The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, August 17, 1863, Image 3

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    ..;' ,l .FaMrer , FM 7, rPr
0177 41.1174188.
4'omo/41 FAIT! Ot TEM GUT
The Railroad imbroglio.
The New York Exprestifir Thursday even
lag, says t "The war between the Grand
itallk .f Canada, and the toads west of Lake
Mrie, which 1111 but s speck • few days sines,
as siMtnied imp proportions. The agree
•msat has been A entirely broken up , and once
more the trsvaNing üblishare the benefit of
`ltiotaptition. The Fort Wayne opened the
`•campaign on the pert of the waste= roads,
risbming the fare through to Chicago I. $lB.
ZThe Michigan Guth= and Central &Mud,
t: Sad war lacamegeneraL The New York
'iOental commenced sailing tickets this morn
:ing at the same rate, but dose not prorate.
Ttm Yantmlvanis Central has kept sleet from
the 'semi; and refaces to make say zeds*.
The Erie is still selling at Gorda Isms,
sad will continue to do le unless otherwise
..ordered. nerd to the Erie we can speak
oNolally, that it will not prorate with the
:Western wade st present, and will continua
"Ake previous fares throughout the entire
4intgair of the road. , Tbe Nsw York Otm
do the emu thing."
Fatal Mondani—Woman Killed
'...1111. Nary /me Flack, who had riently .
s That to her daughter, is this Conn
::ty, vu,thrown from a curb" on Thursday
hnakktbst, our Mount Union, Hosting on
~.lonnlth sag intently killed. She sad her.
Inagua mere ors - their way to their old home
in ImacisterriOunty, when the aeoldeat
"oramMed. gime *it the hones were
brightened by som e dogs, which Maud them
to am away. 1-The carriage was upset by
ilt°°ateot l th 6l l a =flrwu thrown out and instantly
hllled. Mr. Mazy Fleck, who wu In the
canine, was slightly injured. The deceased
wee slay-one years clap, sad as ezioapbay
• , her of the Methodist ohm*. .
f. Burr Bonin.—On Thursday last, Mr.
Baena Ludwig, residing onemile east id Be
gins, Ohio, started for Harrison county, for
the pupae allaying sheep. A fen minutia
after the info left Crestline, some one remark
ed "that if any one bus lost • pooket-book, •
Vallandisham marl took it." Up to this time
Mr. Ludwig had not disoomed lie loss,and
putties his band au his pocket, kin his
rfrbook was gone, containing $1,430. At
uliald the men who made the remark got
of the train, then Ludwig wanted him
searolud, but at no- °Maar was present, the
man was mtsearehed.
A Brocu-Down BIAS Ex-Coroazasses.—
gait* as animated rove eras witnessed In
Washington borough, on Thursday last. the
story pea that Boa. Win. Montgomery,
Congtettman, got into a dispute with a poll
. dolma from Somerset county, which termins ,
tad m.he farmer 'cooking the latter down.
Tim **Congressman claims to he • Denise
Deatemst, while the Eionuonst chap is set
, dolts se a copperhead. The ill:nook-down
argtunerit" is the only one. that will satisfy
Larnanzaz: Hum at .Wanuse.—On Fri
day morning, the liertionsok building% oomod
by Thomas liortbrook, Collector of Customs,
and boated on Main stray WlLeellng; wars
Erect in Ave pleas by inoendleriss bat es
anguished- without material demise. The
docks of Jereadd Clemens, furnimae dealer,
and.theorge IL Taylor, dry goods merchant,
were slightly damaged. A lot of Govern
ment stores—arm, ammunition, etc.—vaa
hijunot by water. "The entire lon was about
$3,000, and is covered by Insurance.
Cam W. H. Sauter In oomtmuld of •
cavalry company, left Wheeling on Widnes
diq last, on the steamer Allegheny Belle, and
Is supposed-Ott have Wen drowned oft the duck
of a barge which the steamer had in tow.
The espteln use sleeping on the desk, of the
barge, and one of the soldiers report* I that
he saw • UM fall overboard, daring the night,
at Cowl:Wok above Marlette. This lemma
don was not conve7ed to the °Moue of the
Wet ahtll nearly an hour after the cenrrithes.
ns Timm on: Thursday night
last, Ul kasper named John Dosch, o.
W was tobbsd of $2OO by an ingenious
rascal who climbed up shedder to Ma bed
room window, and got possession of Ids pan
taloons by se ething into the mom with a long
-pole. to Thick a hook was attached. The
thief 'Muted the money and laft ladder, hook
and biemshas behind, to show how the thing
was Mina.
Nat Seurnarscr.—Ccrontratidt $2 bills,
purporting to, be of the !Stroudsburg Bank,
Moms Manly, Penn. b circulation.
The vigestte is the' ligirre of I trala of cars
going to the right, aligutu corner.
is each coer.
The papas light and flimsy, ant the whole
lite badly executed- As this bill is not de
scribed 10, any of the detectors, the public
should be on the toot-oat.
Jjam Sroix.—A severe tail storm swept.
Ogif Plyinouthi, Ohio, on Friday, the Ptit
dung considerable &map to the- peaehes,
gra,. oora, oats, eto. T bail stones,
ranged pes in cia from that of a he
pigeon's egg to
that of s hares' en, and the heart:pm of them
weighed two , moss and a half. • The storm
over "track about Aye miles Kura
_2ltotton flan, of Ittohtiold, Summit ooz
y, Onto, and engird u a clerk in the
OlovOlind poifildoes was arrostad on Bann.
day lag; on a dugs of robbing letters. Ho
confuted kin 01410 It lOnyposod that ho
o w, got about X6O In money, and a rumba
of &aft& Hew oommtitad to jail for trial.
fitsdadadar trezetofors has been mallet.
Mew eui Iluzm—Ork Saturday morning
met, about four o'clock, SOMS workmen env
plod at Blur & oar wheel immdry, in
Manisa, tin 'going to work, detoured two
Weirs trying to break open the safe. They
fad on tko apmcaoh of the workmen and es
caped. :The cafe contained $41,000
, Ritscot Marna la aIUM43II — Thy, Unto
nuta of Crustily,* are tnalitag.preplastions far
ninonoter,lltdon Rees Matto/ at that photo
au satuaay,AtngunS2d. Ran. John Stough,
Roventor • Tot Senator Shama, Dr. J. P.
Robinson and - I. RI . Rord, will to pretatit
and adilnilie tho pitkplia
A Maunadisr.—etwoa copperas &solv
ed la water Is out moiled &etiolate and
disinteetsat,sisa wit/ ollostaally ocntosattato
*ad deouoy'the foaling otaollt. Blood
will roads. IAo Ma
wader a
bospitob a mbas trot aad tick
On. gonad of ammo to two willow eland
oils about** boa proportLm •
. •
T. A. Wotan, an old one .wesitlcr
mordant oreland, ond an sottrimambe;
of the Dontit Towle of that alg a died end.
tfienthstopton, Enloe, on es Via
bet. Hs had pine on visit, end
took suddenly 11110111 v bathing. Ile wad •
Me Ulnas but two hoot.
fiviraz n Idossinsa.—Tho tare of :boob
Shipman, of ;lowa Ante Nattlitunba
land coankf, ins sun* lightning on Yd.
get male lass, and his , together with
Alison/ mop no wall am sows old gain, owl.
,nasdbfai .1103)$1,01)0.
