boat, owned by Capt. J. 8. Neal, of Madison, Indiana, worth about forty thousand dollars. The Invasion of Kansas--Pareruit of Qat:UMW by our Forces. &units CITY, Aug. W«—Oeserel Ewing has just returned front-the pursuit of Quantrill.. The rebel faros that burnt Law. rests ettheeted at no t eser.A3oo. They At heeded at the head of Oraiiirloeritsomagaing Soeth,vome-NorthAsut,sha the ashore , seat tering into the brush. Oar forest have beam divided acoordinglyrwndkva closely punning them:: Constant skirmishing -.is .going I on, Wink Col. Linear, with two Equadrour, first cavalry, blitsourl State Militia, had an es. gagement with the ituerrilles on . 84 Croak, near ilanisonville, !do killing fly*, and cap taring a considerable quantity of goods and bonsai taken at Lawrence. Thirty-one guar rills, have ban killed as tar as heard. Injunction Granted Crumtno, Ang. St.—Sedge Williams, of the Circuit Conn, to-day granted an irjunotion restraining the directors of the Oh en io's* cce in and Mks Bailrowk (sena payins dividd A New Yarlrap-sitotrow. - ri BOOK.B LATH PIEfiLIuATIONB.. fly Southern Trioxide. By Kirk. lirnaLthit.lieforinstionJo thetrov, World, C,tolein. Th. Iron Wood Lzansined. Broaden. Bent:nee Thirty Toni in the U. & Bougie. • Is klieerabko. Globe and seper.. Lyle nod Earn °ocher. The Sten and the Aso.. W orks to Blitory, TbspJogy, Medicine, So. ' e,rl6 'MAD. I..arth rtrect RECENTLY PUBLLSRED. WAR PIUIUBEB VBOll TEE SOUTH. By B. Edvoo, Ootonal of Oink, in %be Cool/Aerate Latts Lby. Tor olds by anti EAT 00.. 66 Wood eyed. t i UST ISSUED. xDE CHAB2I.I.OUPEI.OF UM 0. 8. in 1 ♦ol.. 19 wo MO. Pea., • LA. nab b TO LET. WS RENT—The three-stery BARK ARSHOOM No. a Wood Omit. tiro doors Eros, Wow sirooL M M tonna apply to MBE iIAILL Bahia 41 3 to T. WOO wrest 9d mot Wood otrorla. rity LE•ratynts, 'Mc or 'fbree Kw= JL to the (bird ar fourth etatire at GMT= Build ing, 1110 Most, oricb or witbont Hama pow. 1101111. On the erenteee. sett, PUN kthra—The third story of the behdlageow come:4 la theinnegtem muter del. Glair otrect ant Davtim as. ROUT. IIdErWOBM • TNDIA RUBBER OILED OLOTII tria. also. sirs Boom Ilibbir or rid ing la watarourranted velar radodunda as hand sa dm India Mikan Dapos J. IS. PaIi&LES, 90a.261:418 61. Gab WM. • Dissoz,arrso.irs. oliug,— Iho anderoignod having j parr:hart t°e 60100 @took he,. the. Moo i n sate hhed Is ow, ei I 6 Co3Uo L aweati .411. , 12Le. Ovarymi nr salllVlTllnaula Move Gamma , ta, his old cosai aters-audthe 000.90 Ms rem al u) TAMtras 7 Aug 55. 1462 aro,' 19 Mort, o'r et ihr. y ~ .sole by 1 P.. 11'n'to no ner katur° the "du' r oartail l"f iri Le . thor Fl worthy of particular notice. 13116113.111, VC!, I. u. fir .1w... n u.: quiet and doll, and with only • Ilualted"deomad for 0 :4. A DNIV:O 0, No. 144 Weer, s the boding article., priors remain witbrut shungs. The only new feature to notice mousy m e tiers Is. 1:; 11 0 : • I I !!! ‘. 11 ., 1 U .11 F ; that gold is loser, being quoted 10-40 7 a t 10314 f o...rut my .ricoelaee .o I moo ro .arks fa tegrsty New Tort. • brodnees qsariallootiana F. arta. =ousts FLOUR A OILAIN—There la but tutu , dem ta.l e, a mel ;11. 4 '.."=.. 4 ',..ra i . for flour, and the market is quiet and doll at &boo! L . L . nrog 4,,4yformer quAatlons. Good brands of Tatra Formly • fl. Ms. •• r, Ive4 , m are sailing fl the smell way frt•m store at 1644;10. Orate abo h quirt and dull but unchanged. tl beet is gelling from lint hands at $1,05 for Bed, awl - 5100 for bite. New Oats may he quoted at 051 Le the car load; ad* of Mal but prime old from .toes at a unovEtuts—ttogtr ho firm a l'h a mcdstate biug dom.,' at from lly, to lec fur come on is, V. aria grace of New Orleao., Code° la quiet .od msy Le quoted romloelly t 05430 , 0, Molasses unchanged at 54455 c for old, and 08600 for new, Rice to steady at 85135 c. BUTTER i NAGS—Dotter la firm an shade higher; lode of t, lOW pack° I at 16c. and 11.1 fink Ms via. at 17c. Eger-9.10 of 7 bb's fresh at do. BACON—is A m, with a regular demand at lull wee. 000,idera may be quoted at 0406, Philo HAMS 9%1311% Plata o.v,ssed Ilc, and Supx Cored 13Q1350. FalillT—Arm but unchanged; sale of 45 bb:s • p. .ples .t 82,75 per bbl; 200 de do at $3; nod 27 hew Poaches at Sill bushel. ag..,8--Tlsere I. good demand for Thu. thy Need and prices are a .bud. higher; sale of 2 5 bw from note al $l,lO pnr boo. (3101er Seed la rri log from Silt hood. at $5,50. rislX `Joel longer loom $l,OO to 1,42. Pittsburgh Petroleum Market. COM_MPAY'I. 4 PPONI ilT ; i 1 4111 , ft011 4ftlie At 0. 