The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, August 24, 1863, Image 3

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    Ilitisintrgh iSaNtqo
011.1' AFFAIRS.
ear OFFICIAL r.iPsit ar'Tlirr CITY.
-, bigyEzowstims. duattimon for the 0..
.308su. by $: R.(Maw, Optilia, No. IS fir•O
. 1 . 11-4°21 "0-1-# l 7 t .
- ' ••..• ur wit. to swum.
'c fr.23.. alied o ol4' , 4 u................. Co 70
-irki , .-" ' ' ~..«:......... 100 86
',''''' 0 8 ' '4V16....,.......... - 87
1u05zeitir........—.. --- 29 0-10
• sh , 11. 8. Chsteuen Comm Auden.
t:;;:The followlog statement of thevork of the
i -' 4 : l l4thian'llommission cannot:fall to bo inter
;atingle slut dams of Pittsburgh area viata
ty has COriteibuted so largely to the
good work: . • • •
TM Ckiistia Commisslon basitiow estab-
XS_ had diffireat puts , of ths - lirmy of the
14tomast saTeral stations, when it is prose
imtisig its work With great' sperm% One of
;Ain 15 at thibsequartikra of Gan. blade,
who kw promised - lug co-operation with the
'gsilegatea of OW - .Commission ass far as the
wsipkeles of the sonless and hi sl awn authority
.rwillptresit." N.J. Ga. Petrick, the other
Am:lnv Made an address there to the al-
Mien, to *high- he expressed, as far as lan
guage could show, his sympathy with the ob
jects and labors of the Commission.
To show the macro and extent of Its opera,-
goat, the following wrath from the report
yf one of its Pittsburgh delegates, who was
ausatly captured by kloseby's Cavalry, is
glans -
Wa hare dhilibutod a large amount of no
!rat raiding 'Matta; hate supplied many
theskilert With Wholes of clothing, indis.
-,:pessiblir for their comfort, which at this Limo
bald not otherwise proeure; have rup-•
pleaklek and wounded with hospital stores
attd'elalbfng, which have ban tent for miles
{listen;The Nulling' of God are being daily. in
akilsepa. the Christian , Commission by the
peog "%C a, for its'kindness in contributing
towardi his temporal and spiritual comfort.
That you may ice what wears doing I send
you a copy of the Articles distributed at this
station for the mak ending August 16th,
Whoa we has had three doLeptes employed
Ells samosa have ban dellared,ll prayn
stkastlap held, 21 shot relieved. There have
been distributed 42 testsarnts, 110 hymn
books, 318 soldier, books, 423 suisoelbsneons
books, 11,411 page: of bats, 3,326 religious
newspapers, Iyampidetii, 1,494 sheets paper
Wad envelopes, 300 "housewives," 130 pairs
of socks, 56 thins, 38 ails bandages, 13 pairs
of &swore, 12 towels,l3 cans extract beef, 12
mins condensed milk,6 bottlas of brandy, 6 or
inane of ginger, b of magnolia, 5 Of Ink, 5
of blackberry wine, 3 of sweet gam, 3 pounds
Of earn starch, 2 honk: of whist', 2 copies
of annualzeport, and 3 pounds of wen, hubs
-ggefi • statement, while exhibiting the
kind sad Iho =POW of wank done at one
plan, ahem at the same time what L at
• puma need. iln the arms. The kindness of
the Christian 'rutile, as shown b 7 its nu of
Inussolene, hard /ini gone far to reline the
wants of ouzbrice span, who need all that we
clx give in , wand* of our encouragement
add regard: -We must, however endue to
delsuch *data; the estim ate we place
• upca ' thelabonof those who - an fighting for
owslights as villas their own, enured that
in can DAM* do too mint for those who an
struggling for the cause of freedom, civilisa
tion, humanity and God.
Important Decision.
edge Cadwaladar, of Philadelphia, hen
derlided that Minors, ender eighime, cannot
be held at all in military service, even with
the content of parents. I .The case was this
James Burke enlisted two - years ago, In the
regiment known as Bezter's Piro Zonares.
Bsteently he had hien attached to the head-
Aineetars of the general comm.ndinePthis
erict as a.mamenger, which position his wid
ened mother bad no objection he should fill.
As goon a, it wet known that ho was to be
Ordered to the array; the mother applied fee
writ of habeas carpal s end it num granted by-
Judge Cadwalader. oho prayed for his dis
charge on the pound of minority, and on the
hietbig it wauestilled; to that, though it is
OW years since he enlisted, he to yet under
eighteen lairs of age ; The counsel ter the
relator, Mr. G. W. D;delek, took the ground
that being under eighteen he could not be
liesid,even though the mother had given her
=moat. Judge Cadwaleder, after consider
og the subject fully, decided that a minor,
:cider eighteen year. old, most be held in
the military service of the United fitater,even
though the *anent of the parents is mien;
that there Is not anything in the acts of Con
geese' to legalise the enlistment of minors
ander eighteen years. Burke teas thereupon
A Loyal Democrat.
,w, a , A. Porter, of Waynesburg, Orono
ca p th ! A u : . was invited by Ur. Otrarbss In
pima, of p*ldelpitia, to address the Demo.
critio: Om tral OW:" at that place, and who,
laatesitCl makfag W polVerhead *Fogel , ' pro.
.ostded to *dative tha dub in patriotic style—
Idiot caused him to be hissed and imolai out
ef , ,tbo room—was lately pretested by the
tribn Leas= of that city with a beautiful
as a manurnto of the oemados, and to
atone in tome .degree for the insult heaped
myna /dab: the atopperheadi. Ice acknowisdg
gag the rearilit of tbaflag, Mr. Porter aaya :
"I accept your flag. Its memories are
any!, Ana Laced to the American heart. Its
I,*or.v Shall ha my Motto. I will hold It as
on4 Vai Iny household deities, with the fond
hapax when when ilfo's closing was shall coma
to hove the consolation' in my last
O vsof /eating Un as the emblo
a ilej6 ab t .Vrea Data, endpo It
the pride of le e s
an4:happe peepla."
• -' New ;Toni, Aug. 21, 1863.
Zditort icults—ainumas i To your re.
marks rasps Ltlng Plantattop allure, of the
18th leer ; .10111 U 7 " The sales are now, 200
=Um tosr sk. " It'll tOt important Abet
the labUti ak p a w be ohmblad with our con
canna trussed& us, but to "remit oondlot
with*, stattimentt• futultbett; lit the Muni
of tho AtscOlated , Press of ffor York, -tri
would thank you to;;lnsert thle as a dorrestion,
vls The book:, of 1.:111s office win she, that
tflailtruoki7 average ~alb of ..Plantation Bitten ;
Is titer' 4266 deneu— .the 'stomp tax upon the
1111/110, month, to 5240 per day I We be-
Wtil, We peseta teg In gal history of &bo
ut:TH.-the but bottle 'only having beau sold
on the 18th ofklarob, lam The people's es
timate of what creates t tis demand, may be
tion_ott ensantnetlou of olio correspondence.
:its remote, fry resit vetfully, yours;
DBAILI a_oo.
pqa./intirrus—ln a tiling ottentlon to
thlellatitutionalt is only n loassary to say that
AIM fiat* le thorobghly ka own as a eumessful
edwrateir, sad Mr. WM6O is &ho favorably
twin, 'having formerly taught in the City.