:1/0114 Zsci., wealthy silken of
Chwilmisisid tow IhIP. Grows county, into
Mad dad In his boa on &sturdy .Inowilng
LW., Ho psi- ;mown „ U in istioidsi sad
,weed drover and was i tnnutwons 'and
ostintalo goighlu.
Losairnoism—Tlio bolt of so Wont wit
raourrootod - fron a book yard, In, 0.,
on Kandy. +- &Corns:lpm saw larostll-
ptloit tbanattor, food tiMaold. fault bad
oats to iti &Mb by *Salem lathe Was of
pion orptmul unknown , to Wirer. 1
210Lus 3m, eltUllwi with latipliii a di
iriNZl. hoot iw thin City, was ,arresiod is
siewleridayllind, and- forwarded to
tido nity,niran bail Walk
wrius• ...vcri:40,1 ha gurettes 4L,
(bp a Dario, who it known to hare been
in tbolukoiisirlot,war annitod &thinning
ton, Watt POO**, leaf' wook E lon • suplolon
,of bring qopy. - ilo had mots tato our Ihtor
for ooze irit'purporo,,fend •"
sill hi hold in
anstoky. . • , .
Deigiwint sta lwis mmr•
On thradaro arN ut burl pr..t three
o'click, a utrple named Matt. Green, who
kups a notion stand in the Market House,
want to the priests door of the Old Napoleon
Neon, In the Diamond, and asked a young
man and a girl in the hail for a grass of peer.
The girl told him that this, had none, and
that he could get none. Theyoung man then
remarked to him that that was so ; that he
could get no beer there so there was none
in the house. At this, Green Demeaned
cursing to the young man—at the same this
calling trim very hard num. He also held
out one of his erutohour and wanted to strike
the young man but was preventad by the girl.
The young man thee waterway from theta,
aided In his maps by the girl, who kept
Green back. But Greta afterwards pursued
him. The girl than madea nobs, and screamed
for her mother. The proprietor of the house,
who was In bed, than jumped-up, ran down
and found Green la the yard and the young
man in the kitchen. On &Mpg Green what
was the matter he received some very inde
cent language In reply. He then told Green
not to talk that way any more. He also called
the young man's brother down stain and told
Green to go away. Green wanted to strike
the person who was called down, but was pre
vonted by the protetor, Mb°, ill the
meat, lad one of shirt shores torn. The
propribtqr thou told hie wife to open the de
bts doer (the stable Is back of theyard, and
has a door opening into an alley) and let
, roan out,. Green than said, 11l mark you
as heaven and hall. The propristoi then
went late the kitchen ; Green went out the
backlog, and the wife began brushbg coat
off. At this time Green Bred a that off prom
outside the stablo door s *, ball gulag with
in an inch of the young man standiat t l i n ua :th r
yard, went through a miaow end
loci4 l
room, and in a wall, after traversing a
• .-at of • teat.
Green then off. Mr. Giorgi then
went to the May s effort to ledgeinforma
the but found that the Mayor was not in.-
About four o'clock Green was at the corner
of Halm street end Badoabt alloy with his
biother ands number of others. He appear.
ad to be In a partial stabs d Intoxication: HU
brother hied Opt him to_ go home, but met
with violent opposition. Matt then-got his
pistol out and threatened to use it. An el
derly gentleman, who was present, hied to
get the pistol (a six shooter) from him, but
brig unsusousfhl,was trod atjust m ha 'was
stooping to pick up a atone to Ike at Matt.
TkeUll, however, - did no Wag to any one.
Matt, thinking he had shot the man, instant
ly turned the pistol round; thrust It into his
month and shot himself suendy—the ball
lodging in Shiba* part of the nook nag the
vertebral column. Hewws. then castled to his
sister's house, Mrs. Hynes, at the corner of
Third s treat and Redoubt allay, where Doctors
MoDonald sad Gallaher were called In. It h
thought the wound will prove fatal. Hatt is
about thirty years old, and to pretty well
The New Allegheny County Bonds.
A bondholder addresses the following ques
tions to the Philadelphia Ledger / "I have a
Bond for $l,OOO of Allegheny County; had
I better exchange it for a new compromise
one cif $1162 6? ? L Does not the feet that
the old bonds only are dealt in at the broken
board show that it is better not to make the
aforesaid exchange ? 2. If I should procure
a new bond to-day, can I get my interest.
$2B 81, to-morrow ? 3. Tethers any certain
ty that I can obtain the same amount sent
January, or more parlicohely, will I be like
ly to amens my interest regularly after that
time ? a. Is there Rot reason to suppose that,
the late oompromhe is merely a rue on the
part of this County to man an abatement of
a portion of the debt, and then to stop Pay
ment as before, having made a profit by the
transaction of some 13 per cent I"
Sint-Tbe sat, of old, or original, issues
of Allegheny County Buds, does not prove
anything as to the polity of excepting the
new bonds offered by - the county. The new
bonds, receindfor • given amount of the old,
would bring the same MU to dollars u 11 the
cultism had not been made. The new bonds
are not on the market, for the simple reason
that no holder of the old bonds would convert
then Into the new , merely for the purpose of
Wang. Those who convert do so, of course,
with • view to hold the new isms.
Becond.—The new bonds bear interest at 5
per cent, free of State tax, from the first of
last January. and the six months accrued on
the Ant of July is paid at the Commercial
Bank, the fonds being now on deposit there
for that purpose. '
Third.—There is entry reason to benne
theigierestwill be paid regularlyin future.
An euestrasit has been ma& and wtax levied
ruifialent to ones the intend, and then is no
disposition manifested to cUsputo or evade it.
The best evidence h found In the present
munition for the interest now due.
Pourth—Therre fe no reason, so far as the
but information on the subject may warrant
an opinion, to question the sincerity of the
county, (as represented by Its anthoritiesAiri
the pprrooppoosition now made to tattle with its
oredttars: We speak esuoially on the au
thority- of • bondholder; -who • out some
weeks lately in Pittsburgh with • vilest° as
sure himself of the runs and disposition of
the county to faldl Its new engagements. He
was railloiently well setislied to deem it expe
dient to exchange his old bonds for the new,
and conned others to do the some.
Gaz Book Table.
Tnearc AND tirs 8.11171+1136D • er a Campaign
In Vlrslate, and Idareastd. Dy Margo
F. Hoy Claptalin IL IL Volunteers. Nay York 3
Hum it Brothers. 1= Pittatrargh for an
op Liam lot us, strut 6390. 12aso.
These stades of cempaigaleg la Virginia
and Maryland will Nand with interest, se.
latlng, as they do, to the important period
from the Wu when Gen. binDowall iaa or.
dared to 00-operate with en. Uselellan in
hie attempt to advance on Richmond, by the
Pork River and the Chlashominy, down to
the accent= of Hooker to the command of
the army of the Potomac. Thus sketchni
therefor% embrace the betties Of Cedar Moan.
tabs, &skunk, the second Ball Run, earth
MOll2BOlO, Antietam sad Thdericlurburg,—
hut their intim; we may ousidentiy say,
!thy no means confined to descriptions of
battles, end the thrilling new witaeued
daslng,,those memorable dayer—tor Life in
essz i and on the much, at graphically and
vi delineated in the' flatly experiestoe
here otted down in the writer's journal,
while the bnpresdons were yet distinct and
intense, wilrbe found almost equally inter.
*sting. Captain Noyes' position, as a staff.
officer, gave him many giftwraps, and lov
has and therein the male diners y and well,
both as an observer , and, when he purposed
to write a book, as an author. His sketches
will undoubtedly be received with favor, not
oroily his compeniensin arms, es 110111102111
70 so memorable , in their Lieu, but by
the Pablo gnerally—when attraction, how.
ever strongly fait, must of course be tees per.
social in its oharseter.