25 —The oil market, both for Crude and Re fined, has been very 2,m and earlied to-day, and the former adven.d fatly >f,c per gallon, With eels. of 1,600 bbl. In lota at 280, 1 o b, pelage. Inchided;..R o at 20ije I o b; 70 at 030, packages returned, slid 1,001 sit private corms. Tee market ekreed firm, b bs upward leads Ley, 230 beteg offered freely for oil In bulk, and declined. Seneca, In b* ad, Is vary On. •Ith a good demand, both 1,0 pres.ut and future a.- iilo y, but, ea there to considerable dlffereues be teem the vleem of buyers rind sellers, the treri .4oo. Coos, CI usequatilly, ere limited; and ibis beteg tt ease, re omit qtbriallous. Its nitro Is quiet and doll, Vial au occasional irate of deodorize at 160170. Oil Barrels roar be quoted at $2,1542,25 for ecood hand Crude:112,4042,60 too second band Rained, sod $4.75 ©2,85 for see Ranted. New Work Petroleum nurket Bpeafal Dispeten to the Pitt.burgh Gesette. Toax, Aug 25, 1863. The marital for Crude is very much excited mad urestiled; on the spot 3.90 ma offered, and 39400 c asked. listiae), In bond, la ales excited and advanc ing, with Wes uathe spot et 6uCgoic; September de. Livery, 611%.&33, sailers' option, end 61064* boy ars' wills; October 660650, sellers' Whin, and No 'ember, 68 to 700. The rein have been large, end pa Map:illy speculs: ire. Reined, fru?, is firm mild higher; closing el Toc. Haggle it steady et r20..44 for ikfluod. t;. Boston 4,014011 Goods anti:et Ave. r2.—The busbatet of the week in the Dr,y pod. trade ha. been grata light, but the merest at the close preemie en, be Aar aspect than le, Gave Lew abie a rt port for eeveral weeks. 1 The dullness and apathy to itittorally exhibited, w Lath led boyore to expect • decline In prices, has even way bowel, en mores - HA nonacid Drum the toiletry. The Jobs ere base been telling more freely, end ttre com• mission Min* ra c.c.mniunnco And a betek tied. at hardeultig prior a. The detnend, a. wet Or, la unly f.r small itte to supply Itelnedlste wa.ts, .d . we look tor a modems buena.. - througloret the season, but soy locreloat of .11 , would cc doubt load to higher prices, stocks of ...airship gads hay tng become e , COMM comma, lleuvy Ito.aard chtotindcs nekl a, :be, but ten purclound tram I{2o V yard un ser Ova( h. Iresched Ahretloge and S. nlll4O are hitler eery felt prow, and when in lots as wanted ball. ere Tiler bot Wm, bat stocks ro tten. to be sold op et c ee. Prinu ore mooing 01l mod mnony, and wane of the better quelltl s arkt. eery erarce. , kind, of Cotton (herds, in fort, tin eery scarce, and we seem to be wen firing w hist so many have hoped. that prim can lee no lower fey same Inns at least. AL, I:2„—The market (cc amber Mich. Why .L was a:toner - Mal active this morning, bat saws .ere prio moat', erected at a Medina of )4c; No 1 red mie bold early to the day at M atutc, trttliout tater., and No 3 at 1014 i, but later • sobs made at lute to, the laitet. There 11 ncthing doing Slow. flartr—Nn mkt. Wheat—U..l, 6o7 hot amber 111th at 107., I,IXO bus do 106)4e I,OOD bet and I,fitiO bra unbar 111.6. at usey,F, Ints No red at 103 c-, 3.000 boa amber /Itch. at 106,iari bOti boa White 21tch. at 112,4i0; 3,- 0 0 bus amber Mich. at 4,C1X1 Los do at 100X 1 1 1 350 bus White Mich at 112 c. Porn —dal* 750 bus cO lat 154Xc; t,rco box ho 2 White .Obit:. Oala—D011; oarred at 250, trithout buten. Inbar grates dull and nominal. Exports 01 Spec.° to Eltropet. E. M.. EITAITOII The direct shipments of go!d from km handset. to E./16.d, *each Imo only one Wilton for the lint eta Lmonths of ihnl, exceeded tour millions for the some yokel of 16M, and wore over Mice II millions for the nest half of 1a 1. The export of min Irma New York to the present time tots year, soma Jana. my • gm.a3l,uo), which, with the 11,ULW,C00 ex tras over lest year, 'hew York and lien Yrencieou cftract of .37 236,t0J, stalest $37,196,620 etilkped to the that half year of teas, Goias smell Mcrae. the present year. Detroit Grain lituket. A ea. 2l—Wheat—The m.ltet continues •ery quht and nominally unchanged. A car Ho 1 wham, sold ILL PAS. and the figure was &gazed ,&r 122010. fora car No 9 red, SVC: •aa arked,,tuul $1 elated. Street to ea unchanged. Five or MX wagon loads were an te•day. dor red: loss taa standard figura high at 11,L6 we. paid to one Instance tea white. Gent—Held at Me to b, 663$ by the car loads, ad 670 for small tots delivered in begs. Oeta—Quiet at 364536 c. Only one wagon, load was to yesterday, which sold at Mo. Rya—Nominal et 66Q70e. Bar• loy—Zoom coming ln. Clevciand Market. • Acu. 24.