LI. ka4 mmently returned tkoal Ind* wham
_ he opsat sins years u s fmagge missionary,
under the auspices eg the Pemba tartan ohurolt,
sad RUM he had.thikkeit faclittlss for study
in the Dinginess enlist oeuntv, so that he
nov returns to us one of the ripe ft scholars of
MA: am-both in umlaut and mod= lan-
OLIO Or rss H. G. O.'. Haagen Ur.—
Oslhiday Multhaok Yoho, 3zose Per
mit; Seary W. PaZl9llll, Honry Mason, Ru
ffles Halley , and Jame M. Montgomery, of
Avail county, West Virginia, wore arrest
ad by the Home Guard, of that county, and
twaviraidur Whetting. They ate charged
with having Aimed an, &mutation goluothil
dialer to Me Knights of the Golden: Circle,
sad-were ;Teri to ntlet ft° draft. Captain
Thenkintindi to deliver, the parties over to
al redo* Court.
faciviatuowatiTunirsa flgo" eau Dmitri
sm4=4lts reported that al:Leman professional
sWasts, belmiging to Philadelphia, New York,
Beston, snit Baltimore, all of whom bad en
tared the way as substitute', attempted O .
soap, ftoln tan lwativous on thegotomao
dte",ore Wsdnadsl lam. They were most,
'past mit- the romatider drowned. Thug,
01 it - On• hiU swoop," fell nineteen Individuals;
idioms whom was the' selehratod u c oc k ne y
Jask,7 of pilladslphle, one of tha most adroit
pigewehand *ism that ever opeested.
ineasl•Wra• Vouhfor opened Irish $ Au
Nano owaidells7 alitt•
Wcd. .: . nitS•Onillool for=r l
_aid whoilea low 2!
. 4 1 4 ' . ` 7 904 6 t 74 : 451 -4k
On Saturday *Derr • '
eolith, a pe:ti. 2 of kleasrs. Sees* a tinfr •
oil re Seery, non the AllhiLeny river and city
i hoe, ern: dlneovered to be on hi... A musigo
war at ones transmitted over the flan% nri.•
veto telex:44A Moe to their office, ettrtic cf
17eter led Smithfield stmts. from 'bleb
Platte word was sent' to the Duquesne Steam
Plm Engine Horde. The engine's alarm bell
was immediately struck, and the apparatus
started for the fire. The Duquesne made a
quick trip to the oil works, leaving the other
engine compel:des somewhat In thedark. One
Company, when told where the fire was, se
tally got a little "worked up," thinking that
Misers. Buse Jr, Graff had slighted them in
ending a messenger • peat their house to an
engine two miles from the fire. On arriving
at the redeem the Duquesne found that the
workmen had sttoeseded in smotheMng the
fire. The' feet of the telegraphic message
having been sent, soon got generally known, I
and only made the boys talk MOTS about
having a city fire Ail= telegraph line.
/hirr rebel prisonaraf all oommlasioned
f(eer_, charge of Capt. Pratt, of the Bth
Bow York Artillary, - erith s rqua4 of twenty
menporived tido ofty on Saturday night,
from Port Bfeßenry, Baltimore, 11111 route for
Johniton'e Nand, nearßandasig eitr, Ohio.
On aenoturt of mining `the connection with
the wastern'traln they were croMpalled to lie
over until one Veloat thliemorning.
A Now Num.—The hull of Copt Elamll
- new steamer vu brought down from the
bob:yard on flatuday, and how lies at
the landing. Re will tortakon to INneirmatl
to recedes her cabin, multliery, ate. The
stammer "Oil 0117" will tow - the hall down
and will leave about two Wei oolt ltds after
Tna 2Orn PW/NSYLVAZIA Cavacar.—Oal.
Wynkootee 29th regiment is now gnardhsg
the Baltimore and Ohio rallror.d. The regi
ment encamped at Si. John's Ron, Va.. 128
milluarom Baltimore.
A Bay Tama on sat BALTIIIOB2 Ann 0810
80A0.•,..A Claw painatior train has been put
on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, between
Baltimore and Wheeling—tsarina the former
city every night at kill past nine o'olook.
LOUGI—On tiabbith. Leg. MOB Weak p 132. s
hfn. BABilt IJOECt. artuart of the late Jouph .
Long, EKE, In the Chi par of ha age.
The friends of tbo family aro ragnatlblly forttal
to Wood the amoral on Torpor otinorton
at 4 o'clock. from hat loko tathlonot, tea. 29 Parry
Wort Ilallgtocsambna at 33 o'clock:.
liWiff—Anarat 80, JO9llll PI.. fonoll
mkt son of June S. end tat Ito kralo. of i ctn.
strong county, fortnerly of PearloWily, Pa.. of Olp.
thy*. sod le years.
WaLTlM—Anattat 2bl, at toe saoldenco of tir.
trolard Bohn, ar.. Run storm WA LTC" in the
lid pa Ohm. ago.
sum AID Raw% amnia Maw' trick fat
haft' and mantatetairuai purposes, cro the
bast In ass.
A. F. Oanorr, General twilit.
Vo. 18, fifth Litton.
TROILLII PARS; Platt_lMSl 0112=0Dtrai diato
Booles, and dialer In Prottylvanta and Ver
mont slats ore, best quality at. low rates.
Odlo" at row the Water
Works, Pittsbttßb , Ya ; - BOAZ
Poo& not Lake, four dollars.
Pour dollar', four dollar'.
Dental Irstitots, Dental !wallas.
Bost cheap Doutlatrikbost cheap Dontlatty.
No madam' work, to =Alto work.
Ciosnrm Our II) Einem emu air Con.—
Bsuil Graham, merchant tailor, is selling ort
bin Spring sad /imams? stook ofgoodiat cost.
They consist of all the latest styles ci clothe,
tressiumns and rulings, of which he is pro
tract to make op in the most fashionable
manner, end at cost prise. The public should
not neglect, to avail themselves of this rue
chance ud ease money' by giving hira an
early mill
Alto, • large assortment c( piste and hoary
Sasstmeres, well adapted for bop wear, 'blob
he will sell by tha plus Jar below °eel.
Mothers should tot neglect to can early.
BAY% Meinhallt-Tailol.,
N 0.1.4 Market street.
dersenon, 13arrusirre VOLIIIITIIiaI I—The
&mention of our counters brave defenders re.
gently retuned. from the nit of war, wed of
the patio is geuersl,, is again dlzteted to the
very extensive and boadscutte , assortment of
the toast styles of ifrancit x .. &neigh and
Lima:hum Own goode, far pats; coati and
mtat lately received by 41mm Jetta Vete
00., Nordic/it Wises, No. Isla _Federal
street, Lateheal.. A lastefal seieetion at
gentlemen's farabblng woods will also &lino
be found on the shelves at tha astobliehtaoai,
got ocrin the
titimthsi with
best tos • lot. ofausr. ready-ma* *thing,
. .
Ni,• Lamm cnr Bosun thollun.-OZ.
ma we ITO ached, atm can we bay a neat
and comfortable mum ecdt, made to, order,
thus having the glance of selecting oar owe
good: ? To all thee Ingrdttee moan sneerer, Meru& W. McGee h cornet of
Poderal street and Diamond figure. Alleghe
ny, and you will be rafted eeaording toiont
Mate. They hare jut rftwitrod their mimes
goods, and for 'legated etylas they cannot
be eapaued, and Jot fitness they, ere the very
persons as their work Li all done ;radar their
cannot fall to b
EtParallion e
. Whited thema eail, and yen
. 4,
Breen ?WI tear Onna.—REV. MIMI. E.
C. ANDBUEi t ?mei Minim/7 to
Has; Rap of ..I.ftiebu4l, r., Ole di
ctate Wins mnonely sleeted hir heir end
asap, writer, VI have derived much Wasik
from the use of Km 8. A. seem. World'r
Hair. Raton and Zplobalsamum. I have
tried nation other remedies, bet never any
thin that.. re mania:4 and peretneently tow
fitkd roe."
Sold by - drughts evarewhere. Depot, 198
GrPowieb SUM" Now York. -dew
rimy an Amman Oi lmmo AND Du
tton among tho yobanrearswoald be argent
lee by the free ass of 11010LOW4rit PILLS :
AND OINTMENT. - ,NW2 Wounds, Bons and
Boarry,lhi Ointmonali a tartan am, aad
for Bowel complaints, Ilavoro, Small Pox, &a,
the Pitts are the but nualloino la rho world.
Only 25 canto per , boz or pot. , Ltl
Tango Cotniaunn Issurerrn—A Wait
stapled school for ladles, oorner of Beam
street and Stockton arontut, Allegheny city,
Pa. The setonth M:1114 ImM melon cam
meccas on Monday, Soptembor 7th. tar cir
culars .or other infonnatlon, es -to;toltion
Val, mill upon or iddriiithe PrinalpaL
&alarms Man. E. A. barn.
