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NISEIMI . „ ... ...... . ... .... ...-:-...--‘,.... '...1..:. : •,; , ,'...,' , :.../.....:... ,• - •:.•:i . -, !.'... -. .-f; r.'.'':.1•:.'..1...-,:..!.-.., F:;i': , :•:_c: .-- 1:*- - .: , l,1;' ,. ::,.: '' l•-..:-::::::-r::::-:•,',::::;: ,_-- ~::, :,r:; .. TIMMY _MUM, AUG. . _ _ - Wain Yest erday's-Evening- GaXetta. Passing Counterfeit Postage Cur reacy..lmportaut Bow days no, while the United States Dis trict Coart was to melon here, hstonntOon was Mimed to the aims of the sorpm mint thatearseikAlitridukey and John London. were segaPd "sharing"` the new ii4tattoriOf tb,..,51ti1,T1F Petted* 14 44k0 sNIO4 6 214.drea , loins .to .tai,traturti :Ouse. Al , .ose Unita . Alienist of these had been paaad by 40 Sal l e indiehitteb6 aort.thszt the tarty raadgias thein diegoratd,the, fund. he concluded to satire the propuoldeare of the fut. H. iestrestedletwatelitheapsratlona;of th e iris ' gaited ;aisles ill , if ttit4 ,OlUne„agidie and ilehdatoi 00,4*Oiall'12,00edre thssetersriAniaisethe4ag-ol theirs-: septioLl eunilsnin, ane it i s sitesedglistaggeriatuf o emikne simbilairtate apruidits bills, gaging fdr,... • • • Auk tiaskiered• ptUngtortr dents oblate In , good :IL,. • - kneWa gathe fling ;PsaiglMekt..llloaAriakdittaalsort Thftd ettteLVgaN.:aid,-Londia. is employed aid -101 imiOntx*. t - tatiur tesritirdC, to ortt. thinn sea 41#71"VitilainiOd tf5RO swlieriiiVidelsflllTuy _tilituroson star WartadifE4lFeryit'Uti,V--IWd borer, Coln - ratitelsre&SprottPundf:iiif =rad' to bail— Afaeley laAtresountarheolaselitidon in 81.060. - ador win:the) .besting` ilfnesy oltneafhilinsill the hatt sr 1 1l global . , he made • ...F.nbUci X.- a! ' ..: • ' Tbs,toAnterteit oi•ye.,Usp view ' ' efistatt:U ; net ea l tenet , on aoopea*: at their eannitUon, iiiirbeinit* so few peti:plit examine 4h6 pottage adrristet at e lm tattons 'tts tiL. Uwe belstperfeot,_borthej ire well satenistal to dusty: eon wheat , dot ready judges of paper maw.- There are' three or fear kinds of ctoanterteltsi eta al dose de-' neadnationotad.the palette. ebentta he ow , Wu In bandling than. • ihpgibilitutent Bhili. „ einee the ,relignetiee-of Mr. George ft there has be cronaldarabla sisseads , lion as to who the Goveraor mania appoint to • *Ulla Micancry caused by the daub . ofißbarlif "Weeds. Whoa Mr "Riddl e declined to um,' , , ths friends of Mr. Somali li Cluley„ piputy MAL urged hi& to permit his of to be used, undid. the Maio generroiss conditions, mfidoit had been tendered bb Mr. Riddie,and Imm:muted to do so. To-day wilearn , tbet Mr Chtloy bat been notified of his appoint ment, and requestad to forward his latilbond to: @sr}isbe S, shut biz commission may is tae: 'isle - Vl,iNylisi 'bad satin] years' ca. primes In the oflicei_and is fully consonant - With eft &this:of %a business. He is well qualified to dtcluisp Ids duties, and his sp. pointment *hi ttTOAIIIIIIIIi satisfaction to the Tza Avirmtc tot Earnmest -Er. W. Pittcak, opposite the . Post °Mee, has received the new amber tithe Atlantic , mootils,iwhioh is an meant one, santaining an many articles on anbjectsof greatinterut by arniSSMlrlital. Themtisle on "Thomas De Qolnter by Mr. Alden, has a high inseam barest, and the readers of the Attioarid' twill welcome it, as add ing to the apprecistion of one of the greatest writers In modern English litanatzre. "The Puritan Minister," by Mr. Eiseman ; "The Freedmen of Port Royal," b,y Mr. Pismo ; "Mannsoripts of Edmondßorke," by ldr:Brun net, and other attlola,. would all deserve special minUm,did slap peimikMe num bor:,lol Its havelalCharevar, Is in ehtellent eite,hid hill be oafs!: LE to ' the apprecir Use criticism at seri readers. I.4lOlllf—EL MILO named Murphy was u nsaid on Batordipiry MaYor Ahxander's po lio, on 11.13 barge or-stailing twopairs of pants from the clothlng„itora of , Mr. Pitcairn, on Moral street. Information -was Made against Murphy for the-Wormy of two Goats from the residenoo of M. Haworth, on the West Commons sAlieghenp also stole twO-ambiellas irons theresilenorof mar - on gobocalt.alleon. Ono of the ooats stolen from Mr. Haworth tru . recovered, imt the other bad been disposed cif. The Mayor committed hinito Jolt to . spews r at the next term of court Itayaricarion idzirrintiln Saturday evening the citizens of Baldwin end Mifflin townships assembled at /Usher's Mills for the purpose of holding a meet:2oov the radios. don of the nominations made by the recent .llnion State Convention. The meeting was organized by calling Jic h stt - Itilsch to the chair, aisd J. SALWinen; Thomas M. Howard and , T. J. Ingham enter. Mined this audios= for two hcrars.with ex cellent speeches, altar whichthres &ems were proposed for the speakers end-three fat the Union, Which waretaartily responded to. WiFIFI OF . )14.Dais COltsnanboft Don : Wagon, opti siosteso loan, wu this morn ' big &Beluga oti wrist)! hobeasswrjos from tito_outody of ilspi_Tritobbir of- Tunibleo • Cesoft. lie was sosidantalty wooded *Os_ sift:Bp-Holm sad was-oonssimintty hood' • in.tfol fIofPWS 71441014-1101 ins The Vfiiihipiptqww , tits bbd? of i1i7141 essititositunfluisin, ' crontiunife of 'chips n ot " being the OF): fain s custody: ' ' ' - g 5 ~.. doototurr.- 4 4k little.ohthl !of Alamo M.:i nside:h. tostillas cnt Ihrtbes Medi to ttko Word, wait totiouly Wood Att day searnhig, b 7 faniDg futa tho *owl 'tory -wittdowitrittstrupof Sourtork - foot. - :Tho tad -th Pirc-Ilfdlihddthillith idthidlakt hs4 boom good whist moopoo-orinclow,s4444 thUdlospt ow to the dll tattfort oat.. The Prifitifal Wolin tom Alhout :the face !Ad lowa J!tw... pcoAild Is not gotta it riot. Of& Bor Dnowszoreitirds* afjetnoon At Zut tour o'iloa, 'a Ind: intUtod Lehi, 'Maw owinunint with • :arther vf,bois at Use Maui Mune: Tridge, boontoi-hiwliderwir and ,bsiog 'unpin tit rikittEthif.littger was drained. 34 Vailibmai.tliplT•yeanrasp: liispentsts iethii sw Elthithlield street, nom Serenth The coroner toad'aninquest itid the jury returned - vortiot of socdiehtid drowning Scrunis Rivni.—Kr. Jesup A. Viktor, a wairkno wp4sfamt sidioauranton merchant, doimg bastnits Cu Market - itreet, died rod ' ort-Bajzday.:tootaitte -Ma residence' 4kogotiiTsibt4StO43lo l Abidoii... lll, do. 4sitsetjyr,as,,prepatitis Ip.iittsnd..; divine gioe And wan in Wit 'utast , ,w faddenty token ill z oid dl4fiiociow grompttn• P. _ !'; •: Pleb Liswi Leptra' Atedestatt.— •iv --- f...Sipteinber number of-ehlLbeautitulfabliee., ilon,7nrith;ths uitter Attfloßien colonel and :- , ,,Pliitt-illustestions; -"Mar aert l it& mph. -Osseo, tuie justsvoired;snd ettitedi4ine4ece win lind-itett. J. W. Mincers Mewl endTeiL tiodloal Depot, °epodes the retti.oldee. , . Loovrave,-Pt., C.: A... W.. :I to Burgeon of the I.36thli'eattrOsamitillesiment i tmetoctiteditt thiraltypind - ApittACAtt ode& • ton fitdthielditisetiseatinztheiihets: he of .— faith prcttesdonitto ths-pablio. • Bosnia A. Tiss.