BODDIN Duna.—On Batordey aftarnoon,
about. half-put Are °Work, a nista MOT
namidliobert Alexander, In the foanWrd
James Bass. vas tad kalgr taken •on ao+
eon:mot baying or whm+W himself and drink+
lag too mark toe wain. Bs was =Toyed to
his home , on Debt alley, neon Water meet,
where Dr. Edgar' attended nit: - Bat mod.
teal stlontion MU of no- small, and he died
about halfpast dz. Kr. Almada was forty+
eighta bed yamof of
d ugh
atriad had 'Just' normal
from olm. e , ;
lowsnr-Tko Coroner, on Sunday. non-
Ing,ledd sa inquof on the body at (found
Ifettrtob,loho was found dead In bls - bed
shoat, An etlaalt .In tW iftnnoon. The
dseeind Undone* the Market Nonni on
Iba elde of She hlll.lllrmlaelum Ile Ins s
angle non, spd id yam lie no beeneono
pinning for sone Ilase pain nese -ther
loari. The verdict ens lens* from' iliseno
of aka kart."
To Dunn Km—Drafted am -who• fa.
tend to furnish eubstitates wig And a notice
from the Provost Kardtal, mother °ohms,
which Interest them. Babstiftntes must
hereafter forst& trance to the Board that
they have fielded here for at fuel three
months previous to nuking their application.
_ _
Du:aria Bazub.—The ruldance at
EOM= B. Us% Zn.i• Itattasont,
was Watt &Meld bp Its a taw day W s ,spaV:,.
He bad a small bamboo af POO le tha‘P32o'
tuituiSlO!POziP sa Fe
NIL Moloooa% Ammills.-4111C - Itazdailt
aim a tap man* to 11•10110 81111 - 44%
ahisdl nob* pa laltratel a mot stir-
B " whiel int Witt
A Coviviiiiics - Irrar-Caultottoit. an
d.Uu notoron the lioraduaborliad Corm
Bask, good imitates d galoll4 ,10111 1
in thooktion. Loolost fathom.
5 cR " r;`'
mu mgpascbr thorstutionft Glatt&
Waszonnos, Aug. 14, 1863.
rmustres slazzrozrestos.
A meat order dilprisinitsrs the
an of army trasporallan w Put on duty
has beers so ha monad as to permit - As
Quartermaster's Dapartmita to furnish to any
Paymaster ordsrad oar • routs where rail
ways, steamboats or stages ars not amiable,
one light or spring wagon;*) carry himself,
his clerks, books and funds.
01013 11113011010.
Paragraph second of orders number 208,
froto the War Department, ressiadect.
It provided that Disbarslag officers under
the control of the Department might not pay
dal= presented by agents,szespt on regular
power of attorney, smuts& after the claim
was due and payable, and Was the agent
was a party suffribratly responsible to reim
burse the government should any such claim
after payment prove fraudulent.
Hereafter the mkt °Mem in the military
unto of the Tlattad States, present with
troops upon any. transports, wilt wane cord
mad, unless he dads on board a oommander
already designated by proper entharity. The
t or ro opsgui on board of transports will hereafter be
into comes, sad the discipline
and order 'isstrissarypani both to comfort and sate ,
ty will be fully maintained. The senior oft
en in command of tras vort to report on ar.
rising at port, all fasts Wring upon the On
dui of the crew and Sanitary condition of
the troops.
harlest con in Citincen. • s
Wears assured by the advice s of the Axle
elated Press from Charleston, that all things
were to be ready yesterday for a combined as
lank nil Peril Wagner, Sumter and Oummings
Point, and on that day Gen. Gilmore would
certainly put dills terrible agencies et work
to retinae the rebel strongholds. We shall
welt the result with the profoundest interest
—but With scarcely - a - shadow of doubt of
limate sinus. The operator under whose
direction the siege is conducted knows pre
°lady the elements of the problem In his
hands. Given a brick wall of ascertained
thickness. so many hundred yards from his
gene—bow long will it take him to batter It
down? fie can tell to an boor or twe, to 1111
almost abseintecertaintr. Andre glints the
ease between Gen. Gilmer* and Port Blunter,
at latest antounts.•
Tex Toledo Made by late Information rel
ative to the alleged Withdrawal of VaUandig
hem, and sus that the rumor is theta propo
sal Is to be presantei him, mailing a pledge
that, in we of Ida ideation, he will 00-oper.
ate fully with the Federal Oevemment In the
support if Its war merumres and that he le to
have the choice of signing It or giving pleas
to some nun who will =Mu that pledge.
owe have" says the mode, "voidance
which eatisitie u that the report is correct,
and that the movement to led by mon on the
tiatat with Vallandisham who were among
the most prominent in sa;azing his nomina
tion, and wile could pot have got the places
they now ocean, but for their OOPPort of
OOLONOD Woos tun-Aawscot UPON
ORAILINITOI.—When the 18th soltrred regi
ment. revolted. In PWadelphia, which left
for Charleston v on•Thandsi, shall haul ar
rind, nearly stx thonsawd Each soldbrre will
be aelliely mimed In the movement against
the seossidon stronghold. The colored regi
ments embraced in Gen. Glihnore's foram will
be as follows I Ist and 3d South Carolina ;
I.4th. filusaohnsetts ; Gan. lifilde's Brigade,
under his command, consisting of the 66th
fdasiachtmetts and the Ist North Carolina;
18th Pennsylvania.
Is order to onside the workmen upon the
iron-olad Tonawanda, now building at Phila
delphia to continue operations during the
het emitter, sails have be raised *bare the
deck, to pro tect the men from the rays , of the
sun. The vessel is now nearly ready to re
naive the Iron plating, which Is being worked
into the required shape in the yard.
Gamut Axe Bcree's Sense MaCIIIIM, tar
Lai*, and insiotheituring purpose*, we the
baatin nee.
A. P. CIATOIT Gonad Agent.
No. 18, Jilftb genet
Unites PAM, Plain Oniatmental Blatt
Boola, and dada in Peanereahla and Ver
dant date of the best quay at 100 fates.
Ogee et Ales. Laeshlites, neat the Wide"
We*, PittliblEreb. Po - epalthe
irmseues On El imam Drool re Con.—
Sato°l Graham, meithant tailor, Ls selling off
his Spring and Summar stook of goods at oost.
iat of all the latest styles a Ma lt,
and. vesting, of which ha la pre
pad to mats up In the most laahlonabls
spanner, and at cost prim Tim publlo should
not negleot to avail ammeters of this fare
chance and save money by giving him an
early call.
a large assortment of plain and fine,
eaulmeres, mit adapted for boy s' mar, which
he win sell by the piece far below wet.
Mothers should not meat to all early.
SAN% Gamiiit, ?defoliant Tailor,
U Market stmt.
Arrairnoaf Rarekw • Voiaimairkt—Thei
attention of our country's Wass defenders o
mostly ?darned from th e scat of war, and of
ths Fano In puma; fa spin &rooted to the
eery aitendse sad 'Madams* assortment of
the faint ideas of • Preach, English , soul
Antstisal.Zodir for pants. coats sad
Ampisteldr lid by Messrs. Jobs ?War
'., M t Tailors No. US Federal
treat, Alleylm. A is:stabil selsotion of
cauthossn's .binAgoods will also always
kw foie:nixie the shelystof the utabitslnent,
together with a lot of rermly-roads
• t up tp ths best manner.