Tam Orman twig panou.—Dev. H.
V. Dagen, Bogen, Masi ! , erritool-- # ' That
KM ft. A. Allies Worltre Hair Radom and
Zylobalmunumpromote the grewthog thebair
where baldnam has ctomitoncial, Ihove the
aside= of my ems .117 ii." Boa by Drat.
ge eer Yms everywhare. Depot, 188 Greenerbh is.,
N ork.
Henan go Camaro Hotammi, Amirlattir
Azs. Orme - imanerata—pay yggif, or ab:
(MUM to scores or &Wilmot*, rooD, or
anything also is the Carpenter limy till at
Cuthbert's Carpenta fag Virgin
H 7
above Smithfield streets. orders ProrOp
0 404 7 4014 -t°' - t
t (lAtTiose—Tho public am; bombs flotilla
not. to nogothto' sal noteim NU of on
asap pupating to Do endorsed /a Aqiak,
so ouch ondorsomenttare.forgulof.
an2o4t •• • • A. Farr»
0111:1121111 and OLIZIAOII Ostia will be taken
at the Omnibus odic*, No. , 406 Liberty street,
day or of ht. AU orders hit at, the above
pleas will be litomptly attended to. All calls
snot bo paid In advance. dm.
Wtoonma Uffremuorr.;—The fall term ey
this Institution will commerce on Tuesday.
the lot day of Seitembetrezt. Her penter
lars catalogue. to. be bad at any of the
bookstores fa the city,
dre.lBtb, 180 Y.
0. 0 as. Deatirt, HC Pam (moot, ottoto to
aD bugleoze .f bU azalefistezi;
,Jil. iBA/111:.4ns bandred Utast Orme, ar amp
swim of tbiadylas pis os-us oft id PIM.
I...bouts ague tpxraissca Mirfr
-111ffir Id Oa lia=
Cbssv Da. tha. k Ckinefinilla
posing - sbiMilthi MOM *I It..
For well Mir to P.C. 'OOIIIIIILTON so U
trams strolkam. Takeo' a WM. N•
Zsa t ifs. UT youth dr" Pittobwitur.
/NIL VAAdifdilgu' Za M4 U.y71111,_
oßPag*RcrWlh ia
_T X. 0014411 L
r frit .I.:itt - ST NEWS
twist Dispatch to ths Plttshisro;i3asetta.
Wsziaaarow,:ing. 25, 1863
Norfolk re., 44. 21.—The Richmond
Whig of to-day says s
Tool:ton, iEee., dug. 18.—The Federal cav
alry from Yazoo City resided Durant Sta
tion, an the Illississippl Railroad, where they
captured a train and out the telegraph wires.
Serious lestmotion walla railroad northward
ie apprehended. The Yankees are carrying
two engine and traininerthward(rom Bolden,
and a heavy raid is tensing southward from
the Charleston road.
Obarkstos, Aug. 20,—The aunty's opera.
lions during the but twenty-four twin have
been moill,y (unlined to a steady and'oontin
nous bombards:Anti of Yost Sumter from their
Parrott guns on Merris Island. The fire be
gtne to , tell on thunter, Which replies only at
long intervals. The defame of this harbor
does not depend mainly. upon Port Sumter,
even if that fortress should be battered down.
rzotauturion or our. aossam.
Con. Bonham bus issued • Proclamation
urging the removal of ail non-combatants
from Charleston as soon as possible. The
two hundred pound Parrot guns of the enemy
aro too much for the wane of Sumter, end the
Port ?tones only at Intervals. It has been
determined to defend the city street .by street
and house by house as 'long's. a foot of earth
is left.
Brew the Blainnondßayairstrof August 20:
Mr. Memminger's printing prase, we mean
that press which Is Findlers the life out
of,us turning out tone of printing paper, by
way of money. Every`, turn of that horrible
engine is raising the *dee of narking we
est, drink and wear, and for present and for.fu
mutat, laying up an additional load of debt
to crush no with taxes, uses our children
into the third and fourth generations. The
more money that dreadful initeconent pours
out upon as the leu mOneywa hays. We shell
be begged at last by our enormous sums of
money and beefed ohdeir mountains of paper.
It is not the Secretary's wish to flood no with
any more of his paper; gladly would he dolt'
his press if he could: Be 'knew as well cc
any ono that the country has already far
tee much of this aort cf money, and it he
ocelot jetted. and born a band:olllton lea is
cf it, be would dance with. Jot around the
fire. But what cants do f ThelubUs eve
'rim most be paid in ihat which passim cur
rent as money, and if great &tette of it are
always paering ont of the treasury, and but .
little coming beck, ha .mutt supply the dill
clan°, by new homes, until - at last tho yolutne
of cartent.papar most be en meek in excess of
commodities to per pufehated with it, that
there who have anything to sail will net be
lieve that they sun ester demand toe much' of
it fo: a pcnintof hosier es pair of shoes.
lion °BA/LISTON.
A pay master with the expedition against
Chariest:so, In a letter to the Treasury De
partment, aye; The people isnot not be tbe
anxious. Title u the BMW onnipliaated Bar
the arcs) , has hod to perform dodos the war;
and if sacrum attends as, and it will be, she
viotory lull be the most brilliant aver recorded
In naval :Uvula. Bat it.cannot to done rove
hurry. Movements will be danbanaaly made
by two Y wing, but gaihtett and experienced
GBl. 8003[111.
GOY. Hooker, who has bran hers far some
day a,cagagad upon hit , report of the °pare
tic:is on the Itippciinnock, and his :easterly
pursuit of Lee up to the battle seGattleberlf,
to or potted to:es:me active verviee immedi
ately. 8. will either have a -impends cam
mind, c: organic a position as commander of
aprps ia the truly of she Potonuio.
ran "wvaetoe•' or CI.SADA..
The Toronto (Canada), able, me that
Thoinea D'Arey MC* girt bb; wondsrl'of tt.
formation about the intended invasion et Can
ada, by' Northam troops, from Ciazosta L.
a aIIEIVO 01115101 OF COI !MUMS&
lo Southern newspapers mune savage
!natality on oar soldiers, a young lady Ellis
oar lines, in - 1111mbsippi, who is still oppoNd
to the Union, writs' to s friend here "Speak.
tog of kindness, I am happyhoe to inform you
that not one Pa/feral soldier bested me
otherwise than a lady should be treated by a
gentleman. Let them sot so tbay may Wm.'
whams I 0713 give them great praise for good behavior about my house.,
Dlspelch fo the Pittsburgh Gaut
PrnimairmiA, Aag..lll, 1868.
The latest news from the Army of the Po
tomes stabs that an is quiet along the WWII.
Deserters ray that the rebels have left Or
(rental:ld gone South to Itiolnond, and that
Loa's movement toward Frodaticksburst Was
to OOTOt his real intentions, which is to mate
South by atte.way of Morionarille. This be
lief seems to be oontrutod by the cavalry 1111.
connoluanoe as far as Culpepper, where no
enemy was tuna. Malebo' army is without
doubt badly domorallesti and thinned' by de
sertion. Thoso complaint to Judge, artimats
its strength at notutorelhast 40,009: ' It Is
0440 by guk •WiininnisaU to
Oitissten anitheiMeistots.desartloni.-
.:144 , 0onseriptital is being vigorous* end
firped in: that portion of_ Easton Virginia
lying Watt Ml4l west the Reppahanttoolla
The Ogren Are iMing ant hither smith, and
none but females and *limn an left behind.
Daiirters say thaVtlieno is- great glouta
through the rebel army of the Potosnao,•kon
account of theceitlealeondltion of Ciiirleston,
and all aohnowkedp that ft cannot hold oat
mud' longer... •
The news from Meade army, on the other
hind, is most - cheering. The health of the
man wee never better, end the depleted mgt.-
manta are being apitily• 4,114 tip with eon
scripts. • Then 'MI no indiaaiins of a COI,
as the nbils ivold ensigns iglu engagement.
Governor Carlin has antral here, as rasp
lir the Army of the. -Potomac. will also
have an interview with the Mayor trispaatlng
the city Waken..
