Vittsburgit Sazettil. FRIDAY MORNING, AUG. 14. , Union State Ticket. FOB 013T=[3011: ANDREW G. CURTIN, of Centre. FOB /VDU OT 1111417YBUILII OOUBT : DANIEL AGNEW. of B • Union Cookie Ticket. • - Mosel IUILPTO2I. llirr datslif. ii. JOHN P.GLABB. ' u. ALFRID ELAM . cu. RAKE B. HERRON. \ . WEL H. DINNIRTON.. • THOS. J. SIGHAJL . , . R► Oka el:km*. m. A. imam-- -!-------- - DA Yj D N, 4 4. - tor li ter. .2 OVUM , Per wit ateammtsoN: . Par .06-use Crisusasummr.' OZOBGII HOULTON. Pew.. lOU L Da&VO. Polittical eltitoaoptit,ar th e - Bastrop. • olio. • ,The-Nalional latelligaseer has an article entitled "Maxims of Political Degeneracy," for which it takes as its text some remarks addressed .by us to the members of the State Conyentliniirhich recently issiimbled here. That It shOuld differ with us Upon a queatio4, of Morals or politics, is not re martable. Oar respective locations would aceount-for that — Wr m7it - of :Pittsburgh, the most loyal community iri the nation, which has done more for Mimosa, as can didats in the' first pit)", And, for,the war agertrarda, than perhaps any other in the country. • The Inteuigascir speaks, on the the otherlmnit for a people, - deceiving their bread from the Government, who turned up their aristocratic noses at the advent of • dynasty so vulgar, and with whom dis loyalty was not tikcsocption, but the rule. How far that paper or ours may be respon sible for the state' of fublio opinion in our respective communities—whether wilave mule it, or only reflected it—we couldtardly feature to nay: tnaimnoh , gowever, as the latelkhasecr has a sort of traditional reputation for conservatism--lapaing some times into the defence of old shuns, and is often preventing it from even learning anything new as it grows older—while we are sometimes regarded as shockingly radi eat, we cannot do leas than try conclu sions with it upon the point to which it re fers. • We remarked on the occasion referred to, that we did not expect from any represent. alive body thus selected, either the very attest, or moat honest and courageous man in the State; that "the best man is seldom the arsfiatis one;" that we must wait a few generations to improve the tone of popular sentiment, and the system of public repro. rentation before we could hope to develop the best abilities of the nation in the places of highest trust; and that, although "there never was an occasion' when the country most needed its brigh test Men," we were "not disposed in the Meanwhile to be un reaionable in our demands. And this is objected to by the inteliyeacer, not for the reason that our complaints are groundless, bat ,because we bow to the necessities of our ?condition, and endeavor to educe the largest amount of good, of which it is OM. oeptible, out of a system essentially vicious in itself, and not amendable by us. "It is precisely such acquiescence," the Inteligen cer remark; "in the degrading maxtms of organised politics, which has brought this country to its present low estate." If the Istelligeneer had Set down the present unhappy condition of things to the amount of the system, and not to that of a mere acquiescence in that which cannot be at present avoided, we should have entirely agreed with it. There is nothing clearer tom, than the proposition, that it is to the manifest and shameful inferiority of our Northein Itepresentatives, and the some. pent abjestness and servility of the whole *lase, that we are mainly indebted for the disparaging estimate of the Northern char. aster, which has portaged the whole Smith, and tempted its inhabitants to take up arms against the Government, ander the idea that there was neither pluck, or honor, or manly virtue amongst us: And this is not, perhaps, so much the fault of the people, as of the representative bodies who are cost:, nilesiosied td declare what ie supposed to be their WW. But in either aspect, how is it to be helped? If the defeat is in the manner or form of the expression of that will, in what way is it to be corrected? It it inheres in the principle of represents. !hag, we must of course give up the idea of representative government entirely,_ as being altogether impracticable. If it arises, however, out of ,an infirmity which is cumble, by Improving the tuiderstanding and morals of thivotei we must allow the , time—extending, it may be, to generationi —which such a process of education would require. But last ,are we to do in the meanwhile? ''"Walt," we say, "and endeavor at least to modify the evil, and make it as tolerable as we can."' "No," replies the Iseltigneees, "thetwould be acquiescence in the degrading maxima of organized pot - ities." But bow are we to help ourselves ? Shall we protest, cad refuse to support the 'candidate? Shell we fly to the 'Diebold, and • seek a cave, or sit down on a pillar, like Simeon Stylltes, by way of loftier protest, agitinst the degeneracy of the' times? In that case, we deny ourselves the privilege of choosing between averting a greater; and aioepting a less—. Instead of accommodating ourselves to the infirmities of a common netts* and en• desmoririg to reform them, and waiting even for e few generations—which are but a day In.the life of humanity—to scam- I plisih.lL Urn the theory of the Zataitgeseer, we should_ never vete at all, and allow the ' . knaves to govern in their own way, merely bean we cannot have OUT own choice-' Whichniight suit a citizen; of the District, but not us? When and" how often has it happened witlais the observation of the 7ateillimar,••thit the . people of *State or Congressional District, have selected 'their ablest, on their trios! honest and Omega o w l ma i l ,"“ their candidate I, itdOes not • hoPen--ogiele• ih man .l- •,ilteeth - eitlier because the people are not sufficiently is: formed, or beemme Their .opinlons are not fairly ropreeented, or because the verb best Meat; or olkight-bleiolii4o decline Oen . • yers, which inT4Sa t L imozigka of the: pride of manhood, for an office which has lost so much in popular respect, and where the probable auoolatious might so much impailhis ;ewers of et , efulneincaa to ren der a private elation much more desirable to him. What, then, %re we to do in such cases? The practical man, who ie gov erned, by the rules of common sense—and we profess only to be of that eart-=-Irotld say "the beet we can." The Intelligencer would insist that this is "aoquieettenoe in the de grading maxims of organized polities." We would any 'that any 'other than orianizeet politics is no better than Qtdicllam• 1 ',- =The intelligences objects to the limitation 1 of our protest to those "against whom any 1 solid and weit-sustained objection on the score of honesty can be made," and makes us say that this would be to court defeat, with the samicertainty as if the but man was nom incited. We have not said anything of the sort. The drift of our observations was only to show that the best man could not be nominated, under our present system. of repreieritation in Conventions, whieh it would, perhnpej - require generations to rem edy.. The whole questionand . the oily proper one for 'the occasion—was one of nontination, without eitherintimation or be lief, that the beat man would not ruses well as any body else, it nominated. But the Intelligencerneems to think, from its italics, that there is ho difference between an ob- jectiou that is sound and welt proved, and astother-that in not. In its yteirit - bred& dent that it'marbe - made, without refer ence to the question, whether it be true or material? We have enrintilated no mail& Whatever, unless the general truths we have stated, or the idea of the necessity of availability in the candidate, are to be so considered. To apply, however, the epithet of "degrading," to a consideration of such great practical value, is to talk foolishly, even beyond the usual privilege. We should like to knOw what it would profit to • nominate even the best man, if he should not be available aa a candidate, when nominated? True wisdom, and true petilotism, would both say, nomi nate not the beet man absolutely, but the beet you can elect. 11 the beet, absolutely, Is not the one with whom you, are likely to succeed, that is the fault of the people, which -the -rational politician, who is the true statesman, will always take into the account. He will remember, that in these matters we have to deal with men, and in stead of aiming at that which is 'utensim able, by an insane endeavor to force the popular growth at once up to his own stan dard of excellenoe, be will be content to wait, even a few generations, for the prob lem of human perfectibility to work itself out. How many it will take, will depend, in his estimation, precisely upon the rea sonableness of the demands of the parties, who have to deal with it. Bat will his waiting in this way, involve any such post ponement of "the duty of amendment," as is likely to "create surprise," in any other mind, than that of each philosophers as the Editor of the bateiligencert The angler who who would deal otherwise with the fish which he has hooked, would be apt to break his line, and lose, instead of landing him. Wh have elsewhere printed a letter from Mr. SZDGWICIE, of New York, Chairman of the Naval Committee, giving a quietus to LAIRD'S story abaci the Navy Department at Washington having proposed to his agent to have gunboats and iron-clads built in England. We have since seen it elated, on the authority of parties who re member the circumstance, that one of LAIRD'S agents endeavored to promote his end by putting the matter on the pound of high principle: "Mr. LAIRD was anxious to do something to give Slavery a death blow." Benevolent, upright, "high-toned" LAIRD! What arguments did he use when he went over to Dicta? The haltering@ of East Tennessee. The late rebel coneoription seems to have been the only act required to complete the ruin of East Tennessee. The able•bodiod men had either been foroed into the rebel ranks or made their escape. The rebel government new demands the services of all between the ages of fortptive and Fifty- Ave. A requisitlen has been made by Davis on Governor Harris for 6,000 of this eases, and, as many will escape, this number will take about all that may be left up to fifty five years. Recent accounts show that the attempts of conscripts to escape are met by the most wanton cruelties by the rebels, who do not attempt to take them, bat shoot them down like wild beasts whenever and wherever found. The inhuman slaughter of these unfortunates, occurring daily and openly, absolutely horrible, and would be incred ible but for the testimony of scores of wit. AMES who have arrived within our lines. A Lexington (Ky.) correspondent says "Neither this war nor any other can sur pass the Inhuman cruelties practised by theme rebels in East Tennessee. Even this last conscription act is - intended and em ployed more as a cloak to their barbarities than to obtain soldiers, since it furnishes excuse to seise property, hang, kill, and vent the most infernal passions with impu nity. Boys under twelve years have been shot , on their knees at their mother's feet; Union ram old and young, hart been shot and hanged in,the presence of their ago nised wives 'sr mothers, fentalee have been brntallimurdered for concealing their eons or husbands, or violated in the presence of their bound And helpless mole protectors. Rapine, pingo, arson, rape and murder are no longer crimes in Best Tennessee, and no rebel soldier has yet been punished for any offence against a Union man or woman. And these are the demons who prate of rights and superior alvilliatitin, who north ern peace Democrats think !are wronged, and to whom northern frnudeills should I submit the control of goverinient." Fo lITERVIZIV WITH Morsoez's Him ALLOWXD.—Adlapatch from Columbus, 0., Boons of llerituoky females, who have rebel friends in prison in this place, are arriving defy. - sPPlications, to the civil or military authorities for interviews with prisoners meet with' but one answer. Orders from the -War- Department say it must be 'distinctly understood'that no per lonshall be permitted to ♦laic them. SonsiTrias.--Substitutes for drafted men freely offer at Washington at as low a prism as $175. psis tuba:hate, called on to swear thai he was not a deserter replied that he could not do so, as he had desert ad front the rebel army. The officers warned him of his dialer if he should be oapttired his 7flii coolly replied th a t they might Ming him, end was re ceived. A Move:Nur PSODAB2II u BOIIIIITDXS DXPAXTXXXT.-41110. BULEISideII old Khali Army Corps has begun to arrive in Cincin nati. The entireoorplwiUbein Kentuoky . shortly. Gem. Duriuddei and staff left Cin cinnati. on Manday i leind South. It is thought an important movement is about to be made in his Department. NIGITHER SCAIXD cue Hoar.—Daring the recent political canvas in. Kentucky, Mr. Mallory, member of Cengreee elect, was deAunneed se an abolitioniet by hie opponent. But the people were not frightened by this ancient bugaboo, for Mr. Mallory received 2,438 votes of the 3,404 cast in hie district. General Logan esid the ether day in IL ilnole,:thatit did not frighten him to be called an Abolitionist. It does not seem to scare the Kentuckians either. fra fr IN LHrIIpJNI eir7P WANTED—A bond or mortgage on haprorod ;rope• to In too sly or oonotty, to tho ascount of $1,201, having from Oro to tea part to rue.. WIN bo aken at a , aw rata of lotoroot. Wit B. Nob oiN aO3 10i Toarth knot. OUrF.R.3-WANI'IO). 11 220E2 2 tBILIL 000P2213 W •BTCP, At Wes that airy can make over two &Ilan par day auldior _ R. w. EZNISZDY A EEO., Pearl Will. 14 011r4. WiIATILD.—A comfortable Li !welling Homo; on line of rains I ;widened. B. H. Whi , so, an S. 61 Water • net. Ali. glom FU„ IJINOINN ATI & LUU-thir ia t 18VILL1L—The flee new Moamar MMOATINS. rapt J. .1. Bohlcam, w .we. as *Wm on PRI D • the 14th last.. at 10 a. m. Tor frelibt or pawage apple on Mewl ee t. • I atilt JOHN PLAOa. Arent. tilUtt . .l,tou we are iustruoted to sell a: flail TI lIEULLLBST nUILD LBO LOTS. each hamlet a trout et l 0 ket and exttudlop beck 100 tort, whetted to Ike ettenth We'd of the et:, of Pittshorgh, near to the tow Water Begin. P. Vet wishing to oteke a roping Investment. the dome present, arm opp•rtaalit• ACV; at ooc+ to eolt B MOLSII Wt 35, WHIZ K. LB ait- BOWS. t T TRUO6 8, k pt on hand and made to order Ake. D&lN'd PATSNT 011, d DB/1..L5 and 13BILD BOWING 11 elihOW,., the hat and elarapast teed dower. now lu tie. All -work warranted • 0 COLlfilial, Marlon 11.12 U, Nal LINZ qUAttit,t 'ry RAN r—on the 14.7" Plttabargo, fort Way. 3 Chion t ro fl 11r.d sod Ohio Mow, near Perk ileum B, It. INfll3, anl3 63 water oryeet. All • NnW I:3rlUlSitj NALIIIIJN, very Owl= put up to Mu cat., by Imo Blob & Co., Jule reoelved liortou, and tor We at the Posey dr03:13 , btom of JOHN A. RE SHAW, be mid Hand atreeta. CultietC,6—Choioe hi 3, Ls ! guayra, Java sad Noels Cola on baud and for Ws by tb. bag or at reran. by JOHN A. lIINNHAW. ault • corm. Warrty and Hand mama. 4•Halti:tti.—a. choice Jot of i Old Ocelots and New Western Reserve Cheese, reorle.d, and ending et the Yearly Urocerr Store et Jon N A. REIbU&W. milt • mere. Llb.ny end Hand starer& STAK BRAND LIAYId—A fresh lot, pat up azpincy or tho iribtorlber, suit rrailvad and for vole by JOHN A. RENSHAW, Bd. • norno. Litp-r• ohnd H.nd ILL (4. 4 /Tll i OIL ULU tit of N. kind. • ii. WINDOW ausuca,ol et es atria] I outsad and for iris ebony by J A H. En LYN'. anl4 16 orld IS L. • kb. t,Pt. Ll omPbTAL of tnt, tes 11 quality, always on hand at Ye and Zs 8.. I iti attest. & V. e Pi iv sY i.V AN i A atiLltAteir AOLDSBIIf. AT war CIODOTICH. tioardaithily )—Tike duties of this loidepay , ehl he mooted on TlitflieDAT, Ewan:her Of. The fol lemma pattunen compose the Maud of Tnistets Hon. JAMIE etiLLOOK, Panident. Dort. Wet. APPLI, Via, Pseoldent. W. 10. LADDER., Er , Boontan. JAMES H. 0818, Msg., Treentrer. Ber. The Nartort, D. D. James L. Otaghoro, Bev VBrattierd, D D., Chute. B. Dmegau, Non. enerald Thompson, Goo. P. Bran, Hon. Charles O'S MU, Wm. L. tyainte, Don. John Hickman, leo. le. Iran. Bee W D. 1.111h02., 4d4tentk May. •Oo'. Wm Bell Wedaell, r. D. Patinae. Jen B. Tormend. thtodere Myatt, The straining offend f r the acquirement of . if:tarnish military educstion are randomly to thole of West Point The Academic Staff It competed of ibmoughlynempetent Inetruners The Idcoatlonal Department mamma Moran. Oolltira's end &i. attille warm.. Oatehst &Avalon le yid to the morel InsiroMlon of •the oadoto. Ortolan may be had of JOliel .OJT I', Ho.= Libaty street, PlOsiningb. VOL. TOLD. ft V TT. ctrl Pe fraiC WILD WOMAN. THE TWIG MJTJRCOMAFEIIt 07 MISS ALICE SALON, Who •as recently exhibited M Clecinnsti, but was easily rescued In, her perneezters ty the cubism of met city. The history of this strange woman furnishes fool. dents tf lbw he malt thrilling nsrr•tive era writ• ten. tpleuild., Itionastrd by Noble. with Ane to grarrnits, designed *evened, for ads work. Pries, only 25 cent& TIIIt lIt4IL SLBDL GuOSINS; on, UPI AID LOVI IN Br.OeBIIA. Being the t sod Con• Owlet of the btantbul Barun e•ephene, the eo cootpliebid niece of A.. U Stephens, glee Prteldent of the amithera MlA:jersey. Tido Is • faithtni and .timing narrative of the thrlOing wobeltnew, terrible wise, and intense anffering.ei fistulae!, borne bf tali nab* and pr Viotti; einem, during her annoyhtg end tulle= lorioeig from het elepted twine la the Bona to the piece her natty - 11, the illurraied thecorgbout with gee enirevings. Prlee. 16 *tete. Just pebtiobed and void by JON P. HUNT. lleialsonia 33"lith Street. Sir Mailed to any adireet, poet paid, on rode , aul4 pr 100 uuz " SUS p lON DIIIRS FOR SATZ OtIZA.P, AT it'CLELLANDI AUCTION HOUSE, No. 55 Fifth Street. nula ATWATER LOTS FOR SALE, ON THE OHIO A PA. B. 8., IHiliß OOIIBTHEY•B BT&Tlo27.—'[he ondettlittei It authorised to on two Oats of land, one of 6'% and ono of It any each; fronttas on the Obto t Pa. B. 8., being put of am form of David Diem:, ilvetoolL A plan of themes may bs NMI by otUlng at my toe, go, 79 SLdenl strut, Allegheny Olty M=3M Ml= SELECT BOHOOL, I. B. 6IWAILL, A. wan, No. 191 PENN BTEEST. PITTEBORGH. PA . Ma. Proem tot/lade to open a 8.1.0 t ached to the lam airy to ,utt in the emend do lr of lto. lel Pion strret,on the Ft uST eiONual Or 30. ka• ' 11333 Latin, Greek. Greek, Y•en.h end Oa men will he taught, whhe re pales .111 b • mooed d to impart to the pap 'borough too oration in the am►t branolme of as Mr. 21. proposes to Watt the ntonber of paths, that be may here the blotter opportunity of senator proper moral and letehectuil culture, and more rem prOVIIIM sz-150 imakm of /len Month►. Ito extra charge% • 7"Mtlon to be paid during the Oral half 01 the Peplos School Vaunt tram 9 m. to 3p m. Or Atter the 17th to■t. ate. N..any be emu dilly at the t ehoel Booms, during the above boon aul3,td FREnT TABS. ADAMS 8 CO., No. ST Wood street, Are prepozed t, fonifol; pestle who wish to km o treeb fruit dudes the whiter months with their eel etneed Buckeye Jar, and also Cork Jar, Which they can ' , apply at the ivy taunt pica, •t Wholesale sad ritalL grain tim • aill. fIISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. —The pettnershiplutretofore *sitting lidos= 1101( SE W. VS. BOON, doing btid• neat ..Or the style of WIN fd °KIM k Oth. wee d teoletd by mutual consent ousbe Bth lost WK. SloSlll retiring. W. W. ANDZROON Is anther. .120 to on the none of tbs lbw In settling the WM. MICA le,. WW. ANDERSON, (suoceeeer to . vac is wins* 00. ) wflt tontines the Brow- Rey Business at the taleethemi City Stevgry: 463 Belitoca etteet, Alletbety City. *.letter • ANfritßeati 200 13131.11. _UAW tjw CHU fot u.le boud‘r free, by she oar lord or sroglo bend. YOST., •1311WOltili. son Drumm, Way audits. Mar street. ~,,.s:::r.e~:.s~„_rrt;a.~ .s ~ta~.~:=.t3~7cscL:lS.. ~„x t.:Siris3:wvrz.ara.:...~c..av~..+..a+.~.~.. .41CW JuArgiarnEvertexis. orzw• AlDrEiitT/SEJIIEJrTS. ALBUMS! ALBUMS! Photographic Albums, WIZ MUT, UHTATZST AND LANQINT bTCCHu7 TLIII 611, PI 'l' T OO ' S BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT, FLPPII tiTelllrr. OPPOSITE 'Pli E P.O wan M AGAZIN FOR exprEmEBIL PCOICEI B BEd ABB WALLET& 'PORTFOLIOS &ND PAPISTRIER BTATIDBEIIT AND BLANK BOWEL ALL THE NEW BO 8. GOLD PhD* anarrantetl the beet that ate made. dARTZIi DZ VISITS. ill 1,1 TA 111' Veolo. JOHN P. El I.INT"Is Book, Stationery and Bows Emporium MABONIO BALL, hp= STRIZET. sta DIWG NOTICE DIIAXE'd PLANTATION BITTER( LINDSAY'S IMPROVED))Id)OD BEARD/TAIL AYIR's 01111111 Y PACTOILL e EXTRACT SA ASA PAULL& COUSIAILD'S MEDICATED BOAP B•ACES3 RAMER AND EXTRA SCENTED ROE Pry 504.1 E. RIMMIXTTS TRAVVIINO EXTRACT& TINE TRANOR EXTRACTS, for the toindket cllef;saud TIDDIT WAXI FRUIT WAXI ARUM WAXI tar miles trill cane and pima= always be pro cured C.c.O et . L. SELLER: CENTRAL DURO "MORE, GLIWE'tB, OIL CLOTHH, AND WIN DOW - 811,1 DES. Pflan redeofd el the KIW CABPW 3TOUN of McFarland, Coiling & Co, IdOe 7t AUD 73 TUTU STBLIT. Bowlers the run Orme sad DLIPATOR Ilutcraea Deering to purchase for the TA3.10 ?BADS AN ENTIRELY NEW STOCK, We ars goode now ce head et PSIOItB TEUT KUM Below Present Market Rate*. W We erpeclany write the ettentlen et °OOR TUT EIMICEILIIII3 sad WUOLTIMLE BOTTLES. Jour OPENED. NEW CARPETS. parohaoor oval. in sno aroono doprosolon tha gotten Olarkota nollriag th• belnd maw In Sgllllllll4 and 1.1503/nalllo, and a.. .bb to offor rocaplota *morn:ant on Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths, Batting, ha" WWI a vary largo nonnotlon In Woos. OLIVER N'OLI3TOCK & CO., 1,0 as /111,11 era err. fIICHAT 8/4.Lit IX LADITIP, (mars, titan% BOT6'. TOOTH'S BOOTS AND SHOES, To doom cut finmatr stsok. at Clelkssurs dlssettosßovens, YOU WANT TO' BUY good, cheap Boots, Shoes, Clatters or Balmoral, ma it No. 98 KARIM BUZZ% as we an okoitog oat oar gamma Goads at rosily reduced ,prlli?•L elrgeatember the plat* at J. 8 BOBL* 11:08. ii liarkst street, MATTI , N , laS, WWI 5171001.11 rositterinatc its ogre still atinag at U.. pit* .4 • rm ••••. Mr am, unecked and Fancy Ratting, Otiatty AA, and at 0 myttior OLIVER wintrzocrs a CO., 1 05 13111171 wraurr._ Belonging to ib. Sri. Norio Tolls alp Clonal Cast. P plirjlan a ls 4 cow Ch ; :Zi t o r "1. 13 be Colleted nn nioUnn. In Dinsuls7 oo the Sla DA[ Or 0rP21111.8211 OrST. • We palthw . Tor maps and catalogues Maio !SOOT. Agent. Ihnicdt. Joitawk;a pEINSIONEI, BOUNTY A BACK PAY. IKM AND "EAR • hT•4103 siva law 14,4 As Claimilral. . All i - ounded &Mom who ban Pea 14 the itLIV tory or naval HMO% an onittlat to 400:8011417 tad PINICOIL MI Soldiers who Moo oteted twb nen 01111 do «maw to tho 1110 D Ituta id eohnottr rrilMdbo7 rroa in of ttoltn 4t ' wwt who= or aro kt f lr: the osnrkn are taplott. ht gumbos and Um 11100 Bounty, ao , to • ' • Goims, of wary - dotattpthos, pritortlyht. t•oad to alai* nude to Say Oiss 'until Its coo-v M colleattd. pEiNSIONB, BOUNTY, BAOK PAY, No. U 4 7ITTNITNENT. Pitt Colltotions in Allee.sor sod adjoisis• 41. do. Prosacats• SOLDIIIVIII4IIII 9 . of t , d't de. _AV don; BOUSTLIrd, tot all aloha:god dedistC Pah 410123, wonaded Otdorre sod Bolden; BOON nee Prattaiose rut widoori. Prrealti tit-- Talldren, Brothers mud Aldus, or. Woo legal gentatiiii ot those *Do hays died la tlumrsi Ir.^ and after Mochas. from &mane roo Mini ° easels toad oodeasd. sad ". tettar • v0w,.,. - 'ref MoCAROO'd MARBLE WORK - .:. Jad LIAULIIII,BTRALT. • - A beautiful aud varlet asectsuut et MARBLE MAN T E 113„ Monuments and Genie' Stone & PLABTAB YAM& uoarevete FINAL NOTIOZL-11; -= INOOMB TAX.--1.111 . r... j ira t i re trestabstin tton totstriot of fouls on - bomb, notftbd SO to return on or In 811P01118 8 *: 11 t. UNA fa the Aubtant AMMO= of- ilk& rowan Rob. Divbitab. , Of at Om ono of the todoribittod. So. 106 Fourth striof. in caw of palms IsUbfle Ot Valf• Mori .Itbta nu *boos opootliof Cow, iheibtl ant Atoommt los lestanotul teal liablion to fised tbo malty axes bJ low..ebich fi 692 01 :- 0 " A'Saggo! ,, :•l RUM MOW. ria Aarnot. Pi. w — *. - AVDiasoN, _Jese..-100 boxes'avunos •W. I ILI .111 be mold L. .43 don onalinment RIBS& IFILILINSOZ 800 13:r2Z3 itholeeLle and nail AND tBILDIII3II 65 Tina fir IMICT sad dotal& ==IM T. WALT= DAY. OIIALIIAi OGAIX il. 0. Au.axBIZA itiono44d.Zoo Otani ease FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF PITTSBURGH TVIAIraItr.DIPASTWJINT. Ontot crt,Ootuvratorame-or Till CtraZNIFCT. • Wes :Vuit - ton A. ita k Al agora fah, 11d3. Anszinea. By rati•faotora evident* prevented to the uzdmeteumf. it hot" bent made to appear that the 71KiT NATIPNAI. B Mall OW Piritifill6ol3. in the Cottony of Anathema. wed Etat* of reneejiya n'a ha. been duly cogernited under tad according to the requirtmtote et the Act. of oougnett. entitled ' , du Act to Deoltde • National:tartest,' revered bj a pledge of I:lilted kat. viettliettind to ;solid* for the oft: teation and red•mption Stool.. approved b, ta airy 25th. 1063. and has tom trod with atl the p• urinous of raid not retuned so compiled with before comminef th. beielueet of Baulking. Now. tberafore, I, frail If OCDILLC,Ca, COUlpfraet of the zurvency, do 6.teo y oettlfy the: be !mid ?MST &taint?... L. 111112.- - P171111112G11. annoy of .Allitherly, Ltd- Atit'a Of Piens,' mote, is authorized to tOrnmell: orttobutfsks. of Boullog on. der the act atrial& •.-Am-In Wanton, whereof witosw my bond sa. land nil *Lake, .this 6th day of Ante, - 1.1663. , • • 1111811.,10171.1L00 Coutpirdler of the Currency. THE FIRST NATTONAL BLINK . OF ParBBURGH,' LA2I P/TTEIBUSGU TRUST OOMPAIXT.) CAPITAL, $400,000, with ptl•fleg , to Wm, to ex,000.000. _ The Pittatinrah That t ocipany'haviug orgattawl cedar the art to provide a Nettonall.arrvary. Crider the tit% of the FIRST itaTtagAL 'BASH Of Pl/TrßOßiall, would respectfoll• offer be urvical for ski. collection of Boles, Drafts, Mlle of neun_ge, aiothe,snouey on &pan, and buy sud tell Ix-- de op canal rote of the tattatry. The nooses whit& hat attendtd the Plttahurgh . TrritOotoptny tint. its orfanlsttion In 1E54 wdt, we billeve, be a motto:lent guarantee that Imbue' entrusted to the tow orietutttlan will twelve the lame prowpt attention. Ifwvreg J. Ted,y- extonshre correepuidence with Baas, end hanky's throughout the country, we be. lbw* we Ora oder animal GO:tiles to those who do baoteese with 111 'I he buttons will be oondooted by the same m ars and Director. Buscroni Ale■ender Spoor, Ifrancla O. Biller, M. z. Bradley, Samuel Bea. Janata Laaglalln, Babel t 8. Hasa, 7 has. P all, Thai Wirctman, Wm. N. kilmlck, JOHN D. EIOULLY AtioNBo4 1888 AN A LY8116.- loarrina --MOO. St OWS, MO. Pim Oz.ltom 11.130 1„. .01.• r. 11 . 01. Raving accepted the Agony for the tale of the 1111LIIPLid MAT. mined ow Bt. Loath No., f L. vit. the attantion of Glom end Steel Manufacturers to the Analysis given above, ae reported by heft A. A. Hart of &wean, and J. O. Booth. of Phi:Leda. phis, which, foWher with the test of actual experi ence by saanuerm fa Pittsburgh, Obtelanati sad It. Lous, determines it to be the pored end most namable Clay now known, whether Tonigs or Amacloen. Pots mode from it have stood in the glom roams from a% to I months. hoe Analyal. is of - the Olay se taken from the min% without any Washing or preperatiott what ever. It powwow peat edimairenees end pTsailclty goatitieo, which are not shown by ttui Analysis, and which admit of the admixture WI large proportion of shall or burned day. 1-as now prepared to ell codas for the rebore May, to be shipped from Bt. Loads or delivered here. ALEX. GORDON, vo. isu a ZOOND MET. BARGAINti IN C A. 12, 113 T . JUST OPTIMA AT DIE' Clam]. rtirci. ye. 87 FOURTH STREET, • tarp aasortsatat, Which via in bid at a very gnat nduotlon tram LW prima. W. D. & H. XICALLUBL. &all CELEGABAY INSTITUTB. Boarding k Day School for Yong Ladier Nos. U 27 andl6r) &rude Street, Fhiladetphis. he regular mum of instruction embraces the login& and trench languages ens Literature"— Lotus, if required—and eli the brancha which con stitute & thorough Zuglitb *duo& fut..e .clel otteu• tics twang paid to the tatter bf the Prinorpol, mitt• ed br the tat Prorogue. trench Is the Leaguer. of she stoutly spoken Io tail It 'Laud°. The souotsetos 7i.r cammen• end closes Jul) lit. Tor circulars ead•partlmatin gam. KILDALME D'Ef 1116 SURGEON WM& • • 'l3 OFFICE, I WASITLICITOII CIVT, Allot WI, 18tL ) WASTED—ortratoas and Assistant linrpona sr Colored Bentmaela. Applleaote on appointment mutt be Graduates of likellotna and *lamb Apical Witty m will enable. tam t o at dare Yard Maid melee. They will to an &mined previous to sppolatmeat Oya lefts! loosed. Appiicattoos tar pennialon to appear baton an Ix ammlng Goan! mast be mot to too Moven General. Bo expanse snowed-146110ne to appedntomat. Pay of And,tant Surgeon, s tl2 83, pay of Manton, {la& anio-114 W, ei; Ham latitiD. aunts General. SPECIAL 4TTENtioN. GAB AND STEM" PITTING, WIC Z1274' Jr., "di CO., No. M. (UN IN.)INDINAL wraisr ==:M=l= 2 1 1I0HIGAN PINE TIM ER LANDS. IMMO AGM 07 PM TIM= LAMB, DS ItAXLZ P WV , atteatlon_ Q. . to the treatment at atm Oa CIATAX=IIINT I V I TZ !far Ail= .ulAli PUPIL, twat. aITIIIOI/Ur tY ~d, and .treats all UTritugmaao. air mat aro SAAR BELLENO an , a all ammo Mimeo noise and PINN MEM. TIOUEIBTti. WOULD DO WELL TO as Geniiild NMI/ thausleas with Oa tar One graTiiii TiaIIIILING 13111IITIN DI vadat I. bail noshed.' lute imam of Tin bandmie now latlis. a GLID3, roarth h Dtsmood. DIA 1 data PRONTING, 011.,WABEI !STREETS: —Voleattillittufar mak, Intl In; on Nihon. Crawford and Wan+ strista, a totortory brick dwelling' boom of ma n rams, Milo, trout porch, *to Alga a mall fr,xil boars. • sat & 00TEIBIIIIT1'80nti. 61 Knekat at. 11'.1=1 UIVBEitiAL - OLUI . —Oa only Wrtnitee Ideation. Celt sod too duo Depot, Nos. 26 sod SS 111. Dh Solo o Vklulial -AND -00 19 tliedlftlA put 6.3 op in one and two p cans, bstinetkallp eager. just received a fresh as ly and for sale by the desert or eines rea r at wimpy Orowrip Pane of JOHN S. Eraidanw, . bat censer Marto and Hand Mesta ; .B.LTiNG I—Leather. and Ghia Digging i._ r eele GUI Rioting. Hoes; Ow:. al 'mil on luont st ties bats Rubber Depot or J. lt B. PHILLIPS, salt Mead PS Pt. Olair street. obis, attn. 0. . A /J Mao !able salt nu, ems* ground Alma 861 t, to near, for id, at 116 Llbirtlreet. . riukt;ll mann; da ily . fags goatudicy,l4_lo dud Jusdula Daus and , bestetd, admit Mat ner,ltet. dad L.ll.lrelOS 00. U 31 r!" - :11Anataiii ,KIG4I, - IMAM Dena and WiT _ a WILIMISOS. bbls. bio. 3, large, 47.1 for ask Tay low roans. • MIMI DICE= Otk, b,.l.argo size. for sale by cuAg., L. CALDWIILL. 15 1 1!V b:LtYlel=, VIWILWW6-I,UUt) p.m°. s on " TT low for saJo by mama O. COLLIES. Dar 000D1 AT JOS. HORNE & CO.'S, 77 AID 79 ICARILIT ST., NEW GOODS macre:RECEIVED D4IL 1' AND ANN Ent BALI AT Tilt LOWEST ,CASR PRICES. OUR SIMMER STOOK IB BRING CLOUD OUT 0 3t MA.PI enlll CLOSING OUT OUR SUMMER GOODS , To aoko roots for our NEW FALL GOODS! Iho follow's& goods have WO& stuffed dolts _ . VERY CHEAP LAWNS, 111,3.101111. - 01112LIIDLIS, LINOS, LACIII POINTS, SHAWLS, NM:ME& 111LCQUAL ♦ Stub tondf of footdonoblo %bodes of Aloa,coas and De Laines Asd f war lot of 8.1.L11012g.L13 Just mein& at ALEX. BATES', oulg S 111" TH STRUM President INTERESTING TO THE LADIES! W. are salting at • EZDUCIDD PRICY Cotton Hosiery, Gloves, Lace Mitts, Embroideries, Veils ; Sleeves, Waists, &CI. Etoop Skirts. ißsltlf salad, at Millie*. q' ws ass TC26•=rtlui BELT% BUOILLIS. 111110015/IL/1 ROOKS cp stirs. MACRUM & CLYDE, NO. 78 MARKET 8271301 T, mai Baty= Iroarth and Diaitaaad. M=E! COMMENCING Jro.4lrDdli", 'say 21t/t; AHOTEMS GIBSkT HEDVOIRON BARKERS 9 59 Market Street, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, DRESS GOODS, PRINTS; good and East odors. 120. Shirting 11/11.1131ins, 1.26. LACK SHAWLS, POETS, MANTUA BORNOUS, 1111. Want, sad Is con Fiaptniter 14th MEM BARGAINS IN EMBIWIDERIBS . M. Burchfield's The steak Is doling out st etuanally law !Ow!. Raiff= MIST PTTe o - worth Inforlk Do. COLLARS. worth $S foe SUO. KULL II AND 3,, ke hau plah alialls be halt PIM JAOONIT FLOVEIMIG; JADONIT IDGEFORI LIEU ZDDIZIGIS I Do. INDISTINGB; IIGUUD WEITZ BURMA tMI prim W 11331 BIIELL/ANTS; WIT DAILABIL lIKEEITING ; Al the stock of 211BROID1111118 11211 pidtleely thetas oat, now is Ithe Simla pi be/plash Ana A REDUCED PRICISI3I - To class out oar SUMMER STOOIE. • --- ft mei anTann ~any p«wn of oar 1011. MOON. we Inns dotTendand to RedstoPrices to HIICA a Point AT TM 31alnit an otdent rtth t . 't.BVL WiCir• Oa stock 6 now IMOD inn. Tralk Pundinntil balt o ll been Wolf added. ~st. goo dsfly Tiodpi • , iugli Dimwits, GOODS • z icia lsonni, that the l itt37 of aatt.s ierekisti - ad Splers Vurbuy for Mk . - WM And on! pica un bow vs buoy Ilsonan bows ! mum= a 00., Ea. IT MIS TRW= klitto WiLLNUES. t nrllt eve paled nt st th• India Eabbgt r stmt. • a. einrsnis, eats br this covnti INA:100IDEA _ ESRUCtair PitION/ grata; zinumita calm.' C3=-0 O MA, LAS& 11. 1 461101-*OO.ll. . to PIDISAI;101111114 sdnum isthint GENIIS PATENT BULLET PEPPY srzn ersnanoura iirawazi exam, In Nong,uti,lAti e;tb•;..6*- -averrw rum Limmi BHIIT i Tor sato tor MAMMY GLYDai all' TO NNW WIWI be. 4th and Dtsaism.:' JIMUSE.RIIgJrTS IWPECTSBUROLI THEATRE:. Wu. Blanzasaa or POI oz Amssioa—.93,. Ls-sza. 16 Iteeerved 50 tette. JSO alutust 10, 1863, end ohly ascend sal Meld Ina!' 1; mat C RIPBL-LL strryt:mr_ist EIGIIITICUN 5 lIIMIBIZBouedor the pivoted es, pent/lon of . CABIPBILit. tads Intik inthe dim 'v. the *mire 'Troupe In new special. the. 7cir Ir4l ;articles , . ere crogralerese. colt' R • lilt - %hie' &TIM 9051,61' lost. idAzor. lt; tiaLL. eIIITTHE StatINIEW3 04313 A EOM. J.O. Manage% Grosai Trtiuopbuit "seise of fate no* owsBin7. En. =AA • ° M t 3 2Ze " prsl a' I t s ! MI 1111.111/9011 - tbelttaPplan Ooaaidkif DI.DLLE /LE NASA CLAIM D!I Y.- OBE ALIA G&W/11E8: J. 0. WALLACE: 1340. WINSHIP. 4111D , WOIT1a. And a host of others,. In sloplowlid YO HIOHTI New eAtei, Amp &Ad elancew, Look .wat 8W cid Admlstealiand 28 ovate. Claminisiew At a AMA. :111C110.41AEL • - BentATITBDAYJNOBNING;4iji: 16616; reolockattabtsold at the Cosit646tet fileiritorme. 66 Intrh street, 2 261114 Ts? BCAlrAtil.ittalpfplg W 11.04. sulA DAVIA kIgaLWATNIL knerra veLueliaLtsi b Liu utiz 1... r Aut.:ram —On TUESDAY lIVIZSING, Aug 'lBth. at 8 *Volk, will tre sold at the Commereird Neva llOoma, No 54 link street, 8 abatis Bank of Pittaburgt; • . . • 10 -do - Mosongabeleixtrorrnor pompon ' 10 do People's Iwamoto* Company; -.- 25 do Allegtory.lfaltey Boerne Company. .114. • DA V 18,1 lila I WA linai , .. awn. GIII.IUNIUNti, ANIL) . ,16.1 DUisti On SATURDAY MORISIAD, Ass: ISDN at 10 aold•I thetormerelst - 888111 - 88081 a. 158.Plith - -- 8 dulls popular Young Upton Tea; 8 rata %Lee Grovad 8 _do • Chttnical - 8 hittbeSsTAWlL - if.rizig; - 1 'So • Dinar: ROC , oKsas it.McILYYP . env A • bI ItEtII imektiovito .411 a 3 -4 .