New Amens or BMIXII CLorsua-Ot
ten we at. asked, when can we buy a mat
and comfortable rammer suit, made to order,
tharturring the Assam of solcotlng oar own
goblin — To all than inquiries in an answer,
g a talessrs. W. H. McGee Clo., corner of
street and Diamond Beam, Alleghe
ny, and will ha salted awarding to your
taste. helm jvaun remind their summer
goods, a eete of Arica they cannot
be swpa nd ssed, andlor Steen Moyers the vary
wens as their Work is altdona under Owls
Min aniertidok. Glee then * mdf, and yet
cannot fall to,be Wilted-
Czar Disenrart.-i.ilt the besital Anse.
tats, No. , 141, Pima stesetoets of toe* fol
toy dollars, hems than those as Ise dollars
at the vest distal establish:mats: All
sou are_ somata& to all it the looYtita
&nit b at h 11110."144,gt. loweit Woes al
the other chsip pbseasi All souk do at
the lastiorts Is parasites& merles to saki
&sip Dentist* to the oli7.
Tura SuAnon vitas Ptanox..—:Bov. H.
V. Doses, Boston,. Mau" watoo—l"iltal
!dm B. A. Allow . Wattet's Bair Batons and
Bolobitsansamptomet• tbo stomatat sbot bab
arbOo badman ha oonunanost, I tin to
&Mom of ins stfin'opto.," . Bold by 'Dins+
sesta avarywittes. Depots 'so armnswilli
New Teak. , , , dew
illonnutin; ArrninutinV-Pitio, Miami and
mono, with a liot ollatA ig andAY water
and bad dist will be cam -but amid
aU thous and-still retain good !width. Only
25 onto pa! box. 220
Norms eo Psarrrer Downs eosins on
Ass Omni limvanto.—For ;spars
torotkoir to Ham or dwellings, sow roofs, o!
=else to the Car O hrater_Wlbme. ooftat at
abyss Eimiti= li strootr. Ali &dont scomNy
*Waded to.
Omni awl Osamu Casa will be
at Qs Qmallms °Nay No. 1,05 Marty street,
dap oi. algid., All. orlon Ws at **lam
watt ba s Woad's!' to. Ml alb
watt be *Oa Wow , . . Ora.
O. ihnt., Dentist, Sale= Meg. sttsa 4 tp
WI Voltam # Itia otatettlen,
. , ,
POPArWiWila.-thi ati. gh. rug.
Outs of Ur WOO gigkar. bus flgAgtagqlll. am
8. Sineb b.. 0i1: A. 1. POPI Oldo, cat lila
LORMS—Oa Ilaiday, the left. YAM,
Gars and. Ittia Lank avid U. pen. 9 withs
tkitatititk - tiodry stolittlitd to Oise Om
poi* 'ArAlsoof illosa 001 4' .
dam ot kb Maw. Unice .
Special Dietrich to the Pittsburgh Germ,
PitiLLDlll . Bl.4, Aug. 16, 1863.
There to nothing ne• from the army of the
Potomac, nor from Charleston. _
Titers are et: regiments of colored troops
on Morris Island, fear contraband and t•o
We swat to hear somothlog definite from
Sumpter on Tuesday.
Two hundred oonacripts, substitutes, Left
Philadelphia this evening for Ilfami'm wag.
The United States gunboat Desoto arrived
at the navy yard to-day from Rey West. She
brings no impertant newt. H. A. W.
From Washingon.
Wanntascros, Aug. lb.—During the put
week the Board of Enrollment have had be
, for them 476„csses, and of tkis number, 896
have been exempted, and 161 offered rnbsti
tants which .ere accepted. Of the original
!rafted man, thirteen were accepted and six
paid the commutation. Thus out of 476
dtated men, 180 soldiers have been obtained.
A Court of Inquiry twinvestigate the evac
uation of Winchester and Martinsburg was
organised to-dip. It WAS composed of Brig
adier Generals Bariy, Abereotuble and D B.
Usu. Oapt. S. A. Scott Is Judge Advocate.
Wousuovon, Aug. 16.—InformatIon rr
calved' hero to•nigbt says there has been no
change In the position-of the two artalas, so
far su can at portant be known. But thane
an lola, vague eathitiont that the rebels are
&bons to attempt a flank movement on our
left, .
Rumor, have reached our army from the
vicinity of Dumfries' that large rebel forces
ii approaching this place. Hut this is denied
at Headquarters. However It may be we are
ready for them in that quarter. °
A New Orleans letter to the Herald states
that the feeling of the „people of Mobile Is
very despondent. They &initiate an attack
every day,and It is thought that if the city was
seriously threatened it would surrender. Pro
visions aro very high, and they desire to re
move the nick and wounded prisoners to be
sent there, se there is no way or means of
feeding them The squadron off Mobile is
being largely Increased.
The Mississippi river 'OHO= from in
larruption although it Is said strong guer
rilla parti es' an being organised to annoy
bests and destroy navigation. • If this is car
ried out, there will not to a house left within
twenty miles en either side of its banks, and
every guerrilla caught will be summarily
Additional Foreign News
Br. Jeans, Aug. lb.—Captain Lees, of the
ship Sunrise, has published the partlimlars of
the rapture of his vessel by the Florida. The
letter was flying the American flag when she
overhaded the Sunrise, but after some inquiry
ran up the confederate flag, and sent ► prise
crew on board. o.'o. Lure ultimately signed
• ransom bond of $60,000 in presence of an
armed force.
The ISsees contains a latter from Mr. M.
Rea, agent for the confederate loan, who gays
the purchases of cotton by the ooefederate
government probably amount to 600,000 bales.
He gays that the cotton is principally In
Georgia and Alabama, and some also In east
ern Mississippi and north western Louisiana
and Texas, and is stored on the station of
planters from whom it was purchased In sheds
or warehouses, three hundred feet from other
The London Morning /ha, In an editorial
on Canadian defence, says we have the confl
dent belief that the bluster of the Federal
government will produce very salutary offsets
In Canada.
It is generally agreed to that instead of •
colleotive note to Banta. each of the cabinets
will forward a separate note identical to Idea.
It is stated that Austria declines going be
yond diplomatic notion.
The money market, funds are firmer and
consols are advancing under an improving
tendency of the Paris Bonus, end a more
general belief that the Polish question will
not result in war.
Detperate rightenratt the Sioux In
WASHINGTON, Aug. 15 —The following has
been rewind at the headquarters of theorem,
hate: -
?dimwit:au, Aug. 16,11363
To Maj. Gee. Roasek, Gmeral.ia• CAW,
The following dispateh from ben.
doted Aug. 7th, Is jam received: "We bed
three desperate engagements with 2300 Sioux
warier', in each of which they wore routed,
and finally driven across the bilisouri river,
with the loss of all their subsistence, Am.
Oar loss was mall, while at least 160 of the
savages were killed and wounded. Porty-six
bodies have been found.
(Signed) "W. Sumer, Brig. Gnash"
Gen. flatly marched from Port Pierre for
the Big Bend of the fdissonzi, on the 20th of
July, with 1202 cavalry, and will doubtless
intercept the flying Sioux. Little Crow, the
principal chief and instigator of the Indian
has been killed, and his son cap
'tared. The Indian hostilities east of the
Miami river may be considered at an end - .
(Signed) lone Pore, Major General.
Mtitral of the Ship Electric Spark.