--Tfor •W Ammer of :Ife: Toot, • butohur doing in the strkot.hpn• ,-wig rob of gas '•:eitotosnor. • 43011111117110,10 offeadins, Mari eailtb J:MoOlnaki, Este Diary, and Mari Mcßride was committed, to jail thit sandlot forisgraney. - - .Itsguare.lauvwx—CoL. 11.13iiteltaital p B :11 1 : 4"t Zwa 'alZ,rtrzt,_ R t . :t liesirwood, volorrithei will twirisuntrea out,. entilla sum liati a D filAllos.4ror kiiista r M popo—locaulderod lari smut indoaot oo me porlor, so Ow p a ll gooso. '• ozoi amid VIM MM. pal sip in balk sous bauble. ems otonem ler a" m a xmA - _ Joss.A. , 00toottOirt. ma Mot stomata 'INDIA MIDIS& OILED ()LOTS; 111% /Um, SUS IBOM Strt fisittig ri 441, tea is maw. viniate4 wan pm& lbws *5 bad 114 OtalittUltabbst Depot , ot L B. ranrai. _ma 46 sad ill 00,, rlatitkers .. . :-. - F rj! e.4,U SU •,. .. ' - , :.. v . ifil, madasik, soaks sal limilits blib. ib UMW Willa TM ashiarehts, Its KM S bitill •,-.„, - 171...., , A., ..„„ t iggeto asuumnm. ~....,., 14 . . .1180NN1a • 4 ..5' , V . V.0; __.-........ 1.1 i id: wS (s. , t 3 4 -'y -T. 14'4' { ho JB SVENU G DlTIor..; ffAIRS AT CHARLESTON. The Bombardment of Ft- Sumter. FORS MUD AND 611BCG 81BNCED Deaths of Capt Rogers and-Paymas ter Woodbury. DISPATCH FROM AWL DAHLGREN Huta Stwaxas DIII6IIOEI, on 810114111 Luca, Aug. 18, 1883. To Hos. Mom Welloo,Seerdary of t?o Naar Si. 1 , Yesterday was began another series of operations igaintb_the enemy 's works. nazi) , in the morning Gin. Gilmore opened all his tauten upon Bort 'Sumter, firing aver Fort Wagner and the loteiMediate mum About the same time I morsfl up the entire iyailable naval force, leading with 'my flag in the Weehawken, followed bp-the Catskill, Nahant and BlontsultAt-thsrPtissalo ♦nd Pa- tareo in reserve for Sumter; The Ironsides war to position opposite to Wagner, and the guntsoarninied in the margbi aI long range, eanandignsi - Capt. 3: T. firnn; -blishasker Commander J. B. Creighton; CimMarron, 139Fgriandet S. Dug”; qt,timsh Menton •btit Cominsadirr W. D. Whitildgr Wirsikleken, Lieutenant Commander J. L. Davis; Dioh- ing, Montezuma ComutanderTJ. T. Chapin Lodono, Lieutenant Commander B. E. Brad bead. As the tide rose the Weehawken wail closed to abontAt4 yards. of Wagner, the Whir three .•onitori followed, and the Ironed. hear as her great depth of - water permitted. After a steady and well directed fire Wagner was 6- kluisilsilibrltAlli a. stothdthat of our own wends was slackened In consequence. Meanwhile the fire of our shore batteries was working effectually upon the gorge of Sumter, which appeared to base been strength ened in , every possible manner. At thh time the flag was shifted to the Pas sel*, which with the Patapsco, both having silted guns, steamed - up the olthnnel until with in two thousand yards of Pert Blunter, when the are was opened on the /gorge angle and Sontleast front of the Teel. The Patapsco trod very-welt and is believed to have struck the Southeast corner nine consecutive times. To a'l this Sumter scarcely replied. Wagner was silenced, and battery Gregg alone maintained a deltberati fire at the Pas talc and Patapsco. It was now noon. The men had been bard at Work from daybreak, and needed rest, so I withdrew the vessels to give them dinner Daring the afternoon cur shore batteries con tinned the Ike at Port Sumter, with little or no reply from the enemy, and I contented myself with sending rep the Passaic and Pa tapsco t• prevent Pertwagner from repairing 1 damages. The fort replied briskly , but in al brief time left off firing. I am not able to state, with asectanse, the result of the dare work, but am wall satisfied with what a distant view of Sumter allowed me. Oar entire power is not yet developed, as it will be daily, white the enemy is dam aged without being able to repair. The officers and men of the vessels engaged have done their duty well, and will continue to do so. All went well with as save one sad sweep- Hon : Cwt. Began, my chief of staff, was killed, as well as Paymaster Woodbury, who was standing near him. Capt. Rogers bed more than ones asked on this occasion, if he should go with me as us ual, or resume the command of his vessel, the Catskill, and he repeated the query twice In the morning—the last time on the deck of the Weehawken, just when preparing to move into action. In each instance I replied, do as you choose. Ha finally said, well I will go in the Catskill and the nest time Web you. The Weehawken was lying about one thous and yards from Wagner, and the Catskill with my gallant Wend just inside of me. The fire of the fort coming in steadily, observing the tides to have dean a tittle, I directed the Weehawken to be carried In closer, and the anchor was hardly weighed when I noticed that the Catskill was also un der way, which I remarked to Capt.,Calhonn. It occurred to me that Capt. Begets detected the movement of the Weehawken. and was determined to be closer to the enemy If Pot able. My attention was called off immedi ately te a position for the Weehawken, and soon after It f was reported that the Catskill was going out of motion with a signal flying that Tier Captain was disabled. Rebid been killed instantly. • New You, Aug. 24.— AL letter dated the 19th, from Morris Island, to the Herald, states that the firs of our batteries still con tinued, and the ;rails of Sumter sae gradually eaustiblingand tumbling to ruins. The rebel rig was shot away twine on the 113thiebrist was replaced. A violent Mum ragedon the lath, and eontinue4 en the 191 h. Thelieta bat teries, however i tiesgot- pldiper op. and aredemolishing Ant mite yusit. , The holes are dastemed, therm selducusel,..ad the steam multiplied a hundred , told ideas" resterday. The parapet is eoutpletell,ffatuolitliedAthe abutment at the southeast angle lir motcy tore away, and :Breeches are'muds tiro b' hltdsotkPrifbilitiffi l Pill/ 41 q 1 41 /I ! o, PP °- illallde'l ) nefiero Oelst`ihaftio;iftot ;i Oil' 404 On Sandal . wad terrible' but that only four men were killed sada wounded tu 'Wagner The rebel betteries maanite•lldandeentizt '44:lol4344l.lust *Montt umah damage. ..-Anothet Idler dated the nOth, to the !br ie:rem one and of our Saes to th 6 other, our guns are pouring In , the fire.against the gotge wall of Sumter, bat still it holds together. 'lt wllibe gradually torn to. pligoe, - The iron .di ads moved up shrewd, of: stints: Matey s ing, but a heavy sea privested - thetrOper t ins- , The gale, to.day, Is wthpitiiiie At re gone were =punted- at Ap.,1019 , ,lsel.nig t. 'U 01410140 Oki* taltellel opened yet.. The steamer New Brunswick, stranded , - Am the bar, and her barge la being Aitken t • Th.:lrapOttixioifiaki.Wiedir. Powell:a -for , ktit 3, istaaffootive , measurer, have been teleate aveldshent.: Ahabraltivef the troops is good eudziheyate in eitellentepfritsi limilfon'hug., 24 -The Ilichneogg p o .. pers 60111,141) the fallowlpg dispatobes , 1 0144.441:4:411. 