—Moor—Market dull; the only framer, flans • t the Baud this morning mu a sale of 30 bbli superfine .o $1,80• no Wes reportad alum. Moat— Necks% quiet. Elaleo on 'l.ll4ange, 1 car tat on track at 101 c; 400 bin red f o bat 1010; 4 men choice red no tract at 104 c. Oorn—aeld at 6801 n steno. . Oste —May be quoted at 37,5i0g400. Balttmote Coffee ilaiket. AIIJ. 2Z—Kulp In the sreek there vim eomo entry to me, both for horns consumption and the Western markets, bet the extreme lasts. of bclthrs checked basilicas, and ULM Were unimportant. Cam. mon to prime invoice. are now held al. rhataYer lb. No stock of other descriptlmai in n. et hand!. Pmasoada PL. Waists • Crucaao iiarsakoab. Aug. 43.-66 bbb carbon 011, J A Oatgboy; 22 ski cats, J Idelcusta; 1 car lumber, A Gallo; 6 bbls appalls, R What; b do do, J a Paw; 6 bbts Lard od, J P Stott; 10 has sosp,ESulru At Lamar; 45 do LoAt; Naas terms; 217 hrdos, N Hoftstott. :.b bbts 0tt,7.1 A rattnastock A co; 6 Las boot, 1 htut basso, 0 J Town send; 74 by wheat ; J 4.l4ggaLL A ar, 6 Cos hams, 100 boo seed, LB Volgo a co; Sal bbN141 , 44. 0 41 7. 6 0 00. sod; leas barb), statchcock IdcUtOor7 9 co. CIaTILAXD a PrITUDIIOIIStaOID, Anima. 21— Ka els oiY, Wytto a Low 1;;; 1U bales wedding, frowntad a Ber, 3 de do, Et Hangar; 20buli apples, Volgt goo; le do do, Potte.r • Atkin; s do do. JUDO; g• dodo, threes Kennedy; 2n do do, S' Onone; It-0 hides, It Dolanp. At4cacraiBariaolL-2 bza buttes.; bbt taiga Lintsin Drat kip, /rats k Walti; 241,b1r apples, J W Hanson; 1 teak ware; Law Maw; 3 et re wbeat, J L Noble aa; 133 bp 111 x seed, &law s Hamilton; lot b b gerate. B P War; 1 pirge tools, J Hell; lot marketing, ortaaza--- • - LN7lpßainroz ill E.4"Tb GAEDINER °OFFEN, &awry ?O1 U • Mammas 'ihrtuallanria Ls, Rm.lion 00111411111, Hunt-wt lard Avesta • : Y. Johi2s,,Aanor 6. Zll llt • aa, dtate at Paanaylvaala 0n , .! 87,f , ..! la. ,mace Oompanlahla Water Meet kyOdUifdl, HaA4 teusairtmr7 hsausumEttrarLin, coma -0 critter Amis. . • 14 1 ' GO T 4 ril ' 4 •%, . L • 111/111411.111311006P111. OS WatlC eu L,a . M. 800. ' t_,. 11111531.Unil poplin. E 7 ritt:^ TREE:a--iirouartmrfp . etiaoint&—iii. ireer logo octet et ' choler l'lrt€ 0, owostod varieties to eboileotiotoi with w...ry port. blo Ooze takoWto him laud midi trete to moms. of. 41;40 Woo. wo )IIT 17ow-44 O yx , t iirbicti ate tam resit 01a0.1.0,,000 tour rat rAtO I.O . • GOO two to ttiXe• 'Tuned. Pooch; Pl= COW ttrcßC Etarsaiowo—tho Trews to the rioliwr,. =wino dim, Kiar a 00., 68 Wood it. IlliTElo3lMins nom Iso 8 tot, by ; handle!, otossy; al% 81/41)11 WISSE,II 4/1 1 ? 8 11 1 ipp 1 zus. intoseibblaad rotBll. &Mae PVITBDUE.OH ILVID OAKIAISD 17011. • BMW. 4.llxybands, • _ r_ odikoa.? yowl at a b.DOOII, 18. J AI / 1 /1 ! i / /‘ 1 .P ll ' L=nEM „ . Paqiirei Swum DiAwing Ago /3 rFurutialak faall Was of Wasp, au! KPrintantle.tbele motion on risumisklajtr oAlcor 91) 4n.demint irtzeoituN. t - • ...r , t - at aid moahliotiurbm:Anathstress.4-v'%:c wa. •L it (mown/ to .1 POSIT PAO awllath atoort,ualati,sooeu•oratuu haide. =OVID BM, an, . lIIMIZZ AND FL= titans% ou:41, mustruir,r,. -• 7 ";'t '• • - •" 1 '''''4-,t--NrIW4Y4WO46-S'S` g .4-" i't it; —WO haVe .1 thle dit• seertlatidltttb v b the toting Hill J. littlit....itte Otte W 11. Mai to be C, au • Fr B , IVLL, tte partuersblp t• wk. I.ct tilts dir 'Tbe.On 'bluttabi set to eon toi on he Ito ...mderetgwelegi beret •ftee. td `6th, 180 iNsg. OlLtilr 4.:11 esmt 111104liall OWN O/DIU DOLL RElrr'"C tIitAFF DULL, Kam, adar.• o f Anwiptier4 &top, final and Maw Iron f; - nouitracted oar work. wtth • view 0 00iking this kind of iron • epectallty. we respownhdly eulielt • glare el ib• Wad* ww -- 01bco, muff - 01 Smithfield end Wa , er Enrol Toledo klaskoc Import, oyll,oFlll M.) Jo:f z4lb,lBKl I I LfV..l/141i ho .Uo-rarinarittip enlmt la& ievenop the audsriloisA. cu , :er Orm'frwmo of ECH&F, - 1 E, 1D espred thw by ftwitt-thgm The, baatatmaoldil aMflosted ti orroi B NAP, by whom WI demands duo to of fr.m the IMO Ono-will he Petted. Aniaili ft BAP. U. F. utiDD, BIOHOIAB K. WADE. .r.rr Pit' tosodry. July Lt, I& 8 - I,lB.nba u LUI'IUN UN NA taTi littd3ll ir. painefehli hersteoro sztotlng under rmo LEV/18, DA EZELL & 00., oral flissolv the Id fO7 of Anis., UM J&ISEA 0. LEWt , , 11,081112 DAL MILL, *.lllco Scovlving UNDERSIGNED, successors to 1. the late firm of LZWLS, DALZILL b 01., will CJ11011341 tN nisatitantar• of ban and Nati.. 0114er one MIL, nod Arm of 11W18, BAILI4Y, DaI.IILL &CO , sod solicit cautincance of the patronap $o liberally eater:iced &Abe lo t s to JAE& O. LitVllB, nougat DA.LIALL, B•I td&T, LIMB W LZWIB. W•telmnaoe, No. 73 Water mid lio.,9oFirst 1 borgh, Airrint 1861. anZi.tm grz przirci rl.O cui.traa. w IN't• . f,rl* ~ t airal I Ut1.,3111141,Ats 1100 ii SEWING ',MACHINE. wok:i-.:,•$ TAM L03.07,-----.