---- 1111 DAY 11011111 F% _ AUG. 14. LOC • • C Fzoin Yesterday's Byening 'Gazette, flwastrolee. Nearly every fincheng• we pi.% up, con. tains the mond of ono or more laths from, sM:strobe 'lt New Tort and BC - Ll7lllll the number of deaths frOeffilacause Is frightfully' . LUg•—in the former;'Mel as many as thirty 'death' have occurredre In a single idey, and • _ g Saturday . la st , -during the week ending Saturday eight deeths o were reprted from sunstroke," and forty.;siz from the tfeffeets of heat"—one hundred and thirty- four in'eli:, .. , The prentonitione.of.,an,,attsoklue.readily. . recognize. Them Is a haling 'Ai pressure • upon the , head i the tileod tingles' in the' ves t silo ; an the elr• sesms.:torabot and tenuous - , for breathing.; Thissimelitflptirrention are simple.. Pomo. niln sousCheitilkari eeldom' attaeked ; melons dehilii,y, 't.ipmener,deptes sloe of the vital Imes, unnsaalarlsi ezesesive physical exertion, iriolent , gabtscor- paiston„ crumb* drinking of.enifXweltil..W.absohollo, hsrreradess suPllfe&aed.V.,:thri`eiposire to the summer inn or ahot-faii,oliate the danger. Careful moderation lia...theseupartleulare will geserally Were eguanilost. • When &Verson is attacked; washing the '.liallE,witit OM wa ; teri. end rubbing iiiini I ntel' thiiistrfaae with the hands, heaping .up theAtiotion as . • long as may -beno.inteary still iumMelly give mlief. When mipticd ,ok alert, remains, °off*. and strong, * ire .floblests. *The Arab, weeded An .ar.arld desert, subsistlulin euttirdsiti rend 's. ft! Tarte - btu, Is ' s g eldom 'lift& i hit - hloCk.,,ts not _ viliated,try stianclatinig L or epagholeitime drinki... Sir .7 osiphAlia apent twentjadzi ate' in anoint whassb was bobldbeidell out harm. Ifishermen,f the salient proteo- Nut sometiMeenil ibate 'elltirith 7 3oo lll- wa•S ; ' though any)age:.fuW;Oc'elenT:si writ cloth upon the head, will answer as -well. This is an Infallsts:e preventlie and shrill be MC" generally plourved by laboring men. :. It is wrathy eflitarditthittheririAllie r y symptomOfinenstiote—trinsble_infre-Itead -it mentioneddas the. Bibles r. 'I Ant when the '..., child was grownilifeitottedistr thistheerent out to his father t 4 thileopera.ds And ha slid to his father, 4 trif 11014,-my• dliingi" , :-.And be said to • hid,' Carrg binsle Ithiditicti.' And' when he had taken him ainkhronglit. him to his zoother,hts.sat oilier knee till noon, and. '.. died."-3 Rings, 4.1.113-2•.- , Minuses also, the hnaband of Judith the heroine. (chapterSt .14 3), died , in a similar manner .: " Manassirwas her hatband, of her 1 teller awdldndred; win:idled lathe berleyhar- I rest. Nor as he died,' ilivisilidlig• tleeM that' bonnd shisivet Wen field,the titatnalti upon his kora, and he fell upon his bed end be the city, of Betlinila.". . ; •.. ;LI .. The_Qattle Nardi sear f nit Liberty. The Pennsylvania Rented-Company is making rapid prop!'" ss' in tho'*ation of the buildings, eta, for the smarcrosnodetion of the stook pentagram their read. - The buildings will be molt eztenslie Ind oompiritii epiering , uvula urea of groiutd. • A large brisk hotel is also being erected by the Company between the yards and the turnpike, a stint &Utast°. east of Rut Liberty, for tbs. actoommodatieu of drovers, shippers, and others having brut nese at the yards. A new track is now being laid from this city to the cattle yards, to suit the pegs of the western roads, by *WA means the stock from the.west will be run out to the yards, and there unshipped. The new track is bobs laid close alongside of the sorra ' track of the Pennsylvania Railroad, and upon the same cross ties. Whoa the new yards are ready for °osm ium, which will probably be during the en suing fall, the cattle pens in the Ninth ward wilt be abandoned altogether, while thou, la the Second ward, Allegheny, will be greatly diminished in size, u the business then will be confined mainly to the demands of the lo cal trod.. The through stook will not then be unshipped or fed it that point, but hunted on to the yudt se Rut Liberty. The citizens of Allegheny, with the exception of those lm nudist'''. Interested, IFill be glad at the pros pect of gettiug. rid of even a portion of the mama necessarily created by the cancan • • tration of snot immense herds of cattle and swine as have been collected there for some years past. The removal of the business, however, will prove a serious lose to many enterprizing men who are now profiting large ly by the trade. Messrs. Harvey & Co's flaw Mi We are gratified to learn that the extensive caw mill and barge yard et Moses. Harry A Co., on Hares bland, were sot destroyed by fire, as reported, although they narrowly Gr asped destruction. The buildings destroyed Here sa old vacant Saw Mill formerly occupied by the Morrison Brother", and a stable owned by Mr. Jesse Batton. The saw mill of. Messrs. Harvey k Co. Is still in the fall tide of sno• metal operation, as *ay of our readers may learn upon application to the active partner, Mr. Hugh McNeill, who is pushing the boat men with most oimmendable enterprise— sawing all kiwis- of lumber,-buUdia~ of every description, eta., eta. We regraitthat wv" burnt oat the establishment," but ator :laden will bear in mind 'that !"it was only on paper." Mr. is still prepared to fill all orders In a prompt And workmanlike manner, and we aordtally cam emendlhe establishment to the patronage of the public. , Tarantula CaWO Bidet's g: The Oimp Meeting Oonanittuourteuhly to not*, met on.the gro.Ond - ‘ 31, T 604 • 7 ; 664 made the mud preibninary arrangements for the misting, suit as mooring straw, papa lag Pests, tatting springs in order, eto. Quite a number of lot-holden sad othars met the committee,and from the reptusentatians made, it is imputed thrnamber of tents mill be larger than drat year. Present indications give promise of a good meeting. The Alle gheny Raitreed Company will issue gh ee All @barging for the round trip 65 outs. Trains leave daily (except Sunday) at sem , m., had 3:40 and 4:45 p. m. Returning trains arrive three times a day. The gentle men), Superintendent, Mr. P. Wright, will and every facility. to proper persons who may desire to attend the meeting. We un derstand. a canal but will leave- Allegheny brain, Monday. and Tuesday evening, 17th, had 18th, st six o'clock. The misting oont menus next Witinesde, Iltorlag• • . . . . coustauate PIM Carr Ncraz—The 'ap ply of oeutesfett fifty out aotes is lulus ing rapidly In ,tito east, - aad *pie pay so tittle attention' to the matter that thoy dad 'thenseires victimised akin-lout expeetiss it W. behove there see bat_ few pf the spQ doss bilis offood bare as yet, bat slue the ropes - Wm bun so sucossital In pattelig them off in timusttlaor willaot felt to PIT U seta. The otesatirtfeit fifty out notes ere lithographed, sad the gun is math fete vivid than to the genuine. Bata Bum—The barn of Kr. John . Montgomery, of Clinton township, Basler county, was destroyed by tire on Thursday Wt. The !wilding contained a larp pant'. It of grebei hay and farming ataaWs which were consumed. The loss is estim ated at twolltursand'i.dia •o to is core:rad by ininranne, in the Dean coups. • ny. -The kelt supposed Whirs originated from spontanaone °unbutton. . Piot. KlDD.