18,-411-4A7 's r -/II the . • shaaMS;oestr - , ltteriff it.ls 'elare on any dist Alv previous r,' apirtireirldit*,!ltig:lnotd 2=10 11 4 - .M ural POW* d p • A, WorkiwoStia AS , • bWitrOlail eltellgper-sabrite ist maim Thiesentletteffeustil 'Wel OftlottO theitiet Widlitiplitatiftep#l4iliftelY6oll - eglatu: • „,,).4, 0 „.,.: A trattertlioCioattlist Amt. :- -. : y5gS.• TE TEL.EVRAFIIIC ,NEWS •.r, .c ~ scut .~ tititlembogi~ttaEtcd'b'j" ' odr%Vorc THE WORKS OF IRE ENEMY El PORTED VERY STRONG. BRA.GG SUPERSEDED DI ITORNS'IOI 30,900 Armed. Deserfirs - ILsportc4 on Loolr.cont• Niorqttain. , • , &armou r ALMJ Aug. .23. The wive:toe of the Army of the tiumblitisiall appeared in front of Chattanooga on the Vat last, and °Mei die on the tit; at 10 a. The ems , my replied from 19 gensimostly small gnu, which did If . tgol4:99gN w il y i ep o - w i t s. mem poundal; Which' limit thi`•cipPielte'iltoro, mid ono fin from wlllolakillad sham and took o$ *boa Atinst:sl,oool4-44 , 14112 , * battery. Oct fin way tarp Trod mi2a* WM disabled,. Lilly throw stalls mittlpreeisloadato-theem lets=oll-olb. q p --"Trai vo ief th. AA" AM lathers./ areroPortadroristroad. Tho = to an sot Imo*-then Attests' feet mid& water batteries, on a lnel with the rioafitieweileou' ere n' at the *lot ibeihave awiketiamorro sad. opposite the Of Sty ben s= moon bridge of Theo Weld ot,ILI aw= mu sunk by irr Ir 6 mid lb. Juiiiiiilit - - , As ationpt •t& destroy, the Pontoon frustrated by a sharp fire of the rebel sharp ehootem Forty prisoners were taken, two rebels killed, and several wounded. A train of we gone and =rules of one battery graining on this aide of the river, were cap tured. Oar advance reported two divider/a at Chat tanooga, and Hills, late Harddee's Carps, aloog the railroad in the direction Bridge port. A detaelment was seas opposite aSt2L3OD, but discovered no enemy. • • Contrabands report that Johr.stoniteel ar rived with two trains co move on the 20th, auparsailng Bragg,wbc, has retired to-Atlan ta. This last state-sent is o , rroborated by citizens. - A larger thy was diseovered, near Chattanoo ga. No rebel infantry - are north of the river. Storm's bilged. of cavalry are in tho vioinity of Smith's Cross Roach-; the former et Kings ton preparing for it tol d. d. Eleven deeerters of company fi g let Lantei- came into Netley's lines last night. Toey were detailed lately as a crew for the rebel steamer of Point Book. They abandoned the &tamer on Tuesday, 20 allies below Chat latO9ga! They report A. P. Hill's and Poik's Go:pi otSliattatooss. They pay the denser-. siltation of the rebel army to eorapiete. 80,- 000 armed detectors are on Lookout mountain wailing for our advance. These inert report bundrodo of loyal moun taineers etgaged u t piloting deserters through the moan s. The First Lordidans, Bragg's headquarters guard, is reduoed by desertion to less than 100 men. They.") the renlabider of the ore w deserted the Assam Point of Rooks, at the acme time the steamer was disabled. A heavy explosion and Ore took place last nista up the river, and it is believed the beat his been destroyed.. A force was in pursuit of her. ' Many furloughed men from Penabaton's army are coming within our lines. They say the army can never bo got together again. *Tea deserters from one blistlaalppl company costna in a body on the 40th. Bragg's army will go to pleats It again at- Robbery in St. Louis—Position of Bragis's Forcer—Buckner at Knox ville, etc. BT. Lours, Aug. 24.—The oßlos of the U. S. Express Company was robbed of neatly sixty thousand dollars, last night. An other just trod Roseeran's army, re ports Bragg's centre at Chattanooga, left wing at Dolton, and the right at Cleveland. Buckner la at Knoxville with ten thousand men. Bragg ean muster about thirty thousand fighting troops. • Previous reports of desertiotrfrom his army are fully confirmed, ihe mountains of that leo.. tion swarming with them, and it le satiated that about 1,000 acme into our linea weekly. important Expedition Across the Tennessee River. Startzeox, ALA., Aug. 23.—Wilder caussod the Tenneaaeariver last evening, and burned • small railroad bridge, near Shetmound, thus severing the commtmication between the rebel right and left- le 'stew of the 'copra°. Usability of common roads, this is an im portant affair. lie scoured a ferry boat, and two barges, and brought them to this city. It was the burning of this bridge, which was thought to bo the destruction of the steamer Point of Rook, which boat escaped, teaching ChattaneOga on Thiapasy. Important events must soon transpire in the vicinity of Chattanooga and llarrison. COMM ERCIA L BROOM) PITTSBURGH RABBETS 011700 Or Tan Pirrtinfrnin DarLT Onitrrs BIONDAT. Aog. $3,1665. The r.rodace market is viry drat sad neglected, with na material change to notko in quotations. Irony matters We Wary genet, with no new feature worthy of .pedal notice. The rate' of con remain abont as last quoted. IFLOUU et GIL! IN—Whcat to coming in slowly, and the market is doll at si,osoLio for Rod and White, loom wagon. There to nothing doing in Corn or Bye- Bale en track of S case now Oats at 550. Floor col:tibia= vary dull, the demand tong limited, and enUrely loot. wbils prices are onebangre,L (1110CISUIES—There is a fair demand for Sugar, with sales of Cuban 11,1a12c; 15)e,,0 (Jr Porto Rico, and 13 for 111 O. Ooftee is quiet and dull at 'a,3,30 llotamm range from it to 55c foe odd, and age° tar BMJON.-ti stands but auchamosi. &tonlders are steady at *ape; Plato Hama di; Plata Can. •aa+ad 10jia11; awl Sugar Gartsi 13018%. title to Ma brads of SW ptscse Sugar 0/114 at no. 1111Y-1v in NM supply, and, with :geed &snug] 'niers Item again advance]. Steal from seal° of II toads at $33 to 5 9 18 ton. arcorsting to quality. 121117112—bales of 20 bezel °teen reacts, at $ 3 ,T 5 to $4 per, bosh, and 40 bleti applva u $37/4:3 pcc bbl. FALLOW—Ia Orin with small Isles of rough at and WWI for D. 'tarred. 001WLSZ—Is steady at We for prime W U, and 103 far Eastalmrs. Pittsburgh Petroleum Markel Aug. 2L—The market for Crude oponed thb lag pretty much the oatmeal It 'elated on Saturday, dell and leactivo, with beta Ilialied demand. Later to the day, tamemr, there wmt an improved Inquiry, sod In view of tb. fast that the receipts were light, end the news from New 'fork favorable, holden were less antipasto sell. Boyers offered Saturday's girl costively. and soma 6061313 btas changed hands at 2230, package, evtomod, and tlc, packages included. Tema, emits& holdani generally, weto asking =a mita 28X,0290, without and with packages, and, al. emir no sides were strivle atltoae Agouti, eaten appeared cotdidenk of obtabalog Ike adireaca to morrow. . ;gnppod, aim, WO sad ed eo.l him, and an ad vance, both fur Fremont and future delivery, vale asked The truth of the metier le, holders dfil not View ef .11 tutxt.m to optilttu, fading minutia, of dal better Jeta. Wu quote gui ehuiderd broods of bondolibt 60(01a. un the epot, ler t ep tambur, and 67060 a. fur October. A wale of 6CO bble • • -to b elte ll iared dorlaiithe /altar put of . Oc tober, we muted at (6; alp, 1.030 ULM Car," to be delivered on the let of November, at COo. hued, free, is arm and higher, but (u the .been,, of Wm v.'o oath quotackme. There In uu change Benzine er ell barrels How York Petroleum Starker ISPeeld Die Fetch to the?'9etterg? Closetto Ittir Yoic; &us V. 1669 - There IS MI arrive demand for Credo, and melbas* admen) has toes established, sittstrles on the ',poi at Mt Relined Ist bosulla v4i erns and ertranetng; dee at.633:43 on the rynt—GO asked; September, deltresy,,,Weektfics, yam' se buyers' option, Or tater, Mite, end blovonbet, noaq, inutile and buyers' optics. itelbred, tree. ALM and tdabstts mg bit Item RaGno lleyttla 1 shady at 2t, for tlis• lined. .