The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, August 15, 1863, Image 3

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    Vittohr4l l
oar: °mom. WEE Ol rris WT
111 m7h0a0146110eL osszavAnoirs for the 0.
gene, by 1: Ohs*, Optitdas, No. 61 !fhb
ottoot,oornetod dal I
121 WS. SUP&
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House BuruedT—Cherie of Arson.
A, somewhat singular ease eons hams
Molar 'ALl:ander, on Friday amiss, the
eiretuastanees of whist an as fellows Hugh
Gilleland, a highly respeetable end Worthy
eltlass of Ohio township, wide Information,
before the Mayor, duress Elamiel Bixisy
with arson. Mr. Gilleland sets forth that'
_ _bis was destroyed . by dre, oa
Mitt attealig of Friday, together with most
of ittbontents," . ind from throats previa'',
snide by Bixby. he had reason to believe that
the hate had beta maliciously fired by him.
On the hearing of the owe three wthasses
were examined for the prosecution, each-of
- whim testillidthat Blxley had threatened to
be revenged On Gilleland, if it cost him his
heart's blood. It appeared, however, that
.111xley and fillieland had been on very inti
mate tams, and that the teases had board
ed with ' the prosecnitor until faintly.
It: is also - stated that Bixby aspired to the
hand and heart of a sista of Gilleland, :and
that the nuptials had actnally been maimed;
but here bathers' a by Come interforence of
-.6lolallsAAL -MIA trill tads. la we Cannot lay,
sells nthi.thbhwat net mode the subject of lo
rd inquity. 4 On tlitday.On• which the draft,
. fa piaci Witaship els maid:Si:ley got quite
drunk, as hrichote Uuth way of expatiating
his joy at not, Wag drafted.
_lt was while in
- this . condition, and. lAN smarting under the
alleged bad treatment whisk he had received
the% Oillelead, that• he threateued to have
range. The lady in question, Mita Mary
was one of the witnesses avant,
him. Maley did not deny the threats, but
he alleges that hie only purpose was to thrash
.GUieland,and not to harm his property.- Af
ter the dificulty, Sisley went to live- with
Jacob Mobinsoc, a worthy gentleman residing
in the same vicinity. .Moth Log farther acourz'
fed until the house was burned; when the
threats were freely talked of, and Bliley was
arrested assisted. After hearing the three wit
'Amines for the prosecution, the Mayor mull ,
ad Bixby to either ball is Arabi:and dollars
to =swat a, further hearing on Monday nett,
at ten.o'clook.
It is paper here to state that Mr. Robin
son, why' was present at the hearing, ex
preset...le williegness to testify that !Oxley
was bee- eat dl his room from the time he
treat to bed nett! after the Ire; that he could
actget ate! the room without his (Robin
., eon's) knowledge, la his wife was awes, the
greater part of the' night with an sables
teeth:: Gillebtad'a house ie a mile and a half
from Robinson's.- -This testimony was not
heard,for the aeon that time another wit
- nasal to examine on the pert of the protean
time The sae has stated considerable ex
altetaint in the immediate neighborhood, and
the fault wlii be looked - for with interest.
Sisley is a discharged volunteer. and Is said
..te be a man of good character.
Dowd of Missions to the Freedmen
of the :South. , .
• nit Broodmatin the Seeond Church,
Allegheny city, August 11111. In the absenca
of _the Secretary, Bar.' J. B. Clark, Corm
spud's& lisentary, acted. It is the design
of this Board to furnish the freedmen of the
flontlowith a COMIDOII. school education, and
- to glee them thi gospel. Although has Board
is seder the sapointment end direction of the
• U. P. Oknrah, yekgenerons anti-slneery men
belonging to churches which hare not reared
la this matter are contributing ta i our support.
The Board dries not strioily confine itaelf, to
the 11. P. Church in the selection of its teach
en. And now, when thonseadsof thus un
fortenate beings are obtaining their freedom,
and in view of the fact that most of them are
Mali" Marais, too muchimpottenee cannot
be attached to the work which this Board hie
undertaken. Beery brie of humanity and
or an educated and move citizenship; should
be wilting to contribute to its support.
The Bested has appointed the Am Thom
Calehan, of 'adieu', and John , Lackey, of
New Wilmington, Pa, as bithionarbo, and
Misses Henrietta Lie, of Manchester, dons
Hessler, of Allegheny city, Agnes Z.
mead,..of Washington, lowa, Margaret A.
.thaittr of floithvillt Illinois, and Lizzie M.
Pinday, of New Wilmington, as Timelier&
de soon as the hot season abates, these par
sons willforth gp to the work. Ms the expero
tation of the B mrd to send whammed corps
of Maher. before the commencement of win
ser--Thls; hemmer wilt depend upon the
liberality of , u fr iends if the colored race.
Any person desiring to contribute to this
couteo tn - send their contributions to Ser.
lithe ,B. Qui, Corresponding Secretary of
tie Boer&
dlitirdecli's Lecture this Evening.
•yyd.nmind ear readers that James B.
it aidoolliAyo the distinguished actor, elo
cutionist,' and patriotic' Isomer, will appear
Lillis last named characiar this evening, at
USIOI2IO Hail, u hu ban announced in thus
seismal for some days put, to dullest a Jus
tus on "Principles not party ."—a sabjset to
evidently appropria te to the times—so full of
augpstions of the noblest santimonts—to in
stinct with Inspiration to fire the lloul of the
. -outer—this we can sully promise a glorious
Lout : . of company with high thoughts and
multifold &snag and gene sas emotions, to
ell who will hear Mr. id. to-eight. We trust
. Wee will be an. Radium worthy of . the
speaker and of the occasion.
Nollisan Max; .oz. Mon WZITILLII oa
wasaonsaz. Br Dr. J. H. Robinson.i—This
is a story of the Bushwhacks:a of Missouri,
awd astaisi a great number of illustrations
aifspprofidate to suits r iaddenbt.
fess very mush to the tas 1 radars who
the strongat kind o raulaaa, and
the most • feverish alas. of *retirements:
Smonty.sersa elonly.prioted, denble.oolama
octavo pagn of Ina pabulums tee) be had for
SS eats bi the parebasor of this book, at W.
A. ellasgsna•rs, dl 111th .treat.
sm..-0a /May Moine= Ostopboleo Mtn
Moth paid s visit to as Limas Hospital at
Dimmest, sad gave a parlor comers for the
astasessat of the patisati. The condos
fN easesdissty plasma to. the troupe, as
well as so the Whom sad imams et the la
siltation. The Campbells expressed thia
mine Willy Fettled at the tanner in whisk
- they were satertaised.
HILO TO Dam .--aeorp lreelisb, Philip
NNW and Elisabeth /tallith, alined with
small and bitter, on oath of ,191111 ant J.
. chyme a were yesterday ho al to ball by Mayor,
Abmander, la the sem of PIO sash, to sa
-sews, at Ceara. Old man Croke', who woo so
eeeendi beaten by the same pathos, hi now
Dotting better, bat no Maim bes yet* burn
led in hU *us.
`..Ckm..lllootatas' 11,aautur.—'011 An• rig
, ow, eceaprtued of Laureate midriffs:oar
oottaty rasa, sill reach this city la a day or
elDea baktenbars, Ve,lor tie- pupas
beg arastiered oat of rude& A:olsta
to this ate& was yartarday neared brie by
Kr. W. D. Clark, or Laurens minty.
Tax L awm assn Wants', together with
all es Laois swam Maury max and pad
adlosliosa bis tad tadq, at Ylttock's news
&Spot, 1114 strsot, opposite the post olio,.