Theo supply gloater Arkansas, valiant , .
taut socials from Charleston, arrived at,our
nary yard' to.dey. I shall endeavor to for
wani-you tha urn in time;
. .
''faena.—The Arkansas left the fleet at area
o'cleck on Wednesday peening, 1915 blatant.
Berferegy has boon entirely silenced; Port
Wagner eta), held ; out; Poet Bawer Is badly
damaged and oh flro. Banter :apnea feebly.
Thane* Irosildoi andiveutoniters mashers
bettedes are di engaged.
The 'whirrs flab SymbehtuutedJoesph
U. COO and John C. Copula bane 1a ;erg
lineal.. They sei there 11 nut to famine
b Sseannati.
Dr. Rabat Gibbs, mom of the nbal ism
tthpJ is • plitiosor on board. to
Fort litilswaro. ,-
WhtatheAtnullru_leltlh.tmpreuloa was
itzitestalsoCtbot - Sttnitor wan noiluatiot
HWt:ant& :1116iNgal sad krassior
Woldisq waif Mod irlibta - Ott trot bait
xh:be= 3l4 "Ira =
teentihn!A ma
'sad wads tail
• Tr i - 1 1= kb. s. L.W.
wow wiles l i.
Latest from Charleston—Forts Wag.
tier and Gregg Silenced.
Permanizrnu, Aug. 22.—The U 8 : supply
steamer Arkarau arrived et the Navy Yard
tee,-day. Elr I.ftQauitatan on W61111T,:3t.,
rO6I7OZEJ and reports that the novy end army
shore batteries hare dove tremer.lotts destrao-
Cox on Fort Sumter. The south and exit Lace
looks like a hooey comb. tt complete darnel
lament of the walls is looked for In • &telt.
The following account I, from the n of
Mr. Charles Fulton, editor of the Dal ore
Flag 874 Dimmers, deg. 18:—The attack
on Sumter commenced at daybreak yesterday
morning by the siege batteries of 06Z. Gil
more and the naval battery on shore. At six
o'clock Admiral Dahlgren proceeded on beard
the Weehawken, and with the rue:sides and
entire monitor fleet &Peeked batteries Wag
ner and Gregg with great fury, oompletely si
lencing Wagner and almost sileacing Gregg.
The wooden gunboats, seven in number,
also joined In the assault, and enabled all of
the shore batteries to pour their shot and
shell into dumber.
At ten o'clock the Admiral changed his Sag
to the Passaic, end with the Patapsco pro
/seeded to within about 1,400 yards of Sumter,
and shelled the sea wall with the riliqd guns
of those vessels for about an hour, with
marked afoot. Sumter Sled about fifty r/o.
turn shots, doing no damage to the vestals. '
Pleat Captain Goo. W. Rodgers tank eon
mud of the Catskill, and went up within 150
yard' of the beech introit of battery Wagner.
After dying a number of shots, a shot from '
Port Wegner broke a niece of the interior
lining, which stack on the head of Command
Rodgers, measly killing him, se well as
Paymaster Woodbury, who was 'tending at,
his side. Roth of their heads were lOU, and
those were the only persons Wand on bind I
or water during the six hours' saps/monk
The damage to Sumter by the 'lige batter
ies of Gen. Gilmore, lerbible without the aid
of a ;eau. The rebels had erected a false
wail against the wall exposed to our batteries.
It extended to within ten feet of the top of
the wall, over forty feet high and um feet
thick, and this wall la now a mesa of rules,
whilst the old wall la bored hallo! deep holes.
The parapet Is crushed and ragged, and the
Northwest of it quashed and Snaked down
almost to the waters edge. The harbor Is
SUed with torpedoes. A dews of them have
been picked up in the Stone.
On 'feud ey, • torpedo exploded under the
Patapsco, raising her a foot out of water but
doing her no harm.
None of the vessels were Injured in the
least, and the Admiral and hie *Deers ate
confident of the ability of the Monitor to bat
tor dowaSumter Re is, however, anxious to
nye the vessels for heavy work requital of
them after Sumter is taken, and to let the ar
my seduce Sumter li petallike The Sees, ex
cept the Weehawken and Naomi ell re tired
berme 2 r. x., but they remained to keep
Wagner silent daring the afternoon, and
prevent the remounting of guns. The shore
netted./ continued Sting all the afternoon
and night on the wall of Sumter, with good
This morning the batteries are steadily st
work. The WeehaWkan and Plintgo are
keeping the batteries of Wagner and Gregg
, quiet, and up to neon, when the Arkannas
tailed, the remainder of the fleet was lying
et their mooring.
GOD. Gilmore ennounees that the work (hue
far has been entirely setts:sato:l—that the
Port is greatly damaged, and the work pro.
greening finely.
Admiral Dahlgren it muoh &Tramiel by the
loss of the Fleet Capt Rodgers, but Is highly
gratified with the operations of the fleet awe
army, 11114 is Tiory hopeful of ultimate swims
The Arkaneas.lelt the fleet at emno'olocit,
on Wednesday morning. At that time huge
•0112/1108 of smoke were area isimirg from Fort
Sumter, as If from the burning of cotton, and
the officers of the Arkansas believed the fort
would be captured or 'entirely destroyed by
riven. Her Rummer* replying feebly to our
Are. Sort Gregg had been entirely silenced.
Wagner still held out. The bombardment
tinutiutted without areiation sparing Tnieddy
night; and was renewed on Wednesday morn
ing, and when the Arkansas left, the firing .
was furious, thivltonsides, five monitor; and
the Macre batteries being ail -engaged.
Two refugtisa fromSlilevannah, named Jos.
G. Calif' and John 0 Coburn, are passengers
In the Arkansas. They report that there Se
nearly a famine in Ba►aanah.
bacceseral Expodiriun to Grenada
Lovravn.Li, Aug. 23,-vie ifewpkis, Aug.
30.—About two weeks since, aisj Gen. Hurl
but ascertained that there was a large
amount of railroad stook at Grenada which
the rebels were endeavoring to got of? south,
by making temporary repairs to the railroad.
With his usual energy and promptness, Gen.
Hurlbut arranged an expaditios to destroy
this stook, sending a request to Gun. Grant to
make a diversion from the south to aid in the
enterprise. The expedition started from La
grange, Tema, on the 13th inst , under sow
mend of Lieut. Col. Phillips, of the 0:h Mil
nob Mounted Infantry, and reached Grenada
on the 17th, driving Gen. Slimmer, with 2,000
men and three pleats of artillery, from the
plena. They destroyed 111 q-seven losocno
tires, upwards of foot hundred cars, depot
buildings, machine shops, blacksmith shops,
and a large quantity of ordnauce and commis
sary stores.. They captured about fifty rail
road men, and a number of ether prisoners.
After Gel. Phillips had thoroughly accom
plished his wOrk, CoL Winslow, from Grant's'
army, arrived with a force from below. The
expedition returned to Lagrange to-day.
Great praise la Certainly due Col Philllmand
his &hint commend, 16,11440 in( the hard
ships of such a march through. Central Mis
idislupi in mid -August, and as thoroughly
the ling
the remaining energy of the rebel
A band of guerrillas drove in Ike:debts st
Lafayette, Tenn, at midnight, Oar boys
milled and followitd them $ few miles, killing
four and capturing reran, with whieh they
riturnadsreireatisAed with the nights adven
The law/scants c( onr forme below are
The weather is my bot.
There to considerable cotton coming tato
/tempi& by wagons.
From Wastilogton
Werunatrrox, Aug. 20,—The marshal of
this dlittial advertises the public: ale of the
life estate of a number'of piens or panels of
ground, with paprevementi,"in this city, un
der theconilstatlen ast. Cots. Preneb, Pot
rat's and Idadit's estates are included.
One hundred deartters ban within the lan
two days been sast Mum tojobi their respect
tire regiments.