• 0. Weekly iLiWieW Ratchet New Toil( Pe ., -r• , tro!quin market. ' 74portiliLEsineedy tar obis Pittsburgh OssotteJ, New Tone, inniturt In NO.. ~, The market for Pot:aloes his been cheraoteritad try activity &Winterize/YU throe/4 the Weak, WI, ' and a very loge busby= has been dam particularly In Balm& erode was active and buoyant up to - Wsdinieitity iti, yea talt pitons, tad quite heavy salsa were nude, Oddly of lots on the Not. Since Wialue•• day the =iris{ Las raliedivey'quidt, however, and this saleahaire boon rimy modulate. The raise for the emir, earegate 10,030 Ohl. chiefly on the spot at 36' ffinlighe , SinatkeVoioehite titiitel todey it tit!, rata. „iio p.) i.ii_Kii '5 - Li &Cued had - been vet an d s . all thew& tho week. snit higher prbics haft brow issUzido bath - for lOW on **spot, odd in AITIVIN, Zia egirefette dee and feenleq, for ilhe Woe, Windingsales of cootraote, are hereto than for • Jon ticosi past. 1001 : 0 1 4,001 fa NOW Ole. • Ism prmirtbssitodutaiss alritry sod inclotios about 10,000,bid• no:day. • Aselibis ewe sail, tottribisrabls bad boils dans 111 tbearay or pots Pc Whited' of calling Ike lout some future-o*p ps s t at ia loolssrd rim Tido Is • most au satisdicrog met ,si , 174%M0 1 1 Zdt' ,, tatU. 114 rj; 'aXIA.. i their li.l* delatio s in V e i ttlo do no imown: this Noss but, On neverthehts,continsto to ,do Issi TOli WITIMILO In BOILDMI klik -tbs sroskods Nog I. 241410 ill Wicn,jcilots for int= &dram. - Teo mike' to ea) ill artily and m the lotlowinu otiose z• On the spo 600074 O fir sproatt et ise damp. dirrigdo saran' and Lof t s' optlon;October o.ll3(ailt ante option; all Normhe• 4350, oho tendency , being to a still further advanon rise 01/ to.. tan very Quit,' cia.prlois sic inb idor l'isstial i, SCUM The mss riniC0011•011 tollbOat 4.0e0 b b CUM/ at tOMI OOO . 40 40 $ Arm at GNP 07 cents. Naptha has rabid very dull, test oaks to the re-' polo of invoretils advice. from &trope, halm ate Gadsnn We learn of Wee Of about 2.0 d) Md. arid Ileilned alp to one, tbithil qui 4 at 22 ' 210 fee Nallnad. , , Boston WWI liaiket. Atm. 22L—Tho market for tkottlati =Must ilito.; with • fob dotaartd. Woo of growl Moat at SO; Bar I ' m " POW; raull4 VIA 1364 lov;, _Mao aro otoilsrato dootood 41 1 ttgatIdorktShOug20 I°l ' bort. two ittstl." torol or:fathom to sr To fro-, kzatl i r=tra=roo. otrlea r sr l e, 011 - 1 moat= do t4r4 4 P g , - 456VM1114111 !AMC td 0,6005 71 bbk Mled / 4' 1 . 0 4 $24.4WW'b!. MMI . ozq New York Dry Goods Trade Acv. 2 0 —There hie boat considuaids'acilvity lo the Dry Goode warko h ave week IMet nod the no I'mla ratty basal t t' to !Orly set to. There bare been quite • large nurnier of Western boy.. to tin., who hare been locking about, Lel.cung Pods, and pomp considerable beirCeman has already been done. In the sheen= of violent flocuratiens In gold, prices have not varisd, but there la. neverthe , Increased bmayancy, nod a tendency to a higher note of palms for most geode. Dansestfc Cotton Good. are quiet but veal firm. !leery Brown Sh, et logs rue firm at 33%c. na32, and Print/ us Code 12% forb4 by 64 geode. The chief activity 1. In low and medium Woolen Goads and In foreign goods of meet blues. In woolens the Meet amiss trade la in fancy cvseirueres, and nearly ell grades of then gocds are mottng to fair quantity. Satinets, in low and medic= granies, ere also active and firm; but tine grades are neglected. Shawls are active and warm, the greater put, of the productiNa basing hem flamed In ;Ammo At suction they have brought peens, as foUows: Low priced square beach* $3,3,30; better grades sold as high at $9,6234; chalice talus 23.20; losoptierd brain long slate fin 5512116,75. Iflausele are active at full pri ma Army Reruns are doll but upchanged. Print• at Defence active at 25c. In Portion Gerais all pl-in-colored Wonted and Gittomand-Worsicd Dee a Goode which have become mares are serectally active. fancy Goode and Wonted Dress Go 45 an an oleo to lair demand low.prioed black Bilks .2 ' $1@1,01)4 are wanted, and colcoed_ remit de Sole. at 91 : 9 1. 39 e. .diem grades of black - Nitta' are efiLliog slowly St preview prima There are no Ohm Im portant changes to chronicle, but the Mark:nig very . 1 . 017 11. both tot Domestic and Imported "teak and nearly all kind. tend upward. Toledo Market Ant. 21.—Slonr—There is a fair inquiry for fresh ground; old is entirely neglected: sales 150 bbl. XX. rod wheat, at 11.5„25; ao bb • IX.X. whits wheat, at 160 bble do do, at $6; 150 bbl XX. rot shoat. as $9 . Wheat—Declined to, nod Ole forenoon there are mars sellers than buyers at the rates; sales 300 by Rich. at 11.3; 500 boo Ned HI& at 107 c, MOO hue No kited at 104 c; 4,101 bus. 1.0 00 but en d 4; Onus No 2 Bel at 101 w, No 1 Red was offered at 101 c, withont finding takers. Corn—No trainee nano; holders an firm at 5456 e. Oars—LlLst tales at 464. No ~10. of other grains. New York Grocery Market. Ann 21.—Sugar—There te• steady good inquiry for Grocery grades t om the Trade, end prices are again rather higher. Bauer, an not buying large- LI but the market continuos steady and =Morin et the currency of the ..sly part col the week. Banal Is le moderate request, and we quote other than Stu arts' 123W13% cents for Yellow. 15 9 ,4414 for Son White s and 145yab43c c , CYL, far lard. The mace of Raw an 2793 olds, Oohs at 5 7 /All%. with Dome Clarified at 123' 4 route; 119 Poem Rico, 119$COVAM 117 hhds, and 1 tee, li6ll/14110. 1ONg11; tiO WS, 10 bbl. ana l asses African, 9%; 211 bode NO, lOW 15.41 301 moons] Be. Domingo, 939; 250 cases (equal to 2500 bogs) Drown Bahia, SK. 205 has lianas, 9%910./.; elle 3 hide and 49 ice natal°, oy, 4 rum. Dy auction, 173 lihd• ti 0 sold at $11,62%0211,81, cash. The stock yeeterday wee about 55,t/00 Wads; 10,000 bra e and 134,1221 bags d ater, and 31.2, labda filet 1I Gsffee—The better grades of Itraell, begin to at tract more attention, and for t Mae the market le steady; but gmeridly epeaking. It roman, inactive, though no sotto of Late an inereseing demand for Wed Dan description. and Jar. for hems consump tion, the buetness of the week Laing larger than for some time pan. The nice loolode Bags 1110 at 25428 e, Including 4235 per klarkwell yesterday; 45: Santos, part .90Wrg,1; 017 ILlancalbo, M>1451.1.1, 43 Costa Ulm, 3u; WO mats Java. 33, discount for cub ; 15 bags St. Domingo. 