Borrow, Aug:ls —The ship Efectrio Spark,
from London, arrived to-day. She makes
the following report:
July 25 —Bell to with the North American
built nark Hiawatha. She wee totally dis
masted, and had the appearance of being
stripped of all her valuables. She aastoi
light on the water, with no apparent damage
to the hall, further than the after-horme being
badly stove.
August 6 --In let. 45° north long. 68° west
fell in with the 84 Johns built ship Gloms
ter, from St. Jobe', bound to London. She
was water-logged, having been ashore oa the
Seal Islands three days before. She took off
twelve of the crew, who mimed to proceed In
the ship.
Root of the Rebel Col. Coffee.
•Br. Loins, Aug. 14.—Volonel Catherwood,
commanding the Sixth Cavalry of Missouri
State Militia, talevaphs to headquarters as
follows :
FilmyUls, McDonald County, dug. 13.—C01.
Oeffee attacked me to-day. He was,com
pistol, routed, with over thirty killed and
wounded. We have a large number of pris
oners, all his ammunition, wagons corneas
easy stores, awns, horses, cattle, Acr. He has
scattered all of hie command, exeept two bun
dred with himself. A foroe is following him
close. MI hones are so worn down that I
cannot move further, until relied. Captain
Hirsch, Jut in, reports be killed thirty-Aire
and wounded a number.
Democratic NatiOnal Committee.
Now Yosa, Ang. 15.—A meeting of the
committee of the Democratic National Com
mitts', held at Newport to-day, the following
mutilation was unanimmuly passed :
&soloed, That a meeting of the National
Demme. Committee .bo milled at . the St.
Niehaus Betel, Near,Tork, oz Monday Sept
Tth, 1853, at noon, for the purpose of Axing
the time and place tar holding the nett Na
tional Demometio Convention, and to take
into consideration not other matters of Inter;
est as will lethally soma before the canton..
Wraciarnm, Tom., Aug. Is.—The rebels
laud night' homed half** bridge in tbsir ;Dos.
/OW= at Bridgeport,and art opposed LOUR,
_evacuated that position. . dan fired a
few rounds of a rt illery, but there was no rs.
sponse. It k thought the appearanas of a
small forte of• our troops as that point caused
this mows Therabels who came into our lines
this corning cud-stated that the rebels wart
40,000 strong et Ohatanooga was dcmbtlars to
mate this atatement.. Coupled with this there
Is a fake rumor of the mention of Chats.
aniValll from New Orleans.
- gray You, Aug. P.—The deism Enn.
lag Star, trona New Orisons en the 9th,. hat
arrived. Nothing new in the papen.
Ths Atnowina Botta this neon for Bremen,
with V 90,000 in spade.
The shadow Notting Star salisd this as.
temoow for New Orion', g is ttakin large nun
bet of pareengera, Inoladlur i. A. G.
Mat; latUrt of the Now 0:1oaao Bra, and
many odious of ease= and New York ngi.
111 Wingate° Cluistlaa Commission.'
ftsassoos, Aag. 14.—A my Imp, Emenes
'U held by the Chrinise Commissien tide
=Mag. A consedon of steely $5OO w as
tabu up. Tie tonseden for lee, yesterday,
was banana to seol7 $3OOO more. .
natio= at the Ilona!
sai ls Pro $5OO and similar SIOD. ,
No Arrival from Charleston—Sup
posed Blockade Buttner Spoken.
Formes Morton, Aug. 16.—The 11. S.
steamer Guide, lam Mares City, N. C. Re
ports there had bckt no fa:Waitron Charles
ton for several days. The Gras also reports
that yesterday, off tlaptilatterse, • steamer
spoke them giving the name of Hudson, from
New York, saying that Charlasten was taken.
Tbs 'eoneiuslon of the atom of the Golds is
that the Hudson was a blockade runner, and
her bold aide of reporting to, and hailing the
gunboat was • dazing one.
Markets Dy Telegraph.
New You, Lag. 16 —Flour dui and not mum
doing at $4,7934,90 for Batts State, and 55,10015,46
for Extra B. 11 0. Wheat unasttled; mime same
end Arm et 91E01,11 br Chicago Bpries. 96®51,19
for Milwaukee Club, SUM'. IE6 fat Winter Bed
Western. Corn Is unchanged at 678673 E la mixed
Western. Oats doll and drooping si 611361. Pork
quiet. Beef dull. Lard quiet and steady et ffd i calo3i
Whisky Arm at Wawa.
Stocks active and bettor. Money 6 per cent
ling heavy and dull. Gold 2%. New York Omitral
122; Erie 105%; Beading 11.655; U. flixesitil; Coupons
106 X; Sixes Ist; lieststeted 106%; One Year Cada
cabs 093.0 74.0'e
New Yeas., An. EL—Cotten quiet and oxiMlanged
at 67601 a. Flour heavy and 6to 100 kern on cam.
mission; 51,7604,65 far Extra Stu 115.26145,60 be
Extra IL 11.0.. and ssoss92fertrade brands, daubs
hasty and the demand candoed abbey toFM of
fresh round Whisky is lees Oahe at 45 6%,c.
Went—Bound papas scarce and bring a more
money, whflo COMM= and Menar grades are dull
and 1 to 2a lower 92/011,12 for Chicago Spring, DT*
51,19 br Milwaukee Club, and 0,170426' tor winter
Tad western. Ourn opened quiet and firm, and closed
heavy and drooping at 61)416!0 for shipping mixed
western. Oats selling *lowly at 6946620 bas _western.
Wool quiet end nominally unchanmK. Park without
decided change, Beef dull, with email isles Bacon
cast. Lest steady but active at 904010%c.
Clam firm at 8012 c.
Money easy at 636 Sterling lower and dull at
/ 37 X/C 6 L 3 :16 . 04,15 loom toPoithis at 26% and cicens
at lity Ganernment stocks steady; 7.30's
1004. To exports of verde to-day 54,0.0,076.
Dams damn, Third Ward, Allegheny;
EMIL= PLZET, lianougstela Borough;
D. B. Pimvacm, Lower Bt. char tp;
Joss E. Hamm, Second Ward, Allegheny;
D. 015411. a, amond Ward, Pititbarglr
Box. Proton, Ja., Tamils Ward, Allegheny;
Bursa B Brousth Ward, Pittaburgh;
Imam BIIODTS, Tooth Ward,
M. 11. ELITCLUILL Pena township;
fungi, T. Baia, Lawreneerille;
B. 11. PALUIZZ, Jr.. Poeta. tairsalp;
P. O. HZOLZT. Fifth Ward, Pittabrugh;
.Tons F. Miami, 111101 in township,
lawn Bataan, BUNTS do;
Taiga,Cireareat townahlp;
Janes Dumsosr, Mari& towashiPl
Jous M. Maria, Sarentam;
Wismar Buicar.aa, Richland township;
11. O. Atacama, , Math Ward, Pittsburgh.
A. M. BROWN, of Pittsburgh, Chairman.
J. H. b2ZWABT, 0011 s. tp., &creamy.
Finnsw —A. IL BROWN, D. 0•191111 Lb sad J.
U. ATIW &ht.
wiiitol7Bolsl, D. 041111 LL sad
Balding, BABOLA Ir.
891, 601302D13, Jr., B. H. PA/Walla, Jr., and
Li - nY deebriog to told meellats in the Yarliom
election linitricta thronitiont the minty, Gen pro.
me BAB 0-1114111 ANU POslldoid, reedy print
ed, by &plying to D. It. Illataly 8, Ho. 841 10 1 h
street, Pit'ebureb.
