LOCAL 1 - .N2'ELLIGENOE, From Yeztorday's.SiremiagAilantio: Attempt to Assassinate Caps: Geior. it most cowardly attempt intiimieri*iside to take thelife el 444,4 .7.. - 9ew411 POW. ware entity, Ohio,. by some, Butternuts. It will be remittibirad bier wee one, of the gallant band who made tite brilliant and himmi011iV4114 1447 4 1 4 411 9:4 " dar of the latirailsrOin. ma atter a long imprisenntent he sedePters7ll4 • , nienageM naps, ennuis bona`rat . tw'i . with models of honor by the Oorennawat. Capt. Geer doiltrered &Apo* at Lafayette Hall, la this oishseon ,- ateertile Mem from , Waabiagteu, sad his dillta'w laza be re membered by thoia geld (Ohio) Rspobtioneresper -- 7., 0. mat Sabbath, at 3 Voice& p. Him apt. J. J. Gem, of theli P. Ohnroit o peorh. ed at the "Prawn r in the edge of Delawari - county ; " brother salaistor of the same - otrarib, Iter: . lira. bans. It wsi capsotia . "„ some_distmlsomop would mar, theitiattantatz &Ake neigh. borhood had tattled Mr. Craltme bb that he usoald. not'nistattiggihiti)lasdriukt morsi'! and to preventivioleiriAldoi'ssAmes bar of Unien men from ihivrieiniti - of Bleb wctst-occomputted•the two:Li/atm to their plies of api,ointaiesit: , .411azge 001100ILTIO of people ware -assembled, among whom ,ware a number of parsons wearing emblems of-dis loyalty. • . After the terriesh . as Chatain Geerittma train -if-thinieuriXirroet-w-towir baring on One of thews emblents, and stopped to L act - hint-what he: meant by wain it, Without aniwerhtg the question. the Bea st net withdraw in the crowd, and, at • meat : another admatcsid with S kat*, and strnek a blow at the Captain, witioli was eel-. dimly intended to anus tth nook, bull" parried It in pert, red the knife - entered his bee within an inctiof lianje.;,‘,CepLitellieer then knookid the fellow 'down, nod praMeeded forcibly to punish 11114111kla thbd2ittter nut stabbed the Oaptabs , badly with .sbowle knife. The blow waieintedist Uteheit4lnt the ruffian'. Stroke Wag taisdiricted bt.the Jostling of the TelePleali . .tbok dreet on the lasid•of the arm, fanmedietely below.the az ills, making • gash to 'the Walk and about three blokes in length. The villain who in flated this wound, immediately Red and got Otto( the erowd. Wounded as he was, however, the Captain " saved" Ms Int Lit', who, atter. being knocked down mend lintel, ' was_ st 'length overpowered and taken troth, Delaware Jail. Tkestler waists was captured next day: alealisig la Lawreace =CM= An opan . aseetirg of the UnicusLugue was held at their hall, in LaarrenosaiUs, an Toes day truing. ,Tha misting mu imp and en thusiastic. , . TIMMas ilbward, liqu, was called to the Chair, arid Mr. J. Lonptiff anted as ma-. Col. J 10 Clark delivered an' able, "met and eduraent address, whiob was melted with great applause. At the conclusion of his address the follow ing resolutions were read to the meeting by Mr. Howard. and were ernosisoutly adopted Resoloed, That we cordially endorse the ac tion of the Union State Convention; and we pledge to Governor Curtin and lion. Daniel Anew oar mains and united support, firmly %navies that, In this trying hour of our country's histary, there is bat nee fres worthy the attention of Joys' men, via: The preser vation of the Union by crushing the re bellion. Bowlead, That. wo-erUl support Governor Onrilei because se reeognite hint u an able andleukti defender of the honor and glory of his eountry—beeatme bib the chain reader of the loyal and iris ttai sea Of Unts—the selected VtandUct. WU; of the friend, of the Union, and in 'whose handl the old fIK hoe been_ gallantly sad:tritly_korne . from the firifiriin ofiiiiebellion to the pres ent hoar. Rules for the Peelers*lion Of Rea Mi. A gentleman far advauted is Ufa, and poe t:nod of wondorfally good health for hi' pars, furnishes an exchanp with the tog rules for the preservation of the health daring warm weather: Lt. Be always meenzpied. and 1 the open . air if possible, but not in the son. 2d. Drink is-water freely at meals. but mei; or never at other times. Mthy people destroy the tone of the stomash, and bring on all sort, of dhows, by drinking to exams of Joe-water. 3d. Bat fall and ample Meals of itt food, ithiebing with fruit desserts ; Melons eluded, but don't eat lunettes. 4th: Don't ill down to loop and ship in the day time, unless yon have a ninths front of sleep afar dinner--a thing tolerable with_ old gentlemen, but not with young men: 6th. Be cheerful as well as active; stir your Mends as will as yourself up with jokes and jibes. 6th. Keep abottla of some one et the dozen good preparathw eif mitred astringents and tonic, which any gelid apothecary or physi cian sea name to you always at land, using • very little of it to cheek stomath derangement at the very minute it begins. Bank Note elantaUona, Clornateel eriedally for tha gawk 4 . Roam Yekt k Lan, of the liatiosal Beni lirga R. I.r. Bates anoitinla at manta - prrenroaea. awn It. MIL Daarena. INgramit. 1 r. itg an 4 ,J.... 0 .0. - g =b. t 0w :d0 ... 1 t% z . ifor-Tark 01ty......... par Beath 0wi1na....—.. - New Jargz.......... )( i Georgia .--...............- . Plttabsuli77. par Leaki1arim....•............ - 1 Mai Plttab • gh.pnr 13 15atue37................... par Irk arllaillor Go., pr. Id Torialillin- —............- =IVOa,' . 11 0310.......................... pu. Batik, Indiana, free...-....... 3 Brovarrina, prim 10 Indkaa,la Mara.* par Pa. Country Hanka. IX. 1311a019—.....1)fia10 Da1awara........4.......... N. Wircoada ........-..40110 Mot. of Oolomtla-.. a lowa .......;......... ilatillaare. parl Klektira 1 - Intartar-. 9 ILlsoar' braarbar.... Thylaire Wtmanag... 13‘ Onaada Wholtai LIWZAZIGIII-84UNI rat - mdte=Ont. OM 3 •7 13 3 - asabable ruallr. Tie Flax Crop; Tits Au crop of the IJaited Stites this year will be lager then ever raised la this wan• toy, and inquiries ant sae-is-So- the =host- mode disposi.g of 11., pas of oar slumps advises tha after tkreskiag eat to.stsols theetraw oarefally, pro toot °astute with beards ore good thumb, sad wilt the mating. 'of onstasters, who will appear between this andthe'oloso of the year. It is Important that the straw be gept dry, °thereto it will rot, aid the Shit be d sam e& trawl venni - sam i - t heft - Aracr dealt* that *se* Will 'ls ' Urn , emir tea 6t flax tatted, as& • trltt ak. t;,, ntrierve di their steel ja,goot.,4oaisitios, Tba preparatian of Shrilled lotto be left ter Wire who make Unit their simnel Wildness. Saer.—Oar - listardor — A. awe Ramo! BaittiOlgait will by'a eoa: coaled teoaadad at he waa passim atom the road, • short diataaeo , from tbdirsildiaee Eutaw Winship, CUeardela . Sae— PIA" sri o- *01i4 5 7V -414 . aishborktwho Ifseowa Sed menial stow *attar the &lawman at thaw Illesara. Whits - orbtlarttiy. wire Amtttis grata ta .11 saa; 'it ti *aims AM ggaa u idateek for ono of the Wiliam, who had to pas, along , the toad tt, 11111 way none. Pi ,faiLT4a7aiA AT Tio.Roanta:lavas. itri V savour. Ezinarzcor.— %Alm: lid . of premium - arruilrotte. lap sUilii4io at: tbo latoraillonit A ' ' ' ituargitilaltioa, at Hamburg, wo ltai Us fel twirl: Thompson • A Averh a Pea 1 WI WM 1 01.. laja nit • torsi powar, Irlifi - ,ithroolitna alaaklat, a silver natal. John Katona Paaasylvaata, for as lm - tadltarreor MA other Wplsortata,' a largolir iiiiitaWrlrgrk - ilporr, for. an la pr mot .w tram plow, Ak broasarialair ', tr, ..ii ^-16113 . 4144 tat road itilli givo%U i o • : i s a t Nis cci gara it S ti ons izimu nial , eider.. th. bl.Bkhi tailii :Nies . anuran _,_ .._, 'loch 4. .1. for Lu s a. A irsd,....7„„„ti. ow is, ev7,./ floe -I, a ir s ts:if to oluil l' bZ",„' italirerilit":ll.aig 6.01114 •1 0 / 18 a/ ". 47 . aid d rate fre ows, m 7 ,- ; , 1 - ., ',,. ~ ...4 '.:: --- -... .. -1 4----- -7 ....„.1„, w h en stilit:i Tat '7. , ,...---_„__ Thuida moraing . , at_ t._ "du tikke-r,—,. Cute sesibm onV9r!l.--, o'sloaw 40at- 4 ---4 3,7 t i - ,'!.7.7:.r . :i '' ; ,3 ,"::;%. "- - 7 , • • .-_,..4!Z . - -•.7 : -.. ' • tt,..''' . " .• :.- • ''''- `) ''''=•... - ... 2 • " I • .' ' ._, ~.-...,- r - ...„.,' , --4-,, , ."'"-,',.. ,- i,„ 2.:Ar.. 4 a145. '..l,'";,`Slt"•:;: ..,":,;,...,, ',,;,...q.'ai,5ia,,z.....;t:.,t,0,-('',..,,,,,' ..•,..75- '7"--,',..P.7,4"1i-N*iat..L*,..,4;iZa.45.1.A5......,-.3,-- :•,.:7101', - 7.., , ''' , 47.6.tiVit..i., 5 ,,, , , -;* . Ci•-.4 4 -.t. ,, ' - ''-- ' Parma*iin,saanirnrcee-, Hobart,--Palmer. whom wrest 0114 eh It*OlOsee'ipmb. ling hosio, Gad iabiegdenl esaspa from the megietrate's aide, we have already reported, was 'grin taken into custody, M a late hour ion Tuesday night. The officer took s room ; at the Bt. Clair hotel, directly opposite that '!easupied by Palmer, and when he aims in labour, midnight he was t nn taken, into cu. Cody. He was commit Is triakindeffMt Of bell eV011120TION , ;-*We WKS in error in:statleg lse the oil rablery of Kenn. ItasineriHeys Clo., in Daytime. borough, Wiesen dismay edlirikon,l'atmday evening.- Itsrea In close s rozintity to the saw mill of Messrs. nary., 0.., bat was separated by a ..now dust of t imer, and gimped Withont any Wary what { raturriad, vim Dun.—ltiva Blisa Klein and : Perin* Seta, of Beaver oottuty, !Sr. brought helots Postal's'louts Dailey last night, on thkoharg• obstrooting eu celvar In the delivery of a natio.. to i llaoltard Periae ol his having been ditttad. • i.LL parsaits adleg to need of iinso per and toilet' atticlee •,lionid ostt anths tors of 'T. B. 'Milliken TT Federal street, liegtesny, *het* they :in dada good Aka i tt making selections it the:lowest maket 1 DArriwnios ct T irsi=Tho Phtladolntqa mot Baltimore Snore,* train!, duo hers. at. tondos and one:,n'Olook, aro detained. sow 4ohniniai oonsignociai" of a collision. Tea, will siren hire abont font hOuribotand Thu Bauman non Osuct RAILIOLD. 'WOK and psasenpr tralasannow rosining iiitillollroires amen** length of the Ball oon A Ohio railroad, ninon .Washington and Whetting midi Baltimore • WrLLu' gran or rex 'l'm's, The Nos York Gippet , , rho -New York Ledger, and the kallidolptis 'Sato/714 Sonatas Post, are re alm!, sod may be rimmed at P. Hint% *wale 8011, Fifth street. LATE TELMRAPMC NEWS. [ISOM OUB WINING EDITION.] LATEST FROM CHARLESTON. Onr Position Stronger and Safer than Ever. A TEBILIFIC BAGAGEBRAT OA BOMBAY The Rebel Guna Silenced. A lOU 808 1011 BI A ÜBBL MIL Ix of the Crew Drowned end light Nur You, Aug. 12.—The 'Herald', Morris Island oorrespoadenoe, under data of .Uurast sth and rtb, reports our position stranger and safer than ever. The morals and conficlecoe of our troops is unemunpled. Although the rebels keep pour big in shells from Wagner, Sumter and other hirtidiatimth, the protection to-ear troops-k ,Complete that oar casualties are hardly worth noticing. Oept., Pails, of the 100th New York, with nine of his 21418, was captured by the rebels of the night of the 4th, while on a scout near Light House Omsk. They made a spirited bat unsucessifal rasistance to superior mum hire. , Eloaday week there was a terrific engage- Mont between - the mboat Ottawa, a Monitor atil the Iremsttesi and oar works ea Morris 'eland and the rebel forts. T 66 rebel pas were finsilly slimes& 'A boat belonging to the Lionsides, oa picket duty, Wednesday night last. was rein -down by a rebel steamer, and elz of her crew drowned end thirty eared by &nether of her boats. Eight prisoners wire taken by the rebel,. FROM WASHINGTON Meeting of Prominent Friends of the Administration. SPECULATIONS AS TO ITS OBJECTS. The Wrench Policy In Mexico COHILID OF THE FOTOL&C EMT gebeie ntlll In, the Shenandoah Valley Lk. IIitQUAIMS AT GOOOlBlllll. Ltave of Absence of Astral Porter TEE NEV 7 IIiAdTIONAL CURRENCY- New Yong, Aug. IL—The swig'. Wash , loran &spate& marts that • meeting prom- Inuit hinds of the administration will be hap In Washington nut weak. Spocubtions ark rife us to its objortt, but the most eat oplulon is Ahat bags has bean ill4d 14 Gap. Holies& and others, that thiribit • bail ts%srlwilling to offer propositions fallow, g their armies to be demo:taiga and bikes up. - The same dant hints that sarmal cabinet meetings ha» boon held la relation to the Preach policy in Maxiso, and it up , pears toltara bees decided that the permanent oasupathsa by **lamb 'WI notbw_Vmmit. bsd, smd.that **Matra ahmulaniasat of Na-, Enea Polio, will be dulandisdowth as the &...awns. ,- , . isle eorrNpp adat soya that essorsis - G. ;S. Wines and - Banks at. talked of for 1 commander of th e az of tith Potoldw, In amoral Monde. Amid b• es t he iseral th;"r oisitasms .46l*"l t 4sisonstra a tar thari lbit is s ar . ll 1 • roost rebel Istaistry in tbi filwisindath V4isy ready to fall upon our rear In ANSIOUr anbx,Assiiseses wititast dor ssulasnistea. . 1 s : The man force of Los's army is oath! Ilse 1 of ro lispidas, and. Loo's Itendquartais ars st 4atalllgant prisiMidt ray his fines is scil as. largo now as whinthe 0101111114 the' Potomlo, though.ha hatattheind 16,000 rantaroontrats groin the mitten States. - - Admiral sorter has been granted _ two moothe-leave of ahosesu r andiriU TiOt- this orth niter Talking the nicossiwp tirraiga mots for the management of the diet during Ms. abeam. . . . , ... MMal tt, pad Blinr ex nit The new Tmetional owner is" moldy for Imp, bat will Rothe plain eizonbtlon for one er two months, as there is stilt on hand a brigs -Imenat of postal mummy to be baud. OOL Ches. James, folinerly of New York, hie bees appoistadOolleotor of flaw inautisoo, fn plow of P. P. Low, who reslosed to swept thaillepablima womination for 0 Gamma. Tilibmees 'pupil, says Non., Johns /. igatasseaniiial writ of the Government l uierstarned from New Orleaws, sad roper min 'favor of the United /taw Mbot Cisme :-.BoarOJlT...ingal_4l3oraraldelegataerepre ,mmtlag the Boards of Trade of the welters 'Attu, who have recently visited Portland, fold • visit to-day, b 'pedal invitation, to tlia!rooms of the Boston Board of Trade, liken they were welcomed by thS President, - T. gr. flencerse L ifsti..„ Speeches were made by LMpbiin►tlioierade of helm. Hassock and Purbank, of Chloago, noisy, of blftwankee, ' Mayor lancets and others. • - . - Gel. Warren Proatesest.-New Itebe • CaugP - ass t - CIOPIPPTI." •Withlrecar:Avi. mawa this tjkAgaittaciftworil•tv emi r it of the To lookepromotoil to 1 - •A ItOW;f44 mop tiOtAloomod Sift; du, oo Poser lgoostelo. air Calpopper.. Taken Prhoners. &c. l Murder of s Family :by cotorrelEol• lifsrerifoan;Ang. 12. ft lanai, pabliebed ;in ibis• Wisg; dsted aboard the steamer Lib *lt Aignet sth, reports the warder of ithe. entire family of Barden:Lin Beckham, ;flea Feist& on the plantation, which is in ,Tessewees, twelve miles below Island N 0.19, iby a party of eighteen black United State. :soldiers from that Island. Six persons were `killed, four of them ware children. The most iof the demon' were apprehended by Federal CO MMER f. 4 L RECORD. PITTSBURGH MARKETS Orrwa or TER Prrrionnuaz D►lL' GAzgrrs Wiantriokr, Aug. 12,1681, j Therein bat little change to nail= to the rates of cola will, the exaeptlon, that Gold Is shoot an 34, of a cent higher In New York, befog quoted to day at 1111% Hers, however, Mare Is no clangs, and we toottnue to quote at 12n14124 for Gold, hayloft, and for Barer. Eastern Kitchen qe and Govern- rent -Gartlflcato of. Indebtednees, remain shoot at but quoted. Thus If so little doing In the produce iinaket that It la almost Impounds to make oat • ra port. GB&lN—What is dull and $1,05 la Um °Maids Ikons f r Sad from drat baud.. Oats mai bo quoted s 3 60a froward hands. and tic from store. Corn— dials trim depot of 3 oars Sheilad at 73e. There is no Eye ?Ftertog. GHOCHilIZl3—Sogar is ateadY with sales at 11% to 12%0 !or Limed, sad la to 13% kw prime to choice .News Orlon, Oates is quiet with small sales at "rrobt - 29 to 310. Hobaw steady at 05 to two Sloe BiXON.—Bhouldins ars to fair demand, end w e note sales at 1% to—holden generally asking the mashie figure. Thar, is bat little inquiry lb: Bide., and pleas remain ab rst as lam quoted. Hams may le quoted firm at 93/ s to 10%e for Plain, and Maio Canvasani, and 1101530 for Lingaz Gored. :BUTTZII t EGGS—Butter may be quoted .t two 11k, far good to.:prime ttoll. tggs Dave deilioni to 8 6 90 S does 'HAT—The supply of old crop app .re to be about asbaneted..as now:ibis been offered for several days. We note eahe on Tuesday and Wednesday of 68 loads dew at prices ranging all the way from $2O to 28 tem. tiaLT.—la arm with saw of GO Willi° 1 Extra from atty. at 14460 in bbi. ORRICSR-1. qMot but Mealy with salts or W R at from 10 to 1034 c for pima to chola% iORItZIi raurr-0.!o of 30 Muth Posobea at 83,60 64,00 V bulb. and 60 bbto Apples at from $3453,1.6 V bbl. Pittsburgh, Petroleum Market Aro.l2.—The market for Crade has beau vary on. settled to-day, and piers were irregular. as crimpere ed with yerterday there was a decline of fully X. cent p4r gallon, and It wan with difficulty, that holders could effect Wet, even at this emetesion. The stock I•, by no mearmiarse, and the receipts ace exceeding. ly Ilght, sad neither Mayers nor sellers can auign very satisfactory reason for the decline. We ere U. mired that oil is firm at Oil City at from $641.5,25 60 in balk, and while It is now generally conceded that two or dams small well. have lately been .truck, Kis alleged on the other hand that ems of the old az wells bay. almost failed, so that [Pere is really no material change in production. Thi" tarrell we are told, has dwindled down from 2,000 Dbl. per day to 1300, arid that it is now flowing tiler oil. The Was of Crude reported were 500 bbls in bulk-- neraannid is boat—mot 600 bbls at 2.`e, packages ratarned, and 5:0 bbta at Os packages Indoded• The market far Rallied la without malarial Munk% though leas setirs. W. not• a lids of 1,000 bbl. "Al kedln" s boud, for Immalss dallow7, at On Ho flan, freo„ may be quoted at 568600. Halo of 156 niiw 00 Harrah at $2,60 each. Cbica;o Market. duo. IL—Tbere was scarcely any d for Wheat, and the tramact/ons were too • 1 to estab lish • market floor was du I •o looted. The datiesnd tor Oorn wen Me market ruled dull nod ashler, with light at 483401111%c for lilies; watt/MU for Rejected, Oman quiet at Aha Inside dom. esti Tem lid better demand and more make at a alight Improvement. Old no 1 sold St 41WIle, new lio I at Walk, and new no 9 at Ctirma. Bye tidal quiet Ina steady at d9e. Barley doll. Timone, Bred .toady and In Rood recount, at $7,10. Ifighelnes Inn at 41140410. P.ortelesio calm. Ltm Block doll. Wool quiet and unclassi. ed—JoarnaL Toledo Market. AcCi.lo.—Our mutat is Tory quh.i to-day, with a alight downward laadancy la Ricca. Flour—Vary cill; no inks monad. Wbeas—Tully to loam . : Was this toranckm-2AO bag hio 1 &.d at left. Vora—Bala % has Na lat Ma. Oats—Last aa/aw .4 Mc. Otb.c grata. gala., pricer Imaiall Ilarveni in iltinoi■ A. Chien, letter of the let mays: •• The heavier part of the barred 1. over. Perham. there b.. Dever boon a barns; which has more el:1111,1y employed the labor of our elate .hen the prneot. The ferro• hav e not only been tmireeed, but tt ham been a metier et mei arllctittle ea to whether the crop anus be Whored with the Insetted amount of lat.r. The weather has been favorable, and 1 think the result W9l prove that thla harem: tam been ea troll cern! DU sod eetared se any that bare preoeeerd It." Philadelphia tiattio Ilarket ace. 14.—T co arrivals and s.le of Bat Cattle .t Ptanipe . Aveutie Drove Yard continua kris, leech int .haw 1,900 itesd. Tie markst owing to warm mew bet and large nowt.. Weer, dull, *Ad prices have thollned fully 100 ou Um 100 111.; Ist east. lop Western and rums Mania emars are ..1,.ng .0. 111 c: Id do et easiXo, gad aximilaa hear 1.6 tpi9f, snoordlti to quality. The market cloWal veer dull, and mine ware repaied at lover prices wan the above. The arrivals and sale. of Sharp at tits Luaus Dror• Y.r.t otnitiurts tarp, reaching about 6,00 , hold. There liigoad demure, met rites it. With. out ewers. tat Mono selling at trouLay,,,o 634 c peat. Stuck those are NAM& to day at tram 544 • bed, sad Lambs it $3*4,00 *brach setxtralog Quality Too arrivals aid sale* of *Ks at rho Veto. and Amon *rev* Tuts roach about 1,300 .hted; the sarskat Is dub and trim rather lower, ranelog at trate $13,60 ago t017,701h• 100 the, tot. sold sr Usury Gime Vision n 10,2 Tard, at hoer $107,75 tar corn Rd, and ett,h447,60* 100 ita foratill4 Ilogs. • Mitred /old at the Annus Drava 'Yard. by John Orton Co., at Motu VOT.iii *lOO Ths, sat- lagoons Iry Railroad. errlllll7ll4ll h. WAYIlra CII10•00 SJULICAD, Aug. ets basona .8•114 n .43 co; b bbl. epirl44, 8 IleOrictscre * 04; 40 bbl. &W ay. Lsabort lebiptoa. / au. atm. & Ka% 79 604 boor: 60 6419 4 9614*4. D & II Wallace; '2O 81614, J II Babtoo; 8 Ws egg.. F 44143.3 00;10 bbl. 149 d otl, W B lleya"A eo; 63 I** IrbPliy, J Detzell; &Met, 0 d 71930,44; 60 bbk *Way, F Lynda; 1 bbl igta. B Ilasalataq 71 &a brocade, 400 631. paper, 31ert./And A oaaaer. Casexuasa 411 Prersatrasa g•ILILOAD, Aaiun n— il bbd. ..bacon, Hams • Palter; 03 694 bldg. Was. ABMs rpm II Mile rasp, 1 bbl dry apple,. L llyulgt t mm; 1 bbl ens, S 0 re Cooper da ea; 1 boa 4444404 i 4Y IturPeyi 40 We irebey, L Purcell; aa carpals, .14,yare Blatant, PO do dm,ll El 001. Um; 8 dodo. kka 110490141di 48 Oa rep, 1/.0 ad; 3 61304. asupl o ,8 0 =no Feist • n sm BP 0446 , J 44 A F 44 4 49; lit 99 II ~ _Aturasair atancar.-2 Avis hater, 1 0 Ma, ea; 1 bbl ema, Mecum Chtky; 11 bides, Wean 40* 19**0 skim, X Ihrrhaan; rbbla apple, filly. 49; rein thew: - 0 liteyera,• 1 car Mares, A Tager; 1 ear doer bb's, Seilaedy • Mar, 33 tacks lam J Sehoesnaket; lamp ldrauurketing, owners. . ; • elevelaad'-Market. ' A*4.lL-111439—N0 sales »posted. 3140‘43 vary ‘-1111433-41stkervarrdull sad tour. &Ira 11 card Elden back &S ON /.4049 /*Pail& *MP at /10c. Supper iut Eel Tc 3b'at tits' Wag 049*—D9 tromp* as MOW 11478-1114 UP W.3 . 1:41 track. d-figeolid 'A6m - 1614 at 760. • ESTALBLJBEED 1760. PETER LORILLARD, SNUFF AHD TOne.o9o MANUNAOTIIEIII, le ,11 , 111 CriIAMBETIS gTBEIST, (Ymnseir I damn stron.new Yak.) Wadi oftiiiiiina of 'anion se lb. arsk.W. aoweenosr Waesiog o.u.r h instriw irtmariliappoo,, Oooroo , Itappoo„.lizoorloso Paso ltlegtata. Hootilloeboo, 0 0 Paaballa• 1 " 1 - 410W . iF i rr.. • • 'lame Booiti, Hist . Tart at Liaityfoot. roy Dow Scotch, Trash Honey &eta, hob Bectiolt. Inritetontkat to tend to no loop ndaattoa pier at liao•att Chmobsit and_ amain Tolman% whlob will lot }baud at ropotior gadfly. TonAgoo. , Ilkosuga-,Long. Ao. 1, No. 9, Ser. 1 awl g tatud, Orsamlated VIM OR Omni,lr4—P. or PEas: Om's. 414, or Breel; Arnprt, 114414 Orosocorth Ydl 1141rodleb. Ihromse-5. Jav,rlpinbh, Guirter,Vorklsb.. IL—A circular of. guiciss 1w Snit •VPli. ''=""" • ` • WINOS, t• o:pore ppiritel: or U 4; 1511010 losivoti dateiti . Iffmturecrraiklo4l9lolllZlAr,MTUßU. Ala mbar Moab asipirjks Xaelss Lisw.psinsed sad IK 1611 "ind. CI: JOCCINSTON t 00.. myilkasse • 117 Wood Mont 130 k'l . Olta alluKti AN LP lib eN Kef, 10 SAW Off Ina - lArikleki Dbtilleiti, lad Brower Pria "" a r9"4. 4. 0. JOHNSTON A 00., • re li any - T 't 1 : It j lotyy l Vtitrontl i , play!! am for nth by WM. 0. JOHNSTON S 00 , my2dataTz aIBCELL4XEOUS• HON. WILSON 61(CANDLIM.-Jadge of en United Elan Ottadt Gucci rree4.nt. ODD. Plisti AND AT: ;Mite STAIDTA The Wilma, cheeped and beat. sea pays for a fall CommercbJ canna. No extra charges br lianufactorers S want:goat, Railroad and Hank Book.kanytef. Ululate myna an ans•half tuns Ittudattla sat" and mine at say time. Thus Ihatitnikete te oonducted by stperlanced Teacher. sod praciico Aosatentienta, who pnynye sonny men ler mtlee Malone at th e leaaft =jam and .barter time, fir the mad hussare andantino. eibla eituations",Thpinnu granted for earitonly Het es the eintrenal vamoose for4ra4natea If Stel. College, by bushiest men. Prof. L. (OWLET, the beet Penman -L is the Untone who hold. the I.raest Lto..of Lo pest. luaus and over .0 compAt ors. te•oina Septa Butnse. Writing. IliirPoc 'penman of Yenm.nihicoccd ccougang lull Infnneistloc. larlree twenty •fh, c.cute to JENK INSC SMITH Principas 4211e1y-law-asza.T A JOINT Kipiut.o Tl , ),N propceing Am. urealn Am odmatts to the r'onstitalloo. . . . Be if resolved iy tte Sen:ts and How of Ittgrrsqrs lion of the cnottnexteen/In of ennoptvanits in General dssetnh/y no, - 1 tat the !olio, iog ocoeikamtoto be prop •srd to the 001.n.P.11.111a Of the COttirrark. RI h. acenrinnoe lOW ha &dor sidno of the von!b Morro': Th. to let WI b an ..dd.tionol ioctlon to the third article of 1,4 tvcst.tottou, to bed lls ated a. Et." lion out, 'ollova: Slams 4. Wbnisnir ae of tbs goateed &firms of ibis k.groisses smith sb al be to asysct nil likings. mimics* Imams:rhinos ham- he riesidskstal thatlalcsa Slaw, tr rev arthasatbasiti .oPtailr Cain , sogyrslth, mob skaters sass eugoiloki taarvilsol, ingffnise is Gil inionsasb," tee . ottliksligiligOnS'4 l loo rtsalittonsas awl or dhoti b 4, proilff Walt taai,.a. fa .14 oil itigy woes iressitt at shots Maki -phalli • • • Thor. shall Lc testi vddlltoost Outtkra. to Out sll*- enthurtiotoot• uto Constitution. to bit distansteid as section. debt aud nine, an VFW... 3- ' ." Biceetok 230 bill sh.ll • poised by tbit tars' oontatulog zoom tuna on d aßigent. be ilantly expressed In tb. tit/4 di otijit IlTor imam 2. No tin • shall be fraud -byttiO Loafslv• taro r sating any power, or piallogos, in•inr•cosob t whore /be auttr.lq to grant 'colt porronvor. prlvft boo b:.% or aal boroollor tko Vosiorrestip, the COWL of this Oonaoawaalth • • : . JOHN OZI3Skt/4' Speaker of ebe Howe M Soltassaffkifysfe /PLUS Y. Pllflllfife• • Speaker of the Senate. Omer or Elloarran or sax OommOvirarrilt,i. lirrrirbarg, July 4.11165. 1"- • PitNNSYLVANIA, / do hereby tortil thol.thr fOregrag ra4 =and IN • foil, true god corrOot caOy, or the 0 1 , 11 ,1 " rat Joint noookitloa ar lb. %sera{ Aoituidgr,.intl• tied •.41 Joint flooolatilm propolittic carrot. torrrri• meats to Om Cooitltullt n,.. so tb• Ale In this 011100. ■ Teattsoar 'hernia I bees berattateeet ley head; sad ensued the mid of the Bearetery's olgLik to be 02404 the day sad year ahem :Mem - ILI 6LIfR6,` • fldroewdtm theeidary et the Goeetoolteredth; n SAMOS DieriTutlON i x o , lor acmes.) 110 Hotreseumo mess:, (oppodti the Oadom Obartend by the Leghletere. SITICIllilt hriktent—JAW PAILErIs wat. H. oniltb, John T.- Jonah!" Thos. D. Meribbe, Tim. 8. Blair, fronds Wen, Hotu7 Llord, Josiah King, 'O. Z 0. 11.y/old, A. B. Hs% Jen Dll.mth. B. D. Oochraa, B. & Towles, W. A. Hood, Ws. Smith, J. W. Woodall, &O. lichinszta, A. B. Jones, P. Bahia, O. W. Itinionson, B. P. Jones, J. H. Tiernan. &H. Hartman, W..- !balm 8.. M.. Lang, B. J. Andaman. 0. B Herron, Jr W. Baztar, D. P. licZinlar, W. liniusa. Sairstary and Tiaanirar—D. lINLET. ' Open born 9a, ta. to 3p. sa. Also, tends, sad !Saturday mango, tram 6 to 8 o'clock. nntaa m daaonann d of ON I B so n D a n b a er s o an d d J lme a par. IN•tdanda eland I. roman an plead to On awns of an depositor as principal, and bear tater. art, thus compoundloa It. at the BOASWin o:along Muir, By.Tasurs, iko., !nabbed e. Lastltatios abas e asyselally than W oos winos saralzkp ars slartl. - tb• opport•atty to necaumlata, by sisal deposits, sadly wed, • Mum which will b. • ramares Irian twitted, their moan obt ooty Wring alb.: beartm Wart; bitead nomainine anyn sellibly•tenus F ARM FOR HALE OR RENT, 00.143 nip n AMU. All coder 60 UM. and la • 6001 state of oaltiratioa. Tb• impro'emanu main of • car BRICK EMU.. L 136, co atalnicg 10 MOEN o I.rc, TEL&MII BARS, TL ANT HOUSE, With a rocas; andigocd orchard of yoou tree. ORAL antler the whole farm. 6(4 Ste In Baldwin townib , p *bout Ili. mitee Gala the city. Inqdr. of M'OOItatICIL k GIEtSON, LEAD PIPE, SHEET AND BAR LEAD, Pig Lead. Block Tin. &SD NlNrfi STRIA r, Dorm Mau ass !Drams; D1r.131.11,01 I.obl.—The tio-rartnersh p borderers sibling ostler the tune and style or roux°. PORD A OU.. In she 16111In1 Suttee ti IS Itals.dai dissolved by *ulna teissent, Y. J. roUns hoeing disposed of his lute:set in meld Ana. a. J. 1,0014 Q, _ Q.J. Pc Y:D. J. H. OS MU., Baldwin 7p., Allegheny Co., July Aim. • C CLPAIITNEESEIP ' NOTICE-The undersigned haring Ohio day entered tateil Pettnatahlo, under One naive and style of W. J. 10110 a CO. for the epitome et carrying on the 111111n1 Baseless.. In all eta wade= Omahas, solicit a stare of thepublle patronage. W. J. TOED °sank, JOHN E ASII.4IIEL , . Baldest. To., Ja lash. Itai 111011uwalw' lOU *JO lIIILLIIO 0111 wUOIXIAL/I on 111 TAIL. JAB. W. WOODWI'LL. IT .9ul 99 Thbil stral4 oppadto&AMmcs9 , 99 & *ad 111 Youth 'Wort. CHARM] (mocroor S&J ruai*a P 0114" 74,axas. -*Arr la BACON, 1.111!,* /Tam.iroititut4 IIZOIVID L IN IA LIrd r o; mum ' ' ' • - Prirmiossit. 1.• R 0 tan) VISBitENA.I6, - 11/01,10.- 7 11.1)719, &a.—Vltlgrat elospikn the isivell and collootke of Bedding Plants Omit oho ati;A : ompAireritraarar, - ; oilman sad koollvit,thoget, N 1 titiab t " • c • U —The tisstUst ouids: lielteilitaittei rzehlioe eieirbers aosintaad to ere tT.- Nor ',sleet the Into Webber Dopes of I. R. , • 1791 pet IS soft SS Crlstr street. , ca I UU5.19.0 • afdtf. - PJ 16a 000 lbs. k Lidd'o'ffibiolnitatti • 60,060 ma do -. 40 ; .pato Flosao; • • loo,ao m 4 elwaldetes -. _ 100 bbll: liztam rash, • In eon mad for solo at ' „OWN; PITTIT , ireatteflektabehot. 1* 6. 4 'eoill for: 111131114 - 1 C Want; • Mi=nl 57 Weed Argot VROFOSALS FOR PLUMBING ACID L Gl6 PIPPIS4 11114Ti1itliht" he. Orrice Demo Citteavratearrate. Jeff-riseville Aug ettt. 1116 e I &tried Pr so-AM will be nuodeed at this attics an • ill the lTta I,Y *tram, 1663. for delivering at the ;Miter: Momitat Grown:a, near Jethro-mods, In. the fdlowing and Gee Pitting eta. lariats. As. a PM Moaned :nine hundred and eighty (9 960) feet tea Inch Galvanized Wrought Iron ripe. Pour Mousse! eight Inindftir(4,f 00) het one and. one half Inch bedvaniettlEfrcusittleen Pip eight thcomand (11,e09).fest .m 8 inch Galvanized Wrought Iron Piggy • ' ct • six thonsend heeds:AO FODlfeet three.qua. v r Inch Gelvantmei Wrcustiti Iron Yips. Five thonmagtivilliefired 45,690 tat half Intl Wgioughtlron Pipe. Three ticonsuni (LOVA 111 d thrie eighth Gal vanised Wrought leen Plpa: &rat. en unwirelo 71/0) muds Gel Pip., attics. of door trot Mud. laid ohm oweuty eve handsel 42.6.70)prad0-Plg Lead. thoutand floe Wastrel (4,000) penis gmot Lout, six pined, her foot orzers' eppeondel Otte thousand (1,000) Irma& bind num i in. eev.n themes, Ave hundred %7 . 600) pontos Lead. Pipe, ii., =Pend one hat inch. Terentreeette ( 17) mat iron hopper Water Olands, petered. Illatp one (61) ced trot Bath Tab—No.l, 6 feet 4 Mabee by 1:2 Maus. Poor (4) Elop Esppen, two (1) feed squire by ten (10) to-hos deep . Too emsdred and,nicolr.elz (Mt) thao-quarier inch tau plain 1. fhb CUM. titled far iron pipe. Torew MOM ens loan Ckieks, with ono-end one. querter loch hoes connecrens, fitted for iron plpti. Thirty six (36) bait loch brain piths Bads, fitted for iron pips. - Ttorty•es (36) quarter Inch Valve Ccalie. Thirtpets (.16),,ans.pari a gassier inch bras Wash Trey Plats. Two (0) enamelled Wadi Elands, wl.h wash balm, ging. and cock.. (97)131n1A 9 ft. Pin. by in. by 5 in. deep. Tense (3) flinki, 4 ft. 11 in. by 9 It. 2 in. - by T it. d hour (4) two Inch Dell Cooks fitted for two inch trait pip. tliz (6) tee inch Mop Cocks fitted for.two Inch lon Om. Yen (4) molted asholf Inch Ball etas lilted for two hen iron pip. 'd B 1 . (6) eight inch Copper Ball Plods with 94 Mob rake. ' Plfty.four (94) one inch atop Cocks, fitted for one Inch Iron raw. dm (6) tAreo-qauter inch Valve Cooks lilted for tnele.puhrier inch Iron pipe. - One (1) ono-lack Bail (lock with fix-Inch copper float, lout lesinch shank. One (l) ono-and a-half inch tervloe Cock fitted for iron pipe. ' T wouty seven (97) half inch Erato" Ckcks fitted for iron pip.. Twenty.seven (27)threesoiattbs inch Ilervise Chas fitted for Iron pipe. Terenty.two hundred (2,209) feet two-inch Iron tutu. The.. thousand (3,000) feet ono-inch iron tube. _ Three thousand (3 0.9) feet thminqsarterinch Iron itOe. teleran hundred (1,640) feet half filch Iron tuba 'Eighteen hundred (t,6119) feet three-eighth inch - Iron tube. Men hundred (700) feet one quarter.inch lien tubs. fifteen hundred pounds malleable Iron Pipe /fit tins. ' t g me Maenad (11.900).Hooks of different Mass. Twenty-lour (t 4) 060101.1111 ono-light Gas Enclutta, diddled • eta (a) two.light OsirDnaketa. - Tee hentrad eadllfty 7(04 ons.llAht.4th• Pend. ants, - ocectlete4 erapdag item;" idol for threo eighth iron pipe. - two hundred and sixty (1160) two-light Gas Pend ante. compute, excepting stem, fitted tor three eighth iron pipe. twelve (if) four-light GesPetidinta, complete, ex. coot stem, fitted ten ufteo-rabill lien pips. bix cast boa Lamp Poeta, onsidatie in all their part. One hundred smiles thomand (110,900) (more or kw) kiln burnt Wick. eft the *aides will he 'ambient to the inspection and approval of en agent of the Government. The delivery of ran of the above artkbe e. may be needed for immediate use will oconmence as soon an predicable aft data of matelot. ant excesding ten days thereafter; and the shale will ha reclined to be delivered on the mounds - by the 90th at top. umber mat. or looter it prattiestsbe. • The fall awns and post °Mc* wider of the bidder (and the tall name es hie puttees 11 bidding for a Aim) must spieler in tkupeoposal. El:sputa'. teem &devil parties and rebel mesa. Odgers MU sot beacasidx•d, and thirtieth prescribed by Gramm mut la all cases moconpay Um bid. Praised. elmald be &Chino-4d to the underelgoed, and endwise, "Prepoials for Plashing and Gee fatting Masatals," de. 'nee& preppies trait be accompanied bp • persedes• erred ey two temosaltde preens, whose rape's!. bully Mod te Wenn by the certificate of the Clerk of tee meaty In which :ley leek's. The lam of the guarantee will be as :allows .er% ot tae meaty of and State of sad of tits minty of and Staten/ do hereto guarantee that --es le ebb to Mill • con. , tract in acradance with the tame °fella oalti and that. should his proposition- he raraiiil4 he wins at once same tato a eentract In accordatce there with. Shoe* the concise Maya:Asa bra we eve prepared to mama his secratiesi. Bads la them= of lye thmmandos,ooo) dotter:, signed by th e ountratter and both 01 Ms gossanters, *III be enquired of the seamessfal Mar oa signing the etintract. Bidden are required to be mesas in penes when their Rita *e none& Tn. right us retest soy or ell the bids that miry be doomed too high is reserved by the Indenigeme, se well as the dust to Salad from each bid sum mate rids, et the pima therein netted, its 1. required by the Baran cent And in easitol the fel um of • bid der lame peyote is accepted to nmulah within the tire prnicrib.d, in ipuillty and quantity, the mato rule dipulated to h. 'delivered, then tne Aadstant Quatertneeter in charge to ham the right to soppy such deficatees by porches*, and mish bidder to be co-died with the d.fterence arrest. Tll6O. O. ROWLIB, data and A...'t (ittartarmaeur. Panstrags, 'Pe. U. if• 'rid. A. SanaaMa,. ;tabus likodia, beak Stinklath, Alm. Bradlay, Altrod Slack. MMUS, • REVOLVING. IRON Suur Daruansaar itily 18611. . She Very Department wol,asti the. Um DLY or hi.GOST, melee propetatione fer the ooritrue. lion sue mottos ea broad a wawa to be built at the rOttilaWilth. /1, &otos, lbw Tort sad Ml ofeelluble Were Tarifa of sweistolving turrets sad two Lapiessable snots plan, with grillage for wit rowel. r•asiaa. • co.. No. LIS Fanelli strrirt. Patent Shot, CONOUISA'II, 0. OWE" LIID WOUD OULIU lIIIDOCILD Pr , tos. PROPO&dLLEI. 2 he tetanal dhuaeter of the Mutt to be 21 bet, height 6 tea 6 thlotegue 16 tubes; to be °noosed .f two emirate ghetto of plate lees, with wrought hos eta be e m irate beteees the roe. The ptiet bassi at Mal Mantle tot het hew. not dlemeter, Pled 6 lathes lash, 12 facto thick, emegoerd of plats Ins.." • .- • - The tanit.eastsee eat peer fet Putting and tett ehaterag thew:omen of the tenet, the gni elides sad carriage, port 'toppers eel ether .tatemal erg gemtate to be of the lame geared character ea the Moaner cher Ovoids. Tbs ImPatgatble smote pipe to be Ia Metier I fates% competed of p• • • iron; inside Musette 93( i bet, aid Wilt Mon the sect 634 het. The propmdtket igett maim' an thi acne litet tlaned each. lattottas -thibiostes etas tient% end slate armed ud the thee irtthlet end& the wattfor sea tretiet wilt a oesphited, oil bawd. end reedy lbs gemerst plaaa eta ieSteitsed etetkie of the Isepectot. of Ircla.elad Ittoseece, Us St.,. New :orb. . Ihe Proposals Visit I•4ll6Aid cm the astride qfteposell fteventag Terreet." Qat Ike, Rey he dlattnidelted fro. other Weser salmoditt /OA 141011. •convenient two-MU brick &WAD . g bum. Mill back bait ils& Ba. 10 Ban stmt. Pharbarab.. • trio. clai7 back dwims Mama, with bark Width& Its. U hoar mad. Naomi Pit sad Brand EOM". ' . filar; airucitary Wok dimiltha been, with back balarlau. No. SU bowl Mir SOW. MI Mr gen aro to good ardor, sad supplied with pa and water.' • • Moo, a cm ry arum' cottage avinlaja_kaa'ailil Stoma alma, W mail the mairiar7 tram" d,ing aaaD • Doak of alarrabours an v x ‘iiia smmuy iukriVinit Alio, a Ica of gaud Aka stds 11=itarititailrearilaca 'aka ea" ilipro licr=a treat UM Int oa kßair atrasr, • Itui above property ic siumatattri wdWrabl.part 70, iume Wails mai isitioldses pbrqaam of - • W WII: W. rrilt ' 1/0.1011 Nab sum. VALUABLE rENNEßßKlVEPEOP toatxtroiauTACLErsailll=lWitirs:%ll:4lFe*. Meaolo t ollos OM 'Pm alanuot treat N k tolAto. "ROL. , • OA, o tons /Motor .boiMft itt10515115511 beit* Tto 10 bp loonkinl 150.4"; MAY t • doolp, Itteustot tOtalno 3,411!:/ttitt* Apply to NM oadetatitiod, itwolsioni WO* istoti . ot Ja,Ase r r i . W 4. • W. 4. 11111.111 W • • - „max u: asitioN . SAMSON. . pOR anditi.oll4Wßli 40061 a; tumid mammas whom* 110 ad kn. au Mild. Da woPgriar w i ttiglaßalialitA 4444 1 4 I Soma = Rim. 4l l4ll2llWrimul MA* Maim% tram Vs alFetN,Pv, 5,44-7014 tentrra - 111- IC' Mk ilrabiAibisaQv rtvie,./or.-Pdtm+4nirt: C O UNTAX.XCIUSEceiee, / 1 0 .11WriffiLittfie Won An conatry Bonn ler. asay.ln Sleclun WwndllPAtbio twenehlp, and - Breflotley . ?Anne' 411 UM* tote an within abaft dtetanfira of Wagons an the ribaborgb, Son Wayne it fThla.fia Ram: 453 lapin of W. H. DAY 18.414 BuUdfogj abistwit Two.trze . Amnia& AMIN with 7 mak god good dry mil_Wrastmailar, s e fraicolenible -busk; -3ot SMI% 10x1Thi cm imaiVictrest, Ihmillector ;Aar Poliar Mad. vs!. - /mitre a& MU Wlltitatorlow HT Itc SIDIMILL, image. swot. 'Moo. ht. MALY fropula Xxr N u alcrt Daankarann kaamaar y an. k all kinds C Btdinip. orsotlon on resadsabla Janos, and sakainianda tOMe Offios-os Atiactawataset,4et , .... BebNuenStiniotc, 4pediesmiater. - 111010 APPLI . SB--10 AA :! • - B. VAHWIELD. / r WEIRELER 1 MGM PRXMCITIM; OTHOVILLII HOOK SEWING MACHINE. WEIL! TrE rata, Lour= ises. IZIDIa97:IIIAL tiI4DM/OS, Wtth 60icrwasistai. , .112* *WI Machlt* la the World tub 'i s mam - Cunt. Pustra, • •Bums , and . COmMthi' wit) Imprond itssiy barb hispikitbilbt• • • tingle to ebb st oar elbow sad INS tbs liscbists to oterstlos. • WAR itackinatiosmattat tkres ran .CO9l3esd to etreal..; MINI( ER & CO., vrF:STI33.Ic AGICNTS, anc.musi—El6l7B OPRJU BUYLRIBCi. Lotasvg.i.Lx—ao. I tl rosic TSB PLIt hamvomr. IUrSUR.II.XCE .16.EX7'8. LPGARDINER COFFIN, Amur. mos • iascus, PeoLeostraxa AID BALWIeS Im am CoaCIPMEMII, North-east meow Wood and Amts. W Y JONIIIB, Asa: Now= !Wm ', ca, Seat* of -Ponmtisedirimd Rutted nuance Companies, 87 Walor E.A.KUNL SEA, thimanzir thnoinr Limaziat 00111/%IT, comer Malta! sad Water ts. LI M. GORDON, tirmattsr-Wiertsx , 11: alaroaattoa Cbm 12 Water anat. • = OorTarr, - 117 PIM davit SHIPPIJra. Fuld WEEKLY TO /MR: POOL, touchily' at Ivailroahoi.) The trail Iniairn lk Livarpxol, How Turk sod Pldladollphio iltatmohtp *moony aro Wooded to r 6.. foam : OM OF BLABOHNISTIL.—......Iittrdsh Ag. It. CiLABGOW ~..Bstorday, An.= 01!! OF WANKINOTO2I..........Estazdar, gat. bad Every rooteolhig astardsh ot nos, from $. North Alm. 'PAWNS in Ohmear. ILLT2II OS lisrabta fm Goid, or its fun Gana 00161notand .--..—.132 6• do. to Loadot.. 66 00 do. to imulau. II 66 do. to Pula.... 06 00 do. to Plan-- 60 60 do. to Maanarg DO C* do. to Hanbarg 3T 60 Paireageas also forwarded to Elam Wawa. Sot. Urdu's. itatiorp, Ate., at epally low zeal. Irmo toxic Liverpool or Queenatows lit Gobln, a 6 VOL Otvorelie, PO. Thaw who wish to Mad the Ural Moods eau q ouy tickets hare at Mom , For farthwi tatcaziatloa_moky tha Compote • Maw JOHN O. DAL% Mao lhoadwoy, D. I. JOHN THOMPSON, AM Handlotreot, first ham Low IN; 'ashlkti Pittotarroll. rp H ATLANTIO Dana J. ROYAL NAIL eThAlil NATIOIL WOHI OCRIPAIM (GALWAY LINZ.) ADRIATIC, 1,100 Rono-youtu, SAO tom 1.000 Horso•powor, 13,000-tom. COLOMBIA. I. Honoluons, SAO tom :ANGLIA. LOW litese-yoursr, SCOO toms. Tto asoulAcoat Stossablp ADRIATIC will stfl tktLtrapool, lie Galway, to How Tort. on WED. DAT, the talk of July, to to IbUowsd by the other isaiosits of *wry sttliasto Wodoosioy, ]assis of peep IroUi Limped to Roe Tott47 l l. &blot= Or lie octiltstest osussoyt eWA loudSS 001 'Sat wogs only at Dm *Ku of Uts *goats, WAIL It =ASLIB, IS Bloodway. Rum= /Oust, Ilsaaga. or, 045f111,4, Clirtailis Ho. Its Mb stmt. Pltttbund6 DASSA' GE FROM TUX vOLDWIM .A. InlT."—Tho mormodiere .iime porpreenr tying out amtpiati tromitarpittot In. land as tloottrad, attire lay tope elm 60.4Wft lbet Ittrearts, terteltag the smammoth gesatarKlMA 141,11213,11," re Ant chat Main Vemeh be tomer T Mu tickler am be pemband forst Werra's hi The stamater Mae mom tomitog Loadoadetry toe the sell, solleog womb i t. Iderepool °. .k..: ?taan ntimplea .b. Mem% Atroreet BelkUre, FM soma. Ptttebregh: . _ instieuee 16001114• • : BIDE EDITION& .a.st latln Chrivilsolty. 8 vols. 13 Ws** GoostUstlesal Illstory .f lrofisad,, 8 vll. Rails& lilsto,7 of tbs 611401 s Ages.. 21 viii D'lsrsairs 07 Wattles of Lltisstuar. 4 vols. arms% Anatomy of Melsneboly. 8 vols. ktostslos's Works. 4 vols. what. Lamb's Works 6 'Oil. • - Durres Work,. 16 vols. 8448 cpsrstalt. abskspasrs's Works 8 vols. Fos rale ov 8811' ik 00.. 88 Wood 4001. i rUßLlUAlltiftb. .I.4fiy dentheas Mead% By Kirk. tleforf al ths llefirseatios In the times of Gabs.. ea the Bonalery of another Maid. The Great Dun Whes[Measelved..../kowakne. ' Bentael 'Mt, Tem la the O. B. Mate. Lee Mesa Cloth and paper. • , lips sad Zen. Beecher. The atare and the hairde.. - v , Works In Mohair, Thstlocr, Medicine, meld Jail. 1, MAD. n loneti t Mist: Thde Breede.. ideneeneaent and Mama. tally %Vilna* Vnn. To which - an &Mad narks ca_ the SAW/ .had Maneiceseat *USW* Is the Malted: Pito, with illgaltnttirs sauntaga: 1 ToL. f ea.' Price jean— --F.A.T-4edXe-riaWeodstnaar—_, 1)1111.nit A,11.11311411111 I,Y? lia.—Wpnabstsaid at Pest Other to the Milted sista*, with this shut of the Peet ltesties. With V appesdli eastithlgt tie Wei of lharetsh Pates., the new Pod Whet Iral,ehirpqmic llehett• eat postal txdontiattee. Pilot SM. at Oa. Be Woad, , . . TO ./..C2". olt . _ Baum. WAIIIIIOOII4IIw frau Wawa:ed. • ; rot tame only t". BMW allman_ /__l_l_i_Amkit r X 4 : sr.toJO - 1100D ecesw Id sad Weal stnsto.. VOB DENT --TII• thirdh 0317 of the a: binding now ofxx=thd 0311. *me out Clai r mot sal' ienttf ' sostiisawontr. wt.). Lail—Uney ce4ttrof Hama .11. Kik alifixoth itaiiiiiarFfikiiiriaa jail& lahrt me li Oast, anti fa valwat stows aba pregame. - cola NRVIOi KNOWN TO PAIL DIXOX'S UOSATIC ,aucsimul cumin% zarasznzaz nuluoic„n.vx, ammo: bonus Lai mans ooknurr. • The hamar 14111 tilde- b OOP learns et Ole asedy. The &growth al. eelltubldsg eene ' Mos wheatips am ether issistb_st taw sattegibedlerearosat stnefil!, lamb awl lobe ts!lßSsatilts , soAdkr, wididly, insta= 6,24 annyttately Pawl i li abis,hurika r signiVeKS womcs, to..9mi g est rs lIIPPOSts 1115.01121Aztallie - Namuis au ire DA%7:/4=, CCI*MaT4'O. b tk i r g . • tams, . . . .151.11.111141'' - thwesitamid9lMMy atlothcalqualitalP llLllaanarr .aciL -usaisrairrr, midst Ms &mat DAIIII.III/ SISMISTT HI)114 eras diaal.ted as July_ .1m Dana& maid, lampaß__PA,Slllm. - mtaglgii-aabiaassaaat , by Um Gampaas.;, " • 'DANIEL mum= :.:3, nxa4L mathnifft .No7lolt, iB' k; 1 Y ICE El" T . hive updated wumura me la Um maaatmaure mamae diremr....”73: style at Mal Ikrat D parteastop to data tram Jl4 JR PUM — Kin O • Ai, 1' I :1 0, pun - and blabs la.a4Alsor, t Weal if ant WIN; °tar street, • - - 0,15, &A. PHILISPIt.• ' .piwitulats r 4 , , c0 k,..2401 flo o r" wad ibr Av. ,1,: r 0. GARII QiugAhmia mon hack, by .14; up. a co. . . . CILIIVELAND, i. .. n..„ ,ILI PT/TBSB/TIMM O ItalLllol/1 11 - 13W11 It .1111LitiOlt 6t1052 ' . 11:0HDAII. apritim.lealt.TestwAstrisiani-_y th.pc4 ot•tt to U l na Plaogyhith. Eaeread. to Ml' buck , , mod Wirdas 14- ... Immi ' ll /AO a. it. era° a - ,,..12:4D v. es. ' do a...mom MO a MS •,.. 1. MI .ao I do ntoatiouvlM' , :do Whatnot. 6:10 a--- mat • . 4.14 a Antra 8011a1r.... enid a An • J.lO. Oonnecttar at' d - . leo lad t••••' ~ 'otit *kit. 1 Wavillo and /a.. , Itonnad mod at. • : .... Olidnin. rood tor foneotlllit, Newark. nohow :.., tunti.D..p. Indium:tot% . =mat& lann.till Catiodit; 1,0419, Bt. Joootth4 • on total wattadiantotot. iid at .. . • nolnaooo Sad Mb Eallrood. tangs Pitts • • .........I MI ihjirillL4o IN do Won:an tin. ......- MO tlio a -do lli - PPI . ........ MO *OF a do Anlsa • ......... Md " too ott do Rot • • ' 1 /4 1 . I Mt a do Hoban_:.: . -. ..;...-.. TOW ~ • •MO ' a OM aat ):11ovoload km ~ • MO a Elonniattat oritword artth Tuscarawss kaiak Le Nov Pldlodol =to Mud Ottaal.Dorat ot dillowtoaltb. dttisboxvit, tort Way= sad obicogo lantoad:ot _ tatiatio IN& htlantioial-Choot Wadittaidenaill - Ow Worrolt:: GrAmille. illeettrfile, . Uzbek ,' •C, ' lotatotawrood &Wanes; at lindion. irtta - b.. , dAtatiorinti did Obitiaistrilsobiad firlis#A dgyibsp pa. sad Unkr.ablati and IS ."." 0166 ' rittiCt it WILL; !a= 71:1•;inaoknit,aad Balk. inn; 04. 1 T:Sat.:thr doadasktil Wade:, '444 #l. !- Ira itotor Dittatt:- - • - - .. f: WoUnin•Aaamatiolkittot lasmatilt3o pitio?.._ R•swikhictirethe: waive As FlO , tm 11:111 IVO P.. AL.Oxid a. COal ....SibetLlbiiti Street Depot,.:::-" ,zOllOBOlll is Alla Lat e lasbastaty , - • OadZlAilßNlAllcbst aped . „- At tM oamiiqi-9mcobi iffutaiesuonVlß4i.. , ._,......i.............. 7 ,r _ _, „ IT " ",„ 1.04 r - O.Id2.IL;ALIV , ":. . . . - ... attarrOirea: • , - lan. - _•' ' ..' - . I.IIIIIIIThVAI A _r_A .t ;' T ',, , ' " VIZI DAMS .7 7.511118.1,., 3,7: - - ^ c:+1:: , 15: _.• I Th. TN koala .Loccautopiiiiiii,.. Vaiji leiriarete INionieirlOalin dal* erAGA4 "ann.. a . It ltdd arlawertendad at ell Ina:ions Dowels ma. Ina=A PkiWinpnla. Ind •voaking Abut evaten , , Ina ft New:Twin PhilsAelek* , ..: - -Ll' , :no =MUGU NAIL TRAIIII lime WANK simiribi, Ifttlea . may, nornat (notell.=l4:, Ithe a. 104 stopplaw ono at ptoolesi =direoinisankew it ' livninoGrAlo . ' a wpitaisatini. sad di -Mar Xelkilla NOG , V rilitotati. =Pita&..iiiiiiilloir , 0 dtdd P.rr...ataiddld OolgrAlPfla ' Alma artureattcar at - rang In ilentinn '.' lied ear Torn via Alleatathende '' • An P=lPAll‘ aad fte-IF 1 The "MIT lANilloireathe agues Oar (.Weep. Idmday,) at lUD p. rs., itotiplai o%l=l stations, issmestbsigat lim•las Az- Wasalagttna, each! .PidiadalSdfs tor Uri data,. i somiamtow.non onmus, ~ nit TokaAeari iiirissaistrAltaduats Work itia4 - i osesptianasyre,atilitat..stogrtegateastsweikt 1 AGA main an Or ea Oceenaugb. , , , ~..4 Mg Lareaundstlem Tina Ow Werlaiarimr" titcsiO %iambi') ASIR Craa. 1 .....;.:,,, ~ . ....,!4D i l ted konma Tuba sce.wimiktp . .,t. etn "Ch m ..___ (gze.s "Al; , .:4i4 iisTo my ozopt .4 4 . 'R m . `" ~ - . Youth Aeonuaodealow que-indr • vain , . "invalidly Wont Aniaraenlileadeld h .-... L.: :.{ ; ilks am& Train knee Wairalnalin Annan. , , all at" sl6 1 .4.1. 61 k11‘ 'IIMIS4k.'9 ' '' fa. ,L - •".-'. -- . - -...aaii w i. win Trikia. tm - ' 16, "' i -4... ' .r.d.........4reir.• . 11S06 a. is.Lriffw , i. -,;,:• • •- ;4 ,- .. . Spa a. ta4-fitrd; Wars f Rads 1 OW eon.; Rased Widt's BUM= 11 11:05 pp., s. Baltlevin lltrana will Odra . . easiebb Uproar *UM p. ra4 oa Illosdads. • . Trains tar SWINT= an laturtf Somata: Mails its Istattrotion with' Thrstair Adcaliaddalass, nazitm. masassadattas ast.Dxperactrals Mama, I ,sist vita Daddatareldwrrsi MA dadsatis: Anwar' ? ... =1,1 1 ;7 ‘. " - ''' anAnotit Orin. Wiin Ihi: - TWA, rod , Le W_as4sait with Tatioil • ' 'rortsaubdatkm aid Zxlizen Tests Ikell.t._ ":, ~ 'The pens AM lin la aneilranneir latimallai" art az Wen, to:Used "by.. thatrat Railroad, patio anonsiodi *mot lais !means!., SoZ r itt r u=ro% Il a s r i tare. , W. mi , Pgr" 2 * E.Vaiisa4 totatott ta stl *a. OM fame tie Ra pp arrta !Isar satm . t.ser. r, ib rbtlabip abtat d.... rl -10.50 14 ilosr . l .au doE=Waal o rktadobt. _ t t,= lll' MUM to smart Iwoffttlitat..,; *two tieaitl IDAFaIs ); e9i thearrolm 'ntopdadDl• _ r:.l. MI MOW, ROS iiia.4 ::;.. auk hat .boct AlmOrist co% 5.7 X.Rx4r7PlbEiltft 9l, 2 1 . 1 0 1. 041 Wl* , Pat. !.s. nor valeal6 coots „Yr I*pai;, - rot• - ' r k4 upritar • er r» 4:411 I i•Mn...01.1 13.1cb01 , 1tethvarc *must BallA*4B. IFIOLLAB SAVpiI9I3 ILIUM; No. 66 rouare ~ • , JOILARTZEND 1 1664, , -. • - upp dap, kola t tot o'clock, also en Wadasodej mid WWI/ VADADAR - Ala: 14 toi. Nanditee . hum TAWS mod item Ziommbrist ' =tom Stoll er meatrad .oLia/1 mist .naklamikair ass Bello, and • dividend of, tha moats thahmatterhe Teen, la Jona sod Dicasabir....TatrisitiMoeandir. aimed esinimantally in Jour end - Deoeseberiseneit • Oa Bank Ina orpmled, lathe rein of six per am& 11 .,=vest. dratsit ' to tL •• tae depositor se principal, bawl the amisiim , istert tam the draidap of Jmis sad De amp anindang twire• Per without monwthiega - 40pag. tor to asß, Or em to prematde anto*: WV* - zakaosoney,Aoll doittla in lamp than tend poem , Boob. containinglna Chsrter, liplarii; BMW and legellatione. Atmished gratin, an andienteimmtiz!, , Bisseenint—Bllolloll stet 48U8., Jana: Idolfeddsta. Benj. L irwinastooc. Alma Ihtishey. , Mu G. Dackalen. .• Mk°. DindAt2, Alons6 A. Cardar;• Okartai A. Colton, -; 11/1111aa Ikniges, ' lan Maas, Wllll B. Hauck Draw IL EMl Banker,: - .4. ham D. Douai IlbAareA , ss .4 rrilioaw Jobleilsrabolle Jams 8..D.116414. - : N. Pollak; 113, W Mits. tt17203.017 462.6 . 16-d.'421.44' . SO* Hinny Jews fibiabo, -3 d John .11. 131nnsingii;,..:* £kza'Millis It.Md* nehavirik - luso Whntian,. • Wnk; P. Tinpona. ' - Clbzlsstan Uwe. • . - - .., ~ ..t .:- „.....- .; .%,, ;.-' .. ! ..; ;''' 11012=2,4414114.1161.0118E11VETii, - ..—k: jv ig BNB, cootTplitillOni _,.../IMIli - •-• . 1 -2 WOOLINR. eta.; 1211130,1:11 4 . • AXIXILLS.IIm. Sold by• _ ~ , , Swam altainetbless Sulttallielm— -1111.,‘ '2 . Ile.= Ilkuitem L T..- . 4 , -1- , 1)1.: - • -,... Ti: A. . IUBB aoll h_oo.. 1.1. 1a... c '' mum aijo;lnigu".o 404 , ...rp, .I.* :., , : , - ...4. • ••• ,-Lipuomiqumisoruc3 - ,_-esomma - -46 . ...* lirgi stick of ohotos .1411111 LA t % xi" otedoltod vate ot:Maw Idll4 imwriolik.4.,:. NB ago tam to ban nary tr/granicalf..r.• .:. of 141/14 Mon in Wm tl of wake oai on thrao yew tidy WOO low , Poot,l%:zr.l. MX two to thrso yousold. - Pooch, Plow. M 481186 el " - - - Z • ~ '',,, ~,, , ,,1 .—......10—th0 Tam ID 1111, llfw , Coll owl - MililUMMUltrosi:1110111114 D , • =2•,,NL1D1.151,122W1 ~- 10dridea•e1 1 • -• t• AdinimorrTeNnid r Ptkgkiti;°P. 11: .1 1 1 111111 1 --,4 011 1, UdierMdirgiV 1200 . 1 114 1 1 „:W/tOkEtPN I AM; i:.:,,r mra Osibst4, 7:i.7 Gam 01a11.1401X•11. • U It 0; ltdpts BOWLanatirt - adThe, Jon War -21715 - • SO bUr,. ittukUbbis.ldo.l: l Mai* d 0 • do ram , r w =E i e: Mo 20 Jr. XI de fieldia ftrato; 'J .7.. 'lSTUblity stmt. • I :At 11411 111 =4 . 4 4 "1164D~pderl /41161.31P1LA10WL1., Lk* Whits ilsh sad Miniatita Maar Wisji b ui prizn 00.1h1„00"..- el 100 bah IL 0.1-115 , 119110 i LA. 60 ' 6ll-1 ' • 16 Ude. = 40i " 70/71 . 77,. , 31D.Tri U • • VATIAti 1.) -• ! 160 btils. pan Dna Mors= grN , gird szt JAB. DAILI=b Il110111: ~ ipdttt . ;Val% 1114/Ait. s /Skill- • • ::g;4:(1,0* .10.13 JIMA& OriegOimil" r.4vod. Ml=3 Neffa=nM