The tursetur department inning the
third series of 20 coupon', emelt series being
$1.00,000,000 in mast Tits new kada bete
additions] protection as galas spiels coon.
whiting upon 49 faie ottthe bands. • The
&atomization appeaps ou Ott bin andepteath
thsengraring.whiele cannot be removed, end
Mast be *opted by photovsph_ing or any
other known proems and tho bean of the
:courme are so prisact - that the coupons for
one paled cannot, by alteration of date, be
eitbitituted for another period without detee
tion: Pm bolds are oessidellej as safer from
imitation than Ws foranei luau, and are pre.
dated at far less expanse.
hue Newton,Clotornissionar of Livicultrue,
JA his monthly report for August of the eon-
Alden of the crops, says the wheat crop jug
dturvested is most speellent both Ia amount
And quality, and the tarn crop promises to be
&fall one although in some localities in the
west, where the drought of Jute has extended
Into July it may not be so gtiod. The fdars•
den wheat has mainly failed to stub& its
Sher:toter in Wit country. It is an English
variety of< great pelisses Airs, and hence
It was desirable to test it hero.
The following general order has been pre.
molested from the Army of the Potomac:
. The-practice of desertion of substitutes tin
der the draft become an prevalent that her..
after the extreme penalty of martial law will
be awarded tonal: delinquents as may ha is.
ceptured, and eztraordinary efforts will be
toads to ems that object.
Latina from New gneane.
Saw you, Mg. .12.—Tba fulmar Orem
"Hp from Nay Ono= on the 15th, antrad
The Mobilo Mame copies, opproetegiy, an
*Web from the Ohatieston Mercury which
gays, dam tbe Waal nieeseats,ll
hatbotter sel:,,po enghlitartarZafrd
tarakedritilot ba 2 y le one ri h ari an z d i =rha c itt
theta's to tetsforoa MOT& Woad or els*
alludes' Oharlaitoilithelatiu.
(In. Pembertoit" haat an ardor edling
grahls troops to wail& vitida 11114 dsp
at DV, Ali. Bo ansplf,ests Qui e a
Wit or Vidli a ln ar
Ike mate! Go
•joinhi_& es Os Utlis of the e. cfrk ijuma d
emit-wait= Solfraii,extigh to'Briaise
putigniays of the Destruction of
Lawrence, Kansas, by Quantrril
New Toss, Aug. 23.--Four 'citizens .1 hero ;',.r supplies end meth
eke,. I h er. gathered the rollonier rerCco
len regarding the Lurning cf that city by
Qatar:tell :
The list of killed and wounded smothers
some hundred andeighty, a malerity °fathom
were killed Instantly. The names cannot ad
be given now, however. The houses that re
main standing are filled with killed and
wounded of all et . From the ruins of
the burned houses the charred remains of
other victims are being rimed. But one hotel
is standing, Qeantreli having spared It in
conoeqnsnee of his having coeds his home
there year. eines without expense; but its
proprietor was shut.
Among the moat prominent citizens, the
following are known to have been killed
Get. G. W. Cellimore, Meyer of the city, and
his son, J. 0. Lowe, Josiah Trask, 8. P.
Thorpe, Dr. Griswold, James Eldridge, Janes
Perdue, Col. Stone two brothers named Gill,
A. W. Griswold, irederiek Hitobail. Thomas
Murphy, John Spear, three broths's named
Addlsoo Weugh, Duncan Allison, Geo.
Bun, Judge Carpenter, Rev. Mr. Snyder,
August Ellis, Lemuel Flamm, Dwight Cole
man Lewis Swan, R. Loomis, John Crane,
Levi Gates , two brothers named Range, John
Evans, G. W. Bell, Moms. Keith, Brown,
Dale, Twitch, Palmer, Sargent, Delimit% Al
book, Powers, and Brent. There were killed
Instantly, moat of them in their own houses,
with their wives and children clinging to
them while the =Heron pined pistol, to
their bodies and shot them:
The followthg were mortally wounded:
Joseph Eldridge, Mr. Baker of the firm of
Ridenhour and Beier, Mr. Williamson, Geo.
Holt, J. P. Henson, W. S. It Lykine.
-In one owe the guerrilla, drove twelve men
into shown, shot them, and burned the build
ing. The inhabitants fled Into ravines and
babe's, and the fiends bred late them, killing
and wounding notes of them. Twenty. five
negro recruits were shot They took all the
money that could be found In the pockets of
the citizens, or bourse, and stole all the ladies'
jewelry, even to digs on their lingers. .
Jim Lone °reaped on hornbook, rallied
about two hundred men with arra, 'and fol
lowed them. He overtook Qaantrell about
twelve miles south of Lawrence, when a fight
occurred, but the result is unknown..
Quirinal! Is note retreating toward, Mis
souri, burning everything on his route. It is
not expected he wilt be intercepted by our
forces and will prithably get away without
No resistance was made at Lawrentw. The
people were shot down as they ran through
the streets; in their night clothes, and their
bodies thrown into welts and °Were& The
citizens had been especting Inch • raid from
threats Qoentrell had made, and had organ
teed militasy companies (or defence, part of
whom had boon under arms constantly, bat
from assurances that Qosotreil would not in
trade Kansas, their organisations ware &ban.
doped, nod' the giserrillas found them when
entirely defenceless.
A large train Left hero to-day, with supplies,
clothing, provision*, sho , for the sufferers, end
citizens of Leavenworth bays opened their
doors to all who choose to came. many have
availed themes/at:sof these hospitalities, and
will be well cared for.
The feeling among the citizens hotel. very
bitter agaiust the commanders of tbie Depart
ment and District, ler being so wholly unpre
pared to meet each an emergency.
The Commending general was absent from
his heacqiutera, and didn't know of the 111-
valion ante; the dec.:norm of Lauren:ma wan
complete Everything was done, however, in
regard to th• movement of troops to Intercept
and denture Quentrill, hat it wets too late
Oar Beate authorities now taking the matter
in their own hands
Col Jennison has been telecasted In wire
mend of the new Keefe* regmeent, :sad is
about Btart , o.t down the bor . !.. r with Bra-
Mane troops to overcome any fetes' that the
enemy can bring against him, and It not in
terfered with by the commen.ilsig oiliest,
raids lath Kaallas *Ls end with the present
one. The man oowprlalog Qea trill's force ace
principally tilotes hands at Seinen:Be who
have been robbing and murdering along the
barter for the oast sin wonting, with but lit
tle opposition, sena, have kad ample time to
prepare everything that wooti insure ancoess.
They are probably toe ea'a in Missouri, with
their Plunder, and quietly at their home. ea
good U s elon citizen*
Tho loss at Lawson., is not ices the, two
minuses, and will fell heavily on New York
and Leavenworth merchants.
Teo banks were robbed of over, dollar,
and the third eteaptd only bruise; the beat
was so great that the rebels couldn't get the
vaults open.
Reported Capture of Fort Sumter--
English Sympathy tor the Rebels—
Tao Draft In New York
NIT Your, Aug. 22.—A questionable du.
palish from Phitadel phi to• day, lays that
Fort Sumter hat been esptozed, and that our
fleet ti &bore the Port.
The Loudon Spectator says that the friimds
of the ranee base la!oly mad four millions of
dollars far their frlbudship. The rebel loan
bee tumbled to each a depth as to be almost
out of sight
The Pow eye of the draft : Ho names were
drawn to do In this city, but preparations
are going on for Monday, end on that day
the wheels in the Pcitirth District, oomprising
the let, 2d, 3d, 4.1,15 th, 6:h and Bth wards,
and In the Seventh District the 11th and 17th
wards will begin thflr revolutions. The po
llee and military are making their arrange
ments, inasmuch sa, the lth and 6th wards,
which have a bad reputation, and • part of
lifeekertividle, not less noted, will constitute
some of the area of the draft. Perth:alarms
will ne taken to be ready for contingencies,
and to pregarTe the publie peace.
Prom callfonila
San Palatine°, AC& 23 —Business Is gen
orally dull. No nom. Public attention
engroetod la polities. Load questions ars
making the canvass in Son Francisco very
amides. The regular union convention has
nominated a legislative ticket which gives
peat discalelsotioti r and an independent
opposition ticket mill be brought oat and
largely supported by the better Wastes of the
eommunity and will! probabiy be clamed.
its rail &tu' of Mini IL Manilla MI'S
BILROT 808001, at j Callaad, ootemisca a
TCESDaIi, Sept. 1.1665
Castotera giving limit:Lan= relative to tiaa,
may be obtained at tba Bo • 1 / 4 Storm
C 3270/ 071313 012141/0 110/10 07 1130/2707.
• 111131317gb. A123/33 221 103.
a trOdb1D00110! for admiaton 0 the B'sti
Eddied milt commence l'lrJ2Dt; ESD,.Ir, An/a/t 240.
'40278t JO :2 A. 813/81iA&T.
Jr I .00LORE9 MEN.
. ....ei ottani* Is sow veered to the Coknot Ihn
of PlUatrorgb atul Ito ;surrounding coantey to vol.
"War to the United Oates andel,. to join in eight.
.togs to. battles ta L tort: and lb. golost. Tile
MOON , MO 1121114 Tail /it , * Hell. where or ikre ro.
opathltly footled toot I and hem la theloattet, a
Vs entiestba I.IU be load even MO .ogre 4/1
01 0
ta103104213D. CM* .. ono. all , end follow to.
fanaphe of th • oe !ono ight at .Poet Hodson, Ml
non% !tend sod Tort sena:
vept, I HO% M If SWUM%
If matting OM* lOr Woven, Po. cad (ado.
aulfen• i
tgr raras
otroted tcouwO who hue in rfid u Soldiom
to • Ulm Ja.t las ths• nine mootho, with choice of
&llama or Gummy.;
Yor forthor Inhow4loo inquire at No 70 llfth
ettootjui item; B. MMUS%
Lieuti Oth lkainuat P B. V. 0.
litYr/OF.—Snautraou einummo
Anocum.los.— membemi claiming the
Priiale Bons le th e sting Boom of the assorts
thm an hereby nodded to make good der claims to
the_Beciretary,beiore tba FIRST or FIZPTBEIBnct,
Or tbeywill be Mid for th e bandit Of thadloocialkm.
By order of, the Board of blenerers.
aolibtd 401111 ge,itLlC,Pecretare.
WICLEOTION • N0T1CE......An Ek e .
tkm will be lield at Ohs Board of Wads
Boom, la the Qltl of reittsburgh, on Tl7lBo4ll' t
toe gith day of Augatt incl.. at 1$ o'clock cu s to
gad, eaten Motional:the Pittsburgh Grain Elan.
for Osturaoy, to serfs fir tha caning Jar.
Joan B. CSIMILD. J.non nem,
W. Nothisticr. and othsait ik ,
_ WWI tn.
Orauta ea vtion4Lanataxmarmir may 1..
. ' £ Ma, MONA i
Tr" - I4OTIOE Ilk BY (11VIiDi to
...r.r nu enbioribratr to _ the Stack at the Wart.
atm 'ltaarpratattcrattarty that an siassamat at
/MS Dr.. 41.044 (81t 1 . RE& train laa bora.
Inlet upon tlia attnltin A h r at the atie•
at tba Mamma. Itil:: _Tab . na ar Wars UN
mb do almost:l.: tad - a mans ~.
thataverteltor. man farad* satiliat •
.... , . - 4.1. AloP4lntat, motion.
t! e(lVlflC T J-TA
ligai ifir.4lll
easoreashajo . wlku
wmage, thaWasobtor
.wine}ff~:said:'ctLa,:i:.4°,s~Wrmu-e.L«~$. . 1cG ~ : ~~ , ~Y~C" „ 3Y~ - ~ " ~k - - x y e~'~'~'~'hFa+~~ ~~~.`s~ .
Pittsburgh Petroleum Market.
Aco fl—She mark.t tar armee Meow . quiet
and nth -r dull Irtibtat. bcmerar. any materiel In r•tm. The eminent tlgtucrare ZS*. Tack
.turn.4. and 23c, isulsyr. lucludee; and we
net. rates of fl bbla at V%e. parksgmaa r etrumed
600 bbl,luilk 2Ne—titue; and Wir bblit lo Ithr,
at 006, pausal:es tnelndsd. Buyers offer 22 and 1:73.0
petty freely, abbe holdera with but few atheytimaa
ate firm at 22% and 28c. It 4 but proper to remark
lioverar, that some ha small lots, In InArtior packa
ges. were sold at 27q, but we do not consider this a
fair criterion of the market, as god marokantable
oil, in good packages, Is held firmly at our quotatkm.
Reflood la firm, tut rem quiet, on there ho bekn
but tow transactions during the inattr. Irma. We
quote pod standard Druids of bonded at t98500n the
spot, 62t0 530 for Eeptemberoual 6446560 for October.
Reflood, free, Is steady, with small sales at from 63
to Ghe for straw to prime white. Deathe is very dui
and pdnas deodinizsd any be quoted at 16@17e. We
note lams sales of Residlum at 161 y r bhl, perhaps
included, fo b. 011 barrels are steady with calm at
Ibrmer quotations.
Chicago /dukes.
Leo. 21.—Thera was a good shipping demand for
new Wheat, and the market edranard 13403391: on
No I Sod, and to on No 2 Spring. Then wag no
tided change In No tripling, a the limited an
restricted uanseetlans. We note aloe of faun
at 41,01% an new No I Bed; itat.E4ll for new No 9
Bed; 9449 - 960 to new No I S.velag; S6as9oolbr new
No 9 Spring, and 714,7119 e laleand Spring.
There was a good inquiry fa Own in stops, and the
market was Qom and buoyant at a farther Improve.
meat of Me,,,eic. Canal Cora was wrist. We nom
sales of 14 - 00 u bas so alo far Tallow afloat; taa for
High kflard stoat; 610 for Canal lifted east; sft.
60390 fur Mod in store, and 414 , 49149,3 for Blotted
in stunt The noripte of oats wen, Masi, and the
market offend a lather radius of 10--then being
• fair inquhy at the coalman. About 40,000 bas
changed bands at eltlfa33it for new No 1, and
die kw DOWN 9 a. aye was dull and new ectrd l =
trifling grim at 640 for No 1, and fee for No 2. Bar.
ley quiet and without decided change. Illenrinss
west In satin demand and Sn at Cc There tam
an Improred demand for truth ground Slow, and the
market was characterized with for mom activity than
boa been witnamd Many time drutog the pest throe
months. We note sales of afloat 2" bbl., but them,
was Wont as much Mare cold on terms that did nos
transpire. Prices ranged at SW Om whit* wit:item
WIXOM kw edr to caws spring ottras, and
far opting flu a.
Detroit itaiket.
Ara 20—iltbrat—Tner• to cot ,cough offsting to
auks • =trim autt pr es ant nondnany onchutstd.
A bapt who alined to Foam • mud/ =omit of
Ho 1 whit% paid SIX La ono cat. but It is very
donignn if ths tads is • bit crltarlon of. the aucritac
• CU' No 2 isbits sold at 111,123‘. Coin—Mid at Mr
fob,tito 27 the css , laad. and Sto tot small lots do.
Hnood to WV. Onto—n• toatkis
swung dump. On 'Chasse akt maenad now.
Bye nominal at 620700. /Inky cacao from 51,26
01,51 X V cot
Cleveland aarket.
Aro. 111.—flour—Balea lUr bide zz nod at 16,63;
7.5 bbl. eo at y4,67;30 bblz do at j4,91k 1 O bbla do at
114.6% 80 bkla atm
rd at 13,Z; 100 bb ! , Whim at
66,16; 60 btOs do at $473. Wheat—mamma doll
mai Mamie% rite are mho. Corte—Market quiet sad
yam torchaupch sales S einem ens track as 69e.
Oats—Dull awl tumult% Itya—le 101 l as 704171 q
but we hare beard of no Wee. Boob 7—has been ta
nsies by nit from the Interior , but theta tam yet so
market ft. l
allatkata bp Teleggetpk.
Maw Vona, Aug. 13 —Cotton dull and lowest 88
act tw middling uptauda flour dull, heavy and
Inver for old and unchanged for teeth ground; IMG
@B7B, for extra Pats goptag44s; .airs 8 LL O
gB. 7.80; Gads brands closing hoop. Whiskey
without boatel:al tromp Si 11550548 Mont dull;
unsettled and ldilgo lower; 770111,08 for Chicago
Spring; $94241.,17 for 01.11tratials Club; 51 140.41
for Winter; rod western 81,10. Corn, red lUtr.ow
111,0411,03 Ibr Wake to good vials western. Cora
mama jialo WWI 70 for abtp:lng mined Western,
and 78 fur rand yellow. Oats 84055 for western.
(orb opened pat and clam: • elate Amer at $ll,-
1000487%; old moo $13,61)4413.78; new do
810,C4310,76; new plias 813,80; nav prime mai
goof suet. Beaton bide. lee satin; aalse weelent
aloe* claw as they are at 7e. Lard leas actin and a
spade sealer at eggeiox. beets laced, at 8412Yi.
g °nay continues at kito per cent; sterling lower and
dull st 14,374147% for are claw bill.. Gold lower;
opening at %%and cloaLog %del at is Gt. amount
stocks dm; U. 8. 65 81; Cauponslo7! 743121 107: T.
151 receipts of spools today 818.,165.
PIIIL4DILPILU, Au*. —flour dull with a de
clining tendency Wive.: In little demand; old red
510 3 t€4437: cow 31,3ne1g1. Corn, y-Uor In
mand et 79. C ll.e quiet. Prollslong Atm. Niro
/gum Ora.; Crude 35; Refined St to it), Whitley
firm at .17g,.
BActrunaz, Aug 2.!:—Tsdny Plow has a declining
tendency; Otdo mu& $6,63%. Wheat quiet. Ccrn
dull; utak; 764,78.. Whiste., Mandy-1.14T.
411111.114111^ JrOTICEII.
v 9 Jt:T 816tteILIAL•8 orrwy.,
220 DIATILOT 01 Pcnal'AL
98 rourth 81., P 1 Lbw 'lb, • . 4 . ffi, lOtkt
sotordence with °Oen, 1 pabllab the AA
lowing lid of rraDoe eye xpt-d t, draft by the
Board of to:ohatent In lb' I.ltehig, to tole date,
• hb the teaora of that rive:op:km :
IT Mina= GT runaMMUNa nomprAncilinrwrn . rtnES
N 61314. Zo.idooa, Ea' diode.
David Lloyd, Monang boro, Jobe D. Shoroyeon.
raw roan BVIEDILIN DOLL►a..
Henry D. Alexander, First ward.
Anthony Bl'alshen, South Pittabortab.
Joseph Lltskm do
Frederick Georinz, do
James Stewart, do
John ihnsberger, Temperanceritht.
Joseph Ergot, do
Lawrence Manch, du
WWI Fitzpatrick, do
John WAD*, do
John M'Ooraghy, Lawrenceville.
Matthew MILL, do
Thomas limatter. Momouphala Borough.
Christi= Manner, BLIMILLOOIII=I.
ALMS IMO =Art so? ternmatua
GnentWpLer Mellon, Blradtshane.. Witnesses—
Mows q, Jame DID=
Cornell= D Eedilvien, Bixtutognam. Witt:mos—
Jahn linivaniey. Maul Mulvaney.
Jos Baddelly, Dlreatostuuts. Witnesses—David
Daldn, Michael Krebs.
Jobe, Babusr,Blzmindham, Witeasses—Denediet
Wanitie Geo Ganser.
Dead Dar% Birmingham; double Ingniaal her
John P Berroft., Birmingham; lots of teeth.
Milton Bedell; Biriainsbans; cincootle.
John Manzer, Birsningiusies lugging,' hernia, left
B Wild. Co 9th Beat tortccaftia.
John Derr, Birmlashaan deficit of right hand.
Win 0 Hemlines. fd ward, ftsnture of right elbow
--defective pligalque.
II B unser, Birmingham; gun abet wand In loft
thigh, received at battle of detletam.
John Brecht, ftlratingbam; Ingsdnal hernia.
Chu Drawdy, iftrialaghaint chronic disease of the
vasurnautsess OP •UL
frecrk Blau. B raiLsbacp ; one thirty-Bye and
ins. tied wl , naat.—Anctroor ettockleha, Thosuit
tianstas Boob, Elredn. ;o• or Ittrty Ivo and
man Id. N inn us—Frenons
Parry Mlle; Dlrsolog ; *rot thirty-an and
mania& Wasaauct—Eleary sink', Davit Baal
Ism Dam co, illrcalikiaaal; cater iy. 1/ it.
Eau..—Jai. 1) IS 011/11. Mil 7 klo.iso.
Cont. Mont., DI mice.= ; mar erksztel
=read ktltstarate—Goo • rekbse, Ciect. - 110:Plat
Patrick, Dlatinaturn ; orar fcaly-aut and
mauled. Tr ocarce—D4takil lecOraw,Jaha Ow.
klaithlia Gral, Blniatugliata ; ant fhe and
maniac% Witnmes—tl•ezy ratter, iingun m
Ono. Gray. Ilinningtietn: andrr twenty. Wit
tnarra—Wal4ti Omit. Um Item.
Mtn Bobber, Ilinnthighant ;ander twenty. Wit,
untes.—Naty Z. Itenbetr, Ittebbeer.
ONLW 101101 T ON • WIDOW.
Andrew Molltoroad, Birmingham. Witham—
loth Wamot, Jiitios Purooll. ,
ins at szt.soixon 07 PAW?
Juan S T 8211.,.131zzoliailuua. Witommes—J
prlapa, J T. rns.
Luke Fitzpatrick, TemparazonTli. Wltneurp
Oliver Kees% =ward Nadas.
Jos ream BumsMahn'. Wltztaims—Man
%mutt. CluigtJan tluclmr.
011111 T IFOTTIZT OF cramassig 1:1;193rallrtilli TIARA.
Wm portal:to. Birmlnglum Witalsies—laaaca
Mall. Allred Sum
two 1111111111110/ 11.113 'minty AL174721r u ISZTICIL
Bola Goody, Eighth ward,
. Jos Wage, Sanaa want.
Wm Wlightimm, Lemma: MU
Wm aulyely, Math Irma
- -
Capiala and Er.saat 2ta MI =dee. Pe.
sag iatdaw
NOIIOII.-Iho undersigned baring
Fuchs/ad tha ottna stook Soo etas long al.
tabltawd km:mitt '7. If. NcOLIZA. w toad announce
to kts old ammo and the ratan ble rement
otons 119 Mom atom; itstsAn nocaptio by d.
sodhin a taw sad ocepletesttelt of Bs&
Mora` atbotaiskets' Umtata itithilage, Ma e
to., two be food, and et tiniest Wee.
GI: E. 4 5 - 13 M 1 0024 110. 10 Lltenty suns.
AHD mimics Busaura9,l won cereals
011zsmid soy suscessar re limn et atztot btodtlin
oat gots!
co bbdoess tplittllostboa fat adtas cob ties
to me I 'lOlll coatbote to soppy Zr. 41121DE8.
to c.
obotbvtoom e and en b.tee- vest plumb
b intresedaslam bUttprnelnallatanagai
J. 14. Ec01711114
Joly filth 1511,
. 4613.
attoitlea" to I triabatat OI
OBBOIIY Olallasl3..tba 11.11:11aadnall:_apah
maim oSTASACT,fiourz air&ibr swam
PllPlrataants assirlatax Ma, ANA
test/ all IMLIINATOBT aim
114A111Z=41Iszata alto,tat Si! and
la Vulka. WS
atuaLA SAO:M.4a inst.,
Ihtb. gam fad aboa-as asaablend by way am
Nom. Man aartiar. io tb Waroaasembes Gawk
add al timaabtres Uvulae, pat Alp to Wt.
vptat banish Om daypw. lei
• MEM L.
son =mar Moo aaa Sad aloft
pozaricAL TICE&
Drs., •-."—
streets, to WS7NCiDA S •t•
D r! '2 o•eock. p. nrt. +, 4
wu xl o :,
ant to the velar +h• t r.. , n r•-cu.tra
Own=lttro, of Alleghwny ecru.• y, tb. >•da,atrnad
hooky reqtaat the Dolma:ea who rap•.vntoi the
loyal oitesaas Of 804 comity in ezarantaz c a Jana
2d, Ink to BY-dssslleig Iti iOAVi T at
the CIDOST 11.0L'iL, In Pitiabargh on 'l' arll4-
DAT, fa.itember 34, 1683. at to &eta.* a m..
the Prlwitiof notolnalog a =Milt for tin
of Shad & . 31. BLOWN, ChairmaL,
3 0 01.1 R. 1 6 T EWAIIT. PeeretAn.