060 Matzo? or Pan'. .
08 fourth St.. elttehursh, a ug. 15, U5O
v „ , — .. EA BMPT ND F tiA)hi DEA ii . I ..--
in eceordanee wlth orders, 1 ptiblbb the by
list of persons exempted from draft by due
hoerd of Enrollment to this District to thb date,
with the IeuaIIII of their exemption :
?IT ZWOZ 01 1/41311/11180 LoarrrAzia 117111711 . 1717.6
S.a.e. Breid•not EabWitate
Fer,ttrout gere,len, Ninth we, ti, Wm lelos , Dn.
neumel Illile:t, Moth ward. Anth`ny Ill'Hally
Joe robler, Li& h ward, Jain Browo
'Oboe Binith, Bine oglient Thar: fry
8 DIDD 1113.1.1g_tit. Math warl
U.S ILumm, • wsrd
I asio. n WI" Fifth 1..4
Oadhey Rackle Lamle:mamalle
Joshua Z Wdorligbt. I sureaosvlll •
.eaviCt wawa 111. 1163
lorgnstt Last. U 0.310, tp, Clomps - 7
21Cd rerment P. V,
1111:011111 - 01 . PAJI/Xt
tumid Doughty, Lawroporlitu Wittory—liury
Doughty, Joho Wilier, Wm 0.11.012
Ben cal Wsltr, Lssira Witassus—El W
Elsner, Wiss that
ifssools lisgsks. Larrentsmille. Witnesses —vlssa
Battu. Palls W BaxleY
James Thompsois, LastreacerWs. Witnesses—
Wm /sum, Cho Elms.
avicuuto IT 1117110/2111 •TD LLMOTED.
pew A4=aoder. Math ward. no tarts to upper*,
Owego Wog% titath wind, ontnybsdo tint elbow
J taw II Keane, Math wird. suntans anat.
wm Ilaallten, Ninth yard &bailee tea* car
ve ore of epic* Demme Initabnity
P 0 Jenkins Laurentian* no WAIL In dilmalwr
wuusm J /impala; &I mash town nalinent,
losyrecanU:a,• tight Mt*, dislarattan eight
eibam -
lb a Banc* Leimainsalle, gaskets right knee
Jams. it Johnston, ta.rrausrLLls, amaanses
shot sys
Homy Cpponnan. Isairronosoillo,
lots sto•
laltbstd amalmois, lawrosonstilo, Ingtinal
/aft shlo
Edward A. Pro by, Lasionarril 0, contfactlon of
tendon schthos WC log ; gunshot wound method at
wood butts of Boil Bon. (Company AS, Math Ito-
John McGovern, Lawreneevir e, gano ios wound, in
right thigh received at battle of Malvern fill. ( 0 0.
624 regiment.
John McDermott, Lawrenceville, chronic o'cen
both kge. and varicola let DM.
John Jeffrey, Lawranceville, total . oce of two fin
gers . and.
James 41: Mercer, Lawrenceville, (Co. D, 1024
!ment) gumbo* wounds in left thigh awl right um
at tattle Or lair Oahe.
&mud %Wm, Lawrenceville, total lost or teeth
of upparjaw.
. Hichaid Jordan. Lastectooville, defective plaque
andlllllolMtall7 unfit
Eded Elechard. Lawrancevillo,epropgi care:M—
oats of Dr. d. Wallace, Brady'a Bend.
Geo. peening, Lawrencevide, aututally =At.
Andrew dodelo,Lsimacovills. Wittwoe—B..
Butler, Wm. Holmes.
Andrew Cooper, Lewencoville. Winnow—Pot. •
Pamela', Theo. Jones.
Henry Walton, Lawrinwille. 'Wlinnioraltrank
11.1COrnholl, John Fla
Timothy Scanlon, Lawrenceville. Witnamos—Pat
Mangan, Timothy O'Connor.
John illi:Hovern, Lawrenceville. Wintramo—Pran
cis DleCkwin. Patrick HoUingwood.
Pete; Hughes, Lawyencerius. WiMones—Jantaa
Heine. John lingles.
Thos. Sermally (enrolled Inch's' O'likes==.
reZIC•IIUS. Witnents—Patrick Pandins,
Edward Muni, Lairremoeville, =dew twenty. Wit
mer—Paring (bull =wag, Ohio) and gunny
W 8, 0 ,4 Lavrninceville, crrar thirty-firs and
married WiMsum—lL Cunningham and CLAW
Junes Lloae,TAwrenarrille, over thistpgra and
marrial Witrowear—Tbontaa Oral& Jima Pinny.
Frantie INTiovern, jurennevilte, our, thirtydrri
aid married. Vtlinerame—Pairick lagan, Niohard
William Borman, Lawrenceville, opm,thillidars
and married. Witnemea—Chatioa Haa, Lewin
H. H. e A. Killer,
Ninth Ward, ander twenty. Wit
nesacee—J oeephliVailirter, Harr Miler.
John OTloanell, Eighth Ward aver thirtriiive and
married. %Pitmans .Wrillarn P. Harbour, Gideon
Niched 'Tobin, Ninth Ward. OM ihirtY•dr• and
married. Wltama—Jaaree
J Tobin..
solVand Prawn gimbal illid Markt, Pa.
t in daw
ondsudgmed e= i to uv rablia isah an Um
Dreams, Ms Pann, co of SO AMISS etBD
IS PigVEILS, Mamie ea do dm Church Bask
Maud ass salle from Mats Hal. Us Baldwin Ulm ,
alp, sad known as Ms ...Carson Pain." on
SH MIDDAY. doped RIM, et I Woke* p. m. •
WI ruin Is AU dearsd and under goo* finals Oda
Must 2, sores s Iva • Ennis /MMUS Holum log
- Barn, sad , other fans bufldlsgs imaged •themon.
atm an orchard °Malt. Is *Ma vsU valsami
tag Wm never•telltng splays. Paid term Is sus.
af pubfa of gMag added Into Mee mailer gums.
The pubLio road runstbroUlf If. ballad Ti name ma
one side and IS aura act Mt ether. 111411 sold
la two to If thsfreble. Bala pilau. ow Is
surnomito =daisy the whole taut
a tram weds known on ilsem Wade.
salldaNts J=3.5 noaowAN.-
Drown teags Penn to roaatabs
And doe delkdosinlGß CEBU' sod RAUB, et en
kw', man WWI MT•
Mo. II Irimeand. Angara)
kbon'suo.wiimow esoniskot doo4
alms on bud inn OF Ws
J cbmw
. kn. - Immo%
.nl4 I 6 and' 18 IL ClidrintseL
DK • • •• 4 : • • - 00 • o
• 014 Gahm and 044 Wesnaselinr• 040014.
r „th,d,441144 Ukalhislll4 nano at
- JO= h. mr t
o at - *an Mat, and MEd dasita,
=PUPS 001111IITUI Than v 0 to s
of Ito Dalos Paw-:dire 001110itlis, at tho
015 so of IWIWI a Brims. wryer of Itth sad
Groat Mows, Pittsburgh. on WXDISTADAT,I9th
doy of /merit, 180,. st 10_a•eirck s. m. All the
soinabszo sr. wrmttp routsr.ted to Wind.
Pp e.t.d.'s. A. K. BROWS. Pamddrat.
J. H. BTBRAHT. F wr.t.ary. sulttd
[• , LbOTIOD/ NOTI `B.—An Also
tion b. hold at rho Board of Trade
Boom; la du City of Pittsburgh. GP 11313 DAT.
the 2.641 dag of August aut. it it o'clock tn. to
elect Baron Direcwrs of Qs Pittsburgh Goan Mira.
for Oumpang. to ..rra for the eassiug year.
gram= litazzausul. Wu. Bwaaaus
Row B. OANFIILa .13113 Charm
W. If °Omar. sad others,
fryiPttd Corporator.
fl Taliß NOTJUB.-4402 BOUNTY
Y offend to mon who here sewed es Soldiers
Lx • term not lees than nine months, with chain at
Regiment or Company.
for farther Inmetim Ingttimed Bo 70 Filth
street, a; sten
Lit ISent. oth Regiment P. R. V. 0.
Orme al it masa 111AIROITAT10311. 1 0..
littahmzh. Hay liath.llB3.
the Satroxfbas to the Stook of the West
a% Trarcpartatioa Ootossa,ythef an eretettasat
IrITZ Dub &Li ( $5 00 ) Mt OHL" I'm bean
lariat won lb. stock entaarlbsd, psyabla at the aloe
of the Truman., at Inttsbarett. oa as before the
ISM day of Jane, UM, sad a int, mount nary
thirty days them:ter, until otherwise notified -
Ity order of the Baud
Jat•M A. 3. 171001SP.L. Secretary.
Mow rednotd at the NSW CAUP37 IsTOEII of
McFarland, Collins & Co
Po. 71 MID 73 SIMI BrEtErt,
Waren the Nut Oars and Duns= Eivissama.
Positing to purchase tor the TALL !BADS
We are selling .11 goods non on Lana at Plill3llB
YAW lime
Below Present .Itrarl. et Bates.
sir We apecialyr tcvita tLe attention of 00170.
TET 11311105•11713 and WHOM:BUM MAIM
paseltemi node to tbericsoi depreseen >t tte
Lauri ttarksts, we are reoeleteis tee cow.: pine
tim In BaCilBl/..8 end I19(171.LIS • emi` n e obi*
to caw o =Wets emeetmein
Carpets, Floor Oil Clotho, - Matting, Ain.,
with a very redaction in pesow
oe ze Pi TTB
100 Puz "
JOB stag OHIAP, aT
No. 55 FUtl street.
BTATION.—Iho ondouttori It allthorlied to 64
no pleas of load, ono of V% sod ono. of 9 saw
may frantate on tb. Palo a P. B. H., Laing part
•f au term of Dasld Dickson, deceased
A plan of the map may b 3 am by calllng at my
• Moe, No. 711 •eden I street, Allegheny City,
Books, Shoes, Gaiters and Balmoral.
Tor two mike, it
To mote room for Ism Ora or //LIZ GOODS.
and 4=lmb:to ear atcck toting purchasing
330.1114AND'i. 98 MASK= BT.,
Esooad door from 'lab
.on etnium vulanatuts,
MS as MU ments. a& Ws prim al a yisartos
W an% unsoked and Panoy battings.
Cs wary dile sail of a =psalm mina.
10 ,TI IM .
CUBA;A t. Al( trarraurs.
Boarding & Bay school for Young Ladle,
Boa. 1f47 ad 1/12:9 iprace &red, Phitts&iphili.
'lb* nyder coons of tostroollon =brass the
Sagbah watt hutch lsoguegre ea. I.lterstotre...
Lattn, tLzeontrat—end ell the Winches stitch ton
ittbeta• thumb, Itoglish educelak, especial eaten.
ties betty paid so thelattee by the Priscdpol. esdtt.
ad by the tett Probiesars.
trench to the lawny of the brolly, sad to cow
',wady gook= In he Irritation.
The ecisolaitte par commensal Otptaseber lUD
and doses July Ist.
Tor domboa and pa:Waists mly to
autillter IllattS , 4 it Wit its.M, Irrhocroel-
u iii,deilligEted - Awing
parclusad to. oaths stock Ism dm long as.
tabltsbud trios of J. IrcoutiL wool annum=
to kis oldeastrotors sad too mule hi. ratomtal to
stop 119 Liberty most. tists y convis: try J. L.
11.0asa,) saws • tarp mod mandsts rat& of eaa•
dun , Eimmitsakoti loatbar fludlova Bides
tin& cm
OEBDMOS. Litortk Stlard.
• ^ •
&BD 80/1N183,1 atom cordially
command ap sotosmor ss 1 man of strict tottpity
and pod balsam qualtdcalloom ,tor mom months ,
to cams I mill amtlxism to occupy B. 'ANDER-.
roNlitotstalag•room. Ina *ln tap PhmonVe
to latzothicinitim to aj bpstmes seqtustwouendr
J. IL . IDOTIffIt. •
Jolt'una. . • • JirStlrdet
Yea ' hav •
*tido eatbetatedmithesth the Robyn
bolters A. J. SUlels:the bt of the Aka to •
assay a Walk ttepauftwalp to •
erect day. Thieoll butane VW be. eental
timandandOblae beretabss...
May Me. LIM . Jana azenr.
Rsoma mos 11111701111111.01' AZDZWIF a.trosa. 1
Km&4inin 0 ea Zir= of gortilcieo.. ll ,
motaicracernated oar voriot mak view 0.7'
eaktog 1W demos
I VTIt . lets* tt,
.roaltbadi mid ' 11r oeni
Woe* • _ •
IiIeRSULUTAItio-other Ocreartneilatip.:
eilltieg___letvwo the redertfigeide ander the .
firm twee of LIMP, BUDD lb 00. expired thb dq
hy thettatas. Tile bedews will he coallamed .by
00ABLZIS Zllaf. by whoa ell &mind. du• 10 or
Crem Nubile Arse wth'nib& • .
011h.11011 •
a - ;+ • •
• walnuts lioiraila
fort PIN Tetteday. Jolrlse. . hams. ,
• • •••—.....••••. •••••••••••,
IrrtißUßEin Y1174k plug; p 141.,
oraaro hlm m. visit.'eg: de».
rats sat Tuavcourciauss, &» we,
been , fal V/B1 VP Cameron claw
111111PUBWIfq, was ILIUM
OTENSIa i r"
Oa Psc..4m 8W r:
mamr.tinlly asaws.•
9ji min Bossy rat mos slug
16034 1 .0 2 . 0 , ,
icumesoli lani *Ks li4kitc
.• .Agaisom miumm.Aiimairenr 417 f.
soraiwdit •;i wato.
1111 AN
11A114-030 El MUT UMW' 'MA
laisited Lobo! 0604 - kses
samba et beteg - bin lnnt In - Mr 0070 1
two; ewe arI.IXO bet ea the litot
mosibit lbeb'es Ls& NIX lel Oil=
Traib, et et lIIDEM. numb;
Ibiablillbeetb - Pttlebbegbirnortgb
utiowilf enedatran Usage; bee
.TI 9 : OM 7 1 111 !" 0 " 35 -‘ 4 ~ ,,s lb,.
litlwasil 14460, la,limait
tab bla4la .-r til tal6.lo34sEAWe' '-' 1
aatistratiO .
. z olcalaifteitilla 1111 !‘ 1
a r ~h`d~a"`^ ~.'e w.kst~.c ,..~y~~~'~.~n~Yu~ fi~„~
8. T.-1880-X
Pap= a sidestts7 habits trymbed. Eck wslit•
ftsts, lastitods. pslpltstiats at heal% LA ap.
yatltsoUttztas odor alb& torpid User, scaullsii.
to., doom tc; satlkr U tot trl O.
Which ars soy rsmmwo:dd b; tbs bleott malts
antboritit•• sad vs:noted to prattles an istasdise' •
bmeadsl Cod. Mao ars sonedingly svisabls,
perfectly paz% and set supstmadt all other loam
slam a healthy. pule ts roptict4.
'Thy pultr,stremstboi sod Inidirorats.
12167 maw kaaltby appallta.
They aeon =Matt to dump of wafts and Chet
Thy mamma etreeta at dlialpetbee an 4 !Osborn.
Thy stmagthaa tits totem and crillml the mind,
Thy prevent teleacuttio sad titettolttent [Leers.
TOY pat* the tooth and &c hilly of the stimegt.
Tbuy ears Do e& and Coastlpattoi. •
Thq ease Diarrhea, Cholas and Chetah kitbag..
Tim care Liter Ml:Thant eadliervensaadatie.,
My make the weak strarg.tbs laosattrlllimet,
aid ore ealtwated interVairest raters?. The; wo
CAZIpAid of the Wanted , CoreeTh bark, winter ,
pron, anafnut, mob and lokr, oU prorated to
puiectly port at. Croix Baia. Yea partleoliti, se*
idoadsrs sad brtlmnalalf maul ads totaa.
Bowan otimpsiters. asnonloa story bottle. En
tint it barn D. a. Baron' 'lguana 012 OM' paint.,tr.'
a. swap mar the cork, with ilintation mMis, and
on arm signature= a Ann stasiptiOn ciontating on
aide label. gee that carbon/a is not relined with.
spun= and dalstaksm glary • any pawn
to match the taste or chariest or oar pods. lay
person pretending to nil Plantation Bitten by to.
pan or in bus% Is an losysater. We te3 only In
Our log Mild* bottle. Any parson batwing this
tattle, ear mann any othersontsttal tharats,whstbar
cast Houton= altimeter not, is a minded molar
the 0. S. Law, and wilt hem vaunted by cm Ws
Mend, ban our erps on two , porilinH n Mang our
bottles, to., who will mast In petting thnossires
Into Mom ;mortal. ms demand for Brake's Mu
latto's Bitters Boa MSc, clergymn, mmehants,
&A, is pestoctly teen dible its Monts mid el
111111111/6.140 vs ostrat of their worth sad
ancricritys, 11:ey as iota by all nwpattablis drug
ghts, grams, 01'6:Ur" hotoU; steamboats and
country stemma
P. a. riLurm a 00.,
208 aroadwirir. N. Y.
flße,tt.abs. wbolmali and Man. bl
81.1110 N JOUBSTON,
e. Corea Itesitlifista Rad roarth areas.
.11km-mtam E
flie7Lake Superior Copper gill ano
PARK, ArgaDy 4 co.,
Illansitactux.. of SESATHING, Sab 211, tv arr
BOLT 00.11 . 8/4 PBRian Oe PPZA , PtvrreM i %
olsolmporOus gad &din IttLEN PLO fr.
MINT MOIL • WIBIL ie. -Ooosointly OD b.cpsi
Wisozocss, - No. NS nit' and ISO Secoid
PUtablioth. Pinsea. •
aireiectia adiSrof OcPP" MI 14
.'4 d.ginL
S a msurithdaily 1.
The Confititions aiidExperience
Or AN litifLlSD, pi:pilau:4 for the belliaillalMirs
• riming andQAIlliON .T 9 „YOBBO haat talk
soar ram Nervous Deldlig,,-Prautatore [way. of
Manhood, etcs s noggin& sx.the same dose, TD
111U9B OF lima cuss. By one who has clued
hbasoli sitar Leine, put to grata expeose sad Wu - )
thronill medical humbug end qnsekery.
By eneleslag • postialtr addressed envelope, sin
gle cord,' may be had of the muter.
NATRAI9IIIL 119.111NL111, £K.,
mylL•lydaVP 116Slort1. Kim mussy. 9.1
'To Nervous Sufferers of Both
emnand gentlemen. basing been ra_
stored to health In • tew age, after undergoing at
the mewl rattles and frengular expensive modem a
treatment, lath:rut enecesa ootuddere tt his wail.
duty to comummkate to bb emitted fenOWtilittlflr
the wain or emu. Mace, on Htencetot of so of
drecool envelope, he will mewl Ortal a Copia , th?
prescription toad. Dim: to Dr. JOHN it IMO
NA .LL, Intl Fulton Meet, Brooklyn, N. Y.
rLa -KILL= sappliesi -mat Mt kr oral good
batuwiesper. Every steak will kill &Apart lams
Cuss as Ablck. Flowswitsirr that it Is .DM' ALErVe.
that dams ilil..and nfaso Ms Ws* fraltaflAue Us%
so offrawd. The nal article Is far We la ail fovea:
aDL Druzglila.
' , carasr al First wad Mood stmts.
=mit - Eames.
Orllollllo3oli, - Rlik CO., (no
w worm to Rastomrs, Monza IltuZti.)Watutscries
Maui, Mom= Amp Nocanors. TOMMITIAL TA.
Manniacturtro of BOAT AID STATIONARY
TAGS, of NI d r ew tp ; OW Vont B t ATILT'S.
• 0.1. tot orient' ran uazd ro#,
for boding Batters.- . •
fa7JOHN COCH3AN & B 110„
ittannti OftßelnatAlWG, IRON V UL,Th
WINDOW GOMM, its.. Has 91 Second street sad
88 TblrditzSetaStwrzt Wood and 14.xkd,
.Rmst,on bust Tsais47 pi sum Pattsid, tilse7
altd P OD.aattablepxanpnrpoes. •
Porticutorottoation WA to endowing Oran I.#
Jobblng dans at abort maks. • . . atm.
ilar22T/101141.01L woaIL
Sier e* Co.
Works a 3 frkorislrarg Stake, Allegkesir Valls)
EantoSa; bfkos sod Wiststuroso,"k(o. St 3 ItLILICPC
ursiar. '
lissuriO:torisn of ILLIIKELIATING sod LCULf -
GATING 01012011 01L8 sad BEHISOLII.
101.1fThria,-; OlLorrassarro' torawick
also, slows an bond. .
ZOLIEFJ3,dr, , SONI4DeaI6ri
NOTES AND ertaro. No. Sr Niaßstitrei3t; Pitp•
taYds aa _all sh• petaaritelsiia
threctsboat th• Uoltid EttAtew - . 46,52
BSC% & Papas
liatoT4OTWUag sad BOOR; PRINT,
O.&P. LIII3II am) am sum of waar
der Hlllll lammed Zia. Woodatart
7313zabltek1 strut, Plttaborgh, Ps. , • -
, aareesa OR 'MAD! lOR R&M • int'
, .
garsuray - A - VOLLIIis.:),Fi-
wl;kolaue &star - to - cr=siverrrim, arm
.711111 ,indPrcducirkil. 1 , 1 4Ngi'V:"W`i4'."0
puffs/arms •`: - •
ooseata Firm krit maxim ailment;
(Whoa 'dd mils% ankr Blebatdaos'a Jiver" Bice.)
pmmxnuras. if gmio and** Oda*
colored. from the posittberaerte de Visite tO 9•Diast
sad Lib Stu.
`: Itt.illbWitt2l:4 pirb:Warty call th; at-
Imam at Ma'am , aim tuna tatha taly aosna,
bait, at tau erubiutarao. bans el•c . t 7 • sin
Idies . l 6101 of stab%
iris= =dam sad' ushelotbst laws*.
ad ,
tiz - , .
_ . .
--- It - rczw.
Iliil USW MAdalligladeillelrL
wir l asiorimusiKe.