Gill sad pt a. supply.
A Bow, valued at one huadred aid fitly
dollars, fell dead yesterday, ea Rama street,
Alleglisay, while being drives la Imam to
a Hot wages. It belonged to • widow so.
-Mang la Isaeltestes.
imi gvirozie card Pitotograpluk noshed
geoid, st Pittesk'si, Opposite the Postoillos.
Only $1 per , dues. nit sent two or
show aim.
C A U. and purchase a good pookot-book at
l'lttooletiopportto Pootolnoo. All palm
mad igloo constantly oa baud.
ALL the limiestWseellee en be hides J .
W. Pittoek s e, opposite the Postellos.
i-. , -..-N7a.
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TlieWaebilegtion Cement* Alreir /trete
' 4 gunman wikk,
Omits, daring titair , lide expedition through
Washington. county, endwise was an eye wie
ner, of thelisturbanoos both in Washington
and Burgettstown, called upon us yestaideyi
and assured us that our statement, so far as it
went, was subsitsatially eornsta. He gave ear,
some additional both however, which we will
briefly record, sines the copperhead press of
Washington county have moused us of writ
ing "am infamous and libelous amount, soar
oily ens word of which was true."
Our informant states that altar the troops
reached Washington some twelve Or fifteen
of them got , out th rough the borohgh, and
some of there were soon under the influence
of liquor. A guard ties sent sit under
Lint. NoKelvy and Orderly (*saint(now,
Lieutenant) James Littell, to gather up these
stragglers. While engaged In this deity, the
guard. was hooted at and Insulted In vari
ous ways, by parties whose conduct
clearly • indicated their • palliest status.
No attention was paid to . these miserable
creatures, so long as they refreined from vie.
lence,and they were permitted to hoot, and
sneer. As the guard was promo:Hag up the
mein etreeti a large man (named Wood., we
belleve,) ran against Lieut. Littell„ and jostled
him for the sole purpose of Oohing a nearrel.
lbedmmeiliately after slag oat "hurrah for
Jeff. Davis." He was then taken into custo
dy, and placed in advance of the guard. This
raised quite a hubbub among the copperheads,
and an unsuccessful attempt was mace to
mono Woods. Thera wdies, fearing the arms
of the trooper' ' -ooneentrated behind a lot of
lumber in front of a new building, and await
ed the passing of the guard. As the rear of
the column passed, a volley of pistol shots
was fired from behind the lumber pile, fol
lowed by a shower of brick bate. As many as
half a done shots wimp fired, but none of the
soldiers were injured. The column was or
dered to tire, and did so—but the rowdies et
aped injury by dodging behind the
timber, which lay about breast high.
There was not a man of them .to be seen
half a minute later—all having disappeared
in the &flume, and got out of , harm's way.
The column then marched to elkmpitaking
their prhorter with them. After the guard
left, they ewe out of their holes again, and
began to sing songs, etc., when the soak ar
rested some of them and &opened the o here.
The prisoners were 'placed. under guard ail
night, and were dieeliarged in the morning—
not beads' they could not 'have been held,
but for the mace that the officer in command
did not wish toeneumber lamestf with them.
In reference to the Dargsatatown affair, we
have positive information that Stevenson and
his men came into town for the purpose of
making a "demonitratlon" against the sol
diers. They were all armed, and purchased
powder and asps in the village. Attar night
tail galloped through the street, and took
on sundry airs. One cif the soldiers remarked,
_.......»..... 29 7-10
in the hearing of some of these men, that they
would be among the drat to show the white
feather, if it was nerassuy to enforce the
draft—or words to this effect. In • few me
mento after, the shot was fired by Steven
son, who in turn wee shot in the arm,
and the arrest of six of the party was
soon after affected. The story about Steven
son "firing up into air",is simply ridiculous.
Stevenson and his party did not deny the ex
liniment a orgasisatiale S. reefer clia draft, but
it was asserted that W. 0 Stevenson Lad not
acted Oeptairt. That olliase, tliey said, had
been filled by s Gouda of Stevenson, mho has
Muffled to Climada. Stevenson admitted that
he had been • member of the eompany,but they
all maintained that the company had bees.
broken up and disorganised. These men were
kept in °naiad, for a few days, sod released
upon eoadldoa SHae ti., mould Ito hereafter
iaterfere with eis draft This is the character
of the "Join* Aare orate" whom we hare eo
" grossly libeled," aid who, 'according to
the Washington Shomainar, -are pcdriods and
loyal /
This company :Filed here ddreatfrom Ilan
onok,lhiryland, 6 o'clock last evening,
looking as hearty'and robust ea klieg:llam"
They marched to Wilkin's Hall, and the men
.were allowed to go home till this monaleg. -
Tkp Battery, it would appear, attained full
as high a reputation abroad as it had won at
home during the esturgenay in Jan..
The men were encamped in the burying
grounds of the Episcopal church, adjoining
the grounds also of the Roman Catholic
church, at Hancock. They paid that respect
to the deed whisk to due from ail Christians),
and so won the good opinion of the people
whom they wen thrown among.
On learning that the Better, was to be re
lieved and sant home, a few of. the leading
tten of Hum& waited on Capt. Heap, and
handed him tier following paper, with • re.
quoit that it be published In their papers at
. , . August 10th, 1263.
" The undersigned Minns of Hama,:lt,
turning that Capt. Ruses Batt/n.7,9! Penn
sylvania =Us, is about to leave us, cannot
allow . Clam to do so without is:priming our
high regard for the Captain and his command
as gentians/a, and our approbation lam their
soldierly and manly deportment during their
sojourn with us, assuring them of the plass
tare we have known in our abort assoolition
with man, who know and rasped the rights
of citizens as well as soldiers.
On their leaving, they take with them_ o
warm friendship and kindly wishes.
S. M. 811111t111118,
J. J. Bsvassr, Elaaival. W. Darts,
WILLIAM H. Lows, , U. E. TAirt,
S. OLtiras,
JOS= GRATIN Jaooll Naar,
Oman W. Barber?, Garman A. tear.
RIA/6101D 011.00114
We wish the Milan and men of, Battery A
- .
a.plemant rest after their warm trip.
CALL and lam 'oar Manes far an Sanaa
dial; paw at Moak's, oppoalla the Past-
Blur. BassAISS sr* offered In boots, at his
soala Hall Attrition House, to glom out atm
mor goods.
A 'Gnit variety, all WIN 1111 d various
makes, of hoop skirts, at Masonle HaU Atte
ilea Boats, 5 1111 k stmt.
Tam lust and abasput Albano Is the city
an at Pltteara, opposite tba Yutaka.
Sum um Bow% Burns ItLoam!, to,
omit, sad oloadistorlog .porpooli an the
bon to goo.
A.P. Munn Gum* Apt.
ko. 18. NM molt.
TlOltal Pamir, Plata nod Ornamental Mato
gooier, and dealer is Postailvsala sad Va.
stoat slate of tlcs boot quality at low Tatou
Omer at Vas. U 14101104 near dm Waist
WoTks, Pittabarith.Pl. apritfat
Cane Diumsnr..-4t Um Dental Insti
tute, Do. 2111, real street, sets of teeth for
four dollars, INMAN than Qom at. In dollars
at the other detail establishments. All par.
sons are requested to all it the
after haring assertgaed the lowest prism at
the other Maw plates. All work done at
the Institute le guaranteed superior. to any
*heap Dentistry la the city.