—This gentleman, having fin ished his aof insane in minethe Exeehlor .Inetitote, proposes stopplagen his way west, at Itooltester, to treat oar village uTighbore to iintiOniirrFeliind nay Let all who &rim to be amused and Instructed speed as hour with the Protemor in te-tooi tow (friday) analog. • TAX Dzonitost.—ildt. Loeb, Commissioner . of Internal Bluing% Us ecided that 'Mir the 'strider is there Is d me prevision by which the - exemption of $640 can be obtained by penons Whose sole income is derived from stooks f bonds, upon whielt the tax is psid directly. Danicwrzos.—St., Katy'e Claret!, Law renceettle, hiving bean greatly nl•rpd and impro*ed, till M dab:Wed b the Itt. Bev. M Daman**, on Sunday next, Angutt at ten n'eloelt, a. ta. - • Assn Paloorna.--Nins oonnlotoont rebid prisoners will to not Cron OM city to- day to •Bsltiomiro. Boma, Sikora sad limiters, of all ,kindspst , 'Clellsad's Audios.' LaDos_canimi.popli $$ .Maaoata 11,a31 ~(ilap~llt~ Calf Bois at ii'cnslisad's Also- ILTs11; ' ' '''''-siZa,,,l.VLissz. v 1 -.=< ,, 4w:r.: , , , , , eiei a. , - - . • ' , --,,,,, , 4 e.O-r.., , • - zi O P 7 S 6 W ir4k f 4,3 =W.II , N . , 4, _,W 4 - ..k.i,,T04 , •' ' s -,,, .et--15 - NfN- - -, .4 - - - z 4 0.. •-, '.'s W. - . ). I_, :"': LATE TELEGRAPIUC : NEWS. wt 'IOIII4I2#VEDITMI IMPORTANT. FROM CHARLESTON. Rdditienal RebelAter* Erato& GEN, GILbIORE REINFORCED Fighting to Continence Aug• 13th. • . • FALL O. MID COM 1111111111' POINT Cl3lOllll. Chuleston soon to be in: , our POOOOlOO "EXTENSIVEPREPARATITLE.OFH3 FOR THE FINAL BAT Nal Pear., IS.--The steamer. Arogo, from Port Royal via Charleston on Monday, hu arrived. She brings the 174th Penusyl verde regim nt, whore Min has expired. A aorresponiisioe, of lb. sip that the rebels have built numerous •ddittonal bat teries on James Wind. We hive to onoonn ter a hundred ptore 6nns than Dupont di& , The MAR are' also , imilding interior lines of defence near the city. • About aven thousand troops, from the North; hare lauded on Morris Island daring the pest emir.' , A letter dated on the 10th, says Gen. Gil more bee notified' Admire! Dahlgren that be will tie ready to commence an attack on the 13th. The Nary is ready, and fighting will commence on that day. Great confidence is felt in the fall of Sum ter, Wagner and Cummings Point, In from two to six hours. A Deserter from Fort Wagner 'eye two• thirds of the guns have been removed from Sumter and mounted on James Island, and - 1 - that the fill of Sumter is regarded by the) rebels as enteni—the damage done In April, by the Monitors, rendering It hopelen to hold tt " The deserter also says Sumter was on the point ot =rendering when the Monitors with drew. We are ikelling night and day. Fort John son keeps up a brisk fire, and our wooden gunboats ge In every day audition the rebels. On Sunday next we will concentrate, and within • few days inoeeeding, Chmleston sr Its ruins will be In our possession. The gna boats and mortar boats are stripping for fight, and at the time the &ego left, the Ironsides end three gunboats wen shilling Cummings Point. The weather Is delightful. The' Arago reports our fosses on Monts Island es trifling, not exceeding three or four per day. lIILSONBOUS IMPORTS IN WABRINGTON. Gen. Stone Gsn. Banks' Chief of SW !IDIUS II TB UHL HUIH. Barbarous Prizes Offered -Them. BURNING OF THE STEAMER RUTH Suspicions of Foul Play New. You., Aug. 15.—The Tribe...es Wash instal dispateh denies emphatically that there ls any truth in the reports of as iapor-t ant meeting of distinguished parsonages in Washington the coming week. Also, there is not the slightest truth in the statement that news has bean received Irma the South, that the leading rebels wish to coins back into the Union, provided terms are offered them. A meat order of Gen. Banks announces that Gen. Stone is Chief of his Staff. The Racist's special' diepatoh from Wash ington says that the Degrees need by the rebels as soldiers are to be allow ed $5 for a eat& United States musket, $l5 l te •States bone, $5O for each United State. W an killed or captmeti bthem; and $5O for each scalp of a United S tate . white otiose oonnsteadlag white soldiers. The ilerekre dispatch suspicions foul play connected with the burning of the 10.0111111111 Ruth on the Mississppi river. The money for Grant's armi, It is supposed, was not on baud. and the boat was destroyed to conceal an enormous robbery. The matter will be investigated. FROI THE POTOMAC ARMY POSITION OF THE OPPOSING FORCES Another Rebel Raid Expected when the Corn is Ripe. Sew You., Avg. 111.—The Tribseee army of the Potomac oorrerpondanoessys Col. Sew yer, of the First Ferment Cavalry, has been appointed to the oommand of a brigade in SUpetriok's division. • army is said to be all smith of the Rapidan, though his amity still wont tweet that river and the Upper Uappahan nook. . Polk's division 10 miniotimil Sim from Bnigg's army, and an *vial number have',Left for °Winton: There are no sips of his moving up the Shenandoah Taney._ We nay expect another mid into Maryland aid Rinuevirssis , when, the , conk is ripe. On Mir side - there li little "sign of ,en ad vance. Lee is too strongly pond for an at toida by mulmeeent form, end the beat is so gnat' that; the- million are not nqulted to .drill IRMA lets to mazoh. Babel 24_ _Naar. at , Camp chase—, ItatiMUW by Sobliers—leor_gan ization of-the Anny, of the Oh3o-1 Steamer Fired npon , by Guerrillas - -Heger Church assatuted in Idenvi plstens.Themas and Prentiss-- lheKentucky Election.. -purainixyr, inwaz.—it , 44l prilioneni con-, none tool:bre al Camp . o,l4o,in large:num . hers. There ars now over 3,200 conlined A min named Cook was killed by soldiers 'near ingliflSPo4 ll on Timidity: The assault wad unprovoked. • ' Mo . monebta In the Department.,ot Ohio' are yory,satloo. The raormaisatlea , of the satire "my is being pushed iorwaid rapidly.; Troops in tarsi' numbers am daily, plfrubss thtcigh tto atty. The Cbftssereia VI Natophta dlipotta of the, 10th ap t Time Steamer Rose Hamilton was and spew by. oesillim, near Island $4, the 91k. No ma hut. BeveralSalboat 11181.2insi• an assault on a into altureh at. idemphis on: the Ink, while thIlD•p0 1 11, 11 11•1411 0.11(01114,00sipligoly briak. 