14)4, cash; and I=s fdereenlbo, on tarn. not tratelored. globose There le a steely fair demand far home rnq and though not ractive,lhe market le supported at previous rated, closing with a hotter tone than pre- Slowly. The sales include 40 htids Barteadoes at 15 6047 coots; 255 !dale and 13 tea Porto Rico, 65050: hhda Inflator ribs,)4; 356 hints and 90 tow. Coda kluscovatlO, 376041; hbis African, 45; and 791 New °rheum, 33650.4 ram—Shipping Livt. Imports Dy Railroad. PrITUCIIOII fT. WATS, d 011199 , 60 Baszarrao, Aug. 24.-24 pkgs twine, LL Gerirls A co; 604 bpi attest, 3 8 Liggett a me 60161 s dour, Ocala= d Thomas; 1 bbl eggu. Blraystsick d Dro; 15 dos pearls etc, S Evart d Oat 9 do do, B Dalzsll & co; 10 bbis alcohol. B L ratusestock A co; VS Ira haves, O L Caldwell; 50 Leis abiskr, Jas Lloyd; s core corn, D 11 Wallace; 1 car oats, Bad core, taio ; 100 bbl whisky, Lambert w Eihiptori; MN hams, E El Myers d eol, a ears oats, Bingham, Sturgeon, .2 co; 3 do do, 11•Lisoa d ardsr, 4 do do, Jos Darsiostuti, 7 sks taidm,Garlartimede deacas Craig; I tc 8 Evart A co; 2 do do, J Etrkpetrick. Clary-urn A 1 . 111115111711411 flummox., August =- 10/ bldos, Pittsburgh It Vonnellsettls B 81; 2 Mats tobaeoe, John OrWa r ; 23 bbis potatoes, 1 1. aPfhel. Jam Fetzer; 10 do do. flaming& Steals; 1 hbd to co ' Batsitall & co; 350 bp rie, - Tbu• Bel:taco; 18 bra shows, F Vangordor; 37 bids apples, Potter & ALL[OIIIT fiTATICUL-4 9 ab wheat, B T Ronne dy6 Bro; 6 Ws apples, B Barton; 18 et. content, T If Herrin & o;e 6 dor brooms. LlPgr l ; 1 cac Ws. Jll Spear, 23 sks wheat. Diamond Ills, 1 car clay and brick, Clacker a ktrakimea; 8 rolls leather, A 0 Taggart; lot marketing, owner.. • oissatursoArs, • M OTICK.—Tho undersigned having 1371 he 1en0. : 0 1.,a14nn.1.. to hla old motormen and the public, hie renewal to Morn 119 Liberty dant. (Wel tacceptal by 1 U. Illathane,) trh-re a lute and oentylns, stock uf Bad ales,' and dboentaken . Latathm Findings, Illtlett, do, CM be found, md at loterat rein. U. 9. ls.NDELtbOti. No. 119 Liberty street. I N RETIRING FROM TRH .111 DE 1 ANY LF.ATHEII 13051N183. I moat canagli commend my mocemor m I man of strict bites - My and good Molnar quallficationa For some month. to Gomm I will continue to ocmpy ale. ItliDlia. PON'S mantlng•toom, and will take prat &mum In introducing blm to my Luellen. acqualzManms; J. 13. jy2Stfto M==3 I,IARTNIIttbkiIP NuflUit.—We ben I. this day samoctaied web on In the Rollins MLU badman A. J. DULL, the agile of the firm to be ILES3C, GRAPY A DULL, the partnere:JP to take effect this day. The Oil buenso tell be carded on by the tuttlaresned as tiaretobra. ?day Mtb.lS3s. RIESE GRAPY. JaCON itCCM lIILATLIIID DLIT. LAIDIIIM J. DULL RRESE, GRAFF k DULL, muyadurcr. Lif aft dmeription of Hoop, sua and Piat• ZrooL •-• • coastruoted oar wmt• with • elate co; imattoi fhb kind of in &speciality, wo eel solicit • sham of the trade ger Office, corner of Smithfield and WWieri d er etrieete myfit Co-eartaeratiip Li tinting betwean the emdaralved, wader the Erin name of At, BUDD 8 00. asptrad this day by &battalion. The baldness all' be ocentizinai by OiIAILLICS VW. by Weans al demands duo to of from the late Ana ntlt 1,4e .,t1l CalalllAS ESPY, 11 Y. BIM% tiIOHOLAII H. WADI, tort Pitt Foundry. July ht. lifS 1718.1.ra JVISCELL.I.XEOUS. A ' BUPPIA HIIMPECREY' 6 SPL(.II//G 1110BIEOPATUBC: 'REM EIMES, •ou TILIO rsot•Ll MST OF artOIYIO soul lonemmatton. No. I—Pot foyer, Coogan/ion No. h.--Vog Worm Vim?, Wortr , oso, Wetting tho Md. Waltefal o;,3—iror Collo, egina, ." near ot Infants. Po. 4—rof Markel, Madera and listra.. mar Oodiplairda. 6--Itor Oripinp. Dywo air at bloody Mos. o—l or Molars, IJholera Mena, Yaniitiog. Nt—Vot Ooagbs,Colds, Wm.. don Thrust. No. B—Vor Tooth.arrur, racoorcho, Soundgia. No. fr—Vor "%adult*, WNW, Ural nt l . 6, rho ot Ha& No. 10—Dripagaira Xlia—Pot Wyatt awl Managed Stomach, Nanatlnation and War Oosaviaint. No. Ll—For laie Palatal or dogwood Pier& Mraciaturt, f Mus Ilinuien, iliCedaa down of Cr . No:l%—Tor ocirdloaraa Oongh, Dad Urentlitog. Na.14 , 4a1l bum. Ptarror MINGO. ) . Zrar• (lam narks, on (ha lam No. 14---Blomialla I.a4.—lfor rata, • Lanantitag or Borman in the Olierd, Back, Loin or Math& No. 88—eatotnalta1adons,Idrubmtar7 IlliNwrlV and Scrum Dad* 10 No. —tiora .or Oatdrar o. &drilla or Niro ra-01111M1 Inaurilacnoo, Wetting ilia lied So. 31—rainfal Porioda. Annum r rpar No. M—lluthaing at dump of its. arlow, No. hi—vglirgg and lipaaroo. Morn, et_ v us. A-.-for tom and Ago% Ohlll Poor, Dumb Aix% Old tounsaagoa Avow r —Vor Pilo, Mind re Marling, luiornal or lls. onal. :aa-Ifor MOTO Wolk or lafisman Lyra and Weatt'or ritnnet Bight, Ci—Cor Catarrh, of Ipg standing oz recant, satin with obotracticaier prama . ddroluiri,o io. (3.—Par. ICti Whooolog Oongb,abailor, Its Malcam, AMU fif.ZOIV for demo or Attarto—prou, DiZtult, Ls. Donal Prcettling, attandad t Camp and Zapata. rattan. Price, 60 rental pinbora For Ear XgroLsrfra out Draforan.-Dtranara. form thu Car, tw remit of emir' Uteri r4OStare or tiara WO VOlrri IM:11014, floral:tow of HMIs mad Hl In lho Ws. rid tar•ticho Pritq SO awn( per ban. ditrltortiatZ,gelirpapgiull j/trlsJ'Elat,rad,=%. icanTOsonany f tihNron. BE4*, tO orate par box. Tor GrearofDeellity.—Phyricil OT tf crroas Weak. ma, abhor tha torah of bickning tairairs Meth cation 41 Edelman' Illaduirgar. Prlco, 60 cants Pa WS. • Tor pom—Tora hro.xuroastfons, Wald tamp. tram, wi th Tolsoy esoratour. Trio. 51k. Dc bar. ' Tor 8.. Eachses&—Diabll didlam3rValitdr Nati. ma, Vomiting, and Balton , from rid n 8 rrlCUtra. rd' e r W . lXso tor Criirof .—Tor Rend Cal l on, Illgiouit, Popo rmotioo.DtgrAWD: Lb* 13.1 pays. preaa,bo mita Por bog. /r Beograd DarairoL—lntirotrattiry. .r+ troradl* and Orrooseor Trorissisoo and DolAtiti. oto* MlMMiald and ardent Mittadtitativ4. end tolltd *aver a mt. Pero, IL por . JOHN 7 l'frioz 81 asn, 69 Thivilettstr,:, . Ps„ sts PROPOS4LB. to nourt LALKD Plat. F . IS L ese invit,d till the 31sT DAY F A1701.4T, 126.2 at 12 ra., br ( o rtash l oli the Aubsistenes tieps rereent with YO,OOO BA itaLLS OF fLOOIL Bids will be received S. .Eat t. mown se No. 1, 50. 1 and tie. S, en 2 t. sey portion 104 than the 10,ie 0 beers._ Bid. far d.froorat grain. thouL4 be upon separate or paper The demon of Ma Flom ta be marmencol on the ILtb day of Bsptamber, or ea so m thereafter aa the thrTerOtalMt m.y _direct, at sae ram of ao Damao deity delivered rithm et the Government Wareham. Goorrecea at the Wharves, oe at the liatlrreP s Depot; n. D . Payment will ho pride In certificate, of lode :tad. ow, or shill °Mei - funds a. the Government may bore distlesittoti. aal.Gotarument inspection will ha made Mat Ware the Irloar to toady ed. en oath of alleglahos mast eccommery sash thl. o bid will to entertained from parties who have proviumd rs y trifled to tornigy with their bid., or from eddfte vort gamest to respond. Thr barreh tohe enthely cow, made very strong, of sew tohterlate, mid head-thasel. SO WSKR—ShiGh la Sla frith grono.d wOl to ro. tend Bldg 'ohs directed to 001. A. BUHL WITH. A. D. G. sad 0. 8.. U. 8, Waddagton; and elasholavt I I ..Peoposes fur Flom." sulartd ptiveulduLLb tpkillUisai CAVALRY CUBLAU, Crams et TIM CUM/ Ql7•ltTibbtellel. Wsehingtan • O. 0., Aug. i 6. UM PlOVete' ars solicited end will be monism! al this office f the furniehtpg of 0/IVALST HOWL& to be delivered at Pittsburgh, Pa , Phliadephla, Weeh ington Obs, satsuma, N • V. ) O, Indisnapolls. Ind. o roposas will be exeldsuso for the lurnbbikil of horses In lots of bet lelitball twenty-Are (16). The tames to be from *uteri sixteen( 16) hands laigh, from Ore (6) to Mae (9) pasts old. welt broken to the esddlk - conpactl7;kullt, in geed flesh.end free from all defeats. The lability of the bidder to WWI his egreeineuS 'meet be guarantsed'by hoe responsible persons. whose stpettere• Meat Co appended to the guarantee. The respmeibility of the guarantors most be shown by tte. °Medal etrtblette of the Clerk of the nvarnt District Coact, or the Unikd UMW Magid , la. torus,. Prvcaels meet beoddremed to Lieut. Col. 0. G. 66 WTlst,Li, objet Quartermaster, Qattara Bureau, and to vt.dortad on the envelope, A Normals kr Womm." 0. O. Limt. Col. and CM. Q it. Cameas Derma anioftf itIiVOLVING IRON TURRET& El ars Der anon:, July 29 ltigt. The He-] Deplartment will, until the Ibis DAY or Avoutrr., roael.e propnettione bar the coostrno. tton and erection on board • vessel to be bath at the Portsmouth. &aloe, Has Tork and Phil adelphia Navy Yards, of two revolving turret. end two lototogoobte amok. pipe, with grallop for ear h venal: The internal diameter of the turret* to be Et feet, !Alibi 9 feet 6 Inches, thietneas 16 Inches; to be composed -f two - wparato then, of plate Iron. with .nabs Leon oledis inserted patina; tee aura the pilot boom on each turret to be 8 feet Inter, nal diemetor. 6 Met 6 Inches high. 12 Inches thick, annkow d of plate aro% 1 ho lonst eoglnes and gear for turning and rein. elating the movement of the turret, the pm slides and carriage. poet stoppere and other Internal aft mngementa to be of the ume general cluerse.er ita tbe :genitor clam of vessels. Thu Impregnable smoke pipe to be in thlekr asa 8 Umbel. tdmYtard ti 2 1 . 10 Iron; Inside diameter 0% Met, nod tudgkt Verve the deco tact. The prenlsitlon met embrace all the above moo- Monad nark, including the bracing or the Mutate, and lots the owl and tbo time wttltin oblate the work r cull vessel will be completed, on board. and ready tor Persica Ms postal piens can be examined at the office of the laepaclot of Iron clad e tamers, 258 Usual Bt., Hew York The Propmals meet Ds Indorsed on its eatable ••Propoesto hr I/evolving Turrets," that they may to distinguished from other letter,. anlmodtd FOR SAILA. - - 1 1 1013. 841L11.—A convenient two-story brick dwell.' house, with beck bonding, No. Di BM street, Plitaburgb. Also, Lana, cone. font and well•Oolehed three. dory Wick dwelling home, with back building, itoes 'Mot, between ilint and dacond stream. AIM), a MO-IMT brick dwe ll ing hams, wish back buildings, Su 919 &wand stns., near hems All the above Sr. to good order, and supplied with gae alas,nd water. A • one story frame cottage dwelling, tic. Y. 14 docoad street, and the twootory trams dwelling ed. Joininboth of these bones are In good order, god suitable Ibr small Ihmilks. Alto, a lat of ground on the northeastwardly side of Viral lined, between Boot end Try streets, nom non street, having a front of 94 Set on Tint street, sad eziending bark CO feet. The above property le eitooted desirable part to of the clty. Informs el sale sad particulars inquire of Wid. W. Tllollcol4, If ITU! No. LW fifth street. VALUABLE PENN STREET PROP v SlItY 7011 SALIL—Two Lots, 29 feet 4 to. front by 110 test deep to as alloy, ofth a large doable boa.., WIN= fiILOCOCk sad Wand street. A. derl• rob!. Waitron for a , T , 41a0 or Deattst. Also, soma floe b altos for prtrate nobleness war abserwellla, true to 1 acre sar.b. A 1.., a large amber of 62112029 lota, of various shoe, of trams 25 to 60 feet fron o r by 100 to 150 tot asap, stunted at Ms to the Wylie btiost rummager 11.11 may. Apply to the anderslgool, Executor. of the Wats of Joh. Herron, doe& W. A. 111111190/2, JOHN . D. H 1911.1107, • ... 11. G. HEBROS, - UUK EIALM—Vat 'lL:puma sma ll: ta.4 WIWI:IDM 1101:L=., CO loaned to 10 tot long, all portant. Ono na¢artor rwor DOlLlAo34nobor donator. Dot long, X brata Don. Two HYDRAULIC PRZSBICA for YlassoraL, will pampa an cowarlido. Samsl now and siconAdond 0!1 01 ROGIIIIA hem IS Isch dlamater down to S loch wID bi cold low Ibr cash. Loam Pe n al I.s:ti Iha Ataibin* dm'. 0.. Pent 511.- BLAST PURNACE FQ8,a11.14 Mad at Oanat Doerr. Tascioiliiicounty, °big ou ce o OlovatieLl dl Pittsburgh DaMood and Ohio Canal. Oahu he pat In blast is • =all axpeate. 7ar. was whim; to osamiu• the peoperl7 on do so open application to lir. DEO. D. DUZDOIINT, Donor. Nor term, PA, sane or apply to _ DAVID 21/01DA0. tMulatieus. Fe. or, TACO . tiTtlfiGLEI, Ito. Hasid Et., Y. Joitolitiol Foil , • SlLLE—Batween TEN" AND maim AUDIS 01 LAN Located In Bow township. Woo lanai worth of ABcShso7,.. art the N227.'1114 Plink Bead Good Pram How6,lbust, sod other butPla's Two wever-fabg sprbalp..cd water. WoO supplied withal! Ueda of trait. 24fitts rub and prateraloo 08l ho rheo thlifalL TArdcd• that feforroatha apply to the subscriber. ow the breathe'. T. IL GILSON. actllretdaltsT Ftnienbit, 50 bbbt. Rooting Cement LUPION, OLDDLIS a 00., our. att ssd Wood streets. St.l a xpAt otua.--.a •oortienient sad *Ai databod TN./0.811181 Baton nova, with 1 i ronce and good du cellar. ud hydrant water. L O • frame !Wu& back. Lot40:11% or 3 bats 0, oa Luau straw, Wool:um:tar, new l'iusagur II way. lualre at 'MTh 0111011. or to Illitili •IL taLt1.11.1.1.. WOK ...Lteeil . _ . :fltlUeekte • litlltifitia—Beautiful vital. s, l‘ b. %./ alto= for Omits, Houma for oda, In ro townaldp;4ldO • townialp. and Bawickity . An aura lob ars Inildu than Manama . of s ns on the Pittsburgh Part Wayne A ando.go Bail ~' Inquire or h. li. DAM, old P.O. Building, , &a 433 Water stmt. Allegbeay. it,..,„„„... , •...;;.----- - • .3. ii,u4l bha,, - r . : . , ..• ...:, r pe, 'VI iti • taul :" • •-t•••ti.., IP' - ~... _ ,•,-- ~.et--.. Film, 171204 1 4 : n1 ti AI TI/39, ,t, 'WOOLENS, Nast 019 PLASM lOWP ABILILILL6 exr Boa brill - _lReutgba &mu* at an woriblestleLltitlams.. Mad* _ Ifo. ttrolostawmikt_ . i _ IL A. It OLLISITD. BON It 00.0101- a ".. apusrisiFas lass ii 00.. wuotw d. UNA , . PaltabOO. . torySttmlavor - ESTABLISHED_ 1760. rETEu Losimidmk, EINIINT AND TODAOOO IANINAGNDEII4 16 a 18 02141161118118 SMUT, (7 orantl) 410hatt3ni stmt. New York.) Wtrahl aW rho &Matt= of draws to ths Wilde* of hb asanulhobuo. ohs s BROWN SWIPE Blacaber. lllns itamos. Osses. Upper, Alma= (lentlawn, Dimigros, Pare Virgl2l6, Eachnochae, Oopenhaim . ISLLOW =WM Scotch, D Igb Toast Scotch. k MO Tout to Lamdyfoot, Man D. Scotch, Stub Mao, bcotob.. froth Dtattit. I/Ortittontion of gloo p to adlod to I Um" erdnotion In rime •Out Obstrtng nut Smoking Tobocon. 