The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, August 22, 1863, Image 4

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    _6g4DAY ,MORMG, APO, 22
lisLtsioub, INTEuLtfigAricz
port of the Baptist hileeionary Union, tie
number of ralksi9mrhz eonneetion with the
Union iS 19. In the Asiatic Mission there
are 15 stations and about 865 out-stations;
ie the4rench Clexi4xmlssione, not
I,sir fresh! 1100 Marione and ant-stations.
he iititaber of 'lnstuding
those lei this country,' end tla 10 1 111 : 0 of
theSeinlinrops, is 4t a nd .46 ~fot
usks-'S,";.Nakive preachkEs and aiisistants,
exalt:Lillie of Those in guope, - **lftv from
400; rei j al 560. , The camber efi.eikurches
le 370! of isptirmi Tejo" t6i1„15,`,' Tfiei
Whole imnberef,,htembirialin Thera
ceipts iii-theyear Were $44, 1 356 - .95..%
-r4—teil 3 P l Ololtdeferileirlk , l 44 hien
so, 9nr01.* 211338 of Pro
testantiii even in this itiUghteme4h,ge,,thst
she is tirtworihy. of being recognized-as 's
4 7 111 ” 4 0wFrr14t 41 5.,, eat record'
thiarit'llizi areil:teifsiEo have imp*Sol—
cd in iipsinwrefy hee l :4AM' 4;i4tYd be con
victed o having takewpart, ins Protestant
umung; P a l# B 4o.2llq*logiNat edi
tion of 4he Bibb.) Multivor its power ex
tends, they attempt - As, extermination of
ProteMeniem. On the Wester* coast' of
Africsifthey have destroyed a floasishing
miselorcon the island Fit 'Fernando Po, and
we now learn, says an influential , New
York religions weehly,,that in the former
repabßS of. Santo ,botniigo, bi the West
In4les&rhich was urooheroaslysold to them
stew agq Proteataaism is to be ex
---The Ohnth Monthly, of Boston, in
noticing the Constitution of the Free
Glntreh',Aissociation of the Diocese tif hltuy
land; says, as surely as the Church stand&
theta* coming year will witness great
*went and gravity to renier her bless
hige afilensible to all classes of the people,
and to*onform her financial policy to the
statpla'rind equal principles ofthe GospeL
Thin object is declared to be "the diffusion
of Inforniation on the subject of free sit
tinge 1, the House of ,God, and to aid any
coerittsilitin of : the 'Protestant Episcopal
Church WlthTirthe Diocese of Maryland,
working solely on this• system."
.1l is
stagdthe bishop is a "Patron" of the
the General Chapter of the Pas
eienisOrderklately held at Rome, a new
Proviice of the Order for the United. States
was -established- The Very . Bet John
Domitijo Tarlattinl has beenappointid Pro
*alit, who, on his return to this country,
will tiold a Previte:dal Chapter atthe Mon
utery.. of the "Blessed Paul of the Cross,"
near this pity, at which the superiors of the
monasteries of the Order in the United
Statetr . lrill be appointed. We noticed re,
cently;the laying of the corner-stone of a
new monastery of this Order at West Ho.
discussion in the House of Lords
on the Burial Service question, led - only to
the manifestation of great difference of
opini=, and no progress in the way of re
form "was effected. The • Archbishop of
York:Opposed any amendment. It is said
the AMerican service is open to the same
objection that is made to the English.
appears from the twenty-eighth
Report on National Education in Ireland,
for the year 1861, of the number of chil
dren an the rolls, 140,219 are Protestants,
and 43,145 Reman Catholics. Of the 319
teachers trained during the year, in the
National &heels, 21 were at the Established
Church, 60 Presbyterian, 287 Roman Cath
olio,.-a= one Dissenter. --
McConkey has retired from
the pastorship of St. Paul's Episcopal
Church, Detroit, Michigan, in order to give
morwattention to the Diocese, Which needs
his whole time. The parish was organised
in 144, and of the crighnil vestry, but one,
Hon. Uorirl.-014Pinalit is {lever /41 1 38 . . SL
firiePreitenteil iieteb s iettilifuf and
spacious house of worship, has a - wealthy
and active congregation, and-le entirely
out of-debt.
-44-During the Catholic riots at Phila•
delpbla, Archbishop Scrub* lived acme.
His life warp in danger, and he was hunted
from :Plisse to place. Bev. Br; Tyng, of
NeW York, then lived in Philadelphia. He
offered the fugitive bishops Wifige, and
prottotallm until the atom was over.
—4-045 anniversary oi the Bandar
School Union of the M. E. Church will be
held at New Bedford, Mass., uctober
l 80.3.".
--44126 Naito Methodist Episcopal
Booktlepository, at an Francisco, Cali
forni4- approaches completion. It to one
of Mid:mono* of the:mammoth Book eon
earn #t Ns* York. It^ is' of brisk four
stoke hill,. ineindii4 iamaiment i
feet lima by dui feet desp„lst the' main
budding. The trout is 'if and pressed
brick. The Calitomila ;miser:ate, from latch
the &bevels taken, gives quite a list of
camp fuming& It .nays they , tme been
iltiiltftd of nittOld gOod.iti;4llfoinia;:and
if the friends: of 'religions 'kevivel so or
,••":their. mission is not closed. '
Zbe Meetings of the Welsh' Baptist
being fruitful of lire etf PO -
I itere``,L
tent Part of the prOgiaMtation all , ems
sions is • to hate Jalkistivi'lifrlaiPtilii
talent:front distant, parts of the Petttellea
ity taltoPaitintheexualses. Yeopletravel
thirty to forty mlleatia-order to be' iivientv
the neighborkocalturna 'out en oars; and
*outlands congregate in a field for clan
—, days the ; British Sian&
abseils 4angcs which tidngs,
sears! Chiral; and nations, mumesituily
undergo. While, for. examik . Nomean.
forMityls bugaly - havlncraiMirer_To — trie:
asset Manuscript in the pulpit, free iipeeat
is befng sumcsefolly cultivated, andpeace
fally'practical by the Bishops-and clergy.
Simpson, in his great sermon
delivered in Chicago on National Thanks.
dityi - Mok therstUilirtiitilte—greal
est danger we are in as.Amerfains is from
tho -Emperor of the. French, who "has his
'Yee aini3anyraziaisso 'and the gold of. CO.
ifors* — lelf,aboutAbetisy wpm', soldiers
frOln' , 'France to.,:california , 00 • *am Nair
Yorkto'Callfornfe:.- _ _
iFpoited f upon.
thoriiy, tharahe General' AsscjiWof the
Prlalb/teriinleltuxolt_.ll2. rd,nfmaisht
otamsl, - st its !apt - It:testing, 'sppt4iit4ol34
LeAtira, totinerly otie of ihet,ll : ,
t o rtif4iPoestristni — - nr-ge'eniary-ott4s,
comlipied,Conistattees Toittastion" •
-441 a , WesternPalkelegAligEP
S/n94 will !"" ° P,PI 2
' , alt . /bar, at Prospect, liathir ammty,l'a.
,f if t IS
4 41.11, MtAt
. -
Question for discussion, "What is the duty
of the . Chard to the Laud"' of the Rook r
4) 1 4. 1 017 1 i 6 146) 7 , 011-
iort.that =Were Who•used tn. &mete IN
a:plate of irordiP have rio to oh
etruct a public thoreeo4ll,'.. Thq` decision,
it is stated, does not pronounce street
preaching illegal, bat interferes with the
priviligee claimed by come dreet peed-.
ere In dot city. '
.—:According to dalculations made by
ill rre_kela Wayland,..theArearlean-Board
of Foreign bliziside does not receieean•
nosily as snitch as le spent in the city of
New York for cigar's.. -
-The report of the Committee on the
State of tangier' adopted by the General
Synod bed° Reformed Dutch Chard, at ,
its late 'Megan, says, et no period in her
history has she presented more deeds or
indications of s new purpose and effort of
developemeat *ad nagrels• • -- •
—The CAurd Journal (Episcopal) says
of Rev. Dr.(kC. Moore; who died recently
at an advanced age, that )oplifinalificence
the General Theological. Seminary, is, in
debted for the whole of it. landed estate in
New York city.