114 671117 window in the.bunatoir. and d4v ing the inmates Into the street. No one was killed. Tlie men Wire anestal, 'but subse quently pilaus& 'The 1118050 a. °Ot' market is brisk, and anahangai to Goa. Thomu bit Memphis for ,Illoksburs on the 9th. Men; Prentiss and still went nri the river on the 10th: Helium from eighty-eight counties al sten tads giv•linaniett 41,983 seelority„ Twen ty- two °aunties to heat from. • Call for a Cmprhold Convention— Orickat Ratch—Gea Peck—The 001411,07.-T • : Nair Yonn, Ihrald sap A . clicular Is Ong Arnaud lids alty calling for • soniaation M Roilrestar, dialog the paint month, to nano ,inlialiln•noPPlthead that's - Ai taigas aim from the'Bordor Malls wilt bo *mat. _The nrickelmatth between the St. Georges and Boston Clubs terminated in the victory of the former. - - Major General Peak hes his headqsertersat Newborn, in Gen. Poster's Department, into which his former Seventh .Corps has been mused. The heated term has apparently ended. Admiral Ferragut remains here for the pretend. Assistant Secretary of the Bevy Fox yesterday presented him with another letter of eongratntation from the Navy Department. The saw eteemship Golden City, Capt. Oliver Eldridge, leaves for California to-day b touching at Rio Jarterlo, and Lots, Chili. Maryland Union Congressional Nom. inattoß Bat:woes, Aug. 12 —Hon. J. W. Cret field has been nominated for Congress by the Union men of the First district of Maryland. COMMERCIAL RECOIL() PITTSISPRER MARKETS . Omce or TOO Prrrsersau Dam: ClArcrrs TIIIIISDLY. Aug. 13, 1863. J There la but little doing In the money market, with the exception of the usual arriall transactions Gold is quoted In New York to-dly at 126%, while bare dealers are buying at 123®124 for Golf, and 112 tall& for Sliver. The produce calthoutis exierdingly dull and de. preuel,—in fact toere Is nothing. doing - ic soy Of the leading articles, aside from the muter local • trade. FLOUR GRAIN—We note a sale of 200 bbh dour from .store at $6,30 f.r choice Extra and PO 1490 for Truirly. Rieke is nothing whstersr doing tn Wheat, Bye or Oorn. Oats are steady with an liapro red local demand, and we note • wile of lit bode old at 650. CINOOZESES—There to moderato Jobbing d. maul for Grocerlea at about former quotations . W. note aslea of 6 lairds prime N 0 Sugar, at 12ki@l3o; 10 bblaCrudred st 16418 bbl. Refined yellow at 1154; 10 DLL "A" Coffee at 15o; 25 bgs Ooff. at 90115.21 c; 16 bbls New Nohues at GO; 10 slut Rice at Or, and 15 bb's N Y 51)rup at 05@70. Pllo9lB2ollls—Sewn is steady with a regular' cal demand at fryallo for 6boulderm 935 for Pleb SAME 103011 for Plain Oonvassed mud 12)(03X ,o for Misr Cured. Dry Beef to firm et 143i0. Lard to tiaras may be quotel at 1034.103{0. sod In keg. at 1114571636. 115:5"—Is dem and in demand. with Wm of 91 load' of new from ocelot at $4428 tcn. Old may be quoted at $33655. BLES3--Two Bushel Bounlaso, may bo quoted at $B5>P 100; Bale of 60 bibs, to go to Chicago, on pri es e terms. Pittsburgh Petroleum Irlethal. duo. 13.—Tham has been a decided Improvement to-day both inOrnde and Reined Petreleum,and w tth an bantams! demand, the tresseactlons ware unex pectedly large and prices ware a etude Illegber toward the clew: The Wm of Crude reported, aggregated 2130 DMA as fallowst--6 80 bbla at MO, packages re. turned; 900 bbte Okbulk—meatured in boat—at Etc, 200 bb's at tic, paokages included; and 160 bbis 'heap" at 924 packages returned. The market for Bellowed, la bond, was uncanallyactive, and prices ae compared with yesterday, were • shade better. We note sales to October delivery, 03,000 bbts. as 4,1-lows lows t.--600 bble at 633.4; 1000 bias at 6650;1000 Ude at Ito, and 600 bbis ow private terms; &leo, 600 lade Ibr ismasiliate &Macy at tilo. Titers is no inquiry lbr Bong' o* and in the absence of saw, we omit quotations. Sale of 600 extra new. Ott Barrels at V. 415 Nish. New It OTS retrolenni Mance% Spacial Dispatch to the fiCnburith NAN TORS, Aug 13, 134. Crud. 1. quiet .1 former! quotations. Defined, In bond, is firmer, with sale* on the 'pot at 1316.611%. future astivartee unchanged Refined, free, le steady at 60(gAt. Napthe may Le quoted at 224424 for reflood. Pittsburgh Wool Market kit.. Yoga, Lag 13 —The wool market remains Inactive, with a tendency to still lower prime_ The Balm from first hands in this market are not, am yet, hop, though Moodily increastog—prleas ruling from 58 to OD; choice lots 65%. A number et wound-blind It., bought by country merchants and v.-relators, have teen °Nerd wittiout.tliming nu-chasers.: Set mal lamp idea:lon dm have recently taken place In New York mot Boetcri, with a decided, decline to every care. Burrs. generally, tire 11111FillIng to ope rate only to a limited way rat too inside gradations. Allegheny Live Stock Weikel Tuossosr, Aro 13 1343.. Brutus —We have often beard of the email m tie that are Mend on the hills of Web e, and *gal them, beautiful little prey cattle en the highlends Scotland, but we do not believe that all the bills In Europe, could produce 1,.%13 such cattle ae were offered In oar market during the put week. We doubt very much whether there ever wale as many scabewaga offered iu any market at one time. It ap peered ea though each drover had ten cootending with the other, to eee who amid bring In the teem ed Stock, mad one would think. that no materiel ad vantage had been gained, and we are mire that no ono would have rearm to laugh at the other, for the I beet were very poor, o that any one can Lamaism what the wont were. Than, was co demand fee ehipment, acd even II there had boo, then were eery few In market unit- MAe for shipping, and all them had to be thrown up on the market—with a very Wen' lecal demand, It Is not at all - astonishing that the market was a bard one. A few choice caul, might have Man sold at what would onus like fair gricts, bat strsop es it may appear, In the fens of the large supply, there I wa• not a nafficient number 01 prime cattle to sup -1 ply cools of cur butchers, who require good stock; but there were pleat, of that kind which no respect able botcher would place on hie stall. There were oo cattle mild to the Government this week, end there in not likely to be any Govesnmeot demand fn some weeks to ocme. At the close of the mutat on Tuesday evening, it seemed imposiiblelhat ell thee:Wit mull be worked off on Wednesday, but holders appeared anxious to maim, slew if the prtose MI not sun them meetly, is the kind of stock they had would pay for holding. ' There were about four hundred bead bold for Mock adds, but at stanch has price than dye dealer could bay them for In the country. flo lli Steen soli at 24093i4 and very slow at that, while thaw svaraglug from 900 to 1000 Ds, did not bring over PM W We, even of prime quality, which ie no better then go in first hands, arid we would like to hear of the Ware who le willing to sell at soh a price. We think, however, that many Who were hare this west, will go tome with the intention of letting 1 those who have cattle toed' to bring thews to market themselves, unless they aro editing to -take suet prim as drums can *ford to give. Shippers have ' been Wits heavily for the last month, and we think that many of them have come tcan o the wise coaelmion to let cattle dodo mini they buy at different prime. • Below will be toned correct quotatkme ler all the different gradm of _Mule : - Presalum•—Fore In market. 