'Web vlll be. Ibund eta =palm guallty. TODLOOO. Baoiva—Lmi. Qo. 4 No. 8. nos. l sad Liaised. tironalatad nu Our Onswroo—P. L. L. 4 i=a I Onto. or await; Overt &naiad Tic Ton C r=p—L. Jam timed'. Osositor ; IS, B—A circular of prim will tot wit $995.. • Bondy SIIGAR CURED HAMA . ' •\ 160 000 Sus Ititaoll I LoWs Obtetnnati; 614010 no, do Skim 'do Oslo Halos; MOM VS. IThddiden; usgo ea KO Idd& Zan issoil, !kiwi • ILO sides sad tor isl 4 al COOK. PrIIITA C 0.% 1 •4 No. II liadOlOsid stnot.l , Vial ,Lattik a prima artaatefilive rTV ~HbsisK WILON;'w !CUE SEWING MACHINE. t7f , 11 , TYF a. LX.Pl3qliTloll, WWI Irlzzat, heprosments. -The oat, 1 4 3sz4ine b the Wcrli cdne 1:11.112121 Obern PSZOillai, Bun= wed Oannen. with imps-a... 1 Etzsiora. eweous la • rtspocti--ily trailed is call par {Cue and tea Lhe Elaalthusi aperatlon. 116 - _l4 araohisa warrasdad throe Var. ger t3sad for s farcearr W5l. SIUMNEK & CO., WESTEILII AGENTS, Prresar.au—tio. si PLETEI 611,0=14.23 -PIKE'S UPSIIA BUILDIVO LOCLIMILIa—S9. t Uli6olCli TIMM& katinuivY rdnrrin.sxcz Asix.irTs. GLRDINEICROFFIN Amor: MI tr, ruts rutwatairau, um RaiAims Di. nniaxm Onrniturs,. North-can oar= Mcd-asta • IAT - P; EA tun= temp Wow 11, . - eur, MU, et Pinakylnals and ilart f to3 intunaeormpardek Pl West Mset• AM lEL REA;-.limewnas , • Capin, aorner 111sriut1 ; sail Ws SAY *imp iiii;tra yaw street. n - 3 - . Stemma Ammon= V. Isifftuvali dolma ! ST sue erese • SHIPPIJrO. virEtwor TO LIVER , POOL, touching et QUItittO3TOWISI, tldoac gams.) The well Writs stasuncrA Liverpool, Zhu- Pork sad Philsdelphis Stesaisbly Vy an Wooded to MEI 11l *Ulm irg/ IWOM/GTON Aug.it, nrry 01 DALTlPlOll2—.,....—thatutisi, hot , . E. 4121 or Loom+ - ....--oaturasy, upt And stay snocooding nsoixrday, st zoos, from Ter H. Borth Shur. • .. Paanain al Goad. or 4.1•7.661.1 b Oommit• rum 1811331.101 ..pss 60 o. to Lcondon.,o 00 do. to London.. 15 60 do. to Parts--. 315 00 do. to Paria.—... 40 60 do. to Illiambnig a 0 CC do to Thitabora 51 60 Polonium= alw .iirazded to Ear n , Ormolus, BM. tantrum, Antwerp, do.. at equally law ratoi. Fares from Livarpool or Queenstown: I= Wan. sus 126, the Steerags, $3O. Thise who wish 10 send for ir friends can bay tickets here at therir For further tularmatiois apply at the (=van ■ Odle= JOBli. G. MILO, Arcot ? , LS Broadway. Y. JOHN TI:10151130B, ALMA liand street,Orsi hot= front th• 11:141o, saatat • Prltsbereh. rir H B ATLANTIC WENN& 1 ROYAL HAIL 151%.1111 HAMA. SION CORIPAZiIt (GALWAY 1.1311134 ADMATIO, I,SO Horde-powar 3,000 too. H/81111131A,1,0C0 Horse-parrj, 0.000 tons ooLoainia.l.= Borre-Pwav &POO tarA , 1,000 Eloree-povrer ' 3,000 ton. The moofflovat OtearratilpADEL3l . lo mlll van from Liverpool. via Galway, to New Took, Oa 1111D BILIDAT. the 18th of July, to be 0010.04 by tho other steamers of ll:tonne ovary olterzeteWedueollity. Wes _ go ef lre s r t° ! "15. I llt i tt in tmota ift 29 2l 005b1611,35:: 00 sovond 83 COI For panne *cob at the afar* of the Agent. 11.13112. a S.raELE. Es Erc..hro• Taus= Ras% klausger. a, D OITEILL, floNtWrack& Dalldtog, ah Ptrett, Plttsbrireti. PASSAGE FROM TIER "OLD TD,T."—The culdeeilamed b 13/71, prepared to brine oat =lomat track say part I,ard, lead or Dootland, either DY Mee= Dia- Steamers, hirizellas, the miairooth stoat= .4:1 ZADTED," era dim Willing Vase* Dir lowa than tickste on be purchased kcalsay othmodSce I=tb• Kamen Um Ldlerpool sway ..toachfas loadonderry ter the =ELI The maths needs hen ldecrpool marl L . A"l"B'll4lcT.iin D. 0•01 DILL, AvA b ilhroxiele Dalian& myliftermad etnal. Ilitabscree. -az w BOOKB. 1110 p KONNT PUBLICATIOIiti AM Austin Elliott. By Elooloy. stor7 of Ilizaboth. By Elsa thsokeroy. eldrasishing. By the what of wilonsla Etas." Who Breaks. Pays. By anther of maktrudshlog." Fanny Enables JotornaL tLls o christophor Borth. By Um Gordon. Ests'o Ixeles Tax Um. nanunoturs PhydolcEttal Eamairt Ms 111Mary - Liyalans. Ale. By BUJ. Winthrop. • Basalt antosnazy afl.ba err of War. Sid Mar's Good lb•I b Timm The Erspday Phileerephee.in ad Dy Colmtry Porto. Paris in simatter 137 Labcolaye. Ire and Band. By dirs. Boma. P. G. Dtrocatny,lor IV= Moak Ems.- By Cho. Okkats. 4 vols. WM. alb edition. War l'icatisee from the Broth. 137 B. Esteem, C. Wait E. 1. 1 E4 Sal Bow to Cook it. By P. Dios. halting= to Pasta. By Lama Yoe ode byt..; . ' EAT a CO.. 55 Wood stmt. 0174 1 3t" 1 .41LIZTUBLIGIVIIONS. fly fiendbun IMands. By Hirt. Hlidqry 11811nnnacni In the times a Calvta. • roollalli az the Damodar, at another Weed. The West Inn Vinyl Inandnol. Braimlow. Bentmes Thirty Tsui In In. U.S. deflate. La.-Mantes: antrund incr. Zyal sad Earn Banctter. 131 ins and din Anvils. Thedosr, Undid:to, Ss. mylf• Jae. L. WOAD, to hearth carat. salisrlittilYlS,OWN SU° • —Sheep: P 3 Etroodo, MoatOita& one Mown. ay Wltllsq lomat. Tow Mob ere added remarks on thalkoedo sad MooopaoB3BB al Bbaspin the thdtal Meta, with Illustrative riaga, 1 vol., 8 8 . 0; Price WA EAT t 00.08 Wood stoma. TO LIET. poit RERic - -Th;thremitor, igitallit WARLIIOIIOIi, Na. d - Wood (Vett, two dome hoc Water stmt. Woo ton= WPB torIXASE434II II I, illalliztan. nth** 00.%)_ . - • - • 1 or t029311P11 W00DW761.14 - - ' -cantor:el tadWOOdittiow. 0111 -TWO -Or 111200 - itelnn .1:111 the OK Of fulllttbliOdal Of CLUJ= Mad. rittb strait, with ar Witurat steam palgir. on Ms preade. easta ' -6-The - th ird story of the sawn sew the reboaiber, corner stet. Clalr Ursa and Dnane Way. jeledi BOWL ASHWOBTIL ifdaliiil Di- 1 1° N la AROMATIC BIuICIIBERET CARBSAITTE use emu= %MU 103 DTHEITERY,'DILIISHLA: YLIIE, OnOLEIM mospcts AZID•BI4IEZU 0013PLISEIT. Tb bat:brass mates WM to the otattts of Obi istudy• dilly repots of ast!ilialdiag oval "items ha Was. It has Ithantages ores any other r. Iyi al own =tug the dhow, and trayarting tons and strength Ltha antra. la Bata and Glen to the Infant, and yowled In. the adult mast - T. the sailer.y. It la turatnablts bang anrognigolPt=rdby thanh, In alany eartlttoatea, , ^!%1513 Soldiers* ES lend." Motions bail It impostor to any soothing gray toy ands= tasibtag, treed from tbo Warta= airsets ot ISABOOTICkgiros flat to tlis anabasr by ramming the dhows Bold by 19.1.1501AU81L9 & CO.. 85 Kariba Moat, Piltsbur*kk fino tr 7 zcoutatb dales inizribate. Dr Prim, 25 CZN'X 130115.11. Wit Y. DAVIDSON, &VOW BALPA asoianuT. • AO Mr WI on itt Bandinter and criprinttmds • , anntlen on annonible tam Mc* Andaman arse; Wilma Wank • 12. yi.1.1,1., mama !a .Iwass llohneckoe..) POBIE iyatertn nevoN, - LkIiAIIUOMKTMAD ISZOKIID SIMS, m r 0011. _ _ • • ~.:7 , 7 ,_ ,_, ..: 1,, : ..,-: - k . -:..; . ~,..-----t,:-.-••••;.---,', - --,,- '-"',.. ''..i-,..,: :: ' ... ": -- . - i. 7- .Ti, -, :44).1a*-f , - :=::!: '''':; , -:-t:it:'; - ;-:_-: fit t -c;,,._',-,,,,,..5,n7.:„:,,t,,,,.,-,:-.;irr:::%.,: t ,-.T. .. ,-- k ,' _i -N WZ ! i , q , a.... , :1i , ,:„; ; - ;": - ,Q2,-Iiv-;_;:ir.;:-,2.:4,i,-- T ., , ,,,,f.. v ~ -. .