- 12 t 1 L ttllf.2lllAl , 111.11.P0t11T10.9., —.CAL With nitwit& haproveliteutts. Con uctly f r i : i bla , .... is the , c oto up rld 01.11L•114 , = Ltaititat. 40..vozr.t:h.rumttl..tyintralted io uLaill at out ofa Orr ALI Meekitas sorraated tMr year. alSrs9l3.l will. S ERN ER It. CO, WESTIIHN AG &NTS, rigoauti —lto. El rirrit nrtIUT. •asonsawri--P;116 1.1 OP LILA II ttliAJI IttYmuiel ii HIP PIXG. WittliLY TO LIVISS PO POOL. touching at QtIDENSTO - xl4, (Oohs gamma.) Tim Iron taus, swum rs s U•srptoi, Be. Tort sad Chtl.uelphL Steamship Oompsity are Wooled to ail as talky, Urn U/ WaSHINGTon --Samrday, Atog. OITT or 5,411171.1701171.....--.....atittnitar. Bout 6. 6 . 0121 07 war oti.--satunU7. B.S. 12 . And erel7 mioseediag eass.ran, imosh From 4 . .4 44, Borth Itisar. • P._. to Gott. or odoloolood to parrots. his. tiona.--4 50 00155rozaas —.—.15151 56 .. 55 do. to Condos CO do. to London- lits be do. to rani—. 56 40 do. to Parts— 40 60 tto. to Ciastbara 40 CO do. to Bambara 87 60 IParoogos also torwoolad to Elam, Bremen. Sot. Undue. *stow% Oa, at equally low MIS Pares from Llearcool or Quoaastowa: Ist (.bto, 575, WM. $lO3. btoorafis, 1130. Moos who what to sad tor their Moods can bay Octab ben at thou rsta for further taformatlea apply az the Mammy °Mee. JOHN O. agent, 15 Brow;lvey, D. Y. JOILS THOUPSO2I, 6 ilaod strobe, Ent house teem ths Beßelays, Welted Pitombereb. IT it Zi AIbALNI I: I t.) AM lett AS ..I. ROYAL TAIL RTRAPI NAVIOA TIoN COMPANY. (GALWAY LINN—) ADRIATIC, !Siti Bureerpewer; 11400 D taxa EU BERRI A. 1,003 Borsteponer, 0.000 tone. ciiieU ri PIA, 1000 liaratipairer,S,AD ton. ANGLIA LOUD /Istrea-poner, 8,000 too l'be my-08cent !quaint,* ADRIATIC alb sell Tram btverpocl, ea. °AIM, to Nrow to be A R RADA T. the loth 0, aril', Allowed by the other steantrire 0304111 w every alternate Weelaieviay. Rates or parap from telverped to New Took. tuY able to gold or Its equivalent la CTITITIM TIM CeAlti 4 ll ot 00181aeraur e—i—A 2s CO &mond Cabbie—. 83001 for panage apply at the ales of the Agents, AIDED A SZULALI,II3 Dn.aiduay. &Lllm Jona, Ilasager. t4D 0151ZILL, i r mdeis Dullelln, So. ID Onset. PlDaborutt. /ibrusur. Ft UM This MJW wu Y THY." —The uralerdybsil Is, now yrspsrol bring bat .migrants Dunk say put of ingtsad, land sr Dustlagul, Athos by sagerkur basal lb; DOI Masao.. Lucia& ug the mammoth steamer "GHI47 ILISTCRN eters' d Sang tranabh tor laic than tlcksee eau purabsod for al an otharolDaitr. I=6, sts t L.mdoaderrP for asts th. . Z . e7 Th. oiling noels Man iiii!7 001 &tins, " D. O'nhu.L, laropsia Agway, Giros et. Walla& copoitusori 111112 Isnot. Pittsburgh. ItItiffIJELIedXSOUB. NINTH LIST OF AITLIOATIONS roil mums° Wit:011.1.1, gird t o the illinit's &Ike up to august 11th. 163 : Boons natl. warm, let word, Pittsburgh; o.ooeusr Yob% do. do do; P. tor Job:" A.. do, d. do; Raw Joh% do. do do; a% gout, do. S. do; Tarsorestetol. do. de do; mow:my: John, do. do do; Poloy Michael, other goods, d do; o Los Jilin, do, do 11Ickmon John H., cater, 2d word, Pittsburgh; Ronsorfisrah, do. do do; (kindred ',.,.....15b!M . .1.;:. do do; Umlaut do do; Cuertined goods, do do; imown nets Soren, 9d word, Pittsburgh; Melton Patrkk, do, do do; Shlower Jett% do, do do; roman Marla, dos do 11ucluirsen Wm., eating .tnue. do _ do; .14 cif I' Latdao, j 'c rl = do ' do; r sa rsstior g t7h - s, AL other goody, d% 'ban do; illo; . lloCrielost EL Js 1.30, , do, Oh ward. Pittsburgh; ' thor Wm. a So., do, do do; Tyler i 1..T.P - 0 • • -Woo* Ilth wird, Pittsburgh; awsw A . Y _ ~ at,lo.l,g ood% eth wa r d , P i tt sburgh; •-• Busmen L. town. Tth ward, PUtsbrwebi . glogartand Wm. ' est'd ttam% ' do , de; Itioroddett Owen , other goods, do do; I oorstloboi . dos do dru .11Upstrisk. P.. des do do; Staffer B. At , do, do do. ~Bentends ~Eddirb, do. Mb ward, Psttal4milm Gains ditolmel, tavern, 9th ward, E 41411, Morgan Emma, • do; '9d wird, ny; Brae. J0 tt 5....v.....i.21 sat A11e6 . 