06FB.F.Elguli BALLY I
Th freemen of .6.llegtirny Comity,
Cnicn . sad opponents of Coppert end Ins, will we.t .n.
Thursday, September 3, 1863
WEST COMMONS, Allegnony,
Ilaciont postal, hue b. otkaoco ad a; d rDI
to to &It/oboes. Lit me tome • GOAN D B LL t
108 !HI UNION.
By order of the Balsa Smonito,
CASPOS Qat°, Third W A. alloghonf;
Bunk= PUZT. ilnaosprora Bootle,
D. B. Iturtraos. Usu. ht. Clalr ty,
Joni B. Banal, Farad We'd. Atcsbocf,
D. o • ls);ltr,,Becocd Ward, Pist.bargh
&L. Rennin, .1 , Esco..-Foortb Ward, dile/Iwo y
Basco. Bnacrar, Parocstb W. Pittsber n l7
Jesztcra Iterses, Focal; Ward,
B. B. llctsusitz.. !Neu tsyscatdp; •
/extra. P.-Itaaa, Inseroncaltfo;
B. H. Roan. Jr. Pneb7es to hip;
W. 0. Swan, /nth Ward, Plttcburlll,
Jana P. DDATO, ililDls town.blp,
JAW L•ser to do;
hart! Crescent tontntbro;
Luau Dumps, Bonilla tem.a.blp;
Joan B. Pima, Tam:am;
Wruss.ta Harems, Ltchlaun too esLtp.
EL C. lismutax.r.,'Neq Men, Ward, , Ivstoral.
A. U. DROWN, of Plttsbarth, • s 7
J. V, OPIIIPMI.7, Conks tp., Esuretary.
raescs—A. 11. DROWN, D. O'NFILL sae 1,
Priettieg—G. C. fInGUYON, D.
&mow. BAIIOI,BI.
0. Marge and 4beekerr -t,. SCE sat L.
13 fifth stre•et; 1.1118 8•X raft. 111 181.0 I•.,
801.. 8 Howse. Jr 132 Parlrth street; It. H.
Jr,PA LllBv, Pitt tp J 'UN S. Bit •Wee:, 1 ,
fedoesl street, ill , releoy; P. C. PSI G v,
Lab street
Pento• 1 dealing t. hofd Lt.lan .ICMIIIII to 'llO
11660C11 elact 3 nn Wet , los throuctiont the Guilt ty,
MU be furnished erl , h hp•o ens 1.3 , calla, 02 sra ..1
th% &Neve tuned Coin
POLITICAL 2 . :01 iC 7 .—POY'Sbzo
&au log to bor. co.etillo to th. is {oos
I loctlon Districts Lb:ore:Loot Lho cocoty, co pro
cur, HAND.BILL3 AND I'OoTK , 4 ro,,ty t.
stl, Moo of chirigh by air lying to D. B. rzeint -o ,
tie. 84 filth otroet. Elthkhors oat:,
LIST OF LETFEM rciontlinin,:, ha ti,o
8..1 POST OBTICE at. ALLEGHENY, P.,,,, at to. o
on SATURDAY, August, 12, 18.2
CirTlease mention the date of the Llet In whoh
the latter In dee:Pled.
OMce boors from 7% • n. to 6% r. n.
Geiger Dot Li/Lain Aiello
iGent, 11 11. 'Slat,' btsr,ery
, Gray Gobi dinar iSinoh
L ilerrimen Win
Heodertottldszto Serosith
Howe Geo _tiller tY to,
Born Henry. " N
Harr Hiram Needle Jeenle
Horner John 14.rman John
Hovey John Neugoten Beery
Hanna J LI NalsonCelestineJ
Hagin Jobant a
Holm. Thus D
Doll B O
Hyde Lizzlo
Hays Hazy 17
Hallman air
Hostage W
Haden J Francis
Jackman Oast
Jahrudon Ticino
Jai:tattoo LJzots 2
Jones Henry
Jack Elizabeth
Real, A en
Kerr And T.
Kimberlin 0 T
KART /in= 11
Kurz Sophia T
Koos marsh K
Elmea Batumi
86er Her IS 11
Kilian John AI
Kinkead Jens
Kirk Jaime
Kirk John
Kirk Jai
Klai Mir l y
Emmen Mary J
Kaawles Was K.
Kamedi Henry
Lucas Ando V
Lindsay Eliza
Laughner Emily
May feant. Li I
Lingen lienty
Lloyd Eferui 1
Leonard Haat :
M Marg.
efororkall Alas
11411,11 BIT a V ;
gletiinia II W
Idt:thiamin Ellen 1
McGinn Kate 1
McCrory. Oath'
OloOlaity Ellsa
alciarlana a '.
John '
Hermit John l'
Halm James .
McGuire Inv= .
klaWbblis Mars ,
Mackbuoati Dr . I
Altuigrare Beal
Hemmen Cash '
MarctislEllsa 1
Marquis Edith ,
Morton at ri - E
Mickel Elleaeth
Mans iitHIO Li
Idartinigint7 1.
Moreland John f .
Mundane Ju El I ,
lanes Jr 11
Moreland lobst
Marshell Johni 1
Murphy Jig Lei
Marust la 1
As"-Trun °co to
e nuld Hues
Rubor Chriot
8.1. Canis N
Blyth Cotharioe
Banoas Trances
oiddlo Goo D
Black Mu 8 W
Doden Borah A
Buttner Jos
Boren Col I
Bore Jai
Bradley nary
Dexter W U
Beak, W
Bliley Win
13aewn Bluherd
Bullet' En 0
rater V
Carlin &mart
ttihr Barnard
Cols Anna U
Oar Dab Oath's
Gungell 0 AI
Carver Oath'.
earnwin Vir
Chasm= Kate
tea D E
=on Iva D
tkrnart H W
Cara Dail
Hole Jai
Orotabula Jane
Comelra Jai
Craig Jacob
Campbell Mary
aarkame lLary M
Garry 'l[ X
Caldwell It N.
Croft Will
Cribb Raub=
Cravioni P
°Mt 13
Lbws Bow
Carp DI
Dans AD.In
MIAMI/ A s. Tac
Drain if it
D y Matt
laga &
Da ka da t
Dimwit Wm D
Davao &alias
Elliott ebbleJ
Enna Ellen
Ernest tharles
Eaton John A
Ellie. •
PPlin-NATO W Pleictur Sit ~
Yellcks John
FrelJeonb -
- Palmer Jeans
Irleisdar Mary _
Geyer James
Geyer Thole
Onsibert Nag
Gardrou Mao
Olttoland Idaggfe
GiUstand Wan
Priebe iedece4 et the BIM CLIAITIZ eToit7t of
McFarland, Collim 4t Co.
/103. Ti JODI'S in B
Ifetirssa tbs,tanreimos Otnaren Enfatelmi:
Llaortog to parcbaai tar rb. Ltitto 'STUD
Wo ari nr.i.oe. now on -baud .at. mtg.:4
Bet to Present Wflarket
baits Ike attamvsa a: C*l , .
TAT 131:60dANT13 sad WROLLS.U.II BOTSmi.
jun opiaNxiij
NEIN C II eurx.
Munn Kiititety, !lie . no:inn c.wni
amen FiaraMlLS Ind 1F34t151;. :14,1;*:
oOa a enevSl4 atintrtzont.:-: • ~- -• •
. ..
Cupea t Floor Oil Cloths, !Millar its 4
c WIA li "KO WV musics ID prb...• - z. .'
01,1128. zrorttroax a C 0. ,. -,=',
MIN'S TOO% kr Saabs woe. ,
toils Man Mar
a all India Maim Airis or num&
a IL
foul Illea.Se sans Etc cum Ansi.