gitishurgit 6=4 FRIDAY MORNING, AUG 14. CITY AFBAII2B. •r ONTIOULL PA PIE 01 nil CITY The Bow la Washington- Borough. Saveral dayshgo we gave an auMunt of a serious dish:rhinos at Burgetudown, Wash ington oonnty, between some copperheads and • number of soldiers under Capt. H. B. Hue, 0? this city, who had been rent, by order of Gen. Brooks, on stout of observation through that county. We also alluded to the fact that the soldiers had been attacked while in Washington borough, but al tough inquiry was made at headquarters, w could obtain 40 details. The Washington Examieer, (Copperhead,) after stating that the Soldiers bad been "pnterouly permitted to occupy the buildings so lie Nair grounds," goes on to as sert that , 'malty of the men scattered through the horough," while "semi conducted them selves in • decidedlyindeoent, insulting, and outrageotts a manor. " , About eleven o'clock • collision conned between a portion of the troop and eight or ten of the town boys. The Samainer gays : “Thteleulee mune of the dillioulty we are uhalithe to State. It commenced on Main etreetibetween the Mansion House and Iron - Hall, and was continued until the combatants got below the Ceurt Botts* whither the civil- - lama 7mi:driven the cava lry. The military used theirkeasmlvers and the boys brisk, atones, and sim ilar missiles. The noiseto created by Ow discharging of fire-arms was for a few mews= ready terrific., Had the mambo= in' the hands of cool, sober men, inesitedahle injury would undoubtedly have awaited, -as it was, no one was struck by the Mallets, 'although there were several nu- 1 row slumps. Same of the soldiers resolved pretty severs - braises by. °outing in contact with the bricks and atones thrown at them, but noswotthem were seriously hurt" The dilkoalty ended by the arrest of since of "this town briya," by a squad of soldiers, Litho marched them to comp and retained them until next morning. The Butatieer censures • the soldiers severely for their bad conduct, and adds: "While oar boys may have been gniltrof some indiscretions, yet there was no estate for arrest and confinement." It Was no doubt a clear am of "arbitrary strut," and we hope the aforesaid "town boys" will throw themselves upon their "oonetitutional rights," and hold Gen. Brooks responsible 1 The Examiner. then turas its attention to the Surgettstown riot, and charges us (the Gawk) with giving "a most infamous and libellous account" of the orient:banes. Its own correspondent, however, gives substan tially the same fault, in phraseology to snit Its copperhead" readers. We charged that • number of copperhead' darted over to Bar get town on .horseback and with arms, and that-during dui night one of them fired upon a acidic?, eta. The copperhead correspond ent has it that "Ann:ober of PouneDunoerate went over to see tie army," (how vary Inno cent 1) and one of tham , .thoughtlesely fired a pistol In the air," which vary innocent amusement led to the shooting of Stevenson in the 'arm, and the arrest of himself and Ave others. • Now, we had our tuts from a gen thman of this city, who wag within& few rods of Stevenson when the shot was fired, and the soldier remarked that "the ball poised very dose to his head." The story about "king in the air" is simply a copperhead lie. If these "young Demonists" were paying a Wallin visit to the camp, what need had they of basil fire arms ? The truth is, they were bent on mischief, but they waked up the wrong customer when they undertook to play the tool with Uncle Sam. Prot. Newell's Select School At the solicitation if a number of leading and influential citizens, Prot. J. IL Newell, Lite Principal of the /fourth Ward Public &hook, will open a Select School, at N 0.191 Penn strew, en do Brat Monday of Septem ber next. Thorough instruction will be giros: in the usual braced'se of an English education; and the Latin, Greek, French and Garman laagusple wutbe taught. .-111 r. Newel/ is well known as an able and seeoreplithed teacher, and than who plies their children under his care may rest assured of their rapid and sat, ishsotory advancement. The numberof pupil. will be limited, in order that the instruction may be complete in every branch. The high appreciation of Mr. Newell's serviou, by toe Board - of Directors of the . P onzth Ward. is evinced in the following resolution, recently adopted by the Board: Bosolosd, That this Spud havereeelved, with regret, a note from Mr. J. $. declining a melsotion as Principal of our school, in :Which position he bad served faith (ally and to the entire satisfaction of the peo ple, of the ward, through a period of eight years. In parting, the Board tender him their thenks_for the faithfulness with .which he disebarged his duties, hiving always meet tested an anxiety for the welfare of the scholars entrusted to his core. We wish him prosperityln whatever situation he may be We refer the reader to the advertisement of Mr. Newell, in another column. U. 8. District Court. Acoust 13.—The °amid the United States against Robert Perrino and others, for ob strnoting the draft, was 'oath:mod to the oo tabor term. Tt.obat•Parrize, Marton Jackson and James Morrow were severally held In $2,000 ball to appear at the next term. firs. Eliza Elsie, charged with obstntoting the draft, wee held to bail in $l,OOO for her appearance at the Ostober term of the Cont. United Stites against Barney Trainor, fir nerjary. Cue antlintsd till October term. The defendant was held in 0,090 WI to IP' pear st the next term. United States against O. Hanson Love, for making and liming tokens. The defendant plead gailty, and was deed $1 and costa of priesention. Malted States against D. IL Praia. Same arum plead Wilt,; same sentenoe as In the above cue: United Stems against Joseph Ling. Same above. United. fiesta *plait litollard Slaw. Bun es *bor.. , ' `,gilled Slates against D. H. Mull end oth, ens:. Keyser Smith, one , of the defendants' arab. Phan gulit:/- united States against Daniel Stout, for en couraging soldier to desert. Continued tlll next ter= ' Uattod States naiad Job it W. Pittoolt, for making sad lonia' tans. .Tho didondant was *sato:mid to pay a dao of ow dollar aad oasts of promotion. • kebideit .3)11 ,l'fidardar, — two - hr others, falmers, tunalLsalmoraland count , on their way to theidiy to attend tho Market, on arrirLog at Witt OL Nary, ea the Greenebwrg turnpike, nu the . ansosi;itopied Oak' tame to Look at the work. One of them, Standing up to obtain bitter Mew of the fortiosation, was thrown ant of the wagon, by Um home start tag, whoa the wheels _pined over his bract. He was taken to • house In the upper part of Laminate's 'lure*, reeeireduedloal at- tadasee. Dr. bmlth, who attended him, SWIM the moommodatlon unlit for his pa tient,.mood kiln to. hie own holm where the latortnnat• sum died during Widieidey al entilleade wa Sent to tko family of *the dammed, remains were taken lents yesterday morning: IDetand iris arsturnot soldier, only homed Lew weeks dna hie die- Amp/ He t 0.,.. a wife sad Hand chil dren to mourn Malt kn. We did not leant lumina:ha Worop.