7; f.o.b. ber Y. A., tavern. 41: word. Allignenr, • lOW a ti: i. attar hdr.taidth word, Aliegirony; Bower, 1 e tor, otter boots, Ch ward, /11/41ODY; IWI thieirs , istlug hones. Pirlohlroom; Ingram J ea% setiothasse, Dirmtvgboms alshallommrst,,tnera. llosi Bruslogtuds; . - Viotti Musty, tosons,"Liirrenontay . Dag Maoist, Mims goals, id altossiws 4 : Roam Bust, tsvoyo,Tsup.csisossllls; - IdaDonustiwatuali, tatea,Cluirtilan sp.; Grow Geerge, tour% Ehnisort to.; Bugle ne,orse, eating boubs,do; gum psuldiot, " - talsrut - NsUptori township; liteloyperurd, do, Jammu do; Wilbert John, do, 1... rt. Mir do. idelitaliSO 1. 0., do,. _ _dr, do; Mawr !star, . do. bleGlandleas do; •Totaef dossond, do, Pena, do; . --&-towlet F. GeoatinatiourPPitt - do; Bomar. Mtn, . Went, do . do; litossett John W., sat'; tome, Peoblso do; Zawelesnit Odonda. 210. Below do; Le adam bo= -Mk Wm do, .. do, do do o;: . m Than d • Weed haus. . other pods. Vezeollise do; kladmrs Playlet, Maven, do do; ' . 1111der IlmuiteL do, Wilthis do; hewn Jolla. _ • Bon Ace . TN:Court will meet an dos WIF.DIUSDAY, Sep% 9d, 1102, o.lootekeka.m. limmonstruncis want be tend AO or baba Mud day. Applltants.will bring their Stag ttl turofflao beads tbs do of aaftibltd • W. A. BM. asiii. 101,0LOGNA, :1041:11EME, verl choice, LP millbsegodd hi Gay' wale; tar Ws as the Arall circaaqlltaraof JOIN A. lIItN Ball: le.eps Many ..4 Asaa-,amo. EINANNT4-. 4 00 •bbli N. V. Cement. ‘,O sal WIST U. 001,14024 f RUPOSALS FOIL FLOUR. [A LED rum Pilni L 3 are int it.d till theater DAY t•ft ACCtileT, 1e63. at to it., lur funsistdoi the rublitteree retarment with 10,0c0 OT TWITS DiJs will he received ter what b known ee Uo. 1, fll and No. 1, and Lr cot portion tots then the d•recil gredee attoblet to alto, *operate •L4,IAk piper he .slivery et the Vicar to be commenced ea the it tit day of Esptember,, or es emu thereafter as the Outerttroeut buy do sot, al tre rata of COU barrels deli, delivered titittr at the Corona:coat Warehouse in Gammen:tom at the %harms, or at tLe ' Demi, Week:dogma. D C. Pe) meat will its made la certificates of I.lst:ei nem, or each other Mods as the Gourmand may have tor Chtributton. The 1/ , .111 goterafturnt inspeetlan will te matt Last boon the Sion, I. rocolee& &wrath: otelleghince meat socomtany emit Md. b bid will la entntsiged &CM War. who tome previously Med to camp 4 with thole bids, or from Udders notion:sent to respond. The bombe to be entirely nevi mule very strong, of new materials. end Itead•littede No floor which is me froth ground will to re <dyed. Mae to i e directed to Cot. A. BEtWITII, A. D. 0. and 0, IL 0 . U. . A., Westamitor, ; end cadara-d oPropueati tur f i ner" nollatt4 ptillet.n..iii,Ln Wit 110118118 caVenalr BuRIAU. Cron I or ins Cu= QIIIIITZtKiSTML , Washington, D.tang. 1863. Prop -Alas are solicited and ;Ili be received at this f tr the lorniablog of CAVALRY HOWSON to be datives.' at Yittaborgh, Pa, phtladdphta, Wash ington City, itylatuse.N 1., of Intlialliliolli, *qu—o niti be o acliderrea tor the furnishing of horns in lots of not leas than treaty-live (15). The horses to be Nona fifteen (14 to alstien (111) hands high, lion five (6) to nine 04 jegrUsbi. soli brobon to MO I addle, 'co upset - 4;112in, in said flesh, and fore . bora allrbefecna • The ability el the bidder to Well late ermine:o most be isutrasetesd by 013 nerposettle pews', ethos° itourares roust to appended to thotpiaratttea. - The responsibility of th e instantarimnat be shorn by the eintial certificate's( the Obirkrif the audit District tlatirt, - or the United Stator District At- torney. Propcsals must be addressed to Lint. Col. 0. 0. ba WTICULT, Quarteranastrt, cumin Dorset. and De indorsed on rho. onsolepc, ... Protocols for Homo." CL G. rAWTIL tdp. Lieut. C..t and Q M. Canary Barran. aalistr FOR SALM WOK ISALS. - --AL convenient two-story brick dwelling house, with back building, 80. WI Bow moat, Sitesbor Also, o bore, connnient sad well.eniehed threw. Cory brick dwelling bones. with back blinding, tine. WI tom sneer, between T loot end docond enema. Also, • twoetory brick dwelling home, with book building; No: 111.11 Second street, near Sou. All the ahoy. an in good order, and supplied with gam and water. A in, • OVA story tram* cottage dinning, HO. 214 /locoed street, and tbs two-story mom dwelling ad foining,. Both