Noma to PitmenMU 4.111)
Lw. Oman Ismansm-I.r repast of al
terations to Horn or dwellings, new roofs, or
earthing ale in the Carpenter lies, eaU al
Oathbert's Carpenter Shop, Virgin alley,
above Broltbdeld streets. all orders Ivo:aptly
attended to.
Tim &WM TIAN 1102101,4341. a.
V. Desea, Boston,. Yam, writes—" That
Kn. 8. A. Allen's World's ask Restorer and
Zylobstsesants promote U6ll growth of the hair
where beldam hos commenced, 1 Item the
seldom of my lowa eyes." Bold by Drug
nests mrywhere. Depot, 198 Orseetwish st.,
Now York. dew
Asraitioa I—Pain, dimes sad
mown, with a hot ollitate, madly water
aid lei diet will be eitsvoldoble, bet amid
eil these and still retain good health: Only
26 ono pee box. •- _ • ' • 22 0
Own= and OMtoes UAW will be tabs
at th• Omnibus oillm; No. 411 Libats tillootr
or. algid. All edam kit at 566• above
pima will es promptly attended to. AU calls
mut b• pale In &dna". 6m,
Return of liattery,A
Hum B. Maas
P. Brolllllll4
O. Pao, Natal, MS Piss drag, oared Se
an babas at Mr probates.
Important Letter from lir Whiting.
Solicitor:to the War Department.
The Boston Travilier publialtee an able
and highly important letter, addressed by
Mr. Wm. Whiting, Solicitor of the War De
partment, to the Union Leagatiof Philadel
phia. The subject is, the "Dangers of our
lititionsi. Future." After remarking that
"the deadly struggle is between civilisa
tion and barbariem—frecdom and slaver
—republicanism and aristocracy—loyalty
and treason," Mr. Whiting leads us to con
sider the diffioplties of our position. Ho
"As the anomie of the Union cause shall
become more certain and apparent to the
enemy In various localities, they will lay
down arms and cease fighting. Their bit
ter and deep•rooted hatred of the Govern
ment and of all Northern men who are not
traitors, and of all Southern men who are
loyal, will still remain interweveninevery
fibre of their hearts, and will be made, if
possible, more intense by the humiliation
of conquest and subjection. The foot of
the conqueror planted upon their, proud
necks will not sweeten their tempers, and
their defiant and treacherous nature will
seek to revenge itself in murders, missal
nations, and all underhand methods of
venting a Spite which they dare not mani
fest by open war, and in driving out of
their borders all loyil men. To suppose
that a Union sentiment will remain in any
considerable number of men, among a peo
ple who have strained every nerve and
made every esorifioe to destroy the Union,
indicates dishonesty, insanity, or feeble
ness of intellect.
' , rho inhabitants of the conquered dis
tricts will begin by claiming the right to
exercise the powers of government, and
under their construction of State rights, to
get control of the lands, personal property,
slaves, free blacks, and poor - whites, and a
legalized power, through the instrumental
ity of State laws; made to answer their own
purposes, to oppose and prevent the execu
tion of the Constitution and laws of the
United States, within &striate of the coun
try inhabited by them.- •
"Thus, for instance: When South Caro
lina shall have ceased fighting, she will say
to the President, 'We have now laid down
our arms; we submit to the authority of
the Unite States Government. You may
restore your custom houses, your courts of
justice; and if we hold any public property,
We give it up; we now have chosen Sena
tors and Representatives to Congress, and
demand their admission, and tho full es
tablishment of all our State rights and our
restoration to all our former privileges and
immunity es citizens of the United States.'
"This demand is made by men who are
traitors in heart; men who hate and der
sputa the Union; men who nee& had al pa
triotie sentiment; men who, if they could,
would bang every friend of the Govern
ment. But, for the sake of getting power
into their own hands by our concession,
which they could not obtain by fighting- 7
and for the sake of avoiding their national
crimes, they will demand restoration under
the guise of claiming State rights.
'What will be the consequence:, of yield
ing to this demand 7 •
"They will gain the right of managing
their affairs according to their wilt and
pleasure, and not according to the will and
pleasure of the people of the United States.
"They will be enabled, by the interven
tion of their State laws and State rants, to
put and—maintain themselves in effectual
and perpetual opposition to the laws and
Constitution of the United States, as they
have done, for thirty-flue years past. They
will have the power to pass such local laws
as will effectually exclude all Northern
men, all soldiers, all free blacks, and all
persons and things which shall be mailers
'latent with the theory of making slavery
the corner stone of their local government;
and they may make slavery perpetual, in
violation of the laws of the United States
and proclamations of the President. They
may continue the enforcement of those
classes of laws against free speech and
freedom of the precis, which will forever
exclude popular education and all other
means of moral, social, and political ail
vandement. They may send bask to Con
gress the same traitors and conspirators
who have once betrayed their country into
civil war, and who will thwart and embar
rass all measures tending to restore the
Union by harmonising the interests- and
the institutions of the people; and so, being
introduced into camp r ae the wooden horse
into Troy, gain by•frand and treason Chat .
which they could not -achieve by feats of
arms. The insanity of &Wright' Awl
trines, will be nourished and strengthened
by admittingback a conquered people es our
equals, and its baleful nautilus cannot be
Two questions must be considered : ,
let. When did the rebellion become a
territorial civil war?
2d. What are the rights of the enemy
ender the laws of war?
The first question hasbeen settled by the
Supreme Court of the United States in tho
cabs of the Hiawatha, decided on the 9th
of March, 1868. In that cue, which should
be read and studied by every citizen of the
Union, the members of the court differed
in opinion as to the time when the war be
came territorial. The majority decided that
when the fact of general hoetilities existed,
tae war was territorial, and the Supreme
Court was bound to take judicial cognizance
thereof. The minority argued that as Con
gress alone has power to declare war, so
Congreas alone has power to recognize the
exbwenoe of war.; and they contended that
it was not until the act of Congreestf July
18th, 1861, commonly called the non-Inter.
course act, that a state of Mall, territor ial
war was legitimately recognized. .&11 1 the
judges agree in the position !'that since
July 18th, 1861, there has existed between
the United States and the „Confederate
I Make a Moil, territorial war.
' ' , Thallium that time the United Matte
have full belligerent rights against all per
sons residing in the &striate declared by
the Praddedes Proclamation in a state of
'irrAn snare."
Suppose that all the inhabitants living
in South Carolina should be swept elf, so
that solitude ehould reign throughout its
borders unbroken by any , living thing;
woulithe State•rights of South _Carolina
still Wit stattaohed to the laid itself?
Can them be a sovereignty without a
people, or- a I'State without inhabitants?
State rights, BO far as they concern the
Union, are the rights of persona, as memd
bets of a State, in relation to the general
government; lead when the person has' bled
coma 10 public enemy, then he 'lone all
rights except the rights of war. And when
di the inhabitants have (by engaging in
civil, territorial war),'bcoome. public ene
mies, it is the same, In legal effect, as
though the inhabitant. had been annihi
lated. Bo far as this government is con
' earned, civil war obliterates all lines of
State or countries; the only lines reeot.
nised by war are the Um which separate
us from e; public enemy.
I do not place reliance upon the common
law doctrine of forfeitures of franchises as
applicable to this .rsvolution, for forfeiture
can be founded only upim the admission
of thwvalidity of the act in which forfeit
ure is founded.