—fissisei Patterson, Of Washisgton tearnship, Indians ootuity, loft & lions elk** 61b et June lasi, In a stelasteholy. solidifies of mind; shoe when his relatives Itive bard nothing of has visit Avail. Wises boleti, Kr. Patterson bad on • hiss& hst sad nil isnot tamer'ssad tow pantaloons. The hair of his bud is block and his beard white. Xs Aftpstz pars et;ap. Any person having a knowl• edge of whims lus is st prima, wul wards a favor, by addressing John Patenon, Indians, Ponnoinids. BTBOO OF Fin Wilre.—The Hirat United Prubytartas flysattol the West will ma. t fn the last Tbatider Of Angola ' (27;1i tut.).. end ,s hold ttaettiont in the Cloned Plasbyterlaa ShOrob, on }light!' Janet. The as ad will be opasaid wlt4 knrmon by the on Mandl: 111 1 / 1 111 1 / 1 116 &S . 7 3i Vomit. _ Postal Improvement- 45 --Ai i. " . " Tinder p which went i c:e operation on the Ist of July Met, letters and other mailable matter are de heeled by carriers, In the principal cities, Pee of any carriers' fee, other than the necessary prepaid postage charge. The Postmaster General has oleo authorised tho nee of pillar boxes, for the collection of lettere and other matter for the mall, which ore usually located at pnblio points, distant from the PosteOlee, In order to facilitate tho transmission cf lc cal, or drop letters, from one part of the city to another, by the carriers, az wed as to ac commodate the .publielit mailing lettere for transmission to other anew. We observe that Postmaster Riddle has 4.- teivid authority from the Postmaitir Sahara to have receiving boxes placed at such cantral pubita point", in Allegheny, as will best so. commodate those of the citizens most distant from the PcatolSee : tinder this authority h., has located receiving boxes for prepaid mail matter at the Drug Store of Alesers Draft di Erode!, corner of East lano and Ohio street; at the Drug Store of Dr. James Brown, nor. nor of Federal street and North Commons, sod at the store. of John Bidden', Rebecca, below School street. These bozos will be visited at taut twice each day (Sundays ex cepted), and letters properly prepaid and de pesitaillu these boxes will, therefore, have the same dispatch as if dropped directly in the Postotioe. As the wants of the /citizens seem to demand, other boxes will donbtless be locestodet suit able central _Soilints, 'slatted by the curler; It is to be hoped that an increased ore of this free local system will prove the wisdom of the goveniment in abolishing the carriers fees, and to so close an approximation to the Eng lish "penny postage" system. The idea of those who urged this postai reform was that the increase of local, or drop letters mailed, would pay the expense of the letter carriers. In the eastern attics, the governmental city letter delivery has been greatly improved, within the poet two years. 0/wrier' colleot and deliver letters within the bounds of' the principal office on an average every two hour, daring the day- Postmaster Von Bounhorst is also making arrangiments for the introduction of pillar beim at imitable points in this city. We re joice in the Improvement u one Maly to fa cilitate the public/ correspondence. Death from the Bite of a Fly The Montreal Gonne mentions the follow lag t "On Friday, William Liddell, for some lime employed in colluding and bury ing dead animals found in the streets, was bitten on one of the eyebrows by some kind of Insect, believed to ba a fly, while in the exercise of Ids calling. The part immediately became swollen and painfully irritated, and next morning the eye was al most covered by a lump of inflashmable flesh. Several remedies were applied, bat without effect, as the dwelling continued to menace, proceeding down ono side of the face, which enlarged to extraordinary proportions. Fi nally the azifortuests man wee emit to the General Hospital, bat in spite of all that could be dens his condition became gradually wone, till death freed him from entitling. It is probable the fly which inflicted the fatal in jury had been feeding on some putrescent carcass previously." Arrest of a Deserter A young lain named Thomas E. Layton, formerly a resident of this city, was recently arrested at Blairsville, on a charge of deser tion. It appears that Layton bad been sen tenced by Court /Martial to confinement in the penitentiary at Washington, D. C., for ayear and a day, for desertion. When being con veyed to prison he broke loofa trom the otil oer, and escaped. He was afterward arrested by Provost MarehalCoulter, of the Westmore. land district, cad sent under guard to Wash ington. At Baltimore Luton again escaped from the officer having htm in oharge.--acd now he is again a prisoner. Assistant Pro vost Metalled Jahnstos, of Indiana county, attempted to arrest Layton on last Thursday, In Blairsville, but failed. Layton resister' the efforts of Mr. Johnston to capture him, fighting savagely. It to state ;1 shot other parties also interfered to prevent the arrez:. An Aged and Patriotic Lad' - • Mrs. Elisabeth Sanford (formerly Era; Streator) reached her 100th birthday en the 2Sth alt., at Windham, Portage eo an ty, Ohio. She was barn at Monson, Marv, and her re. sided for several years with her son, Jzhn Streator, a /ad of 77. Era. Streator has re tained to a ranarkable degree her physic,' and mental posers. Her hatband fought in the war of the Revolution; she heard the can. nen or the British at Banner Bill; and whoa, In 1777, gunpowder had failed onr troops, she, with other patriotic women, dog the soil from under old buildings, dissolved and boiled It, to form saltpeter. Bar sons were in the war of 1812, and she again heard British Runs at Platsbarg, and her grands9ns and several of her great-grandsons are now In the service of their country. The old lady has -knit cooks for the soldiers or three wars, and hopes to live to see her country for the third time TIOtOIIOIII over the enemies of liberty-- united and peaceful. SZODZI Dlll,llL—At en early hour on Thursday morning, an old man named Nieb• alas Walters,reaiding near Lowrenoevills, was found dead in his bed. Ho retired, as usual, in good health, but as he had Lean suffering for some time put with a serious affsotton of this heart, his death was not altogether un locked for. Indeed, his physician had notified his family that his death would be sudden. Ha wasabout .sLety-siglit years of age, and had been employed sistuion, or eighteen years In the arsenal. Tha Coroner held an inquest on Thursday afternoon, and the Jury found a verdict of death from heart disease. Mune= Aceirprr.