of Chow are in good cuter, and =Habig Ibr small Also, a lot of groandem the nortbeastwanlly side of tint attest, between lime and Try Mosta, nos , does street,. baiting • front of 24 Coat on Tint Watt, and extending back Wiest. The &bow property I. situated to • deatrable•part of the city. , Tor tams of min and particulars laundry of Wll. W. THONeObI, biTAI No. 108 fifth dna. VALUABLE PENN STREET PROP =TT FOIL SaLlL—Toro Lott, 08 foot 4 la. Goat by 110 kit &op to au dbl. with s Lugo double bomb, between floocsat sad Hood strait. A doll rou,ldikuotu a Pbrololas oz MALL building efts fur private residences asr from % to 1 acre each. Alsoot Imp at of bufbflay kris, of out= limn, °tyro= 25 to 50 toot &tat by IDO to 150 bet deep, 'Pasted at Um bateau= of lb . Wilts Strati Pusanger Daillnay d . of ' ic i rt H uro n, dead. tiz.taton of tae - JOLLY - D DEIDSOD. JTMUn H. o. Etzsama. A: REEPORT DISTILLERY FOIL BALE.—The subforlimus, 'bob to emirate to other badness offor for male that sbriate4 ltieport, Armstrong county, Ps. The estabilehment b In good ruaning condition, carat lently loos ed for nianufactuang 19 ye W Many, be ing to tits Ilya grOwing region of Vattern Pennsyl vania. and copra a li.gh reputation for Ite grrmicicnt Also • rika-PILOOt LIMO& WAIIP.IIuIL . br "Pone log" Minas,. We alto offer for tab oar OIL BEruszaY, to good working condition, altuated on Paw Mill Enos, adbining the borough of Teingerancentlls. lon twitter partionlwa intuits of THOS. lIZLL A CO., 95 Mat Meet. aultibrnas VOB, EMIA—Une ectperior ssOosid• L toad 071.111D811 nOIL 2. 60 macts by SO Parton, parted Ono onportor now 1NJ1LL13, , 51 Who* db.aseSsz, 6 :cos brny, Iron. Two HYDILAIILIO PRS,WItr3,, for Ouoortsd, WIZ comps &1 consobstn. • ,4areral sow clod osoand-tont 5T=.6.1.1 x louts. nom 16 inch dLomeoor down to 6 :nat. will FA 50! , 6 to fOr oasts. • a - pair. m. Lw:, . We( On tb• Allerb.ny no . r 1 , 171. AO3• nwELLINu tioutE, Fut, net.r. utf. alter —I offer fcr rale or rent • TWO-61"0111 BuICH DWMLLUII3, in the borough of Atanahes• ter; =taints; Slue rooms, Includltur • good slmd bl'Oltgattioll, ma the Isomer of Locust and Bearer streets. ter terms and hmtker particulars Inquire on tha F remium DAVID •AMlnd FOR 50 bbls. Roofing Cement LUPTON, OLDDEN a 00., oalttl 00r..6tb mid Wood streets. ltd •t"rit WOW OW.Llisi COIItOIIIOIII and well dabbed rivo.uress BRICE 1301.15 X, with 7 rooms andgood dry °Naar , , aid hydrant water, with • trams 'able back. Lot Will or 9 tau Wall% on Lomat Arse; Winchester, near Pastangor way. Ingotr• at 'Mid OFFICE, or to UAW WY W. ItIDDIILIA Locust (trod. idayotwator. fe311.1 . . N ' t • taissi.—isetw• situ M k ti l AirstlM %AO t t. lots are within Wort dlirtaarrai of Es •• • Pititbargb, Yoz9 Warm d Many Hallway again of 11. U. DATIB, old 1". O. Building. a 9 A Fes H StiPPLY HIIIIPECREY'S srEoino HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES, FOB Tail-P-110PLI. WIT or organ° lIIIIINDUB. No. 1.-Tat WM, Oras"oralOa.scod Loegsraustioa. NO. Warm Paten WeEto Oat% Wotttus /to. 15-1M1ir.0:4!??1, listlitud lad - wad* Res °Update • - dirix t-ideDdici:ErS, Meters -Walt* and Sum. ottirCtreggidn_ 664ar4Cr!s.,`thipims, IsloonSori`l4 Mod" . . No. 0-.7tor Motors. Oholea - Nostra, Wraiths". Nc.i re ... „ooltli twuh ilhOuss. eori Ural. No. 411 Ho. LB - 472 llmdaehti selso,Boat..=sseso 80. ILIESliks. - - - Weals oral Docratrad Stomach. amiltoorClomploint. a H~ilhratAstwarbia, Pratt= ilionuo. Swim .doinisso nal So. MAW .42covp; Scam Itkesb.l3id' 1144/1114timar ingtillos, Zeno Ala or ut."? — miiii - k". - 1E!..Tr4.b. -5-- * NoObrain bkintanVLutelonnyin suMingin DOUBT:: - . • , • nix.,ll.,Nouna, cc Coke Adinnitas 6s-„=, isumat=;gentai nu, nod 5.3 a EL- Peat" bpous. . No. Ink-nentes alunni .71 is. No.Merabilimp sad ftiffsze. Ap i =lll,l4maktULigruarazob Ems, . Plroi PUN, ZtrASlptilug, Intgrun; Or AD 661111. Afillll. 011 =4 lira ant Ity•-big Naln&iVistorinana 2 4;; - voroponty c 4 wog or racent. Atha itth.otctragoviti Whim • ' ArrirsT.Mbooknr*,abiltifgritt mio:smet. - • 1114 1 4 1 9trIAIMICIV 11;7* ..4 : osiadecsesx.oo.o....ce.36 = .u. 7 laVvrivariWartgrgi •• - (*alt. Vor Utast" am a n lindmmtg Bum ing,MMllitti X4a..mmt Eamictin.. Prim. iglatita arta. e r a ' r sa%l l:4 :WMltcratn: lons in lidrrr.Wentto tat tar, pia &and Ontateg.,R a Narrow Wm*. Slatint XS/. nattoit 'a itttumsttrit MMus= PEW; 50_024 ror a 7h*l ub biont ; 4 — rhad i,tott ilkati umm ' taro ptio. ls u4. • • Fa Br Egatitm- , DastottignOgng. noa, Vomiting, mad Mama froarng or MUMS. Prim, SO catspaVoi. lts Diana Di — - -lor Orin!, Banal Oanritli. It, Paininlion, =imam of Am Maxim Aida:matart4Litnarget smi ContagitatiVortratinammt 'nu moot mad siValsql =Mg. liticanoind w=4 nms al *cm, ; per km,: lOW /IL FULTON, r. Nc.a. 67 an OF Pfria . 