.gBTARLISEED GRecm& susrvia kfizreAtt'"*"". -- i wHozaseza eamear - ; LID ODlngesios aztiniairrs, 111.LI1 tan ibusidiata Stroh Offliar . emOlied. errizerrson. PA. M GORKLY wsoiasua nom. /So. 1111- UM= =MM. - nlllardni latirrosi oflda We Pa' notftsiva• embus' at the obl ot t l i 11118"4 t°"°11". All&dt1 ILISOM.LABD 130431A114 • WI 4 &bad stret, • •• DO mail rpm ^ - eau. MAP. It (ot t1.0614.0ria td , D.i.P. N'tkau44l Pi= wierrinsbehl WI 'DONALD & ail lIMIA, Wan* Asa masa Osamu. Pacoima *an> ctomoninx4llll*. Jobbat' et 0N11134. N. O. BINIAB an a / NO MIN= MANS And NXRUP Irr: 3, , AOON. TOBACCO.' win, BARDB, th,, - N. 21. . .2 WINN a '. , wri ? altuan 4 -14 21111111...m...1. Am to' lecrimafikiliditimi'llrib . wombs , raorwirgme-arn. ~ -- pozi isernoNsayietraawm t viro 196agt.126 1 8 . 001, iii4a..T.ir7llllg• nomv. n.,..........Thnia— pizt0.a LAlLETZGABoisoons.assi 00100pgion Witt Wads at Onnin Panimen Inmanammi analnllck) so Mary Valliio4l,l4 Woad itcatant - itankorti- A:IOMP a. EO. JO NE S B. , Wntl YABILL~ILJF Guam, Azo Han Ivaimazilieisi EO Z 20131 oruk aticiaWli4 ;I.o**th in " Briay.Piusolsrad 11 0 00BEBT , DAINZRLie & 004 W:g. Clo M* wnum lhatirmaraci MMIA.IO% tad PRA Nal I.lttsi • , 'opkr. WAWA WILSON, WaoratamaThlsOf .1211/111. 0011311312121 Miumuns. and dada* b , Plidatos and Pit= losatdiesons; N 0.153 kibo • • & 1 I "Houma ii Gnomadkanasanai Itazaza;ni, and &aim hi PBODll.Q4lick:Watar Mut, and 651 front Omit lona aianataszal 7 4 1 . 3,D1GW011'af..41r. CO., Vileamwil ti Zit& 13Ct'lle-1121 ogd 1.1 .• _111111:31r.FLOD AGO., WHAMS= 0 am aim (kaisruzaz Eiszciumaklio. in W • • • =Ma Libettcr ~ Job 3 ; Wi Lf , 1 A titt • BAti - ALEY - ,' , Vilmuniza _mans. VI sad '2O wadi •*. f•A Inmetio Alf A I 4 IXAN lER ,K1N(1, Wno P,77t.P:0 xr - t & Ito ;1 )“f:11 n W. BENNETT, MANIIPAOTIMsIa oilrarza timbal C.EDLNA. AND CAMAS! ooLouszklyoutt•-. , . Alireirlas WAssaosii A! 80. IA Puna Stamm Prrrirosam. P lattllklyhot W. 16 Atcomer igi" 2 : laud stream 41 1 Cit . ; .W 4l3 ' Work.. _klikattlhotatori cil kuoisnrrosa lam li.liMPALLielil IMPROVED PATKNS 0801ILLATING BMX ENGEM AND SLID,II 'WNW, of all due and beat /Oka Harittg pat to macatainof lags wactty and ot M. Var a = " P a u''d IP 4° hea la T* work ta Ilaai trading by orotaßtaas, and tile character clout work. to km - U °` W. 01..'. . Vito — - .annum to o BALOreib ?maw =se ENGINES, sr =ete Ikeiretotore attattalioal is thlt , . J.OBIK.P.iI - 'Oxost of nit lad Liberty streets, PIIIEBUBAH, Ps-, - MP/EWE 1573101-11NOINILS, 0:1341e/CROOR,,:lio.. 60 - We.= N•l6 rtvaanae4lamiidiaimw iifitol3ll smouikaTar- ocanoisuowiwazOAß, --.-- dr datieir ' 8P111321 r — 4= . 39tuids .ata l_artlist shot 4 - LWOW lata. atirEDari W RIDDLE .ft (X).„" - .Dia. • ataisticitarersvt. LABILIB • • sak)ll,l74lPatAbm otwanuisia4m a . tri44o *web aa -s3 .v.r • • Iv Jo. otorafert.L—. , 442222‘. xv3ulatasti_woaval-4- maw Wartime, No. 12 Wood stmt. aonlr Id Anti Plttitloorgly Pa. ooklyd JI~DBIC, c. BLAME, Dam= ii 4 10 ACID KIISICAL lIISTILUZZETIL dole neat for Swami 00.R1 PLAROOdIJOBKB 21100.-PLILIIOB 4 OLO - PILEIIOIII . OO.I3'OMADJI , ON& !la. 13 ILO& strait, recooll door above Woe& rztentetfiatorarnma. takaaLa et. aboasaliertaic , - , • • -•- solo , gor ILI • EX •&,: 08A,1 4 .• 20,714140 11.1iXeik - 11:1111. Maio& faazitaio% sae iota *UMW kir BtaLrarres celebrated PIAEOS, So. ty th rtzeta.:lttLetnota. , - as JJ. Willi AM-dAW., thus= Alut .Unconzasi,..Wzro: 11 Ingd 114.4, EstinCi Tooth tereersadAlly..littarata, Pa I pmerriaritr r TOSKEIX ADAM, Dimly, . u ihninze.canamr of Diamond-sod Grant strnis, v = o. 'll"iburgh. DP-Lausiallimot-rotiockr%wayll2l4 WM:0.40:1• • r i ti , S TA . AL.% 4 3141311 4 67W00d atnst, Xiur v i rr um', • sp . WAY At 00.03ocmaitaxas Azar oaenit% /au* s ""Vaod Strestogit dew to tb. l!litgmazb i a. 80800 Is aid LA. WU" 1,113.44 - -BA oruissaact,in FECtik Magi* I=3 Daum =Ba h EXU019113113111 ASO &ram Glans. rf istesetaigabaftb.i. QM 00,, Dwain nr Narzami Xa• WI=I2I ; - linalti, than tir Pim . t .., lickit,:*** - 1004:pikilud - .1111. timpi ffixsciie '' 1 4 011 ijija‘ ' ~.i , Asa! Imam. al 8 1P1m7 , 0 -2114111%fria.iblits iicliiii tit o , 3ti id , 4011 1 It tok Roll*,llll4 . KfamiAW,mer ' r ga i ramoliostkotast' • , -, ollltailhiat ;VW - ftelenallt• iIL , 'I. Whetted. . tf MMt=Zln Azr-Ivattensimuutthan r w j i g a gr a zeo. Kw irt itopt .. • .11 No. obit_ HATS, ettAV yaw. mammy.- , T.l • woo p. Titta4 a u ' . ' .• , Ettottianx, sale i,111'4°44 1 2261 11110 Mas tdberor at WII • r ob • ersrs Na 1. • b, 1j Mu Yob sae end emus ground Monigelt, fucks. fa sal• at / 2 , 45 Medi street. 4107 WI. P. HIM* co. ..'J ' DAILY '' PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. lIV i 786. oo..ieg4rseror _ ... . ....... WILL P. BUB. & 00, Na .1.115 Li. VI arty trua lb .Pati*Th. ra.;Witoksole .• • aanh aneuabaas gad 6ml= la OWN TM loBaD t ..L. RAO ZIA, DAMN, LAS' Bvrrn, • 7 r. - OHM% Di__E &a PROM; " I 'LOUD, a • . M• D- CS A= ADD D - is 4 • 1119 VB 4 - WILKIESON, - Onaitsmr! TT E Malmo& ifialenla IMINBW01• 14: . MUM num. strmx ingiroa lz ro.nraLit.l7 gt o Orh sinacamints madik. Clonignimits a llotted. . idtemd Asaiii* . *Canirinf"_ _ 'rxicom Vie. tu MaCEOWN L LINHART, Accra mor CluarTsontotillsorm azzrOomommosil lianoauns, Oaths sib °Mow. Elcatnolt= aon, Loa* Butter, Tip, Obacw. Biwa, Slow% Putt" Pastan, Pot and Par! 4124 Wanton Linseed tad Ltd Drssd iM Goma its.Tintotkrinotor,Mtn OMB Bsab. lea whams maim •PC. I 7 Na VT Marty it., Pittsburgh. TQHN B. CANFIELD. •-• mitt Ilmacituir • al. vaSeahre..lA WSETSBN mazer' eUTTRII. LARD POWL. BACON. IfLO T A T s rOT AN'S BAIIML” LIN ILILD ABC LARD OILS, DR I B PR • Pita Produce eral4, Nos. 141 sad /43 rant .• , . GULP & BHEPABD Ccuocanucts t. %./ FROM cnann mid *atm /LO 'GRAM AN M. stmt. " 4' alia .. .•••;• • va. r. wra, CIHOMAILER A LANG Comm= : f ge,V1.15 f. I tits, , • :r. • :1/1:411: 1 : : • .ND &ND Gun 7 •:. Cosatioas )mar • solo of WWI, MU" CHI M PBODU. k,sovizmot-agemlottrolailitinic= JAMBS DALZRLL &130154111unrs scram or LARD OIL, sod Oaistaaras • • mires for the and eals of OBODE AR 1./WIERD P LEM, Rae. 69 sad 70 Wager 110 . • i ImAremooesser to Jac). itVGLI Boa No. MI bat; West. Pitts. raexh, GENERAL PBODVOZ, GROOLLY AHD "JOHYLISION RUEBOHANT. • . _f KIRKPATRICK Wa KirkpatrickßßOMlC; tiv • 0•0••••• co Brown :0 ai 4.1.3 anocato. Has. 11 and 193 Mart, aorc t" %Hobo:rat. • &May vacua zataile mi np ar n,4 Pr ° ° OOIIIT/4 • e" DEANS COFFIN, =xenon til ireanam. Oa w , aoLranz GROt Pa ammo! Wool and Water stmety Pittabstriato on'a. h3;41, QBANK VAN GORDNB,PRorivaimini 1.7 Orwesroar a11i02111311 deafer fa nous. Dur. sacionmek t ua ourean, ivaai DBISSD AND sad Produce gra. Indy. Mender trednuccemade curx Weroteareti; Ha: Ille 13ecoud strut, Pitts Imuuniausors--....6.. 14 PP?. — ILVOIGT &TO. liuidedilotlici-L; U. awr, P14()=1174,2111 4/0111117381011:19/3} MAIM, 947 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, P. sea Rat/1 L JTWIN L HOUSE & 00., We. -. -012=111Adlt Ileartniaa. azitiourts,imptu . imithitold sad Water stmt., Pittabluigli; Ps. rerfrr & VexxlinlDX ‘J Kau - ma, .6 &alas io rkttoDUOR, ranra o BAOulS4l=O EtAiN, &Q., Eo. 19 ttmttt~.ti Exert, .71417 LID W AHD W HOLIBLL) LA GROOS& AHD 00511116810151 /11CD08AIIT, in coom? of th. Diamond, Va. 11, mblDlynn lODUICE.TON & Wawa. Et sm.. Gamuts icro OommosozMadownon, No. 41/ Wood moo; IlttatoigrA. Jadtdly DIZIrc49IOODS. KDDIS CULDIL--DATED WILSON, CAR CO., (Lao Waco, rows 0a..) ISSOLISILLS DILLS:SS LIE IDELCION AHD DOMDSTIO DUI 600DS, ga. 0f Wood ,strat, third - Mono abort Dtaaood Pittanault. - • '• ' irpl(hatt A LEX. RVES, DUI= a Poor may ma, &um bit? 000155; OLo.l.lth S esewids, Mo. 21 rash ottejt, Pittston:lo t ' Pa N. 13,—0L0L89 made to order. wel, N. taiNN—a. mrai. AN4OdoABOY ititX)4s. Deslsrai-in 1.11 A.InT DOMIIIO DRY GOCIINL /10 iNdaragnor.twpadtdoNrindav, sow Rim , kat Hinso.) MINCINN7 VIM DATON,.MAORUMASALOCIIaoIcsaks 1:a and Rata balm IntitIMMUIA EMI and DIM 00005 ml • " • Soo. 17 end 19 Plftb dine, ilflab • Wage and Haat mean lreastervi but GlttoDB, TELLNELLINgt, ho., No. TR Narked aired, between Mumma and Vows Pittsburgh. M. iSUWALVIJSLIO, saooessor io Dumb&ld "8° itl29lcsido *ad Dotal ;041 AIiFARQY DOM% Mita ars con= Al Pourth widritarkd iltneg.; mod 14.10.1013 HORS N Whcuesale and lice CP tall Doan la all kinds TR1M114128, - DRT GOMM. ta, Rao. T 7 sad i 9 allartal strioß. 1 W. BARKER i CO., DaLzaza or Day CP • (kook No. 69 Maas* Pm% kotwoo• Third and DRUGGISTS,. QMON 70EMIN'Itx Pala bj DRUGS AND 013111111LIB : TAMILZBI, ttAliOT GOODS,. itaBALUIGILI, QUA AIM -11:1 ELIEDWINIPB, Aim; Of' f rahnii Titia n, which bs of= at linrait pion. Ommia' await %Mimi Fourth Am% • Preirripiainpoixodol 1.4.041801 00X Wacal •Mil D LIP W ll2 . _ 0 7 4 1 7/ :ail) Mill LtitiAmms, ra . =Thou; - Siesta, Pittsbiinch, .-. WIN . aoulaua r e s it o. 4 st t i rt ,, . v" . - - Dzulta" 140 Wood Km* owner of Wood oldsol - add Virgin slim Plitotougli. Pa. : raeiDucicd. ,i,i Wri, SMUT 31 Jam stir*" LINDSAIk a _mama') Av 01300111, luau/ tai lgi llN 4001 DEALIII, 110 lOW, dm% Nita 401.11:::.._:.w I:is X:. I 001.1n9.709Ab irax ;Mat and dealm•fa 811311 . 18.4A79,1.1 ruia and Plodubi Wdarnildh Mom Wmom, PlMotrup. , m 79 (Inuits. Li• CAW ((s coo Jaws Halms SI Co. 1) ihxdPr POPROVISIONStabergh. . COMM at , kft.mad itioli! AL. J. 'll)WNllllNDAszumpoomJsok• nizmo s Tr ff e . ..) • ==mcp u ny r : rittabarei. arrleitr; aBO. R. nocauliN i eram, sap oot= m tg arimmitim if e og i llrao4 utesei: tisane hodurpudiftiatadame, , Qpllsoticizo nide In .ad teal camxtbisoy - tkii' z toy se " • . • Rriri. AV' Y( L-. 1 G. hinoooNflna..., __Airreuir u &TUN. 0111014 =COM SUIVEVIIVI Law BmW. tza, Now 113Dtemand gaud. Wm gatend ts thesettbataat, and Clan of datum. WWI, la, tn w Dbulw Oolconbfit. SOZOSMI, Jlllllli sawas. &O. WHOYES, Arsozanrre /et 80028 , 41.N11 SHOE& t :is VA. : • EOM AND llllol3•immii..desed=tne. `:;17'.1 II:A :4,7:" zoga. is ass lanic •til:loo ii sf4 norrire Pond. sad Wand derila. PI bLOI ZitE: tqly_warrant. I l i a • „ rfal" .l3l— ti" . 8 ° es amd 'Winter eat. • &000 IDs. luuldsoms ribbed Me& :41&&do. LOCO Ilar cum =o 1.600 K. de he Ws if 116 Liberty stmt. WX. P. BECK & 00. PITTSBURGH, MONDAY MORNING, AUGUST 17, 1863. PLAJr6s. MASON & EI&MLIN'S OABLIZET ORGANS, .13 WALNUT, 041.1{ AND 110811900 D 016.103, oastbintai Ms Moving Dew and valuable berm Atakestode Data Boit Zee it= =EU I Bid.. 2hee Blom Pedalo; and Cbseksados Adm. Pzices from $7O to $l5O. The abeuest sad but hestrameat et the kind muds.• •ft• y dad:rade for kohl] Ohedehms. Sabbath Schad% loam Boosts, lbs., Eleadlota deluder. 01114. C. MILLOB, II Wood FUTO,,Pittablugh ; 8010 knt La Sacs S aiiiallry tat Pitt btrgh and ' arsTarsor _ r 0 - • 154 WE/ ? - Otlitign : ,.;4 . k it lor_powa sod mama of toss, spa agnosbto touch. antlep 7 Y . .ty Of ' EN% by Adtgh Wet mood essival24 ,As Os tustmtAstlattit ILIABre VIAS(OI3, vs Shoal robs to ot mob issto tat 'MIAs .trakcsatu o.fttear S. 'ss also tram MU of Mu Mad Sidaliiillgte_ 0 Illa . llll7llnlllllrth . ibil COMICII. a bstattfol maw 'stoat of AMAMI'S Pt stIOS ars nos/ bobs salsatid_r thesub.:giber, It Daltlsocse. oaelmmirsvoirr. sun . , _4l; /Mb stmt. Jl7B CELZ.JI JrEO UH. A RlUCtill !RIPPLY HIIIPHRBY'S arromo WINBOPATHCO BEM EDI 1 , 011 71H10 r10PL11; Ililloig.),Ll4 -1)1 gob:. 1.1 101 I—ror ClomroMkto sod lanam onaloO. No. fk-410 Worm Wrmr, Worm Cob; Wrathy th• od. • • 80. I—Tor Clotto, Orrin, Toothing a nd Wokorol• IMO atinfinta E.OholAro lewd= and Bus. raw Ocooplatoto. No. 6—For Collo, Griping% Equator" or Bloody No. 6—for Molars. Odra Norbas. Varoltroi. o. _ ._.. 421:2kt0, Whom. B. TbrcoS. No. S-.40r laolooolay N 80.41-4orliorttgo, Ewa :Mow • • . Nfi4l4 , -;.:ps2l .. Pol,—.Torlraok sad Nocanpd l ova h l / 2 trr=Ltnigolortfkoi or llowomi Periods. No. 11--Tor Looamotrie. Nods= ibasse.2llllllill kaill ad 'females. '• . • • AD. pftreg Orcmik Basra Coq.Liiii! .•..No•ase-asuaions mlinaa% Nrop ..12pluvo Amr.lheco6 . • I No. 30—Nikommila -F/No.ror Pda,. /momma &Krona to the atm; Nook, Lotoo or idubt No.2B—Numing Motodool. Imola:May DbobloP and Nero= DebNlty. No. 19—Cors Moab. or Osaka: o. adults or cI.N. dram No. 80—Etrioarp InckelEtaenoe, Wetthas the Pod 80. 111—Pat Rola* Proems or bpsents, No. 119—BoIllertas at ahem of Etre, limbs.. No. 53-11:p0epey and bosoms, Chores, St Vlti. OM LeelrEirAretet_ oaddirEte, Mill Sow, Amp dime Illeosongod terna P—P L orPiles, Mod or Bleedlng, In t ernal oe !a o—Tor hon. Weak or Intram4 Elps aad Ty'lidat Mlles. Weak airphorecititght. o—Far Galata. al Ihtat standing or. meat, W. with otatracticra ar pram o.—Fry Whooping-I:km= 3 =ln Ito violates. &LBO 8.11:01.11105. Pot dater tor Mese Mouth La bored Pros r,.. .2rl 64 ,, n0nn. Por Ear =pis Enagnon.--Decene the Sr, the. of &nest Isver„ Koala or Harp carets. Tot Holm In the Eit.- I ,_Harthose of Hes Ind mad Reglag In the Sea. sad:Taptheta Pets ISO cents per box. . lot teradda.-Eciallod pad,, talargod mid In durating Teas, lenalinp sad Old Met, Matto. Leo .11ashung of ftn&sn. Itios; 60 eel ger W itts. For deed Dedasett: Norma eak. tee, either the remit ' of Roane* lizanolvs Meer cation es Exhausting Denhargia Prtra, 60 cents pet bon, got Dreptact-Ttold ihtextaulaglous;'Thasht Beth lath 14110 - . F ascarttam P61.040n. pax box. YeSia andlnietithlr tee an, Yo uneasy sad Blskwas Ikon , Apr motion. Prfas, IQ WM/ Pr Ea& . zi..imbutt Maufs'..-41ix cmcau, meoppoatumtumpumnri of the .1116nolt ret In= finlnfta patottm.-4aviatatuti Vischarte sad Cleasquar Tiompons4,ll4oll4. The =mad and 4610106466164 kirovni and MIT %pm ppr . p9x. JOHN N. FULTON. Nos. 67 .xn 69 Eormt t4;exastif pureposeu, &44 Avast ka , tpe ?Waft Mad* OV.W.NOTIOL DaAlreic me m. - utrwalinxwirsuaornia. A Y gird , 417n1k4 X un Aar a& .. nt it ir. * DORY. a, ! 4.1% B • ILIBAN 808 NT BO MilVitage 97 40 *-- c rilF4 *Ake , ' Irgk r iiVidlOtAtOl*tr Vex ga 0111 4 gigw,944‘. 41 410.9 0 -44*3 1 01 cand 11. . , tkatitiattiniVrePi. ent3 ll . 101 -6**"**l-14"etroPk• dam.WARD, DENTI: TT -1111- .& - attNn - backrianszli an Liberty Street Once awatintli U. th.l3 m. In ardor to a prow tindareianding on thelpart of thou who may Olil opts sae, I deem It my int, to designate lame of the thitnp icons= In ihegese.' thee et deatietty, whirki do not do. in the t place do not gin it deem credit to any one. I net make chempailkof do rot imathae r : their satinction. wend, Irene, teeth, In order Wert' vandal Ws; I do not. In any Lathan* stray the nerves of teeth, thereby rendering them HAM to the:meat painful dilemma and their nut lon the more certain. Time, and ninanream other things which Imatd e l do car - :dia in the choirs of material, ginger =Mg the tenth, :1 man tict , liana an Si rapotittost hoot op 'Mingtofitlinfritteltbettitt ln tlitt i 9; s tom Ittotstitt, totoritog tao .01 etztootitadoittelposittto tetiebaksolo at to thogsolltstillittop Di pimp *twat aAt ot:ssastolt mow bratty-Am ALWlRsfriatal m ms skil " na l tteAll ictigNitto/15:40001004=8. .1 .-.4lolletilaistahlip th at . a1tnak 4704 :.# 9 4 vim moire to tha..04114 of 1 49**** 1 0.4, SP ;O 7 4 ytt the euttetst tanotwima ts d Ottitittilh . 7 ha roar io saw. Is so riumoto• ; than WI andW so calm tea Doa k AVIA% .hr . I J. DIAMOND, IThottenl Ofeataa. Painfaannear OI L lb.liaain /Table Opsasaani. 1019 49 fllthattnat. aarnirr Pr !t'F V IM ' PAlZ V lftilatt W.l Wittrja it CZato 111 X .: Or -.. , practice of Dentistry. Tire wlts bank • , •,:,,,u,,,... Mb stafetlithod agiastka Uto .. * ... AIL ''V 0 .. Tai to l ErV i lk s ma. • •• chinas the OPOrlitiOth o , ... OW 6 Md# l O O / 434 g4Wft..° 1 ' will 4 .4llll =taill AM came eltlr , .1414Z3 B. 8.12104 . D. 5, _ at, MLA ' IMO,. fekestst Sex a thitarthaa at.. Mamma.. pi..i.e ORAIR iTitiPT 811 Y • 16100,-41.11Ni ar m * Ir4vmeMlll"Mit4,lllll_, , 170,ternas, Ina ta, 401313. - f:10417%..P4a as 040 fatr .•; r lMPaioafarardiag UMW TULL, TIMM , cit, ; TD Laois. paapaajamitlialitialta.namiss 681 , 011Sitma =Mu MUM: law !Phew • ; JOIIII raffia SEVILLIg ,l_mmts so Wa, mitikly. a l / 2 )_Ellagnos i r. mimosa, a mparrams-irwrissoto. .7„4.) 'sat— trt' _ • TAkIOI,“_GUN__L@KI • • e• , -11VATIM • • Pit . •' •• Ind u SBA., .11'4 •-• , • • Iniriatllid. - `• *- %:*1; ' II? . • , z 3::; r -••- _ , „:" ;7, #744 , , ,94 , - flittsbaro Oauttg. S. RIDDIIE & (JO., BDITOBB ASD PROPRIETODO Publica&ioo Office h. 84 Fifth Met. NORNING AND NVIN/NG EDITIONS, DAM. °OBTAINING THE LATEST NIIWO UT TO TUN ROUT 07 PUBLICATION. MONDAY MORNING, AUG. 17 NEW TERMS OF' THE GAZETI E, OMR= taros, by gull. per year—....SB 00. „2 vsek..... 18. Angle 2. Swinge Carrie., by Tali per year...* S WI month.- U. tact..... 10. • tingle 2. WCIUMT MDIIIO3, single togtes, red rat- 9 00. t , clubs ofd to 10, _ 160. ••• dab of Mar mote.. - 106. —and on. extra to the patty sendlitig club. tor a the, of nom Ws will send the LTTEnin Gammen Welly. Ter . dub of twenty, u will wad the Moan= (Werra Willy. Single oephin, 0 seats gar All watectiptteas .&4d15 N infaiinoe, sad payer, alw•ye stopped wbtu tpe thr. The Peet on Degenetaity The leading editorial artiole of the Pitts burgh Post of this mornirtg eon # sins the Cola lowing gems "And set, the prinoipal business of the loading Abolitionists of the State, at the present time, is the Luca:salon of novo equal. ity and amalgamation, insisting that the Jetta will. improve . the capabilities of both races." This artitle is headed "Political Degeceraoy,'. and the berthal. of It Is, that the Republican Party Is the mosteorrept organisation which has ever disgraced the land, and ita aim 1., to show that the restoration of the Democracy will bring back teat ablin which seams to et. lit, according to the Post, In trbdition only. It is a sufficient rejoinder to say, that no party which hu the mlsforbana to samba such adherents, in its fold, SW the writer of that article, can, by any'insitillity, ever hope to correct the dagencroc7 of any other party, or preaffir: even the shadow of virtu in its own. That any Abolltionist—leaderi. or othirwls• —at this or\ ani othar time: hes leo:floated "negro equahrj" or "amalgamation," insist ing that both races would be Improved there by, Is so disputing a falsehood, such utter Mendacity...that any nun guilty;of asserting 11, by that action, puts himself outside the pale oroominiut decency ; and unless the ex !Adder' of scab traits of character as this ar. title indicates shall stagger our convlations on this point, we never can be brought to be. nave this theory, which the imagination of the writer pits,forth—althoughie are to admit now, our own belief, that as an ex ceptional ease, the "admixture";cf any blood would prove • great improvement to the "capabilities" and charatner of th'e author of the above extract. Wulf' the Poo fails to giro thd . proper rem• edy, it most *Wain!, it saonessfoll In proving and illustrating both moral "political t ld "Politic degeneracy," in Its most Maps og septet. From Charleston The N. Y. 234,bnoe's correspondent at Mor ris Island, writes on the 7th rust: Gen. Glimpre's position to now . impregna ble, and should the whole male population of South Carollnitzeirdri Mead into en army, it could not drive him from It. ~, , h en be will tent again assume the OffollkiVO it nil not be proper, or me to state, but the mane he is IMM—A to etzlitA the :41001,149 lA*** not IhrisigtHr'doilit or' hit liefettera., it 'ore now everything he (mutt ask in men, His little army has suddenly Morseled to tate a formi dable one. The troops of the old Tentharmy Corp. who have so long and so &Wifely worked to the trenches, will have an opportunity to rest Fresh men hate taken hold of 4 • spade and axe, and with dim will and nerve have gone to work, although - the enemy's ors by di and night burst around them. T e Ist No I Caroline(negin)regiment,Go/-13 tdier,Jite i the Ms, e.s and are fast Mani g the good will of the whim troops at work • side theca Negro soldiers in one particular vs the ad vantage of white ones. They can work all night and then lie upon their hacks in the sand and sleep soundly daring the hot midday. But white soldiers,unacollmated, can sleep bat little during the day. They wlll work all ;tight for six or seven days, sleep but little daring the day, and at the elute' of the week be fit for the 'Simples'. , I If Gen. Eithiore could have bad 20,000 no- PTAs ILT. WOO" Ws 49 could !mos to di; been to Ilharlaston. Daring the put week Port Wagner has bean Ina state of siege. Jiff smilaxes have been made duriag tho night solluiaforoa It with troop. and supply it wltp pravisfoluibut 10itte4 1 P0 tins falledriiiirlaarg any mob- 44; au& in evin7,lintanteetnag pan beanitriesa bleat. Thera - 1y cosomuniestion with Charleston la by snap beau elal3lllllran's Island, and but .two ilkakiionn to hare ratblied Cm fort frau that dirinsien. Wagner starved loot and to dared by untanned eantmading, Sauter tuat fall, and after Banner, Charleston. The Vie GU 1 Chailestoci-. What It -Can Do.- Ths WaitltthatrOi - PgiOtimis alp The breaeblos power of, the 10-inah 000. pounder Parrott rilted sun, now about to ho used ananst the brick walls of tort Sumter, will be twekunderetsod Orpnonsparing It with the ord inar y 21-pounder step gnu, which Wei •thelarrist gun employed for lunching torn :patio, cluing the Item set war, „ft '24.potuider tend ollet, which stun . it niternre" -1 7 03 Hgotiorgeondr - strik , o4t a retitho :'llatirtow of 3,000 i•rgc wee, al abent 300 feet per snot& • -The. -litek: #OO-Peni lien has la In -Mai velocity of 4111 fist. AO ht; cr afterwards a ram ag ns irspielq 91400 feet second at • distance of 3.50 9 / a rdi• ; ' " From well-knOint frieoheadan lan, the re sistance which thee. projectiles are capable Of onereowdot Is sou" to 63.160 i pounds and 4914,160 teat, abed one toot in II second respect!? 7, • Makipg allowancedor the Ml armee of the onnuneril of these! mi.:Ones, it will be fond the their panes:tines power will be as 1 to 19.6. The penetration of the 24.p000der shot et 0,600 jards,pi brick work, Is 421 fiches. The putetraticre of-the .10.1nok projectile win Idea:fors ba between six and seven feat Into the some inetexteL . 2 1 0 1111141 snore, eandllar illostration—the p l um of thelO•inoli ride chat at the distance of ;so) yirds'auty ta: We to begone' to that tit the nolted_blen a( 200 sledge hemmers weighing 100 pounds each, felting - front • night of ten fest, end acting Spa e a trio fax inns nineter. Gov. Owns recently met with a serious accident on the eats between Weahington and Phllsidalyidaf - Be had gone to Waehbinten trosnlUadidybillo Act actiagt OM difficulty thatlad lasiMdf *bone' ysyntait- of the Missouri State militia, and was on Ma set= to Philadelphia. While sitting In the can, he lambrutently placid his elbow out the window, when it came in oontaat with some obj ec t oguida o and was instantly ornahed, the , . i te th iti brolmos, and the-canseles badly I hearated. • Tsn Tannin OF AS OtD Natl.—ls Parth,flootbaola • maldea /0a.•,14n7 years of sr, ursereeestly brought before tho.polloe anon; charted with.tembili 11 , Warm by keeping el Ws with their Inertias. The ittaiistrite ordetta but one kitten to be rAiistgitu 4l4 l• l44 l; lllll' 4 l 34 l""l 7 ~./ iol mr 472 4 ttiad. LIM ropy. go gave Use ;arab,. of great ha Wei amidst tlee , laughtei , of • —Wad court. _ _ The narders el Island 10.• Another Version of the Affair. We have published a steno:twat that the murder of a family, of the name of Beakham, at Island No. 10, was perpetrated by negro soldiers. A correspondent of the St. Louts Deemerat, who lays he has inquired lite the facts, tells a different story. He says : The facts are substantially as follow.: A negro worsen, the ;nether of two children, had been for months merely abated bj the fixedly of her owner. and finally escaped to the contraband colony at Island 10, leaving her two children with at, master. It soon same to the ears or her mother that the-chil dren wore doily dogged and otherwise tor tured in consequence of her escape, with an intimation that this remedy would be filth-' fully .followed nramtil-her nem. Under' this pate of the case, a party of lure laborers on the Island—men who were not and never had been in the military tank, of the Halted States—went down to the plantation (in Ten nessee) to receverlbe Oa arriving there they found but one or the children ; the other bed been "run off." High words passed at thiameeting, and there were threats of shooting cn both eldes t ihe negreem promising to return in a few days for the other child, and threatening summitry vangsauas upon the slavettoitlez =ilie the absent child should be forthcoming. Prompt ly as they hod promised, they returned. The child was not fould. An altemstionceourred in which the negro/es were the &don, the killing ensuing 'is has bean published. Whether they Bred lirst, or were Bred upon, lam &tablet* learn. Boise of the party were desperate characters—made so by the thefts. bas brutalities of slavery—.but not ens of them had been enlisted into the United Rates ear. vise. They wan simply sagest laborers, and had stolen away unobserved. Their absence wag a secret to all bat those concerned in the raid. The part whinh the negro soldiers who were In that vicinity really took in the matterwas, to hunt up, anent, and deliver to the anthem• ties hare, all of the alleged murderers who could be found. The murderers are in the military prison here, and there need be no fear that jostles will not be meted out to them. The 'Collapse of the Rebel Loan ib be Rebels Abroad Filled with Dismay. The London Deify New, of the 110th July, says: . The sudden collapse of the Confederate loan has not unnaturally , filled the calculating friends of the South in this country with die& may. Thh stock, which on its introduetten to the English market was so atilfully =nip. tasted as to be quoted, at • preminaf, has, during the last few dap, sunk by sunesstint plangent° twenty discount. On Tuesday morning, indeed, It could not be disposed of at any price, however low, but a few sale, wara eventually effeobsd at sena• teen dheount. Yesterday, while other kinds of foreign stock role, the Stataholdere Loan still retained Its alarming position of semen end ezooptional depression. Under these eireumitanoes It is hardly surprising that the panic of the Blaveltildene agents and repre sentatives in thlctildettry should be extreme. This sudden fall In their favraite stook skews that the arts by whiohlt has bran oolong sap: ported are beginning to fall, that the outside world can no longer be deceived .by smooth prophecies sf southern nominee, bet Is taking the measure of raiment events for itself: It shows that the resources of plausible Mystifi cation are manly exhausted, and that the public are beginning to exercise their own judgment on American affairs. The Canted. eracy has clever agents and advocates in this country, as It has ibis leading mon in Amer'. ca, and they have done their work well. Their representations have induced a DlM boo of Ignorant and innocent pefiple not only to believe is the omnipotence of the Confed erate cause, but to invest their saving - 0 in its so-callad cotton loan. But facts are stultbort things, and in the end break down the Mod skillfully-constructed fictions, however long Of loudly they may be reiterated. Tbe inevitable crash is rapidly approaolting as Its victims begin already to discern. The desperate game of speculation is nearly played out, and the public are beginning to en the Confederates in their true character. Tennessee Refugees The Louisville Jouracti says, that on Wednes day last, nearly three hundred refugee Tiro. nem:wane arrived at Lexington ander charge of Colonel Lane, after a terrible Journey of two weeks in the mountable. In Powell's valley • berg. rebel force Of cavalry attacked them, and, though but a part of the Wetly": were armed; they ruched upon their assailants with a yell, and, cantos • plumage through them, compelled them to reheat. The rebehl, however, canted off sixty or seventy of We Tenuesseeans ae prisoners, who were woe:Welt exhaested by fatigue and bungee to nuke an, resistance. On Tuesday, another large body of these sorely afflicted Union martyrs reached Lexington, and they are coming in amain ttalty. They are entirely destitute, with bars heads and feet. Old man, with Over hair, and boys, with carl7.flesen treks of youth, ate among sham, all having left their homes to escape the overalless Confederate censeriptioe. IQ the name of God, when will the °event mentaffer that protection to East Tennessee ',bleb it has prayed for over two years f A Union, army moving into that country might carry, twenty thousand stand of arms and cgalpeente, and And stalwart men arab= to use every one of thorn upon the savage foes to their country, to nature, and to God. 'There never was a better time to attempt it that now, for Etat Tennessee is clear of rebel troops, with the exception Of thieving gear- TOWS and squads, which are hunting up cork- , scripts for Torrent's tamp, on the East Ten nessee and Virginia Railroad, and there are no 0 tnfederate troops on this side of the Ooni beriand. Bishop Sunpson on the African. Bishop Simpson closed • thanksgiving ser mon in Chicago with this paragraph nits qeestioUnow comes up, What shall too= the euelaved race of men? Their home h. Africa, and Providenoe may opeusho for them to go beak to their mare Made' , thrieirr four millions of them shall go Usk; thy will spread civilly/um and Cluistiaulty among the hundred and millions, and be a blessing to the land of rine. Bat it will take rare to ancerep this, and the, must - bein n tvided bete time.. , Where Ash they go I Use loalmd` down the Mississippi they, and lad there ale more colored people than whites. Will the* not pass over the river from the east to the west side and find Federal uniforms to protest them. "In*looking ova the Constitution of,Tcraa, dud .a Clause that no power shall ever be ghemto abolish slavery, and while looking. at the struggle in Kansas, and how God has overruled the designs of slaveholders, I have betel myself the question,. May it not be that thiCrusitor •will be t aken out of their hands, and the colored population be placed .beigten us and his Majesty of France f We can see how God was-making the wrath of min to praise him, and restrained the remainder. The. Lord God Almighty Rooth and raignasb, and bit themailtitadertoica. . Righteousness and judgment are the !Mitotic* of threitta" Berra or Coax. Bum—Heath's mine, In Virginia, Is represented to contain a coal bid fifty feet in thiekamm a coalbedswer barn, Pa., Is add to betwentj-fire feet thick; at Maud Mina is a toil bed *forty' to fifty feet deep, ant Is the hula of thelkf ll are fifty sitarists aaarai of acua i ltinukty l ffte of which arc more thaathrao &Ain Madam In Nora Bootie is • coal formation foirteen hundred feat dam, and ooritatalail sarsitty firealtarnati hyena, coal. The Whi • auafalao fa_nakbutd,hu been worked twelve hundred teat deep, and extomds . aWlekidar the sea, =lee Newoutle real adnekti.the same Omuililkati bete worked lo the depth of Afroosannifred het aod bired to a drilla, ad &doge' depth without finding , the bottom of the coil tonsure. ' - Ose ethwlatest awd,auatest oesmadillm 24”' as follows ; 2727 Is i the' blindest of this vowels!" Th. answer ; " the adttst ni bliss ; a.te is hell, 144 an Our otherssl2llll2ll~ VOLUME LXXVI---NO. OILS, 4c. R. P. lIIL&NDS, 001112188 ION ZERCHANT, Inaba In MUDS ACID HMS= QUA FLAT BOAT% LII6IIIIB, EITILVLS, da , dn. 1111TOLIceln PERRY B Z.OOE, fronting =ion, insat Pllnsbursb,'PL. Inkbre MoCORMOS & • NDKII, • OIL BROKERS, 2 / 1 and 213 South Water illrecadiprmanta mothgted. ISMS TO iaTIUT sosertartre, ban 011011 Works. Jim PAUTI/1. J. Palmate & Ca. Jaw. Et Cauusass, Elpuks, Obalsot. & Oa 103:1 • WALLACE CURTISS, croarmaszos Itssorraars, CRUDE & REFIRED PBTROLEIM , Ha 6d BORTH MOND 611111 IT, Er Maol eo&zw ecaftlrloeopa _ t P o ‘ptie.eftyM ft 4 soAo3m at ear wharf en - the Sam= Blver near the platform of the Peen& WdslY • • E rma, =Rio a co., COMBSION ILIERCHASTS, • apots of lh• GLOM Psol7lo AHD LIBIIBTI OIL WOUES, eilr Liberal cash drama combs oa corialgablanta •r Refined or Crude Petroleum. DIAMNINI Way AND Hem= erazsr, PITT/38171108, ra. LtWA Li 44111, 0011E8810H lIILIOBANTB PIECROWNISII ear ITT nunruuru, ou" CI.LHDLIS, Sa, 01 BROAD BTRILIT—.—.....—Xsy Tom. LA RAND W42.1012—«—......63 %Oil Ow th e POWS/AHD ECIEOS LE S OIL WO !SSW TORS Mix/M/111111 °AWOL, 0011 P kr... HHAPHAH, Avoca BO Hand rine. =!•1 IRON CITY OIL WORK LYDA,'" GEORPENNING, GAIIBON OIL, BIENLINS AHD LUBBIOATISCI osvom rsrsoLaum. •!Warty oaM).! , * bui Office In PZRB! BLOCK, Ehminasse Ws7, Prrrasyson. Pl. WALES, WETMORE a CO., 00.1fdldIt3t3ION .M.ECIICI3S.NTB. OILUPPYII3B Qv PliCeritol.lil7.lll, 113 HALDICII &did, BZW PORJL Wer Ample 11.1111109 fur STORAOII /alb 15/33P. PING, at Mgr yard,aad yawl, Rao Elam rayll:l4 OIL LAN need not be enzbezransell by Um enthralment of the Bnl2 when the, den here their 011 benelad end l lethont tonchlngthe Otty Whereto, de damp, matt prompt, with has rah, ems trouble end be better order, at . , mesa OIL rasa Oa the Allea haw Valet Itaatosti, .boy. Lanenkota. 88,. taw. thitaittamod keno go boom direct to tba out, ittl i a la'al usi :W. Lai or Wet, 'Went an, . ea 8.41 • AB attune alliadottiOtabetaa Atiimaip;r IL B. Poet OtOot etbireta. BOX VOX Pittablitith ca can booms daily at the 011 Ittelatyre. obiß Deir/D SIM RICHARDSON, HARLEY A 00., Commission and Forwarding Itiorohanisr, CRUDE & BIiFIN ED PETROLEUM, /4,19 1.8 WIN tiTAXIIT. Paracaas. airlab•ral cusi /unman on conalgamenn Elitrimrgh w Galen Meta Lamm J. 8. IR....torra. 8,004 drataw H888•48di III610:6m biaazios Bai Nick.. Petit Clookauxeial Elsa". itCii3EILT Al3llVJO'kat., tick 104. COMB MEC; Pittgbarst, Porrutizvt Oommiagon merchant ♦ND DIAZ= lig CUL& eclr ILIMICISTAITSCI,L9BitiOATING, MUM PSIIIOI4OII triLl, la, censiantly on .hand.. d bet side et the Wenn ~ asOcet, ' um baDthaoturnms / 1,31 T 4 K1&T. gamma W. HOLDSHIP • GO., -.2,MaNG OM 4.4p4amatal. a Qu,,; 4 aa al liiiralsio nt isetklr l Isauggiaso*.fereictuni imps° -10: - • vistei lima so.. IRV Sot% = 'Mow. - 111cdigasceinol War, gill buiptcacwilysttasbo to, i (}DTP ; OIL;, WOW NArLOD a BMITH, aRnMa 4110- DZILLZAB ( Winn - 0 44 Vasellmad b7Aal , k 4 b• !Alba- ; arOramps 0 ' ot; _ ,.. .llTalnitick ION& wadi teLiTtripsylUsiolp I pe en rfilltior. aaanw ( . 11114, . Will utattitrails. DOBILAZ a 0061 44+ 400 .. 1 . 4,11 9 1 ,4 , man warts saruszto pun:ton-elm 01los, No. iel Libutrasedir 'inikthadaqi inTh2=Mt, !%1- jeans prim', irs.hownwo OIL Olt 1/113101, 1411 A Mtslf i3Oirdes lanai WM= Rebut& iht,N tow Tar atilasta sad Ytest Parks. Ida mare . c; r. Parson ITWOMNOMi, KAMMOMMII3III3I3k IRIVII4AWROkOrie Z .4 1 9.9 warresolasimanumnsaart. alma" tiro doom& 101111 MIL • Rallill_ireßgini inik =" sir oaks, UMW • -1 , • inVA- c•rtativint' Isialtrolcdpertintlttitissit Z • :it ,•• r16,13.1re • lltoD. CU& CHURL '-' - ' - ' ' -- EX M 'f U 0 baga-lig*Crielill CNN* ' - . 4 ~ 1.. ..40 ,do atm 'Wow aitn alplia46,l3ilU/SM 414645.4114.1*: ' 40 ir. it. - a 4 -- • • ' Prr ." l L 1130311. .. WI '- -" -- wiesirumuu m, r l a gr"Nal ay iii. st. s bx . . & ~- ".•._. J• II -` .. .4 111317..) 4 fr'l 'fr;...:t ll- '17 . 7.-, t. yY _ - --..-'' _.,, .7.- [ f .. ,c-: . -.-zo Ell ... • 0/ZB, Arc. TUNE & BRO., Enka. in Crude & Etfined Petroleum, Benzine, &t., 1.34 wm.sur ire, naLADlaxaLs. Boairows einizial 03 au cor• will =ell, oar 03003 pt peownil Wisatt33o. • Boar to lama. armor. Dmla a Om. alcealood /1 " 11, lad lakaoraloth Hada t Ca. INttabozaa; Tao.. asata. ma. prom Bask P. A.; B. L hater a v... noir:weds • D. tit MAIM,. JR., ARV?, LEE W 41,11177 PHILLASELPOIA. CRUDE & ItIMEM PITROLIIIIM On Camstheon nalxudralp. All .barass at 0"41.1 nammabln taw ATORAOR TOR 11//11510 to cad nem. MODS =dew good dads. sr Partkolas 'Mutt= geld to OIL rOU EX PORT. - tor e.g.—ammo BOWL •BODE AFB, nnLly catsw: a P.eausigalurt, • 0133g1k4L ME#CIZAHDISH REOSSES. La &mut lions Emu. PIIILADIMPFI IA Crude andltelitted Petroleum, CIAMTIO 8 Ma, • EIaDA: Asa, BBilthrOlif, "DROGS, OIL!, am, Jo. , aiirCidozo to Du c te4 pzolspay ott,ectlfd t , " sobly AL LEN & lir EiEDLES, PEILADBLPHid, Commission Merchants. Nitimaratanao.-pad tocmAsOraeuti of CRUDE &REPINED PETROLEUM 4111 r Likes! ifiralum.smada. asl:l7 HENRY ROE) No IS Norm Pinar Smarr, PHiLADELPHIA. 131101EZB LED OCIMESION kLillOaAhT Crude and Refined Petroleum, LIMBLOAiIIiGI OIL AND BEHEOLII, And dealsr 1a trod* and &dad PICTAOLTIMI Ltanus. itAly vitadruz. p EOPI.EtI lINSUBANCE WMrsr (Ace, N. N. oozier Wood sad Pllib tin FIRE AND KAIUND OBIINA-ACS Wsi. Fsßlips, John Wes; Was, B. Hsys, /mill E. PIA% Quarks ri Minsli, Wm. Van Hirt, . Jesus D. Venn,. Oapt. Jahn L. Ithosde ilyzucel r, tlh Aim*. B. Jones, es, 0. Hanson Lam • ifge . k. f lerm - L=IM=N INDEMNITY LOISti nY 1 FULL —Mai WIWC INHMINOIL OUP' PAPP UP PHILADELPHIA. OClte, =A 4.11 Gbertzrat Rreai, . slasr eitatement or Assn. January lat. limo, published age ably to an act 9 Amenably, b 4— lint !Sorts ri:.amply aectird- 4 ;.t. 4 -3 1 .earlie to Baal Ea - vaLiugyni 01) spr... MOO 6 0 , 1 Temporar7 impla Collateral 'Beattie. 7 Stocks, (preaunt mars Beti,e67 TI), eon— .. IWO) Notts and. EWA 1Xl":0 ..27811/ ;Or TO only proAtitteom yr_ituzlottLa vltlrat tau °moony on QM& by UM JUII Crozet ilyare4illet was bon dototoatool.. ~. lustuataux . faado on ovary doortiptlou of prat 0. - 4. In town &adamant/7,st rates ea la. as us coludfloof Blau. tbila bioarpbrailink, i kraal of talrti yom thay bats bubilarea by aro to au ascazat roar Million* or Dol/ars, thereby allbtatua foldout. of ohs WoaatiQer of Itaarsaco, tomb as dual. AWL ty sad diopatdttoa to moot ortta proalytanos =3=l Warm pale daring toe year DLll!llnagil Mario N. Dander, i beat Lee. Matthaei D...larie, Jacob B. Malt% Table* Wagner Ethratd.O. DO.. NM& Brow e r cies: W. u.v..,-, aa1241 Gis talami i usi 4k Mu l ir " , rniiirm . CDWAIIIIO,IIALA, ripe -tradise W. A. atara., idettetamph, Mat. • . . -i. Ge- 4111.11.04.117tii Irat. Aye . , tiMcs tionbeart. oot. Mood & Third ha wEnedui .IDidU CS mime. NTPITT2BIII2WI ' • `• • " 212i1101, Ir.. Plaices O l . i lll. GIORDOII, skeistarp. • - 041.10,14.. -92 Water WM, arm& 123.•• 0! a n RAM, - Pitts 22111.1aemmeg0224•4 t orts 62 01 Ant owl &La I« Sidi. A Mao 1.01402242". immogad is D44ooors vac cre !ma lira 011- tia-commiesirozattisio an dark -WA 41 proistag. and ,iikrolttg, to, =cram. u. ekaroclar-w120.2"224 lkisiesediou=rim boa iinlaciScalka.lhostacbiol422-022 T,79. 00 TOBFg N l / 4 1 sull Mack • • ' - 23C4.4! 421 Martin. • Min -0 2E 2 2 . 4 :•= 42 . - • 1.693 1501!—, 12,261 rcetzthr! iroteo. * . 27,124 14 12414.06 oa4 Bp! Dbcos!4!4!ooL--,--.00,..—.110,Ar1t 12 01 • 0 1 LlCTlinti 1 51. - 1111ter; Jr. I Andrea acrasy,' Jam Idamalem, • • Akaaparkr Spea r tiataukArd tkaka, David M. La, - &la. 6atakk, - .2040. J. Moan; . =Fqt.. _ ___ 2* . Bal. P. Bakarrll. ...astm 631 . 1/ 1 / 2 John 73. I:l'o , 3Dx. 13. W. J330790t0cn. my3O 61011170/3,.emrdai, p§OILANOIS INSITRANOB COILVY OF NORTH IJDIRICA. Pli7t4ll)liiPL3A. Inn:since Ocr. ache State of.Penzea., istiend.iteu.• Hartford Hire lactraace Company . , ar • Irkshisboiiela nillablOom ppla coo le obia4urSt7 ANA/sat/at tce . , / 01{ /plat brivn,E+LPle7`~fibDdlb¢,iiator itrest: eirrateri3MElVßANO :' 0 ltiPla Y VO7 PITI2I7OIOW. 02* emir litaluit-1,3 a wateriskiers glaffkil a ~.. ..„___.,,, . ..• A, '"”. 7- M r" illnailaanalitniNal. -+ - - 121C71561"ab te ll'aM.PI‘ ili the navlassio d Ike Sc latLee P: i : ond Western th. . th• smigatke a al =avegilitit lour AM damen• 14 ifs, I , '' -: ' Ki " 111 : 1 2. IC* - i I k u rwii.):-, ... • Ja 2 m B - W. a. Joblatca. Jr. ii• ri 31,W. grz"lk ' - ' - Ilk l &Pr i litr ' -4 =arAla: • 0/4043 411111facil L - ,- ; Ofrpe,*4l,l 6e4 1,6 Clomp Bbasbam. o' - kIihNOWSIN Y" INISUW4 M. Mr Id :=PlairOaTerelstrzas. -cogo, zio.rr! au /I !it r lint ak ata ck ail t tiidiatiticibet flutkelkhag. ri Jim. mt.swat • -.....,-- - - Oct. arabsa.o. C ,. iYsittnqlr • . rat Jon% •, - , AAR Dab= --WiglirMe n , QiA. Wm. Dm* irlats - X l. 1-3 - nah keen% 41 4 . 1401 2 " Pa r -77, )44./4-0101.•-