„, ,, ,z,,,,,,,,--:, : ,, ,, ,, -, --,,..,,,,,,-,,-... W,",::',,g'i 7. ' N ' i z E ' C 'Li.it.z , - 1, -f . •' , .2i.::J, , 0:: - . - 5,.-'.; '''-,7, , ,f:;::,:•....„ , , f.:1,.• . .r -, .. ,-, -.:•, - - . /,,.: :r,,,,c-:',..4-A:',-,,,..,,'4'.1 '',5.--4.44-'l-1.4.'22,--tV;1:;.,,f,',57•4!),-;-5,..-2;`-l'f',i','zt--!'e-J-,-"1-: ; ' ' • I,`,:'''':':'''''s,C.N.:"i4tM.:44i'Niv:-Attai:-.==',..,---,:1:,-,Z-..,zi.t.,;7,--,,a..,,,x::::=:-',"-:,,-t, - -, ~,,T.2.,,,,,,,-...„;k•-,i-;:5•f0...y,1-7,,,.:f.,-%,,,7-,..,..;:-7,.-iii7.,,?..77_0;z1i.,,,,,,,,,,-fl, _ - ri I?, LEV LAND: Yea PISMIntleEl wamnso st is ' and after MONDAY, .SitrILIKPLa. nefrT.eetssee *ID irate eba Depot of the PestsylrieDe ' llOl - 12014 ' I'2 "". bergh. r *Meas. Pah%PO WWwtikti Isarinlittoto.rAl Mlnall at. I AlO .... I 11140 p. worrom.i eao iitas • ion " e. do Eltantonyeal I " ds Wtotallna. 5:10 a DUG 1451 • • Arline Satiate— day a IIIDDSS66 kto Edatanayale andßol. • .111 thew bonvillat awl Indiana Indlroad and tn, .. onto llan. road Ita rasusidlla, Idavark. **W. • Tanta. Dap , too. IndlanapooLla, Onatto.tutto.Loan• Wm. Mt. Louis, St. Joseph. and 11:1 . potoda vast ond aoallesat, and at WlaatZL n it l e ndA OiNiimi alt awl Ohio SalttateL Inane Plarnottb----...--.1 11:0 a. aro r . N . do 44111 tao do 540 a day da blihatea —....—.. AZ 4,415 do ha..." do Itudacut.. TIM k " lk.lo Antral at Clatoland— WO TAO a Eirl=at ante Teicwwwes al au.s Qua yourluwwwitth Pittsburg*, rad Wads sad itiddisedw BaTidadvith Adbm. and aria edges MOW for Varna. Qpildninb.MASATMlOharit.. ClOrris lamortown add didalumm at di _Wood duld bad mdtop Tab . diadnidiand and Oddateaddl:lisileueddr a = litliduadopuww4ht yrltttll. It WS. B. tor lank Dunkirk and Bala 'nab 11, &T.D. IL Ow emadaskyi trolado. =I who with siassoars for Datrolt. Weltnfllolatcomodatkid kerns* p. R. Notanitng _drank subs it MO S. fl. Mb mail 5:05 p. to, and WO S. N. promb Tlckab all oat - points= I* Jd tbs two dtrami De* - mita' PASELlkprJhtthirtai, And at dlladtladY h. o.a Tthts*Aglat. for toribol to - . . . • - aim At th e Oosapanea to iratplalltatioA.A=.ol. fd MRR 'AR•• - • Irasatassr.—or • ' Nen • . I "v4'0 ,2 4'0 111.1rBsDA I.:.:-• • The""ilt • • k. A.. team tha Van 'airterfittalin • - • •t at VT a. avaddidagiatian - • • - barband Phnadoipte!t.asul =Wag. • • - Ma Fu Mal York it-1•141.1 imatovaa t5dat,:174./al. the 110 mum BLttoa ane7 =man (ntkOaftg) LBO a. 12., 11Vgag el* liaark 921113“ dirdni 42. idl4. tddra and "igat, ta2Natt fit Mega. sußoas s Thug =1 taa••l7 as guava otos, Meat Rim'lMlnnFaddancs min.aad Yarkz . b nitadowa nab / ity (amp dogma.)as ailontordakr dogma. ccomadlts it Erlllildiltift•liMfaiWnlaltd Wubbeab Pbibibbnia larlEnt • MOS:OWWWWIIW/MlEBial/Pc. ,- Imo Jainamaa aeommaelz (easept 0110WW42:6 5 stistell if otall Watkac sad simalog as Ws aalkmessmagb. ,- ItralliwomW96o6ol; Willits W . hems WO WOW W Wily ascend amm,•—• Tram lee W.WI leavaa.:ll.l.o.lt 126 Mier iteK Want st*4 luMiatikrOWlP lausth Atcesaxa- tufa tineatallpPistiMlWlMWThal m. MChossittcath Lams WWI% amp iles. 00W Jt. 104 MlpilliaM WNW ,PWW mIM _0:11111 mstm Itm=a m Ht Bbl11:6 0 p. m.; , as piroany ISM two S. Wail tralm,l S.attJolutsso;ntaMOMWWW ol . Ma a. b.; rtst Wait fritatioa Aecemommiatke 6.116 e. pa.; Padang WallVlllitos am R . 224 '.bled Eltartaa p. vs.; IrcarrtirWa3lslsliMoi h o n. II &ham 114,1nandMIWIldil PhD. pal.na - lifaista. • Tabu tat nutladlaaawaalitte. 'Vs istenecits.. Jobratainv e a u imit. anO Titarltalitoors•ZiptaliVAJ Azarsa• modatioitWooto c- Tralta IPw preen Wul azunfall =ma ad,strlbmw* heocalseadatko and Waver Tiffs 'La sidle gal gal it.Vmd lOW tailcoat.' I atiffiS. .to Mad w - tir Pftloptaiola Ikntrd Vpthalcamacitclbrn acme aIMMI mats aal Mhos somte÷l barns Whaled al stoma, to mad:Ws fast We ma promatio zatity, ipotesi =Lig MAO. teal Wr=Mbikat artUtteter paimapie -- • rem.- • • " • Se Wm elro W Ss SlciMielphla..... 10 60 1641.0mae 6 W ilaresbarg T C 6 - - nsalml7 alcksd bo Ezie:' socaPawn. nL Central Sallrmal, aaf ta PkilaistWa r llsattmen tact Ile. 7clM. Elassz.galk tarciassin tIMMI titan's vat tr mare./ ea_ =ma scaziga Obis= Mils: 2 4U additlaa 18- [Wax mks, wort two stating idiPre (jr.. Cdmistai hr as Apart. Matert...-la case at kw, Its 45i22piry tam tbalas:Nza respenslNatm vat!. a= rr ea. tar azloort oat ...atm 1111:0• , - • . D.-A z. et=a-z. lawbaa I:=B.43aploysi to cm kJ panapaso sob. *msg. taica.Vosi. th . NI. at a charge it. 1.10 6 7. lid act' 41 1 0 5 satzus L.s. 'Tit %Map A. AL:. P..r..trAinals OLdrarrainfbai k Sta Etsitai. Mc-Maas. UMW etreelat. _ • 110LLA.8 SAVINGS BANK, No. Ni him= IBricarr. M o any Dos 9to o'clock, d. alto on Ifedinadap and Wordy eranlis . lksta Uay Ism Plormebw Lt, frma to 9o' and in= Ho:WM is to . . Ug=tina 0 toll ct roodmid yf an incros ace 1 Uma One Dollar, and • addend of Um prallte decked twice • par. to Jane and December. latenca bat bus d.- chiral iiend.exmnalli In Jan. and Deataiberodace the Bank war oopnlred. at the rate of di per cient. =et, U not drawn Is awed Um credit of the depositor u and bean** seas In land from the OM Jane and Desesiber, tom. poordiaLtichm • Par without troubling UOOl9OO. tor to an. as ma to Nemt Ids pep book. &lUde We, magi will ftnWln him than Wolfe yearn. Boats, ocattelning the . Chatter, By-Laws. Bake and Begsdaticicti faralshed igratta, oh andlimtlon ea PlJSll4lll—GZeltei MiUtlertki . John O.kticFaildon, IsaaolL Pennock, 'aralud Jamas IL B. Rea 4 ds, A. U. Pollock. E. Thaizr: WLi i lllll J. Mammon. um: Peter MAU* Who A. P. Illiumhan, John Oir Betatt Robb, :;- L Henry L. litegaMit, IMN MI0111611:014 John Holmes Alamolar Bad. L. latintstock. James fla&slay. iamn Iferdman, Ei2C73 John 0. Bankofrn. John 0. Blndler, Norge Blank, Mono Ourter, Marian Oot las ten, John Iri6.Dmotygy William B.lLaven. Peter U. Hanker.; }MU Ham Jamie A Selig, WLWana 8.-Lerely, Backman . • • MOORMICE & GD3SON. LEAD PIPE, SHEET AND DAR LEAD, Pig Lead, Patent Shot. Nu 18 . STRAIT, • errargo llass AZD EITDAZDZIA FUEN TO.B 111/11.1111 Ont WHOLICILL.I OB 2.112111. lit and Vir dzipa, Wadi* Latiffipx Cle., sod 11.11 Tooth wan. pit= TBSKti.=-Mttcanourn nal asusisi-N1 liwri stack of -ctiOoipl - Zgia dales:tad vortethe to chow hoar. IrtUttilleiPmck hls l amaaken to baroinervadds tuts Ai gum uplosloas Ira bus WipA tekOrn of we Emicklklo,ooofgarywous. ogy, 9 :°""e 7 !ana. .14.kabaluouito.dah?. 01:1501:0NATI. 0 Bansisc*AhiTnes bibs Nizagir Wine IMIMGIUMIEItom..I44Bb7 tb• bandeed e =11: 6 13.1/11D1 T 1148,441 1. WainNlSuT. Addams ITITICU i2AD.OABz D inTII7. .11$31324PlUabuithr • .4.24807 , : , ZODZlAllkitiKtia.qtwa. 200:• B ut la-(14) ?igtacc ialig t , •r a --; 101data41“k. 10bbba.rd1110MY " " 10 old;latagbadt- • - • • agora A44lniii# op baud and to U DIST & 111LWOlitr, Ault Mrrrni W ailmtlar libm bum Whi Wm. P. Wpm.: Oh:WU& HAD. And bans In =mien. a. aeba •AD woos flanks ISIDII9IIIIO ratort. M. 8.. W. wocumw:, IZMNS;=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers