"~ .~.. ~{ - _ #~ .. ~ STAB 4 FROCERS sonsunnois Oks. *7 sad 29 Palthield Minot, ainket erneetran PA. Mb* ttir GORIeff,Y, v • as ...wzioLizara sn ;mom. uzzart Po. Et-evict Ahatiteteet of th hte win hoe the oohneva at the old :44i5e i 7 , 2 be to metro theihttoo*P of WI I " ftb adi hulkaltt leacriMa , .-. -i ....i—:.• ... I j osaiw a l o t ~,......J3VIEMBLEZOLZiaitt in PBOODUOI, jrzem= o " . &slob amour A. LARD 2 -li ........,00rrozi YeltErk sialli°ttsbaralAn42M th. 44. . 8,. ; - 4 D. 4, D. irDontlinsa.Amoza, laterN ta t i ):14U-CiEr4 W um au& Clammy Piazrocti Oiirmaorallap Jobbers fa aomm. - N. - 0 . suriAli end FLOM ailamila-BINWLB • sad MUM - 001/ To. =Lana* f 80.A 4 ca 0 901441. 1 .114 IN, ad • r To 11111ZEL,...0i. AliNam...... VIL Itittn"mg 7511= FORUM ',NittMuro ~,,111443 nonoinumeue lie and 123 Wocd POW Mae% &bon raft. ell. avow a~aa4 gmrpmmr omizerr suaivt=odealielfla_ ratainah Mx' In Woodums,Pittabitneyi"titir"s • * EO. B. - JONXI 4. l3 oNo.:Wauganu .ualirt arArmostioiNDasisto nazi/Lila\ROM, .11. 1 1 .11, ITCH • 4 Pittsbasgh tosi tmbear o ed o /41,Wake 6 rtZ, above the Nowneshals • • _EON— RDIDEZT DALZKLL Nipnat• noDuaiZt a Cts . nitro nanimmitorm...4o.- LAMEMETOZEPTO Birth N a 00., WXOL/i• LI tail Thurso n and Patninsa Disataw NO. B strata' Pittsburgh. Pe. - Tara r~r WM. II WILSON • W 'me G V - cm, Quaanoa Essaitarmi MiliMalandlealhvi".l2 tzsdave i osty atm*,aaditu . m an.° lo3l3 r% 168 LILT. icontral, t idazaii,imamsm 'Mitamiart% sad dada, 11 n /46. SO Oistoat Slraat sizseL rittahrat..• • - -s. anwesni. a :DILWORTIi OCP,.Wacorawa .• • I ff aciarAaCia timid amt. raa .•• • • :VEER BLOM CO. yerucuasaza Ozo ur um 0 0113101:01 ibuigiA,lo4 NO: TAM" xttva A a mggeps.au,S assus i z Idbu ty mho dtLetorill" CTIIRICRI7 D - . - * W: - BENNETA - 00 ar i orno nom CHINA Alit _ wrOxiuss en.T. ;rum' U N .aatkui. o. 71 Purrs le„-F • szleraLLlL P. Lem ItAr/L .14CMPHILL & CO., , MA lima' ri barera, pear the PIO Watat lrorix Pittab: l'a; Xaalahetann, at litA AND .11tPLILIMBOVIID rAraisOSUILLAInCiarEWICXSIM Ain? SLID_ I 3nLIMIte, of audiairtodiawestykk ;.- • uniqputv_wit.motax.o.buip awn, ail M the min v=44, woro-gazorod-4.-6,b =eb. . bhat. sad fonds work ht t ltoo, tannin by plotoptooni sad nkoehoroot o r of oin *Fork. to morn will:pont:onto. ' , Wit lan*" .action to oar BALANOND YAWN . LLT/NO iNGINNO, an combining Winheretofore Unattehrea In Ws claw of twines. • logstlyd jOiSNyk r. i -, utriint .4X) , Dorms of Pint and Liberty Moots, Frrtasiniail. Po, ILIIMUITIIIII/1/-01 MU P 1411103/: 822411 zmunkl, awattirsay, ac, • zoillott IMTIUBLGwACIA ma Sr.; 11DO MMED3001111anD AD, • Mr sired or obaied SlMEDs'asillriV• inrirrtr or mon. *M. to oi•dor it :hart notior. ruod-amortmart cratirtmUrre bor. rayllolo Llg it CO., No. Yli Tv Meaty street, oopaLA BIUM ilto BaAND th, Plttaba maufoomcnsm of WHIPS, BWI ZS. and oi'my demorlptloo of LEATH= BILUDIED WORE. Orders soiloft.xttrozitho iab, sad good, Prompt. Iv 'Wood .. our Instrootloso. fedutmelv, N. A. T. T. CLUIM4. EXCELSIOR GLASS WORK EL-- WOLTE, PLUNIEZTT a 00, Asa liszoraa. of lirst, amuse. W Pitts arehouse, No. Wood street, CO M'burgh, Pa. eaklyd MUSEC, MIIB/0 AID MIDIDILY, learstaczarti. &Ai agent kw INABA Itt 00.11 P/ANDB, HARM 2106. PUNA and MIMI & 00.11 IMOD& 018. No. 49 Mh atom; mooed door above Wood, Pthabursk tor now. Pa. saVlsalos to La, and taken ax• Osage solo Ajadßll, KO. , Mumma 'us 'mono Arm smut los ant sole manta four iltalawa rgh. Pit ra ot&britted: PIANOS, Na. 69 tsbu &Pe' tl 01:1L1Ylig Daum:, =Plaza Xstommoas. ha.. No. II Weal 5/2104 become "berth Writ and Diamond alloy. Pittatrardb ' DEor'TZSTRP. _ „ ..... ADAIII3, - Thorner Onurelly'a vvinesing; maw of Disamrsad Claud Meats, litrouNcipDr. at. ..rozioci; Ea* Tbscolore DAUM Zama 304 - .4alagGly ISOOKLIWGERS. WAL G. JOIGGSTON A Oa; Swam* _IL- as, Busts Boar' XiErnorazaas, AurD Jas rourrior, No. 67 Wood Atte oedo • Irk -00., lioauxuass Ais Sup ALL - warm, No. 66 Wood Strome, oszt door to tho tomer of Third, Pittsburgh. Va. BONOOL and ZAV IMlLfbxedsatlyAn band.. L. READBoonitssaz AND S HORNB, , Thum nr 'ft* u- MOO litaintmule Aso Baur Goals, No. 7 que RATON,lLszum_a_Dau n , ammonynna. II set v save stmt. L'STATE 44ux.rrs. WARD Thurots ur PAW. liiriLajnitkiorto, , Bons, Yoltouitio, sad au mains lb: wary. . cott mom LOANB MALIK my "mg Thor vistitog to loom tbotr Tao* to good ad? ow always tat Ant and we m ld olio ow at tos Ito. Wit oonmodottioaosnal latordnes 'Wetly coo& atilt. ft% Oroot qtroet, oppotito Paull 'p j )lj WALT; vr.frAinats, neasiasp*o:,llo. stwcidai, K. I Dodder mom : I • • • O. 00111 HAM STRAW ULM. • ....,,ells. • 7" • 8...„0 /04 aslikek; PRIM Olialoss, Sid Pau. llPsag. Zemke. Munk 00 1, NAM) sad • greet vs:Mt othim ertdelea tn t Ohdrhe Uneott the ludia Rubber De s pot ot SIAM Mm. J. 11. Panaara TAttdeL Lorunz WKLitioNti, t h. este Prritmer that Is wermuted to glee int. hteoldon. MU and etamtne them Deem parolealan ed.mettemn- /Dr We br -- --4.164/. DRUM" De. de end U es. CUR Smelt. -,,-,-,4,',.;;;',.:'ti! ‘ 7,%W V ,vg5)3;:rf.--.. : 47 . 4. 7:'! ,4-, ' : ' ,.., ' - :! . ,' , . , -' 5.1 -'.,`:".'!, 4 , -'••. , - . '','.• MIIII CRLL4AICOVII GIRDS DUQUESNE BRASS WORKS. WBOLZIAIII CIROCIEBtr CADEAN & CatiViVFORD. Itsatabetanai of vain nrlety at fizabbd BRAG WORK FOR PLIIIIBIRS, EiTRADI OR Ges•rirriae.% KAMM/1m ARO OfireKitaKrlmp. 4 . BEAM GAITINGB, et aB description; nude to order. RTLUIEBOAT WORK, OVUM AND GA& PITTING, and IMPAIRING promptly attended M. Piutkettep &Ratko paid te ern Kllplhri. arse YOB ocoALL rawatanoor omit Mao, Sole Aosta for the Western District of Penn. Weenie im the nits of LAIRIDLI 00.13 PATZRY' SYPHON PUMP, the beet seer • &mated. Riving no Tiflis, It b not liable to get ant of_ order, and will. thew mare water than any Resits. sale BABBuths, IJ. A. L. WEDB & DEO., arm,. y fraet sud Cbramose BALTIMOSE, itimansirrs,. end Agent' tho solo of DV11 . 011213 GIIN POW. JAB AND BASJITZ &Wye on oonifinunnitall kinds of Western Pro. den. and soaks advances thereon. N. 8.-11.11rOod track in front of Wareham*. Tam TO • _- Minato H. entith & 00.. Pittsburgh Killer & Butetsoa, & Uri liforconts• lisititnore i R. Do. n=o sm., FIGD ()01'.8,1861 Dithridie's Patent OVAL LAMP Olionairs , muunotaree ~ XX FLOM GLASS. Thew Wawa are lr.tendad ror the Oat game, which Mathis all Lana of t a tMllgtlati,D,dari not arpro it g o N. D. DITERLDQE. • - /art Pitt Glisialf W ortur • sabiti=gana. l a Al - I.lretr ANUY Flint" j -anizasswardwor Font alums run ceps, ootaasa • oi,orss, Sears variety and style of the above rood, on !ea i and far We at ts-TtlicL WORKS, PITTSBOZWEI, PA. MIL BROTEM & CO., 111 91 QUALLITI .121111N&D OAST STILL, VW •- - - &VW% . I rial 1110,_0_04.840z.'0f ..11 rAzon, Warzantael to 14 grt 6 1112.flea .pt! mant/D,etated In thy sorodids sod WareboustOi. In .14161 /MT sad 120 and LW 914,14.46/D ISTKILIZ6, 1/ttostrgh. 6.11:119 W EiftuDS.—diseing Apia 'returned fatastbo-lsot, ti havellbwia stars as intact sirs aiscrtcseat of saw* sad deldrablo BOUTIO 111.7.11 Dealers cart be supplied with lAD 1 LS, ISSZS' and CEILLDItElti'li - BOOTS, GAITERS raid rextrs ,b/10221, whit slight advance for osoh, at FCg. lalallitl , g ---- f --- ----------------_A‘XM , BIWH. AC CO., Vai.l.rP Foutroar, Pttraburadr, Pa. If zattrWasteseras, lio. WI Liberty street. eauguttgom OWS; PASIZE 6ND IaIS.T. 130 STOITS, PAS.LOR AND RITOMIN GRAM, HOLLOW wrks, eta., Steel sad Glue Welds. lretn. lag kill Glatings, Mill Cakin e g Gan, Water and Woo Pipe, Bed Ivo Dog Irma, Wage* Berm An gar gar Kettles, Pulleys, , Oar Wheel., Oettplir sad Oartinge generally. Also, dobbin and limb c Oartlage made to Order. Patented Portable WI, .41a gum or Hon. Poonr• • apl4Ami ILLIco. ,14,4 Belief T Blake= akad kiteet Iron Workers, PENN NEEXAT, Noe. 20, 22, 21 and se. liming manna a tterd and tarnished It mit t ! the mostuilmpromd demription' 7,; B 0 Tele= the man manaerr. mashnted equal to any made in the Donato. 4211212111'18, BBIOTIEN, ZINN BEA% STEMS P1P15,-.1.000110TP/11 BOILERS, oommisemas, 13ALextzTusa PAES,ran, TA.NNS,Nowa OIL STlL reaus S, AGERITATDGOCA, lES, SUGAR PANS, antrioia . miktstactotere of BALM. HILLS' PATNNE 11011128. Repairing done on the aborteet notice. 4•1541 puttlfdle ellakani UK MAGIr 113:11.& _Ls; In fl oz. bottom In the yoror of Powder. It hi l anfltlaiftlairpoilkl - prf.toreafto over - tholktild og ittakoratof Nortkogs sod rood Mineral Warm, &LIMA Powders, awl other itrottor articles. When taken fa lb. tooralog malady, It ILA an ad rftr.lll. effect on Qs mend system, remoras ocnortlpstkfti, consalati krlttitokand cooling off all &Ulla cora *lntik Prioallfranto.- • Lbld by Nostni. • NAILIINITOCE J Co., Pitt. ...kr...4 tbe Iffaanlactozy, No. 1.93 Oprlng Now York. LYON `AENISTIIAL, bi.porrai am) HAVAN Ha pi the most velem bandslT. of OBNNB AMM.. sad ell kitu BNtt of I7f, F AItIOSIN 'AND' CHIMING TOBACCO IIANO!g HEBINKHLAIIN P. 1114, TUBIAB,./to., A0.,..t0 grmt earieti, h, CND= TIM BT. OHABLEB futthurg • H. B.—the Tondo rupp de. on ikooni term. mplt:tlt CITA 8 0. BALEFART, Produce & General Com Mission !heehaw MXBOILLNDIEIr BBOXII4 And dud.= In all kinds el 0 0601111 r PEODUO/L so. Ira ozzarr erszar, mmay Prezastrass, Pa, JOEIX MATE &SBVILLE, (sueoessors.sa .A. Tate. Jr. a 0o.,) PRACTICAL M CAS ANDATIML =maw seas,. taPLUbikcy Eft, Plidatnnini and:/dce 69-T•dwAl SteseralkAltßEßS, erizr, lump an land and will tairniab LEAD PIPE, SHEET LAD,--DAB -LEAD;CHIH-HOB -11YDBADM KIOWU BATE& WATER BATH Tusik_zarr, ram .ua sun pumit,air. DEA uhlo RAMS, CHANDELIERS, PENDANTS, MUMMA, 4/x). AD work warranted to ere j oaks. wvailawa I 11 IL AL it.t.uki wally Inform the dawns of Pittsburgh. thei OR he haa been appointed sole scent for the eale of Alen • Itoe's a•al CZKIINT APPl3.oatteotays PAIN. They ere teoconmentled by thatergest home In the dry, mann WM* NI -: OWIF, 81•11Lrl a Coe rail a Co.,lloaftnies Atko., i Co., Zoe, panmut A Co., -- _ Jrt vo . • Gas Azo Smut Yams. Patilogar attaatka oda to th• fitting op. ma maktri.ar of OIL BIM . H;s -AiLtinai of/lA.4U AND MOE WE 8 ski& to 0rd0r...Ab00033,148 TAVZHIGIB, of aU Wm* raatta at the akoriait sotto'. - orasuldtat Mo. ALA of WATilig maw, bapriamaly I M • Itolam e l t p v7esea rotrfis iftlft oits le a t fi n i r e m n tu e * bWmn dpbr too ab.a mr a o c L at - et wdyf myap au• • 111'111241 _ , 17 191011110218 eg , BA= PAT, and =hugs' • m lieserizakm, collseted y ths • • t. r, at the tollowiag rates via Anatolia b , gin • • were Wain% . - C. o. Tan ,o at , Gita3 Grant street Attune,, Pittsburgh, kaw Pa. are =de li tharlabst ono CO tail hi NKLI. • • 60 bbl. extra /sadly hour; WO tbs. ribbed Bacon Bider; 1000:" clear 1. /or rel COO .k Eboa l y de r ► rlowWmwlol U t,b 6s . Li berty et. WILL m, AttE arDwelling cavil Bout at roo klechairreeWAr and lot of (rowed eighteen tut bunt on Ann street, Alleghent by Aftydtve dein. f osiesdon in three seR mon th ly tf wanted. Apply to 11. VIITIIBIIIITA BONS it Market IS bb on laud and " 2 ; • 21 & - iTALTMLICa 80/3 • Oillutd 70 WAN? as I s — l!,u amxtbizlo TO .a 4 LIT. Apply rime fresh. 8ut .1.1 hut nocelsed by . expesi. ibr We try WIRD ir WILK IBSON, 21? Liberty dr/rt. tittigiblifii AND ISlititt—A few -LI San pglynoi Butter, lied I bbl. Ittp just reeelvett by*sprees. • win ! WILKINSON, abb SIT Liberty street. t - ALIALA MATS Ain) OA Pt; 1 1400.11 D & Co.'B No. 131 WOOD STEEZT. IllatiaLscturan Of Adapted to to. soma' GEO. ALUESE,EOI9 • 00.13 151, it. armor Wand and inarth rts.. _ _ IstiOLCITION.—The Co-Partztentiiik eibtillff between the ender tbs Ann name of ERA!, BUDD an 000deratignekaptred tide day by limftettoa. The badness he oonthrned by OtimiLlto N&P , by ehmet all *two, due to oe Awn the tees Arm win be rifted, CHAIM= !NAP, n/0./f BUDD, 4 0 LADY. WADAL +. Jai let,, , 11:11m JAMES • itanalioturr at OIL 01 vintop, , . QUA ASIIIIONIA: Ordenleft et WM= Holme Co.'s Ogltte Nee tur of Mutes arta :frit streets. ertli secetee prott .i. attantloa. j p"l'RobiTßon WORSE, umivriannui mai *Winn await cm, siongasa' um PNITIKILing 1.1=1:111a. OM - I *wit, tin inkiamiad 'bortals i vn„ , • BREBII it GRAZ"; a, ar oaks, manongsbet. Roo* mos MerißY.—An Anal** NW . Zfli .LTA ion on Sti*Blt ottlimey. In Ito am* phi: portant itad practlosl Vista. By Oluttlas Ta ti ", " . c. l, l lta bd h .. I NUL& 2tUlftSlCl OLOTtI, imitable for 1 Army YdsAkatm Jar& madvad at dm India nab bar Dpot, Mt 22.8 t. Walt. ai /a L PHILLIPS. 30 : bat u tz. ih bege AMAMI Maw Jan :valved by WU . * W 1411218011. ME= PITTSBURGH, Pl.l.;rOS. AiASON & HAMLIN'S OABIBIST ORGLIIS, In WALNUT, OLE AND IiOSIWOOD OAUB combining the teaming new sad valuable Impel' menet : Antaemagio Bel2eva Ewa. Irma Er ik = lif=a qf Sorb. 2r. Nos Vadat; and • Onnafnattea V Pr toes from $7O to $1.50.. The cheapest and bat instrument et the- kind rude. &thetas tar mall Obarebee, Pabbath - Boma, li Send for a dreohir. U Wood NNW, Mts.:crab Solo Apnt foratimint be Pittsburgh atid vicinity. . ._na.atratr lir In ABliit— tr I. I.)Q /ARMS —' lIM :s vldott for po w? And . of 'kJ:bow and agreeab!a tatirk - ; beauty di nobly hare, W been ' ' . aarivalied. Asia the tilaUrs mutts o i ce I:Ulla:3,, we *odd rater Was eettfiloatea of ma •tenco to one paeseadOn, from Tbalbory, Strakosoh. CE nattex and ff. Iflsortelmota, as also nem Nem of the bolt Cittagefihed Probes= and Aztatentra to the country. . beentatil new' Hoot of 8/ 1 / 8 1rIr PI &ROO are now befog aeleotatby SU Itiloitulbers In Italthoore. OHABUYITALIIMMis. aril 3 . 43 Itft'etreat i'seeleed the, 1,11167 OLA/S8 MUM. 2 1.3D41,, et the Weetel razz. London. LSedk war Wemnited inparlor to ell others In may re. seem A new stoat of the above)set enteptg. WV' note Amoy thb &Heat Ix the Shifting Plana et EL ICLIBB*2-k RUM "Set 50.153 Wltth strut. JffISCMG.L.farBOUS. A Vltirell SLIPPLY HIIIPHREY'S dPIOIIIO UO2IE4PATIIIC REMEDIES 11'011 TEI PIIOPLIL Win or 8P201270 22111101:121. No. I—ror fmr, Oragaattoulad Inaaatatatkin. li B Por Worst Tam, Wane Cola; Waft. 0.11-- od. No. 13—For %No, Crying, Taatitag sad. Facial. Ursa of infanta Oompl No. I—For Martha. Moues lalatitatk'iltd east- Clar anti. No. 6-Ifor GAIN firlytaga, Insane, at , Eloody No. No. 6—lhar Matra, Molars llorbent, Vatatas. 7—Yor cocoa, OA* latasaaa. BON tt rest. No. ft—dfor Tank_ _ •acite, Paiserdwo, Iffaaralribm. of No. P — lormadaolut, %Mao, Mat sod tho Mad. No. I Dylas a Pflar.lior WWI sad Dori:4W Stomach. Ooaa aad later Oca=l. No. 11—for Irralfalarltier, ty, Palatal or Bappromad Period& _. No. Liaatrrhaa, Pronto* Meassa, Mutts down of Taaialo. No. No. la—do 1.4-4'or gyp, Boma Cough, Bad Ikratblait. k Wawa. Plaa—lfor Cri , Bro atpdaa P• Wu, PlarPleara t the Mora. No. 16—famakame ritia—For Pah. tramaatma &reuse to Mast, Dart, Loam or lAntba tialitt—easlaal Zagadoca. Involuntary Mahan. area !Sart oa N.. re Hooch, or Ottawa adatto or an. dram, Zia 50. -I.lrinory !noon tinemos, Watling the ihfd !go. 31—Painiai Potions, Promise or !puma 3 Z—Starigrlng al shone OLIN Finsinn. dn—EpHam and Ispasson Mons, et. Vitt n —nor Paver and Agog, OM Arm, Dumb Ago% Old id lanlonairsldenosc P—irerSkfinjuackir St Vs. tame o—For etc*, Wank or Indaniod Iyan and 1 170116; radon, Weak or Blurred eight. o—kor t.lahstrb, of long stagoiltsg oe suloot, &Wass with &Infraction or pfueun ~ dliabarge. , —Por Whooping 00 .gbathatIng lie If:aim:a . .. , . For Saimaa or P 511455. 1015.3105, L. Cored Brgattlag. ationded Ctaapaad Rapadtly. melon. Price, GO amta pt km..., ?or Ear Diodiarge, rut Dreassa-otiii the Xax. tbo malt of Ikatha Zeus. arsmOmor • 6n....ba. v.:. Rowe to ItirßiMidi nallisaii or Haar. s sod 11 / 1 1 . 4 fa , .00? . Z + 4 anyt.ianiactu. 'Pram. amitil Os/ P., s,oo,ss . — ltabu'Dd Otldda. Istarrid add fin. &mato". tomftrowelltnas aid Otd MK" .---, datara kna Oa& • y or MWnm...:tatoa. lidaiatipat 100.. lor 024.1 dtility:—loralilaa' soma Week. DOW, ,It She result of f -it akdam XicaaslYi 'Midi. (26001 i or ratans dui Disallaygm i'rlda, 60 mkt, to pa beur.. For 7151 d Acetusslllattomy Rtutilld _llll4O. tap, with scanty liaarattona. Iltai, Mx par boa. re., se . sofrawa.—Daatkly ' Volyttph Xad• ea, ' , multiply., and tflatuisr tram or wpm, rrior,.oo conurvr torr. . , A. Vii••••• ”emeasa,—lfor Walsh Zoos! Osiaili, Diklimit, PatrataiThrhi4ma of ; tb• Eklady& Prite, 10 maga •tpr box; • Far &Wool goiow , terottiorrirt 'Mentor and Oonsagasot Prostratloa sad Datp.Mty. Tly• mail iticesaatul mod otaciectretnenty 15505ny Mir pay be r 1051, - cp.. es • cam ilic4l2 tax . :bn. . JOBN IL 2911.T011, Nos. 67 AND 69 Piiew Bolt Arabi for tha w.waa:m.0%717 intalr" M 0 I Wit—The undanigned hating pruchesial the retire dock loom the long oa. tablhhed beam of Jr. a_ MOQHMIL wonliginnoune• to his old - edekmal and His puddle Id. removal to mars itt Liberty meet s petal occupied by J. B. eleoone,) white elms. and complete stock of 8.4 Clam' end Shoemakers' Leather Itidlap, Hideo, t ilk de., tan be brand, sad anomie raise. 0. ff. AtiphifaKirl, lin. 111 idbuty itnet. T N RETIRING • FROM. THE lILD 1 AND L111.711118-HDBHOHLI mat -ble=l oartmend oncoateer ee".l man of strict is=y , sea good boatmen mialilleaUona. For mome to come I will anitinne terecenpy Hr.42IDIUL vOle'S coonttogitam, and will take gnat planull $3. la Introducing Oho to mg. barinmeraccnalacTe J. 11 a+ ==l pARTNIIRtitiIr - WAN tals day laseeleted with an In Ur E businessMt- A. J. Dtihi ft hits the-Ans tobio EMMA 6111451 DULL, the perhasslip to take sleet thh day. " The Oilbneinees beweested Cl by the andenfgewd ssasretedges u — M., sem, this. BMX t agars. JACOB was. sukssazir sum mans, I. BM REEttit; GRAFF DULL, MewArgaren awl rtw= of ash 814111 sod aarla ACOUBBilded garimago vs rk silky o: eakbai tads Wad of iron • spsoftlfkr, nspeothiny dolga re • sha of as Leads stm err ts. O M* comer of eniltblls lA and Wats; Tort Pitt Youn• 11 0ENT , OILVORKS. DIINCIAN, DUNLAP 1 Op. lunabolinew PIMA WHITS RjUITRIID OMinOH-GILL Otbs, N 0.1191 Llbarty drool, ==:l pnveßusen. Pr.r.7I7.SBURGII G Vfitsinirgh • S. RIDDLE & 00., EDITORS 4FD PROPRIETORS, Publication. Office No. 84 Pittb Street. .KOMIRNO BVIENIMI KDITIO-NEJ,DAILT. OONTAMING TMI LATZBT SEWS UP TO Tab HODS or PUBLIOLTIO3 FRIDAY MORNING, AUG. 14. W- TEEMS OF THE GAZETTES No!imma Berm, by aukil. per year-48 00. cars& ct, maw's, west:— . a stogie Loam Sorrinn, by 01 /81, Per To ler.-- 8 4 month—. M. .4 • week-- IL single 2. Mon= Cornell, dolt.eoPles, par year.. 2 00. a clubs ot Bto 10, a I 60. • a dame' lOor more a.. 116. —and one extra to the party mending club. /or a dab el fifteen, we .114eend the Eviono GAUT!Z daily. Per a dub of twenty, we will met the Mounts GAIXVI2I deny. Bingle °ogee, 5 cents. sateariptkneowsioatl ethrentee, end Men away. Stopped when the tine alo., The Pittsburgh Poet and Its: Kenj. lucky Friends. The Pittsburgh Port, like the New York World and the Ociparbead press gensrally, denounces General flntualde for proclaiming martial law in Kentucky before the late elect , td,:n, and preventing disloyal men from vot ing, according to s law, of the Beate Well', whioh' tar punt duties the late" union of the Legislature. Thieopperheilde, of donne, ' I desired the sums, of the peace party, headed by Wiekliffe. Bat now that Wickliffe has been defeated, they must needs set about con soling themselves. The Poser way of getting at consolation ouluditates In the following : The only Mame between the perdu in. Kenbroity L that ;one Is for the Union bj fighting If necessary, while the other is in alined to peewee; but both are.inexorebly op. posed to the leading uteasturs of the Wetland' Administration. That hi all very well, for the Poet to say, under the tdreumstacoes, and we ems hardly forbear to wish its effort thus to distil some drops of comfort from the fact that its rebel sympathizing peace friends were beaten by loyal Dcasoercre, as mush encens as will at bast render its pain tolerable. But at the same time, it is zeceasary that the publlo should be informed how loyal Kentuckbuis regard the friends of the Pees—those "Inclined to pease"—for whose defeat in the lets oleo. lion it still mounts, spite even of its own ion, oolationo. The Louisville Journal, the day after the electiolf, said : Many of our people know net, and probably they will never know, what dreadfulevils they escaped yesterday by the crushing defeat of the disloyairmodidstss ,W s . fktlytare 'weri deeply fearlisl of the rutin, for we knee , what vast Advantages our opponeats in some respects in the contest. If d triumphed, the Genial of Kentuckymight have thrialted 'woe tweet wort' But the danger is past. Truth and honor and patriot_ bus are victorious. The clouds tf treason ire dispelled; and thst pure blue sky, think and glorious with stars, is bending over us. We shall hear no more about the withhold ing of the men and money necessary to the proeccution of the - war. The disloyalty that has been sonde, and threatening le rebuked. It hae modeled-A Ittfaa thatt Is not ely 'to forget daring tira rent i brief days lik . insolent crest is bowed. Kentucky, deeply aad bitterly as she mourns We awful war, will, in her own strength and the atreogth of heaven, prosecute It until the Union shall be restored; and mays merelful God grant that the time be short." The Rebel Pira.es and their Build. ers•-Letter from the Chairman of the Naval Committee. Mr. Laird, member of the British Reuse of Cesusons, whose shipyard, at Liverpool, has furnished the rebels with a piratical force, to commit depredations on oar commerce, lately . emitted in his place in the Souse, that the Bodoni Government had, through the Secre tary of the Navy, made overtures to his firm to build war vessels for the United States; and therefore ha was justified In building pirates for the Mils. Mr. Wants fiagy dales that he, or any one authorised by him, or Me department, Over made each overtures 16 the - Leteds.. The , , whole lontreversy taming, therefore, on it question of fact, the fano wing letter will be read. as cionalusive, , Ike ;tau t It will be 'eon (at the Brftfih skipbuiltr ; laving lint . his agent tolifr. Weller; ifuld ng rebuffed, falls at onus to work-in building a navy for ' , our misguided brethren." Ihrrn Amu' HArac, N. Y., Anglin 9thi 1863. To Williams Faxes, Atq , Oki,f Clerk Il l avg Depeiel aw a /MLA Bra:—.l was sorry not to be able to see you again la Washington. I wanted to say that I bare a fall reooMeHon of all that matter of Laird's building ships for the United States. It may have passed from kir. Welles's At • At the special susion,Waly, 18111,) Mr. J. Howard, of New York, muse to see me, a, Chairman of the 'Committee ea Naval Allalre , and produced sundrydrawings, spkiisations, estimates, he., ho., from the Lairds. saying that ha same at their instance tomato these proposa him , the Navy. Department. I told to go to the isecretary, which . he did, and be told me that Mr:Walks derdined entering into any. negotiation about it. Mr. Howard wail sot ray Well pleased with the result. I saw him several times. 'Lora. same it is cormapoadenee with him whkk Laird ale path/died, although I kayo not nen it. The truth is he wits an ageat otLaird's ; not In any sense of the Na Mat If apt Laird's spat, ha *mks mere volunteer, perhaps ug h a by from Laird; but be was furnished by him in adrenal with plans, estimate , he...fts, • I am, very truly, yews. General Logan When tholfedend army ander Glen. hio• Dowell was about to Aare froa Washington, July 18,1811, to give battle to the rebels en. der Beauregard at Manassas, John A. Logan was in Oengrou and supposed to be in sympa thy with Vallandigham, (lox, Ben. Wood and other friends of lb. Booth. Without inform ing any almonds luteations, Logan jotted a Massehustts regiment u • private, and shouldering a musket took his plate in the make, not knowing, even by name, an tater or man in the oomouid . Kb - was .in the thlok of the fight at Manama on the memo. cable 21st of July, 1861; and whin the federal troops robasted to Ahmandrai and Washington, Logan, who wee slow ,to leave the batta.fiold, got eeparated from me infant, was taken prisoner as • aupposed rebel by a equal -Of Blatiker's (Jar man troops, who treated him pretty roughly, and curled him sang alder guard to Alex andria, where he , was kept for two day. in the guard house, his captors speaking no English sad he not sasiminted with the Genius. Yinslp he_ zit brought hifore_Gen. Blanker [and interropted.4..De declared himself - 111 Onion volunteer; but /la tot/Wu name of Ids regbasots ^ olosPiely- and Whom ••• Of save. - thil'ilas anfirmstion strati of their eapitions; for Login dida6l disclose thefact Ma hews/ colfilralk4lll.; Ha was °aired lack to the guara'afiuil• • t , On awing headquertete he was recognised by mother • Congressorke happen ed to be there, who 11,00 n maisted his captors and General • -Monitor that, theilhad for- pis. y G. _ ._ ...... oner Sohn A. Logan, M. C. Some months af terwards he became oolonel, next brigadier, and is new major -general of the United, States volunteers. Ile fought at Belmont and Tort Donaloin, in both whiok engagements he was. k t merely woi tided. Logan is a great ffigirrite wherever own, especially in Southern /W -oo_ ,le where he !ensiled the idol of Egypt. In person str a i g ht medium height,.perfintly formed and as an Indian, with long blank hair, regular features and dark com plexion. Iris political come before the war is remembered as "old Hunker;' and his southern friends and 'allies counted manly upon him in their suicidal insurrention. But he gnhem tithaly notioe that there .mest berm Dominic', no interruption of .the Mis sissippi river. They heeded not his aunts% end he has - literally kept his promisa,-that the western boys will hew their way with theirswords to the Gulf of Mexico." ' - The Reaction in North tatollinaw. Grouch of the Union Feeling—The Hopelessness of the Rebel, Canoe. . The Union feeling 1 / 1 North Carolhm . ap pears to be constantly gathering strength, while the desire for peace seems to be almost universal. The Raleigh Standard of a recent date-gives expression to 'this feeling in an ar. Bole of great boldness.. It copies an article from the Raleigh Daily Progress, which ex presses great fear that unless the war is soon stopped slavery will be obliterated, do, and then adds: We agree with our cotemporary In much of the above. Bat we have no idea that. puce can Webb:bred upon our own' terms. The most powerful nations seldom succeed la doing that; what the great mui of our peo ple desire is a cessation of hostilities and ne gotiations. If they could reach that point, they would feel that` the conflict of arms would not barenowed, and that same settle ment would be *Maned which would leave them in the future In the sejoyment of Are, liberty and happiness. Ili is a greet crime especially at a time She 1 this, to conceal the tinth. We latead.to tell 1 the truth as far as we know it, let the eons* °Moss be what they may. From the begin: ning of the war until the present the enemy has slowly but sorely gained upon so; and but 1 for the extraordinary endurance and courage of our troops, his flag would now be floating at the capital of every state. We ham:lost ' Missouri, Maryland, Kentucky, Tennessee, the Mississipni Valley, l'exas, Louisiana,', Arkansas, and conaiderable portion, of other states. Vicksburg has fallen, as we feared many months ago it would . Port Hudson 1 has fallen ; Charleston, Mobile and Savannah I will probably go next. Gen. Les is attempt' lug to retire from Maryland with his spoil,, Lai so substrustiol victory has crowned his ann. ' Wears weaker today than when he crossed tea I Puma: inn Minima. Oar reunite in the way of conscripts will scarcely keep our wog& Mute Rail r oad we cannot hope to add mated- 1 ally to our forces. Cur./kiting population is I pretty wolf eatauted. ' Zossy6ody knows tffie-:- I tie North knows this andao date Si:rope.. On the contrary, our enemies, flash with triumph, have a large army in the fi e, and their president hellcat calledfor three him. 1 died thotteand more. Ile willget them. Tha movement on Penniylvania by Gen.lwe, and the fall of Vicksburg and Port.Budion have i hushed all clamors for peace in the North and ' have banded the people -there as one man for the prevention of the war. We hue goth, ing to hope for i.om foreign nations, and jut OA oar eauseis, we see no indications that 1 Providence is s lut to interpose in our be- 1 ' half. The war, bee, will go on. One side or the other roust tenor. Will five millions of whites coroner twenty naUllons of the same ran ? Will tray conquer a pease on the very 1 soil of than' twinty millions? Not in any event, if these twenty millions possess drib- Ina manhood and will fight. They fought et Sharpabarg and Gettysburg, and they worsted us, at the letter places. Northern trooas are Ow evaards—they fight nearly as well as Southern! troops. We 051100411.0h1090 signal victories rer them oe their own soil. What then 1— Ifthe worst is destined to over take us, woirld t not be wise and prudent to take loss than t • worst, provided we could do en compatibl y with honor? * *We We spoke jut now of the worst befalling our people as thereat:lt of this war. • What is the worst ? It would be the condition of pro vinalal dependene on the Federal Govern ment, each State' being ruled by a military governor, as Tennessee is, and the emancipa tion of our ;laves in our midst. That would be the worst. If lil4l war continua is it eat likely Aiwa LAW will /appear Judging the fu-. tun by the past, (sad we have no other meant of Judging,) we fear It will. What then? Must we rush on .to oar doom? Must the sword still wave and the strong arm of physi cal forcer otill‘exert itself, and no effort ta made by mental and moral means to elope the war? Why, North American savages tom* times bury the tomahawk and meat together to wake the pipe of peace. Ars. the North and South — Christians as we profess to be—more savage than the savages ? Those are sad truths, bet- we feel it to la our duty to lay them before 'du readers. We ;naps censure others for entertaining their own opinions, and we hate a right to uprose ours without censure from friend or foe.' Bat beruture,rand even the gramma sause„.ere feel mare we shall incur; yet • none ofthen Wigs move us • elan we know we are speaking the truth, for the sake of humanity and liberty, la the name cf the people ..-theraseines-whe taught to be, if thirareArol;-preetliallyriltil masters of us ell." • From a pleasant • paper in "Once • Week,l" devoted to Sir Boyle Rothe, the iooentrb Irish orator, we make the following extract's Thai far the pribirollfe'of Sir' Boy le .Boehil. There is now another view of him to bi oouildered—the pleasant little °biter dieth which have been put down to his score - and I which there is no reason to doubt' be ;sally gave utterance to. Alter all, it is natural to 'oppose that the constraint of paella "peal tog moat have fettered the bovine fancy and chocked the more frequent introduction of the eouvenational bulb; in the readings derided!' he is supposed to have had great skill. Many of these are Avidly preserved. I would give up half-{nay, the , whole of the Constitution to preserve the remainder." This, however, was parliamentary. - Hearths thatAdruirel Roweee l c , ta quest of the irenob, he - remarked some ; pleasantly that the t Admiral would ion "sweep the Branch dis from the face of the earth." By-and.bP came dangerous thou of diger: ' fiction, sod honest melee lives wore lnsentni. Sir Boyle writes from the country to • friend in the capital this diseoungig view of hie position: "You inay judge , "he sap, of our etate, erhen I tell you that I write ale with a !word in one hand and a pbtol the other." Oa one oecasien when the famous letter* to the Public Adi!ertißr were attracting unit 'renal attention, Sir Boyle was heard to tom; plain bitterly of the attacks "of a curtain anonymous writer coiled Junius." Si it was who re:wanted that marvelous art in gypthas. tics, when, in a tumult of loyalty, he • stood prostrate at the bet of 111 !"ora." He it was who denounced in withering language th e_ apostate politician who "turned his beck upon himself." lie it was who introduced to pub lic notice the Ingenious yet partially confased metaphor of the rel. "Sir," "Who, address. lag the Speaker of thelrith House, "I smell a rat. I sae him floating in the air—but; mark me; I shall nip ithu la the bad." It was Sir Boyle who !poke in &dingier= of the gentleman-with who.. family be wee consented- by merrier/es "He gave Ate hie ' but daughter, sir, "tie said to Sue of the professional wits of the Irish bat; "his eldest daughter, sir." To the wit replied: he had an older one h would have .given her to you.' hir,Currattused ha Oroully to inibt that theta strange bits 'or confusion - rime - 11l the •renilt of careful prepanstion:petthaps assresdi crediting that there °mad be. hunk • mind' with'suelt an inveterate eonstibiliOnid. twist to , it. In the Irish House these sayings wane welcomed with uproarious hilarity. There was the (anions speech which confounded gen-, °rations : "tdon't ewe, Mr. Speaker, why we should put °orioles' out of ;the way to move posterity.. What has ever posterity dons; for. oaf." Ana a little disoonoerted bit tiss burst of laughterthatlollowed end proesseled to explain hb'mossigne "By posted% sik, Ldazotroaari-our-anosaters,bat -thole who are' to eons hrimedlately after th em."' _ „ BID° WM( A Chapter of Blunders :<~f C' 1 His invitation to th e gutiessat • , his bush wai equivocal: . hos .1 pitable and well •• nt nue to my lo? rd, if ever .00me within a mile pe, of my Moue , y stay thus all *IOW' He who it..was .• ' for the proper amu.tone of the wine bo and proposed toTerliammt thatit should be • comulsofy that miry quart bottle s mild contain , • quart." "vary pleasant, and yet pellet* intelligible, was hit meaning— though-it unhappily took- the fetal bovine thart -- wile his rebuts to the slummakar when 1 getting shoesfor his gouty - limb's : "I told you to make one longer than . th• ether, and instead of thatiyou have made one smaller than the other, the very. opposite. Still, he could - hit hard, and fer ono, avoid ed hie natural blundering turn. Mr. Churan stated he was dieing the guard ian of his own honor. Sir Boyle retorted: ~ r wish the honorable gentleman Joy of his dnecure." I Tai MILITARY SITIIATORriIe Washiel. ington - Star says "We 'axe able to assure the publie that the military prospect in ovary quarter is all that can be desired. Tito in formation that has reached here during the last forty-eight hours treats almost ezehuive• 4 of details that cannot prudently be pub- Hilted, but we have no hesitation In saying that at no foriner period of the war have Our milftary affairs been in so promising a oondi. tion as, at pressat." . • OILS, ifc. R. P. MI./INDS, COMIEIBBION MERCHANT MUDS 4 D ,lISPLISIZD OILS; SLAT BOATS LIIMBIR, 192'AVIA /to., &a. Mrolllaelzi PX2BY BLOCK, fronttvg A.lbriny Wharf. Pittsburgh, . : /IV yd MoOORMIOIE it CALLENDER, OIL BROILER% 211 an 213 eolith Water et. atm pollolied. 011(0.4.00,4 . • _ WIZ XI • • Ln , ua R Caoaraacars,lnft Cl.y 011 Work.. Jura Purina, J. Palatar a CO. Jaw. R Cauxurr. am& Chalfant t Co. 1,42h1 • REDKR.* ULAELI, 0 0XXISSIOX 1112ILOHAITS, And rabotOrs In rETUOL6IIIII MID ITS PILLDUGSS, 0/bl/. C4LHDLIS, 61 BBOAD —...usw Tom 611 HAND 13P811NT...........—....—Ferreau5ea, Ofr u rii Iti•the PORTLAND SEZROOLAN WO SAW TORN PAAAPPIND CAIIDLJ 001 DP . Mc AMAIN, Agent, SD Hand 'inst. WALLACE ic CURTISS, COMMISSION MEROILINM And deans tx, cauDß Ifc REFINED PETROLEUM, No. &II NORTH BZOOND 57.11.26 T Storsgwatosolty (under cover,) for 16,000 bbia. Ms, exoelleot tecllities for shipping to American sod 'Foreign Ports, at our wharf en the Schuylkill Bits. near the plattonn of the Poona. IL R. Jekk,f BREWER, BURL &CO., commusioN Ezammiirs, agents of the mons, P&011/10 env LIBERTY. OIL lions& Liberal castiadraixes mad• oa coiaalinintate Relined or Crude Petroleum COIL DCODDIAI WAY AID ILAADANDL STARA; Ii Wi,E3ITY OIL WORKS, LYDA I' # CIIIORPENNING, lianaAwl:wen !mita Retina" of _ • lIILBMOB OIL, BBBZINE AND LBBBIOATINO OILS, and &alas In 0 Uit B.P.II.TBOLBVI. ea - Works. oPPolite BoallibEIT; Moe In PZ6BY Annals", Way, WALES, WETMORE ,t CO., co.rami,sexorr zi.v.zicEtn.NTd. 1 1 1 111P,P/C6B OW PATII.OI.IIIOIIt 'LW MAIDEN iiNC.ll,llw TOSE. Mr Ampr bal. &;t 6TORAQS AMA MP' PLISG, at ttutr yard sad wharf, Ern Hoax milirla ' 1:1114.14BN nook not b. _ex:Lbw:easel NI , _by the eaftesassas of the rata , whir they tea hest MOW 011 briefed - ' -mahout toasting the City Vilutrna, , Ne ebeep, arms prompt. saki*, aka, me limpet awl la beaks , . aria pa' OIL Allmkau Pang Rellioad. mamma lewrsei*: ell* alms -4/ 1 144101 tpais Os bests direct to ta• ilad - vow; 1 14 ,4 or Wat. eftlhoirvaap at All wain ,iiirommit holt flaneas " Oalailiddryv 902;' PI , - or I 'asn . boilini dilly SW" izabange.' • lipAi!UnkloNt . *ARUM it ; Comathiton and'Forwarding It:taws, O.IIIIDBI At REFINED P.ETIIOL.ROM, Sc. la apatir, P/21WIIMUL , Fooslipumpufs foi Pittsburgh or lashes Matteis. :.RI.; alsors4. if. Daiwa" Oa; _ . tbaxmlia ilaisiveu, Sq. . • Taosifscri B„Eir. ; Ckviistirolal I R°7-414T1114,n1;.': 1i0.1.15T: 010\14. Iflfigini.attitmror.', 1. i . Forwarding d 0010sii0; XllMOilli DRA7AX IS 00.4„,,, ' ' - 1 ~. ~ , . . . 11111 r1Li WILLNATINGI, WMUJ:wwith ORTall PileiioLlON•7o/44 dia.iliaistaitljit asi..__ltuati:aad tat• maikst. the lowarticurilrh , _,:welLsuogimpo Jut alba* ibuatruk." '.. • - -7:6 • , . . . ...,, . .. . eft v. itoureur.4.... WOODYnilar OIL 61110 deltii - HOZZAMM - 41F - 004 lowttrimpaina ontr:7;, ,z - •-• ; 401/KlNG Rll.AzDLussiactisnisa.ou:4. tra u nrantly'an 'Mirth. voi* 'pally pi .11 Oikallit sad f irtUi la darfaisois kood por•Marrilk 10/WE•ad OAR oiasiii• - ft is - A tionsonanii Wrougdyl44pided. to; Dwro,...,sivt!E!F /141112.11 &11.122, . 11 . 11 .M194 ASICAULIINO uasn on. „lig sitirtalliiti. • or z-, 4;1 4.4'. t ~. 14 jfitt, 12:1 WALNUT BE., PHILADELPHIA. CRUDE & Elltirpo I PETROLEUM. On Oonualudon onotnaltaly. 1111 chirps at moat taataztabbirataa • • 13T0860111 11X 7 / 1 910 In cool 1•.. r oßuDii anaer tood saws, or Particular attenttotfpold ta OIL toe EX. pont - • apla.l.—osueno, pdi SODA APII, do. C*ikfl lON, Grow r. Alison swam asogros. . - - --romiostpata. Ciliate audited edPetroleam, oiusno SODA Mgt ilnitaSTONt; DBPO2, MLA 4cas tio• • • • , • A'Cc4n to bkj cat cell promp4y attendeld to sal:ly • Dealer In 1 ALLEN it NBNIMES, PIEILADBLPIIII. Clonunissian Merchants. tortioalarationtfon JAM to coulgusents of OiyIDE dr f REJFINED PETa ui •' Idbaral adman; aiide. HENRY ROE, • No. 19 Now nowt Spurr, BIKNEYS AND MNICLBSION N:11101LANT Crake and Refiried Petroleum, LvneioArnsa OIL AND itiNtOLN, And dealer In Crude and Zabel. PETIOLZUId Ars t litwcArt.7l4 . ii.OPLES inaßraiiiiifiliv 1 7- Moe, N. E. oornor Wood and Fifth Se FIRE ARi)ORE IBBIIRAJICE. WILI. Phillip", _ . JAMS D. Varner... Join, wals,• " - ' Oapt, :Mut L. Rhoads', Wa. B. Ham eszanal P. Bkrtraa.: Jokii-C: Parke," ' O•ory 240 ara, (Marko a. ifirmell, Da& l 4 Waliaaa.• Wm. Vaa Hlrk, O. /lumen LW% • . WA.PEIMLIPb, Avid/eat. ' +OEI3I WEert PUP 111W/ft vvrt. r. GA.I3DIiKR: noanterg. • AGAINST 11188 •BY J. PLIM-111411i/LLI9 1111 4.111481:1114.1i01 COY PANY - or PRILADEDPILLS: Dillon, 436 and 137 °natant Went, oft: rum. Pniuocurau. automata of A..., January tat, 11010, Fltbllabroo /1n agreeably to an act of ameorbty, being— m Elortgamw;amply aocured—_—_,4l,lsBE,M3 00 B To eal Fatale, (powl,al. 1108,214 63) coat 102,9E6 00 porarria.y Lome, oz. ample OM!stand &cu .... /21.1.96- Mothv sad Illla, (ptcra=o, valu $040t7 itkatE Ito ctv ..... 893 ..10 . 11041...•••••••••••••••••••••••• 817.919.00 Us ably prontafrom premlana • Which. this Octopaay eat MM.& by law are from risks which -ham bromflatemolied. • . Iniarance made on every - thacription. rdmow. ty, le town sod of:wintry; at fatal's' low aa inoonagoot with asnorlty. Blnos Moir broorperatlon Period of tlarty yoga they have pald beam by Ore tutu.' amount orcaed.h.g Pow ifialow• of , Dollars, thereby 4100thi mama of the advantages of initinutco; set Well al their Malt ty sod vllaporatoa Meet with . Iwompittam JI bpsme . Aosta dodos tho yew 16aa......:-.llllililia.a , . . . ObarleaZi..aaaciai .limic Loa, MorclooOD. Lw* . ' ' ' Jacob IL tbaltb, • Tobias Waguar, , , Xdward O. Dab. . IbiallB.ltrown; - ' Goo: W. Vaud,. Samuel laraal,. • I Creamer MAIL= 11. O AtiONICII, P,.. .. :. _ODWARD 0. DMA' riO• Prelim. Il'El. at. .7.'.13"); tat l. lati,A • • sayfi 00 koltiortboaotOor. Wood & ThCrd tm. __ Ppmmutrecia,ri, .tV.ESTE.II2I ...INSURANCE OPMPA T Iff ox . PITTEIBUSAII. - ' Jr., Prosisms ACidtilti, 0-M. damns:us, sompkw ' - h OS% SP. IS i.WrialAr.h.sret. - BMW 4 cb:s * pr. .. Tv a z TZtr4;ll44- 3 ' .0 U.E4 cy Pir. and M - ..« Mat. 41 Rem 'As/Nolle,..y, r ipd. al, Dirsaiorigrethe en wea-inowslie tb• ' ' tad saki at* defer zsd**4 • 0 11. . and Aborola g , Si ow o g o i. Ur /mar aairid, 6 :B4trisp awl NI .ptgicom to thou, .4o dory rdeS• • ,• , 488XTS, P =BEE 1 . 110, MO : Siciat - 12coinit.:. :: -.....0 iO4 - 000' 00 051 011 We ricrUtdrl.—.l--.. .....«...... .MC 0 OpeniAecoanti i -142 . 1 .........•.a. "•'• 7. 8 0240 0.816...-.... • ...... ..........—J- 18,851 99 PrinutnnvNTEZ.- • '''''''...;..-..—......-- - szota it . 110 1 1 * sad 1111.182110090841 14075 12 B. Killer, Jr.; ' 1 4.2drtir AcAle7, . • J 91116 2 81 85•0192. - i Alexmader 89084 lEstbsBlBl Holm % ' David *. Long, Alia.liteder, ,- . • flies J. Thommi- - , Geom. Dan* 11884. P. 801. O. W riot 11:11m118`, ' ha 11 m ,1114388,1; owin • P.N. 814kAstaen: /800 ' i, IL ikoaDon, & m i n . IN st - 7 4-- ' . l"k" ---------- :, -1--------BA N • INEIIIRAITOX COXPT OF !JOUR All:E/att• gluisigurnia. lzunuanee Co. of the Stiite et Penn's.. Hartford Firs lasuranoo Company air inseraima atm% Prld aii4 miss sian obtafixed . .by sploOlcicrto figrmaxia/MiniAmlS OOMPAN Y %JOT PITThP Offiesearner Market and ,Watorettlete,,setond ' • - • ••' 3 4441.10 r. pnw ar a. .811/4 Slaretat eria. - Insaree s ;=l km and damao tha lb. . - and stein le •an Bojo% sivlibe. mitigation of no lea& , , ry agiburtali and•dateak• ' 42 ' "Inuil ilk./ r - , Bawl Owens, MIL T.?, Acme, . John -f.Laz,spirkm. Martel 11. ETZ ____ BAN Wil ...pasint 071'rrnsEntpl. 4:11 , N 0.17 Vita I j,i2 . i!irs. , ./Ihit an aid: ei* ii.*;:atskik, , : , -, :. - wa i ls* ;D. iLllook;liervirh aII4MD. _ . Aiming ! ej 3, ,-. : . OD" witagiliar, /p a • , 11111Moim I 9ia4,, Abrie.',, 4:4 lins. ~ • : 1 3'0. Wm: Das, •r -. •Joidhyd a . Jr 'N. L. alkatow. ________.....l..l'abustocir, ':' 'I • 11• Lt. maime:' - " MNAILGHEICEIg h , lisobouguip,orli m chissq, . do; Ylibe" 141'' 60.1 rum:paw 1 ; , ..Mi#P,..i. : ;;:: 1 Z:i' , ',T:4 . i• zrztt - ', - i3 .1 , . , : - ;, - ,; i1i...r: , -- ,, i. . ........._. TTE. OILS, 4c. TAGS a BRO.; Bram in Crude & &bled Petreleusi, Beuiiue , &e., las WALNUT EIT.. PaLLADNLPNIA. Boadassa flatfooted to our an *ILI 'metro one prompt.pononal ottoitlo2. • PoS,r to Vim% Primer Vitztos t 0o:, BlNAollood Davis. sad Jittchootsok kosioca es , Mob crib; 'no% Prditt.„ t. At..; a. L. roes. ia6 rd so.. Alit Pros Bank . ithL4DEL . DlH;Opgp j ruiLADwmze. • . P..10/11 ASO!. ;14P4rg.inat.iiipitri was•cdp:-.N. rag., MEE