—Daring a brief visit yesterday, at the office of Capt. Wright, Mil itary Provost Marshal, we noticed great ac tivity"- Spuds of drafted men were lint by three trains to Camp Copeland; batches of rebel prisoners were sent east ind welt, and -a number of Wimp:tent men were forwarded to theregintents to which they hare been as signed. In addition to this, two officers con nected wish Morgan's command were trans ferred to Cincinnati where they are to take the oath of allegiance, and g ive bonds before being released frommutody. Rtrwain.—ln consequence of the extreme heat, the City Passenger Railway Company, of Raw York City, him arranged their trips NO tkat each team shall perform its teak at in ter►als of six hours. Niv Bokre.—Elitht or ten new boats are being built In and about Wheeling, all of which will be completed by the time the rife rhos. Noncin.—Panions having unsettled aooonnts with the firm of Wm. Tate, jr., k 00., will And a natio, In another ooltuon, whioh will interest them. - Tim CIIYPULL MrNITRILa glee another performance at tho Theatre thli weaning. Go and see them. DIED t AIIISSIOUTT—At PbUsaalphla,ou tho 27th of /ono, of tiOhdd (while oo a TIM 16 her fathor,)NAATHA. t, wife of N. P. linniloott , fan sued, of Marto; 11111. Mown coma,. Ohio, aged DJ pars. SCHOOL TRIORERSomahe School Bostd of Moon township, Alletiyheny comity, will mast at Shama Roma Hose, Ammon 1 and 9 p. m oa hog. With. nislootirran tenon* ore. Nona mini apply except Maio holding costill. Woo. au,liii•tOntw /ATZ 4 J. N. ritS VILLA pinions knowing tbeanalvaa todrobtad to Its Arm or WiL TATN, Jr.. & whisk was dtraOlved Cu Ito 14th day it Jasuary, IBA will come &inward sad tattle, dad those ha in seccorara attend Um Arm wilt pramot Mom kr liniment at Ito old stands, 60 /*dual Moat, Allegatay, and 1:21 Liberty akert, TAT& di BMX [IL anl4 ar. scow:int of 510111s88, C• ROUTZ_ON "ZVXKING wizrers. Tbis ;oaf* bay Tery Urge nambor of latiantarl, sad a oserrifflo mac out may good wog... Apply at THI6 UflZUg t Minion the boors of 6 sod 6 (Mock D. a0.12.if J , JD= I.4JNiat d; L,IGGETT 4t Qrr Aotrauta .1 1 / 1 .1.,00n5t Libaty and Adam, street', Pitts. brb. Pa. silirnswitr. 400 bbl.- - tar dm, errt NA 6ivU &UT U LW% br 0/14b tarn ISA Li —ua• hundred Lots of - Grooml. or al y number nt them, lylog part In tee City of Phu. Which. Pa., horlot o trout of I,MO rein 05 tee, Pio non gatuls biter. at "Lout Na. 1 of the Navigation 00 2 , 1.6 y. the Pittsburgh & Weanhulls biltroad roam tbronth the Denim el It. rot tercos'apply to P. O. t.biii*ELTODI, No. be T.dzbui unmet, blew Tort, or a Wet. Wt. rag No. ISt South Wass, Plitaburgh, Pa, Thera ago of the proportion& be urn. mytlhmotod Freon WABUINGTON. KO Mips:thee to the Plttabmigh Gantt& WASEINGIVN Aug. 12, 1883 Col. Davis, of the 12th Illinoli eavek7, war presented with a sword on last Saturday evening by the privates of his regiment. That regiment took the field on Monday, in Bu. ford's Division. The regiment is united now for the first time eines the battle of Chancel losvillo. QVARTIRILLBTEHIS' HISTORY 07 TEI WAIL General Heim has issued a calf upon the Quartermasters of the army, requesting a variety of information connected with the active operations of that branch of the ser vice during the war. He designs procuring in this way in a eerni.olleial form a vest amount, not only of .facts making up the his tory of the war, but also many valuable les sons in the Cr; of supplying armies in tho acid, in the moat systematic, and economical manner. The reports of quartermuteri thus asked ter will be given In narrative form, and will embrace each one's military experience, changes of station, marches, journeys, bat tles, sieges, skirmishes, property lost, and re in( property captured. Btatisties as to losses of army wagons and forage, daring the last year, and Oster:ante of-money received and paid out are also called for, together with fell suggestions as to the administration of the department, sad outfits of clothing, equipage and trains. TIC XIW CALIYOUIL MATO*. Senator Conness, of California, the gentle man sleeted, alter so tedious balloting', last winter by • coalition of nu 'Dally am and Republicans, to 'named Senator Latham, has been here two or three days on his Ant visit to Washington grumble entrance into politi cal life. lie maims to have egrettably disap pointed thous who were led into regrets at tiro tame of the eleotion that, with an overwhelm ing Ropublioan majority, there waaany neoes city to snot • Democrat, whose antecedent' wcro at lust doubtful. By the bold and on oompromteing•natute of the views Is on preom on the slivery opmetlon and Its re lations to the rebellion, he will be an efficient so pporter of the Admit istration in the Senate, thno giving one more Administration vote in that body. A Singular 6:siticideace. Schuyler Colfax, in an obituary notice of the late John D. Campbell, Superintend ent of the Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana Railroad, mention' the following remarkable incident; Mr. Colfax Is a di rector of the company: Last year talking with him over the gloomy condition of the road when we had both entered upon its service, with its stock selling at six cents on the dollar, its labor ers unpaid for nearly halls year, its credit utterly gone and two millions of floating debt crushing it apparently, he spoke of the labor he had given to it, and added: "The road is now about out of debt, and when I can give its long-suffering stock holders a dividend, I intend to retire." He repeated this jocularly this spring, when we met him with his wife on the care, on one of our hurried visits home. The first dividend for many years the stock o the road was paid on Saturday, Aug ust Ist, at its office in New York. And On that very morning Mr. Campbell sur undered his trust to a higher power than the president or directors. The Butcher Nana Sahib Caught. At last Naas Sahib, the chief of the Sepoys is caught.' A despatch dated at Bombay on the 9th of June announces his capture in the Temple of Ajmer° by Capt. Brodgan, of the Twenty-eighth British in fantry, on information supplied by the police of Bombay. According to theofficial report of Major Davidson, no doubt what ever exists of the prisoner's identity. The papers found upon Nana Sahib show plane of an extensive conspiracy, and of his 'hav ing large sums of money at his command. deveral spurious Nanas have been caught from time to time since the Setioy revolt in 1a.57, but the real criminal has escaped un til now. The inhuman cruelties of which hs was guilty during the bloody scenes in India have made his name a synonym for all that is treacherous and crueL He is now likely to receive his deserts. How EEZOILBITANT SUTLER/11s= Tema:- ED ST POET ROYA.L.