Nor does the belligerent law of civil,
territorial war, whereby a public enemy
loses his rights ass cities; admit the right
of secession. It is not any vote or law. of
meettion that makes an 'individual a pub.
lie enemy. A. person may commithelitieus
offences against municipal law, and commit
acts of hostilityl. spinet the government,
withontbsinga public enemy. To be a per.
wing enemy is nati o ° be a publio enemy.
to the 001121t17 in ,go of belligerent
"Or introsailoul 'somas In
an Inourricßion, is agorsanal enemy, it
is not until that inierieetion hes swelled
into territorial war 64 he beicnneon
lio,.enemy. • •
It must also be remembered that the
right of secession is not conceded by en
forcement of belligerent law, since, in civil
wann nation has the right to treat its cif.
hens either as subjects or asbelligerents, or.
es both. Hence, while belligerent law de
etroya all claims of subjects engaged in
civil war,as against the parent government,
it does not release the subject from his du
ties to that govenunetiL By war the sub
ject loses his righVAtiit he does not escape
his obligations.
The inhabitants ofthe c o oq uere ddi s t r i c ts
will thus lose their tight to otters us, but ,
will not escape their oblimition to obey us,
Whatever rights are let to them, besides
the right of war will be snob as we choose
tb allow them. It is for us to dictate 'to
them, not for them:lo dictate to 'as what
privileges they shill enjoy.
0 1
Allow the inhabitants of cougnered ter
ritory to form themselvei into Buttes, onl
by adopting constinitienekench as will f
ever remove all otos of collision with th
United States, by ezoluding slavery-there
from, or continue military government over
the conquered &eerie,- until there shall ap
pear therein a snail:dent number of loyal
inhabitants to fermi a 'Republican- Govern
ment,-which, by guaranteeing freedom to
tal, shall be in aocerdanse with the true
spirit of the Couiltution of the United
States. Those stifegtarde of freedom are
requisite to render , permanent the domestic
tronquility of the esuntry, which the Con
stitution itself was. Amami. tit - secant, and
which it is the legitimate objeit dads war
to maintain..
110171BILSA Carroll /so 811°AL—rho sup
ply of cotton in Logisiana is much more ex
tensive then was expected, and it is now
coming into New Otlllloll in Mtge quantities.
The rebel cotton butiag theory, it MUM
never worked, and immense supplies of cot.
ton, thought to be destroyed, are , continually
Liming to light. Twenty thousand poinds
are reaching the city daily._ auger is held at
83 , and the supply' is ample, though it Is
thought that oily 50,000 tuns were raised In
the State of Louisiana daring Let year.
na.13.01%1185—en Friday morales. August Uth.
11163, at th. realatorp et her, lira ABM
The friends of doe ta'ailly ere toritsd to attend she
(antral, tram the restketve of ler bus'saad, Robert
Carothers. Drat* attset, -- Lairresoostllo. t►•vtD4T
rotstso, at 10 *Wool' ..
OT DISOLPLAta; of Pittsburgh, meet stir
the IficON.CITT,..OLLIGIN B=o,
corner of 'Penn and Sh'Olkli
LORD'S DAT—Ho s tile' on Irtning—st the Ceps!
hawk Scuds, School id s% o'clock p. m. Prayer
electing orgy WIDSZSDILT EVENING. Tha
'pa nowe.tfuh. Inaltod aalls,lt
wqrietan.:.o !Jr “AMT,
orrT:is aAn .14:P MPS ,1l NO, ra.ter,
'moat hi EXCEL.9IOII BALL, °maim .4 Ifearrat sae •
Leacoek eueata. Plear.htat ovary Laßb'B Da V, at
I°}/ a .. m., and .t 734, p.m. ittier Meetly" Wit.
• ..AV L VIKLIIG. The puttla ate eordially to.
ettecL :suils:lt
Uli LIO _vortex."
11prelrlEF, I.IIIOTURV, •
UT 11,?. I. Z. 1111111nOOP •
OV 8.42(11104 Y A 117.111N0, Mime 16A. 1663,
AT 11oti1 .10 Hnnt,..
troutco— . • Prlnelpl,o, Not P.rty `•
In ton onanoonl oho Osoalnk Ys 115. willow& the •
"Aopeel rr tt!rely of tno,lloot no ISO 011,15,4 s si
the slat3:3t.
zut - Tiv.c
reostlje of the rotalt Pitatittitas atoebb
oftw of itistatial t Iti.eso. woos of 11th and
Great strews, Pittauarsila. on WXDIMSDAY,I9th
day of !I:q.t. 1S 1. of 10 .o'ckelt a. lA. All the
radiators ars eknwity r44.othd to attend.
Ityard-r. • . 111.1141019:1;Prarldidt.
J. U s dio,„:1 rsoo.tary. ' odgead
NOT] C 4.—An
tiac.•94 4 1 , 1,0 held at 4121,1latrd , of it.fe
Bcaca.l.• the 4.8 t; 01- 4 11 0. 1 88 1 . " 11 11 ) ,1181,8 .T.
to. 8510 Car of Ocerc,t w•st, et 19 o'clock
elect Bacon 01r•rtorok of the Fi.taborch Ors. Eh..
tot Comcaty, t silvan. rec.
Erscooks 1.44•10tC , 211 Wi Qteitall, .
Joss 8. ',.*.A.ortzt., 3 . MP Boom,
NiMiM 4 .MI
TAts P: 20V1CE.—5492 BOUNTY
. se nffartil ta wan wbo tontortrd as &Adios • t.rnt n••t Ire* than Woe asenths, witlt rtwlre 01
Baglteans or Carater.y.
11. t forthar. tutocametton Inquire at No Plit%
Wait. 01 . 1tatra. La B. BAOBAB°.
- Ist l.t•ut 11101 Bigiment P. B. V. 0.
I.llllloff ar ' , roman /11.1111D0ISVITIOSI
fittfiturgb. Rol nth. if •'I
IWNLYTIOR IS IlligliarGlVllN to
the flutrxdbers to the •Ilteolt of the that
era :t Company alit on amemount of
vim DO hthitil ($A 00) I's BEAM ham teen
basted mom the stook ottomilieflifiefielite at the OM
,of the Treasurer, of Pamberphi t ilf ar team to
lYth day of Juror, lfitfit, sod o - .aount form
thirty Wl* tt.l,4lvt.t. dotli Otimmttre notified
fir order Of tee Silent •
• ha:Om o. J. tioDOWZbIa Poor/oozy.
.1111 L And Air MOT ACES.
cttovubs bleti813111:8 OFftOE.
birrnat oz Pi:WA
AM Fourth rt.. rittebtugh. Aug. H, 1863
In sccorrienr.wlth tinter.l publish the tol
jowl mg list of worertmt teemptrd Jrom draft by lb*
Bosra of Enrollment lu :Pis Dititiet, to thin riot%
with Hie 10•101111 of thi lr eximptlou
ST awoa or nr.algiorp!a : Amlgretstaisysl •
. . .
Sem. Birktesite.
Frederltk Tool, " Klath ward. 'Job Wa}tairoon.,
tn titmtaougi tr, I 'Jaws. 1.11. i
Christ Prima-, ICightb ST4. . asp J. balm.
Wm F. Flinn, atalithigariA Una J lonia.
Pena Daniels, DI dab wan!, laotaita.
Dear, Dona], S.lghtu wain, Adam Dinar,
Dan Hagerty, Fli htb wed," Wiii . Motrtion
G o o • ninth .id, Alan Dirnati.
sum wto uAti ticq.irnamaio arrstAiosa:
. •
Ternwos Idcatq,, eth . Wltasion. JO=
Settrak. David Tomer, .
jams H astak, JR3I wad, . - NritomPee, Mithaw
Nock'', J.* pagan. , •
Sitcom J Jettas. Lawrenerrithh. Witham% an-
W FOLisdnlrs. )40.t Joao% Mx. Omani.
vim 400-on, Lavrenamlll4,Altittimaa„ nous
,un r ki....winjoin, Pal Dtopit., ,
r•al lopprr. , La*. encerWs..—Vflimoii.-Plby
niesinlder,_Juitlo /Coasts. . ,
, Itlehmt Ellokostuikta, rteedus
—Leonard ifelotoori lnds.nutnrmor.
Z4A9himigiiA#Clik! glielbanrilie•
T jonVvlgia hoses - ;
sishad • y, Jrirst ward. ,wiumnes—Thqsass
Toim,Jamts Alm . • , • . . • • -
sire anailtas a!s kW , anilFteP nt 4911117: i
_l i 'irs4 i44. lt • • ip
W ousiptokilarttl'Ma.
v • - acui or IiUMN.
. . .
vAihisstaaWoodliitath , ward. Wlihmises-31101 .
Patrick Carty, link ward.'. Altruist- - 7[la lMl
Gummi John Tenn: -• . •
. .
. o thi r P, + ln ". -4. 41 . 8 '
. -
H w y se,,anor; Ninth mud. wor .135 awl saarrial
Wain, ma t....10tin 11 Schrader, J P Mader..
Brands I. Jottomni, Ninth cud, yaw A iiiµisd,
Witromem-W 0 Johns, John Z.Jon, a. ,
Jai 0 litewart, Nttith ward. corer t6, milts ,Q,wit„,„
nomes-J.zites and , born n m o ck, ein , . ,
, John Orlin. Ninth wad, over $lll, marriod. &Wit
itometi--ratztok Coy% Nlisithotb OW% Joseph L
finno.r. „
Timothy Sollnran,-Ninth wart, antr,„L‘ ouirdid„
Witnitiies-hUchaeL iik sigh, John Nuiraary.
ht ich• al ,Walatt loilrothat Wiltitiat). Slothmeant.
Mineola-Owen Walph. lidwarn Bonny.
Bobt 8 Stott, Ninth ward, over Si, mamma, lint.
neni,Jao Sitath,,John Graham._,_
Lewin W Bolan, Mar. Os IMM/84. Wittman-
Hannah Sanborn, Win Ildnon. ,
, Tn.•
iot. Pa Porn
rdio*. Inwroacovilio, ander
rett .110, Wit;us..,
-Patrtia, Michael Bar , ,
cIIMULIM NS unarm an timers.. , .
~ .
Robert Itiuntoy, Ninth:war; ingoing lindi, w e,
John Hondritka. Ninth waril ; manahoswomid. ki t
wrist battle of ikatiottm,„
• Saily Evan., Ninth word/ Ninilobiiit woatid in dem
let( at boith.Niountain. . .
airot.'John T Wihon, Ninth ward ;memo ben
both lorn no tete In uppar jaw. •
John Scam Ninth wa , d i ildeet in .pins; seism;'
Jacob L. listens; Mote *aid; arson% distami of
t h. heart. ducruoird Vona Ordsonco fry ? . at /Ma.;
Ebony AMOS% efp_lt lOUS. • - . / •
John Burdock, ninth wart tootnnod Mainitamer.
Robert Brown, Lawromestbitotarohan. /
run rain - ilanan iaitIAIM. ,
Wm. o,WaidM. TotrinnirantOo.
lu. N. CrAttitoxi, LAMMIMMI/M.
Levi' Willy Boxed ward.
Wm laint4 . tawerscarn l r.
John Bainroli..Eooo4,lMra: r '.!
: . puggymM, or MILD MULENTS.
Loch Valtraunrin.Ein d;'‘ Wltnibena.
.Clcsky; JohnJohn Jotto.
~ - - ' - +
iLisirOnli ; 3 , D.W4., -''` ;..: , c
Henri Notinhaff, Sominth 4046 - .. :
, , „,: ‘• ~.../, i'
Noah 1,4 prinrst Iffirsb* Of Dblirk4; pi' • 'l
sums .r [; %motto( `l%—ttsi t •
itti, • • rot wine. aI
.ahs?.ed : :sltra4
'Par s. i t. lA's.
- BY
the Pittsburgh Gazette.
A6HIE6TOII, Aug. 14,1888
The Governmint has Mill under considera
tion the proposition of General Rosman, to
organise a hesii force of's:wanted men tot'
writ. in the West. The importance of his
project Is conceded', but some difficulties of a
practleal nature must be dirposed of, before •
definite, tosmorable answer could be given.
DUICIISOT If xrrsztAL =MIMI 110111PTB.
Efforts ire being Undo to create an Impres
sion among the people that the Internal Rev
enue receipts are so deficient that new rates
will have to be levied. It proof:ode from cop
perhead isfloences, and are part of 'the war
on the government carried on by them. The
reeeipts were below the estimate of Commis
sioner Bontwell for some time, owing to an
oversight Is not cslaniating the effect of man
ufacturers ammulating large stocks In antic
ipation of a tax law,; but they Low show a
ateady and healthy Lacrosse, which will meet
all the expectations farmed.
The sentence of oturt mirtlal, condemning
private Reuben Stoat to death, for themur
der of Solomon Huffman, in Carroll county,
Indiana, in Marsh last, and for desertion, has
been approved, and the contemns wilt be ewe
s:land at a time and plan designated by the
Commandent of the Department of the Ohio.
- &meter, Benotrd, accompanied by Lord
Lyons and other members of the carpi dlplo
=salvo, will Inn hire to-night for it Worth
en pleasure tow - ,, Coast Hetzler will join
the ?esti:, Ls -New York, when the whole party
will proceed to: -Saratoga, Niagara and other
points of Interest.
I n
_ zs. smarm
Arrived here last Ight, and bad an Interview
with the Preel4a t and Secretary of War to
day. Be retarge to his commind Imme
7 II 1117110111.
The rumors of Cabinet meeting!' upon the
subject or Preach intervention are bat gents
doe Dame for taiiiern papers, and are totally
epeolal Dispexis tei the Pittsburgh Gazette
Yan•auaatA,.£cg. 14, 1883
Everybody but the copperhead, are ehmir
ful in this pity as to the expected news from
Charbeton, which may be received vet Sunday,
when it will be delicate, it is thought, cue way
or the other.
I have just arrived from fort Delaware this
evening. There are at least 9,000 prisoner/
of war there. 001. Charles 0. Torii, having
authority, has four °afters their., recruiting.
forth. Ed Maryland cavalry. They are care
ful in pielting . the men. Already oil hundred
are enrolled, and It L only a qaoation of time
in getting four hundred more. lie msy ex
tend the number to Vim hundred. The °M
oors now remelting are Capts. Oregory and
Pemberton, and Lteota. Bahia and Devi..
These new Ist:mita bra Southern men gener
ally, have taken the Gatti of allegiance, and
are willing to fight for the country. This
movement staggers the leading copperheads
of Philadelphia.
I have seen a gentleman just from North
Ciroline. He sap the Union people there
are crushed dow by the tyranny of the do.
mon of the robe ion, and all they can now do
is to watch and rey for the advance of the
Union army, an the owning of their hour of
It is expel° d that something will take
pleas in North arolina in the latter pert of
Bepteinber ensuing, that Will thrill the Union
.head" with joy.
There is nothing new from the Army of the
Potomao Beertite are going to St at the
rat* of froin 500 to 800 daily. It will not take
long at this rate to fill the ranks. H. A. W.
Order Relating to lowa Seidler'.
WAS Dlll o llTiirt, ADJ . ! Owes Ornas,}
Washiugtou, Aug. 7, 1863.
By set of the General Aasetchiy of the
State of lowa, 'approved Sept. 11th, 1882,
the right to vote' for certain State officers is
given to volunteers or soldiers from that
State, in the military invite of the United
States, and provision is made for the appoint
ment of one Commissioner to each regiment
of lowa volunteers, for the purpose of carry
ing out this act. It is hereby ordered that
all math daly accredited commissioners from
lowa be tarnished with proper facilities for,
visiting the volunteers from that State, and
be salowid soots to them for tho purpose. in
dicated. By order of the Secretary of War.
(digned,) H. D. Towsiseso
An% Adrt Gen.•
Latest from the Army at the Potomac
Was t aaAug. 14.—Information his
been remised irom the Army of the Potomac
that, early this morning, a body of rebel par
tisans mime upon our signit patty on Water
Mountain, three miles north of Warrenton.
Tberaptared three signal °Mars and some
small ham:oyes. All the oMoers tabsequent
ly.affated their escape. The large talstoope
end by the party was conveyed from the sta
tion, and, therefore, did not fall into the
hands of the rebels.
Gan. Made is on a brief 71111 to Washing
ton. I
MejoraeneiMlMaven tooktampotary cow
man of the 2 Army Corps to-day.
, FrOUl, t irOrk• 44. -
New Ten.:Atit.44... , --Collmodore Mori
W. Kerrie. tr. B. Navy, died to•day.
The Clommoillhiliail passed an ordinanee
to.daispiiropiletlig three million tillers to,
exempt poor moo front the draft, by furnish.'
lag eabstitatee. Timms are exempted theni.
from *Moat' tepid to' - their petetelaryire.
‘oonrees.. Thi'./sprem says, that on Itspeas.
a& by the Aldonnen who meet to.monow. It
will be Opal by the Mayo/.
A resolution WU also adopted, 'AIDS GOT.
floy moat to prohibit all persons from remelt
ing in this' oily for other States/
Dispatches trou'Adasual Dahlgren.
r WMIIIIIO7OII, Aug. 11—, Dispatabee are re
alised from Admiral Dahlgren today. ,They
usguilefully of a business character, and
not, therefore, proper' for pieblication, from
the, preparations made by timed( and Gan.
°Limon; or stated by these odious. The
prevent of , muss ID the pending &Mak en
the enamel fortideations I. the hlgleut
degree escoaraging. Their Hprlltentlltiol4
MO of molt eitaratder al to admit bat-of
little, it sal, doubt of • triumphant ressit.!
Tlin 'Draft td-commesce - Pi Y. -
New You, Aug. 14.—018 of thii sun eon-
Us the hanging of the negro, In Clark
son strut, daring the riots, as Irishman
gym.' John Illeholson, has been a:seated.
The draft, it is understood, will 001110181100.
I in this airy on Wednesday next.
Clue. Jarvis bun bun appointed, by ' the
President, Collector d Customs at ilan Plan
' duo.
!roil Gan. *Sibley's Gentsatind•
essaa4a, Aug. I4.—Ldatass tram Geaseial
EMU" as* is the tit alt. Ili had "rsaalitdi &-
asap sibsas 400 ladw had bin; bat the In
dian had Mt. Whoa hi mats ha was ei
tbeit tall, sad add Ims 'Wanda follow thaaa
whisaver thq might had.
Pot" OW Sold by tlie Itebel%
Plucaaaarita. ,Aag. frail
Vincula. Jaly iftb, coy thetitbels itlll helil
ports Cabello esaLssaairai irbiob , wu cea
eldeted blockaded. •
Mae aloupts
Omatintasz. Am& 14.—The 3GIh Ilan mod
tho . 06 Kumamoto Miami% '
vitsatisMa; amend at Kamp& on tat lith
trim lisamit.
Washington Items.
WAS/1110110N; Aug.. 11:-11. Diplomatlli
party tat cat this evening on an excursion
among the lakes and rivers of New York. Tbs.
party consists, me we understand,of the Sec
retary of State; Baroß, Omits, Minister from
Prussia; Mr. Millna, Minhter from Mora
gus; Mr. Toccata, Spanish Minister;-Lord
Bann Et 113kCi, litunian Mitten: Me
Mercier, Preach Minister ; . M. shield,frer
Hanseatic Minister; M.: Berrnatti; Cabala
_Mister; Mint Piper, Broadish Minister;
Pd. Aatabursgs, Chilian Minister, and sewersi
socretarles and attaohees of the different _la-.
gations. The first place . they will stop 'is
Sharon Springs.
An agent of the Treasury Department, who
treat to England several months ago, hits re
turned to Washington. His mission was en
tirely 'acutely:a. Do secured the convieffon
of the two couuterfeitereof United States notes
at the York aisles,. One parte swore that
over 8000 810 blue had been printed and the
.platee destroyed. It is believed this is the
out" attempt which lialiboen made to utter snob
impugn England. The speolmeus brought
hither are only tolerably will executed, Ea_
could be easily detected in this country by'
the poor quality of ink and rudely engraved,
likeness of PresidantiLinooln. ,
Lieut. Com. English, in a communication
to the Navy Department, dated July 28,
states that under instructions from Aoting
Bear Admiral Bailey ho assumed eommantof
the Blockading Squadron off shaeastern eautat
of Florida.
lie doe - petaled an expedition up Mosquito
Inlet, which captured a sloop laden with eat
ton. A sohouner, unladen a - large quantity
of Cot,un on the shore, was burned, and sev
eral vessels destroyed, one of which had her
oargo in, and about to , sail. A farce ware
landed, which destroyed all the houses Met
hod been o. copied by - the troops. On - land
ing, this party was And upon by a few strag
glers. The eonduct of all connected with the
expedition was moot praiseworthy. No. ens
was injured. The boats scoured the exten-1
sive Lagoon for 20 miles, as far up u a block
ade runner Gould go.
The Navy Deportment has heard nothing
of a battle cif cheapest of Blaine, between a
gunboat ands pirate, ex c ept what the news.
paper, contain this afternoon.
The Postmaster General has ordered that
ell mails for planes, letter /co from Atlantic)
ports, will continue to go by sea, unless,. elk.
'twigs dimmed by the writers. '
Opening of the Canadian Pnxiin.
TOZONTO, C. W., Aug. 14 -Parliament as
sembled yesterday' and sleeted Hon. , Lewis'
Walbridge, speaker, by Sofa majority,. To•
day the GovernBr General delivered the Open-,
ing speech. ile directed special ittention is
the existing colitis law which required ad;
collative amendments in order to place , it In
• condition of efficiency.
tee for the nordlere and Sailors at
Boston, Aug. 14.—The bark Growlimo:leaf
lid to cloy with a eargo of ice, puckered by
the Government for the eoldiere and sans
at Charleston.
Markets DV Tglegraph.
Now Tose, dug. 14.—Cotton quiet and unchanged
at. 67@i68s. Moue heavy and 6to 100 lower on cam.
54,7601,85 for Extra State. 65,2415,8010 r
Extra 13 IS 0., and 133,6567 for trade brands, closins
heavy and the &man .1 °endued chiefly to parcel. of
froth ground Wnisky islets active at 4334ae46%c..
Wheat-Buond pre Is scares end bring a little Mote
money, while common and lair or grades are dud!'
asad t to 20 10wert.66451,12.f0r Chicago Sprint, tat@
61,19 for Milwaukee Club. and $1,174&1,2e for winter
tad we,tern Coon opened quiet - and Arm, ant cloud
heavy sod olooping at 67%96.0 for_ shipping,mtwed
Walters. Oata selling dowry at 603e20 to: western.
Woct via oil notoloally unchanged. Pork wiMuut
decides.: chaos. Deef dull, with sweat sales • Bacon
—.idea stela. 'Lard .tudy but active at 9faloy.o.
Obsess Arm at 640120 . •
re °Day easy 11.1 fat. Steriipg huff and dull it
136Wec131 Cell lune ; opening. at 20% and ties n&
at li•fai2s3. Goverem. stocks • .ittls firmer;'
11. 8. wa, of 'al, roppont, leo% hh:elm better; D. 6.•
6'0,70%, U. 8 1 y ar serail:m.4 62,%; Puede X.alt,
LID N. h. Central, I2etilif9l3; Madam, 14830
M. G P D.C. cold as high u 67, bet dosed et / 86,9
86; P. IL W. & O. it. IL. west up ,to 76078)reit the
el* e.
0•11111011., Aug 14.c—Ylear dull. vitvat seq,e;
wet he. n red at 51 40, and Kentucky do' at Si 35661
4. Coo Inn; white at 8C:487c. Whisky steady&
Chicago Maraca*.
Ana. 13 t more &vire inquiry for grain oprua4
up today, bat with the exv.ption of Oats mid 111-
Jested Core, prices were nos quotable Weer. Tim
demand for Wheat was hie, bat she. treonetione
show a further depreciation of 30150 ter_ bus iserklo 1
Spelog; 4.lsi halos mate at 9det9lo—cloabsg at the
Inside deans. Flour ruled dull and °entity comtcaL
Mona was toler.bly . active sof Meaty at 493 is for
Mixed. li.jected wsa firmer and — hither, visit take
at 46344d10. Oessel coma steady. Taere wee Otte
au active demand tar. Oats. and petrel advanced I@
iyo, with sales of new No 1 at 37@383, but at the
clues the market ruled quiet at 3741537,510. Eye neg-.
leoted ant nominal. Barley steady. Mitiwines
Cams Quo. Third Wud, Allegheny;
1110aaara Pm!, Monongahela Borough;
b. B. Petunias, Lorier Bt. doll fp;
Joan 11. Buoys, Elena Ward, Allegheny;
D. O'SZILL, Boland Word, Plttabargli :
Sag Eames, 38., liaq.,•llourtg Ward, Alleghehri
8.1179E1. SMOAK', Sareith Ward, Fittriburgh;
Joangh 'BROOM return Ward,. do; '
M. B. MITOULL. NUN tOWnahip;
PAuran F. Dana, leereocaehllg.
B. H. YALasit, Jr_ 'Feebler townsblp; '
F. o.llr.orsr. ViGb Ward, Pittaborgh;
Jena F. Dare°,
Jana Barren, Bootee do; •
FROCK 11103LELLAND. Oreacoat township; •
JAMES DICKSON. Etvilelownahrp;
Jona id POITSZ, Tarantula;
H. G. MAcznar.Y., Ito Broth Ward. Pittibriret,.
A. B. DROWN, of Dittaburgt,,Dhalrman.
J, H. oTEWADT, Colima Ip., Secretory. - 7 '
'FixOnol-1, H. BROWN, D. 0•811I1418144. ,
Prfiling—D. B. TECOUBO3,.D. , O9IIIILts lad
&earn —II. 0. la AciiaLT.,B, :AUKS 11L1*11134 -
801.. 80110 . 1811, Jr., B. B. PALIIIIS, Jr.,:sat
T.lOl3hE WANTII;I).-41 oomfortable•
Ai. tirealzig dome; on line of tatirosivehinid:
B. H. DeNtr,
aura , St Virtter • mit, Atiatme ~ -•
WINTES—A bond or inoitgige on
Itoprortd wow Win tt. ottwor ottuutty.loi
ottoobt of having to:m o tive to tin roan
tome: Wlll be taken st. • gni rtto of ititoreot: .
an% B. Not.. IN •0) 10i strost..:;
'l6 rums Liam .060PVIS
At 'tau that thay can sat* aver two .dclhin pa
Ea p.
alt2a, LT. IVIIISSICD7 880.11aal oflt. •
Ctsnraw!lll X INbTITUrn• -
Boardiag & Day School for Yantis Ladiat
Hoc int os4 Fro* ilgisdaidtta.
lb* repalsr coarse al huttniatton embraces Use sad Trench l *setups ans. lliesstarts—
U required—and ell the breaths' slash con.
allots a thorough Solna *Oxus lon - airs:del &Items
tins Wog peld to the latter by tbe Ytfaelyo4 sestet.
tat by to. sot Prowess& _ •
_ "tench to the limper of the . froolly, and Won•
stand, ipokeit I. L. kis Jtalloo.
The ItObOillt yew commences deptelsber :Lath
and closes Rd) lit.
for strcalsei sod patina Ire apply
MADAM is WHEW/114M Priscisel..
juer Qfouniii - / •, .
•4' Ir`;'‘• 414 4 4 44ft . 4 1 1 4 eP!!i•4 4 .
&Awn flarkots,, w. io z o tootOtiog ostlibor!
. .
* bons fmilanstii,satt•TElCiAtatill, - iirl al" skis
otbz r. attpitt• iisortawi!t a • •
Carpe =,: Flood 011 Kati*, 'ke.,
with .. i ray boys Xathotioi Jn yyboor t .. .
orivsia IfigftilirpOii 90'• • ,
' lot
DEN 1510103; iiVIINTY. r t Aos. PLY ) ,
, . .
•1. WOLLTI4-D.114 - -
B:411,1th if.;thirditoatialioittlo .
ecoiaila beau 6111.
tary ceasing oink*, us Waldo! to sboo )'sty
and foostoo. .*ll toldleti oho boo. ornd tiro
rri at* also entitled to dm 6100 2loonty, Akobblots
by ma= of Ohl** as ostltlino, Rol"
droL ari t i ktais of &talon 'be di* et. sto. Woo to
lb. *mita art ontttlat to yoosiOos at 410 . ,41."0
Boanty. Oa.. &a= .
°Mate Osolms, of arm lioarladosto _or
toodod to blo ftatio or& tO SOS 0114 0 • MO
way b ailbabA. bblybis4l
ariet . .Liz .wprzeses.
8. T.-18W:7X
Panic= sobalary Labtb itiablial with Teak
.% Winds. palpitation of the head, hot cf ep
• to. Cams altar "disci 'torpid IlTy. ofasattp..
• on. ta, illasto• to intros , it dory orM not try the
' • teb a/anon rionsitaaaded by tluiblatiot walks
• Molina), Ind wanant e nrAttita an banatids
benellidat affaat, nay. ,exceedlialy waist's.
Perboatly pan ' , and lald sapsroado all- ottati tome
attire • healthy', lantlaithantint Is mufti&
They parr. etneertlia sod lutgorate.
They wool a ) , • 11 _
_thYanalte: :-._ , y
. -
Theism as antidote tithmss of mate arid Mt.
They overeame elleediet We boors.
They stringthan4tuo a - pieta tad enliven the mind.
Thajprevea; aaeatithaind intermittent Mere.
They gmrtly the toreo and acidll al the alawath.
They tone Dyipitane sad Ooze ttpatloa. '
They ewe llisrehee; Okelne, aid ChelWWlniorbas.
• They awe LleriOestplehat atidNerrras Llesache.
...'ley make OS weak strong, th e bored b.ll ea
entire a:chatted adore, great notated. Thys ma
oelapeald,l the . oelebriad, CeOeja but; wl ter..
yew, ' sartafrie; Toile wed hatbs;allitreetee to
*dwell pore ElLLlrcili itorie.jlYer partlealaW), cae
ctrealaraad tattletanale mead asalhetilec i
. Beware of important. Saila* wellXia'ltht:.(et
iiiat g aim 0 . I '.‘ ;tun"' 4*W, tra oaelolvilf &
& etanaY OM the Calk, ilith &With= wee, and
oar firet elgatare CO I Am stool gate iiir.ilus on .
*hit WILL; lbw that opr.bota la etot . eiblied ern
dell , ,
aorkweaud deletwirs. eta! IV ditly aoy xenon
- to thi tub e or ciitriejit of
( t any
Tenon pritinaini do ell ilattitt Blttai by ete
pale or In bti'k;leare telynar:: - We mall -oily In
oar log
. cohlti NOM. 7 .aoylweireett:latltclog this
bottle, or Wee' my oilier materiel thereto, whether
alled Platfatki'Dlteire ai ipt, le tint Weil 'ander
the IL el Lair, mod la be ID pro:andel by Ili •We
already have oar gives two partleit-ti deltic oar
bottle,. Ad.. Who w!Witure!>4 In CAtilet 111( . 4 t* 4 • 0
Intollon anuters„The.denoßd ler-Dula. Plea
ted* 'BIC Nis' Roteltiaraii;elsiriativ. mai . ..dumb,
alii.ii pelfilaili horidtble 4 tail 'kinds trial el •
bade It dairildeari we tessetit elf their "lath mod
eVentae.. ,744r7jelarrolikbyall- nerpectable drag
gles, grams. Oxalate',
hotel., steamboats and
'multi item -
P. R. PIUARi 00,.
113 r DEL EWE GENUINE . 111 T.
TXIIB, kr milk wholesale sat rktitl, by .Y
- 81111b3Ni
• darserfhaltliZeld ant-lrourth 'Stmts.
sabtuoinaw - , F. 4 '
_ _
plier'lske Bupenor Copper ziliA %ha
izxo woitics,
PAIIR, trcuuor . 4 - co.;
llsaultis of 81,1112111alaltaB,* wimpy eau
BOLT OOPPlat,r, 0111:880 . WPPE73 BOTte
want) erm tiorroidesl i etAirsoi , Dm ,
alsouipataisnalim4i; itittlLl3;kll9 Pas.
SHIM '1.1301%, ats, ,t
IRNsizilx Kabiuttia AND TOOLB.
isiaainouss, la Tint sod 190 Go . o*itaciA,
RB oria!itol abliper c*e to alo'dtarla os
• • • . WAdaW/Y1
Mite Confes tine end itxpet jam
or ...YN VALAD,..palbtlatied for Ilia bsarglt tad a,
antwar4n o A TO Y 0 .02 19 . I t l o wth.
,c I F4 fm.ED Vul ool reburtr. rrransitire 4:0. 0 57
Itaididel, etc. aappl7lei, "ttii,! L iu» ate; II! It
11131136 sicrvErlit. - tiy eer; * srise hi s . cared
lalseselt stir being put to -gnat open's dad to I
tluousla salbdisaA humbug and goeeloay.
aruds44 past•Fidd addressed euieivve, cn.
gls eepLa may be bade!thd'aiktres,
11421:1Ydayll IkedfareeSings county. N. Y
jr4rToilervous Buff- en of •Botb
istxsa.—A.,nTassid'gentlemen tuauit tom re.
to beads taw days, Ansi utudurtotutt
the mazol routine and . IneamlWimiminpiis made.
treatment, without mom" emmitlan. is: Aie,,sec r.
duty to ooituttotteitutti tat a4itoto4 fellovr estate:
tboatium 01 cone: Eerie'', on tie receipt 01 to ad
iralaad envilope,'Sus "atill - serat (free) a-copy o the
yrocsiptlon need. • Moot' to IN. JOBS At; JAC*
isreta, IBA sult.o,iitreet v rt ! o F akpi,
La 4CILLItts 'applies west _ ielt . tl every good
housekeimer. Rimy 'het will kill isettait where
ass Abb. Remember that It; Ii DOTjil Bars
test dam this, and refuse the bass linitstiets that
erieffered. TIM nal Ftioli lifer sale by ill rem.ot-
AL - A. NARRIB2iXiSe, 80/1. a CO..
wry!: Tint.angl_Wcod
.w. num. RAItiIiCIR.
laoni La Ratan, Mate k 111.1Uti)Waanuureca
Wow, /mums Ars. !Illaaalausa, PaLtabargh. Pa.
Kanataatarira. Qr ispier ARID lITATIyR SRI
=OK of .11 diem !Oohs . ; OIL. 'TA RIL94 STILL%
agents Lai: fllriAßS'il. pets eir INIiO sou,
' for leading Baia& • SUS
tito'N isiuss; noir ire u tab
AND rAvur king, WINDOW eaurvres,
WINDOW OIJANDB. &L . ; tiog. si &coed autiet +ad
,I 3• Third otzeat i Oshawa Wood sad MOW.
EisTe oa hind • Tiirlady of Paw Patinas, aney
and plaWonitabliiorili
lizticidarattention pall° •noloving Om , L
Jobblng donio"4l &twit noUos. •b 9
'OrPETRONA - OiL 19'01188.'
• " Linati'AlUttri -CO.' • •
Works at filtioybinfritatleo.
Itoltrood. _Me oat Wasobotrii. tio.:93 , IIAKIrT
Mal; riffSoinat. . A ~
. Ifinaufctaron of 1LL1110.21=519 iM ;iVaRi•
411:1A0 osHsoß one stif MENEM*
• -Mr No.l Bunn& OThi iiniatted wit-eztl.•
do% anis on hood. : • ooltlyd
-SECT.' HOLMES 4 . BONS:Dealers
oTWaitiox AND Domrano•nue tr.
AOTMEI AHD 1 ,41 ) PW!‘ 46
. 7 A atk.l "FP" , Pitt*-
" es; lll , ps . riscbsit
thraagboutthe Vatted /Ma. , so*
M8:1k &V. P. //MIA PADOT
Ll3m s3D. ALL =NV! Of :wasp.
iiirEfaviital trout' Sc. ft sttsat.a tta
611KIALlit °amain:- ros
thcarrallarßY .COLLLNG,,For
WirIDnia ' AND O PICKIMR4 III -Urcian
wilousas . dsalsi t =am esur,
Wi!eially; ]id itro/41 tow
etttemb.u. • - ' • • 0 201
. GR ,i , ',i . . 4
.' ;c - i
;i''= -'O.OOl4iAPa./11104.
154,54 . 0?didi, Rickiddidded landdi panto
ISOTOGRAPHIS, of mu** oca *Oh P 4la . a !
5"4!!!d4M1A401:40,g.'4A 4 V,?!,,Y-Iss
1114:104 *kw ,
" 6 :Pu5'n 41431 .. isitk;rnsaff.6n mu .6.
.. ..
tofatki of Ow MIA 1 4 dth / 1 i 11 . 11 :b 'V 0 0 7 so •. 4 d •
.. ,i
Or 'warn liossusls. sal maillastlas pair
it;sidacterm siallesii6l 7 iii kW/
inki ooo; * inn* AIID/D2P11,;
../ i 40.160 isiotaaartOrwit midi=