--I.IIItiATI3BII4 - Y7AYaktiooll, snit lath, at 4 reclookorM tasold; on the sambas, motel ellebbrllenealiand Toliailtatain the court on atnii afteitibetwren Walnut: aid Y eta.. belnatubdttlelenot Loll ho.. 4.1444444-ln. 5i . lo: a Is Oaf 27aret.Poitt. by IS lest /l b, *Rh a 4 feet alley to frost Sad as a. II t. a. lot 16 ftet,/1)6 intim .fittett by ft bat , depth wbereati is erested • brkastwelbea. - 14s-if Ysk lot 12-bet-456 foot Why. and .steadies- back-eata sh - its 211 bet. with au aarichsal ante ci 10 llitA'ieblch hi IS feet 04 Ischia Wfdronakfas grit -dipth: of 431104 whereon ta steeled a brick was, 1ti12, - 11:iind - 14 — aie - Tatiateraglia — ii ass s tealsee - each in width, and each AS tett fa: depth, whereon are erected 4 brick daillts - - all Ibe dwe'llags are two.etery substaathd bun tags. Eats:Dal inaemantascualalst.Aans opialag en • Ens lend coast. aturonadett ay a S ant feet Taw or 6aiss-4tathlrd cash; !aids* la =wand two perk with interest... suit - k NeILITATaa. hact'ra. . ANTBW-60.4. loins 1..1V• want II IF Avntm at $ • =nib enema pa% toed! onr-Per4staghtscai,Dricatai.Bunkin Ober new Ladd and Onansi isztiolos. dry nlyinamnia.7 SHAW & MAIM. 13Iddidord. Ks. IIIVANTED r—Vb mown 11. want to R kits Avulse in suer county - AC In 'walk =pause pild, to NU my ttswobisaftimays .11111AlfrAN-4. DincLinr,d; vo vv voort=wO iota to . tom: Soon, - eitnattd , ,en the ilea of none ot the Minot& ninnins out item the city, or. lo the sniontibifof City. Into* to hien ienm,9 tole reams, with • large int yr yard sttathed; apply to' Int 13 !MALIN h uer , pence% st. . • 119VII.IJAM • A.': WA.111), DENTItST. Binatiaw'a Borldieg, ad door, beck I ,eutrance on Liberty street. 0111 to noon Com 11 a. until Bp. in. In order to a proper andenrauding on the part ethos, who may cull epos me, I deem It my •ty to deeignete some ot the Shinto common In t be,nso. elm of dentistry. which I dd. not do. In the first place . I do not give a day', midi; to any one. Ido not make cheep sets of meth do not modem. by their extreetion. *wind, hewn.) , teeih,.th coder to Insert artlnohtt one. ; do not, in soy in.tsness dee stray the IMMO. of- verb, thereby render se them Debts to the meet got etel disearro. and their tarty luso the more orrtain. Three. and numerous case thing. which I could sp.olly, I d not do. In the abotta of =status mow tor tillios the- teeth. I make-but a limited am el gal, impudence having proud it the lout of ell elamluel tliMr presirsn. that., In all can, however, Involving the oppeerattso of the teetb. Ido Dabluttate to make me al it. dr to the quality of Milne or plop of sold. a numb/e -at widen I Inserted to the yenta ollt-10 am still bearing testimony to my wortramehip or perhaps should way protagonist shin. • , lilt us I eAAO - - I AL IISZIGILTLITY 01'7. Kurt aossasatis on Bird .1 kakr UM mamma sank of DIMLING BOAT AND PLANK, WINDOW IBAkill sturr. Lternaa. JOBSTB,' grouting. LAMB, PA. IC. Ea win • hit ardsrs IC BAwskr Brunt with rrompton. sad at ra ft rates. -14.1 k. Tressa wanttag.LOlM TUCK= cm M LA.% ars partlaalarly tainted to =mks kds Naas lalr Oise as OBAI BTTHIT, am Babbt,z. "11111 USkiLili 1"/IBIsfie. tiViitRAOLBEL Alb .—Notwltbstsadlag *ha tatswha at joalowt apootasto wooden, who swan to the *,tats ofOpt. tko PEBBLI Eir&O'ZAOLIII Ara tandr' bur 4a tha ;warmed anderannalta otcu @Mom All that b Liked fa in examine all What then call and examine th* 1t1N351101 M u lLll 4. l l ; ones. For Nola by' J. mason», Pricuom °Puglia. _ lisaViettrer of ttuk Waft: Rebtlititipalabe me r.Y 1f Nggsmit.;qt pod Binahz I PAUL-ell'a tits tht ' .thodaf Infoistitakt klub' sad tbs pukka generally that' we.** arm g=to =TRACT Tlit7ll VIITEIOUT PAIS p a rantkol of Dentistry.. Than who 'Eau tors posapiatog this mach dreaded patios may now mach- Omit hors ind 'se roan. at tk• Inle• Way wa but lama baa been atom/day wow imar. Miloacts2=l6 14: or star %Wank Itattay used. AX ttmw "Wog tks savior of a good tad MIN*, Dantlat iutoonesatsidtk... 'stemma No. 47 141914213A1 - 0 11317 .44 - . ' Oir pot Okid rialTiderai 0 1 4*;4 01 9 A • Af. . .AZ9, it. satfizra*ortota. 15=zifiliiiiiiw - A Tirsx t s. 06, - _. rm. =DUMB: 111141-.1311,1011. MAN• ...P. - airs... 4 llo:_vsn: - .. - - - . ...,_. ._ z ••.. Maktpmest.AsllCrit—tio.i :: as dishrilla MID 17 Y. . . ~... lIIIIKHIrah 165 MUTT - 5711111 I ,ruts . 'it i nti i nt i i maim mans or , rtur Pones. A A Parremzer DirJl94, ub ' wry maws we erromerrtir worbri • r 4.1 n V. man. BBONMILOILROW d CO., • =um - etas AND 0111/AXIETAL ' FAMOUS. °gammas AND GLADIEIDD i ' • j l4 ‘ in "MEW sintn, it :ltt atis Uß t : wra Zai . mers la3o . u . lox 0244 Ito, A. 4etiw at ii body stiff ilKa otriota. 0114,:orto rory nriimmanwr Lodi/LT. pupa. MB .001.0 isuW►. w ATKA, - art.% P44-041,ft ;gag:brat And Via datiolata'lo3l Critikid 6ndilaiLifa, siiii • . . . 100 trett i ltrVret. r- V " A: 1 4 11 24 sad for isle by LITTLIIILTETSBLX ;y cwal ant la and U 6. 1, stmt. Tat SI M. --- Sol. term EZEZZ3 OVTIOR NAT/ BOLSI L ,~ ..,~! . - 1:4 11")41.; , e 4 .4 4,1.4*