—A correspondent of the Baltimore Antrim sale: Complaint was made to the commandant of the post that six of the sutlers were charging $2,50 par can for concentrated milk, and sixty cents per bottle for some light drinks. An order was immediately issued for the arrest of the parties, com pelling them to refund the overcharge, con fiscating their goods, and sendieg them to Morris Island to work twelve hours in the trendies under the guns of the enemy. Fortunately for them, the enemy did not throw any shells that night, bat so faithful did the guards keep them to their work, that they made the necessary excavations, and mounted a 200-pound Parrott before morning. Gel. Snail n 'Timmins.—On the alit of Jaly, Gan. Banks and staff, and ens. Frank lin, Weitzel, &ono, Bowsn,and other Boars, with e large number of invited citizens of New Orleans, arrived at Vicksburg. The neat object of On. Banks' visit to that pine is 000ttaband, but enough can be given to the public is make them feel satisfied that • movement will soon be muds that will equal ln its accomplishment any yet pat into see. cation., GESZEAL Tian; of Grant's army, has gone to his home, in lowa, on a brief to , . lough- Before the rebellion General Tut. tle was a Democrat, but now elands with General Logan on an unconditional war platform. He was eolicited last spring to run on the Democratic ticket for Governor of lowa, bat declined. PISS OS LANS BUPSSIOII.-.-A destructive dre took plum on the 6th inst. at Copper Har bor, Lake Superior, destroying the steem saw mill belonging to Mr. Stevens, together with several thousand feet of lumber. it was a great loss to the pleas and to the whale min ing district. OPIALTIOIIII AGLISLIT MOILLII TIMPOWLIZT Busratoso.—Aotive opustions against Mo. bile will not ounmenee until thatanns of the furloughs now being granted ban expired; and until the heated season shall have ex pended its intensity. PUBLIC rrornms. O' MEETING OF THE, ONION EX. _ZOUTIVZ 00/6131T —Share wUI be a melting of tia Union Nserallvo Umastilaa at the Omer. of Marshal A Brawn. Darner of 111th and Grant streets, Pittsburgh. on WADffiNDAY, 19th day of acquit, 1863, at 10, teokok a. ma. AU the utanitari aro earnestly retorted to . atiand. By ord.r. A. IL BROWN, baldest. El. frraltrAUT. fearstary. aulgild O..ELOOTJTION.--Pior. NM; of Owdanatl, will Alva an nundent and la, aractiv• dntatalamont at 80ROU6 ALL, In /beluga, on FRIDAY sysiuNch Insist MR. Km small bi la. anlankt O.FREE LIKOTURg. BY MIL I. B. 11117BDOOn, ON SATURDAY EVENING, Augue. mom, AT lialsosiw HAW.. f roncr- 4 .Prhtetpko, Not Party." In the wane of the evening_ Mr. IL eat reed lb* n "Appeal of the Agel tho Wert to the Oltlasse of the or, et ^ outILIN 10.ELHOTION NOTIOS.—An Elsa Ikon will to IWO at the Board of Trada Boon; tribe City of 'literarily on 1971111DA7. toe 25th day of August atzt;at La o'clock la., to shot Boren Director. of the Fittoburab Grabs Xlava. tor Company, to Dam for Um ansatag year. dramas ilassavon, wtt. Buenas. Joss B. Qum.o. Joao Scuts, • 11100usit, and others, JAW • Oarporstars. • Omat a Warta Twaroanzai rittermll4./14, Sigib. Pm. !I . o(Yrion is HEREBY dIVIIN to the 'Subscribers to the Stock of the West. ens Trar.sportatiou Onzoptuty that - .. wasurwat of trivia Du Qua tis oin PZB SHINJI hot beau levied ooll.tb• stook subscribed, pitiable at the oaks of Lb, Treasurer ' s& Pittsburgh. on or before the 14th day of Joao, Da, and a like amount, every .tarty deye thereafter, with otherwise notified By of the Booed ' Intset A.J.fdeltOlfrlft,L. saunterer 1 Y T . •KN'NOTICB.-402 BOUNTY. Wend to men who har• served as Boldtani br • (arm not lase than Dias watts, via attaio of bola ant er Woozy. hot (utast latatautiOa boars at So TB 11(th atrora, lay Nate. b. B. 8108/0/0. lat Um& oth Bresaas V.ll. V. O. •al:asdtl THE LATEST N EWS HY TELEGRAPH OUR SPKUIAL nNt'ATCRES FROM WASHINGTON Special Dispatch to the Pitlebargb Gazette WASHINGTON, Ai.hg. 13, 1883 RIDUC?IOS 07 SAGGLGII IN TIM ARMY kgreat, redaction in the amount of bag gage of odious has been made by recent or dare, from the War Hepartment. Hereafter the headquarters of an army corps will be al lowed but two wagons; a division or brigade, 4:94 ; geld and staff of alogiment, one; every three, one pooh animal, and every twelve company officers one wagon ; every two staff °Soon, not attached, one pack animal, and every tins:soh °Mears, one wagon; ovary six teen non-commissioned officers and privates, one pack aulotal, and every tight./ nou-oonl usissioned cigars and privates, one wagon or 111 , 6621mi11. Ail present excuse of baggage meet be brought to this schedule, and all ax ons of transportation over and above it will be Immediately turned user to the (hit tOI - Department. No baggage whatsoever will be admitted upon commissary or supply trains. Cavalry men will be prohibited from carrying extra weight, and Wang, will be restricted to the amount of baggage in knsptaaks, pre scribed by regulations. In ordinary marshes, where supplies ate handy, men will not ba re guind to carry over two days' rations ; but whore omergenoies rmoire, thi amount may beams/amid to from sight to twelve rations --eight days' rations weighing nineteen pounds and twelve days' rations weighing twenty-three and a half pounds. By increas ing the ordinary moat ration, and levying con tributions of flour and meat in' the Gauntry passed over, the bread and smell rations car ried as above by the soldier may be made to last twenty or twenty -aye days ; and the bread ration may ba partially .diaponaed with by sybatitutiog green! awn. It is recom mended that all metwablevolumns in the field should be tarnished with portable •zaills to grind the grata procured in tha country. • Thus regulations go into operation a ones, and are to be rigidly eoforoti. IMPORTANT TO DRIBIPTIRS AID By instructions of -the Provost tusks' General the names" and description lists of ail the nbstltetse who may ban deserted, or shall hereafter desert, before being delivered to the coonswaridlik_olicsr of the camp for the draftel men, en to tie forwarded to the oftioe t on the 10th, 70th and the last of •soh month. The Boards of Eirollmont, In forwarding for the decision of the Simi Department claim for elerapilon from military genie* on an coma of annuls, are to forward also all the evidence they may be able to nears to con trovert the statement of the olairaint. Ge= Dr. Parley, Medical Inspector General in the United Bums Army. has been allowed to resign in the face of the