0171811171 tee. eel. &tat for Ili 4arg. floitnozr. . BIRLAND . SAUCE -For meats, 1 0 Tem. and vitlP-4tosibisrld y gamy u Kagagnot Minim to likb Woteectentin Ealicen pia mi twatthkr4s ca; ng• I hat. PM kith; Om *tows. , For is Iqq. AMA AMHA,, Waltanti mos AO iisiut rEti. LICVELAND, , C MITSBUSOU AND VirIUMLI34I UAL - LAO* • 81111 M BB 1101±.1"0111113 a sad mar K ONDI Y. Ark sou. ma. rafts ,v.promm ow D..mmi of am Pmannivards ALA 4 4? 11 Plitm• b ugh. .. Main, I._ Mintlenrued - IThadim , i ...;.. Lamm do W I ZIO - I Itle "caw do Steutermeel Ltd " ISH27 w de Wbsellim.l SA ioOP O "US Nnicce Ballab- 1 1016 wlto Oorincetins at Otanbramills and with &leo. teorille end Indiana CalLteod and 0., ..I.lohts re-sd Ln Zanerrville, &mut. °ohm Isais,May. tow I adtroinpalls. Chrlartatl, Lonissale, Cabo, 86 Le•nti. t 4.. Joseph. end all polars west and sollkwast, and at Wteslit i =th Baittmors azod Lea wh o m h and Mosslowl Lea le:0 ni.11.10 st. do w 0 ur0 r n 0 __.........1 4:10 to to do Bay ard ....._..... _ —.._1-- W4O " COI w do 6:35 " 1.46 do Bement._. -- ral as do unds.n. " 11.10 arch re st 91 0 " v " ooncemlng et Bayartrwrith TmastawsslSlMMl N. Philadelphia sod °Mg DOTIMILI AMMO. WU Mtg.:nob. Fort Warns and OltioAto Wined& al Lamina with Mint& and Gnat weaten WNW ne Wotan, CreenvOle, Dicadeillie, VOW .oemr, aniedown and ealastsnaK at Hobos with Cline. hod, Manilla and Cincinnati Mined kw= Cuyahoga Falls and lillistsbars. mks& with O. & IL E. for Dtmktrli awl Babb with 0. it T. U. for B andsty, Toledo, MA OM with steamers for Detroit. ActommOdatlon Worm at LSD p. M. astaratug trains tali at IMO a m.. SA and &DS so. co, and 410 a. m. Through Titbits to oil prominent poLb can be !mama' , at the Idberize bitted Dept, camas PLILLIN. Tinicet And aatillegbany Otty, • - • - CASESLBXBBIaIcket Aral. for LAW Innwinatkwiwu WILL B annte tzi to- Ats. • ;kin. At the Georpitny's Oft& in Twileitittatices, ban U. 1:11131 - • musantinim-4h2 I • and ear NONDAY, April- sae rzialsTLvasu.., ,L• 'ft, • HMS DIILT TRAINO. . TU10,0,18 Aoooullup4MlOl =MP Wawa tbo Pairaerer numor. tuzdiqJ .t 4:sotst,,,!aa atAll , StatioaltatV•ol MO. bambt.t• F . ttitaZialtltt. mai a atitij &tad MUM. lion Ito Haar Bark at rbtlaa:47hil • Tbe 2111101:101.1111.4.0 7714.4.U1 lawns an. rot. man Banda - arezl Earnaa (sic a: 2:60 a. nappLl,t cagy and rialdaig dirge onmmatbas a" rare sail Woit.tr.sa. flat , Eof WM. 4V6nixtouciatafat.. lye 1$ ad p.a.. napalm: An.todpal iran at Elang and tv Hie Tait vialdliditri r Tomb as d P T itline7oll 4441; WO= utdo.) al p. Popptop . tratioo, ...Manasmilas at Hoxitsbara "asi as n totili. SIMI d IldidlgratliatllinsTaq. - AomattoDATIMS p ~ J isnot &taw al p. PicirAit pi all nab= wlsarniag ao Ear erfOcatirall 6 ' • Inillaciarditapialdimanla foriraoltlaXamlarni 4ni.7 tradt t =tr ih Nora Tram tr ,Thdri torrardaitt (cturia BaadaA , - • Third 'auiroaddkodaeon 'Troft-foi WaINV-- , .014. :sacra dtrkl.VALY)pi, art P. 1004 A Trani ix .teln taalittaity lazday) at 610ps, 'lts March TratilmarNrWall's SWIM omega.. day al Md . O. PLI rob:meal. lorr!P rit4hll), at 111:4.5 Triers arrtw ti rattdrariPc s at awar Wildman 11:50 p. ca. a Pb..Wkai. ma% ISt= at.: Una, ISM ay. MroPab Kan Train,l= s.l24;ol_floknraAtaxamanalabs , WK.* a. la.*. DUO , a.WC ,, M=" I - - Aebtralassaaikai LIS m.; ' 2.004 'Yaws Mattp,Oxpaladares PM a. n.; Mir/ Wan PUP= ' b4O p. 1 ,2 a..; math .WalesNog= - &115 p. Balitamro Maws; Pill nitro vtitb.rll4 adel,Tata Ilipron at tat Trails:at Notraiale cal lailwasindernatElain , .Its (taxman= Pith Thrampli kmanaiacliitioa, aohawara 4.-varnoodstira slid= Uri, and wink Daillaoro Xmas, saOJ Lona roodatin Won. Trani Pr = , ¢o.m•peocaoct at Oneida PUP pram Trams asolatall TraMWoodosolvilliStwpga acemiazrodasima Vila Zan.pealio Pa tad it proallyto Mbar talanietaa Oaar a L I a ß n a t or a a'Vdtsa l u o Pv scal e a P c r as w l : la r i a ll l hopm...mand as asp ciAorraira. - Pap Soot P ball, -- t With ou.-ra,nal b calmly boo from data r... 9 - pramlasiatea. need and =dui to Wirt t'vrr :jiff VAS lona the prtriodato. PAM. To Z:rer Lora-- 61 IMIN tettiors—......l ftE.,ialphlo..