.From Yesterday's Evening Ckasette.
Social trawls Bleating.
The Union man and women Of Richland,
Tine, Hampton and West Heel' towns' hip,
and those Middlesex, Adams and Clinton
.tawnships, Butler county, met in Itelterstown
on.Wednealey, Aug 19th. Tim meeting was
held in the school house grove, andwasone of
the largest ever held inthe village. Addressee
were delivered by Col; A. Clark, ThouiSse Bf
Marshall, Eag Alex. Leslie. At in.
tonal( between the addressee, the meeting
was entertained by rousing patriotic, songs.
About twelve o'clock the people pestle te as
amble, and by two p. m., the holm of meet
ing, over a thousand parlous were, on the
ground. - -
It was pleasant to lee thaltardy, sunbrown.
ed farmers, with, their ions, ale ff wives, and
blooming daughters, as they poured into the
village from all. garters, and in all kinds of
volatiles, thus miming forth to mamma their
devotion to the Union, although many of them
hems to mores: the loss of deer friends and this
Mimeo of brother' and lona, whose faces they
mar never again look upon.
The following resolutions were adopted :
llosolosd, That the; government, In Ida efforts
to wishWs unrightootiSrebelllon, la engaged
it =stints and holy* * eause—tlifit Istlfoff
sad humanity..
Resolved, That in this time tjt °tie boontry's
peril, it la the duty 'arry!' /dim to
strengthen and euppor Oki adtildiattiation
by every means githin his power:Aid that
we look with distrust upon thole mho-attempt •
to-cripple the adininistration relointei its
sots, and by t abs Istariiirittolpti 'of be cgs , -
Raeford, That in the Satanotl o roeia -
motion, to the employment of eoloriallisen as
soldiers, and in the resent draft, we recigulse
measures not only egaStitntiottal, bntresien
clot to the sucematta preSsenlion and speedy
termination of this man.
Besotted, tThat as the Constittmlon of the
Slam of PennsYlirania.olenies the right of
suffrage to our soldiers in tbetial&-thus mak
ing allure of her most pit/lotto sons—we be.
tiers that until the Constantiour is Innendini
the General Government shotad(,ushosteirer it
can be done without Injury to lb. smoke)
plats Pennsylvania troops where they can
participate in elections, in which they have
more interest trannny Wien.
Ranfeed, That those Wire anti eilf-sami
diing men, who have gone torsi from our
midst to light the battier of our eountry, are
entitled to the heartfelt thanks 'of this Qom
mashy; and, while-we will forever bold dear
the memory of rhos, who have sacrificed their
lives on the altar of their country, we
wheir passe shall once again spread her
sheiteriug wings over our hyoid and heppy
!and —waltomii the survivors home with grate
! fal hearts, and ever hold their noble deeds in
great's' remembrance.
The Oti Tiede
The Oil City Monitor, of Wednesday, eon
tabs the following report of the oil market
it that piece: There Is still considerable ao
dotty in the oil market hme, 'rises still
rale higher ikon et the time of dur last report..
We hear of saes made , at the math of the
crochet $7..641'1:44 ansiT4o; tit $10;25` . pack
age. included... At the Tarrilarm and above,
ale. , ate being matt 014,60 to so,oo t ont
higher figurer 'am' sipirose the
month.' .We put dila $5Ol/ Or $6,50 as the
rating nt Lh0170.. - Yteetzling to the
distanoe Isom City. Abe Pendiffriliket of
Friday hot was .endnently sencesifel, and
about 20,000..bsrulsol made oil were safely
landeit in the• eddy.—The pyerwas in. good
stage, and there was very little less of
ell. This freshitthas pretty well drained the
' tanks on the pea, and there Loam lON oil
on the hads o! peados/741=w what has bun
produced slue. WI tear of inward wa s • I
small oallbr- having been Mina dna. our
last, but cone of Importance. Phillips, Brew
dc: , lslcl.'s old well luts'ultin sent," breathed: its
last and 01111selt to ) do*. It hid been towing
about 200 barrehper day. The daily prodno
;dos of this region is variously estimated at
from. 6.Q00 to -.7.0 . 00 barrels. _ rseiglit/L to
-Pittsburgh are TUN - at last quetatlonr„ - vis
$1,25; and, as the; river is very low, and still
receding; With lielliary flattering signs of a
rise, an advance Wand:luta. There is no
great amount of oil on band at this place, the
greater portion having been forwarded on the
last rise. New barrels we still quota at $3,26;
mo nd- hand at $2 26 to $2,75, emordlog to
. ,
Sad t;loo of Insanity
A few weeks sacs the will of a soldier be.
lensing to the 14th Pennsylvania Cavalry,
(Col. Boheonstater) and residing in Binning
ham, begun very despondent, and apprshen.
sive in refuence to the safety of her husband.
BAII.I,F.Ps gaits ;CUD& and bad bean waled
Int aftiort time before bar hiisband
About lluse-wesks sake she gave birth to a
Zhild, and biz physids zi soot after disoovezed
that ate wasintene. Air thstettovered strimpth
ohs Immune city vfrokint,•and exhibited all
the symptoms of ecinfinnedinsanity. Several
of - ma most alallfallthysialate km been
ailed to Aims Wilda , ohs, eke in tars gave
up all hope of •twing her, and reemumeaded
that she at sent to ithe Insane Hospitat, A
!sadist pecollaft Menthol Intulty %that
alto imagines brad: altaDyins• her personal
identity—essumlng All • lands of characters,
and, imitating the bablts and ans•
toms of those whom skepenottutts. The last
physkdin — who hits 'boon salted to so Issr,
thinks that be can effeel a mire, baits ears of
his faflers to do so, he Moab ban her
placed'in the hospital. Phu has -- to' be ma
' etantly watched, day and night, to pretest
bar escaping frets her room.
Appotatment Of Stunlff
The corn ziton of George B. Biddle, Esq.,
for Mrsiiff of Allegheny musty, to terve until
the people shall have elected his sitecassor,
=dyed fross ilurisharg this rearnies, go
opots4 luta:day, Mr. Biddle had -withdrawn
his application, and he donut feel at Merry
$o sioopt the commluion; although Ms Meads
mus ou y o r i g o the tcrdo so. Ms proposition
Ito sere tho listoxilred tam of BUM
WoodS, banding to the Willy-of thit lament*
ed gentian's's' •the prroosoda of the ram wen
&dated , by the highest sous of honor end
ilinduss. To his surprise, he lamed
that nottecti of the PM, witrostb_yeliaraorar
bOgbapiniphtiorto litinpetol,4o4llos de-
Ara, to, MOM , the , rsOonslnilltkis of
office •turdar each eiroarasbutoos...-There
perhaps no sun in the aunty coorkenipotent
for the petition - "sad it is to ht hoped that he
oeonsens 19.4:1 0 . The lesdingppegikolo
p msberigrienzhrs - that he
sitauld'totonstse l brf deolinatida,4o enter
at otos upon •bin:SloctiU , se fibuilf, and we
are is,4ols y 401.$ ipPoifitlitsta will glee
getisfulfib) to Inisofitlie iropunnnity.
1,10• 4 4 , 1 4- 1 41 •TOA-U - Ii 9 ok 44 Thop -
Of thoi stainue-P4tosommembasit, lrY
itO the oltf 4uirOro 10 , ,Orlof , alsit to Alo
fillouo.., 4.1 E, • -.1
„., .„
The Late Sheriff Wood,.