most aerious obargee that maid have been preferisd *goblet an carer of the government. Dr. Joseph It. Barnes has been appointed his soctermor. While the ehangi Ammeters general rejoin= log among the medical profession in the army, great Indignation Is expreased that his many derelictions, not to say rasoalities, were not brought before the public through the hands of the Military boa:daimon. It will be re membered that one 9I the charges against. Dr. Pinkly, ass Est al signing soitiler's'illa.. Charges in blank. There was ample testi mony to establish that charge, at least. PLAN FORRAIDIIO OATALYT• The plan urged by (ten. Howler:mu, by let terAted by lien. Rourateu In porton, for the raining of a cavalry and snonlted infantry force, te' operate agattec guerrWae along the border and throughout the a6uthwest, gains favor In government circles. Senators Harris and Cowan, Gen. Moorhead and Col. Forney, with ' etbart, waited on the Prudent today to urge its immediate adop tion. The President acknowledged its para mount importmuse, in view of the present sit uation of alfalfa in the southeast, and only objected on the more of Its departure from tho regular rontizie of the War Department. Hopes are cherished that red tape will not he allowed much looger to delay. =s=l3 The Contraband Relief Aeseelation present ed • beautiful banner to the First District negro regiment to-night. After the prison tatioe, Cot. Forney, who e.ppeaed to be present, was called out, and responded brief ly but most happily, aspic( ho stood there to-night to take back much he had written reed earnestly .belleved, a few years ago; Port Madsen and Morris Island had convinced him of his mistake,and in light of the brilliant cour age therwilisplayed, no man could doubt how large would be the share the enslaved 'races of this oontiurat wen to havi! in &Alining our deliverance, as well u their own. - OP 411111110111 431/11111.110. The Ohio Moir., who were mint home to bring back conscripts to the army, have bean each granted twelve days leave of absence to visit their GUAM% at the solicitation of Gov: - Tod, who is still here. ZIXOYAL OF caw CHAU There is a Mims probability that Camp Chase wW be removed Mat its present local ity to the violaity of the State Quary. on tho &dot& river, north of Coliunbas, near the Columbus and Indianapolis maw. racr. WOO! .Who Ilan been In charge of the eolond :ail ment, fanning at Delaware, Ohio, ham been appointed Colonel of that ingiment. Frost New York. New You, eat. ice.-Thor. Adis Emmett, son of the illustrious Rebut Emmett; died ertorday. The trial of :Tomes Whittier, for susult on the filifuts aloe, in the lets riots, reran ed in a sentence of one years imprisegment, and two hundred and fifty dollar; line. B. is raid to be a native of Maryland, gad to have formerly bun In the naval The Cbwessrsiars Washington letter : Racial arrivals from Itighmoad state that some of the'aristogregy rebels, who . migrated from Washington at the early stage of the rebellion, us to iadltent giroginstasese. The cases of s well ingfti Washington. phyrialan and lawyer ate soestioned. Here they lived la aristocratic Meets, attended by a retinue of servants, bet in the rebel Capital they live in hmitble plains, and are tkiir own mutts. Nineteen odious are repo rt ed for dismissal for numerous gauges, ludas satiriaeteq u. Cue is nude in iliteon days. Mai o gi on , hare Jut been dirmlued the aryl**, this week, but none for disloyalty. Froat Charleston. Now. You, Aug. 13.—Among the pawn gas in rho Aug° au Mrs. GOO. Lander, Col. Metcalf, Lieut. COL Levi, Lieut. 061. &legal and Pleat Burgeon Oihair. A largo Kurt of ootuoripts left to•da¢ for Fortress Monroe. A !Waite tho N/10/iblah. Por t Royal, Mod Morricltiand, Aug. 8, lap OOX 1111111 va bow. stolidity advanosd, under h o t fi n from the enemy, - 'Mob 'cannily over oeurs. Not one,he. been . reported to-day. One ad- Tara is now about hundred yards from Pori Wagner. • Oar battirriu and t h e al low to the sotomy let verylittle riot . Osia stormily there has ban ' very 'sharp and Clan. Osamu Arian, and- en -one Or OWO 4 Socalloss iv. bjerikroplied vigorously for a few moue% as if framed at the effect The sheaths is from . Mort thilatirr Pori Jrailtnor. and its outbursts sad battery Gnu. FROM PHILJDELPIII4. Elpee.l.l D`..trtto7a to the Pittaturyb Oltiette P/11:4D1LPIIIAT Atig. 13, 1863 The arrivals at Fortress Monroe, brings the intelligence that • terrigo bombardment was going on during the night time, when the vessel passed that point. The rebel shells coursed their way through the air in every direction, and many of them did no damage whatever. A speciel dispatoh, this afternoon, repre sents that Ave gunboats had engaged the bat tory on Cummings Point, and had almost si lenoed Its guns. It was thought that when the fall attack was made, that Sumter, Wag ner, and. the other Important batteries would fall Ir elde,,f six hours. The colvcd regiment, the 3,1 Pennsylvania, left Philadelphia about noon to-day, direct for Morrie A more joyous regiment layer left title city. Not a man among the thousand taus td the least into:hated. They started cheering for Unele. Sam, the band playing the Star Spangled Banner. The running between Philadelphia and Morris Wand is 64 hour.. Nothing from the Army of the Potomac this evening. Several hundred aonsorlpts left thle evening foe that army. The report circulated to New York, by the copperhead prep, that Gen. Ns had re signed, is simply absurd, and lila IC teen • likely Ile. H. W. , . Admiral rarragat's Reeepti.. , to New York—Arrival of the I ceaa - Queen...Advices from Ban Balra dote, etc, etc ' Now Teen, Aug. 13.—The Board of Aides , men hive tendered the freedom and hospital ities of the oity to. Admiral Parragut. A resolution was introdsmed .in the. Board to-day, proposing to. raise $2,500,000 to old in pp:muting substitutes for drafted men. The Committee on National Affairs Is also almted to superintend the enrolling in the yarioni distriots. Tim Ocean Qatosn brings $3,813,000 in specie. Advlois from San-Sulliestbrelays that Hat rigs wee ettlUthere *llk 4100 troops and hest not yet boon atteoked. Carreras' forme were, however, in possession of nearly all the State, and the Nicarguan troops were maroking against Barrio. via Hondurat. The post of La Union hat boon abandoned by Barrios' troops. Toe following Ie a apecial dispatch to the Eomiag Post: Ctn. Tod, of OSIe, lionator Cowan, of Pa. &motor Harris, of New York, and several other persons of large influence, had an In terview with President Lincoln thin mining. Several gentliroen were also present, and took pert in the oonvereation. The pupae, of the Interview relates to an important mili tary demonstration. It would not be proper to reveal wait It was, or the commanders who, wore proposed to advocate it, bet it was earn-. eatly pressed, and several o( ,the gentlemen insisted that it would Inflict a tremendotta Woe, upon the rebellion. It le understeod titan otherloyal Governors of Northern. and'Weat ern States have had the proposed movismint under coeslderallon; and have written the Wer Department, urging that it should be made forthwith. The Cabinet will make up the matter to morrow when a decision will be made. Nothing was wild .1a the inter►Nu to-day about oonaoziptton. Isupottant Boathera Se. Ws. Poorness - Idoszoi, Aug. 12 —The gunboat Memphis arrived this morning from Port fiojer, and direst from oar fleet off Charles. ton, They tuft on Bundayonning . lut~ and bring no addltionsi news. The siege war progretsLog selisfaotory., Thi 7th and 18th Army tlerve are nutted Into one 'atunmand. Major tieneral Peck leaves Port/err aloorce immedlitely to take antiorau4 of that section of the Dspartment at Northern. An tnteliigent gentleman and English doe tor arrived at Fortress Monroe to• day. from Rieentond. The doctur.,Jrave •namtp,kud .Ila MS not to publish It. lie says 'he left Richmond last Saturday, by 6124 to fro? Station, un the Nortold and Potersbarg rail. road, tairtyr roues tbis side of Petersburg, wbish is as far as the oars are running. Preto Ivor, he mune in a Virginia carriage six mites this side of Suffolk, and thence by boat to Norfolk. Ile reports that there are no troops, not eren a guard in 4:3nffollt. Also that them are no troops in Richmond, but the streets are tilled with rebel °dicers. Re saw no gunboats In the harbor at Rich mond, butknows that they are buildiegXwO uoteolnds though he does not know how fad they are advanoed. Tn. Doctor was in Illotimond five weeks, and complains of the high primp of board, (twelve dollars a week,) and herd at that. The Riohmond Enquirer, of Monday . last, expresses strong connelnantion of the Onus the North lisronnisne are pursuing, In eall. log mus convention. of tire Unionists of . North Carolina, for the pupas, of unding a delegate to Washington. The Zageirsi inesks hopefully of Charleston, and maims that the works of battery Wagner have been greatly strengthened. The Doctor says the Elouthernma expres I groat dislike to Gen. Grant, and say that (hunt and .Itolecrans are the only Federal Generals they tear. Particulate of the Death of Col: Doran. Mistrzu, Aug. 13, 1863 The following are some of the perthoslari of the shooting of COL Oornyn by Lieut. Oil; Bowen The court-mania' had closed for dal liberation on the *ride:see rof Vol. Phillips, whoa. Vol. Rowan met CoLCorngn lathe ant*: room and said toides undentand yonin tend to impeach my testintony; do you, orda you not f" Cornyn replied : "I _do, air." Bowed raid: "Yon oannot do' it." Conga replied: "I will do so; go 'Fay from me, mad lot me alone " it the lame time striking Bowen, knocking him over a table, and grapJ piing with him.. . They wan separated, and Coma, .puttlag Ids hand upon his revolver b Bowen drew -hit and Bred four attach two , of whisk took effect.: Corn's' fell Inside the. door of the Court zoom and never spoke after he was] shot. A Cotot minden will be convened to eassatalzi a7l thii Out. Dodge Is . qette isoprov.;, Jag: daaga Is rapjrretteeded - from Mt slogans: ad fro= VicMs . Cunnaparx, Aug. IS—The steamer Tiooon brings two hundred ,and . Oftp-six menudid;. from ViotiburgimostlplaTongial to the 9th Army Corps. The fallowing named aleif daring the passage : - ! M. Tirrell, J. Brown, A. liforgss,9lk, Hampohlre, M. Mason. Ohne. W. S. Homy; 9th New Hampshire; R. Lewis,. Hiram Mar. ey, 60th • Ponusylvanie; Israel Balm; .7th' M Rhode ond; T. Boliins,l9th New Ramp.: shire; , 11. J. Ltataa,3sth Hassaohnsetb. Number of men FUrniebee dl New York illy. Aust, Aug. 13.—An dilltdal report midi by Adjutant Goners* Sprague to Goy. 6ey-4 moor, to-day; sittnii New York city to have furnished, from the beginning of the ear; 31,423 men fatuous of her quota, cotcoon fog 20,851,m0rk sent by bac on three Mt' • t onmelotui of Madden peril , tor, &Lino of : they capital, . • . ' , , Negro Soldiers for lore!. /eland. ; . Panammrs , dog.llli--Tbs last glossa of 00l Ind moo. Donut, viols, left to• sy for Morris ballad to Ms toreseillsora' Amy , . •,; , • Arrival of th . e' corm Quesito • - New You, Amp lU—The otosimor. Oman' Quin, from ArpiniiftdMi arrived.' • . • Markers by - - Telegraph, Now Yono, Aug 13—Stools lower :Ond A m ps &mot. Kong mato lotivo TlSterllog omoban.L, Gold. /56,4; N. Y. 0., 134;$[1 e, / 0 1; TAuiing;/11f.' One Two Cortlfiestoi. . , flour doll and boom 'en lowai'l Mina Ge m .at 1 forOprlogi HOU liotoeltd et% 111,1 8 . c a n f o r W later Rod. Oorn dectlalni, sad Igo , orIDPI7 at 67 3‘6 68 %.* Weotortl 'oats' lowora.ood. I.g_ot L 9 1 04 Pori' dull Lard *oll44,Anner.iltli% 10* Ishy dowdy at 4: 1 3(0340., • - • „. • law yeax„ Anir..l3 -- WhiekY:tient at.MYAMIen' Whim: coot and limn tor 'mad mound • POSUMITIIS 1* ; common = o dull, tape lowan, 94 081,03 . foe spring. 91411,19 lor Milwaukee Club,, Silt In for Winter lied Welittril, 4 1 ,02 1 4181,20 I . r ter . Rea Imo% 53 , 24 for mixed. ' . Mona oltade firma and eluting jetth bol ero outside at Onia ' 68)4 . tor ettipptnir , ri d o d , w ;4 1 7, 4 _, cloning Junkie. better. , Pork opened a tirade nemelt at su.fioeiroas.lor Oki •Nem e z !USA Now Mewl. 1 0. 62 2541K 10 'f0r NNW Prime, muftis foe New Prime - mem. Beet dull mut Midi . We; Memn and Men &IL 'Zara dim and In >Ytr wand Stock' drill and lowd.pthkace - and Roth Mud, 1°334' I "d P. D. 0 . . Wi; r. 7t. w. and 0. 72; T.W C., 1013 s; 0. a P.,, 9134 linnets Central 'trip, 119, I Er1e.10:1 , 4; - 'Harlem, 1 47"; . fleullug, • 11434; 4. 0., 114 ; M. 2..9154; do 0. Y. 0 . 114 X, 1i1 . .5113, 14!1:_2: - .. Y 0.. 125, Illasonri Slue, 7(4 TOUlleSUfs 6534; U. &• One Year Certolcetes, 99%; New 7.30'4, 1(6)S. ' C0M112.2t. e.g. 13.—Illour within/ea-4"de' mond being quite ItghL Wheat firm at 93g95c. for Red, 31,C0011.05 for White—ale:lm amount of that filarrimp, but wheat Is Injured by smut, which:is not saleable wlthle ten per motor the quotathuu Corn. 159(1450„ Oa' nosettled and lower; new, 46W.0; old, 66418 mid but few tuyera. Eye held at7llc. : lio chance In pries 15,01 X) bbl' old city Wiese pork sold at 310, 30 hhds. bacon ahetdden at be; and 25 tierces anger cured hams at 12 34 No ch,nce to the money market; Gold, %gad. Rad:lance firm. A GOVERNMZEIT IDLERS. ISDICTED eOB. “Tasasos AID Coriarniacr."