2..1.21. =ra1ity....—....—.—...----.... mudity.—.--...---.... o Third guatitp.--.—...—.—...... 2 8 es Infetior —..•.........--..,----.... 10402) Thowatainnrabm *old aggregated 1219 head. be. log 239 law than last weak. The number from the different Elates were ea fellows : 160 hoed from Illinois 1.12 " loam*. ' 7t9 " • Ohio. 242 se Penosylvanla. The following la a coned report of all the leading Nardi, • A Bisbee sold 79 heed of rough thin iodbum 'teem for etock cittle—+t 230 m 4 ._ liB Chstonline, sold 21 hoed, a imed lot of Northrrn Ohio stock—el 2.9Pw. S Chop h. Co retailed 20 head of sirs small inferi or rellIelt• stock—nt 20230. A. Vaapolioa irslll7 (tenet small Ohio suck at Jo" Mien Bro; rstalld 40 bee4-04Wf4; 1010 se bad of stook, averaging about 860asch—el ~Osmpbell sold 20 bead of small tees and heifer' from Western Ohio—at 2432%0. B Taylor sold 111 beaded fatelo Steers, averaging 1100 lteoselfroat rWljee.; • Wak Mains told 20 hwid- of the worst cattle that ems ever pot on a atr—at 2c. J Pester sold 20 bead of fate steers, avenging 1,000 Ws each—at 3c. Marks too. retailed 20 bead of fair Western cat tle—at I.t. Wendel sold 40. bead of sonal rough Ohio ats. fa J TesPlea—st .24011334 p; also, 19 bead for let }toilette, small Otito . cpas and bethers,st 13 Weed tinr Palatal, small stem, and YON; and ocibead.ou h lo own account, st ♦ thaPer, recalled 38 !ma of pretty hard stock, 11 44 2 %4.. ' illthwiy sold 19 head of smell Ohio stock at 2 /W Wolraddenaeld 02 'toad t math dock cattle, a it io oll l4 l_l 6r ia 1 7 boat lrtrctf l a l li Olds cattle, small• bat amoed 2 fleer, et Sa. • Vilitttlemeey sold 20 2,41001 take small betters *oat trorshird told% at sy,,asgo. SS Itll 4 rle - lvdd 20 toll of fight item and bolt -Via duvrtry • alrolo3a. Ctel l irecid very eixd OW: cattle , 'lOOl%O OO Ni nth. at,3o. • 8 t 2 bead et very non cow* and belt ircli otors' Bovervv, wetly a; 20,1=1011 late blyhtir. (Illarker sad 56Iwed of renosb ugly math., weigh , tog 1,3 0 be fiat. it 2W*. J Morgan wholesaled MI bead of tomb st‘ers, 900 me each. k 45it. u 501d53 head of very good Ohio steers, welgteng 1,100 ID', a te eye- Wm McFadden retedled head of inferior Ohio stock, at 2@30. H Bash sold 20 head of emelt ladies' cattle at 214. S Fetter sold • mixed lot of 42 heal, at 2453 e.. 3r_hiller .1/16 - head of smell Penn stock, not very good, at 295254 c. El Scattergood wholesaled II bead of Inferior erect, to so to Phtb•delchte market, at 21 /s . d. B Hash wide mixed - lot of Penn at2y,43% , P Bank sold IL hesd of ciws end heifers to fair condition at 526 toad w retie sold 19 bead of very good Ohio 'teem suitale for stock, at 3c, which was considered above the - Tktt. J Harer sold 16 heal of Indiana steers, at 2%e. 13 Tomlin retailed 12 heai of fair mall steer., et S 346 30 B Teoulmau sold SI bead of Tory fair 111Iaoli cat• do of good wolstit ai 9figs• fickhert retailed lk Lead of .mull Nall. stock, at 2a130. Otoutot Co. ker keel • uslzol lot retails.] ut .2Xf4 & Co. notalltd 60 head of fair Mock, at 30 - ptc. There were quite a number of email lota of cattle driven in from the country, that we tail to notice. We do not doubt that the whole number dieted would reach 2,000 heed, ell of which would have beta told, could buyers Moro been found, for wears confident that mill are soon, that our market at this time is as good m any other. lie one need loot for better price be fore the coming winter. There will be more cattle ere long, needed for government me, but they be bought only at low penes, say SO sy" which le equal to obmt 414 , 02%* In the county. There were about 3,003 Sheep eftered, and mast ell of which were told, at prices ranging from *f, to 40, for fair to prime. Stock Sheep were sold at an aver ago of s2,to head. The receipts of Mgt this week were usually largo, though but Tory few peril sold, the demand, being light 11111 we quote at 44031 fir common and 43( A @4)40:, lee good lota. CELAG4JfEO US EdIABLIBHED 1760. PETER LORILLMID, SNUFF AND TOBWOO lIIMTLIPBOTDBEB, 16 A 18 CHAMBERS BTHEET. formerly 42 Ohothem attoet, New York Would tail the attention of d•elan to the artiolea of his enanufacten, vie: BRAWN 81:1131171 , discaboy, Fine Beppee, (loam: Happen, Ittrarletin Gentlemen„ Di:enigma, Pure Vlrgld►, Piaohltonhee, o:ventage:a. YLLLOW • Scotch, High Tout BCOtON Irlh High Toast at Lundylvt, Homy Dew Sootott, Veal Honey Scotch, Veda Scotch. ogr httentloa to called to the large redaction In prior of Thee• Ont Cheering end ¬ing . Tobeng, which will be band ol a superior MASCO. Snoanio—Lout, tiro. 1: No. 2, 1 and 2 mlied, GranoWad Yuan llo? Onzwuro—P. A. Id, or plain ; Guru. dlrh, or. Sweet; Sweat &ruled Oronoo o ; Carvuollan. lizoncro-8. Sago, Spardan, Canute?, Turkish. N. B.—A circular of prime will be lint on upon. cation. aoirely FARM FOR SALE OR RENT, OOSTdItiLNO el MALES. bit under knon, ►nd in ► ►rood 't►to of cul:tastion Improvemeoto cordst of o tow BRICE LiW EL LI SO, co Jtaltking 1 nu= ; !arra TILLIffE 8.8.101 lENA hi T UGC) SE, with 5 rooms ; and sore orchard yontle tr.«. (3110./. vudrr tb. wind.* Wm. e to lu tallutu wwcublp about Ore coil. boo lb 1. to quire ut IMILZY, TAUILIML dt CO A •O►IiDdICK C41136()N, lizr.ra..4oraris cri t.t:Ats P SHEET AND BAR LEAD I=l Pig Lead, Block Tin, BTRIBT, 115"..i. NIMIII LSD eTCLIZOILI4 145110.111SICATI. a. teli PIN 'TWO 11111,LtiM OPPI 1111101LIRIALZ 01 at-nom. JAIL W. WOODWELL ft .9d 99 Third dna.. oppoet• 19. IrJmon&K,99 l ¢d UI Tooth 099,99. 19h10 CII/11 8 U OLLDWRIA Isoteostor to Jame Holmes 10a. POZIK PAOICHB, Ofan 1.11 BLOON. WON). 5043/01.00E2D MUM, 511011 XD BUY le. 00.11. MAR= AND flllBl' STIMS7B, •11:41.7 Prrressrairs. PA. 11 - 1;0 - 1124 Ata.—Sitthost eatooptheo the 'mead snit boot collodion of Bedding Planta abet tbo city, at MURDOCH'S O.OIL&RD ISUBSZHIT avitrup BMA" MAIIMPACIRTiIIEO cIO WI3 WORN, , • Hue elwarroo bud sad make to cider raOlaUti IMAM Winn *tux =TB I sizvalL kind.: IitIDDIAI2% lan lionndkry ass' JIMA TOIr arnwown, he.; DIED CIDAM o S, tikktialTa. WoBß..tor Vinwer. larfx ;.• irr 01. /s " iti " ' N —The boattxt le matte. Call and examine; !afore parchstlng. eliderbane Gnivantecs to give aatisteetion. Woe Wo at dm Ineta Inabta4Cepot ' • • J.l B. ran= Ft 4, and 1554- Mir etnet, SUGA.K. uU nisi) • 100 St amanita Liad'e 1 01uOluslattl at,oollit do do plsbrllause; 1b0„040 13i, Shoulders; • ?AMA* Mori 100 ads. izsrek goodly Moor, la Euro spa tor s.to at 000 E; I`ll TIT d, • oer 1014sittheold areal. BUNDB to impart cpivitit 'or Oil N Velb S. tot export !Orli/01' 011 AdAtill7Al7lo3llllllA MONTHLY1111C17111l8; And other Minks tinder the Lichee Law, printed and far gala . • 0. 701 108102 a cia,- 9 trifia.llNTl 1.1 1 I N BWKL3I\NII MAN Kt, co LV MiLl MI and Widesi 411stfUers, sad Walter, printed end for Ws by WU. O. JOHNSTON as 00.. 121E7{=1 RAWBAoK . . .110, 'or the re. oove . y of oreiveid Nartie Duller on OIL SA., panted sod for WO yy • HH. 0. JOHNSTON 00, -jUsT Jillost V )- 100 Cutting °bonen; • 100 .". (beam " 100 bait bbla. brlrnli now Illaikero. Nip. 9, !gig In ea» smi Tor ale by c 11613. 0. *ALLEY. Ws. 119 Liberty vinyl. 1, 28 - Prritak . FAILtLY btha, XAt ITlnistosea Steam NUL now landhi from et.mer ill City, tor gals b* WI • Mistsat Timmy a cm. UM BiANKIO.2 I / 4 —qinother , large v4,1.21;917 Jut eaceived sod for ante elk the India Bobber Dew. 26 ing 22 ge„01 gene. J. 11. MUMPS, WOial • 1 .4 14A1X-2UO pigs Vo 1 eat thtlens fot . 11111111 ii U. OOLL I lib. ~~ ~S-I..:{'9".tifS:Saur?z.Z'`°`SlS#"`sT.~ pROPOSALB II PLUMBING AND JI. GIS 111771811ZHINTZET &VI. - ic. • . Orgies. Dirrit-Quszrzastaerza. 7. Jelfcrecnnlie , T. dlans,,Ang 4th, 1863. Polled Trlperoleviffi:to recelned at this eager an. ril eh. d7ria irg - Allathir,ls l3 , for dellvertng at the Shiltsr. Nrwitel Grounds, neer' Jeffersnuvals, In. Mans, Ilia f :Hewing rlumbLog and Gin 7lttlorkia. truism, Az .t isix. tear:olprd nine hundred and righly (6 91I1) feet Ow reek halvanicrd Wm:tilt Iran yips. Year t9onarrid eight hundred (4,100) Est ours and. one half inch tralvaniurd Wrru,h; leen Tip.. sigh.. thousand (8,100) feet ore lush Galvanised .Wrensct Iron Pip, Si: rhocurasd Ave hundred (6 500) feet three quo.- tr r filch Gram:zed Wrought bon Pipe. flee theuraird Ave handrud (5.500, fort half Inch Galcrnls.d Wrought Iron Pipe. Three thoasind (44011 A et three eighth loch Cal. Tufted Wrought iron Bpi. &mitten oundrel kind Trer)poundeGavanlzed Pips, atlas. of Whereat kinds and riga" '1 genty Ave hundred (2 500) pound* Pig Lead. Four thOU/Sod Are hundred (4,0.00) pounds Street Lead, el. pounds per foot equate, griper Dart One then 'end (I. 000) ward' bast 11414C11 110. Perris theguaBo Ave hundred ‘7,5E0) pour". Lead Pipr, Gus en.and onishrlf inch. Twenty seven (27)hast inn hopper Water Olomste, p'slated. Silty' Oar (61) east Iron Bath Tube—No.l, 5 feet 6 tootles by 22 duchy'. Tour (4) Plop hoppers, two (2) fret ovary by ten . (10) inches Ledo Teo tundred and ninety.ll.l (234) threa.qnseter inch brads Olain blbb arks, fitted for iron pipe. Twenry eight cue tech Gouts, with one-sod oce• greater Inch hose conneclont, fitted for lan p'pe. Thlriy al." (IN - brill. loch Odes plebs Barbs, Attcd for iron pipe. Thirty." (n) quarter Inch Valve heck,. Thirty.all (d6),onr-snd a quarter Inch bras Wesh Tray Pints. Two (0) enateelled.Washltands, wl,ki wash brains, p'cias and' neck" - ' - Twectreemen,(27) hinds, 2 ft. 91n. by 20 in. bj 6' In. deep. -Tone (3) Pfukr, 4 ft. 6 In. by 2 ft. 2 In. 1 - y 7 ix. d •lour (4) tws lurk Ball Cocks lilted for two Inch Ires pipe. 84.(6,1 too lush Stop COl/01 fitted fortwo inch Iron I P P*. • - Iwo (C) onvlidd asitalf Inch Ball Cocks fitted for two is Co two pip?. silx. (0) eight Wan Col per Bell Floats with 24 Inch shanks. Situ-font ( loch Iron pipe. Piz (6) three-quotor. Inch Talon Cocks fitted for o:assoc.:ter Inch iron pip.. Om (1) one-Inch Bail Cook with six-Inch copper float, Iron 13-loch shank. One (I) one-and what, inch taroks Cock fitted for iron pipe. Otted Went, sewn (27) half inch ferrite Occks for iron pip.. Twenty.ssven (27)threri I.hlbs inch &rel. Cocks fitted for Iron pipe. Twenty.tro hundred (2,100) foot two-Inds Iron bate. Three titoasani (kW) factions-inch iron tribe. Tr/es:thousand (it fi)tilfects threostoarteriloch lout tuts. !Moen handled (1,680) feet bolt Inch Iron tuts. i itightran huniffed • (1,800) fosti ttove.eighth inch iron tube. hevon hundred (7110) feet ono quarter.lnets lien tube. • . hundred pounds malleabte Iron Pipe Fit ti go. tme thousind 0,000) Hocks cf different sixes. TWentyslour OA) Comijoint cubllght Clas Brackets, 0416) twalliht aos Breasts. Two bacultudand fifty W) or.e.light,Gu Pond Mitt; Mmithoif Olorptlng stew, &Psi for throes eighth In. plow in hundred andalxty. (266)-twosllght Gas Pend ante, complete, except • ing, Magni fitted for throe eighth Imo pips: twelve (111) four-light Poodante, complete, ex. copt stem, fitted ter thus eighth trimpipe. dlx cast b. lamp Posts, ample. to all their puts. One hundred snd ton thousand (110,000) (more or bus) kiln burnt hrok. ad the laud. will be outdsot to ilso laimedlort and approvals:sr ait agont of the Government. The aellvery of-each of the above saides as may be needed tor immediate use will commence es loon as practicable atom dabs of contrast, uct attteditii tea day. thereafter • and the .bole will bl misfired to Is s dellosrad of iha grounds be the 40th or t ep tenseer next,er omit. u poodicablo. ins lull tolOonzid pott ogke address of the bidder (end the fall' name or him partnen If bidding to a Ibto) mom eppeatin the proposal.. Popousla Lona dialoyol partite and rebel ryas{ this.* oaf uot be consist red, and the Olth proolibod by tbngnse most to all coos aocompony the bid. Propesdashould be addnemod to the undersigned, and Vainly endorsed, *.Proposals for Plumbing and On Pitting Materials; de. Cart proposal mat be accompanied try • gastrosice, seed ty two neporalble pessansosbom resporol. bon mita to shown by ths °Widest. ot the Clerk oi th y e county in which they reside, The-Icon of the parent. will be air of t We, ot tx• mainly of -- and State of and —of the cost ot astd dude el d hereby guar... that —to able to fulfill a oen o . tract In seeerdance with the tesmsof hL and that, .Dodd Ida proposition be scom=so t .1111 at On. attar lota a oeutiscs la accordance there• with. hhould the contract be toiarded him we are prepared to lacunae hts lecuritims. Molds la the e.= of flee &banana (11,000) dollars, dgood by the cor.treter and both of oh ignamotoli, be [Karol of t.t.o .ruecoaallal bladar on atgolog So. 129 rzarth Itrrot. the ammo,. illdslars ere rev:tired to 63 pINBIIIt In psroon w ben thdr bile are epsned. Th. right to - relect any or all tbe Gide that cagy ba O earned too Wait raterrtd try the nedaratgarei, v ag ett. tbe stgrit to *act from each Ltd each mates rleio, at the prices tberein named, es is napalm! by the °over lament and la eaglet the !aura of a bid. P°W.OI to OOMPO•4 to furnish within the time pr.eccbad, In quality and quantity, lb* mate- Qnustipulated to b. - delivered, then tlre dmintant tarinader to charge to have Use rigat to guppy Math deaden., by purchaee, and awls lade: to be :barged glib ate clitterrnoe of root. ULU. C. =MISS, etptain [lad idol Qesetartalaur. Patent Shot, REVOLVING IRON TURRETS. Yarn Patti MOT, July 29. 1116& The line y Department with astil_ the , 22121 DAT OP Al.litidT, reader. propositions fir the COl3llllllO. tiOrk .nd erection as baud • meal to be built at the Portsmouth. 9. 11., &Moe, Her Tork and Phil. dmadelpoJa ltardu'of two revolving Lamle sad 1 .• emote pipe, with kratlnge for earl. laved. lb. Internal diameter Of theta:Mils to be 2t feet, Willi 9 Net 0 Whew. shleknese ib Amt.@ to be campa.d .t two eaparate atalla of plata inn, with wrought loon alsOm laserled fattemen the tame. Ibe pilot Lame on each turret to be 8 feat inter mad dimastari 0 feet inches , high, 12 Inches tbkk, compowal of plate trim. The f entail enemas and gear for tinning sup non. dating the moremetat of the twrret, the god and carriage, peel stoppers and other Internal Or. raegeraents to be of the same pawed a...motet as to. Monitor clam anemi. The Impresnabla monks pipe to be in thick...me 5 Inches, composed of plata Iron inside diameter 93( lot. andheight above the. dect 11)(, trek The ptaPaladaa Mita man= th • above man. timed waft, (Wading the brostoa of the =TWA and state the oat 112 the thee within which the work tar sash vematrill.ha cautplated, en board. and reedy far earlies, , . , The opera( phote'oso be etromfold at the office of the tompeotot of Itott.olatt atomism Sgte Moat New lock— • • • The ..Proywieli most .hidoceol: on the onttlie • .PropOtote kr - Ilevottlog Vartilm," flat they may . to dawn alshad from other lettere. -- onlotodtd DA NN AND WOOD °NAIAD 11121:113013 0 Pli[leg& • lINAt., HELLO! 67 Wood 'treat. 117 Wood stmt. Wond'itrest LotUSTI • • , t• lOUS B CANFIELD. I) one Inch Stop_ Coat, fitted lor one PON IJULIL VOR oonvanient twastoty wick dirsUlagtspose, with back building. Ito. 10 Boas Meet. fltuburt i Also. Urge, waren 'and well.liklaboi three. story brick dwalling hove. with beck bolldlog,Zo. 23 bon stook, between-lint and Blond street& two4ttorr brick dwalling bonne, with back • bitildhavi,lio. 919 ffratond etweet, war Rom All the above axe In good order. and implied frith tea and water._ , Alto, 0 one atury.trat . nip .o3ttage . dwelling; No. 914 Secoad abreet, karethe twikttdry frame dwOling ad. lohdog. -Both of thew; home ate good order, ant suitable tit mall Amtbea.• bit of griaradan the buthesettardly aids of first start. between: gots end •Try Mesta, near lioliatmt. haring a front Of It feet on ghat straot, and extending back 60 fret. • The atural.prbpaty L Malta In &affable part Tor faroia af sale and Partical;re InvPdre of • ••• Wid. W. TROKnOir, 11:611ifth Anat. ATAtUABLEPHNI§Pt3TRART,P L EOP . f ro y "art _yoa4ei l ik.-Avo:Loti.:l2 hat 4 hi. trout trf 110 hot dlge to au 4114, &bop doable home. tothreon San Add•ll stag. A deg: melt Wootton Lori Perdobot Or tist.. • AIE., wino Ono Watt altos ptivele rsiddeocee Oser_ntoonvilla. tram. 4-tol woo& -- . 441: - .4 Wilto amber or i WWI r 1 Tufo= ifezo;ol limo ild to 60•Iost trout by to 160-toot doop, titivated at it.. tottotow of Wm Wylie Motet Proo y lo ty e t t o; th an oi w l a li ) d . e r.d: . t or N oholiwton, dood.ond--Woaootl ro l i i olit- OthNe- , eit a• . • JOHN D. annum+. , ,Y., Q., MASSON. . -PYR inaiWor evrand. cc Land, og hithee by •SW Ire l )9PW+ l srirherr- c,, r rkvw.lloll..Bar,'A luehei diameter; hob iron. RA - 11141(7 - 14111$3110;torttesuwa. With &wend pmbhend werengownA a 6-ssu -tocleon 15,1 Alamehe n eninatt rill lt, lew toy cash. • . ROOM• 111. 11014 Z,, leAti .On the Allegheny riew, one. twat A ilrt. AA FIRS* 01.45118 COUNTRY bEAT . Volt BAWL situated lade - twenty tolnutts lido alba oity, an 6 near to two Railroad Stallone. The buttddep au. osinp;ste.watir, et tb• best quality In AbonTatow,lhe grounds tastefully la% cut, and tut with I Map, trait and Alowers.. Prunus reek. tog a beautiful country Items, the eban peasants a rare oppertunlty. • Apply to , 010 R. Rebate I CO., 1011 Windt' it. COUNTRY ROMBB.--Boantitul Mkt. ationt for Country Boma tsr NAL in btoCluta towl . p, Ohio township. and Bowlchloy Doroogit All ti. lota are within short distances oLatattoos on the Ittsburgbdrott Wayne & Ottio•no Ratiriol. Enituiro of IL 11. PATIO. old P.O. Daildlog, ao3 \ nu water otrrt..Alleehony. F°R oonireniont and well. . Masked Twoorouir sings. rfouss, with ?Mkt sad 11. ad 4117 oellai, sad'tynot Water; wltb a (rams stable back. Lot WWl°, obll lata an oo.Locuat street, iillOdelter.' Pawaogar flan: way. lagoln, at Tuts (worms. or to OHM IL RIDDIOLL. Load atreet, btattobastor. foibtf Ariqrzwe ! warmxuries,, WIEIZESR a HIGBV3T ruinium,uutoui,ait. "tool SEWING MACHINE• wou‘ws Si ~~i:. LAL APO I OA , P l j._"••_ls6l With Yslcsbb Improveinecla. Tao only Manias s a d World tang 611.115 OW= Pena, Maros' Ocuum, srith imp Ham= Zvery oca t.rooptattrity Invitad to call at. ow atom arid sae eh* Nubian In operatics. Mgr Ait Machines names sga Ores Slam larteud far • Ctravair. will. & CO., WESTEKN keBNTS, PI,TII3IIBGEI—No.. 27 PIIT l eird2 S- a=s=sn—piKra OVARA DTILLVING tt ONTO T12471.1t 103:assir7) INSIIKA.NCE AIGAr7IB. rJIi GARDINER COFFIN, Aim! roR • Faun=r, Palz&usinali tip Bxiamills 11. mamma Ocainsreo, NatthAsirt :°orate Wood sad Third stmts. JUN i 1 Assn tiowfweinzi - W• ca, State ot Penmsylosnla and Hankird mamma Companies, VT Wotan street. QAMUE.I. Sirourmirr Cram' h. 7 toms Axon Ocrarisr, oarnar Make. and Wiz droeta. _ ' FM. (.40.111X) N, tisasseusir Waanzx • ISIIIIANCI Coarrusi. 112 Water street. BOOK., Szcaurruty ALLMON! 00101.1114 SI PM Won. SHIPPIXG. SEAMWERKLY TO LIVER:AL 001., touching , at 41111MBTOWN, V?orx armor.) The welt knows steameres Liverpool. Stew Took end: rhiliehdohle Otaaniehb Ocompany are Intended to rail as follows : - • 01.11 f Olf IthllloallmoVt.........asturday, Lug,l4. G1A8G0W......... .......4-.....-Onturdsh ittlff. 21 OM Off Witkiiilitt.....l3atorday. fog. 22. And every rneeeadlog , at sow, bola C.as 44, North Ma. nab OV iiillgAin. Parsigi to G 444, er ir egateedwitb Carrara/. ' I lours 0b5tn..........5 40 00 Broguas.---.1a9 HT do. to London.. BD IX,da. to London.. lb BO to Pub—. 96 00 do. to Par1e...... 40 DO d do. o. yo Hmantinrg 00 lb I do. to Hamburg El 60. Pasengsra oho torwardad to Havre, Stamen, Sou tabo, Antwerp, as.; at equally low ntes. • run boo bbrorpool or goooorterms Ist OMbo. Hat IA VA ebb elb, Po. These who wbh to isaa br their Wands can Isny Octets here at thee , rates. tor farther information apply as the' Oorapettr a JOHN IL DALH, Mont, I ID Hroadway, 14.41. • JOHN Tllollllolff, hiked, - Hand street: 0M boor trim me andM , . 1 mhlattf fflttelosveh. THE ATLANTIC LEHMAN, NATAL NAIL NSW& MAMA. 'HON 001LPANY. (GAL WAY Lune.) ADItIATIO, 3,900 Borse-serwer, 4,000 Lona. ii11317411 1 e, 1,0 M) Henmi.poWee, %OKI DAIL 001.0 dela, LOW lioree.powera Dona r ODO tows. &NOWA. 1.000 Honii-reller, _ The wisewithieet etelawhip ADNIATIO will eau teem Liverpool, 1/441 Daltrey, to New Yolk, on WED. 16th of July, to to followed DY 0 0 . other steamer. of the Dm every stsastoWedneelay. Sates of purge trees Liverpool to New Tovh. pay able to gold or ire egalvaleat In Ciarenoy lint t1ab1e—...—.4126 00pnwerege..—.....—.113 00 !mood Oabia.—..—. 88 001 for pelage apply at the aloe of the gents, nASZL 2 DBAULL, 2S Brtedway. Meat= Joao, newer. or, D. O'SIIIL L. Deovatir _Okrosiere jylthlynn N 0.70 Yeah Mead. PitteberelL PASSAGE FROM. TUN "OLD IIOCIN. TET."—Tlie undersigned la, now prepared le bring out emigrants teem agy part %MINS. lre• land or Eloutland, giber by supsrlar Una Nan B inoteding lb. mammoth gamer KIEZAT 11ABOTEb "or Bret dam Wag Tessaleh kern than Mae mu be pumbened lor army kimerillee le rite b. Tbs • steamers knee Idempret eree7 W loathing at Londonderry tor the mails TA. easels leer, Ltvarpcoloverr • kddreas. . D. O'BEILL, European Ammey, armlets ilidUltni, carktuund I'o flab stmt. Plitatmorill. drEw BOOKS. IVEBBIDE EDITION& Illhoan's Latin Christianity. 8 vols. 0 atlases Ornstinulonal History d llogland, 3 'ls. llistory of its Mine Ape. 3 vols. Clyriosities of Litstatuts 1 vols. Cotton's Amami , of lialanstroly. 3 vols. liontalgues Works. 4 vols. Rua Lamb's Works 6 TOL.. llama's Works. 15 vols. Bold srpsratsly. rilluiblOssra's Wosigs. vols. Tor sal* by EAT ir 00. 65 Wood street. I CATS PUBLIOATIONI 3 . ' JJ My Southern friends. By Kist. • laden? of the Befcratetlon In dee thaw of Calvin. Footling on the Botindary of another World. The Great Iron Wheel ZnatelthoL Bodunknr. Benton's Thirty Tien In the U. B. Baud*. toe Misereblea. Cloth and pep, Dyes and Kin. Brocleer. The Btus and the Angels. Voris HiAory, Tbeel, Medicine, avid 481.1.. MAD, 18 rAtrilk *UNA ztlariOustre. OWN NuOK.--Stkeep: ' 0 - , Thar Tow* klanoicomoot out_tiliosoes. William Tousle. To which aro added 1•161111:1 OD , Um Moods oacl Jilsastacest of tamp to, the United litotao, used[ Illostrative oogratinp. IlroL, 8 to. Price pa& KAY i 00..65 Woad marmot. pular t.INFIA)tfo MIL &MORA Ant .L 1883.—/ilphebetteal list of Post Calms In the b Wed mate, with the menu of the Pot lf intim With an sppeedlx containing the rata of 70111411 Postage. the sew Pot Moe 8111, sod other hoport sot postal intorauttion. Price PAO. bra SLY et 00.. 65 Wood et. TO LLT. VON, BENT—The threrstory. BRION vreszaovale, no.„ a Wood, dross, two doors tom Watar street. . . Too terms apply to' lICLEUE ..131/1/k • Uldhatar, Nana & • a gamma WooD Wlltik wow% mu:Mood star& riW LBT—Oxik . Ton, or Three Raomo J. in the third or iourtit Morita of Guars /Wid ths, WIRD West, with or wittwat Wen rust, tf than* evt VOlt .itENT—The this ii story Ottkie ballasig now • -.by the sabecidoer, (tomes at Ilt. 0151 r street ant Thpe= l Way. Jel9:tf MDT. MOMS= NRVER KNOWN TO Feu.! HORATIO BLAcEBEKIII CLICENLTIVE TEI somitas =Eon xis DYBUTEIIY, DILLUBLIZA, FLOM, CHOLER& . MOSB1:15 6.ISD SIIIIIIIIOI COMPlallrr The Immense odes t.st to Or mails pf thb The =terns deny reporti of sottrobblolt taro attest Ito rebut. It hee adrimtem mot soy other remedy, at ono" mini the Ore" pad Itapettliti tone and Wreath to the eyetets. Ix Nee ezd baludre tei the tobotti oadpoworrollo TO the soldler Ase ltedally, tt Is butmtbk:h44 approprtatigy t by them, 111 soar 11=0 "The Soblier.O.lrriend. Mothers end II Napalm to SayttootWng irgrop for childish tasthisg. treed trautthe isicrioas otbots of natoonas;tire run to the n ik F I F risc"lg 1301,1 by.N.LIGOLOULLN 400., ChAb?nottli and by risiectsblik dukes enrywhere. igirßice, 25 0130, Cs HOTTUL JAMES M. BALPII, A1143111711i0T. ri•Perso Rcinnido iilewsznan Anis Benionuartoisn , tor ali lads a BuMthilli. and ondoolithinis 4 theft . sonotion ou romosablis turns& • oMco cm Aside= atesockleßro lionsoof2 3 . d Robinson Waits. TNl)lit xusill"l"ctre and cloth. In dainaor ¬ tr and 13 It Oh& stmt. JAI I _____L I_----11/bl"9. lituta , - 40 j."a ** t"— rir --- "ar for 'load a Qp — iMrsiu vourr * 00, ok.. 0, blot. M 1.43 CLiclusitAND,' ITIMBBNIGH AND WEIZMAN° BAILBO LD IS El Id 11 It it ANNANGZet T. -11.-and after MONDAY, April 10th. ISM V TR k. " 111. Dora of Oa Peanaylvanis Itailsoad. to Pitts. burgh... Salami: • P 41,1 6. 44 end ' r•:... Leaves Eitni LOo L. IWe • , MAO P. 01 . do Wausime.l 8:10 .. I Ms - .1 do Stobenel MO 0 rot .• iWM :do Wheeling. 5:10 0, MN • 1 4:55 knives Beller. 5:25 0 line , sap Ocaneetbas st -- stenbearilie and ne , . ; . Ash 1 bey rills and Indiana noittoed and C. ~bb . mad for Lanes-dile, Newark, Bolan t • snob. L too . yp t uionipolla, Olnehanald, Loch , • AIN Calm L Lotds, Bt. Joeepb, and ill pilots and and saatkvest, and at Whe=dth Ban tams wad Ohio Unread. and Gleadwail Van... LeIMII fittstraNk.--....—.1 Islo a To do Wa1ke1ie........---. SAO 0 up' do 1tzranL....00.4......... MO ... :ill do &Mama ...............-. M O .. 4:45 do BIRSIUUL.*••••••I7a4 . 1 5.12 do Hakes,...: ---..6.-. Tass . 0 nu &trim stlLareland-........, MO " Mdi , Oonnseditiat Bayard with Tosnarairsabralleh New PlAtadalptda and °anal Dann at katzto•Wit, Pittebtald4 rod Warn* and .47hicespa Railroad; st Barmen with - Atlantic and 'groat Western Balkoad for Warren, Grrentille, Ifeadlina 131110 a. •Ottery, Jarseata4palantannt; St If stions wits GM. Wed. add Oteetnniti Lidtoad for ?dr.l and 1101eribarg, and at , riaX At 2: It. B. foil:As, Dunkirk and - - - with 0.1 7..8. It. for -BandutMe Told% Walkedstasinwe Orr Den. & donantrakd trai kot iaaTell at 3 MP; to. 13attaning trains =tie Ili MO a. in., 1:20 a:O5 p. so., and inl.o a. - m. , •,- . •• • • f: Thronrb"Tithete to, all prominent Watt ma Procured at the Liberty Street Depotilrittsbink, ZMOBOM reauiyi, TIO k ~.4144r,,5t. And at Allegheny OM _... re ' , e tt.. -- . . A. Q. °ABM tt L,Moit*/ _ W • MIT, it th. - 043ipiiny • i Onloo Mirmislit Dalton, . . 0.-43111 WS:li..-:. . 1.711•NOINI 11 3.- 4 011 ...."•-- • " and ut lifter 11.011IIAT A,.L. • - - -: , -. • . 21146: PENEBILV eT. - ": 6 '' 4 i ' . AP. N/BN DAILY' TRAINS. ' '--, __.- lIL The TII.NONINI d.COONNotflurton TWA leaves th•Rrantazir audios diftr, (aarept Cloadaya it 4:50 a nd e...topePaz it all Maims beddreas Plu. burgh a ft.na6oPlia. ant waking direct ward. Non in New York at A I L- - The =BOWS NAIL - .5.3. N. leans Twe as Medina. ems stair Ozellel Itualln ii too E, to. storions oar otizinotolo itstkoUti staking dined tonne st I:Lurid:um tot more .814 WochtnitosUnnd for Newl!!!",Ttaybui. " Inuit oraix isairsza-nairtookoo oitist too 9.92.,4toppisti. anir=d /Wilan;a lll 4% =mottos it la alatbigq4. lll im W Strut allhliagtell and for New Tork_e ti /0009 1 1 1aenti, ; rho r A NT LINN liarac the - statlod deli tail* eunday,) a u n t= p. - se., stopple", =4 _osiostilool' staUcati, oting at lidsrlibmi lar.NaltiNfors wig Nabbed:4 sad et Pbfladilphia for New*Orit. - . - - .. . 6.OOONBIODATION Tititall..,- - . .. ~. . . , .... b ohectovhat awns aline (w M ept a T=44 atti s P. nu) 0 0 0#44 1 1/I Pi...am, I, intd running salsa "xi Cloasma?.... - .. j..- •,. ~..• 1 , inns tica*NuabosMalp iratrui.pk,i7 ,014ns r ay OzelS lits:A.bir),'!ualu oi. ,-• ' k - ".--,-.- . / 1 &NOMA - • A.ooa nein lorlWariultlitita taw detly.(except 8.. , at AWN 1.. N.. . Third. Acarniatelitton., .la .Waill, . 1 , atie. TIN , didiT 04 0 ,11 4 8 " 46 3 450 / 4 r . ii __. I lcolita01.1111“4"12_ • ' be - telt str ,-- ;me. I leariethlhe(leeeTS =heal *VA me , - ,--, Oheoraielhain loied ahhl Mahlon even b 11• 0 .57 it 3308-a .to., re4rAirtSrkitOS rtillt . " 111 " gm= - I t Hili iirttilt ti rpitlotot tot .0113 U . s Nalthaclre. ' MN - D. - pi. ; • -MbideWde . t PrfN Lid° ti ,LtY* .-0,. 2100.a5. ; Thsvegb ' MU Int% *ll4 hangtorill hicessidedeties, 10108 e. mu; -Mast Walre MAU": Meoeite - Me a. nt.;; Zegaed Wart Ittetthh doe ',,„. 5535 a, in. Third Wars latitiNt• a .- L-1.0 p. in. i Fourth Waif* Matadi IL - II:05 pp,. di.% Battbnors Zama wIII wales with Phil- Zayre., at 1.2:94.tc05.., os liondepa. • Trebel tel EtalreeDie I'S WS" sesiecoaiks oleo* 1 e 111: Intersectios 'with , Through Acormaicelition. Johnstown" anzdarnon mad •ft , 'Esibt Ind. and with Ultima* inter and .101rn *PM. IWillka ßtlaill grtbeits ' i ' srz oondect . at Orsinat Witi.lita prom 'Dahill andidall TraTh.Wistocid with Throne" amosamodatlmszatt Tim. Tnatx Ult. . . Thy pit awin 2nd ti PAULI* mar titssoisita weikto hard, ca •Ma easulaidrlNNl it lg tral Bafirced, to the mocatioodeateed amass& =oust th• sorparmednd and other rwiia. IC.Biedie r • u • eud with dow.., estlpply troe frata add F. can FrOre.ginistisrAl.d,., elmd=ar..Artt tc ell va 1 war :month' 1.5 4 *Ka th,t.r.ymnr," 4 . I To Mow Iroik-$131.80/aITO 5citincra . ......,......4. IN 1 To rhgaderplan..... 10 50tfc:Lasandar.:4..... - ... 411 lio ta BArriglan, ...: I a . . . await 41.4 ' 4 to ill &Maas on US 21=111711F 1 . ' eiletioutraddlirdaiand fa F92..911.4 4 -11pla, EtalMltle r. e a s t . - - - •_, . _• eaatcoi I.iircaLsilzi rzfacia .Ik.i...nri lill 04 dttsr3, Can: ilaedit.i , aw4CO 3 MAO ea trer"fth Is addaara to th. *adieu vac, script 14.1. efauer.: friar. the Ckrcapthllla no Bacot. 1501.1. 4 32....--In . Dew al.tut, ths - co' 9pse4rat k.o thmuerne roperodble. for parsort.ti• boopsipt GRIN eed. Vo. sr. =no= gct-saceedLi.; $1 5.. • 17, . N,...-5.i. Crigr...ata - Ltlaffi• Wks teem - st.lployeill to WI ty - 71 I.ll.ll:O4fp‘i to •nd:frock the ca pat is • &sip noun 6latt t..• taa"4 pUt• t.isi,c a.-34 teiamp. anilF tc .3. orva Aar, taut, Le I.S.a rsztiVATIZILIta Coatis! ltalircie readritet .......- -- ~....,........., ...,....... ..... , .....4. 5•1 IVLLAIL SAVINGS - BANK, No. 63 ..i., rooms plearer. - aIIASTSIUD IN LW. • Open day from 9 top o'clock, abo on Wednesday end datorday matey, Mow Hu IA to November 1.1, from 7 to 9 oclock, end from November let to Nay Ist beta 6 to 1 o'clock. Deposits received of an Woe not her than One Dollar, sad a Orland of am prate deelmed twits • Tor, In June and December. laterint kae been de. dared erad-anneoll7 In JIM. end Deeembe4 More the _Bank was a at the rate of .lz per are. • V i ttillrr, If net dawn oat, le ahead to tbe mee a of Um dapodMo , aa petard*, and Wart the emote In. twat from the fast days of Jane and Decambeneres. ocunding_twice a pear without troutdborthe imp& tor to ,:re, to even to pmt=t biz par beak. , At Ude tam, money id& dm In Z ia Ulan twelve pears. Book*, -contalning taw Cosner, Dr Lave, Nola mid lbartlatimmb twedabed grab, On-1 1 13 4,414 " el UN o=l6 Pinumini—lssollav al,l3BtIV . ...... - .. • DIXONth 'viEraiim On: irt WX: F. DAVIDSON, OINCUMATI, MEA I•litt6w-10 J. S. Q tobis Al6lllllll sale o 7 • BJX.KS. VIM M. Fel= John Ilanballi • " j.mos 11.14-Ma•di.. IL Pollar ran. ack. U.O. B ' - William J. AnolapHank Johni.lloYeAdan. John -agues. Armando: ISpoar, .‘ Beg. L. Tab:restock, Jamas .purkeitHerdraln. Mat iriusetni. . • Waltst illaraisU,. Jobs Orr. . Bata Than Jams illddly • •• Jobs'. Obomilmaliar, . Willia uml m' Salaams' Abilar ' Tfakto4, Loa Whittier, • Wm. Y. Olubsisa mom. ltAtl. a. OOLTON. OaMa - Jams, John Q, Ilschoisa, Jahn o. l)l ndle7 Usurp Mach, Alonzo A.9isaint, WlWat Ohaslas A: Colton, Dongjas, Jo William hn E n nis es, Astern; Hanr.: Richard Hays. Janus William 8. Laysks. ascaitnns I &A:4 " EXIMOIN AT S. reIIMATS,XICIABOACIIEW II3, zdonrosoiosourrossome mug, • wootsze, mawn os susTsalOwLs• ANnuas. 15obl by allAhnizisto Bonn aka etribisig lopitatiens. ftlzkatia DWI B. A...7MU1 Bon aco s. emir L a oo..•Sliatuals,#Vals. ritt ' ami ll • Pa' IFlLUlTTAings.=—Dwuclorms ed . sms Ana.•-• moyforsi Mirk of dolor TAM of miortadomistMo to (boom from, with solfr Ofcore tokam to tuns Ma inn forums. Of .Applo Oar ono bowl of WWII smarm yam olda,lo oo form Mar o Nu, 14: 1 0 - GOO two po Wes raw c. 14. Yoarlt, ram, kci4 SM Bro Troia ta tho unorjr.: Oaf ' anemiLlßfron itoBfat,67 t. 14 busi .yo, Mum THUS - AND 6=TFilr.. idamirrITTMITUGH oalczavyllita. easta,ll , : 70 D a1131 1".". weVIIOLIC PEP ; _ var bap Bb andlava - Cddreid - WS Issir abate Omen and Black 7444.• SKI Ob. Hi 0.84 crusbad ch i di colftand.&,KM 11disdsKI -• ' SO SAILA Kull tddi d'New-47r iKsfidsid; poa d a do Wbitarub bows dtedtssal german Soaps RO de &tjf.KY. o..**lirsesr; • pp NS _ al to 'act -labruatuarb!g; Jlllll Teeelr'd and ig e b LlN t a i l Keterodi.r4s. - _ .11. t abeken4 taathasokad I.2ll;•litt4s.lel&em zatisoors m • •-• • Lae INAIuORINa and Peillag. is bins. a te.ti ttti e keif_ lthis, s •A. s , ••• mai by W.D41, - 9) Ouigaiiioll.ll. Lu ittutuvr.u„,,,iju,... „„ ,L5O bblo. plig•Muck erc" I • Wainaited from STl4 4l : lll 4 ar lON, Mond 10 - Withieetreet. . , _ p al sy .o.lUtiAtt t!' ls Y', a . j•-...T0110:11111110; tO Bab bT ate, Dew labial. 00. If 10 1711 • ---