The Pittsburgh &as lie thus speaks of the
late 'gem Woodi, Mg: of
hearlibis readiness hi terriia Wen ? an his
geniaiwit, won' f or Ihn the :tarlestionsts re.
gird of all who tuti the pleasure of hi, sot
qttaintanee...U. was an infaingrt,lbithfctl,
and. as fir is Ms hags health
sn stdolentppy lie °diem Though - of ,yery
shdded wand Opinions, he hover , infrared
those opinions to ,disttitb; for a monlent, the
human, of hii iDustoogrzo with ads*
who Wen not of. his party ! The' Suspect,
which, as a gentlinnan r and a Itruir'Alentrusan,
be thus showed for the opinioni' of other.,
wu ratiproosted fa his remade and we WA,
it may be said with truth, thaiirollakla
he was no Wm elbowed by those w opposed,
than Vilma who proeurod.his eidation to
. Accosarr.—About nine &Clock this mon
th& a horn attached to a light wagon tan oat
of the lumber yard on Penn siren, neat
bury. and same in contact with • baggy +mu
t/going Mears. Woods and liall. l'he far& of
the eollision kinked the tiro pistlerinuNint
upon the atreetlttiMen,badly Injuring Mt. Halk
In the lead and terentylatetbelow the ken.
Mr. Heil was carefully attended to by issyrali
damns and is'to his warehouse.
stand that drafted - Im, in Kinds of one hund
red, are bolsi lent. trout Camp , Copeland to
raiment' a the lid, sack re {, .(new
repretatetat Capp Copeland) mama.
teal order poeleing its aged. Alter all
the regiments hare bean applied, an 'ap
portion:rums of the remeathg trotted men
will be made and forwarded to alarm,.
Maas Marcum we Exeraninnia—A Union
Mum tilostaii, will toa held to the borouga of
Kit ton Ons, on 'holiday ifteepOoti, Sep Miter
ace, Ocusitoonoing et one o'olook The spent
ere annonneed are —Gov: Curtin. - Daniel
Dougherty, IN Hon. W. W. Keionum,
Hon. J. P. Penner. and COL J, B. Mark.
SHARPBIII7IO Bosco°Le.—The dfraoters of We
pribfie schema at 13barrdbarg have elected the
followeng -kasha, for the eartdnr terms
Prlopipilol44 ,L. Dflu
nitdirbf• .Rximary Dogiatisnati Mm
Asnla- M eisan,Attia dant, El. Balm& - Tha
seiboalt 11111 open for the fill tans on the Slit
day of•Aftgust.t •
, .
:Eff.f. "flat *ea OW. Shun, brake
Snarl on Abe - Pisfatough, Non Wayne and
Oblong° Railroad, was• inn um on Tuesday
morodng,at nix &cloak, at Tolleston City ] by a
train of *1;041;1104,64* OM VOlrk
Ind; wmianitneairriiid.tuan, skim
twuntptwo.years IsL ap.
Diatanial.-4*ll;;.4tgatst,of Prbostoo.
X: J., who was *looted by thielfeneral
bly of the Prot torten Church, to the f'sofu ,
sinehip h. Alb fleasktary. nude Tann t
by. the rue of Dr. Plaaulr i kis •11
to omit t Cappolatmrat ,' •
ii •
tteirma DA naviaan —Mergeant Morgan
het jute returned float the.headquarter of the
Army of the-PotOntee • whirs he safely - della.
tool the, notations detetten. George Thom*.
ton, Loton ask& other..
lUmm.ponammosoloros.—About *hundred
fatten are doll,' method and unit by Wont:el
prisoner, In the Western Naltemtfory. Most
of the lottery an from Ifonlmoiry and Tot-
Utile& .
Absconding Substitutes—Pensioners.
Sew Your, Ang. 31.--The ihrahrs uncial
aye that seventeen -men were arrested last
night, in endeavoring to euspb across the
eastern breach of the Petal:ma Sixteenmos
found to be abaomuling.. substitutes. The
other was Sigisurand Kentish, a German,
who stated taut he hay applied in IWO for a
commission in the Union army, and had eon
eluded to try We Mot on the other side of the
ICUs , been decided by the Second Comp
troller, that when a pensioner n-enilita he
forfeits pay in that capacity, and cannot be
again put upon the pension rolls i oneept upon
surgleal rit-examnatien and.offUnte of hie
disabliiv. It has also been deeded that •
woman who abandons her husband previous
to his enlistment and married another, is not
entitled to bounty belonging to the lint has
band Übe died in the service.
IlSitanalva Preparations for a Upton
Mass fleeting In falosolvd..BPeoth
QS Gan. Loges.
Sr. Loma, Aug. 31.—The Denumate
Springfield special eye: President Lincoln
has signified his purpose to attend the Union
mass meeting, to be held it that place on the
third of September; bat should public: busi
ness prevent, he wUj address the people by
letter. The most extensive preparations are
being made to make this meeting the largest
eves held in the West.
Gen. Logan addnaud.a. large meiting,at
Salem, lIL, on Tuesday. Judge Oineleverty
wirs present, and Logan denounced him aeons
of the leaders of a band of traitors, who are
plotting the overthrow of the Gcmumunt.
Omelsvny left the crowd without replying.
Thud Arkansas uolored Regiment—
Br. Loom, Aug. 41.-Pont comps:Ass of the
Sd Arkansas Colloid Regiment, Col. Galles,
left for Buena hot night. The rentaltdag
companies of the regiment follow , an Monday.
Gan. Bohodsid melted dispitahes yutimiey
stating that our gunboats ascended White
Blur, Art , thou Desire, and oaptared three
or four rebel boats, maws and cups., all the
rabgs had in tus dur.
Gen. Davidson arsenal Whitaltlier at Cla
rendon and moved In the direction of Little
Book. His advance had mired In sight of
Gen Prices pickets
From the Potomac Army—No Change
in the POllll.lOll-111ovements of the
Wessman', Aug. 20 —lnformation from
headquarters of the Army of the Potomee
says More is no change or indication of •
Mang, In the paidtion of affairs.
Adobes sonar. that the Jebel forces around
Culpepper bare been redwood to A. P. HUI%
command, etas Longstreet and Bull bare
moved southward, probably to ladmicks
- Advice, from Charleston.
Nsw You. Attg 21,-The World's dispatch
isle s The guy Departmest ban advises
rum Cherlestonoosinsetery of those "beady
published: The dispatches milted on with
Watson prudendel seethes. tieu. Gillatose
eothplelits of the posidenas *Testi 'predtteed
by the publishing efaonupottaitio•
from within Ms Uses, aid - Intests that •he
pine be allowed to cow Share.,
Kosectane , Atmy---Tbe Kentucky
• Election.
075CISIM Aug. 21.--t6s Gamut has pr!-
vats &dram from rho Army of Um Cunha
land up to Ms 174. - - Tara Ts "6 motorail In
progress, and Ito sahib mir look for Im
portant otos from Hat Toausssea.
Baran from all but alas months la" lon=
taeltp sits nrailatta urns esey thousand ma-
PestiMies to Aka=Ull• •
Bur You, Aug. gl.....Theihruhro opdal
ago r A Lady riaoN hosa to-4.y froda
moad, who stabs that Ohs abaft dostltustoa
&this swag thlialddlo said love °WM- of
*wasp% Bhatad • pasa bog the-riabohi ,
oa amount of
but Wag the wife Of as Es*.
lishmaa. who has boas protootod from drift
tho lkithh Cloarul. •
ken. Wisdatoriti sad Black Troops.
Threltou, Aug. 214--the Bose dig:etch
aye s Goa. James Wadsworth, of Nom Ire*,
Ifill probably be detached dram kb diadem to
the army el the Palombo, and asslgued to duty
b a Add where the first beta°, toommaad
*lll be an Immense and speedy addition of
Mack troops co arsatliaaturarp
11140114, C. W., Aug. 2L--Tha swam
Zimmerman of tha Toronto and Lawbtoa
Una, was Wined as the dock tutufghL Two
withal ta thn flamer : ' -
' Poise Steamer eaptarea. , ,
Nan You, A1'4.210-1%0 steamer• Now
t** althea 44Y months .the piss
Mama AMA , lkfletter was amazes Ohl
A I - rrlit or u o,
WIIDOW •11•01111, of Alpha,.
dews op Ma. asui brook .opoOr
f. •R. 1111.15110% ,
So anal, IL Mar stmt.
orrice or nu rismistmim Dana Onzrna t
Timor. Aug 11. ISM
ifars-Ls bat little'cligings to Sotto, in money mat
ters Gold mutton oboist as last ;looted in No
York. Analog from 124 to US, while tam oar &okra
an paying Ltlsl2ll for Gold, awl usbani far 811 W.
Za4era Linimatin. and Goranunant Outiticatm of
itn 3 ta , _ Waugh =min nimbanged•
GRAIN—The receipts of Mild ara light, end the
market la dull; w note =all miles from first band..
at like for lied, sod 5 tolOo pet bn fbr Parma and
Ohio White. Ilya my be looted nominal, at 50 to
Ito. Mars is fiat a tight demand for Mon, sad but
tittle offering. Ws quota at 70 to 750. - OW, sre owl
ffmgaar—in fact than applars to be no eatablisbed
GNOCERINB-13agsra drat with sales of 15 able
Estlned Yellow at 11%e, and 12 Mats Porto Woo at
12 alao, Was of 'prime NO,at 13 and 13* for
etudes. No change t o Coffee or Ilolasnw, and but
111116 doing. - •
B LOON—la steady with a regular demand at far
mar ortotationgn sale of 6,010 ma linnaklere to min
-127 UM* wB6 ninorted at Co. fops Cured Rams are
flan at 13 to 1334 a
PLOUN—The market for this article coatintisa
eery daft, , and peels as gradually drooping. • Sale
of UO bblfcountry PateNy,trom drat bands. at 5.5-00..
Choke grades of /amity an ulnas In the crud w!tr.,
from atom at 86 to 8645.
BUT nut t lifi(lft—thare la s Loa dolsool for
Botta et itallSo for peened. god 18 to 20 for prime.
toenail= Boil. Zap doll at 7)08oW dat.
WHIREEY--Is firm tat anolutagett; Ws of ED bblo
Cadman at 116 a. •
caner—ta ullog alowlj from store at ; 100 for
gem Western Ream, arid 10c for Hamburg.
BELT—Ia quiet and unchanged; Ws of 40 bbl. No
1 Nat= at PAO per bbl.
HAY—la End and Wither, with maw from sales
of IS loads o $23 pluton for haw, mid $32 for old.
Ws alionotos wilw.of Cora Maks. at 3% coati per
Pittsburgh Petroleum Blarliet.
at*. 21.-21 m toar'ket krr Crude, has been very
moth excited and uneettled, with a wide range be•
tween the There of buyers end senora es compared
with yesterday, we think, however, that there le
material change in rates, with the exasptbn that one
or two mall lots, la Werke packages, were sold at •
slight coneasion Home 11300 bbte In bulk, were re
torted to km* changed hands, at 22)(g also 200 blab
at Vie packages Included Other make were reported,
at 22e In trolk, and 21 and 284 e p.ckeges Included,
though ammo= vouch for their correction., There
to an Eastern order here far 6,000 bbls provided It
can be Oiled at a reseoaabe. Num Relined, In bond,
very arm, sad notwithetanding, there is consider•
able ingrary, principally kw More delivery ' the
bismuth:mu ere eery limited. For good standard
bards, we quote at 48@i90 on the spot—some hold
ers slaking 60; 22 to 6.10 for September delivery, and
644660 far tenotar. .We know of dic bathe offend
ke October and mimed.
The Madelplas =kat tout 33. for
Crude; 53 for Mined, In bond, on the not, and GOo
for rota* delivery.
New York Petroleum Market
Spools! Dbpstch to the Pittsburgh Outotte.
Fs► You, Aug 21, 18(3.
Cade is steady, with Bales on the Irani at 35 0) 33 %
anti. There is a continued acrid demaad for Belli.
al, In bond, and prices still tend upward; Wes at 56
056 for all /august; MOW tor September; 6401540
for Ortober, Ballwin' and buyers' option, and ago,
An November. &thud. bee. La arra at 04 616 66 .
lisptha Is nominal at CO M* for deodorized.
Imports Or Railroad.
Prevssunas Ar. Warms a Owasso 14.1.140/ID,Arg.
sa.-95 dos pails etc, W 13 Eltkparlllkk a co• 10 bzs
soap, Wm blooper; 10 dos Tub beards, 12 bzi cbstse,
Lambert I 131dpion; 6 bzs soap, Means •,4 CoglIn; ,6
bbd s cia, Dam II co; Edo do, 41 Goldoni WI bbie
M W L4=5110E66 bbls carbon cd4Jolm&Pop
es; 34.0bbe tar, 106 oil barrels, Levi Wad 4 166 bbls
filar, Undies a Selford,• 113 bbb wbiskz, Wm Ow
a 00 190 us hams, 0 L Oildirsll.
, Min:Lam hErriumbas
U too hama,4l.occc 31 Paxton MP bbla U, 81, Tabs
stock & ar, 10 bu candlas,ll Maul lk or; 1 bbl
H Biddle; 23 kap butter, Bows & Dam n; 20/ bala
floor, llukacim & Ldaharti 1:m do do, Calp & Bht
ard; 10 OW tobacco, W1A131:43u; lObbla , cased
B L fahoestow. & 70 bbls tobacco, Grob= d;
Tbonumay Wm mph las Amicer; 16 bxa ao.p, Igo
condi" Wan • Wllami 71 bola etudes, VlTallar;
67 Ws Hoar. Dodd Botha/land; 7 bbla suds, his.
Donald &.Arbacklo; latas chomp D Haworth; 42 do
do, .1 B 1211/2Addi 16 Ma spots. Potter & Atkin; BO
do do, &hawker & Loin 12 boa caeca , 11 Bi ddle;
it aka pawls, .1 B Lyacr, 17 bblasat,Owern Ben.•
Indy; 23.11•11 bola AA, Watt& WI; 43 tau chums,
Hotdaaon • co; IS bbla amass, Vauudo - , 11 bp
oats and bBBlB7. James A Satyr; 38 bu clung B.
Dotson cor WO by
rre, Thom & co; 33 bbla sp.
piss, 10 Du chunk L Vcdst A co.
A 1919111917 imma9.-10 dos brooms, J W Uoam
6 bbia wpm, A 14pm* 212smura, WBlddes;
kit traitor, B Bow; 1 box tamer, 14 bin [ILI
n lO, 9
Ws la" Lad* bb/Immi 1 boa batter, ;
I tax bolter WIIIoJ A Woarom 1 111 sup, Wm
Bap 2 cam lumber, 11 Himlbrd; bble ow, Wad
lishlari 2 6146 aggi, -- 6 bole figrol66, I Emma; 140
bp this mod, II Buydim; 18 exam batter, 5Mb
Mal bed. Ilbop o 11 0
Ham. saw, P (*.obis's; 3 2 :11 bug'
PAII9.—Ws bats thb =that at labbstas om
espinded"4l ad th.
I. Ow vodka of Dsathdry. Theis whs bin dm
mamba Ohio mach dreaded spastics may sow
lay oidds bib bars and gin as s th Az si ths sopa
bias ws two la calm bra Wad
ae dar
MolharmLiddllNZ V."
sae Glahranlo abbey vssa allthaw
wishing ths monks °Lai:add sad rallied) Dmitri
eV do wall gapslksad.cansult with
MILS 8. KIM, D. D. 8,
Da 08 Tlith stabs;
or. Da. 0. KING,
btdatsa Ho 8113sattldleld Bt.. Pltiabantb.
V —The partoermiipbastoeve adding between
. *N. llant sad 4' W. 4211)112.019, &dna but
nor ceder the ityls of WY If o&Ell t 00. via
ditched tv, =tail moment n tb. tth fait , WK.
BoBllllrstalni W. W ANDES* .N weather
hid to nee the euse of tb. Am to eittlfzi the
busboy. WWL WHIM
W. W. ik
W W. ANDERSON, (onoomoor to
To • toz. Malin At W..) will conthwe the Drew
ry Hutinew at the Alleghwy Olte Bruwery, Ho :
166 Raw= Meet, Alleghesy w Hity.
filv 4 OLtErlotv —1 he 130-POSTIIITSTIip
saistlas bowel the onderelgneet ender the
OM Dams of ENSP, BUDD A 00. aspired Ude day
by Ladtstios. Tbs basins= will be continued by
08.1.0128 HEW, by ohm at demesde doe,to or
from the late firm ,Ut es settled. •
oHabLiBr ENO, '
01301.48 a. WADZ.
Pori PDS rognasi. July Ist. l 8 Istedial
joss 111- N. WOMB.
riLLTE4iBNVILLH, (rupoosaors to Wm.
1. Tear, Jr.* ca.) munctu.
GAB . ID MAX 111/138. No el,
)deal anal
lora as IoW sad •fNIPIr NN
kNAJA_BAB •• • • • • •• • • ItAAT%
kftowkrk • • ..:1 - 100www I : BM
r 7O •• dad *
taw, • : • 1 :
IsaMMJEtiois alas • • atirdakratte
fftiniigarFEßEl BiLIU
' 111MOTIIIIING .00j
OBBIL iuszerm iLOVKIL 42 00 4 •
nut inuoz suark.4lBllo/ZIWZ*,: ad. oaf
Won hi L ANL ONlFtilliLl WAY,.
mrom&; Nw seajtaurir prliscr
taiovidea. a. 11.1hulOurst 14 : 1 Pitts , "Ps
IMP tuders era olooprolmne _ant.
514.Uat wiumo lust
allr Oft% no, IL Willer of 1,1 , -st; 4a+. Cita
WWII& Mae pry* w.rir. NON 4, • • .4 .f
.. s . " Vs. S
r.eit:p.-01AI kuuts • .
ktiolitil.llllllloll tad law, .a ..LA, II lialam
Ultima' Et o errtm
, , Lake White 114 sad Limb& lb Ws. ik Whin
L . 'lO =rids cbstai .
. tco -a. o. maws; • -
NI Mb.
50 bazes PF4 O Clt atry, aus n i2oll4.
rm. dal by
IS Mom
"C -- 5........... .......--- •
. OttArts FR1414
la _
Agume.a..,,mit ze im,m, = =
migt mai ,!."....,,s,_,
„.. 416 Luis lON IT OCk," U.. 'SIG
Lana CO.. Wbolimis With littebitteh. is,
i:- , II: . • , i .:F.•.• 7 ^-- ::
- ICO bates peaa Osittaa Obaaao;
• , Quo- -
U 0 ball Mb. psho 14F tilii4,l, 1 4! , luget
la atora sad kr aa6l
OH111:0:11Ltd 1,1 . 1 .
No. 119 Wiwi, millet.
108, TRA rsepL4.
80. I-lot ro , ror. Congestion and Inasaitnitkm.
No. 11--fro-Roan •Neffir,J Warns 01:No, Wetting
ths_Bod .
No. L-ilar Coffa,'NfitHereetistrig and iftok
area of lama
• Tab. t-Ifor 11Wrizt211*Iirii. iniantpro init..
met o x .ph ia tin r:.
s °. 1- F= ( .. ) 4* , 741 . 4 111 0.. Dpentoii or 51 9 0 0 ,
No. 1;.1f.* ata,lsiti Cholera Niebni, VerOlflolt•
So. T-forr.cooltho•Coide. Irdireessa. Bora Throes.
No. IS-Nor Tootlkidioaaaksolle, N
N0.4-4ficr ilestjabli,Vertigaillehr =se:
No. W-DospetetWitioltor Degacee ,
staissch,aatiaptawses.their voavaitos..
izZr Nootale t 4
or " Perk& • , , .
So. 1.-Por Lsacorrism grotto; Boorigg
dawn of Tonal s.
No. IS-35t0 , Codrit., l Erceies tortgti, So Ersodbling.
So. li - aak-ifkrigflN/11 -7 1 11- PPlPOliss. Soup
Mplifirfo raft.
1.5.-ZireadUir:l4/le+lNir .7111:'1.soteneis or
Bossom in the la. Lcitas-oF Lifobo
No. W-81.mina trallo2.l,lnceiltfoteriDloolhorgo
and Barna d
B a h
ph-ciors ;tooth, or °Wier o• %dolts or cell
Wettne th e Tod
150. Slo-nhifol.Poriods, Traw=s or 0 P 660 +.
87;43tifilerbil it skimp of Mo, Moab=
80.96-15pitopey and Epwone, Chan% at. VOL
6= Pour Fir Ague, 95114 Yam, Vital) Ave.
Old IllentanagedEpai
P—Pa Mies, Mind or aloalleig, Internal or
o—For 4all,.Wailzmlnlituroal fipat. end Eyelids;
Falling, We or Blurred 151 pit. ,
O—Ear fiabothi of loultandlne or meat, ether
with otstractias proftwodisoharp.
W o.—PoWralog p =thating its slakes=
aror =thaw ar MOM° -elippreseas, Difithatt, 100
loud Breathing, ottudial with Droop and Upson.
ration. Price, 60 ants pa flee
lot for Diob.w end Dialeal. , —Dlsehorgcolram
in, Ear, the remelt of &rob! rush Deal= or Eder.
corbels. For lob= to the had, lierdois of Haw
ing oath 8th&I; In th e fors, lend Esz-linho. Price.
50 ciente par Du
if= [kismet end In
darothr==p = Gil :PI* Mors, &mani
la= Ohildion. Prins, 60 meta per toe.
ihr Qua= DrealLV.—Physioal dr Dural Weak.
new, either the null of Wickman Diceselea liodb
oath= or Exltusting Dlsibarkeo. Price, 60 coats
ler box.
Dropp.—Mold docurovialions, Trunld Been.
inp, with ficantyliociwiku We. per bor.
reef= 6klatais.—Deatkly Bickneue, Vertigo, ltho
sea, Tomftleig, cul Maw= from riding or motion.
Prima 60 nob= per Wm.
Pa Crisart Niuroi—Nor thong, Donal Deriotab
Moult, Pilot.! Urination, Musses of the Ebbw&
Prim, 60 outs per boo.
for &Wool Datiwkria—lnrottloter7 1E 1 . 100 15 51
and themuttent PrOthatfon and Debility. The most
• socasthiland alkilentresithily known, sad they be
relied ape. ss a oars. Price, 51, per ham
Noii. 67 AND 69 Fins 61111112,
PlTitaltlll9H. Ply
Sot. Aimr.: Oar the Warts= Oosustly
AJUInT KissoLuTioN propcaing
eartatn Atundmente to the nonstinetton.
Bs 4 smohed ed tie Beaste and Horn of aspressua.
dem of the temeneenseade of PmessyMents to General
Ateltably mt. Mat the todkreinr amendments be
to the Onostitatton of the Oommonwsalth,
rero m ' azdanoewith the provisions of the tenth made
There shall be an additional molten to the third
article of tee Constitution, to be dislgnsied as ere.
thin tour as follow.:
Burma; 4. Whenever any of the gunned electors
of this tosentotruslth shall be in any setae' milita
ry moviosouadu a diquisiciam from the President of
the United Midas, cr by the satherity of the Com
usonercsith, inch auto= may numbs the right of
stamp to all elution! by the undue. under curb ingulatiorts se ate. or shall be, pnettritted by law. sa
tllly as if they ware present at their until Flue of
There shall be two additional oedipus to the elev
enth arthite et the Consittatian. to be disignated u
undoes eight and nine, as follows:
Oran! a. Po bill ibtll b payed by the Was
tare, containing mare than one &bind which shell
be dearly expressed in the title, ccurpt appropria
tion Ma
Isom S. Bo bill WWI In yosaally the 1.0.11.•
tars g.astiog say winos, or Ostlers. In any tam.
ohne tb. satbasity to gnat snob Iowa; or pivt4
spa, bag boo, or alayeafts , b oosLernd oPoo
tbs court( of this Cksamotorastilt.
apsakar of the Boar of Ilsyrtsetusetts..
I =l=
Omos or escasreas or tux e • • oineraurn,
tlarttatoug, July 1, Ifdts.
I do hereby mill that the foregoing AD
• • . • le • toll, tam and arms con of to. oral
oat Joint Besetution ef the Chao** Ammar, =U
. "A Jolut itaeoluttan penposbli curtail. Amend
meats to the Ocoatatuth s, . as the WSW remake on
Turman fdos.
ereon t,
l a x s whom hereunto set noy hand,
and mined the seal of the Bectritary'a office to to
Mao]. the day andlear above mitt ßLU en.
&arbor at the Clocanareaalth.
M on AMMT,
008T41131110 011 ACMES
AU ander Ades, and is s ;pod sista of =Maratha'.
Ttia 'apron:moots caorlat of • maw MUCK DWAIL.
I.ll46:rontablog 10 rooms; largo IBA BARE
TISZA= HODS& with 5 room. ; dad wood orchard
of young tram 00A1 ondOr lM whabl ha= alt.
nate In Baldwin township. shout Ave mita@ from as
city. luqathe of
(museum astoweTio SOAP.
NISI vasupg. 'MERLINS. tor. Nis baadkor.
Wa N tt sztd
tor amaltarg trait cams mut lars, cast always be pro.
mod at •
Owe., Otdo old Vklarall stmts.
LIKUIT,TIUMs.--lartmumuurre to run
01114114-a y Loop nook of chaos TB=
of soloadi nefaibo m to doom trooa with oroy pod
bit oirotokon to bin offa7 Mist truo to Mao
Of Ayoo, oboe vs Wive IT of silk
~tsaat par olda, 10.000 Soar pas o graf.lo.•
eOO too tearer yoirsold.. Nook Plmaato, • too
r imk.,
ammaso*-4,b. Tim la Ilia' chat sal
Oman. oft.
11911111311111315 tuna 110 a toot, by the undo*
harp;, also, PULDII THIS pilD, 8111/11D111T.
Adana' PIT= 1E44% gsgLAHD BOIL
011125, Pfttaborgb; PL
sebbiloof, zit J= t. lODrO of attDOUNI. J
200 7 A .WMlBlvaPtlia;
16 aux la b s 0 and 00011. Tong
U bbd.. H. 0. Boort
tdds,doodkod. oar icalcd 812 41 1 M
0) b. Joao OW) Mr
so ma. a MU bbls. lj 3 Itackard;
dog d o do Wtdt,o7ho;
8 1= 1 W ati thillo;j•
bozo awn= 1 0IW, •
20 D& N. 0. Kolisomi
3D do ikidas Syrup
• , do LOW,' Asabl3
and nosh., OC.d Wlaiglgua a TiLTOSA
187 • • street.
Di Ws. °Woo Rode 1188 liodar ;
113 do fatelento; do;
8 do doolsoom iL 0:: do;
70 WM. & (off , do;
33 de D do do ;
40 do 0 do
fle do Crushed • Pub'd do;
do ILothn ttOnba do;
Actually on bond and not nonk b_
110801Inz= a LAHO,
sold Mo. SS Übe., on,int.
2fii 1 litthes. Ore MI I.6IfLULIN;
Vv tat , bah Trov' Madam . . 401 •
l o p e ibb a do bla ds. ctivmd ratearbati N. a 7: 11 .,.
? ULM: _ ',
Oa baud aa t lto d eri ?,0:'• :8 ' ;`
8011 T Marti wa d.
mons, an.-911tItort szosigina the haat sof
beat collection of Bedding Plante about Width at
MIPCIaII•a4 Scam bona — moll
WISH& "ARMY Ir/4411.-49
_Liditstont,s:;,telrA l 4o l o,6l4a
mum MOW
. • MCA* co.
tm jun ready • 144crul
watiFs istrwit, =mow w.
ado by
P 601.011 Lti an invited till the 31er
71.7 or Avilala, USA st 19 at. for fornishing
tL Entisdatende .I,..r=ant with
SW= 0.667.7013 07 FLOUR.
Bids will bs noshed ter what LI 13101,12 al No. 1.
So. Sind No. 9, and for portion bin than the
1 :0,l barna.
EV- r v d C-dent Gradee elesohl he op= separate
%he the Slow to beemennenre4 on the
ebe.z. , o st = la
der-et riatember, or es tom thereat= as the
Goverantent=ep stirect s at tee rats of SOO bur=
dotty,ditirerldeltlerr at the cororiuctat Weralearute
, at Vie Wh e reto, or a the Relined
Dan t h WoitthOrtontW - - • -
- :PAYOteet eat be =data oerillicetz et Indebted-
WO, ar nth other Ands lot the Gam= tat may
hive for ilistrihuthro,•
The ereet Glorentroint innertton Cella be ma=
hit tette thilloar brhoetred.
-An oldbotalkitaishi total a compaa7 wash DLL
.Pia Old IrM be anirtsbedfroro puttee who bare
prretwialy bald Swcomplyostitt their bids, or from
bidders inn prosent_twassp=ll. •
- Thu barrel" tote *nerdy new, tnadirrerT Woo&
al asw surdertals, and htadilaid.'
No 'Your which ls Ws fresh award wlll to rep
• Bids to De directed to OoL A. neoswirEi. A. B.
0. sad 0. 8.. U. t. 6., WILLA/ton ; and endorsed
"Proposals far now." saland
P 1 OYuriet,ts r 4ltt -
• C - rtica or tux mar qvustralusun,
Weshinstoni D. 0., diog. 15, UR.
Prop.sal en soli tad and silt be received at shb
once Lir the torablitog of 0AV,51,111 11011111:9. to
be delvered at Plttaborgh, Pa , Philadelphia, Width-
Ington Ulty, Cyra...neeili P., or indianatolis,
ropoaale .111 be • red for the Innidehlat of
borne la late of not lees then teeent7-5 , 1 1 . 5 ).• The
home to be from iliteen (19 t a atiteen (16) halide
high, 'root Ave (6) W aloof.) years old. eel, broken
to the saddle, co cpactly;trillt, In geed flash. Ana tree
boot all defecia
the ability of the bidder to faloll al. agreement
roust to guaranteed by two naptnaibie pavans, otiose
signatures moat to appended - to the manatee.
the reetaamihility of the garmtutcorsznattmabown
tly th. om.dal certiticate of the Clerk of the nearest
District ()ours, of the Uultadlitates District At.
Prapenis cunt be addressed to Limn. Col. C. 0.
eIe.WILLLE, Chief Qoa-tormaster, Cavalry Eurvat
and to endorsed on the euvalepe Pro
O. O. .AWivt f".
latat. Ccl. shad ObL Q U. Omer, Banal".
Darr Dcrennumr, )alp 2). 11563.
The Harp Department will, until the Una DAY
OF ADOUdY, receive propositions for the oonstruo•
Mon and *maim on board a vessel built at
the Portsmouth. Ikea., New York and Pall.
adcdzuga Navy Yards, of two revolving turrets and
twa impregnable smoke pipes, with gratings for
each maul.
The Internal diameter of the turrets to be It feet,
halght 9 feet 6 Inches, adorn.= 15 inches ; to be
composed of two se ante sheds of plate Iron, with
wrought Iron slabs hearted between the lame.
the pilot home on each turret to be 8 feet Inter.
nal diameter, 6 feet 6 Inches high, 12 inohes thick,
composed of plate Iron.
The turret engines - and gear futon:an and ;nu-
Waling the movement of the turret, the gun slMm
and 9115719ge, port stoppers and other interval ar
rangsmenta to be of the earns gamma chancier as
the Ifonitor ohm e f vase& The Impregnable nooks
pipe to be In th ickness 8 India. composed ef plate
Iron; Inside diameter 93 , 4 feet, and height abose the
deer 6 test.
The praponition mutt embrace all the stove men.
tinned weak. beckullng the bracing of the Munn%
and state the cost and the time within which the
work for each vend wilt be completed, on !mud.
and ready for service.
The general plum am be emutilzed at the calmed
the Inspector of Iron:dad ellen:mug, 256 thins! St,
Hew Yolk
The Prognosis must be Indorsed on the outside
.Proposals for Itmotsing Turrets,^ that they may
be dtatlngrdshed from other letters. mdmcdtd
FSAL—A convenient two-story
J: F. o-
brick dwelling house, with back braiding, Ho.
25 Bow moat, Pittsburgh.
Also • consenient sad welbanisbed threw
story D rink dere bola. with back balding, No.
28 Wee street, between lint and teseond streets.
Aladoe twowtord brick dtwilLna halms. with back
buildinse; Bo 912 Betiond street, near hose.
AU the stens ere In good order, sad wipplind wiib
gas wad water.
Also, a one nary Mona cottage dwelling, No. 214
&coed direst, sad the mastery :came dwelling ad
joining. Both of these homes are in good order, sod
suitable Ice small taroilles.
Mao, a lot of crowed on the tortheastwertUy al&
of Viral drag, bataten tiara and Try atneeta roar
Bass street. having a trout of 14 feet on Tiott street,
and extandhny back 60 feet.
Mogan property le &natal In a dadrable part
oleo elty..
For terms of awls and partici:lm Inqatre of
WIII. - W.
1,17:tf tlo. 1011 Flab etrtet.
1011 BAiL The unduldrady- Mullatga. of
Theresa B. dutch, in and by *intact' ask order of the.
Court of Common Pine of Abe hen) ikaraty,
at private that very desirable tract cf Lead, the
property of 'Mamie B. tetch, situate In Peebles
toinudalp, Lileetumy county, sejoining lands of
Judge Forward's berm, John Alderson Patteranne
'helm, and othets—esutaltitng about 45 acres and
having thereon erected a Frame Dwelling dense,
Barn, Stable, and other entbniethlgs. Tame at. on
the ;remises a good well of water, mural Brae
l'PliniFo and an escellum orchard.
for terms end price apply to 12013ZDT perm-
SON, on the precollege, or to
011101102 THOlll'BOll, Committee
Comer of Beds A Second streets, Plttsbnr,h.
28n YOU BALL—Two Lots, 2 foot 4 In.
front by 110 foot damp to toiallsy.uttat • hogs doubts
bms, Ostrom 'AO Hand ttroot. A deal •
rabt• loattfon Ow • Phydolati Or Dsattit.
Also di soticllns Melding M=ail prhata residences
asr teem 3 to IMU rub.
A 1,., • hiss stombeis of baildtnit .1111 s, of vazioto
dios, of from ID tooo !bet bout by HO to 160 feat
deep, illoutted at the fermium of tho Wylie Street
t om bs way.l VO ondorefinod; &scam of the eztots
of Job. Herron, deed. W. A. H 2111014,
beafito • 71.0. =IKON.
Fog iplpsnor emung•
Cod boy ell polka.
Ow merger tore BOILIDEL4I2 inches
led Wog )( Inch trot.
Two ITYDBA.IILIg UMW% for rlozzaiL ertib
Damp all =rade.
Beebral an and seamd-band 1323/011 Libiatill9,
frroo lb blob &mann &Ira to 6 Spcb., en' be gold
low for nub.. 811138. IL. BOLA
leaf on lb.
ir.LV7 IN AO= it _LAND, located Jo 800
tewtelLto three Wise nor th of Allezbeay, on tha
Paryeellts /leak Rood Good Prams 11.48 am,
wad °that , buildings Two nerar4l tog gm of
water. Well supplied wttlt all kinds of Term
me. and possattoti will bogies:table fall. For fur
ther Inforesetico apply to the entwalber. on the
premium. T. H. GIII3ON.
cold: tdeltwT .
50 libbh Booting Cement.
w17:61 •oor. 6th and Wood strastmad 666.7
pOll- -13,SLE--A convennbat And welt
• didabed VC9tI476IITIIBICIX
grat Elmo, vith
toonulana !Rod ertatariaad bt vac; with
• Cisim• Stable Week. .V•• 1104.11.0; or WM* Will%
caa LocalViteset r ilinthWer,•tur 94.0 Wl
liqkdr• at Tate OM__ c/r!; Bra
RLDDILI• lend street. Zid. • telit
lea Clare
laWaildp,iUblo` • war Baroagb
All Rum lata an within dart &dame of atatlami
ba !he Pitiatorgb, Ran Wayne I a/Wag° Railway.
Ragnlraaf 8. R. DANIS. 014 P.O.Maiktlng.
ate_, ,6i Wide stmt. ilkeighsa.
STAB -• • 1760.
(Tannest, 43 Maths= ntroot.B ow Tea.)
Weald WI the attention of dealers tio the articles of
hb taanolhatare, eta:
111101tH -
Ihicaboy. sw Supset, 0011ZIE Rupp awn
Qualam, Dumdum, Pus Vlrela, Hachltorla.
VELOW tunny.
&deb. HJO Too cotab.lefsh High Tao& of
lasalylsot, Hooey Dassikotelh /rah Haosy Sada,
fliar•ttooffoo Iscalla to the action la
prim of IllisAlot Chsitioi owl Toboocoos
stloh will to lbous4 of superior ausllly.
annulexazugcl—LoN4l46l, NairaimassuLlitilud.
ar - .
his Cur I'ArAMEN—P. A. L. at plahr; (km.
dish, at Bina I Ihnpkt Amt.* Orcia000: lan
Bscasso--8. Jari,Spanttb, Pinastat,Tortlib.
N. 11.-41/Arcolo d price. vill 14 wit mU
anon solfdry
UOLYZIOAILL . U Lo t • - wiurJeisx
—,Tb•iwpst mats, stud% au atur mutan t
bone poiebodee,tleorttoro. Cloarantoect to On
setbdeattoo. for ulo ot tholndotaubtot Depot of
- Um 26 Cid UP. Mob stmt.
160,1)X1Ibiallteta itioda's ClastraistlL
WOOD* do do gala RUM
MOM lbs. lassalarar.
$800)1ra. mow •
ICO 41=4 haw;
In start &a Is" Walt
notes, rizenT 00:4
No- l3lllrdtbSeld &toot
lAI StlietiLlaintOTLLSlS 11,1111010;
w -.the fay tritagar that TM gita pab4 js
hhatlaa. apt ma theca b a
Datanisi4aaari Sal Okar mend.
II,„ Pinta, tra.
1 . saw malt fat gbh ca.latt,
LANA a prime attij4p,
11131r1LAVI atACILIJrZiI.
N‘MCBCEJE!t & Nn.N•b
H 105237 r3Sillttl, n CAL
WORLD'S TAIL Lamoon—....
111 DUt , l7-131.1. P.I.P 0211108, Par .
With wall:labia Improve=
1 - be only Eadana In the World =lnn Piaui:km
Priaanni, Batumi and Cann, lath hipmesd
&sel one St Invited to eau it .1m
sacs and we ths tfexidnal In operatictu
SW :A U.:aims rxcrrostad A.« IVO&
e3S - Bend far $ GI:c4aIT
WM. SUMER & Co.,
PlrillEtt/I6ll—Lid. 27 ram EITESIt,"
Quteuctu-i—PIKET U 2571.1 HUILD/NO,
1.4eumut...z.11.-ite0 , 11 4 3 =Aria.
t/ . P 11431111.1, Plawunarni am RIOWIIIIk li.
002122 =1:11510 1 th-elai =sr Wend . lm
WP. JONIA &On am
Btatif Of Pea • • halal d trartittals•
QAMUNIP • • • - •' •
LutriiitarClosnar; cornaiwurtaitiCWitis
M.. llDON,'thicqueraar "
M. • . I": iszatutwor . xgr'
%- ,7 • 131411118011 rkAn•Lin h 91feh elm&
Max Kenya.) The mil Imam ut
Liverpool. Hem York and Pittledelplda R
Oompeoki ere intended to tall ee Wows t
OM QR BALTLLlONl...eme.....iattolmi*L'lL
Lad everwootljolt sact.. t U
7 Will nrsiloodso.
Asgatdo Gobt..or oloMoloat 0/171//0..“:
do. to Lando:— 85CO do. to Landau.. 113 60
do, to 96 OD do. to 40./0
do. to Ratabord 00 00 do. to Eloaabto .111
m. olio tonratdad to Ham, Itroodod,
tordom entorp
_44,quidly tow illtoor. .f •
Faro from Worwol - or tiossootoloti: Oath.
amd 1186. 6106,. Btoorogs.-$92 Thaw wideirlit,
m o re tbotr Altar corrbtgr 61a4ots bus et ANN
lac fine= tgarwagon apply as the OcaliErs
ottvws. . , , pun G. DA1431, kaiak z,,
lb Ilsoadinml4 . l4, ,
JOllll THOMPBO3.: S % -,
amid .sane , Ant h . tras from Mr
ROYAL IdALL WTEAIt risviatilma
tIOR 00111PANY.
(cyks t Wpm blip.)
ADIIIO.IIO, t. 200 Horaspower, 1,000 tom
111212111310, 1,000 Eteepopower, 0.000 totes:
1.001 Etorropooree,ll,oX bits.
AHOLU 1.000 Hones-piter. 8,000 totill.
Tho magobissat atemeablp ADS/AM mineld)
from Llvarpool, fo 240 York, 00.1212D
0 118 DA the 12tli ol Jo 4, to be ftillotral he
other mamma of too Has oven attenegeWstanday.
Itatea of pump dam Liverpool to Hew Tatit,ply
able to gold or tte eguAraleat cacreory
Area 00113tomige.:-..........525 00
limed BB WI
for sump apply at the aloe at the brats,
0&132.6 a e.IILBL3. 23 lietedenty.
Lehestat Joata, etenavet. .
or, D 01321.L1,
Obviate Bel
e. 1 V ida& V i tnh.. teem ttubereti.
I)lllntialift lt JILL= Tub UW WON.
1•111I."—The cadantszus3 Is ton propmll.lli
bring out araigranto tram say part of LotLyd,
land ot ttoollsoL4, salts* b 7 . 13 111 141 ? ren•on= ll .
&cams% tooltunoit the mammoth slaiera
LIOXIS411," es tint clan elf 10$ Varab. kranyta
than tickets aux b parclusmad torstia7.t shat
ruttabargh. the stamen hum weir
wannaschty; tot:abaft ml bpadondsrep f6p 11161
Ths aanJ vessels /11/111afferip0OZOTen fakir -
Adams, . Lt.
&woven Agency, Obsostols
msrl:fonoost • 13 1110 Wows Ptttebtosad,".
.tri W B 0011i14
.LW some Elliott. Br Kingsley
&ay otallsabeth. By Ittitab halters,.
Klurintshina. By oho slut= at ttOcatan MEW'
Who Breaks. Pays. By annum of .sklin l a 6l in.”
Fanny Honables Journal. • '
to of thristopher Borth. Dy I.lra.Doxdon,
Est.'s Exam Tex Law.
Banosond's physiological Memoirs,
Hansiond • rMiMotry Hyena.
Lite in the Open Alr. By Maj. - Winthrop.
Batslabo aummary of the Areal War. Sid ad.
Yallar's Oood Thoughts to bad Times.
Th. Philosopher. By Canary Pampa,
Paris to AltnenClh By /abstain.;
Lost and Baal By inn, baton.
P. u. Dusctory, for MM.-
Bleak Bowie. Dy Chm.Dickszta. 4 rola litrer•
side edition.
MB.War Pictures /nun thrt Banal. 'BIB. istsilui,
Wain to Est, and Bow to Gook tt. By P. Blot.
Americana in Para- By Leland -
For sal. by KAI A UM, 66 Wood stmt.
.11../ My Bentham /rte By Birk.
idlidary atths Iteformatlon hallo throe atilthtn.
Itoothdle on the Bonder/ or another Weald.
Ma Great Iron Wnael Itzatnlned. Browder,.
Bentotee Thirty Years In the U. B. Benue.
Lee alsorables. Glatt. end parer.
tyan sad Ems. Boacher.
eters and the Anon.
Works In Illatory, 'Moloch Idedlelne.
old Jna. t MUD, In Iroartlo area.
ktisrtlEJlArti OWL.' But/H.—Sheep :
se,i their Breeds, Management ant LIUMIZIL
Wane lomat. To watch are added tootarka on
the Steeds eno MerngententOt Oholy to the Unita
Outten, tiketratlve enenseings Iva, Bea.
Prize $2,45. EAT a 00..65 Wood Mena.
TO Lam.
Glatt. KENT—Tim Hullo-Inm littaLlE
WABZIIOI/614 No. 6 Wood mud, two doozs
Crook Water stmt.
Not tutu apply to - nanit 111.13X,_
em Sabot I ,
korner Sld *NA Wood stems,
Mt) 141T—Une, TW or lareo 410:cos
fnl in the third an fourth dories of Guam 800.
Mb etreet, with et without stan'pht.-
an thw wenthes. Vint ~
tat MOT The third to of taw
building now omv try Qui war
of et. Clair moot cad Dwommi Way,
10%a BOW. issawortri.
b 11 2 111113 KNOWN 11L/ FAIL 1
NOS= AND MEM . Ontrhaift -
The Immanse sake tuft to the sushi pf th is
The tozonsens defly septFts of Iwo:WO/at eine -
won Ito *Ps,. -
It bail aanataall szl caw Mud?. ilLoois
=lot disollgo!, L 24 tone 12 0. .44412 i
to the eystexe.
Is sote sad Imam to the tubas; sad ?mortal to
si gA ito ts iallter tial tV4 I ci=
•• The Soldiers' Friew3.7
flottiera and Rimini= to az; loottdag itrzip.tx
&Wm tottltloo, treed from tbajpjuricalOPPl at
as, siits - ttot to the =nut bY.ttm otCos
80:41 Iv H. DUILL&BELI.2I At 00..4 Kazis!. dimitti
Pittsburgh, and by rasp:cub's dealersimaiiii6.—.
rfir Price, 20 C7X14211 - 2L EVITLIL
JAMtti M. BaLrit,
Prawn llirracre 1 / I MBdi ABA enanr IO
br W Mb in BalldlaWsiad-inzpint
ODIN Cal pinst,teiaict
am abuts. Allatticary hi°
CiitA4ifEti OdielAY/144 ; • r
'(ll6Mar to /ado/ EbtilS;44 ?•:1
Dukqr In BACON, LdliD.N.,6aCle'. ,CrOCAD.BAIDC,
=DK CD nut,
611:417 ClAllurrcapi-nuri,trvautik:
• -