—Mr. John Tracy was arrested in Washington on Fri day last. and handed over to Thos. B. Wal lace, 11. S. Deput4TMarshal for the West ern District of-Missouri, to which district he will be taken by that officer to answer an indictment for "treaeon and conspiracy against die United States Gotreriunent." Mr. Tracy Went to Washington last winter and obtained 'a first•olass clerkship in the quartermaster's office, - in whioh he has been employed down to. the time of his ar rest Gis. Hizzon'e Comas/rt.-41*n. Herron and the array under his command hive Landed on the Bast side of the Mississippi river, two miles below Port Hudson. Y PZCIAL LOCAL NOTICZN. eIOYILI AID BAKIIVISITIVIA bLoozuras, lot fatally sad manufacturing purposes, Its the best la use. A- F. Cwrozy, General agent fte. 18. Fifth strest. TZWLUI Ft KIT, Plato and 9nukaNtital Slab Rooter, sad abler to Permsylyante and Via' moat Atte of the best qua*, it low rain. Odes at Lattighnt't. cast the Water Irerks. Pktabargh,?•. apB:l3 •• - CIAMING OUT 1111 Sinus Ersatz Ai Con. Bam'l Graham, merchant tailor, manias o his Spring and Boma stock olgoods at cos They consist of all the latest styles - of cloth , eassimererand vestings, of which ha is p pared to make up in the most fashionable manner and afoost prise. The pubilo should not neglect to avail themselves of this ram chinos and rove money bygiving him an Also, a large assortment of plain and.faney amine:eh well adapted for boys' wear, wbioh he will sell by the _piece far below cost. Mothers should not negliet-to call early. easnsii, hlerehant Tailor, • Ifo. h 4 Market stnoot. Arrarrios, Iterriusin Voixrwrasum.l—The attention Of Our counVes brave defenders re oently retained from the' seat of war, and of the public in general, is again directed to the very extensive and handsome essortmont of the latest style, of Frenoh, English and Ametioan piers goods, for pants, coats and vests, lately received b Mews. John Wafer kSerphant Tai lors, No. 126 Pedaled strut, dllerbustly. t asteful selection of gentlemen's tarnishing goods will 11,0 always be found on the shelves of tho establishment,. together with a tot of ready-troadc got up in the ism manner. - _ mar .Agatirilom annum CLornixe.--Ot. tsa wWitiruaked, where , can we bay a neat and oomfortable summer snit, made to order, thus having, the shanoe of selecting oar own goods all thilailiaqultiss wiacan answer, go to Messrs. W. H. McGee ti Co., corner of Federal street and Diainond Square Alleghet o,p,.auji iou the coiled seeordbig to-your taste. They I.are'last received their summer goods, and for *legumes-of styles they cannot e surpaseed, aid for Cltness they an the, vary persons, Its their work It all done under their own supervision. Giro them a call, and you 01=2(4 fell to he satisfied. 'Oen Boltz.' Din Tr.--Rer. B. R. hiotiois Attlebero' Mass., inttee—.. Toe offset of Mrs. Alien', World's Hair Restorer has been to change crown of 4tiory"halonging to old roan to the original hue of youh. This was done by a single battle. Others of say acquaintances hare used it with same offset. The Zylobalsatnita u on Juan:tab - It dresringfor the hair." 8014 by Draygista ere* where. Dew - , 198 Ortonwiob. at, New York. ' dew Claus , Danner/cr.—At the Dental Insti tute, Nu. 2.61, Penn street, sots of teeth for fear dollars, bettor than these at fise dollars at the other dental estabilatnizanU. All per , con§ are renvestaci to call at the Institute after having astertalead the l=west prises at the other cheap pieces. All work done at the Institute is guaranteed gape:for town) eheap Ditrtitlay in the oltj. Wrism,Movnevraen Saying, whoa• Hus. bands, Bons and Brothers are serving In the Anny, cannot putinto thsirknapsasks s more neossuiry er rideable gift than a few boxes of HOLLOWAY'S PILLS and OINTMENT. They insure health even ander the exposnres of a soldier's life. Only. 2r, omits -a box or Pot' 2l9' Serum rb'Paorairr Hernau, memo LSD ALkOrnau lamenrin.—For repairs or al bastions to , irons or dwellings new roofs. of anything else in th e Carpenter line, all at Cuthbert's Carpenter - Shop, Virgin sUey, above fladthdeld streets. AU orders promptly ' " Osman and Oriwiiiiii - OALLo win be taken at the Orehlbavolllop.go. 406 Liberty street, day or Elea: MI order, left it the above place will be promptly attended to. AU calls mgt hi PO4 Diatiati*Pezat itiatc. ottani to Ht blotto.. .1 alo-nooloooton SPE - CALL -vortex& DirB. T.-1880-X ,Penoms of esdemiarj bablts trembled with enek neee, bleiinde;palptlailoa of ties heart, hick qr ap; petliteottetrem after torpid 'that. cdoidtpvi, How, ha, dereeie fear tr tuni whit liltin thi PLANTATION, BITTERIL.... Which an saw awanwe Med 01. Oa Wilma =Wk. ; satborlUes, and wansated to mina &a taseattswi beatiedsl awatiftili &rustle; Ultkediris• matibm satUteade an4trattagt:g shmurbailtariviiOkiiiitkraildne! : - RAKIPM sinatOlAsiAtmligraats.. ::11 20 .75.V.44.9 a t b'H;OAs.oesliW • :.skicf !Fa 14.4iludfam. Akeiggistet traisritid dist.' They ausumiefectsatuallatisksww staiagtbea tiss e— sistensadealleetstitattad., They They gaff, tiei Wei& Sad iwitattiof tbs stoesseb.: They Una lbepicita ind Oceuttpattea; • - • lbw ewe Dlarrbst, Medan aid . 43101 US Mutual They cars La ear Compliant sad Nereus riesdsatie,! , Th 4r v an na wen stroll& the lazandi tordiaaki and eta ezhawan attratespeat nSttlite•. ,Th.y &mined of the 'ialeinted Conan look, inater.l. Inn, • • •• es, tons and hubs: idEpreseived to • • pan Bt. Oren Bluth ro Yor, gnawing, ate otroalstii sad tennolini"sund awn` botds. Bevan of tannins. Itastatianni Unto; Ea that it Ins D. B. Bann` sliantonosin4sitsta ItAltsanner ths oat: witkplatijatiso, mad% end on drat stansSon oAn tisane& Piint mond , On'. Aide lobed . Anna -on bottle is not Wpm! with epsilon and daletattou We de* any pima. toast& the tads sr neuter of' on valc• • Any' lama priteadlint to sellt Plailatton Bitten bin* Vida to to is barge:: %Cell WVII:hi I oar log onto tottie.''' - haipineca fiatittla Ibtel bort* or selliniar othnianinalDienhiiinethiel called Mantled Bitten or n4:4 ethanol 'noisy! V hsU.S. ouS win boot, noneutid by, oa We • iiiirady 'oscine on two panne xi dinar ;awl hoSilos.4. who will snowed in .tbemailres! Into close inertia'. its demand for Drake's Plan. Isnot Bttanhora Who, atirgyzan. /10, Is wholly ism dibto The rimpli and od : bottle it eilierldonto a p'mint oft - lhen Wirth end experiontr.'ilteyaro eblitor:ald zwantelo:drue-. man, wan, thysichias, turtela.::laussoboan sad T. Dt4Km am. MMM EZl:== tirDß. A EFS 01001.158 , 81 T. tzu.ftrisw.:wboussumitekfia,roi '• ' • silleteJOllNsivN; • - CaaieBeitLLM9itiel South A midi I) WILLI . 24 APIA) 6- ea ` be PIIINVED GOID TICE& esoseer miLebne.vs tfles WT I -sza-O T%W'tr PE4. , • ad lzarth Et.. Pittabwah. dogr.m. t IWO XEU PIT • FROM A FT.