— 10 60 ter to Sortiotrag f ahrairat so oil Z. 2 *4 reatlien , la C.7rtrallta-grcz. cr.f. ea Bar York. ' k*aerptni r.rotutoZaa Ito-iota tor,:o-Lif oralno Gn mom, a t to- &Acta , traftErd. as ,delyzn 1o• 1.12 asUoa rata. Mitt tremr stathwa ohzro tta C*Mt/J70121 cn doci • 14 , /;(4 lfz 3jc can qf Its Oces t a t;tzuoti fvsibl w.ZtrT tr ny A ga roam ow ;zoo-tot i55t.0,..14151.1311 • 2f. —.to 4.1,3:41 -as LIAs bee Imes eigilared b acsf "013 T.V: • eL.nrv. cat C.atzzwit}in.V. ccr-Apas• • =zt I.:ll!.nkst*. sv;y 1 , 1 :;27:03•Vr, • - • •-•.• al/ ;=.ljrall B.adl~. lORsiFiknoNALAAmK, OF FITTSBIJIMIL TREASURY DRFARTNIENT, Orme of O:IXTZZOLLSI 07 ann Cosearoi.}, Washington Otry, Anent sth, M. Walnut, fly eatltfaetar7 Ilii61110) presented to the nederaigned, tt her teen melds toamme that the FIBAT NATIONAL BANK OF PIMUURAIR. to the Comity of Allegheny, sod State QS renerfline• Ma, has bean duly organized under sod sccardlag to the requirements of the Act of Oceans'. =ULM ...An Act to provtda • National Currency, ustaredby • pledge of United States Mocks, and to provide Ste the circulation and redemption thereof." eippMad Istoriaty 25th, 1663. and hat complied with dI the prOMMOne of said Act required tole anoldied wUla befete contmencleg the business of Banklug. Now. therefore, I, scan moonwas, *migrate of the Careency, do hereby certify t he th e add FIRST NATIONAL II ANIE Of ransom, county of Allegheny, and Bta4. of PLlZlaluals, authorized to commence the bugloss of flerling on. der the Act aferteald. In teettmony whereof withal, agy haat 83. sad soll Odido, this sth !t1 of Awed, )1853. • RUCH MoUULLOCIia. • Comptreller of the tharimer. . THE FIRST NATIONAL Li3l. OP PITTBI3IOIOII, PA., (LATZ prrrssunan TRUST CONPAHT.) $4,00.000, with priviligi to 10 to $1.000.000. SDa Pittetaugh Trust Company haling orgailza4 under the act to provide a National Comenecy t _nadir the title of tha /UM If faIe.NAL mnc-or Prralifilialii, would mapoottolls oder Its errata for tluecollootkin of Noted . Drafts. Bala don, naive am, on &gait, sod buy Vl= Omani= all paste of the anmtaw. , - • • The sienna which - has attended th e Pit6bunth Trott Gosapany atom Its orpniration-In WA we Wine, be a anfEclaat guaranteo elf bovine= anUmdid to the new toganniatlachariU.reestre tlw gams protopt attantlon. liming a very Wanda* annidcodolat vAth Banta and Roams throughout she countryjwa bc ! Weeme can Dna commal fsollities to shoos who de Mann= with ea The Dollars laid be conducted by them= O. cora and Dinotma, temscrtoon James • "ilkuu. I Alexicodas Robert B. Una, Asada O. ThadMA • Bradleyi Thew Wbolgtman,l damoilltad Wm. 8. - bilinick, 1,01%9 LAlraktald Pritagat. JOHN. D. 130DEST, Outlier. dope/31k Dia. Iwia.as ISAIVAi No. fih Vomit Mazer; • 08•2412811, IN _ •-• Opin dolts frost ton ecWe, oho oo Wilhoodip one Soto:day orockto ci lons ney-int tohForocher honi 7 o' and from Voreseherlst te ,VtLepateto'to' - "roothrod'of all loons not too thaw Ohs itolloo ands eland of the mato dogma tido. Pot'. to jane tad Docomber.. Intooln baboon Ode dated oemkonten In Jawrind Detsokhee, Mote tho -Beak Tor tly ~ttfii nite of i t s per mt. , If not dawn ont;b pluottetbeitegift of the doper* sepotoolpiloodblentheauso taut hots On hod days 01 Jon eroiDiestoie n4lno Mss • per without trooldheithedicoO. tor to or inn to potent bit feasfook: - At thb taro. noney .111 don la In km than tuberose. Doan, contotolde ther--Gbartor, 01-Leoe. sod BoCraodarootur;daholl fOnaIeoeVIPMOUCe II pazon=ozonturetßnit - '.:' TICS tosonzases - • .7"-i• ' • '` 1 John D. WATaddior, -Pao Etirtindiai,- ' - ja. mi na , . Jobs antaialli__ , • ' ... Merman CWT. - Jahro BDaYeel: , MALL. Dahneetooh, A. a Pollock M. D . : imp McAuley, 'Hilt Daman, Jana Hardman, " -:•Walaarl„. Calvin Adams, I law td.aadetra, , _.. John Q. sackoslu, _ . Wafter. ei.;lliiti!lalls- 4 John D. Illndley, John Ihr, - , .. . , George Mak, • -' Debut aohbi "• ' Alonzo A. Curler, .- rahltY /4 MACWIYe. • Charles A. Ooltor . . : Jareardadhri.t, %. - WMlas Dou W ill onal:VW John Stand , i, , • Wha l At L m Selminal - - WWI= El:Hiore.o.Alastair She% : ; . Nue DAlsaker, - Mann Vaanah '''... Weald (Ina, i hew Wattled,: •.- -- -: Jams D. Walley . Wm. P. Wenswel„ l' c' . William 8. lana i Gansu= ravr.:,.... tinearrand & Insairais:-Aiall• A. 42 ° 4 ' ° Y. .* eriliaer 421 10 1 8611 . 1016.-100 oil Dpirb WrMr ' • uo i a isi e • - .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers