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'flkitt':z - :.l,liwc-iililiri , -, , ,i ~,V i,„l:' ,. k•- 1 ' 4 ' j , ..t. , ..i . ,,f-''. '; i' ..! ...- ~,.-.., i irpr. l -; 1,,. •: : .;,.,.. r. ~.. .....: 4 . .:t ~,V.. .. ..5, , V.;^ :,...; ."... ,' i." ' , 4 , .",r.f. !1L. !1f,', 3 1 4 • '.' t • '., • ..''. , '1,'.11':;,..6,42-?\•14.%, 'i " ' . ' . ' . r: , • ,..' e e'' . ' . . .. • '2. ' ' ` . 4 ' • .: . • '.• 5 I ,' ', ''; . ~ . 2 '; . •-•;'1. "1 1 .1 . • L ' '. '. . ' '‘..:- '' ' ' : ;:• * ::, , r '2 '-• . ' ; 7: ' '`,.•.. . .` .. • ‘,-...m. :, . ,* . -,. : ''. '..• - - : .: • ~..: , L P I I rt . • ' ~‘.7s •;: ~. 1 ' , • • ' • _,-- . ' t v r ; , 1-...' - ' 7 ,_ ", , • ~ ~, - ' "-.. g"; - • 's ''' . ~''' . ' '' '. ',•. • . . ‘;,... ' ._ ~ _ ; • ' '• I I, . ‘... I*. • r i t .• 1 ../ j „,,,... ~ ,;• i' , : l 4‘'' '1 - • t : ,' - I'4" ' : , i : ' ;'. L —.- ,• - • ~: ;, . . ' •- • - : ' • • =Si r 3~ _ ~ . -.• • • • 14 : • 4 . . • alasytesti • • w 7 5 47, - Ant** toldr • • sittirfslatios • it of •, • Iliiiort; , ` Tke.' • •• , VL • • • • Cza PM)t..Y. , - WO.IIZ - - - 1 - 21T - El4wm f g, Itliza4restrasytiirvening Quetta; . _ . the Drlift ~.., Thomas Dourod, _el Payette aunty, wall before Co us mlutthaer Daisy this morninfj ahargsd witi oonnarding - redline, to the draft, nott*nuishint quelc.ftwe4 urr•T suusfaillzr ; Amos Miller tettliad thatll2•ll. Conrad; will Dugout at a pshlbstuestthg,th Duliskie township same woman*" ago Illortia Milt 4 toga to provide same way or moans for Ileithoj maw umospi from the draft:-for Mein grown or tomething; th at's thsruriumba Tent;' appeared to be • confused mug if azurat, meth; ; its meeting waa corgapised-4n oHo n • were suds; th en was a motion mods, to the bailut biz latorwiedgai to mont tha duft....o oppose It forcibly; a curtain men (Quaid no 4 rsexdbut. his Anse) said It sari disuse to ha asst by as amid faros; Conrod got up an said - ULU i man.was nos wttithVlther tun or ,i,„.1_,„„, od Lieu, or Damomat, who would nt . l oppou the draft forcibly; his quoit w ors( the mean was nol TOTPIIIIPIc-th ll' pus thus ware from thirty to thirty-e ta lnn resent; Cu muting ralatad to the &algal getttruhluk.lemes Itolre,st rte,1144.4 tpy the run that made Cls)syntlon,uslet t . (to resist the draft). Thy gentiuman, . wane of his musks, spots ralatllle CO ' zesistuthe at the draft, and said that moil 'wets not worthy the time of 'Numerate art ,American MCI um,-whou Rudd not resist Mel draft fossil;; the' motion was of that order. He said the thing was itigM, mad whist they had honuty on their elf. they were, Amu& Then warituthar monks 'of Ala; chlusah , r- Us salkluothing about obialldnii unur ; nothing was said in the meeting about; procuring arose; (bare wail Foam bilk among; dm; shout arm, t, Donroll 'toad notblog rel., attha Infant's Nast- thessiCasse( a , Mod to mai* :Of Lthe IMOD sr Its mooting; tbs. meeting was fa e, oj beim la Baliskin • teintthip i witness strat i about thus miles front or I ' th ltr u , g Alm tsailleibihkilitdf,fl the Jlt . I did not hear.... ii wig Loa , tba.Mactntiay slat Duluth was trate 6-•sbonit thscietk of 40.1,1 last; ethous bits Iso firrai*ftfilitlm WILLIamI Patterson was Presigegir theltteatiete, the, retalltictl IMP ardisre Ildttli thathtitheas talked, to thus abanttlasteleunos a ri-)bah . ‘pians he was-told thatilescinit 4 baflci...4b.i.lfixt iwii.. ; ~.:-, - •Ints.l . r. - . 6.11,, .......1„ . la • ..... 1 '76h4 fitithllidliti Witlllida . ;Isitri fir filitte 1 .. . ootuotyl Was pliant it the mil Wag t-HOldwf contan dad that the draft ought to ha misted wick rem. ccdthatc_manwae_ tuttitaishy At* name or Democrat •or AZUSA= dastn 1 that didn't show himself t Ltd/ remark ha. made in ids spout; hare known the young max soma time; think he Ls from. Virgitti ; Conrad bles Dyad hi , Hui hteighborbOint whoa a you; at Ant he was engaged in veiling, fruit tram, but !turbos:a in various budnassu; arra/ heard apy thlngilmespeosdhl alma Ms; be entrilstry, LIU missy a, When "tN• draft oommanced.„ o , .-. a e t.l.t. :. ~ ,• John Lelghty butilead_ t, Moe In West moreland auntys Imre DlRlntly min Holtz rod ; got him to !stab memistof frostiltis. burgh; he didn't MIL how rainy ha beught for others; don't know of sums than tempts tall ho liouglrin - raraWig . yalr6ar sod ba bought pistols of Young* BM.; Iwieldigt ray that hewn goLog to bey pistol' t my township Is three miles from Hallskla ; nu cot at ttll mainlaCA '74 - c.- -, -;:_u - Dantel -- Iftlier tee tturn User ban Oh qoalotad with Conrod about a year ; Wu In Westmoreland county, Awe and a hail Who from Bullskin ; don't know anything about his buying NIL i don't know anything slant his buyirg pietas glint the 10th- of July didn't see Coated from about May nth to the 13th of tido month,, ' ' , Dr. D. W. Micyp Melthors Han known Ceuta aboltha I isarrfite I. fn lf:ayetta oo Oill V i ow not at the zusetthip had a esnunuitlan with Met soma time o.4erwardi said him the also I 6 fliterusesting;hutiaidtkalth r eassaher• was a draft, he himself ircolid'nehr Hui draft fornltyl Ida stammett was a Ildie Want fat , raitirla reVal; Pa said that ha jet op at the meeting mod Mid thars, that they coni4do as they phased, bus that Att esse he vu drafted ha would nest [neatly; ha nil moth. tug shoot Cue ruvtatla John M. Canna f ,DI • WaltUr h' nun- Tuttatl MI about tat erring with As young sum about parabeaing 'azmr. He mintionett emu pistols Oathshad_b_mtght_nf than DUI, CO Boil thied street. am JrUab , sad at lung Jt Bro., sm Diamond Wiry in Aitla 'city ; thine of chap, wore Smith in& VatutaeS Wain' three were flubs Drury teraleurr and , - am was a email pistol; he said hepicrei d Hutto for All:Went mai mouth there; ka etid Ice got • them fortUm 11l toi - Dl3, Cid soid thank at from Sir bi Plc altd abet too - oas quid blame ..-.. him for making conesthiag; Used Caued say la Last unniagr nem conserstod with him about this stableat CH tilt trinalog.'_''. Conradwas Mad to ball that inup 0ti14400, to appear et .....1 t...ct szt' ieurtlOPilln am A. oldie of ea b oarfjtag rWSOII3IIP ' Ih 6 4,11 %; - ' ..•• , - , ~ - -t.-i..iss . _ The elite La Tawling. W1ti0 . 114,,04 %OW (441,131:00ar a oua coati. sisiz two laxargi do r ta rs'Folo)oo4: l oii•xt . 111$9. 1:110571.11101, _ toadhay to • soil hehrero /*tisane gem hat, EA* ran. hi_de i rsare Rai/hums thion onghs to hays teen tanfainf' spew oh 7 woman, to vaijtirr what ths porno (look The girlie DOW boarding 40 • Irpiatiebl• *War Cis haus to thin flu, we an at ths *span of ea Ocnowneosen , dis tail net, solohowdose ohs "pis, gat Solononsin ail kb /Lary arrer_sras gusr stnutilLutlyso - AiAtifs.".4ll ps.bito maims:near, gad to ninth sought after h Conerhoedo of nri raw, If tat mom the story of tan Immix to the Mato of this dry. wbu. tiro:dela th e highly ochned WWI Isend• 1 watt salon the Dopperloodo of ih. Borth, who dish mom op to food to. preredion of their lisarsal Sollausli, yip tks tottent• has . boodo as 00, fessnur opoogari , or: bei need WO. a " l * -- sao b Ld :2l2:gk e t i f rib i :l.l" . 44 2 ll =1 "1" 11 0 . 20 1 1 :, , taros' neap, Actskiimi4a au i r tad %Aims sago oitiV residing eau Aleshordan is 9 -4 , 110 hIA oh. . 1 • 01 ./ h aAitytlltae. . tihlltsh►7in Olip ?la eansH, bid below thsAllost • Of sis olgla et o, owing bra.kothilithl • - riattolt tsssath the Caig•=lrile /WM lathe Itsck.pict • Z/V#t WI lasi akst. . Atlhtenegol : oral izof to hi, runslies-in egh o esel hisdned srde; Efo 10 ORM; r 01 - 121.1011170' •••• 41: •, • • • Haydn *ad . .IwAtit . MIA" -e o n. tains tba "A plattowis *Wad upon as oa tlea 1701 to say that If Bairn Eft asks du proposed zistob, and row oie the Hudson, between Yonkers and Hudson, Le will giro Hamill 000 to, Astray his osponsos. The gontlotnan—waolootiiiidliSy-ari bo Informs as—wlll plate $2OO ta oar haaas, icrfoiltsivaid Hamlli,abertdd hi areal' in Ws papost ildif:49 teat soya the PlUsboirgh hail? r' WO =den !and Ott Until witt;ts al* Lao suit& nadir tame essuiltionsvatad, oommodate Ward oa the Hs dro* cam Islam filnew It liens itopcffibht to tott Ward "oat of hid natlroalsnercoh. ties friends of to odds du beat oars &dim of 'EMU :air soother Wilda, boa Lisa Veal thir .atianiploa' of the Tladioa" eiannat keltlldithlll Taut 'Tarslues or-itih.eay. 'et a special aiding of ' Cos hi sal*. 40.3 f gifetroorgarre of the remora! poky wore • • • 41.4 Fx th•Atoo4os t foUovis - c"... - alp,a_lp,, 48004 Aanstanto,,,ftgai maii -OtSCßllSlZPlPOSlOSO•2o3qjAlitoiltgalsWi )llolol:44s3sol:PeraWit.43i°; Oalinat "Schaal{s o o o ,l4,l!staillo ; Metro Teacher, ink 4 The' Board beast tatiiiftii, n oh 'grade; only Norarhinclial "Ina allayed, t tue bonus' ca the Board: • •• She matron of the Board, to • Waren= to .Teacharallastltatoo, veara.aloptea, and fite Ana layeatog at the • /as irsa,ited far 840001E4 tglbli yl it Edna leaf** In !bolero:hoop, s al,,lby_fiendaohr I trOl *Cali* *DSO, Thit co th't frit Tun pooorirtir4) of SO plasabat. _ .N=ll Dour.--The bumf of John Allotittoomy, of West Diaz township, tIIU couoty. together with its aootanla of Ite,y, groindte,, vu entlroly dartroyed by flit on the 0 thinstant.. The origin of the In rOalLiaa .6 mystery. Lou about $3.000. , Lammed to the Dollar Oetutiy Mutual Intl:manor Compa ny to' thi alumnae °two.. on the loth tut. the Dam of /Om. Cannon'. Jr., of Caloord townahinalatter entity; wu streak bylight tug.„l--.ll,thsty ononamit. Lou. 0 1 , 000 . `Alazuran POI Puntia.--Darid Ritahsy, at Wialdngton meaty, we/ Mat night Wane.' before Cortunirrioner Bailey, charged with per. or', In rormazing that he wu the father of motharlus children, dependant on hit labor tar rapport, whim in feat h. wu pormued of oa• handier( sad twang earrn-af hurdr silo, •clanbotzninvaitoarna to terlate Llutrueiree by swearing to the setae Alban, no eme held to 0411,11140,000, lo appal:pc hirkbet. bar- Iscbtt Bsttalsy. • WALL cLauai D ,A _lna ot.Mininegio,. vutt vu brood yootordoy And wood on Capt. Wright. rivirlag hlm to patio the body ofJohn Qatitor /god eights's, wws rt. Wood. to‘ Conrt,thbi morning. The awn 'Wes %Wan John (kilter had bon martorod in the meow td tits Troltad Stabs, carp:nod trantinstion by an notoloing torgion. The writ trod quitted. . Two Clanto Brrnui av • MUD Doc.— T wo children, asnad Christie', w hors parents reside in. Contrnills, Butler coacry, were blunt by e rebid dog one day hat week. en who Law the animal, agreed WA use load. how the an may terminate with the chil. drat-remains to esteem. nide' wee Wed • Oanav Toe Barrenesa...—Bodey La eat, and the ladles will Sad that: favorite Elwell* Wu AU r.sweit ands:wit eltzsative " no tlone about dregs, home and foreign, imitable to the eywaachinefellsesion. fez Dopiest es Z. W. Pitterlde, oppottta the Pi:44:lsm Aco irc—A trAtztemod Mills, aged foirtsea jun, tru run our by ■bale% t train near Wall edits, a clay or two does, end hod II o crititud o 6—c tit &boys sad the other belo* " tattoo, 0400- Va b 4 444... • ! L. °Fs?"l°ll' L . Tux EiLuiriAtitt andcritaxid that Hr. Geo zglp 11,.' BM*l a to who m tioy. Canto toaderad eta &pp:ad:mat of Shrift at this eaaaty, roads vsesat by du due of Harry Woods,talpsrapted to Qs Gonnor his rap nation of that appointzosal, this aftaracca. Jklaaau at Ctaratas p.—laaao Bell, of Clevaland, bar been held to Anwar a chute of tundirlag hi. wife, Mary 'Alin BILL Thry sant both - leading a ditilpata,l - Cie, and ,nt Wedneeday Let they had-•iaarrel, rhea ha boat hat so badly that as Mad las fat bolus. • .. . LzerEthltigEononars.-6 detachment of 10D &dill abis left Camp Copeland, yes tar day, Lig the 6141 Pena",treat& ilogbasal, aoweitit duk army of the Petontaa. CsaiNDiCreis cazzorv.—Tke clingy',s iirar.yek, Ireich ear boss L-aoa sr iWie,Tratitiap OffelaniL - ---- • • - tkits TEijoi*,_4l,olooB. Rraom oua tvstl2ra EDll3oif.i TUX CAPTURE OF THE BAIL !GRIM Singular Statements in Bogard to: the Invasion of Pennelleaniew.• . 08D11101 AID P6OS/IC[B 01 Lltil'iNlL ,fte Execution of Capts. Bawler wail Myna Probably Pculpozeit Nov Yana, Aas.2l.i-Tho ihridd bu Oa 'wing fa az aagaßtfarztaboi Ospiats of thy buk Sao* orkiab vas suplared dad by the rebel lento Mona Nat: usual aatito ri Um. Boon alnico* I its muds: It rill , bo azuribayoo *fiat woo upland at the 7ch :a4 Loos w firillcaziaa btaffi :had rat cozopiffe3bei4VlLafle id fa visitiii a tad jai Tao* . iiflerplloato of 'loans of coat ozaatka vita Marti ' ray Fiala], that ha rap tarty to la's larailoz of Ifaizi.l Jazia - oact tell - ouzo us %a loypertsal trmatistisdarlai NorNaftbaro etlilatofldoit lab Cattail iatooffori' with the rebel, dad I!= Ala viihft'or Up qa*.entitts Upper 0 , 044,17 : .. . . •;: s itoit r. -4 1 ‘ 4. 44444,42***1 .41)10;thilkasitiValipaTadal ,all erptatittg Alto ialullocaltcoltaff ea It that: nob). east 'al.'s , • - , - .11**30413111131tislEk Bad Ileir'ipiritt: Kostiane, soya 12 ropzdtakesaircoye movomososto sin at a *loot stand 1 bale Alas-41u twain baattaforallajt• .Rialitia taw at mat a Atlasonat gait at valley Ina csjoltax slimaiwirliC W . nortylVilill apathy 11- nab*,.....ioNi. Latty_2l.l7,...la44icetl/6-4aisoli ARM; 1 aßillawalualsak bi11i , ,,i , ..1. ) k.._..r . , I 1 s Domti : Ha,m alsg, 141.14 A, ernialil tnlClStaatkdi ftartatiatt ' .gabbil*OliPtiat Oiett. 4t 11.4 1 .4,4OtiLmielia op. ... ~.4 ~, . :1. ,!..-t o ~..r.',..., . ' -•- , -. of thillUokmoid•pspattifrf lioliai4. Lo Ltd moat! fla c f Caps: atom , "WEL sae" To lint caksz plane, es 14. b, sad It to probabla tholli 341 00kaultargi i i i llp44.- .Thart auto at.iia s tarried tat sw __, 19,16 Los aal Illptlfladoo aro - , , ay lioatairaa tat . Om: - • •,' ~ .-) ...,. ;snow rar e r at New Cleleaw., TO loft - Pernirtlfttintll44:4ltantriy Alt life/tad by .thellei b al a ... lawn - L:YE into Etter It %Trait day of , rilekatiairrl. .ISla4lpti'sa• 410 4 tax: ~• rnta, AU, 17.-=Adyleisatma StirDiL Le N» ll*. tuirr bald rilatlyad. Tta L.lij i 0 gbil dUctii 047 fair. Th an anau ,ii--- iissow• pilaw fryer at Quint:his. , i Titanium? Woadifrosa Vattlyan ai te4 i l l W C40"1 : 1 4/If iif 441PAPit ... . , Wig 1 - 14671iiiitip -- iiWir rt out onav;T:ll4o43l/01.Zial;' Mditi teln i ls .4l t i t ."4:P l3 FOtttlut I !1 4 • 2316 41* . 414 31 . . 01. tits 44; iiiicAlka itt.octlrtsy 1144 b4liestled to mot to 'l , ltkottotrurp,,,tolanstlgsta USG sonnet/on ktitqplsil !wt. - Zombis:l6l4. Mil, Jump 'and 3017, apt espl4ll, let motif to Um Italia doe,6l7l4llOttotod Portilltdsoo:" - !:::,(tototOtettalabseuladlato eliatloa Wslrotp,Sholin for tlavettior. Crary IA butts . Tor Corms by CO:LOUD/7AL The KAM: tart_lbu_ latzti Darr of hilvdnippl GL.sartiti lot ntoruyij. . , Sotilhern lEctittitk, ltabDed.. liturrxocarcannunnsinerstoub inn lacr.olw. ua Pawn.; .1 Cutairmr, Aar. 50.-21 is finktlum Bank or -11.ratnely, Pabiticob, cams anuitcr, wu to bbid Vta at Gas (Aka Ala Elm Lot by. allont le tun imiforri, • Whir reprise:Aid tbumulnu U bslonglat fitrott's rbbel nn any. Tbay ware Iris , dlsootand, by 16/. Crawftud, mbar, who to to the me at as basatisib irk= Day fifty dertig biz beck. labp , his hangs. Ana .rNioTtag the ming f NFL a)/ Tbilltoaad blzbang ib. pspErit,bize in, they lacnuitad au& liana and startist aft Mg, dlrsetlca . of Oro /F. Tiu =mut it=-taki4-was-1:1 ILA- ekt - lUid i'papt? riaruy. very *fort fa be ing mad. to entire al robbers. Be to al, Curless Naptarod Bow tux, Au. 11L—iko rpoclato ors de void of m a r fanun Ltilapaorolor. T. B •or O.; and Thu. TkomP ton, of sit', mind lo tows to-day, harlog boa oaptliod at ItatltLat'Paist„'elth thirds] mall of &boat sae Itondroct Uttar'. Mazy of arm won addroompt to partflo , in Wathinton. Wisconsin Union Republic -119 ?fair''- , nations. Catcano, Anig.lo.—Tits traion SaraLioan dtata Conrsation waroblad in es Capital at fdadlion, Wiseoruin, to-day, and riond naiad I. T. Levis, of Dana sonntr, far gov ernor and Jade Spooner of Wanktils, for Lientlaant 'lngmar. COMAIWWI,4I. RECORD PITTSBURGH BARRET'. • erraa as ma remsoaaa Dagarn,Oaacra Tztrnity:. Avs• E, um . 77_ Ity produce Rada coallarnak agaildfalti ArAz dagavad, trail av claiga to Dada fn quo- Yana. Yoga .attar. an irttgoat avadal asap tga trarptioa Aga 0010 L ai kids la.v Tork.lata6gaagarga4a: US% Ha... viva riaoasal: al Matti Oa giA4 kg my .ad 1.116111 $ Namara lain' aga,ta and: al pulati. tag, wad % pa oat :ram arlllet. . 08001111113—Man ban iniaaidda far gaga, azed ••• iota maga 113(411.53{0 bt taiga. 1A41133(. for EA 0. 1.1,(.01At Lu "S'.' ad "A" Cagais ua 113)(41.11M dradad. Oathe tituatasagal, with aosat-trasadaara at 120:02—tha attar gram far clam Igallas . ornal V egaido Aar ofd and LAW . for saw. • • "LOUR ha oat beau • Ames tnuayaka la Gran vtak tha tarnpastof eaa tax of arm data ta track al MI .tea mato a ale of IS7 big tars Wait la tba ga* u OVA mai b:0 tgla Mira torna sollarrlfara, ma Plata liana'. ITAPIELOILS—Thers la azattaned Gtr Local mend Pr ZP.2I, wnote air P br ebouldetr OfeaTX, ix MOM 2.11 Car , 61der 9}j and 20Xliille Pr PPP, and Plata Claznimrd nEms. uld WA* Pe !ape. Oared. ViIITT-a4:ct 30 Obt• Graik .j , .40,7.5.3 pre WI 3:6 dab, Qram Nor-13a, 13603orlr,F;b?r, and 200 Da Aid cliplo al Is pa lb vim 15.64 ot am 0 mai alt.d. Y ,lagaloKe, tly /nisi May b qcatal al 13413)4 SOME mat v. a it za— u om iliadtry eisiliasip per bl' —from don. Ckma !WC/ 113., ‘l l l* .. llolll* . 5.1,547 psz [ma trot 441:. ruuburLs, P ,61 1 1 010111.• kel• • ara. .—rt. claumalls ttnitar , 4111 e) gladltailica as las r. laNuag fairaid. WOW . ;Rawl Locisdad Ws sato atsi of ICI bbgt st 17Mo, sad 13 b bin stl2,-. Itafaud Is Srco., 1,114 viry,v d.• Ins may Woe reporlad, bring 605 DU . tomlnd. tof Oct. box Sam), a f 06c4 and ILO bb4s bonded, ID biff.o ltrorof •118.112 thirty Ws, to prints Is 7 .L aio simian:l b roads of boodod,os ISO .1704 =A 1 ;1 V.- tad at 1.14430—0m05s hairs adlat 0O • • .• dm ban larriA oa I.lml by Tbos. O. Munn, sal ls lo b eloorlog 180 bbls Unrpool ihdrka cp eo LILA at 10a., - nrpart Pstra:. inam Ward/, with wan • r Gram al 11117 blies. and bC4 Ix/W.2 Baudno,, main lasi MOW. • Mow fork Petroleum MaiVAC.' Dtllach ID taw 'nab:* kinulroaki'ale Mk INF • Oros. I. curd 1 .ad 4•1349.11110.1 ase,l3X,c. m e.wwt pellets.. ha 1014 hir• aod pion toad wormey tabs et 5 43idledeloolellaltPlre &WI in an Ammar, 61800 tar Iloptiabirollaine b trj we option{ Indteno tor October. osairelead b.Plci' Whoa, matt Co ha' Namibia. Bakio; kg% gas Et 144P63. Aptba r nastmlle 11: br • .AltiltmLireea Lock Market. „ , ,'— harm:ere, Ago I. . „ The mite/ Ow cable dark; Ur pia mak bas Wes pas 4211011.11esett the minty was via Manor Van' caul. mad Pol. dab. 'linable 'be Inaba; wee very orarcik. no disaad si ea thidted, 3 . 1 le.diAlli 'All thoodi =as two small labia tarok - Wile ware rlthrited to AD tubes larrlteho Taste b bat able cheap ta mike la partattooe, ex. ' F . ; 4 41 " ... .lit he.. CW4 .era a dada bettor, sad rebel t. attend, tare acid at ea. - Nock alkali were Ita atorkwobt dread. and amp br poled at Ram IX he le—the ce Ulla hero kw pod Weak Loterlor Ed orraria gram old alo•ly, al boa 1 to ho, n a . 1 4.3 4,rimiudi that Pen was ma =W. =atm of ball nod foamy oltetal sad It wee }MN gmt dllkahry QM hatchow moll chats imk Ohba hip treated TbrOltateaaWfilkirp WWII rst.• aid olgolatt, they ware madly et mita* patlity, a poll awry kolVahallaal brialgaed . .. . weds ear inn Bally . , ;imam. , a Wahl advance nit - . 4 11110101 . 1101,11 letter 4....a5a taxi !piiiiiiiikkguist au r. r, piker Magid lallliTilitkilkhA PIM& , War, amp, rainablithliddrei. rid to si. o• )414 pat cwt. . LaiibridliAlVialltr • Tbas b httl ingatry 10/7iiitil 'e a"tha ear. hit he pier had doll, while yetis nrasta ' aiod si pet limbed. amen Dm 13,111 to MO Ibr caws= petlibw, col SOX to 141klbr luta% ..., . , t4bi, . =-: ",t7 . 43tieWatrOitillWrit - - • • 11brisil .fil : 6 , nOt 'orplai, hardly roroop • I. &Mai. WLIa bt bit wand., bower, "dew ste-Idaferr the rata dabs era , at , Sao 4t may sapttado,Scrunrreri amid lot - LMlsa,tt sad . 1:1914 be_ ive.,/d .6 Tillipa.. 411 , 14= subly wed dm, at 4100 lar Arfard;e TO edo' .11Letket.,.,, - , • ; • •-•. '' 114—The 1400 nets. bp relmitaa• oohs vit.rkmirinte - " ire SZt erwl4l.-kg iii.raTobia e7liirlisuriCriii 3 bla !a I itina 061060 030 tr up =e l 4 a1i.4104 MOO bra lierV Lall Wilil WI 100,4.110 MI 110 .1 at UOAI 14300 013* Ma. St ixac, kcal bas as asia4loo ha Ito i SW at Icto lAA ball is. see al yr lian 17. Whits lad Oblo sea mizai) at 10114 boa JUAN es Wiz Lux ola *Mob at 146*. Ore -Itot malimit. maid awl pay am 430. OM. palms 1 Nele*Jii)C ' eailtil : /kit liert: t Aro. 111 -AT tm tom Ms* DM* liwinLy lir /La itc.iatinakkthwor two, bat the matt* =LAU MI Iro rodocy au Matiatto Oar Itta au liwi hwlif * imarlt1101011,111:1611173 idle,. walo. P ii , a lll . rff rwiiiblai 1 0 di 41013 40 . Bla tomes ~ did oat Wail cal itremSba, MISS Inorio IM, maitord ilea Z 4 r 3 OM ~ 3* *h. m anor MD boom, R .,. .1 im. pat 411woona P. canat II ks.olipe, In Hart= to azeo.a bars, b°1 1:10114 1ft wal l25° 11131M10100 '''""" 4:71.,55 , g" rjrSet s. AC &Sq. ICOO brne. C.P... ,4 . 4 MI caah toot , Xl* door of 24‘. to Iltk Chointry, to M. mom, Noy* 1 • logi, k 1 0 101414dulill IkP Palk NW 4.9 s oWklalus “ ..: • , , , ' - narkr•Tollk Riga! , Illmniat4 - .A,:i i Ayva..t4LTsk;` k i skerti si r &liked' ten:i Tor hake ms; sad Cla 5 0.1.7 gni to lb. Gate atliiiim RIMS mai; orpriallir OW .eat ..gall. ZolLslat astin i ,ons-wadarypd. 164-1 Yaw arMrprleas al.lislowl ow omaPa 1 7111: tr . = kw lio ter 11•0 COMM; 104 dm 0 and ci A tot Ml* A. owl la % Jar Tollew O. Th e ao fill! tiro 710 Lea Cirgial la iTYO , tr. ! x.l:rrt, ,•..---, ....'/lAL: ,2 a .f"); 1454, , impozu orootniaati- c :._ k.J .", _ u .„. L .,, - - • 9:6-I.otatg wi -Ein, /14:1111ion lir ioll Upar, .7! Kyrodienet_loo , - EOM Is ebb tee. Loam+ LitajOkii ad; Kalb SO bdD wet mosmoow; 17 AU ram .311112cdforu Abbb a 4 Poosock, SAS tar. 4111 dos ar " l24 / 1 : 410 / 4 7 3.1 4 doircots4 Vs nif.ll6o: DO pip lesl.ll A Pa ...tut A ccq a) en to Dletdry. Implant t 11311Wo am pci biome, zr at you Deo; lO nollAllosib.. das ;becoaS.lll W ltualo ; d Mar Thati, John • Olaitialo a PrrUirw flumouo, / ANA 411 IftlAb SkAos m; dz2 tan. 11 Bid. dlo t 44 DID flonr, han... A 7.2c0r;100 bble - Dog, Ilactoown LAW*, WI 4 . 1112 . J a El2li= rick co; 101 1,31. floasr, Jai 17.41.7: ••••••.„ aah Nam& Ceark: 61 bbl. nobs, Patton *ADD; 850 444444 A, A 3 1 461 inks, Orma. liaasa_ V,Ao_334' u Oolltasy 2 IA ata J a W. 24 , tda - 0915.4.nnuag a ' • ' • Azia.urr Sumor=l bolo sub; litya2l t co; 32W boc,lSthUo7Aokorinoth‘Snelui• `mlw, Icm nave. 4atwg K itt .7 Its Ws. A Johmtaa ,• Aft lama.% A hitt 6.:5 4431423, tt a I 1 3' B'lu'; ame n++. 1b A su qrs% iprio arbot A b nri dui hk AiD atrw:M.:ll:7,l;il TVa;.a.. a a slam ks... •• 0 160 illaidnata 4D on 2 btAlopptok, Jolla Zotort. .• • • •: • C LL azova A ITHJDNIH SUPPLY ITIENIREIIII ~IUaIBUPAThIO FtgalaiNEAß. MOM lestivr o r . t _ aw lae r t iro„r or r ownakm atiurio cuszip u lfri hatbti uo s—rt, worm want Cbtia - Wouna No. S—ror 0541% orrhyr,, s..a aRII ipme at Who 1 4..1-14r-Dimift. Mars irsiatim,2ae NB? X 4 6-ir+ a aen4 O,t Mob . . No. 1.-Not Cholera. Medan Nanloh TeClDdie. No_ TFo =ca., Wane& don noel. No. 11-hr homely a N0.....N0t lisedene, ortlig Noel :MD= Oa. la-Drpsa. Pae-War wma agi Deand Pen* ntigetin cad Lenr COnsechn• . • . Sec [L- re hooch Inook Paglill ente, bow', or Bonneted hrloda. We. o 11-lor Doeenee. hokum Woceiellee* *rem f Inan _ .. _.• • , Ns 13-.41* Group. Hann COotAt. DM Dennaili. No. u-s.a 5i..... rab-r. mistrals. mar a.N.rmi an Ye hoe. Na.lll-Meneno litle-Tr co Las: Or lon Its lie Ohm; Ina, Ler coancte. 11e. Iht-.Donnat Itanlcsa, Unbutton Irictorp sod NWT.. . . . . t r ... . d aft. arm Clialli .. D' " • 0., TD-Nrtmen . lone (neon. Irettog the Ned . ; Yo. 11-Palo.hd hrfach, hewn or reform f16..13-th at atop of Wu. hon. IL NS-Afllrion one /hems, Morle E llt. Tat. o e,-Yor Torn alod . Llyn, ChM ram D.lh ACM ramP-Zer Mee, B=lr Ehmelog. Lonfool or No 0-7 or non%,. Lai.a las .za anima re%waa .• Munn IDOL • Osiot. Od lons steaLbas or non I, Nine with nclaconoa et lentos •W. 11.-Nor liF=lZl n , In noteen 1 'Pr Ash,.a er innic-1.12 Dlllkell. Le. born acatldog. nicand win Crew end lltcolonp. rein. her, &I cens po bac. he in Dennee eel Leentle.-inchetzeo tnon Ur In, the moll of &one Nem, Knew er month NW Nobs Co the Her% Wardinn of He. W sad lo the rag not lir•Lotac Penh AO onto Gar r lb 1:11. ,, , Tanned cod 11, =Wm,el rld 1 eta trk's. te pe= ilh.c. Nor Qmoral at Roma Tal• MO. Clue the of A Itunen Wan axiom et 14,1anstni Dttoltorpe.. Me n 60 onto pa box. he Donee.-Nltdd koconalon Timid !Ina ba, NIL hetaTy nefornich Ph; 10A per ton.: he an 8161-DestAti Tenth% Now 'mitts& sad Ilettono hue ..os ot oseDta. 0,, NO ono pee box. -he Mine geteet.-Por Oen* Anal Cetioch t . DlNnatt, htatal IQ a w oo Dimon of the Moen. m* -• Po Ombra/ ahamirmr-lxvoinalary .Dbeittorpo eel Cloonnon Prenonk. me Intally. The east .m of hods Itanns. ant on is Mid area am a arra hia% II pu trar. ••' • ' /OEN IL FULTON, Nos. 67 AND 69 Firm fivam. NITTEDULINII, ra,.. hen &net for the Walton Cecile". • AILId truti CIALIS Ult 11111,11', oonaurcso a ea" ' All . codar has. sag{ Is • vxd ILL at - • • The tsutrovetrota may* de ow BRICK DBMS. LS O, autslalas, 10 mmisi bap INLIBI DELI • EWIT ACK2a. Wilk OMNI) aellareg Wail* of roong Cram 004116 min ghi uis to rettlirtn tortiettp, stoat Dv talllittnii law 44. Loran of giaurr, 'mums; a in, • Ka 1.551 Poo:Kb W.A. imucis.-1 von Innis stock es *xis YEW di aleolrol minty Is tom, villi IMF PM* ble sin bibs ta Immo mry Imo l• samo. Of is* slow =lvo Le4ll .1 . 1, U.S. m . 41 lxasft um k n, plum Peaty Ilan. AA , I tie . . _.._ _ .. . .. Inlack. ilanamew-sba me Tema 11.11116 Svntry. m • l=4l' kstzu'=iur =s . • • - • puIeARETX. Iti-ter • • "l i t iosiiiklie.4sW 9fif •••ttui riarrAst , . 1— .. A zipz i re pr zs ibt ole= TiNc • tbes..lL • • • ' - ID btla. crulrd. tabs stsl i ql Inv% .10 bui'assesiOaLlf 1. :• • • SORSA 11.11101106. Ds lit I Kaelsirsli ow .4 0 t" .1 , .• • • '. • Gomm kilt SO Mk. IL.ll.llolmats- • ID de i Gala= Sympt• 10 m latsadtr Estelijir . • 4 , O lOW ssis_ST • . umpagyibatineD. .71 • IA lIMM•45.lnal "1:11: • 8 ' ll°B* ;17 1118011 0 4 .t‘ r ''' tos is a outhr.:Api."l ' 64 do OrWhad, • 1411r6 . la 66 Bataklolo6 66; 'l6lastly pa build ..114,446471i_ • s , 5„ 5,16;460 3 " .. 8 1 6 , 7=114 4.nL 1. pr .111111": MW t ,4t7V uo eau coj 11 64611.411 16 MI6 Pahll2o2l ur - 66 Q64661' 621 • • • ' Si 6a Onamel Baum /Ida ,7166, t els Isand 064 a 4 441,6 s, • LLurteit 6 IllittED; 1 4 1Inti—V1 all tutu , ••••••.4 eta, a nawg L ‘t o liarii,4, 7 bi•L•i, • •Ins •04 ( , 4 . .. ll 's , • a . 1.61.10.•“- #0 BB Ir , VBR E aiN Akt:-Milat? 1,e..— rt hig. A*1 4 4 1 %*;.... „ !f laidbmilabilos .4 liklebsiblibilbettftlitte, innlVOiliilSi;6 l 4 , 44lliiiiiiit , 4 :..: 4 .,, , ,'• i afroo6ek.ake elbus:"' ' - ROI -- ,--. i • :ui • . trf . -... . p ir autag A. As Tk as tir, .yr i v,: m .lo4 4 ll4:= icon ) Moo:: r: .: i, < , • tit 1. , '• 1. :v.7. . .1 o ( . 4l rient A 00,•6, vs it ranefUld dram' ' . 1 . tr 4Art ". •! • • • . - . 4 0 - 0 Orrtiisr*AA, • - 0 ;• , • • lota 4. Q.., as . ..0 .•,. • • *ECM agerillVagio 1 l• •V •,...4 rl :'CAA if 'TI • Jf ITTI,II‘64g, , irea.*. , ifON hifftrl _: 1.. mi ll '•• ,•.:.;. • • ti:liiiiellkaillia::: rgv PIM)" • I"1 • inku1d,,1.6 1 4 , 111=, Ili • .r •••6•-;;' , .r. .>” - cv n •‘' PkOPOB4L&• pitOPOSALS FOR FLOUR. FLALIIOI , IIOPOBiI.3 - a:o looltod 111 l tLedln DAT at AVG DeT....1111 Mor Ihrobblas tte Nobolatsoco wpartmsat wAII • • 11;cCO2 aminsusorrnotra. b.ncensa ter what it tamp as Ito. 1, Do. 2 sod No. 3, mi..L.Asai-portion lon Om the 10,019 bauis. WAT' OVAiorp*opt/tOldil by 'rpm apansts -ode-- thoaloooo .•••• GOLITIII7 d th.r7ol:lX./... MA day 0 brpiffeber, at, me pro thereethor se the Govenuarat &retie "thirrstoicol SOO berrale 66 6 1 14.16. theAtlnzhect Warehouse wewisroWn, hesclos, of at the Dattroat ,Deoot, %OVID -.Pe)ohtfft bft SettMces:Ufleetel et Welts& ono, or scab mob c_tuoretat siwy howdor chtrthatkoo. - Th. imaa aciumsaina nwesegon.rfril be , !sou lad baton thi Matt kivelheal. '''' aoiataatdl.lo..tsormanspais asetald; • tio NO will to eaterholese &ma swam who herr prectopely Med to ample with Daft Ws; or Drew ao*Pt•Mat 1421110111104 r it • The ben* to be WIN, my. inf4S. of Wei ea& hsellitoett. now w jpiathirthe aroma De se *rod. _ 71Ids to re &metal Coda a: DDORITE, A. D. O. and O. ti.: 11.1. Wesktostoo SDP eationed eProprcets Mown. aortae pia:m . .6+lw outs mewl r • 4 okvizalt straxecy: -Curcio, tallfiburrtg Wi=ir Ars.ll4 u s ; rroptiere hore sad Tratecittel at Jill oretoe toe thor to i ralarckWahol6l SODOM to boo dootheoet et — Pa. thrteilaphho. Waft _lligted4r="SrKohlstoteterfortlititt=a4l34' eon.. bane law Utah terrill.llre(OL: harm to be Dom littera (U) to Wawa (1,6 Ittate lles. nem An (6) to oleo Myrtle CIL well v abialeamolonimolAiptiodtegtoftgim teaßiaddiertu _ , The Wit, tof the ,bl,loer to own be avaniatual by See neyearChle pingo, whore VrepiakelndM blet aeloweolag tth M us A o N t c rtt ee met a eDark smtaes h tbbau o ,t tweed il e• Court, oc the Wed Statue Dlstirtet 14 " 47 • mg be *Mud to Essen. CS: O. DbDiesertecoutUrArsll7 Duna, sae istweed Oa earilqw. •kortartlita Esess._' O. Q. ehlitahlAlo ' /A" Ca "4 411,4 4 ZahnUiplatim... REVOL I MG_ /FM 32 !r, MaMt . HAIM DTMEM111111t; Jai) n. 11301an_Depaltaisai comas. or sla DAY OF ADGIIITb nceltiorkst Die combs& Ast etsciks ea AIWA a Wed Or be. bent at the Partanail. IL. &Am. DIA Yotk Rad DlO. Ablolds brT TeroA of two mot tog iamb sal Otchilig•PADA Mob 14,plan vitt piling Is awl mot lb* Mang dlabletar oleo tinge to to St bet. bib& 6 tuba. Ibtotwo 16 tubes g torn bo tub oboes of plate ista, "'Mt ir tonal !badge lot Moak the sore. I- The pilot bobs 66 act turd* bet bet Into. mat tlitat ad ttab, 6as 6 ' labbetbtgb. baba: M 2 ick, "Zotplatatzmu. f , 54 , 4 - • , tenet nib= ea lat litta°4e mum the anotbisot - tartet, Os gob bad auslap. pattitelptertut *big tumid ex. bubmbentt to to ot Jibe raw otatal•carbietet at gouttortiabe arm& s is btibubit woks Ibt-talbitikbout Ands% ampbottot gib t Wide elatosto !It Wets am la! Ito - peopionlos, mg emirs; slips um mop Wood work. loslstbie tho -aig.c4 the bursts. sal gals tho est lOW tloo floul YAMMaloti the vgd , 0 " Tood . VP A. "lOW. as—assA I so 4 rear liesoordos olbssosust plass comolossottsot at Ur•• 1600 th "" 1 " 8 "!cf, '!'datte.4 lo, Po 251.04144.0, The lhorsala lomat bs Woad- acen oattida ilT)Pcsai• Affoltla s plulte.7,llo‘ll6ll way sm boor liatms; --- -161mcd111 talk -141 LA 141.001-13ALB,A COMOI6III twoitory A. 7 brkk 7ips tedlc ba11 , 1444,1". Mao. • •1114: M tiaw nag Wok w bows du tack lb vlldtag. Wes amok widElemad strong. Moo. • two•serr /mat* bass. id* bid; baUdlmp, 110. sil itese; war Nam Uriabaf• la pat sal UMW TIM rak* 2 l" wster. ipmpiemas Diana aN ..011111 . DalY mon ma Mika, tom crouum at eUm,ms tlsrsma you. boa. ar• iFsd Ordist) . Moo., ia nortikity et Mos Boa ea Try itzert• litsesstre• foal at Most s• IMO sinel. !Umbers ggeNibiltisitall 4,4iinbupS . rat firms eta slobs!! putladin l•totno a. - • - 2110111011,' Ittf 110.10117111 k • pßzabssTcw P‘ ROoonsftto PERTY 192 . alloll•folassr G Thomas ft. Web. f• sod Widow, aim ardor of Or Osun of Clomace Piaui* Alimbsoi Comafy. arm es prtratoesba d .drirobtoost gaud. Ur peopou of Moms D.- Moly dtuf• fa nobles konoblft Another tommiy usic adttulood a Loi JudiP ~writ hot% Jay as sal Wok sad •Uot•-ookadwoif don" way arms arid • Ififias Dwells UOIMIP 6 NM. MU". aid 'Ow, Tomo (loos tho touldims • good wan of your, mom Aso wisp soda amass& lakont: - Ito Woo ••• lifetffeBoB7X2 5011; os thoproaforooto - - Vso/411110.11110N.Osesoit4o, oifosofanWommoistmihMUOlW4.- VALTIABLE'PENN gram PEON a t ' s illrlT LT 1 . 4 0 WWII hot • tie Orhirtaskrapioalir =memWl bra - resatig." 4 - a t " 517 Alsp,sompes alkelbstprhsb..r..... ow ZumarMi l / 2 Sem solaces sulk. idet l iZerltroirail in 11421 4 .041 1 1 . 16i ctI r si lled amp, Masada* Ur ithotax. 0 !au Ville Plod app etas . _ Th 5...... _a, W.A. pima, is, FOR • ElALS*ol.Jimitior • ma* um =um!' Kamm*, ID Afto II perhoL. eainrillar MO nOti WWI ek///11104. Tiro wnao Oa; rinamitaa sios, 3, . t Omni rintlig4 Nmd4md MAX Iran II biekeleMW Omni* Pero-001 1 = loots pee, i OLK. nuo. • *ix Os Oia Mary stwil.g.POOttikOsq. _ aLZTINNW OF WOW losoisltallim - 4. Oath anal north ot , eft othor p Mr e Tv. unrordth info.: , •Wth volthollktoth of .throo oloroad Stit to Char lakmarloa 'argr o re Aar oraraltrael tio bbII : Cement: -Lunox.sadumt 4rixt, mnu .SlWrievi wog - EtALS=kixereittdmit Atidiria X 'IMAM nromenniacsounilisair . 1 7.1110a714•10.%==. simUlismtui& kfate l lmisMiL •"" • 7 " .y . 7 1 0 7r.7.1n ,f. ' .41 'o ll *o l 4woltio , ' ll / 11 PRAIIIDWNWODZABUMMIIME; ~0 6 .41 ;i 4c 4 g3 1 , c _:,0 11,4p :, tam . toladallithaooulßtgiliMilAppointkitid ;,. r ites Mgr% Orzs 2 1 417p4= Nl*" twirvtroff,, ^ - '14.. • !!. lawirwair pos4kmobirrarisszaremmav, Rims vormacwidisidexamwat i ne* , b/PrittPsP / Ati#sl o, !**, r:4 • • • Val4gUa. 'esaft/14.1 i: 'metreZ mt 4 1 14/1 " 4. 19 alakalke c•Z-T EIPUIP&A szat.;-4:draikitw asUres' DEEM-NOTIOIL • iikrioie ' uiroursmnscrrab now muithittiir t w o mineffligm aounapv mmdAlizo *Am ts:;•‘t 5y 1 e. 1 141 4 Binsurrs-saiiiroina ,1 : 4 49. 1 j. *,1 1, 9 1 - 1 3P4stirOtt ambizasx uniumwas t rapes assttag ,isal taly Not • Om% pep. ono .4. 00.101 A 41 -chiftipabb....v6smsdows-1 9:1! 4 7. . ETTI —• • L 4 , 6 -41111 ,4 0 : 1 PMlWarssci lel 44 1 f4PiPW as ai'lll;lMKa EWE= PUNIIIII. OLIKIDLAZ 81203, SEWING-.JAACRINE: vtoaizra r nputenws. anvell!wL- .wuknalabilbompormas: Mb" alti - 1;6 amok abireuir aim - pima. Sigma Altow....k.aaspaged ^4 47 QUI sivAer lawmaa.• ammo firtserdke• . AirNtim!awrinmwsinromnsw Wlll. SUMNER & - instal& imam, emetmu'x' smiama. Ih,IIU,UfI.L LNIIMUMmiIE.462Jrra. sp.munsisrizaiswit. aid allitLlafiF, COlgwaw2l.4lballi Vaigefroa l l led - I r , „ _ • • • A' i"nrrn" 7:t . !:;YP rfr . ! .. T 7l- x 7-7 ‘ ,4 1 -, 1 - 1 SWPPMI I 6I.' TEAK WRIEKLY , TO 111THEt _Vas .9= l " t gettir= ll P wil ..._.......pmaksio.Tadc. nakasiostipsibia: gre lalmiSisiglaslblbe , • 40551 W ant ow sPasauttpros 1111. 0117 ON OWL' Asa miry semon,wllo . lrigraf. Iro, now Lat: filataith Wm. . . . . ii = i _ i1= ....... 1 4 114011 ali 6 arrislii.' .' ' rum .00 ...........52 IS do, to twatioa.. CM : doo to Loodoo. Id M do, to ' nolo—. 111, p 00 . do. to rods.._ . OD KC da. - So Solo.bft to :do. - to Soalosed47 Itl . .- . Poosoodeo goo arm** to Hoch Ilmoo. NA. Want. Asftuslo.. - ottcooft birrogoi. - '-',- . Moos fits UToomt or lot alb. 01%itnIMOtildi - outs.= .llll 4; imam“ -,,”-• -1 •i 4 ,hr , iii :: - .r. .:. , tl. .i 4 Nor tii4,* tOtiookia l itta Ski ,iitr I •: . .-; :; , - .Riarlsosteor ' •-,..-' ; --. _._ _ _. Sod MOW Itstimoom • , , 40MI /I 61 AL Via b Ti. U nuatiAse, Ma" inIFFER, I I - 14ri 1 4.•=1 ~awss sirs.` SIIOIMANE - - : - • - - - ADIUTDM 9 100 Rcel.Vffilr. iiciC: : • i RlEMlZlAoougKmirpowit. COLD 11 tosa • - ; • maim Ilanaignny tor. • • • - , 22• itmeild. will all amwou l tw ham eitOgimliriglV TOLL= MID': AlliatMiailld Jady. Is boWlimmt by two atherscomn *tibial/a simillismieWatarbv Wu Itneret tilljnYedfPr: sigs ti fit . 4iit Spa , II amm!imp i . . rke, - Oartiroph,.:4ls ti) • .sor pomp itUthe Mir of the • KULA n a = l :l 4- : . iltsiasza tolos.- - ' -• . .- ..., —..,., — D.:olllll4 - 4. " • km* Clinsial •T • - 14_. tnaaira • ' 11e..10 TM Wm. - • . .D.Ausessun MUM J.. ZILY.^-11.• =data* if soir•parintiflo Wag ors ammo fro wgr Pat a UP' bed as*U=4, offialor MetiCrO ag antrotieluirot P Ira dam Mans T ings moo notssi Ibillnithrietillob ilmore- rpm 11 11 =asecktigiat flarkotanyft Tbikeasig iamb hue Minna volt: • `.'likll6filmid • , atimiAM, I. WSW : . 800.118.1 - :. ~ EMT PUBLICATIONS. • AIIP UHL ZUfirtt.: Bsory of 111Thotak. My/lir . Sktratiblag. By ilbouthar at • &Orr Ino Bit& wi lisissaatt el .11^ Few Josnri. 4416 et Chrliathar etL By Ers. Oath= '8.1411110114151 - ta the Opma V I Z winarsp:' BUM lueuurral thirtievet lids& . :Mrig fa Z l OW‘ ,4 2 -T raci ti amok% -Lwitaad IllionmL.- BB ass.Dastca. o- . - • B. O. BBestom Ufa Mask Itinso, pvilty..pdtorgAssir' ,11ine- War rietcji,"444ii:;.!7'll, *gm. Waft Xis; aid tun' Assomats 151Bisil dem. /Attu klitiblUattglet- " • 'airy imithei moil. a v s :se' " itobradonmstua ems oftlabiti: + lll2 . ls Ssigall Wel& • . Gaga_ Bita wapoluirpabo. stvrakm 'Aissavrifrogruiel ta 11. flogik. • (2811 " 8 4.11i1.:::::p likessit - Anetisarusumedisiseem • . wpm rimmen.s. Lliarisaisiret OWSI :ButilLowSiassp: BMW Bersaiv Xfoiessid setairia - BF i: B lolll 7arAllowila • Oa 1106.011 Ilallot BaSsaislßD .7 . 150 .1141,' An. DON-1/8 •• • • .1:11LIMIXICE. JP' • • IMP listreftwo •••W , .-•;+. 4 • , .z • lot totsrieltrai :—../21194.1111.11& 1!!!SE Fr' ,l .lll/"_ • 17 Melaitalittowitir astbsirambry . -l e g . IT . ' ••• . 1 • ."; xtr z a- Ail 'l!./gFgttr r .1. =:==M Szeinnizzaziszna.-samenotiail useasnaoseiwittr to issiontsataii milisee diatavetaoginblOwsket . . wasatiuswww p ....._,_ gam mormriatermi lha ti e op , ••••IZONKR. `3v Yea', Abe do v., Wilalmalabg imißibs moSimmanormebs 1~ i uf0tnteq3;1•14.,?,..11,1,,, :•."7" " 9 1 %; - : - . aLIKOMIAT4O, • • I,k m:41 ; r:1 1 26 : y ; as At an *dad ilidigtampaai lineassinanmsautisties& , "" 01 1 1 0L1111424111111' imp ty -4t sbg " " MS .24 404-41P- AJIlk - au..)- - .u.siv aja m- im=ira.) - 6VS.y~r. ' Ar.l i 4 +. t. ._ * —. -A t - 0 • ovules: kilUlfl • .4.;t ll "Cr 4r- ,:: '' .' ' MICKED•T o • -WU lOdd. - ••• , MP 114 10. - dd -1 3 1 •Atlidededdadt - ON buldl• ddliins I . . - 4 LOOM ' LtitM:ll. 12:10 is , i, de 111 i... til . ./ 110 1.4 410,21•dsme• AU -• . 1 A::" d• - Wbset•r. !kW -16 111:011_. ' r.m • Anton ldiest••.. WI: .0 - , • ' Eltr MR.a stftudi sad Se -, q, with Me. brans sal damositUradod 0...• Cledi•Bill• rod le SuarMs, Munk. Want u•.,Xsids. Two. am v n :luitoasit. Loalnalle.Odelhall6 di. MI Argots sad andkvest. of al vtlatMin tad mot Mr &Dna& 6a at Cliediad taw z le r,ril r 14." .Rso P i. l4 ID' 111arart..............-- MO • tad ••• M =saes — -- -- - ellS' . 1446 •• db i mmi =ras • us - de iledmed TOL • MO.. dretrat id On= -= 11:10' • - 1110 • 1 iord i ll 7l=Drd4 %W a il o ci tid r ii4 ftnot ti a MIN Corm ild"TriiiiiiiirSissillos. 11 : 1 • 11 1gter d =k . : 14 Wee isli - da3ll. Wild Lelia% VOMtaill c. id LarLidtie deedadr.2l4•l•o•l•ln litil dr o dddil j•i ' i: . - 1 Nth, at *ID ..... -- 10/ wid .., ividdlidaalasatroabseit : . w-d• 11 - M B i t h ="f i WaVi sas - d - g. 4 19 08 3. totoosases t it 11;0400Zeit 92, tamemsememod77ilTi777 . l - 7 27,; , -zi-., , . re w et: vttltnt, Erclutwour lossi %oV 7iwaltk lZbeislfti Sal ty , tifitiiiial - eft Pa grillitswenii coollosiblift omit illtioad.olloolumbeattirtifted =ow.. c p.m owLettior ~Iti n* Cr. ~. Ws as ageot=rk,ic r., r r. 4 r. rr C 1 ....., :r4/,:. iridia . ,aana7.... , ,,- , -; .re . m , go: •• inNefalg i i, Ao • t**l rf='- ,: 'alhtild. Ateltifetibiiiiiirtiiiip:`, i = aa tt- Ow uranium snaet4lt istopt Ina tottonot: ;; ,' .itam , sor 111 - i ' , a - koits • or - ler, -1. - tzia g rat as qt PiintioDmitt blow* Ploatilifil gc:gmillis• 6 . 1 : Ursa;`totitit.Calta: - , • glibilloo. or - ..11C--,, Rr'S.L.7l~~::_: OpumJai rhiletre at Ilreittlabe i t kt]aSO mend Wail it= tot Italia , Oa Daglemordsedintaill4l6 patesdiciad Mos• • /rya Seas poi Dimmink!lsle=rdir shad stakomarra Zgaa-and. atm Os bat MUM. of steptiall, tki set triedmatltoe:r or bainflosmo it+ Imilltus Deltas ississitisombirAor pormalectidat a prx teuelamtig meow ow to mAaresikesmoOldlg teat. ' .: alt nisosata thus tribe nom. lisdrinlielag,ll/4.111114,5•214 501j..._4141361636,411r0041Paht."111171091fts f Ism = R.lllaa&Nos, - Isms IlLatumer i : - 0 akthame Apar &Whole; 144.16 islisaiii_ -D• isomiltialudm "En a ` am i l l... - lan nuk . aaPeal 4 • Attie aluA . 2 • Piiii; A;lidetia: . : lalla 13, arinalik„ _ -Wialfr e 0141044, - &ea (I.lllolllq, _ Ma Om 'Maus& anise, - • Rawl. 140,10 4 , • Milo 1.. Goima. ~_ - asam 1161%,. -, .-1r MOIMANSIP% , ~. Inu ati v ...l.,,,Virr. =Dia ti ' '''' ' Alaziaball4llW -7 ' po w pi. gioni k • - , ".wiltaaayeaktir.:l." ap. Nuistai;-- --larkwatimr. .rm a. ll % ~ : - .w . ..yrasi rg Itransaszallainv.! _......... • I . r & I j , allow, 1112=21 PLACD P Mft]_;,;M-um? . P4gWai), MEE . . ; - :Moak rinir.- 4 .. , . - • • • ;andmii,„: icAnwuni.• itattomitts,. - car IL in welest!2, itiptm ; ftkaatod.llNrilmiamewouss'cN 4 • - 17 - i • .771rl • • • bitie li iiiite itttiii.=l - •;, : ,f1,•:.-- _ owe biz • =- , • =EA ont:n '~~ , e;
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