— tmod. In accordance with ordftor. I boWttb the VI lowing list of pinion, rzemotod from drat by lbw Board of ilirotturmt tbbeithittior., to dal dire. with the mans ot . Malt exidaptice s . _ IT IXJ/KIS OF 11711711711210 ADOZSUBLO SCOOVISLIFS. Norm Esti&sm. &ragbag Im 0 Magic, 71eblb wan!, his Ttatar, monis Wild, Bleltb ward,'. Dowry Fer. Frank Krynoldf, yard. We Hall. (Ira Otte% 7 lAlith ward, 0 Warer,l4lll. Solomon JOIN*, /11 IHrialrgbam. Aaron Hcgrarair Cao W Eeokla, likah A T Hail 1. Mai L Clark, Elea Ward, Jim Murky rankraius nrinnir.t. DOUA.L. . In . Legla Wearer; Bred rrard. LouN Ando. tlitith ward,' Lulu It Thunna r tlgtatta ward Jamestoßouske. Ninth ward, Wm Wherry. 9* ward. ander 30 yams al ay. Witartaa.. Wm.taia 11, WN" r /• Henry' Brown. eitt ward. cur 85, marileL Wow, Hart Ilabiasao, Ina Taw. • Adam liaar,9th ward, ander IN. Wit Tied Halm, Nary Hahn. - Larairta tuba 9th ward, mer . 3s, married. till n►uet, P.olia•arltt, 31M61 Baba. • 'ar o.lllitlt Lb wiud:'‘,T,r 85. sa atrial. • it. insist. 0 f ar l elt4lllllarbanan, haala Miner Wahl Mialcab bib Irani, arar 35. marriel.: Wit. natter, wm M Carlon. Jan Raratas.. . Pahl a Zbisam,atb road, overls,,marrleill tames, Jos lattall, II T Cattt. tirOare7. 9tli wad: our 35, matritd, puma, Jobs 8a uMaJalalsal &Imam Jos flesacha•d, 9.b wird, ararli3, mutt& Wit• aaaaa, Pat Irt•all, Haiti trail, wm.3 ItoCell , bth ward, olriiils%, tostiGid. ,gat newsy /58 0 atarrirt, 4anJ-Atidorsor. ZIAXIMIDtr =IS= AND lie3l:Cilit Hang Hen Barndolter, 9th mud, poiiiiViachyloilli of John Kolb, 9th ward, esvmstarbid av o.,,i, le,ll.cottidein•ol Dr Gams IN; -• -Halbrlgby9ib ward; IsigalstailstnieVita . Chu Kmiec. Sth ward. Indatelllty.: MaTighe, Ptti ward, cleft palate. Jae Wahiawa, Mb ward, Poi ot all th• tois of Hata John Flom, 9th ward, .dLjgatiou-of ri&h hip Peter laprorarioh. 9th wArdi aloatosii 0! boat Iles; effldaTlts of Dre - Ditetii etti. attiatat sat_ Webb. ' 01111. 100 AND ttITIVIT pr Nathanhl W Morris. Ninth- Ward. - Witnaisaa— Hamad Mitchell, Abraham Camay. , George Brown,Ninth ward (oats sob). , Fitness':a —Mathbui Wilbert. frauds Bag° Jobs and/MO. Nhatt watd. Witsda4-tTrank Mundy, TS Speakman. litederionNiedr, (support of,matherlan child dad widow), Ninth ward.. Witnams*-Philfp Edda/War, OILI DLti~lDLfDiDi IID = BOLI~CHILDIit DIIDR-'S . . . Nattuca - Henry, Ninth wanL. W.ltamme—Solan Tai LlTlngstdn, James 011onk• Babe Earmeneou, Ninth ward. Wittmemm—J Crooke lames Waugh. - .Ino Gaddy, Ninth waul. Filturime- 7 :kl Gormley, Robert Herein. Patriot ranks Htuth ward,— Wltnesec•—Wllliam Hems, Willhun DoLen. - ' - Entstrr IT lILIOTIOX or P. 1.11212, _ Jazzes Sl'lienne, Ninth ward. Witness:sr-3 Schmertz, John Matthews. WILT 111 CP LIRA AND urnutlausrs. John-W.Thcmpsork,Dirth sward: Witareari—roan - Thompson, L 0 Wall, George/PG.:4. • "_'J. HES* TOSTZIL, Orpt.sod Provost IDErtII42/4 Diet. Pei atilLitdaw puitvia. twin PHOTOGRAPH 114)orii8., oonNZB nrra sari ISABILIrt imam, and 3d ir33l" over Elchardsoied Jew,l.ry fitcrre. PLIOTtX34IIPIIB, Cl enq dra and tail% plain or odors& boat tbd popular Ova d. Visits ts.esati,ei and PIIIITIAI 4 . [CCO watlo partloal.rly WI thu. Nettie of the LORD IND 11171111 to Me alley emeel Mt, of this ootabliaiOnout, being osookof t aOn gb .bat lifght of stain. Sir—Psicsa ova ratchbotima toss L IANA kW. 214 Lb CAA. Mammon, Jamas 0. 'Merchant Tailona, ' Ara 41., corteivt -, ig their _ SPILINEYETOCK OP' GOODS, { . • • AJeptld to ant loot trot, , which boo boon trlon ,ed with groat este to moot the approbation: of lint Many friends and,pationo, nod trusting, by _otos. Ad. tention to biontneso and strict Intopity, to troet rite anyroval of alt.trho rosy favor no oath ,alt orricsas• UNIFORMS . Blinds to order to the host manner and on rossesabii terms. Haring finished sires* many. trigltlliric-, tor, that, Yield sad Una Maus, se well- od Gm the Am", vs are praparod to exactas order•trethisdo, with eanectikeel Mid despatch. . - lambs s very choke saleotion of TUT.Piiiiiiitiv 40008 always od baud. ___. oon•or ST OZATE STSXVi.h. ••11Q1 BED'S MAGNETIC 0113. till holds the reputation It hu bad for pees.,of befog sapirlar to any otter get.a.ce roe or Ilairoit kw. st, yft can to pwklnh waettul that Rude 2 opiate va airealiteauit Ina; - "Rare Wordier oa curer Eapinal Affealk.4ll ••• Bd . Marbetioliti neeilinsratota; • , Baud. Neyealia 011iasier Weak iroiata; Bee Nam/Jo OU awes Cicala.; r pm; Bod Maysetio WI or as N.ritss. ihri4dre; Bondi Nagsort• CU arts ProatadPet; End's M•gastio CU a.ta • Tiat . Waandr Awe. Maguitto oa awn Potabigs; ' /Ceara Maine& oft csruPatou le Bach; / - Beed'a Magee& OW CUM Metiolio Aff. elk Ida; 84uPaitopettia_t W ewes Ber,eake Sad , 70164041,4 epeedlly Nal radically, and for all AoldlUea matt la. jades way ba - caradderad the .'Gland Li Decd.!' ••• • • • ttLlWki • JOACIBON. 503 %mew north wad Etatiebtski Aitroft4. 13utritt AZOU blittbitk - = • . GiNATltlibtOT - 014. IdiatNg Wag. Galtors $1 Ta worth $1 160 . 900 , . au ohs: Look gob," "Tbry .IAII - 111108it,i39 Itarkst atr•t: A.N HOOD ; ; HOW .. WA' I HOW .411 RINTOBID ',Ant Publittora. I. ,l otiod Mow Price tin orsta. • Lectors on th• NA. TRIATNINT. AND RADICAL, OD LE of Manhole or bmltill Weakness. Involnorary Iterorni. Debility,. and Isopidanentr to .NorrlodepaenNy3 rierroornora„Ooosnaptloo, Cp. Cern INtet.Nrottid .orol,Pbsokal loceperlry, reetilting Dvm SaN.Absins.l.o. •Dy Bob,. J. ether. N. D4 - nothor of tie Grea. Boa,' &a ...A Boos to Tboesimd of Itudirrara , ' bat dada, amli, DI • Patin model" to any adAnew poet pa g‘,.. redid et olz'oante. or two postwitaanoi, Dr. CD. ILLNI• .111! Doom. New Tort. oo Bat MIL • ath:THimilawinT p(e):OIOIWirinICIIIITRI , r4rMITITI gffOlf, .NHJSSTO/ti. MOW 5111fildistil W S PRIP andN s tn n a t t o -BUBUeu a BOD SSnPill TB . 2' Nsgaatit e la" kiqtbsts. trxreiteptleet. "4 6 ",* ma woosBrsssr ; sni t eioar F aim rum, 4 Ani ckdoeinsi:thelir i.w.ioo of TOnA(O 6 .. Pen, Atni At *ovary kraut cub prime. 110 trr Ott Mill - - 11-U XUU '0 • s' litgaLi be "told.' on Abe prenfaii, on .TUXIIDAT. Anoint link. le6; at 1 o'clock p. that tertola BAAL X3TATA WoonnikokU3l4.3. between Fourth an! 1/14b snot*, beton Pu:ot 741 110., xX, In Wads lyion enyksok outlet ona tillary brick bo43blg. noWl,ll2kate d I nU. inroad Bain Oka% by D. 010 w num' tondo known on don .reige. - • ' NOOLLIBT.E.H. tmp.of -- .TOBACCO, eintiP , ND bralla T. fraimatt. TA 1. WV WArbt, crofts —Pro; so thell'eu • .4.10 tbe laultst co-setting with Carp. ttocir • street To UV kin it 1 9tAil 4(H re 19 .00Palas soe It t tsts— I r dosm res girgs see reasilvd y•-• , - • - • seis wane .sts txt ;Ititsta4, VW a prime • Jot AIN. by , , 01U11. L.OILLInnex, No.lOIl WOOD ars. . liespamtantlyisa vnd Smoking TObWM. IkTOTION TO CONTI .1.11 pupils win es r•deheitT 3869, at timaloe,ttlttrui4 ritendivi,kir tbtrwpiarlait.s ..0te.13.0344 West troilLiri isti:ta AC it INTINTION4. Prrrioroass. Pa. ==l